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- A Boke of the propreties of herbes called an herball: wherunto is added the time ye herbes, floures and sedes shold be gathered to be kept the whole yere, wyth the vertue of ye herbes when they are stilled ; also a generall rule of all maner of herbes drawen out of an auncyent booke of phisyck1
- A curious herbal: containing five hundred cuts, of the most useful plants, which are now used in the practice of physick : engraved on folio copper plates, after drawings taken from life1
- A curious herbal: containing five hundred cuts, of the most useful plants, which are now used in the practice of physick : engraved on folio copper plates, after drawings taken from life (Volume 1)1
- A curious herbal: containing five hundred cuts, of the most useful plants, which are now used in the practice of physick : engraved on folio copper plates, after drawings taken from life (Volume 2)1
- A nievve herball, or Historie of plantes: wherein is contayned the whole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of herbes and plantes : their divers & sundry kindes ... and that not onely of those whiche are here growyng in this our countrie of Englande, but of all others also of forrayne realmes commonly used in physicke ; first set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne tongue1
- Acanthus germanica =: Deütsch Bernklaw1
- Acanthus uera =: Welsch Bernklaw1
- Acorum adulterinum: Gäl Schwertel1
- Acorum officinarum =: Drachenwurtz1
- Aeriophilon1
- Alches1
- Aloe =: Aloen1
- Anabulla, antoplo[n], aptalo, ankacinor1
- Aquilegia =: Ackley1
- Arbor vellignum vite paradisi1
- Artichoke: Cinara1
- Arum =: Pfaffenbynt1
- Asarum =: Haselwurtz1
- Ash-colour'd liverwort =: Lichen cinereus1
- Asparagus =: Spargen1