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- A free-bed fund for the Washingtonian Home1
- An address delivered before the corporation of the Washingtonian Home, Boston, Mass., on its thirtieth anniversary, February 20, 18881
- Drunkenness, its nature and cure, or, Asylums for inebriates: an address delivered before the Ohio State Medical Society at its annual session, June 18591
- Essays on asylums for inebriates1
- Excerpt of Testimony and Materials presented on March 26 and 27, 1968 on sections of H.R. 15758 relative to Regional Medical Programs1
- Excerpts of testimony and materials (re: sections of H.R. 15758 relative to Regional Medical Programs)1
- Fifth report concerning the aid and comfort given by the Sanitary Commission to sick and invalid soldiers1
- Inebriate asylums as they relate to questions of social and political economy: a paper read at the meeting of superintendents and friends of inebriate asylums in New York, November 29, 18701
- Laat het niet uit de hand lopen, neem contact op!1
- London Lighthouse: a centre for people facing the challenge of HIV and AIDS1
- Rehabilitation facilities and the Hill-Burton Amendments1
- Report on the pension systems, and invalid hospitals of France, Prussia, Austria, Russia, and Italy: with some suggestions for the best means of disposing of our disabled soldiers1
- Supplementary report of the Board of Female Visitors to Institutions Where Women are Imprisoned1
- The Washingtonian Home1
- The Washingtonian Home and its sixteen years' work: an address delivered at the dedication of its new building (no. 41 Waltham Street, Boston), Sunday, Dec. 21, 18731
- The attention of the Sanitary Commission has been, for several months past, directed to the subject of a timely provision for the soldiers disabled in the war, after peace shall be restored1
- The disease of inebriety1
- Washingtonian Home: no. 41 Waltham Street, Boston1