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- "Position" in the treatment of chloroform poisoning ; Carbolic acid in the treatment of conjunctivitis1
- A new method of examination and treatment of diseases of the rectum and sigmoid flexure1
- A new method of feeding in cases of intubation of the larynx, by position, head downward, on an inclined plane1
- A study of intra-abdominal pressure with practical deductions1
- Moving picture demonstration of the examination, protection, and treatment of convalescent poliomyelitis cases1
- Notes of a case of cure of aneurism of the posterior tibial artery through position after failure of digital compression1
- On obstructed labor from short or coiled funis, and its treatment by change of position from recumbency to sitting1
- On some of the uses of the knees and elbows (all fours, à la vache, quadrupedal?) position1
- Posture in labor1
- Posture in parturition1
- Preliminary note upon a few of the changes found in the fields of vision while the eyes are placed at right angles to their ordinary position1
- Pressure ulcers: new staging, reporting, and risk reduction strategies1
- Prolonged prone positioning for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome1
- Robotic-assisted surgery: focus on training and credentialing1
- Roentgenographic technicians1
- Skin integrity, immobility, and pressure ulcers in class III obese patients1
- The advantages of extension of the head during anesthesia and some other conditions1
- The arched dorsal posture in obstetrics: the combined Trendelenburg-Walcher posture in obstetric operating, the Walcher, the Trendelenburg, and the Mercurio postures in midwifery1
- The direct examination of the female bladder with elevated pelvis: the catheterization of the ureters under direct inspection, with and without elevation of the pelvis1
- The resuscitation of asphyxiated new-born infants by the suspension method1