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- A systematic treatise, historical, etiological, and practical, on the principal diseases of the interior valley of North America: as they appear in the Caucasian, African, Indian, and Esquimaux varieties of its population1
- A treatise on the cause of the disease called by the people the milk-sickness: as it occurs in the Western and Southern States1
- Animal carvings from mounds of the Mississippi Valley1
- Constitution and by-laws of the North-western Medical Society: together with the proceedings of the first annual meeting, held at Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 11, 1853 : and the code of ethics of the society1
- Directory of homoeopathic physicians in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, and Ohio, 1885-61
- Notes of a preliminary sanitary survey of the forces of the United States, in the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys, near midsummer, 18611
- On the use of sulphate of cinchonidia in parts of the states of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, and in the Mississippi Valley, in 18751
- On the use of sulphate of cinchonidia: in parts of the states of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, and in the Mississippi Valley in 18751
- Proceedings of the Sanitary Council of the Mississippi Valley, at its fifth annual meeting, Jackson, Miss., April 3 and 4, 18831
- Remarks on the importance of promoting literary and social concert, in the valley of the Mississippi: as a means of elevating its character and perpetuating the Union : delivered in the chapel of Transylvania University, to the Literary Convention of Kentucky, November 8, 18331
- Report on the condition of camps and hospitals: at Cairo and vicinity, Paducah and St. Louis1
- Report on the operations of the U.S. Sanitary Commission in the valley of the Mississippi, made September 1st, 18631
- Report on the sanitary condition of the U.S. troops in the Mississippi Valley, during the month of August1
- Sanitary Council of the Mississippi Valley1
- Sanitation of the Mississippi Valley1
- Silver-knife, or, The hunters of the Rocky Mountains: an autobiography1
- The Midē'wiwin, or, Grand Medicine Society of the Ojibwa1
- The St. Peter's sandstone1
- The crystalline rocks of the Northwest1
- The hydrology of the Mississippi1