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- Laws (abstract) and board rulings regulating the practice of medicine in the United States, and brief statements regarding medical registration abroad3
- Medical malpractice and tort reform2
- "Universal" poison register: containing also the poison acts of the various states, list of poisons in groups with antidote treatment, table of maximum doses, etc., etc1
- A brief history of the past and present relations of the Medical Society of New Jersey to the state: more especially as regards legislative enactments : together with some thoughts suggested by these relations : being the annual address read before the Medical Society of New Jersey, at its eighty-ninth annual session in the City of Trenton, January 23, 18551
- Abuse and neglect: CMS should strengthen reporting requirements to better protect individuals receiving hospice care : report to the Honorable Charles E. Grassley, United States Senate1
- Address before the Massachusetts Medical Society at its annual meeting, June 3, 18681
- Address in state medicine: delivered at the thirty-seventh annual session of the American Medical Association, in St. Louis, on May 6, 18861
- Address on state medicine and medical organization1
- Administrative rulemaking1
- Air travel and communicable diseases: Federal leadership needed to advance research : report to congressional committees1
- An act relating to boards of health in the several cities of the Commonwealth1
- An act to regulate the practice of medicine in the state of Mississippi, approved Feb. 28, 18821
- An address before the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina, at its first annual communication, in Raleigh, April, 18501
- An address delivered before the Medical Society of the State of Vermont, October 22, 18561
- An appeal to the citizens of Ohio: showing the unconstitutionality, injustice and impolicy of the medical law, and its inconsistency with the interest, spirit, and genius of the age1
- An illustration of the present pernicious mode of fashionable practice of medicine: with plates : accompanied with a dialogue, between an apothecary and a physician, on the subject of the statute regulating the practice of physic and surgery ; after which is added a few brief anecdotes1
- Animal use in research: NIH should strengthen oversight of projects it funds at foreign facilities : report to congressional requesters1
- Antibiotic resistance: Federal agencies have taken steps to combat the threat, but additional actions needed : testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives1
- Antiviral drugs: Economic incentives and strategies for pandemic preparedness : report to congressional committees1
- Antonio Escovedo, Gobernador constitucional del Departamento de Jalisco, á todos sus habitantes, sabed: que El Sr. Presidente de la Exma. Junta Departamental con fecha 14 del corriente ha dirigido á este gobierno el decreto que sigue1