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- A circular letter to the individual members of the Legislative Council and of the House of Assembly of Jamaica, relative to the Public Hospital and Lunatic Asylum of Kingston1
- A circular letter to the individual members of the Legistative Council and of the House of Assembly of Jamaica, relative to the Public Hospital and Lunatic Asylum of Kingston1
- A short dissertation on the Jamaica bath waters: to which is prefixed, an introduction concerning mineral waters in general : shewing the methods of examining them, and ascertaining their contents1
- Ampulla vitrea quae mari Iamaicano prope Port Royall casu illapsa inde ab Urnatore (divitias post terraemotum venante) tota corallio aspero candicante1
- An essay on the bilious, or yellow fever of Jamaica1
- Annual report of the Royal Society of Arts and Agriculture: 31st December, 18671
- Appendix to the report of the Central Board of Health of Jamaica: presented to the Legislature under the provisions of the 14th Vic., Chap. 60, and printed by order of the Assembly1
- Arborum fructiferarum, insulae, Jamaicae conspectus1
- Cholera (Jamaica): return to an address of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 20 February 1854,--for, a "copy of the Report made by Dr. Milroy to the Colonial Office, on the cholera epidemic in Jamaica, 1850-51, and copies of extracts of despatches addressed to and received from the Governor of Jamaica in relation to the said report"1
- First stop to somewhere1
- Laws and regulations relating to quarantine1
- Regulations to be observed in the regimental hospitals of the several corps in Jamaica1
- Report of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana, on the sanitary condition of the island of Jamaica1
- Report of the Commissioner of Health, Kingston, Jamica1
- Rules and regulations for public general hospitals in Jamaica1
- Statistical report of the epidemic cholera in Jamaica1
- The first port of call1
- The rules and regulations of the Public Hospital under the 5th section of the Public Hospital Law no. 12 of 18691
- World's Fair: Jamaica at Chicago : an account descriptive of the colony of Jamaica, with historical and other appendices1
- [Nurse wearing uniform from Jamaica]1