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- An address delivered at the dedication of the city hospital May 24, 18641
- Biographical catalogue descriptive of the portraits of former governors and attending physicians and surgeons of the New York Hospital1
- Cottage hospitals: remarks of Mr. F.A. Conkling upon the report of the committee on a village of cottage hospitals : delivered at a meeting of the governors of the Society of the New York Hospital, held July 6, 18761
- Description of The Johns Hopkins Hospital1
- Description of The Johns Hopkins Hospital (Plates)1
- Description of The Johns Hopkins Hospital (Text)1
- Directions and prayers for the use of the patients in the foul wards of the Hospital in Southwark: founded at the sole costs and charges of Thomas Guy Esq1
- Metropolitan/nonmetropolitan COVID confirmed cases and general and ICU beds1
- Mount Carmel Mercy Hospital, Detroit1
- Programme of Masonic ceremonies of the laying of the corner-stone of the Hahnemann College and Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., October 30, 1884, at 3 p.m1
- Public deliberation: what is it and why do it?1
- Report of the committee on a village of cottage hospitals made to the governors of the Society of the New York Hospital, February 24th, 18761
- St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center1
- The Strangers' Hospital, Avenue D and Tenth Street, New York, 18711
- The necessity for a hospital in Dover, N.H: read by John R. Ham, M.D., at the regular meeting of the Dover Medical Society, on February 3, 18921