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- Domestic medicine, or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines: with an appendix, containing a dispensatory for the use of private practitioners6
- Domestic medicine, or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines: with an appendix, containing a dispensatory for the use of private practioners5
- Domestic medicine, or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines: with an appendix, containing a dispensatory for the use of private practitioners3
- Domestic medicine, or, The family physician: being an attempt to render the medical art more generally useful, by shewing people what is in their own power both with respect to the prevention and cure of diseases ; chiefly calculated to recommend a proper attention to regimen and simple medicines2
- Kurzgefasstes Weiber-Büchlein2
- Primitive physick, or, An easy and natural method of curing most diseases2
- Domestic medicine or, The family physician: being an attempt to render the medical art more generally useful, by shewing people what is in their own power both with respect to the prevention and cure of diseases ; chiefly calculated to recommend a proper attention to regimen and simple medicines1
- Domestic medicine, or, The family physician: being an attempt to render the medical art more generally useful, by shewing people what is their own power both with respect to the prevention and cure of diseases ; chiefly calculated to recommend a proper attention to regimen and simple medicines1
- English housewifery: exemplified in above four hundred and fifty receipts, giving directions in most parts of cookery1
- Every man his own physician: being a complete collection of efficacious and approved remedies for every disease incident to the human body ; with plain instructions for their common use1
- Every man his own physician: being a complete collection of efficacious and approved remedies, for every disease incident to the human body ; with plain instructions for their common use1
- Extracts from A military essay: containing : reflections on the raising, arming, cloathing and discipline of the British infantry and cavalry1
- General Wolfe's instructions to young officers: also his orders for a battalion and an army ; together with the orders and signals used in embarking and debarking an army, by flat-bottom'd boats, &c. and a placart to the Canadians ; to which are prefixed, the duty of an adjutant, and quarter-master, &c1
- Institutions of medicine: part I ; physiology ; for the use of students, in the University of Edinburgh1
- Kurzgefasstes Arzney-Büchlein, für Menschen und Vieh: darinnen CXXVIII. auserlesene Recepten, nebst einer prognostischen Tafel1
- Kurzgefasstes Arzney-Büchlein, für Menschen und Vieh: darinnen CXXX auserlesene Recepten ... Zum Siebentenmal gedruckt1
- Medical advice to the inhabitants of warm climates, on the domestic treatment of all the diseases incidental therein: with a few useful hints to new settlers, for the preservation of health, and the prevention of sickness1
- Medicina Britannica, or A treatise on such physical plants, as are generally to be found in the fields or gardens in Great-Britain: containing a particular account of their nature, virtues, and uses ; together with the observations of the most learned physicians, as well ancient as modern, communicated to the late ingenious Mr. Ray, and the learned Dr. Sim. Pauli ; adapted more especially to the occasions of those, whose condition or situation of life deprives them, in a great measure, of the helps of the learned1
- Nachrichters, oder Nutzliches und aufrichtiges Ross-Artzney-Büchlein: in welchem die meisten innerliche Krankheiten und äusserliche Zustände der Ross aufs deutlichste beschrieben und erkläret werden ... ; welchem annoch beygefüget ein Anhang von Rind-Viehs Artzneyen, wie auch vor Schafe, Säue, Gäntze, u. Hüner, samt einem dienlichen Register1
- Orders, rules, and ordinances1