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- A dictionary of dental science: consisting of words and phrases used in dental literature and such words of the collateral sciences as relate to the art and science of dentistry, with their pronunciation, derivation and definition1
- A medical dictionary for nurses: giving the definition, pronunciation, and derivation of terms used in medicine, together with supplementary tables of weights, measures, chemical symbols, etc., arranged with special reference to use by nurses1
- Diccionario cubano de seudónimos1
- Dictionary of German scientific terms1
- Enemy materiel medical. Japanese drugs and medicines1
- English-Yiddish encyclopedic dictionary =: English-Idishes entsiḳlopedishes ṿerṭerbukh : a complete lexicon and work of reference in all departments of knowledge1
- Glossary of Japanese social insurance terms1
- Glossary of Japanese welfare terms1
- Japanese-English medical dictionary1
- Parts of the body in later Germanic dialects1
- Standard dental dictionary1