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- [Artificial hand]2
- Chyroma[n]tia Joa[n]nis Indagine: en[n] dit boec leert va[n] drie naturlike co[n]ste[n] als phisiognomia, astrologia naturalis, chiromantia1
- Compotus cum commento1
- De notis in manu1
- Ex diuina philosopho[rum] academia secundum nature vires ad extra chyromanticio diligentissime collectum1
- Ex diuina[m] philosophorum achademia secundum nature uires a dextra chyromanticio diligentissime collectum1
- Hand washing in patient care1
- Lvdicrvm chiromanticum Praetorii, seu Thesaurus chiromantiae1
- The hand as a curette in post-partum hemorrhage1
- The hand: its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design1
- [Hand with cowpox lesions]1
- [Hands and forearms showing herpes iris]1