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- Pathological and practical researches on diseases of the brain and the spinal cord3
- A clinical contribution to the study of post-paralytic chorea ; A contribution to the study of localized cerebral lesions1
- A second contribution to the study of localized cerebral lesions1
- A third contribution to the study of localized cerebral lesions1
- A treatise on the inflammatory and organic diseases of the brain: including irritation, congestion and inflammation of the brain, and its membranes, tuberculous-meningitis, hydrocephaloid disease, hydrocephalus, atrophy and hypertrophy, hydatids, and cancer of the brain : based upon Th. J. Rueckert's Clinical experience in homoeopathy1
- An initial report from the Neurological Laboratory of the Philadelphia Polyclinic1
- Cerebral hyperaemia, does it exist?: a consideration of some views of Dr. William A. Hammond1
- Cerebral syphilis: with report of a case of chronic meningo-encephalitis secondary to syphilis1
- Congestion of the brain in cholera: its etiology, diagnosis, and treatment : a paper read before the Buffalo Medical Association, October 3, 18541
- Estudio sobre el reblandecimiento cerebral: tésis1
- Hinchman's trial, considered in its relation to the public1
- Hydatid tumors in the brain1
- Lectures on localization in diseases of the brain: delivered at the Faculté de médecine, Paris, 18751
- Medical clinic1
- Medical clinic (Volume 1)1
- Medical clinic (Volume 2)1
- Medical clinic (Volume 3)1
- Obscure diseases of the brain and mind1
- On disorders of the cerebral circulation: and on the connection between affections of the brain and diseases of the heart1
- On obscure diseases of the brain and disorders of the mind: their incipient symptoms, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis1