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- Natural theology3
- Ancient types of man [by] Arthur Keith1
- Apparel & burn1
- Archeopteryx macrura1
- Birds, display by the male1
- Birds, gradation of characters1
- Birds, law of battle1
- Birds, the young like the adult males1
- Birds, vocal music1
- Bolabola1
- Cat terrified by a dog1
- Cat, savage and prepared to fight, drawn from life by Mr. Wood. Cat in an affectionate frame of mind, by Mr. Wood1
- Central circulatory system1
- Chimpanzee disappointed and sulky1
- Coccus cacti: cochincal insect1
- Detectives wanted!1
- Diagram of the causes of mortality in the Army in the East1
- Dog approaching another dog with hostile intentions, by Mr. Riviere. The same in a humble and affectionate frame of mind, by Mr. Riviere1
- Domestic pigs: their variation1
- Draining of Hilter's nose1