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- The National Library of Medicine6
- [John W. Kirklin]5
- National Library of Medicine: services4
- Medicine for the layman3
- Armed Forces Medical Library2
- Armed Forces Medical Library: services2
- Medicine for the public2
- National Cancer Institute: making a difference2
- National Library of Medicine classification: a scheme for the shelf arrangement of library materials in the field of medicine and its related sciences2
- Plagues and politics: the story of the United States Public Health Service2
- "I thought a thing like that could never happen to me"--1
- "Most people think HIV is only a problem in big cities: unfortunately, I was one of those people" : Krista Blake, HIV positive1
- "The little nurse for little ills": chaps and chilblains relieved with a healing cream, Mentholatum1
- 1 + 1 = 51
- 200 years of American medicine (1776-1976)1
- 3rd annual U.S. Public Health Service Nursing Research Conference1
- A century of American physiology: based on an exhibit commemorating the centennial of the American Physiological Society at the National Library of Medicine, February-April, 19871
- A century of caring: a celebration of public health nursing in the United States 1893-1993 : a selection of photos reflecting contributions of public health nursing in the United States1
- A history of NIH parasitology: people and perspectives1
- A history of the National Library of Medicine: the nation's treasury of medical knowledge1