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- [Class of 1937]4
- [Class of 1939]3
- Course of studies designed for the private medical school established in New-York2
- Pennsylvania frauds!: how state officials teach a political arithmetic! : what Dr. Paine knows of the frauds of the Pennsylvania war claims, his persecutions, and a plain statement of facts : history of the Philadelphia University, etc2
- Rutgers Medical Faculty--Geneva College, Duane-Street, New-York2
- To the public2
- University of Maryland School of Medicine2
- University of the State of New-York: College of Physicians and Surgeons : (circular)2
- A catalogue from 1834 to 1872 of the professors, other instructors, and alumni: with an historical sketch of the medical college (from its origin in 1834 to 1847), and of its successor, the Med. Dept. of the University of Louisiana (from its establishment in 1847 to 1872)1
- A catalogue of the officers and students of Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, January, 18361
- A course of examinations on anatomy and physiology, surgery, chemistry, materia medica, midwifery, and the practice of medicine: adapted to the University of Pennsylvania, and the other medical schools in the United States1
- A discourse delivered on commencing the lectures in Jefferson Medical College: session MDCCCXXXII-III1
- A discourse on medical education and on the medical profession1
- A discourse upon the institution of medical schools in America: delivered at a public anniversary commencement, held in the College of Philadelphia May 30 and 31, 1765 ; with a preface containing, amongst other things, the author's apology for attempting to introduce the regular mode of practising physic in Philadelphia1
- A dissected Studebaker K15 engine1
- A memoir1
- A modern medical institution of learning - the finest in the world1
- A narrative of the rise and fall of the Medical College of Ohio1
- A plain statement as to the Medical and Surgical College of the State of New Jersey1
- A register of the graduates of Western Reserve College, 1830-1873: together with a catalogue of the Theological Department, 1831-1854, and a catalogue of the graduates of the Cleveland Medical College, 1844-18731