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- A brief outline of the history and progress of cholera at Hull: with some remarks on the pathology and treatment of the disease1
- A history of epidemic cholera: as it appeared at the Baltimore City and County Alms-House, in the summer of 1849, with some remarks on the medical topography and diseases of this region1
- A lecture on epidemic diseases generally, and particularly the spasmodic cholera: delivered in the city of New York, March, 1832, and repeated June, 1832, and in Albany, July 4, 1832, and in New York, June, 1833 : with an appendix, containing several testimonials, and a review of Beaumont's experiments on the gastric juice1
- A practical sketch of the Asiatic cholera of 1848, its rationale and (presumed) pathology: supplementary remarks to pamphlet on low inflammations1
- A report to the Indiana State Medical Society on Asiatic cholera as it prevailed within the state of Indiana: during the years 1849, 1850, 1851 & 1852, with observations on the laws which govern its progress1
- A treatise on cholera: containing the author's experience of the epidemic known by that name, as it prevailed in the city of Moscow in autumn 1830 and winter 18311
- A treatise on epidemic cholera: as observed in the Duane-street Cholera Hospital, New-York, during its prevalence there in 18341
- A treatise on epidemic cholera: illustrating a new theory of the disease, on which the principles of a systematic mode of treatment are established1
- An account of spasmodic cholera, as it appeared in the city of Lexington, in June, 18331
- An authentic narrative of the melancholy occurrences at Bilston, in the county of Stafford: during the awful visitation in that town by cholera, in the months of August and September, 1832; to which are added the proceedings of the local board of health1
- An essay on Asiatic cholera: as it appeared in Cincinnati, O., in the years 1849, 1850, and 1866, with remarks upon its treatment, and a tabulated statement of one hundred and seventeen cases treated1
- An essay on epidemics: as they appeared in Dutchess county, from 1809 to 1825: also, a paper on diseases of the jaw-bones; with an appendix, containing an account of the epidemic cholera, as it appeared in Poughkeepsie in 18321
- An essay on the epidemic cholera of India1
- Asiatic cholera1
- Asiatic cholera, being a report on an outbreak of epidemic cholera in 1876 at a camp near Murree in India1
- Brief remarks on cholera: being the result of observations during the two last outbreaks of cholera in England, and an attempt to advance a theory of that disease which shall lead to a more consistent method of treatment : to which is added a short table of practical rules for general use during an epidemic1
- Cases of cholera collected at Paris: in the month of April 1832, in the wards of MM. Andral and Louis, at the Hospital La Pitié1
- Cholera (Jamaica): return to an address of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 20 February 1854,--for, a "copy of the Report made by Dr. Milroy to the Colonial Office, on the cholera epidemic in Jamaica, 1850-51, and copies of extracts of despatches addressed to and received from the Governor of Jamaica in relation to the said report"1
- Cholera and disinfection: Asiatic cholera in Bristol in 18661
- Cholera and the public health: just published, remarks on the pestilence, and its progress in Europe : with important evidence in favour of a specific cure for the disease1