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- Army Dental School course for dental technicians: seventeenth session : September 15, 1938 to September 14, 19391
- Army medical supply depot1
- Educational reconditioning1
- Examination for gunners1
- Final report on Project: AMRL no. 37 -- study of errors in field artillery practice1
- First partial report on Project, AMRL no. 37 and NDRC no. SOS-11 -- study of errors in field artillery practice1
- Fourth partial report on Project no. 37 -- study of errors in field artillery practice: subject: an analysis of the sources of error in the use of the aiming circle and development of an improved instrument1
- How to survive on land and sea: individual survival1
- Human factors in military efficiency1
- Human factors in military efficiency (Volume 1)1
- Human factors in military efficiency (Volume 2)1
- Lesson plans, course for cooks MTP 21-3, change 1: mess officer course (company grade) and troop schools1
- List of publications for training: field manuals, technical manuals, technical bulletins, War Department lubrication guides, mobilization regulations, mobilization training programs, War Department pamphlets1
- Medical and surgical technicians manual1
- Medical soldier's handbook1
- Medical soldiers handbook1
- Nursing for medical technicians1
- Operating room technique for surgical technicians1
- Post graduate studies for pharmacist mates of the Coast Guard and Maritime Services1
- Program of instruction for MO-1, medical department officers' basic course1