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- The National Library of Medicine6
- National Library of Medicine: services4
- A catalogue of incunabula and sixteenth century printed books in the National Library of Medicine. First supplement1
- A catalogue of seventeenth century printed books in the National Library of Medicine1
- A catalogue of sixteenth century printed books in the National Library of Medicine1
- A global vision for the National Library of Medicine: National Library of Medicine long range plan : report of the Board of Regents1
- A guide to the art collection1
- A history of the National Library of Medicine: the nation's treasury of medical knowledge1
- Acquisitions policy of the National Medical Library: proceedings of a symposium held 12 April 19561
- Biomedical serials, 1950-1960: a selective list of serials in the National Library of Medicine1
- Building data and floor plan, National Library of Medicine1
- Card catalogs: keys to the Library's collection1
- Caricatures from the art collection: National Library of Medicine1
- Catalog of an exhibit in honor of the sesquicentennial of the birth of Louis Pasteur: National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland, October 2, 1972- February 4, 19731
- Collection development manual of the National Library of Medicine1
- Collection development manual of the National Library of Medicine, 19851
- Dedication ceremonies, National Library of Medicine: December 14, 19611
- Dedication ceremonies: National Library of Medicine, Thursday, December 14, 1961-3 p.m.-Friday, December 15, 1961-10 a.m1
- Dr. DeBakey remembers: the evolution of the National Library of Medicine, 1942-19971
- Educating physicians in the nineteenth century: selected titles bearing on the subject in the collections of the National Library of Medicine1