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- "Confessions of a magnetiser" exposed!: exhibiting the folly and falsehood of a recent pamphlet with the above title : with remarks, showing the falsity of the notions hitherto prevalent in regard to what has been denominated "mesmerism", and giving the outlines of the author's new theory of mind1
- A Report submitted to the Phrenological Society of the City of Washington, on the 14th of March, 1828, and printed by order1
- A bill of mortality for the Society of Friends, in Dover N. H. from 1708, to 1791: also a general bill of mortality for Dover N. H1
- A biographical memoir of Cornelius E. De Puy, M.D: member of the New-York Historical Society, &c. : read before the Physico-Medical Society of New-York, at its anniversary meeting in the 8th of August, 18221
- A biographical memoir of Hugh Williamson, M.D., LL. D: delivered on the first of November, 1819, at the request of the New-York Historical Society1
- A biographical memoir of Wright Post, M.D: delivered as an introductory lecture, on the 4th of November, 18281
- A biographical memoir on the late John Revere, M.D1
- A biographical sketch of the late Thomas Say, Esq: read before the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, December 16, 18341
- A biographical sketch, read pursuant to appointment before the Philadelphia Medical Society: at a stated meeting, on Saturday, 16th February 1810 [i.e. 1816] of their late president, Professor Barton1
- A bomb in the camp of the enemy, or an exposure of quackery and "patent medicines"1
- A botanical dictionary1
- A brief account of the New-York Hospital1
- A brief account of the application and uses of the utero-abdominal supporter: a new instrument for the relief and cure of procidentia and prolapsus uteri, invented by the late A.G. Hull, M.D., of New-York1
- A brief account of the discovery, properties &c. of gutta percha1
- A brief account of the malignant fever which prevailed in Philadelphia in the year 1793: with a statement of the proceedings that took place on the subject, in different parts of the United States1
- A brief address concluding the ceremonies at the anniversary meeting of the Washington Medical Society, March 12, 18291
- A brief explanation on the use and abuse of dental surgery: containing a few remarks on the diseases of the teeth, how decayed teeth can be preserved, and lost teeth restored, &c. &c1
- A brief exposition of the fanaticism, false doctrines, and absurdities, of the people called Shakers: contained in their own religious creed, or confession of faith, as published by themselves1
- A brief exposition of the science of mechanical electricity: subsidiary to the course of chemical instruction in the University of Pennsylvania1
- A brief history of the influenza: which prevailed in New-York in 18071