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- Syllabus of lectures on home nursing: given at the Chicago Training School for Home and Public Health Nursing3
- A nurse's handbook of obstetrics2
- American Red Cross text-book on home hygiene and care of the sick2
- Clinical studies for nurses: a text-book for second and third year pupil nurses and a hand-book for all who are engaged in caring for the sick2
- Details of military medical administration2
- Diseases of children for nurses: including infant feeding, therapeutic measures employed in childhood, treatment for emergencies, prophylaxis, hygiene, and nursing2
- Eye, ear, nose, and throat nursing2
- First-year nursing: a text-book for pupils during their first year of hospital work2
- Mental medicine and nursing: for use in training-schools for nurses and in medical classes and a ready reference for the general practitioner2
- Modern methods in nursing2
- Obstetrics for nurses2
- Outlines of internal medicine for the use of nurses2
- Outlines of nursing history2
- Primary studies for nurses: a text-book for first year pupil nurses, containing courses of studies in anatomy, physiology, hygiene, bacteriology, therapeutics and materia medica, dietetics and invalid cookery2
- Standard curriculum for schools of nursing2
- The American hospital of the twentieth century: a treatise on the development of medical institutions, both in Europe and in America, since the beginning of the present century2
- "Mademoiselle Miss": letters from an American girl serving with the rank of lieutenant in a French army hospital at the front1
- 307 at home and in France1
- 88 bis and V.I.H: letters from two hospitals1
- A clinical survey of 415 instances of brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve injuries, as seen in overseas wounded: with reports on several unusual cases1