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- Computers in cardiology6
- What have you got against a condom?6
- Medicine for the layman4
- A man who shoots up can be very giving: he can give you and your baby AIDS3
- If he doesn't have a condom, you just have to take a deep breath and tell him to go get one3
- Medicine for the public3
- Principles of biohazard and injury control for the biomedical laboratory3
- 500 years of Hispanic heritage 1492-19922
- A million Americans have heart attacks every year: I was one2
- Ambulatory care and beyond2
- Annual director's awards ceremony2
- Chronic Renal Disease Conference2
- Computer technology and nursing: 3rd national conference2
- DRS awards ceremony2
- Diabetes update2
- Don't be a butthead2
- Don't just worry about HIV: do something about it2
- Entry into practice credentialing nursing resources2
- Getting high doesn't cause AIDS: it just lets it happen2
- Healthy eating tips from the National Cancer Institute2