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- A guide to old age, or, a cure for the indiscretions of youth: in two volumes2
- A Boke of the propreties of herbes called an herball: wherunto is added the time ye herbes, floures and sedes shold be gathered to be kept the whole yere, wyth the vertue of ye herbes when they are stilled ; also a generall rule of all maner of herbes drawen out of an auncyent booke of phisyck1
- A biographical account of Mr. William Hamilton, late professor of anatomy and botany in the University of Glasgow: from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh1
- A brief rule to guide the common people of New-England how to order themselves and theirs in the small-pox and measels1
- A catalogue of articles sold by Mildred & Allen1
- A catalogue of drugs, &c. prepared and sold by [blank]1
- A caution to the public: since the printers of some of the news papers have refused to insert in them, a detection of certain gross impositions that are practiced upon the ignorant and unwary, I think myself obliged to take this method of circulating hand-bills, to undeceive the public1
- A choice manual: or, rare and select secrets in physick and chirurgery1
- A compendyous regyment or dyatorye of healthe: used at Mountpylour1
- A concise relation of the effects of an extraordinary styptic, lately discovered: in a series of letters from several gentlemen of the Faculty, and from the patients, to Barth. Ruspini1
- A description of the two albinos of Europe, (one twenty-one, the other twenty-four years of age.)1
- A description of the venereal disease: declaring the causes, signs, effects, and cure thereof : with a discourse of the most wonderful antivenereal pill1
- A descriptive catalogue (giving a full explanation) of Rackstrow's Museum: consisting of a large and very valuable collection of most curious anatomical figures, and real preparations ; also figures resembling life ... ; to be seen at No. 197, Fleet-Street ... London1
- A dialogue betwixt a citizen, and a poore countrey-man and his wife: in the countrey, where the citizen remaineth now in this time of sicknesse1
- A discoruse touching generation: collected out of Laevinus-Lemnius, a most learned physician : fit for the use of physitians, midwives, and all young married people1
- A discourse on the importance of anatomy: delivered in the amphitheatre of surgeons in London, on Wednesday, the 21st of January, 17671
- A disquisition on remedies which dissolve the stone, in the human bladder: wherein the different medicinal substances and compositions, recommended for this intention, are impartially scrutinized : and their respective lithontriptic virtues ascertained1
- A dissertation on the disorders which affect the neck of the bladder, the urinary passage, and the neighbouring parts: producing excrescences in the urethra ... ; likewise hollow flexible catheters or bougies are made by the author ... ; a proper liquid for injection is also prepared by Francis Lallier1
- A dissertation on the nature and effects of a new vegetable remedy: an acknowledged specific in all venereal scorbutic & scrophulous cases : as published by authority of His Britanick Majesty's royal letter patent, granted to J. Burrows, M.D. in the year 17651
- A general state of the corporation of the London-Hospital, for the reception and relief of sick and wounded seaman, manufacturers, and labouring poor their wives and children: from its institution, November, M,DCC,XL, to the first of January, M,DCC,XCVI : with a list of the governors, &c1