- Bibliography on sarcoidosis, 1878-19631
- Biological effects of non-ionizing radiation on humans and higher animals: selected references in English, 1916-19591
- Biomedical effects of volcanoes, July 1980: 138 selected citations1
- Biomedical serials, 1950-1960: a selective list of serials in the National Library of Medicine1
- CD-ROM: compact disc--read only memory : 371 selected citations1
- Card-form publications in medicine and related fields: an annotated bibliography1
- Check list of basic reference aids for small medical libraries1
- Chinese mainland journals: current NLM holdings, January 19611
- Current holdings of mainland Chinese journals1
- Drug literature: a factual survey on "The nature and magnitude of drug literature." : report prepared for the study of "Interagency coordination in drug research and regulation"1
- Early American medical imprints: a guide to works printed in the United States, 1668-18201
- Early Western manuscripts in the National Library of Medicine: a short-title list1
- Educating physicians in the nineteenth century: selected titles bearing on the subject in the collections of the National Library of Medicine1
- Fat embolism: a preliminary list of references chiefly covering the years 1940-19501
- Fibrinolysin, profibrinolysin, and antifibrinolysin: a preliminary list of references1
- Free films on air pollution: on loan for group showing1
- Fungus infections: a bibliography covering literature of 1952 through September 19581
- Guide to Russian medical literature1
- History of neurosurgery: January 1970 through December 1988 : 402 citations1
- Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, National Library of Medicine (Series 5)1