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- A catalogue of incunabula and sixteenth century printed books in the National Library of Medicine. First supplement1
- A catalogue of seventeenth century printed books in the National Library of Medicine1
- A catalogue of sixteenth century printed books in the National Library of Medicine1
- A contribution to our knowledge of epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis1
- A history of epidemic cholera: as it appeared at the Baltimore City and County Alms-House, in the summer of 1849, with some remarks on the medical topography and diseases of this region1
- A medical survey of the trial of Mrs. E.G. Wharton on the charge of poisoning Gen. W.S. Ketchum1
- A note on the duration of eosinophilia in trichinosis1
- A reply to Dr. H.C. Wood's "Review of the medical testimony in the trial of Mrs. E.G. Wharton for the alleged attempt to poison Mr. Van Ness"1
- A short title catalogue of eighteenth century printed books in the National Library of Medicine1
- A sketch of the life of J. Edwin Michael, M.D., Baltimore, MD1
- A survey of the Health Department of Montgomery County, Maryland1
- Act to Protect Citizens of Maryland from Certain Communicable Diseases, Especially Tuberculosis of the Lungs and Larynx: Chapter 399, acts of 19041
- Address of Prof. N.R. Smith before the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland1
- An essay on the epidemics of the winters of 1813 and 1814: in Talbot & Queen-Anne's counties in the state of Maryland1
- Annual oration before the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, April 14, 1875: contribution to the medical history and physical geography of Maryland1
- Catalogue of books belonging to the library of the Medical and chirurgical faculty, of Maryland1
- Centennial anniversary of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland. Catalogue of exhibits1
- Centennial anniversary of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland. Programme of the sessions1
- Charter, by-laws and code of ethics of the Maryland College of Pharmacy1
- Chattolanee Springs Hotel, Green Spring Valley, Md: half million gallons pure water from one spring daily1