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- Memorandum from Herbert B. Pahl to United States. Division of Regional Medical Programs and National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs1
- National Association of Regional Medical Programs, Inc. meeting highlights, September 19751
- National Conference for Health Service Leaders: Towards a national health policy [meeting program]1
- Program [for January 1975 Arthritis Conference]1
- Proposed Bureau [of Health Resources Planning] organization and functions1
- Proposed outline for RMP decision paper1
- RMP Workshop: responsibilities in health planning1
- RMPS grant administration manual1
- Regional Medical Program for Western New York Annual Report, 1971-19721
- Regional medical programs decision paper1
- Revised listing of coordinators and directors of Regional Medical Programs and members of National Advisory Council and Review Committee1
- Route slip1
- Somehow, some way, some time: the Regional Medical Programs [cutting script, parts 1 through 4]1
- Suggested panel participants [for 1991 RMP History conference]1
- Table on death rates for selected causes of death, 1950-1988, with some causes highlighted1
- [Bureau of Health Resources Development] organization and functions flyer1