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- Guidelines and review procedures for arthritis programs3
- Proposed names for arthritis project review3
- Arthritis Ad Hoc Review Committee [list of committee members]2
- Memorandum from Gerald T. Gardell to United States. Division of Regional Medical Programs and United States. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare2
- Memorandum from Gerald T. Gardell to United States. Health Resources Administration2
- Memorandum from Matthew Spear to Herbert B. Pahl and Gerald T. Gardell2
- Memorandum from Matthew Spear to United States. Division of Regional Medical Programs2
- Organization for a national health conference2
- Pilot arthritis program: summary reports of projects2
- Planning materials for Arthritis Conference2
- Route slip2
- A practical splint for inflammatory conditions of joints1
- A study of longitudinal trajectories of health and job demand on retirement age1
- Agenda1
- Annual Report of the Arthritis Ad Hoc Review Committee, Division of Regional Medical Programs1
- Arthritis Ad Hoc Review Committee [list of committee members and meeting participants]1
- Arthritis Ad Hoc Review Committee, Division of Regional Medical Programs [list of committee members]1
- Arthritis Conference on the Pilot Arthritis Initiative [summary and report]1
- Arthritis Conference program and agenda1
- Arthritis orientation [for] DRMP staff1