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- "Fuss!": the famous remedy for rheumatism, a prompt dissolver of uric acid, produces remarkable cures in cases which have baffled some of the best physicians1
- A century of progress in surgery: illustrated by more than three hundred actual cases of recent treatment, from Sir Astley Cooper to the present day1
- A clinical phrase book in English and German: containing the usual questions & answers employed in examining and prescribing for patients, questions in asking for and buying medicines, etc. : with an English-German and German-English pronouncing lexicon of all the words occuring in the phrases, with the chief technical terms of medical writers and apothecaries : grammatical appendix, table of idioms, &c. designed to aid physicians and surgeons in hospitals, alms-house and private practice, also, druggists and pharmaceutists in dispensing their prescriptions1
- A collection of the various editions of the medical almanac of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, published for the year 18811
- A contribution to the question of tuberculosis1
- A short treatise on the Kissingen Rakoczy and Bitterwater1
- Air staff post hostilities intelligence requirements on German Air Force. Section IX, Aviation medicine1
- An address on the present condition, prospects, and duties of the medical profession: delivered before the members of the Massachusetts Medical Society, at the annual meeting, May 26, 18411
- An autograph letter of Samuel Hahnemann1
- An introduction to chemical German1
- Bibliography of air raid precautions and civil defense1
- Bibliography of air raid precautions and civil defense (Volume 1)1
- Bibliography of air raid precautions and civil defense (Volume 2)1
- Bibliography of air raid precautions and civil defense (Volume 3)1
- Carefully fill out this card and forward at once to Dr. J.S. Billings, Jr1
- Consumption is a preventable and curable disease: information for consumptives and those living with them = Schwindsucht, eine Krankheit, die verbindert werden kann und die heilbar ist : Verhaltungs-Maszregeln für Schwindsüchtige und diejenigen, welche mit ihnen leben1
- Contributions to the science of medicine and of physiology1
- Cuestionario para uso de los médicos en español, inglés, francés, italiano y aleman: con la pronunciación figurada1
- Desinfection und individuelle Vorsichtsmassregeln gegen ansteckende Krankheiten1
- Dictionary of German scientific terms1