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- Thos. Whitfield, Pharmacist5
- Compliments of Dr. Wm. S. Norris & Bro. Surgeon Dentists4
- Dr. Morse's Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock Root4
- Brown's Iron Bitters: the best tonic2
- Scott & Bowne's Palatable Castor Oil2
- Use Dunbar's Diarrhoea Mixture2
- "Little Red-Riding-Hood"1
- "Looking for Santa Claus": why don't they get a Richmond gas-fire?1
- "No monkeying"1
- "Pildoritas de Reuter": zafiro, setiembre1
- "The little nurse for little ills": chaps and chilblains relieved with a healing cream, Mentholatum1
- "Words of comfort"1
- 'Kepler' Malt Extract for humanising milk: a convenient and easy method1
- (Nurse) in future use a "Swan" fountain pen1
- 51 Absolut opportunities to join the fight against AIDS1
- A message of the Christmas-tide from Norwich to you1
- A million Americans have heart attacks every year: I was one1
- A-Corn Salve removes the toe corn every time: no pain, no poison1
- A. Weilepp's Pharmacy1
- ACT UP on Wall Street: crash the market : march to Wall Street : 10th anniversary action - Monday, March 24th 7:30 am1