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- ["Bridge" between annexe & main bldg. Doon Street]1
- [4th floor theatre group]1
- [Back of Cornwall House showing loading bays]1
- [Col. Mackay at King George Military Hospital]1
- [Cross on an altar]1
- [Group of military officers]1
- [Group photo of New Zealanders taken on the roof of King George Military Hospital in London]1
- [Group portrait of uniformed men]1
- [King George Military Hospital, 3rd floor theatre, Dr. Barrington Ward and Dr. Lillian]1
- [King George Military Hospital, 3rd floor theatre]1
- [King George Military Hospital, 4th floor theatre group, Dr. Murrison operating]1
- [King George Military Hospital, 5/A ward]1
- [King George Military Hospital, 5th floor day room]1
- [King George Military Hospital, 5th floor dining hall]1
- [King George Military Hospital, Annex on Waterloo Road]1
- [King George Military Hospital, Australian Aboriginal patient]1
- [King George Military Hospital, Bacteriological Lab, Dr. Hartley]1
- [King George Military Hospital, Bacteriological Lab, Dr. Ledingham]1
- [King George Military Hospital, C2 Ward]1
- [King George Military Hospital, Cara Countess of Strafford]1