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- A case of blastomycetic dermatitis of the leg1
- A contribution to the study of cystic kidney1
- A specimen of four healed, ascending, ileal invaginations, symmetrical and equidistant: presented to the Pathologic Section of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, May, 18931
- Acute ulcerative endocarditis: a brief resume of the pathology of eight cases1
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with bulbar paralysis and degeneration in Goll's columns: a contribution to the pathology of the primary combined system diseases1
- Carcinoma of the pharynx, with extensive and erratic cornification1
- Carcinoma of œsophagus, secondary implantation, carcinoma in stomach, ulceration, death from hemorrhage ; Rupture of portal vein from a fall, death ; Loose bodies in the peritoneal cavity ; Thoracic aneurism, varicose dilatation of subcutaneous thoracic and abdominal veins, rupture, death1
- Rupture of the aortic valves with demonstration of specimen, aneurisms of right auricular appendix1
- Sarcoma of the pons, and glio-sarcoma of the cerebellum1
- Segmentation and fragmentation of the myocardium1
- Sudden death from pulmonary embolism following thrombosis of the internal jugular vein in a case of carcinoma of the neck secondary to carcinoma of the tongue1
- The classification and nomenclature of the ray fungi1
- The fate of the giant cells which form in the absorption of coagulated blood serum in the anterior chamber of the rabbit's eye1
- The organism in a case of blastomycetic dermatitis1
- The pathological anatomy of acute arsenical poisoning1
- The vascular changes of tuberculous meningitis, especially the tuberculous endarteritis1
- Three specimens of tumors of the heart: metastatic carcinomatous nodule in the myocardium, implantation sarcoma of the right ventricle, primary round-celled sarcoma of the epicardium1
- Two interesting medico-legal cases1
- Vitelline-duct remains at the navel1