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- Organon of homoeopathic medicine2
- Organon of medicine2
- Samuel Hahnemann's Organon of homoeopathic medicine2
- An autograph letter of Samuel Hahnemann1
- Compendio de materia medica pura1
- Lesser writings1
- Materia medica pura1
- Materia medica pura (Volume 1)1
- Materia medica pura (Volume 2)1
- Materia medica pura (Volume 3)1
- Materia medica pura (Volume 4)1
- Organon de Hahnemann: ou exposiçào das doutrinas homoeopathicas1
- Organon of the art of healing1
- Samuel Hahnemann's organon of homoeopathic medicine1
- The chronic diseases: their specific nature and homoeopathic treatment1
- The chronic diseases: their specific nature and homoeopathic treatment (Volume 1)1
- The chronic diseases: their specific nature and homoeopathic treatment (Volume 2)1
- The chronic diseases: their specific nature and homoeopathic treatment (Volume 3)1
- The chronic diseases: their specific nature and homoeopathic treatment (Volume 4)1
- The chronic diseases: their specific nature and homoeopathic treatment (Volume 5)1