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- A rapid method of making permanent specimens from frozen sections by the use of formalin1
- Abscess (?) in the urethro-vaginal septum1
- Adeno-myoma of the round ligament1
- Adeno-myoma uteri diffusum benignum1
- Adenomyoma of the round ligament1
- Angio-sarcoma of the ovary1
- Demonstration of specimens1
- Fatal puerperal sepsis due to introduction of an elm tent1
- Hydrosalpinx, its surgical and pathological aspects: with a report of twenty-seven cases1
- Multilocular adeno-papillo-cystoma of the ovary: with sarcomatous nodules on the inner surface of one of the cysts1
- Papillo-cystoma of the ovary1
- Post-operative septic peritonitis1
- Pyometra in a cat1
- Silkworm gut as a subcutaneous suture in closure of abdominal incisions1
- The early diagnosis of carcinoma of the uterus1
- Tuberculosis of the endometrium1
- Tumor developed from aberrant adrenal in the kidney1