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- "Deficient excretion from kidneys not organically diseased, and some of the diseases peculiar to women", and diseases of the skin1
- A clinical study on alopecia areata and its treatment1
- A clinical study on herpes zoster1
- A new antipruritic remedy1
- Diseases of the skin1
- New method of permanently removing superfluous hairs1
- On the recognition and management of the gouty state of diseases of the skin1
- On the relation between the general practitioner and the consultant or specialist1
- On the so-called eczema marginatum of Hebra (tinea circinata cruris), as observed in America: a clinical study1
- Specialties and their relation to the medical profession1
- The local use of tar and its derivatives, including carbolic acid, in the treatment of skin diseases1
- The relations of the urine to diseases of the skin1