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- [Diphtheria]2
- At a regular meeting of the State Board of Health, held this day, it was unanimously voted that the following address of the chairman, Dr. Henry I. Bowditch, announcing the death and recalling the services of the late Secretary of the Board, Dr. George Derby, be printed in circular form for distribution1
- Case of thoracic aneurism, death, autopsy: remarks on the treatment of internal aneurism1
- Consumption in New England and elsewhere, or soil-moisture one of its chief causes1
- Dear sir, a meeting will be held at 113 Boylston Street, at 4 p.m., Wednesday Nov. 3d, to see if any measures should be taken on the occasion of the interment of the remains of the late Dr. W.T.G. Morton at Mount Auburn1
- The undersigned, in common with many others, believing that honor is due to the memory of the late Dr. William T.G. Morton1
- Trichina spiralis1
- Yellow fever epidemic: what should be done? : imperative need of a national sanitary board1