HMEEL'S EYE-WATER. This lotiou is a valuableremedy in inflanimatory affections of'the eye ; such as ophthalmia, ulcers of the cornea, iuilam- mation aceompanying ptyrigium, epiphora, inflammation of the nasal duct, swelling and inflammation oí'the eye-lids, nior- bidsecretionof the glandsof theeye, inflammation occasion- ed hy externa! violence or from some extraneous matter having lodged upon the ball of the eye íbr some time, or from the abuse of ardent spirits, &c. DlRECTIONS. In the morning and at bed time, tli* inflamed eye should be washed with this lotion, having washed it immediately befo re with cold water. The eye should. also be washed four or five times a day with fresh water; aud if there should be much discharge, it may be washed more frequently with cold water. If the eye should beVery much inflamed, or very painful, take a modérate dose of purgative pills or salts, twice or three times a *veek, so long as the eye is inflamed, and re- frain from eating meat and much gross diet, and from the use of ardent spirits. Do not expose your eyes to a strong light, and keep out of the wind and dust. Keep your feet warra and dry, and do not confine your eye with a thick bandage. The head and eyes should be kept cool. So long as your eyes are sore, you should not attempt to read or ex- amine small objects. The vial ahould be well shaken before using the lotion. This lotion is prepared in New Market, Shenandoah Co., Va., by Des. S. P. C. & C. O. HEÑKBL. [Henkel & Co., Printers, New Market, Va.] HENKEL'S EYE-WATER 1 PREPARED IN New Market, Shenandoah, Co., Va., by Dhs. 8. P. C. & C. C. HENKEL- /¿--/i-ye? o X oo 3: Cnlm)