Vs/SK H6^V5e 1865 ffV a » \ T^v AN EPITOME 0i' THK Jflmrcoptjjit pealing ^'ri, containing TE NEW DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PRESENT TIME; DESIGNED TOR THE USE OF FAMILIES AND TRAVELERS ; AND AS A ffiFid POCKET COMPANION ,77* •FOR THE PHYSICIAN. f\ \ Revised Edition. *■! lO .S+*? BY B. L^glLL, M.D.,^--^ essor «f General, Special, and Surgical Anatomy, Late Professor of urgery.-Obstetiics, and Diseases of Females and Children, in the W. H. College, Author of the " Homoeopathic Practice of Surgery," to., &c. * I DETEOIT- MICHIGAN: DLISHED AT DE. LODGE'S HOMffiOrATHIC PnAllMACT. 1865. WBK ft/^ tdo 'r of if *no . / Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 18G • By EDWIN A. LODGE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court in and for tl District of Michigan. II. Ludwig. Stereotyper, 39 Centi-ent., N. Y. TABLE OF REMEDIES. 1. Aconitum. 2. Apis-nu-lliflca. 3. Apocynura-cannabimim. 4. Arsenicnin-allnim. 6. Arum-tryphyllum. 6. Belladonna. 7. Baptisii-tinetoria. . 8. Bryonia. 9. Canthuritles. 10. Cimlcifug.i-ratemosa. 11. Cbllinsonia-canadensis. 1-2. Colocynthis. 13. China. 14. Charuomilla. 15. Copaivn. 16, Caulo;jhyHum. IT. Cuprum-metal Ileum. IS. Cornus-sericea. 19. Coftva. 20. Eryn^ium-aquaticum. 21. Eu'patoi-ium-aromaticum. 22. Gelseminuiu. 23. TIepar-sulphur. 24. Hydrastis-canadensis* 25. Hiiinamelis-virginica. 26. Ipecacuanha. 27. Mercunus-biniodatus. 2S. Mercurius-solubilis. 29. Mercurius-corrosjvus. 30. Nnx-vomica. 81. Opi'im. 32. Phosphorus. 83. Phosphoric-acid. 34. Podophvllum-peltaturo, 35. Pulsatilla. . 36. Hhus-toxicodendron 37. Santoniue. 33. Sponsria. 39. Tarti.r-emeticus. 40. Thuya. 41. Veratrum-album. CALKNDULA. AKXICA. UKTIOA. TRAVELER'S CASE. 1. Acontte. 2. Arsenicum. 3. Belladonna. 4. Bryonia. m f>.t Colocynth. / _— 6.' Ipecacuanha. 7. Mercurius-sol. 8. Nnx-vomica. 9. -Phosphorus. 10. Pulsatilla. r**h«44o.\-. > !,ONLw^£aSJr«-album. r INTRODUCTION. This work contains in a condensed form a very large portion of all that is practically useful in the treatment of tlje diseases ordinarily occur- ring iu this country. The symptoms are given with sufficient minuteness and detnil to enable any one of ordinary capacities of observation to distinguish the complaint; and the treatment is so plainly laid down, that no one. need make, a mistake. If strictly followed, it will, iu a very large proportion of cases, effect cures, even when administered by those unacquainted with the medical sciences generally. It has been writ- ten frpm necessity, to meet the demands of the community for a more definite work in a concise form, that should contain remedies of the most reliable character, with such directions foT their use as can be followed by the traveler on his jour- ney, or by families at home, when no physician is at hand. It might seem to some preposterous to speak of a demand for another domestic Ho- m«eopathic Practice, when half a score or more of such works are now extant, some having come ,out within a very short time. The demand y__'___________________y____________#_________ Vi INTRODUCTION". arises, not from the want of books, but from the defects of those that exist. There is in most)' of them, too little point and definiteness in the prescriptions', and a kind of vague doubting re- commendation noticeable tto all, which carries the impression at once to every reader, of a want of confidence by the author in his own directions. Again, in some of the works there is too much confusion, the symptoms not being laid down with sufficient clearness to indicate the best remedy. Some of the works are unnecessarily large and cumbersome, while the real amount of valuable practical matter is comparatively meagre, oblig- ing the reader to pay for paper and binding ■without the contained value of his money*. This work is my own, being the result of my practical experience and observation. I have introduced several remedies that, though they are familiar to me, and have been Used in my practice for*many years, are, nevertheless, com- paratively strange and new to most of the pro- fession. For provings of these I refer to ««New Homoeopathic Provings," edited by E. M. Halp, M.D.^ an octavo volume of 448 pages, published by Dr. E. A. Lodge, Detroit. Their pse, rs. INTRODUCTION. Vll directed in this work, is in strict accordance with their homoeopathic relation to the symptoms for . which they are prescribed. Some may object to my practice of giving (several remedies in alternation or rotation and in ' quick succession. To such I would say, When you try this mode of practice and on comparing it with the opposite one of giving only one remedy, and that at long intervals between the * doses, find my mode to be less successful than yours, then it will be time for you to make your objections You may rely upon the vague hy- potheses of the books, and give your high dilu- tions singly, at longer intervals, and let your patients die for want of real treatment, while I will u?e lower dilutions and give two or more remedies in quick succession and cure mine. I only speak what is in accordance with universal observation, where the two modes are compared on equal footing, when I affirm that, while the former may effect some cureej, most of the recove- ries under it are spontaneous and'unaided, the latter docs cure; the disease being arrested by the medicine, and the proportion of unfavorable terminations is much less under the latter than Viii INTRODUCTION. the former course I know many learned and successful practitioners who have substituted low dilutions and the giving of several remedies in. quick succession for the old mode of .high at- tenuations and long intervals of single remedies, all of whom still adhere to the low, while I have yet to hear of the man who has gone back to high single remedies and long intervals. My reason then, for the course here laid down, is, that it will cure-with more promptness aud cer- tainty. If others are so prejudiced a3 not to try it, they will still remain in ignorance of the best practice, and their patients will be the sufferers. In reference to the fear that is expressed that if one medicine is given too soon after another, it will antidote the former, I have simply to say, I have no confidence in the hypothetic antido- tal powers Of the medicines one over another, as laid down in the books. It has not been ve- rified by experience, and has no foundation in truth. It is true that one medicine will remove morbid symptoms that might be produced by au overdose of another; but both being given* in the ordinary ir.cdicinal doses, neither of them to euch an extent as to produce sensible symptom*. INTRODUCTION. IX if given alone, would not, if given in quick suc- cession, prevent each other from acting to re- move their own peculiar symptoms that exist in the 'system at the time. So if wo have the symptoms that are found in two or more diffe- rent remedies present in the same attack, as is often the case, we may give these several renie- dies one after another, with confidence in their curative effects for the symptoms they represent. This has been my practice, and it has been eminently successful, and therefore I commend it to others. Dr. Lodge is responsible for the additions made in brackets [ ]. PREPARATION OF MEDICINES. As it often becomes necessary for the prac- titioner to make more or less of his own dilu- tions and attenuations, some brief instructions especially to new beginners, may not come amiss. " Medicine is prepared by mixing it with dis- tilled water, or 98, per cent. Alcohol, which has been specially purified for homoeopathic use, or if solid arid dry, by reducing it to powder and triturating (rubbing) it iu a mortar with pure Sugar of Milk. The liquid- is called dilution, the powder trituration. The attenuations made at the decimal (1-10,) ratio and numbered 1, 2, 3, &c, by putting ten drops of the liquid with ninety drops of. Alcohol, or ten grains of the powder with ninety grains of Sugar of Milk for the 1st, and ten grains or drops of the 1st with ninety more of Alcohol or Sugar of Milk, as the case may be, for the 2d, and so on to any de- sirable extent. Accuracy is very desirable, but the practice of guessing at the amount as pursued by some, is anything but accurate. When one makes his dilutions by putting the fluid into a vial and "pouring it all out," guessing that he has a drop PREPARATION OF MEDICINES. XI left which is to, medicate the ninety-nine drops of Alcohol or water, he may put in by guess, I am inclined to guess that he knows nothing; ac- curately, as to what dilution he is making. (See Lauries Practice, introduction, also Jahr & Gru- ner's Pharmacopceia and Posology.) For if the vial is small and quite smooth there may not be a drop left, or if it is rough, there may be seve- • ral drops. Have true scalesfor weighing solids, and a graduated measure marked from ten drops up to one hundred for liquids; then always weigh or measure accurately the medicine, aa well as the substance with which it is to be at- tenuated.' The measure and mortar, after using them for one medicine, can .be cleaned prepara- tory for another, with scalding water, rinsing them with purified Alcohol, then drying. Never ( Bmoke or chew tobacco in any place, but if you are such a slave to habit, that you must do it despite your good sense and better judgment) never do either, or have tobacco or any other odoriferous substance about your person wheu you are preparing medicines, or they are exposed to the air. Keep the medicines excluded-frotn the light and air as far as practicable. Triturate the powders thoroughly for an hour or more upon each, and shake the dilution from fifty to one hundred 'times, more for the higher attenu- Xsi PREPARATION OF MEDICINES. ations. It is better to medicate pellets in large bottles, filling them half or two-thirds full, put in just liquid enough to wet every one, but not bo as to dissolve any. Shake them until all are equally wet, and let them stand for four or five days, if practicable, shaking them up two or three times a day until all are dry. • , ADMINISTRATION OF REMEDIES. The remedies are either in the form of tinc- tures, dilutions, pellets or powders. The Pel- lets may be taken dry upon the tongue, allowed to dissolve and swallowed. The dose for an adult is from 4 to 7; for an infant, from birth to one year old, 1 to 3 ; from one to three years, 2 to 4; from three to ten years, 3 to 5 pellets ; after ten, same as an adult. 15 or 20 pellets may be # dissolved in a gill ofVater, and a tea-spoonful dose given at a time, being; particular to stir it until all are perfectly dis- solved, stirring it before each dose. Poioders may be taken in the same manner, upon the tongue, a dose when dry, being about the same bulk as of the pellets as nearly as .practicable. If put into water, to a gill of water add of the powder about what would lie on a three cent piece. If the dilution is used, add 5 drops to a gill of water, and use tea-spoonful doses as above directed. The length of time between the doses should be. in Dysentery and Diarr- hoea, regulated by the frequency of the dis- charges, giving a dose as often as the evacua- tions occur. In acute and violent diseases the doses should be repeated oftener than in mild- er cases—about once an hour as a general rule is often enough, though in some cases they should be given in half an hour or oftcner. In mild cases, once in two or three hours is often enough, and in chronic cases once or twice a day. 14 HOMCEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. Bathing —The surface of the body should be kept clean, as far as possible, and to this end, in summer, should be well bathed at least once a day. In winter, though useful, it is not so indispensable; still no one should neglect the bath more than a week, and all ought to bathe at least twice a week, even in winter. The bath should be of a temperature that is agree- able and the room warm, especially for a feeble person. It should be so applied as not to give a general chill, as such shocks are always hurtful. The teeth should be kept clean and free from tartar. They should be cleaned every morning and- after each meal. Clothing —The feet, legs, and arms should be warmly clothed, especially the arms, as an exposure of them to cold is liable to induce affections of the lungs, and to aggravate any existing disease of those organs. By exposure of the feet and legs to cold, diseases and de- rangements of the female organs, even in voung girls, are induced ; and one prolific cause of female weakness is to be found in improper dressing of the feet and legs, w-hile the lung affections of females, now so fearfully preva- lent, are traceable in a great degree to the fashion that has prevailed for a few years, ot exposing the arms to cold. In winter and spring when (he weather is mild, but there is snow, or the ground is damp, more clothes are necessary than when it is freezing hard and the air is dry. DIARRHCEA. 15 Diet.—The diet of the sick should be nutri- tious, but at all times simple, free from greasy substances, and from all stimulating condi- ments whatsoever, as well as from vinegar, or food in which vinegar is used. In short, let the food be nutritious, easily digested, small or moderate in quantity, and free from all " seasoning,'' except salt or sugar ; and if salt is used at all, let the quantity be very small, much less than would be used, in health. Diarrhoea.—This disease consists in a loose- ness of the bowels, generally accompanied with pain in the abdomen, more or less severe. It sometimes occurs without pain, but is then at- tended with a sense of weakness, and a gene- ral feeling of uneasiness. It prevails mostly in the warm seasons. It is not usually con- sidered a very dangerous affection, except dur- ing the prevalence of Cholera, or in children during hot wealher. Treatment.— Veratrum and Phos.'-acid, given alternately, at intervals, as frequently as the discharges from the bowels occur, will generally be sufficient. If there is nausea or vomiting, or cramping pains in the bowels, give Ipecac, in alternation with one or both the | former. If thirst and a burning of the stomach I or bowels exist, use Arsenicum. This last I medicine may be given in alternation with either of the others, but is most frequently in cheated in connection with Veratrum. - The 16 HOMCEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. intervals between the doses should be regu- lated by the frequency of the evacuations in all cases, lengthening them as the evacuations become less frequent, until they cease. In children, where the discharges are greenish or slimy, and contain undigested food, give Ghamomilla and Ipecac, alternately, as above directed.. If the discharges are dark, or yel- low, with distress in the stomach, give Podo- phyllum. The dose is'from 6 to fl pellets. In all cases of diarrhoea, adults should abstain from all kinds of food until cured, if possible, and eat but little at first, when food is taken. Children should be fed carefully, and but a small quantity at a time, being particular.both for adults and children to use as little liquid as possible ; drink water in small quantities, not very cold. Avoid exercise, and he on the back quietly, when that is practicable. In a large majority of cases, Veratrum, if given in the early stages of the disease", will arrest it at once, and in many chronic diarrhoeas of weeks or months standing, it is the surest remedv. In chronic diarrhoea of females, Podophyllum should be used in alternation with Veratrum. [In many cases of dysente- ric-diarrhoea Baptisia acts very well, particu- larly if there is much debility.] Dysentery.—This disease is caused by in- flammation of the mucous membrane of the co- lon and rectum, generally conlined to the lower part of the bowel. It is always painful. There is dysentery. 17 griping and straining in the lower part of the abdomen, and generally great bearing down when at stool,with a peculiar distress after the evacuation, catted tormina. The discharges often commence like a common diarrhoea, with copious liquid evacuations, but there is more or less griping pain,, low down, from the be- ginning. The evacuations sooner or later be- come lessened, slimy or bloody, or both, the pain increasing accompanied with more or less fever, often quite severe. Sometimes the pa- tient is costive, and has been so for several days, the dysentery coming on without} being preceded by looseness. At others, especially in summer, when fevers are prevailing, the dysentery begins with a severe chill, followed by fever" and the dysenteric symptoms above described. k Treatment.—If it begins with looseness without blood, give Arsenicum and Veratrum alternately, once an hour, or oftener if the evacuations are more frequent. If tlie dis- charges are bloody, use Mercurius-cor. in place of £he Arsenicum. If there is any sick- ness of the stomach, or the discharges are dark or yellow, use Podophyllum with Mercurius- cor. If there are colic pains in the bo\vels,'use Colocynthis alternately with the others, giving it between them. If the patient was costive previous to the attack, and the dysentery came on without much looseness. Nux - vomica should be £.vcn alternately with Mercurius- 2 18 ilOMCEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. cor. If the disease comes on with a chill, or a chill occurs at any time during the attack, fol- lowed by fever, Aconite, Baptisia and Podo- phyllum should be used in rfltation half an hour apart until a free perspiration is produced, and the pain diminishes; or if bloody stools appear, use Mercurius-cor. with the Aconite and Baptisia. [If the evacuations are princi- pal \y blood give Hamamelis viry.] A large proportion of the dysenteries of hot weather in miasmatic regions, will be arrested in a few hours by these three or four remedies, especially if the patient keeps still, and gene- rally even if he keeps about his business. In very bad cases, much benefit will be derived from injections of Gum Arabic water, or mu- cilage of Slippery Elm thrown into the bowel in quantities of a pint or more at a time, as warm as can • possibly be endured. I have often relieved patients immediately with in- jections of a strong solution of Borax and rice water, as hot as bearable. Never apply cold water to any inflamed surface, much less a mucous surface. All food should be withheld as far as practicable and not starve, until the symptoms abate. Colic.—The symptoms of this are cramping pains in the abdomen, without fever or loose- ness of the bowels. The colic sometimes oc- curs after the cessation of a diarrhoea that had been induced by severe cathartics., The pains BILIOUS COLIC. 19 are cutting and straining, drawing the bowels into knots, relieved temporarily by pressure. Treatment.—For a male, Nux-vom., and* for a female, Pulsatilla will generally afford immediate relief. In children, especially where diarrhoea exists, Chamomilla should be iiscd. If it Ls the result of severe cathartics, or if there is a soreness or a bruised feeling, Golo- cynth is the remedy. Hot injections into the. rectum, and large quantities of warm water taken into the stomach, will often cure colic. Bilious Colic.—This disease, in addition to the symptoms of cutting, cramping pains in the bowels, as in common colic, has great dis- tress in the stomach, with nausea and vomit- ing, the bowels being costive, the feet and hands cold, sometimes cold sweats occur. There is also considerable fever, and frequently headache is present. The substance vomited is at first dark bilious matter, but if the case continues a long time, stercoraceous (fecal) matter will be thrown up. Treatment. — Colocynthis the most impor- tant remedy, and should be given early and constantly. Podophyllum is next in impor- tance, and it should be given in alternation with the former, the dose to be repeated as often as every half hour at first, and as the pa- tient becomes easy, at longer intervals. In this, as in the former case, great benefit will be derived from large injections of quite warm water, and let it be taken into the stomach 20 HOMCEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. freely, as hot as can be safely swallowed. I have given a gallon of hot water in the course .of two hours, to a patient suffering under this disease, the first half pint being rejected, but the balance remaining, perfect relief having been experienced. If fever continues after the colic -and nausea cease, Baptisia and Aconite should he given alternately every hour until the fever subsides. If the patient is, and has been, for some time, costive, Nnx-vomica should be given once in six or eight hours until the bowels move. Injections may also be used. Cholera Morbus.—This disease generally comes on at night, in hot weather, and is, in many cases, induced by over-eating while the patient is suffering from diarrhoea and a de- ranged state of the liver. It is essentially of a bilious character. It sets in with great pain in the bowels, sickness at the stomach, and vomiting of large quantities of dark greenish bitter-tasting substance. At first, the vomit- ing will seem to afford relief, but sooner or later the stomach and bowels cramp, and the cramping may extend to other parts of the body, the feet, hands, calves of" the legs, and the arms, cold sweats come on, and death ter- minates his sufferings. Treatment.—Ipecac, and Colocynth are to be given in alternation, and repeated as often as every 30 minutes, for the first three or four doses, then as the patient gets easier, at longer FEVERS. 21 intervals. A dose every hour will suffice as soon as the symptoms begin to abate. The application of hot cloths or even mustard, over the abdomen, frequently palliates the suffer- ings, and does not interfere with the action of the medicines. Fever of a low typhoid type sometimes sets in after an attack of cholera morbus, and terminates fatally. This ought never to occur under homoeopathic treatment. For such fever give Baptisia, a dose every hour until the fever subsides, which will occur generally in six or eight hours; if not, and the patient complains of headache, or is delirious, or dizzy, or feels a fullness in the head, give Cimicifuoa in alternation with the Baptisia. Keep the patient very quiet and free from noise, as far as possible. Sleep is a great re- storer in any case, but particularly so in this. [ Veratrum-album is often eminently service- able.] FEVERS.—Intermittent Fever. Ague or Chill Fever.—This comes on with pains in the head and back, aching in the joints, yawning, followed by coldness of the hands and feet, blueness of the nails and skin of the hands, general chilliness, sometimes " shak- ing." This lasts from a few minutes in some cases, to several hours in others. The chill is followed by a fever, which isgenerally se- vere and long continued, in proportion to the length and severity of the chill. The fever is followed by free perspiration, when it subsides 22 IIOMCEOPATUIC ART OF CURE. and leaves the patient in a comfortable condi- ■ tion. This state is called the Apyrexia(7w- termission.) This continues from a few hours to twenty-four, or longer, when another chill comes on followed by fever and sweats as be- fore. During the chill and fever, the patient often suffers great pain, and is sometimes de- lirious. Young children frequently have con- vulsions when the chill sets in. These con- vulsions of children, though alarming, are npt often dangerous. Treatment.—As soon as the first symp- toms of the chills ap|>ear, such as, the headache pain in the back and bones, coldness of the hands, nose and ears, give Aconite and Bap- tisia alternately, giving the first three doses every ten minutes, the next three doses every fifteen minutes, and then once in ha'f an hour until the patient begins to sweat freely, when the medicines should be discontinued. If there is nausea or vomiting present, let the patient have lukewarm water freely in large draughts, until he vomits it up several times. As soon as the sweating commences, give Arsenicum and Cimicifnga alternately every hour during the intermission, except during sleeping time. On return of the chill, should it appear a se- cond time, use the Samite and Baptisia as be- fore, and follow them with Arsenicum and Nwx~ vom. every two hours. This course of treat- ment will cure a majority of cases, but some require Cinchona. That Cinchona is a speci- FEVERS. 23 • fic for intermittent fevers in many of their forms, no one will deny. It is the homoeopa- thic remedy for many cases, and should be prescribed. The injurious effects that are often attributed to Quinine, are, I have no doubt, attributable not to that remedy, but to the drugs that are used prior to its use. I have used it in more than two thousand cases, and have never been able to see an}' evil con- sequences follow its proper use. It should be given from the beginning of the chill to the end of the paroxysm, and continued during the whole time of the intermission: i. e. until the time arrives for the next chill, time, being im- portant in the use of this remedy. Use the first decimal trituration, and give grain doses(equal to one-tenth of a grain of the drug,) every half hour till the time the next chill would occur, if it pursued its regular course, allowing the patient six or seven hours time in each twenty-four, for sleep. Though from two to four grains of the pure Chininum-sulphuricwm is all the patient would get, very few cases that do not yield to a course of the former treatment here recommended, will have the third paroxysm after this China treatment is commenced and pursued as here directed. For children the dose may be one-half or one-fourth that of the adults. If a trituration of the me- dicine cannot be got conveniently, four grains of the Quinine may be put into a four ounce vial of water slightly acidulated with Sulphu- 24 HOMOEOPATHIC ART of cure. ric-acid, shaken well every time, and a tea- spoonful taken at a dose. [A much preferable mode of administration is to give the sugar- coated pills of Quinine.] Abstinence from food as far as practicable, and quiet is t»f much importance in this disease, but the patient may use water freely. In some cases, the chill is irregular and indistinct, the patient is thirsty during the chill, and the cold stage is long in proportion to the length of the fever, the sur- face pale and more or less bloated. Arsenicum is the remedy, and should be given from the commencement of the chilly and every hour until the fever subsides, then every three hours during the intermission. In chronic cases, where the patient has been drugged with mer- curials and cathartics, together with larger doses of Quinine, and is still suffering under the di:-ease, Pulsatilla and Cimicifuga in al- ternation, will, in nearly every case, effect a cure. Bilious Fever.—This may be either inter- mittent, remitting, or continued and typhoid. It is distinguished from common intermittent, by the great derangement of the stomach, as nausea and vomiting of bilious matter, yellow cuated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, foul breath, loss of appetite, high colored urine, and frequently distress and fullness in the right side,, (though this last is not in every case present,) the skin and white of the eyes bilious fevers. 25 soon become yellowish, the chills are often im- perfect, the fever being disproportionably long. T r e a t m e n t.—Podophyllum and Merc. should be given in case of interrnittentsof this character, during the paroxysm, and in rota- tion with the other remedies for intermittents, giving a dose every three hours during the intermission. It is well also to continue these remedies night and morning, alternately, for a week or so after the cessation of the chills and fever, or until all bilious appearances cease. Remittent Fever.—A remitting fever is one that goes nearly off, but not so entirely as an intermittent, returning again by a par- oxysm of chill more or less distinct, sometimes hardly p3rceptible, and an increase of the fever following, from day to day, uni il arrested. [Treatment.—Gelseminum tincture 5 drops in half a tumblerful of water, give in teaspoon- ful doses repeated with sufficient frequency to produce moisture of the skin. This remedy alone to ill cure all grades of fever except the true typhoid.] CoNTiNUEn Fevers are generally of a bilious character, except in winter, when they are more or less connected with irritation of the lungs, or with rheumatic affections, when they are termed catarrhal or rheumatic fevers. If the bilious symptoms prevail, give Aconite and Baptisia during the chills and high febrile stage, at intervals of an hour, and during the declining stage of the fever, give Podophyllum 26 HOMCEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. and Mercurius until a perfect intermission is produced, when the same treatment should be adopted as in intermittents. Catarrhal Fever.—The head being''- stuff- ed up," there is pain in the head, the lungs oppressed, cough and sneezing, the eyea and nose suffused with increased secretion of tears and mucus, pain in the back or loins, almost constant chilly sensations, use in rotation Bap- tisia. Copaica and P/w^/wms,. giving a dose every hour until the fever begins to abate and perspiration comes on, then leave off the Bap- tisia, and give in its stead Cimicifvga, length- ening the interval between the remedies to two hours or longer. For the chronic cough that sometimes follows catarrhal fever, Copaiva Macrotin and Phosphwus should be used morning, noon and night, in the order here named. Rheumatic Fever. — (Rheumatism^ the patient complains ol soreness of the muscles, of the chest, back and limbs, with or without lameness o the joints,. Aconite, Cimicifuga and Nnx-vomica, are the remedies lor a male patient, and the two former, with Pulsatilla, for a female, (or for a male, of light hair, deli- cate skin, feminine voice and mild temper,) to be used in rotat on one hour apart. Tlu^e ■remedies are to be taken in a severe acute case, every half hour until the symptoms begin to abate; then every hour or two hours as the case progres.ses. [In many cases Caulophyllum RHEUMATISM. 27 in doses of 3 drops of the first dilution every two hours, will produce a curative effect more rapidly than any other medicine.] Baths pro- perly administered, are of great importance in all forms of fever. The surface of the patient should be washed and thoroughly rubbed in water quite warm, into which a sufficiency of the lye of wood ashes has been put to make it feel quite slippery. This, should be done twice daily in all fevers. Rheumatism.—In addition to the medi- cines directed under the head of Rheumatic Fever, the most decided benefit can be derived from Alcoholic Vapor Baths, which, while the}' do not in the least interfere with the action of the medicines, tend greatly to mitigate the pains, and produce an equal state of the cir- culation by stimulating the surface ; abridging in many cases, the disease one-half the time it would run under the long interval treatment alone. This is to be applied by filling a tea cup with alcohol, placed in a saucer of water to insure against danger from an overflow while burning. Place both under a solid wood bottom chair, elevated about the thickness of a brick under each post, strip the patient naked, and after giving him the alkaline bath, find rubbing his surface dry, place him upon the chair, enveloping him completely, except his head, with a woollen sheet or blanket, (as there is no danger of the wool taking fire.) letting the blanket enclose also the chair and 28 HOMCEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. come down to the floor. Then set fire to the alcohol, and if the heat is too great, raise the edge of the blanket and let it become reduced. Continue this until he sweats freely, or be- comes too much fatigued to sit longer. Let the patient often drink freely of cold water, during the process. Remove him from the ^ chair to his bed and cover him warmly. It is well to place the feet in hot water during this process. This is a delightful operation for a rheumatic patient, and no one will object to a .repetition of it. Whatever physicians may think or say of this operation, I know it is a most potent agent for the cure of inflam- matory rheumatism, and is a valuable agent in the chronic form of this disease. Typhoid Fever.—This is a dangerous, and with ordinary allopathic treatment, a very fatal disease. It generally comes on insidiously, the patient feeling a dull headache, more or less pain in his joints, back and shoulders, with loss of appetite, restless and disturbed sleep, slight chilly sensations, with a little fever, dry skin, and a general languid feeling. These symptoms continue from four or five days in some cases, to two or three weeks in in others, gradually getting worse until the patient is prostrated, or if he tikes no drugs, and keeps still, avoiding food as far as practi- cable, he may escape prostration, and after lingering for eight or ten days, and sometimes longer, just on the point of prostration, he be- TYPHOID FEVER. 29 gins slowly to get better, and recovers about . as slowly and imperceptibly as he grew sick. This is in accordance with observation of cases under my own eye, and I have no doubt those cases of spontaneous recovery, had they taken a single do-e of active cathartic medicine or ^ny of the active drugs, they would have been immediately laid upon a bed of sickness from which a recovery would have been extremely doubtful. I believe that two-thirds of the deaths from typhoid fever are the direct re- sults of medication, and that those who re- cover, do so in spite of the active drugs when such are used. Some cases, however, will not thus spontaneously recover, ami require proper ' treatment; and it is safest to treat all cases, at as early a day as possible. Some case3 come on more rapidly and run into the pros- trating or critical stage, in a very few days. Delirium is a svmptom that comes on early m these cases. When the disease is fully estab- lished, and even sometimes in the early stage, diarrhoea sets in and runs the patient down rapidly. Treatment.—Tn the early stage, that which might be called premonitory, while the patient is yet able to be about his business, but is complaining of the symptoms above named, he should, as far as possible, abstain from ex- ercise and food, and take of Baptisia and Phos- phorus alternately, a dose once in three hours. These will almost invariably produce amend- 30 HOMCEOPATHIC art of cure. ment in a few days, and as soon as he improves any, leave off tlie medicines. Should there be diarrhoea present, use Phos.-acid instead of Phosphorus. If the patient is delirious or has fullness and redness of the face, the eyes red, and headache, give Belladonna in rotation with the other two. For the foul breath that comes on, use Mercurius-cor., especially if the diarrhoea assumes a reddish tinge, like beef brine. Should the fever at any time rise high, the pujse being full and hard, give Aconite, but it rarely happens that Aconite is useful in the later stage. If the patient complains of pains in the back, and fullness in the head, give Ci- micifuga. This is particularly useful for per- sons who have rheumatic pains in the limbs or back, during the fever. If the evacuations from the bowels are dark, or yellow and consistent, or there is bilious vomiting, Podophyllum is the remedy. From some cause or other, to me wholly unaccountable, the writers generally have laid down Rhus and Bryonia as the re- medies in typhoid fever. I must confess I have no confidence in them for this fever as it prevails, and has for several years past, in this country. I am confident, from thorough trial, we have much more reliable remedies in Po- dophyllum, Baptisia and Cimicifuga. In the early stage, or at anytime to arrest febrile and inflammatory symptoms, the Baptisia is much more potent than Aconite, its symptoms cor- SCARLET FEVER. 31 responding peculiarlywith typhoid fever. It is important to bathe in this disease. Scarlet Fever.—Scarlatina—This fever assumes two principal forms : Simple or mild, and malignant. In the Simple form, there is great heat of the surface, extremely quick and frequent pulse, headache, and some sense of pain and soreness in the throat. A$er a day oj* two, there appear upon the surface, bright scarlet patches, in some cases extending over the whole limbs, the skin smooth and shining, and somewhat bloated or swollen ; upon pres- sure with the finger, a white spot is seen, which soon disappears on removal of the pres- sure. As the disease subsides, the cuticle comes off (desquamates) in patches. In the simple form of this disease, the throat, though often more or less sore, does not ulcerate. In some cases, notwithstanding the fever is high, the pulse frequent, and the throat sore, there may be no external redness, but the mouth and tongue will have a scarlet hue, indicating the existence of disease more dangerous than when it appears externally. In the malignant form, the same symptoms are present, the pa- tient suffers more pain in the head; the back and throat, root of the tongue, tonsils and soft palate become ulcerated, turn black, and some- times gangrenous, proving fatal in a few dayB, or slough out in large portions, the ulcers de- stroying the parts extensively. The breath becomes foul and fetid, and the effluvia from 32 HOMercep- tible. The chill is f dlowed by high fever, tho pain in the head and back increasing, the eyes bee uning more red and suffused, the forehead and face extremely -red and hot, and the heat of the whole surface very great, the carotids beat violently, the pulse very frequent, and usually, at first, full and strong, though some- times it is fceb.le from the beginning. How- ever the pulse may be in the he^inning, it^ery soon becomes small, but continues to b-.- fre- quent. The tongue is at first covered with a white paste like coating, which afterwards pivi■* place to redness of the edges and tip with a dark or yellow streak in the centre The Ktomirh is very irritable, njectiug every kind of food, and a'l drinks, except, perhaps, a few drops of ice water. There is a peculiar dis- tressed feeling in the stomach, often a 1 turning seus.ition. so that, if suffered to do so, he would take I a rare quantities of ice or water. One remarkable feature of the case noticed in the epidemic, as it existed in New-Orleans the past "season, was, that the patients had a great desre for food, notwithstanding the nausea and distress at the stomach. Sooner or later, varying from a few hours to several days, in the ordinary course of the disease, the fever subsides. From this time the patient may recover without any further symptoms, but this is, by no means, the usual 36 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. - result. If the subsidence of the fever is accompanied by natural pulse, a free, 'but not profuse or prostrating perspiration, a genial warmth of the surface,' natural appear- V ance of the countenance, eyes, and tongue, with little or no soreness on pressure over the stomach, we may safely look for a speedy recovery. But if, on the contrary, the eyes, face, and tongue, become yellow, or orange- colored, the epigastrium is tender to pressure, the Murine has a yellow tinge, the pulse be- comes unnaturally slow, with the least de- gree of mental stupor, we have reason to know, full well, that the lull of the fever is only the calm preceding a more destructive storm. The fever has subsided, only because exhausted nature could re-act no longer. It may be in .a few hours, or not until twelve or twenty-four have elapsed, the pulse be- comes quickened, even to the frequency of 120 to 140 in a minute, but very feeble, the extremities of the fingers and toes turn purple or dark, the tongue becomes brown and dry, or is clean, red, and cracked, sordes may be on the teeth, the stomach becomes more irri- table, nausea and vomiting are extreme, the substances vomited being, at first, reddish, afterwards watery, containing flocculae, like soot, or coffee grounds; the breath becomes foul, and the whole surface emits a sickening odor. The pulse becomes very small, though the carotid and temporal arteries beat vio- YELLOW FEVER. 37 lcntly*. The urine fails to be secreted, and later, blood is discharged from the mucous surfaces, fnvoluntary discharges from the bowels, clammy sweats; and death follows. ! The disease runs its course in from three io seven days, sometimes proves fatal in less han a day, and at others, assumes a typhoid arm, and runs for weeks. Occasionally it lets in without any of the premonitory symp- toms, the chill being first, the fever following, lucceeded immediately by the black vomit, ;;oing through all the stages in a single day, jr two days. Again, it sometimes begins with the black pomit, the patient being immediately pros- trated. In all cases, however it may begin, the peculiar head-ache and back-ache as described in' the beginning, as well as the extreme heat of the head and face, redness of the eyes, the gnawing sensation at the stomach, and peculiar nausea are present. These seem to be characteristic symptoms that mark the Yellow Fever, and those which should guide in the search for the proper remedies. • Treatment. — The remedies that proved successful in arresting the disease during the early or forming 6tage, before the chill or fever had set in, while the symptoms were pain, fullness, and tlirobbing of the head, with more or less dizziness, rheumatic pains in the back, and redness of the eyes, were Aconite 38 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. and Bell., at low attenuations, once in fwoto four hours, according to the violence of thfe, symptoms. For the fullness of the Head, pros; irig outwards, as though it would split, wit pains of a rheumatic character timicijvg* 1st, given in one grain doses, every hour or tw hours, proved specific. These three rcm'edie Aconite, Btlladonna and Ciinicifitga, would L in nearly all cases, arrest the disease iq tin ft forming stage, so that no chill or fever wouli occur, or, if tevcr did come on after this treat ment, it was mild. When the fever sets in, and the pain in the head and back increases, the eyes, forehead and face are extremely red, .or purple and hot, the pulse frequent and full, the tongue coated white, Aconite, Belladonna and Cimicifuga . are still to be relied upon, but they should be given every half hour, in rotation, at lowi attenuations. If the tongue is red, in the early stage, use Bryonia in place of the Belladonna. In a later stage, when sickness or distress at the stomach had become pro- i minent, with the quick pulse, and hot skin, Ipecac, and Aconite, both at the 1st attenua- tion, a dose given every half hour alternately, I generally arrested the symptoms, and brought ! on perspiration of a healthful character, fol- lowed by subsidence of the fever and conva- lescence. Sponge baths, with half an ounce of Tr. Ipecac, in two quarts of tepid water, applied to the whole surface freely, under YELLOW FEVER. 39 the bed clothes, so as not to expose him to tht- air, contributed much towards bringing on perspiration and subduing the fever, as well as allaying the nausea. AVhen called to patients in the st-ge of Black Vomit, whether that came on as an early symptom, or at a later stage, Nit.-acid, Vera'.rum-viride and Baptisia, all at the first dilution, were administered every hour in rotation, with great success, the s\ mptoms yielding in a few hours. For the ^reat op- pression, as of a load in the stomach, with- out vomiting, Nvx was found sufficient. In the later stage, when there seemed to be no secretion of urine, Cannabis-s. and Apis-mel., gave relief. The remedies most successful for the cases that assumed a typhoid character, with dry, cracked tongue, sordes on the teeth, and low sluggish pulse, were Baptisia and Bn,onia, given every two h&urs, alternately. Nitric- acid given internally and injected into the redmn, when bloody discharges appear, is generally quite successful. Good nursing is of the utmost importance, and the patient should'be visited frequently by his physician, as great changes may occur in a short time. Three times a day is none too often jto see the patient. As soon as the fever comes on, the patient should be stripped of his clothes, and dressed in such garments as he is to wear in bed through the attack. 40 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. He should be put to bed and lightly covered,' but have sufficient' to protect him from any sudden changes in the atmosphere, and the room should be well* ventilated all the time. The baths should always be applied under the bed clothes. The diet should, be very spare and light, after the fever subsides, and while the fever exists no food should be taken. Thin gruel, in teaspoonful doses, once in half an hour, is best. After a day or two, the juice of beef sfeak may be given in small quantities but give none of the meat. No " hearty food" should be allowed for eight or ten days after recovery. A relapse is most surely fa til. As prophylactics (preventives') of the fever, Gimicifnga, Bell, and Aconite should be taken, a dose every eight to twelve hours, by every one that is exposed. These will, no doubt, often ■ prevent an attack, and if they do not, thoy will so modify it, that it will be very mild, of short duration, and very easily arrested. 1 Pregnant females, and young children were sure to die if attacked, when treated by the allopathic medication ; but?, by the use of these remedies as preventives, their attacks were rendered so mild as to be amenable to remedies, and all recovered. . Hepatitis (Inflammation of the liver.)— Symptoms. — Pain in the right shoulder and loin, weight and tension in the region of the liver, HEPATITIS. 41 tenderness on pressure, nausea, vomiting, coated tongue, loss of appetite, deranged bowels, thirst, fever, dry cough, depression of spirits, bowels constipated or relaxed, urine scanty and bilious. When the upper surface of the liver is aflected the cough is more troublesome and inspiration painful. When the lower surface is inflamed there will be a prominence of gastric disturb- ance. Chronic hepatitis comes on insidiously, with symptoms of dyspepsia, obtuse pain in the region of the-liver, sallow skin, despondency, clay-colored stools, sometimes diarrhoea, sour- ness of stomach, colic pains, disposition to nausea, white tongue, wasting of flesh, dryness of skin and slight disposition to fever. Treatment.—Give Aconite and Baptisia'm alternation every hour during the high febrile stage for twelve to twenty-four hours or until a free perspiration is sootier produced. If nausea or vomiting is present, encourage these symptoms by copious draughts of lukewarm water, until the stomach is thoroughly evacu- ated, say, until the patient has three or four spells of free vomiting. Then use the Aconite and Baptisia, giving one-drop doses of the latter in pure tincture, and the former at the second dilution, ^letting the patient drink freely of hot water, as hot as can be safely swallowed, into which a little sugar and milk is put, to make it more palatable. After twelve hours treatment as above, or in two hours after free perspiration is produced and 42 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. has been kept up, give Podophyllin, Mer.-sol., and Leptaudrin in rotation, second decimal trit., of each in one-grain doses (for an adult) a dose every two hours, for the first day. Except during sleep, which should never be interrupted for the propose of giving medi- cine, gradually lengthening the interval as the patient improves, until convalescence is complete. « For i hronic Hepatitis and symptoms of Jaundice , that sometimes follow an acute inflammation of the liver, I have been abundantly successful with. Porltphyllin, Leptarulriv, Her.-sol. and China, at the second attenuation, given one dose of each daily, about four hours apirt, taking care to have them come at least one hour either before or after meals. It is better to be given before meals, if practicable, except one dose at bed-time. Let the Podophyl/in be given at bed-time. For ch rone affections of the liver bathing the surface dailv in weak lye. warm in a warm room, and rubbing t'ic surface freely, and this followed by sponging the surface with equal parts of alcohol and water, in which ■Quinine at the rate of forty grains to the pint has been dissolved, will greatly aid in the cure. This is especially useful in regions where ague or intermittent and typhoid fevers "are prevalent.—St acts like a charm—especially with females w.ho are suffering from general debility,, as well as torpidity of the liver. PLEURISY. 43 Pleurisy- Pleuritis.—This is an inflam- mation of the pleura of one or both lungs, generally confined to one side. . It is known by sharp pain in the side of the chest in- creased by taking a long breath, or coughing, or by pressing between the'ribs. The cough is dry and painful, the j>atient makes-an effort to suppress it, from the pain it gives him ; the fever is of a high grade, the pulse full, hard and frequent, with more or less pain in the head. # ■ t Tre \tmfnt.—Aconite is a sovereign remedy. It.should be given at intervals proportionate to the severity of the disease, ones in half an hour, for about three doses, then every hour until the-patient is easy and perspires freely. This is the course I have generally pursued, and scarce ever failed of relieving in a few- hours. [Bryonia is advantageously alternated with Aconite.] Other means m?fy ofton bo used with advantage at the same time, and not interfere with the action of the medicine. Put the feet and hands into water as hot as it can be endured, and apply to the affecto 1 side very hot cloths, hot ba-jrs of salt, or vuusturd. There is no harm* in«this, and it relieves the pain. Let the patient drink freely of hot .water, into which you may put milk and sugar to render it palatable. If the case seems to* linger, and perspiration is tardy in appear- ing, give, in alternation with Aconite, Eu- patorium-arom. This will sqon relieve. 44 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. [Hmmorrhaqe from the lungs (Hmmoptisis) yields promptly to Arnica and Hamamelis- tirgin. Five drops of tincture to one-quarter pint of water, a teaspoonfull every fifteen min- utes. If mueh fever give Aconite' same manner. If debility follows give Phosphoric-acid.] Inflammation of the Lungs—Pneumonia. This disease is often connected with Pleurisy, and consists of inflammation of the substance of the lungs. • As in the former case, it may a'ttack only one, but may exist in both sides at the same time. If the pleura is also affected, there will be all the symptoms of pleurisy, together with those peculiar to inflammation of the lungs proper. They are, pain in the lungs, oppressed breathing, cough, causing great distress on account of the soreness of the affected parts: at first, expectoration from- the lungs»is nearly wanting, the cough being dry, but after a time, there is a rattling sound on coughing, and more or less mucous substance is with difficulty raised. This is, at first, white or brownish, but soon becomes reddish and frothy, tinged with blood. The patient lies on the affected side\ afld cannot rest on the sound side. Ttie pulse is full, hard and fre- quent, the fever high, pain in the head, and sometimes delirium. If the disease is not arrested, the patient generally dies from suffocation, by the lungs filling up, hepatized, or abscess and ulceration come on," and then INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. 45 what is called "quick consumption" carries" him off. Treatment.—In the early stage, Aconite and Phosphorus should be used at intervals of from half an hour to one hour, in alter- nation, until the fever abates, and the oppres- sion in the chest is relieved. If, however. there is bloody expectoration, Bryonia may be used in place of Phosphorus, though I prefer to use it in rotation with the two others. These will sobn, in all ordinary cases, subdue the most distressing symptoms, and effect a perfect cure in a day or two. Belladonna should be used, when there is much delirium, or great pain in the head. Occasionally, the cough from the beginning, is apparently loose; there being a rattling sound, but the expecto- ration is. diihcult, the fever high, with some chilly.'sensations. or at least, coldness of the knees, feet and hands, a white or brownish fur upon the tongue, and pain in the bowels For such symptoms, especially with tlo£ pain in the bowels, as though a diarrhoea would come on, give Tartar-emet. It is often one Of the best remedies in this disease, affording relief when others have failed. After sub- duing the high febrile symptoms, if there remains cough, indicating much irritation, or inflammation of the lungs, Cimicifuga should be used in place of Aconite, with Phosphorus and Copaiva, the#three in rotation, two hours between doses. • • 46 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. ' Acute Bronchitis.—Inflammation of the Bronchial Tubes.—This is nttendi'd with dis- tressing cough, profuse expectomtion, oppress- ed breathing, pain in*the forehead and gme'-al catarrhal symptoms. Btptisia. Cipaiva and Eupatorium-arom. given every hour, in r ta- tion, will, in general, relieve from the acute affection in a.short time. Chronic Bronchitis requires the use • of Copaiva, Cimicifuga ahd Arnm-tr>phyl passed. It always affords more or less relief and is never, attended with danger. Covering the wet cloths immediately with plenty of dry' ones is very essential. After the acute inflam- • tnation has. subsided, it is well to have the bowels moved, but don't give drastic cathar- tics. Nux-vcnnicd given at night and repeated morning and noon, will generally serve to cause an evacuation. Injections may be used. Croup.—This is a disease of children; comes on in consequence of a sudden cold. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. Children suffering from hooping congh are more subject to it. The cough is of a pecu- liar whistling kind, like the crowing of a young chicken, with rattling in the throat and difficult breathing, fever is present, and often very violent. It is properly an inflam- mation of the larynx, but the inflammation may also exist in the pharynx, the tonsils may be involved, and it may extend to the trachea, (wind-pipe). A-false membrane forms in the larynx if the disease is not arrested, and 60 obstructs the breathing as to cause death from suffocation. Treatment".—Give at first Aconite, Phos- phoric-acid and Sp'ongia, giving them in the order here named, once in ten minutes in a very violent case, and as the patient improves, at intervals of half an hour, and then an hour. Should the fever subside, and still the tight- ness in the throat and cough continue to be troublesome, give Ipecac, in place of Aconite. And when the cough seems to bo deep-seated use Bryonia instead of Spongia. The patient should be kept in a warm room, and free from exposure to currents of cold air. The appli- cation of a cloth wrung out of cold or ice water to the throat, covered immediately with dry warm flannels so as to exclude the air from the wet cloth, will often exert a decidedly beneficial effect, and there is no danger if managed as here directed. The feet should 4 50 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. be kept warm and the head cool, but don't put cold water on a child's head. Diphtheria.—This is a disease incident to young persons and children, rarely attacking middle aged or old persons. Symptoms—Its peculiar characteristic con- sists of an exudation on the uvula, soft palate or tonsils, of a whitish or grayish color. Yet it is not a local malady but a constitutional affection. It generally commences with a chill, then fever, husky voice, sore throat, frequent pulse and rapid decline of strength. The pros- tration is a prominent feature of diphtheria In many cases typhoid symptom* arise. The breath is putrescent. This*fcstor is almost always present. Trkatment.—In the early stage while there is high fever, 1 give Aconite and Baptisia in low dilutions, giving equal to one drop of tincture of liaptisia at a dose in alternation, every ten to fifteen minutes, with Aconite 3d. until free perspiration is produced. As a general rule it will take between two arid three hours to ac- complish this. If the patient has any nausea, as is often the case, and in fact whether there be nausea or not. it is besj to precede the medicines by copious draughts of lukewarm water repeated every five to ten minutes, until he vomits freely two or three times ; then give the me- dicines as above, to promote perspiration and reduce the fever. I have found nearly all DIPHTHERIA. 51 cases to be of an intermittent or remittent type —as to the fever, and that at each subsequent return of the fever all the diphtheriac symp- toms were more severe or aggravated. |n vifl»- of this character of the disease I have given Quinine freely in deses of from a half to three grains, repeated every two hours until the patient has taken from five to fifteen gr.iins, according to the age or susceptibilit}--, or until the ringing in the ears and the fullness and dizziness peculiar to Quinine is produced. showing the system to be under the influenco of'thfl medicine.t I give the Bin-iodide of Mer- cury 2d, in doses of one-fourth to two grains, once in from two to three hours, varying ac- cording to the a^e of the patient and stage of the d.sease, giving it. more frequently in the early stage. It is well to swab out the throat (borou»hl)', as often as every four to six hours with strong salt and vinegar, used as hot.as practicable. The throat should bo wrapped in warm flannels and the practice, common among the people, of putting a slice of fat- 6alt pork on the throat bound on by flannel cloths, does no harm, and I am of the opinion that it is positively beneficial. I never forbid," but en- courage such applications. If the case is far advanced when lirst seen I use Mer.-cor. 2d, every two hours for 6 to 8 hours before giving the Bin., or else give them in alternation every hour for that time ; then discontinue the Mer.- cor. and continue the Iodide. " # 52 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. During the winter of 18G2-3 while in the city of Lansing, the author treated over one hundred cases of this disease. The first-case he saw was in a very advanced stage and died. All the others.recovered. In all these cases, without an exception, the Quinine was frWdy used, just as soon as the fever began todcclino and perspiration had been produced. After the patient was brought fully under the con- stitutional influence of this medicine the case was easily managed. Nothing more was ne- cessarj' in any of the cases than a free use of the Din.-iodide of Mer. 2d, with occasional swabbings and gargles with salt and vinegar, to complete the cure. In a few cases when there were he id symptoms indicating Bella- donna or Opium— one of these was given until the symptoms subsided. One remarkablo feature of this disease, or its effects, deserves notice. That, is the extra ordinary debility thaft continues for weeks, and in some cases, for months after the symptoms all disappear. I found that a few doses of Quinine acted like ' magic in restoring the strength and removing the peculiar languor complained of. Asthma—If an attack comes on from sud- den coldj lake Aconite and Ipecac, every hour for a day, and if any symptoms remain, in place of the Aconite use Copaiva, Arsenicum and Phos.-acid with Ipecac., giving them in rota- tion, a dose every hour. In Chronic Asthma, wnere the patient is li- HOOPING? COUGH. 53 able to an attack at any time, great benefit will be derived from taking these four in rota- tion about two hours apart for a day or two, at any time when symptoms of an attack/be- gin to appear.' Lhave recently succeeded in alleviating se- veral bad cases, at once, by these four reme- dies in succession as here recommended, on whom (some of them) I had at various times tried all of them, as well as other medicines, singly at longer intervals. *as directed in the books, withcmt any decided benefit. After trymg these in succession, as here directed, I found no trouble in arresting the paroxysm in a few hours, and I am 6trong in the faith that with some, at least, I have effected cures. It is worth much to arrest the paroxysm if no more. Pertussis.—Hooping Cough.-This dis- ease may not be entirely arrested in its course, and hot generally much abridged in its dura- tion, still the use of appropriate medicines wi^J, greatly modify it, and render it a comparative trifling affection. In treatment, give at the commencement of the attack Bell, and Phos.-acid alternately every twelve hours for a week, then once in six hours, and if the child should take cold so as to bring on fev4r. give one every hour. Con- tinue these, as above directed, for the first two or three weeks, then, In their stead, after the cough becomos loose, and the patient vomits 54 HOMOEOPATHIC .ART OF CURE. easily, give Copaiva and Ipecac, in the same manner as directed, for the two former reme- dies. Dyspepsia.—This term is applied so loose- ly and so indiscriminately to* fill chronic de rangements of the stomach, that it is difficult to defirle it. I shall therefore point out some of the more common ailments of the stomach and their proper remedies. For sour eructations with hot, burning, scalding fluid rising up in the throat, with or without food, give Pkos.-acid and Pulsatilla in alternation every half houf, until the.sto- mach is easy. For a feeling of weight and pain in the stomach, with dull pain in the head, with or without dizziness*, give Nux.-vom. every hour until it relieves. If there is a burning feeling in the stomach as well as the heavy load, without eructations and rising of fluid, Arsenicum should be alternated with the Nux.-vom., at intervals of two hoursj. There are persons who, from imprudence in eating or drinking or both, or which is more fre- quent, from harsh drug-medication, have so enfeebled their stomachs, that, though by care in selecting their food, and prudemse in taking it, they may suffer but little, are, nevertheless, when from home or on special occasions, li- ab'e to over-eat or take th^ wrong kind of food, from which unfortunate circumstance they are made to suffer the most tormenting* and intolerable distress in the stomach and TYPHOID FEVER. 55 bowels, which may last, more or less severe, for several days. Soon after the unfor- tunate meal, perhaps the next mrrning, or, it may be, in a few hours, the stomach begins to bloat, by accnmula ing gas within, which is belched up every few minutes in large quan- tities ; the stomach and bowels are racked with the most torturing pains: cold sweat stands on the brow, and he is the very pic- ture of misery. Thus he may roll and tumble all night, and remain in misery the next day anr several days longer, before the food will digest. It often passes from the stomach with- out digestion, and on its way through the bowels inflicts constant pain. If he does not tike some emetic substance, he is not apt to vmiit, his stomach cramping so as to prevent it I have here described one of the bad cases, hit bad as it is they are by no means very rare. There are such cases in abundance, of dl grades from the one here described down ;o a slight derangement. They all require a similar course of treatment. It is useful for such patients to take at once large quantities of lukewarm water, and repeat the draught every ten to fifteen minutes, until free -and thorough vomiting is* induced, so as to throw off all the food-from the stomach. But even this does not often cure these bad cases. If it did, it is not always convenient to do it. The mediqine that is quite certain to afford relief at once is Podophyllum. Let it be given, 56 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. and the dose repeated in an hour. A third dose is rarely necessary. After relief from this attack, the medicine should be taken night and morning for a month or more until the stomach is restored. In the meantime care should be taken not to overload the stomach. [Pulsatilla is very efficacious in these cases.} Constipation.—The medicine for this affec-. tion is Aux-vom., to be taken at night on re- tiring. If there is fullness and pain in the head from costiveness, Bell, should be used in the morning, and at noon. [Collvnsonia affords permanent relief.] Let the patient contract a habit of drinking cold water freely on rising in the morning, at least half an hour befor* eating. The patient should not take physic For constipation of children, Nux and Bry* onia are to he given, Nux at night and Bryi. onia in the morning." Opium is useful. Much needless alarm is often felt by per- sons on account of a costive state of the bow- els. If no pain is felt from« it, there is no cause for alarm. "Heartburn."—This peculiar burning and distressed feeling at the stomach depends on imperfect digestion, but \s.not ordinarily, as is generally supposed, connected with a sour or acid state of the fluids in the stomach. The condition of the fluids is alkaline, in most cases, though it is sometimes acid. *If it de- pends upon biliary derangement, Nux-vomiva ERYSIPELAS. 57 and Podophyllum are the remedies for a male; Pulsatilla and Podophyllum for a female. Erysipelas.—This is a disease of the skin, producing redness, burning and itching pains, appearing in patches, in adults, most apt to appear about the head and face, but in chil- dren, upon the Tmbs, or in very youngchildren, beginning at the umbilicus. It sometimes be- gins at one point, and continues to spread for a time, then suddenly disappears, and reap- pears at soinc other point. Simple Eiysipelas only aflects the surface, with redness and smarting. Vesicular, produces vesicular erup- tion, or blisters filled with a limpid fluid, somewhat like the blisters from a burn. Pkgmonous Erysi] elas affects the whole thick- ness of the skin and cellular tissues beneath it, producing swelling, and not unfrequcntly, re- sulting in suppuration, ulceration or gangrene and sloughing* of the parts. It is a dangerous disease, especially when on the head Treatment.—For the simple kind, Bell, is all that will be nieded, unless there should be considerable fever, when Aconite should be alternated with the Bell. For the vesicular kind, where there are blisters. Rhus-tox. should be used with Bell. For the Phlegmonous, with uecp-scatcd swellings, Apis-mel. is the most important.remedy. I prefer to use three of these remedies, giving them in rotation, beginning with the Bell., followed with Rhus, and then by Apis-mel. giving them one hour 58 homoeopathic art of cure. • apart." In a mild case, or after the patient begins to recover give them at longer inter- vals. The Apis alone will often be sufficient. During the whole time, the affected parts should be kept covered with dry, superfine flour, some say buckwheat flour acts most favorably. The diet should be. very spare. Eat as little as possible, until the disease begins to subside. A very important part of the treatment of this affection is to keep the patient in a room that is comfortably warm, say at a temperature of from G5 to 75°, and keep the temperature uniformly the same, as nearly as possible, night and day. Do not, by any means, expose him suddenly to cold air, or a cold breeze, as on going into a cold room, going out into cold air,' or undressing or dressing in a cold room. Uniformly warm temperature is of great importance. Burns and Scalds.—No matter what, the nature anil extent of the burn may be, the very best of all medicines of which 1 have any knowledge, is Soap. If the parts affected, are immediately immersed or enveloped in Soft Soap, the pain will be greatly lessened, and the inflammation that would otherwise follow, will be essentially modified, if not entirely prevented. It acts like magic; no one who has never tried it can have any idea of its potency for the relief of piin, together with the prevention of bad consequences fol- lowing severe burning. Under the influence BURNS AND SCALDS. 59 of ,th(*Soap applications, burns and scalds will often be rendered comparatively insignificant injuries. Instead of endangering the life of the sufferer from the excessive pain, or the ulceration, or gangrene and sloughing that would follow if the pain in the first instance does not destroy life, the pain ceases, or be- comes bearable in a short time, and either little or no suppuration or sloughing takes place, or the sore assumes the appearance of healthy suppuration," and heals kindly — avoiding those unsightly deformities that so commonly follow severe burning. If practicable, the soap, as before suggested, should be applied immediately after the burn, the sooner the better. The part may be put into soft soap, or cloths saturated with it can be wrapped around or covered over the affected surface, to any desirable extent. The parts should not be exposed to the air for a single moment, when possiblo to prevent it. During the first two or threo days, dressings need not be removed, unless they cause irritation after the first severe pain has subsided. They should be kept all of the time moist, and as far as practi- cable, in a condition to be impervious to tho air. When it is necessary to remove them, let the affected surface, be immersed in st'ong soap suds, at a temperature of about 75 or 80°, and the dressing removed while it is 60 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. under water, and others applied while in the same situation. In ordinary cases, how- ever, even of extensive burns, after the fever consequent upon it has subsided, and the part is tolerably free from pain and smarting, the dressings may be removed in the air, but others should be in readiness and ap- plied as speedily as possib'e. The soap dressings are to be continued from the be- ginning until the inflammation has subsided and the sore has lost all symptoms that dis- tinguish it from an ordinary healthy sujpu- rating sore. . After the first few days, or in case of a slight burn at the beginnng, an excellent mode of apph ing the soap, is to make a strong thick xt La'her" with soft water and good soap, such as Castile, or any other good hard soap, as a barber would for shaving, and apply that to the affected part with a soft shaving brush; apply it as carefully as possible, so as to cover every part of the surface, and go over it several times,, letting the former coat dry a little before applying another, forming a thick crust impervious to the air. In small burns, and even in pretty extensive and severe ones, this is the beft mode of appli- cation, and the only one necessary. In many cases of very severe and danger- ous burns, under the influence of this appli- cation, the inflammation subsides, and after a week or more, the crust of lather comes BURNS AND SCALDS. 61 off, exposing the surface smooth and well. Although it is important to apply the soap early, and the case does much better if that has been done, still I have found it the best remedy even as late as the second or third day. In such a case, the lather application is the best. For the fever and general nervous dis- turbance, Aconite and Bell, should be given alternately, as often as every half hour, and _ the Aconite should be given in appreciable doses; it acts powerfully as an anodyne. The soap treatment, or at least, the mode of applying it was first suggested to me by $>r. J3. Tifft, some six or seven years ago, since which time I have had opportunities of testing its virtues in all forms of burns and scalds, some of which were of the severest and most dangerous character, and I am quite sure in several cases, no other remedy or process known to the medical pro- fession, could have relieved and restored as this did. The application of' finely pulverized com- mon salt, triturated with an equal part of superfine flour, acts very beneficially on burns. <• It seems to have the specific effect to '• extract the heat," literally putting out the fire. It is particularly useful for deep burns where the surface is abraded. .Some may suppose this would be severe and'cause. too much pain when applied to a raw surface, 62 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. but so far from that being the case, it is a i most soothing application. It often so changes "| the condition of even the severest burns, in a short time, as to render them of no more importance and no" more dangerous than i ordinary abrasions to the same extent, by 1 causes unconnected with heat. Urtica wens 1 is directed for burns,vand is useful, but the T Urtica-lioica is better. [The Urtica cerate \ is an admirable mode of application ] 1 Chilblains—'1 hat follow frtez ng or chilling 1 the feet, causing most distressing uneasiness | and itching of .the feet and toes, tflse of either, though I have sometimes failed with one alone and succeeded* in the same cases afterwards with both in alternation. I have ■—: Tg-M-- --—-in.—...... -*-—■ - *■■* WORMS. . 71 no doubt but that they act in many cases, as prophylactics, entirely warding off and pre- venting fevers, or at least arresting them at the premonitory stage. Podophyllum and Macrotys are most valuable remedies for head- ache. Eose-Bleed—Epistaxis—If it arises from . fulness of the vessels of the head, with throbbing of the temples, redness of the face and e\es. Belladonna is the remedy. If fever is present, Aconite must be alternated with Bell. In females or childi en who have habitual nose-bleed, Pulsatilla and Podophyllum are to be used alternately, night and morning. ■ During the paroxysm of bleeding. Arnica should be used, one dose repeated in a half hour if it continues. If it is produced by over-exertion, Rhus is the proper remedy. If it occurs in the early stage of fever, Aconite and Bell.; in the latter stage, Rhus and Phos. are. to be used. Hamamclis will frequently arrest nose-bleed immediately after one or two doses. j Worms.—It is difficult to determine the presence of worms in children, much more Mi adults, yet both are affected by them occasion- ally. In children, there is more or less fever and restlessness, screaming out in sleep, start- ing, pain in the bowels, vomiting, choking, diarrhoea, picking at .the nose, fetid breath, voracious and variable appetite. Tbeatment.—Santonine is a remedy which 72 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. I have used for years, and I have treated many hundreds of cases, with such invariable suc- cess, that 1 feel disinclined to use or to recom- mend any other. It brings away the worms entire, and relieves the patient of all morbid symptoms immediately, or in much less time than any other remedy of which I have •* \ * knowledge It'seems to act specifically upHn the worms, causing them to leave the bowels by being evacuated with the faeces, without producing any sensible impression upon the bowels, the evacuations remaining natural, if they were so, or becoming so. if deranged, and the worms coming away not quite lifeless. I have often prescribed this remedy for children suffering under intermittent or remitting, and even typhoid fever, in the > summer season, when there were.not present'any well-defined symptoms of worms, and yet the fever would soon abate, and in due time worms appear in the fecal evacuations. It often arrests entirely intermittent fever when worms are present, and are the p-obable cause of the. fever. I give either the crude salt in from one-fourth to one-half grain doses, or first decimal tritu- ration, from one to two grains of the trituration. Give one dose at bed-time, or in an urgent case at any other time, but never repeat the dose under thirty-six hours, and in an ordinary ca-e, under forty eight hours. This is the medicine par excellence for worms. It may be repeated once a week, when there EARACHE. 73 is a tendency in the patient to the development of worm symptoms, or, in other words, the breeding of worms. The idea held out by some that it is hurtful, or unimportant to remove the worms, in itself considered, is simply nonsense and worse, for children are sometimes sacrificed to this idea. Baracoe—Otalgia —This may arise from warious causes, but a common one is sudden cold. If it arises from cold, and there is general fever, or if the ear is red. or the side of the head anil ear hot, Bell, and Baptisia should be given in alternation, every hour, or in a violent case, more frequently. These remedies will soon relieve such cases. Cloths wrung out of hot water should be laid over the ear, or the side of the head steamed, or it may be laid into water quite warm, with good effect. Where the disease is a chronic affection, and the patient is subject to frequent attacks of pain in the ear, especially on a change of the weather, from dry to moist, Mercurius is the proper remedy, especially if it is worse at night, when warm in bed. If it arises from a shock or blow, Am. is to be used. In scro- fulous persons, whether there is ulceration or not, Phosphorus and Pulsatilla are the re- medies. Children and even adults, not unfre- quently suffer from earache, without any known cause sufficient to account for it. On examination into the ear you will often find either the cavity filled or nearly so, with a 74 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. hard black substance, (the inspissated "ear- wax") almost as hard as horn, or else the ear will be quite empty, and the sides of the cavity dry and red, though perhaps not properly in a state of inflammation. The natural condition of the cavity as it can be seen by strainiug the ear outwards and backwards a little in a strong sun light, is moist, the surface covered slightly with a yellowish, greasy, soft sub- stance (the cerumen; ''earwax." When this is wanting or in excess, or its character changed, it is evidence of disease, and pain is likely to occur. Treatmknt. — Remove the accumulation when that exists, as the first step. But this must be first softened by pouring some warm oil, pure olive oil, or good pure sperm oil, into the ear, and repeat it two or three times a day for several days, until it is so far softened as to be easily removed with the probe end of common small tweezers, having a spoon-bowl point. When there, is dryness, moisten the surface with oil. In either case, it is best, for a while, to protect the delicate surface from the air, by putting oiled wool into the external ear. If the ear was filled, give Mercurius once a day until there appears a natural se- cretion. If dry, use Belladonna. Toothache—It is dillicult to determine the cause of toothache, and more difficult to select the remedy. • It often depends upon decay of the tooth, and exposure of the nerve to air, TOOTHACHE. 75 and contact with food or drinks, or even saliva, which irritate and produce pain. Pulsar ilia will as often relieve such Cases as anv other remedy, yet if it has been ag- gravated bv a recent cold, Bell, and Nux-v. may be better. If the nerve is not exposed, and there is a disposition to a return of the pain on exposure to coJd air, or a change of weather, the pain being of a rheumatic cha- racter, give Rhvsand Ci7iiicifugaina\ternation. These will relieve many cases. For decayed teeth, the pain being dull aching with soreness, use Chamomilla. The body of the tooth, that is the dentine, sometimes becomes very sensitive when there is no decay or cavity, the pain being experienced when some hard, substance hits° or the air or water, either cold or hot, comes jn contact with the tooth. The tempo- rary pain will generally yield to Arnica, and in most instances, the daily use of Arnica at the first decimal dilution, applied to the sur- face, and upon the jaws, will effect a cure. The chloride of Zinc applied to the surface of such teeth for a few moments will destroy the sensitiveness of the dentine. Teeth that are ulcerated at the roots, or have ulcerated gums around them, the teeth being decayed, should be extracted at once, for, besides the pain and inconvenience they cause, they are a very prolific source of disturbance to the digestive organs, from the positive poison generated by the decaying process. If people will use soft 76 homoeopathic art of cure. brushes upon the teeth with soap and water, followed by rinsing with simple water only, after each meal, brushing both inside and out and crossways, so as to clean between them, they will be saved much pain and decay, and disease of other parts, arising from foul and diseased teeth. Teething of Children.—Affections arising from teething of children, are often of a serious character. The most prominent of which is Diarrhoea. Fever frequently accompanies the diarrhoea, and convulsions occasionally occur. Aconite and Chamomilla should be used in alternation, every one or two hours, according to' the violence of the fever, and if convulsions occur, or are threatened, as will be known by twitching, starting, and screaming, use Nux and Bell. These may be given in ro- tation with the others, following the remedies, one after the other, every hour. I have relieved the most alarming cases in a day by this method of procedure, that had not yielded to either of the single remedies for several days, given as directed in the books; the patient growing worse continually. If the gums over the teeth look white, and the teeth, (one or more.) are near the surface, the gums should, by all means, be cut. Press the point of a lancet or penknife down upon the top of the gum, until the tooth is plainly felt, and be sure to make the cut as wide as the tooth. Hub the gums with Arnicated water once or APTfi^E. / 77 twice a day. Pulsatilla should be given at night and Chamomilla in the morning, during the whole summer while the child is teething, as a prophylactic against the fever and diar- rhoea that is likely to occur. " It will generally save all trouble. If the diarrhoea is pVofnse, watery and light colored or brown, give Phos.-acid and Veratrum alternately, as often as the discharges occur. For the restlessness of, infants at night, C'offed is the specific. Apthffi - Thrush —This is a disease peculiar to nursing children. The mouth becomes sore, I and the tongue, lips, and fauces are covered with a white crust, looking like milk curds, which, when removed, leaves the surface red, inflamed and very tender. Tt sooner or later, extends to the stomach and bowels, producing severe and dangerous diarrhoea. Treatment.—Of all the medicines known, none, according to my experience, will in the least, compare with the EupatoriumaromoH- cuvm,. It is almost cerra:n to relieve speedily in all cases. I say this, not only from my own experience and observation, but from the testimony of several other homoeopathic phy- sicians, who have, used it. It should be given at the first or second dilution, once in four or six hours, and three or four drops of the tincture put into a teaspoonful of water, and the mouth occasionally washed with the mix- ture. In summer, whore agues prevail, and 78 homoeopathic art of cure. the child is feverish and restless. China will aid in the cure, to be given once in six hours between the doses of the Enpatorium. If the diarrhoea is obstinate, the discharges colored, and the child is sick at the stomach, give Podophyllum with the other remedies. In flamro ation of the Eyes— Ophth almia. —For common Ophthalmia, in the early sta- ges, while there is more or less fever and headache, with flushed face, bloodshot eyes and throbbing of the temporal arteries, Bell. and Aconite should be used alternately every I two hours, and a wash made with ten drops fof tincture of Aconite to one gill of pure •vvater, applied*to the eyes as hot as the patient can boar. This application should be repeated every two hours, in a violent case, until the eyes are easy, and then about twice a day until all inflammation and redness pass-off. This will relieve a large proportion of cases in from one to four days. If, however, the case continues obstinate for a longer time, or has been of a week or more standing before the treatment is commenced, in the place of Bell., or after using it one or two da}-s. use Hydrastis with the Aconite, giving them alternately at intervals of two to six hours, according to the stage of the case —more fre- quently as the symptoms are more urgent, using washes prepared of each separately, as directed for Aconite, except that the Hydrastis- wash may be twice as strong; and apply each WOUNDS AND BRUISES. 73 about half as often as the same medicine is taken internally. The wash should, in all cases of acute inflammation of the eyes, be as hot as it can be borne. Let it be put into the eyes so as to come directly in contact with the inflamed surface. Simple hot water applied to inflamed eyes for hours together, allowing short intervals" between the applications, will often cure most painful cases. Never apply cold to inflamed eyes. It always aggravates. When the inflammation is in a scrofulous person, especially in infants, it assumes a purulent character, and may leave the cornea in clouded (nebulous) condition, and the sight more or less obliterated. For this condition use Conium first, and apply it in tinct., half water, to the eyes every four hours. Wounds and Bruises—On this subject, I must necessarily be very brief. When a wound is-inflicted, the first and most, important thing to be done is to arrest the flow of blood. Every one should know how to do this. The bleeding is to be stopped, and the wounded vessels to be secured, so that no further flow can take place. First, then, to stop the bleeding, pressure is. to be made upon the artery leading to the wound. If the wound is in the leg or foot, pressure is to be made, either on the vessel above and near the wound, or,, where that cannot be easily found and compressed, make firm pressure with the thumb or some hard substance, in the groin, 80 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. about two and a half inches at one side of the centre of the pelvis, (wounded side) just below the lower margin of the belly, towards the inner side of the thigh, where the great artery (femoral artery) can be felt pulsating. By pressing firmly upon this artery, the blood is' arrested in its flow into the limb, and of course the bleeding from the wonnd'soon ceases, li the wound is in the arm or hand, pressure is to be made, either just above the wound, or on the inside of the arm, about one-third of the way from the shoulder to the elbow, where the artery (brachial) can be felt. To secure the parts from further bleeding, the wounded artery must be taken up and tied. Let it be seized by forceps, or the point of a needle may be thrust into it, and the vessel stretched out a little, a thread put round it and tied; cut off one end of the tie, and let the other hang out of the wound, until it comes out by the vessel 6loughing off. Bring the lips of the wound together, and if it is large, put in stitches enough to hold them, and put on an adhesive plaster, compress of cloths, and bandages to keep it from straining the stitches, and protect it from the air. • The Arnica plaster, Sold by Dr. Lodge, of De- troit, Mich., is the best adhesive plaster of which I have any knowledge. Give the patient Aconite once in two hours, for a day after the accident. Slight Cuts about the joints, especially .WOUNDS AND BRUISES. 81 the knee, are dangerous, from their liability to affect the ligament*, inflame, and produce Lockjaw. Therefore, such wounds, ever so ■Slight, are of great importance. They should be at once closed up, whether they bleed or not, and covered with an adhesive plaster, (Arnica plaster is the best) a bandage, and the knee should not be bent, even when walking or sitting, until the wound is healed. It is best to apply a splint from the hip to the heel, and bandage the limb to it, so as to prevent bend- ing of the joint. Bruises are to be treated with Arnica, applied to the part affected, by putting twenty drops of the tincture into a gill of water, if the s-kin is not ruptured, or three drops into the same if it is, nnd bathing fjeely. The Arnica is to be taken internally at a higher dilution. Keep the parts covered with cloths and wet in Arnica water. If a blow is received upon the head, by a fall, or in any other way, producing a "stun- ning" effect, (concussion of the brain) so that the patient appears lifeless for a time, and delirious when be begins to come to. there is great danger of inflammation of the brain, and death from the re-action, or in some cases, the shock is so great that the patient will never r»ryive unless he has the proper aid. Arnica is the great remedy to bring on reaction, arouse the patient, and prevent dangerous inflammation or congestion of the 6 82 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. brain When a patient is "stunned" by a blow or fall, he should be conveyed as soon as possible, to some quiet place, and as little noise as practicable made about him, and the room kept" darkened. Arnica 3d should be given immediately, and the nostrils wet with strongly arnicated water. If fever arise after he comes to, Aconite should be given with Arnica and if the head aches, or becomes hot, Bell, is to be used. This will prevent or arrest all symptoms of inflammation. Torn and mangled wounds should not be handled much. If they bleed, the blood must be stopped as in any other case. If they are dirty, warm water may be gently applied to cleanse them. The wound should be covered with some^soft cloths, and kept constantly wet in Arnicated water of the strength of four drops of the tincture to a pint of water. Piles—Haemorrhoids.. — One important matter in ail cases of habitual piles, is, to keep the bowels regular. Much can be done for this purpose by diet and regimen. On rising from bed in the morning drink freely, from a gill to half a pint of cold water, at least half an hour before breakfast; use sudh diet as is easily digested, and drink no alcoholic beve- rages. To relieve the bowels when costive, take a dose of Nux-vomica at night, and Podo- phyllum in the morning. This may be repeated from day to day until the proper effect is produced. To relieve from a severe attack of SSGfeEl BLEEDING PILES. 83 Piles, use Bell, and Podophyllum in alternation every four hours, and appjy to the tumors when inflamed, cloths wrung out of hot water, or sit in hot water for a time. A noultico made of fine-cut Tobacco, wet in hot water, and crowded firmly up against the- pile-tumors, secured by a T bandage, will relieve the most desperate cases for the time, and is attended with no danger or disagreeable symptoms ex- cept in rare cases, when it produces sickness at the stomach, which soon subsides on the poultice being removed. Oil of Arnica is an excellent application for inflamed Piles. A most important point in the management Of Piles, and one often neglected, is to replace the prolapsed tumors. The tumors will be protruded from within the anus by the act of evacuating, and if left in that condition, will be pressed upon by the external parts, chafed and inflamed. In all such cases, the patient should take particular pains to return the tumors into the rectum; and to aid in that process a little oil may be applied when they will be easil}' pushed back, and the sphincter of the bowel will close below them, preventing any chafing, and the consequent inflammation. Bleeding- Piles.—Ipecac, and Bell, are very efficient remedies. They may be alternated every half hour, or oftener if the bleeding is severe, or at longer intervals when it is only slight. Hamainelis-v., will in nearly all cases arrest the bleeding at once. It should be ap- 84 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE.' plied to the parts and taken internally at the same time. Drop doses to be put on the tongue once in fifteen or twenty minutes. An in- fusion of the Hamamelis may be taken inter- nally in doses of ha'f a teaspoonful, and the same injected into the bowels with excellent effect. The most effectual way, and the best for obtaining permanent relief from Piles when the tumors have become hard, and re- main all the time so as to pass out of the anus at every evacuation, being constantly more or less tender and painful, and often becoming inflamed, is to have them taken off. But never let that be done with a "knife. The bleeding would, in such a case, be very ex- cessive, and most likely fatal. The history of knife operation for the excision of Pile tumors is written in blood, and the tombstone stands as a monument of condemnation of the practice. No trustworthy surgeon will at this day at- tempt it. But however dangerous may be the knife operation, there is no danger at all to bo apprehended from removing the tumors by a ligature. To accomplish this, take a soft cork about three-fourths of an inch in diameter, and one inch long—make a hole through the centre from end to end, about one-eighth of an inch in diameter—cut crucial grooves in the top of the cork about an eighth of an inch deep, bevel down the lower end nearly to an edge, make a cord of saddler's silk, three fold twisted together and waxed, about eight or BLEEDING PILES. 85 ten inches long, double this in the middle and pass the loop down through the cork out at the sharp end. the two loose ends of the string being out at thegrooved end. Make a strong hickory stick about three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, and just long enough to pass across the square en 1 of the cork. Now have the patient protrude the Pile tumors as far out as possible, being placed on his knees with the head bent to the floor, pressing out firmly as if to evacuate the bowels. Let the tumors be dried as much as possible by gently press- ing a soft, dry cloth to them ; then lot the loop of the string projecting from the flattened end of the cork, be pushed on over the largest tumor, and held down at. its base, while an assistant places the stick in one of the grooves, ties the two ends of the cord firmly down Over the stick, or toggle, b}r a square bow-knot; then turn the stick round once, twice or more, until the pressure upon the tumor is sufficient to strangulate it perfectly, and prevent the string from slipping off. Care should be taken to keep the c>rd down to the base of the tumor while it is being tied and tightened, as in many cases the base is much the larger part of the tumor, and the cord tends to sip up. After the- ligature is applied and tightened, apply arnicated water to the parts, and a large, warm poultice of superfine slippery elm bark, wet so as not to be too soft and slippery, on the face of which Arnica may be put. Keep it 86 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. on with a T bandage. The patient must be put to bed and kept quiet until the ligature and tumor come off, which will be in about six or seven days, sometimes sooner. Once a day the "toggle" must be turned part, or the whole of a circlo or more, to tighten the cord as the patient can bear. This will be very painful from beginning to end of the ligating, but any, even the most sensitive, patient can bear it. The patient must have quite warm hip-baths two, three, or more, times a day, or as often as the pain is severe, the poultice being replaced after each bath, and kept con- stantly on. If there are several tumors pro- truding, apply ligatures to two of the largest, when these-are removed, the others will.dis- appear. Injections of mucillage of slippery elm should be carefully used to move the bowels daily, or at least once in two days. Let the diet be of corn or oat meal mush, or rice. As the tumor gradually sloughs off, the surface heals, so that, though the base where the ligaturo was applied, may have been an inch or more across it, there will not be a raw surface of over an eighth of an inch in diameter, to which Calendula Cerate should he applied. The patient must keep quiet for a few days longer. Though this is a painful operation, it is not in the slightest degree dangerous. I have efl'ected complete and permanent cures by this mode in nume- rous instances. ASIATIC CHOLERA. 87 Sea-Sickness. - Nux-vomicot should be used once in about four hours, for twelve hours before sailing, as a preventive to sea-sickness. If, however, symptoms- such as dizziness or blur before the eyes, and headache, begin to come on, a dose of Nux should be taken, followed in an hour with Pulsatilla. If the nausea comes on, Ipecac, and Arsenicum should be taken alternately between the paroxysms of vomiting, should that symptom appear. If practicable, the patient should lay still upon the back until the sickness passes off. I have removed sea-sickness immediately.in several instances with Pulsatilla alone, and the last time I had an opportunity to prescribe for this affection I gave Podophyllum. It removed all the symptoms in a few minutes. That is the only time I ever tried it, but from tie prov- ings I am satisfied it is one of the best re- medies. Asiatic Cholera.—I was practicing in Cin- cinnati during the prevalence of Cholera in the rear 1849^ and 1850, and in Northern Ohio in 1854, and had abundant opportunity to observe and treat it. The disease generally begins with a diarrhoea, which may continue for several days, or only a few hours before other symptoms set in, such as vomiting, then cramping in the stomach and muscles of the legs, arms, hands and feet, followed by cold sweats, great prostration, restlessness, excessive and burning-thirst, drinks being immediately 88 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. rejected. These symptoms continue', the patient sinning rapidly into collapse, when the skin looks blue and shriveled, the eyes sunken, the surface covered with a cold, clammy sweat, the extremities, nose, ears, tongue and breath cold, the voice hollow and unnatural. This condition continues from two to eight or ten hours, the p.itient regularly failing, sometimes becoming delirious before he dies. In some cases the vomiting and diarrhoea set in simultaneously, and the other symp-, toms follow, as above described in rapid succession. In others the cramping may be the first symptom, the others following it. In a large proportion of cases, the disease takes the* course first described above, the .diarrhoea, called the premonitory symptoms or sometimes Cholerine, coming on several hours, if not a day or more, before any other symptoms. The diarrhoea is not usually painful, hence the patient may not be alarmed so as to attend to it until the more dangerous symp- toms .appear, it begins in some cases with pain and some griping, the discharges rather consistent, having a bilious appearance so that the patient supposes it to be an ordinary bilious diarrhoea, which is not dangerous hi* fears being thus quieted. But however' the diarrhoea begins, it becomes sooner or later copious, watery, and light colored, (rice water) painless but rapidly prostrating. ASIATIC CHOLERA. 89 Treatment.—In the early stages of the diarrhoea, Veratrum, taken about twice as often as the evacuations occur, will frequently arrest it in a few hours, especially if the patient lies down and keeps quiet. But if not, and it increases in frequency, or becomes more copious, or any sickness is felt at the stomach, the patient should, at once, be laid upon a bed and stronq tincture of Camphor should be given in drop doses, once in five minutes, for one hour or more, and as the symptoms abate, once in ten, fifteen or twenty minutes, for six or eight hours. A teaspoonful of the Camphor tincture may be put into a tumbler of cold water ice water if at hand, and the water agitated until it becomes cleaT, giving a tea- spoonful of this camphorated cold water as a dose pain in the glans penis. Copaiva, and Apis-mel. are the remedies. If there appears to be a partial palsy of the neck of the bladder, the discharge taking place in sleep, Po lophyllum is the surest remedv. I have cured some bad cases by the use of these three remedies, given in rotation three or four hours apart. Injec- tions of a solution of borax into the bladder, 7 98 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. have, in several cases, been sufficient to effect a perfect cure, without any other remedy. This may be used in connection with the Other remedies. [Nitrate of uranium is one of the most reliable medicines for incontinence of urine.] For painful urination with a distressed feeling in the neck of the bladder, causing a constant disposition to evacuate urine, the Althaia-officinalis is & certain remedy ; it acts like a charm. It is an important remedy for inflammation of the bladder. A good mode of using it is in form of a warm infusion in doses of a table spoonful every half hour or hour, according to the urgency of the symp- toms. The Althma-rosa (Hollyhock) may be used as a substitute, though it is not as good. Every family should cultivate the Althaa- ofilcinalis (Marsh-mallow), so that the fresh green root, which is the best, can be procured at any time.' I have been able to relieve patients with it, especially females, when all other remedies seemed unavailing. It is par- ticularly useful for urinary difficulties of preg- nant females. NeUl algia.—Aconite, Belladonna and Gel- seminum are three important remedies in this nffection. If given low, and applied directly along the course of the affected nerves, at full strength of the tincturo, they will almost always effect a cure. The proper way to use them is to give them internally at the second JAUNDICE. 99 dilution, at intervals of fifteen to thirty minutes, when the pain is severe and nearly i constant, and applj' Aconite tincture as hot as practicable over the course of the nerve, by means of wet cloths, for an hour or two hours, | and if the pain has not subsided use ■Bell. ' locally in the same manner. If the Neuralgia I.-. is periodical, coming on at regular intervals, Arsenicum and China are the remedies, and they should be used externally as directed for the others, both at the lirst dilution, and given internal y at intervals, in proportion to the violein-e of the symptoms, the Arsen. at the 3d and the China at the first dilution. If the patient has used alcoholic drinks to excess, Nux is to 1 e used in place of Arsenicum. Periodical Neuralgia generally requires the same treatment as ague. In females when there is uterine disease, Pulsatilla and Macro-. tir are the remedies to be used, as directed. Jaundice — This disease defends upon derangement of the liver. The skin and whites of the eves become 3-ellow; the patient grows weak, loses his appetite, is dull and sluggish in all his actions, melancholy and discouraged in his moods. Treatment. — Mercurius and Podophyllum given in alternation, each twice a day. will near'y always effect a cure. If the patient is i- costive, Nux should be taken at night, until his bowels become regular. Bathing the sur- face daily, or oftener, is a very important 100 HOMOEOPATHIC art of cure. measure in the treatment of this-affection. As often as once in two or three days, an alkaline bath should be taken. If the patient has fever every day, or once in two days, ever so slight, China should be used with Podophyllum. If he has been drugged writh Mercury in any form, in large doses, even six months or a year befor-, give Hydrastis in place-of Mercurius. Itch. - 1 shall say but little about this very common and very obstinate affection. - Every- body has a ,l cure for itch," yet nobody cures it sho-t of the use of Sulphur in some form. Though the attenuations of Sulphur may some- time cure itch, it must be acknowledged that such cures are so rare in this country, and the time requisite to accomplish it is so long, as a general ru^e. that few will trust them. The most suece ;-ful remedy, and the one that will always cure quickly, if at all, is Hepar-sul- ph'■>•-/, all. (Sulphuret of Potassa). To succeed with -t m<^t certainly, let the patient bo thoroughly bathed with warm soap suds, quite. N-'rong, in a room at the temperature of 9l> to KKi', continuing the bathingand-rubbing * for an hour or more, then dry off the surface with s'jft cloths, and apply the Hrpdr-sul.-k. with water, at the strength of thirty drops of the strong alcoholic solution, with a gill of wat■■!-, wetting every eruption on the whole surface and let it dry on.' This causes some smarting, but it is effectual; it kills the acarus, (itch animalcule) and in a few days the sores carbuncle. 101 heal, the itching all subsides immediately. If every pustule has not been touched, those left may continue to itch, in which case, a second application is necessary. Hepar Sul.- calc. should be given internally at the third dilution, for a month, once a dav, after the baths. Avoid greasy food. For the __ Scald Head of children, where there is a discharge of yellow and watery pus from the sores, and the eruption extends to the ears or face, like the disease called the crusta lactea (milk crust) the same washes as for itch are the most effectual, while at the same time, and for a month, or two, the child should have Hepar-sul. 5th at night, and Petroleum 3d in the morning. Daily ablution of the head with warm soap suds, and keeping it covered, are absolutely essential. Carbuncle.—This affection, though it some- what resembles a common boil, and is by some writers considered only such, in an overgrown state, is, nevertheless, far from being identical with it. While a boil is only a sanitive elfbrt of nature to eliminate the cause of a morbid process, and tends to a spontaneous, healthy termination, the carbuncle, on the contrary, is the very essence of disease; its constant tendency being towards the dissemination of diseased action, causing destruction of the parts affected. It, in fact, appears like a parasite, living by the destruction of sur- rounding tissues, literally absorbing them \~>z. _ amui.xr± • - - | 102 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. and "thriving on death." It begins with a red, livid color, slight aching and burning pains, the part swells and is elevated some like a boil, except that it does not " point." but has a broad base rising like a cone and flattened at the top. It feels soft and spongy, and will appear to fluctuate, but if punctured, blood only flows. The pain and burning in- crease rapidly, and sooner or later several openings appear upon the top/ varying from three or four to half a dozen or more, looking like the holes in a sponge, out of which issues a fluid like thin gruel. Instead of becoming easier after .the suppuration begins, as is the case with a boil, the burning increases to an alarming and unbearable extent; cold chills, loss of appetite, great depression of spirits, general nervous and muscular debility come on. The tumor continues to discharge, turns purple; gangrene beginning in the carbuncle extends to other parts and death follows. The disease is nearly always confined to quite feeble persons and those past the meridian of life-; but I have seen it on younger though feeble patients. It is generally located on the back, occasionally on the head, where it is very dangerous from its liability to atfct the brain. Treatment.—If treated very early, strong tincture of Arnica, applied to the surface of the carbuncle, by cloths wet and laid over the tumor, will often arrest it so that the swelling CARBUNCLES. 103 will not be developed to the suppurative stage. However, to reap any benefit from Arnica, it must be applied while the pain is not severe, and the parts only feel bruised and tender to pressure, like a common bruise. After the ulceration occurs. Arsenicum is the great remedy to be relied on. It should be given at the second or third attenuation as often as every three hours, when the pain is severe, and applied to the surface of the car- buncle freely by cloths laid over it, wet in the first dilution, or by sprinkling the first tri- turation of the oxyde (1-10) freely upon the open surfaces, so that it may penetrate into the open mouths or orifices. Over this powder apply an emolient poultice, or soft cloths wet in waiter hot as can be endured. This will 6oon allay or greatly lessen the pain. It should be repeated as often as any of the burning pain peculiar to the carbuncle returns, until the tumor suppurates in a tolerably healthy manner; then lessen the strength of the Ars. applications, and continue them until it ha3 the appearance of a healthy abscess, when only simple dressings are necessary. Some may suppose such strong applications injurious, but I can assure them from abundant ex- perience, that there is not the slightest danger. The carbuncle should never be punctured or cut into. Such operations always make them worse, and induce a more rapid approach to gangrene. The patient should have nourishing food. 104 homoeopathic art of cure. Good native wine taken in moderate quanti- ties, by a ver}' feeble person, has been recom- mended. [Small quantities (5 drops) of pure tincture of China two or three times a day, on sugar, is preferable.] Though the knife operations for the removal of carbuncle are always injurious, the chemical effect of Potash is frequently most beneficial. I have, in repeated instances, applied to the ulcerated surface, caustic-potash freely, allow- ing the dissolved caustic to penetrate to the very ''core" by running into the orifices. At first it would produce some smarting, but the pain is different from that of the carbuncle, and the change is agreeable rather than other- wise. Soon after the application all pain ceases, and the tumor, under the use of a poultice, begins to slough oil' in a few days, leaving a raw surface, disposed to heal kindly, Occasionally, however, the healing process is tardy, when Arsenicum, at the third applied and taken internally, will soon effect a cure. I have occasionally used Hepar-svlphur- calc. with good effect in the latter stage. Fel n—Whitlow. -For this disease, in the early stage, when the sensation is that of sharp, sticking pain, feeling as though a brier or thistle was in the finger, immerse the part in water as hot as possible, into which put com- mon sa t as long as it will dissolve; hold it in this hot salt bath for an hour or more at a time, and when removed, apply finely pulver- FELON—"WHITLOW. 105 ized salt,, w-et in Spirits of Turpentine; bind" on the salt with several thicknesses, and keep it constantly wet with the Spts. Turpent. for twenty-four hours, when, if all symptoms of felon are gone, no further treatment is neces- sary. As a general rule, the hot bath should be repeated three times a day, especially if the symptoms have existed for several days and there is much pain or swellih r, and the dressing should be kept on as above directed for several days, more or less, until all symp- toms disappear. I am quite confident that a large majority, if not all, of the cases if thus 'treated at any time before pus is formed, will be discussed and cured. If pus has begun k> form before the treatment is commenced, this will not cure the felon, but it is good treat- ment, especially the hot bath, as it will greatly lessen the pain. By holding it in hot water for an hour or two each day, the suppurative process will be hastened, and as soon as the pus can be felt at any point, fluctuating, punc- ture and let it out; then continue the hot bath, with Calendula (MarygolT) flowers in the water, keeping the part all the time warm and moist. For the restless and nervous irritability that frequently occurs, especially in females, Aconite is the best remedy. It should be given, one drop of the tincture to a gill of water, in teaspoonful dosps, once in one or two hours, and the same applied to the sore. DISEASES OF FEMALES. Suppression of the Menses, (Amenor- rhcea).—For sudden suppression from taking cold, as by wetting the feet, there being head- ache, more or less fever, the pulse frequent and variable,.pains in the small of the back and cramp-like pains in the pelvic region, give, in alternation, Aconite and Pulsatilla, as often as every fifteen or twenty minutes in a violent case, and at longer intervals as the patient begins to get easy. Putting the feet into hot water, or taking a hot sitz-bath i£ verv useful. If the patient is sick at the stomach, as is often the case, give luke-warm water freely and let her vomit, after which let her drink freely of water as hot as it can be safely swallowed, adding milk and sugar to make it palatable. The good effects that are often attributed to and experienced from the use of various hot teas in this affection, are, m my opinion, attributable more to the hot fluid alone than to any specific medicinal virtue in the substance of which tea is made. At all events, very hot drink with nothing but watei^ milk and sugar, is equally efficacious, and my medicine (a few grains of sugar of milk) put into the hot water, seasoned as above, has often obtained great credit, when the hot, water was alone worthy. Rubbing the loins and abdomen briskly downwards 106 AMENORRHCEA. 107 with the hands of a healthy and vigorous nurse, will often excite the menstrual flow after a sudden suppression. If the head is hot, the face full and red, and the arteries of the neck and temples beat violently, give ' Bell, with Pulsatilla, and if the lungs are oppressed, use also Bryonia, giving the three# in rotation. If, after the menstrual flow be- gins, there is still much pain in the pelvic region, give Caulophyllum, which will im- mediately afford relief Apis-mel. is very servicable in suppressed menses of several days or even weeks duration, where there is" fever, redness of the face, and pain in the head, and pains in the hips extending to the lin^s, especially if there is any tendency to bloating of the abdomen and swelling of the limbs or feet. 11 acts promptly- and efficiently. If the suppression has been caused by sudden fright or any strong mental emotion, Veratrum should be given in connection with the two former medicines. Should there be great full- ness of the vessels of the head, or bleeding at the nose, Bryonia with Pulsatilla are to be used. Bell, is also useful in this case if the pain in the head is throbbing, especially if any delirium is present. For suppression in young females, of several months' duration, I have used, with much success, Podophyllum and Cimicifuga one at night, the other in the morning! giving them for two or three weeks before the proper time for a return, and a day 108 HOafoEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. or two prior to the time, give also Pulsatilla, and give the three in rotation, a dose every six hours. This practice has been successful with me in cases of long standing and ap- parently obstinate character. Where there is other disease, as an affection of the liver, lungs or stomach, .this must be treated and cured, or the menses will not probably return. Creat care should be exercised to keep the patient's feet and limbs warm, as upon this may depend her future health. Dysmenorrhoea.—Painful Menstruation. —Kor this disorder, I know of no one remedy so valuable as the Caulopiiyllum, but Pulsa- tilla in many cases is efficacious, and as they do not prevent each others action, I prescribe them in alternation, giving a dose every half hour, for a short time during the paroxysm, or until the pain abates to some extent, then every hour. If there is pain in the head, sick- ness at the stomarh, a kind of sick headache, as is often the case, with painful menstruation, Cimicifuga should be used with the others; Ipecac, is the specific for an excessive flow of the menses with great pain, especially if the stomach is nauseated. It should be given as low as the first dilution, and the tincture, in water, in the proportion of thirty drops to hal a pint, injected into the vagina quite warm. The application of extract of Belladonna to the neck of the uterus will often produce immediate and perfect relief. After the PROFUSE MENSES. <} 109 patient is relieved from the painful paroxysm, she should he treated so as to prevent a return of the pains at the next monthly period. Pulsatilla, Caulophyllum and Podophyllum are the three medicines that are,most certain to effect this object. They are to be given.' one medicine each day, a dose at night for three weeks, then morning, noon and night, until the time for the return of the menses, when they should be used oftener if there is pain. If the patient is inclined to be costive, Nux should be given at night for a few days before the menstrual period, in place of Pulsatilla. Menorrhagia —Profuse Menses - Flow- ing.—For this affection Ipecac, and Hama- melis are the specifics. They should be taken alternately, at intervals of from half an hour to two hours apart, according to the urgency of the symptoms, and the Hamamelis injected into the vagina. These will nearly always arrest the flooding immediately. Secale should be used either alone or with the above medi- cines, if there are bearing-down pains like labor pains, and sickness at the stomach in spite of the Ipecac. Ipecac, alone is often sufficient. Nursing Sore Mouth. — Sore mouth of nursing women, as the name of the disease indicates, is peculiar to women who are suck. ling children. It is an inflammation of the mouth, tongue and fauces, which sometimes comes on during pregnancy, several months or 110 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. but a few days before the birth of the child. It generally, however, makes its first appear- ance when the child is a few weeks old, and sometimes not till after the lapse of several months. In some cases the tongue and inside of the mouth ulcerate, and the irritation ex- tends to the stomach and bowels, producing distressing and dangerous inflammation of these parts, with severe and obstinate diar- rhoea. For the sore mouth, before diairhoea begins, give Eupatorium-aro. and Hydrastin, in alternation, a dose once in three hours, and wash the mouth with the same, each time. After the diarrhoea occurs, use Podophyllum with the other medicines, giving them in rotation, three hours apart. It is best to give a dose of Podophyllum night and morning. I have treated very bad cases of this disease that had been running for more than a year, and been treated with the ordinary remedies directed in the homoeopathic authorities with- out any permanent benefit, curing them per- fectly in ten days with Podophyllum and Lep- tandrin, giving them in alternation at the 1st attenuation in half grain doses, at intervals of from four to eight hours according to the fre- quency of the evacuations. These two remedies are almost certain to arrest Chronic Dysentery where there is ulceration of the lower portion of the rectum, a peculiar distress felt at the stomach just before stool, with sudden rush of the evacuations and inability to control the AGUE IN THE BREAST. Ill inclination even for a few minutes, with a feeling of faintness after the stool. Leptandrin is flic specific for the Dysentery that often succeeds cholera, and these two, Pod. and Lept.. are almost certain to relieve the "Mexican Dianhcea," as well as that con- nected with the fevers along the Mississippi river. Mammary Abscess.—(Ague in the breast— Inflamed breast.)—This is a disease peculiar to nursing women. The first symptom is a slight pain or soreness in some part of the "breast,' which continues to increase for a day or two, When a chill, more or less severe, sets in, fol- lowed by high fever and quick pulse, head- ache and great restlessness. The gland swells and becomes very painful. This is generally a disease of rather slow progress, running eight or ten days and sometimes two or three weeks before abscess forms and "points" to the surface. . Treatment. — Phosphorus is to be taken internally, and the first dilution put in water, twenty drops to one girl, and applied to the surface by means of cloths wet in the mixture, as hot as it can be borne, and laid over the whole breast. If this is done and the medicine civen internally every hour, as early as the first and frequently as late as the second or third day, it is quite sure to remove the dis- ease aid prevent an abscess. It is best to use it evehmuch later. In fact )t often succeeds 112 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. as late as the fifth or sixth day, and if it does not prevent the abscess, it so far palliates the severe symptoms as to render the pain hut slight and keep the patient comfortable. An application of the tincture of Cantharides, diluted with water and applied to the breast by cloths wet in it, to the extent of producing considerable redness and even eruptions, and the second dilution of the same taken in drop doses every three hours, has proved succes-ful in subduing the inflammation after Phosphjrm had failed, and it was supposed an abscess would form in spite of any treatment. I re- cently succeeded in giving perfect relief with Apis-mel. internally, applying it externally after the pain and swelling was* very great. I am of opinion that the Apis is a valuable remedy. After abscess forms as soon as the pus can be felt at any point, soft and fluctuat- ing under the skin, puncture and let it out, then poultice it for a few days until it heals, giving Phosphorus and applying it to the sore. In ]>»11ct.11 ring., always be very particular to have the lancet or knife enter so that the edge will look towards the point of the nipple, so as not to cut across the milk ducts, which all run toward that point, and if cut off will close up so that the milk which may be secreted at any future time cannot get out, and swelling, pain and severe inflammation, abscess and ulceration will be the consequence ; w%ereas, if the cut is made lengthwise of the ducts, SORE NIPPLES. 113 very few, if any will be cut off, anol all future danger will be avoided. Apply an elm poultice from the beginning to the end of treatment. For malignant ulcers of the breasts, the Cor- nus-scricea is a most potent remedy. It is to be taken internally at the first dilution, and applied in strong infusion or diluted Tr. of the bark to the sore. Sere Nipple's — This affection of nursing women frequently comes on before the birth of tha child, but generally does not make its appearance until after the suckling has con- tinued for a week or more. It seems in some cases to he connected, with the aphthae (sore mouth) of the child, or at least to be aggravated by contact with the sore mouth; on the other hand it sometimes seems as though the sore nipples produced the sore mouth of the child. Tkkatmknt. — I treat both the'nipplc and the child's mouth with the same remedy Eupatorum-aro., applied at the strength of 6 drops of the tincture, to a teaspoonful of water, the application being made by a soft cloth, wet and laid over the nipple; give drop doses of the same strength internally every three hours, which will, in nearly all cases effect a cure in one or two days. The child's mouth should ."'} wet with the same each* time just before ' airsing. The oil from the pit of the butter- nut. (Juglans-cinerea,) obtained by heating the pit and pressing out the oil, applied to the 8 '-" ■ UIM ■ ■ ' ' ■■■" '■»' *~---«m 114 HOMOEOPATHIC art of cure. nipple, will generally cure it after 3 or 4 ap- plications about six hours apart The child may lake hold when the oil is on, without danger. This remedy is sufficient in nearly all cases. [A very effectual application is the glycerole of Hydras/is.] Leucorrhoea and Prolapsus Uteri — Whites, Female Weakness —The disease depends in all cases upon inflammation of the uterus, or vagina, or both. The inflammation may be si nply in the neck of the uterus ex- tending to the posterior surface of the vagina, or the latter may not be aflected; or it may extend to the whole internal surface of the uterus,-producing swelling of that organ, both the fundus and neck. The swelling may be confined mostly to the fundus; causing it to be too large ior the space it ordinarily fills, hence there will be more or less displacement of the womb, and crowding upon other parts, as the bladder or rectum. In some cases, the swelling is more on one side than on the other, so that it will be crowded over to the opposite side These displacements are often called prolapsus uteri, or "falling of the vovtbP carrying the idea that the difficulty depends upon a morbid relaxation of the ligaments that support the organ. Not one case in a hundred is of thi* latter character, but nearly, if not all, depend upon the inflammation and swelling above mentioned. How futile the,n, uot to say hurtful, must be all instruments .__ FEMALE WEAKNESS. 115 for, and all-attempts at replacing and sup- porting it by force! All such mechanical meddling is injurious, and should, with all the " supporters," be condemned and discarded. They may afford temporary relief, but this ia at the expense of future health. Cure the disease, relieve the inflammation, and nature will replace the organ. Leucorrheea is always pr<'sem where there is ulceration of the neck of the womb, and this ulcerated condition e "sts to a greater or less extent, in many cases where it is not suspected by the patient. It is vastly more prevalent than is generally supposed. The symptoms are numerous. Among the more prominent are-a sense of weight and bearing down in the pelvis, pains extending down the limbs, aching aud weak- ness of the small of the back, headache, more or less gastric disturbance, dyspepsia, the food souring on tie stomach. There is often, especially when there are ulcers on the parts, a distressing sense of heat or a smarting sensation The menstrual function is fre- quently deranged, the bowels costive, the urethra, by being pressed, becomes irritable and burns and smarts whenever the urine is evacuated. The sleep is disturbed and un- refreshing, and the whole nervous systein is unstrung. The discharge from the diseased surface is an ordinary case without ulceration, is of a mucous or muco-purulent character, nob unlike an ordinary catarrhal secretion. 116 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. When ulceration exists it is dark, fetid or bloodv. or sanious and purulent, sometimes it is acrid, excoriating the parts. Treatment. — Inflammation or ulceration, either acute or chronic, in these pants does not differ cssenvial'y in its characteristics from the same affection in other mucous surfaces." The proper treatment for a catarrh of other mucous surfaces will be applicable to these, though there is no doubt but that some medi- cines are.more specifically adapted to these than to other organs. In the early stage of the complaint, while the inflammation is acute, or sub- acute, the dischar.e thin or white, Copaiva and Cimicifuga are to be given once in 6 hours alternately. During the same time let injections into the vagina of warm soap and water be used twice a day, to cleanse the parts of the secretion, followed in half an hour b}' a wash of warm water, into 'which tincture of Cimicifuga has been put in pro- portion of 40 drops to half a pint. The ap- plication should be made with an 8 ounce orJ at least 6 ounce curved pipe syringe, so.as t and Leptandrin 1st in rotation, giving one dose a day. In the winter, treatment of poisoning. 129 or when typhoid feoers prevail, use Mercurius and Rhus-tox. alternately a dose every day. To prevent itch.—A dose of Sulphur, or rubbing a little flour of sulphur on the hands, will generally suffice. To prevent colds.—Keep the arms, hands and chest well clothed and warm. Affecting the head as catarrh, or the pelvic regions keep the feet and ankles warm and dry. Affecting joints and muscles as Rheumatism—protect the spine (back) from colds and currents of air. After an accidental exposure as by get- ting the feet wet, or being caught in a shower, drink bountifully of cold water, and take a dose of Nnx-vomica; followed in an hour by Aconite if any chilliness is felt, or Copaiva if the head is stuffed up. [Treatment of Poisoning. — From Dr. .Hering's treatise on "Poisons," (Ja^r's Clini. cal Guide.) In treating a case of poisoning, two things are required: 1) Removal of the exciting cause ; and 2) Treatment of flie disease occasioned by the poisoning. -r The removal of the poisonous substances should be effected by the simplest and most innocent method, either with the finger, or, if this should be impossible, as in the case of poisOns that had been swallowed, we recom- mend the following means suggested by Hahne- mann and Hering. 1) Excite vomiting or stool by the simplest 130 homoeopathic art of cure. means, copious administration of tepid watert irritating the fauces by means of a feather or something similar; placing on the tongue a pinch of salt, snuff or mustard ; or, if neither of these means should be sufficient, resort to injections of tobacco-smoke. 2) Neutralize the poison by means of: The white of an egg, vinegar, or lemon-juice, coffee^ camphor, milk, oil, soap, mucilaginous drinks^ tea, wine, sugar ; or, in some cases: ammonia- cal-gas, iron-rust, charcoal, kitchen-salt, epsotn- salts, sweet almond oil, spiritus-nitr.-dulc, potash, boiled starch, &c. Particular indications: White of an ego, dissolved in a sufficient quantity of water, and used as a drink, especially for: Metallic substances, such as, quicksilver, corrosive sublimate, verdigris, tin, lead, and sulphuric-acid; when the patient complains of violent pains in the stomach or abdomen, with tenesmus, or diarrhoea and pains at the anus. Vinegar : Antidotes poisoning with alkaline substances; but is hurtful in cases of poison- ing with mineral acids, corrosive vegetable substances, Arsenic, and a large quantity of salts. In many cases it removes the ill effects of Aconite, Opium, narcotic substances, poisonous mushrooms, belladcnna,carbonic-acid gasy hepdr- sulphuris, poisonous muscles and fish, and even of adipic acid. The vinegar may be drank or administered by the rectum, alternately with TREATMENT OF POISONING. 131 .mucilaginous substances. The vinegar should be as pure as possible. Crab-vinegar is, of itself, poisonous. Coffee : Strong black coffee, the beans being little roasted, and drank as hot as possible. Indispensable for a large number of poisons, especially when causing drowsiness, intoxication., loss of consciousness, or mental derangement, delirium, &c, in general, antidoting narcotic substances, such as: Opium, mix-vom., bella- donna, narcotic mushrooms, poisonous sumach, bitter almonds, prussic acid and all those sub- stances containing it, Bell., colocynth, valer., cicuta and oh am. In case of poisoning with Antimony, Phosphor, and Phosphoric acid, coffee is no less indispensable. Camphor: Principal antidote of all vegetable substances, especially such as have a corrosive effect, or when vomiting and diarrhoea, pale face, cold extremities and loss of consciousness are present. Camphor is a specific remedy for the ill effects of poisoning insects, especially cantharides, whether administered internally or externally. Likewise for the effects of so- called, worm-medicines, tobacco, bitter almonds, and other fruits containing prussic acid. It is likewise useful for the secondary affections remaining after poisoning with acids, salts, metals, phosphorus, poisonous mushrooms, &c, ' after the poisonous substance itself had been removed from the stomach by means of vomit- ing, &c. 132 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. Milk : Less useful than is supposed. To procure an artificial covering or envelop for the poison, mucilaginous substances are to be preferred. Fat milk (or cream) is suitable in all cases where oil is, and hurtful where oil is. Curdled or sour milk is suitable or not suit- able in all cases where vinegar is or is not. Olive oil: Less useful than is|believed. It is of no use in cases of metalic poisoning, and even hurtful in cases of poisoning with Arsenic. It is very bad for the ill effects ol Cauthar. This remark applies to poisoning with any other insect, or if the poison should have got into one's eye. Oil may be used to facilitate the extraction of insects from the ear in case they should have got into it. Oil is most suitable for poisoning with corrosive acids, such as: nitric acid, sulphuric acid, &c. It is sometimes useful in cases of poisoning with alkalies, to be administered alternately with vinegar, and in cases of poisoning with mushrooms. Mucilaginous substances, drinks or in- jections of mucilaginous substances, should be resorted to in cases of poisoning with alkalies, especially when administered alternately with vinegar. Soap, common castile soap, dissolved in four times its bulk of hot water and drank, is one of the best remedies in many cases of poison- ing. It may be drank by the cupful,—a cupful every two, three, or four minutes, in all cases TREATMENT OF POISONING. 133 t|tiere the white of an egg is indicated but does not produce sufficient relief. Soap is particularly useful in all cases of poisoning with metallic substances, especially Arsenic, lead, &c. Likewise for poisoning with corrosive acids, such as: Sulphuric acid, nitric acid, &c.x with alum, corrosive vegetable substances, castor oil, &c. Soap is hurtful in cases Of poisoning with alkalies, such as: Lye, nitrate of silver, potash, soda, oleum tartari, ammonium muriati- cum, (Salmiac) ammonium carbonicum, caustic or burnt lime, barytes, &c. Sugar, or sugar water, one of the best re- medies in many cases. In case of poisoning with mineral acids or alkalies, it is best to resort at once to the specific antidote, though sugar is not hurtful. In cases of poisoning with metallic substances, various kinds of paint, verdigris, copper, sulphate of copper, alum, &c., sugar is preferable to every other remedy, and not till the patient has been relieved by the sugar, administer the white of an egg or soap- water alternately with sugar. Sugar is like- wise an excellent antidote in cases of poisoning with arsenic, or corrosive vegetable substances. Of the other antidotes, use: Ammoniacal gas: For alcohol, bitter almonds, prussic acid. Iron-rust : For Arsenic. Epsom-salts : For alkaline poisons. Charcoal : For foul fish, foul meat, poison- ous mushrooms, poisonous muscles, &c. 134 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. Kitchen-salt : For nitrate of silver and poisonous wounds. Magnesia: For acids. Sweet-almond oil: For acids. Potash : For acids. Starch: For iodine. Spirits of nitre: For alkaline poisons and animal substances. Tea : For adipic acid and poisonous honey. Wine: For noxious vapors and poisonous mushrooms. The first thing we have to do, in treating a case of poisoning, is to remove the poison by vomiting, and then to administer suitablo antidotes. If we should not be able to ascertain what kind of poison had been swallowed, we should first administer the white of an egg, and, if there should be stupefaction, Coffee. If we should know that the poisorris: a) A metallic substance, we have to give: first the white off an egg, sugar-water, soap- water, and afterwards, for the remaining ail- ments: Sulph., which is a real antidote to metals. b) If acids and corrosive substances, give: 1) Soap-water; 2) Magnesia dissolved in water; 3) Clialk water; 4) Alkalie or potash dissolved in water, taking a tablespoonful as long as the vomiting continues. Afterwards mucilaginous drinks, and alternately Coff. and Op. as homoeopathic antidotes. As regards the remaining ailments, give TREATMENT OF POISONING. 135 Puis, for sulphuric acid; Bry. for muriatic acid ; Aeon, for the other acids, and especially crab-apple vinegar. If the skin should have been corroded by poisons, apply soap-water, or a watery solution of Caust.; and if cor- rosive substances should have got into the • eyes, apply sweet almond-oil, or fresh unsalted butter. c) For alkaline substances: 1) Vinegar and water in large quantities; 2) Lemon-juice, or acids from other fruits, diluted with much water; 3) Sour milk; 4) Mucilaginous drinks, or injections. Vinegar is hurtful in cases of poisoning with Barytes; but epsom-salt dis- solved in water, renders good service; after- wards, Camph. or Nitr.-spir. The secondary effects of poisoning with potash, require: Coff. or Carb-v.; and those of poisoning with spirits of Ammonia, Hep. d) For the inhalation of noxious vapors: Sprinkle the patient with vinegar and water, or let him inhale the vapors of a solution of chlore; afterwards, after the return of con- sciousness, give black coffee, or a few doses of Op. or Bell. e) For vegetable poisons: 1) Camphor, by olfaction, or sometimes a drop of the spirits of camphor on sugar: 2) Black coffee or vinegar, especialty for narcotic vegetable juices. The best antidotes for corrosive vegetable juices, arc soap-water and milk. 136 HOMOEOPATHIC ART OF CURE. f) For animal poisons: For toad-poison, Or similar poisons, if they should have got into the stomach, give powdered charcoal, stirred up with oil or milk; or let the patient smell of the sweat spirits of nitre, if bad symtom3 should set in, and afterwards give Ars.—If a poison of this kind should have got into the eye, give Aeon. As regards the wounds or bites inflicted by poisonous animals, Hering proposes the follow- ing mode of treatment: For the bites ot poisonous serpents, mad dogs, or other poisonous animals, apply heat at a distance, for which purpose any thing may be used which is handy at the time: a red-hot iron, incandescent pi^ce of coal, or even a burning cigar; hold this a9 near as possible without burning the skin. The heit should be kept up uniformly, and should be concentrated upon the wound exclu- sively. The edges of the wound should be covered over with oil or fat, and this should be repeated as often as the skin gets dry. If no oil or fat can be had. use soap, or even saliva. Wipe off carefully every thing which is discharged from the wound. Continue the application of heat until the patient feels chilly and stretches himself; if this should take place too speedily, continue to apply the heat for about an hour, or until the effects of the poison commence to disappear. At the same time administer internal re- medies. In the case of a serpent's bite, give TREATMENT OF POISONING. *137 the patient a swallow of salt-water from time to time, or a pinch of salt or powder, or a few pieces of garlic. If, nevertheless, dangerous symptoms should set in, give a tablespoonful of wine or brandy every 2 or 3 minutes; continue this until the symptoms abate, and repeat the brandy at every return of a paroxysm. If the stitching pains should increase in violence, and be felt nearer the heart; if the wound, at the same time, should be bluish, checkered like marble and swollen, with vomit- ing, vertigo and diarrhoea, give Ars. 30, and another dose in half an hour, if the symptoms should continue to get worse, or only in 3 hours, if they should remain unchanged; if an improvement should set in after the first dose, do not repeat the medicine until the symptoms get worse again. If Ars., even if repeated, should have no effect, give Bell. In some cases Senega may be tried. The chronic sequelae of the bite of a serpent require: Phos.-ac. and Merc. If the bite should have been inflicted by a mad dog, apply heat at a distance as above. Wounds which have become poisonous in consequence of decayed animal matter or pds having got into them, require Ars. To guard against unpleasant consequences in case we should have to touch decayed ani- mal substances, poisonous wounds or ulcers, or men and animals infected with contagious 138 'HOMOEOPATHIC ART OP CURE. diseases, we should hold our hands for ten or fifteen minutes near as strong a heat as can be borne, and afterwards wash them with soap. The use of Chlore in such cases is well known.] * Permanganate of potash is highly useful in such cases. Use a solution in water 1 to 9. [Dr. Marshall ILall's Instructions for Restoring Persons Apparently Drowned. Treat the parties instantly, on the spot, in the open'air, exposing the face and chest to- the breeze, (except in severe weather.) 1) To Clear the Throat—Place tho patient gently on the face, and one wrist ("of the patient) under the forehead. All fluids and the tongue itself,then fall forwards, leaving the entrance to the windpipe free. If there be breathing, wait and watch; if not. or if it fail, 2) To Excite Respiration—Turn the patient well and instantly oh his side, and excite the nostrils with snuff, or the throat with a feather, &c, and dash cold water on the face, previous- ly rubbed warm. If there bo no success, lose not a moment, but instantly 3) To Imitate Respiration — Replace the patient on his face, raising and supporting the chest well on a folded coat, or other article of dress; turn the body very gently on the side and a little beyond, and then briskly on the face, alternately; repeating these measures deliberately, efficiently and perseveringly, fif- teen times in the minute, occasionally varying ,, RESTORING DROWNED PERSONS. 139 I' [ the side. (When the patient reposes on the , chest, this cavity is compressed by the weight of the body, and expiration takes place; when he is turned on the side, this pressure is. re- moved and inspiration occurs.) When the prone position is resumed, make equable but efficient pressure, with brisk movement along the back of the chestf; removing it immediately before rotation on the side. (The first measure augments the expiration, the second commen- ces inspiration.) The result is inspiration—and if not too lots —life. 4. To induce Circulation and Warmth— Meantime rub the limbs upwards, with a firm 1 grasping pressure and with energy, using handkerchiefs, &c. By this measure the blood is propelled along the veins towards the heart. Let the limbs be thus warmed and dried and then clothed, the bystanders supplying the requisite garments, (as one a coat, another pantaloons, &c, from their own persons, if necessary.) Avoid the continuous warm bath and the position on or inclined to the back.] INDEX. PAGE cess, of the Breast,.. 112 jnitl. E.Uernally..... 122 ministration of Keme- ies,................ 18 •nica, Externally,.... 122 "senicum. Externally, 124 jetic-aeid. Externally," 126 jue.................. 21 Icoholic Vapor Bath,.. 27 •nenorrhoea,.........106 iternation of Remedies, 7 rum-triphylluin, Ex- ternally,............126 •tha?................. 77 hma,............... 52 tiyxia, ............13S itic Cholera,....... 87 itisia-tinctoria, Ex- anally,.............126 hing, .............. 14 ladonna, Externally, 123 ious Colic, ........ 19 1 Fever.......... 24 nsts, Inflamed,.....Ill mchitis, .......... 46 -ns and Scalds,...... 58 *endula, Externally,. 123 .iphor as Antidote,.. 131 urrhal Fever,....... 26 bnncle,...........101 .milsions of Children, 64 ilhlains,............ 62 ronic Hepatitis,..... 42 olera,.... 20, 87, arid 128 .arcoal as Antidote, .. 133 ■>thing,.............. 14 lie,............... 18,19 Ids, to Prevent,...... 129 usths, .............. 46 ree as Antidote,___181 (urn, Externally,... 124" paoi Cornns-sericea, Exter- nally, ...............124 Constipation, ......... 56 Croup,................ 43 Cuprum-aceticum,.....125 Diet, ................. 15 Dilutions,............. 10 Diarrhoea, .... 15 and 128» Diphtheria,........... 50 Dysentery...... 16 and 128 Dyspepsia,............ 54 Dysmenorrhea,........ 108 Drowninjr,............183 Ear, Foreign substances in.................. 120 Earache,.............. 78 Enteritis,............ 47 Epistaxis,............. 71 L'ry sipelas,............ 6T Fevers, Brain,......... 63 Bilious,. 24 and 12T Continued, .... 25 Catarrhal...... 25 Intermittent, .. 21 Rheumatic,.... 25 Remittent,____ 25 Scarlet......... 81 Typhoid, 28 and 123 Yellow,. 82 and 127 Felon.................. 104 Foreign substances in Ear, &c.,............ 120 RVpar-s. k., Externally, 125 Hepatitis,............ 40 Heartburn,........... 56 Headache.......68 and 70 Hemorrhoids,.. 82 and 83 Hooping Cough,....... 53 Hoarseness,........... 62 Hydmstis-can., Exter- nally, ..............126 142 INDEX. PAGE Incontinence of Urine,. 97 Ipecac, Externally,... 124 Itch........... 100 and 129 Inflammation, Breast,.. Ill Brain,... 03 Bowels, . 47 Eyes, ... 78 Lungs. .. 44 Liver,... 40 Pleura,.. 43 Throat,.." 40 Vagina, . 114 Uterus, . 114 Introduction,.......... 5 LeuCorrhoea,.....•......114 Mammary Abscess, .... 114 Menses, Suppression of, 106 Profuse,....... 109 Painful,........108 Measles, .............. 65 Milk, as Antidote,.....132 Morning Sickness,.....118 Mucilaginous Substances in Poisoning,........ 132 Mumps,............... 65 New Homoeopathic Prov- ings, ................ 6 Neuralgia,.............. 98 Nipples, Sore,......... 113 Nose Bleed,.......... 71 Nose, Foreign Substance in................... 120 Nursing, Sore Mouth,.. 109 Olive-oil as Antidote,.. 132 Otalgia (Earache),..... 73 Ophthalmia,........... 78 Pertussis,..........^~&& Piles, ............* .\\\V $0A*.\\3 *v AW