ARMED FORCES MEDICAL LIBRARY Washington, D. C. THE HOMEOPATHIC POCKET COMPANION OR, A SIMPLIFIED ABRIDGMENT OF THE DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOR THE USE OF FAMILIES AND TRAVELLERS. BY DR. M. FRELIGH, «-♦* AUTHOR OF THE " HOMCBOPATHIC PRACTICE OP MEDICINE," LATB RESIDENT AND VISITING PHYSICIAN TO THE NEW YORK HOMCBOPATHIC DISPENSARY ASSOCIATION, MEM- — •'--* ^_, BEE OP THE HAHNEMANN ACADEMY, AND, ^ilUlWAi <*!*-'-\. OF THE HOMCBOPATHIC MEDICAL^' w^i WaJHwU IMlJj " ?K SOCIETY OF THK STATE ff V|^ ^^fc? vl OF NEW YORK. B **• ™S" \ ?&3ind toes, use Calcarea- carb., Bryonia, or Lycopodium, once or twice a day. For cramps during pregnancy, vide Pregnancy. Administration.— Mix two or three drops of the medicine in a tum'jier one-third full of pure cold water, or if pillets are used, dissolve ten or twelve of them in a Lite quantity of water and give a dessert-spoonf i at a dose, as directed above, unless the attack i severe and continuous, when the remedy should be given every half hour or hour until relief is obtained. 82 CRAMPS IN THE STOMACH. Diet.—Such as will not interfere with the action of the medicines. CRAMPS IN THE STOMACH Cramp, or spasmodic pain in the stomach, re- quires Aconite, Belladonna, Calcarea-carb., Carbo- veg., China, Lycopodium, Rhus-tox and Veratrum. When it is severe and attended with feverish excitement, give Aconite and Belladonna in al- ternation every five or ten minutes until it is re- lieved. When it is more of a pressure or contracting pain, Bryonia three times a day. When it is very violent, attended with gulping up wind and tasting the food, give Calcarea-carb. every hour until it is relieved. For cramp of the stomach, with a sense of pres- sure, Carbo-veg. every half hour or hour. When it occurs particularly after a meal, Nux vomica every half hour until it is removed. When it is more of an intense pain, Lycopodium in the same manner. For an uneasy pressure in the pit of the stomach. croup. 83 as if it were swollen, Rhus-tox. every hour or two until it has the desired effect. When the cramp is attended with violent press- ing pain in the pit of the stomach; or a sharp, cutting, piercing pain, Veratrum as above. Diet.—Persons who are subject to cramps or pains in the stomach should carefully avoid all kinds of acid and indigestible fruits, pastry, fresh bread and salt meats. CROUP. Croup is an inflammation of the mucous mem- brane of the trachea or windpipe, and sometimes ascends quite high up in the throat, {larynx.) It is characterized by hoarseness when crying; cough of a peculiar hoarse, hollow sound; drawing a long breath, with a stridulous or crowing noise. The cough becomes more troublesome and shrill; the breathing more and more difficult; the face flushed and swollen, and each breath adds to the agitated and anxious expression of the little suf- ferer. The severe symptoms generally come in paroxysms which threaten suffocation, when the little patient throws its head back to straighten the 84 CROUP. air passages, in order to relieve the suffocation. It is one of those insidious and flattering diseases, that require the closest watching, and the most energetic treatment. Treatment.—During the inflammatory stage, give Aconite every half hour; in most instances this will arrest it. But should it continue and pass into the second stage, which is characterized by the peculiar hoarse, hollow, suffocative cough and great difficulty in breathing, give Spongia every fifteen or twenty minutes; or it may be given every fifteen minutes in alternation with Hepar-Sulphur. When the breathing appears obstructed by an accumulation of mucus, Causticum every half hour. When it appears to be of a spasmodic character, Hyosciam. as above. Kali-bichrom., and Bromine, are very popular remedies with some of our most successful prac- titioners ; the former, when the cough is worse in the morning, or immediately on waking; and for violent wheezing and panting; or wheezing and rat- tling in the chest during sleep. The latter remedy is considered by some a specific and admissible in every stage of croup. I have thus used it upon the i CROUP. 85 suggestion of Dr. Curtis, of'this city, with the most decided success. I used it in from two to five drop doses of the tincture, of strength sufficient to retain considerable of its color, (say a yellowish color,) every fifteen minutes at first, then every half hour, and as my little patient improved, every two or three hours. In several instances, two or three administrations removed every symptom. The other remedies should be given in pillets, two or three placed on the tongue; or in powders similarly, as very frequently a great difficulty in swallowing exists. Diet and Regimen.—When the child can swal- low and evince a desire for nourishment, there is nothing better than that which it receives from its mother; in the absence of which, thin toast or cracker-water may be used to allay the thirst. I am decidedly opposed to arrow root, gum arabic, and such mucilaginous articles as are generally used; for they certainly tend to mix to some ex- tent with the secretion of the throat, adhere, and so increase the difficulty both in breathing and swal- lowing. The room should be kept of a moderate warmth; the child by all means secured from all exposure to varying temperatures. R 86 crying of infants. CRYING OF INFANTS. Mothers and nurses seem to have such a de- cided preference for pins instead of tapes, for se- curing the clothing of infants, that it is always necessary to be sure that the crying is not caused by a stray pin. If not, then resort may be had to the following : Coffea, if there is feverish heat, restlessness, and continual crying. Chamomilla, if the infant draws and bends its body and limbs, as if in pain; and particularly if the stools are greenish. Belladonna, when the abdomen is distended. Rheum, if it is attended with looseness of the bowels, stools rather yellow and of a sour smell. Ipecac—When there is a colicky uneasiness, diarrhoeic stools of a fermented appearance, and especially if attended with sickness of the stomach. Jalap.—When attended with colicky pains and large watery evacuations from the bowels. Administration.—Dissolve five or six pillets of the medicine indicated by the symptoms, in tea- spoonfuls of cold water, stir it well, and give a tea- jelirium tremens. 87 spoonful every half hour or hour until the child is relieved; or give one or two pillets at a dose. Diet.—Care of course should be taken that nothing be given in the form of nourishment which is of a flatulent or griping character. Apply warmth to the bowels, and keep the child quiet and in rather a flexed position, or " curled-up" as the old ladies say. DELIRIUM TREMENS. (Mania-a-Potu.) This is a variety of mental derangement which is caused by the excessive use of intoxicating drinks, and is characterized by an uneasy, unquiet state, continued watchfulness, cool skin, loquacious deli- rium, illusions, and almost a constant tremor. The patient is sometimes very merry, at others feels sad, and sees and hears strange things; or fancies that the devil is lurking about the room, watching an opportunity to seize him; or he is busily en- gaged in killing rats, mice and snakes; and not unfrequently imagines himself transformed into an inferior animal or some article of furniture. Treatment.—The principal indication in the treat- ment of this disease is to produce sleep and quietude, for which Aconite should be given at short intervals, 88 delirium tremens. if the attack occurs in a person of full habit; Bel- ladonna, when the face is flushed, the patient is wild and furious, and attempts acts of self-violence. Nux-vomica, when he appears in a vexed mood, and is disposed to quarrel. Opium.—For a wild and staring expression, the patient grasps at imaginary things, or has visions; the face pale, and covered with perspiration; the pulse rather slow ; inability to sleep and a disposi- tion to commit suicide. Hyosciamus.—When the patient is sleepless and stares suddenly, as if frightened; complains of head-ache; his eyes are red, and there is thirst, with difficulty in swallowing ; wishes to fight, kicks, stamps, and strikes violently; trembling of the hands and arms, and coldness of the feet. When there is a constant change of feeling from a vexed mood to laughing, singing, dancing, and praying, Stramonium. Administration.—Give the remedies indicated every half hour or hour until they have the desired effect. I have generally used the Tinctures in this disease, by mixing from three to five drops in a tumbler half full of water and giving a table-spoon- ful at a dose. DIARRHOEA. 89 DIARRHCEA Diarrhoea is a purging or mere looseness of the bowels. The discharge varies in character, and may be bilious, mucous, watery, or bloody, de- pending to a great extent upon the cause. Treatment.—For mere looseness of the bowels, painless diarrhoea, give Ferrum or China, three times a day; the latter more particularly if the food passes unchanged. When it is attended with pain, Nux-vom. and Colocynth; the latter in the morning, and the for- mer at night. When the discharges are decidedly bilious, give Mercurius in the morning, and Nux-vom.- at night. If the diarrhoea is attended with a bearing-down pain and straining, Belladonna every four hours. For mucous diarrhoea, use Pulsatilla morning and noon, and Nux-vom. at night. If the discharges are thin and watery, and at- tended with sickness of the stomach, Antimony every three or four hours. When caused by cold, Dulcamara in the morn- ing, and Nux-vom. at night. 8* 90 DIZZINESS. When caused by sour fruit or drinks, Arsenicum or Lachesis, every three or four hours. When diarrhoea follows Measles, Pulsatilla as above. When it is secondary to Scarlet Fever, Bella- donna, similarly as above. When caused by teething, Chamomilla two or three times a day. When it occurs during pregnancy, Nux-vom., Phos., Sepia, or Sulph. For nightly diarrhoea, Phosphorus, morning and evening. Administration.—When more than one remedy is named and not specially directed in alternation with another, give the first one ; if that does not cure, give the next, and so on until a cure is effected. Diet.—Avoid everything of a relaxing or loosen- ing nature. DIZZINESS. (Vertigo.) This unpleasant symptom generally depends upon a deranged state of the stomach, and conges- tion of the brain; and is almost a constant com- panion of plethora. dizziness. 91 Treatment.—When it attends plethora, (fullness of habit,) give Aconite and Belladonna, in alterna- tion, every six or eight hours, until it is fully relieved. When it depends upon a deranged state of the stomach, Nux-vom. three times a day until it passes off. When it comes on upon lying down, Rhus-tox every evening, until it is remedied. When it is caused by suppressed eruptions or the drying up of old ulcers, Sulphur and Lachesis in alternation, every three or four hours, until it is relieved. When caused by riding in a carriage, Cocculus or Petroleum, once a day. When it is caused by a night's debauch, Nux- vomica every hour or two until it is relieved. Administration.—Give two or three pillets at a bime, followed by a draught of water; or dissolve ten or twelve in as many tea-spoonfuls of water, and give a tea-spoonful at a dose. 92 DROPSY. DROPSY. (Hydrops.) By the term dropsy, we understand a preter- natural collection of serous or watery fluid in the cellular substance, or in different cavities of the body. Causes.—The causes of dropsy are various, such as cold, mechanical obstructions, inflammation of particular organs, suppressed perspiration and hab- itual discharges, repelled eruptions, debility, scirrhua of the liver, the continued use of arsenic in inter- mittent fevers, the intemperate use of intoxicating liquors; it is also frequently secondary to Measles and Scarlet Fever. Treatment. — During the first appearance of dropsical swellings, if there are febrile or inflam- matory symptoms, give Aconite every four or six hours until the fever abates. If the swelling is principally confined to the feet, and occurs during pregnancy, Lachesis once a day. When the legs and feet are swollen, the bowels constipated, the urine scanty and high-colored, loss of appetite, metallic taste and thirst, Mercurius three times a day. DROPSY. 93 When there is a very general swelling, the skin sallow, dry cough, difficult breathing, the extremi- ties feel cold, thirst, urine scanty and high-colored, Arsenicum every four or six hours. When the feet swell during the day, and the swelling diminishes at night, Bryonia in the% morn- ing and Sulphur at night. When the dropsical swelling succeeds Scarlet Fever, Apocynum-can. Drop from three to five drops of the Tincture in a tumbler two-thirds full of cold water, stir it well, and give a large sized tea-spoonful every two or three hours until it pro- duces a manifest improvement; then extend the time to two or three hours. It scarcely ever fails. When the dropsical effusion depends upon dis- ease of the heart, use Digitalis three times a day. When there is a general swelling and the ab- domen is much distended, the urine is passed in diminished quantities, and the other remedies have failed, give one drop of Apis-mel, two or three times a day; or, if the medicine is in the form of powders, give of the third trituration about as much as will lie on the point of a penknife, as above, and continue it until there is a marked im- provement. 94 DROP o i Or inji AbUUMES, For dropsy arising from debility, give China. When it is caused by mercury, Hepar-sulph. When caused by sulphur, Pulsatilla. When caused by quinine, Pulsatilla, Arsenicum, Canabis. ^ministration.—Give the drug selected, every four, six, or eight hours, according to the severity of the symptoms. If Tinctures are used, mix from one to three drops in a tumbler half or two thirds full of water, stir it well, and give from a tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful at a time. If pillets are used, dissolve from ten to twelve in a similar amount of water, and administer similarly. Diet.—The diet ought to be light, unirritating, and of easy digestion, and the amount of drink re- stricted in quantity. DROPSY OF THE ABDOMEN OR BELLY. (Ascites.) This is a swelling of the abdomen from an accu- mulation of water, and is divided into two varie- ties, viz.:—First, Ascites Abdominalis, when the water is in the cavity of the lining membrane of DROPSY OF THE ABDOMEN. 95 the abdomen, which is distinguished by the equal swelling of the abdominal walls. Second, Ascites Saccatus, in which the water is in the Ovarium. The fluctuation in this species is less, and the swelling is not so general, particularly at first. Treatment.—The principal remedies for the cure of dropsy of the abdomen are Aconite, Nux-vom., Mercurius, Apocynum-can., Lachesis, Arsenicum, Apis-mel, Ipecac, Bryonia, Sulphur, Ferrum and China, viz.: In the commencement of this disease, or during any stage of it, when there are symptoms of fever or inflammatory action, such as an increased pulse and hot skin, give Aconite every three or four hours until these symptoms are removed. When it is attended with pain and soreness in the right side, the eyes are inclined to be yellow, the skin sallow, with a disinclination to mental or physical exertion, and the bowels are constipated, Nux-vomica and Mercurius in alternation every four hours until the yellowness of the skin disappears, and the soreness of the liver is removed. When the right side is hard and painful, the ab- 96 DROPSY OF THE ABDOMEN. domen swollen and painful, as if it were bruised, and the urine scanty, Apocynum every three hours. When it is attended with swelling and pain in the region of the liver, the swelling soft and tender, similar to ramollissement {softening) of the liver, the bowels hard, distended and obstinately con- stipated, the urine high-colored and depositing a sediment, sickness of the stomach and a disposition to vomit, Lachesis every four hours. When the abdomen {belly) is much swollen and painful, pressing sensation in the region of the liver, the bowels constipated, or a tendency to di- arrhoea, with tenesmus (a bearing down), distress and uneasiness in the pit of the stomach, a burn- ing sensation, nausea and vomiting, Arsenicum as above. Arsenicum is also especially indicated by a gen- eral swelling, sunken countenance, and great de- bility. When the abdomen is much distended and there is a general dropsical effusion, the urine is passed in diminished quantities, the skin rather pale, and attended with an occasional biting and stinging sen- sation, Apis-mel three times a day. When the disease is caused by repelled erup- DROPSY OF THE ABDOMEN. 97 tions, give Ipecac, Bryonia, and Sulphur, as they are here arranged; Ipecac, first, three doses at in- tervals of three or four hours, and the others in order similarly, if the first remedy proves insu£ ficient. When it succeeds Scarlet Fever the Apocynum- can., given every two, three, or four hours, as the case required, has proved most serviceable in my practice. When the disease is caused by a contusion or blow, Arnica. When it is caused by the intemperate use of intoxicating drinks, Lachesis and Nux-vomica in alternation, or the former morning and noon, and the latter at night. When caused by debility, Ferrum and China every six or eight hours; they may be given in alternation, or one used for a few administrations, and then the other. Diet and Regimen.—The diet should be light, unirritating, and of easy digestion, but still nutri- tious and of rather a solid character, because fluids ought to be avoided as much as possible. Avoid damp humid atmospheres and variable temper atures. 9 98 DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. (Hydrocephalus.) This is a disease principally confined to children, and is characterized by a great variety of symp- toms during its irritative or initiatory stage. But as the disease advances, the stomach frequently be- comes very irritable and is occasionarlly attended with retching and vomiting, the little patient is restless, and there is a constant tossing about and moaning during sleep, rolling of the head on the pillow, and a tendency to stupidity; the pupils of the eyes become dilated, and drowsiness increases, until a full coma supervenes. At this stage of the disease, palsy of one side frequently occurs, which is manifested by a tremulous motion of the arm and contraction of the fingers. Treatment.—During the inflammatory stage of this disease, when the skin is hot and dry, and the pulse quick, give Aconite. When the face is flushed, the eyes red, rolling of the head on the pillow, frequent startings during sleep, or waking with a scream or appearance of fright, Belladonna. When effusion has taken place, the face is flushed, DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. 99 the lips dry, the tongue coated with a dark yellowish fur, the bowels constipated, the abdomen swollen, the breathing hurried, and the skin hot and dry, Bryonia. When there is a haggard and staring look, the eyes inclined to squinting, involuntary twitchings 'of the muscles, the head and body inclining back- ward, and an occasional groaning and crying, Nux- vomica. When the body appears rigid, or there is an almost constant motion of the limbs, the patient inclines to a stupor, the pulse rather full, the face swollen, profuse involuntary discharges of urine, Stramonium. When the face is pa*e and swollen, constant roll- ing of the head from side to side, the limbs rather rigid, and the pulse small and frequent, Helleborus. When the face -is pale, and the eyes are sur- rounded with a blue margin, the breathing rather difficult, with rattling of mucus in the throat, and occasional retching and vomiting, Tart.-emet. When, in addition to the nausea, the pupils of the eyes are dilated and insensible, the breathing diffi- cult and slow, Digitalis. There are other remedies deserving of attention, 100 DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. such as Mercurius, Veratrum, Phosphorus and Chamomilla. Mercurius for a doughy, clay-colored face, offen- sive breath, apthae or coated tongue, and an accu- mulation of saliva in the mouth.. Veratrum for coldness of the whole body, pale disfigured face, cold sweat on the forehead, ema- ciation and great debility. Chamomilla.—When ttie disease is caused by teething, I have seen this remedy act like a charm, when given in alternation with Aconite, during the commencement of the disease. Administration.—This disease requires the most prompt and energetic treatment. The remedies should be administered as often as every two, three, or four hours. If Tinctures are used, mix two or three drops of the medicine selected in a tumbler half full of water, stir well, and give a tea-spoonful at a dose; if powders or pillets are used, dissolve a small sized powder, or ten or twelve pillets of the first or third attenuation or potency in the same quantity of water as directed for the Tincture, and administer in the same manner. DROPSY OF THE CHEST. 101 DROPSY OF THE CHEST. (Hydrotkorax.) The symptoms of this disease are not as well de- fined during the incipient stage as those of dropsy of the brain; but as the disease advances they be- come not only well marked and distressing, but alarming, such as oppression of the chest, difficult breathing, aggravated by the least exertion; when in bed, the patient is obliged to have his head and shoulders well elevated to enable him to breathe, his sleep is interrupted by frequent startings and a sense of impending suffocation; thirst is urgent, the pulse irregular, the urine scanty and high- colored, and there is swelling of the feet and legs. Treatment.—When the disease arises from a congested state of the chest, or the effusion is the result of an inflammation, with cough, shortness of breath, and paroxysms of suffocation, Aconite every two or three hours until relief is obtained. When there are stitches in the chest, an inability to take in a full breath, the face bloated, the patient is drowsy during the day and sleepless at night, Bryonia every four hours. When there is oppressed breathing, suffocation, 9* 102 DROPSY OF THE CHEST. or hacking cough, heaviness of the head, the face is sunken, the eyes are dim, coldness of the extremi- ties, the mind sad and desponding, give Lachesis in the same manner. When the difficulty of breathing comes on very suddenly, palpitation of the heart, aggravated by inclining the chest forward, and the symptoms are worse in the afternoon, Spigelia three times a day. When the breathing is short and hurried, the face pale, the eyes dim, hiccough, nausea, pressure in the pit of the stomach, pulse small, feeble, and irregular, uneasy and unrefreshing sleep, give Digi- talis every four hours. When the disease is advanced, the patient ema- ciated, the breathing short and anxious, general coldness, when the patient complains of a burning sensation, the urine scanty and voided with pain, Arsenicum every four hours. Administration.—The same as in other forms of Dropsy. DROPSY OF THE JOINTS. 103 DROPSY OF THE JOINTS. (Hydrops Articuli.) This term is applied to dropsical affections and effusions within the joints. Causes.—The principal causes of this affection are cold, suppressed perspiration, the abuse of mer- cury, and improperly treated rheumatism. Treatment.—When it is caused by cold, the joints are swollen and painful, and the pains are aggravated by the least motion, Bryonia three times a day. When the joints are swollen, painful and stiff, the limbs weary and restless, the pains relieved by motion and aggravated at night, and there is a gen- eral sensitiveness to cold, give Mercurius morning and evening. When the swellings are principally in the knees and feet, with heat and pains of a rheumatic char- acter, worse at night and attended with shuddering and creeping chills, give Pulsatilla morning and evening. When the swelling extends from the knees to 104 DROPSY OF THE JOINTS. the legs and feet, or from the wrist to the hand, and all the symptoms are aggravated in damp weather, Lachesis once a day or every second day. When the swelling is confined to the knee-joint, Sulphur morning and evening. When it is caused by cold from getting wet, Pulsatilla or Dulcamara morning and evening. When caused by mercury, Hepar-sulph. or Sul- phur once or twice a day. When caused by sulphur, Pulsatilla once or twice a day. Administration. — Administer the remedies, whether pillets, tinctures, or powders, as previ- ously directed. I have frequently seen the greatest - benefit result from sweating the part, by envelop- ing it in a thin sheet of india rubber, or in oiled silk. When there is much heat, a napkin applied wet in cold water will answer better. Diet and Regimen—Should not conflict with homoeopathic treatment. DROPSY OF THE OVARIES. 105 DROPSY OF THE OVARIES. (Hydrops Ovarii.) In this disease the effusion takes place in the in- ternal surface of the sack or membrane, enveloping the ovary. The swelling is first observed in the right or left iliac region, unattended with pain or much constitutional disturbance ; but it gradually enlarges, until it occupies nearly the entire abdo- men, when serious disturbance begins, in conse- quence of the pressure upon the bladder, intestines and large blood vessels. Treatment.—The indications in this disease are very similar to those in dropsy of the abdomen, with the exception of the symptoms which show a derangement of the liver. The principal drugs for its removal are Mercurius, Lachesis, Digitalis, Arsenicum, Sulphur, Apocynum-can. and Apis-mel. For their administration, vide Abdominal Dropsy. Diet and Regimen—As in other forms of dropsical affections. DROPSY OF THE SCROTUM. (Hydrocele.) By this term is understood a dropsical accumu- lation within the membranes of the scrotum : and, 106 DROPSY OF THE SCROTUM. also, in the tunica vaginalis, (the membrane im- mediately investing the testes.) When it attacks the membranes of the scrotum, the swelling retains the impression made with the finger upon pressure. But when the tunica vaginalis is the seat of the disease, it has an undulating and fluctuating feeling to the touch. This disease is readily distinguished from hernia, by its transparency and fluctuations. Treatment.—Pulsatilla, Silicea and Sulpur, are recommended by very respectable authority, " each remedy for eight or twelve days, every fourth day a dose." But I have recently relied almost ex- clusively upon Arsenicum and Helleborus-niger; give from two to three grains of the former at a dose, three times a day, and continue its use until a burning sensation is produced; then omit it and give the latter remedy, by mixing from three to five drops of the tincture in a tumbler two-thirds filled with pure cold water, well stirred, and give a large sized tea-spoonful at a dose, twice a day until the cure is completed ; after which, if there is cold- ness of the extremities, or a want of circulation in the skin, give a few doses of Sulphtir. Diet and Regimen—As usual in chronic diseases dyspepsia or indigestion. 107 DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Dyspepsia or indigestion depends mainly upon weakness or want of- tone of the stomach, and is characterized by a variety of symptoms: such as pain, or aching in the region of the stomach; uneasy, bloated, or distended state of the stomach after eating; sometimes nausea, flatulency, heart- burn and costiveness: palpitation of the heart, depression of spirits, and langour. Treatment.—The best remedies for indigestion are Pulsatilla and Nux-vomica, the former, morning and noon, and the latter at night. ' In cases occurring during the summer, attended with head-ache, aversion to food, a painful dis- tension in the pit of the stomach, and a vomiting of food; give Bryonia three times a day, an hour before eating. Carbo.-veg., is a good remedy for indigestion when attended with a sour taste; tasting of the food after it has been eaten, sickness of the stomach in the morning, raising of water from the stomach at night, and an offensive diarrhoea. Ipecac or Antim. when it is attended with nausea 108 dysentery. and vomiting, with a sense of fulness in the stomach. If it is caused by the use of tobacco, Nux-vomica or Cocculus; if caused by excessive study, Nux- vom., Lachesis, Pulsatilla ; if caused by drinking cold water, Arsenicum, Pulsatilla, Veratrum— when caused by eating lobsters, crabs, muscles or other shell-fish, Rhtls-tox. Administration.—It is best to give the remedy about an hour before eating. When more than one remedy is affixed to a condition, give the one named first, for two or three days ; and if that does not have the desired effect, give the others in order similarly. Diet.—Let the diet be nutritious, but of the most unirritating character. DYSENTERY. Dysentery is characterized by an almost constant desire to evacuate the bowels, with the voiding at each effort of a small quantity of mucus, containing little or no fecal matter. The discharges vary in appearance, are white, yellow, or green mucus, and frequently mixed with blood, and attended with the most violent bearing down and colicfty pain at each effort at stool. dysentery. 109 Treatment.—At the commencement of the dis- ease, where there is some febrile heat, and the dysenteric discharges are attended with violent bearing down pain, give Aconite in alternation with Belladonna every two or three hours. When the discharges are mucus, some fecal mat- ter and streaked with blood, ^nd attended with colicky pains, Nux-vom. every four hours until relief is obtained. When the pains are cutting, before and after going to stool, and the matters evacuated are the same as above, or watery and bloody, give Merc.- cors. every two or three hours. When the discharges are mere white mucus, with or without chills passing over the back, Colchic-autum every three hours until the character of the stools become changed. When the discharges are perfectly white mucus, and attended with a difficulty' in voiding urine, Cantharides every two or three hours until the urinary difficulty ceases. When the discharges are greenish yellow, watery mucus, with blood, accompanied with colicky pains, which disappear after an evacuation, Colocynth every three hours. 10 110 dysentery. When the discharges are green, Chamomilla every three hours. When the discharges are principally mucus, and the patient complains of creeping chills passing over him, Pulsatilla every three or four hours. When the discharges are yellow mucus, and at tended with bearing-down pain, and a general sore- ness, give Staphysagria in the same manner. Administration.—Mix two or three drops of the medicine in a tumbler half full of pure cold water and give from a tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful at a dose. If pillets are used, dissolve ten or twelve in a like quantity of water and give iu similar doses. Local Remedies.—Much relief is generally ob- tained from hot fomentations to the bowels, by means of cloths wrung out in hot water. And when the bearing-down is very severe and pro- duces much suffering, make use of an occasional injection of twenty drops of Laudanum to one or two table-spoonfuls of starch or rice water. Diet and Regimen.—The diet should be very light and unirritating, and composed principally of soft boiled rice, arrowroot or mutton broth made very simple. earache. HI EAR-ACHE. (Otalgia.) Ear-ache is generally the pain produced by an inflammation of the internal ear, and in many in- stances is not relieved until a suppuration takes place, with a discharge from the ear. Treatment.—For ordinary ear-ache, pain of a darting or pressing character, Pulsatilla every two hours until it is relieved. When it is attended with some febrile action, and the pain is of a beating, throbbing character, Belladonna every hour or two until the pain is mitigated. If the pain is worse when lying in bed, and there is a disposition to perspiration, Mercurius every three or four hours. If the pain is of a tearing and stinging character, and extend up toward the temple or forehead, and the suffering is greater in the morning, Nux-vom. three times a day. When there is a painful aching, or a piercing, Dressing pain in the ear, and pain extending to the jheek bones, Spigelia every hour until relieved. If the pain is worse at night and attended with 112 EARS, DISCHARGES FROM THE. nausea, or if caused by getting wet, Dulcamara every four hours. Administration.—Mix two or three drops, or dissolve ten or twelve pillets, in a tumbler about one-third full of water, stir it well, and give a tea- spoonfu^at a dose. External Applications.—The application of warmth by means of dry heat, or simple poultices, or fomentations, will generally tend to relieve the severity of the pain. EARS, DISCHARGES FROM THE. A running, or discharge from the ears, is a very common termination of inflammation of the internal ear, and not unfrequently succeeds scarlet fever and measles. Treatment.—When the discharge is recent, and simply the termination of an acute attack of in- flammation, (or ear-ache,) Sulphur two or three times a day will soon arrest it. But if the discharge has continued for any length of time and becomes chronic, Pulsatilla, Mercurius and Sulphur should ba used; one dose a day of the EARS, DISCHARGES FROM THE. 113 first remedy for five or six days; then the others similarly if necessary. If the discharge succeeds an attack of scarlet fever, use Belladonna once a day for two or three days—then alternately every second day with Hepar-sulph. When it follows an attack of measles, use Pulsatilla and Sulphur in alternation, every day a dose. If the discharge is a thick, purulent matter, give Calcarea-carb. or Hepar-sulphur, as above. If it is bloody matter, give Pulsatilla, Mercurius or Lachesis, one dose a day. Administration.—Give three or four pillets at a dose, either dry on the tongue, or dissolved in a draught of water. And keep the ears perfectly clean, by frequent washing with warm water. 10* 114 EPILEFSY. EPILEPSY. Epilepsy may be defined as chromic convulsions, with stupor, spasmodic twitching of the muscles of the face, and frothing of the mouth. Treatment.—When epilepsy occurs in a full plethoric habit, restrict the diet, and give Aconite once a day. When there is violent spasmodic contortion of the limbs, clenched teeth, interrupted breathing, livid face, foaming at the mouth, Cicutai. When the attack is generally during the night, with starting and convulsion of the limbs, face pale, suddenly changing to red, breathing laborious and irregular, Belladonna. When the attack is more prone to return in the evening, with one side more affected than the other, the thumbs are clenched, and the patient foams at the mouth, Hyosciamus. When the attack commences by the patient's crying out, and the head is drawn backwards, features distorted, and the limbs violently con- vulsed, Nux-vomica. ERUPTIONS. 115 When it is caused by a retention, or suppression of the menses, Sulphur and Pulsatilla in alternation. Administration.—Place two or three pillets on the tongue, every fifteen or twenty "minutes, until the convulsion or attack is broken. But to remove a disposition to Epilepsy, give the remedy every two or three days. Diet.—The diet should be light, unirritating and of easy digestion. ERUPTIONS. In prescribing or taking homoeopathic remedies for the removal of eruptions, the part affected must be considered as well as the character of the eruption. Treatment.—For eruptions on the face, Caus- ticum, Graphites and Sulphur, given in rotation, each remedy for a week, in daily doses. For an eruption on the lips, Mercurius once a day; if that does not cure in three or four days, give Causticum once a day. For an eruption on the fore-arms, Causticum and Staphysagria, in alternation, every second day a dose. 116 ERUPTIONS. When it is located on the joints. Dulcamara,. Lycopodium or Sepia and Sulphur similarly. When located on the genitals, Mercurius, Rhus tox and Sepid. Mercurius first for three or four administrations, then the other remedies in alterna- tion, every day a dose. When on the scrotum, Petroleum, Sej)ia, and Sulphur, in the same manner. When the eruption appears on the scalp, Rhus-tox every day for a week, then Arsenicum similarly. If it still continues, use Calc-carb. and Sulphur, va alternation, every day a dose. CHARACTER OF THE ERUPTION. For a pimply eruption Sulphur first, then Rhus- tox every day. For a spreading eruption, Clematis, Graphites, Merc-sol., Sulphur. For dry, scaly eruptions, Arsenicum, Rhus-tox. Calc-carb., Allum. For suppurating eruptions, Dulcamara, Lycopo diurn, Mercurius, Staphysagria. For a mercurial eruption, Hepar-sulph. once or twice a day. For a syphilitic eruption, Merc, Nit.-acid, Aurum. ERYSIPELAS. 117 Administration.—Give two or three pillets, or a small powder at a dose. If the medicines are in Tinctures, mix two or three drops in a tumbler one- third full of pure cold water, stir well, and give from a tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful at a dose. < When more than one remedy is named to a con- dition, give the first one for three or four days, one dose a day. Should that fail to produce a material improvement, give the next in order, in the same manner, and, if necessary, the next. Diet and Regimen.—The diet should be light and unirritating, and everything avoided that tends in the least to add to the grossness of the secretions. ERYSIPELAS. (St. Anthony's Fire.) Erysipelas is a febrile disease, attended with an inflammation of the skin. The simple variety appears in the form of an irregular stain, or blotch of a bright red color, which soon spreads to the adjoining surface, attended with burning and sting- ing pain, redness and some swelling. Treatment.—At the commencement of the attack, and during the febrile stage, give Aconite and Belladonna in alternation, every two hours. 118 ERYSIPELAS. When the fever has abated, give Belladonna and Rhus-tox in alternation every two or three hours, until the redness and swelling subside. If it is attended with much biting, burning, sting- ing and itching, and the skin has changed from a bright red to a yellowish appearance, give Bryonia every two or three hours. If blisters are formed on the surface, and they appear dark, or contain a dark, dirty appearing serum, give Arsenicum and Lachesis in alternation, every two hours. When the erysipelatous inflammation has sub- sided, and the skin appears rough and scaly, or scurfy, give Sulphur two or three times a day, until the skin begins to assume its natural appearance. Administration.—Dissolve ten or twelve pillets of the medicine, or two or three drops of the tinc- ture, in a tumbler two-thirds full of water, and give a table-spoonful at a dose to adults, and a tea- spoonful to a child. External Applications.—Keep the part covered with powdered starch, or scorched flour, simply I*- shield from the air and light. Diet.—The diet must be of the simplest kind. FAINTING. 119 FAINTING. (Syncope.) Fainting is sometimes a symptom of organic disease of the heart; or it may depend upon a diminished energy of the brain from extreme de- bility. Those of a delicate constitution are very prone to faint from the slightest shock, or even at the sight of blood. Treatment.—When fainting attacks young females of florid complexion, give Belladonna— if they are subject to fainting attacks, give it once a day, until the habit is corrected. When it arises from a plethora or fulness of habit, give Aconite and Belladonna in alternation every six or eight hours. When it is attended with palpitation of the heart, Pulsatilla is the remedy. . When it is caused by fright, Opium. By severe pain, Veratrum. By fear, Ignatia. By joy, Coffea. ADMiNisTRATioN.-^Place two or three pillets of the medicine on the tongue and allow them to dissolve, which will generally prove sufficient. But if there is a disposition to fainting from either of the causes mentioned above, continue the remedy as above directed, until the disposition to fainting passes off. 120 FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR. FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR. (Alopecia.) Loss of the hair is in many instances hereditary; it is a common thing to see entire families lose their hair and become bald quite early in life. But it is not unfrequently caused by severe fits of sickness, the abuse of mercury, the injudicious use of Quinine, and frequently results from syphilis. Treatment.—When it occurs after a severe fit of sickness, give Lycopodium, Hepar-sulph., Silex. When it occurs during confinement from child- birth, Calcarea, Lycopodium, Natrum-muriat., Sulph. When caused by grief, Phos.-acid, Staphysagria, Lachesis, Ignatia. When caused by severe attacks of head-ache— Hepar-sulph., Nit.-acid, Silex, Sepia, Sulph. When caused by mercury, Hepar-sulph., Nit.- acid, Carbo.-veg. When caused by the abuse of quinine, Pulsa- tilla, Belladonna, Hepar-sulph. When caused by excessive sweating, Mercurius, Nit.-acid. When caused by syphilis, Mercurius, Nit.-acid, Aurum. FALLING OF THE WOMB. 121 When the hair falls off from the back part of the head, Carbo.-veg., Silex. From the temples, Calc, Kali, Lycopodium. When it falls off in spots, Cantharis., Phosphorus, Iodine. From the brows or eye lashes, Agaricus, Bella- donna, Causticum. For falling out of the whiskers, Calc-carb., Graphites, Natrum-mvriat. Administration.—Administer the remedy se- lected once a day, or every second day, and when two or more remedies are named to a condition, give them in the order in which they are arranged, using the first named for three or four administra- tions ; then the next similarly, and so on. FALLING OF THE WOMB. This is a very troublesome and not unfrequently a very distressing condition. It is characterized by » pressing and bearing down pain in the lower part of the abdomen, and a dragging pain in the small of the back, and is sometimes attended with some urinary difficulty. Treatment.—The principal remedies for this 11 122 FELONS. affection are Belladonna in the morning and Nux vom. at night. Administration.—The same as in other uterine difficulties. FALLING OF THE VAGINA This is cured by the administration of Mercurius once a day, or once every second day, in doses of two or three pillets at a time, or a small powder of the third trituration. FELONS. Felons arise from irritation between the fascia of the muscles, or the membraneous covering of the bone, producing at first a pricking sensation, similar to that caused by a brier or splinter; then heat, swelling, and the most intense beating and throbbing pain, which, if not arrested, proceeds to suppuration. Treatment.—If a felon is attended with much heat and some general fever, give a few doses of Aconite, at intervals of an hour or two; then give Silicea every four or six hours until a cure is effected. FEVER. 123 External Applications.—As soon as the heat and swelling commence, keep the part constantly enveloped in a bandage wet with cold water con- taining a few drops of Arnica, (fifteen or twenty drops to a gill of water.) Diet—In accordance with the homoeopathic rules. FEVER. (Febris.) Fever is a disease which is, (according to Dr. Hooper,) " characterized by an increase of heat, an accelerated pulse, a foul tongue, and an impaired state of several functions of the body." But it is nothing more or less than the reactive force of the vital powers against disease. Treatment.—The only treatment necessary for the simple form of continued fever is Aconite, given every three or four hours. But if the fever is attended with stitches through the head, lameness of the back, and stiffness of the muscles of the back and neck, give Dulcamara in alternation with the Aconite, as above. If the face is red and swollen, and the mind seems wandering, give Belladonna, in alternation 124 fever and ague. wTith the Aconite, every two or three hours until the violence of the symptoms subsides. Administration.—Mix three or four drops of the medicine, or dissolve ten or twelve pillets, in a tumbler half full of pure cold water, and give from a tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful, as the condition directs. Diet and Regimen.—The diet should be light, such as thin gruel, arrow-root, and the like. Cold water only should be drunk, and the room must be kept well ventilated. FEVER AND AGUE. This form of fever is characterized by cold, hot, and sweating stages, succeeding each other at regular paroxysms, which are followed by an in- termission. Treatment.—When the thirst is equal during the cold, hot, and sweating stages; head-ache, pain in the pit of the stomach, a sudden prostration of strength, and the paroxysms occur every thirty-six hours, Arsenicum. When the chills are slight, and there is a great deal of dry heat, or when the chills come on in the FEVER and ague. 125 night, followed by thirst and vertigo, Belladonna. When the cold stage predominates, and there is thirst only during the hot stage, Bryonia. When the thirst is only during the cold stage, Capsicum. When there is nausea and vomiting of bile, a bitter taste, and not much thirst, Antim.-crude. When there is vomiting at the commencement of the cold stage, and mucous diarrhoea during the intermission, and the patient complains of soreness of the entire body, Pulsatilla. When the sweating stage is not very profuse, and there is severe head-ache, or a partial blindness during the hot stage, Natrum-mur. When there is no thirst during either stage, Nitric-acid. When there is a partial numbness at the approach of the hot stage; tenderness and distension of the stomach and bowels, Nux-vom. When the disease appears in marshy districts, and is characterized by the cold, hot, and sweating stages, Quinine. Administration.—Mix three or four drops of the medicine in a tumbler half full of pure cold water, 11* 126 FEVER REMITTENT. stir it well, and give from a tea-spoonful to a table- spoonful at a dose. If pillets are used, give five or six at a dose, every three or four hours during the intermission. Diet and Regimen.—There is no occasion for restricting the diet in this form of fever, any more than its non-interference with the medicines de- mands. FEVER REMITTENT. Remittent fever is that form which has a remis- sion, or a very considerable diminution of the fever once or twice a day, or every second day. Treatment.—When the fever is high, the skin hot and dry, with head-ache, the pulse tolerable full, give Aconite every three or four hours. If there is prominent derangement of the stomach, weight in the head, with delirious talk at night, un- easiness and apprehension, Ant.-crude, and Bryonia, in alternation, every two or three hours. If the patient complains of pain of a rheumatic character, give Bryonia every three hours until the pain passes off. When there is violent heat, thirst, head-ache, or FISTULA IN AN0. 127 drowsiness, and the pulse is full, give Belladonna, in alternation with Aconite, every three hours until the symptoms are mitigated. If the fever approaches to a typhoid form, the tongue becomes dry and dark in the centre, and a disposition to low delirium ensues, give Rhus-tox and Bryonia, in alternation, every two or three hours until the symptoms become more favorable. Administration.—Mix two or three drops of the medicine, or dissolve ten or twelve pillets, in a tum- bler half full of pure cold water, and give from a tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful at a dose. Diet and Regimen.—The diet must be very simple, such as plain gruel, arrow-root, rice or bar- ley water, and the patient should not be disturbed by too many questions. FISTULA IN ANO. The term Fistula as used in surgery is applied to a " long and sinuous ulcer that has a narrow opening, and which sometimes leads to a larger cavity, and has no disposition to heal." The points where these abscesses burst, or open, a^t» uncertain; sometimes in the buttock, at others 128 fistula in ano. near the verge of the anus, or in the perineum, and sometimes there is an external and internal opening communicating with a cavity. Treatment.—When the fistulous opening is attended with a creeping sensation in the rectum, or an itching pain in the anus, use Rhus-tox morn- ing and evening. When there is an excessive itching of the anus day and night, give Causticum once a day. When it is attended with an itching of the anus and a discharge of white mucus before and during a stool, or swelling about the anus of a painful character, give Kali-carb. once a day, or every second day a dose. When it is attended with a discharge of matter and blood from the anus, and the sphincter muscle appears constricted, give Lachesis every morning or evening. When the fistulous opening is surrounded with everted red and shining edges, use Lycopodium once a day. When attended with pain and burning during the day, oozing of moisture, or a discharge of mucus from the anus, Sepia every evening. If attended with violent stitches, particularly in fistula in ano. 129 the evening, or a creeping sensation in the rectum as if caused by worms, Sulphur once a day. When there is a constant discharge of matter( Silicea once a day. When the ulcer breaks out again after having been healed, and emits a bloody lymph, instead of pus, use Carbo.-veg., morning and evening for three or four days. Administration.—Use five or six pillets at a dose, or when tinctures are used, mix two or three drops in a tumbler about one-third full of water, stir well, and take from a tea-spoonful to a dessert- spoonful at a dose. If powders #re used, take as much as will lay on the point of a pen-knife blade at a dose. Diet and Regimen.—If the bowels are con- stipated (costive,) the diet ought to be rather re- laxing than otherwise, but if there is a disposition to diarrhoea and debility, the food should be nutri- tious and bracing, but in accordance with homoeo- pathic rules. 130 FLUOR ALBUS. FLUOR ALBUS. (Whites.) Leucorrhcea, or fluor albus, is a mucous, milky secretion from the vagina, which varies in con- sistency and color, and is sometimes attended with excoriations, smarting pain in the back and loins, debility, and frequently palpitation, and the loss of appetite. Treatment.—When the discharge is copious, yellowish, and tenacious, Aconite morning and evening. When it is thick like cream, and there is itching of the parts, Pulsatilla morning and evening. When it is fetid, giving the linen a yellow stain, and attended with costiveness and pain in the back, Nux-vomica every night. When it occurs before and after the menses; smarting and urging to urinate, Phosphorus night and morning. If the discharge is greenish, Sepia every morning. is yellow and attended with itching and soreness, Sulphur once or twice a day. When the discharge is bloody, and appears be- FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS. 131 fore and after menstruating, attended with flatulent and colic pains, Cocculus morning and evening. When it is greenish, acrid and corrosive, Mer- curius similarly. Administration.—Mix two or three drops of the medicine, or dissolve ten or twelve of the pillets in a tumbler half full of water, and give a table-spoon- ful at a dose. Diet and Regimen—According to homoeopathic rules. FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS. I will not lay down any general or special rules for the treatment of fractures and dislocations, for they are not only properly included within the province of the Surgeon, but it would demand a volume to treat of their varieties in detail, as they deserve. It is well to remark, however, that a fracture or dislocation may be known by observing the extent of the injury, the distortion or position of the limb, and the inability to use it. When either has taken place, do not attempt its reduction, but place the limb in the easiest natural 132 FROZEN OR FROST-BITTEN. position, apply cloths wet in diluted Arnica Tinct., (one part of Arnica and three or four parts of cold water.) and send immediately for a skilful Surgeon. By all means avoid what are called natural bone- setters, who work by instinct or magic, and leave a crooked limb as a memorial of their skill and your cupidity. FROZEN OR FROST-BITTEN. When any part of the nose, ears, face, hands, or feet, is frozen, rub them with snow or ice for a few seconds; then immerse them in cold water, or apply cold water, gradually increasing the temper- ature until some color or a natural sensation re- turns. If violent reaction sets in, which is fre- quently the case, give a few doses of Aconite at intervals of an hour or two. Should it produce a red, shining swelling of the part, with itching and burning, give Agaricus every four or six hours. Should there be swelling, redness, burning and blistering of the part, similar in appearance to vesicular erysipelas, apply Tinct. Cantharides to the part. But when the part is much swollen, and covered GATHERED BREAST. 133 with a small pustular eruption, apply Spts. Tur- pentine. When there is not much swelling, but great pain and aching, bathe the parts frequently with Spirits, and give a few doses of Rhus-tox at intervals of two or three hours. Administration.—Give five or six pillets at a dose, or if Tinctures are used, mix two or three drops in a gill of water, stir well, and give to a child a tea-spoonful at a dose; to an adult give a dessert-spoonful. Diet and Regimen.—In accordance with homoeo- pathic restrictions when taking medicines. GATHERED BREAST. Gathered breast is the result of pre-established, local irritation and inflammation, which generally result from cold; and when the condition denomi- nated Ague in the Breast, passes to the suppurative stage, it receives the above term. Treatment.—When an inflammation of the breast is upon the point of suppuration, give Hepar-sulph. every hour or two. 12 134 gleet. After suppuration has taken place, use Silicea three times a day. When the discharge of pus has nearly subsided, omit the Silex, and give Sulphur once or twice a day, until the breast is entirely healed. External Applications.—The numerous poul- tices and drawing applications, which are generally used to favor suppuration, are very prone to in- volve the adjacent tissue in the difficulty, and sometimes prove very destructive. If anything is necessary, it must be of the simplest character, and merely serve to protect the part from the clothing and external injury. Administration.—Give a small powder at a dose, or if pillets are used, give five or six as above directed. GLEET. Gleet is a mere appendix to frequent attacks of, or improperly treated gonorrhoea (clap,) and fre- quently continues a long time after the original disease has passed off, or at least the danger of communicating it has ceased. It consists of a thin, semi-transparent mucous discharge, unattended with pain or burning. GOUT. 135 Treatment.—If there is any local irritation, or tenderness of the parts during the gleety discharge, ( take one drop of the Oil of Cubebs on a piece of sugar morning and evening, and bathe the parts frequently with cold water. But if the discharge still continues, and there is considerable weakness of the parts, use the Ferrum- muriatis internally, and use moderately a stringent injections. Diet and Regimen.—In accordance with treat- ment, but more liberal than in gonorrhoea. Take moderate exercise and avoid violent exertion, such as lifting and straining. GOUT. (Arthritis.) Gout sometimes appears suddenly, at other times it is preceded by an unusual coldness, and sup- pressed perspiration of the feet and legs, diminished appetite, indigestion and flatulency. In some instances the patient is awakened from sleep by a severe pain in the first joint of the great toe. It sometimes attacks other parts of the foot such as the heel, or perhaps the entire foot. Treatment.—When the attack commences with 136 GOUT. sickness of,the stomach, use Ant.-crud. every four or six hours. When the attack is attended with much fever, Aconite every three or four hours, until the fever abates. When it commences with shivering and creeping chills, Pulsatilla every four hours until the chills pass off. When the pains are principally in the great toe, Pulsatilla and Arnica in alternation every three or four hours. When it is in the heel, Canabis morning, noon and night. When the attack commences in the foot, knee, or calf of the leg, Bryonia as above. When the entire foot is equally painful, Rhus-tox three times a day. When the pain and swelling is wandering, or shifts from place to place, Pulsatilla,. Arnica or Nux-vomica, as above. When it attacks fishermen, or those exposed to getting wet, Dulcamara is the best remedy. When it affects the stomach, and particularly if it occasions nausea or vomiting, use Antimony gout. , 137 every half hour or hour, until the sickness of the stomach is removed. But if it is more of an in- tense pain, use Nux-vom. as above, until it is relieved. When it passes from the feet to the heart, and is attended with fever or symptoms of inflammation, use Aconite every hour until the feverish symptoms subside. Then if pain continues in the region of the heart attended with palpitation and difficult breathing, use Pulsatilla and Spigelia in alternation every hour until the pain ceases. When the kidneys become affected, use Aconite and Belladonna in alternation every hour, until the fever subsides ; then use a few doses of Cantharides at intervals of two or three hours. Administration.—Give three or four pillets at a dose, or mix two or three drops of the medicine in a tumbler half full of water, stir it well, and give from a tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful at a dose. Diet.—The diet must be restricted, as high living is in most instances the cause of gout, particularly if assisted by stimulating drinks. 12* 138 , GRAVEL. GRAVEL, (Or Stone in the Bladder.) The existence of stone in the bladder is charac- terized by frequent inclination to urinate, with severe pain. The urine is voided drop by drop— sometimes it will start in a full natural stream, and suddenly stop by the rolling of the calculi or stone against the orifice of the neck of the bladder; and the urine is frequently colored with blood from the irritation produced by the gravelly deposit. Treatment—If there is much local irritation, or any general fever, give Aconite every two or three hours, until it subsides. Then give the first tritu- ration of Kali.-carb. in three or five grain doses, three times a day, and continue it thus, until the calculi begins to pass off in the urine. This remedy possesses a peculiar property in dissolving urinary calculi. The attending symptoms that may arise during the treatment, such as burning and smarting in the urethra, and a degree of tension in the region of the bladder, may demand a few doses of Phosphorus— or severe pain in the back low down between the hips, Nux.-vom. HEAD-ACHE. 139 Belladonna and Rhus-tox may be used where there is a violent bearing down and pressing pain. Administration—The remedies for the removal of the attending symptoms may be prepared by mixing two or three drops of the tincture, or ten or twelve of the pillets in a tumbler half full of water; stir well and give a dessert-spoonful at a dose every hour or two until the patient is relieved; then continue with the Kali.-carb. as above di- rected. Diet.—In accordance with homoeopathic treat- ment; the drinks should consist of slippery elm, flax seed, or gum arabic tea. HEAD-ACHE. Headache, like cough, is symptomatic of many diseases, but sometimes appears independent of other apparent affections, or at least as a predomin- ating symptom, and as such, directs the remedy in a great measure. Treatment.—For a violent head-ache, attended with fever, give Aconite and Belladonna every hour, in alternation, until it is relieved. Use the 140 head-ache. latter remedy if it is a dull, heavy, intoxicating head-ache. When the head-ache occurs mostly in the morn- ing, or if it is a head-ache that prevents stooping, in consequence of the pressure in the forehead, give Bryonia every hour or two until it is relieved. When it is more of a lacerating pain in one side of the head, Pulsatilla three times a day. For a head-ache obliging the patient to lie down, Rhus-tox every hour until relief is obtained. For a severe head-ache, with sickness of the stomach; one-sided head-ache; or for a headache when the scalp feels sore to the touch, Nux-vomica every two or three hours. For violent beating in the entire head, and par- ticularly when caused by the heat of the sun, give Lachesis every hour until it is relieved. For aching pain in the forehead; lacerating, throbbing head-ache, as if the eyes would be torn from their sockets, Cocculus. External Appltcations.—There is no objection to the application of cold water to the head, when it feels grateful, nor to warm or even stimulating applications to the feet, particularly when they are cold. HEARING. 141 HEARING The organs of hearing are delicate and com- plicated, and subject to many impressions which are calculated either directly or indirectly to disturb their functions and to produce deafness, partial or complete. Treatment.—When hardness of hearing is at- tended with a tickling and roaring in the ears, use Aconite once a day. When attended with humming or roaring in the ears, Belladonna once a day. If attended with singing in the ears, particularly while sitting, give Arsenicum once or twice a day. When the partial deafness is attended with a noise as of rushing waters, or the right ear feels closed, use Cocculus every second day. For hardness of hearing, attended with a dis- charge from the ears, use, in alternation, one dose a day, Belladonna and Pulsatilla. If attended with a roaring or ringing in the ears in the morning when rising, give Nux-vomica every night. 142 HEARING. For partial deafness, attended with rawness and excoriations of the internal ear, use Mercurius once a day. If the deafness is caused by enlarged tonsils, as is frequently the case, give Nitric-acid and Iodine. Give the former first, one dose a day for a week or two, then the latter similarly. If caused by the suppression of cutaneous erup- tions, give Sulphur first, then Antimony, Graphites, or Lachesis, as they are here arranged, one dose a day for five or six days until they have the desired effect. Administration.—To an adult give five or six pillets at a dose; to a child give from two to three. But if the medicines are tinctures, mix two or three drops in a tumbler half full of pure cold water, stir it well, and give from a tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful at a dose. Diet and Regimen.—The diet must be in ac- cordance with the condition of the patient and com- patible with homoeopathic treatment. HEART-BURN. 143 HEART-BURN. (Waterbrash.) Heart-burn is one of those unpleasant symptoms which attend dyspepsia and an acid condition of the stomach ; it is also a very common symptom dur- ing pregnancy. Treatment. — The principal remedies in this affection are Nux-vom., Pulsatilla, Bryonia, and Carbo-veg. When it is attended with a bitter or sour taste. sickness of the stomach, sour eructations, raising of an acid water from the stomach, and there is an uneasy sensation in the pit of the stomach, give Nux-vom. morning and evening, and continue its Administration.—Give two or three pillets at a dose; or if the medicine is in powders, give as much as will lie on the point of a pen-knife blade. Diet.—No more attention to diet is necessary, than simply to see that it does not interfere with the treatment. WHITE SWELLING. This term is applied to a scrofulous affection of the knee-joint, and is characterized at first by slight pain in the joint after exercise, which gradually in- creases ; the joint begins to enlarge, and the limb becomes emaciated, and debility, night sweats, and symptoms of hectic ensue. Treatment.—Give the first trituration of Calc- carb. and Ferrum in two or three grain doses, every four or six hours in alternation. Should the de- bility increase, and symptoms of hectic appear, such as debility, some afternoon fever, and night-sweats, use Arsenicum 1st in alternation with the Ferrum, and continue its use, until the symptoms become arrested. Then give Kali-carb. 1st, and Ferrum in alternation, every six or eight hours, until the patient is restored to health. 280 lacerated wounds. External Applications.—1 have found the wet bandage (wet in cold water,) of very great service in this affection, particularly where there was much local heat. Diet and Regimen.—The diet ought to be nutri- tious ; such as rare roast beef, rare steak, mutton chop, boiled mutton, etc. The patient should not be allowed to use the limb. WOUNDS. Contused wounds are such as are caused by a fall, or blow, or by being pressed between hard bodies. Treatment.—Bathe the part frequently with diluted Tinct.-arnica, (one part of Arnica to five or six parts of water,) and keep it applied by means of old fine linen wet in it. LACERATED WOUNDS. These are caused by tearing, from being caught by machinery, etc. Treatment.—Bring the parts in as close con- PUNCTURED wounds. 281 tinuity as possible, and keep them so by properly adjusted bandages and compresses, wet in diluted Tinct.-arnica. If fever arises, give Aconite every three or four hours, until it subsides. INCISED WOUNDS. These are produced by a cutting instrument. Treatment.—Bring the parts close together, (in as natural a position as possible,) and secure them thus, by means of adhesive-straps, so as to form a unison by the first intention. Should fever, or in- flammatory symptoms set in, use Aconite every three or four hours, until they abate. PUNCTURED WOUNDS These are produced by a pointed instrument. They are to be treated by the application of dossils of lint, wet in Tinct.-arnica, (diluted as above,) and secured to the part by means of proper bandages. 24* 282 WORMS. WORMS. The origin of intestinal worms is (as we have remarked before) veiled in much obscurity. Some maintain that they are developed from ovula re- ceived into the stomach and bowels along with the food and drink; while others assert that they are the result of " spontaneous generation." The latter supposition certainly appears most reasonable, for we know that it is not uncommon to find worms in the bowels of new-born infants. But from what- ever source they emanate they are known to be the primary cause of many of the diseases from which children suffer. Treatment.—For the ordinary symptoms of worms, such as variable appetite; foul tongue and offensive breath; distended abdomen; thin and emaciated limbs; irregular bowels; itching of the nose; startings in sleep, and irritability of temper, give Cina three times a day. And should inflam- matory or feverish symptoms set in after the use of the above remedy, give Aconite and Belladonna, in alternation, every three or four hours ; the latter remedy, particularly if there are any symptoms threatening spasms or convulsions; such as sudden WORMS. 283 crying, starting, twitching of the muscles, or if the head is hot and the face flushed. If the abdomen is tumid and hard, and the bowels are constipated, give Cina in the morning and Nux- vom. at night. If mucous diarrhoea follows the administration of Cina, give Pulsatilla first, then Mercurius, and lastly Sulphur. Of each remedy give two or three doses, that is if the first or second does not have the desired effect. I prefer the Cina in tincture, and generally mix three or four drops in a tumbler half full of pure eold water, and administer as above. The pillets or powder, however, may be used in the same way, by dissolving a small powder or eight or ten pillets. Diet.—The diet should be restricted to plain, simple food, particularly during treatment. 284 YELLOW FEVER. YELLOW FEVER. A great diversity of opinion exists in regard to the true character of this form of fever. By some it is considered a typhus, with marked biliary de- rangement ; by others as a congestive bilious re- mittent; and again some consider it a form of fever entirely independent of either, and dependent upon a specific contagion. Facts and statistics sufficiently prove that a judi- cious homoeopathic treatment furnishes the only hope of recovery from this most dangerous disease. The signal success that attended the practice of the lamented Taft, during the prevalence of the Yellow Fever at New Orleans, is sufficient to convince the most incredulous, and is but one of many similar instances. Facts also warrant the assertion that the chances of recovery from Yellow Fever are far greater when the disease is left to the efforts of nature alone than when subjected to the best allopathic treatment ever employed. For when the Yellow Fever prevailed so virulently among the English re- giments encamped at Uppark Camp, in King^tor, YELLOW FEVER. 285 Jamaica, the physicians considering it a high grade of Bilious Remittent, prescribed an energetic anti- phlogistic treatment, and the result was a most fearful fatality. Every case proved fatal and con- tinued to do so, until the surgeons of the regiments and the resident physicians became appalled at their utter want of success, and discontinued their treat- ment, to consider among themselves what plan, if any, could be adopted to arrest the disease; and as soon as they ceased to prescribe, the fatality began to subside and the patients to recover. This is not only a matter of history, but I have it from the testimony of Dr. McBean, a physician well known, especially in Jamaica, who was cognizant to all the facts. The same conclusion may be obtained from the report of the Medical Deputation from the French Government to Gibraltar, which furnishes a case of complete recovery, in which the only treatment was a simple bath. Such facts suggest that many others might have terminated as favora- bly, if left to the efforts of nature alone. Treatment.—The principal remedies for the suc- cessful treatment of Yellow Fever are Ipecac, Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Lobelia, Rhus-tox, Arsenicum, and Veratrum. 286 YELLOW FEVER. When the initiatory symptoms are the following: dizziness, slight chills, an uneasy sensation in the pit of the stomach, nausea, faintness, pain in the back and limbs, languor and general weakness, give Ipecac. But if the commencement of the attack is marked by greater arterial excitement, such as severe pain in the head, flushed face, injected eyes, full or tense pulse, painful uneasy feeling in the stomach, nausea, or nausea and vomiting, give Aconite. When the face is flushed and swollen, the eyes red, the pulse small or contracted, vertigo, dull- ness, confusion, no power of recognition, hiccough and vomiting of bile, or of bile and mucus, give Belladonna. When the skin becomes yellow, the eyes injected, glassy or suffused with tears, severe burning sensa- tion in the stomach, excessive thirst, pain in the back, general uneasiness, the patient apprehensive1 and inclined to talk deliriously at night, give Bryonia. When the attack commences with sudden pros- tration, vertigo, dull, heavy headache, the mouth dry, burning sensation in the throat, incessant nausea, pressure in the pit of the stomach, dark YELLOW FEVER. 287 bloody stools, urine of a deep red color, pain in the loins, great weakness and weariness of the limbs, exhaustion and mental despondency, give Lobelia. When there is violent throbbing below the pit of the stomach, nausea, burning eructations, painful distension of the abdomen, pain in the back and limbs, or the limbs are almost paralysed, parched red or brown tongue, the patient gloomy, stupid, and delirious, give Rhus-tox. When the skin is of a reddish-yellow, inclining to brown; the eyes of a dark red, and the vessels congested; coldness of the limbs, with clammy perspiration; the lips dark, the tongue brown or black, the pulse small and tremulous, vomiting of a brownish or blackish substance, followed by great exhaustion, give Arsenicum or Veratrum, or they may be given in alternation. Administration.—Mix two or three drops of the tincture, or dissolve ten or twelve pillets in a tumbler one-third full of cold water, and give a tea-spoonful every two or three hours, until the symptoms are mitigated, or another remedy is in- dicated. 0^3 YELLOW FEVER. Diet and Regimen.—The diet during the attack should be mild and unirritating; the drinks should consist of cold water and mucilaginous beverages, and the apartments be well ventilated. INDEX. PAGE Preface.................... 3 List of Remedies........... 5 Dietetics................... 9 The Dose.................. 11 Abdomen.................. 16 Abdominal Dropsy......... 94 Abdominal Pains........... 17 Abscesses.................. 13 Acne (vide Pimples on the 1 0, Q Face)..................f 213 Affections of the Mind..... 185 After-Pains................. 17 Ague in the Breast......... 18 Ague and Fever............_ 124 Ano, Fistula in............ 127 Apoplexy.................. 19 Appetite, loss of............ 21 " Voracious........ 23 Apthse, or Sprue........... 25 Asthma.................... 26 Back, Pains in the.......... 199 Biliousness................. 2S Bilious Colic............... 30 Bites and Stings of Insects.. 32 Bite of the Copper-head--- 32 Bleeding from the Nose..... 32 " " " Lungs.... 34 » " " Stomach. 37 « » " Urethra.. 39 " " " Womb... 40 Bladder, Inflammation of... 154 Bleeding Piles.............. 211 Blindness................... 42 Boils, or Biles.............. 44 Brain, Inflammation of..... 171 » Dropsy of the........ 98 PAGB Bronchitis.................. 46 Bubo...................... 48 Burns and Scalds........... 49 Carbuncle.................. 50 Cataract................... 51 Catarrh.................... 53 Chancres................... 55 Chicken Pox............... 55 Chilblains.................. 56 Cholera.................... 58 Cholera Infantum.......... 61 Cholera Morbus............ 63 Chronic Bronchitis.......... 46 Chronic Rheumatism....... 64 Clap....................... 66 Colds...................... 67 Colic....................... 69 Congestion................. 71 " of the Head...... 71 " of the Lungs..... 72 Continued Fever........... 123 Corns...................... 73 Costiveness................ 74 Constipation................ 74 Consumption .............. 76 Contusions................. 280 Convulsions................ 77 Cough...................... 79 Cramps in the Limbs....... 81 " in the Stomach..... 82 " during Pregnancy.. 217 Croup..................... 88 Crying of Infants........... 86 Deafness.................. 141 Delirium Tremens.......... 87 Derangement of the Mind.. 185 290 INDEX. PAGE Derangement of the Menses. 180 Diabetes.................. 270 Diarrhoea................... 89 Diseases during Pregnancy. 216 Diseases of the Mind....... 1S5 Dislocations................ 131 Dizziness.................. 90 Dropsy.................... 92 Dropsy of the Abdomen___ 94 " " Brain........ 98 " " Chest........ 101 " Joints......... 103 " " Ovaries...... 105 " " Scrotum..... 105 Dyspepsia.................. 107 Dysentery.................. 108 Ear-ache................... Ill Ears, discharges from....... 112 " Inflammation of...... 157 Epilepsy................... 114 Eruptions................. 115 Erysipelas.................. 117 Eyes, Inflammation of...... 158 Fainting................... 119 " during Pregnancy.. 217 Falling off of the Hair...... 120 Falling of th e Womb....... 121 Falling of the Vagina....... 122 Felons...................... 122 Fever and Ague............ 124 Fever Continued........... 123 Fever Intermittent......... 124 Fever Remittent........... 1261 Fever Typhus.............. 266 Fever Yellow.............. 284 Fistula in Ano............. 127 Fluor Albus............... 130 Fits, vide Convulsions...... 77 Fractures and Dislocations... 181 Frozen, or Frost-bitten..... 182 Gathered Breast............ 183 Gleet...................... 134 Gout...................... 135 Gonorrhoea (Clap).......... 66 Gravel..................... 188 Hair, falling of the......... 120 Head-ache................. 139 Hearing.................... 141 PAGE neart-burn................. 143 Heart, Inflammation of..... 160 Heart, Palpitation of........ 20S Hip joint Disease........... 144 Hives...................... 194 Hoarseness................ 145 Hooping-Cough............ 147 Hydrophobia............... 149 Hysterics.................. 151 Inflammation.............. 152 Inflammation of the Brain. 171 " " Bowels. 155 " " Bladder. 154 " " Ear .... 157 " " Eyes.... 158 " " Heart... 160 " " Kidneys 163 " " Lungs.. 161 " " Liver... 164 " " Nose.... 166 " " Pleura... 214 " " Stomach 167 " " Throat. 220 " " Tonsils. 220 " " Tongue. 16S " " Womb.. 170 Influenza.................. 172 Irregular Menstruation..... 180 Itch....................... 178 Jaundice................... 174 Kidneys, Inflammation of... 163 Knee-joint, Swelling of..... 279 Leucorrhoea............... 130 Lips, Sore.................. 255 Lock-jaw.................. 175 Loss of Voice.............. 276 Measles.................... 178 Menses Irregular.......... 180 Painful............ 182 " Retention.......... 181 " Suppressed........ 183 Mental Derangement....... 185 Milk, Excess of............. 190 " Depraved quality of.. 189 " Suppression of........ 189 Milk Eruption............. 190 Mind, Diseases of........... 185 INDEX. 291 Miscarriage................ 191 Mumps.................... 192 Nettle Rash................ 194 Neuralgia.................. 195 Nipples, Sore............... 255 Nodes..................... 197 Nose, Pains in the.......... 205 Nursing Sore Mouth........ 198 Pain in the Back........... 199 " Bowels......... 69 " Chost........... 201 " Head............ 139 " Limbs.......... 222 " Stomach........ 207 Painful Menstruation....... 182 Palpitation of the Heart___ 208 Palsy...................... 210 " of the Limbs.......... 210 Phthisic, vide Asthma...... 26 Piles....................... 211 Pimples on the Face........ 213 Pleurisy................... 214 Pregnancy, Diseases during. 216 Prickly Heat............... 219 Quinsy..................... 220 Remittent Fever........... 126 RedGum.................. 221 Rheumatism Acute......... 222 Chronic....... 222 Rickets.................... 225 Ring-Worm............... 226 SaltRheum................ 227 Sea Sickness .............. 230 Seeing..................... 42 Seminal Weakness.......... 231 Scald Head................ 233 ScarletFever............... 234 Scrofula.................... 238 Scurvy.................... 240 Sickness of the Stomach — 241 " During Pregnancy. 216 Sight...................... 42 Small Pox................ Snuffles.................. Sores, vide Ulcers......... Sore Eyes................. ' Throat............... ' Lips................. ' Mouth............... ' Mouth while nursing. ' Nipples.............. itting Blood............ Spots on the Face during Pregnancy............. Sprains, or Strains......... Sprue..................... Stye...................... St. Vitus' Dance........... Squinting................. PAGE . 243 . 244 . 252 , 267 . 158 , 253 . 255 , 254 . 198 . 255 34 219 256 25 257 , 25S 259 Teething................... 260 Tic Douloureux............ 203 Tooth-ache................ 262 Typhus Fever.............. 266 Ulcers..................... 267 Urine, Immoderate flow of.. 270 " Difficult............. 272 " Suppression of....... 271 " Bloody.............. 272 Vaccination................ 278 Varioloid.................. 274 Vegetations................ 275 Venereal.................. 66 Voice, Loss of the.......... 276 Voracious Appetite......... 23 Vision..................... 42 "Warts..................... 278 Wetting the Bed........... 271 Whites, vide Leucorrhoea... 130 White Swelling............ 279 Worms.................... 282 Wounds................... 281 Yellow Fever.............. 289 THE END /■%. 23 S 5 6 , «*