-..y-vi-.«Ti-» - <. ■ *£•** ^ '&V "ir*' 'u -J ' ■ fv'A, ",- ■■■, ■'«r Berberis.—Lameness, weakness and pain about the loins—urine full of sediment— joints enlarged—ailments worse by sitting or lying; better by gentle motion. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y2 to 1 drachm of the fluid extract. Child, see Section 56, B. Berberis vulgaris, in minute doses, is the grand specific for various diseases of the kidney and bladder—Albuminuria —Chyluria—Nephritis—Gravel—Urine loaded with sedi- ment—Pains in the loins—Lameness over the kidneys. j^g^Uva ursi; Adult, 10 grain doses; stands in high repute for Gravel—Bloody, slimy urine—Chyluria (Phos- phoric acid)—Cystitis—Nephritis. (A) " Compound decoction of sarsaparilla, adult, 1 pint a day, is a champion remedy for Gravel, and restores the worn-down and wasted system to renewed vigor. It also antidotes the ill effects of mercury; and in conjunction with the gray powder, 1 grain 4 times a day, is considered our best hope in Constitutional syphilis" Kidney Colic—(Lodgment of stone)—Chief remedy, Berberis vulgaris tincture; adult, 5 drops on sugar every 5 minutes. (B) Hemorrhage from the Womb, at the time of Menses.—Sulphate of Berberine, 5 grain pills; repeated every 2 hours if necessary. Ladies subject to excessive flow, should keep these pills constantly on hand, and may rely upon them with perfect confidence. The same cures Itching of the vulva, and is excellent for Leucarrhcea. 32 SECTION 17. BELLADONNA. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Ailments with delirium —throbbing in the arteries of the neck—starting in sleep— smooth shining redness of parts affected—sudden attacks of pain, throbbing, shifting—intolerance of the least jar— pains worse at 3 p.m., and after midnight—relief by warmth in general—desire for lemons. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B-C-D. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 5 to 20 drops of the tincture— Atropia, y^j- to fa grain. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Formula: Atropia Sulph., 2 grains; Aquae distil., I ounce. Mix. Adult, 2 to 5 minims, or j^ to ^ grain in solution. Used especially for Pains attended with depression of vital powers—Ileus— Pains and fidgets of Locomotor ataxia—Neuralgia—Epilepsy—Dysmenorrhea —Dysuria—Enuresis—Poisoning from Pilocarpin, muscaria, bromal hydrate and morphia. gg^1 Duboisia muriat., adult, y^ to ^ grain in solution, may be substituted for Atropia, in all diseases for which the latter is now employed. It is more calming and hypnotic, than Atropia, and is especially to be preferred in the treatment of diseases of the mind, brain and eye. (A) Belladonna, in minute doses, is the leading remedy for Congestive Headache, with red face, and throbbing of the vessels of the neck—Vertigo, with vanishing of sight— Brain fever, with wild delirium—Puerperal fever—Scarlet fever, smooth red. The same in daily doses, continued for a week or two, is our most reliable prophylactic of scarlet fever—Convulsions with red face—Spasm of the glottis— Erysipelas, smooth red—Any inflammation, smooth red, or in streaks, or very sensitive to the least jar—Peritonitis —Nephritis—Meningitis—Encephalitis—Sore throat, scar- let red—Quinsy, deep red, tender to touch—Aphonia— 3 33 section 17.—belladonna. Mumps, sudden shifting to the brain—Ulceration in the stomach, frightful pain, bloody vomit, no better remedy— Infantile Dysentery, often the only medicine needed—Apo- plexy, early stage—Lock-jaw, spasm renewed by every attempt to drink—Neuralgia, attacks of pain come suddenly and leave suddenly—Locomotor ataxia—Optic neurosis— Ophthalmia, with pain in the eyeball. Introduce also into the eye as often as needed, atropia solution (2 grains to the ounce of water), a drop or two at a time—Iritis—Reti- nitis (Picric acid)—Conjunctivitis—Glaucoma—Blindness— Derangement of sight with appearance of objects fiery, or inverted—Inability to sleep, though drowsy—Starting in sleep, as if frightened—Pain in the back, as if it would break—Falling of the womb, with bearing-down pain— Puerperal Spasms, renewed with every pain—Puerperal Insanity, furious, sleepless—After-pains as if everything within would protrude — Rigid os uteri. Belladonna ointment. Whooping Cough.—Atropia, yfo to jfa grain taken twice a day, cured in 5 days. f@»Oxalate of Cerium cured in a week. Taken one dose a day before breakfast (age of one year y2 grain, and for every year older y2 grain more, to adult age)—Continued treatment during the second week to prevent relapse. Constipation.—Belladonna tincture, adult, 1 drop 3 times a day, taken in a little water—Cured the most obstinate case in a week. Enuresis—Wetting the Bed.—" Belladonna (Fluid ex- tract), y2 ounce; Nux vomica (Fluid extract), y2 ounce. Mix. Child, 7 to 12 years of age, take 2 to 5 drops 3 times a day. Never failed me yet." Neuralgia, especially in Head, Face or Teeth.—Fluid extract of Belladonna, Fluid extract of Viburnum opulus, and Fluid extract of Gelsemium, equal parts of each: Mix. Moisten cotton with this, and put the cotton in the ear of 34 section 17.—belladonna. that side, or in both ears, if on both sides. The pain will abate in 5 minutes. Epilepsy.—"Atropia, 30 per cent, trituration with sugar of milk; adult, 2 grains, taken every 12 hours; cures two- thirds of all cases; and Nux vomica -fa grain, taken every 12 hours, cures a majority of the rest." Hydrophobia.—Belladonna tincture full doses. Keep the system under its influence for 6 weeks. If spasms set in, increase the dose and repeat often, until victory. Several cures reported. (B) Fluid extract of Cedron seed cured even after spasms had set in—specific for rattlesnake bite. Sweating Hands or Feet—Any Local Sweat.—Apply Belladonna liniment, or use Eau de Cologne instead of spirits in the preparation of the tincture of belladonna. This is very agreeable and effectual. Rub it in several times a day. To " Dry up the Milk."—(Without danger, even when there is inflammation in the breasts.)—Apply ointment made of Belladonna tincture, 1 drachm, and olive oil, 1 ounce, mixed. (C) This is a grand pain liniment, especially for spine injuries. Belladonna Poisoning.—Bromide of Potash, adult, 8 grains, taken every half hour; cured in 4 hours. (D) Belladonna plaster is the right thing for a Lame back, Deep-seated, aching pains in the side (in liver or spleen)— Enlargement of the liver or spleen, cure in from 3 to 6 weeks—Will never have Gathered Breast, if, as soon as the breast gets hard, and threatens to gather, you apply a Bel- ladonna plaster, making a hole for the nipple. For Sore, inflamed eyes, apply the plaster to the temples—For Sore throat, apply it to the throat, excellent—If applied to the back or pit of the stomach, it will relieve the pains and dis- comforts of pregnancy. 35 SECTION 18. BENZOIN. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Benzoic Acid—Odor of urine, strong pungent, offensive (Nitric acid)—joints stiff, gouty—pains shifting—ailments worse whilst in repose, lying. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 10 to 30 grains of Benzoic acid. Child, see Section 56, B. Benzoic acid, even in minute doses, aided by external application of an ointment, made of 5 grains of the acid, to 1 ounce of vaseline, has effected the dispersion and cure of tendinous swellings at the back of the wrist—Ganglia—also Windgall of horses. Freckles and Eruptions on the Face.—Benzoin, spirit- ous solution, in 20 parts rosewater, apply several times a day; or mix tincture of Benzoic acid, 10 parts, with rose water, 150 parts, and put a teaspoonful of this in a pint of water, and wash daily. Toothache in Hollow Teeth.—Saturate cotton with compound tincture of Benzoin, and pack it in the hollow tooth (after being cleansed out); this gives instant relief, and is a pleasant application. Sore Nipples (Raw, Tender).—Wipe the nipple dry, after the child has nursed, and with a camel-hair brush, apply four or five coats of the compound tincture of Ben- zoin. This forms an artificial skin; it burns a little at first, but soon affords wonderful relief. (A) The same for chapped skin, and chafing of children —nothing like it—Good protection for cuts and wounds— applied on a soft rag. 36 section 18.--BENZOIN. Enuresis—Wetting the Bed.—(Especially when the odor of the urine is very strong and offensive)—Benzoic acid 10 drops in an ounce of alcohol with water added to make 6 ounces—Adult, take 3 teaspoonfuls every 3 hours during the day—Child dose, see Section 56, B. (B) " For wetting the bed, use Equisetum hyemale tinc- ture ; put 12 drops in half a glass of water; and to a child, 5 to 7 years old, give 1 teaspoonful every 3 hours. This is a remedy that has never yet failed me. I have also used the same for Cystitis and Dysuria with unparalleled success —Adult, 5 drops of the tincture every 3 hours." I saw a case of wetting the bed, of seventeen years' standing from infancy, cured with Phosphoric acid, dilute, taken 5 drops 3 times a day in a wine glass of water. (C) Compound tincture of Benzoin, adult, teaspoonful doses, beaten up with milk, and taken 3 or 4 times a day, is an excellent remedy for Bronchial affections—Obstinate winter cough—Hawking—Catarrh of the throat—Chronic sore throat. 37 SECTION 19. BITTER-SWEET. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^-Dulcamara.—Ailments from colds contracted in cool, damp weather—Mucous dis- charges from catarrh—dry skin with itching eruptions— burning after scratching—ailments worse in cool, damp weather—pains relieved by motion. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y2 to 1 drachm of the Fluid extract. Child, see Section 56, B. Dulcamara, minute doses, is the true specific for Catarrhal Diarrhoea, mucous stools—Camp Diarrhoea, bloody slimy stools—Catarrh of nose, throat, chest, bowels; contracted in cold, wet weather—Hawking, very troublesome, often at- tended with general dryness of the skin—" Thin slipper," Neuralgia—Lepra—Moist Tetter—Asthma, from repelled hives or other eruptions—or Neuralgia from the same cause —Erotomania. 38 SECTION 20. BISMUTH. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Prostration without cool- ness of the surface—vomiting of liquids, not solids, or vomit- ing of solids as soon as the stomach becomes full—thick white coating on the tongue (Antimony Crude). Minute Dose.—Section 56, A. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 5 to 15 grains of the sub- nitrate, in milk, with or before meals. Child, see Section 56, A. (A) This remedy is especially useful for Headache that occurs immediately after eating—vomiting of food, as soon as the stomach is full. Ulceration of the Stomach, with ex- hausting pain and vomiting (full doses). "Malignant disease of the Stomach; over ordinary dose, to form a smooth layer over the exposed surface, preventing pain." Sore Mouth—Canker.—Apply sub-nitrate of Bismuth powder, sufficient to cover the ulcerated part, several times a day. Immediate relief and prompt cure. Bismuth, sub- nit, minute doses, 56 A, in water, every half hour, cured baby's sore mouth in 2 days. Sore Nipples—Cracked.—Bismuth sub-nit. 2 drachms in Vaseline 1 ounce, mixed, apply each time after the child nurses, and cover with a soft cloth: wash off each time before giving the breast. Perfectly satisfactory. Wound Dressing.—Sub-nitrate of Bismuth as a dress- ing for wounds is antiseptic and non-irritant, and does not require frequent changing in order to keep the wound pure, nor in any way interferes with union by first intention. (B) Bismuth powder is the thing for Chafing—Erythema __Eczema—Erysipelas—Bed sores. A paste made of equal 39 SECTION 20.--BISMUTH. parts of sub-nit. Bismuth and water applied, subdues pain a?td swelling of Testes. Stomach Pains (coming on soon after meals, sometimes lasting for hours).—Bismuth sub. nit.: adult 5 grains before eating. " Relief at once, cases of years' standing cured in a few days." Dyspepsia—Indigestion (burning pains in the stomach, sour vomit, food retained, but drinks thrown up immediately, or food thrown up as soon as the stomach becomes full).— Bismuth even in minute doses, taken before meals, soon corrects the whole trouble. Diarrhoea and Vomiting, especially of Children.— Bismuth, minute dose, after each passage, or spell of vomit- ing : works wonders. (C) The same is excellent for Diarrhoea of Consumption (Argent, nit.); and for Dysentery, especially when aided by injections of boiled starch medicated with bismuth. Nasal Catarrh.—Celebrated Catarrh Snuff—Bismuth sub. nit. 6 ounces; Morphia Sulph. 2 grains; and Pulv. Gum Acacia 2 drachms: mix thoroughly. Snuff freely of this powder several times a day. Offensive Foot Sweat.—" In 15 years I have found but one case that was not cured by sub. nitrate of Bismuth. About one ounce of the powder should be rubbed on the feet, and between the toes, every day. Cure in from 5 to 15 days—no after trouble." 40 SECTION 21. BLACK SNAKE ROOT. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Cimicifuga. —Dis- tracted state of mind—inability to sleep, with appearance of strange objects before the sight—muscular soreness—ail- ments relieved by eating and by quiet repose. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 1 to 2 drachms of the Tinc- ture. Fluid Extract y2 to 1 drachm. Child, see Section 56, B. In minute doses, Cimicifuga or Actsea racemosa is a very reliable remedy for Headache, especially of delicate ladies, close students, and intemperate persons—Sleeplessness, with vision of imaginary objects—Sinking, faintness at the stom- ach—Sciatica—Hysteria, at change of life, and from de- ranged menses—Nervous chills and shivers, as in confine- ment—Cough, with every attempt to speak—Catarrh of the nose, alternating with Leucorrhcea. In the larger, ordinary dose, Cimicifuga has proved emi- nently curative in Acute Rheumatism—Myalgia—Neuralgia, especially in the neck, back, chest, hip, ovary and womb. After free sweat, rapid and permanent cures ensue—Chorea, five doses a day, lengthen intervals with improvement—Ner- vous tremor—Irregular heart action, with intermittent pulse —Spinal irritation—Spasms of Meningitis—Photophobia— Suppressed menses, almost specific—Puerperal mania— —Acute Insanity, constant talking, or deep melancholy— After pains. Jd^f* What Cimicifuga leaves uncured in the line of its indication, Caulophyllum in same dose will mostly finish. It is especially useful in all Menstrual Irregularities, with 4i SECTION 22.—BLOOD ROOT. attendant ailments, such as spasm, tremor, cramp and sleeplessness—also for False labor—Prolonged "Cleansing;" or Suppressed Lochia—Rheumatism in the wrists, hands, fingers—Caulophyllin y2 grain every y hour, is safer and often superior to ergot for inducing labor. SECTION 22. BLOOD ROOT. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Sanguinaria. — Dry- ness of the throat with tickling cough—headache with nausea unrelieved by vomiting, recurring once a week, relief by lying down in a dark room. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 5 to 10 minims of the tincture —Emetic 60 minims. Child, see Section 56, B. Sanguinaria, minute dose taken before meals and on going to bed, is a remedy almost unequaled for Indigestion —Dyspepsia—Periodical Sick-headache—Loss of appetite. The same is a prominent remedy for (Edematous Croup —Laryngitis—almost any cough, even long standing with hectic flush, after two or three weeks' course—Chronic Nasal Catarrh. g@m Sanguinaria nitrate 10 per cent, tri- turation with milky sugar: adult, 5 grains, 4 times a day is claimed to be our very best remedy for Chronic Nasal Ca- tarrh with cough and altered voice. Pulverized Sanguinaria root applied removes proud flesh 42 SECTION 23. BLUE FLAG. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Iris.—Persistent vomit- ing of sour liquids—excessive flow of saliva—loss of taste and appetite—burning liquid stools—sick headache recur- ring every eight days—ailments worse on first starting to move, but better by continued motion (Rhus tox.). Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 5 to 30 drops of the tincture— Irisin y2 to 5 grains—purgative five grains. Child, see Section 56, A. Iris, minute dose, is undoubtedly the champion remedy for Cholera Morbus—Cholera infantum—Bilious Sick-head- ache—Vomiting in general—Sour vomit—Violent colic with vomiting or without—Diarrhoea, with or without vomiting—Dysentery—Bilious fever—Bilious Typhoid, with involuntary stools—Water-brash— Salivation, water stream- ing from the mouth—Loss of appetite—Loss of taste— Disease of the pancreas (Iodine)—Constipation, " purgative dose is not followed by costiveness "—Menorrhagia—Erup- tions and Scabs, especially on head and face, jggf- Viola tricolor, dose Section 56, B, is mostly the only remedy needed for Porrigo; also for Plica Polonica (Vinca minor dose, 56, B). 43 SECTION 24. BORAX. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Hot mouth—hot palms —hot urine—dread of downward motion, child will not be rocked, wakens on being laid down—pains relieved by pressure upon the part. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 5 to 20 grains—Honey of borax y2 to 3 drachms. Child, see Section 56, A. Acceleration of Labor.—Borax may be used as a sub- stitute for Ergot. Two scruples of borax dissolved in water, and taken during labor, will directly strengthen the pains. A second dose may be taken if necessary after an interval of 20 minutes. It seldom disturbs the stomach. Sudden Loss of Voice, or Sudden Hoarseness.—Dis- solve a piece of Borax, size of a pea, in the mouth. Imme- diate relief. The same taken 10 minutes before singing or speaking produces an abundant secretion of saliva, which moistens the mouth and throat and prevents hoarseness. ggp (A) Oxalic acid, dose 56, A, has cured Aphonia, and rendered good service in Spinal Meningitis and Myelitis. Cubeb Lozenge is excellent for throat affections. Chewing the cubeb berries relieves the throat. Smoking the crushed cubeb berries in a pipe is said tp cure catarrh of nose and throat. For Hawking and elongated palate, Catechu lozenge is better than anything I know for immediate relief. Baby's Sore Mouth.—Borax dissolved in glycerine or mixed in honey, applied. Itching—(vulva, vagina, urethra, piles)—any local itching.—Borax and lard 1 part to 3, mixed and applied. On sponge in vagina and vulva. On bougie introduced 44 SECTION 24.—BORAX. into the urethra. An ointment of Boracic acid and vase- line applied, promptly allays Itching of vulva, anus, and piles. J^gp Balsam of Peru 120 grains; oil of Almonds 90 grains; Gum arabic 120 grains; and Rose water, quantity sufficient mixed and applied as often as needed, cured cases of Local Itching that had resisted all treatment for years. Dandruff.—Cleanse the scalp thoroughly: take as much Boracic acid as you can dissolve in a given quantity of water, and apply the solution 3 times a day. Nothing better. Hgr* Listerine in full strength, or one or two parts water, said to be very good. Conjunctivitis (Inflammation inside the Eyelids).—Bora- cic acid 5 grains, in water 1 ounce, a few drops in the eye several times a day. Noise in the Ears.—Boracic acid 10 grains, in water 1 ounce, mix : drop a little in the ear three times a day. Otorrhcea—Offensive discharge from the Ear.—Sponge out the ear with warm water, and swab dry ; then saturate a piece of cotton with glycerine, and squeeze it until only moist, dip it into pulverized Boracic acid, and insert it into the ear every day. "Cure in 12 days." Another way: swab out dry with absorbent cotton, and keep the ear filled with Boracic acid, powdered as fine as flour. It is often necessary at the beginning to re-fill several times a day. Let the patient lie down with that ear up, and proceed to fill it full of the acid. It maybe blown in through a quill; a convenient instrument -is an " Insect powder blower;" when filled, plug the ear with absorbent cotton: as soon as the discharge breaks through, clean out as well as possible and re-fill; after a few days the running will stop ; do not be in a hurry then to clean out the ear; it will cleanse itself and remain well. Diabetes.—Boracic acid, 12 grains 3 times a day. Cured a case, boy aged 12 years. 45 SECTION 24.—BORAX. Leucorrhcea.—"Apply Boracic acid on sponge, having narrow ribbon or tape attached to it; moisten the sponge with glycerine, roll it in fine powder of Boracic acid, and push it up to the mouth of the womb; daily. It can be removed by the tape. You may depend upon this treat- ment with great confidence." HgST' (B) Sabina tincture: adult, 5 to 10 drops in water, is not only an excellent remedy for Leucorrlwea, but also for Uterine hemorrhage—Menorrhcea—Chronic Gout, and Joint affections. Eruptions upon the Skin—Eczema, Etc.—Boracic acid, saturated solution, in boiling water, apply 3 to 6 times a day (do not make an ointment of it). Said to effect prompt and permanent cures. Offensive Urine.—" Have not met with a case of offen- sive urine that 10 to 20 grains of Boric acid, taken every 3 hours, would not cure." Offensive Foot Sweat.—Change stockings twice a day, place the stocking/^ for some hours in a jar containing a saturated solution of Boracic acid ; then dry them ready for use again: wear cork soles, have several pair—change daily. Effectual remedy. 46 SECTION 25. BRACE. (Banning System*) Drooping Shoulders.—Body-balance brace; or abdo- minal and spinal shoulder brace; or revolving spinal prop. Lateral Curvature of the Spine.—Centripetal spinal lever. Piles; also Falling of the Bowel.—Pile and Prolapsus ani brace. Hernia (Rupture).—The Brace truss. Weak Back.—The Spinal prop. Retroversion and Retroflexion of the Womb.—The Curved uterine balance. Anteversion and Anteflexion of the Womb.—The straight Uterine brace. To Prevent Miscarriage.—Pregnancy brace. 47 SECTION 26. BRYONIA. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Stitching and tensive pains, worse from the least motion—desire to lie perfectly quiet—better by pressure on the seat of pain—vertigo on sitting up in bed—lips very dry, parched—stools dry, "as if burnt"—craving for things to eat, which are rejected when offered. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B-D. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 10 to 30 drops of the Fluid Extract—Bryonin 1 to 2 grains. Child, see Section 56, B. Bryonia, in minute doses, is exceedingly valuable in all cases of Inflammation of Serous Membranes, in the Second Stage: when the acute inflammatory action calling for Aconite has diminished or disappeared, and the resulting Effusion is present. Most especially useful in Meningitis with cerebral effusion—Synovitis—Peritonitis—Pericarditis ■—Pleuritis—Pleuro-Pneumonia—Hydrothorax, when the lungs feel as if they could not expand, patient cannot take a full breath, and there is stitching cough. All pains, espe- cially Rheumatic pains of the joints, worse by the least motion—Intense Congestion—Vertigo on rising up in bed —Typhoid Conditions, with Constipation—Puerperal fever —Vicarious Menstruation. ggp^ (A) Asclepias tuberosa—same dose as of bryonia— is almost specific for Pleurisy, Pneumonia and (Edema. It is an expectorant of the first order, invariably increasing the freedom of respiration. 48 SECTION 27. BUG AGARIC. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Agaricus.—Spine ten- der to touch, and painful from the least motion—Trembling limbs, muscles jerking like chorea when awake only, not during sleep—redness of parts, as of the nose or ears, burn- ing tingling, as if frost bitten—feeling as if touched in spots with the point of an icicle. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 5 to 15 drops of the tincture every 3 hours. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Adult, X to X gram °f Muscarin nitrate in solution. Used especially for excessive perspiration and night sweats. Agaricus, in minute doses, is especially curative in Spinal Irritation, pain and tenderness of the spine—Giddiness with falling—St. Vitus' dance, only manifested when awake— Spasm of eyelids—Epileptic spasms—Trembling, twitching —Convulsions during teething. If the child is in deep stupor, cold; put 5 drops of the tincture of Agaricus into an y2 ounce bottle, fill it with water, and every hour or two give a teaspoonful; when the hands, feet and head are hot, give Belladonna prepared in the same way, in alternation with the Agaricus, and thus save all your cases—Chilblains or frost bites with all their burning and itching, vanish "after taking Agaricus. Dose 56, B, 5 or 6 times a day, for a week. (A) JggT'The indications for the use of Physostigma are nearly the same as those for Agaricus. In doses 56, A or B, it has proven useful for Twitching of the eyelids—Oscil- lation of the eyeballs—Acquired Myopia—Extreme giddi- 4 49 section 27.--BUG agaric. ness—Tremor—Locomotor ataxia—Progressive muscular atrophy—Paralysis, especially of the insane. (B) Eserine; adult, fa to fa grain (hypodermatic) is especially useful for Chorea—Tetanus—Iritis, to contract the pupil and prevent adhesions. 5C SECTION 28. CABBAGE. Fresh cabbage leaves, thoroughly cleansed and bruised to a soft pulp, applied and held in place by compress, fre- quently renewed, are said to cure Ulcers—Scabby condition of the skin—Suppurations—Gatherings—Gathered breasts —Hard swelling of glands—Tumors—Abscesses—Boils— Carbuncles—Diphtheria; by binding the pulp, or bruised leaf to the throat—Inflammation and suppuration of the eyes—Purulent Ophthalmia of infants; by cleansing the eye thoroughly every y or y hour with warm water, and then packing the socket full each time with fresh pulp. It may seem to increase the suppuration for a few days, but improvement will be in progress the while, and a " cure soon effected." This same application softens and dissipates Corns and Warts. The first effect of the cabbage applied is to encourage suppuration, drawing the purulent matter to the surface, thus preventing blood poison. The cure is complete, there is no relapse. Applied upon any place adjacent to the seat of ailment, it draws the corruption to that part. Old Frost Bites.—" Bathe the parts in strong tea of white oak leaves, gathered from the ground; apply the decoction as hot as can be borne for a quarter of an hour, then apply sour krout fresh from the barrel, about one inch thick. Keep it on by bandage over night—well next day." Jg^g0* Chilblains or Frost Bites.—Dissolve 24 grains of Iodoform in 1 ounce of oleic acid, and apply with camel- hair brush. Two applications generally make a permanent cure. 51 SECTION 29. CACTUS. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Sudden squeezing at the heart, like the grip of an iron hand—binding sensation in various parts—fluttering at the stomach—active bleeding, red blood—ailments worse every day at the same hour. (Cedron.) Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 2 to 5 drops of the tincture. Child, see Section 56, B. Cactus grandiflorus is the analogue of Aconite, and, in minute doses, is indicated in Acute Fevers—Puerperal fever —Congestion—Hemorrhage—Excited action of the heart —Endocarditis—Pericarditis—Congestive palpitation of the heart—Its leading genius symptom is Constriction, or Bind- ing tightness in any part of the body, and especially at the heart—Heart spasm—Spasm of the diaphragm—Angina pectoris—Chronic Bronchitis, with rattling phlegm, spas- modic cough and oppressed breathing—Rheumatism, in- volving the heart—Various Diseased Conditions attended with fluttering in the stomach, such as Cough—Diarrhoea ^Vomiting—Dysmenorrhoea—Sleeplessness, etc. (A) jggp^Spigelia, dose 56, B, is strongly indicated in Endocarditis—Pericarditis—Angina pectoris — Palpitation of the heart—Heart Stitch—Eye pain—Tender skin. ggp^If there is any remedy especially deserving our con- fidence in Heart affections,, resulting from Rheumatism— and also for various Heart ailment from obscure origin, it is Scutellaria lateriflora—dose 56, B. 52 SECTION 30. CANTHARIS. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Scanty, scalding urine- burning pains—shreddy stools in dysentery—desire for drink with dread of liquids (Cannabis)—pains relieved by rubbing—Coffee disagrees. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B-C. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 5 to 20 minims of the tincture. Child, see Section 56, B. Erysipelas.—Cantharis tinct. I drachm, in water I pint; bathe 3 times a day—Cure in 3 days. (A) Same for Burns and scalds. Chronic Ulcer on the Skin.—Cantharis tinct. 1 drop 3 times a day—no bandage—Rapid cure. (B) The same for Ulceration in the stomach, with burning pain and retching. Enuresis—(Wetting the Bed).—Why try anything else, when one parvule of Cantharis, every 3 hours, will cure in 5 days? (C) The same is specific for Inflammation of Kidney, blad- der and Urethra—Strangury— Uremia. I^g^lf the urine is too thick to flow even by catheter, in- ject 16 to 20 grains of pepsin, dissolved in a little water, into the bladder, and in an hour the urine will flow by catheter. (D) In order to do without the use of the catheter, put Fluid extract, Rhus aromat, 20 drops in half a glass of water; and adult take a teaspoonful every 3 hours; or take uva ursi in the same way. When the catheter will not pass, try with the patient standing slightly bent forward; if this fails, give a grain of opium, and after an hour try again. 53 SECTION 31. CAMPHOR. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Internal trembling—feel- ing of dread when in the dark—coldness of the skin with aversion to being covered (secale)—pains abate by thinking of them. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B-C-D. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 5 to 60 minims of the spirits. Child, see Section 56, B. The tincture of Camphor, adult, 1 drop on sugar, fre- quently repeated, cures cold in the head in a day—Controls convulsions—Arrests strangury from fly blister—Restores suppressed measles—Is the remedy, par excellence, for all complications of labor—gives force to weak, failing labor pains—Dissipates false labor pains—stops after-pains—allays nervous sensitiveness and agitation with sweat—antidotes vegetable poisons. (Strong coffee does the same.) Cholera Infantum—also Violent Pain, Screaming Spells.—Apply menthated camphor (Lambert's) very lightly to region of the navel, and cover with oil-silk or flannel. In a few minutes pain gone, child quiet. Cholera.—Of 50,000 people at Naples, who took drop doses of the tincture of camphor, 3 times a day, as a pro- phylactic of cholera, all escaped it, or, if attacked, recovered; even carrying Gum Camphor about the person is a guard against taking it. Early in the attack of Cholera—skin cold, patient tossing in agony—take 3 to 5 drops of a strong alcoholic tincture on sugar every 5 minutes, and rub chest, back and abdomen with spirits -of camphor, until the coldness gives way to vital warmth. This remedy is almost infallible. 54 section 31.--CAMPHOR. The same treatment cures Congestive chill and Ague, treated in the cold stage. (A) It is the proper treatment during the cold stage of Yellow Fever; then follow with Gelsemium tincture, 5 drops every hour, and conquer every time. Shifting Rheumatism—Rheumatic Paralysis.—Cam- phor tincture, 6 to 10 drops, every 4 to 6 hours, is often the only remedy needed. " Rheumatism may be rubbed out in 3 days with mixture of 1 ounce of Gum Camphor, 1 drachm of Oil of Wormwood, and y2 pint of alcohol; rub thor- oughly 3 or 4 times a day." In case of Rheumatism, remove the casters from the bed posts, and put thick pieces of plate glass under each post; it will produce calm and refreshing sleep. (B) Inflammatory Rheumatism reported 250 cures in suc- cession, each in 48 hours, with distilled herring brine, 20 drops, every 2 hours. The same for Lumbago, Sprain.—Wrap the part in flannel or absorbent cotton, saturated with Camphor spirits. Nothing better. Apply Turpentine, with flour and white of egg, as a poultice; this cures desperate cases. Clay, wet with vine- gar, applied is excellent—Apply daisy poultice and in half an hour the joint will admit of motion. Mumps—Shifted to the Testes.—Pour spirits of cam- phor in a basin, and place the scrotum therein, and bathe and rub well in, over the lower abdomen, and region of the loins and thighs. In 30 minutes, away goes all pain and swelling. Nymphomania.—Mono-bromide of Camphor, 10 grain doses, until brain feels it. Excellent remedy. Sleeplessness.—One granule of Camphor on going to bed will induce sleep—Mono-bromide of Camphor, 2 grains, acts like a charm. Carbuncle.—Camphor spirits and lime water, equal parts, applied early aborts it. jggp^Saponated coal tar, in water, 55 SECTION 31.—CAMPHOR. 5 parts to 20, applied to carbuncle or boil acts like an ano- dyne, soothes to sleep. No remedy equal to it. (C) Menthol, ethereal solution, 10 to 50 per cent, applied by camel-hair brush, averts boils, carbuncles and inflamma- tory gatherings, and cures itching eruptions. 56 SECTION 32. CARBOLIC ACID. Minute Dose.—Section B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, i to 3 drachms of the Syrup; Declat Syrup 1 tablespoonful every 2 to 4 hours. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Formula.—Acid carbolic purif. 10grains; Aquse distil. I ounce; mix.—Adult, 15 to 30 minims. The minimum dose may be injected repeatedly until maxi* mum amount reached in cases depending upon assured results; usually 3 doses a day. Used principally for Parasitic skin diseases—Erysipelas. (" 5 minims of a 2 per cent, solution at several points around the border, 3 times a day, give good results ")—Abnormal growths—Polypi—Epithelioma—Adenoma —Fibroma—Pleuro-Pneumonia—Synovitis—White Swelling—Rheumatism, acute and chronic—Myalgia—Superficial Neuralgia, prompt cures. Diphtheria.—" For 10 years have used only Carbolic acid for diphtheria with uniform success. Dose, I drop of a one per cent, alcoholic solution, given in water—gargle with the same." Jgg^> Bromine 1 per cent, solution in distilled water, pre- pared in a dark glass bottle—kept in dark place—given 1 to 3 drops in sweetened water, from a glass spoon or wine- glass, is claimed to be the triumphant remedy for diphtheria and membranous croup—for diphtheria a dose every hour— for croup every quarter hour. After evidence of improve- ment, reduce the doses, and extend the time between them, but not over two hours. Low diet the first day. The first 3 or 4 doses of Bromine reduced the pulse from 140 to 80 —complete restoration in 3 days. (A) Keep constantly in the room as a preventive of con- tagion and infection. Some Bromine-water in a saucer; renew it twice a day. 57 SECTION 32.—CARBOLIC ACID. Stricture of Prepuce.—Immerse the part in warm water strongly saturated with carbolic acid; the glans and prepuce will shrink, and being relaxed may be gradually reduced. Abscess opened without pain.—Apply Carbolic acid, 2 parts, with glycerine, 1 part, mixed; keep it on 5 minutes —then cut—no pain. Burns and Scalds.—" Best of all treatment." Carbolic acid, 1 part to 25 parts sweet oil, apply with camel-hair brush every 2 to 4 hours, or as often as the pain reappears, until new skin is formed. This treatment may be preceded by application of cold water, as an immediate application until the first shock and pain is alleviated. Cancer prevented from returning after Excision.— Carbolic acid, y2 drachm of the Syrup, take once a day for 6 months. Success in six cases. Lupus.—Cured with Carbolic acid, one per cent, solution in alcohol, 5 drops 3 times a day. Compound Fracture.—Germ-proof, dressing — anaes- thetic—Carbolized bran. Avoid excess of acid. " Ammonia Phenate (Declat Syrup) is the true remedy for Fever in general—Hyperaemia—Hyperexia—Hectic fever —All diseases attended with elevation of temperature or delirium—Scarlet fever—Yellow fever—Typhoid fever— Puerperal fever—Pyaemia—Septicaemia—Trichiniasis (com- plete germicide)—Asthma, relief in 15 minutes." " Sulpho-Phenique (Declat Syrup) is the remedy for Chronic Diseases, and also acute when the tongue is coated with a dirty white fur—Chronic Gastric Catarrh, almost specific—Chronic Rheumatism—Chronic Cough, relief in 24 hours—Small-pox, prevents pitting—Chronic Nasal Ca- tarrh, aided by snuffing Glyco-Phenique, 1 part to 15 water; superb." " Iodo-Phenique (Declat Syrup) is the remedy unequaled for Scrofula in all its forms—Diseases of the glands, bones, skin—Syphilis—Cancer—Pott's Disease—Hip Disease— 58 SECTION 33.—CASTOR OIL. Malaria, prompt and efficient—Biliousness—Liver Com- plaint." " Glyco-Phenique (Declat) 1 part to 10 or 15 water, ap- plied by washing, compress, gargle or injection, arrests Sup- puration—Ulceration—Anthrax—Gangrene—Offensive dis- charges and odors—Promotes Cicatrization—Prevents infec- tion—Cures Dandruff"—Erysipelas—Burns and Scalds, relief in 10 minutes—Throat affections—Leucorrhoea." SECTION 33. CASTOR OIL. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y, to 1 ounce—infants 1 to 3 drachms. Unlike other purgative medicines, Castor oil allows of being lessened in dose, when the patient who resorts to it does so regularly. An enema may be prepared by the combination of 2 or 3 ounces of Castor oil, with some mucilaginous fluid. Castor oil is particularly valuable in Constipation arising from indurated faeces—for Irritation of the bowels caused from swallowing acrid substances, or from accumulations of the same in the intestines—employed with great advantage in Diseases attended with irritation or inflammation of the bowels — Diarrhoea — Dysentery— Enteritis —A valuable purgative, speedy and mild, when needful in cases of piles and inflammatory or spasmodic diseases of the Urino-gen- ital organs, kidney or bladder—also in Calculous affections and stricture. The advantage of the use of Castor oil as a purgative in these disorders cannot be over-estimated. For infants it is the safest of all cathartics. Larger relative dose may be given to infants than to adults. To mask the taste of the oil, see Section 69, X. A peppermint drop taken into the mouth before taking the dose, and also one immediately after, helps very much to disguise the taste. 59 SECTION 34. CELERY. Rheumatism.—"Cured in two days "—Celery soup, made of stalks and roots of Celery, cut in small pieces and boiled in water until soft; served with toast. Celery tea strong and hot, with cream and sugar if you like, taken by the teacupful, three or four times a day, abates Neuralgia, even Sciatica, sometimes very speedily. The same soothes Menstrual pains, and promotes the flow in case of Suppression; also controls Hysteria. " Celerina," teaspoonful doses 3 or 4 times a day is highly recommended for all languid and debilitated conditions of the System. " I have yet to meet in my practice the first case of Dysmenorrhcea or Hysteria that Celerina has failed to cure; moreover, it very materially lessens the Sufferings and Exhaustion of Labor; and if taken 3 times a day during pregnancy there will be no weakness and irritability during that period." " Celerina is the safest and best of all Soothing remedies for Baby's pains; given in doses of 5 to 10 drops, in hot sweetened water." (A) JS@~ Cyelamen, tincture 10 to 30 drops, every 3 hours, is a very reliable remedy for Suppressed Menses, especially when attended with vertigo and derangement of sight. 60 SECTION 35. CHARCOAL. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Carbo Vegetabilis.— Foul secretions and discharges—offensive flatulence—aver- sion to milk and fat food—feeling worse when warm—desire to be fanned. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y to 3 drachms, better taken at meal times. Child, see Section 56, A. To Augment Fat.—Take 10 grains of pulverized char- coal with each meal. The same purifies the system and sweetens the stomach and breath. In order to fatten cattle, sheep, hogs, etc., give Charcoal powder in their food; I pint to 25 head of sheep or lambs; y of a pint per head to full grown cattle, horses, and hogs; and half this quantity to young cattle; two teaspoonfuls to young calves daily. When stock are in ill condition, give Charcoal 2 or 3 times a week. It must be kept perfectly dry, and in well covered jars, or in tight bins. Gangrene, of wound, burn, Carbuncle—Putrid Sore or ulcer.—Keep the part filled or covered with Charcoal powder; or apply yeast poultice mixed with Charcoal pow- der, renew the poultice frequently. (j|@a' Gangrene of the lungs, Capsicum, Salicylic acid.) Diarrhoea—Bowel Complaint of Children.—Take plump wheat, carefully burn it to Charcoal, powder it, put a teaspoonful into the nursingx bottle, before filling it with milk, once a day; it will soon cure even Chronic cases. The same in teaspoonful doses for adults, taken before or during meals cures Dyspepsia — Heartburn—Waterbrash. jg@°> Corn coffee, prepared from flint corn, browned in an 6! SECTION 35.--CHARCOAL. oven, and ground in a coffee mill, flavored with sugar and cream, and not made too thick, taken by the wineglassful, several times a day, is said to be a Sovereign remedy for Diarrhoea of adults and children ; very young children may be given a teaspoonful at a time, older ones more, accord- ing to age. A teaspoonful of Acorns powdered (after being baked brown) and taken in y2 glass of milk cures diarrhoea with falling of the bowel in adults ; smaller doses for chil- dren. Baked wheat flour, stirred while baking until brown, adult 1 teaspoonful in y2 teacup of cold water, every two hours cures bad cases of diarrhoea. Fluid Extract Cota bark, 3 drops in a spoonful of water, 3 or 4 times a day, or after passages, is almost specific for diarrhoea of Children. Obstinate Leucorrhcea.—Cured by insufflation of pow- dered vegetable Charcoal per vagina. The World's Best Tooth Powder.—Charcoal 3 ounces; Calamus root 5 drachms; Pumice stone 2^ drachms; Cate- chu 2y2 drachms; oil of Burgamot 30 drops ; and oil of Cloves 30 drops: mix. Cures disease of the gums and sweetens the breath. 62 SECTION 36. CHLORINE. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, Chlorine water 1 to 4 drachms. Child, see Section 56, B. Spasm of the Glottis.—Can breathe in, but ?wt out— Crowing respiration. The One grand specific is Chlorine; weak solution in water, so that the odor of Chlorine can just be detected; to a Child 1 teaspoonful of this every 15 to 20 minutes: to adults, tablespoonful doses. The same 3 times a day for Chronic Sore throat. Freckles.—If yellow, wash with Chlorine water, night and morning for several weeks : if brown, apply Chloride of Lime, weak solution in water, to suit the sensation, brush it on every night, and wash it off in the morning, until the freckles are bleached out. Disinfectant—Deodorizer—Antiseptic.—(Clean, stain- less, free from odor, economical.) Piatt's Chlorides—valu- able agent for dressing open cancers—Sloughing ulcers and gangrenous wounds. $g^x' A splendid Disinfectant, at 3 cents a bucketful (pour it down your sinks and sewers, wet cloths with it, and hang them in the foulest places, sweeten all the air)—Ni- trate of Lead y drachm dissolve in 1 pint of boiling water, then dissolve 2 drachms of Common Salt in a bucket of water, now pour the two solutions together and allow the sediment to subside. Pour off the clear liquid, this is the disinfectant. Bromo-Chloralum is a disinfectant free from poisonous qualities, and inodorous in itself. Open cancers and putrid ulcers, washed with a 10 per cent, solution in water, and 63 SECTION 36.--CHLORINE. covered with cloths saturated with the same, become divested of offensive odor. Floors sprinkled with the solu- tion and cloths saturated therewith and suspended about the room, purify and sweeten the air. Conjunctivitis.—(Lids raw)—keep the parts constantly wet with a solution of Bromo-Chloralum, 1 part to 9 water. Sore Throat—Ulcerated.—" Gargle with Bromo-Chlor- alum 10 per cent, solution in water, several times a day— rapid cures." Diphtheria.—" As a remedy for this disease Bromo- Chloralum has no superior. Of a 10 per cent, solution in water, gargle every y2 hour, and swallow a little each time; in 6 hours the terrible odor will be gone, in 3 days the Cure will be effected. Inhaling freely thereof from a sponge greatly facilitates the Cure." Foul Breath.—" Gargle and rinse the mouth thoroughly 4 times a day, with a 10 per cent, solution of Bromo- Chloralum in water. If it arises from the stomach, swallow a little each time. If it comes from Catarrh in the head, snuff the solution up the nostrils several times a day. (A) The same cures Ozcena and Chronic catarrh in the nose!' Scarlet Fever.—" Have treated 40 cases of Scarlet fever in succession with Bromo-Chloralum; giving 5 to 10 drops, of a 10 per cent, solution, in a teaspoonful of water every 2 to 3 hours, also using the same as a gargle; and am happy to state that in every case I have effected a cure. The same treatment is eminently successful in Small-pox, aided by sponging the body therewith once or twice a day." In Typhoid fever, and all contagious ailments ; Sponge the patient all over, at least once a day, with a 10 per cent, so- lution of Bromo-Chloralum, with dilute alcohol added in equal parts: the effect is twofold; it neutralizes the emana- tions, and prevents re-absorption of poisonous secretions. The recovery will be thus greatly promoted, 64 SECTION 36.—CHLORINE. In Confinement—when discharges are offensive, inject freely, several times a day, Bromo-Chloralum, 10 per cent, solution in water; and directly every trace of the foul odor will dis- appear, the patient feel refreshed, and puerperal fever be pre- vented. To keep the Lying-in Chamber as sweet as a May morning, suspend cloths about the room saturated with the same solution, and sprinkle the floors and bed with it: not even a fly will linger to annoy, and yet in itself the Bromo- Chloralum is inodorous. Leucorrhcea.—"This most obstinate complaint yields submissively to Bromo-Chloralum, and the more foul and offensive it is, the more urgently is the remedy indicated. Inject a 10 per cent solution, 1 quart, warm, 2 or 3 times a day." 5 65 SECTION 37. CHLORAL. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 10 to 20 grains of the Chloral hydrate—Croton Chloral 5 to 15 grains. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Formula.—Chloral hydrate y^ ounce; Aquae destil. I ounce; mix.—Adult, 10 to 30 minims, or 5 to 15 grains in solution. Inject very superficially, avoid veins. The sleep of Chloral is very much like natural sleep, and there is no after disturbance. It is NOT SUITABLE IN CASE OF WEAK or fatty heart. Is used especially for relief of Pain in general—Obstinate vomiting—Hic- cough—Violent Cholera Morbus—True Cholera. (In one very formidable case recorded, 60 grains were injected during two hours and cure effected.) Asthma—Neurosis of the Chest organs—Cerebral Diseases—Sleeplessness— Excitement of Mania—Puerperal Convulsions—Tetanus—Superficial Neural- gia—Strychnia poisoning. A combination of Chloral and Morphia makes an anodyne and hypnotic of the highest order of excellence ; that which is wanting in one is supplied by the other; each adds to the power of the other. Morphia abates the chief danger of Chloral by preventing the depression of the heart's action. The combination is rendered still more efficient by the addition of Atropia. Suit- able formula for the two would be—Chloral hydrate 3 drs.; Morphia sulph. 4 grs.; Aquae destil. 1 ounce, mix. (Twenty minims would contain 7^ grs. of Chloral and \ gr. of Morphia.) Suitable formula for the three would be the same with Atropia sulph. i gr. added. (Twenty minims would contain TLj gr. of Atropia.) Neuralgia.—" Perfect charm. Croton chloral 10 grains in water 1 ounce, bottle—adult, take 1 teaspoonful every hour until relief, then stop!' jggg0" Oil of Peppermint applied with camel-hair brush, gives instant relief in superficial neu- ralgia. (A) It is also excellent for Burns and Scalds, removes the pain directly. 66 section 37.—chloral. Heart Disease.—(Weak heart, with great oppression and blue lips.) Cured with Chloral hydrate in minute doses, given every 3 or 4 hours. Dysentery.—" Chloral hydrate, adult 5 to 10 grains, in 2 ounces of boiled starch, injected well up into the bowel, every 3 or 4 hours. Child, 1 to 2 grains, according to age, in 1 ounce of thin boiled starch injected 3 or 4 times a day. Grand success." Wetting the Bed.—Chloral hydrate y grain at bed- time ; repeat if necessary. Strangury.—" The quickest and most certain remedy is Chloral hydrate, adult, 15 to 30 grains, repeat if needful." Nettle Rash.—Chloral hydrate, 1 grain every 3 hours —rarely fails. Blister (better than fly).—Take common adhesive plaster and sprinkle it with Chloral, heat it and apply; in 10 min- utes it will blister. The plaster may remain on until the sore is healed. Offensive Foot Sweat.—Bathe with Chloral hydrate 1 per cent solution in water. In two days all offensive odor is gone. Unhealthy Wounds.—Dress with Chloral hydrate, 2 per cent, solution. Strychnia Poisoning.—Chloral hydrate 1 drachm in a teacupful of water, adult, 1 teaspoonful every 15 minutes. Perfect success. 6; SECTION 38. CHLOROFORM. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y to 1 drachm. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Adult, 10 minims, inserted deeply in the immediate locality of the pain. Used especially for Tic Douloureux—Chronic Sciatica (cured 8 out of 12 cases)—Spine pain, strictly localized—Coccyodynia. Pain.—" Magic lotion "—Chloroform, 2 ounces; Alco- hol, 2 ounces; Aqua Ammoniae, 2 ounces; Camphor tinct- ure, 2 ounces; Tincture of Aconite, rad, 2 ounces; Spirits Nit. Ether, 6 ounces; Mix. Bathe or apply on cloths. Jg^3*Neuralgia—Chloroform and Aconite tincture each 5 parts and lard 20 parts; anoint, and cover with light com- press—prompt cure. Earache.—Chloroform 1 drachm, in olive oil, 2 ounces. Mix. Put 20 to 30 drops in the ear, and plug with cotton, instant relief; or wet cotton with chloroform and put it in the bowl of a pipe, place the end of the stem in the ear, put your mouth over the bowl, and blow your breath into it, thus forcing the vapor into the ear. Bleeding from Operations in the Mouth and Throat, Excessive Bleeding of Tonsils, etc.—Spray the parts with chloroform water, 2 per cent, solution. Chloroform closes the mouths of all small, bleeding vessels instantly. Labor Rendered Easy and Painless.—Chloroform i or 2 teaspoonfuls on a handkerchief or napkin, held by the lady, and inhaled only during pain (See 69 B, 2)—Or use Chloroform and Sweet Oil, equal parts, mixed, and applied on flannel saturated therewith. Lay it on the abdomen from navel to pubis, stroke it down smoothly, renew it as often 68 SECTION 38.—CHLOROFORM. as necessary; usually in from 5 to 10 minutes, it relieves the pain. The same may be applied for any local pain with like result. U@D'" Cocaine oleate (4:100), applied to the cervix during first stage of labor; and to the vulva and perineum during the expulsion of the head; removes almost completely the sufferings of parturition." Gall-stone and Jaundice.—" Chloroform dissolves the stone in situ, and prevents recurrence of attacks. A case 23 years' standing was cured by taking 3 drops of chloro- form, on sugar, 3 times a day for a month. It removed all pain, tenderness, distention and jaundice, and the cure was permanent. One drop on sugar three times a day for a month will insure exemption from all attacks." Inguinal Hernia—Rupture.—Put patient under influ- ence of chloroform or ether, and lift the person clear of the bed by the feet for several minutes; directly the bowel will return into its place. Convulsions—Spasms.—Administer Chloroform by in- halation, until arrested and under control. Puerperal Convulsions.—Dissolve 2 tablespoonfuls of brown sugar in a gill of lukewarm water, and add a table- spoonful of Chloroform—draw it in and force it out the syringe a few times until well mixed, then inject the whole into the rectum; and cause it to be retained by pressure of a napkin. No more spasms. Retention of Urine—Strangury.—A few inhalations of Chloroform give speedy relief. Tapeworm.—Away in one hour. Adult, take a tea- spoonful of Chloroform on sugar in the morning before breakfast, having taken no supper the evening before, and take a tablespoonful of " Salts " immediately after taking the Chloroform. "In one hour away comes the worm, head and all." jggT*Two or three teaspoonfuls of the tinct- ure of Kamala, after 12 hours' fasting, followed by a dose of 69 SECTION 38.—CHLOROFORM. castor oil, if bowels not moved without, is considered one of the most pleasant, safe and sure remedies for tapeworm. Cholera.—Chloroform, adult, 1 tablespoonful in 4 table- spoonfuls of water; one dose cured in half an hour; soldiers lying in collapse by the roadside, in 30 minutes after taking the dose, were up and on the march again. Chloroform 5 to 10 minims on sugar, every 10 to 20 minutes, affords astonishing relief. Sea Sickness.—Chloroform 1 drop on sugar arrested it at once. Vomiting of Pregnancy.—Chloroform, 1 drop in hot, sweetened water, stopped it immediately. Acidity of the Stomach—also Inflation of the Stom- ach from Gas.—Chloroform 10 to 20 drops in a little sweet- ened water, 10 minutes after meals. " The best remedy." Ague.—" Chloroform y2 drachm in milk, taken just before the expected chill—breaks up the ague." ggjT'By adding Spirits of Turpentine to Chloroform, 1 part to 5, the inhalation is rendered safer, and yet none the less prompt and efficient in its action. 70 SECTION 39. CHRISTMAS ROSE. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Helleborus niger.— Hot head, rolling upon the pillow—Eyeballs rolled up— sudden shrieks (Apis)—greedy drinking—constant gagging (Podo)—twitching during sleep—motion of jaws as if chew- ing—scanty dark urine with floating black specks; or red urine with sediment like coffee grounds—Hair and nails fall off—ailments worse in evening from 4 to 8 o'clock (Lycopo), and from thinking of the pains. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 5 to 20 grains—Fluid extract, 5 to 20 drops—Tincture, y, to 1 drachm. Child, see Sec- tion 56, B. Hellebore, in minute doses, is especially demanded in the treatment of Acute and Chronic Hydrocephalus—Menin- gitis—Fever with alternating chills and heat (Chamomile)— Epilepsy of infants at the breast—Insanity—Apoplexy- Paralysis—Hydrothorax—Sudden dropsical swelling. 71 SECTION 40. CHROMIUM. Cancer Removed Without the Knife.—Apply Chloride of Chromium with a soft swab until the tumor is thor- oughly saturated, then apply Indian-meal poultice, made into a dough with glycerine, and keep it on until the crust is detached; then apply the Chloride again and the poultice; so continue until it is entirely extirpated, then let it heal. If the poultice should render the patient restless, mix it with Stramonium-leaf tea. Jg@™Daily applications of Fusel oil is said to remove cancers and other tumors, and cure Chronic ulcers. (A) In order to remove cancer without pain or use of the knife, especially open cancer, paint the growth with a 10 or 20 per cent, solution of hydrochlorate of cocaine, then apply an escharotic with which some cocaine should be incorpo- rated ; the process may be completed at one sitting or sev- eral, until the growth is removed. A cancerous growth of the os and cervix uteri'was destroyed without pain by means of a 10 per cent solution of cocaine, and stick of Potassa fusa. It is suggested that painless counter-irritation may be made by mixing cocaine with the irritant. Warts.—Chromic acid 100 grains to 1 ounce of water. Apply the solution every other day. The warts soon vanish. 72 SECTION 41. CINNAMON. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 1 or 2 drops of the Oil on sugar—Tincture 1 to 3 drachms in water—Strong tea, wine- glassful: in extreme cases a dose every 10 minutes. Child, see Section 56, B. This is a pleasant and efficient remedy for Bloody Urine— Hemorrhage from the lungs or stomach—Excessive flow of Menses—Flooding. JH^g"3* Tincture of Crocus, 10 drops in 2 ounces of water, a tablespoonful of the solution every 20 or 30 minutes, soon arrests flooding. This remedy has also proven useful for Asthenopia. Cinnamon in officinal doses is a good remedy for Faint- ing—Spasmodic Gaping—Paralysis of the tongue—Diarrhoea — Vomiting—Cramp in the Stomach—Colic. ]^^° Fluid Extract of Sassafras, teaspoonful doses, taken in hot water, cures stomach cramps and Colic. Sassafras tea is credited with having the power of producing delightful exhilaration and general feeling of well being. Married ladies should know, however, that it may cause abortion. Oil of Cinnamon y2 drachm, incorporated in 1 ounce of Spermaceti ointment, and rubbed over the face and hands, keeps off Mosquitoes. The oil of Cloves is said to do the same. jg@°> Oil of Lavender 1 ounce, in cold water 1 quart, well shaken, and sprinkled about, keeps off flies. Quassia tea, rubbed upon the face and hands, is said to keep flies, gnats and mosquitoes off. jg^g0* Oil of Anise applied to infested parts is sure death to lice and other parasites; hence it cures Itch. 73 SECTION 42. CLAY. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Alumina.—Dry harsh skin—Mucus surface dry—hard knotty stools—desire for fruit and vegetables—potatoes disagree—depraved appetite, craving for pencils, chalk, rags and other indigestible things—ailments worse at new or full moon—soreness and burning relieved by cold water applied. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, A. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 5 to 10 grains. Child, see Sec- tion 56, A. Sprain.—Successful treatment. Mix powdered clay or " mineral earth " with water, or still better with Pond's Ex- tract of Witch Hazel, to form a paste, and apply this, quarter inch thick, on muslin, so as to encircle the part; wrap it up and keep it in place; renew every 24 hours, washing off each time. Gangrene.—Intolerably offensive—apply dry powdered clay or " mineral earth," keep the part full of the clay dust, and cover with carbolized absorbent cotton. There will be no offensive odor after 12 hours, healthy granulations will spring up, and a cure be effected. Bed Sore—Ulcer.—Cover and keep well covered with clay dust or " mineral earth." The same for Raw Surface, and all Chafing. Black pores in the skin of the face.—Make a paste of Potter's clay 4 parts; Glycerine 3 parts ; and Vinegar 2 parts; and cover the face with it for an hour every day, then wash with pumice-stone soap, or fine sand soap. In a few days this will remove them. Swelling — Gathering — Throbbing tumor—Painful 74 SECTION 43.—CLOVER. Enlargement of Scrotum—Gathered breast—Swollen Diseased joint.—Use "Mineral Earth," Potter's clay, or any pure clay, made into a soft paste with water, cosmoline or vaseline, and apply the same in thick layer, and cover with cloth, 3 times a day. The same for wounds difficult to heal, fggg*- Chronic enlargement of glands may be suc- cessfully treated by rubbing them well night and morning with Sapo Viridis Hebra ; when they become tender, wait a few days, then apply again. SECTION 43. CLOVER. GENERAL INDICATIONS >r Trifolium pratensis.— Flowing saliva—wheezing respiration—Spasmodic oppres- sion. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y to 1 drachm of Fluid Ex- tract. Child, see Section 56, B. Pain of Cancer.—Red clover heads, dry in an oven, and make into tea; adult, take 1 quart during the day, in por- tions before meals and before going to bed. " It subdues the pain of Cancer and improves the general health." The same for Spasmodic Asthma— Whooping Cough, only 4 fail- ures in 50 cases treated; cure in a few days. 75 SECTION 44. COCA. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 1 to 2 drachms of the Fluid Extract. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Adult; 4 per cent, solution of the Muriate of Cocaine, 10 to 15 minims; or Salicylate of Cocaine, ^ grain in solution. Used mainly for Local Neuralgia —Vomiting of pregnancy (inject at pit of the stomach); effectual relief. Opium Habit—Morphinism.—"At the height of excite- ment, a tablespoonful of the Fluid Extract of Coca brings the pulse rate down from 150 to 75 ; if the first dose fails after 3 hours give a second. To cure the habit take a des- sertspoonful of the Fluid Extract of Coca 3 or 4 times a day, or every time the depression and longing for the nar- cotic comes; gradually diminish the dose. Cure in 6 weeks. The same treatment cures the Alcohol habit. Coca put up as a masticatory in the form of plugs, like tobacco (Coca bola), is very convenient; a chew from which taken from time to time completely satisfies the craving for stimulants and at the same time removes all feeling of de- pression and fatigue." g@j°*"To master the Opium Habit, take the opium in the usual quantity, with Gamboge added 1 part to 3. Disgust soon follows, and no after hankering remains. Cure effectual." Debility—Extreme nervousness.—Take Coca, (Fluid Extract,) I teaspoonful or more, before breakfast and supper. The same banishes the Blues—Cures Dyspepsia—Strength- ens the voice of Singers and public speakers. 76 SECTION 44.—COCA. Fistula in Ano—Anal fissure, ulcer, stricture—Painful Piles.—Coca butter suppository, containing 10 to 15 grains of Iodoform, unrivaled. The Gluten suppository also ex- cellent, especially in case of Constipation. Diphtheria.—Hydrochlorate of Cocaine, 4 per cent solu- tion in distilled water, used as a local application, relieved the pain and dissolved the false membrane. Facial Neuralgia.—An application of a 1 per cent, solu- tion of Hydrochlorate of Cocaine, by camel-hair brush or dropper to the bottom of the external auditory canal, arrests the pain of Neuralgia of the facial nerve, and indeed any pain in the temporal region, instantly. Local Anaesthesia.—A 2 per cent, solution of Hydro- chlorate of Cocaine, dropped into the eye at intervals of 5 minutes for 3 times, renders the eye insensible to pain, for operation or extraction of a mote. It produces the same anaesthetic condition when introduced into the ear, nose, throat, vagina, os uteri, urethra. The same in 4 per cent. solution arrests Vaginismus—controls Pruritus—Subdues the pain of an ingrowing nail, ggp" Complete local anaesthesia may be obtained by applying Aniline oil to the part, for a short time; useful in opening abscesses and felons, excising nails, and in various minor operations of surgery." Impotence.—" Fluid Extract of Coca, 1 drachm, 3 times a day." fgST Damiana, 3 drachms of the Fluid Extract, 3 times a day for weeks, cured Impotence, Spermatorrhoea, and Shrunken Testes. Sanguinaria tinct. 5 to 10 drops, 3 times a day, removed Relaxation of genital organs with Inaptitude. 77 SECTION 45. COFFEE. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Nervous excitement- inability to sleep—excessive sensitiveness to pain—night thirst Minute Dose.—Section 56, B-D. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 2 to 10 grains of Caffein— Citrate of Caffein, 1 to 2 grains. Child, Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Formula: Caffeine citrate, 24 grains; Aqua, 1 ounce; Mix. Adult, 10 to 20 minims, or ]/z to 1 gram. Used especially for Neuralgia—Neuralgic Headache—Migraine—Insomnia of Chronic Alcoholism (without delirium)— Opium Narcosis—Alcohol Poisoning, Strychnia Poisoning—Cardiac Dropsy. Delirium Tremens.—Repeated draughts of strong coffee. For " dead-drunk " stupor, injections of the same into the bowel. Brain Fag.—" Granulated Effervescent Bromo-Caffeine. Adult, 1 spoonful in y2 glass of cold water (not ice-cold). Repeat in y hour, if necessary." Con. Tine. Avena for the same. Nervous Sick Headache.—"Caffein, i grain doses every y2 hour, sure to relieve. The same for Vertigo!' (A) " Bromo-Caffeine gives better results than any other agent for headache in general. Adult, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls m y& glass of water. Citrate of Caffein in capsules, every l/2 hour, is excellent for sick headache." Weak Heart.—" Caffein, adult, 5 to 10 grains (or, per- haps, still better, Citrate of Caffein, 2 to 5 grains), 3 times a day is a peerless remedy." Sudden Cardiac Dropsy.—"The one grand remedy is Citrate of Caffein. Adult, 2 to 5 grains, 3 times a day 78 SECTION 45.--COFFEE. It is easily taken by feeble persons, and directly produces free flow of urine with relief of suffering." (B) Palpitation of the Heart from Slight Excitement —Fainting from Sudden Emotion — Nervousness— Sleeplessness.—Caffein, in minute doses, Section 56, D, calms like a charm. Sea Sickness.—Two cups of coffee, good and strong, sugar if you like it, but no cream, taken on an empty stom- ach, an hour or two before embarkation, prevents Sea Sick- ness. It is just as well to prepare it at home, and carry it in a flask, and thus know that it is pure, good and strong. Diarrhoea of Infants with Colic and Vomiting.— Common table coffee, in teaspoonful doses. Excellent. Colic.—First thing, inject coffee ; strong decoction freely, and give to drink hot, repeated draughts—speedy cure. Typhus of Children—Cholera Infantum—Moaning Stupor.—Coffee moderately strong, flavored with cream and sugar, given by the teaspoon, has a quieting influence, gives heat and moisture to the skin, is curative. Hernia (even strangulated, death-door condition).—Drink strong coffee, cupful after cupful, and bathe the rupture with the same; presently gas will escape, and the tumor vanish. Opium Poisoning. — Ply the patient with repeated draughts of strong coffee, hot; also keep up unremitting muscular exercise. Coffee given in this way before and during the chill will cure Ague. The same will cure Spasmodic Asthma; but Caffein, adult, 10 to 20 grain doses, would, perhaps, be better. Disinfectant.—Ground coffee, sprinkled upon live coals in a shovel, and carried around in a room will, in a few minutes, clear the atmosphere of all impurities, especially of animal effluvia. 79 SECTION 46. COLCHICUM. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Lameness in the joints —distention of the abdomen from gas—stools like scrapings from the bowel, in dysentery—loathing of food, sick and faint even from the smell of it—pains worse by motion, better by stooping. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B-D. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y to 2 drachms of the wine or tincture. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Adult, -£% grain of Colchicine in solution. Used principally for Rheumatic affections of the joints—Neuralgia of the joints. Colchicum, in minute doses, is a valuable remedy for Cataract—Pericarditis—Gout—Rheumatism in small joints —Heart affections from rheumatism—Dysentery, stools like jelly or scrapings from the bowel (Cantharis)—Inflammation of the rectum, proctitis—Excessive nausea, even to fainting from smell of victuals cooking—Tympanitis, 3 drops of the tincture every y hour, specific—Pain after urinating, offici- nal dose, 3 times a day, cured a case 15 years' standing— Arrest of milk secretion, without danger, officinal dose, twice a day, and anoint round the nipple with extract of Belladonna.—Dropsy after scarlet fever, or from checked perspiration, drop doses of tincture in sweetened water hourly (Asclepias Syriaca for the same). (A) Apocynum Androsem. tinct, adult, 10 to 20 drops, every hour or two, cures Rheumatism and Rheumatic gout, also Leucorrhoea and Worm affections. Viola odorata (dose 56, B) cures Rheumatism of the wrist. Caulophyllum (dose 56, B) cures Rheumatism of small joints. 80 SECTION 47. COLD WATER. Hypodermatic Dose.— Adult, 30 to 60 drops. Acts like morphia in subduing pain—Cures Neural- gia (facial, sciatic, lumbar)—Painful affections in general—Morphine habit. Delirium Tremens.—"Pour cold water from a height upon the back of the head and neck, until pulse rate falls to 40; sleep will soon ensue, with recovery." Lightning Stroke.—Strip, and dash cold water upon the patient, now on the chest, then on the back, turn about, as rapidly as you can conveniently roll the body back and forth on the left side. If not successful after half an hour, wrap the patient in woolen blankets, and in half-sitting position, cover with fresh earth, except the face, and give a dose of Nux vomica. Amyl nitrite might be tried, a few drops on a handkerchief, held to the nose. Nose Bleed.—Apply cold water or ice to the root of the nose, or back of the neck. Hydrocele.—A small stream of cold water poured daily, from a considerable height, upon the scrotum—cured a case of simple congenital hydrocele. Hernia.—Make bare the abdomen and chest—patient lying on the back, knees drawn up—cover the face with a towel, and without the knowledge of the patient suddenly dash a cup of cold water on the stomach. The sudden shock causes retraction of the bowel and reduces the rup- ture. Night Sweat.—" Place a vessel containing several gal- lons of cold spring water under the patient's bed, fresh every night. Cure in a few days. The same to prevent bed sores in fevers." 6 81 SECTION 47.--COLD WATER. Erysipelas.—" Dip cloths in cold water and apply. Keep the cloths constantly wet and cold. Preferable to all other topical remedies." Cholera.—" Cold water—ice cold—all you can drink, as much as possible. Cure even in collapse." Water alone is often curative of infantile ailments, such as Colic—Diarrhoea—Fever—Restlessness. Give it by the tea- spoonful every hour or two. When baby cries, offer it water; it may be thirsty. Washing the baby's mouth daily with cold water prevents Sore mouth. In Dropsy, water should not be withheld, it encourages the Kidneys to action. In Scarlet fever, Measles and other Eruptive diseases, water may be freely drunk, with this precaution, that small quantities be taken at a time. It is the sudden chill from a large cold drink that does harm, not the water itself. A goblet of oat-meal water, taken every morning before breakfast, cures Constipation. 82 SECTION 48. COLLODION. Eruptions on the face from shaving; also pimples. —Collodion y2 drachm; Glycerine I drachm ; Rose water 2 y drachms; mix. Use as a wash. Same for sore nipples. Jg@°* Barber's Itch, remove the crust with flaxseed poultice, cut off all the beard possible, apply to the face for half an hour hot water on sponge or cloth, then with camel-hair brush apply lotion, of water ioo drops ; alcohol ioo drops ; and creosote I drop; every other day. In a week double the creosote. Cured in 3 weeks. Lupus—Corroding ulcer in the face.—Dip a camel- hair brush in creosote, then into dry powder of Calomel, apply daily until cure effected. Wen; also Birth-Mark.—Coat with flexible Collodion; renew the coating occasionally, and conquer. Sprains.—With camel-hair brush, paint the sprained joint with flexible Collodion; when it dries, which will be in a few minutes, paint again, until six coats are applied. This is all the treatment required. Well next day. (A) The same for Inflamed pimples and Sore nipples. Cholera.—"Shave the hair off the abdomen, and paint it with Collodion; after an hour, if necessary, remove this application and apply another; in very bad cases a third application may be required. The effect of this treatment is immediate stoppage of discharges and vomiting, restora- tion of warmth to the whole body, and resumption of per- spiration, even profuse, which is indispensable to cure." (B) The same for Cholera morbus—Cholera infantum— Diarrhoea with vomiting—Vomiting in general. »3 SECTION 49. COPPER. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Cramps—rigid spasm —blue cold face—tremor—vomiting relieved by draughts of cold water—attacks at new moon. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, A. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y grain of the Subacetate. Tincture of the acetate, 5 to 15 drops, 3 times a day. Child, see Section 56, A. The acetate of Copper, in minute doses, stands in the front rank of remedies for Heart trouble with anguish and oppression, and rigid spasm—Catalepsy—Rigid Convul- sions, with blue face—Convulsions, with screaming and biting—Spasm of the glottis—Vaginismus—Lockjaw after amputation, no better remedy—Brain affection from re- pelled eruption, study or grief—Delirium with fixed ideas —Scarlet fever with convulsions—Whooping cough with spasms—Cramps—Cramp colic—Cholera morbus, violent retching — Cholera, cramps predominant — Ague, chill beginning in the back, specific—Purpura Haemorrhagica, officinal dose in cinnamon water, 4 times a day, speedy cure. Granulated Eyelids.—With Sulphate of Copper in sub- stance—small piece, polished smooth—rub lightly over the granulations once or twice a day, and follow each time with a warm water wash off by camel-hair brush. Specific. (Alum pencil for the same.) J8@°" Ointment made of Yel- low oxide of mercury, 2 grains to I ounce of vaseline, ap- plied lightly twice a day cures Granulated lids (trachoma)— Conjunctivitis—Ophthalmia in general. This is " the Royal Eye Salve." 84 SECTION 49.—COPPER. Freckles.—Oleate of Copper; application every night on going to bed. (A) The same for Lepra. Diphtheria developed upon abrasions of the Skin or in Sores.—Apply Sulphate of Copper 20 grains to the ounce of water. (B) The same for Itch and Ringworm. Prickly Heat.—Apply with sponge, 2 or three times a day, a two per cent, solution of Sulphate of Copper; cure in 3 days. 85 SECTION 50. CORN. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Secede (Ergot).—Creep- ing numbness—death-like coldness, with aversion to being covered—stare of terror—withered appearance—disgust for fat food. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, A-B-C-D. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 10 to 60 minims of the Fluid Extract—Tincture ^ to 2 drachms—Ustilago, Fluid Ex- tract 10 to 60 minims. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Formula: Ergotin (aqueous extract) 2 scruples; Aquae destil. 2 drachms; mix. Filter—Adult, 5 to 20 minims. The addition of one per cent, carbolic acid will prevent any change in the solution for several months, and will rather increase than diminish its therapeutic power. Used mainly in the treatment of Hemorrhages in general—Bleeding piles, not inflamed—Cerebral Hemorrhages, gradually deepening coma—Epistaxis —Uterine Hemorrhage, specific—Subinvolution of the Uterus—Chronic Metritis—Hypertrophy of the Uterine walls—Fibroids; the distressing pain, profuse hemorrhage, and debilitating discharges totally disappear—Uterine polypi and Hydated Moles expelled—Hypertrophy of the prostate (inject into the gland)—Varicocele—Aneurism. " Cures by slowing the heart action and contracting the arterioles, thus favoring coagulation of the blood in the aneuris- mal sac."—Varicose Veins—Enlarged Spleen—Leukaemia—Trichinosis—Ex- ophthalmic Goitre—Acute affections of the Meninges of the brain and spinal cord—Cerebro-spinal meningitis in stage of excitement, before depression comes on—Congestive Headache—Migraine, congestive with flushed face and quick pulse, immediate relief—Hemicrania—Tic Douloureux—Apoplexy—Convul- sions—Sunstroke, " superior to all other remedies."—Sciatica, brilliant results —Retention of Urine. B^P* Sclerotinic acid, the active principle of ergotin, is tasteless, odorless, freely soluble in water and without any irritating effects in the tissue when injected; hence it is perfectly adapted for hypodermatic use—dose ^ to ^ grain, in solution. (A) A pretty strong tea, or decoction of corn silk, sweet- 86 SECTION 50.—CORN. ened, adult, a wineglassful every 3 hours; or the Fluid Extract of Corn Silk, adult, 1 or 2 drachm doses is highly recommended for Gravel—Chronic Gout—Chronic Rheu- matism—Cystitis—Catarrh of the bladder. (B) Ergot or Secale, even in minute doses, is an import- ant remedy for Meningitis—Myelitis—Spinal Irritation— Senile Gangrene—Hiccough; a case that had resisted all other treatment for days was cured at once with y2 drachm of the Fluid Extract. (C) Ustilago Maydis—dose 56 A, is a grand remedy for Impotence—Spermatorrhoea—Excessive flow of menses, or too long continued flow, a dose every hour during the time, and once a day for a week in advance to prevent it. Entire Suppression of Menses (with indications of de- cline, cough, chest pains, night sweats, loss of appetite).— Thirteen cases in succession reported cured with Ustilago Maydis (Section 56, A) 3 times a day—it brought the courses without pain. Whenever there is an evidence that the menses will not appear in due time, a few doses of the Ustilago will establish the flow; and when there is a vicarious discharge of blood from other parts, the same will correct the trouble. " In case of delayed menses, I saturate sugar of milk with the Fluid Extract of Ustilago, and give 5 grain powders, 4 times a day; the flow comes naturally and without pain; not failed me in a single instance. Fluid Extract of Ergot, drop doses hourly, will also bring the courses." Flooding.—An obstinate case of continued bleeding from the womb was cured with Ergot parvules, 1 every 2 hours. A death-door case of flooding reported cured with Ergot tincture, 2 ounces on tampon of cotton, applied through speculum to os uteri. Uterine Fibroid Tumor.—Dispersed with Fluid Extract of Ustilago 10 to 20 drops daily, persevering treatment. Also a reported cure with minute doses of the same. 87 SECTION 50.--CORN. Acute Insanity (with intense congestion of head, face, hands and feet).—Cured with Fluid Extract of Ustilago, adult, 1 drachm, every 6 hours. (D) The same is said to arrest any Inflammation of inter- nal organs. Cancer.—An open cancer reported cured, by application, 3 times a day, of fresh Ergot, ground to an impalpable powder. The ulcer being thoroughly cleansed every day. (E) To remove a morbid growth without pain, blister the tumor, and sprinkle it once daily with a mixture of Arseni- ous acid 1 part; Morph. sulph. 1 part; Calomel 8 parts; and Pulverized Gum Arabic 48 parts—this is a painless caustic. 88 SECTION 51. COTTON. Minute Dose.—Gossypium, Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 1 to 4 drachms of the tincture of cotton root. Chronic Nasal Catarrh.—" Insert a pledget of cotton loosely into eaqh nostril, not so as to interfere with the breathing, renew every day. Cure in a few weeks. The same arrests attacks of sneezing, even in Hay fever." Jggp Wearing a string of amber beads around the neck is said to have cured Hay fever, or Rose cold, and even Chronic nasal catarrh. Rheumatism (in joints, head or chest).—Wrap the part in raw cotton. If pains very severe, bathe with solution, made of Carbonate of Potash 1 ounce; and Tincture of Opium (deodorized) 6 ounces; in water 1 pint; also apply the same on cloths, and cover with raw cotton. This gives wonderful relief. Suppressed Menses.—" Oil of Cotton seed, 1 drachm daily, unfailing. If Labor flags, this dose spurs it up, better and more safely than ergot. The same cures Ague!* 89 SECTION 52. CUPPING. Carbuncle.—Superior mode of treatment—Upon the appearance of one or more of the little ulcers on the car- buncle, apply a dry cup, saturating the paper used with turpentine before lighting it; in a moment the suction of the cup will open the cells, and there will exude into it a tea- spoonful of thin pus; follow this with poultices to keep up the discharge, and in a few days the carbuncle will vanish. In this way we obviate 3 to 6 weeks of suffering. Strangulated Inguinal Hernia.—Cured after collapse had set in, by filling a jar with hot rarefied air (burning a ribbon of paper in it, pasted to the bottom) and applying it as a cup over the abdomen. As the vessel cooled, the bowel was drawn up, and the rupture reduced. Obstruction of the Bowel (with stercoraceous vomit- ing).—Cured thus: A very large bowl, capable of covering the abdomen below the navel, was applied as a dry cup; in 15 minutes there was relief, then rumbling was heard, and in 20 minutes more, by aid of copious injections of hot water, there were several free stools of undigested food. This same process of dry cupping with a large jar or bowl, over the womb, instantly arrested an attack of dangerous Flood- ing. H^Flooding to death (brain and heart exhausted, insen- sible, pulseless).—A case saved by putting hot sand bags under the back of the head, and to the heart—hotter than the hand could endure—frequently renewed. 90 SECTION 53. DIET. (A) Delirium Tremens.—Beef-tea, red hot with Cayenne pepper, frequent copious draughts. When so strong that you would not dare to tase it, the patient will declare it the most cool and refreshing drink. A London surgeon reports 150 cures in succession with this diet alone. (B) Nervousness.—Nervous persons subject to neuralgia and mental depression, need rich juicy meats, cream toast, sweet bread and butter, also fish and cracked wheat to supply phosphorus. " Fish diet for brain work." (C) Prevention of Colds, Consumption, Catarrh.— Eat fruits and vegetables—no meats. " This diet diminishes the secretion of mucus, and perspiration one half." The same cures eczema, and has a tendency to arrest the progress of cancer and scrofula. (D) Dyspepsia—Indigestion—Defective Appetite— Debility, especially with red tongue.—Demand baked flour in beef-tea, beef peptonoids, malt extracts and pepsin. Beef-tea alone, stimulates but does not nourish. Malt extract is the best food for weak digestion; many a baby's life might have been saved by the use of it. "Constant excessive thirst may be cured by eating ham, and excessive hunger cured by drinking lemonade." A glass of pure cold water taken a short time before meals, acts as a real stomach tonic, soothing that morbid craving, which impels to excess in eating. (E) Diarrhoea (Obstinate, even Chronic).—Cured by eating plentifully of dried beef, inside part soft and raw. Given to feeble children—shaved very thin and pulpy—it renews the strength and restores to health. Diarrhoea of children may sometimes be arrested by allowing them to 9i SECTION 53.—DIET. suck boiled ham. In wasting summer diarrhoea of children there is no nourishment better than the Beef peptonoids. (F) Constipation.—Obstinate cases cured by drinking as much cold water as possible. (G) Biliousness.—Bilious persons subject to sick head- ache, who think they can take nothing but dry bread, lean meat and tea; may get well by eating plenty of rich, juicy, fat meats, essence gravies, and cream toast (H) Baby's Colic—Wind Pain.—" Give Mellin's food, and see the glorious change—only perfect substitute for mother's milk." Some prefer Imperial Granum to all other baby food. (I) Diabetes.—In this disease the storage of grape-sugar in the liver is disturbed, too much passes off by the kidney, the urine is milky—contains sugar—we have Glycosuria, or Diabetes ; we must abstain from food containing starch and sugar; partake only of meats, green vegetables and skim milk. Reported cures by eating nothing but meat and fish, and taking at each meal Lactic acid, 3 or 4 scruples, in 6 ounces of water. Two complete cures by taking 2 tea- spoonfuls of Lactic acid in a goblet of water, once a day, with exclusive meat and egg diet. Useful adjuncts are, Bread made of roasted flour, and Buckwheat cakes. (J) Gravel—Gout—Bright's Disease.—In these affec- tions, the liver fails to change the meat-waste into soluble urea, and leaves the consequent insoluble urates and lith- ates in the system to be deposited in the joints (Gout); in the urine (Gravel); or else to break down the kidney (Bright's Disease). The food from which this trouble comes, the nitrogenized, must be withheld; we must par- take of no meat, eggs or new milk; our food must be mainly farinaceous—bread, cakes, green vegetables and skim milk. (K) Easy Labor.—" Fruit and vegetable diet, as exclu- sive as possible during pregnancy, insures easy labor and healthy offspring." 92 SECTION 53.--DIET. (L) Baby's Best Food.—Sugar of milk 1 ounce, in water y, pint, boil 15 minutes; then add y pint of fresh milk and boil again; give from the bottle moderately warm. Obstinate cases of Dysentery have been cured by this diet. For the sake of a change, if the bowels are loose, crack a teaspoonful of barley in a coffee mill, boil it 15 minutes in y2 pint of water, with a little salt, skim it, and for a young child add half as much cow's milk as there is barley water, sweeten and give warm from the bottle. If the bowels are- bound use oat meal instead of barley. Cream, skimmed off the milk, two hours after milking in the morning, diluted one-half or three-quarters, with boil- ing water, very slightly sweetened with loaf sugar, often agrees with a child, and stays on the stomach when milk will not To a quart of milk just boiling, add a heaping tablespoon- ful of corn starch, and as much white sugar, continue the boiling until it thickens, no longer, and feed warm. " This will make the baby fat." Pure unfermented grape juice (preserved without boiling, and without any chemicals, or other substance to prevent fermentation) is the food par excellence for sick children, as well as for adult invalids. They will take it when all other nourishment is rejected. A child 4 years old took 1 y2 pints a day during scarlet fever. Squeeze the juice from raw lean meat, with lemon squeez- ers, salt it slightly, and dilute it a little, with warm water, put it into the nursing bottle, and give four times a day as much as seems tolerated by the stomach. This cures Summer complaint. Permitting the baby to suck a raw oyster, or the raw, soft part of dried beef held in the nurse's fingers, often proves curative in cases of Bowel complaint. Johnston's liquid beef, Beef peptonoids, and Murdock's liquid food, are very suitable food in such cases. 93 SECTION 53.--DIET. When the baby is losing flesh, vomits food, and has sour stools, a grain or two of milk sugar, placed dry upon the tongue, every 3 or 4 hours, often corrects the trouble. With children brought up by hand, the substitution of milk sugar for loaf sugar, will frequently obviate sour vomit- ing and acid diarrhoea. Rice carefully cleansed and nicely browned in an oven, a tablespoonful in a pint of water, allowed to stand and simmer on the stove for an hour or more, then the watery portion drained off, and cooled to blood heat, and slightly sweetened and colored if you choose, with a teaspoonful of milk, will agree with the most delicate stomach, and is almost as nourishing as milk. Take two tablespoonfuls of unbolted wheat flour, and wet it with cold water to thickness of cream, then add this to two quarts of boiling water, and boil thirty minutes, strain and serve. This agrees with children reared upon the bottle, oftentimes when cow's milk does not. It cures cholera infantum. If child's stools are sour, put a tablespoonful of lime water with the milk in its nursing bottle. If the stools are bloody, boil a piece of mutton suet in the milk, and season with a little salt. (M) "Murdock's Liquid food, contains beef, mutton and fruit. It is retained by the most delicate stomach. One tablespoonful four times a day to an adult, will make 10 pounds of blood in 30 days. The new blood cleanses the system of all diseases in from 60 to 90 days. It cures Paralysis—Rheumatism—Consumption—Female's diseases, with internal ulcerations—Obstinate Constipation—Chronic Diarrhoea — Summer Complaint — Loss of Appetite — Wasted, worn-out condition of the System. " In four months by use of 5 to 20 drops of Murdock's liquid food, in the milk at each feeding, sick babies are restored to health; when they do not thrive you need not 94 SECTION 53.--DIET. change their food, only add liquid food. One week will show their good results." (N) Scarlet fever preventive.—" Milk diet exclusive, is a prophylactic of Scarlet fever—hence children at the breast rarely take the infection. The same diet is reported to have cured Epilepsy!' (O) Scrofula — Phthisis — Tubercular Meningitis — Chronic Hydrocephalus.—In these affections the fuel-food (hydrocarbon) is deficient, the system calls for fat, in natural emulsion—rich milk, cream, milk puddings, suet puddings. JJ@°* Artificial fat emulsions are better borne, and prove more useful when taken 1 y2 hours after meals. (P) Rheumatism.—Eat absolutely nothing, and drink only water or lemonade; and all rheumatism, acute or chronic, will vanish in 5 to 10 days. Attest 40 cases. " Fasting and rest is the best possible treatment for all Inflammations, and fevers resulting therefrom. The same cures a cold!' (Q) Emaciation.—In order to get fat, eat all kinds of sweets, nothing sour. " Two ounces of loaf sugar, and two pounds of sweet grapes, three times a day, will fatten a skeleton—and cure consumption." (R) Obesity.—In order to get thin, eat all things sour, nothing sweet " Abstain from bread, butter, milk, sugar, potatoes, salmon, pork, soups and beer; eat and drink any- thing else, and you will lose 1 pound per week." (S) Weaning from Liquor.—Flavor with spirits all food and drink taken ; soon will follow intense loathing against all liquor. (T) Cream Mead.—A very agreeable drink for Conva- lescents. Dissolve 3 pounds of white sugar in x/2 gallon of boiling water, and when cold add 3 ounces of Tartaric acid, previously dissolved in a pint of cold water; now add the white of 3 eggs, well beaten, flavor to taste, and bottle. When it is to be used, stir into a tumblerful before drinking, 95 SECTION 53.—DIET. a few grains of Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda), and a delicious effervescing drink is the result. (U) Food by Injection.—First empty, and wash the rectum by an injection of clean warm water; when thus pre- pared, slowly force the nourishment up into the bowel, as far as possible, every 2 hours, half-teacupful at a time; temperature 98° to 1000 F. Sweet milk or cream slightly salted, beef tea, beef pep- tonoids, egg and cream beaten together, are suitable for nourishment Always a little pepsin should be added to insure digestion. 96 SECTION 54. DIGITALIS. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Slow pulse—pale bloated face—pale cold skin—ash-gray stools—chest ailments worse by talking. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, B-C. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 5 to 20 drops of the tincture. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Extract of Digitalis -^ grain in solution. Used specially in the treatment of Acute Mania—and Chloroform Poisoning (follow with Atropia). Acute Insanity.—Digitalis, officinal dose, every 3 hours. Noise in the Ears.—Digitalis, minute doses, several times a day. (Actaea race., dose 56 B.) Weak Heart.—There is no better recognized fact than that Digitalis, in officinal doses, sustains and strengthens the action of the heart. Hydropericardium — Hydrothorax. (Patient cannot lie down, suffocating, pulse fluttering.)—" Digitalis, adult 1 or 2 drachms of fresh infusion every 3 or 4 hours, until the quantity of urine increases decidedly; then a dose night and morning may be sufficient. It produces a flow of urine almost magical. Strophantus, adult 5 to 20 drops of the tincture, should be tried if Digitalis fails." Minute doses, (Sec. 56, B-C,) very frequently repeated, effect the same good results, with greater safety. I cured a desperate breathless case of Dropsy of the heart, with Digitalis tincture; adult, 10 drops every 4 hours. (A) Jg@P* " For Chest oppression, Difficult Breathing, the true specific is Quebracho, adult 5 to 10 drops in water, 7 97 SECTION 55.--DOGWOOD. every 15 minutes if necessary. Its action is immediate and positive." CEdema—(Especially of feet and eyelids).—Digitalis, in minute doses—(Apis mellifica, Sec. 56, A). SECTION 55. DOGWOOD. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 10 to 30 drops of the Fluid Extract of Jamaica Dogwood. Child, see Section 56, B. Whooping Cough.—" Specific as much as Quinine for ague. Fl. Ex. Jamaica Dogwood, 3 drops in a teaspoon- ful of water every 3 or 4 hours." Neuralgia — Toothache — Tic Douloureux.—" Imme- diate relief with natural sleep and rest, no unpleasant results. —Fl. Ex. Jamaica Dogwood, adult 10 to 12 drop doses. The same controls any cough!' (A) "$ST " A cough mixture unsurpassed, is made of Fl. Ex. Jamaica Dogwood; Fl. Ex. Asclepias tuberosa; Tinct- ure of Lobelia inflata; and Glycerine; equal quantities of each mixed. Dose for adult, 10 drops to 60, at intervals, from y2 hour to y day." Rumex crispus tincture, adult, 5 to 10 drops, every 2 or 3 hours (child, see Sec. 56, B) is almost specific for cough excited by the least breath of cold air; must keep the mouth covered with handkerchief, or head covered up in bed to prevent coughing. " Jamaica Dogwood appears to possess the good properties of Opium without the bad. In y drachm doses it is an elegant palliative of the pains of Labor. No ill effects. In Delirium Tremens, it is complete master of the situation, in doses of y to 1 drachm of the Fluid Extract." Tea made of the Common dogwood bark cures ague. 98 SECTION 56. DOSE. The dose should be of a strength no greater than is simply sufficient to induce the needful reaction of the or- ganism ; all in excess of this remains as an obstruction in the system, and delays recuperative action; hence minute doses frequently repeated are more efficacious than large ones given at longer intervals. By triturations and succussions, the crude particles of a drug become minutely separated and diffused through the menstruum, so that the absorbents can admit them into the circulation with facility. It has been asserted that drugs, administered in hot water, are much more sure and speedy in their action, than when given in cold water, and that half the usual dose will pro- duce the desired effect. If a medicine taken in minute doses, according to the general indications of its genius, should aggravate existing symptoms of the disease, be not too readily discouraged; it may be a good omen; wait a little while until the exacer- bation has passed off, when perhaps improvement will set in; if it does, let it progress undisturbed by further medi- cation to the completion of the cure. In very acute diseases, the dose should be repeated every ten, twenty or thirty minutes until relief is afforded, then the intervals lengthened. In cases less violent the dose may be taken every one, two or three hours. In Chronic diseases, a dose may be taken once, twice or thrice a day until improvement sets in, then an interval of several days without medicine allowed, or as long as im- provement continues. Omitting medicine every third week is a good plan in the treatment of chronic cases. 99 SECTION 56.--DOSE. A SYSTEM OF MINUTE DOSAGE. (basement.) A. Triturations.—One per cent, trituration with sugar of milk (2 x trit). Adult, 5 grains. Child, one year old, one-twentieth of adult dose, and for each year older, one-twentieth more. B. Solutions.—One per cent, solution in alcohol (2 x dilut). Adult, 5 drops. Child, one year old, one-twentieth of adult dose, and for each year older, one-twentieth more. C. Parvules.—Adult, one parvule every hour, two every two hours, three every three hours or four every four hours. For a child, one parvule three times a day, is the minimum dose. D. Dosimetric Granules.—Adult or child, one granule, repeated to meet the requirement of the case or age of the patient. jfgp^ The Blue Alkametric Granules (taken in the same way as the dosimetric) furnish minute doses of all the principal vegetable medicaments. A SYSTEM OF OFFICINAL DOSAGE. (g. a. w., m.d.) 1. The dose of all infusions is 1 to 2 ounces, except in- fusion of digitalis, which is 2 to 4 drachms. 2. Dose of all poisonous tinctures is 5 to 20 minims, ex- cept tincture of aconite, which is 1 to 5. 3. Dose of all wines is from y to 1 fluiddrachm, except wine of opium, which is 5 to 15 minims. 4. Of all poisonous solid extracts you can give y grain, except extract of calabar bean, which is fa to y grain. 5. Dose of all dilute acids is from 5 to 20 minims, except dilute hydrocyanic acid, which is 2 to 8 minims. 100 SECTION 56.--DOSE. 6. Dose of all aquez is from 1 to 2 ounces, except aqua laurocerasus and aqua ammonia, which are 10 to 30 minims. 7. Of all syrups you can give 1 drachm. 8. Dose of all mixtures is from y to 1 fluidounce. 9. Dose of all spirits is from y to 1 fluiddrachm. 10. Dose of all essential oils is from 1 to 5 minims. IOI SECTION 57. EGG. Prostration—Faintness from Overtaxation of Body and Mind.—Take yolk of egg beaten up with brandy. Freckles.—Wash them with a mixture of white of egg and water. Milk-whey is considered a good lotion. Goitre.—A case of years' standing cured with pulverized egg shell, 10 grains every morning for 14 days—during decrease of moon. Sore Throat of Public Speakers (wonderful relief).— The yolk of an egg taken raw. Cough from a Cold.—To the white of an egg beaten up with a teaspoonful of sugar, add a teacupful of hot water— stirring the while—and take it on going to bed. Splendid domestic remedy. Nausea—Sick Stomach.—Stir a little of the white of a fresh egg in cold water—ice water if you choose—and beat the remainder of the white to froth, and put it on top of the water—drink freely whenever thirsty. May use the whites of several eggs in a day, and thus be sustained for weeks. Cholera Infantum.—" Nothing stayed on the stomach. I put the white of an egg well beaten, into half a glass of water, seasoned it with a very little salt and sugar, and gave two teaspoonfuls every 2 hours; there was no more sick stomach. I kept on with the egg for 36 hours, when the child refused it. I then gave pure milk warm from the cow every 2 hours, for a few days, and then went back to the regular food, which was sweet cream and hot water, mixed to consistency of milk." Diarrhoea of Infants at the Breast.—(Mothers' milk not good.) Give in the course of 24 hours the white of one egg> stirred well into 5 or 6 ounces of water, previously 102 SECTION 57.--EGG. boiled, and add condensed milk, 3 to 5 drachms. The quantity can be gradually increased to two or three times this amount. Leucorrhoea.—Back feels as if broken. Reported 70 cures in succession, with ova testa (egg shell) one per cent. trituration with milk sugar, 10 grains every night on going to bed. The same is said to have cured a case of cancer of the womb, with fetid leucorrhoea and frightful bleeding; the first effect of the remedy was control of the pain. There is no better remedy for dyspepsia. Burns and Scalds—Raw Surface—Skin Poisoning— Sore Nipples.—Yolk of Egg 5 parts, and Glycerin 4 parts by weight; mix, and apply with camel-hair brush. One or two applications form a protective coating, and effect a speedy cure. Abrasion of the Feet—Raw Heels.—Apply white of egg. Feet burning, sore, tender after marching, wrap them in greasy cloths, break an egg in the shoe and march on, not remov- ing the shoe for 3 days. Marasmus.—Boil an egg "stone hard," crumble the yolk, and give it to the child. This is good food for baby at any time. 103 SECTION 58. ELM. Constipation.—Take at night on going to bed or in the morning before breakfast, a heaping tablespoonful of pow- deredslippery elm bark in a convenient quantity of water; continue the daily dose, until the bowels become regular. Chronic cases may require several weeks' treatment. Jggf" For Habitual Constipation, the grand specific is Cas- cara Segrada i ounce; Glycerin 2 ounces; and water- 1 ounce; mixed. Adult, I teaspoonful every 4 hours for 2 days, then 4 times a day until stools are loose, then reduce the dose gradually, and lengthen the intervals between them until the cure is effected. This is the hidden treasure. Cascara Cordial is the popular remedy now for Constipa- tion. Acidity of the Stomach—Milk Curdles in the Stom- ach.—Finely pulverized slippery elm bark, addjd to cow's milk, boiled or unboiled, will prevent it curdling in the stomach. A teaspoonful will serve for a pint of milk, but it may not be best to mix so much at one time. Punctured Wounds.—When you do not want a wound to close, insert into it a tent made of a smooth piece of slippery elm bark; it will not give pain to introduce it, and it expands gradually, thus enlarging the opening. The same may be used to keep open an incision into an abscess or gathering, if desired. 104 SECTION 59. ETHER. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y2 to i drachm. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Adult, 5 to 20 minims; repeat injections at distant points when prompt action is called for. Employed in case of Depression caused by Bites of Venomous snakes—Surgical Shock—Cholera Asiatica—Cholera Morbus—Pass- age of biliary or renal Calculi—Cardiac failure from hemorrhage—Poisoning of Aconite or Vera'rum viride. Local pain (as from stone lodged in gall duct or ureter— piin in an abscess, boil, carbuncle or gathering—superficial Nj:wa'.gix, rr:.tfica, Colic, etc.).—Pour ether on the painful p'-!". in'. ' iu nh and void of sensibility, use it freely until it affords relief. There is no safer external agent for allay- ing pain (avoid getting it into the eye or ear, for it would cause intense smarting). Extraction of teeth without pain.—Into y ounce of Sulph. Ether put 3 drachms of pulv. Camphor; soak cotton in this, and apply it around the tooth to be drawn, and in it if hollow, until the gum becomes white, " then the tooth may be extracted without pain." Lockjaw.—Administer Ether by inhalation until the jaw relaxes, and from time to time afterward, to keep up the relaxation—diet, milk and eggs. Sweating fever.—Desperate case, reported; cured with one dose of Nitrous Ether and Fluid Extract Buchu, each y drachm mixed, relief in half an hour. Local Anaesthesia.—Cover the part with cotton, pour Ether on it, and with bellows blow upon it, and in 5 minutes the part will be devoid of sensibility. 105 SECTION 60.--ETHYL. To Disinfect a sick room or musty parlor.—" Fill a small, single wick lamp with Chloric Ether, and burn it in the room—in a few minutes the work is done." SECTION 60. ETHYL. Anaesthesia.—" Fold a thick towel into the form of a small cone, with closed apex; between one of the folds of the towel place a sheet of paper, which will make the cone nearly air-tight. The base of the cone should be wide enough to enclose both mouth and nose. The patient having all clothes loosened about the neck, must lie down with the head slightly elevated, and make deep inspirations. Into the cone pour about one drachm of the Bromide of Ethyl, and immediately invert it over the nose and mouth of the patient, and hold its edges down firmly over the face; let no air in. This is the only right and safe way to ad- minister Ethyl. No matter how much the little patient may struggle, do not let air in. As a rule, a dozen full breaths are all that are needed to produce deep sleep—you pick up the patient's hand, and letting loose the hold, it drops. This sleep lasts from one to three minutes, and the patient wakens up as from common sleep; during the sleep you may perform any operation without the least pain. This new anaesthetic leaves nothing to be desired ; it is perfectly harmless, and the nearest approach to magic in the art of Surgery." 106 SECTION 61 EUCALYPTUS. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 15 to 60 drops of the Fluid Extract Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Oil of Eucalyptus, 5 minims, mixed with olive oil—Used in the treatment of Pyaemia. Ulcerative Ophthalmia.—Intensely painful. Eucalyptus Fluid Extract 1 drachm, in distilled water 1 ounce, mix; shake well together, and drop a little into the suffering eye several times a day. Almost immediately after the first application the pain will abate, the inflammation begin to subside, and a feeling of ease and comfort take the place of agony; in a few days the cure will be completed, the ulceration gone. Otorrhcea.—Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus 1 ounce, and water 1 ounce, mix; inject into the ear, two or three times a day, after cleansing each time with tepid water. " Cure in 3 weeks." Diphtheritic Croup.—Desperate cases cured. Fill an atomizer with oil of Eucalyptus, and oil of Turpentine, equal parts mixed, and spray the throat every y hour, " relief in an hour, cure in a day." Gastric Ulcer—Pains in the Stomach—Old Stomach Troubles.—" Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus, adult, teaspoon- ful doses in milk, before meals, works wonders." Diabetes.—Case reported cured, with Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus, adult 20 drops, 4 times a day. J|@m The popu- lar remedy of the day is Lambert's Lithiated Hydrangea. Ague.—" Not failed once in an hundred cases by giving 107 section 6i.—eucalyptus. adult 60 drops of the Fluid Extract of Eucalyptus, three times a day." Jg@°" Here is the remedy to cure, so it is said, any malarial fever, ague, or ailment characterized by periodical attacks; Parthenium Fluid Extract, adult 1 to 2 drachms every two or three hours. Traumatic Fever.—The remedy said to be superior to all others is Eucalyptus Fluid Extract, adult 5 drops every hour. Wounds.—To prevent suppuration in a wound, or in a stump after amputation, apply as a dressing the oil of Eucalyptus, 10 per cent, dilution in olive oil—claimed to be the best thing ever yet tried. Chilblains.—Oil of Eucalyptus, frequent applications with camel-hair brush, gives speedy relief of pain, and soon effects a cure. Baldness.—Eucalyptus leaves, pounded to a pulp, and applied to the head from time to time for headache—cured a case of Baldness. J^* If you would induce the growth of hair or beard, apply daily a mixture of Eau de Cologne 2 ounces; Aqua Ammoniae 1 drachm; Tincture of Can- tharis 2 drachms; and oil of Rosemary 12 drops. Carbo- line is now the popular remedy for baldness ; it is said to work miracles in the way of promoting the growth of hair. 108 SECTION 62. EYEBRIGHT. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Euphrasia.—Scalding tears—rash around the eyes—flowing nose—worse in- doors. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 1 to 5 drops of the tincture. Child, see Section 56, B. Euphrasia is the grand specific for Acute painful affec- tions of the eyes (rheumatic, catarrhal, scrofulous)—Inflam- mation of the eye — Ophthalmia—Eyes engorged with mucus, or flooded with tears—Blear eye—Eye affections from measles—Constant winking—Paralysis of the eye muscles—Opacity of the cornea (Cannabis sativa and Bi- chromate of potash minute doses). Whilst Euphrasia is being taken inwardly for affections of the eye, a lotion—made by putting a dozen drops of the tincture into y ounce bottle, and filling it with water—may be applied with advantage, by pouring it into the eye warm, a little at a time, several times a day. (A) JS^ir Ruta graveolens, dose 56 B, is a valuable remedy for painful affections of the eyes, from straining them at fine sewing or needle work. It is said to cure Asthenopia—Rheumatic pains in wrists and ankles as if sprained, and promote the union of fractures. 109 SECTION 63. FIG. Fetor of Cancer and Other Ulcers.—Boil Figs in new milk until soft and tender, and apply them as a poultice, 3 times a day. Also drink a gill of the milk twice a day, reported cures. Foul Breath—Fetid Canker of the Stomach.—Boil Figs in fresh milk, and drink freely of the milk. The same taken by the teacupful, 3 times a day, will keep the bowels nicely open—break up a constipated habit. An excellent mild purgative may be made by mixing thoroughly together 1 pound of figs, and 1 ounce of senna leaves—the figs being finely chopped up, and the leaves rubbed to powder. The mixture may be kept in a jar for use. A piece as large as a hickory nut for an adult, smaller pieces for a child according to age. It is very pleasant to take. no SECTION 64. GOLD. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Suicidal gloom—fetid ulceration—bone decay—feeling worse when cold—desire for wine and milk—aversion to meat. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, -fa grain pill of the muriate. Child, see Section 56, A. Aurum Muriaticum, in minute doses, is especially suited for the treatment of Deep-seated, Chronic affections, involv- ing gland and bone, and attended with mental gloom, thoughts of suicide—Chronic enlargement of the liver— Chronic nasal catarrh, involving the bones—Ozaena— Chronic offensive otorrhcea—Syphilitic bone disease— Nodes—Periostitis—nightly bone pains—Pains in the testes —Sarcocele—Chronic heart affections, with feeling as if dying, difficult breathing after walking, sobbing in sleep— Hypochondriasis—Hysteria—Puerperal melancholy—Re- ligious melancholy (Arsenic)—Chronic affections of the eyes—Keratitis—Glaucoma. 111 SECTION 65. GOLDEN SEAL. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Hydrastis.—Mucous discharges thick and ropy—dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat—gone feeling in the stomach— loss of appetite. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-B-C. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 10 to 60 drops of the tincture —Fluid extract, 20 to 30 drops—Hydrastin, y to 3 grains. —Child, see Section 56, A. Hydrastis in minute doses is the leading remedy for Dyspepsia—Indigestion—Loss of appetite—Chronic bron- chitis—Jaundice, with sinking sensation at the pit of the stomach—Sick-headache, often recurring—Marasmus, cure in a month—Constipation of infants, brilliant cures with drop doses of the tincture twice a day—Constipation of adults with headache. Granulated Eyelids — Ophthalmia. — " Golden eye water." Sulphate of Hydrastis 2 grains, in distilled water 1 ounce, apply the solution several times a day. Chronic Nasal Catarrh.—Characterized by a dripping back into the throat, finds its specific in Hydrastis 56, A, 4 doses a day; before meals and on going to bed. j^* " Equal parts of Listerin and warm water, snuffed well up into the nostrils, 4 times a day, is a pleasant and efficacious mode of treating nasal catarrh." Carbolic acid, a dozen drops in an ounce bottle, snuffed from, 5 minutes at a time, 6 times a day, cures nasal catarrh. Saponated coal tar, one-tenth diluted in water, injected into the nostrils or snuffed up thoroughly, 3 times a day, removed all bad odor from the nose in 3 days, and cured the catarrh in a week. 112 SECTION 65.--GOLDEN SEAL. Iodoform, 2 grains and Gum arabic 10 grains, in one pow- der, the whole of such a powder snuffed up the nostrils, 3 times a day (after cleansing the nostrils each time by snuff- ing warm water), cured Chronic nasal catarrh in 15 days. Baby's Sore Mouth.—Hydrastis root, pulverized and triturated, one per cent, with milk sugar, then dissolved in water (5 grains in a wineglassful) and a teaspoonful given every 2 hours (washing the mouth, also, with the same each time) soon effects a cure. Chafing of Infants—Rawness in the Folds of the Skin.—Powder with corn-starch medicated lightly with Hydrastis tincture, or sprinkle the parts thoroughly with pulverized Hydrastis root triturated 10 per cent, with corn- starch. Sore Nipples—{Chafed, cracked, ulcerated).—Successful when all other means failed. Pulv. Hydrastis root, tritu- rated, 10 per cent, with milk sugar, 10 grains in a wineglass of tepid water; wash the nipples gently, but thoroughly with this solution, each time after the child nurses. If baby has a sore mouth leave the lotion on the nipple, if not wash it off before offering the breast. (A) Ulcers are very successfully treated, by frequently renewed applications of bread soaked in this solution. Uterine Hemorrhage.—" Hydrastis canadensis, Fluid extract, 20 minims taken 4 times a day; is the best internal treatment for menorrhagia and metrorrhagia!' jggp^Apocy- num cannabinum, Fluid extract, 4 minims taken every hour or two as the urgency of the case may require, is a remedy unsurpassed for uterine hemorrhage. 8 "3 SECTION 66. GLYCERINE. Officinal Dose.—Adult, I drachm. Child, see Section 56, B. Pure Glycerine applied, in the proportion of a dessert- spoonful to a tumbler of water as a lotion, and especially if at the same time taken internally (adult, 1 or 2 table- spoonfuls before meals), is undoubtedly curative of various skin diseases, such as Impetigo—Prurigo—Pruritus—En- crusted forms of Lupus or Herpes exedens—Syphilitic and strumous eruptions, tending to fetid discharges and hard crusts—Fetid ulcers—Skin-scurf—Dandruff—Chilblains— Chapped hands—Acne rosacea—Eczema—Scabby stage of smallpox, to prevent scars and pitting—Cracked nipples— Cracked lips and hands—Burns and scalds—Wounds— Erysipelas—Irritation of the skin. Jggp™' Glycerine painted upon the tongue, keeps it moist and removes thirst, during fever. Deafness.—Drop Glycerine in the ear. If from old age insert a cotton pledget; press it well back. Cough — Even of Consumption. — Take Glycerine; adult, 1 to 3 dessertspoonfuls in water, tea, coffee or lemon- ade, 3 times a day, before meals. May arrest almost any cough by evaporating Glycerine in a dish over a lamp and inhaling the vapor. ggjj"* (A) " Morrhuol, the quintessence of cod-liver oil, dose not disturb digestion, is well borne even by infants, and is positively efficacious in the first stage of consump- tion, and gives grand results in Scrofula and Rickets!' ggT* (B) " Of all preparations of cod-liver oil, the best is oleo-chyle. It contains 70 per cent of the finest Norwe- gian cod-liver oil, and the Hypophosphites in the most 114 SECTION 66.—GLYCERINE. assimilable form, but contains no gum, glue, alcohol, or other substances capable of deranging the stomach; and taken in milk, adult, two teaspoonfuls thrice daily at meal times, is as pleasant to the taste as fresh cream, and has proved itself of unparalleled efficacy in the treatment of Chronic cough—Chronic bronchitis—Chronic bronchial catarrh—Chronic lung affections—Consumption—Emacia- tion, all wasting diseases—Marasmus—Scrofula—Skin dis- eases—Indigestion—Non-assimilation—Dyspepsia—Cancer of the stomach." Trichiniasis.—Glycerine kills the parasite in the stom- ach. Adult, take y ounce 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Drink no water or other fluid directly before or after taking the Glycerine; it dilutes it. Several cases reported thus treated with success. Itching Eruptions—Local Itching (Frantic with Itch- ing).—Glycerine 5 ounces, with Sub. Nit. Bismuth 1 ounce; mix, and apply as often as needed. Or Pure Glycerine 1 ounce, Tannic acid 1 drachm, and Morphia sulph. 10 grains; mix, and apply 3 times a day. This is good for any local itching, especially of anus or vulva. Dressing for Wounds, and after Amputation. — " Prince's Lotion "—Glycerine and water each y2 ounce, and Chloride of Lime 4 grains; mix. Irrigate by syringe, and apply compress saturated with the same. Medication by Inunction.—This is well effected by mixing the medicine with Unguentum Glycerine; it is smooth like butter, is unaffected by warm weather, can be mixed with any extract or soluble salt. gg^The improved idea of medication by the skin is to incorporate the medicine in Lanolin, or the pure wool fat Agnine, which immediately penetrates through the skin. Medicine thus applied comes into effect in from one to two minutes. Would that this mode of medication might super- sede the hypodermic injection. "5 SECTION 67. GUNPOWDER. Prevention of Disease.—If you would escape contagion, infection, miasm—be able to travel in the most unhealthy climates and localities without danger of sickness—Burn a thimbleful of gunpowder in your bedroom or tent, and a very small quantity in your trunk and wardrobe, daily; thus keeping your clothing in an atmosphere fully charged with the gas. This has been thoroughly tested and found to be true. Bite of a Snake or Mad Dog.—" Pour some gunpowder on the bite, and touch it with a lighted match. This is an almost painless cautery, and reliable safeguard." Tape-Worm.—Take a tablespoonful of Gunpowder in a cupful of sweet milk, followed in ten hours with an ounce of Castor oil. Success in twenty-five cases in succession. 116 SECTION 68. HEMP. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Cannabis Indica.— Mind lost in revery—lofty and sublime thoughts—magni- fied ideas of things of space and time—mental deception in regard to the flight of time, constant imagination of being too late—the brain feels expanded—craving for drink with dread of water—ravenous hunger. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Cannabis Sativa — Flow of urine, painful, burning—sense of heat about the heart—feeling as of water dropping down from the heart, or from other parts—ailments worse from talking. Minute Dose. — Cannabis Indica and sativa, Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y to 2 grains of the extract of Cannabis Indica, every 3 to 6 hours—Tincture 10 to 60 minims—Fluid extract 5 to 15 drops. Child, see Section 56, B—Apocynum cannabinum Fluid extract, adult, 4 minims. Child, see Section 56, B. Indian hemp in officinal dose, is indicated in cases of Severe pain—Neuralgia—Intense headache, with sense of pressure on top of the brain—Severe pain in the bladder, and inguinal region—Spine pain, especially between the shoulders—Delirium tremens — Child-bed mania—Acute insanity—Trance—Swoon. H@~Bromidia contains hemp, and answers well for these ailments; adult, 1 drachm doses. "In delirium tremens, bromidia, a teaspoonful every 20 minutes, until sleep is induced, acts like a charm. The same controls delirium of any fever." Extraction of Teeth Without Pain.—Add together Tincture of Cannabis Indica 1 part, and water 3 parts, and 117 section 68.—hemp. in this solution soak cotton and apply it around the tooth to be drawn, and in it if hollow ; also warm the beaks of the forceps, and dip them in the solution before applying them. " Perfectly satisfactory." Flooding—Excessive Flow of Menses.—Tincture of Cannabis Indica, 10 per cent, solution in alcohol, 5 drops every y hour; specific. g@~ Oil of Erigeron 1 to 5 drops, every y hour, or hour (better taken dissolved in a little alcohol), arrests Hemorrhage from the womb promptly. Bright's Disease.—Apocynum cannabinum, adult, 2 drops of a concentrated tincture, mixed in y ounce of gin, and taken in a wineglass of water, every 3 hours, produced in 5 days a discharge of 779 ounces of urine. Hydrothorax.—(Can only breathe sitting erect, cough incessant, clammy sweat). Apocynum cannabinum tincture (dark brown), adult, 5 drops every two hours, effected a prompt and perfect cure. (A) The same is as near a specific as possible for Dropsy in general in all its varieties, and also for Strangury. jggs^Eupatorium purpurium, same size dose as that of Apo- cym. can., is a remedy of equal power with the latter, for dropsy and strangury. Desperate case of dropsy, with spasms, following scarlet fever, reported cured with Elaterin 20th of grain, every 3 hours, until free movement of the bowels, then followed with Jaborandi, y drachm dose; when water oozed from every pore; afterward 1 dose a day of Jaborandi. " Favorite prescription for Dropsy."—Elaterin 1 gr., with Jalap 20 grs. and Squills 20 grs., made into 20 pills; adult, take 1 pill every 4 hours. The water usually starts to flow in eight hours, in seventy-two hours it flows freely; and now to prevent collapse and sustain the system, take small doses of Quinia. 118 SECTION 69. HINTS. (A) Spasms and Paralysis of Children.—In every case, see whether there exists a constriction of the penis, if the patient is a boy; or of the clitoris if a girl. Such cases require surgical attention. (B) Cyanosis—Blue Disease.—" Let baby lie, only on the right side—head high—it will get well." Give Lauro- cerasus dose 56, B. (C) Throat View, far down.—Depress the tongue gently, and request the patient to hold the nose, and yawn. The larynx will immediately rise up, and every part of the throat may be readily seen. (D) Warts removed.—"Thrust an ordinary pin through the base of the wart, and then protect the skin, whilst the head of the pin is being held in the flame of a candle. The wart soon becomes white and cracks, and comes away on the point of the pin; after one is removed the rest dis- appear." (E) Smallpox.—" At the outset of the disease, vaccinate the patient, this will abort the disease—no other treatment needed." (F) Earliest signs of pregnancy.—One sign is the vaginal pulse; detected by the index finger, introduced and held firmly on either side, or in the middle of the neck of the womb. Another is the soft, yielding condition of the os uteri. Pregnancy may be detected by leaving the hand lightly on the abdomen for a while, when rhythmical con- traction of the uterus will be noticed. (G) Night Cramp in limbs prevented.—Put bricks or blocks of wood under the two posts at the head of the bed. Sleep with garters on. 119 SECTION 69, H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. (H) Hiccough arrested.—Place the hand flat upon the pit of the stomach, immediately below the breast bone and make firm pressure. (I) Foreign Substances removed from the Nose.— Inject warm water up the free nostril, and the substance will come down the other; or press against the side of the free nostril with your finger, and forcibly blow into the mouth; s guarding your face with a handkerchief from the mucus that will be ejected with the substance. Maggots may be removed from nose or ear, by holding a sponge saturated with chloro- form, to the entrance, for a few seconds—out they tumble. Tobacco smoke blown into the ear will dislodge a bug. (J) Sleeping apartments rendered healthful; and air of the Sick-room kept pure.—Place in the room small baskets or porous boxes, containing fresh charcoal—and quick-lime—renew daily. The Charcoal imbibes the foul vapor emanating from the body, and the lime absorbs the carbonic acid exhaled from the lungs. (K) Vomiting of pregnancy arrested.—" Eat fresh popped-corn, salted to taste—Drink hop tea—Drink lager beer, especially at meals." (L) Constipation prevented.—Eat one or two oranges daily, before breakfast. (M) Stuttering and Stammering overcome.—" Read aloud with the teeth closed for an hour or two at a time every day. In a week you can open your mouth and read and talk, without difficulty or hesitation." Keep time when speaking; at first with the utterance of each syllable, and afterward with each word; slowly at the beginning, then more rapidly; persevere and you will overcome the trouble. Take a full breath before beginning to speak. (N) Bed-sores prevented.—Place a buffalo robe beneath the under sheet, hair side up. (O) No malaria.—" In Minnesota, within a circuit of 100 miles around St. Paul you will find no malaria." 120 SECTION 69, P. Q. R. S. T. U. (P) Climate Cure for Consumption.—Eighty miles west of San Antonio, Texas, there is a beautiful valley called Sabinal Canyon; here consumptive persons should go; even after hemorrhage has set in, there is still hope for their recovery. Texas is regarded as the Italy of America. Western North Carolina, centre at Asheville, is also a home for consumptives, as likewise California, Colton as a centre; and the Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee. Dwelling on dry soil is a requisite of recovery. (Q) Miscarriage and convulsions during pregnancy averted—Puerperal spasms stayed.—" Judicious blood- letting during pregnancy, at the first threatening of danger, prevents miscarriage and convulsions. The same arrests puerperal spasms." (R) Unconscious new-born babe revived.—Hold it by the feet, head downward ; in a few seconds it will breathe. The same treatment will restore a person to consciousness, who is apparently dead from inhalation of chloroform or ether. Jg^P* In case of apparent death from inhalation of coal gas, a free supply of fresh air restores. Snapping the end of a wet towel against the bare breast and stomach soon does the work of rousing. (S) Real, from apparent, death distinguished.—Hold up the person's hand with fingers touching each other be- tween you and the light; if a reddish tint be seen between the fingers, then death is only apparent, but if no such tinge appears, death is real. In case of real death, a wound made by the prick of a pin in the skin stands open, in case of appa- rent death it closes. (T) Medication by injection.—If the child will not take the " horrid medicine," give it by injection in milk or mu- cilage ; it will act just as well. See medication by inunction, Sec. 66. (U) Indication of Diabetes.—Constant passing the tongue over the lips, to moisten them, during conversation. 121 SECTION 69, V. W. X. Y. Z. A2. (V) Indication of Bright's Disease.—Puffiness about the eyes, especially in the morning—smooth, red, clean tongue—Momentary numbness of a finger. (W) Indication of long life and great endurance.— Long ear-lobes. (X) Hiccough arrested.—Anything that will cause sneezing will stop hiccough—(snuff—pepper). W^ Hold ice to the lobe of the ear, this stops it at once. (Y) In case of sudden death (to all appearance) when there is a suspicion that life is not totally extinct.—The body should not be put in ice, or in a cold room, but in a warm room with something warm wrapped about the feet; nature in her own time, perhaps after several days, may restore to life. If by binding a cord tightly around the middle finger above the first joints, the tip of the finger assumes a dark reddish hue, then be assured that life is not totally extinct. (Z) Foreign Substances in the Ear Removed.—Insert a horse-hair loop, as far as it will go, give it a turn and draw it out, the patient the while lying down with that ear up. A few trials will insure success. For removal of a grub or bug from the ear, see Section 69, I. (A2) Insensibility to Pain—General Anaesthesia Pro- duced.—Take an easy position, sitting or half reclining, and breathe deeply and evenly, and at the same time rap- idly as possible; in about one minute there will be induced a state of insensibility to pain, without loss of mental con- sciousness. Again take an easy sitting position and stead- fastly gaze at a small shining object, as for instance the bulb of a thermometer, placed about two feet from the eyes, and a little above range, requiring a convergent squint to fix the sight upon it. In five minutes or less the pupils will dilate, eyelids tremble and then sleep will ensue with insensibility to pain; an operation may be performed or labor progress without consciousness. In order to awaken 122 SECTION 69, B2. C2. D2. E2. F2. G2. H2. the patient blow your breath on the eyelids, or rub them with your thumbs, or apply hartshorn to the nose. (B2) Anaesthesia Without Danger.—Recommended es- pecially in case of labor. Chloroform 1 part, ether 3 parts, and alcohol 2 parts; mix. See easy labor, Section 38. (C2) Indication of Organic Heart Disease.—Blue lips and bulging eyes. (D2) Boy or Girl Which Will it Be.—" If the expect- ant mother walks slowly—flat footed—has sunken eyes, and craves oysters, it will be a boy. If she walks quickly—with elastic gait, has full eyes, and craves sweet-meats it will be a girl." (E2) Indication of Water on the Brain.—" Glairy, dark, green evacuations, like chopped spinach." (Magnesia phos. dose 56, A, specific.) (F2) Is it Bronchitis or Consumption?—The hectic fever of Chronic Bronchitis comes on toward noon, that of consumption toward evening. (G2) Is it Chickenpox or Smallpox ?—You may open the pustule of chickenpox with a single stab of a needle at its base, and press out all the contents, but it requires several such stabs around the base of a smallpox pustule before you can press out all the lymph. By the way, if the pustules of smallpox on the face be thus opened, and emptied of their contents whilst in a liquid state, there will be no pitting—no pock marks. (H2) The Fallen Womb Replaced and Retained in Position.—The lady should take a position on her knees in bed, with the chest and chin resting flat upon the bed— having the back relaxed, not rigid or bent upward—and with her two hands lift the bowels from below up toward the breast; by this means the womb will presently be re- placed. Now she should lie upon her back, with limbs stretched out, and have an attendant apply an adhesive plaster, of round shape, 6 or 8 inches in diameter, upon the 123 SECTION 69, l2. f. K2. L2. M2. abdomen, having a hole cut in the centre of the plaster to admit the navel; the plaster should be heated hot as can be borne before being applied. This is " The Womb Anchor." (I2) Habit Cure for Constipation.—Establish the custom of going to the closet at a certain time every day; the most likely time to be successful is soon after breakfast. If the bowel comes down, it is better to induce stool just before retiring to bed. (J2) Obstruction of the Bowel.—Inflate the bowel by bellows. Instant relief by ample distention. (K2) Troublesome Cough.—Examine the palate—if re- laxed, clip off the uvula—cure. (L2) Fever Guard.—Put on a flannel jacket at or before sunset; the flannel shields from the influence of change of temperature. A fire made every evening in the apartment occupied, is indispensable for the preservation of health in malarial regions, whether it be for comfort or not. A person may sleep with perfect safety in the midst of the Pontine Marshes, by simply having his room well heated by a fire during the night. Avoid dwelling near stagnant ponds, especially those in the process of drying up. The dry bed of a nearly obsolete river, furnishes the best possible ground for malaria. The most healthy tent is one carpeted with painted canvas, repainted every year. (M2) Hemorrhage after Labor.—Do not allow it to occur. In all cases, as soon as the child is born, apply your open hand over the body of the womb, and gently grasp it, through the abdominal walls. As soon as the after-birth comes away, increase your grasp a little and con- tinue it firmly, until satisfied that the womb will remain contracted. If clots have formed in the womb and are keeping up the hemorrhage, put your hand into the womb, and take them out, and then grasp the womb as stated, and thus save your patient's life. 124 SECTION 69, N2. O2. P2. Q2. R2. S2. T2. U2. V2. W2. (N2) Reliable Sign of Death.—Place the end of the patient's finger in the flame of a candle until a blister forms, then open the blister; if it contains liquid the patient is not dead, but if it contains only air, death is absolute. (O2) Painless Passage of "Water, with Stone in the Bladder.—First lie down on the stomach, then rise slowly on all fours and urinate in this position. (P2) Vomiting of Pregnancy Arrested.—Insert the end of the index finger three-quarters of an inch inside the neck of the womb, thus dilate the external os, but not the inter- nal. This cures the most obstinate cases. (Q2) Nose-bleed.—Stuff a pledget of cotton up inside of the upper lip, and hold it firmly in place by passing a cord around under the nose and over the ears, and securing it tightly behind the head. The same to stop sneezing. (R2) Inability to Sleep—(Nervous).—Rub the body all over thoroughly with a coarse woolen cloth, or with a flesh- brush before retiring to bed; this will induce quiet sleep. (S2) Boils Aborted.—At the very outset, scrape the skin, over the spot where the boil is forming, with a sharp knife, so that a drop or two of blood may be pressed out. " The boil will not develop." (T2) Bleeding from the Navel of New-born Babe Prevented; also Predisposition to Colic Forestalled.— " Refrain from cutting the cord until all pulsation in it has ceased." (U2) Epileptic Fit Arrested.—Thrust your finger nail forcibly under the nail of the great toe of the patient. (V2) Cause (Sometimes) of Inflammation of the Eyes of Children.—Sleeping upon a mattress filled with oat- straw. (W2) Sea-sickness Overcome.—Watch the motion of the ship, and make an effort with your foot, with every lurch of the ship as if you were forcing it down on that side; con- tinue this for a short time, and the nausea will cease. In 125 SECTION 69, X2. Y2. Z2. A3. B3. C8. swinging, if you will make an effort as if forcing the swing down each time it descends, you will prevent giddiness and sickness. Some people are sick and dizzy when riding in the cars : this sickness may be prevented by placing a sheet of paper next to the skin, over chest and stomach. (X2) Castor Oil Rendered Palatable.—" Mix an ounce of Castor oil with an ounce of Glycerine and add two drops of oil of cinnamon. Children take this as a luxury and ask for more. Beer masks the taste of castor oil and cod-liver oil; take a mouthful of beer, then the oil, and follow it with another mouthful of beer; and there will not even be an after-taste of the oil." (Y2) Sterility—Non-Impregnation.—" May be owing to Anteflexion, but not to other flexions of the womb." (Z2) Sponge Tents Preserved from Offensive Odor.— Charge them with a 5 per cent- solution of the oil of cloves. (A3) Coloring for Tinctures and Powders. — Take sugar of milk and scorch it, dark brown, in a porcelain mortar or common saucer, upon a stove; add to this suffi- cient distilled water to form a syrup, stirring until all the sugar is dissolved, and it will be ready for use. A few drops of this syrup added to an alcoholic solution will give a light or dark brown color according to quantity used. Col- oring powder is made by using the scorched milk sugar pulverized, and mixed with common sugar to any shade required. (B3) Death to Flies, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bugs and all Insects.—Put a teaspoonful of Persian Chamomile dust (Py- rethrum) in a suitable vessel, and touch it with a lighted match. " The fumes will destroy all insect life in a closed room, but will not injure man." (C3) Baby to Sleep.—" Pressure upon the anterior fon- tanel of an infant will directly induce sleep; when the pres- sure is removed the child will waken." 126 SECTION 69, D3. E3. F3. G3. H3. I3. J3. (D3) Babe Born Breathless.—Before cutting the cord, induce the mother to take a succession of deep breaths— presently the babe will breathe. (E3) Snake Bite.—To the rescue—Put your mouth to the wound and suck out the poison; if there is no sore in your mouth it will do you no injury and may save the patient's life. Administer alcoholic liquor until intoxication is produced and thus save life. " The remedy that never fails (perhaps our best hope in case of a mad-dog bite) is to procure half dozen fowls, pluck the feathers from the fleshy part of one, and tear off the skin of that part, and apply the raw surface to the bite; the first fowl will die in ten seconds, the second in two minutes, the third in six minutes, the fourth in ten minutes, the fifth will become giddy, but will not die. The poison is extracted—the patient saved." (F3) House-maid's Knee.—Pass through the tumor a thick thread, and let it remain; the swelling will gradually subside, or gather and break and disappear. (G3) Cure of Ingrowing Toe Nail.—Put a small piece of tallow in a spoon, heat it hot, and pour it on the sore place; there will be scarcely any pain. In a few days the edge of the nail will admit of being pared away without any inconvenience—cure complete. (H3) Inflammation of the Eyes.—Raw potato reduced to soft pulp and applied as a poultice is hard to beat. To old sores, apply scraped turnip—To erysipelas, raw cran- berry pulp; excellent (I3) Ague Cured for a Penny.—Of 23 cases of Ague, cured 22 with Nitric acid dilute, adult, 5 drops in a little gum-water every two hours. (J3) Hawking—Coughing—Sore Throat.—Cure by smoking in a pipe, Mullein leaves dried in an oven. Good substitute for tobacco; exhilarates and braces the nerves. " Wetting tobacco with the juice of water cress, completely 127 SECTION 69, K3. L3. M3. N.3 O3. deprives it of deleterious properties, without injuring its aroma." (K3) Sick-headache.—"Take 2 teaspoonfuls of pow- dered charcoal in half tumbler of water; cure in 15 minutes." (L3) Cancer Cure.—Olive oil boiled to consistency of salve, applied and renewed twice a day. (M3) Sick Stomach and Headache from Riding in Cars or Carriage, Prevented.—Place a sheet of (writing) paper on the breast next to the skin. The same should be tried for sea-sickness. Painting the stomach with collodion will possibly prevent sea-sickness and sickness produced by riding in cars. Keep constantly eating suitable light food as a guard. (N3) Bloodless Treatment of Tumors.—Pass a double silk thread through the long diameter of the growth, and tie the ends over the top of the tumor; in large tumors another thread at right angles should be used. There will be no perceptible reaction, but in a few days a thin fluid will flow from the orifice, then a thicker fluid, and the tumor will begin to diminish; after the sides have fallen in, the threads may be removed. This treatment has been entirely successful in removing Cystic tumors—Solid hygrometous ganglia—Atheroma of the scalp—Lipomatous tumors—Sar- comata. No suppuration follows and no scar. To Remove Moles apply with a splinter of wood a small quantity of acid nitrate of mercury, carefully avoiding the sound skin. Aneurism—(femoral and subclavian)—also varicose con- dition of veins, have been successfully treated with ergot, one or two grains in solution, injected near the aneurism or varicosus daily. (O3) Eye-signs of Approaching Death.—If on looking at an object both eyes of the patient are opened unnaturally wide, death will ensue in twenty-four hours; if one eye 128 SECTION 69, P3. Q3. R3. S3. only shows this sign, death will occur in a week or two. In case death is suspected, but doubts exist, pinch the pupil of the eye, between thumb and finger until closed; and if it does not return to its round shape, death is real; but if it does, death is only apparent. (P3) Dislocation of Hip Joint.—Reduction—" Bend the leg on the thigh, and thigh on the body, take the pillows from under the head, now two persons standing on the bed, one on each side, hold patient up by the dislocated thigh at nearly right angle with the body, six inches from the bed; in about five minutes the hip will slip in place." To convey a person with a broken leg, bandage the two legs together. (Q3) Bottle Breast Pump.—(Breasts engorged.)—Fill a large bottle with hot water, then pour the water out quickly and immediately apply the mouth of the bottle over the nipple. The milk will flow into the bottle by a gentle suc- tion, not painful; repeat as often as needful. If a lady's nipples should be retracted during first pregnancy, the same applied daily for a week or two in advance of parturition will insure good breasts. (R3) Permanent Cure for piles and Fissure in ano.— Etherize the patient; and with the forefinger of each hand forcibly distend the sphincter ani to the utmost extent; " from tuber to tuber;" do the work thoroughly, kneading the anus all around. In a few days the sphincter will regain its tone and the cure be complete. (S3) Fistula cured without the Knife__Treated with wonderful success by injection of essence of Turpentine. In seven cases of Anal fistula treated, five were cured ; in six cases of caries of the petrous bone all cured; in eight cases of dental fistula no failure; in fifteen cases of fistula of Stino's duct, only one failure. By the use of essence of Turpentine we procure an alterative cicatricial and anti- septic action, superior to that of anything yet tried for the 9 I29 SECTION 69, TS. purpose. It may be injected pure or diluted with olive or almond oil; the action, however, is more rapid and effectual when the essence is used undiluted. With timid patients it may be mixed with a solution of Chloride of Morphia, with an effect of reducing to a minimum the pain involved. The Sponge tent treatment is managed thus : Take a sponge of close fine texture, cut it into a cylindrical form—three inches long, slightly tapering, one and a half inches in diameter at the larger end—wet it, and while wet, wind it firmly with twine, and lay it away to dry for twenty-four hours; when un- wound it should be about the size and shape of the middle finger, and is ready for use. Now patient take a dose of purgative medicine, and after it is done operating, take one grain of Opium, three times a day, for three days, then let the bowels have their own way; as soon, however, as the first dose of opium has been taken, anoint the sponge with simple cerate and introduce it, small end first, entirely into the bowel; when introduced it will quickly expand and produce a desire to expel it; if this impulse should be uncontrollable, a T-shaped bandage must be applied to retain it in position for four hours, then it may be taken out. This must be done daily, each time for four hours, during which time the patient must be lying down. It may be done only at night if business presses. After five days there will be no need of a bandage, as the sponge will stay in its place without it This treatment cured most cases of fistula in a month, and some cases in a week. (T3) Removal of hair from a lady's face.—Barium Sul- phide 1 drachm; Quick lime 1 drachm; Powdered Starch 2 drachms; mix: and make of this a paste with alcohol, sufficient for use each time, and apply, allowing it to remain on until some pain is felt, and then remove it. Continue the application from day to day until the hair-roots are de- stroyed. 130 SECTION 69, U3. V3. W8. X3. A. (U3) Oxygen for home use.—"The only source yet made available for the home use of oxygen gas, as given off by heat applied, is the hydrogen dioxide." See sect 91. (V3) Prevention of scarlet fever.—" Sweet spirits of Nitre is a mild and safe prophylactic of scarlet fever—better than Belladonna. Quinia prevents the spread of scarlet fever; in no case will it attack a child when taking, (accord- ing to age) 2 to 3 grains, 3 times a day. After 5 days lessen the dose, but keep up the use of it for 3 weeks." (W3) Clear complexion secured.—Carrot soup—minus meat—eaten with brown bread daily for several weeks, clears and beautifies the skin—French specific. " Put flowers of sulphur in a cup, and pour new milk on it every morning, and wash the face with the milk every night; and lo ! a face so fair." (X3) Diagnostic Indications.— (A) Of the tongue.— White indicates a Feverish condi- tion. Moist brown indicates Disordered digestion—Dry brown indicates Typhoid condition, blood poisoning. Moist red indicates Exhausting drains—Dry red indicates Inflammatory fever—Smooth bright red indicates Inflam- mation, gastric intestinal—Red papilla, "strawberry tongue," indicates Scarlet fever, Rotheln—Glazed red indicates Non-assimilation—Trembling red indicates De- lirium Tremens—Sharp pointed red indicates Brain irri- tation, inflammation—Tardy protrusion indicates Brain concussion — One sided protrusion indicates Lingual paralysis—Dilated trembling indicates Nervous fever, or congestion—Glazed blue, cracked, flayed, indicates Ter- tiary Syphilis—Ulcerated (chronic) indicates Tertiary syphilis or Epithelioma—Pale, flabby, large papilla indi- cates Debility, gastric, chlorotic—Yellow indicates Liver derangement—White patch indicates Psoriasis linguae. Thickened epithelium indicates Ichthyosis. 131 SECTION 69, X3. B. X3. C X3. D. X3. E. (B) Of the faze—Contracted features, fanning nostrils, indicates chest inflammation—Forehead wrinkled, brows knit, indicates Abdominal inflammation and pain—Ex- cited expression, or stupor, twitching, indicates Brain inflam- mation—Anxious expression, bluish, bloated with smother- ing, indicates Chest dropsy—Skin cold, lips blue, eyes bulging, indicates Heart disease, organic. Blanched cheeks, white lips puffy, dark circles around the eyes, indi- cates Chlorosis—Pale swollen upper lip indicates Scrofula, Worms—Red face, suffused eyes, rapid breathing indicates Fever simple acute. (C) Of the Chest.—Abdominal breathing indicates Lung inflammation—Exclusive Chest breathing indicates Abdominal inflammation—Irregular breathing and deep sleep indicates Brain compression—In-breathing anxious and rapid, out-breathing easy and slow, indicates Hydro- thorax — Wheezing, short panting breathing indicates Asthma— White tenacious sputa indicates Chronic Bron- chitis—Thick yellow or green sputa, that sinks in water, indicates Disorganization of the lungs. (D) Of the Skin.— Yellow indicates Liver disorder— Sallow indicates Chlorosis, Anaemia—Waxy pale indi- cates Deficiency of red globules in the blood—Blue, of infants indicates Cyanosis (pervious foramen ovale)—Hot and dry indicates Fever, and general inflammation—Cold skin with internal heat indicates Internal congestion. (E) Of the nerves and pains.—Pains worse by con- tact, pressure movement, indicates Inflammation. Pains relieved by pressure indicates Non-inflammatory Myalgia —Pains without heat swelling or redness indicates Neu- ralgia—Pains wandering about the ankle indicates Knee- joint inflammation—Wakefulness indicates Nerve irri- tation—Deep sleep, irresistible stupor indicates Brain compression—Twitching during sleep, waking in fright, indicates Heart disease, organic; or Worms—Sudden 132 SECTION 69, X3. F. X3. G. X3. H. Y3. jerking of head and limbs indicates Brain irritation, mania a potu. (F) Of the Posture.—Position on the back, sliding down in bed, indicates Muscular debility extreme as in Typhoid —Smothering when lying down, must sit up, indicates Chest dropsy—Position on the back, arms bent stiff, indicates Brain softening—Position on the back, knees drawn up, indicates Abdominal inflammation. This position may, in advanced stages of acute disease, indicate Retention of urine—Position on the stomach affording relief indi- cates abdominal pain spasmodic. Position with back, neck and limbs, stiff set, bent, indicates Spinal cord, irrita- tion, inflammation. (G) Of the Stools.— White indicates Bile wanting; Mucous and bloody indicates Bowel inflammation—Watery indicates Bowel irritation—Glairy, dark green indicates Brain dropsy acute—Hard dark indicates Bowel mem- brane torpid, relaxed. (H) Of the Urine.—Red and scanty indicates Inflamma- tion—Clear and abundant indicates Nervous affections— Sediment deposited mostly indicates Liver derangements. (Y3) Urinary Analysis.—Albumen:—brown or blood red hue, smoky; coagulates by heat, or nitric acid. Glacial acetic acid, small piece dropped in, produces cloudiness; sulphuric acid gives a black deposit. In Bright's Disease casts are found. Sugar:—pale frothy, with odor of cider, attracts flies; deep brown on being boiled with equal quan- tity of Liquor Potassae; deep green if boiled with an alka- line solution of Bichromate of Potash. Always present in Diabetes. Bile :—dark green hue, stains yellow; is changed to brown by touch of Nitric acid; purple on addition of Sulphuric acid and a little sugar; yellow and turbid when agitated with a few drops of Chloroform. Phosphorus in excess:—pale yellow color, fetid odor; earthy phosphates precipitated by heat, or touch of Aqua Ammoniae, but 133 SECTION 69, Z8. A4. B4. C4. D*. E4. F4. G4. readily dissolved by nitric acid. (Alkaloid phosphates, as of soda and ammonia, are not thus precipitated.) Urea in excess :—high color, strong urinous odor. Uric acid in ex- cess :—high color, clear, throws down a reddish sediment by touch of Hydrochloric acid. Red sediment indicates uric acid if crystalline, otherwise urate of ammonia. White sediment denotes phosphates if soluble by heat, otherwise urate of ammonia. Pink sediment denotes urate of soda and phosphate of ammonia. (Z3) Hemorrhage, from the Socket after having a Tooth Extracted, ox from the navel of a new-born infant.— Apply Plaster of Paris, made into a putty-like paste, it soon hardens, and plugs the break in the vessel. (A4) Signs of Bright's Disease.—Momentary deadness or numbness of a finger. (B4) Salivation of Horses (Slobbering).—Saltpetre; a tablespoonful every morning for a few days. (C4) Pimples.—Young men cured in 5 weeks, by intro- ducing a cold sound (No. 14) into the urethra, every 3 days, for 2 weeks, then once a week. Young women cured by injections of hot water daily into the vagina. (D4) Tenesmus.—Straining down upon the bowel or bladder. This is greatly ameliorated by a position on the back, with hips upon a pillow. (E4) Itching—Pruritus—Prairie Itch—Urticaria.—In- stant relief by washing with a solution of Menthol, 2 to 10 grains in 1 ounce of water. Linseed oil, applied relieves Pruritus. (F4) Epilepsy.—Cured with peach root tea: adult, 3 or 4 ounces of the infusion daily. (G4) Bee-Sting.—Tobacco macerated and applied, gives instant relief of pain and abates the swelling; the same for discoloration from bruises. Moistened saleratus, applied to a Bee-sting, removes the pain in one minute. Touch a bee-sting with ice, anon the pain is gone. 134 SECTION 69, H4.14. J4. K4. L4. M4. N4. O4. P4. Q4. (H4) Nose Bleed.—Smell of spirits of camphor, or hold warm fresh ashes up against the nose. (I4) Consumption.—" Contract Malaria, this produces an excess of bile, which is death to the bacillus, whose ravages in the lungs cause consumption; also rub the chest with ox gall." (J4) Pneumonia.—"Antipyrin abates the pain and induces sleep, cuts short the disease. The same in dose of 15 grains for adult, cures any kind of Headache, and neuralgic pain in the head in y an hour." (K4) Croup.—Cubebs powdered, (6 ounces in a vessel) place over a fire, and have the patient inhale the fumes, and live. (L4) Asthma.—Sometimes arrested in one minute by a teaspoonful of gin. (M4) Gastric Ulcer.—" Take Condurango wine, with wine of iron, equal parts mixed, adult, a tablespoonful 6 times a day. Patient ready for duty in 10 days; but better keep up treatment with abated doses for 2 or 3 months." (N4) Epithelioma.—" Apply Cocaine, 20 grains, in solu- tion, on cotton. After 30 minutes the mass will fall away by slightest touch; and the parts heal kindly." (O4) Felon.—" Apply at as early a stage as possible, cloths saturated with the tincture of Lobelia, and the felon will vanish." (P4) Neuralgia of Face and Head.—" Into 2 table- spoonfuls of Cologne, put 2 teaspoonfuls of salt; smell and be well." (Q4) Sick-Headache. —"A few drops of the tincture of Chionanthus virginica, timely taken, prevents sick-head- ache without fail. Minute doses (56 B) taken 3 times a day for a week, then twice a day for a week, and lastly once a day for a week, entirely breaks up the habit of sick- headache ; the same is specific for Catarrhal Jaundice." 135 SECTION 69, R4. (R4) " Lying, during sleep at night, with the head lower than the rest of the body, Beautifies the face and figure— Banishes chest pains and lung affections—Arrests consump- tion in the early stage—Stops Sea-sickness—Prevents Apo- plexy in old people—Cures Chronic Headache, and Heart Disease—Greatly relieves Quinsy, Diphtheria and all Throat Affections. The secret of the benefit lies in this, that a larger quantity of oxygenized blood is thus supplied to the affected organs. " In the morning on rising, the upright position should be resumed gradually. With elderly people the change from the old position must be made gradually, as it takes them longer to accustom themselves to the new position. They should begin by reducing the pillows until in the course of a month the horizontal position is assumed, then about every week elevate the foot posts one inch, until raised twelve inches. Young folks, and those that do a great deal of brain work, require a more sloping position." 136 SECTION 70. HONEY BEE. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Apis.—Stinging, burn- ing pains—tenderness of the walls of the abdomen—pale, waxy bloat of the skin—ailments worse by heat in general —soreness and burning relieved by cold water applied— desire for milk, which agrees. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A. Apis mellifica, in minute doses, is a remedy almost with- out an equal for Inflammation with serous effusion, in vari- ous parts of the body; especially useful for Meningitis with piercing shrieks—Keratitis—Glossitis—Quinsy—Inflamma- tion of the peritoneum, ovary, kidney, bladder, prostate gland with enlargement—Irritation of the bladder—Stran- gury—CEdema of the glottis—Dropsy, especially after scarlet fever—Bright's disease—Ague (p.m.)—Erythema— Hives—Erysipelas—Scarlet fever. Ovarian Tumor.—(Size of a child's head) cured in 5 weeks, by putting 12 live honey bees in a teacupful of scald- ing water, and having the patient take a tablespoonful of this tea, 3 times a day. This same tea may be used instead of the trituration, Section 56, A, for all the ailments requir- ing Apis. jggp* Lilium tigrinum, dose 56, B, is a superior remedy for Ovarian affections—Prolapsus uteri—False pains— Threatened miscarriage—also good for Astigmatism. 137 SECTION 71. HOP. Officinal Dose.—Adult, I to 2 ounces of the infusion— Tincture or elixir 1 to 2 drachms—Fluid extract 10 minims —Lupulin 5 to 10 grains. Child, see Section 56, A. Vomiting of Pregnancy.—(Morning sickness)—Drink freely of Hop-tea. Pain.—Apply a bag of Hops hot; dry, or wet by being steeped in hot water. Baby's Colic.—Pour a tablespoonful of scalding water on one hop head, sweeten the tea slightly, and give it by the teaspoonful every 10 or 15 minutes. Nose Bleed.—Snuff into the nostrils the dust of hops; nothing better. Gathered Breasts.—Hops, stewed in lard, applied as a poultice. Hop Bitters.—Formula: Buchu leaves 2 ounces; Hops y2 pound; boil in 5 quarts of water, in an iron vessel for half an hour; when lukewarm add essence of Wintergreen 2 ounces, and 1 pint of Alcohol. Dose 1 tablespoonful" 3 times a day before eating. Cure "Dyspepsia—Liver complaint —Rheumatism." 138 SECTION 72. HORSE-CHESTNUT. GENERAL INDICATIONS for JEsculus hippo.— Lameness of the loins, back gives out when walking—Dry- ness and pricking sensation in the anus as from little sticks. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y, to i drachm of the tincture ^Esculin 5 to 30 grains. Child, see Section 56, A. Piles.—Specific. One drop of the tincture of ^Esculus hippocast, in a tablespoonful of water, taken before meals, and on retiring to bed at night, will cure almost any case of piles in a week. If the case is complicated with falling of the bowel, it will also correct that trouble. The same is excellent for a lame, weak back, that gives out when walk- ing or stooping. Carrying a horse-chestnut about the person is said to obviate giddiness and prevent piles. Gout—Rheumatism—Neuralgia.—" May be rubbed away in three days with the oil of horse-chestnut." 139 SECTION 73. HOT AIR. The Hot Air Sweat Bath.—Controls Pain in general— (of Rheumatism—Gout—Neuralgia)—Breaks up a cold at once—Cures Dropsy, by taking 3 sweats a week—Cleanses the system of many Impurities. A convenient mode of taking the bath is as follows: Into a common tin basin, containing a little water, set a teacup, quarter full of alcohol; place a common wooden bottom chair in the centre of the room, and place the basin slightly under the back part of it; now the patient, un- dressed, except retaining a girdle if desired, with a woolen blanket over the shoulders and back, (square, shawl fashion, trailing behind), should be seated on the chair with some- thing soft to sit on; and the blanket behind not allowed to remain next to the person, but extended out over the back of the chair, like a tent; the outer edges of the blanket being held out on the stretch by bricks or sad-irons placed on them. The blanket must be pinned at the chin and down front, and a shawl or another blanket should also be pinned apron-like on front. A soft rug should be placed under the bare feet. Have at hand also a basin con- taining some cold water and a couple of cloths. Now, having everything ready, light a small piece of paper, and lifting the blanket place the blazing paper in the teacup of alcohol and fasten down the blanket. In a few minutes the patient will feel very hot from the burning alcohol, and if there should be any place where the heat is painful, one of the cold wet cloths should be handed in at the front under the blanket, for the patient to take and apply to that part. The patient's head, in the meantime, should be kept wet and cool by an attendant applying the other cloth. Soon sweat 140 section 73.—HOT air. will flow profusely, with relief of all pain. After about ten minutes' sweating, blow out the flame of the alcohol and remove the basin, and let the patient, remaining wrapped in the blanket, get into bed and cover up warmly, and thus continue the sweating for a while, and not have the cover- ing changed until the sweating has subsided. This is the most masterly way of procuring a thorough sweat that I have ever seen tried. g@°*A French physician, having been bitten by a mad dog, was attacked with Hydrophobia, the spasms recurring every five minutes, and, driven to desperation, he determined to terminate his existence by taking a hot steam bath, and thus die by suffocation; but to his great astonishment and joy, when the heat reached 570 Centigrade, all symptoms of rabies disappeared, and never returned. During his pro- fessional life afterward, he attended eighty persons bitten by rabid dogs and saved all by the hot air bath. A strong, determined resolve not to succumb to it, has dispelled rabies. 141 SECTION 74. HOT WATER. Hot Water Treatment.—Quantity:—i to \y pints at one drinking, begin with smaller amount and gradually in- crease the quantity, until all rank odor disappears from the urine, then continue with that quantity—Time:—i to 2 hours before each meal, and y hour before going to bed— Mode:—sip (not drink) the hot water; may consume 15 to 20 minutes in taking the draught—Course :—6 months, in order to cleanse all the organism. As it makes well people better, may continue as long as you please. (A) If at first there should be Diarrhoea, boil some pepper grains in the water. If there should be constipation, boil bran, tied up in a bag, in the water. (B) At the beginning of treatment, the stools will be foul and black with bile washed down, but after a few months they will become like those of an infant; the urine also will become clear as champagne, free from odor and de- posit; perspiration will start freely after drinking each time, giving the skin-pores a bath and making the skin soft, fresh and clear; digestion will be correspondingly improved; all unnatural thirst and dryness of mem- branes will disappear; hankering for strong drinks will vanish, and the system be in splendid working condi- tion. This is the fundamental treatment for all Chronic Diseases. Hot Fomentation.—Ready method of preparing it. Take a flannel cloth folded to required thickness and size, damp, but not dripping, place this between the folds of a newspaper, lapping it well over the cloth, lay it on a hot stove; in a moment it will be ready for application; may heat it with a hot sad-iron if preferred. 142 SECTION 74.--HOT WATER. Headache.—(Even in Fever and Diphtheria.)—Hot mustard water foot-bath often relieves—A glass of hot water taken every morning before breakfast prevents sick-head- ache. (C) In case of injury to the head, from a blow or fall, apply hot water fomentation. Earache.—Pour a small stream of warm water into the ear. Hold your mouth over the ear and breathe your warm breath into it, as long at a time as you can hold the breath, repeat as often as needful. Sore Throat—Quinsy.—Gargle frequently and freely with hot water in which black pepper grains have been boiled, and apply to the throat flannel cloths wrung out of the same hot water, and cover them with dry ones. Steam received into the mouth and throat from baked oats, steep- ing in hot water, is a charming thing for Quinsy. Croup—Cold on the Chest.—Hot fomentation to throat and chest, and hot foot-bath—excellent. (D) Dyspepsia — Indigestion—Vomiting.—There is nothing more immediately effective in the removal of these troubles than moderate draughts of hot water taken before meals. The general complaint will be that it nauseates, but the weakest stomach will take it after a little perseverance, and it will become rather pleasant than otherwise. A glass of ice water is said to arrest digestion for one hour. A drink of hot water will sometimes stop vomiting when cold water wpuld be immediately ejected. Hot water is the best thing to give in case of vomiting from etherization. (D2) Gastric Catarrh—Stomach-ache after meals— Acidity of Stomach after meals—Engorged liver with Heart trouble—Habitual Constipation.—Take a goblet of water 1 io° F., or hotter, every morning before breakfast, sipping it slowly, and the same before retiring to bed at night. Persevere for weeks if necessary. This treatment is very beneficial in Bright's Disease. 143 SECTION 74.—HOT WATER. Colic—Violent pains in Stomach and Bowels.—Drink hot water by the tumblerful, one after another, a dozen or more if necessary, until the pain is conquered. Never mind if it be rejected by the stomach, persevere unto victory. Hot water should also at the same time be injected into the bowels; for this purpose place patient on the left side, with hips raised and give frequent copious injections ; have these retained as long as possible, also apply hot fomentations to the abdomen. (E) The same treatment for "Kidney colic"—(stone lodged)—and "Gall-stone colic" aided by hot sitz baths and hot fomentations to seat of pain. Pains of Dysentery are greatly relieved by injections of hot water, and the cure promoted thereby. Cholera.—" Rough and ready treatment; successful in 106 cases in succession. First administer an emetic—Ipecac 30 grains and Tartar emetic 2 grains, mixed, in a wineglass of cold water—after the emetic has acted, follow with copious draughts of hot water, say about 8 or 10 quarts, to clear the stomach of poisonous bile. If the vomiting or purging should continue, give dilute sulphuric acid 30 drops in a wineglass of cold water; if needful repeat it. Sulphuric acid has a better effect after the stomach has been cleansed. The patient should be allowed no solid food for at least five days." Congestion of the Lungs—Pneumonia.—Apply hot fomentations to the chest—or hot poultices—frequently re- newed, and kept covered with dry compresses. Enuresis—(Wetting the bed).—Take a warm bath, and a brisk dry rub off before retiring to bed—Sleep on a hard bed without a pillow—wear in bed a sash tied around the waist with a large hard knot behind, to prevent lying on the back. Breasts Engorged—" Caked "—Threatening to gather. —Apply to the breasts flannel cloths, of several fold thick- 144 SECTION 74.--HOT WATER. ness, wrung out of hot water; and cover them with oil silk, to retain the warmth and moisture; renew as often as re- quired—speedy relief. Painful Flow of Menses.—Take warm hip baths, half hour at a time. The same will often bring on the courses when suppressed. *Hot fomentations to the back, low down, will arrest an overflow of menses. Falling of the Womb.—Replace by position, see Section 69, H2. Remain in bed for several days, and take, per vagina, injections of hot water, hot as the hand can bear—3 pints at a time, twice a day—very satisfactory treatment. (E) Lady's Ailments in general.—(Uterine and vaginal congestion, inflammation and ulceration—Painful menstrua- tion—Leucorrhoea—Sterility.)—Take vaginal injections of hot salt water, 3 pints at a time, twice a day; throwing the injection well up, and making it hotter each day, until as hot as can be borne by the patient's hand; persevere for a month or more if necessary—until well. Easy Labor and rapid recovery.—Administer from the outset and during labor, frequent copious injections of hot water per rectum. Flooding after Confinement.—Inject into the womb, 3 pints of hot water, not quite as hot as can be borne by pa- tient's hand; repeat if necessary. Lockjaw.—Apply to the nape of the neck, and along the spine, flannel cloths dipped in hot water just bearable, cover with dry cloths and renew often. Convulsions of Children.—Strip and put the patient into warm water; submerge as entirely as possible, retain in the bath 10 or 15 minutes, and apply at the same time to the head, cloths wrung out of cold water. If patient is an infant, very feeble, exhausted by diarrhoea, do not keep it in bath longer than 2 or 3 minutes, and give as a stimulant brandy and milk. Copious injections of warm water, con- taining a few drops of the Spirits of Camphor, should 10 145 SECTION 74.--HOT WATER. always be administered, to insure success in the treatment of Convulsions. (F) Apparent Death from any cause.—Pour hot water, not scalding hot, from a height upon the heart region ; per- severe ; cases occurring from convulsions have been restored thus after apparent death of an hour. Cloths dipped in scalding hot water and laid over the heart, will start its action, if life is not extinct. Heating the bowl of a spoon hot, and making with it repeated quick taps over the heart, will sometimes excite the heart to action in case of apparent death. The same acts like an electric current, and is some- times effectual in subduing Neuralgia, especially Sciatica. Fresh grated horse radish, mixed with vinegar, and applied over the heart has a powerful effect in restoring the heart action. In case ofapparent death from flooding, place sand- bags, very hot, under the back of the head and neck, and constantly renew them; the restorative effect is wonderful. Bleeding Wound.—Pour upon it a light stream of hot water—1300 to 1400 F.—or apply hot water on sponge— very effectual. Piles, inflamed and very painful.—Sit upon a chamber vessel containing steaming hot water. Prostate gland, inflamed and enlarged. — Constant application of hot fomentations to the perineum, with hot water injections into the rectum, gives great relief. (G) Pain in general — (Neuralgia — Rheumatism— Stiff neck—Pain from an injury, sprain, strain, wound). —Apply a flannel cloth wrung out of hot water, cover this with a dry towel, and over it pass, slowly and lightly a hot sad-iron; constantly moving it, as the patient winces from the heat; this controls the pain. Sprain.—Place the part in hot water, or apply hot water, as hot as can be borne until the pain and swelling subside, then apply hot fomentations containing tincture of Arnica or Hypericum, or Pond's Extract of Witch Hazel; cover 146 SECTION 74.—HOT WATER. with raw cotton, and bandage over all. Application of electricity has acted well for sprains. Burn and scald.—Continuous application of tepid water —900 to 1000 F. Very good. Congelation—Frozen Condition.—The old idea of slow heat is exploded. Put the frozen person at once into hot water, and rub the body and limbs all over briskly. This is the safest and surest mode of treatment, as proven by experiment with dogs. Give Rhus tox, doses 56, B. Local Sweat—(Sweating hands, feet, arm-pits, gen- itals).—Bathe the part with hot water, hot as can be borne, until red and tingling, several times a day. Ague.—Even chronic cases cured at once. After the Chill, and during the heat before it reaches its height, get into the bath tub, in luke-warm water, submerged to the chin, keep'ing the while a cold cloth on the head; when the fever goes off, get out of the bath, wipe dry and dress—no more ague. Gout.—Cure in 3 days. Take a tumblerful of tepid water, every 20 minutes for 3 hours after breakfast each day. Victory sure. A tumblerful of hot water taken in the mornings keeps gout away. Ingrowing toe-nail.—Immerse the part as often and as long a time as convenient, in warm water; during several weeks ; by this treatment the pain and inflammation gradu- ally subside, and the nail resumes its natural growth. 147 SECTION 75. ICE. Quinsy.—Apply to the throat a bladder containing pounded ice. The same is excellent for quinsy of horses. (A) Sick Stomach (nausea, vomiting).—Eat crushed ice. Drink iced champagne. The same is often serviceable in vomiting of pregnancy. Vomiting in Typhoid fever may be promptly arrested by application of Ice to the lower part of the spine. Cramp in stomach and bowels.—Removed by applica- tion of Ice to the spine opposite to the seat of pain. (B) Menses scanty or suppressed.—Place India-rubber bags containing crushed ice to the back, low down, for half an hour at a time, repeat as often as required. The same by daily applications one or two hours at a time restores the Falling womb to its place, and cures Leucorrhoea. Shrunken breasts.—Apply Ice to the back in rubber bags, opposite to the breasts, two hours at a time twice a day, for several weeks. If one only is shrunken, apply the Ice to the side of the back opposite that breast. Hot-water bags applied in the same way will diminish the size of the breasts. Local Anaesthesia — Insensibility to pain. — Mix pounded ice or snow with salt in equal parts, and apply the mixture enveloped in a soft cloth to the part to be operated upon, as a felon or abscess ; when the part becomes numb, cut and there will be no pain. Opium poisoning.—Profound stupor. " We inserted one or two pints of Ice reduced to small pieces into the rectum, also applied Ice in gum bags, or wrapped in flannel to the spine along the back of the neck, and in the arm-pits. Restoration was effected in ten minutes." 148 SECTION ^6.—INDIGO. Sudden Sinking, from Hemorrhage.—Apply Ice to the spine, and hot sand bags under the back of the head. Strangury.—Impossible to pass water. Plug the rectum with Ice in small pieces; in twenty minutes urine will drop, then a stream flow. A few inhalations of Chloroform will start the flow; so will sitting upon a chamber vessel con- taining chopped onions, steeping in hot water. Spasms of Children.—Apply Ice to the back of the neck, near the base of the brain. Never apply Ice directly to the head; it is not safe. Cold feet.—Chronic condition. Apply Ice in rubber bag, to the back, low down, an hour at a time, once a day, for a week. Permanent cure. Ice preserved in the Sick room.—Tie a piece of flannel, the coarser the better, loosely over the top of a tumbler, so that it may bag down like a funnel into the tumber, not quite touching the bottom; into this put the Ice, and cover it with flannel; when needing to be renewed pour out the drippings. Ice will keep thus for hours, in the hottest weather. SECTION 76. INDIGO. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Gloominess with weep- ing—rising flushes—deceptive sensations—pains relieved by rubbing. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, A. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 20 to 60 grains. Child, see Sec- tion 56, A. Indigo, in minute doses, cures Epilepsy—Worm spasms —Hypochondriasis, especially of young people—Melan- choly—Deep mental gloom, spending whole nights in tears —Prolapsus ani, specific. 149 SECTION 77. IODINE. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Emaciation with good appetite—constant desire to change position—feeling too weary to talk—ailments worse by walking or riding—better by warmth and after eating—craving for food, must eat every few hours. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Iodoform Section 56, C-D Officinal Dose.—Adult, 10 or 20 drops of the tincture —Compound tincture 10 to 30 drops—Iodoform pills 1 to 3 grains. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Iodoform, ethereal solution, 4 grains daily. Used especially in the treat- ment of Syphilis. g@** "In calomel you have the remedy for Syphilis; inject 1^ grains suspended in mucilage into the gluteal region every 3 days; four applications effect the cure." (A) Iodine, in minute doses, is a leading remedy for Membranous croup—Spasm of the glottis—Womb cancer— Cancerous affections in general—Corrosive, bloody leucor- rhoea—Chronic jaundice, brown—Emaciation with a good appetite—Ague with jaundice—Induration of Glands— Typhoid Fever with ulceration of the intestines—Pneumo- nia, cuts it short; greatest remedy for preventing the forma- tion of pus. (B) "Iodia, adult, I drachm 3 times a day, is almost specific for Scrofula and Skin disease, even syphilitic—a great remedy also for Ailments peculiar to Ladies—Cures Leucor- rhoea of little girls." (C) Iodine, also Bromine, taken by inhalation, cures Bron- chitis, acute and chronic—Hay Asthma—Catarrh of the air 150 SECTION TJ.--IODINE. passages—and True croup. A convenient way to administer them is to put into a drachm vial, half full of pure water, four or five drops of the tincture of Iodine or Bromine, a part only of which will be dissolved, whilst the rest will fall to the bottom, and be taken up, as fast as that already in solution passes off by its excessive volatility. Thus the solution may be kept of uniform strength from 24 to 36 hours. For administration, the vial is to be held with the uncorked end in the mouth, so that the vapor will be inhaled through the mouth. The first few inhalations will cause some resistance on the part of children, but by having them take two or three, and then waiting a minute, this is easily over- come. Most little patients will take it while sleeping. In croup give it every 2 or 3 hours, during an interval of about 30 inhalations, or until it causes severe coughing and vomiting. Either Iodine or Bromine may be used, whichever seems best. In Chronic Bronchitis and Chronic Catarrh of the air passages, inhale it 5 minutes at a time, 4 or 5 times a day. (D) Tincture of Iodine applied, heals Ulcers in the mouth and throat—Cures diseased gums—Removes tartar from the teeth—Applied around the eye, cures Photophobia—A woolen cloth sprinkled on one side with the same, and worn as a collar, with the saturated side next to the skin, is useful in Bronchocele. (E) Tincture of Iodine, by injection into the part (1 oz.) cured Hydrarthrosis. By injection into the part (1 to 4 drachms) cured Hydrocele. Three thicknesses of thread saturated with Iodine tincture, and drawn through the part as a seton, also cured Hydrocele. (F) Iodine solution, I ounce to the pint of water, kept constantly applied, dissipates the swelling or enlargement of Glands—Cures Orchitis. (G) Iodoform lotion, 1 part to 15 water, constantly applied, removes abnormal mammary growths—Breast lumps—Cures House Maid's knee—Purulent Ophthalmia of infants. 151 SECTION 77.—IODINE. (H) Iodoform 1 part, with Collodion 15 parts, mixed and applied night and morning, removes Pleurisy pains and chest pains of consumption. (I) Iodoform ointment is excellent for Ofiychia—Broncho- cele—Enlargement of the Prostate Gland. (J) Iodoform powder, being the safest and best of all anti- septics, is the standard dressing for external ulcerations in general. jgg^Iodol has been found to be an admirable substitute for Iodoform, having none of the odor or poisonous properties of the latter. (K) Iodoform on cotton pledgets, inserted into the nose very loosely, in one nostril one night, and into the other the next, thus alternating nightly, is said to cure Chronic nasal catarrh—Ozcsna. For masking the odor of Iodoform, the oleate of zinc dry, (made by double decomposition) is the desideratum par excellence. Its addition in quantity re- quired is admissible both in the form of ointment and powder. The oil of Wintergreen, also the oil of Pepper- mint, conceals the odor of Iodoform. Goitre.—With camel-hair brush paint the tumor with tincture of iodine, of such strength as to make the skin dark orange color; do this in the evening, and in the morn- ing wash it off with aqua ammoniae diluted. If the Iodine be applied too strong it will fail, not otherwise. If the goitre contains fluid, let it out by trocar, and inject a solution of Iodine and water, equal parts. If it originates from the heart, is vascular, eyes project—take Belladonna, Section 56, dose B, C or D. " Iodia 1 drachm, 3 times a day to an adult, always cures Goitre." Hiccough.—Iodine tincture, 3 drops in water, every y hour for 3 times, sure to stop it. Asthma.—" Paint to a blister the front of the neck, from ear to ear, and from jawbone to collar bone, with tincture of Iodine. This masters the most desperate cases. Try the same for croup." 152 SECTION y/.—IODINE. For relief of Asthma, bathe chest and throat, 3 times a day with liniment, made of oil of Stillingia 4 drachms; oil of Cajeput 2 drachms; oil of Lobelia 1 drachm; and Alcohol 1 ounce. Mixed. (L) "The grand specific" for Asthma,is silphium lacinia- tum. Adult, 15 to 20 drop doses. The same cured a con- sumptive patient, adult, raising 3 pints a day of frothy, watery matter. Dose, 5 drops every 3 hours. Vomiting (from any cause).—Compound tincture cf Iodine, 5 drops in a teaspoonful of water, repeat in 20 min- utes if necessary. Flooding after Labor—" Inject Iodine tincture, diluted one-half with water, or even without dilution, from 2 to 6 ounces; it will do no injury even if it enters the womb; it never fails to control the hemorrhage." Erysipelas of the Scalp.—Paint it with tincture of Iodine. Sty—Incipient Carbuncle or Boil.—Paint it with tinct- ure of Iodine, and thus abort it. To abort a sty or boil, anoint it frequently with a mixture of Glycerine 2 drachms; Rose water 2 drachms; and Carbolic acid 15 drops. Or use Pond's extract as a lotion. Smallpox pustules kept off of the face.—Paint the in- side of the thighs with Iodine tincture, at the outset of the disease, and all the pustules will form on the parts painted ; none on the face. Orchitis.—Iodoform ointment (2 grains of Iodoform to 30 grains simple ointment) relieves the pain in an hour. Satu- rating the scrotum with coal oil stops the pain in 5 minutes. Strychnine Poisoning.—" Unfailing antidote "—Iodine tincture 30 drops in a tablespoonful of whiskey. Almost immediately the spasms cease, and directly that" awful feel- ing " disappears from the head. Rattlesnake Bite.—"Specific"—Iodine tincture, adult 6 drops; repeat in 3 hours if necessary. 153 SECTION 78. IPECACUANHA. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Persistent nausea—aver- sion to all food—discharges of blood—rattling respiration —pipes clogged with phlegm—worse by lying down. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-B-C. Officinal Dose.—Adult, fa to fa grain of the powder —Wine 10 to 30 minims—Syrup 5 to 60 minims. Emetic \20 to 30 grains. Child, see Section 56, A. Ipecacuanha in Minute doses, stands in the front rank of remedies for Catarrh of the Chest, with pipes choked with phlegm. Asthma with smothering tightness of the Chest. Cerebro-spinal meningitis, success in every case. Choroi- ditis (Bryonia and Gelsemium). Bloody dysentery—Bloody, slimy diarrhoea. Diarrhoea with or without vomiting— Bloody vomit—Bilious vomit—Black vomit—Vomiting or nausea from any cause. One drop of the wine of Ipecac, taken after each spell of vomiting, even in pregnancy, stops it directly. Hemorrhage—Flooding—Vomiting or Purging blood. —Spitting blood.—Ipecac, Adult, 2 grains every 20 min- utes : as soon as it produces nausea the bleeding will stop, if not before. One drop of the wine of Ipecac, taken every 5 minutes arrests Bleeding from the nose, or Hemorrhage from the lungs or other parts, as if by magic. Weak, Lingering Laoor.—Ipecac, 2 grains, will spur up labor at once, much better than Ergot, for it relaxes and dilates the os, which Ergot does not; at the same time it invigorates and strengthens the expulsive efforts. Miscarriage imminent.—Cannot be obviated—Take Ipecac, 2 grains, to expedite expulsion, and stand guard against hemorrhage. 154 SECTION 79. IRON. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Bloodless pallor, with crimson flushes from the least pain or emotion—passive dis- charge of blood—sheer exhaustion—ailments worse when sitting, better by gentle motion. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, A-C. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 20 to 40 minims of the Iodide syrup—Perchlorid liquor 5 to 15 drops—Hypophosphite syrup I to 2 drachms—Dialysed Iron 10 to 20 drops, 3 times a day. Child, see Sec. 56, A. Tincture of Iron in simple syrup, a dose put into a teaspoonful of the syrup, and taken in a small quantity of sweet milk, has no un- pleasant taste. (A) The Phosphate of Iron (Ferrum phos., dose Sec. 56, A) is the grand specific for headache, there is no remedy to be compared with it—It augments the Appetite, one can scarcely get enough to eat—Increases the secretion and flow of milk in the nursing mother's breasts—Renews the flow of Suppressed Lochia—Wards off Apoplexy, by taking a dose 3 times a day for months, omitting every third week. In case of Apoplexy, or sudden stupor from any cause, inject a strong decoction of green tea into the bowel, this speedily restores consciousness. (B) " Iodide of Iron syrup, adult, 20 to 60 drops taken 3 times a day, stands unsurpassed as a remedy for Wasting Cough — Sequel of Pneumonia—Prolapsus ani—Prolapsus uteri. For falling of the bowel and womb it is about as near a specific as is possible to find." Anaemia—Chlorosis.—"Specific in all simple cases." Dialysed Iron, 5 to 10 drops, 3 times a day, better taken 155 section 79.—IRON. with meals, persevere for months. Helonine (dose Sec. 56, A); excellent for the same. (C) Heart affections (with Anaemia).—Dialysed Iron, officinal doses, 3 times a day. The same for CEdema of the feet with anaemia. Pyrophosphate of Iron, syrup or elixir, adult, 1 to 2 drachms, 3 times a day, is an excellent preparation of iron, for all aneemic conditions; it does not irritate the stomach, nor constipate the bowels. Diphtheria.—Reported 80 cures in succession, with Sul- phate of Iron powder, blown upon the patches, several times a day. (D) Perchloride of Iron stands in high repute for diph- theria and erysipelas, taken in officinal doses. Chronic Diarrhoea—Bowel Consumption—Lientery. —Superphosphate of Iron, adult 30 drops after each meal; used with success. (Child, see Sec. 56, A.) jg@~ (E) Leptandrin (dose 56, A), taken before meals and on going to bed, cures Chronic Diarrhoea—Camp Diar- rhoea—Chronic Dysentery—Jaundice—Bowel Complaint of Children ; especially if the stools are black. Worms.—Crumble some green vitriol on a stove, not too hot; when it turns white, rub it down to a fine powder; of this give to a child, from 5 to 7 years old, as much as would make the bulk of a small pea, in syrup or molasses, three mornings in succession, then wait three, then give three, until nine doses are given. " Sure shot." (F) The same, a dose every night, for three weeks, will restore the flow of suppressed menses. Enuresis—Incontinence of urine {wetting the bed).— Parrish's food, Child, 5 to 7 years old, one teaspoonful twice a day in water; almost specific Erysipelas.—" Iron is the remedy. Tincture Ferri Chlor., the best form to use; adult 20 to 30 drops, every 3 or 4 hours." Child, see Sec 56, B. 156 SECTION 79.--IRON. Ingrowing toe-nail.—Having suffered a long time with this affection, I procured some Perchloride of Iron in powder form, and insinuated it as deeply as possible between the free edge of the nail and the ulcerated surface. I felt almost immediately a moderate sensation of pain; after a quarter of an hour, I attempted to walk, and to my great satisfaction I found that I could bear my weight on my foot without the least pain; a thing that I had not done before for many months. One application cured. Sweating of the feet.—Bathe the feet, night and morn- ing, for three days in tar-water, half an hour at a time; then stop the foot baths, and paint the soles once a day with per- chloride of iron. In four days the soles will be found hard and dry. Simple and speedy cure. (G) Bleeding (from any accessible part). Apply Per- sulphate of Iron, dusted on in powder, or upon a plug of lint moistened and rolled in the same. Perchloride of Iron 4 or 5 drops, applied, is sufficient to check the flow from small vessels; and 30 drops applied on cotton or lint will arrest hemorrhage from large arteries. 157 SECTION 80. JABORANDI. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Excessive flow of saliva, tears, sweat, urine and liquid stools. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B—Pilocarpin, Section 56, A-D. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 10 to 30 minims of the Fluid Extract—Tincture 2 to 4 drachms—Pilocarpina fa to y grain. Child, see Section 56, A-B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Formula: Pilocarpin Nitratis 16 grains; Aquae destil. I ounce; Mix. Adult, 5 to 15 minims; rarely exceed 10 minims; even ]/(, grain or 5 minims will sometimes induce excessive flow of sweat, saliva and tears, and distinct fall of temperature. Not suitable to use for patients with weak heart. It is employed especially in the treatment of Mumps—Metastasis of Mumps —Swelling of the glands of neck and jaw—Acute Tonsillitis—Bronchorrhcea— Hoarseness—Bronchitis—Pneumonia—Asthmatic paroxysms—Paroxysms of Difficult Breathing, accompanying Emphysema—Cardiac Dropsy—Dropsy of Acute Albuminuria—Uremia with dyspnoea, delirium and coma—Eclampsia— Products of Inflammation—Erysipelas, great success with full doses—Ranula —Ague, a dose at the onset aborts the chill and breaks the paroxysm with sweat—Alopecia, fa grain into the scalp—Datura poisoning—Hydrophobia, to induce sweat—Itching of Jaundice, immediate relief with fa grain dose. (A) Jaborandi or Pilocarpin, used in minute doses, takes a foremost position as a remedy for Flushes at the change of life—Falling of the hair—Salivation—Lachrymation— Diuresis — Watery dejections — Night sweats — Sweating hands and feet—Any local sweating—Excessive general sweat, dangerous. In case of very dangerous profuse per- spiration, bathe the patient with a solution of Alcohol i pint and Quinia 1 drachm, mixed; use a sponge, bathe a small surface at a time, avoid exposure to draught, repeat this bath every 2 hours until a cure is effected. (B) In ordinary doses, Jaborandi or Pilocarpin manifests a 158 SECTION 80.—JABORANDI. powerful control over Inflammation in general—Inflamma- tory Fever—Mumps and Quinsy, almost specific—Bronchial Catarrh, both acute and chronic—Cold in the head—Coryza —Influenza—Ailments from teething, with dry mouth, brain in danger. Croup.—" Of Fl. Ex. Jaborandi, give child, 5 to 7 years of age, 5 to 10 drops every 10 minutes, until free vomiting ensues; this cures. Or Pilocarpin y2 grain; Wine of Ipecac. 1 ounce; Fluid extract of Eucalyptus 6 drachms: and Syrup of Tolu to make 4 ounces, mix; and to a child two years old give a teaspoonful every x/2 hour. This positively masters membranous croup." Diphtheria—"True specific" — Fl. Ex. Jaborandi, 10 drops every hour or two. Dropsy about the Heart.—Jaborandi, in officinal doses, said to cure desperate cases. Erysipelas.—Jaborandi, ordinary dose every hour, re- ported grand. Agalactia—Milk Secretion Scanty or Suppressed.— " Jaborandi, fluid extract 20 drops, 4 times a day, restores the flow. The same re-establishes the flow of Suppressed Lochia." Calabar bean, 20 grains to 1 ounce of lard or vase- line, applied to the breast, will restore the secretion of milk, when it has been suddenly or temporarily arrested. It must be carefully washed off before the child is given the breast. Urticaria.—" Immediate relief from fluid extract of Ja- borandi, adult, 1 teaspoonful." Hydrophobia.—It has been suggested that by keeping up free perspiration by the use of Jaborandi, the poison of rabies might be eliminated from the system. g^aT* It has been ascertained by experiments that an ani- mal inoculated with the poison of the Viper, will not take hydrophobia, however often bitten by mad dogs or inocu- lated with the poison of rabies; hence the conclusion that man may be protected in like manner. 159 SECTION 81. KAVA-KAVA. Minute Dose.—Piper Methysticum, Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 20 to 40 drops of the Fluid extract—Tincture y to 1 drachm. Child, see Section 56, B. Agonizing Pains (tossing, writhing, screaming)—Fu- rious Neuralgia—Excruciating Toothache.—Put Piper Methysticum, y drachm in x/2 glass of water; and adult, drink one-fourth of the solution at first draught, then take 2 teaspoonfuls every 10 minutes; sure to conquer. Horrible pains when passing urine.—"Adult, take 8 drops of the fluid extract of Kava-Kava in two tablespoonfuls of water every 3 hours; in extreme cases 25 drops at a dose." g^gr^ Pareira brava, tincture of the root, adult, frequent drop doses, is said to be the panacea for all Urinary troubles— Terrible pains when passing urine, and only possible when on the knees—Gravel—Cystitis—Catarrh of the bladder. The popular remedy for Bladder Affections, complicated with Gravel, Gout or Rheumatism, is Lithiated Hydrangea. 160 SECTION 82. KEROSENE. Sore Throat—Quinsy—Diphtheria.—" Wrap the throat in raw cotton or flannel, saturated with Kerosene. It gives prompt relief. The same applied to the breast, breaks up a cold on the chest, over night." Diphtheritic Croup.—" Have not lost a case in 15 years' practice. Make an external application of kerosene oil on flannel cloths, keep them thoroughly saturated and con- stantly applied by compress." Felon—Whitlow.—Place the part affected in a bowl of Kerosene oil, completely covering the felon. The pain will be arrested immediately, repeat the dip every time the pain returns, which will not be often. Lice in the head.—One application of coal oil destroys them; the smell soon passes off. " Crab lice " on the geni- tals may be destroyed by frequent washings with carbolic soap. 11 161 SECTION 83. LARD. Fever.—Anoint the body all over with lard several times a day, this mode of treatment will conduct almost any inflammatory or eruptive fever through its course, success- fully to the end. In Scarlet fever, rub the body all over twice a day with warm lard, and no dropsy will supervene and no contagious element remain. (A) Lard alone, applied by thorough inunction three times a day will cure the Itch. The same applied inside the anus, night and morning, will destroy seat worms. Burns and Scalds.—Apply flour and lard in equal parts mixed. Nothing better. (B) The most astonishing thing that I know of in regard to this mixture is its power to bring a gathering speedily to head—it excels all poultices that I have ever seen tried. Constipation of Infants.—Anoint the abdomen well with warm lard, or castor oil at bedtime. Baby's Colic.—Anoint the abdomen with hot lard, con- taining some laudanum. Lumbago.—A plaster 4 by 6 inches of bacon rind, fat side in, applied to the part affected gives wonderful relief. The same is excellent for Sore throat. A bandage of en- ameled cloth, or silk oil cloth around the loins, outside a flannel shirt, produces perspiration of the parts, and greatly relieves the pain. Equal parts of Collodium; tincture of Iodine; and Ammonia water; mixed and applied over the parts affected, with camel-hair brush, constitutes an instan- taneous remedy for Lumbago. 162 SECTION 84. LEAD. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Plumbum aceticum.— Seizures of pain in the bowels with retraction of the navel, attended with delirium—relief of pain by rubbing—stools like sheep dung in balls. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A. Officinal Dose.—Adult, acetate 1 to 8 grains—Nitrate y to y grain. Child, see Section 56, A. Burns and Scalds—Erysipelas—Carbuncle—Ec- zema.—Cover the parts with white lead paint, mixed with linseed oil to the consistency of thick cream. The pain of a burn will cease in a few minutes after the application, no discharge will ensue, and no further application be needed, only when the burn is very deep. The same for Erysipelas, renewing the coats occasionally, likewise for Carbuncle and Eczema. Oil of Peppermint, painted upon a burned or scalded surface, will arrest the pain at once, as also the pain of superficial Neuralgia. Malignant Onychia.—Cut away the dead part, and cover thickly with Nitrate of Lead powder; in a few days the slough will come off, leaving a sound surface. Ingrowing toe-nail.—Dust the diseased parts with Ni- trate of Lead powder, every three days, this will soon effect a cure. Lotion of Sanguinaria tincture, 10 drops to ounce of water, frequently applied, is also said to cure the trouble. To remove a nail with as little pain as possible, cover it with a thin layer of Nitrate of Silver, and then apply a poultice; after 24 hours this will loosen the nail, now con- tinue the caustic and poultice in alternation until the nail can be lifted off. 163 SECTION 84.--LEAD. Ring-worm.—Compound Citrine Ointment, one thor- ough application cures. Birth Mark—Naevus.—Keep it covered with white lead paint, mixed as thick as cream with linseed oil. Lead water and Laudanum, equal parts mixed, and ap- plied ice cold, has been found very effective in subduing pain and inflammation from an injury, bruise, sprain, lacer- ated wound, compound fracture. 164 SECTION 85. LEDUM. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Want of vital warmth- ailments from injuries, with coldness—sprained feeling about the joints—pains better when warm in bed. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 1 to 3 drops of the tincture. Child, see Section 56, B. Ledum palustre, even in minute doses, more or less fre- quently repeated according to the necessity of the case, cures Lichen—CEdema of the feet—Chronic Gout—Cold Rheumatism of wrists and ankles—Catarrhal Deafness— Irritating and Poisonous effects from bites of mosquitoes and other insects, stings of bees, and pains from splinters and stab wounds (Cicuta)—Intense coldness or Spasms from wounds—Skin poisoning in general. H@°*(A) Rhododendron Chrysanthemum—General Indi- cations.—Sprained feeling in the joints—bruised feeling in the testes—spicy odor of the sweat—attacks of pain in spots, thence radiating — ailments worse in cold, damp weather, and before a thunder storm, also by rest; better by gentle motion. (Minute dose, see Sec 56, B—ordinary dose, Adult 5 to 15 drops of tincture. Child, see Sec. 56, B.) This remedy given in alternation with. Ledum, 3 drops of the tincture of each, every 3 hours, cured four cases of Chronic Rheumatic affections of the joints (Chronic arthritis) that had withstood all treatment for years; it may take months, but the cure will come. The same for Chronic gout. A case of Hydrocele, 5 years' standing (from birth), was cured by Rhododendron, minute dose, 4 times a day, and bathing the parts with tincture of the same, diluted with water 1 to 3 parts. 165 SECTION 86. LEMON. In order to check a Diarrhoea, drink hot lemonade. To arrest Immoderate flow of Menses, suck the juice of lemons. To harden the nipples before confinement, begin two weeks in advance and anoint them daily with lemon juice. To stop flooding, inject the juice of half dozen lemons into the womb. Lemon juice taken freely cures Sweating Rheumatism and Scurvy. To cure Biliousness—instead of taking calo- mel—take the juice of one, two or three lemons, according as the appetite craves, in as much water as will render it pleasant to drink, without sugar, before going to bed; and in the morning, half hour before breakfast, take the juice of one lemon in a goblet of water. Cough—Chronic Bronchitis—Consumption.—Boil one dozen lemons in enough water to cover them, until a straw will pierce through the skin easily, then mash them through a colander, and put them back on the stove, and add one pound of white sugar and two ounces of Gum arabic, and boil twenty minutes. Of this syrup take a tablespoonful as often as you please, until well. The raw lemon juice eaten with sugar, often stops a cough from a cold promptly. Chilblain—Frost bite.—Dilute Citric acid and Pepper- mint water, in equal parts, mixed; and applied twice a day soon effect a cure. Cancer pain.—Citric acid i drachm, in water 8 ounces, mix, and apply the solution with a camel-hair brush; im- mediate relief. Renew the application as often as needful. Pledgets of lint saturated with the same and applied answer the purpose. After-Pains.—" Citric acid 5 grains, given in 2 ounces of water, every half hour soon arrests after-pains." 166 SECTION 86.—LEMON. Foul water rendered palatable and innoxious to drink. —Put into the water a sufficient quantity of Citric acid to give a touch of it to the taste. One part of the acid in two thousand parts of water, will kill all microscopic life in two minutes. Prepare fresh every day. Stagnant water made into lemonade becomes harmless to drink. J|@tt Diarrhoea caused by drinking bad water, is best controlled by taking the essence of ginger. 167 SECTION 87. LIFE ROOT. Minute Dose.—Senecio, Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y2 to 1 drachm of the Fluid Extract of Senecio—Senecin 1 to 5 grains. Child, see Sec- tion 56, B. Senecio gracilis, in ordinary doses, Regulates the female function—Cures ailments resulting from suppressed menses : such as Nasal and Pharyngeal Catarrh—Bronchitis—Cough —Hemorrhage from the lungs—Consumption—Dropsy— Strangury—Diarrhoea. It restores the menstrual flow in the most natural manner without pain. In desperate cases when it seems as if the secretion would not be established, 20 drops of the tincture may be taken 3 times a day until success attends the treat- ment It will induce sound, refreshing sleep. If the menses come too soon, last too long, or are very painful, 5 drops of the tincture should be taken 3 times a day, be- tween times, and all will be right. For coughs, colds and Lung complaints of either sex, it is one of the most valuable remedies that we possess. Consumption in the early stage, and Hemorrhage from the lungs, it is said positively to have cured; banishing in six weeks the dry hacking cough, the hectic flush and night sweats. Dose 5 drops of the tincture before meals and on going to bed. It rarely fails to control Lung fever even of consumption, g^ Verba santa is the grand popular specific for Cough, acute or chronic; also for Asthma. 168 SECTION 88. LIME. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Calcarea Carbonica.— Head sweat in sleep—Cold damp feet—corpulence with paleness—ailments worse from mounting a hill or stairway —attacks at new or full moon—desire for eggs—aversion to meat—milk disagrees. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Calcarea phosphorica.— Skull bones thin, sometimes crackling like paper, under pressure of the finger—tardy dentition—sunken abdomen —desire for salted and smoked meat—ailments worse from exposure to cold or on getting wet. Minute Dose.—Carbonate and phosphate, Section 56, A. Officinal Dose.—Adult, Carbonate precip., 10 to 30 grains—Lime water 1 to 4 ounces, usually taken in milk— Phosphate precip. 5 to 20 grains. Child, see Section 56, A. (A) Calcarea carb., in minute doses (persevering treat- ment), has cured or greatly relieved the following ailments: Chronic Hydrocephalus—Scald-head, scalp one mass of scabs—Dandruff, hair dry and harsh—Scrofulous Inflamma- tion of the Eyes—Hard swelling of the glands of the neck and lower jaw—Enlargement and gathering of the glands in any part of the body—Enlarged tonsils (calcarea phos- phori)—Ranula—Rickets—Curvature of the spine—Scrof- ula—Polypus, in the ear, nose, or at the mouth of the womb —Chronic Diarrhoea, chalk-like stools—Sour Diarrhoea, of teething children—Sour vomiting of children, curdled milk —Heart-burn, sour risings—Chronic Catarrh, with extreme sensitiveness to the least cold air, it seems to go right through—Chronic Hoarseness—Emaciation with loose con- sumptive cough—Marasmus, bowel consumption, baby looks 169 SECTION 88.--LIME. old and wrinkled—Dregs of scarlet fever, even dropsy— Quinine dyscrasia, deafness—Overflow of Menses—Leucor- rhoea, milk white or like white of egg—Offensive foot sweat, soles raw. (B) Calcarea phosphorica, in minute doses (Section 56, A), or "triturated with sugar equal parts, and taken by adult, 5 grains, 3 times a day;" presents a record unsurpassed by any other remedy for curing Ulcers of all kinds, especially scrofulous ulcers, without the aid of any external applica- tion. The cures that it has effected in this line, are perfectly astonishing. It also stands foremost as a remedy for Open fontanels—Bone disease—Rickets—Pott's Disease of the spine—Lumbar caries—Hip joint disease—Chronic Rheu- matism of the joints—Enlargement of tonsils (Iodide of Lime)—Hawking—Bronchial Catarrh—Consumption " our best hope "—Pimples. Chronic ulcers—Old sores on the leg—Sore ulcerated piles.—(Cases resisting all other treatment for years.)—" Fill a small vessel half full of slaked lime, add enough water to fill the vessel, let it stand four days, and then pour off the pure liquid for use; next take an empty bottle, into which put an ounce or two of Calomel, and add enough of the lime water to make a paste about the consistency of syrup or strained honey. Having cleansed the ulcer or sore, take a camel-hair brush or feather, and cover it several times with this paste, until it is thoroughly coated, and dry. Keep it thus painted from day to day, until well. Do not be afraid of its hurting, it produces no pain. Away with all band- ages, let the circulation take care of itself. The cure will be rapid and permanent." Pimples.—" Lime water and rose water, equal parts, mix and apply at night on going to bed; also take a table- spoonful of Lime water in milk, 3 times a day before meals. Cure in 6 weeks." Goitre.—" Egg-shell well cleansed and pulverized, as 170 SECTION 88.—LIME. much as would lie on the point of a penknife, taken every morning during decrease of moon, for two weeks, cured a goitre of many years' standing." Distressing pain in the stomach (with desire to gulp up wind, frequent sudden attacks, pains extending through to the back; sometimes relieved by eating).—Put Phosphate of Lime 2 grains in half a glass of water, and adult, take I teaspoonful every 20 minutes until better, then every hour or two—sure relief. If an idcer is suspected, still this is the remedy. (C) For Ulceration in the stomach or duodenum, the two most important remedies are Potassium biehi-om., dose 56, A; and Uranium nit, dose 56, A. The former is also rec- ommended for Lupus non exedens. Piles.—Equal parts of Lime water and olive oil; applied as often as required. Burns and Scalds.—Lime water and Linseed oil, equal parts, mixed. The best dressing yet devised. Open Cancer. — (Bleeding at the slightest touch.) — " Daily dressed with finely powdered quick-lime; was de- stroyed in 9 days." (D) " Elixir Iodo-bromide of Calcium Comp., is an ap- proved remedy for Cancer as well as for Chronic Bronchitis and Consumption. The same also for obstinate cases of Leucorrhoea; cure in six weeks." Bite of dogs and other animals.—Apply slaked lime, paste as thick as mush. Anon it will turn green, then apply fresh, do this as often as it becomes green; when it remains white the poison is all out. I would strongly rec- ommend this for the bite of a mad dog. Skin poisoning (with poison vine).—Apply slaked lime, paste as thick as cream, every y hour; a few applications will cure the worst cases. Arsenic Poisoning.—Drink Lime water and milk in equal quantities mixed; copious draughts. 171 SECTION 88.--LIME. (E) Lime Sweat.—(Breaks up a Cold at once—Dissipates pain of Gout—Rheumatism and Neuralgia—Averts Inflam- mation! and Congestion—Cures Dropsy, by taking 3 sweats a week—Breaks up a Congestive Chill—Arrests Cerebro- spinal meningitis at the outset.)—Take two lumps of fresh lime, half the size of a man's fist, and wrap each in a moist cloth, and this again with a dry one, doubled several times, and fastened securely; place one on each side of the body of the patient while in bed, soon will come copious sweat, lasting from one to two hours. This sweat effects the cure. 172 SECTION 89. LITHIA. GENERAL INDICATIONS for the Carbonate.—Feel- ing of coldness in the chest—shocks at the heart—ailments worse when lying down. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 2 to 5 grains of the Carbonate —Bromide 5 to 20 grains. Child, see Section 56, A. Cystitis.—Carbonate of Lithia, adult 2 to 4 grain doses. " One dose will relieve the most aggravated case in from 20 to 30 minutes." The same affords immediate relief to excruciating pains of varicosus, and suffering from Irritation of the prostate gland and urethral canal. In an exceed- ingly troublesome case of Cystitis, with such Irritation of the meatus urinarius, that the urine could not be retained more than half an hour at a time, a cure was speedily effected by introducing into the urethra y grain of Mor- phia Sulph., followed next day with y grain. The cure was complete. A case of Irritable urethra and bladder, six months' standing, was cured in a few days by external application of veratrum viride tincture, along the course of the urethra. Sub-preputial inunction with Lanoline, medi- cated with cocaine, works wonders for Irritable urethra and bladder. The Bromide of Lithia, adult 5 grain doses, is an excel- lent remedy for Gout and Rheumatism of small joints. 173 SECTION 90. LOGWOOD. Logwood possesses the same disinfectant properties as are ascribed to coal-tar, and in a superior degree. If a pomade composed of equal parts of Logwood and Lard be applied to Fetid Ulcers, the offensive odor will directly dis- appear and the pus discharge diminish. It cures Hospital Gangrene—Prevents and arrests Erysipelas following ampu- tation—Entirely removes the foul odor of Cancer. In cases where there is much bleeding, it may be mixed with Per- chloride of Iron, or Persulphate of Iron. It may be used as a powder or lotion. The extract is only soluble in warm water. In case of maggots in ulcers or bed sores, strew over them, or blow into them through a quill, some pow- dered calomel. The effect is instant death to the grub. 174 SECTION 91. MARIGOLD. Minute Dose.—Calendula, Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult y to 1 drachm of the Fluid Extract of Calendula. Child, see Section 56, B. Calendula tincture, diluted one-half or more with water, applied on cloths, kept constantly saturated with the solu- tion, works wonders as a dressing for Wounds—Contusions —Crush injuries—Lacerations—A mputations— Gangrenous conditions—Unhealthy or Excessive Suppuration—Sore, ulcer- ated nipples. ggp* "Peroxide of Hydrogen, applied in 12th volume solution, on cloths, or pledgets saturated therewith, and when admissible covered with gutta-percha tissue, is an agent of inestimable value for the treatment of Foul and Sloughing Ulcers—Aphthous Ulcerations—Purulent Oph- thalmia—Purulent Otorrhoea—Abscesses—Carbuncles. It has a decided effect in diminishing and arresting suppuration and putrefactive fermentation; and is a perfect microbicide, non-irritating, and absolutely harmless." 175 SECTION 92. MAY-APPLE. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Podophyllum.—Attend- ant ailments of teething, such as loose stools, mostly white, retching, gagging, rolling the head, gnashing the gums— ailments worse in hot weather, and in the morning. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-B-C-D. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 10 to 60 drops of the tincture —Podophyllin y to 1 grain (purgative 1 grain, acts in ten hours). To induce the secretion of bile, the stools being white as in Jaundice, fa to \ grain, 3 times a day. Child, see Section 56, A, Podophyllum (vegetable calomel) in minute doses is a charming remedy for Brain troubles of teething, with roll- ing of the head, and moaning in sleep—Jaundice of Chil- dren, with stupor and white stools—Diarrhoea, mostly worse in the morning—Falling of the bowel, with loose stools— Duodenitis—Incontinence of Urine. The same restores the secretion of urine and saves the need of the catheter, when there is inability to urinate. Podophyllum parvules, adult 2 at a time, taken 3 times a day, cures Habitual Constipation, puts the liver in order, and cures Liver Complaint and wards off Gout. Since learn- ing the value of Magnesia phosphorica (dose, Section 56, A), I have no difficulty in managing the Brain troubles of teething; it is notably indicated by glairy green stools. Chelidonia (dose, Section 56, B), is an excellent remedy for Congestion of the liver—Jaundice of Children. 176 SECTION 93. MELILOTUS. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Convulsions—Spasms of all Kinds—Epilepsy.—The one grand master remedy is Melilotus. Adult 1 drop of the tincture every 5 minutes during an attack, and 5 drops, 5 times a day, for weeks if necessary, to prevent recurrence. Child's dose, see Section 56, B. The Melilotus is said to cure Congestive Headache in 5 minutes, and arrest nose bleed in 1 minute. 12 177 SECTION 94. MILK. When milk disagrees with the stomach, treat it thus: Into one pint, put a glass of water, a teaspoonful of sugar, and half teaspoonful of salt; and if necessary, beside a table- spoonful of lime water. When milk sours on the stomach of infants reared by bottle, add a little chalk to the milk when boiling it. Exhaustion of body and mind.—Take a glass of hot milk. The milk is more invigorating than any alcoholic stimulant. (A) Consumption.—Take hot milk, adult 4 to 8 glasses daily. This increases the weight and strength of the patient, and lessens the cough and diarrhoea. The same cures Dys- entery and Diarrhoea. Night Sweat.—A wineglassful of skim-milk, taken on retiring to bed, is said to prevent night sweat. " A pinch of German Chamomile flowers, stirred in a cup of boiling water, and taken at bedtime, will cure night sweat in a week: it never leaves you in the lurch." (B) Skim-milk freely taken is a valuable remedy for Dropsy of old people. Drinking frequently of buttermilk, in old age, prolongs life, by preventing incrustations on the valves of the heart, and ossification of the arteries. The same cures Cystitis and checks Consumption. Diabetes.—Take skim-milk, adult 8 or 10 pints daily, no other food. In two weeks the sugar will have disappeared from the urine. In seven weeks the disease will be cured. Lactic acid, ten per cent, solution in alcohol, 5 drops, morning and evening; cured promptly and permanently a boy 16 years old, who had had Diabetes Mellitus for six months. 178 SECTION 95.—MISTLETOE. Bright's Disease.—An exclusive diet of skim-milk per- severed in for two or three months, is said to cure. Epilepsy.—A case reported cured in three months by an exclusive milk diet (C) Koumis (excellent in all diseases of the throat—con- sumption—nervous exhaustion—exhaustion from surgical operations—convalescence from fevers—nervousness—dys- pepsia—hip and spine diseases—debility from chronic dis- charges—typhoid fever—scarlet fever—diphtheria).—Made thus: into a quart of new milk, put y2 pint of fresh butter- milk, or a teaspoonful of yeast, and 3 lumps of loaf sugar (inch cubes), mix well, and see that the sugar becomes dis- solved; put it in a warm place to stand 10 hours, when it will be thick, now pour it from one vessel to another until it becomes smooth and uniform in consistency, then bottle it, and keep in a warm place 24 hours, it may require 36 hours in winter. The bottles should be tightly corked, and corks tied down. Shake it well 5 minutes before decanting it from the bottle. SECTION 95. MISTLETOE. Minute Dose.—Viscum album, Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult y to 1 drachm of the tincture of Viscum. Child, see Section 56, B. Viscum album, even in minute doses, stands as a prince among pain-subduing medicines, especially paroxysms of tearing and rending pains, rheumatic and neuralgic.—Ex- cellent remedy for Ladies' ailments—A master remedy for Sciatica—Catarrhal Deafness—Whooping cough, cure in one week. 179 SECTION 96. MOUNTAIN LAUREL. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Kalmia.—Heart affec- tions following rheumatism (Scutellaria)—Slow, weak pulse —oppression of breathing—ailments worse when dropping off to sleep. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult 10 to 20 drops of the Fluid Extract of Kalmia—Tincture 10 to 30 drops. Child, see Section 56, B. The Tincture of Kalmia latifolia (adult drop doses) is a supereminent remedy for Albuminuria; said to cure twenty- five per cent, of all uncomplicated cases—Neuralgia in any part of the body—Rheumatism, especially when it invades the heart; the best heart guard in such cases—Pain in the back, extending up into the head—Headache, coming and going with the rising and setting of the sun—Influenza, watery eyes, sore throat, pain in the bones. " If you would like to have a hobby for all kinds of aches and pains, some- thing to fly to on all occasions, for all varieties of neuralgia, even toothache, all rheumatic ailments, and even gout, all pains from strains and colds affecting the muscles; some- thing to make you a reputation; behold here it is ! Into a clean 4 ounce bottle, put y2 drachm of the tincture of Kalmia latifolia, and y, drachm of the tincture of Gelsemium, and fill up the bottle with water and shake it well; for an adult order 1 teaspoonful of the mixture every ten, twenty or thirty minutes, until better, then every one, two or three hours until well." 180 SECTION 97. MULLEIN. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Verbascum.—Stitches in the brain—stitches about the heart—trumpet-like cough —ailments worse while sitting. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult 1 to 2 drachms of the tincture of Verbascum. Child, see Section 56, B. Consumption.—" Boil a pound of Mullein root in 2 quarts of water, until reduced to one quart; adult take half a wine- glassful four times a day. It is better taken in boiled milk, and will be found soothing and cordial, and really relished by most persons. Taken in the early stages of consump- tion it increases the weight of the patient, and is said to be curative in a greater degree than any other agent, not ex- cepting cod-liver oil. Even in the later stages of phthisis it relieves the cough and prevents diarrhoea. This Mullein root tea is considered by some as a specific for what is called Winter Cough!' Piles.—Put some live coals in a chamber vessel, and upon them place a handful of crisp, dry Mullein leaves (dried in the oven of a stove), and upon these sprinkle some finely pulverized rosin, and sit upon the vessel for 5 or 10 minutes; do this once or twice a day, and a cure will soon be effected. 181 SECTION 98. MUSTARD. Congestive Headache.—Induce nose bleed by inserting a small roll of mustard paper into the nostril, and leaving it in situ for a few minutes; when the nose bleeds, the head- ache will vanish. Mustard water foot-bath, hot as can be borne, will directly relieve Headache of fever or diphtheria. Relaxed throat—palate down.—Gargle with mustard seed tea. The same cures cough caused by elongated uvula. Cough—(Long standing in paroxysms, dry, barking).— A case cured with the tincture of mustard seed, drop doses 4 times a day. Mustard to the breast will cure almost any ordinary cough; it should be mixed with flour and vinegar, so as not to blister. A piece of rye bread, saturated with vinegar, and sprinkled with mustard flour, applied to the throat, gives immediate relief in many cases of sore throat and Quinsy. A mustard plaster applied to the stomach region often arrests nausea and vomiting. 182 SECTION 99. MYRRH. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y to i drachm of the tincture —Gargle and mouth wash y2 drachm in i ounce of water. Child, see Section 56, B. Sore mouth—Diseased gums.—Into a 4 ounce bottle, put 3 drachms of the tincture of myrrh, and fill the bottle with water, gargle the mouth therewith 5 times a day, hold- ing it in the mouth a good while each time, also swallow a little. This treatment has never failed me yet in a single instance, even in cases of years' standing. The same for ulcerated sore throat. 183 SECTION 100. NETTLE. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Uriica Urens.—Itching blotches upon the skin, hives—tickling in the anus as from seat worms—scanty secretion of milk. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 5 to 10 drops of the tincture. Child, see Section 56, B. Hives—Nettle rash.—Urtica urens tincture, adult, drop doses every hour, specific. Into y2 ounce of pure alcohol put 1 drop of croton oil, shake well together, adult take 5 to 10 drops of the solution every 2 hours—unfailing. Chloral, 1 grain doses, for adult soon cures hives. Sciatica.—A chronic case reported cured by application of Nettles boiled and put on the seat of pain as a poultice, 3 times a day; the part being bathed each time before the application of the poultice, with hot whiskey. Seat worms.—(pin worms.)—Urtica urens, 3 drops of the tincture on sugar at bedtime; three doses are generally enough to cure. 184 SECTION 101. NITRO-GLYCERINE. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Glonoine.—Shocks in the brain—purring sound at the heart—throbbing in the blood vessels—ailments worse from the least motion or jar —better during the night. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, I drop only, of a one per cent. solution in alcohol. Child, see Section 56, B. Nitro-Glycerine is a better stimulant for the heart than brandy; its action more prompt, and generally more satis- factory in shock resulting from accident; it is highly useful for Nausea and fainting, following surgical operation—Fail- ure of Heart action due to inhalation of Chloroform—Opium poisoning—Asthma — Hysterical Aphonia—Collapse of ty- phoid and other fevers. One or two drops of a one per cent, solution of nitro- glycerine, is said to be equivalent to 1 ounce or more of brandy, and it has the advantage of being tasteless and odorless, and of acting instantaneously, besides obviating the craving for alcoholic stimulants. (A) Sunstroke.—The grand specific is Glonoine, in minute doses every 20 minutes. The same for Vertigo—Angina pectoris—Neuralgia. " I never yet found a case of neu- ralgia, neuralgic headache, hiccough, toothache or any spas- modic affection that Glonoine in ordinary doses failed to relieve." (B) Sick Headache—(nervous or congestive).—Lie down and take a dose of Glonoine every 20 minutes; a few doses will stop the pain, do this every time the attacks come and they will soon quit coming. A single dose will sometimes cure Ague or arrest Asthma. Epiphegus Virginiana is now claimed to be the absolute 185 SECTION 102.--NUTMEG. specific for sick headache. Those who are subject to it have but to take a minute dose (Section 56, B) every 20 minutes; starting to take it as soon as the first symptoms manifest themselves; about 3 doses usually stops it, and by and by it will quit coming. SECTION 102. NUTMEG. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^NuxMoschata.—Drow- siness—faintness—ailments attended with fainting—dryness of the mouth and* throat on waking—feeling worse after eating or drinking—better in-doors, warm. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y to 1 drachm of the tincture. Child, see Section 56, B. Hysteria—Fainting.—Nux moschata, minute doses, or nutmeg tea a tablespoonful before meals. (A) The same for Diarrhoea with fainting—Indigestion with drowsiness, and much flatulent distention of the stom- ach. To break a fit of Hysteria, dash cold water in the patient's face by cupfuls, one after another, until the end is accomplished; or press a lump of ice to the nape of the neck. Hemorrhage from the lungs (" raising blood "—spitting blood).—Grate a nutmeg into half a glass of water, and adult, take it at once, repeat the dose in half an hour if necessary. 186 SECTION 103. NUX VOMICA. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Irritable state of mind, with desire to be alone, in the dark, quiet and undisturbed ailments worse early in the morning, and especially from thinking or studying—numbness in the parts affected—con- stant urging for a passage, often ineffectual—desire for fat food and stimulants—aversion to tobacco. Minute Dose.—See Section 56, B-C-D. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 5 to 20 drops of the tincture. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Formula.—Strychniae sulphatis I grain; Acid carbolic I grain; Aquae I ounce, mix. Adult 5 to 10 minims or fa to ^5 grain; and in rare cases up to fa grain, or even fa grain—(overdose produces rigid spasm and profuse sweat). Used especially in the treatment of diseases having their seat in the spinal cord, after acute symptoms have subsided. Local spasm, not recent, de- cided benefit—Facial Paralysis, complete success. Chronic Hemiplegia and Paraplegia—Progressive muscular atrophy. Of no use in case of contraction of the palsied limbs, or paralysis from softening or tumor in the spinal cord— Infantile paralysis, exceedingly valuable—Wrist-drop, paralysis from lead— Wrist cramp—Paralysis of the bladder, with dribbling of urine—Paralysis of the sphincter ani—Prolapsus Ani—Chronic Neuralgia—Gastralgia, no remedy equal to it, fa to fa grain doses—Ileus—Amaurosis paralytic—Amblyopia; functional paralysis of the retina as after diphtheria. In alcohol and tobacco amaurosis, no good may be expected if none manifested after four daily injec- tions. Chloral hydrate and strychnia mutually antidote each other, and respectively save life in case of a fatal dose of either—fa grain of Strychnia is equivalent to 15 grains of chloral. In case of poisoning in man, 30 grains of Chloral subcu- taneously given was sufficient to allay the spasm and avert death from 4 grains of Strychnia. Recovery from narcotic poisoning is much quicker when the patient is kept as warm as possible, especially in warm bath. Heat increases the action of the heart. In Chloral poisoning it is best to begin with fa grain of Strychnia, and give in each succeeding dose T^ grain, every )4 hour, until the maximum is approached. I87 SECTION IO3.--NUX VOMICA. (A) Nux vomica in minute doses, is our most reliable remedy for Photophobia—Morning Headache—Frontal Catarrhal Headache—Clavus—Headache from Constipation —Constipation, with frequent ineffectual urging to stool, or with piles—Prolapsus ani—Prolapsus uteri—Debility, especially in hot weather—Dyspepsia—Hypochondriasis— Sufferings from dissipation—Acute Alcoholism. Delirium Tremens. "Strychnia in large doses, in part hypoder- matic, has come to be considered a specific for delirium tremens. It may be necessary in some obstinate cases to give 12/^ grains in the course of 24 hours, in order to con- trol the affection; when the patient will fall into a refreshing sleep, without the slightest sign of poisoning." (B) Gastralgia—Pain in the stomach—Sufferings from Indigestion.—Take Nux vomica, in minute doses, every quarter hour during attacks, and before meals to prevent them. Cocculus indicus, adult, drop doses of the tincture, taken every y hour, is a reliable remedy for Colic, coming on during or soon after meals; also for menstrual colic. " For pain in the stomach after eating, occurring usually from a quarter of an hour to an hour after meals; (a condition that may continue for months and even years.) Bismuth is a good remedy; but there is a medicine that does not consti- pate and is therefore better; and that is purified Oxide of Manganese. This remedy taken by adults in 10 grain doses, 3 times a day before meals, is sure to give relief. It must be continued for months if necessary, until it cures. The same is excellent for Heartburn and Water-brash. For Distressful feeling like a lump, or something hard, lodged in the stomach or chest, that cannot be removed; the true pre- scription is Tincture of Abies Nigra 1 drachm; Pepsin pure y2 drachm; Glycerine y2 ounce; and Water 4 ounces; mixed; adult, take a teaspoonful immediately before meals, and in obstinate cases, repeat the dose directly after meals. Viburnum compound is a sure thing for colic—magnificent 188 SECTION IO3.—NUX VOMICA. for Baby's colic, soothes like a charm, and there is nothing safer to use." Premature Cessation of Labor Pains.—Nux vomica, minute dose (Sec. 56, A), will renew the pains in 10 minutes. If there should be no pains to expel the after-birth, the same will induce them directly. Tedious and distressing labor may be obviated by teaspoonful doses of the Fluid Extract of Ustilago, taken every y, hour, until the pains become vigorous and effective. False Labor Pains.—Take a hot sitz bath, remain in until profuse sweat is induced and pains gone, then wrap in blankets and get into bed, and sleep. Gelsemium tincture, drop doses, after each pain arrests false labor. 189 SECTION 104. OATS. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, i or 2 teaspoonfuls of Con. Tine Avena Sativa, 3 or 4 times a day, in hot water to insure speedy action; in cold water on going to bed. Child, see Section 56, B. If the dose should prove too strong, causing pain at the base of the brain, a cup of coffee will relieve. Avena, in doses of 5 to 10 drops for adults, taken before meals, affords wonderful relief in Brain Fag, and Nervous Debility. In the usual dose it has been found very effica- cious in the treatment of Chronic Insanity—Sleeplessness —Epilepsy—Hysteria—St. Vitus' Dance—Coldness of the extremities—Shaking palsy—Paralysis. (A) " Hyoscin is gaining ground as a hypnotic in the treatment of Insomnia, of mania, of delirium tremens, of morphia habit, and in stubborn cases not ascribable to any particular cause. An excellent formula is: Hydrobromate of Hyoscin 1 grain; Aqua destil. 9 drachms; alcohol 1 drachm; mix. Adult, 5 drop doses. It should produce sleep in about 20 minutes under favorable circumstances. The same, a dose every night, is one of the most efficient remedies we have for the Severe pains of Locomotor Ataxia!' 190 SECTION 105. OLIVE OIL. Officinal Dose.—Adult, i to 2 drachms. Ailments of Infancy.—{Convulsions—Marasmus—Bron- chitis— Catarrh—Pneumonia—Diarrhoea— Constipation— Enlargement of the Liver!)—"All these affections may be cured by anointing the Child all over 4 to 12 times a day, according to the urgency of the case, with hot Olive oil." Mote in the Eye.—Introduce into the eye a little sweet oil, or white of egg, or cream. A drop of Glycerine in the eye takes out a cinder nicely. Vinegar diluted one-half with water, poured into the eye directly abates the pain from lime in the eye. A loop of horse hair is a handy thing wherewith to remove a mote from the eye. Earache.—Wrap a little black pepper in cotton, saturate it with sweet oil, and insert it in the ear—instant relief. Diarrhoea Adiposa—(Fat in the Stools).—Adult cured by taking olive oil. One pint at a time, once a day. Gall Stone colic—(lodgment of gall stone).— Adult take 1 grain of Podophyllum, and after 6 hours take 3 ounces of olive oil; and during the period until the bowels are moved, take at short intervals Chloroform by inhalation to subdue the pain. Poisoning.—Give sweet oil freely. The one only excep- tion to this treatment obtains in the case of phosphorous poisoning; in that case use milk and sugar, and no oil or grease of any kind. 191 SECTION 106. ONION. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Allium Cepa.—Flow- ing eyes and nose—constant sneezing—tearing and split- ting cough—worse in a warm room, better out doors. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y drachm of the expressed juice—Syrup 1 drachm. Child, see Section 56, B. To prevent Lockjaw from a wound, apply an onion poul- tice made with Indian meal to the seat of injury, or apply raw onion pounded and mixed with salt. For Earache apply onion poultice hot. For Ague bind to the feet and wrists for several days raw onions bruised to a pulp. For painful Obstruction of urine, apply bruised onions to the region of the bladder. For Falling of the hair apply onion juice to the scalp twice a week. For painful Gatherings, Abscesses, Carbuncles, Boils, apply as a soothing poultice roasted onions. For Dropsy eat freely of onions. For Nervous croup, hold to the nose a bruised onion. For Pain in the stump immediately following amputation, eat a raw onion, or take a teaspoonful of onion juice; the same for Colic. For Baby's Colic, give onion tea; it has a very sooth- ing and quieting effect without any deleterious results; do not forget it for the Fretful baby. Onion tea acts as a nar- cotic in cases of Sleeplessness, and subdues Neuralgia. For Kidney colic apply to the seat of pain raw onions mashed to a pulp; the same for painful Piles. For Bee sting apply the juice of a red onion; the sting of a honey bee is always left in the wound, and should be extracted before applying the juice. For Strangury, sit 20 minutes upon a chamber vessel containing chopped onions steeping in hot water; the 192 section 106.--ONION. same will directly move the bowels in case of Constipation. For Rheumatic pains in the limbs, especially in the tendons of the muscles, prepare an alcoholic distillation of the onion thus: into a quart glass bottle put 2 onions well bruised, and fill the bottle with alcohol, cork it and hang it in the house by a window where the sun can shine upon it > after 3 days use the alcohol for bathing the affected parts, several times a day, and apply compress of raw cotton ; this is called a sovereign remedy. Allium cepa tincture, minute doses (Sec. 56, B), taken every hour, will break up A Cold sooner than anything else that I have ever used. " Every- body has a hobby for a cold; here is mine: 1 drop of Aconite; 1 drop of Nux vomica; and 3 drops of Gel- semium (tinctures); put in an ounce bottle and fill with water; and adult take one teaspoonful every hour; this nips a cold in the bud." Slices of onion upon a dish, placed in the sick room and renewed daily, absorbs malignities, and prevents infection and contagion. If you would eat onions to your heart's content, without any one being able to detect it by your breath, take a tea- spoonful of Listerine at the close of the meal, before taking the dessert. 13 193 SECTION 107. OPIUM. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Profound stupor—moan- ing respiration—profuse sweat—stools like sheep dung— ailments worse from warmth, and after sleep, and from wine. Minute Dose.—Opium, Section 56, B-C—Morphia, Sec. 56, A-C. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y to 1 grain—Extract cf opium y to y grain—Fluid Extract of opium 10 to 40 drops—Deodorized tincture 6 to 12 minims—Wine of opium 6 to 12 minims—Morphia y to y grain—Acetate of Mor- phia ytoy grain—Sulphate of Morphia y to y grain— Codeia y to 1 grain—Laudanum 5 to 15 minims—Pare- goric y to 2 drachms. Child, see Section 56, A-B. Chil- dren until at least three years of age are extremely sus- ceptible to the poisonous influence of opium and morphia, hence the need of the greatest caution in administering any kind of opiate to children. For older persons the caution needed is lest an opium habit become established by its too persistent use. Always begin with the smallest quantity likely to prove efficient, never sanction a needlessly large dose. Hypodermatic Dose.— Formula.—Morphia sulph., 16 grains; Aqua I ounce; mix. Adult, 3 to 15 minims or about fa to *4 grain in solution. In commencing treatment, the dose should not exceed one-third of that ordinarily administered. Used espe- cially to control Severe Pain—Pain of advanced cancer—Abdominal Neural- gia—After Pains—Cramp—Spasm—Irregular heart action—Inflammation of serous membranes, early stage—Cerebrospinal meningitis, early—Delirium Tremens—Mania—Insomnia—Herpes Zoster—Convulsions of infants, when other treatment fails, fa to fa grain doses—In advance of surgical operation, and administration of Chloroform. Morphia and Atropia combined act better than either alone. Atropia in 194 SECTION IO7.---OPIUM. small doses, fa grain, increases the hypnotic power of Morphia. Atropia fa grain is equal in toxic power to 1 grain of Morphia. The only exception in favor of the use of the Morphia uncombined with Atropia, is in the treatment of Acute Brain affections with high temperature and injected eyes. The proportion for the mixture of the two should be : Morphia }( grain, with Atropia T^ grain, in solution for adult dose; this may be increased to double the quantity of each if necessary, in extreme cases. This combination is especially adapted to the treatment of Insomnia—Convulsions—Epilepsy— Petit Mai—Hysteria—Hiccough—Spasmodic jerking and twitching of muscles —Ileus—Spasmodic stricture—Dysuria—Enuresis—Neuralgic Headache— Neuralgia in general—Toothache—Sciatica—Angina pectoris—Emphysema— Asthma—Laryngismus stridulus—Hysterical Aphonia—Diseases of the diges- tive, urinary and genital organs—Spermatorrhoea—Pelvic and uterine pains— Acute rheumatism—Rheumatic gout—Myalgia—Hernia to facilitate reduction —Cholera collapse, full dose—In advance of surgical operation to prevent shock and spasm. flg^* (A) Apomorphia, hypodermatic dose, adult, fa grain in solution, is the most suitable of all emetics for narcotic poisoning, when not from opium, repeat the dose if necessary until vomiting is produced. In capillary Bron- chitis to free the tubes—in Croup to dispel the false membrane by vomiting— Foreign body in the CEsophagus to produce emesis—Intestinal obstruction— Asthma—Night sweat. (B) Pain.—Apply Opium liniment, or Laudanum mixed with hot lard; or Laudanum sprinkled on hot flaxseed poultice; or Gum opium steeped in hot water, and the water thickened with cracker dust; this latter especially for painful sprain or violent orchitis. Eye affections.—Opium 1 grain, in Rose water 1 ounce mixed; a few drops of the solution in the eye several times a day, removes inflammation. A good eye lotion may be made of distilled water 1 ounce; pure glycerine 1 drachm; and crude opium I grain; mixed. Perhaps the best local stimulus ever employed for clearly pronounced chronic in- flammation of the eye, is the wine of opium, a single drop introduced once or twice a day, until there is produced a permanent reaction. Mucous Polypus.—Apply McMunn's Elixir of Opium full strength, every day; soon gone. 195 SECTION IO7.--OPIUM. Sleeplessness from pain or cough.—"Take Codeia, adult, 1 grain, on retiring to bed at night; wake up next morning bright and lively." Drunken Stupor.—Laudanum, adult one teaspoonful. Inveterate Vomiting with cough.—When nothing can be taken into the stomach, inject into the bowel y2 teacup- ful of water mixed with wheat flour to consistency of cream, and containing (stirred into it) 5 to 10 drops of Laudanum. Dysmenorrhcea—Painful Menses.—" Codeia, y grain night and morning, is all that is needed." One or two par- vules of morphia every hour will relieve pain without pro- ducing nausea. Puerperal Fever.—" You cannot have too much faith in opium, taken early in puerperal fever to check the occur- rence of inflammation of the pelvic organs. Attacks mostly come with severe pain in the abdomen, and temperature up to 1030 or 1040 F.; now you may check all this at the beginning with a suppository of opium, or still better with a hypodermatic dose of the same." Post-Partum Hemorrhage.—Laudanum 1 drachm. Colic (all kinds).—" Acetate of Morphia 1 grain, in water I ounce, adult 1 teaspoonful every y hour until pain ceases, or sleep supervenes." One or two parvules of morphia every hour arrests pain and induces sleep without producing nausea. Teaspoonful doses of Paregoric, for an adult, in y teacup of hot water every y hour, controls bilious colic. Bowel Obstruction.—Opium, adult y grain taken every 4 hours, for two or three days or longer; arrests the most dangerous symptoms, such as stercoraceous vomiting, and finally brings about free operation of the bowels and cure. " Place patient on right side, hips propped up at an angle of 45 degrees, and (if an adult) inject into the bowel y gallon of warm water containing 1 ounce of strong decoc- tion of tobacco; keep patient in this position 20 minutes 196 SECTION IO7.--OPIUM. with external pressure on the anus, then place the person in bed; in about 10 minutes sleep will ensue, and in about 4 hours the patient will waken, and have a passage—well! " Dry Tickling Cough.—No peace day or night—Deodor- ized tincture of opium, adult drop doses on sugar, after each paroxysm of coughing, sure to relieve. This is the cough charmer. Chronic Asthma.—A case of 30 years' standing, reported cured in 3 weeks with Apomorphia, adult 2V grain, taken 3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose to y grain. Sea Sickness.—Put Apomorphia 1 grain in y pint of pure water, and of this solution adult take y teaspoonful at first sign of sickness; repeat the dose every x/2 hour, or as often as the case may demand; one or two doses sometimes effects the cure. Opium Poisoning.—Child swallowed an ounce of Lau- danum, and in one hour after (being in an utterly uncon- scious state) the tincture of Nux vomica was given, I drop every 5 minutes; and in 2 hours complete restoration was effected. 197 SECTION 108. PASSION FLOWER. Minute Dose.—Passiflora incarnata, Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 30 to 60 drops, every y to y hour. Child, see Section 56, B. Sleeplessness — Neuralgia—Convulsions—Spasms— Tetanus.—"Passiflora incarnata, adult, 30 drops of the tincture every hour, produces quiet, pleasant sleep, altogether different from the stupor of morphia. Even in the worst forms of sleeplessness as that associated with suicidal mania, the drug produces quiet slumber, from which the patient awakes with clear mind. In ordinary doses given every y to y hour it completely controls convulsions, spasms, lock- jaw. It never fails to cure lockjaw in a horse. " In the treatment of Erysipelas there is no remedy acts better than Passiflora, given in ordinary doses, as often as occasion seems to require." 198 SECTION 109. PEPSIN. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 2 to 20 grains—Elixir 1 to 2 drachms. Usually taken immediately after meals. Child, see Section 56, A. Vomiting (from any cause, even pregnancy).—The grand specific is Ingluvin, adult, 5 to 10 grains, repeated in an hour if necessary. To prevent recurrence of vomiting take a dose night and morning, or before meals. A baby that vomited almost constantly was cured, by y grain of Pepsin placed upon its tongue. If the baby's bowels are constipated or stools curdy, give it 5 drops of rennet wine or 1 grain of pfipsin in a teaspoonful of water, before giving the breast or bottle. Lactopepsin, adult, 10 to 20 grains, or Rennet wine, adult, a wineglassful taken immediately after meals. (Child, see Section 56, A-B); is the approved mode of treatment for Dyspepsia—Liver complaint—Heartburn—Waterbrash —Cholera Infantum—Summer complaint—Marasmus. Peptic salt, a mixture of pepsin with common salt (one grain of which is said to dissolve 200 grains of hard boiled albumen, or 2 ounces of lean cooked beef) may be taken in- the place of common salt at the table, to aid digestion in case of Dyspepsia. Pharyngeal Catarrh.—(Especially dry catarrh.)—" Take Jensen's pepsin, adult, 5 grains mixed with y grain of aromatic powder, after each meal; after 3 days take 10 grains mixed with 1 grain of aromatic powder—Cure in 2 weeks." Indolent Ulcers.—Sprinkle upon them, copiously, every day Lactopeptin; this will soon heal them. 199 SECTION 110- PHOSPHORUS. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Clear, ivory-white com- plexion—soreness in the lungs—tightness across the chest —inability to lie on the left side—bleeding difficult to check —night hunger—ailments better after sleep—desire for very cold food and drink, which for a time relieves—aversion to sweets. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Phosphoric acid.—-Wa- tery stools light colored—night drains exhausting—growth beyond the strength—night hunger. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B-C. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 1 to 2 drops of the tincture of phosphorus—Elixir 1 to 2 drachms—Phosphoric acid dilute 10 to 60 minims. Child, see Section 56, B. "A preparation of Phosphorus convenient for use, may be made by putting a piece of phosphorus in alcohol, which soon becomes saturated, and of the solution, put according to the age of the patient, from 1 to 6 drops into y2 glass of water, and of this give teaspoonful doses, every one, two or three hours as the case may seem to require; or drop a little of the solution on sugar, and make it up into powders, to be taken dry, or dissolved in a little water to suit the con- venience and taste of the patient." (A) I regard the tincture of phosphorus as the most valu- able remedy that we possess for the treatment of Melancholy —Failing brain power—Chronic Hydrocephalus—Hydroce- phaloid (keeping the child in recumbent position, with body and limbs warm)—Vertigo—Petit Mai—Hysteria—Eroto- mania—Twitching of facial muscles—Spinal irritation— Tremor — Locomotor Ataxia — Amaurosis—Glaucoma— 200 SECTION IIO.--PHOSPHORUS. Photophobia—Sleeplessness—Restlessness—Somnambulism —Clairvoyance—Nose-bleed habit (Arnica)—Hoarseness— Loss of voice, especially of public speakers—Croup, almost unfailing—Cough, even consumptive, with soreness of the lungs and tightness across the chest—Pneumonia, all stages —CEdema of the lungs—Diarrhoea, chronic, bloody, or constant oozing from the bowels—Proctitis—Purpura Hem- orrhagica—Measles—Shingles—Smallpox—Neuralgia, 40 cures in succession reported—Intercostal neuralgia—Men- strual irregularities, sudden suppression by cold or fright; excessive flow watery; painful flow, sick headache at these times—Fatty degeneration—Chronic Rheumatism and Gout —Periostitis — Bone Caries—Nerve exhaustion, sinking death-door condition in fever. Phosphorus, adult, fa to fa grain doses produces a general sense of stimulation more complete than that caused by coffee, and more active than that produced by opium. (B) Phosphoric acid dilute, adult 10 drops in a wine- glass of water, is an excellent remedy for Nerve debility —Physical fatigue—Sinking conditions in fever—Melan- cholia—Polyuria—Glycosuria—Alopecia—Homesickness. (C) Phosphorus taken in minute doses during pregnancy will prevent malformation of the offspring, such as clubfoot, twisted hand, spine curve. (D) If a lady during pregnancy is unable to drink water, (even the sight of it causing nausea) phosphorus taken in minute doses will remove the trouble. If the milk fails to come after confinement, the same also will restore the secre- tion in abundance and of good quality. Baldness—Alopecia.—Phosphorus tincture 1 drachm and Castor oil 1 ounce, mix and apply to the scalp, once a day. Cleanse the scalp each time with warm water with- out soap, before applying the solution. Purification of the air in rooms.—Dip a bundle of phos- phorus matches into warm water, and suspend it in the 201 SECTION IIO--PHOSPHORUS. room; this produces ozone, and nitrite of ammonia, which purify the air directly. (E) " Saccharated wheat phosphoids, dose for child y, to I teaspoonful, 3 times a day in a little milk; or if the stomach is very weak, in coffee; is an excellent thing to give during teething to conduct the process safely through. It is said to cure scabby incrustation of face and head— wasting disease of the nerves—rickets—marasmus—chronic diarrhoea—scrofula—and to put the system in the most favorable condition to receive in a mild form, scarlet fever, measles, smallpox, whooping cough." 202 SECTION 111. PINE. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, i to 2 drachms of the Fluid extract of Pinus canadens. Child, see Section 56, B. Diphtheria.—" Pinus canadensis, concentrated extract, used locally, and taken inwardly has no superior, as a rem- edy for diphtheria." Over 50 cures in succession reported. For Malignant Diphtheria give Mercurius cyanide, child, 5 to 7 years old, yj-g- grain doses, and you will be delighted with the result. Tapeworm.—"After having fasted from dinner and supper the day previous, take at about 7 a.m. one teaspoonful of the oil of pine needles, in half a glass of milk; if no worm comes away by the following morning, double the dose. It is very agreeable to take. One hour after taking the second dose, take a full dose of castor oil, and in two hours the worm will come entire. This remedy succeeded when, for 4 years, all other means failed." Leucorrhoea.—Dissolve a tablespoonful or two of Pinus Canadensis in a pint of warm water, and inject this amount twice a day into the vagina, the more obstinate the case, the stronger make the solution. The white extract does not stain. This is said to be an unfailing remedy. 203 SECTION 112. PLANTAIN. GENERAL INDICATIONS forPlantago major.—Foul breath—pale urine—stomach pain, relieved by eating. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y to 1 drachm of the Fluid extract. Child, see Section 56, B. Wetting the bed (Enuresis).—Specific. Plantago major, ordinary dose, 3 times a day, until the cure is effected. The same cures Toothache with earache involved, and is a grand remedy for Chronic Diarrhoea. Teething.—Rub the gums with the tincture of Plantago major diluted, and give minute doses several times a day; this is very soothing. The true specific for all the troubles of teething is Creasote, in minute doses, Section 56, B. For inflamed, protruding Piles, there is nothing that gives more speedy relief than the application of the broad leaf plantain, reduced to a pulp, and kept bound to the parts by compress, and renewed as occasion requires. Raw onion pulp, in like manner applied is also excellent. 204 SECTION 113. PEONY. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Paonia.—Reeling ver- tigo when moving—constant hawking—soreness, pain, and distress in the anus. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 1 to 2 drachms of the tincture every hour or two. Decoction 1 ounce or more three or four times a day. Child, see Section 56, B. " Paeonia officinalis, in ordinary doses, is the true remedy for Anal and Rectal Diseases (crack, fissure, fistula, ulcer, piles)—Malignant sores, ulcers, wounds—Ulcers from any cause, even of old people—Open Abscesses—Bites of ser- pents. Whilst the drug is being taken internally, an exter- nal application of the dilute tincture, or tea, facilitates the cure; chronic ulcers have thus been cured in 12 days. The Peony is said to cure Epilepsy." Iodoform and Lard, 1 part to 3, smeared upon a cylinder of lint, and introduced into the bowel twice a day, and after stools, cures fissure, crack and ulcer in ano. A case of anal fissure, existing over a year, was cured with Ratanhia tinc- ture, adult, 1 drop, taken night and morning; together with a local application of a solution of 6 drops of the tincture in 2 drachms of Glycerine. 205 SECTION 114. POKE. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Phytolacca.—Tongue red at the tip—throat dry and sore—scabby skin—night pains in the bones—recurrence of headache once a week— desire for food directly after eating. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 5 to 10 drops of the Fluid Ex- tract (Emetic 30 drops)—Tincture y to 1 drachm—Phyto- laccin y to 1 grain. Child, see Section 56, B. (A) Phytolacca, in ordinary doses, repeated as often as the nature of the case may seem to require (see Section 56), is a very superior remedy for Diphtheria, with dark fetid patches, high fever, aching back and limbs; many cures reported—Scarlet Fever malignant, the throat dark red— Quinsy, bad type—Aphthous Sore Throat, with inflammation extending into the mouth and to the tongue—Chronic Sore Throat—Syphilitic Throat Affections—Rupia—Leucorrhoea —Prolapsus uteri—Mercurial Cachexia. Inflammation of the Breats—"Caked Breasts," im- possible to draw the milk—Sore Nipples.—The true specific is Phytolacca tincture, 3 drops taken every 3 hours in a wineglass of water, together with local application of the tincture diluted, one-half with warm water, frequently renewed. " For Gathered Breasts, give 20 drops of the fluid ex- tract of Phytolacca every 3 hours in water; improvement will be manifest in 12 hours; in 36 hours the cure will be effected! The same will just as surely start the Lochia if suppressed ; and if there should be violent pains in the breast whenever the milk flows in, it will directly obviate that trou- ble also." 206 SECTION II4.--POKE. (B) Chronic Ulcer.—Reported cure by continued applica- tion of the tincture of Phytolacca; boils came out around the ulcer in the course of the treatment, but disappeared as the ulcer healed. The same local treatment, combined with internal administration of the Phytolacca, is said to consti- tute our best mode of tre'atment for Cancer. A malignant tumor on the face is reported to have been dispelled by applying to it, twice a day on a cloth, the juice of poke leaves, dried to the consistency of paste, on a pewter dish in the sun; in three days the tumor turned black, in twelve days it dropped off, and the ulcer soon after healed; the cure was complete. 207 SECTION 115. POTASH. GENERAL INDICATIONS for the Carbonate.—-Bloat under the brow—mucous surface dry—deep stitching pains —pains in the bowels for hours before costive stools—food clogs in the throat (Alumina)—ailments relieved by warmth —aggravation of sufferings from 2 to 3 A.M., especially cough. GENERAL INDICATIONS for the Bichromate.— Mucous discharges tough and ropy—plugs in the nose, " clinkers "—tongue red and cracked—ailments relieved by warmth—worse after eating. GENERAL INDICATIONS for the Bromide.—-Night terror (Aconite)—trembling—sensation of coldness, and sinking down in the bowels—heart distress—sudden numb- ness. GENERAL INDICATIONS for the Iodide.—Raw sore feeling in the chest—mucous discharges, foul and green— mercurial taint—ailments better by warmth and motion. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-C. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y to y grain of the Bichro- mate—Bromide 5 to 20 grains—Chlorate 10 to 30 grains— Iodide 5 to 10 grains—Permanganate y to 1 grain—Phos- phate 10 to 30 grains. Child, see Section 56, A. (A) Bromide of Potash finds its true indication in Heart distress with palpitation and fainting—Night terrors—Night- mare—Dysphagia—Spasmodic tenesmus of bladder and rectum—Sudden numbness—Troubles of teething, threat- ening of spasms—Baby's colic—Wetting the bed. (B) Iodide of Potash is regarded as the specific antidote to the poisonous effects of mercury in the system. The 208 SECTION 115.--POTASH. same is a grand remedy for Periostitis—Nightly bone pains —White Swelling—Chronic Hydrocephalus—Chronic In- flammation and Ulceration of the throat—Syphilitic throat affections—Pimples. It is claimed for Sodium iodide that it can be used for the chief purposes for which the Potassium iodide is used, with similar beneficial results, without the local and general un- desirable effects which are incident to the latter. (C) " Permanganate of Potash (compressed tablets of pure crystal) 2 grains 3 times a day, is perhaps the surest, safest and best remedy yet found to restore the courses after being suppressed by debilitating causes. The drug should be ad- ministered freely for 3 or 4 days, before the time expected. It is not only curative in Amenorrhoea and Dysmenorrhcea, but is also excellent for Gastric Catarrh and Flatulent Dyspepsia. The dose should in every instance be followed immediately by half glass of water, cool, but not cold." Headache over the brow.—Potassium iodide 2 grains in K g*ass °f water, adult, sip it slowly until all taken, cure in 10 minutes. Chronic Hydrocephalus.—Potassium iodide 3 grains, 3 times a day, effected a cure. Sleeplessness.—Burn Nitre Paper in the room, on going to bed. If caused by cough or Asthma do the same. To make Nitre Paper, dissolve 4 ounces of Saltpetre in y2 pint of boiling water, pour the liquid into a small shallow waiter, wide enough to take the paper, then draw it through the liquid, and dry it by the fire, cut it in pieces about four inches square ready to burn. Tissue paper said to be the best. Chronic Faceache.—Sweet Spirits of Nitre, adult 5 drops, 3 times a day, taken; and the face bathed with the same during severe attacks, has effected surprising cures. Freckles.—Apply powdered Nitre moistened with water, to the face night and morning. 14 209 SECTION II5.--POTASH. Hay Fever (hay asthma, rose cold).—Cases long stand- ing cured with Hydriodate of Potash, adult 2 to 5 grains, 3 times a day, in water or syrup. Foul Breath—Diseased Gums.—Permanganate of Pot- ash 1 grain, in 1 ounce of water, mix, and rinse the mouth frequently with the solution. Sore Mouth—(babe or mother).—Chlorate of Potash 1 drachm, in Rose Water 4 ounces, mix, wash the mouth well with the solution several times a day—unfailing. (C) Ulcerated Sore Throat.—Chlorate of Potash 5 grains, in water 1 ounce, mix, gargle every hour or two. The same for Gangrene of mouth and Throat—Putrid Sore throat—Fetid Diphtheria. The Chlorate should also be taken internally. Put 10 grains in y glass of water; adult take frequent teaspoonful doses. Child, see Section 56, A or B. Diphtheria.—Bichromate of Potash and Biniodide of Mercury, given in alternation ; at first a dose every y hour, and as improvement advanced, every hour or two; cured 241 cases of diphtheria in succession. The mode of ad- ministering the medicines was this : Two perfectly clean 2 ounce bottles, with well-fitting corks, were procured; and into one was put 5 grains of a one per cent, trituration of Bichromate of Potash (Section 56, A); and into the other, 5 grains of a one per cent, trituration of the Biniodide of Mercury (Section 56, A). Then each bottle was filled up with water, and well shaken; and to a child from 5 to 7 years of age was given a teaspoonful at a dose, alternating the two kinds as above stated. No external applications used; and no gargle except in some cases, alcohol and water mixed, in the proportion of about 1 part to 4. If the disease seemed held in check for several days, even without positive evidence of improvement, it always finally yielded to the treatment. If croup supervened, the Mercury was left off, and the whole dependence placed upon the Bichromate of Potash alone, which was given in enlarged doses every 15 or 20 minutes, 210 SECTION 115.--POTASH. aided by inhalations of steam received into the mouth through a paper funnel, from a vessel containing the pure crystals of the Bichromate of Potash, steeping in hot water. Five cases were cured in this way. (D) These same two medicines (dose Section 56, A), taken in alternation, two doses a day of each, will cure Opacity of the Cornea—Purulent Ophthalmia—Conjunctivitis —Keratitis—Chronic Nasal Catarrh " For 20 years I have used the following compound for Catarrh without a failure. Sol. Nitre 1 ounce ; Sodae Boras 1 ounce; Amm. Muriate 1 ounce; Chlor. Sodium 1 ounce; mix, and pulv. fine. Then add Oil of Gaultheria I ounce to 1 pint of Al- cohol, and put this into 2 quarts of pure water, and add the mixture; let it stand 48 hours ; in the meantime shaking it well every 2 hours; then filter until you get 2 quarts or more of clear liquid. It is now ready for use. The way to use it is this: take some of the liquid in the palm of your hand, and snuff it up the nose, until it goes into the throat; spit it out, but do not blow the nose for 20 minutes after; do this from 4 to 6 times a day, and it will cure any case of Nasal Catarrh." Asthma.—The one grand unfailing remedy, is said to be Hydriodide of Potash, adult 3 to 5 grains, 3 times a day, in water or syrup. In very old chronic cases, improvement may not commence for a month or more, but it will surely come in time. The medicine will give an excellent appe- tite. " It has never failed me in a single case during 25 years' practice." The same in larger doses controls Heaves in horses. Smart weed tea, a pint every day mixed in the feed, is also said to cure Heaves. Bronchial Catarrh.—(Child constantly strives to pick something out of the mouth.)—Chlorate of Potash 2 drachms in x/2 glass of water, a teaspoonful every hour. The same for croupy cough after measles. For clearing off the dregsof measles, there is no remedy equal to it. 211 SECTION II5.--POTASH. (E) " The best general cough mixture I ever used is composed of Citrate of Potash 1 ounce; Lemon juice 2 ounces; Syrup of Ipecac y ounce; and simple syrup to make 6 ounces, adult 1 teaspoonful, 4 to 6 times a day." Consumption.—" Put a teaspoonful of Chlorate of Pot- ash in a glass of water, drink it all during the day, a little at a time; if too strong weaken it to suit; persevere and you will gain weight, and if curable, get well." (E2) Enlarged Glands—Also White Swelling.—Make a mixture of Potassium Iodide 100 grains; Iodine 5 grains; water 1 drachm; and Lard 1 ounce; (dissolve the Iodine and Potash in the water, and then add the Lard) apply this night and morning, rubbing it in thoroughly, but gently. "A saturated solution of Chloride of Calcium, used as a lotion, will disperse even scrofulous enlargement of glands; especially if aided by the same taken internally, 3 doses a day, adult 12 to 15 grains in syrup, children 1 to 3 grain doses. The same for scrofidous caries and suppuration!' Cancer on the Tongue (open ulcer).—Case reported cured in one month, with Hydrocyanide of Potassium, one per cent, trituration with sugar of milk, adult 1 grain every other night. A case of Cancer of the tongue reported cured in three weeks with a decoction of the bark of the root of the black haw, continually applied. I suppose that for cancerous and malignant sores the leading remedy is Chlorate of Potash, 10 grains in y, glass of water, adult take one dessertspoonful 4 times a day. Child, see Sec- tion 56, B. Skin Poisoning.—Bathe with solution of Spirits of Nitre in water 1 part to 3; or spirits of Camphor; or Fresh lime water thick as cream. (E3) Itch.—(Before applying anything for itch, wash the parts well with Castile soap and wipe dry.)—The Lye of wood ashes diluted with rain water, to suit the sensation, (smarting somewhat, but not producing pain) apply 3 times 212 SECTION II5.—POTASH. a day; cure in three days. Daily rubbing with coal oil soon cures the itch. Soft soap freely applied, cures Itch and Psoriasis, also cleanses a Greasy skin. Smallpox.—A strong solution of the Cyanide of Potash sprinkled about the floors of the house and on stairways, wards off smallpox; no cases will occur in that house." Thuja occidentalis, in minute doses (Section 56, B), taken 3 times a day, is the grand prophylactic of smallpox. Issue without the Knife (opening of a carbuncle, ab- scess, or any gathering).—Apply by compress, a lump of caustic potash, of the size of a small pea. (F) Bright's Disease.—A case reported in which every trace of the disease was removed in two weeks' time, by the use of Chlorate of Potash, one per cent, solution in alcohol, adult 5 drops, 3 times a day. The same is claimed as a specific for Albuminuria. Surgical Dressing (application after suppuration has ensued).—By the application of Caustic Potash in very weak solution, the formation of pus is greatly diminished, healthy granulations are produced, and inflammation and swelling prevented. Ingrowing Toe Nail.—Happy plan of treatment. Ap- ply a solution of Caustic Potash (3 drachms to 1 ounce of water) twice a day; the granulations will soon recede, then raise the nail and insert a wedge of cork, and thus end the trouble. Offensive Foot Sweat.—Bathe the feet with a solution of Chlorate of Potash (5 grains to 1 ounce water) 2 or 3 times a day—quick work and well done. Disinfectant.—Dissolve y ounce of Chlorate of Potash in 1 gallon of water, and saturate towels or cloths in this solution, and hang them about the room; dash some of the solution down the sewers and sinks, and directly all un- pleasant odors will have vanished. (G) A solution about the strength here indicated is suit- 213 SECTION 116.—POULTICE. able for injection into the vagina in case of Offensive Leucor- rhoea or Lochia and for irrigation of Fetid ulcers and cancers; in these cases it not only cleanses and sweetens, but is highly curative. The same should be used as an application in case of Offensive Perspiration in the armpits and upon the genitals. SECTION 116. POULTICE. Congestion and Inflammation of internal organs.— The constant application of hot poultices, in all cases, abates the pain and promotes the cure. Failing Labor Pains.—In a case where Ergot in full doses failed to bring them on, hot mush poultices were ap- plied; hot as could be borne, over the fundus of the womb; as soon as they became a little cool they were replaced by others; before the third poultice was applied, pains began to come regularly and with full effective power. The same succeeded in every case subsequently tried. 214 SECTION 117. PULSATILLA. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Tearful moods—con- stant feeling of chilliness—bad taste in the mouth in the morning (Nux vomi)—subject to styes—symptoms ever changing—pains shifting—no two stools alike—ailments worse in the evening, and when warm in bed—better out- doors, cool—aversion to fat food and rich pastry. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 1 drachm of the tincture. Child, see Section 56, B. (A) Pulsatilla, even in minute doses, stands among the foremost remedies for Sty-diathesis; always having a sty (Uranium nitrate, dose Section 56, A).—Inflammation of the edges of the eyelids—Spasms of the eyelids—Excessive flow of tears—Convulsions with floods of tears—Inflamma- tion of the internal ear—Earache, the leading remedy— Loss of taste or smell—Rheumatic Gout, with erratic pains —Inflammation of the Veins—Broken'or Knotted Veins— Mucous Diarrhoea, apt to be worse at night, and attended with piles. (B) Menstrual Derangements (scanty, delayed, or sup- pressed from fright or a chill, very painful, black and clotted).—" Pulsatilla, in officinal doses, taken every 3 hours, rarely fails to set things right. The same for Leucorrhoea; continuing the treatment for several weeks if necessary; at the same time a teaspoonful of the tincture of Pulsatilla should be put into a pint of tepid water, and injected into the vagina, every day." A case of Leucorrhoea that had withstood all other treatment for months, is reported to have been cured by taking of wild cherry tree bark tea, 1 teacupful 3 times a day. 215 SECTION 118.--PUMPKIN SEED. Whooping Cough Preventive.—Pulsatilla, taken in minute doses (Section 56, B), a dose every evening during the season of exposure, has proven a prophylactic against the contagion of whooping cough. SECTION 118. PUMPKIN SEED. Officinal Dose.—Adult 1 to 2 ounces of the Fluid Ex- tract of Pepo. Child, see Section 56, B. Tape Worm.—Take light diet for two days, and no drink but lemonade. Then to a pint of hulled pumpkin seed well bruised, add a pint of hot water, rub the mass thoroughly together for a few minutes, strain it through a colander, and in the morning fasting take one-half of it; the rest in one hour after; and in three hours a full dose of castor oil— success sure. An obstinate case reported, in which the patient, an adult, ate 2 quarts of the bruised seed hulled, during 24 hours, and ate nothing else; then took a full dose of castor oil; the worm came away entire. Vomiting of Pregnancy.—"Pepo tincture, 10 to 15 drops taken immediately before meals, is a good remedy; but the best drug to use for this affection is the Oxalate of Cerium, in doses of 4 or 5 grains, once a day." Inflammation (internal or external).—Poultice made of stewed pumpkin, applied hot, is excellent. So is smart-weed poultice. 216 SECTION 119. PRICKLY ASH. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^Xanthoxylum.—Fnght- ened feeling—fluttering at the stomach (Cactus)—constant desire to take a long breath. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult 10 to 30 drops of the Fluid extract—Xanthoxylin 2 to 6 grains. Child, see Section 56, B. (A) Xanthoxylin in ordinary doses is a pure ionic, and the most reliable remedy that we have for Amenorrhoea— Dysmenorrhcea; and After-pains. Xanthoxylum tincture, taken 3 to 5 drops at a time, on sugar or in a little water, every 3 hours, is the most certain means of bringing on the courses, when suppressed, that I have ever used. (B) Helonias dioica, adult 1 to 3 drops, taken 3 or 4 times a day, is an excellent tonic, that enriches the blood, and thus cures Anaemia, also improves digestion, restores appetite and stays upon the stomach when other tonics are rejected. By its specific tonic effect upon the womb, it restores the Pro- lapsed uterus to its place, and holds it in position; it is also equally curative of Amenorrhoea and Menorrhagia. (C) "Sabina tincture, 10 drop doses in water, is a safe and certain remedy for Amenorrhoea, and in 5 drop doses, equally good for Menorrhagia; the same is excellent for Chronic Gout and Rheumatic stiffness of the joints." (D) Apocynum androsem, adult 10 drop doses of the Fluid Extract is considered a specific for Wandering Rheu- matic pains, with exceeding sensitiveness of the parts to touch. 217 SECTION 120. QUINIA. GENERAL INDICATIONS/??- Cinchona. Ringing in the ears—distention of the abdomen from gas—exhaustion from drains upon the system—aggravation of sufferings by the slightest touch upon the skin (Spigelia)—ailments worse after eating or drinking—aversion to warm food and fat— alternate feelings of weakness and strength—every employ- ment seems a hardship, dread of work. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-B-C-D. Officinal Dose.—Adult 1 to 20 grains or more of Quinia—Tincture 1 to 6 drachms—Tincture of Cinchona 1 to 4 drachms. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Formula.—Quiniae hydrobromat. 48 grains; Aquae destillat. 4 drachms (dis- solve by heat if necessary). Adult 20 to 50 minims, or 5 to 10 grains in solu- tion. A given quantity of Quinia injected beneath the integument is said to be equal to five times that amount taken into the stomach. The hypodermatic use of Quinia is mostly preferred in the treatment of Ma- larial Fever; in 150 cases treated in this way only one relapsed; one dose of 5 to 10 grains will often suffice to cure an ordinary Intermittent Fever ; larger doses are required for Fevers of the Remittent type, and especially for Perni- cious Malarial Fever; or Chronic Malarial poisoning; in this type, however, the hypodermatic mode of treatment stands out most conspicuous. Recent Malarial Fevers may be aborted, by one full dose at the beginning of the cold stage, but it is better to anticipate the attack by an hour or two. Quinia, hypodermatically administered, is almost universally successful in the treatment of Sunstroke—Heat Apoplexy—Ovarian Neuralgia, with menor- rhagia—Surgical Shock. "Typhoid Fever should be treated with Quinia combined with minute doses of Morphia. Three injections a day, continued for several days, produces results wonderfully favorable; the sordes disappears from the mouth and teeth, the headache, meteorism, and gurgling in right iliac fossa gradually diminish; the spleen becomes reduced in size, and the countenance becomes more com- posed ; in a word, the disease is abbreviated; convalescence generally occur- 2l8 SECTION 120.—QUINIA. ring at the end of the second week. Nothing can be more satisfactory than this mode of treatment." (A) Cinchona, taken in small officinal doses, or even in minute doses, is undoubtedly the remedy par excellence for Ague—Malaria—Malarial Jaundice—Periodical Neuralgia —Nocturnal Enuresis, from onanism—Night Sweat—Re- mittent Fever—Debility from exhausting drains—Pneu- monia, when the fever having abated, returns and is persist- ent (If the kidney should now become involved, Digitalis is required.) Chronic Urticaria—Laryngismus Stridulus— Lientery (oleander, Section 56, B). Inebriety (habit of being drunk).—If there does indeed exist a specific for the cure of the alcohol habit it is surely now discovered. A solution prepared from the small twigs of the Cinchona rubra shows effects almost miraculous. It is such a powerful tonic and nerve stimulant that it at once begins to take the place of the alcohol, and in a few days the patient feels a strong aversion to alcohol in every form. The time required to effect a cure is from 10 to 20 days. The solution should be taken by the teaspoonful every 3 hours for several days, that is, until the constitutional effects are apparent, then gradually diminish the dose. Hiccough.—An attack that withstood all other treatment for 19 days, was cured in 3 hours, with one dose of Quinia, 10 grains. Whooping Cough.—" Quinia squelches whooping cough as water extinguishes fire; a child from 5 to 7 years of age should take about 2 grains, every 6 hours." Hay Fever—Rose Cold.—Here is the way to cure this troublesome affection, no matter of how long standing:— Prepare a solution of Sulphate of Quinia 1 part to 750 parts water, lie down upon the back, and having dipped a small camel-hair brush into the solution, apply it to the inside of the nostrils, moving the head about gently, so as to make sure that the solution reaches all parts of the nostril, and is 219 SECTION 120.--QUINIA. felt in the throat; relief is experienced immediately. Three applications a day, when there is threatening of return of the trouble, will be sufficient to prevent it. Diarrhoea with or without pain—Lientery.—"Nine- tenths of all ordinary cases of diarrhoea, may be cured with Compound tincture of Cinchona 2 parts, and Tincture of Opium 1 part, mixed. Adult, take 5 drops every hour or two." Labor speedy and safe—no flooding after it.—Let the lady take 9 grains of Quinia, as soon as labor fairly sets in (gelatin coated pills act speedily); this renders labor strong and vigorous, often obviates the use of instruments, and prevents after-flooding. Formation of Gall-stones prevented.—Take one par- vule of Quinia, 3 times a day for a month, then twice a day for a month, and lastly once a day for a month; this is a verified preventive. Ague.—(Cured at cost of a dime.)—Get a stick of Chi- noidine, and cut off a piece of the size of a pea, rub down the sharp edges between your thumb and finger, and put it on the tongue, and take a swallow of water; it will have no taste unless you chew it; adult, take one of these pills every 3 hours until the chills are arrested; then take one 3 times a day for 6 days, and wait 4 days; then take one twice a day for 6 days, and wait 5 days; lastly take one every day for 6 days and no more. This is equally as good as quinine. An- other way, make a saturated ethereal solution of Chinoidine, and adult take 10 drops every 3 hours, until the fever is vanquished; then chase it with a dose every night for a fortnight Grade dose according to age, see Section 56, B. Hyper-Pyrexia.—As an antipyretic, Quinia in control- ling doses (except in cases of inflammation of the brain) is the acknowledged leader. The new wonder in this line is Thallin (sulphate or tartrate); the effect of the drug in reducing temperature is perfectly marvelous; when given 220 SECTION 120.--QUINIA. in 2y to 3 grain doses, at intervals of 15 minutes, the aver- age fall of temperature was over 4 degrees in 2 hours. One patient who received 15 grains during 2 hours was threat- ened with collapse, the temperature fell 10 degrees. " Per- haps y to iy grains per hour, until the desired result is obtained, is about the right dose for an adult." (B) Erysipelas.—" Desperate cases, when all else fails Wine of Cinchona, adult, one teaspoonful every hour. The same for Humid Gangrene, and for Puerperal and other Low fevers in the septic stage!' Diphtheritic membranes developed upon abrasions of the skin.—These may be dissolved away, by application of a strong solution of Quinia; also by solution of sulphate of copper applied. Itching in Ano—Any Local Itching.—Rub Quinia into Vaseline until as rich as it can be made, and with this anoint the parts; it gives instant relief. Flowers of Sulphur 1 drachm, with Petroleum Mass 1 ounce, mixed; or Alum water (1 drachm to the pint, solution); or Baking soda (2 drachms to the pint, solution) applied, will allay almost any local itching.. The bitter taste of Quinia may be very much masked, by taking the dose in milk ; or perhaps still better, by enclos- ing it in a chocolate lozenge. 221 SECTION 121. RESORCIN. Specks on the Cornea.—Treated 32 cases, cured them all with Resorcin applied as a powder. Cholera Infantum.—Cured 85 per cent, of all cases with Resorcin, 1 to 3 grain doses. Catarrh of the bladder.—Cured 150 cases in succession with a 5 per cent, solution of Resorcin. Two or three in- jections cured each case. Cancer.—Epithelioma involving the facial bones with extensive infiltration of the tissues, cured completely, leav- ing nothing remaining but a white scar, by applying an ointment containing 15 parts Resorcin to 20 parts Vaseline twice a day. 222 SECTION 122. RHUS. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Rhus toxicodendron.— Eruptions, like little blisters, burning—tongue red at the tip and edges—reddish liquid stools in dysentery—ailments from a wrench or strain—ailments from getting wet when over-heated—pains worse during rest or repose, and during first motion after rest; better by continued motion—-ailments worse before a storm, especially a thunder storm (Rhodo- dendron). Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 1 to 6 minims of the Fluid ex- tract of Rhus tox. Child, see Section 56, B. Rheumatism (especially if resulting from a chill, when over-heated, or from a cold by getting wet sequent to a wrench or strain).—Rhus toxico. is the specific, even when taken in minute doses. This remedy is most especially indicated, if the sufferings are worse during bodily rest or repose, or during first motion after rest and relieved by continued motion (the exact opposite to the indications for Bryonia in rheumatism). If the indication for Rhus tox. exist, there is not a remedy in the world equal to it for rheumatism or the result of a strain or sprain ; even if it has lasted for years, Rhus will cure it in a few days. fl@» " The outer part of my ankle joint was red hot and swollen; walking was exceed- ingly painful, and had been so for two months; when hap- pening in a doctor's office, I chanced to take into my hand a stick of Rhus venenata, and directly I felt through my hand, although I had on silk gloves, a tingling sensation, as if from a very weak electric current. I held the stick in my hand but a few moments, and directly after took my depart- ure, but scarcely had I commenced to walk, before I discov- 223 SECTION 122.--RHUS. ered that my ankle was entirely free from pain; the swelling also soon after subsided—I was cured." (A) Rhus tox., alternated with Bryonia, each given in minute doses, (Section 56, B,) every 2 or 3 hours, with good coffee as the main article of diet, constitutes about all the treatment needed in the majority of cases of Typhoid Fever. Eczema (Eruptions in general).—It is said that seventy- five per cent, of all cases of eczema may be cured with Rhus tox., in minute doses (Section 56, B)—a dose taken every 2 or 3 hours. (B) Rhus tox. is almost a specific also for Vesicular Ery- sipelas—Herpes zoster (shingles)—Skin poisoning—Prurigo —Erythema—Pemphigus—Phlyctenular Ophthalmia—Iritis —Paralysis of eye muscles. (C) Enuresis (Constant dribbling of urine).—" Rhus aro- mat, adult, 10 drops of the fluid extract, taken 4 times a day, has effected speedy cures. The same cures Catarrhal flux from the bladder!' Diabetes.—" Rhus aromat, adult, 30 drops of the Fluid extract, taken 3 times a day; treatment continued for months if necessary—rarely fails to cure." " Pulverized seeds of Sizygium 1 ounce, put into hot water 1 pint, and when sufficiently infused, add Glycerine 1 ounce; of this solution adult take 1 teaspoonful 4 times a day; in 10 days there will be no sugar in the urine." (D) Uranium nitrate, taken in minute doses (see Section 56, A) 4 times a day, is the true specific for diabetes; and next to it stands Phosphoric acid, taken in one per cent. alcoholic solution, adult, 5 drops 4 times a day. The Ura- nium nitrate is our anti-sty remedy; if persons who are subject to styes, will take a few weeks' course of Uranium, they will find themselves exempt from the annoyance there- after. If styes have been suppressed, and stomach troubles have set in, even idceration of the stomach and duodenum, with terrible pains, Uranium is the remedy. 224 * SECTION 123. ROCK ROSE. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Cistus canadensis.— Feeling of coldness in the chest or abdomen—glands of the neck swollen, hard—soreness at the bottom point of the spine (Silica)—the act of swallowing food and drink soothes the soreness in the throat (Ignatia)—acid food or fruit, cause pain in the stomach and diarrhoea. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 10 to 20 drops of the tincture every 3 hours—Decoction or tea, strong infusion, a wine- glassful 4 times a day. Child, dose, see Section 56, B. Cistus canadensis, usually given in the form of a decoc- tion or tea (Rock rose tea) has effected some truly wonder- ful cures of Scrofula—White swelling—Hard swollen glands —Ulceration of glands—Decay of bones—Hip joint disease —Purulent inflammation of the eyes. SECTION 124. SAGE. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y to 1 drachm of the Fluid Extract of Salvia. Child, see Section 56, B. Chronic Nasal Catarrh.—A case of years' standing re- ported cured by snuffing strong sage tea, from the palm of the hand, up into the nostrils until it dripped back into the throat, six times a day. Relaxed throat—Palate down.—Into 1 pint of strong sage tea, hot, put 1 drachm of powdered Alum, and y tea- cupful of Honey; use x/2 teacupful of this solution at a time as a gargle, 4 times a day. 15 225 SECTION 125. SALICYLIC ACID. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-C-D. Ordinary Dose.—Adult 5 to 15 grains—Salicin 2 to 8 grains. Child dose, see Section 56, A. (A) Wounds.—"The most simple and safe, and therefore the best dressing ever used for a wound or amputation is Salicylic acid. Wipe the wound dry, dust it thickly with the acid, and apply the bandage; re-dust every other day; there will be no pain; no fetor, no inflammation, no pus formation, no fever nor headache. Use the same for a cut or abraded surface!' Naphthalin is now coming to be con- sidered invaluable as a dressing for suppurating wounds and Ulcers; under its influence granulations rapidly appear and cicatrization speedily follows; its use causes neither pain nor irritation; it serves well to remove false membranes and fetid odors. It has also been used internally with success in Typhoid Fever. Yellow Fever Guard.—Salicylic acid, adult 5 to 10 grains, taken daily, prevents infection of Yellow Fever; this was thoroughly tested on board a boat, during two weeks; while lying at the wharf of an infected city. Rheumatism.—" I have the first case yet to see of Acute Rheumatism that would not yield to Salicin. Suspend 4 drachms of Salicin in 8 ounces of hot water, and adult, take 1 ounce of the solution every 3 hours, until all taken; then prepare fresh and take y2 ounce every 3 hours, for 48 hours; then y ounce 3 times a day until entirely well. Or to cure any case of rheumatism without fail: adult take one dessertspoonful of Elixir Salicylic acid Comp. every 4 hours, with a 2 grain Quinia pill each time; when improve- ment has fairly set in, take the same 3 times a day until section 125.—salicylic acid. entirely well. For Chronic Rheumatism take the same doses 3 times a day from the beginning of the treatment, and persevere until the cure is effected." In a case of Acute Rheumatism when the stomach re- jected the medicine, a compress saturated with a ten per cent, solution of Salicylate of Soda, was applied to the joint affected, and covered with oil-silk; next day the pain and swelling had vanished, and power of motion was restored to the joint. Gangrene of the Lungs.—A case reported cured with Salicylic acid in minute doses (Section 56, A). Capsicum is said to do good work in such cases. Tape Worm.—A case of nine years' standing, adult, reported to have been successfully treated by taking 8 grains of Salicylic acid hourly for 4 hours, followed by a table- spoonful of castor oil. In half hour after taking the oil the worm came away entire. In the morning fasting (having taken a light supper in the evening before), take Filix Mas, ethereal extract, adult 3 drachms, followed in 2 minutes with castor oil ^y drachms: (may take a cup of coffee after the dose to remove the taste from the mouth) this is a sure remedy. 227 SECTION 126. SALT. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Chloride of Sodium.— Greasy appearance of the skin—blisters around the mouth, especially with ague—wasted condition of the neck, espe- cially in summer complaint of children—ailments worse at 10 a.m., especially ague—aggravation of suffering from heat, and after eating—desire for salt—aversion to bread and coffee. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A. Officinal Dose.—Adult 10 to 20 grains—Emetic 1 ounce. Child, see Section 56, A. Gray Hair from fright.—A case reported of hair re- stored to its natural color, by bathing the scalp with hot salt water daily. The same encourages the growth of hair and prevents baldness. Sore Eyes.—Apply hot salt water, of strength to suit sensation, morning and evening; sopping and bathing the eyes therewith and then wiping them off dry; it has a won- derfully curative effect. Diphtheria.—Gargle with salt water, strong solution, several times a day, this greatly aids in effecting the cure; and is said to prevent the contagion of diphtheria. Heartburn—Water-brash.—Common salt, adult y2 tea- spoonful in a little cold water, taken as occasion may require; gives instant relief. (A) Dyspepsia.—Common table salt, adult y2 teaspoon- ful in a glass of cold water, taken every morning before breakfast, is said to cure dyspepsia in 10 days and restore Lost taste. The same taken twice a day has cured Bron- chitis. 228 SECTION 126.—SALT. Bowel Obstruction (vomiting of food eaten days before). —Inject forcibly, with a barrel syringe, hot salt water, 3 pints at a time, repeating the injection as often as necessary. Colic.—Insert into the anus a teaspoonful of salt; the same treatment with larger quantity of salt cures colic of cattle. (B) Seat Worms—Inject into the bowel at bedtime, 3 nights in succession, half a teacupful of salt water, luke- warm ; this kills the worms. When children have spells of choking caused by worms rising in the throat, give them a drink of salt water; or let them smell spirits of turpentine; or suspend around the neck a string saturated with turpen- tine. (C) Ague.—A case reported cured by putting fine salt in the shoes and keeping it there for several weeks. We may stave off an ague by taking a teaspoonful of salt just before the chill. Steep a dozen peach leaves in a pint of hot water, and when the tea is cold, adult take 1 tablespoonful 4 times a day; it will cleanse the system of Malaria even in chronic cases; may have to take the decoction for 3 weeks. It is said that half a dozen peach pit kernels, cracked and dropped into a cask of turbid water will clarify it in a couple of hours. Drowning (apparent death).—Strip and rub the patient all over with fine salt thoroughly, especially over the chest, temples and joints; or pack the person naked in salt, all but the face. This treatment restored a patient to conscious- ness after being under water for an hour. A dog after being two hours under water was restored to life by being packed in salt. A new and very superior method of resusci- tating the drowned, is to place the patient on the back, upon a board, or small ladder, across a suitable support, and See Saw the person; by now lifting the head and then the feet, high up: at a speed about that with which we draw a breath; persevere for an hour. 229 SECTION 126.—SALT. Bee Sting—Spider Bite.—Apply salt and soda mixed in equal parts ; it affords instant relief. Suppurating Wounds — (profuse discharge).—Apply strong salt water solution freely—this will prove a success. Ulcer.—Bathe with a weak solution of salt in hot water, 3 evenings in succession, 20 minutes at a time ; then wait 3 evenings, and bathe again, and so continue the course, until the cure is effected ; use an oil-cloth covering: no salve. Felon.—Roast some common salt on a hot stove until dry as you can make it, and then to a teaspoonful of this, add a teaspoonful of pulverized Castile soap, and a teaspoon- ful of Venice turpentine; mix them well together, and apply the mixture to the felon, renewing the application twice a day. In four or five days it will be open to the bottom; or if it had been previously opened, the applica- tion will arrest the gathering at once—the pain will abate in eight hours, and in three days it will be well. This is the best treatment for a felon ever yet devised. Corns.—Rub up some fine salt with beef tallow, pare away the hard part of the corn, and apply the mixture every night; in a week, no corn. Fistula (in neck or shoulder of a horse).—Mix salt and alcohol together, until the mixture is thick as mush, then tie the horse's head up, and pack the ulcer full, clear to the bottom, push it in with a swab, refilling it every day; it will heal from the bottom, and be thoroughly cured. Antiseptic—Disinfectant.—Salt is the cheapest and most effectual and harmless antiseptic that we have. In solution applied or injected, it will in every case abort sup- puration and induce healthy action. A little vinegar added to a dish of salt makes a perfect disinfectant. Half an ounce of sulphuric acid, poured upon half a teacupful of salt in a suitable vessel and placed in a closed room, the salt being resaturated with the acid every half hour, will completely disinfect the room in six hours. 230 SECTION 126.—SALT. Bottles filled with brine, make first-class home-made Fire Grenades. Salt is death to bed bugs; sprinkle their haunts with salt, and that is the end of them. Cod-Liver Oil may be rendered palatable by being salted. 231 SECTION 127. SANTONINE. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Cina.—Excessive peev- ishness—gagging, especially in the morning—boring into the nose with the finger—urine milky white after standing —desire for food soon after meals. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-C-D. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 2 to 3 grains of santonine once a day for three days. Child, see Section 56, A or B. Santonine should be taken in oil when given for Worms. In parvules or minute doses (Section 56, A) santonine holds a masterly control over various Worm Affections—Intermit- tent fever of children—Morning cough, or cough whenever exposed to cold damp air—Gagging spells in the morning —St Vitus' dance, caused by worms—Wetting the bed, of wormy children—Extreme Fretfulness, and Crossness of children—Leucorrhoea of little girls. One of our prominent medical writers states that his plan of treatment for worms is to give to an adult in the evening on going to bed 2 or 3 grains of santonine in a tablespoon- ful of cream; and to a child, from 5 to 7 years of age, in the evening after a light supper, 1 grain of santonine, rubbed into sugar of milk and mixed with cream; next morning a dose of castor oil. If one dose is not sufficient repeat it, even three times if necessary. Reported 100 cases of successful treatment, with Chenopodium anthelmint. Child, 2 to 3 years old, 3 to 8 drops of a one per cent alcoholic solution, 3 times a day. 232 SECTION 128. SILICA. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Silicea.—A peculiar mental abstraction, marked by a propensity to toy by the hours, with pins or needles—night sweats—night spasms— coldness of the head with constant need to have it wrapped up—icy cold feet—ailments with coldness or want of vital heat—suppuration going on in the system somewhere (He- par sulp.). Minute Dose.—Section 56, A. (A) Silicea, in minute doses (like Calcium sulph.) is the true remedy for Ailments attended with pus formatiem—Em- pyema—Purulent discharges—Suppurative fever—Suppu- rative inflammation of bone or joint—Hip joint disease— Chronic enlargement of glands with suppuration—Broken breast—Fistula—Felon—Pustule, boil, carbuncle—Burn and scald, suppurating—Ulcerative Chilblains—Ulcers in general—Open Cancer—Blood Tumor upon the scalp of new- born infants—Hard Lumps upon the scalp—Fontanels open —Brain fag—Purulent discharges from the eyes—Inflam- mation of the lachrymal sac—Hypopyon—Cataract—Ulcer- ation on the cornea—Weak sight after diphtheria—Swelling in the ear—Thick yellow discharge from the ear—Ozaena with bone decay—Bronchorrhoea—Night sweats—Night spasms, epileptic—Hardening of tissues—Enchondroma— Induration of the tongue—Induration of the testes—Dry, hard eruptions—Small hard boils—Eczema from impure vaccine. S®~ Other Tissue Salts. (B) Ferric phosphate—dose Section 56, A. The first remedy in all Congestions, Inflammations, and Inflammatory 233 SECTION 128.--TISSUE SALTS. Fevers, before effusion takes place; parts tender and painful to pressure, and pains worse from motion—Headache, specific — Vertigo — Nose bleed—Painful Diarrhoea—Undigested stools—Vomiting of food—Suppression of urine—Stiff neck from a chill. Typhoid and Typhus Fevers: first stage (hyperaemia) Ferrum phos.; second stage (infiltration) Po- tassium chlori; third stage (ulceration) Calcium sulph. "Thus we lay hold directly upon the process of the disease, control and cure it." (C) Potassium chlori—dose, Section 56, A. The second remedy in all inflammatory ailments; that is during effusion, exudation, engorgement, formation of false membrane; tongue coated white, pains worse during rest—Diphtheria—Croup —Hoarseness—Hawking up phlegm—Bronchitis—Pneu- monia—Scarlet fever—Measles—Smallpox—Shingles—Cy- cosis—Dandruff-—Engorgement of glands—Enlarged ton- sils—Mumps—Orchitis — Encephalitis — Meningitis—Hy- drocephalus. (D) Calcium sulph—dose, Section 56, A. The third remedy in all Inflammatory ailments ; that is during suppura- tion, formation of abscess and ulceration. (E) Calcium phos—dose, Section 56, A. Anaemia- Chlorosis—Scrofula—Gouty Diathesis—Delay in teething —Open fontanels. (F) Potassium sulph—dose, Section 56, A. Ailments attended with yellow slimy tongue—Yellow scales or scabs on the skin—Yellow slimy discharges from eyes, ears, nose, chest or other parts—Assists in the process of desquamation after eruptive diseases. (G) Sodium sulph—dose, Section 56, A. Derangement of the system attended with bilious conditions ; vomiting bile, greenish tongue, bitter taste, excessive flow of urine— CEdema—CEdematous inflammation—Dropsy, especially after scarlet fever. (H) Potassium phos—dose, Section 56, A. Ailments 234 SECTION 128.—TISSUE SALTS. of pale, sensitive, peevish persons, with brownish yellow tongue, foul taste, foul eructations, offensive breath, fetid perspiration, putrid discharges, Diarrhoea—Dysentery— Gangrenous conditions—Diphtheria—Scarlet fever—Small- pox—Brain softening—Melancholy—Insanity—Hysteria— Bleeding gums—Purpura Haemorrhagica, septic bleeding, dark thin blood—Collapse of cholera or typhoid fever, face blue—Croup in last extremity, face livid—CEdema of the lungs, livid countenance—Whooping cough, choking, with blue face—Convulsions from fright—Feeble labor pains— Menstrual irregularities of pale, feeble ladies—Weak sight after diphtheria. (I) Magnesia phos—dose, Section 56, A. All ail- ments purely nervous and spasmodic—Spasmodic Cough— Spasmodic Stricture—Spasmodic Colic—Menstrual Colic, bending double—Spasm of the glottis—Tetanus—Lockjaw —Cramp—Chorea—Brain troubles of teething with green glairy stools—Spasms of the eyelids—Squint—Seeing sparks, colors and things double—Pure Neuralgia; pains relieved by warmth and pressure. (J) Sodium phos—dose Section 36, A. All ailments with acidity, sour taste, vomit, stool—Yellow scabs—Green, slimy, catarrhal discharges. 235 SECTION 129. SILVER. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Argentum nitricum.— Mental weakness and confusion—head feels large—straining to belch, with loud and violent eructations—urine escapes involuntarily—desire for sweetmeats or for strong cheese —daily attacks of suffering soon after dinner (cedron). Minute Dose.—Section 56, A. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y to y grain pill, every 4 to 6 hours. Child, see Section 56, A. (A) The nitrate of silver, in officinal doses, stands in the first rank as a Nerve tonic, controls the most violent Hys- terical mania, as in childbed; and Convulsions during or at the beginning of labor. Whilst the system is under the influence of the nitrate of silver, Epilepsy stands aloof, even for years. It is excellent in Typhoid Fever, and very effi- cient for the Diarrhoea of Phthisis. (B) The Argentum nitricum, in minute doses, dispels weakness of mind and body; controls Trembling of the limbs—Paralytic conditions—Paralysis of the eyelids.—Said to ward off the invasion of Consumption, by increasing the influence of oxygen in the organism, thus exchanging an earthy complexion for the freshness of youth. It relieves the oppression of Emphysema as if by unbinding a cord at the waist. Cures Clergyman's sore throat—Indigestion, when the stomach is gorged with wind, very difficult to eructate —Ulceration of the stomach with horrible pains, especially after eating—Flooding at the change of life—Incontinence of urine, dribbling constant— Wetting the bed. Purulent Ophthalmia of Infants.—Keep the eyes con- stantly cleansed, by sponging them day and night with Bo- 236 SECTION I29.—SILVER. racic acid water, 4 per cent, solution, and brush the everted lids daily with Nitrate of Sifver solution in water, 1 grain to the ounce. If the cornea is affected there may be need to use Atropia solution, y grain to the ounce of water, one drop in the eye every 3 hours. Beside the topical treatment, Argentum nitrate should be administered internally, in minute doses, 3 times a day. (C) Chronic Nasal Catarrh.—Argentum nitricum, in minute doses, taken twice a day, is the remedy that has survived as the fittest. The same for Chronic Gastric Ca- tarrh. Fissure in Ano.—Apply a solution of Nitrate of Silver, 5 or 10 grains to the ounce of water; make the application thorough, and if one application is not sufficient repeat the operation. The most obstinate case may be cured in 3 weeks by this mode of treatment. Offensive Foot Sweat.—Wash the feet thoroughly, and wipe them dry; then apply Nitrate of Silver in solution, 40 grains to the ounce of water; do this once a week, making the application with a sponge. \ 237 SECTION 130. SOAP. (A) Old Burns (that will not heal).—Apply a plaster made of Castile soap, using a little water, and heat to make the paste; this will do the work. Soap plaster is also the thing for a Bunion. Constipation—Costive stools.—In order to move the baby's bowels, moisten a little ball of soap, size of a large pea, and insert it into the anus, well up; directly there will be an expulsive effort of the bowel and a passage secured. For older children a ball as large as a marble. For adults, a ball as large as a hulled walnut, push it far up; it will soon operate. (B) A ball of Aloes, of size suited to age, inserted high up into the anus, is sure death and destruction to seat worms. Liniment for Rheumatism.—Soap liniment 3 ounces, with oil of wintergreen 1 ounce, mix. Apply as often as convenient. 238 SECTION 131. SODA. GENERAL INDICATIONS for the Carbonate.—-Vio- lent continuous hawking—griping pains after eating—milk disagrees—ailments worse before a thunder storm (Rhodo- dendron)—aggravation of suffering during full moon. Minute Dose.—Natrum carb., Section 56, A. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 10 to 60 grains of the Bicar- bonate—Carbonate dry 5 to 15 grains. Child, see Section 56, A. (A) Bicarbonate of Soda (baking soda), saturated solution in water, frequently applied, banishes Eczema—Crusta Lac- tea—Itching Eruptions—Itching of piles. Applied to the head hot, it always soothes, and frequently cures Headache. A saturated solution of baking soda, in full doses, frequently repeated, is the most rapid and complete antidote to the soluble salt poisons (corrosive sublimate, acetate of lead, blue vitriol, etc.). Ophthalmia—Blepharitis.—Keep the crusts soaked off of the lids with a solution of the carbonate of soda, 10 grains to the ounce of water; and anoint with salve, made of the yellow oxide of mercury 2 grains to the ounce of vaseline, and take internally mercury biniodide, dose, Sec- tion 56, A. Offensive Nasal Catarrh.—Reported cures by snuffing up into the nostrils a saturated solution of soda in water, 4 times a day. Acidity of the Stomach.—Baking soda in water, satu- rated solution, adult, a tablespoonful or less, taken from time to time as occasion may require; this neutralizes the acid. Tinea Versicolor.—Wash the parts with soap suds and wipe dry; then apply Hyposulphite of soda 1 drachm, to 239 SECTION I3I.—SODA. Rose water 1 ounce, mixed; this treatment is specific. The same, 10 grains to the ounce of Rose water applied, dispels Pityriasis, and gives great relief in Erysipelas. (B) Bisulphate of soda in solution, 15 grains to the ounce of water, applied, quickly subdues Pruritus or any Local Itching. Burn or Scald.—The most approved treatment is to put y pound of baking soda into a quart of cold water, and with this solution saturate lint or soft cloths, and apply them to the injured part; keep them constantly wet with the solution; make no attempt to remove the dressing for several days; when it is removed, if no suppuration has ensued, finish the treatment with Zinc ointment. If, however, pus has formed, then dust the ulcer frequently with Fuller's earth, or " Mineral earth "; if very offensive use charcoal powder, and as soon as the sore becomes healthy, finish the cure with Zinc ointment. Dropsy after Scarlet Fever.—In a suitable amount of hot water in a basin, dissolve enough baking soda to make it slippery; with this solution sponge the patient all over, twice a day, bathing a small surface at a time, and wiping dry the parts bathed, as you proceed. In 200 cases of scar- let fever treated in this manner, not one case of dropsy oc- curred. 240 SECTION 132. STARCH. (A) Chapped Hands.—Rub them with starch powder, especially after taking them out of suds or dish water. The same applied to erysipelas allays the heat and pain. (B) Discoloration from a Bruise.—Moisten starch powder or arrow root, with cold water, and lay it on the bruised part. The same is very soothing when applied to a raw oozing surface. For the removal of a cicatrice or scar, cut it cleanly off, and dress it daily with perchloride of iron I drachm, and collodion 2 drachms, mixed; a barely perceptible line will be the result (C) Dysentery (very painful with excessive straining).— " Inject into the bowel from time to time as occasion re- quires boiled starch, adult, 2 ounces at a time, containing 20 drops of Laudanum, or 5 grains of Chloral hydrate. For child, adapt quantity to suit age." The same enema, greatly relieves the pain from stone lodged in the ureter. 16 241 SECTION 133. ST. JOHN'S WORT. GENERAL INDICATIONS/w Hypericum.—Ailments resulting from injuries, especially from crush and puncture wounds in the hands or feet, and from falls on the back- pains in the scars or seats of old wounds—craving for pickles and hot drinks. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y to 1 drachm of the Fluid Extract—Tincture y to 1 drachm. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypericum, in minute doses, is the right remedy to take in case of Hurts of various kinds—Nervous disorders from falls and injuries—Nervous shock, from fright or fall—Ail- ments from falls upon the back, even of years' standing, such as cough, asthma, pain in the spine, pain in the head, men- ingitis, inability to retain the urine or stool, inability to walk. Hypericum administered in minute doses, and applied as a lotion 10 to 20 per cent, solution in water, is the best pos- sible treatment for sprains involving the nerves—Pains after amputation—Pains from wounded nerves—Neuralgia in seat of old wounds—Pains from bites of animals, or mangled wounds—Convulsions after every slight injury, as a fall or pinch of the fingers—Threatened Lockjaw from injuries received in the soles of the feet or palms of the hands, or from the prick of a pin or nail. Leucorrhoea of Little Girls (milk white, corroding).— Hypericum, in minute doses, taken before meals and on going to bed (Iodia). 242 SECTION 134. STONE ROOT. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Collinsonia.—Habitual constipation with piles, and pain in stomach and bowels. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, 2 to 15 minims of the Fluid extract—Tincture 10 to 30 drops—Fresh decoction of the root, strong, a wineglassful 3 times a day, before meals; this is the preferable way of using it. Child, see Section 56, B. (A) Collinsonia in ordinary doses, especially in decoction of the root, is the true remedy for Constipation and the Ail- ments attendant upon constipation, especially Gastralgia, Colic, Griping pains in the bowels, Piles, Painful irregular menses, Suppression or overflow of menses—Hemorrhage from the lungs—Loss of voice—Catarrh of the chest—Ver- tigo—Loss of memory, especially of old people—Loss of appetite; first-class stomach tonic—Diarrhoea—Dysentery —Proctitis—Cholera Infantum—Cholera Morbus Piles.—The one grand specific remedy is Collinsonia, taken in ordinary doses, 4 times a day, cure in a week. Gluten suppositories are certainly excellent for Piles, especially if attended with constipation. Piles coated with common varnish, applied with a brush, soon vanish. The greatest comfort in the world for sore painful piles, is ob- tained by application of bruised leaves of the broad leaf Plantain. Gravel.—Collinsonia, in full doses, 3 times a day for a week, then twice a day for a week, lastly once a day for a week, breaks the diathesis, and establishes the cure. (B) " Boil a red beet in a quart of water, eat the beet and drink the tea in the course of three days, and you will 243 SECTION I35.--SUGAR. have no more gravel. The same is a very efficient em- menagogue." (C) " Chimaphila tincture, adult, 5 to 10 drops in a wine- glass of water, taken every 3 hours, is the remedy for gravel, bloody mucous urine, and catarrh of the bladder with mucus discharges." SECTION 135. SUGAR. Wound Dressing.—Keep the wound completely cov- ered with pulverized sugar; this is equal to Iodoform. Baby's Sore Mouth.—Reduce granulated sugar, by moisture, to consistence of an ointment, and with the finger rub this upon the sore surface several times a day. Diabetes.—A case reported cured by eating freely of maple sugar. Speedy Purgative.—Sugar of milk, adult, 3 teaspoonfuls in half teacup of hot milk or hot water; taken one hour before breakfast, will move the bowels in two hours. Universal Antidote to Poison.—Sugar in water, solu- tion thick and rich as can be swallowed, fill the stomach full. If the kind of poison taken is not known, give white of egg and strong coffee with the sugar—If metallic, give white of egg and soap water with the sugar—If acid or corrosive, give chalk water, or magnesia water, with the sugar—If alkaloid, give sour milk or vinegar with the sugar. 244 SECTION 136. SULPHUR. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Sulphur.—Unhealthy skin—itching eruptions—heat at the top of the head and soles of the feet—flushes of heat with sweat and faintness (Sepia)—feeling of exhaustion at 11 a.m., must eat some- thing before dinner—stooping gait—most uncomfortable when standing—better moving about slowly—aversion to being washed, dread of taking a bath. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Sulphuric acid.—Feel- ing as if trembling, yet not trembling—doing everything hur- riedly—undigested stools, watery—aversion to the smell of coffee—ailments worse in cool, wet weather—pains come on gradually, and cease suddenly. Minute Dose.—Sulphur, Section 56, A—Sulphuric acid, Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 1 to 3 drachms of precip. or sublim.—Stimulant dose 5 to 10 grains—Laxative dose 20 to 60 grains, best taken in milk, honey or treacle—Sulphuric acid dilute 5 to 10 minims in a wineglass of water—Sul- phurous acid 30 to 60 drops. It is claimed that any disease curable by Sulphur, may be better treated with sulphurous acid. Child dose, see Section 56, A or B. (A) Rubbing the parts affected with sulphur powder is highly beneficial for Cramps in the calves—Lumbago— Sciatica—Locomotor Ataxia—Paralysis—Rheumatism; if the rheumatism is in the legs, then the inside of the stockings should be dusted with the powder. Sulphur dusted upon an Open Cancer, kills the cancer cells. Carrying sulphur about the person serves as a guard against the infection of cholera, and is claimed as a preven- 245 section 136.—sulphur. tive of piles, rheumatism, colic and cramp. Burning sulphur in camp, keeps cholera and smallpox at a respectful distance. (A2) Sulphurous acid in water, 1 part to 7 solution, fre- quently applied, cures Parasitic Skin Diseases—Favus and Ringworm. It also makes an excellent Dressing for wounds, gives instant relief to Wound Pain, and promotes union by first intention; it is equally suitable for open Un- healthy Wounds, even gangrenous, and is a very suitable application for Bruises—Sprains—Chilblains and Sore Nip- ples. The same solution added to Rose water, in the pro- portion of 1 drachm to 4 ounces, constitutes an excellent gargle for Relaxed Sore Throat—Palate down—Clergyman's Sore Throat and Sore Mouth Sulphuric acid in water, 1 part to 4, solution applied cures Pruritus. (B) Sulphur in minute doses is the true remedy for Itch- ' ing eruptions, and Skin affections with itching, burning after scratching—Prurigo—Pruritus. 7/ acts powerfully upon the eye, and cures Ophthalmia, acute and chronic—Pterygion— Pannus—Hypopyon—" Ground glass cornea "—Adhesions and Opacities. Night Terrors—(case reported).—During two years every night after falling asleep, patient suddenly started up and screamed, leaped from the bed and ran about the room, like a maniac. Cured with sulphur in minute doses. Diphtheria.—" Sulphuric acid concentrated, 4 drops in a tumbler of water, adult, take all at one dose (child, see Section 56, B). Relief in 10 minutes, one dose cures." Sulphur powder blown through a tube into the throat upon the patches, is said to dissolve the pseudo-membrane and cure the disease. Diarrhoea.—Sulphuric acid dilute, in officinal doses, is one of our best remedies for diarrhoea, especially of children teething. Typhoid Fever (reported case). — Delirious stupor, tongue black. Sulphurous acid 60 drops in a tumbler of 246 SECTION I36.—SULPHUR. water: of this solution adult, took 1 teaspoonful every hour; next day the tongue was clean and mind clear. Disinfectant.—To disinfect a room, use 1 ounce of sul- phur to every cubic yard of space in the room. Have two earthen vessels, one small to set within the other; in the larger one put some wet sand, and in the smaller one the sulphur powder, moistened with alcohol; when ready set fire to the sulphur and keep the room closed for twenty-four hours ; remove metallic substances, or those that must re- main anoint with oil. All germs and microbes are directly destroyed by the fumes of the burning sulphur. A few drops of sulphurous acid, mixed with an equal quantity of alcohol, sprinkled in the bottom of a trunk completely dis- infects the whole contents. (C) Bromine in a bottle uncorked, allowed to stand in a closed room, during twenty-four hours, will effectually destroy all insects, and germ life therein; it is a perfect disinfectant, and guard against infection. (D) Hay Fever—Rose Cold.—Put 10 grains of the flowers of sulphur into a cup, and moisten it with alcohol, and set it on fire, and inhale the fumes during 5 or 10 minutes at a time, 4 times a day ; this is claimed as a specific. The same for Chronic Sore Throat—Follicular Pharyngitis —Chronic Bronchitis—Chronic Catarrh—Consumption. Jg@n'" During 44 years in my factory where a large quan- tity of sulphur is evaporated daily, none of the many labor- ers have ever been affected with consumption; but fre- quently persons in the beginning stage, have been cured in a few weeks. Bronchial catarrh and other bronchial affec- tions were invariably cured in a short time. Consumptive patients during the first eight or ten days, had an increase of cough and expectoration, then this aggravation ceased, and recovery was rapid." Pimples.—Dust the face with sulphur powder, every night on going to bed—reported cures. 24/ SECTION 137. TANNIN. Carbuncle.—Sprinkle Tannin upon it in dry powder as long as it will dissolve ; wash this off, and apply fresh every day; the effect is magical. Same for Sore Nipples. Ranula.—Apply a weak solution of Tannic acid. Nipples prepared.—Tannic acid 4 ounces; Glycerine 1 drachm; and water 2 drachms; mix. Apply daily for a week or two in advance of confinement. Same for Tender Feet. Hemorrhage.—"Dissolve a 15-grain powder of Gallic acid in a little water, and toss it off at one gulp. Sure success." (A) Piles.—Tannin and Glycerine equal parts by weight: mix, and apply several times a day. Same for Sore Nip- ples; and for excoriation and abrasion from any cause. (B) Glycerine of Tannin (1 drachm of Tannin to 4 ounces of Glycerine), applied with camel-hair brush, is a very superior remedy for Nasal Catarrh ; sometimes a single application will effect a cure; it should be applied freely without hesi- tation. It may be poured into a basin with a little water, and snuffed up the nose until it drips back into the throat. It is equally good for Catarrhal Affections of the Throat— Relaxed Sore Throat—Elongated Uvula. Swab out the throat thoroughly with the Glycerole, the patient will make a fuss for a moment, but be grateful forever after. For Dis- charge from the Ears a few drops of the Glycerole should be poured into the ear, and retained by a plug of cotton; a few applications will generally cure the most obstinate cases. Deafness may be cured in the same way. 248 SECTION 138. THORN-APPLE. GENERAL INDICATIONS/^ Stramonium.—Painless ailments—rapid speech—trembling limbs—feeling worse when in the dark, and alone, and immediately after sleep— staggering when walking in the dark—desire for light and company. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 2 to 4 drops of the Fluid Ex- tract—Tincture, 10 to 20 minims. Child, see Section 56, B. (A) Stramonium, in minute doses, is the right remedy for Meningitis with loquacity. Furious, immodest Delirium —Erotomania—Mania for light and company—Religious Monomania—Loss of memory—Convulsions without loss of consciousness (Nux vomi)—Stuttering, stammering speech. Asthma.—Stramonium leaves, 20 grains; put in a pipe and smoke it, or roll the same into cigarettes and smoke them. St. Vitus' Dance.—Stramonium, minute doses \ provided Hyoscyamus, dose 56, B, first tried, should fail. Puerperal Convulsions.—" I never, failed yet with stra- monium tincture, 20 drops; repeated in half an hour, if necessary." Puerperal Mania.—" Stramonium tincture, 10 drops, taken every 3 hours, soon restores calm and renews the flow of milk. The same in full doses controls Hydro- phobia!' g@e> (B) Hyoscyamus—The nearest congener to stra- monium, stands as the foremost remedy for Loss of memory —Monomania—Sunstroke — Prostration from heat—Ner- 249 SECTION I38.—THORN-APPLE. vous Palpitation of the heart—Choking spells (Cocculus)— Shaking Palsy—Night Cough—Habitual Vomiting after eating—Black vomit in typhoid. For Hypodermatic Use.—The Formula—Hyoscyamia (crystals) 2 grains; Glycerine ioo minims; Aqusedestil. ioominims; Acid carbol. ^ grain. Mix. Filter. Adult, 1 to 2 minims (T^7 to fa grain in solution). This is the usual dose, but in extreme cases of Maniacal Excitement fa to £ grain may have to be employed. Used especially for Mania, acute and chronic—Epileptic Mania—Mental Delusions— Chronic Dementia— Insomnia — Paralysis Agitans— Mercurial Trembling — Senile Trembling — Chorea—Hiccough—Pains of Locomotor Ataxia. 250 SECTION 139. TURPENTINE. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Urine bloody, or having a smoky appearance—tongue red, glassy, smooth—abdomen bloated from gas. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 5 to 60 drops of the Oil of Turpentine—stimulant, antispasmodic, diuretic, 10 to 30 minims—Anthelmintic purgative 2 to 4 drachms—Enema I ounce in 15 ounces of Mucilage of Starch. Child, see Section 36, B. (A) Pain.—Into a suitable bottle put 2 tablespoonfuls of the Oil of Turpentine and 3 tablespoonfuls of Vinegar; then beat the yolk of an egg until thin, and add to it 6 tablespoonfuls of water, and stir well; then put this into the bottle, and shake it well before using it; cloths saturated with this mixture and applied to the seat of pain soon quell the suffering. The most perfect hypodermatic pain subduer yet dis- covered is Theine, a most powerful anodyne, quick and persistent in its influences, not at all poisonous to the higher nerve centres, like morphia and agents of that class. It relieves pain by acting from the centre toward the periphery, hence the dose should be inserted above the seat of pain, that is, between it and the spine, and in the immediate neigh- borhood of the pain. It relieves pain in five minutes, and by daily repetitions of the dose, will cure in a few days the most obstinate, long standing, painful affections. Adult, yV to \ grain. Even % grain doses are entirely free from dangerous consequences; we have used a one per cent. watery solution 10 minims usually at a dose, with perfect satisfaction; larger doses are required in some cases. 251 SECTION 139.—TURPENTINE. Anaesthesia.—The pure rectified spirits of Turpentine administered by inhalation is said to be a better and safer anaesthetic than ether or chloroform. During the inhala- tion the eyes of the patient should be protected, by suitable bandage, from the smarting fumes of the turpentine. Pains—Cramps—Spasms.—Turpentine by inhalation relieves and subdues them instanter. Flannel cloths wrung out of hot water, and saturated with oil or spirits of tur- pentine and applied, directly relieve deep-seated pain in the chest, stomach, abdomen or kidney. Diphtheria.—Oil of Turpentine (to a child 7 years old) 1 teaspoonful in y teacupful of warm milk, given morning and evening, acts like a charm. Cases considered lost, patient already at death's door, reported cured, by burning in the room, near the patient, a mixture of turpentine and tar in a pan or deep dish; the room becomes filled with the fumes, and directly the pa- tient breathes more easily, the false membranes become detached and are expectorated—in a few days recovery complete. Croup.—Turpentine on sugar, 3-drop doses every x/2 hour taken; and topical applications made to the throat and chest, by flannel cloths wrung out of hot water and saturated with the turpentine; (the applied cloths covered with dry com- presses) is considered a sovereign remedy. Whooping Cough.—A case reported cured by dropping oil of Turpentine upon the child's pillow, so that the fumes of it might be inhaled during sleep. The inhalation of common burning gas, 5 minutes at a time, 5 times a day, soon puts an end to whooping cough. Asthma.—Pour turpentine upon boiling water, contained in a bowl, and inhale the fumes; this gives instant relief. Reported 50 cases of asthma cured in succession, with fluid extract of Jaborandi; adult, 4 drops, taken morning and noon, and 8 drops on going to bed at night. 252 SECTION 139.--TURPENTINE. Hemorrhage from the Lungs — (raising blood).— Sprinkle Turpentine upon a cloth and hold it to the mouth and nose; the fumes inhaled will arrest the bleeding. The Oil of Turpentine taken in milk, 5 drops for an adult, taken as often as the case may require, arrests almost any hemor- rhage from internal parts; in urgent cases an adult may take 30-drop doses. Purpura Haemorrhagica.—Case reported (child 3 years old) cured in 5 days, by taking 7 drops of turpentine every 3 hours. Consumption.—A case reported cured in 3 months by inhaling fumes of turpentine from a sponge, sprinkled there- with and held to the mouth and nose 5 minutes at a time, 5 times a day. Typhoid Fever.—"Oil of Turpentine, Gum Arabic, and Sugar; 2 drachms of each; mix; and while triturating them in the mortar, slowly add 4 ounces of cinnamon water. Of this to an adult give 1 teaspoonful every 4 hours. This is the only treatment required for typhoid fever; no matter how relaxed the bowels are, all goes well—a perfect triumph." (A2) If Tympanitis should ensue, aid the treatment by injections of Turpentine in milk. Lock-jaw from a Wound.—Pour hot Oil of Turpentine into the wound, and keep it saturated therewith. (B) Bright's Disease—Nephritis.—Turpentine, in small doses, frequently repeated, we regard as the best remedy that we have for this disease. The same for Dropsy with albuminuria—Enuresis—Bloody urine. Worms.—Turpentine, 5 to 10 drops, in milk or on sugar, taken on an empty stomach, 3 mornings in succession, is sure death to worms. Oil of Turpentine, adult, 3 teaspoon- fuls, taken in milk and combined with a little castor oil, kills Tapeworm. (C) Prolapsus Ani—(bowel down).—Replace the bowel; 253 SECTION I 39.--TURPENTINE. then sprinkle turpentine upon some live coals in a chamber vessel, and sit upon it The same for Dysentery. Lumbago.—Venice Turpentine. Adult, drop doses of the tincture repeated every 20 minutes relieve the pain in 3 hours. (Lithiated Hydrangea.) Hospital Gangrene.—Oil of Turpentine. Most efficient application. Corns.—Before retiring to bed at night, bind cotton on the corn, and saturate the cotton with turpentine. Four or five applications will remove the corn. 254 SECTION 140. VERATRUM. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Veratrum Album.— Retching and violent straining to vomit—cold sweat upon the forehead—coldness from pain—desire for very cold drinks. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Veratrum Viride — Rapid pulse with slow breathing—tongue yellow along the central line—feeling worse when rising up in bed. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult 2 to 4 minims of the Fluid Extract of Veratrum album—Veratrum Viride, Fluid Ex- tract 2 to 4 minims—Tincture 2 to 8 drops. Child, see Section 56, B. (A) Veratrum Viride, adult usually 1 to 5 drops of the tinc- ture taken in water, repeated according to the requirements of the case, see Section 56, controls in a masterly manner Acute Brain Congestion—Brain Fever with threatening of Spasms— Convulsions—Chorea—Acute Insanity—Puerperal Mania and Spasms—Spasms of Meningitis, in extreme cases 15 drops may be given at the first dose and in an hour 10 drops more, then 5 drops every 3 hours—Fever in gen- eral—Yellow fever, almost specific—Puerperal fever, 5 drops every 10 minutes until relief, then lengthen the intervals— Milk Fever—Pneumonia, cuts the disease short in a week— Pleurisy—Hemorrhage attended with nausea "unfailing"— Erysipelas, aid the internal treatment, by painting the parts affected several times a day with the tincture of Vera- trum Viride diluted—Tympanitis, attendant upon typhoid fever; adult take 10 drops of the tincture every 2 hours, until free emesis is produced, after which not a trace of the meteorism will be seen. 255 SECTION I4O.--VERATRUM. Spine Curve.—Veratrum ointment—8 grains to the ounce of Vaseline, applied to the seat of pain and weakness gives great relief (B) The same for Inflamed joints, from sprains or inju- ries ; and Inflamed Bunions. The veratrum ointment is a good general anti-pain unguent 256 SECTION 141. VIBURNUM. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y2 to 1 drachm of the Fluid Extract of Viburnum opulus—Viburnum prunifolium Fluid Extract 1 to 2 drachms. Child, see Section 56, B. Easy Labor Insured.—Begin 2 weeks in advance of time expected, and take viburnum opulus tincture, 5 drops, 3 times a day, the result is said to be an easy labor, without an after-pain. It is advertised that Viburnum Compound renders labor quick and easy, and prevents cramp and after pains. Membranous Dysmenorrhcea.—A case long standing reported cured; with Viburnum Opulus, 3 drops, 3 times a day. Miscarriage Prevented (even after membranes rup- tured).— Viburnum prunifolium, (fluid extract) take 1 drachm every hour until the pains are assuaged, and after- ward as a guard, y drachm, once or twice a day, as long as seems needful. (A) Vibernum compound taken in the same way will prevent miscarriage, and induce quiet sleep, even when opium cannot be tolerated. It is the great Lady's remedy; every derangement of the female function, it is said to benefit or cure; also Neuralgia and Colic; especially Baby's Colic and Children's Spasms—claimed to be the safest soothing medicine ever used for fretful babies. Flooding.—A case reported, patient sinking; when Viburnum Compound, 2 teaspoonfuls in a little water sweetened, was given every 10 minutes and saved the life. " For all Internal Hemorrhage it is the sheet-anchor." 17 257 SECTION 142. VINEGAR. Officinal Dose.—Adult i drachm of the Acetic acid. Child, see Section 56, B. Hypodermatic Dose.— Adult, 8 to 10 minims of Glacial Acetic Acid in solution. Employed in the treatment of Carcinoma, by injections into the tumor, and for Ununited Frac- ture, by injection between the fractured ends (Iodine used for the same). (A) Acetic acid in officinal doses, has been employed with great benefit in the treatment of Chronic Pneumonia— Consumption—Hectic Fever—Night Sweat—Hemorrhage —Anaemia—Dropsy. A case reported in which the fumes of boiling vinegar, inhaled 5 minutes at a time, 5 times a day, arrested Consumption. (B) Rubbing the spine thoroughly 3 times a day with hot vinegar, especially that part nearest the seat of ailment, is said to have effected cures of Paralysis of the limbs, and of internal organs—Incontinence of Urine—Involuntary stools—Asthma—Pains of various kinds in different parts of the body. Crusta Lactea—Milk Crust.—Cut off the hair closely, wash the scalp thoroughly with Castile soap, and apply to the scalp twice a day pure cider vinegar diluted with water I part to 3. Viola tricolor, (fluid extract) 3 drops, 3 times a day, effects rapid cures. " Use ichthyol soap." Nose Bleed.—Plug the nostril with cotton saturated with dilute vinegar. Nasal Polypus.—Inject into the tumor, 5 drops of Acetic acid; in four or five days it will drop off. Influenza (recent cold in the head).—Saturate a small pledget of cotton with vinegar and insert it into one nostril loosely; and after an hour remove it, and insert one in the 258 SECTION I42.—VINEGAR. other nostril; not so large as to obstruct the breathing— cure in two hours. Black specks in the skin of the face.—Wash the face with vinegar every night on going to bed, and in the morn- ing wash it off with sand-soap. Diseased Gums (foul, spongy).—Use dilute vinegar as a mouth wash ; this heals the gums after diphtheria. Croup.— "All that is needed to cure croup, is pure vine- gar; give the child y teaspoonful, every y hour in a little water. I have not had need to give anything else in croup for years." Hiccough.—A morsel of sugar dipped in vinegar, and placed in the mouth, stops it directly. Spinal Weakness.—Bathe the spine twice a day with vinegar and wine, equal parts, mixed. Typhoid and Typhus Fever.—" Pure vinegar, adult 5 drops on sugar, every hour or two, is often the only remedy needed; at the same time the body should be sponged all over with dilute vinegar 3 times a day." Smallpox—Varioloid.—Of all methods devised for the prevention and cure of varioloid or smallpox, none have proven equal to the vinegar treatment. As a preventive, an adult should take 2 tablespoonfuls of pure cider vinegar, or still better, raspberry vinegar, with or without a little water, one hour after breakfast, and one hour after supper, daily for 14 days; half-grown children and feeble adults may take half this quantity. During an attack of the disease, admin- ister the vinegar in the same way, and fumigate the sick room, twice daily, with vinegar evaporated from a hot shovel. Itching Nettle Rash.—Bathe with vinegar diluted with warm water. Birth Mark.—Soak cotton in strong vinegar, and apply to the naevus by compress; this coagulates the blood in the vessels, the spot becomes hard and yellow, and is thrown off by exfoliation. 259 SECTION 142.—VINEGAR. (C) Ring-Worm.—Apply by sponge or cloth, Acetic acid (8) twice a week for 3 weeks if needful so long. Chry- sophanic acid salve 20 grains to the ounce of base; applied daily, and at the same time the acid taken internally (dose, Section 56, A), cures many skin affections, including Ring- worm—Eczema—Herpes—Dry and Humid Eruptions, acute and chronic. Ulcer.—Pure vinegar, 10 percent solution in water,used as a wash, 3 times a day, gives invariably good results. Burn or Scald.—Apply vinegar full strength, until the pain abates, then remove scabs with poultice and heal with zinc ointment. Warts.—Apply vinegar full strength daily—Soon gone. Corns.—Apply pure cider vinegar, or acetic acid, with camel-hair brush night and morning; in a week no corn; or apply bread crumbs soaked in strong vinegar every night for a week, and then you can pick them off dead. Mad Dog Bite.—" Bathe the wound with hot vinegar and wipe dry, then pour into it several drops of nitric acid; this is an unfailing preventive of Hydrophobia." (D) Chronic Gout—Enlarged Joints.—Into a given quantity of hot vinegar put as much salt as it will dissolve, and with this solution bathe the parts affected, rubbing the lavement well in with the hands for 15 minutes, then dry them by the fire; do this four times a day, until decidedly better, then twice a day for a while, and lastly once a day until the cure is complete. A case of Chronic Diarrhoea reported cured, by taking of a saturated solution of salt in vinegar, adult, 1 drachm, three times a day. 260 SECTION 143. WILD YAM. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Dioscorea. — Person subject to felons—seizures of violent pain in the bowels, sometimes suddenly shifting to the fingers or toes—some relief by walking and rubbing the seat of pain, none by .bending double—hot fluid stools. Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, y to 1 drachm of the Fluid Extract—Tincture 20 to 60 drops. Child, see Section 56, B. Colic (screaming with pain and vomiting; the pains sometimes suddenly shifting to the extremities.)—" Diosco- rea, (fluid extract) adult, 1 teaspoonful, every 5 minutes, is the true specific. I believe it will cure any case of colic. The same by aid of hot sitz baths cured a case of Renal colic in 30 minutes." Nocturnal Emissions.—Dioscorea villosa tincture, 5 drops 3 times a day, rarely fails to cure. Sinking at the Stomach Pit—Gone feeling in the Stomach—Pyrosis.—There is no remedy equal to Dios- corea for this condition, even when the drug is taken in minute doses. 261 SECTION 144. WITCH HAZEL. GENERAL INDICATIONS for Hamamelis.—Fassive bleeding, dark blood—enlarged, knotted veins—cold sweat upon the genitals—pains in the region of the groin—aver- sion to water, nausea even from the thought of drinking it (Phosphorus). Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Ordinary Dose.—Adult, y to 2 drachms of the Fluid Extract—Hamamelin, 1 to 5 grains. Child, Section 56, B. (A) Hamamelis, even in minute doses, is as near the spe- cific remedy as possible for Passive Hemorrhage—slow, con- stant bleeding from any part—Purpura Haemorrhagica— Nose Bleed—Bloody Urine—Vomiting of Blood—Bleeding Piles—Bleeding after the Extraction of a Tooth—Raising Blood from the lungs, coming into the mouth like a warm current—Overflow of Menses—Stupor instead of Menses— Phlebitis—Varicose Veins — Ulcers from broken veins— Leucorrhoea bloody—Very sore tender Rheumatism—In- flammation and Enlargement of the Scrotum—Cold Sweat on the Scrotum—Neuralgia of the Testes, worse at night— Inflammation of the Ovaries, intense pain in the groin region —Painful Menses—Vicarious Menstruation—Prolapsus ani, inject 20 drops of the tincture in 4 ounces of water, into the bowel after each passage. Varicose Veins.—Inject 20 minims of Hamamelis Tinc- ture behind the vein, whilst the vein is being lifted up with a fold of the skin: the only after treatment needed is rest; one injection is generally sufficient to effect a radical cure. No inflammation follows the injection. Throat Affections—(acute and chronic inflammation and ulceration—catarrhal affections of the air passages— 262 section 144.—WITCH hazel. hoarseness—affections of the voice of public speakers).— The one grand leading remedy is Hamamelis and pure English Glycerine mixed, in the proportion of 1 part to 2, and used as a lavement, gargle or spray, as often as the case may require. Eye Affections—(ophthalmia—inflammation and ulcera- tion—purulent ophthalmia of infants—excessive lachryma- tion).—Distilled extract of Witch Hazel (or Pond's extract), diluted with water to suit the case, poured warm into the eye, as often as convenient (it causes no pain), is the most soothing and effective eye lotion that I have ever used. In purulent ophthalmia of infants, the eye must be kept constantly cleansed, and the solution poured into the open eye warm after each cleansing; it will certainly cure. Milk Secretion Arrested (when needful in case of wean- ing).—Rub the breasts with Hamamelis unguent., 4 times a day. If it be desired to dry up the milk in one breast only, then only anoint that breast. Milk Leg.—Place the limb affected upon a cushion or pillow in a horizontal position ; let patient take Hamamelis in minute doses hourly, and have the limb bathed every 3 hours, with Pond's extract of Witch Hazel or Hamamelis tincture, mixed with Rum in equal parts, applied hot, and the limb wrapped in raw cotton and covered with oil-silk. After the acute stage has passed, bandage the leg, from toes to hip, and keep it bandaged as long as the swelling con- tinues. If pus forms, let it out; the leg must not be used until all of the disease has disappeared. Chafing (rawness in the folds of the skin).—Bathe with Pond's extract of Witch Hazel and water, equal parts. Boil—Carbuncle.—Take Hamamelis in minute doses, and apply Hamamelis tincture in solution (20 drops in y teacup of water), keeping the part constantly macerated with the solution by compress. Pond's extract may be used 263 SECTION I45.—YEAST. instead of the tincture of Hamamelis. This treatment is all that can be desired. (B) Anal Affections (fissure, sore, tender piles).—Hama- melis Unguent., frequent applications soon relieves. The same for a sty. Leucorrhcea.—Pond's extract of Witch Hazel, 1 table- spoonful in a teacupful of warm water, inject into the vagina, forcing it well up, 3 times a day, this cures most obstinate cases in a few weeks. SECTION 145. YEAST. Purgative.—What aperient have we so pleasant, safe and sure as a cup of fresh yeast ? (A) In case of Bowel obstruction inject yeast by the quart. Boil-Diathesis (subject to boils, coming in crops).—Take brewer's yeast, adult, a tablespoonful, twice a day for a week; no more boils. Colic—Adult, take a teacupful of yeast; anon, the pain is gone. Child dose, according to age. Inflammation.—Apply upon the seat of suffering, poul- tices made of Indian meal, boiled in brewer's yeast, and saturated with laudanum ; apply them hot and renew them as often as they become cool. (B) In case of threatened mortification of the bowels; take brewer's yeast, adult, a tablespoonful every 2 hours', and apply yeast poultices upon the abdomen. 264 SECTION 146. YELLOW JESSAMINE. > GENERAL INDICATIONS for Gelsemium.—-Numb- ness of the tongue (Aconite)—blurred vision—feverishness with drowsiness and desire to be alone, perfectly quiet—ail- ments induced or made worse, by mental worry—feeling of need to be constantly in motion to prevent the action of the heart from ceasing—(Digitalis, exactly the reverse). Minute Dose.—Section 56, B. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 5 to 20 drops of the Fluid ex- tract—Tincture 10 to 50 drops. Child, see Section 56, B. (A) " Gelsemium, adult, 5 drops of the tincture taken every hour until vision becomes blurred; then in abated doses and lengthened intervals, is the true remedy for Ague; it is the grand specific; better than Quinia because it abso- lutely cures. By a 3 days' course of Gelsemium, once a month, adult, 5 drops every 5 hours, you may bid defiance to malaria." There is no better remedy than Gelsemium for Fevers in general—Convulsions—Local Spasms— Paroxysms of Choking—Vaginismus—Tetanus—Hydro- phobia, perhaps our best hope. Elecampane root, adult, 2 ounces at a dose, every third morning until 3 doses taken; (the root, being bruised and boiled in a pint of new milk down to half pint) is said to be an infallible preventive, if given before spasms have set in. Gelse- mium has been used with success for Paralysis following diphtheria, drop doses of the tincture—Paralysis of the eyelids, drop doses—Retinitis—Inability to retain the urine, constant dribbling—Delirium Tremens—Apoplexy, first remedy, to restore consciousness—Cold in the head—Sore throat, even diphtheritic—Catarrhal loss of voice—Hiccough —Renal colic, one drop of the tincture every 5 minutes— 265 SECTION I46.--YELLOW JESSAMINE. Measles, minute doses, almost specific—Night sweat, drop doses of tincture every 2 hours—Death-like goneness, and sinking at the pit of the stomach—Toothache, drop doses of the tincture every y hour; also if the tooth is hollow satu- rate a pledget of cotton with the tincture and insert it into the tooth, sure relief. Noise in the ears.—Gelsemium tincture, diluted one- half with water, a few drops in the ear. Pimples.—Gelsemium tincture: take 3 drops 3 times a day for 3 weeks; reported cures. Nitric acid dilute, 5 drops in a wineglass of water, take night and morning, also bathe the face with the same diluted to suit the sensation— reported cures in six weeks. Nocturnal Emissions.—Gelsemiin^ grain and Lupulin 3 grains, mixed, in one powder, take a powder every night and be cured. (B) Lady's Blessing.—If labor pains are insufficient, or irregular, or the os uteri rigid, let patient take 3 drops of the tincture of Gelsemium every y2 hour; the same to arrest False pains and Afterpains. Drop doses of the tincture taken 3 times a day during pregnancy, obviate various ailments incident thereto. Macrotin, 10 per cent, trit, with milk sugar in 3 grain doses, taken every y2 hour, is complete master of After pains. 266 SECTION 147. ZINC. GENERAL INDICATIONS.—Twitching of the mus- cles—knotted, varicose veins—fidgety feet—no appetite for breakfast—aversion to sweets, and to warm cooked food— ailments worse from wine. Minute Dose.—Section 56, A-D. Officinal Dose.—Adult, 1 to 2 grains of the Valerianate —Phosphate 1 to 3 grains Sulphate, emetic 15 to 20 grains. Child, see Section 56, A. Zinc val. in minute doses, has effected astonishing cures of Violent Neuralgic Headache, and various Neuralgic Affec- tions of the face and eyes. Zinc phos. in minute doses, is a valuable remedy for Mental Derangement, resulting from bodily disease—Enfee- blement of mind and body from habitual inebriation—Hys- teria, foremost remedy—Hypochondriasis—Chorea—Loco- motor Ataxia—Somnambulism—Pterygion reported cures with minute doses. (Ratanhia.) Affections of the Eyes (ophthalmia, inflammation of the eyes and lids).—Never fail to relieve with lotion made of Acetate of Zinc 2 grains; Sulphate of Morphia 2 grains; and water 1 ounce, mixed. A few drops of the solution poured into the eye 4 times a day. 267 SECTION 148. SUPPLEMENTARY. (C) Cicuta Virosa.—Dose, Section 56 B-C-D. General Indications.—Vertigo with reeling—jerking of the head and arms—distention of the abdomen—pains abated by thinking of them (Camphor)—morbid craving for charcoal. A prominent remedy for Mental Derangements—Mono- mania— Spasm of oesophagus—Somnambulism—Trembling action of the heart—Jerking of the arms and hands—Ver- tigo with reeling—Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis, Specific— Paralysis of the bladder—Mentagra. (C2) Cocculus Indicus.—Dose, Section 56, B. General Indications.—Tottering head, weak neck—wind pain, taking the breath—numb limbs, going to sleep— nausea when cold, or when riding—every little thing annoys — desire for food without appetite — aversion to acids. Cures Stomach Pains occurring soon after meals—Men- strual Colic—Chlorosis—Nervous Affections—Chorea— Dysphagia—Giddy lightness of the head—Sick stomach, when cold—Paralytic weakness of legs—Paraplegia. (C3) Colocynthis—Dose, Section 56, B. General Indications.—Bowel pains with nausea—colic, forcing to bend double and press upon the seat of pain —constrictive pains, binding like a band (cactus)—jelly- like urine, fetid—ailments worse by eating and drinking —better by drinking coffee. Cures Spasmodic Colic, paroxysms every 5 to 10 minutes —Dysentery and Diarrhoea, with colic—Scaling of the skin in spots—Stiffness of joints, as if by shortening of the ten- dons—Sciatica. 268 SECTION I48, C4. C5. F. I. (C4) Condurango.—Dose, 56, B. Used for Rhagades, or deep cracks and fissures, especially about the mouth, and on the tongue—Malignant Sore Mouth—Cancer, almost specific—Gastric Cancer—Gastric Ulcer. (C6) Conium Maculatum.—Dose, Section 56, B. General Indications.—Tremulous weakness—giddiness on turning in bed—interrupted flow of urine, it stops and starts—ailments worse during rest, better by walking—de- sire for salt and acid things. Adapted to the treatment of ailments resulting from bruise of gland, or shock of spine—Shaking Palsy—Para- lytic Condition of elderly people—Locomotor Ataxia— Vertigo on turning in bed—Loss of memory—Apoplexy— Asthma of old people—Induration of testis—Induration of ovaries—Hard lumps in the breasts—Cancerous In- duration of glands—Orchitis from a bruise—Enlarge- ment of the liver—Liver spots—Petechias of old people— Weakness of sight—Photophobia—Paralysis of eyelids— Cataract from injury. jf^P" Hemeralopia (Evening or night blindness), may be cured in 4 or 5 days by procuring some liver of calf, sheep, goat, or ox, and placing a slice on some live coals, and holding the face over it so as to receive the fumes upon the eyes, 10 minutes at a time, twice a day. Over twenty cases in succession, reported cured in this way. (F) Fluoric Acid, also Fluoride of Calcium.—Dose, Section 56, B.—Cures Felon—Onychia—Nail Disease— Alopecia—Goitre—Varicosus—Caries—Exostosis — Decay of tooth enamel—Syphilitic Affections of throat and tongue (Condurango)—Opacity of the cornea—Specks on the cor- nea—Induration of testis—Hard knots in the breasts— Ozaena. (I) Ignatia Amara.—Dose, Section 56, B. General Indications.—Silent grief, sighing—gone, sunken feeling at the stomach—stitches in the rectum—ailments 269 SECTION I48, LI2. worse on waking in the morning—sufferings aggravated by the slightest touch, also by the smell of tobacco, or drink of coffee—desire for acids—aversion to warm food. Suitable remedy for ailments resulting from grief or fright —Hysteria, alternate laughing and crying—Hiccough— Spasmodic Yawning — Clavus — Intercostal Neuralgia — "Gone feeling " at the stomach pit—Coldness or Numbness of the feet—Convulsions from worms, from indigestion} from fright or punishment—Spasm of the glottis (choking) from fright—Twitching about the mouth—Prolapsus ani, with deep stitches in the rectum—Copious flow of pale urine. (I2) Ichthyol (fish fossil oil, non-poisonous).—Ordinary dose of the salt, Ammonium-Sulpho-Ichthyolicum; for an adult, 15 grains per day in water—Of the alcoholo-ethe- real solution (5 per cent.) 20 drops, 3 times a day—Unguent, Ichthyol and vaseline (or other base), equal parts—Wound dressing, prepared Ichthyol absorbing cotton. " By combining, when practicable, the internal and ex- ternal use of Ichthyol, we become armed with the most efficient means yet devised for the treatment of Blood and Skin Diseases—Eczema in all forms and varieties, acute and chronic—Pruritus—Prurigo—Acne Rosacea — Psoriasis— Erysipelas—Lipoma—Acute and Chronic, Articular and Muscular Rheumatism—Acute and Chronic Gout—Tume- faction of Joints—Catarrh of nose and throat (gargle)— Gastric Catarrh—Chronic Constipation—Piles—Wounds— Lesions—Infectious cuts with the dissecting knife." " In twenty-seven years' practice, having treated over sixty thousand cases, I have never seen such magical cures as those effected with Ichthyol." Chronic Eczema, 8 years' standing, ulcerated, cured in four weeks! Gout, the excruciating pain assuaged at once, and cure effected in an incredibly short time! Infection from the cut of a dissecting knife, immediate relief and effectual 270 SECTION I48, L. M. cure! Lipoma removed without the knife, unprecedented results! Lepra vanquished as by a giant's hand! (L) Lactic Acid.—This acid when applied in solution, at first from 20 to 30, and afterward from 50 to 75 per cent. and sometimes in full strength, on cotton or sponge, to the parts affected, is said to be the best agent yet discovered with which to combat Fungous Caries—Lupus—Epithelioma —Tubercular Inflammation and Ulceration of the pharynx and larynx. (M) Moschus (musk).—Minute dose, Section 56, B. General Indications.—-One cheek or one hand pale and cool, the other red and warm (Chamomile)—chewing mo- tion of the jaw during sleep—evacuation of the bowels during sleep (Arnica)—ailments worse when out doors, better indoors and moving about (A) In minute doses Moschus is an excellent remedy for Hysteria and Nervous Palpitation of the heart. " Musk administered by rectal injections, for an adult 10 grains, with laudanum 20 drops, suspended in an ounce of mucilage of Acacia, effects marvelous results in cases of exhaustion of vital powers—Giving out of nerve centres- Extreme degree of coldness or heat—Sudden Collapse— Death-door conditions in Typhoid Fever—Adynamic Py- aemia—Delirium Tremens of chronic topers—In Hyper- pyrexia it reduces the temperature 3 degrees in 20 minutes. In no case repeat the injections until emergency demands it!' Note.—Antipyrin, adult, 15 to 20 grains, taken every 3 or 4 hours, is the lauded remedy of the day for reducing temperature, especially for the pyrexia of phthisis. " In erysipelas, if temperature is very high, 15 grains may be given, every hour for 3 times, then wait; if necessary, after some hours repeat it in a stronger dose. In sunstroke, the use of Antipyrin, either hypodermically, or per rectum, or by mouth, has given excellent results. For the attendant spas- modic conditions the most certain remedy is morphia, thrown 271 SECTION I48, N.N2. P. under the skin. The system should be kept full of liquids; give water by injections. In Acute Articular Rheumatism, Antipyrin, adult, 60 to 90 grains affords immediate and complete relief." (N) Naphthalin.—Dose, Section 56, A. Cures Hay Fever in a week by taking a dose every hour during the day —Whooping cough, almost specific—Chronic urethral dis- charge (acute discharge Gelsemium tincture 5 drops every 3 hours ; or Cannabis indica tinct., 1 drop 3 times a day). (N2) Nitric Acid.—Dose, Section 56, B. General Indications.—Ulcers upon the mucous surface of any of the orifices or avenues of the body, with sticking pains as from splinters—dark urine, very strong, rank— ailments worse on waking, and by contact, touch—better when riding—desire for smoked herring and fat food— aversion to bread and meat. Suitable remedy for Nerve Debility, with weak digestion, and morbid craving for undigestible things—Ulceration upon mucous surfaces, as in mouth, throat, vagina, anus, with pricking sensation, as from splinters—Otorrhoea—Puru- lent Ophthalmia, with ulceration of the cornea—Mad dog bite ("apply the acid in full strength, immediately to the wound, this never fails to prevent hydrophobia ")—Burn produced by nitric acid, may be successfully treated by ap- plication of a dilute solution of sulphurous acid—Birth Mark, insert into the naevus the point of a needle imme- diately after dipping it into pure nitric acid, this will effect its removal, leaving but little scar—Condyloma—Node— Sycosis—Syphilis. (P) Paraldehyd.—Ordinary dose, for adult, 20 to 80 drops. Child, see Section 56, B. " This remedy lulls pain and produces refreshing sleep, without after bad effects— splendid for Insomnia following a debauch—simply invalu- able for colic, screaming spells, and sleeplessness of infants; the result is all that can be desired; the dose should be 272 SECTION I48, P2. R. R2. S. S2. SS. given in sweetened water, if pure it tastes somewhat like peppermint, not disagreeable. It warms the stomach and gives a delightful sense of rest." (P2) Prussic Acid, also Lauro-cerasus (Laurel water). —Minute dose, Section 56, B—Ordinary dose, adult, 2 to 5 drops of the dilute acid—Laurel water y to 1 drachm (this is preferable to the acid in most cases). Suitable for Acute Mania—Melancholy—Nervous Palpi- tation of the heart—Whooping Cough—Spasmodic Cough, with affection of the heart—Dyspepsia, with red tongue— Gastrodinia—Cyanosis. (R) Ranunculus Bulbosa.—Dose Section 56, B. Valu- able remedy for Rheumatism of the chest—Pleurodynia— Chest Pains of Phthisis—Intercostal Neuralgia—Infra- mammary pains—Shingles—Sciatica. (R2) Rosemary Oil.—Smelling of this oil relieves or dis- sipates Nervous Headache and Hysteria. It is also used in the formation of a pomade for promoting the growth of hair, and preventing the hair from falling out; it is also said to keep the hair in curl. (S) Senega.—Minute dose Section 56, B. Officinal dose, for adult, 20 to 40 drops of the fluid extract—Tincture y to 2 drachms. Child, see Section 56, B. General Indications.—Painless cough with bluish expecto- ration—weakness in the chest—dropsical condition. Suita- ble for Bronchitis of old people with oppression of breath- ing, bluish sputu, and weak chest. (S2) Squilla (squills).—Minute dose Section 56, B. Offi- cinal dose for adult, 10 to 30 drops of the fluid extract— syrup y to 1 drachm. Child, see Section 56, B. Used with great success for Chronic Bronchitis of feeble persons, with pipes clogged with phlegm and wheezing respiration. (S3) Sticta Pulmonica.—Minute dose Section 56, B. General Indications.—Light floating sensation in the limbs, when lying down—hard racking cough, especially in 18 273 SECTION I48, S4. V. W. the evening and night with sleeplessness—dry, sore scabby- nostrils—ailments worse at night Very superior remedy for Hay Fever—Catarrhal Cough —Acute and Chronic Bronchitis—Acute and Chronic Nasal Catarrh—Acute muscular Rheumatism—Sick Headache, specific — Sleeplessness. "One drop of the tincture on sugar, taken on retiring to bed, insures a good night's rest." (S4) Sumbul.—Ordinary dose for adult 10 to 30 minims of the tincture—Fluid extract y to 1 drachm. Child, see Section 56, B. This is a remedy much praised for its efficacy in the treat- ment of Delirium Tremens—Epilepsy—Nerve Disorders— Hysteria—Neuralgia; perhaps more valuable than any other remedy for Facial Neuralgia, Sciatica, and neuralgia of the ovary—For Insomnia and Restlessness of pregnancy it stands preeminent; is also highly useful for Hypochon- driasis. (V) Valeriana.—Minute dose, Section 56, B. Officinal dose for adult 1 drachm of the fluid extract—Tincture 1 to 4 drachms. Child, see Section 56, B. General Indications.—Feeling of coldness about the head —sensation like a string hanging down the throat—fright- ened feeling when in the dark. This remedy stands in the first rank for Nervousness— Fidgets—Hysteria—Flushes of heat from the least exer- tion—Sudden Bloating of the bowels from gas—Hypochon- driasis—Copious flow of pale urine. (W) Remedies recommended in minute doses (see Section 56).—x Ambra for nervousness, sleeplessness, vertigo, pruritus vulvae.—2Bovista for eczema, tetter, metrorrhagia, ailments attended with sensation of enlargement of the whole head.—3 Causticum (caustic potash) for cataract, aphony, cough attended with escape of urine, or when the expec- toration only comes up far enough to be swallowed, no power to spit it out, paralysis especially of the face or eye- 274 . SECTION I48, W CONTINUED. X. lids, or of the organs of deglutition, as after diphtheria, enuresis, azoturia (senna), rheumatic arthritis.—4 Chamomilla for violent, insufferable pains with great irritability of tem- per, affections from anger, neuralgia, earache, toothache, jaundice (Chelidon), griping diarrhoea with green stools, bilious colic, menstrual colic, after-pains, metrorrhagia, or- chitis, ailments attendant upon teething, child exceedingly cross, only quiet when carried, one cheek red, head damp with warm sweat, especially around the edge of the hair, more when taking food.—5 Clematis for blepharitis, iritis, foul eruptions upon the head, eczema, ill effects of mercury, urethral stricture, orchitis, indurated swelling of the testes.— 6 Graphites for falling of the hair, inflammation of the eyelids, noise in the ears, induration of the breasts or ovaries follow- ing inflammation, scanty or delaying menses, eczema, pso- riases in palms of the hands, exudation of thin sticky fluid from raw places as in the folds of the skin and behind the ears, constipation, stools large and knotty, fissures in the anus, hydrocele.—7Hecla lava for bone tumors, especially of the jaw bones, and for gum-boils.—8Juglans regia (" vege- table arsenic ") for ecthyma, eczema, suffocating pains in the chest when walking, must stop frequently and rest for relief. —9Lapis albus for cancerous ulcers, and malignant growths. —™Lycopodium for acute pneumonia, with fan-like motion of the nostrils, acute articular rheumatism, enteritis of in- fants, water-brash, sour eructations, flatulence, feeling con- stantly full, as after eating too much, itching in the anus, congestion of the liver, earthy yellow complexion, gravel, lithiasis, red sand in the urine, plica polonica, intertrigo, aneurism, phthisis, chronic pneumonia with offensive ex- pectoration, chronic bronchitis with muco-purulent sputa, " Fan-like motion of the nostrils is the key-note for Lycopo in any ailment." (X) xMelilotus officinalis for headache, "the mere inhala- tion of the aroma from the mother tincture of sweet clover 275 SECTION I48, X CONTINUED. immediately arrests headache, whether nervous or conges- tive."—2Mentha piperita (peppermint) for dry cough, " spe- cific," cures almost any dry cough in twenty-four hours, and greatly relieves the cough of consumption.—aMercury (best form for general use is the iodide) for congestion of the liver, " torpid liver," jaundice (carduus mari). Inflammation of the eye, eyelids, iris, retina, internal ear, mammary glands, liver, kidney (corrosiv.), peritoneum, joints, bones and coverings of the bones. Ulceration upon external and internal sur- faces, especially of mouth, throat, intestines, bones. Mumps, measles, scarlet fever, small-pox, intertrigo, syphilis, scrofula, paralysis agitans, earache, toothache in decayed teeth (kreos), ptyalism, vomiting milk, especially nursing babies, ailments attended with indescribable uneasiness and peevish, irritable temper.—4Mizereum for impetigo, pityriasis, ulceration, peri- ostitis, prurigo (rumex crisp), nodes and nocturnal, pains, shingles, itching of the skin at night in bed, worse by scratching, itching in the vagina, leucorrhoea with terrible irritation in the vagina.—5Millefolium for hemorrhage in general, especially from the bladder and lungs (acalypha).— 6 Oleander for lichen, eruptions upon the head, skin of the whole body very sensitive to friction of the clothing, becomes sore from the chafing, gnawing itching of the skin when un- dressing as from an eruption, attack of extreme debility, can not talk aloud.—7 Oxalic acid for inflammation of the spinal cord and meninges, also of the tongue, lungs and stomach, " universal success with grain doses in gastritis," chronic throat affections, palpitation of the heart on first lying down at nights, numbness of the finger ends.—8 Petroleum for chronic catarrh in general, (nasal, bronchial, urethral, uterine, intestinal), consumption " the true remedy," ailments attended with the sensation of a cold stone in the heart, gastric trou- bles with aversion to fat (pulsatil.) daytime diarrhoea, dysen- tery (alternate ipecac), fetid foot sweat with tender feet, fetid sweat in the armpits, unhealthy skin tending to fester.__ 276 SECTION I48, X CONTINUED. Y. * Picric acidTor boils in the ears, inflammation of the retina, and internal structure of the eye, softening of the spinal cord, profound anaemia with prostration and vomiting, ero- tomania, cold weak legs, heavy like lead, or covered with cold clammy sweat.—10Platina for sycosis, syphilis, excessive menstruation, ovarian affections, melancholy of women, with self-exaltation and contempt of others, "horrifying thoughts," hysterical asthma, ailments attended with putty- like stools hindering expulsion.—nPrunus spinosa for deep- seated eye pains, and inflammation of internal structure of the eye—^Pulsatilla for false presentation, attest fifteen cases in succession of spontaneous version after taking a few doses.—13Sabadilla for hay fever, "cure in a week," chronic nasal catarrh, rheumatic arthritis.—u Sabina for excessive flow of menses—" hemorrhagic metritis," miscarriage, pain- ful affections of the small joints, constant irritation in the vagina and rectum, ailments attended with pain extending from the sacrum through to the pubes. (Y)—* Sepia succus for displacement of the womb, pain- ful menses, vulvitis, chronic nasal catarrh, " cure two-thirds of all cases," migraine (cyclam.), ring-worm, liver spots, congestion of the liver and whole portal system, lithiasis, pink sediment in urine adhering like paint to the chamber vessel, wetting the bed in the first nap, ailments attended with sudden fainty spells.—2&pongia for valvular affections of the heart, patient awakes suddenly at night with sense of extreme suffocation (see Section 2, sponge)—sStaphisa- gria for blepharitis, sty-diathesis, toothache in decayed teeth, sea sickness, preventive if taken before vomiting sets in (petroleum), prostatitis, spermatorrhoea, ailments attended with exceeding sensitiveness to mental and physical impres- sions (asafoetida).—*Stannum for hypochondriasis, bronchi- ectasis, bronchorrhoea, chronic cough with greenish sputa of sweetish taste, feeling of great weakness and emptiness in the chest, great fatigue from talking, and from going 277 SECTION I48, Y CONTINUED. W. down stairs, phthisis, marasmus, migraine, periodical neu- ralgia, pains coming on slowly, increasing gradually to a high degree, then as gradually abating, abdominal pains relieved by firm pressure, baby's colic relieved by placing the child upon its stomach, or with breast over the nurse's shoulder—worms, worm affections excellent, ailments at- tended with intolerable uneasiness and discontent.—5Stil- lingia for scrofula, syphilis, nodes and attendant pains.— 6 Tellurium for irritation of the spinal cord, otitis media with thin discharge " specific " (for thick discharge pulsatil.).— 7 Teucrium for seat worms " specific," nasal polypus, poly- uria (uranium, scilla).—8 Verbascum for hemicrania, facial neuralgia, enuresis, there is no better remedy for " wetting the bed." (W) Excerpts. Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Ozama.—Cleanse the nostrils with warm salt water, dry the surface with absorbent cotton, in- troduce daily into each nostril loosely a bit of cotton moist- ened with a few drops of the essential oil of turpentine, the disagreeable odor of the ozaena will almost immediately vanish, and a permanent cure of the disease be effected in a month. Earache.—Drop into the ear a few drops of cocaine, 2 per cent, solution; this will stop the pain instantly; if it should return after an hour or two, repeat the application. Asthenopia and Headache involving the eyes.—The fore- most remedy is onosmodium virgin, dose Section 56, B, taken three or four times a day. Headache at time of men- ses, involving the eyes, and affecting the sight with vertigo, finds its true remedy in cyclamen europ., dose Section 56, B. Cataract.—Take ammonia four times a day and apply ammonia to the temples; persevere and see. Hawking.—Hepatica triloba, dose Section 56, B, taken four times a day, completely breaks up a habit of hawking and cleanses the lungs of bad sputa, also cures dyspepsia. 278 SECTION I48, W CONTINUED. Consumption and Chronic Lung Affections.—The remedy upon which rests our hope for the future treatment of chronic organic affections of the lungs, is mutisia viciaefolia, a rem- edy that is claimed positively to cure phthisis, promptly and thoroughly. It is said that consumptives should resort to, or seek employment in lead factories, or be occupied in busi- ness where they may daily inhale the fumes of burning rosin or sulphur. Falling of the Womb.—Lappa majora, dose Section 56, B, taken four times a day, will in a short time completely restore the prolapsed uterus to its place. Sciatica.—Adult, take one drop of the tincture of apocy- num cannab., in a little water, every half hour, until pain abates, then every hour or two until the disease is van- quished. This is the remedy of first choice in all cases. Typhoid Fever (all stages and types). — Eucalyptus, minute doses (see Section 56, B), controls the high temper- ature better than any other antifebrile remedy, and conducts the case safely through from beginning to end. In case of tympanites or hemorrhage from the bowels, aid internal treatment by enemata of eucalyptol; to 1 drachm of the oil, beaten up with the yelk of an egg, add a mixture of 1 pint each of milk and water, and throw it well up into the bowel. 279 SECTION 149. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. (Therapeutic application.) General Rules (to be strictly adhered to, except when expressly mentioned otherwise).—Apply the positive pole lower than the negative; that is, farther from the head. The currents are at times to be divided into two or more branches from the main; thus applying one current to sev- eral portions of the body; this will be observed in the directions given for the treatment of quite a number of diseases. Never stop the treatment with a current reverse to that with which you started. Abbreviations.—P stands for positive pole; N for nega- tive pole; Saddle, for the plate on which the patient sits. Headache, especially sick headache.—P to saddle and small of back : N to back of neck and stomach. Delirium.—P to hands, feet and lower end of spine : N to temples and back of neck. Dropsy on the brain.—P to hands, feet and saddle : N to back of neck and both sides of the head. Baldness, falling of the hair.—P to saddle: N (the sponge saturated with salt water) to back of neck and all over the scalp; morning and evening. Obscure Vision; also Nearsightedness.—P to saddle: N to back of neck, and upon the eye. Blindness:— P to saddle: N to eye. Apply 15 minutes, the reverse 5 minutes. See general rules. Weak eyes.—P to saddle: N to spine and over and about the eyes. 280 SECTION I49.—ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Deafness.—P to saddle or back: N (with sponge pole) in the ear. After 15 minutes' application, reverse 5 minutes. See general rules. Toothache.—P to saddle, hands and feet: N to affected tooth. Stammering speech (impediment).—P to saddle, hands and feet: N to throat and spine. Diphtheria.—P to saddle, hands and feet: N to throat. Sore Throat (quinsy—ulceration).—P to saddle, hands and feet: N to throat and back of neck. After 15 minutes reverse 5 minutes. See general rules. Goitre.—P to saddle: N to the tumor by downward strokes, and to spine between the shoulders. Croup.—P to saddle and back of neck: N to throat and chest. Asthma.—P to breast, spine and saddle: N to hands and feet. After 15 minutes, reverse the current for 5 minutes. See general rules. Bronchitis.—P to saddle and back of neck: N to throat and chest Whooping Cough.—P to hands, feet and saddle: N to arm pits, back of neck and over the chest. Pneumonia (lung fever).—P to saddle and small of back: N to spine between the shoulders and to the breast. After 15 minutes, reverse the current for 5 minutes. See general rules. Weak Lungs (threatening decline).—P to hands, feet and saddle: N to breast, arm pits and back between the shoulders. Apply 15 minutes, then reverse 5 minutes; don't forget general rules. Spitting blood (hemorrhage from the lungs).—P to saddle and small of back: N to arm pits, breast, and back between shoulders. No change in current. Pleurisy and Chest pains.—P to hands, feet and saddle: N to breast and seat of pain—stroking the conductor slowly downward. 281 SECTION I49.--ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Heart Disease.—P to saddle,hands and feet: N to breast below the heart and over the chest Dropsy in the Chest.—P to saddle and small of back : N to back between shoulders and over the chest Apply for 15 minutes, then reverse current for 5 minutes. See general rule B. When there is oedema, apply P to feet. Injury to the Spine.—P to lower end of spine, hands and feet: N to spine and over the back; light current, reverse 5 minutes every quarter hour. See general rules. Curvature of the Spine.—P to saddle, hands and feet: N to front and sides of the body, once a day, an hour at a time, for five days; until the system is fully charged. Then once a day, P to the concave side of the curvature, a few inches away from the spine; and N on the opposite side of the curvature a few inches away. Occasionally shift P to the saddle. Dyspepsia.—P to saddle, small of back and stomach : N to back of neck and along the spine behind the chest and stomach. " Liver Complaint."—P to saddle and small of back: N to breast, stomach, sides of the body and back of neck. After 15 minutes, reverse current for 5 minutes. See general rules. Jaundice.—P to feet, hands and stomach : N to sides of body and to spine. Cholera; also Cholera Morbus.—P to stomach and spine behind the stomach: N to saddle. Piles; also Fistula, Fissure and Ulcer.—P to saddle and sometimes in ano : N to spine, whole length. Diabetes (kidney and bladder diseases).—P to saddle : N over kidney region and lower abdomen. Inability to retain the Urine.—P to spine, hands and feet: N over kidney region and lower abdomen. Gravel.—P to kidney region and all over the lower ab- domen : N to saddle. Apply for 15 minutes; then reverse 5 minutes. See general rules. 282 SECTION I49.—ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Impotence.—P to saddle and small of back : N to spine whole length, and over the lower abdomen. Apply 15 minutes; then reverse current 5 minutes. See general rules. "Inward Weakness" (womb disease).—P between shoulders and over the abdomen : N to saddle. Apply 15 minutes; then reverse 5, and apply again as before, and so on. See general rules. Menstrual Irregularities.—P to saddle and over lower abdomen (in bad cases P per vagina) : N to small of back and sides of the body. Excessive flow of Menses (flooding).—P to navel and spine opposite: N to lower end of spine and sides of ab- domen. Threatening Miscarriage.—P to navel and spine oppo- site : N to saddle and lowest point of spine; light current. Leucorrhcea (whites).—P to saddle (in very bad cases, P per vagina): N to lower part of the abdomen, loins and whole length of spine. After 15 minutes' application, re- verse current for 5 minutes, then proceed as before and so on: see general rules. Cancer or tumor in the womb.—P to hands, feet and saddle: N to small of back and abdomen over region of the womb. In extreme cases apply P internally, and N to small of back and over kidney region. Cancer in the breast.—P to the tumor : N to saddle. Sore nipples, gathering breasts.—P to saddle: N to parts affected, reverse current frequently. Frost bite (Chilblain).—P to parts affected: N to saddle, hands and feet. If face or ears frosted, reverse the current. Fracture (to facilitate union, and obviate inflammation). Commence treatment on the third day after the fracture, apply once or twice a day, 30 minutes at a time: P below the seat of fracture: and N above it, close proximity as pos- sible. Reverse current every 5 minutes. .283 SECTION I49.—ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Hip-Joint Disease.— P to the foot of the affected side: N to the affected joint. Corns and Bunions.—P to parts affected : N held in the hand: reverse the current every 10 minutes. Chafing.—P to hands and feet: N to the affected part Poisoning of the skin.—P to hands and feet: N (sponge saturated with strong alum water) to the affected parts. Felons—Carbuncles—Boils—Bites — Bruises.—P to the part affected, or as near as possible: N to hands, feet and saddle. Erysipelas.—P to saddle and back: N to parts affected. and adjacent region. Ague.—P to hands and feet: N to spine, whole length. Apply for an hour before time of expected chill. Dumb ague, reverse the current every 10 minutes. Hay Fever.—P to saddle, small of the back, hands and feet: N to back of neck and root of nose. Reverse the current for a little while, every 15 minutes; see general rules. Scarlet Fever.—P to hands and feet: N to the spine, full length. Reverse the current for a few minutes, every quar- ter hour: see general rules. Yellow Fever.—P to hands and feet, and occasionally passed all over the front of the body: N to the spine, top, bottom, and all along the whole length. Brain Fever.—P to hands, feet and saddle: N to back of neck and over the head. Typhoid Fever.—P to hands, feet and saddle: N to back of neck, and occasionally along the whole length of the body, back and front Measles.—P to hands, feet and saddle: N to nape of neck, and over the loins. Apply for 15 minutes, then re- verse the current for 5 minutes, then continue as before; see general rules. Scrofula.—P to saddle, hands and feet: N to back of neck, along the spine and upon the affected parts. After 284 SECTION I49.--ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. 15 minutes'application, reverse the current for 5 minutes, then continue as before and so on. See general rules. Rheumatism.—P to feet: N to hands; strong current daily for several days. Then if the pain is in the extremi- ties, apply P to the parts affected; but if the head or about the body, apply N to the seat of pain. Gout.—P to hands, feet and saddle : N to back of neck and to parts affected. Reverse the current for 5 minutes after each quarter-hour application. See general rules, B. Neuralgia.—P to saddle, hands and feet: N to back of neck, along the spine and to seat of pain. Paralysis.—P to hands and feet: N to spine, along the whole length; strong current once a day for several days. Then P to saddle: and N to spine and part affected. Epilepsy.—P to hands and feet: N to spine. St. Vitus' Dance.—P to feet and lower end of spine: N to back of neck and held in hand. Reverse the cur- rent every 15 minutes, for a little while. See general rules. Lightning Stroke.—P to hands and feet: N to nape of neck; strong current, remit a minute or two every five min- utes ; after a few such shocks, reduce the power and con- tinue constant current. Drowning.—"Patient may be restored if rescued from the water, after 20 or 30 minutes in warm weather, or after 10 or 15 minutes in cold weather." Lay patient down on right side and apply P to breast and between shoulders: N to lower end of spine and over the breast. Every 15 min- utes reverse current for 5 minutes, then continue as before. See general rules. Lock Jaw.—P to hands, feet and saddle : N to back of neck and under the ear. Hysteria.—P to feet and saddle: N to spine and held in hand. Reverse current for a minute or two, every 10 minutes. 285 SECTION I49.—ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Convulsions.—P to feet and saddle: N to spine and held in hand. Sun Stroke.—P to hands, feet and saddle: N to nape of neck and along upper part of spine. After 15 minutes' ap- plication, reverse for 5 minutes, then return to the same. 286 GLOSSARY. A Acne. Pimple. Adenitis. Inflammation of a gland. Agalactia. Lack of milk in the breasts. Albuminuria. Albumen in the urine. Alopecia. Falling of the hair. Amaurosis. Loss of sight. Amblyopia. Obscure sight. Amenorrhoea. Suppression of menses. Anaemia. Deficiency of blood. Anaesthesia. Nulled sensibility. Aneurism. Dilated artery. Angina. Sore throat. Angina pectoris. " Heart-pang." Anthrax. Malignant carbuncle. Antipyretic. Subduing fever. Antiseptic. Preventing putrefaction. Anus. End of " the seat bowel." Aphonia. Loss of voice. Aphthae. Thrush. Apoplexy. " Paralytic stroke." Arthritis. Inflammation of a joint. Asphyxia. Suspended respiration. Asthenopia. Weak sight. Asthma. Laborious breathing. Astigmatism. Defective cornea. Atheroma. Encysted tumor. Atrophy. Wasting away. Axilla. The arm-pit. B Balanitis. Urethral discharge. Blear-eye. Eye obscured with mucus. Blepharitis. Inflammation of the eye- lids. Blepharo-spasm. Spasm of the eye- lids. Bright's Disease. Disease of the kidney. Bronchitis. Inflammation of wind- pipe. Bronchocele. Enlarged thyroid gland. Bursa. Enlarged joint-sac. C Cachexia. Vitiated constitution. Calculi. Lime stones. Cardiac. Of the heart. Cardialgia. Stomach-ache. Caries. Decay of a bone. Catalepsy. Motionless fit. Catamenia. The courses. Cataract. Opaque lens of the eye. Cephalalgia. Headache. Cerebrospinal meningitis. Inflam- mation of the coverings of the brain and spine. Chlorosis. Impoverished blood. Chorea. St. Vitus' dance. Choroiditis. Inflammation of the choroid coat of the eye. Cirrhosis. Yellow liver. Clavus. Pain, as from a nail driven in. Collapse. Utter prostration of strength. Coma. Stupor. Condyloma. Fig-wort. Conjunctivitis. Inflammation of the eyelids, inside. Cornea. " The white of the eye." Crusta lactea. Scald-head. Cyanosis. Blue disease of infants. Cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder. D Dementia. Unsound mind. Diabetes. Increased secretion of urine. Diaphragm. The midriff. Diplopia. Double vision. Diuresis. Excessive flow of urine. Duodenum. Short bowel leading from the stomach. Dysphagia. Difficult swallowing. Dysmenorrhea. Painful courses. Dyspnoea. Difficult breathing. Dysuria. Difficult passing urine. E Eclampsia. Spasm in child-bed. Ecthyma. Pustular eruption. 87 GLOSSARY. Eczema. Vesicular eruption. Emphysema. Air in the lung-tissue. Empyema. Pus collection in the system. Encephalitis. Inflammation of the brain. Enchondroma. Cartilage growth on bone. Endocarditis. Inflammation within the heart. Endometritis. Inflammation within the womb. Enteritis. Inflammation of the in- testines. Enuresis. " Wetting the bed." Epilepsy. Habitual convulsions. Epistaxis. Nose-bleed. Epithelioma. Skin cancer. Erotomania. Love madness. Erysipelas. Inflammatory skin dis- ease with fever. Erythema. Redness of the skin. Excrescence. An out growth. Exostosis. Bone-tumor. F Favus. Scald-head. Fistula. Narrow burrowing ulcer. Ganglion. Tumor within the sheath of a tendon. Gangrene. Mortification. Gastralgia. Pain in the stomach. Gastritis. Inflammation in the stom- ach. Glaucoma. Opaque vitreous humor of the eye. Glossitis. Inflammation of the tongue. Glycosuria. Glycose in the urine. H Haematemesis. Vomiting blood. Hsematuria. Passing blood with urine. Haemoptysis. Spitting blood. Hemorrhage. Loss of blood. Hemorrhoids. Piles. Hemeralopia. Night blindness. Hemicrania. One side headache. Hemiplegia. One side paralysis. Hepatic. Of the liver. Hernia. Rupture. Herpes. Tetter. Hydrocele. Scrotal dropsy. Hydrocephaloid. Brain affection, from bowel disease of children. Hydrocephalus. Dropsy on the brain. Hydrothorax. Dropsy in the chest. Hyperaemia. Capillary congestion. Hyper-pyrexia. Excessive fever heat. Hypertrophy. Enlargement. Hypochondriasis. Melancholy. Hypopyon. Pus in the eye chamber. Hysteria. Hysterics. Icterus. Jaundice. Ileus. Bowel obstruction, with deep- seated twisting pain. Imbecility. Weakness of mind. Impetigo. Moist itching tetter. Inguinal. Of the groin. Insomnia. Sleeplessness. Intertrigo. Chafing. Iritis. Inflammation of the iris. Ischuria. Painful flow of urine. K Keratitis. Inflammation of the eye- ball. L Lachrymation. Excess of tears. Laryngismus Stridulus. Spasm of the larynx ; " crowing respiration." Laryngitis. Inflammation of the larynx. Lepra. Skin disease ; scaly patches. Leucorrhoea. " The whites." Leukaemia. White blood. Lichen. Itching eruption, forming crusts after scratching. Lientery. Diarrhoea, with stcols ol undigested food. Lithiasis. Gravel. Lochia. " The cleansings." Locomotor ataxia. Unsteady gait. Lumbago. Pain in the small of the back. Lupus. Corroding ulcer on the face. M Mammae. The female breasts. Mania. Madness. Marasmus. " Bowel consumption." GLOSSARY. Mastitis. Inflammation of the breasts. Meningitis. Inflammation of the coverings of the brain. Menorrhagia. Excess of menses. Menses. The courses. Mentagra. Fungous ulcer. Meteorism. Distention of the abdo- men, drum-tight, with wind. Metritis. Inflammation of the womb. Metrorrhagia. Hemorrhage from the womb. Micturition. Act of passing urine. Migraine. One side headache. Miliaria. Fine red rash, with fever. Monomania. Insanity on one sub- ject only. Myalgia. Pain in a muscle. Myelitis. Inflammation of the spine. Myopia. Short sightedness. N Naevus. Birth-mark. Nephritis. Inflammation of the kid- ney. Neuralgia. Nerve-pain. Node. Lump on a bone. Noma. " Water-canker." Nyctalopia. Day blindness. Nymphomania. Love madness of females. O Obesity. Excessive fatness. QEdema. Dropsical swelling. OZsophagus. The Gullet (food chan- nel). Onychia. Whitlow. Ophthalmia. Inflammation of the eye. Orchitis. Scrotal inflammation. Os uteri. Mouth of the womb. Ossification. Turning to bone. Ostitis. Inflammation of bone. Otalgia. Pain in the ear. Otorrhcea. Running from the ear. Ovary. The egg-vessel. Ozaena. Ulcerative nasal catarrh. Pannus. Opaque cornea, anteriorly. Paresis. Partial paralysis. Pemphigus. Blistery eruptions. Pericarditis. Inflammation of the heart sac. Periostitis. Inflammation of the bone coverings. Peritonitis. Inflammation of the bowel coverings. Petechiae. Spots like flea-bites occur- ring upon the skin during fever. Petit Mai. Epilepsy without the spasm. Pharyngitis. Inflammation of the throat. Phlebitis. Inflammation of the veins. Photophobia. Dread of light. Phrenitis. Brain fever. Phthisis. Consumption. Pityriasis. Rough, scaly patches on the skin. Pleurisy. Inflammation of the lung coverings. Pleuropneumonia. Pleurisy and pneumonia combined. Plica Polonica. Disease of the scalp characterized by matting of the hair. Pneumonia. Lung fever. Polyuria. Frequent passing of urine. Porrigo. Scabby scalp. Pott's Disease. Disease of the spine bones. Proctitis. Inflammation of the seat bowel. Prolapsus ani. " Falling of the bowel." Prolapsus uteri. " Falling of the womb." Prurigo. Itching eruption. Pruritus. Itching. Psoriasis. Scaly patches on the skin. Pterygion. Vascular growth coating the eyeball. Ptyalism. Salivation. Puerperal. Pertaining to child-bed. Purpura haemorrhagica. Purple spots on the skin, and oozing of blood. Pyaemia. Pus in the blood. Pyelitis. Inflammation within the kidney. Pyrexia. Fever heat. Pyrosis. Heartburn. R Rachitis. Rickets. Ranula. A lump under the tongue. Rectum. The " seat bowel." Renal. Of the kidney. 19 289 GLOSSARY. Retinitis. Inflammation of the retina. Rhagades. Cracks. Roseola. French measles. Rupia. Scabby ulcerating eruption. Sarcocele. Scrotal swelling. Sarcoma. Fleshy tumor. Satyriasis. Love madness. Scabies. The itch. Sciatica. Neuralgia in the back of the thigh. Scirrhus. Induration of tissue. Sclerotitis. Inflammation of the sclerotic membrane of the eye. Scorbutus. Scurvy. Seborrhoea. Oily or flaky skin. Septicaemia. Unhealthy blood. Stomatitis. Inflammation in the mouth. Strabismus. Squinting. Strangury. Inability to urinate. Struma. Scrofula. Sycosis. Fig-wort. Syncope. Fainting. Synovitis. Inflammation within the cavity of a joint. T Tabes. " Bowel consumption." Tampon. A plug. Tenesmus. Straining down upon the bowel or bladder. Tetanus. Lockjaw. Tic Douloureux. Neuralgia in the face. Tinea. Scald-head. Tinnitus Aurium. Ringing in the ears. Tonsillitis. Quinsy. Trachoma. Granular eyelids. Traumatic. From an injury. Trichiniasis (Trichinasis). Disease from eating " measly pork." Trismus. Lockjaw. Tuberculosis. The morbid condition giving rise to tubercles. Tympanites. Distention of the abdo- men with gas; drum-tight. U Uraemia. Poisoning of the blood by urine retained in the system. Urticaria. Nettle rash. Uterus. The womb. Uvula. The middle of the soft pal- ate, that hangs down. Vagina. The channel to the womb. Vaginismus. Spasmodic constriction of the vagina. Varicocele. Dilated condition of the scrotal veins. Varicose veins. '* Knotted veins." Variola. Smallpox. Vertigo. Giddiness. 29O REPERTORIAL INDEX. The numbers used in this index refer to sections, not to pages. The numbers enclosed in parentheses refer to sections noting the remedies, which, in minute doses, are suitable for the diseases named, although in the sections referred to, it is not so stated. Em. refers to Electro-magnetism. Sec. 149. When several remedies are recommended for the same disease, the preference for one or the other may be determined by consulting the general indications given for each. Abrasion—see Skin. Abscess—apply, 28, 31 C, 42, 83, 91, 106: take (17 A), 128 A, D— speedy to head, 83 B — opened without pain, 3, 32, 44— opened without the knife, 115. Acacia—1. Acidity—128 J—see Stomach. Acne—see Face. Aconite — 2 — poisoning, 59 hypo- derm. Actaea—21. Adenitis—see Gland. Adenoma—32 hypoderm. ^Esculus—72. ^Ethusa—(sub.), 1. After-birth, expelled—14, (50), 103. After-pains—17 A, 21, 31, 49, 86, 119,148 W (4),146 B—hypoderm., 107—prevention, 141. Agalactia—see Milk. Agaricus—27. Agnine (sub.), 66. Ague—take 7 A, 8, 11, 31, 32,38, 45, 49, 51, 55, 61, 70, 77 A (78), 80, 101 B (103, 117), 1'20A, 126 (140 alb), 146 A—of children, 127 —hypoderm., 80, 120: apply, 14, 74, 106, 126—cure for a penny, 6913—cure for a dime, 120—guard against ague, 67, 69 O, 126, 146 A —Chronic, II, 74, 120 hypoderm. —from worms, 127—with jaundice, 77 A. Air in doors purified, 35, 36, 69J, no—ozone, no — see Disinfect- ants. Albuminuria—11, 16, 80, 96 (no), 115 F, 128 A, 139 A. Alcohol—3—alcoholism, habit, 44, 74 B, 103 A, 104, 120,147—hypo- derm., 45, 103—surfeit, 53 S. Aletris—4. Allium—106. Aloes—5. Alopecia.—see Hair. Alum—6. Alumina—42. Amaurosis—10, 17 (84, no)—para- lytic, 103 hypoderm.—see Sight. Ambra—(sub.), 51—148 W (1). Amblyopia—(103, 127), 103 hypo- derm.—see Sight. Amenorrhoea—see Menses. Ammonia—7. Amputation dressing—3, 61, 91, 125 —pain prevented, 3 B, 106, 133 — see Wound. Amyl—8. Anaemia—(10), 79, 119 B, 128 E, 142 A, 148 C2, 148 X (9). Anaesthesia—preparation, 107 hypo- derm.—general; 38, 59, 60, 139— safe in labor, 38, 69 B2, 139— by rapid breathing, 69 A2, — by gazing at a bright object, 69 A2— local: to the throat, 44—to any in- ternal surface, 44—to teeth, for extracting without pain, 59, 68— to felon, abscess, etc., for opening without pain, 3, 32, 38, 44, 59 A, 75—to abdomen, during labor, for nulling pain, 38—to fissure, or ulcer in ano, 44, 77 I—painless caustic, 40 A, 50 E—anaesthetic condition of parts—see Numbness. Aneurism—50 hypoderm.—69 N 3, 148 W (10). REPERTORIAL INDEX. Anger—148 W (4). Angina faucium—see Throat. Angina Pectoris—3, 8, n, 29 (49), 101 A (148 P2)—hypoderm. 8, 107 —best guard, 11. Aniline—(sub.), 44. Anise—(sub.), 13, 41. Anthrax—n, 32 (128 H). Antidotes—to poisons in general, 105, '31 A, 135—to animal matter, 3, 11 (32)—to impure vaccine, 9, 11, 128 A—to vegetable poisons in general, 31—to aconite, 59 hypo- derm.—to arsenic, 88—-to atropia or belladonna, 17—to acetate of lead I31 A—to blue vitriol, 131 A — to mercury and lead in the system, l'5 B—to opium or morphia, 8, 45, 75, 107—to phosphorus, 105 (turpentine) — to nux vomica or strychnia, 37 hypoderm., 45, 103— to veratrum, 59 hypoderm.—to snake venom in general, 3, 7, 67, 77,113: copperhead,aconite: rattle- snake, 67, 77—to skin poisoning, aPPlv, 36,57, 88, 115 : take, 122 A —for invenomed wounds, 3, 113. Antimony—12. Antipyretics—see Fever. Antiseptics—apply 35, 36, 37, 42, 77 J, 90, 91, 115 A, 126, 136 A: take, 11, 13, 15, 32, 120, 128 H— " vinegar stands head "—see Disin- fectants, also Fetid odor. Anus—fissure, 44, 69 R3, 113, 115 D, 129, 144,148 W (6)—fistula, 69 S3 —ulcer, 44, 113, 115 D, 128 A, 148 N2—prolapsus ani: apply, 25, 139, 144 A: take, 72, 76, 79 B, 92, 103 A, 103 hypoder., 1481—itching in the anus—see Pruritus—symp- toms of the anus, under general in- dications: burning, 7, 23—dry- ness and pricking, 72—tingling, tickling, 100—soreness relieved by cold water applied, 5, 42, 70— stitches, 148 I. Aphonia—see Voice. Aphthae—see Mouth. Apis—70. Apocynum andro—(sub.), 46. Apocynum canna—(sub.), 68. Apoplexy—2, 8, 17 A, 39, 79 A (103-107), no, 146 A, 148 C5— hypoderm., 50—from heat, 120 hypoderm., 138 B—during the fit, 2, 146 A—guard, 69 R4, 79 A. Apparent death—at birth, 69 R, 69 D3—from anaesthesia, 8, 69 R, 101—from coal gas, 69 R—from convulsions, 74—from hemorrhage, 74—how to discriminate between real and apparent death, 69 S, 69 Y, 69 A2, 69 O3—what to do in case of doubt, 69 Y—signs of approaching death, 69 O3— see Drowning, Frozen Condition, Lightning Stroke, Sunstroke. Appetite—symptoms under general indications:—defective, lost, 4, 7, (10), 22, 23, 53 D, M, 65, 79 A, 119 B, 134 A—no appetite for breakfast, 147—aversion to all food, 13,46, 78: to warm food, 9, no, 140, 147, 148 I: to bread, 126, 148 N2 : to meat, 64, 88, 148 N2 : to fat, 35, 50, 117, 120, 148 X, (8): to milk, 35—milk disagrees, 88, 131—potatoes disagree, 42— morbid craving, as for chalk, pen- cils, etc., 42, 88, 148 N2 : for char- coal, 148 C: for strong drink, 74 B—ravenous hunger, 68, 77— night hunger, no—desire for food soon after meals, 77, 114, 127 : for cold food, 7, 9, no, 140, 147: for fat, 103, 148 N2 : for eggs, 88 carb: for herring, 148 N2: for salt, 126, 148 C5. Arbor vitae—9. Argentum nit—129. Arm-pit—see Axilla. Arnica—10. Arsenic—11—arsenic poisoning, 88. Arthritis—see Joints Asafoetida—13. Asclepias syria—(sub.), 46. Asclepias tuber—(sub.), 26. Asphyxia—see Apparent Death. Asthenopia—(21, 41 A, 62 A, 126) 148 Z—see Sight. Asthma—Em. 2, 7, 11, n B, 32, 43, 45, 54 ,69 L*, 77, 78,80,87 Yerba, 101 B, 115, 138, 139, 142 B, (148 C5)—hypoderm., 37, 80, 107 A— apply: 7, 77—instant relief, 8, 139—especially for old people, (148 C5)—hysterical, 148 X (10) REPERTORIAL INDEX. from repelled eruption, 19, (136)— from a fall, 133—choking with phlegm, (12, 78)—chronic 107 A, 115, 139—fifty cures in succession, 80, 139—not failed once in twenty- five years, 115. Asthma of Millar—2 (17), 36, 49, 120 A, 128 I, 148 I—hypoderm., 107. Astigmatism—70 A—see Sight. Atheroma—69 N 3 (no). Athetosis—(103). Atrophy—(marasmus)—11, 65, 66 B, 77 A, 79 E, 88 A, 105, 109, 110 E, (128 E), 148 Y4—diet, 53 L, M, 57—progressive muscular, 27 A, (84, no); hypoderm., 103. Atropia—17—poisoning, 17. Aurum—64. Aversion—see Appetite. Axilla—abscess, apply : 28, 83—take: 128 A, D—sweat, see perspira- tion. Azoturia— 148W, (3). Baby's card—syncope at birth, 69 R, 69 D»—squint at birth, 10— spasms at birth, 10 (128 D)—scalp tumor at birth (128 A, 148 F)— restless, feverish, colicky, cross, 31, 34, 47, 106, 127, worms, 141 A, 148 P, 148 W, (4)—best food, 53 L, M. Back—lame, weak, giving out, 16, 17 D, 25, 72, 103 hypoderm.— cold between the shoulders, 7. Balanitis—(9). Baldness—see Hair. Bandage—14. Baptisia—15. Barber's Itch—32, (48). Barberry—16. Barrenness—see Sterility. Beard removed from lady's face, 69 T3. Bed-bug, avaunt—126. Bed-room kept pure—see Air. Bed-sore—3, 20 B, 42, 69 A—con- taining maggots, 90. Bee sting—10, 69 G4, 85, 106, 126. Belching—see Eructation. Belladonna—17—plaster, 17 D— poisoning, 17. Benzoic acid—18. Benzoin—18. Berberis—16. Better—(symptoms under general in- dications). After eating, 21, 77, 112—after drinking coffee, 148 C3—after sleeping, no. By cold water applied: 5, 42, 70—by drinking cold water, 49, no—by eating cold food, no—by pressing upon the painful part, 24, 26, 128 I, 148 C3—by rubbing the parts affected, 30, 76, 143—by thinking of the pain, 31, 148 C— by stooping, 46—by wrapping up the head, 128 A. During motion, 16, 19, 23, 85 A, 79,115 (iod.), 122, 136, 143,148 C5—during rest or repose, 21, 26, 146. When warm, 11, 17, 77, (115, carb. bichro. iod.) 128 I—when warm in bed, 85—when lying down in a dark room, 22—when out doors, 106, 107—when rid- ing, 148 N2—when swallowing, 123. Biliousness—32, 86, 92, 128 G—diet, 53 G. Birth-mark—see Naevus. Bismuth—20. Bites—of flies, 41, 69 B2—of mos- quitoes, 85—of spiders, 126—of snakes, 3, 7, 17 B, 67, 69 E3, 77, 113: hypoderm., 3, 7, 59—of ani- mals Em. 88, 133—of mad dogs, see Hydrophobia. Bittersweet—19. Bitter taste—see Taste. Black snake root—21. Black specks—see Face. Bladder—irritation, inflammation Em. 16 A (17), 18 A, 30 C, 50 A (68 indica), 70, 81, 89, 94 A (103), 121, 122 aroma—paralysis of the sphincter, 50 hypoderm. See Urine Dribbling. Blear eye—62(146). . Bleeding (hemorrhage) attended with nausea, 78, 140 A—from the blad- der, urine bloody, 7 B (10), 16 A (17), 4i, 134 C, 139 B, 144 A, 148 X (5)—from the bowel, 7 B (10), 78, no A, 144 A—from the 293 REPERTORIAL INDEX. gums (99), 128 H, 144 A—from the lungs Em., 2, 7 B (10), 29,41, 50 hypoderm., 69 C3 78, 87, 102 (110), 134 A, 137, 139, 142 A, 144 A, 148 X (5)—after exposure to cold wind, 2—from mouth or throat after surgical operation, 38—from the navel (6), 69 T2 ; guard, 69 Z3, 79 G—from the nose, 6, 8, 10, 47, 50 hypoderm., 69 Q3, 69 H4, 7i,78, 93, 110 A, 128 B, H, 142, 144—grasp the nose with thumb and finger, breathe only through the mouth—from piles, 2, 50 hy- poderm. (79 G), 144 A—from the stomach, bloody vomit (10), 41, 78, 137, 140 A, 144 A—from the socket, after tooth drawn, 6, 69 Z3, 144 A—from the womb, 6, 10, 14 A, 16 A, 24 B, 41, 50, 50 hypo- derm., 52, 65, 68, 69 M2, 74, 77, 78, 79, 86, 129 B, 137, 140 A, 142 C, 144 A—last extreme, 52, 74—guard against flooding, 14, 69 M2 (78, 120)—from a wound, 3, 6, 10, 38, 74, 79 G. Blepharitis—see Eye. Blepharospasm—see Eye. Blindness—2, 17 A—see Sight. Blisters on the lips—10, 126. Blistering plaster—37, 98. Bloat—see OZdema. Blood poison—see Pyaemia. Bloodroot—22. Blood tumor on scalp—128 A, 148 F. Blue Flag—23. Boil—apply Em. 10, 28, 31 C, 42, 69 S2 (83), 106, 144—to abort it, 31 C, 69 S2—take 10, 17, 128 A, D, 145—small hard boils, 128 A— preventives, 10 (136), 145—boils in the ears, 148 X (9). Bone—inflammation : ostitis and peri- ostitis (13, 64), no A, 114 A, 115 B (128 A, B), 148 X (3), 148 X (4)—ulceration caries, 13, 32, 64, 88 B, 94 C, no A, 115 E2, 123, 128 A, D, 148 F, 148 L, 148 X (3)—nightly bone pains, 64 (114 A), 115 B, 148 X (4)— bone tumor, 2, 128 A, 148 F, 148 W(7). Borax—24. Bovista—148 W (2). Bowel—obstruction, 52, 69 J2, 107, 126, 145 A: hypoderm., 17, 107, 107 A—involuntary passages, 5, 23 (107), no, 133: especially in sleep, 10—inflammation; see En- teritis—ulceration, 148 X (3) cramp, 49, 75, 107 hypoderm., see Diarrhoea, Constipation, Colic. Brace—25. Brain—congestion Em., 2, 11, 17 A (26,49), 50 B, 101, 128 B, 140 A, 146—inflammation, phrenitis, men- ingitis, 2, 10, 17 A, 26, 27, 39, 50 B, 128 B, C, 138 A, B, 140 A: hypoderm., 50,107—cerebro-spinal meningitis, 3, 17 A, 21, 24 A, 49, 78, 88 E sweat, (128 B, C), 140 A, 146, 148 C, 148 X (7): hypo- derm., 50, 107—brain fag, 45, 104, no A, 128 A: diet, 53 B—anae- mia, atrophy, paralysis of brain (no A, 147)—serous exudation upon the brain, hydrocephalus, acute, 10, 26, 39 (54), 68 (70), 69 E2, 80 hypoderm., 128 C: chronic, 10, 11 (32, 39,53 O), 88 A, 110 A, 115 B, 128 C—exhaustion of the brain, from diarrhoea, hy- drocephaloid, no A (147)—irrita- tion of the brain from teething (17 A), 92, 128 I, 140—shock, 101, 133: hypoderm., 8, 59, 107 hypoderm. guard—softening of the brain (no), 128 H—brain trouble from repelled eruption, or from study or grief, 49. Breasts—inflammation, threatening to gather. Apply Em., 17 D, 28, 42, 74, 114: take 17, 114, 128 B, C, 148 X (3)—suppuration, see Ab- scess—pain in the breasts when the milk flows in, 114—induration of the breasts, hard lumps, 77 G, 128 A, 148 C5,148 F, 148 W (6)—ma- lignant growths, 77 G, 148 C5 see Cancer—shrunken breasts, 75— preparation of the breasts before confinement, 10, 69 Q3,86—baby's breasts, swollen, hard and tender, 10—for other particulars, see Milk. Breath foul, 35,36,63, 115, 128 H— from eating onions, 106—from smoking tobacco (36). Breathing—see Respiration. 294 REPERTORIAL INDEX. Bright's Disease—11 (54), 68 (70), 74, D2 (79, 84), 94, 115, 139— —diet, 53 J, 94—indications of the disease, 69 V, 69 A4. Broken breasts—128 A, D—see Breasts. Broken leg—hint, 69 P3. Bromal-hydrate, poisoning—17 hypo- derm. Bromidia—(sub.), 68. Bromine—(sub.), 32, 77, 136. Bromo-Caffeine—(sub.), 45. Bromo-Chloralum—(sub.), 36. Bronchiectasis—148 Y (4). Bronchitis—acute (always a cough): Em., 2, 7 A (12, 26), 77 C (78), 80, 87, 105 (no, 115), 126 A, 128 B, C, 148 S3—stitching pains (2, 26)—hoarse cough (2, no, 115)— pipes clogged with phlegm (12, 78) — hypoderm., 80, 107 A— Chrontc-Y.ro.., 6, 7 A (n), 15, 18 C, 29, 65, 66B, 77 C, 80, 86, 87, 88B,D (110,117, 128 C,D, 136 D, 148 S, S2, S3, 148 W (10), 148 Z: diagnostic hint, 79 F2—see Cough. Bronchocele—77 D, I. Bronchorrhoea—6 (18), 80, 128 A, 148 Y (4), hypoderm., 80. Bruise, contusion—Em., 3, 10, 74, 84, 91, 133, 136 A2—to remove discoloration, 132—bruised sore feeling : under general indications, 10, 15, 21. Bryonia—26. Bug Agaric—27. Bunion—Em., 130 A, 140 B. Burn and scald—apply, 3, 30, 32, 35, 37 A, 44, 57, 66, 74, 83, 84, 88, 131, 142—take, (n, 30, 122, tox.) —burn from nitric acid, 148 N2— ulceration from a burn : apply, 35 : take, 128 A, D—very obstinate, 130—see Ulcer. Burning pains—general indications ; 2, n, 30, 122. Bursa—18 (128 A). Bursitis—(128 A, 148 S3). Cabbage—28. Cachexia—general, 10—see Quinia. see Mercury. Cactus —29. Caffein—45. Calabar bean—(sub.), 80. Calcarea—88. Calcium phos.—(sub.), 128. Calcium sulph.—(sub.), 128. Calculi—see Liver and Kidney. Calendula—91. Calomel—(sub.), 77. Camphor—31. Cancer—Em., 2, 9, 11, 20, 32, 36, 40, 43, 50, 63 (65), 69 L3, 77 A, 86, 88, 90 (no), 114 B, 115, 121, 128 A, 136 A, 148 C4, 148 Cft, 148 W (9)—especially of the glands, 148 C5—of the tongue, 115, 148 C4—of the womb (9, n), 50, 57, 7-7 A, 115—of the stomach, 11, 20, 32, 66 B, 148 C4—bleeding cancer (79 G), 88, 90 (no)—pain subdued, 43, 86, 107 hypoderm.— fetor obviated, 36, 63, 90, 115 G— relapse prevented after excision, 32 —removal without the knife, 40 A, 50 E, 121—diet, 53 C. Cannabis—68. Cantharis—30. Capsicum—(sub.), 125. Carbolic acid—32. Carboline—(sub.), 61. Carbo veg.— 35. Carbuncle—apply Em., 10, 28, 31, 52, 77, 84, 91, 106, 115, 137, 144 —take 10 (n, 17), 128 A, D— aborted, 31, 77, 91, 137—opened without the knife, 115. Carcinoma — 142 hypoderm. — see Cancer. Cardiac—see Heart. Cardialgia—103 hypoderm.—s e e Stomach. Caries—see Bone. Castor Oil—33, rendered palatable, 69 X2. Catalepsy—(21), 49 (68, 128 I, 148 C). Catamenia—see Menses. Cataract—46 C127), 128 A, 148 C5, 148 W (3), i48Z. Catarrh (see Mucus)—acute nasal see Colds—chronic nasal, apply 6, 20, 24, 32, 36 A, 51, 77 K, 124, 131, 136 D, 137 B, 144, 148 Z— take 7 brom., 11B, 13, 21, 22, 24 A, 32, 64, 65, 87, 88 A, 115 D (117, 128 A, C, D), 129, 136 D, 29S REPERTORIAL INDEX. 148 F, 148 I2, 148 N2, 148 S3, 148 X (8), 148 X (13), 148 Y, (1)—pharyngeal see Throat— bronchial, 7, 88 B, 115, 134, 136 D see Bronchitis—gastric (12, 19), 32, 74 D2 (78,103), 115 C, 129 C, 14812 see Dyspepsia—catarrh of the bladder 6 (18, 19), 30, 50 A, 81 (89, 94), 121, 122 aromat., 134 C see Cystitis—guard against catarrh, 53 C. Catarrhal fever—see Fever. Catechu—(sub.), 24. Catheterism—30 D (92). Caulophyllum—(sub.), 21, 46. Caustic, painless—40 A, 50 E. Causticum—148 W (3). Cedron—(sub.), 17. Celery—(celerina), 34. Cephalalgia—see Head. Cerebro-spinal meningitis—see Brain. Cerium oxal.—(sub.), 17. Chafing—see Skin. Chamomilla—148 W (4). Change of life—8, 21, 22, 80, 101 (136, 148 V)—flooding, 129 B. Charcoal—35. Chelidonia—(sub.), 92. Chapped lip and hands—(5), 18 A, 66, 132. Chenopodium—(sub.), 127. Chest—diagnostic symptoms, 69 X, 3 C—chest pains in general, Em., 69 R4, 77 H, 148 R, 148 W (8): hypoderm., 37, 80—under general indications : burning, 7—coldness, 89—weakness, 77, no, 148 S, 148 Y (4). Chewing motion of the jaw in sleep)— 39,148M. Chicken-pox—9,12, 69 G2. Chilblain—apply Em., 28, 61, 66, 86—take, 27, 128 A, C, D, 136 A2. Child-bed-^w, 2, 7 A, 11, 17 A, 26, 29, 32, 103, 107, 120, 128 B, 140 A, 146 A: low grade, n, 120 A—preventive, 36—m ani a, 17 A, 21, 68 (128 H, 129), 138, 140 A: hypoderm., 37, 107, 138 B: deep gloom, 21 (128 H)— spasms (2), 17 A, 37 hypoderm., 38, 69Q (101), 1281, H, 129A, 138, 140 A—see Labor. Children's ailments—105—see Baby's Card. Chill—congestive (14), 31, 88 E, sweat—sudden chill from exposure, 2—nervous, shivers, 21 (146)— want of vital heat, 85, 117, 128 A. Chimaphil—(sub.), 134. China (cinchona)—120. Chloral—37—poisoning, 103 hypo- derm. Chlorine (chlorides)—36. Chloroform—38—narcosis, 38: hy- poderm., 8, 54. Chlorosis—(11), 79 (84, 119 A), 128 E (129), 142 A, 148 C2. Choking—13, 115 A, 138 B, (146 A), 148 C, C2—hysterical, 13—under general indications: from food, 42, 115—from liquids, 30—from worms, 126 B—from phlegm (12, 78)—see Spasm. Cholera—Em., (2), n, 31, 38, 47, 48,49 (5°), 74 (no), 136, 140— hypoderm., 37, 59—collapse, 11, 59, 128 H : hypoderm., 8, 107— cure with one dose, 38^—over one hundred cures in succession, 74— guard, 31, 136 A. Cholerine-—(78, no). Cholera Infantum—1 JEth. (2), 23, 31, 45, 48 B, 53 L diet, 57, 88, 109,121, 128 B, 134 A, 135. Cholera Morbus—Em., 23, 48 B, 49, 78, 109, 134A—hypoderm., 37, 59. Chorea—(St. Vitus' dance), Em., n, 21, 27 (49), 104, 128 I, 138 B, 140 A (147), 148 C2—from worms, 127—hypoderm., 138 B. Choroiditis—78. Christmas Rose—39. Chromic acid—(sub.), 40. Chromium—40. Chronic Diseases—32, 53 M. food cure, 64, 74—hot water cure, 110 B, 128 C. Chrysophanic acid—142 D. Chyluria—16 A. Cicatrice removed—132 B. Cicuta—148 C. Cimicifuga—21. Cina (santonine)—27. Cinchona—120. Cinnamon—41. Cirrhosis-—2, 11 (no). REPERTORIAL INDEX. Cistus—123. Citric acid—86. Clairvoyance—(2,68), no A. Clavus—103 A (117, 128 I), 148 I. Clay—42. " Cleansings "—see Lochia. Clematis—148 W (5). Clergyman's sore throat—(10, no), 129B, 136A2, 144. Climacteric ailments—see Change of Life. Climate cure—of consumption, 69 P, of malaria, 69 O—of rabies; "none on the Pacific coast." Clover—43. Cloves—(sub.), 47. Club-foot and other deformities pre- vented—110C. Coca—44, 40 (sub.). Cocaine oleate—(sub.), 38. Cocculus—148 C2. Coccyodinia—38, hypoderm. Codeia—(sub.) 107. Cod-liver oil—(sub.), 66—rendered palatable (66), 69 X2, 126. Coffee—45. Colchicum—46. Colds (coryza, influenza, acute, catarrh)—2, 7, 11 (17), 19, 31, 53 P, 57, 73—sweat, 74, 80 B, 82, 86, 88 E sweat, 96, 106 (128 B), 142, 146 A—cold settled in the jaw after having tooth extracted, 6 A—- diet guard against disposition to colds, 53 C. Coldness—(under general indica- tions), 85, 117, 128 A—from pain, 140 alba.—in spots as if touched with the point of an icicle, 27—in- ward, 123—in the chest, 89—in the bowels, 115 brom.—about the head, 128 A, 148 V—of the feet see Feet.—of the back, 7—ail- ments attended with coldness, 85, 117, 128—cold sweat on the fore- head, 140 alb.—cold sweat on the genitals, 144. Cold water—47. Colic—apply Em., 14, 38, 45, 74, 75 —take I (2), 7 (17), 23, 41, 45, 49, 74 (84), 103 B, 106, 107, 127, 1281, 134 A, 140 alb., 141 A, 143, 145,148 C2,148 C3,148 P, 148 W (4), 148 Y (4)—baby's colic, 1, 7, 13, 31,34, 45, 47, 53 L food, 71, 83, 103 B, 106, 115 A, I28I.141A, 148 P, 148 W (4), 148 Y (4)— preventive of colic, 136 A: in in- fants, 13, 69 T2, A—bilious colic, 23, 107 (128 G), 143, 148 W (4) —gall-stone pain, and gravel pain see Liver and Kidney—lead colic, 6, 107—menstrual colic, 128 I, 148 C2—see Menses painful. Collapse—7, 11, 101, 107 (no A), 128 H, 148 M. Collinsonia—134. Collodion—48. Colocynth—148 C3. Coloring for medical tinctures and powders—69 A3. Coma—(2), 45, 75, 79 A—of infants, 92—hypoderm., 50—when menses should appear, 144. Complexion beautified—18, 69 W3, 69 R4. Compound fracture—3, 32, 84, 91, 133, 136 A—see Wound. Concussion—10, 133. Condurango—148 C4. Condyloma—9, 148 N2—see Syco- sis. Confinement—see Child-bed. Congestion—in general, 2, 14, 50, 88 E, 93, 116, 128 B, 140 A, 146 —see Organs affected. Congestive chill—see Chill. Conium—148 C5. Conjunctivitis—see Eye. Consciousness, lost—see Apparent Death. Constipation—17 (26, 42), 47, 53 M, 58, 69 L, 69 I2 (84), 103 A (107, 109), 134, 148 W (6)—habitual, 5, 58, 74 D2, 92, 103 A, 134, 148 I2—with piles, 103 A, 134—of infants, ^, 53 L food, 65, 83, 92, 103 A, 105, 135—character of the stools, under general indications: dry and crumbly, 7—dry and hard as if burnt, 26, 42—in balls like sheep dung, 84, 107—pain for hours before stool, 115 carb.—pur- gatives, 5, 23, 33, 63, 92, 106, 130, 135, 145. Consumption, decline—Em., 11,11 B, 15, 53 M, O diet, 66 A, B, 69 P, 69 F2 hint, 6914, 69 R4 sleep cure 297 REPERTORIAL INDEX. 74 A, 77 L, 86, 87,88 B, D, 94 B,C, 97,110, 115,128 A, 129 B, 136 1), 139, 142 A, 148 L, 148 M, 148 W (10), 148 X (8), 148 Y (4), 148 Z, —from suppressed menses, 50, 87 —restoration in twelve weeks, 139 —climate cure, 69 P—guard, 53 C, 129. Contagion, guard—in general, 32 A, 36, 69 Z2, 67, 106, 136 C—against scarlet fever, 17, 53 N, 69 V3— against smallpox, 9, 115, 136, 142 —against malaria, 67, 69 O, 126, 146 A—against yellow fever, 125. Convalescence—diet, 53 T, 94 C. Convulsions—see Spasms. Copper—49. Cornea—inflammation, n, 62, 64 (70), 115 D, 128 A, B (144, 147)— ulceration (11) 61, 64, 115 D, 128 A, D, 136 B, 144 (147), 148 N2— opacity (62, 58 sativa), 115 D, 128 A, D, 136 B, 148 F — " ground glass cornea" 136 B—specks on the cornea, 121, 128 A, D, 148 F —adhesions, 136 B. Corns—Em., 28, 126, 139, 142—re- moved without pain, 3. Corpulence, reduced—53 R. Coryza—see Colds. Costiveness—see Constipation. Cosmetics—18, 69 W3. Cotton—51. Cough—7, 22, 26, 29, 32, 55, 57, 69j3, 78, 86, 87, 97, 106, 107, 110 A (i28B,C,I), 148 P2, 148S, 148S2, 148 S3, 148 X (2)—from suppressed menses, 50, 87—night cough, 107, 138 B, 148 S3—winter cough, 7, 18 C, 97—complete con- trol, 55, 107—cough with every effort to speak, 21—with escape of urine, 148 W (3)—with trem- bling (12), 110 A—with stitching pains (2), 26—with tearing, split- ting pains, 106—from relaxed pal- ate, 69 K2, 98—croupy cough, 2, 7 A, 110 A, 115 E — sequel of measles, 115 E—from worms, 127 —from a fall on the back, 133— chronic cough, 7, 15, 18 C, 22, 32, 66 A, B, 77 B, 79 B, 88 A, B, no A, 148 W (10), 148 X (8), 148 Y (4), 148 Z—see Bronchitis. Courses—see Menses. Cracks—(upon lips or hands) (5), 18,66, 148 C4. Cramps—(2, 21, 37), 38, 41, 49, 69 G, 75 (84), 106, 107 hypoderm., 1281, 134 A, 136,139 A, B, (141) —in the limbs at night, 69 G, 136 A —preventive, 136 A. Craving—see Appetite. Cream mead—53 T Crocus—(sub.), 41. Cross—see Baby Card. Croup—Em., 2, 6, 7 A (12, 17), 22 (26), 32, 69 K4,74, 77 A, C (78), 80, 110 A, 128 C,H, 139, 142— membranous, 2 sponge, 6, 7 A, C, 32, 61, 77, 80, 107 A hypoderm., 110 A, 115 (128 C, H)—last ex- tremity, face livid, 128 H—diph- theritic, n B, 61, 77, 82, 115 (128 C,H). Crowing respiration—see Asthma of Millar. Crusta Lactea—see Scalp. Cubeb—(sub.), 24. Cupping—52. Cuprum—49. Cuts—125—with dissecting knife 3 B, 148 I2—see Wounds. Cyanosis—69 B, 148 P2. Cyclamen—(sub.), 34. Cystitis—6, 16A (17 A), 18B(i9), 30, 33, 50 A (68), 70, 81, 89, 94 B (103), 121, 122 C, 128 B, C, D,i34C. Damiana—(sub.), 44. Dandruff—24, 32,66, 88 A, 128 C. Datura poisoning—80 hypoderm. Deafness—Em., 9, 10 (n B), 66 (77), 85, 88 A, 95, 128 A, C, 137 B —with noise in the ears (54, 120, 125). Death signs—69 Y, 69 N2, 69 D3. Debility—in general, 44, 53 D, M, 79, 94 C, 103, 104, 110,119 A, B, 120, 129 B, 148N2,148 X(6), 148 Y(4) —from exhausting drains, 120 A—. from heat of the weather, 26, 103, 138 B—of old age, 148 C5—espe- cially of ladies, 4, 34, 50, 87, 119 A, B—as if in decline, 15, 50, 77, 87, 94 C, 110 A—from chronic discharges, 94 C. Decay—see Bone, Teeth. 298 REPERTORIAL INDEX. Decline—see Consumption. •Deformity—prevention, noC. Delirium—see Mind. Delirium Tremens—(12, 27), 45, 47, 53 A, 55, 68, 103 A, 104 A, (138 B), 146 A, 148 M, 148 S— hypoderm., 103, 107. Dementia—see Mind. Dentition—see Teething. Desires—see Appetite. Diabetes—Em., 24, 53 I, 61, 69 U, 94, 110 B, 122, 128 A, G, 135. Diagnosis—69 X3. Diaphragm — inflammation (2, 26, 128 B)—myalgia (21, 26)—spasms (29, 1281,129, 148 C). Diarrhoea—6, 10, n, 13, 14band., 19, 20, 23, 31, 33, 35, 41, 48, 53 E, L, M, diet—57, 74 A, 78, 79, 80, 86, 88 A, 92, 94 A, milk— 102 A—fainting, 105, 110 A, 112 (117), 120, 128 B, H, 134 A, 136 B, 148 X( 8)—of consump- tion, 20, 97, 129 A—especially of children, 11, 13, 20, 23, 35, 45, 47, 53 L, diet, 57, 79 E, 88 A, 92, 105, 110 A, E, 128 B, I, 136 B, 148 W (4)—sour stools, I, 88 A, 128 J—with falling of the bowel, 35 J (72)> 92> see Anus—with vom- iting, 6, 20, 23, 48B, 78, ^SB- see Cholera Morbus—with undi- gested stools, 79, 120, 128 B, 136 —watery stools, 11, 80 A—hot, fluid stools, 5, 11, 23, 143, 148 W (4)—black stools, n, 79, 128 H, 138—gray or white stools, 54, 92, 88 N—fatty stools, 105—diarrhoea from drinking bad water, 86— camp diarrhoea, 19, 79E (117 A) —chronic diarrhoea, 19, 53 M, 79 E, 87, 88 A, 110 A, E, 112, 128C, 142 C. Diet for infants and invalids—53. Digitalis—54. Dioscorea—143. Diphtheria—Em., 3 A, 6, 7 A, 15,28, 32, 36, 44,49, 61, 69 Ri, hint (70), 79, 80, 82, 94 C, 114 A, 115, 126, 128 C, H, 136, 139—developed upon the skin,49,l20 (125 A)—bro- mine treatment, cure in 3 days, 32. Diphtheritic croup—11B, 61, 77, 82, 115, 128 C,H. Diphtheritic paralysis—(103, 128, A, H) 146 A—see Paralysis. Diplopia—see Sight. Discoloration from a bruise—69 G4, 132. Disease preventive—(67)—see Con- tagion. Disinfectants—36, 45, 126, 136—see Antiseptics. Dislocation of hip—69P3. Dissecting knife cut—3 B, 148 I2. Diuresis—80 A, 110B, 128 G (139), 1481, 148 V—see Polyuria and Diabetes. Dogwood—55. Dose (minute and officinal)—56. Dread—(symptoms under general in- dications) ; of crowds, 2—of being in the dark, 2, 31, 138—of swal- lowing liquids, 30—68 indica. Drinking greedily—39. Dropsy—(2), 11, 26, 39, 45, 46, 47, 53 J, 54, 68 A, 69 E2, 70, 73, 80 hypoderm., 87, 88 E, 94 B, 128 G, 139B, 142 A, 148 S, 148 S2— sud- den acute (2), 39, 46, 70 (139, 148 S2)—especially after scarlet fever, 11,46,68,70,1280(1396) —dropsy in the heart sac, 39, 45, 54,68,80, 128G: hypoderm.,45,80 —in the chest, Em., n, 26, 39, 45, 54, 68, 70,128 G, 139 : hypoderm., 80—upon the brain, Em., 26, 39, 54, 68, 69 E2, 70, 80 hypoderm., 128 C—chronic upon the brain (11, 88 A, no, 115 B, 128 C)—of the ovary (68, 70, 128G)—of the scrotum, 47, 77 E, 85 A—dropsy with acute albuminuria, 80 hypo- derm., 139—dropsy of old people, 94 B—see Bright's Disease. Drosera—(sub.), 15. Drowning—Em., 126. Drowsiness—symptoms under general indications, 4, 12, 15, 17, 102, 107, no, 146. Drunkenness;—stupor, 2, 45, 107— nervousness, 21,68, 103 A, 147— see Alcohol. Drying the breasts—see Milk. Dryness of the mouth and throat on waking—102. Duboisia—(sub.), 17. Dulcamara—19. 299 REPERTORIAL INDEX. Duodenum—inflammation, n, 92 (128 C)—ulceration, 11, 88 C, 115 B, 122 D (128 A, D). Dyscrasia—10, 88 A. Dysentery—2, 5, 10, II, 15, 17 A (19), 20 C, 23, 33,37,46,74 E, 78, 94 A, 103 (122, 128 H, 132, 134 A (136), 139 C, 148 C3, 148 N2), 148 X (8)— shreddy stools, 30, 46—reddish, watery dejections, 122—of infants especially, 2, 17A, 23, 53 L, 78(i28C,H, I)—chronic, 19, 79E(i28C). Dysmenorrhoea—see Menses. Dyspepsia—Em., 1 (11), 20, 22 (26) 35 (42), 44, 53 D, 57, 65, 66 B, 71, 74, 94 C, 102, 103 A, 109 (no), 115 C (117), 126 A, 128 B (129), 148 P2. Dysphagia—115 A, 138 B, 146,148 C, C2—see Choking. Dyspnoea—see Respiration. Dysuria—see Urine. Ear—-earache, pain in the ear, 17, 38, 74, 105, 106,117, 148 X (3), 148 W (4), 148Z—internal inflamma- tion (2, 17), 74, 106,117 A (128, B, C)—swelling, 128 A—boils in the ear, 148 X (9)—-offensive dis- charge, n B, 24, 61, 64 (65), 91, 128 A, D, F, 137 B, 148 X (3), 148 Y (6)—yellow, slimy discharge, 128 F—noise in the ears, 21, 24, 54, 120, 146, 148 W (6)—foreign substance in the ear, 69 Z—redness of the ears as if frost bitten, 27— ear signs of longevity, 69 W. Eclampsia—see Spasm. Ecthyma—see Skin. Eczema—see Skin. Effusion—26, 128 C—see GMema. Egg—57- Elaterium—(sub.), 68. Elm—58. Emaciation—11, 77 A—see Atrophy. Emetic—6, 78, 126,147—hypoderm., 107 A. Emissions—see Spermatorrhoea. Emphysema—12, 54 A, 80 (128 H), 129 B—hypoderm., 80, 107. Empyema—11, 32 (120, 128 A, Encephalitis—128 C—see Brain. Enchondroma—128 A. Endocarditis—see Heart. Endometritis—see Uterus. Enteritis—(2), 11, 17, 33, 92 (128 B, C, D)—of infants, 148 W (10). Enuresis—see Urine. Epilepsy—Em., 7 A, 8, 11, 17, 27, 49, 53 N, 69 F4, 76 (84, 88), 93, 94 (103), 104 (no, 113, 115 A, 128 A, H), 129 A (138, 148 I, 148 C, 148 C2, 148 P2), 148 S4—hypo- derm., 17, 107—of infants at the breast, 39—guard against the fit, 8,14—to break the fit, 69 U2, 77 A: lay on left side. Epistaxis—see Bleeding. Epithelioma—69 N4, 148 L—hypo- derm, 32, 50. Equisetum—(sub.), 18. Ergot—50. Erigeron—(sub.), 68. Erotomonia—19, 30, 31, no A, 138 A, B, 148 X (9). Eructation—in general, 131—food, 10, 35, 128 H—loud and violent, 129 B—bitter, 128 G—sour, 128 J, 148 W (10). Eruptions—see Skin. Erysipelas—Em. 2, 7 carb., 10,17 A, 20 B, 30, 32, 47, 66, 69 H3, 70, 79 D, 80, 84, 90, 108, 120, 122 B, 131 A, 132 A, 140 A, 148 I2, 148 M, note—smooth red, 17 A, 70—vesicular, 30, 122 B—cure by three applications, 30—when all else fails, 120—after amputation, 90—on the scalp, 77. Erythema—see Skin. Eserine—(sub.), 27. Ether—59. Ethyl—60. Eucalyptus—61. Eupatorium pur—(sub.), 68. Euphrasia—62. Excitement of mania—hypoderm., 37, 13.8 B. Excoriation—see Skin. Excrescence—9, 148 N2. Exh austion—5 7, 94 C, noA.B, 148 M, 148 Y (4)—before dinner must eat (77), 136 B—from hem- orrhage, 3, 74, 120: hypoderm., 3, I2o. Exostosis—see Bone. Expectoration—blue, 148 S — red, 300 REPERTORIAL INDEX. 148 S2—yellow, 128 F, 148 W (10) —green, 115 iod., 128 J, 148 Y (4). Exudation—128 C—see CEdema. Eye—hints as to cause of eye affec- tions, 69 V2, 69 H3—pains in the eyes, Em., 17 A, 17 D, 21, 29 A, 61, 62, 144, 148 X (9), 148 X (11)—exceedingly painful ulcera- tion, 61, 115 D, 144, 147—acute inflammation in general, 2, 6, 17 A, 17 D, 36, 49, 62, 69 H3, 131,144, 147, 148 X (3)—chronic inflam- mation in general, sore eyes, Em., 28, 49, 107, 115D, 126, 128 A, 136 B, 144, 147, 148 X (3J—weak eyes, Em., 126, (144)—inflamma- tion in particular :—of the choroid coat, (26, 78, 127, 146): of the cornea, see Cornea: of the iris (9), 17 A, 27B, 62, 115D, 122 B, (128 B, C), 139, 148 W (5), 148 X (3) : of the sclerotic coat, 9, 128B, C: of the retina, 17 A, 128 B,C (127), 146 A, 148 X (3), 148 X (9), 146 A: of the lachry- mal sac, 128 A (144, 147): of the eye lids, apply : 6, 24, 28, 49, 131, 144,147; take: 62, 115D, 117A, 128B, C,D, 148 W (5), 148 W (6), 148 X (3), 148 Y (3): of the lining membrane of the lids, apply: 6, 24, 28, 36, 49, 144, 147; take (2,11), 17 A, 62, 115 D, 117 A, 128B, C—granulated lids, 49, 65 (144)—phlyctenular ophthalmia (49, 62, 115 carb.), 122 B (147)— yellow slimy discharge, 128F— purulent ophthalmia, of infants (the same for older children and adults) apply : 6, 28, 77 G, 91,129, 144: tike: 115 D, 123,128 A, D (129, 13*i B, 148 N2)—scrofulous oph- thalmia, 11 B, 88 A, 123 (128 E), 136 B, see Scrofula—hypopyon, 128 A, D, 136 B—cataract, 46, 128 A, 148C5, 148W (3), 148Z, —glaucoma, 2, 17 A. 64, 110A (1281, 148C3)— Os- cillation of the eyeballs, 27 A— eyeballs rolled back, 39—spasm of the eyelids, twitching, 27, 117 A, 128 I, 147, 148 C—constant blink- ing, 62—paralysis of the eyelids, 62, 122 B, 129 B, 146 A, 148 C5 (148 S)—excessive flow of tears, 62, 80 A, 106, 117 A, 144—blear eye,62 (146)—sty,77, 117, 122D (128 A, D), 148 Y (3)— bloat about the eye (n, 70), especially under the brows, 115 carb.—mote in the eye, 105. Face—diagnostic indications, 69 X, 3 B—pain in the face, faceache, 115, see Neuralgia—black pores in the skinof the face, 42, 136, 142 —hair on lady's face removed, 69 T3—eruptions on the face from shaving, 48—freckles, 18, 36, 49, 57, 115: complexion improved, 18, 69 W3, 69 R4—pimples, 5, n, 48, 66, 69 C4, 88 A, B, 115 B, 128 A,D, 136, 146, 14812, 148 N2— rosa- cea, 148 I2—lupus, n, 32, 48 (65),66,88C(n5bichro.),i48L— facial paralysis, 103 hypoderm.— symptoms of the face under general indications: bloodless pallor, 7, 79—one cheek pale the other red, 148 M—pale and bloated, 54— blue and cold, 49, 128 H—ivory clear, no—yellow, 148 W (10). Fainting—2,4,7, 8, 41, 45 B, 102: with heart distress, 115 A—from pain, 2—from surgical operation, 101. Fall—concussion, 3, 10, 91, 74, 133, 136 A. Falling of the womb or bowel—see Uterus or Anus. False labor pains—see Labor. False presentation—148 X (12). Fatigue, faintness, 34, 41, 57, 94, no A, B, see Exhaustion. Fattening diet—35, 53Q. Fatty degeneration—no A. Favus—see Scalp. Fear, timidity—2 (49)—in the dark, 2, 31—afraid to walk, staggering, 138. Feet—cold, 7, 75, 104 (128A), 148 I, 148 X (9) : cold and damp, 88 carb.—hot burning soles, 22, 57, 136—offensive sweat, 6, 20, 24, 36,37, 88 A, 115G, 129, 148 X (8)—sore, tender, 36, 57, 88 A, 137 : from walking (10), 57 : from perspiration, 88 A (128 A)—swell- 301 REPERTORIAL INDEX. ing cedema, 54, 70,79 C, 85, 128 G —light feeling in feet and legs, as if floating, when in a recumbent position, 148 S3. Felon—Em., 3,7,69 O4, 74, 82,126, 128 A-D—aborted, 7 — relief of pain in ten minutes, 82—opened without pain, 3 C, 44. See Anaes- thesia—felon diathesis, 143. Fennel—(sub.), 13. Ferrum—79. Ferrum phos.—(sub.), 128. Fetid odor—of wound, ulcer, cancer, 32,35,36, 63, 90,91,115 G, 125A, 128 H. See Disinfectants — see Breath, Feet, Perspiration. Fever—in general, 2, 7 A, 17 A, 29, 32,53 P, 83,128 B, 140 A, 146A— especially of infants (2, 47, 128 B, 146 A)—with alternate chills and heat, 39—bilious fever (2, 7 A, 23, 32, 78, 92, 128G, 146 A, 148C3) —catarrhal fever (2, 7 A, 12, 19, 78, 128 C, 146 A)—gastric fever (2,7A,12, 23, 32,78,128B, 146A) —hectic fever, 15, 22, 32 (87, 120, 128 A, D), 142 A, 148 M—inflam- matory fever, 2, 17 A (26, 29, 80 B), 128 B, 146 A—intermittent fever, see Ague—Puerperal Fever: See Childbed—remittent fever, 7A (106), 120A, 146A: pernicious, 120 hypoderm.—rheumatic fever (2, 12, 26, 29, 122, 128 B)— spotted fever, 3, 17 A, 21, 49, 50, 78 (88 E), 107, 140,146 A, 148 C —sweating fever, 59,80—traumatic fever (2), 10,61—urethral fever, 2 —worm fever, 127—guard against fevers, 36, 67, 69L2, 146 A. See Contagion Guard—for other fevers; see Scarlet, Typhoid, Typhus, Yel- low. Fibroid tumours—32, 50 hypoderm. Fidgets—147,148 V—of the feet, 147 —attendant upon locomotor ataxia, 17 hypoderm. Fissure—see Crack, see Anus. Fistula — lachrymal dental, 60S3, 110,128A, 148 F—in ano, see Anus —fistula of horses, 126. Fit—see Spasm. Flatulence—1, 35, 38, 46, 102., 129, 148 V, 148 W (10)—fetid, 35. Flies off—41, 69 B3. Floating, light sensation in the limbs— 148 S3. Flooding—see Bleeding. Fluoric acid—148 F. Fluoride of Calcium—148 F. Flushes—8, 76, 79, 80 A, 136 B, 148 V—see Change of Life. Fluttering at the stomach—29, 119. Fomentations—74. Fontanelles open—88 B, 128 A, E. Food—for infants, 53 L, M—for in- valids nervous, 53 B : dyspeptic, 53 D : bilious, 53 G: diabetic, 53 I: ailing with gout, gravel, or Bright's disease, 53J: chronic ailments, 53 M : scrofula or consumption, 53 O : emaciation, 53 Q : obesity, 53 R—-food by injection, 53 U. Foot—see Feet. Foul—see Fetid. Fracture—ununiting, Em., 62A(88 B), 128C: hypoderm., 142—compound fracture, 3, 32, 84, 91, 133; see Wound—how to carry patient with a broken leg, 69 P3. Freckles—see Face. Fright—2 (128 H, 138), 1481 — frightened feeling, 2, 119, 1481. Frost bite—see Chilblain. Frozen—(10, 27), 74. Fungus—(9), 22. Fusel oil—(sub.), 40. Gagging—(12), 49, 78—from worms, 127—from teething, 92. Gait unsteady—see Locomotor Ataxia. Gallic acid—137. Gall stone—8, 38, 59, 74E, 105, 107, 120—hypoderm., 59, 107—preven- tives, 38, 59, 120—dissolved in situ, 38, 59- Gamboge—(sub.), 44. Ganglion—18, 69 N3. Gangrene—11, 32, 35, 37, 42, 50 B, 90,91, 115 C, 120, 128 H, 136 A —of the throat, 115 C—of the lungs, 125, 128 H—of bowels, 145 B—Senile, 42,506, 128H— hospital, 90, 139—humid, 120 B (128 H). Gaping yawning, spasmodic—(12), 41,1481. ' Gastralgia—103 hypoderm., 134A: see Stomach. 302 REPERTORIAL INDEX. Gastric—see Stomach. Gastritis—see Stomach. Gathering—see Abscess, see Felon. Gelsemium—146. Genitals — itching: see Pruritus— sweating: see Perspiration—relaxa- tion, 44 sang. Giddiness—see Vertigo. Glanders—(115 bichro.). Glands — acute inflammation and swelling, 17 A, 28, 32, 42,77 F, 80 hypoderm., 88 A, 114, 115 (122 tox.), 123, 128 C, 148 C5—chronic enlargement, 42,77 A, F,88 A, 115, 123, 128 A, C—induration, 77 A, 88 A, 123 (128 C), 148 C5— suppu- ration, 128 A, D : see Scrofula. Glaucoma—see Eye. Glonoine—101. Glossitis—see Tongue. Glottis—oedema, 70 (128 G)—spasm, 2,17, 36, 49, 77 A, 107 hypoderm., 1281: see Choking. Glycerine—66. Glycosuria—531, noB. Goitre—Em., 2 sponge, 7, 8, 57, 77, 88, 148 F—exophthalmic, 8, 50 (70): hypoderm., 50. Gold—64. Golden Seal—65. Gossypium—51. Gout—Em., 2, 7, 10, 18, 46, 50 A, 53 J, 72,73,74, 81,88 E sweat, 89, 92, 96, no, 117, 119 A, 128 E, 14812 : hypoderm., 107—chronic, 2, 24B, 50A, 85, 110A, 119C, i28E,i42,148 I2—sweat cure, 73, 74,88 E. Granulated eyelids—see Eye. Graphites—148 W (6). Grating of the teeth—17, 92, 127. Gravel—Em., 16, 50 A, 53 J, 74, 81, 134C, 148 W (10)—stone lodged, 8, 10, 16 (17), 38, 59, 74E, 106, 107,132 C, 143,146 A: hypoderm., 59, 107—position to pass water, 69O2 (132). Gray powder—(sub.), 16. Grief—110 B, 1481. Groin pain—68, 144 A. Gums—diseased, 6, 35, 36, 77, 99, 115, 142—bleeding, 99, 128H (129, 144 A)—gum boil (128 A, D), 148 W (7). Gunpowder—67. Haematemesis—see Bleeding. Haematuria—see Bleeding. Haemoptysis—see Bleeding. Haemorrhoids—see Piles. Hair—falling, baldness, Em. (n), 32, 61, 80 A, 106, no, 148 F, 148 W (6): hypoderm., 80—gray from fright, 126—removed from lady's face, 69 T3. Hamamelis—44. Hankering—see Appetite. Hardening of the tissues—128 A, C : see Induration. Hawking—18 C, 19, 24 A, 32, 69 J3, 88 B, 113, 128 C, 131,148 Z. Hay fever (hay asthma, rose cold)— Em., n B, 77 C, 51, 115,120, 136, 148 N, 148 S3, 148 X (13)—cure in a week, 148 N—cured in three days, 120. Head—headache in general—Em. (2), 7B, 8 (10), 17 A, 20 A, 21, 45 A, 50 hypoderm., 68, 69 J4, 69 R4, 74, 79 A, 93, 96, 98, 101 A, 103, 128 B, 131 A, 147, 148 R2, 148 R* sleep, 148 X (1)—involving the eyes, 148 Z—congestive headache, 2, 93, 101 A, 148 X (1): cured by inducing nose bleed, 98: hypo- derm., 50—sick headache, 22, 23, 45, 65, 69 K3, 69 Q4, 101B, 128B: from riding in carriage, 69 M3, 148 C2 : in car, 69 M3 : re- curring regularly every seven or eight days, 22, 23, 69 Q4, 114: re- curring every two weeks, 69 Q4 (114)—during menses, no A— nervous headache, 45, 69 J4, 101 A, 128 I—clavus, 103 A (117, 128 I), 148 1, 148R2, 148S4 —m igraine, 148 Y (1), 148 Y (8): hypoderm., 45, 50, 103—neuralgic headache, 8, 17 A, 21, 45, 69 J4,101 A, 128I, 147, 148 S4: hypoderm., 45, 107 see Neuralgia—headache of deli- cate ladies, and close students, 21 —pain over the brow, cured in fif- teen minutes, 115—morning head- ache, 103 A—headache coming and going with the sun, 96—headache from a fall or blow, 10, 133: from constipation, 103 A—head symp- toms under general indications: REPERTORIAL INDEX. head feels too large, 129,148 W (2) —feels cold, 128 A—feels warm whilst the body is cold, 10—child's head hot and rolling upon the pil- low (17 A), 39—hot sweat on head, 148 W (4)—head wet with sweat when sleeping, 88 carb.— cold sweat on the forehead, 140 alb. Hearing defective—see Deafness. Heart—pain, distress in the region of the heart, Em., 2,21,29, 49, 54, 64, 69 C2, 69 R4 sleep, 96, 115 A, 148 P2—Congestion, inflammation, 2, 11 (26), 29, 46, 54 (96, 128 B, C)—anaemic condition, 11, 79, 128C—weak heart, 11, 37, 45, 54, 101—failure from hemorrhage, hy- poderm., 8,59—failure from chloro- form, 101—excessive action of the heart, 2, 29, 96—irregular action, 2, n, 21, 29, 54, 96: hypoderm., 107—enlargement of the heart, 2 (10)—valvular affections, 2 (29, 54, 94 B, 140), 148 Y (2)—ossifica- tion of the valves, 94—palpitation of the heart, congestion, 2, 29, 54, 77, 128 B, nervous, 11, 45 B (115 A, 128 I), 138 B, 148 P2, 148 M, 148 X (7)—shocks at the heart, 89 (101)—spasm of the heart, 29 (1281), see Angina Pectoris—rheu- matic affections of the heart, 29 A, 46, 96—indication of organic affec- tion of the heart, 69 C2—oedema see Dropsy—symptoms of the heart under general indications: sensation of heat at the heart, or like water dropping down from the heart, 68, sativa—sensation like a cold stone in the heart, 148 X (8) —purring sound at the heart, 101— sudden seizure at the heart as from the grip of an iron hand, 29—feel- ing as if the least motion of the body would stop the heart's action (54)—feeling as if constant motion cf the body were needed to keep the heart in action (146). Heartburn—1,35,88 A, 103,109,126 (129, 131), 143—see Waterbrash. Heat apoplexy—(103), 138 B hypo- derm. Heat rash—10, 49, 122, tox. Hecla lava—148 W (7). Hectic—see Fever. Hellebore—39. Helonias—(sub.), 119. Hemeralopia—148 C5. Hemiopia—(64, 89). Hemicrania — 50 hypoderm. — see Head. Hemiplegia — 103 hypoderm. — see Paralysis. Hemorrhage—see Bleeding. Hemp—68. Hepar sulph.—128 D. Hepatic—see Liver. Hernia—25, 38, 45, 47, 52, 59 (84, 103), 107 hypoderm.—inflamed Herpes—see Skin. Hiccough—14, 50 B, 69 X, 77, 80, 101 (102, 107), 120, 138 B (140 alb.), 142, 146 A (148 C), 1481— hypoderm., 37, 80, 107, 138 B. Hints—69. Hip-joint disease—Em., 32, 42, 88 B, 94 C, 123,128 A, D—hip-joint dis- located, 69 P3—see Joints. Hives—7B, 11 (19), 37, 69 E4, 70, 80, 100, 120 (125)—chronic, 120 A. Hoarseness—see Voice. Homesickness—(49), noB. Honey bee—70. Hop—71. Horsechestnut—72. Hot air—73. Hot fomentation—74. Hot water cure—74. Housemaid's knee—69 F3, 77E, G (128 A). Hunger excessive—53 D (68 indica) —soon after meals, 77, 114, 127— night hunger, 110 A—see Appetite. Hurried feeling—136, acid. Hurt—see Injury. Hydrangea—(sub.), 81. Hydrarthrosis—77 E. Hydrastis—65. Hydrocele—47, 77 E, 85 A (117), 148W (6). Hy droceph aloid—(no, 147). Hydrocephalus—69E2—see Brain. Hydrocyanic acid—148 P2. Hydrogen perox.—(sub.), 91. Hydropericardium—see Dropsy. 304 REPERTORIAL INDEX. Hydrophobia—17, 73, 80, 88, 138, 142, 146 A, 148 N2—hypoderm., 80—eighty cures in succession, 73 —guard, 69 E3 (146), 148N2. Hydrothorax—see Dropsy. Hyoscyamus—(sub.), 138. Hyperaemia—32 (47), 128 B—see Fever. Hyperexia—32, 128B—see Fever. Hypericum—133. Hyperpyrexia—32 (47), 120, 148 M. Hypertrophy—see Heart. Hypochondriasis—103 A—see Mind. Hypopyon—see Eye. Hysteria—Em., 8, 13, 21, 34, 64, 102, 104, 107 hypoderm., 110 A, 128 H, 129 A, 147, 1481, 148 M, 148 S4, 148 V. Ice—75—preservation of ice in sick room, 75. Icterus—see Jaundice. Ignatia—148 I. Ileus—(17, 84, 103) — hypoderm., 103—see Bowel. Imbecility—see Mind. Impetigo—see Skin. Impotence—Em., 44, 50 C, 104 (no acid). Incontinence—see Urine. Indigestion — 22, 53 D, 65, 66 B, 74 D, 102, 1?09, 119 A, 128 B, 129 B—milk disagrees, 88, 131— potatoes disagree, 42—pastry dis- agrees (117)—see Appetite, and Dyspepsia. Indigo—76. Induration — of tissues (28), 77, 128 A, C, 148 C5—of the tongue, 64, 128 A—of the testes, 128 A, (144), 148 F—of glands, 77 A— see Glands. Infant—see Baby. Infection guard—see Contagion. Inflammation—hi general, 2, 12, 17A, 26 (33), 50D, 53 P, 74,80 B, 84, 88 E sweat, 116, 118, 128 B, C, D—©edematous, 128G—of serous membranes especially, 2,26, 107 hypoderm. Influenza—see Colds. Infra - mammary pain — (21, 117, 148 R)—see Chest pain. Ingrowing nail—see Nail. Injection of food—53 U. 20 3 Injury, mechanical—10, 74 G, 84,85, 91, 133, 144—to the head, 74 C— to the hands and feet, 133—see Sprain, Bruise and Wound. Inguinal—see Hernia. Insanity, mania—10, 17 A, 37, 39, 50, 54, 68, 104, 107, 120, 128 H, 138, 140, 148 C, 148 P2—hypo- derm., 54, 107, 138 B—hysterical mania, 129 puerperal see Child- bed—from bodily disease, 147— from alcohol, 21, 103—see Mind. Insect bite—see Bite. Insensibility of parts, numbness—2, 50, secale, 68 indica (103), 115 A. Insomnia—see Sleep. Intercostal—see Neuralgia. Intermittent—see Fever. Intertrigo—see Skin. Intestine—see Bowel. Involuntary passages — 5, IO> 23 (no A), 133, 142 B—especially during sleep, 10, 148 M—see Pa- ralysis. "Inward Weakness"—Em., 4, 14, 25—see Uterus. Iodine—77. Iodoform—(sub)., 77—odor masked, 77 K, 77 J—substitute, 77 J. Ipecacuanha—78. Iris—23. Iritis—see Eye. Iron, 79. Irritability—103, 127. Ischuria—see Strangury. Itch—3, 41 anise, 49 B, 69 E4 83 A, 115 (136)—cure in five minutes, 3—cure in three days, 115—bar- ber's itch, 32, 48—itching erup- tions, 31 C, 131 A, 136 B (142)— itching piles, 131 A. Itching local, pruritus—6, 7, 16 sub., 24,44, 66, 69 E4, 120, 131 A, B, 136 A2—itching jaundice, 80 hypo- derm.—itching at night, 148 X (4)—when undressing, 148 X (6) Jaborandi—80. Jaundice—Em., 11 (54, 64), 65, 69 Q4, 77 A, 79 E, 92, 110,120, 128 G, 148W (4)—of children, 148 W (4), 148 X (3)—with stupor, 92—chronic (64), 77 A, 79 E (no), 128 G—from gall stone, 38 —black jaundice, 11,17—malarial REPERTORIAL INDEX. n, 120 A—itching jaundice, 80 hypoderm. Jerking, twitching—27, 107 hypo- derm., 110,1281, 147, 148 I—of the head and arms, 148 C. Joint Affections—24B (32), 42, 85, (117), 123, 128 A, D, 140 B, 148 I2—sprained feeling in joints, 7 carb., 85 A—stiffness, 119 C, 148 C3, 148 I2—enlargement, 32, 42, 115 B, 123, 148I2—inflamma- tion, 140 B, 148 W (3), 148 X (3) —see Gout, Rheumatism,Synovitis. Juglansreg.—148W (8). Kali—115. Kalmia—96. Kamala—(sub.), 38. Kava-kava—81 Kerosene—82. Keratitis—see Eye. Kidney — congestion, inflammation Em., 2, n,16, 17 A, 30 C, 33, 70, 74, no, 116, 128 B, C, 139—after pneumonia, 120—fatty degenera- tion, 110 A—stone lodged, see Gravel. Koumis—how made, and for what ailment useful, 94. C. Kreosote—(sub.), n. Labor—speedy and safe (14), 24, 34, 38, 53 K diet, 55, 59, 74,120, 141—painless, 38—complications, 14, 31, 146 B—pains insufficient, irregular, flagging (14), 21, 24, 31, 34, 50, 51, 78, 103, 116, 120, 128 H, 146 B—rigid os uteri, 17, 146 B—false pains, 21, 31, 70 A, 74,103, 141, 146 B, see Miscar- riage—flooding prevented, 14, 50, 69 M2, 78, 120—spasms, see Childbed. Lachrymation—see Eyes. Lady's card.—4, 25, 34, 53 M food, 77 B, 95, 141 A, 146 B—inward weakness, 4, 25, see Uterus—see Menses. Lanolin—(sub.), 66. Lapis alb.—148 W (9). Lard—83. Laryngismus stridulus—see Asthma of Millar. Laryngitis—2 spong., 22, 77, 115 bichro., 128 B,C, 148 L—see Croup and Voice. Laurocerasus—148 P2. Lavender—(sub.), 41. Lead—84—lead colic, 6, 107. Ledum—85. Lemon—86. Lepra—(11), 19, 49 A, 1481'-. Leptandria—(sub.), 79. Leucorrhoea—Em., 4, 6, 11, 16 B, 21,24, 32, 35, 36 (42), 46 A, 57 (65), 74 E, 75 B, 77 A, 88 A, D, 111, 114 A, 115 G, 117 B (128 C, H),144 (148 N2), 148 X (4)— very fetid, 11C, 15, 36, 77A, 115 G, 128 H—bloody, 144 A—of little girls, 77 B, 127, 133 (144). Leukaemia—50 hypoderm. Lice—see Parasites. Lichen—see Skin. Lientery—79 E, 120 A, 128 B. Life prolonged—94 B. Life root—87. Lightning stroke—Em., 47. Lilium—(sub.), 70. Lime—88. Lipoma—148 I2. Lips—symptoms under general indi- cations: blue, 7, 54—burning, 7 mur.—cracked, 148 C4—parched, 26—blistered, 10, 126. Lithia—89. Lithiasis—53 J, 148 W( 10), 148 Y( 1). Liver—" liver complaint," Em., 32, 71,74 D2, 92,109,128 G(i48C5), 148 X (3)—atrophy, no—conges- tion, inflammation (26), 79 E, 92, 103, 116(136), i48W(io), 148 X(3), 148 Y(I)—cirrhosis, 2, n (no) — enlargement, 17 D, 64, 74 D2, 105, 148 C5—pain in the Hver, 17 D — fatty degeneration, 110 A — " liver spots," 148 C5, 148 Y1—biliousness, 32, 53 G, 86, 92—gall stone, 8, 38, 59, 74, 105, 107, 120. Lobelia—(sub.), 69O4, 77. Local application for pain—see Pain —see Anaesthesia. Lochia, " cleansings "—abnormal n C, 17 A, 21, 36, 79A, 114—! suppressed, 2, 21, 79 A, 80 C, 114: suddenly, 2—prolonged, 21—fetid 11C, 15,36, "5 G. Lockjaw—Em., 2, 10, 17 A, 27, 38 49. 59, 74, 103, 108, 128 I, 133' REPERTORIAL INDEX. 139, 146 A—hypoderm, 37 — of horses unfailing, 108. Locomotor Ataxia, 17 A, 27 A, 104, 110 A, 136 A, 147, 148 C5—hypo- derm., 138 B—for the severe pain, 17 A, 104 A, 138B hypoderm.— for the fidgets attendant, 17 hypo- derm., 147—caused by a fall, 133- Logwood—90. Long life—sign, 69 W—promoted, 94 B. Lumbago—(2, 12, 21, 26) 31 B, 83 (115 bichro., 122 tox.), 136 A, 139 —see Rheumatism. Lumbar Caries—88 B (128 A). See Bone. Lungs—congestion, Em. (2), 14, 74, 116 (128B, 140 A, 146 A)—oede- ma (12), 26, noA(i28H)—gan- grene, 32, 35, 125, 128 H—lung fever (87), see Pneumonia—sleep cure for lung affections, 69 R4— see 148 Z. Lupulin—71. Lupus—see Face. Lycopodium—148 W (10). Macrotys—21, 146 B. Mad dog bite—see Bite. Maggots in ulcers—90. Magnesium phos.—(sub.), 128. Malaria guard—32, 67, 69O, 69L2, 126, 146—hypoderm., 120—see Ague. Malformation preventive—110 C. Mammae—see Breasts. Manganese—(sub.), 103. Mania—see Insanity. Marasmus—see Atrophy. Marigold—91. Mastitis—see Breasts. Mastodynia—(21, 114, 148 C5). May apple—92. Measles—Em., 1, 31, 47,49, 62, 110 A (117), 128 C, 146 A, 148 X (3) —suppressed (26), 31, 49 (78): with spasms, 49—with croupy cough, no, 115—system prepared, noE—dregs, 115 (117). Medication by inunction, 66, 69 T. Melancholy—see Mind. Melilotus—93, 148 X (1). Membranous—see Croup. Memory defective—see Mind. Meningitis—see Brain. Menorrhagia—see Menses. Menses—suppressed, Em., 2, 4, 7, 21, 34 A, 50 C, 51 (73, 74), 75, 79 F, 87 (101), no, 115 C, 117 B, 119 A, B,C (128H), 134A, B, 141 — sudden suppression, Em., 2, 34, 50, 74 (101), no A, 117 B, 119—sup- pression with stupor, 144—scanty flow (39, 87, 115 carb., 126), 117 B, 148 W (6)—excessive How, Em., 4, 6 (n),16 B, 23,24 B, 41, 50 C, 65 (79), 86, 87, 88 A, no, 119 B, C, 134 A, 141, 144 A, 148 N2, 148 W (2), 148 W (4), 148 X (10), 148 X (14)—too early, 87, 88,103, no A—too long continued, 50 C, 87, 88, 110 A—irregular, Em., 4, 21, 87, no A, 128 H, 134 A, 141 A—vicarious (26), 50 C, 144 A— painful, Em., 4, 7 (17 A), 21 (24), 29,34 (73), 74 E, 75,87, 107, no A, 115 C, 117 B, 119 A, 128 I, H, 134 A, 141, 144 A, 146, 148 C2, 148 W (4), 148 Y (1)—membran- ous, 128 C, 141—in black clots, 117 B—hypoderm., 17. Mentagra—(128C), 148 C. Mental—see Mind. Menthse pip.—148 X (2). Mercury—148 X (3)—ill effects, 16 A, 64 (77 B), 114 A, 115 B (128 D, 148 N2), 148 W (5). Mesenteric glands affected—(77, 88). Meteorism — (13), 46 (120), 129, 139, 140 (148 C), 14$ V. Metritis—see Uterus. Metrorrhagia^see Bleeding. Mezereum—148 X (4). Miasm—see Malaria. Micturition—'see Urine. Migraine—see Head. Miliaria—2. Milk—94—disagrees, 58 : with baby, 53 L, M—milk crust, see Scalp— milk fever, 2, 140 A—milk secre- tion safely arrested in case of wean- ing, 17B, 46, 144—scanty flow of milk, 13, 79 A, 80 (82 A), 100 (117): it fails to come (13), 110D —milk drawn by bottle, 69 Q*— breasts prepared, 69 Q3. Milk-leg—144. Millefolium—148 X (5). 3°; REPERTORIAL INDEX. Mind—mental weakness, dementia, 10,104, no A, 128H, 129B, 138 B: hypoderm., 148 C5—deli- rium of fever, Em. (2), 7 B, 17 A, 32,49, 68, 138 A, B,—hypochon- driasis, 11 (17 A), 21, 44, 64, 76, 103 A (126, 129, 140 alb.), 147, 148 C5,148 S4,148 V—melancholy 11 (17 A), 21 (39), 44, 64, 76(84, 103), noA,B,128H(i47),i48P2, 148 X (10), 148 Y (4); suicidal, 64: with epilepsy, 76; religious, 11, 64, 138 A, B—insanity, mania, n, 17 A, 37, 39, 50, 54, 68, 104, 107 (120), 128 H, 138 A,B, 148 C, 140 A, 148 P2 : hysterical, 129 A: hypoderm., 54, 107, 138 B : puer- peral, see Child-bed: from bodily disease, 147: from alcohol, 21, 103, 147—monomania (68), 138 A, B, 148 C—memory defective, lost, 134 A, 138 A, B, 148 C5— mind symptoms under general in- dications: confused, 21 (J46)— weak, 129—magnified ideas, 68— irritable, 103, 127, 148 W (4), 148 X (3)—weeping, 76, 117—ex- ceedingly sensitive, 148 Y (3)— uneasiness, discontent, 148 X (3), 148 Y (4). Mineral earth—(sub.), 42. Miscarriage—guard, Em., 4, 13, 21, 25, 69 Q, 70 A, 141 A, 146 B, 148 X (14)—unavoidable, 78. Mistletoe—95. Mole—69 N3. Monomania—see Mind. Monthly—see Menses. Morbid—see Appetite. Morning sickness—see Vomiting. Morphia—107—poisoning, 8, 17, 45, 75, 103, 107: hypoderm., 17,45, 47, 103—habit, 44,47, 104 A. Mortification—145 B—see Gangrene. Moschus—148 M. Mosquitoes off.—41, 69 B3. Mountain Laurel, 96. Mouth cavity—soreness, ulceration, 3, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24, 36, 47, 65, 77 D, 99, 114, 115, 135, 136N2, 148 X (3)—syphilitic patches, 114 A, 115 B—inflammation (70), 114(128 B)—preventive of sore mouth, 3, 47—mouth symptoms under general indications: dry, 42, 102—hot, 24. Mucous discharges—under general indications: ropy, 64, 115 bichro. —green, 115 iod., 128 J—yellow, 128 F—scalding, watery, II. Mullein—97. Mumps—17 A, 31, 80 B (122 tox. 128 C), 148 X (3)—hypoderm., 80 —shifting, 17 A, 31: to testes, re- lief in twenty minutes, 31. Muscaria—27—poisoning, 17 hypo- derm. Mustard—98—plaster, 37, 98. Myalgia—7 C (10), 21, 32—hypo- derm., 32,107—from injury, 10,133. Myelitis—11 (17 A), 24 A, 27 A, 50 B (84). Myopia—see Sight. Myosolis—(sub.), 15. Myrrh—99. Naevus— (9), 48, 84, 142, 148 N2. Nails—diseased, 128 A, 148 F: soft and brittle, 9—falling off, 39—in- growing, 44, 69 G3, 74, 84, 79, 115 —nail removed without the knife, 44, 84- Naphthalin—148 N, 125 sub. Narcotic poisoning—75, 103, 107 A hypoderm.—see Antidote. Nasal—see Catarrh. Nasal bleeding—see Bleeding. Natrum—131. Nausea—23, 46, 57, 75 A, 78, 98— after surgical operation, 101—when riding in car, or carriage, 69 M3, 148 C2—from drink of water, 110D. Neck—stiff (2, 19, 21, 26,46), 74 G2, 128 B—emaciated, 126. Nephritis—see Kidney. Nerve—nervous debility, exhaustion, 44, 94 C, 104, no A, B, 128H, 129 (148 N2), 148 M—nervous- ness, 13, 31, 34, 44, 45 B, 53B, 94 C, 104, 128 H, I, 148 C, 148 S4, 148 V, 148 W (1)—over-sensitive- ness, 13, 31, 45. 128 H, I, 148 Y (3)—nervous shivering, 21 (146)__ injury to nerves, 133—diagnosis by nerve symptoms, 69 X3 (E). Nettle—100. Nettle rash—see Hives. Neuralgia—in general Em. (2), 8, REPERTORIAL INDEX. 11, 17 A, 21, 29 spig., 32, 34, 37, 38,44,45, 55, 59, 68,72, 73, 74 F, G, 84, 88 E, 95, 96, 101 A, 106, 107,108, 110A, 115 bichro., 120A, 128 G, 133, 141 A, 142, 147 (148 C3), 1481, 148 R, 148 S4, 148 W (4)—hypoderm., 7, 32,37, 38, 44, 45, 47, 103, i°7, 120, 139 theine—chronic, 103 hypoderm.— especially facial, 17, 44, 69 J4, 69P4, 96, 101 A, 147, 148 Y (8): (hypoderm., 17, 50, 107)—intercos- tal (9$, 96), 110 A (1281), 148 I, 148 R—in joints, 46 hypoderm.(95, 96)—abdominal, 107 hypoderm.— ovarian and uterine, 21, 68, 95 (96, 120, 128 I, 144), 148 C3, 148 S4: hypoderm., 120—rectal, 6, 44 (95, 96), 1481—in head, ter- rific, 17 A, 69J4, 69 P4 (95,96, 1281), 147—" thin-slipper neural- gia," 19—neuralgia in old scars, 133—periodical, 11, 120 A, 148 Y (4)—screaming pains, 8, 81 (95, 96)—inflammatory, 2, 17 (95, 96) —instant relief, 8, 44—see Pain— see Anaesthesia. Night cough—(17), 138 B (148 C5, 148 S3). Nightmare—2 (163, 113), 115 A. Night spasms—115 A, 128 A. Night sweat—27 hypoderm., 47, 80 A, 87, 94, 120 A, 128 A, 142 A, 146 A—hypoderm., 27, 107 A. Night terrors—2, 115 A, 136. Nipples—sore, cracked, ulcerated, 1, 10, i8,20,48,57,65,66,9i,H4, 136A2, 137 A: guard, 10, 86, 137. Nitre paper—how made and for what used, 115. Nitric acid—148N2. Nitro-glycerine—101. Nocturnal emissions—see Spermator- rhoea. Nocturnal enuresis—see Wetting the bed. Nodes—(64, 128 A), 148 N2, 148 X (4)_I48Y(5). Noise in the ears—see Lars. Noma—n (148 N2). Nose—nosebleed, see Bleeding—for- eign substance in the nose, 691— inflammation of the nose (64,148 F) —red nose, 27, 148 I2—nasal ca- tarrh, see Nose—yellow, slimy, discharge, 128 F—green discharge, 128 J—symptoms under general indications: watery flow, 7, 62, 106—dryness, 42, 148 S3—redness as if frost-bitten, 27—plugs in the nose, "clinkers," 115 bichro.— boring with finger into the nostrils, 127. Numbness, insensibility of parts affected—2, 50, 68, 103, 115 A— of the limbs as if asleep, 148 C2— of the tongue, 2, 146. Nutmeg—102. Nux moschata—102. Nux vomica—103. Nyctalopia—148 C5. Nymphomania—see Erotomania. Oats—104. Obesity—53 R. Obstruction—see Bowel. Odor offensive—see Fetid. CEdema—of the glottis, 70 (128 G)— of the lungs (12), 26, no A, 128 If hypoderm., 80—of the feet, 54, 85, 79 C (128G)—of the face, 54 —of the eyelids, 11, 11B (70, 128 G)—under the brows, 115 carb.—under the eye, n, 70—of the scrotum, 47, 77 E, 85 rhodo. — in general, n, 128 G — see Dropsy. Oesophagus—foreign body lodged in it, 107 A hypoderm. Offensive—see Fetid. Oleander—148 X (6). Olive oil—105. Onion—106. Onychia—77 I, 84, 148 F. Opacity—see Cornea. Operations, surgical—preparations for them—see 107 hypoderm. Ophthalmia—see Eye. Opium—107—poisoning, 8, 45, 75' 101, 103—hypoderm., 17, 45, 47, r 03—rest oration in three minutes, 8—opium habit, 44, 47, 104. Oppression—see Respiration. Orange—(sub.), 13. Orchitis—2 spong., 77 F (85 rhodo.), 107 B (117), 128 C, 144, 148 C5, 148 W (4), 148 W (5)—with indu- ration (64, 148 C5). Os uteri, rigid—17 A, 78, 146 B. 309 REPERTORIAL INDEX. Ossification of arteries prevented— 94 B. Ostitis—see Bone. Otalgia and Otitis—see Ear. Otorrhoea—see Ear. Ovary—inflammation (30), 70 (117), I28B,C, 144A (148C5), 148 X (10)—induration (64, 77, 128 C), 148 W (6) — neuralgia, 21, 68, 95 G6, 120, 128I, 144 (148 C3), 148 S4, 148 X (10)—oedema (68, 70,115, brom., 128 G)—tumor, 70. Oxalic acid—(sub.), 24, I48X(7). Oxygen—home treatment, 69 U3— increased supply, 129B. Ozaena—6 (13), 36 A, 64, 65, 77 K, 115 D, 128 A, D, i48F(i48N2), 148 Z—see Catarrh. Ozone supply—no. Paeonia—113. Pain—treatment internal, 37, 55, 68, 81,95, 107, 108, 141,148 W (4)— external, 2, 3, 10, 17 C, 31, 38, 44, 59, 7r, 73, 74 G, 82, 88 E, 91, 107, 116, 140 B, 142 B — hypoderm., 17, 2i, 27, 32, 37, 38, 44, 45, 46, 47,103, 107, 139 A—by inhalation, 8, 38, 59, f39—by perspiration, 73, 88 E—diagnosis by pains, 69X3,E. Painless caustic—40 A, 50 E. Palate down—relaxed throat, 6, 7, 24 A, 98, 124, 136 A2, 137B. Palms hot—22, 24. Palpitation—see Heart. Palsy (shaking)—104, 129, 138 B, 138 B hypoderm, 148 C5. Pancreatic ailments—(23, 77). Pannus—136B. Paraldehyd—148 P. Paralysis—Em., 2, 10 (17 A), 27 physos., 31, 39, 53 M (84), 103 hypoderm. (no), 129 B, 136 A, 142 B, 146 A, 148 C5—chronic, 103 hypoderm., especially of the face, 103 hypoderm., 148 W (3)—of the wrists from lead, 103 hypoderm.— of the sphincters, 103 hypoderm.— of the tongue, 41—organs of deglu- tition, 148 W (3)—of the eyelids, 62, 122 tox., 129B, 146 A, 148 C8 (148 S), 148 W (3) —following diphtheria, 103, 146 A, 148 W (3) —rheumatic, 31 (122 tox.)—para- plegia (17 A), 103 hypoderm. (no), 129B (148C5) — agitans, 148 X (3). Parasites (lice)—41, 69 B?, 82, 91 —"crab-lice," 82—microbicide, 91. Pareira bra—(sub.), 81. Paresis—3—see Paralysis. Parthenium—(sub.), 61. Passiflora (passion flower) —108. Patches, syphilitic—see Mouth; see Throat. Peevishness—127, 128 H. Pelvic pain—(68, 107). Pemphigus—see Skin. Peppermint—(sub.), 37. Pepsin—109. Peony—113. Pericarditis—see Heart. Periostitis—see Bone. Peritonitis—2,17 A, 26,70, 116, 128 A,B,C, 148 X (3). Perspiration—sudden check, 2, 73, 122 tox.—excessive, 27 hypo- derm., 80 A (120)—of hands, feet, armpits, genitals, 3, 17,74, 80 A, 144—offensive, 6, 20, 24, 36, 37, n 5 G, 128 H, 129, 148 X (8)— spicy odor, 85 A—to promote per- spiration, 3D, 73, 80, 88 E. Petechiae—248 C5. Petit mal—107 hypoderm., no A (115 A, 128 H)—see Epilepsy. Petroleum—148 X (8). Pharyngitis — follicular, tubercular, ulcerative, 109, 136 D, 148 L—see Throat. Phlebitis—(12), 89, 117 A, 128 B,C, 144 A. Phosphoric acid—no. Phosphorus—nrj—poisoning, 105. Photophobia—12 (17 A), 21, 77 D, 103 A, 110 A, 148 C5. Phrenitis—see Brain. Phthisis—see Consumption. Physostigma—(sub.), 27. Phytolacca—114. Picric acid—148X (9). Piles—Em., 2 (5), 25,44, 69 R3, 72, 74, 88, 97,103, 106, 112, 113, 117, 134, 136 A, 137, 144, 148 li- very painful, 24, 112—itching, 131 —bleeding, 2, 144 A—cure by op- eration, 69 R3 — preventive, 72, 136 A. 3 IO REPERTORIAL INDEX. Pilocarpin—80—poisoning, 17 hypo- derm. Pimples—see Face. Pine—in. Piper meth—81. Pityriasis—see Skin. Plantain—112. Platina—148 X (10). Pleurisy—Em. (2), 7 A, 14, 26, 70, 77 A, 116, 128 B, C, 140 A—fal e pleurisy, pleurodynia (10, 21), 77 A, 148 R—chest pains (10), 77 A, 148 R. Plica polonica—23, 148 W (10). Plumbum—84. Pneumonia and pleuro pneumonia— Em., 2,7 A, B, 12, 14 (22), 26, 32, 54, 69 J4, 74, 77 A, 80, 105,110 A, 116, 120 A, i28B,C,D (136), 140, 148 W (10), 148 X (7)— hypoderm. 32, 80, 120—cut short 77, 140 A—typhoid type, no, 120 A, 128 H—sequel, 79 B—chronic, 7B, 66 B, 69 R4, 79 B, 87, 128 C (136), 142 A (148 C5), 148 W (10). Podophyllum—9 2. Poisoning—see Antidote—see Skin poisoning. Poke—114. Polypus—9, 50, 88 A, 107, 110 B, 148 Y (7)—hypoderm., 50, 107— bleeding, 110—uterine, 50. Polyuria—110 A, 128 G, 1481, 148 V, 148 Y (7)—see Urine. Porrigo—see Scalp. Position, posture, as diagnostic indi- cations—69 X3, F. Potash—115. Potassium chlor—(sub.), 128. Potassium phosph—(sub.), 128. Potassium sulph—(sub.), 128. Pott's disease—32, 53 M, 88 B, 94 C. Potter's clay—(sub.), 42. Poultice—116. Prairie itch—69 E4—see Itch. Pregnancy—incident ailments, 10, 17 D, 34, 69 R, 146 B—repugnance to water, no D, see Vomiting- early signs, 69 F—indications of sex, 69 D2. Preparation of the system for invasion of contagion—no E. Prepuce stricture—32. Prickly ash—119. Prickly heat—10, 49. Proctitis—46,110 A (128 B,C), 134 A. Prolapsus—see Anus or Uterus. Prostate gland—enlargement, 9, 50 hypoderm., 70 (74), 77 I, 89—irri- tation, inflammation, 9, 70 (74), 89 (117), 148 Y (3) Prostration—57, 94 C—from heat, 50 hypoderm., 103, 138 B—see Ex- haustion. Proud flesh—(9), 22. Prunus spi—148 X (n). Prurigo—see Skin. Pruritus, local itching—6, 7, 16 B, 24, 44, 66, 69 E4, 120, 131 A, B, 136 A2, 142, 148 I2—of vagina, 148 X (4)—of vulva, 148 W (il, 148 Y (1)—of anus, 148W (10). Psoriasis—see Skin. Pterygion—136 B. Ptyalism—23, 43 (77), 80, 148 X (3)- Puerperal—see Child-bed. Pulsatilla—117, 148 X (12). Pulse—under general indications : — slow and weak, 54, 96—rapid, 2, 32,140—intermittent, 11 (126) — see Heart action. Pumpkin seed—118. Purpura haemorrhagica—49, 110 A, 128H,139, 144 A. Purulent ophthalmia—see Eye. Pus formation—see Suppuration. Pustule—(9), 12, 128 A, D. Putrid—see Fetid. Pyaemia, septicaemia—3 (10, 11), 32, 61 hypoderm., 120 B, 128 H, 14812, 148M. Pyelitis—(uva ursi)—see Kidney. Pyrexia of phthisis—32, 142 M. Pyrosis—see Heartburn. Quassia—(sub.), 41. Quebracho—(sub.), 54. Quinia—120—ill effects in the system, 10, 88 A—taste masked, 120. Quinsy—Em., 2, 15,17 A, D, 69 R4, 70, 74, 75, 80 B, 82 (83, 98), 114 A, (128 B, C)—bad type, pu- trid, 15, 114 A (115 G, 128 H). Rabies—see Hydrophobia. Rachitis—see Rickets. Ranula—9, 80, 88A, 137. Ranunculus bulb.—148 R. 3" REPERTORIAL INDEX. Rash—of new-born infants (10)— heat rash, io, 49—scarlet (2, 122 tox.). Rattlesnake bite—17 B, 77—see Bite. Raw surface—see Skin Rectum—inflammation—see Procti- tis, see Anus. Red gum—(10). Remittent—see Fever. Renal—see Kidney. Resorcin—121. Respiration—painful, 14, 26, 77 H, 148R—oppressed, 15, 26,43, 64, 80 hypoderm., 128 H, 129— wheezing, 43, 148 S2—rattling, 12, 78—snoring, 107—slow, 140, see Asthma, see Emphysema. Restlessness—2, 11, 77, 110 A, 127, 147, 148 S4—of infants, 47, see Baby's card. Resuscitation—see Apparent death. Retching—12, 49, 78, 92, 127,140 alb.—from worms, 127. Retention of urine—see Urine. Retina detached—(64, 146). Retinitis—see Eye. Retroversion of the uterus—4, 25 (50, 141). Rhagades—5, 18, 66, 148 C4. Rheumatism—acute, Em., 2, 7 C, 11, 12,21, 26, 29,31,32, 34,46, 50 A, 51, 53 P, 71, 72, 73, 74G, 81, 85 A, 86, 88 E, 95, 96 (107), 117, 119, 122, 125, 136 A, 144 A, 14812, 148 M note, 148 R—exter- nal treatment, 2,10, 31, 51, 72, 73, 74,106,116, 122vene, 125, 136, 148 I2—sweat cure, 73, 88 E— acute articular specific, 148 Mnote, 148 W (10)—especially from get- ting wet (85 A, 96), 122 tox.— attacking the chest (26,96), I48R —small joints, 21, 46, 62 A, 85 A, 89, I19C: hypoderm., 46—wan- dering, 31, 117 A, 119D—invad- ing the heart, 29, 96—-chronic, 2, 11,32, 50 A, 85 A, 88 B, 110 A, 125, 14812—" cold rheumatism " in the joints, n, 85—syphilitic, 114 A, I15B—diet cure, 53 M, 53 P—two hundred and fifty cures in succession, each in forty-eight hours, 31 B—guard, 136 A. Rhododendron—(sub.), 85. Rhus (varieties)—122. Rice flour—(sub.), 6. Rickets—66 A, 88 A, B, 110E (128 A, E). Rigid os uteri—17 A, 78, 146 B. Ringworm—7,49 B, 84, 136A2,142 C, 148 Y (1). Roaring—see Ears. Robinia—(sub.), 1. Rock rose—123. Rosacea—see Face. Rose cold—see Hay Fever. Rosemary—148 R2. Roseola—2, 10 (122 tox.). Rough spots upon the skin—IO. Rubeola—2. Rumex—(sub.), 55. " Run round"—see Onychia. Rupia—9, 114 A. Rupture—see Hernia. Rush of blood—2, 128 B—see Con- gestion. Ruta—(sub.), 62. Sabadilla—148 X (13). Sabina—(sub.), 9, 24, 114X (14). Sage—124. Salicin—125. Salicylic acid—125. Salivation—23, 43 (77), 80 A—slob- bering of horses, 69 B4. Sanguinaria—22. Santonine—127. Sarcocele—(64, 85 A)—see Testes. Sarsaparilla—(sub.), 16. Sarcoma—11, 69 N3—see Tumor. Sassafras—(sub.), 41. Satyriasis—see Erotomania. Scab—66, no E—yellow, 128 F, J— see Skin. Scabies—(128 D, 136)—see Itch. Scald—see Burn. Scalp— scabby incrustation,scald- head —(19), 23, 24, 28, 66, 88 A, 110 E, 115,128 A, 131 A, 136 A2,142, 148 W (5), 148 X (6)—dandruff, 2,4 32,66, 88 A, 128 C—hard lumps on the scalp, 128 A—blood tumor on scalp of new-born babe—(128 A, 148 F)—open fontanels, 88 B, 128 A, E—erysipelas, 77. Scar removed—132 B. Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina)—Em., 2, 7, 17 A, 31, 32, 36, 47, 53 L, gra'pe juice, 68, 70, 83, 94 C, koumiss, 312 REPERTORIAL INDEX. 114 A (122 B), 128 B, C, H, 131, 146 A, 148 X3—smooth (17 A, 70)—rough (7, 122 B)—sup- pressed, 31, 49—with spasms 17 A, 49 (146 A)—aid in desquama- tion, 128 F—system prepared, no E—preventives, 17 A, 53 N, 69 Vs,—preventives of dropsy following, 83, 131—dregs, 88 A. Sciatica—2 (n), 21,34, 59, 69 U, 74 F, 95, 100 (122, 128 I), 136 A, 148 C3, (148 R), 148 S4, 148 Z, —hypoderm., 2, 38, 47, 50, 107. Scilla—148 S2. Scirrhus—2, 148, C5—see Cancer. Sclerotitis—see Eye. Sclerotinic acid—(sub.)—50. Scorbutus—86, 128 H—see Gums. Scrofula—Em., 11 B, 32, 66 A, B, 77 B, 88 A, no E, 123, 128 £(136, 148 C«), 148 X(3),i48Y (5)- with suppuration and caries, 115 E2, 123 (128 A, D)—curative diet, 53 C, M, O. Scrotum—inflammation,swelling,pain, 42 (64), 85 B, 107, 144 A—oedema, 47, 77 E, 85 B—cold sweat, 144 A —see Testes. Scurvy—86, 128 H. Scutellaria—(sub.), 29. Sea Sickness—7, 8, 38, 45, 69 W2, 69 M3, 69 R4, 107 148 C2, 148, Y (3)—from riding in car, 69 M3 — from riding in carriage, 148 C2— from swinging 69 W2. Seat Worms—see Worms. Seborrhcea—66—see Skin. Secale—50. Seminal—see Spermatorrhoea. Senecio—87. Senega.—148 S. Sepia—148 Y (1). Septicaemia— 3 (10), 11,32, 61 hypo- derm., 120 B, 128 H, 148 I2, 148 M. Sex presaged—69 D2. Shaking—see Palsy. Shingles—10, 30, no A, 122 B, 128 C, 148 R, 148 X (4)—local, 10, 30 —hypoderm., 107. Shivers, Nervous Chills—21 (146) —see Nerve. Shock—see Brain. Shortsightedness—27 A—see Sight. Shoulder Droop—25. Shrieks—39, 70—see Night Terror. Sick Headache—see Head. "Sick-Room" Air, Kept Pure—35, 36, 69 J. Sick Stomach—see Nausea, Vomit- ing, Gagging. Sight—obscure vision (asthenopia, amblyopia, amaurosis)—Em., 2,10, 17 A (21), 34 A, 41 A, 62 A, 70 A (103, no A, 127, 128 A, H), 148 C5, 148—after diphtheria (108), 128, A, H, 146 (148 C5)— nearsightedness, 27 A—astigma- tism, 70 A—dread of light, see Photophobia—night-blindness, 148 C5—appearance of colors, 17 A, 1281—appearance of things double (34 A), 128 I (146)—blurred vision 62 (117), 146. Silicea—128 A. Silphium—(sub.), 77 L. Silver Nit.—129. Sinking of Strength—sudden (7),n, 75, no A, B, 148 M—see Exhaus- tion, see Collapse. Sinking at the Stomach-pit, "gone- ness,"—21, 65, 143, 146 A, 148 I —with deathly nausea, 54, 146 A. Sizygium—(sub.), 122. Skin Affections—eruptions in general take 7 B, 11, 11 B, 19, 32, 66 A, B, 77 B, 110 E, 122 B, 128 A, C, 136 B, 142 C, 148 I2: apply, 5, 18, 24, 31 C, 32, 49, 66, 142 C, 148I2 —dry, hard eruptions, 128 A—un- healthy skin 128 D, 136 B, 148 I2, 148X (8)—greasy skin 115 E3—ec- thyma,*}, 12,66(122 B),148 I2— eczema, take 11, 11 hypoderm., 20 B, 23,53 C, 66, 77 B, 84, 122, 128 A, 142,148 I2, 148 W (2), 148 W (5), 148 W (6), 148 W (8), apply: 5, 20 B, 24, 66, 84, 131 A, 142 C, 148 I2 from impure vaccine, n, 128 A—erythema 10 (17 A), 20 B (66), 70, 122 B, 148 W (8),—ex- crescences, 9, 148 N2—-favus, see scalp—herpes, tetter 19, 66, 122 B, 136 A2, 142 C, 148 W (2)—moist tetter, 19 : circinatus, see Ring Worm : zoster, see Shingles—in- tertrigo (abrasion, chafing, excoria- tion) Em., 5, 18 A, 20 B, 42, 57, 3 l3 REPERTORIAL INDEX. 65 (66), 125 A, 132 B, 137 A, 144, 148 W (10), 148 X (3), 148 X (4) : abrasions of the feet, 57, 106—lepra (11), 19 (49), 148 I2— lichen, 5, n, 66, 70), 85, 148 X (6) —liver spots, 148 C5—nodes (128 A), 148 N2—parasitic eruptions— 5, 32, 32 hypoderm., 66, 136 A2 —pemphigus, n, 122 B—pityria- sis, 5, 11, 66, 131 A, 148 X (4),—prurigj, n, 66, 122 B, 136 B, 148 I2, 148 X (4)—pruritus, local itching, 6, 7, 16 B, 20,24, 31, C, 44, 66, 69E4, 120, 131 B, 136 A2, B, 148 I2, 148 N2—psoriasis, n (32, 36), 115 E3, 128 A, D, 148 I2, 148 W (6)—scaling of the skin, 11, 66, 148 C3—tinea, 131 — urticaria, nettle-rash, hives, 7 B, 11, 19, 37, 69, E4, 70, 80, 100, (120, 125)—medication by inunc- tion, 66, 69 T, 148 I2. Skin Poisoning—apply Em., 36, 57, 88, 115: take 85, 122 B. Skin Symptoms — tender,easilychafed, 148 X (6)—diagnostic indications, 69 X3 D. Skull—bones thin, 88 B — fonta- nels open, 88 B, 128 A, E—see Scalp. Sleep—sleeplessness, insomnia, 2, 8, 17 A, 21,31 (34), 45 B, 55, 68, 69 R2, 69 C3, 71, 87,104 A, 106, 107, 108, no A, 115, 141 A, 146, 148 S3, 148 P, 148 W (1): hypo- derm., 37, 45, 107, 138 B—of pregnancy, 148 S4—of infants, 2, 34, 69 C3, 106, 141, 148 P: start- ing in sleep, 17 A—sleepy but can- not sleep, 17 A—grinding teeth in sleep, 17 A, 92, 127—motion of the jaws like chewing in sleep, 148 M—sleeplessness from cough or pain, 55, 107, 108, 115 : from alco- holism, 21, 45,108: from mania, (104), see Mind—sleep walking, see Somnambulism — drowsiness under general indications, 4,12, 15, 102,107, 146. Small-pox—9, 12, 15, 32, 36, 69 E, no A, 128 C, F, H, 142, 148 X (3)—promoting desquamation, 128 F—preparation of the system, noE—preventions, 9,115, 136 A, 142—face guard, 77—pitting pre- vented, 32, 66, 69 G2, 115. Smell Lost—117 A (128 A). Snake Bites—3 B, 7,17 B, 67, 69 E3, 77, 113—hypoderm., 3, 7, 59. Sneezing—51 (106). Soap—130. Soda—131. Sodium iod.—(sub.), 115. Sodium phos.—(sub.), 128. Sodium sulph.—(sub), 128. Softening—see Brain. Somnambulism — no A (115 brom.), 147, 148 C. Sore—see Bed Sore, and Ulcer. " Sore eyes "—see Eye. Soreness—under general indications : 5, 10, 15, 21, 42, 70—in the chest, no, 115 iod. Sore Mouth—see Mouth. Sore Nipples—see Nipples. Sore Throat—see Throat. Sour—see Eructations, Stomach, Taste. Spasms (Convulsions)—in general, Em., 1, 8,17 A, 27, 31, 38, 49, 69, 74, 75, 93, 101,103,105,108, 115 A, 127, 128 I, 138, 139, 140 A, 141, 146 A, 148 I—hypoderm.,37, 50, 80, 107—threatening, I, 17 A, 128 I, 140 A—any local spasm, 103 hypoderm., 146 A—urcemic (30, 32): hypoderm., 37,80, 107 —puerperal, see Child bed—from fright, 2, 128 H, 138, 148 I—from injuries, 85, 133—from whooping cough, 49—from worms, 76, 127, 148 I—of new-born babes, 10—of infants teething, 1 17 A, 27, 31,49, 74, 93, 105, 107 hypoderm., 108, 115 A, 128 I, 141 A, 146 A (147) —spasms of the glottis, spasmodic choking (2, 17 A), 36, 49, 77 A, 103 hypoderm., 120, 128 I, 146 A, 148C—of the eyelids 27, 117, 128 I, 146 A—of the sphincters, spasmodic tenesmus, 103 hypo- derm., 115 A, 128 I—of the wrists, " wrist cramp," " writer's cramp," Em., 103 hypoderm. (128 I)—of the heart, cardiac spasm see Heart—guard against the fit, 8, 14, 69 A, 128 I, 140, 146—to arrest the fit, lay patient on left side, 69 14 REPERTORIAL INDEX. UJ, 74, 75—symptoms under general indications: face blue, 49 —face red, 17 A—face pale and wet with sweat, 103—flow of tears, 117—patient conscious, 103, 138 A —occur during sleep at night, II5 A, 128 A—with vomiting of thick curds, 1. Specks—see Cornea. Speech—rapid, 138—stuttering, stam- mering, Em., 69 M—cure in a week, 138 A. Spermatorrhoea—9 (23,30), 31,44A, 500(54, 103, 110 B), 120, 143, 146, 148 Y (3): hypoderm., 107. Spigelia—(sub.), 29. Spine—affections in general: chronic, 103 hypoderm.—from a fall or hurt, Em., 17 C, 133—curvature, Em., 25, 88 A (94 C), 128 A, 140 B, 142 B—pain in the spine, 17 C, 27, 38 hypoderm. (59 local), 68—irri- tation (17 A), 21, 27, 50 B, no A, 140 (146), 148 X (7), 148 Y (6)— tender to touch and painful from motion, 27—softening, 148 X (9), inflammation, see Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis—soreness, tenderness, at the bottom point of the spine, 123 (128A). Spitting blood—see Bleeding. Spleen—inflammation, 10, 26, 120— pain, 17 D—enlargement (10), 17 D (27), 50 hypoderm.— gan- grene (n). Splinter—pain, spasm, 85, 133—see Wound. Sponge tent—69 Z2. Spongia—(sub.), 2, 148 Y (2). Spotted Fever—3, 17 A, 21 (49), 50, 78 (107), 140 (146 A), 148 C. Sprain—10, 31, 42, 48,74G,H, 84, 107 B, 122 (133), 146 A2, 140 B, 144—cure in a day, 48—nerve hurt, 133 — inflammation, 140 C — sprained feeling in joints, 7 carb., 85 A. Squilla—148 S2. Squint—see Strabismus. St. John's wort—133. St. Vitus' dance—see Chorea. Staggering, when walking in the dark—138. Stannum—148 Y (4). Staphisagria—148 Y (3). Starch—132. Sterility—4 (24), 44, 69 Y2, 74 E .(77, H8 C5). Stibium—12. Sticta—148S3. Stiff neck—(2, 19, 21, 26, 46), 74 G, 128 B. Stillingia—148 Y (5). Stings—7, 10, 69 G4, 85, 106, 126— instant relief, 10, 69 G4. Stitches—stitching pains, 26, 115 carb—in the brain (10), 97—in the heart, 26, 29 spig., 97. Stomach—acidity, 1, 38, 58, 74 D2, 88 A, 94, 128 J, 129,131—baby, 1, 58, 88 A—pain, distress, stom- achache, gastralgia, 4, 20 (26), 61, 74 D2, 75, 88, 103, 109, 129 B, 134 A, 143,148 C2,148 P2—hypo- derm. 103, 107—cramp, 41, 49, 148 C2—gastric catarrh : see Ca- tarrh — hemorrhage: see Bleed- ing—inflammation, 2, 11 (22, 30, no A), 128 B, 148 X (7)—ulcer- ation, 11, 17 A, 20 A, 30, 32, 61, 63, 69 M4, 88 C (115 bichro), 122 D, 129 B— sinking, gone feel- ing, 21, 65, 143, 146 A, 148 1 : with deathly nausea, 54, 146—flut- tering at the stomach, 29, 119. Stomatitis—see Mouth. Stone root—134. Stool—diagnostic indications, 69 X3, G—see diarrhoea, constipation, etc. Strabismus—(34 cycla., 127), 128 I (138 B, 148 C)—at birth, 10. Strain—of muscle, 10, 122, 74 G— straining, see Tenesmus. Stramonium—138. Strangury, 30 C, 31, 37, 38, 68 A, 70, 75, 87,106—spasmodic 115 A, 128 I—from fly blister, 31. Stricture—of prepuce, 32—of rec- tum, 44 (no A)—of urethra, 107 hypoderm., 128 A, 148 W (5) — spasmodic, 128 I. Strophantus—(sub.), 54. Struma—53 M, O—see Scrofula. Strychnia— 103 —poisoning : hypo- derm., 37, 45, 77, 103. Stupor, sopor—see Coma. Stuttering, stammering—see Speech. Sty—77, "7 A, 122 D (128 A, D), 315 REPERTORIAL INDEX. 144 B—ailments from styes sup- pressed, 122 D. Sub-involution—50 hypoderm.—see Uterus. Sugar—135. Sulphur, and acids—136. Sumbul—148 S4. " Summer complaint"—53 L, 53 M see Diarrhoea. Sunstroke—Em., 101, 138 B, 148 M hypoderm., 50,120—heat apoplexy, faint, 103, 120, 138 B. Suppuration—(10), 28, 32 (77 A), 90, 91, 115, 125 A, 128 A, D—see Ulcer. Surgical dressing—3,91, 115, 125— see Wounds. Surgical operation's—guard against shock, 107 hypoderm. (120)—ex- haustion after, 94 C—fainting after, 101—excessive pain after, 105, *33- Sweat—see Perspiration—sweat cure, 73, 88 E. Swelling—see CEdema—see Gland, etc. Swoon—68. Sycosis—9, 128 C, 148 N2, 148 X c (I0) Syncope—see Fainting. Synovitis—26, 32 (70, 128 C) : hypo- derm., 32. Syphilis—7 B, 16 A, 32, 64, 77 B, 114A, 115B, 148F, 148C4, 148 N2, 148 X (3), 148X (10), 148 Y (5)—hypoderm., 77 — inherited, n B, n C. Tabes—(sicca 147)—see Atrophy. Tampon—69 Z2. Tannin, and Tannic acid—137. Tapeworm—see Worms. Tartar emetic—12. Tartar on teeth—3, 77 D (142). Taste—lost, 23,117 A, 126 A—bitter, 128 G—sour, 128 J—foul, 128 H: foul in the morning (103, 117). Teeth—decay, 3, 9, 11C, 148 F— guard against decay, 3,35—extrac- tion without pain, 59, 68. Teething—2, 11 C, 17 A, 27, 53 L, M, 80 B, 88 A, B, 92, 110E, 112, 115 A, 128 E, 128 E, I, 136, 148 W (4)—conducted safely through, noE—grinding of the teeth or gums (17 A), 92,127—early decay (9, n C, 148 F). Tellurium—148 Y (6). Temperature—normal, 98.6°—dan- gerously high, 1050—usually fatal, 1070—collapse, 950—dangerously low, 930—usually fatal, 920. Tenderness—symptoms under gen- eral indications: 2, 10, 13, 17; especially of the abdominal walls, 70—rheumatic, 119D. Tenesmus—69 D4—spasmodic, 115 A, 128 I. Terebinthina—139. Terror—see Night—see Fear. Testes—induration, 128 A (144,148 C5), 148, 148W (5)—shrunken condition, 44—pain, 20 B, 64, 144 A : as if bruised, 54, 85 A—neu- ralgia, 144 A. Tetanus—2, 10, 17 A, 27 B, 49, 59, 74, (103), 108, 1281, 133, 139, 146 A, 148 P2 (of the horse, 108) —hypoderm., 37, 103. Tetter—see Skin. Teucrium—148 Y (7). Thallin—(sub.), 120. Theine—(sub.), 139. Thirst—excessive (2, n), 53 D, 74, no, 140—for very cold drinks, no, 140—with dread of liquids, 30, 68. Thorn apple—138. Throat—acute inflammation, sore throat, quinsy Em., 2, 3, 17 A, D, 57,69 J3,69 R4,70, 74, 75,80, 82, 83, 98, 114, I28B,C, 136 A, 137, 144, 146 A—hypoderm. for quinsy, 80—ulceration, Em., 6, 15 (17 A), 36, 770,99, 114 A, 115 C, 128 D, 137 B, 148 I2, 148 N2, 148 X (3) : putrid, 15, 114 A, 115 C, 128H; syphilitic, 114D, 115 B—clergyman's sore throat (10, no), 129, 136 A2, 144—relaxed throat, palate down, 6, 7, 24 A, 98, 124, 136 A2,137 B—chronic affec- tions of the throat, 18 C, 24, 32, 36 69 J3, 69 R4 (72), 94 C, 114 A', 114 B, 128 C, 136 D, 137 B, 144, 148 L, 148 X (7)—strangulation] see Choking—symptoms under gen- eral indications: dryness, especially on waking, 22, 42,102, 114—feel- 16 REPERTORIAL INDEX. ing like a string hanging down the throat, 148 V—J^gc view of the throat far down, 69 C. Throbbing in the arteries of the neck, 17,54, 101. Thrush—see Mouth. Thuja—9. Tic douloureux—see Neuralgia, fa- cial. Tinea—see Skin. Tinnitus aurium—see Ear. Tissue salts—128. Tobacco—antidote and substitute— 69 J3. Tongue—diagnostic indications, 69 X3, A—tongue symptoms, under general indications : coated white, 20, 32, 128 C — brown, 128 H — greenish, 128G — yellow, 128 F, 140—red edges, 114, 122, 140— red and cracked, 115 bichro — smooth red, 139 — inflamed, 70, 128 B, 148 X (7)—swollen, 70— numb, 2, 146—paralyzed, 41—in- durated (64), 128 A—cancer, 115, 148 C4. Tonic—4, 79, 94 C, 103, 119 A, B, 120, 129 A—see Debility. Tonsils — inflamed, see Quinsy — chronic enlargement, 11 B, 88 A, B, 128C, 144. Toothache—Em., 2, 6, 8 (17 A), 18, 55, 81, 101, 112, 128 B, 1281, 146 A, 148 W (4)—hypoderm., 107 —in hollow tooth, 148 X3, 148 Y (3)—instant relief, 6 A, 8,18—de- cay, see Teeth. Tooth extraction without pain—59, 68. Tooth-powder—35. Trachoma—see Eye. Trance—68. Traumatic Fever—2, 61. Tremor, trembling—2, 21,27, no A, 115 A, 129 B, 138 B hypoderm. (148C5), 148 X (3)—of the head, 148 C, C2—mercurial, 138B hypo- derm. — senile, 138 B hypoderm. (148C5)—internal, 31—sensation of trembling, 136 acid. Trichinosis (trichiniasis)—32, 50 hy- poderm., 66 (70) — destroys the parasite in the stomach, 66. Trifolium—43. 31 Trismus—see Lockjaw. Tuberculosis—53 M, O, (diet), 148 L —see Consumption. Tumor—11, 28, 40, 42, 50 E, 69 N3, 70 (88), 114B, 128 A, 148 C5, 148 W (9)—fibroid : hypoderm. 32, 50—ovarian, 70—resulting from a blow, 133—removal and cure with- out the knife, 40, 50 E, 69 N3—see Cancer. Turpentine—139. Twitching—2, 27, 107 hypoderm., no A, 128 I, 147, 1481—beneath the skin, 2—especially about the mouth, 148 I—face, no A—eye- lids, 27—in sleep, 17, 39. Tympanites—(13), 46, 120, 139 A2, 140 A—in typhoid, 139 A2, 140 A —hysterical (13), 148 V. Typhoid Fever—Em., 7 A, 11, 15, 23. 26, 32, 36,45, 77 A, 94 C (no), 120B, 120hypoderm, 122A, I2<;A, 128 B, 129 A, 136, 139, 142, 148 Z—collapse, 11, 101, 110 A, B, 128 H, 148 M. Typhus—11, (32),94C (no), 120B, 128 B, 142—of children, 26, 45. Ulcer upon the skin—apply 28, 35, 40, 42, 44, 63, 65, 69 H3, 74, 77 J, 88, 90, 91, 109, 113, 114, 115, 125, 126, 142: take 11, 13, 30, 32, 88 Bs C, 113, 123,128 A, D (136), 148 N2, 148 X (3), 148 X (4)— chronic, 40, 88, 114, 130— sloughing, putrid, gangrenous, 11, 13, 32, 35, 36, 42, 63, 77 J, 90, 91, 113, 115 G, 128 A, D, H—scrofu- lous, 88 B, 123, 128E, see Scrof- ula—varicose, 144 A—maggots in ulcer, 90—ulcers upon internal surfaces : see the various organs affected. Uraemia—30 C (32), 80, 107—hypo- derm., 80, 107. Uranium nit—(sub.), 122. Urethra — irritation, inflammation, 30 C, 68 sativa, 70, 89—discharge, 148 N—urethral fever, 2. Urinalysis—69 Y3. Urine—painful flow, 16, 18 B, 30, 31, 46, 68 sativa., 70, 81, 89, 106 —hypoderm., 17, 107—obstructed floiv, 30, 69 O2, 92, 106, 148 C* : from enlarged prostate, 9, 70J 7 REPERTORIAL INDEX. see Gravel—retention, 2, 38, 50 hypoderm, 75, 92, (107), 128 B— see Strangury—suppressed secre- tion : see Dropsy—incontinence, dribbling, Em., 92, 103, 122 C, 129 B, 139 B, 142 B, 146 A, 148 W (3) : hypoderm., 17, 103, 107—from a fall, 133: see Enure- sis: see "wetting the bed"—ex- cessive flow, 128G: see Diuresis Diabetes, Polyuria—urinary symp- toms under general indications: urine hot, 24, 30, 68 sativa—pale, 148 I, V—offensive, 18, 24,148C3, 148 N2—loaded with sediment, 16, 134 C—milky white, 127—like coffee grounds, 39—urging to urin- ate (30, 89), 103—bloody urine (10), 16 (17), 41, 134 Q 139, 144 A—red sand sediment, 148 W (10), 148 Y(i)—pink sediment, i48Y(i). Urtica—(sub.), 100. Urticaria—see Hives. Ustilago—50. Uterus (Womb) — inflammation, acute, 2, 11, 17, 32 (103, 107, 128 B, C): see Child-bed Fever: chronic, 50 hypoderm, 128 C— ulceration, 74 E, see Leucorrhoea, fetid—pains, 21 (68 hemp.), 95: see Neuralgia—prolapsus, Em., 4, 6, 17, 25, 70 A, 74, 75 B, 77 B, 79B(92), 103 A, 103 hypoderm., 114A, 117,1196,141, 148 Y(i), 148 Z—"the womb anchor," 69 H2—replacement by position, 69 H2—sub-involution, 50 hypo- derm.—flexion, version, 4, 25—hy- pertrophy, 50 hypoderm.—polypus, mole, fibroid tumor, 50 hypoderm. Uva ursi—(sub.), 16, 30. Uvula elongated—137 B—see Palate. Vaccine disease—9, n, 128 A. Vagina — itching, 148 X (4): see Pruritus—irritation, 148 X (4), 148 X (14)—spasmodic constriction, vaginismus., 44, 49 (84, 128 A), 146 A—ulceration, 6, 74 E: see Leucorrhoea, fetid. Valeriana—148 V. Valvular disease of the heart—2, 29, 54, 94- Varicocele—50 hypoderm. Varicose veins—50hypoderm., 69 N3, 89, 117 A, 144 A, 147, 148 F—with severe pains, 89, 144—radical cure, 144. Variola, varioloid—see Smallpox. Veratrum—140—poisoning, 59 hypo- derm. Veins—inflammation, see Phlebitis— broken, see Varicose. Verbascum—97, 148 Y (8). Vertigo—2, 10, 17 A, 26, 27, 34 A, 45, 72, 77,101 A, 110 A, 113,128 B, 134 A, 148 C, C2, C5, 148 W (1), 148Z—epileptic (27), 110B— when rising up in bed, 2,26—when turning in bed, 148 C5—falling, 27 (no)—guard, 72. Viburnum—141. Vicarious—see Menses. Vinegar—142. Viola odo.—(sub.), 46. Viola tri.—(sub.), 23. Viscum—95. Voice—failing, lost, 2 spong., 7, 17 A,24,44,110 A, 134 A,144, 146 A, 148 W (3)—hysterical aphonia, 101, 107 hypoderm.—hoarseness, 2 spong., 24, 80 hypoderm., 88 A., no A, 128 C, 144—especially of public speakers and singers, 44,110 A, 144. VomitingT—in general, 1, 11, 20, 23, 41, 48 B, 49, 53 L, 69 K, 74 D, 75 A, 77, 78, 88 A, 98 (103), 109 (no), 138 B—hypoderm., 37, 107 —of drunkards, II, 103—from etherization, 74 D—during preg- nancy, 38, 48, 69 K, 69 P2, 71, 75 A, 7-7, 78, 109, no D, 118— during typhoid fever, n, 75 A, 78, 138 B—symptoms under general indications: ejection of liquids, not solids, 11, 20 A, no—of solids when the stomach is full, 20 A, 128 B—of milk, 1, 88 A, 148 X (3)— of bile (78), 128 I—of food, 128 B; directly after eating, 11, 20 A, 78, 138 B—of sour liquid, 1, 23, 88 A, 128 J—of sour curds, 1, 88 A— constant straining to vomit, 78,109, 140 alb.—liquids come up as soon as swallowed, 11: as soon as they become warm in the stomach (no A, 140 alb.). REPERTORIAL INDEX. Vulva — itching, see Pruritus — in- flammation, 148 Y (1). Wakefulness—see Sleep. Warts—7, 9, 28, 40, 69 D, 142—take 9 (88 A). Wasting diseases—66 A, B, 110E— see Atrophy, see Consumption. Waterbrash—23 (26), 35, 103, 109 (117), 126 (131, 140, alb.), 148 W (10). Water—stagnant or turbid rendered innoxious, 86—clarified, 6, 126 C— diarrhoea from drinking impure water, 86—nausea from drinking water, no A2—"water on the brain," see Brain. Weakness—see Debility. Weak heart—see Heart. Weaning—see Milk—from liquor, 53 S, 74B. Weariness—see Fatigue. Weeping moods—76, 117. Wen—48. " Wetting the bed"—9. 17, 18, 30, 37,74, 79, 112,115 A, 120 A, 122 A, 129 B, 148 W (3), 148 Y (1), 148 Y (8)—hypoderm., 17, 103, I07—preventive, 74—from worms, 127—see Urine. White leg—see Milk leg. White swelling—77E,G, 115 E2, 123 —hypoderm., 32—see Joints. " Whites "—see Leucorrhoea. Whitlow—see Felon. Whooping cough—Em., 7, 8, 10, 17, 43, 49, 55 (98), 95, 120, 127, 128 H, 139, 148 N (148 P2)—choking with blue face, 49, 128 H—preven- tive, 117—cure in a week, 17—cure ninety-five per cent, of all cases, 43 —as much a specific as quinine for ague, 55—with spasms, 49—system prepared, no E. Wild Yam—143. Wind gall—18. Winking, involuntary—62. Witch Hazel—144- Womb—see Uterus. Worms—common large worms, 46 A, 79, 127, 139, 148 Y (4)—seat worms, 83 A, 100, 126, 130 B, 148 Y (7)—tape worm, 38, 67, in, 118, 125, 139, away in an hour, 38. Worse—conditions, under general indications:— After, eating, 4, 102, 115 bi- chro., 120, 126, 148 C3 : especially after dinner, 129—after drinking, 102. 120, 148 C3 : especially after coffee,i48I: after wine,io7,147— after sleeping, 107, 138: especially in morning on waking, 148 I, 148 N2—after talking, 77—after riding, 77—after walking, 77—after lying down, 78—after getting wet, 88, phos., 122. At 10 A.M., 126—at 3 P.M., 17. Before dinner, 136—before a thunder storm, 85 A, 131. By slight touch or contact, 2, 13, 27, 128 B, 148 N2 : anywhere upon the skin, 120, 148 I—by the least knock or jar, 10, 17—by pressure upon the parts affected, 128B—by smell of tobacco, 148 I—by smell of victuals, 46. During cold, damp weather, 7 carb., 85 A, 136—during hot weather, 92 (103) — during the evening, 117: from 4 to 8 p.m., 39—during middle of the night, 11 : from 2 to 3 A.M., 115—during the morning, 92, 103—during new moon, 7 carb., 42, 49, 88 carb.— during full moon, 42, 88 carb., 131 —during every 7th or 8lh day, 22, 23, 114—during active motion, 26, 46, ioi,128B: during first motion, but better after continued gentle motion, 24, 122—during rest, re- pose, 85 A, 122, 128 C, 148 C5: especially sitting, 79. When alone, 138—when in the dark, 2, 31, 138—when ascending a hill or stairway, 11,88 carb.— when dropping off to sleep, 96— when indoors, 62, 106, 117—when outdoors, 103, 148 M—when think- ing or studying, 103—when lying down, 16, 18, 78, 89—when lying on the left side, 110—when sitting, 16, 97—when standing, 5, 136— when walking, 77—when riding, 77—when waking, 148 N2 : in the morning, 148 I—when rising up in bed, 2, 26—when turning in bed, 148 C5. 3X9 REPERTORIAL INDEX. Wound—in general, 3, 5, 10, 32, 37, 61, 74 G, 84,85,91, 106, 113,125, 126, 133, 135, 136 A2, 148 I2— —hemorrhage, 3, 6, 38, 74, 79 G— gun-shot, 3, 91—puncture, 3, 85, 133—contusion, 3, 10, 74, 91, 133 —incision, cut, 18 A, 48, 91, 125 A —poisoned, 3, 7, 32,113, 148 I2— unhealthy, apply, 32, 35, 36, 37, 42, 90, 91, 115, 136 A2 : take, n, 120—painful, 5, 84, 85,133,136 A2 —pain in old scar, 133 : pain after amputation, 106, 133—compound fracture, 3, 32, 84, 91—guard against lockjaw, 105, 133, 139—t0 keep a wound open, 58. Wrist Cramp—Em., 103 hypoderm. (128 I). Wrist Drop—Em , 103 hypoderm. Xanthoxylum—119. Yawing, spasmodic—148 I. Yeast—145- „ . ,.„. Yellow Fever—Em., 31 A, 32,140 A, 146 A—guard, 125. Yerba Santa—(sub.), 87. Zinc—147- Zoster—see Skin. 320 3583 NLM 00103120 7 ft i v.V- NLM001031207