ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY WASHINGTON Founaed 1836 ANNEX Section. Number _.J..J_j[.&_'j?_4. Form 113c, W. D., S. G. O. 3—10543 (Revised June 13, 1936) E TW PREFACE. XIX These questions and problems will be resolved r and we cannot doubt that we shall have in that case a new physiology and a rational pathology. Our sounding line, indeed, is not long enough to- measure the depths of the sea, but is not on that account less valuable to us : if it assist us, in the mean time, to avoid rocks and shoals, its use is suf- ficiently obvious. In the hands of the physiologist,, organic chemistry must become an intellectual instrument, by means of which he will be enabled to trace the causes of phenomena invisible to the bodily sight; and if among the results which I have developed or indicated in this work, one alone shall admit of a useful application, I shall consider the object for which it was written as fully attained. The path which has led to it will open up other paths; and this I consider as the most important object to be gained. JUSTUS LIEBIG, Giessen, April, 1842^ CONTENTS. PART I. Yital'force, vis vitse,. or vitality ..... f&ge Distinction between animal and vegetable life Assimilation the result of chemical forces Vitality independent of consciousness Laws of the vital force ...... Conditions of animal life..... Nutrition depends on chemical changes Amount of oxygen inspired by an adult man it combines with, carbon and hydrogen in the body The consumption of oxygen varies Effect of heat on these variations The mutual action of oxygen and carbon in the body is the true source of animal heat The amount of oxygen regulates that of food Effects of climate on the appetite The process of starvation..... Cause of death in starvation and chror'c diseases Nerves and muscles not the source of animal body Amount of animal heat..... Nervous and vegetative life ...... Nutrition depends on the constituents of blood . Identity of organic composition in fibrine and albumen Nutrition in the carnivora the most simple Li the herbivora, depends on the azotised products of vegetables • « • • • 45 XXII CONTENTS. These products identical with the constituents of blood • 47 The blood of animals is therefore formed by vegetables • 48 Uses of the non-azotised ingredients of food . • ^ Chano-es of the food in the organism of carnivora • 53 Carbon accumulates in the bile..... Nitrogen in the urine.......59 The carbon is consumed or burned . . • • 60 True function of the bile......62 Amount of bile secreted......64 Assimilation more energetic in the young animal . . 67 The butter, sugar, &c, of its food support respiration 68 The same is true of the class of herbivora ... 70 Waste of matter very rapid in carnivora ... 76 Importance of agriculture to population ... 77 Assimilation less energetic in the carnivora ... 80 Origin of fat in domesticated animals ... 81 Its formation is a source of oxygen .... 86 It is formed when oxygen is deficient, and is a source of animal heat . .....88 Elements of nutrition and of respiration ... 96 Gelatine incapable of serving for nutrition, strictly so called 97 But it may serve to nourish the gelatinous tissues, . 98 PART II. THE METAMORPHOSIS OF TISSUES. Discovery of proteine.......105 It is formed by vegetables alone .... 106 Theory of chyraification .... 108 Use of the saliva..... H3 Source of the nitrogen exhaled from the lungs and skin . 114 Composition of proteine . 101 Composition of the animal tissues . . 125 Gelatine contains no proteine, although formed from it 128 The secretions contain all the elements of the blood 132 CONTENTS. XXU1 Formula of blood and metamorphoses of bile . Metamorphoses of blood and flesh .... The constituents of the urine derived from the metamor phosed tissues...... Relation of blood or flesh and proteine to the secretions and excretions....... Formation of gelatine...... Origin of bile in the carnivora..... Origin of bile in the herbivora .... Origin of hippuric acid...... Formation of the chief secretions and excretions Soda essential to the bile...... Relation of urine to bile ..... Relation of starch to bile...... Uses of common salt...... Certain remedies take a share in the vital transformations Chief qualities of the blood ..... Modus operandi of organic remedies All organic poisons contain nitrogen .... Theine identical with caffeine .... Relation of theine and caffeine to bile Theory of their action...... Theory of the action of the vegetable alkalies Composition and origin of nervous matter It is related to that of the vegetable alkalies Theory of the action of the latter .... Phosphorus seems essential to nervous matter PART III. 1. The phenomena of motion in the animal organism 195 2. The same subject, with particular reference to the waste and supply or change of matter . . 233 3. Theory of disease.......254 4. Theory of respiration......265 xxiv CONTENTS. APPENDIX. Containing the analytical evidence referred to in the sec- tions in which are described the chemical processes of respiration, nutrition, and the metamorphosis of tissues.........279 On the conversion of benzoic acid into hippuric acid in the human body, by W. Keller .... 325 INDEX.........329 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY APPLIED TO PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY. I. In the animal ovum, as well as in the seed of a plant, we recognize a certain remarkable force, the source of growth, or increase in the mass, and of reproduction, or of supply of the matter con- sumed ; a force in a slate of rest. By the action of external influences, by impregnation, by the pre- sence of air and moisture, the condition of static equilibrium of this force is disturbed ; entering into a state of motion or activity, it exhibits itself in the production of a series of forms, which, although occasionally bounded by right lines, are yet widely distinct from geometrical forms, such as we observe in crystallised minerals. This force is called the vital force, vis vita or vitality. The increase of mass in a plant is determined by the occurrence of a decomposition which takes place in certain parts of the plant under the influ- ence of light and heat. In the vital process, as it goes on in vegetables, it is exclusively inorganic matter which undergoes this decomposition ; and if, with the most distin- 1 2 VEGETABLE AND guished mineralogists, we consider atmospherical air and certain other gases as minerals, it may be said that the vital process in vegetables accom- plishes the transformation of mineral substances into an organism endued with life ; that the mineral becomes part of an organ possessing vital force. The increase of mass in a living plant implies that certain component parts of its nourishment be- come component parts of the plant; and a com- parison of the chemical composition of the plant with that of its nourishment, makes known to us, with positive certainty, which of the component parts of the latter have been assimilated, and which have been rejected. The observations of vegetable physiologists and the researches of chemists have mutually contri- buted to establish the fact, that the growth and development of vegetables depend on the elimi- nation of oxygen, which is separated from the other component parts of their nourishment. In contradistinction to vegetable life, the life of animals exhibits itself in the continual absorption of the oxygen of the air, and its combination with certain component parts of the animal body. While no part of an organized being can serve as food to vegetables, until, by the processes of putrefaction and decay, it has assumed the form of inorganic matter, the animal organism requires, for its support and development, highly organised atoms. The food of all animals, in all circum- stances, consists of parts of organisms. ANIMAL LIFE. 3 Animals are distinguished from vegetables by the faculty of locomotion, and, in general, by the posses- sion of senses. The existence and activity of these distinguish- ing faculties depend on certain instruments which are never found in vegetables. Comparative ana- tomy shows, that the phenomena of motion and sen- sation depend on certain kinds of apparatus, which have no other relation to each other than this, that they meet in a common centre. The substance of the spinal marrow, the nerves, and the brain, is in its composition, and in its chemical characters, essen- tially distinct from that of which cellular substance, membranes, muscles, and skin are composed. Every thing in the animal organism, to which the name of motion can be applied, proceeds from the nervous apparatus. The phenomena of motion in vegetables, the circulation of the sap, for exam- ple, observed in many of the characeae, and the closing of flowers and leaves, depend on physical and mechanical causes. A plant is destitute of nerves. Heat and light are the remote causes of motion in vegetables ; but in animals we recognize in the nervous apparatus a source of power, capa- ble of renewing itself at every moment of their ex- istence. While the assimilation of food in vegetables, and the whole process of their formation, are depen- dant on certain external influences which produce motion, the development of the animal organism is, to a certain extent, independent of these external 4 ASSIMILATION THE RESULT influences, just because the animal body can pro- duce within itself that source of motion which is indispensable to the vital process. Assimilation, or the process of formation and growth—in other words, the passage of matter from a state of motion to that of rest—goes on in the same way in animals and in vegetables. In both, the same cause determines the increase of mass. This constitutes the true vegetative life, which is carried on without consciousness. The activity of vegetative life manifests itself, in vegetables, with the aid of external influences ; in animals, by means of influences produced within their organism. Digestion, circulation, secretion, are no doubt under the influence of the nervous system; but the force which gives to the germ, the leaf, and the radical fibres of the vegetable the same wonderful properties, is the same as that residing in the secreting membranes and glands of animals, and which enables every animal organ to perform its own proper function. It is only the source of motion that differs in the two great classes of organised beings. While the organs of the vital motions are never wanting in the lowest orders of animals, as in the impregnated germ of the ovum, in which they are developed first of all, we find, in the higher orders of animals, peculiar organs of feeling and sensation, of consciousness and of a higher intellectual ex- istence. Pathology informs us that the true vegetative life OP CHEMICAL FORCES. 5 is in no way dependant on the presence of this apparatus; that the process of nutrition proceeds in those parts of the body where the nerves of sensation and voluntary motion are paralysed, ex- actly in the same way as in other parts where these nerves are in the normal condition ; and, on the other hand, that the most energetic volition is inca- pable of exerting any influence on the contractions of the heart, on the motion of the intestines, or on the processes of secretion. The higher phenomena of mental existence can- not, in the present state of science, be referred to their proximate, and still less to their ultimate causes. We only know of them, that they exist; we ascribe them to an immaterial agency, and that, in so far as its manifestations are connected with matter, an agency entirely distinct from the vital force, with which it has nothing in common. It cannot be denied that this peculiar force ex- ercises a certain influence on the activity of vege- tative life, just as other immaterial agents, such as Light, Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism do ; but this influence is not of a determinative kind, and manifests itself only as an acceleration, a retarding, or a disturbance of the process of vegetative life. In a manner exactly analogous, the vegetative life reacts on the conscious mental existence. There are thus two forces which are found in activity together ; but consciousness and intellect may be absent in animals as thev are in living vegetables, without their vitality being otherwise 1* G VITALITY INDEPENDENT affected than by the want of a peculiar source of increased energy or of disturbance. Except in regard to this, all the vital chemical processes go on precisely in the same way in man and in the lower animals. The efforts of philosophers, constantly renewed, to penetrate the relations of the soul to animal life, have all along retarded the progress of physir ology. In this attempt men left the province of philosophical research for that of fancy; physi- ologists, carried away by imagination, were far from being acquainted with the laws of purely animal life. None of them had a clear conception of the process of development and nutrition, or of the true cause of death. They professed to explain the most obscure psychological phenomena, and yet they were unable to say what fever is, and in what way quinine acts in curing it. For the purpose of investigating the laws of vital motion in the animal body, only one condition, namely, the knowledge of the apparatus which serves for its production, was ascertained ; but the substance of the organs, the changes which food undergoes in the living body, its transformation into portions of organs, and its re-conversion into lifeless compounds, the share which the atmos- phere takes in the processes of vitality ; all these foundations for future conclusions were still want- ing. What has the soul, what have consciousness and intellect to do with the development of the human OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND INTELLECT. 7 foetus, or the foetus in a fowl's egg? not more, surely, than with the development of the seeds of a plant. Let us first endeavour to refer to their ultimate causes those phenomena of life which are not physiological; and let us beware of drawing conclusions before we have a ground- work. We know exactly the mechanism of the eye; but neither anatomy nor chemistry will ever explain how the rays of light act on consciousness, so as to produce vision. Natural science has fixed limits which cannot be passed ; and it must always be borne in mind that, with all our discoveries, we shall never know what light, electricity, and magnetism are in their essence, because, even of those things which are material, the human in- tellect has only conceptions. We can ascertain, however, the laws which regulate their motion and rest, because these are manifested in phenomena. In like manner the laws of vitality, and of all that disturbs, promotes, or alters it, may certainly be discovered, although we shall never learn what life is. Thus the discovery of the laws of gravita- tion and of the planetary motions led to an en- tirely new conception of the cause of these phe- nomena. This conception could not have been formed in all its clearness without a knowledge of phenomena out of which it was evolved; for, considered by itself, gravity, like light to one born blind, is a mere word, devoid of mean- ing. The modern science of physiology has left the 8 LAWS OF THE track of Aristotle. To the eternal advantage of science, and to the benefit of mankind, it no longer invents a horror vacui, a quinta essentia, in order to furnish credulous hearers with solutions and explanations of phenomena, whose true con- nection with others, whose ultimate cause- is still unknown. If we assume that all the phenomena exhibited by the organism of plants and animals are to be ascribed to a peculiar cause, different in its mani- festations from all other causes which produce mo- tion or change of condition; if, therefore, we regard the vital force as an independent force, then, in the phenomena of organic life, as in all other pheno- mena ascribed to the action of forces, we have the statics, that is, the state of equilibrium determin- ed by a resistance, and the dynamics, of the vital force. All the parts of the animal body are produced from a peculiar fluid, circulating in its organism, by virtue of an influence residing in every cell, in every organ, or part of an organ. Physiology teaches that all parts of the body were originally blood ; or that at least they were brought to the growing organs by means of this fluid. The most ordinary experience further shows, that at each moment of life, in the animal organ- ism, a continued change of matter, more or less accelerated, is going on; that a part of the structure is transformed into unorganised matter, loses its condition of life, and must be again renewed. Phy- VITAL FORCE. 9 siology has sufficiently decisive grounds for the opinion, that every motion, every manifestation of force, is the result of a transformation of the struc- ture or of its substance; that every conception, every mental affection, is followed by changes in the chemical nature of the secreted fluids; that every thought, every sensation, is accompanied by a change in the composition of the substance of the brain. In order to keep up the phenomena of life in animals, certain matters are required, parts of or- ganisms, which we call nourishment. In conse- quence of a series of alterations, they serve either for the increase of the mass {nutrition), or for the supply of the matter consumed Reproduction), or, finally, for the production of force. II. If the first condition of animal life be the assimilation of what is commonly called nourish- ment, the second is a continual absorption of oxy- gen from the atmosphere. Viewed as an object of scientific research, ani- mal life exhibits itself in a series of phenomena, the connection and recurrence of which are deter- mined by the changes which the food and the oxy- gen absorbed from the atmosphere undergo in the organism under the influence of the vital force. All vital activity arises from the mutual action of the oxygen of the atmosphere and the elements of the food. 10 NUTRITION AND REPRODUCTION In the processes of nutrition and reproduction, we perceive the passage of matter from the state of motion to that of rest (static equilibrium); under the influence of the nervous system, this matter enters again into a state of motion. The ultimate causes of these different conditions of the vital force are chemical forces. The cause of the state of rest is a resistance, determined by a force of attraction (combination), which acts between the smallest particles of matter, and is manifested only when these are in actual contact, or at infinitely small distances. To this peculiar kind of attraction we may of course apply different names ; but the chemist calls it affinity. The cause of the state of motion is to be found in a series of changes which the food undergoes in the organism, and these are the results of pro- cesses of decomposition, to which either the food itself, or the structures formed from it, or parts of organs, are subjected. The distinguishing character of vegetable life is a continued passage of matter from the state of motion to that of static equilibrium. While a plant lives, we cannot perceive any cessation in its growth ; no part of an organ in the plant di- minishes in size. If decomposition occur, it is the result of assimilation. A plant produces within itself no cause of motion; no part of its structure, from any influence residing in its organism, loses its state of vitality, and is converted into unorgan- DEPEND ON CHEMICAL CHANGES. 11 ised, amorphous compounds; in a word, no waste occurs in vegetables. Waste, in the animal body, is a change in the state or in the composition of some of its parts, and consequently is the result of che- mical actions. The influence of poisons and of remedial agents on the living animal body evidently shows that the chemical decompositions and combinations in the body, which manifest themselves in the phe- nomena of vitality, may be increased in intensity by chemical forces of analogous character, and retarded or put an end to by those of opposite character; and that we are enabled to exercise an influence on every part of an organ by means of substances possessing a well-defined chemical action. As, in the closed galvanic circuit, in consequence of certain changes which an inorganic body, a me- tal, undergoes when placed in contact with an acid, a certain something becomes cognizable by our senses, which we call a current of electricity ; so, in the animal body, in consequence of transformations and changes undergone by matter previously consti- tuting a part of the organism, certain phenomena of motion and activity are perceived, and these we call life, or vitality. The electrical current manifests itself in certain phenomena of attraction and repulsion, which it excites in other bodies naturally motionless, and by the phenomena of the formation and decomposi- tion of chemical compounds, which occur every 12 OXYGEN REQUIRED. where, when the resistance is not sufficient to arrest the current. It is from this point of view, and from no other, that chemistry ought to contemplate the phenomena of life. Wonders surround us on every side. The formation of a crystal, of an octahedron, is not less incomprehensible than the production of a leaf or of a muscular fibre; and the production of vermi- lion from mercury and sulphur is as much an enigma as the formation of an eye from the sub- stance of the blood. The first conditions of animal life are nutritious matters and oxygen, introduced into the system. At every moment of bis life man is taking oxygen into his system, by means of the organs of respira- tion ; no pause is observable while life continues. The observations of physiologists have shown that the body of an adult man, supplied with suffi- cient food, has neither increased nor diminished in weight at the end of twenty-four hours; yet the quantity of oxygen taken into the system during this period is very considerable. According to the experiments of Lavoisier, an adult man takes into his system, from the atmos- phere, in one year, 746 lbs., according to Menzies, 837 lbs., of oxygen ; yet we find his weight, at the beginning and end of the year, either quite the same, or differing, one way or the other, by at most a few pounds. (1)* What, it may be asked, has become of the enor- * The Numbers refer to the Appendix. AS WELL AS FOOD. 13 mous weight of oxygen thus introduced, in the course of a year into the human system ? This question may be answered satisfactorily ; no part of this oxygen remains in the system ; but it is given out again in the form of a compound of carbon or of hydrogen. The carbon and hydrogen of certain parts of the body have entered into combination with the oxy- gen introduced through the lungs and through the skin, and have been given out in the forms of car- bonic acid gas and the vapour of water. At every moment, with every expiration, certain quantities of its elements separate from the ani- mal organism, after having entered into combina- tion, within the body, with the oxygen of the atmos- phere. If we assume, with Lavoisier and Seguin, in order to obtain a foundation for our calculation, that an adult man receives into his system daily 32^oz. (46,037 cubic inches = 15,661 grains, French weight) of oxygen, and that the weight of the whole mass of his blood, of which 80 per cent, is water, is 24 lbs.; it then appears, from the known composition of the blood, that, in order to convert the whole of its carbon and hydrogen into carbonic acid and water, 64,103 grains of oxygen are re- quired. This quantity will be taken into the sys- tem of an adult in four days five hours. (2) Whether this oxygen enters into combination with the elements of the blood, or with other parts of the body containing carbon and hydrogen, in 2 14 OXYGEN COMBINES WITH either case the conclusion is inevitable, that the body of a man, who daily takes into the system 32£ oz. of oxygen, must receive daily in the shape of nourishment, as much carbon and hydrogen as would suffice to supply 24 lbs. of blood with these elements; it being presupposed that the weight of the body remains unchanged, and that it retains its normal condition as to health. This supply is furnished in the food. From the accurate determination of the quantity of carbon daily taken into the system in the food, as well as of that proportion of it which passes out of the body in the fasces and urine, unburned, that is, in some form in which it is not combined with oxygen, it appears that an adult, taking moderate exercise, consumes 13*9 oz. of carbon daily. (3) These 13-ft- oz. of carbon escape through the skin and lungs as carbonic acid gas. For conversion into carbonic acid gas, 13-ft- oz. of carbon require 37 oz. of oxygen. According to the analyses of Boussingault (Ann. de Ch. et de Ph. LXXI. p. 136) a horse consumes in twenty-four hours 97^ oz. of carbon, a milch cow 69-ft oz. The quantities of carbon here mentioned are those given off from the bodies of these ani- mals in the form of carbonic acid ; and it appears from them that the horse consumes, in converting carbon into carbonic acid, 13 lbs. 3^ oz. in twenty- four hours, and the milch cow 11 lbs. lOf oz. of oxygen in the same time. (4) THE CARBON OF THE FOOD. 15 Since no part of the oxygen taken into the sys- tem is again given off in any other form but that of a compound of carbon or hydrogen ; since fur- ther, the carbon and hydrogen given off are re- placed by carbon and hydrogen supplied in the food, it is clear that the amount of nourishment required by the animal body must be in a direct ratio to the quantity of oxygen taken into the system. Two animals, which in equal times take up by means of the lungs and skin unequal quantities of oxygen, consume quantities of the same nourishment which are unequal in the same ratio. The consumption of oxygen in equal times may be expressed by the number of respirations ; it is clear that, in the same individual, the quantity of nourishment required must vary with the force and number of the respirations. A child, in whom the organs of respiration are naturally very active, requires food oftener than an adult, and bears hunger less easily. A bird, deprived of food, dies on the third day, while a serpent, with its sluggish respiration, can live without food three months and longer. The number of respirations is smaller in a state of rest than during exercise or work. The quan- tity of food necessary in both conditions must vary in the same ratio. An excess of food is incompatible with defi- ciency in respired oxygen, that is, with deficient ex- 16 EFFECT OF HEAT ON THE ercise ; just as violent exercise, which implies an increased supply of food, is incompatible with weak digestive organs. In either case the health suffers. But the quantity of oxygen inspired is also af- fected by the temperature and density of the atmos- phere. The capacity of the chest in an animal is a con- stant quantity. At every respiration a quantity of air enters, the volume of which may be considered as uniform ; but its weight, and consequently that of the oxygen it contains, is not constant. Air is expanded by heat, and contracted by cold, and there- fore equal volumes of hot and cold air contain un- equal weights of oxygen. In summer, moreover, atmospherical air contains aqueous vapour, while in winter it is dry; the space occupied by vapour in the warm air is filled up by air itself in winter; that is, it contains, for the same volume, more oxygen in winter than in summer. In summer and in winter, at the pole and at the equator, we respire an equal volume of air ; the cold air is warmed during respiration, and acquires the temperature of the body. To introduce into the lungs a given volume of oxygen, less expenditure of force is necessary in winter than in summer; and for the same expenditure of force, more oxygen is inspired in winter. It is obvious, that in an equal number of respira- tions we consume more oxygen at the level of the sea than on a mountain. The quantity both of AMOUNT OF OXYGEN ABSORBED. 17 oxygen inspired and of carbonic acid expired, must therefore vary with the height of the baro- meter. The oxygen taken into the system is given out again in the same forms, whether in summer or in winter ; hence we expire more carbon in cold weather, and when the barometer is high, than we do in warm weather; and we must consume more or less carbon in our food in the same proportion; in Sweden more than in Sicily ; and in our more temperate climate a full eighth more in winter than in summer. Even when we consume equal weights of food in cold and warm countries, infinite wisdom has so arranged, that the articles of food in different cli- mates are most unequal in the proportion of carbon they contain. The fruits on which the natives of the south prefer to feed do not in the fresh state contain more than 12 per cent, of carbon, while the bacon and train oil used by the inhabitants of the arctic regions contain from 66 to 80 per cent, of carbon. It is no difficult matter, in warm climates, to study moderation in eating, and men can bear hun- ger for a long time under the equator; but cold and hunger united very soon exhaust the body. The mutual action between the elements of the food and the oxygen conveyed by the circulation of the blood to every part of the body is the source OF ANIMAL HEAT. 2* 18 SOURCE OF ANIMAL III. All living creatures, whose existence depends on the absorption of oxygen, possess within them- selves a source of heat independent of surrounding objects. This truth applies to all animals, and extends, besides, to the germination of seeds, to the flower- ing of plants, and to the maturation of fruits. It is only in those parts of the body to which arterial blood, and with it the oxygen absorbed in respiration, is conveyed, that heat is produced. Hair, wool, or feathers, do not possess an elevated temperature. This high temperature of the animal body, or, as it may be called, disengagement of heat, is uni- formly and under all circumstances the result of the combination of a combustible substance with oxygen. In whatever way carbon may combine with oxygen, the act of combination cannot take place without the disengagement of heat. It is a matter of indifference whether the combination take place rapidly or slowly, at a high or at a low tempera- ture ; the amount of heat liberated is a constant quantity. The carbon of the food, which is converted into carbonic acid within the body, must give out ex- actly as much heat as if it had been directly burnt in the air or in oxygen gas ; the only difference is, that the amount of heat produced is diffused over unequal times. In oxygen, the combustion is more rapid, and the heat more intense; in air it is slower, HEAT.--RESPIRATION. 19 the temperature is not so high, but it continues longer. It is obvious that the amount of heat liberated must increase or diminish with the quantity of oxygen introduced in equal times by respiration. Those animals which respire frequently, and conse- quently consume much oxygen, possess a higher temperature than others, which, with a body of equal size to be heated, take into the system less oxygen. The temperature of a child (102°) is higher than that of an adult (99-5°). That of birds (104° to 105-4°) is higher than that of quad- rupeds (98-5° to 100-4°) or than that of fishes or amphibia, whose proper temperature is from 2-7° to 3-6° higher than that of the medium in which they live. All animals, strictly speaking, are warm-- blooded; but in those only which possess lungs is the temperature of the body quite independent of the surrounding medium. (5) The most trustworthy observations prove that in all climates, in the temperate zones- as well as at the equator or the poles, the temperature of the body in man, and in what are commonly called warm-blooded animals, is invariably the same ; yet how different are the circumstances under which, they live ! The animal body is a heated mass, which bears the same relation to surrounding objects as any other heated mass. It receives heat when the sur- rounding objects are hotter, it loses heat when they are colder than itself. 20 UNIFORM TEMPERATUnr, We know that the rapidity of cooling increases with the difference between the temperature of the heated body and that of the surrounding medium; that is, the colder the surrounding medium the shorter the time required for the cooling of the heat- ed body. How unequal, then, must be the loss of heat in a man at Palermo, where the external temperature is nearly equal to that of the body, and in the polar regions, where the external temperature is from 70° to 90° lower. Yet, notwithstanding this extremely unequal loss of heat, experience has shown that the blood of the inhabitant of the arctic circle has a temperature as high as that of the native of the south, who lives in so different a medium. This fact, when its true significance is perceived, proves that the heat given off to the surrounding medium is restored within the body with great rapidity. This compensation takes place more ra- pidly in winter than in summer, at the pole than at the equator. Now, in different climates the quantity of oxygen introduced into the system of respiration, as has been already shown, varies according to the tem- perature of the external air; the quantity of inspir- ed oxygen increases with the loss of heat by exter- nal cooling, and the quantity of carbon or hydrogen necessary to combine with this oxygen must be in- creased in the same ratio. It is evident that the supply of the heat lost OF THE ANIMAL BODY. 21 by cooling is effected by the mutual action of the elements of the food and the inspired oxygen, which combine together. To make use of a fami- liar, but not on that account a less just illus- tration, the animal body acts, in this respect, as a furnace, which we supply with fuel. It sig- nifies nothing what intermediate forms food may assume, what changes it may undergo in the body, the last change is uniformly the conver- sion of its carbon into carbonic acid, and of its hydrogen into water; the unassimilated nitrogen of the food, along with the unburned or unoxi- dised carbon, is expelled in the urine or in the solid excrements. In order to keep up in the furnace a constant temperature, we must vary the supply of fuel according to the external temperature, that is, according to the supply of oxygen. In the animal body the food is the fuel; with a proper supply of oxygen we obtain the heat given out during its oxidation or combustion. In winter, when we take exercise in a cold atmosphere, and when consequently the amount of inspired oxygen increases, the necessity for food containing carbon and hydrogen increases in the same ratio; and by gratifying the appetite thus excited, we obtain the most efficient protection against the most piercing cold. A starving man is soon frozen to death; and every one knows that the animals of prey in the arctic regions far exceed in voracity those of the torrid zone. oo THE AMOUNT OF OXYGEN In cold and temperate climates, the air, which incessantly strives to consume the body, urges man to laborious efforts in order to furnish the means of resistance to its action, while, in hot cli- mates, the necessity of labour to provide food is far less urgent. Our clothing is merely an equivalent for a certain amount of food. The more warmly we are clothed the less urgent becomes the appetite for food, be- cause the loss of heat by cooling, and consequently the amount of heat to be supplied by the food, is diminished. If we were to go naked, like certain savage tribes, or if in hunting or fishing we were exposed to the same degree of cold as the Samoyedes, we should be able with ease to consume 10 lbs. of flesh, and perhaps a dozen of tallow candles into the bar- gain, daily, as warmly clad travellers have related with astonishment of these people. We should then also be able to take the same quantity of brandy or train oil without bad effects, because the carbon and hydrogen of these substances would only suffice to keep up the equilibrium between the external tem- perature and that of our bodies. According to the preceding expositions, the quan- tity of food is regulated by the number of respira- tions, by the temperature of the air, and by the amount of heat given off to the surrounding me- dium. No isolated fact, apparently opposed to this state- ment, can affect the truth of this natural law.—- REGULATES THAT OF FOOD. 23 Without temporary or permanent injury to health, the Neapolitan cannot take more carbon and hydro- gen in the shape of food than he expires as carbonic acid and water; and the Esquimaux cannot expire more carbon and hydrogen than he takes into the system as food, unless in a state of disease or of starvation. Let us examine these states a little more closely. The Englishman in Jamaica sees with regret the disappearance of his appetite, previously a source of frequently recurring enjoyment; and he suc- ceeds by the use of cayenne pepper and the most powerful stimulants, in enabling himself to take as much food as he was accustomed to eat at home. But the whole of the carbon thus introduced into the system is not consumed ; the temperature of the air is too high, and the oppressive heat does not allow him to increase the number of respirations by active exercise, and thus to proportion the waste to the amount of food taken ; disease of some kind, therefore, ensues. On the other hand, England sends her sick, whose diseased digestive organs have in a greater or less degree lost the power of bringing the food into that state in which it is best adapted for oxidation, and therefore furnish less resistance to the oxidis- ing agency of the atmosphere than is required in their native climate, to southern regions, where the amount of inspired oxygen is diminished in so great a proportion ; and the result, an improvement in the health, is obvious. The diseased organs of digestion 24 HYDROGEN CONTRIBUTES have sufficient power to place the diminished amount of food in equilibrium with the inspired oxygen ; in the colder climate, the organs of respiration them- selves would have been consumed in furnishing the necessary resistance to the action of the atmospheric oxygen. In our climate, hepatic diseases, or those arising from excess of carbon, prevail in summer ; in win- ter, pulmonic diseases, or those arising from excess of oxygen, are more frequent. The cooling of the body, by whatever cause it may be produced, increases the amount of food necessary. The mere exposure to the open air, in a carriage or on the deck of a ship, by increasing radiation and vaporization, increases the loss of heat, and compels us to eat more than usual. The same is true of those who are accustomed to drink large quantities of cold water, which is given off at the temperature of the body, 98-5°. It in- creases the appetite, and persons of weak consti- tution find it necessary, by continued exercise, to supply to the system the oxygen required to restore the heat abstracted by the cold water. Loud and long continued speaking, the crying of infants, moist air, all exert a decided and appre- ciable influence on the amount of food which is taken. IV. In the foregoing pages, it has been assumed that it is especially carbon and hydrogen which, by combining with oxygen, serve to produce animal TO THE ANIMAL HEAT. 25 heat. In fact, observation proves that the hydrogen of the food plays a not less important part than the carbon. The whole process of respiration appears most clearly developed, when we consider the state of a man, or other animal, totally deprived of food. The first effect of starvation is the disappearance of fat, and this fat cannot be traced either in the urine or in the scanty faeces. Its carbon and hydro- gen have been given off through the skin and lungs in the form of oxidised products; it is obvious that they have served to support respiration. In the case of a starving man, 32^ oz. of oxygen enter the system daily, and are given out again in combination with a part of his body. Currie men- tions the case of an individual who was unable t0 swallow, and whose body lost 100 lbs. in weight during a month ; and, according to Martell (Trans. Linn. Soc, vol. xi. p. 411), a fat pig, overwhelmed in a slip of earth, lived 160 days without food, and was found to have diminished in weight, in that time, more than 120 lbs. The whole history of hybernating animals, and the well-established facts of the periodical accumulation, in various ani- mals, of fat, which, at other periods, entirely disappears, prove that the oxygen, in the res- piratory process, consumes, without exception, all such substances as are capable of entering into combination with it. It combines with what- ever is presented to it; and the deficiency of hydrogen is the only reason why carbonic acid 3 26 EFFECTS OF STARVATION. is the chief product; for, at the temperature of the body, the affinity of hydrogen for oxy- gen far surpasses that of carbon for the same element. We know, in fact, that the graminivora expire a volume of carbonic acid equal to that of the oxy- gen inspired, while the carnivora, the only class of animals whose food contains fat, inspire more oxygen than is equal in volume to the carbonic acid expired. Exact experiments have shown, that in many cases only half the volume of oxy- gen is expired in the form of carbonic acid. These observations cannot be gainsaid, and are far more convincing than those arbitrary and artificially produced phenomena, sometimes called experi- ments; experiments which, made as too often they are, without regard to the necessary and natural conditions, possess no value, and may be entirely dispensed with ; especially when, as in the present case, nature affords the opportunity for observation, and when we make a rational use of that oppor- tunity. In the progress of starvation, however, it is not only the fat which disappears, but also, by degrees, all such of the solids as are capable of being dis- solved. In the wasted bodies of those who have suffered starvation, the muscles are shrunk and unnaturally soft, and have lost their contractility; all those parts of the body which were capable of entering into the state of motion, have served to protect the remainder of the frame from the DEATH CAUSED BY RESPIRATION. 27 destructive influence of the atmosphere. Towards the end, the particles of the brain begin to undergo the process of oxidation, and delirium, mania, and death close the scene ; that is to say, all resistance to the oxidising power of the atmospheric oxygen ceases, and the chemical process of eremacausis, or decay, commences, in which every part of the body, the bones excepted, enters into combination with oxygen. The time which is required to cause death by starvation depends on the amount of fat in the body, on the degree of exercise, as in labour or exertion of any kind, on the temperature of the air, and finally, on the presence or absence of water. Through the skin and lungs there escapes a certain quantity of water, and as the presence of water is essential to the continuance of the vital motions, its dissipation hastens death. Cases have occurred, in which a full supply of water being accessible to the sufferer, death has not occurred, till after the lapse of twenty days. In one case, life was sustained in this way for the period of sixty days. In all chronic diseases death is produced by the same cause, namely, the chemical action of the atmos- phere. When those substances are wanting, whose function in the organism is to support the process of respiration ; when the diseased organs are inca- pable of performing their proper function of produ- cing these substances ; when they have lost the power of transforming the food into that shape in which it 28 RESPIRATION TENDS TO may, by entering into combination with the oxygen of the air, protect the system from its influence, then, the substance of the organs themselves, the fat of the body, the substance of the muscles, the nerves, and the brain, are unavoidably consumed.* The true cause of death in these cases is the respiratory process, that is, the action of the at- mosphere. A deficiency of food, and the want of power to con- vert the food into a part of the organism, are both, equally a want of resistance ; and this is the nega- tive cause of the cessation of the vital process. The flame is extinguished, because the oil is consumed; and it is the oxygen of the air which has consumed it. In many diseases substances are produced which are incapable of assimilation. By the mere depriva- tion of food, these substances are removed from the body without leaving a trace behind ; their elements have entered into combination with the oxygen of the air. From the first moment that the function of the lungs or of the skin is interrupted or disturbed, compounds, rich in carbon, appear in the urine, which acquires a brown colour. Over the whole surface of the body oxygen is absorbed, and combines with all the substances which offer no resistance to it. In those parts of the body where the access of * For an account of what really takes place in this process I refer to the considerations on the means by which the change' of matter is effected in the body of the carnivora, which will be found further on. CONSUME THE BODY. 29 oxygen is impeded ; for example, in the arm-pits? or in the soles of the feet, peculiar compounds are given out, recognisable by their appearance, or by their odour. These compounds contain much carbon. Respiration is the falling weight, the bent spring, which keeps the clock in motion ; the inspirations and expirations are the strokes of the pendulum which regulate it. In our ordinary time-pieces, we know with mathematical accuracy the effect pro- duced on their rate of going, by changes in the length of the pendulum, or in the external tempe- rature. Few, however, have a clear conception of the influence of air and temperature on the health of the human body ; and yet the research into the conditions necessary to keep it in the normal state, is not more difficult than in the case of a clock. V. The want of a just conception of force and effect, and of the connection of natural phenomena, has led chemists to attribute a part of the heat gene- rated in the animal body to the action of the ner- vous system. If this view exclude chemical action, or changes in the arrangement of the elementary particles, as a condition of nervous agency, it means nothing else than to derive the presence of motion, the manifestation of a force, from nothing. But no force, no power can come of nothing. No one will seriously deny the share which the nervous apparatus has in the respiratory process; for no change of condition can occur in the body 3* 30 NERVES AND MUSCLES without the nerves; they are essential to all vital motions. Under their influence, the viscera pro- duce those compounds, which, while they protect the organism from the action of the oxygen of the atmosphere, give rise to animal heat; and when the nerves cease to perform their functions, the whole process of the action of oxygen must assume another form. When the pons Varolii is cut through in the dog, or when a stunning blow is inflicted on the back of the head, the animal con- tinues to respire for some time, often more rapidly than in the normal state; the frequency of the pulse at first rather increases than diminishes, yet the animal cools as rapidly as if sudden death had occurred. Exactly similar observations have been made on the cutting of the spinal cord, and of the par vagum. The respiratory motions con- tinue for a time, but the oxygen does not meet with those substances with which, in the normal state, it would have combined ; because the paralyzed viscera will no longer furnish them. The singular idea that the nerves produce animal heat, has obviously arisen from the notion that the inspired oxygen combines with carbon, in the blood itself; in which case the temperature of the body, in the above experiments, certainly, ought not to have sunk. But, as we shall afterwards see, there cannot be a more erroneous conception than this. r As by the division of the pneumogastric nerves the motion of the stomach and the secretion of the NOT THE SOURCE OF ANIMAL HEAT. 31 gastric juice are arrested, and an immediate check is thus given to the process of digestion, so the pa- ralysis of the organs of vital motion in the abdomi- nal viscera affects the process of respiration.— These processes are most intimately connected; and every disturbance of the nervous system or of the nerves of digestion re-acts visibly on the process of respiration. The observation has been made, that heat is pro- duced by the contraction of the muscles, just as in a piece of caoutchouc, which, when rapidly drawn out, forcibly contracts again, with disengagement of heat. Some have gone so far as to ascribe a part of the animal heat to the mechanical motions of the body, as if these motions could exist without an ex- penditure of force consumed in producing them ; how then, we may ask, is this force produced ? By the combustion of carbon, by the solution of a metal in an acid, by the combination of the two electricities, positive and negative, by the absorption of light, and even by the rubbing of two solid bodies together with a certain degree of rapidity, heat may be produced. By a number of causes, in appearance entirely distinct, we can thus produce one and the same ef- fect. In combustion and in the production of gal- vanic electricity, we have a change of condition in material particles; when heat is produced by the absorption of light or by friction, we have the con- version of one kind of motion into another, which affects our senses differently. In all such cases we 32 TRUE SOURCE OF have a something given, which merely takes another form ; in all we have a force and its effect. By means of the fire which heats the boiler of a steam- engine we can produce every kind of motion, and by a certain amount of motion we can produce fire. When we rub a piece of sugar briskly on an iron grater, it undergoes, at the surfaces of contact, the same change as if exposed to heat; and two pieces of ice, when rubbed together, melt at the point of contact. Let us remember that the most distinguished authorities in physics consider the phenomena of heat as phenomena of motion, because the very conception of the creation of matter, even though imponderable, is absolutely irreconcilable with its production by mechanical causes, such as friction or motion. But, admitting all the influence which electric or magnetic disturbances in the animal body can have on the functions of its organs, still the ultimate cause of all these forces is a change of condition in materia] particles, which may be expressed by the conversion, within a certain time, of the elements of the food into oxidised products. Such of these elements as do not undergo this process of slow com- bustion, are given off unburned or incombustible in the excrements. Now, it is absolutely impossible that a given amount of carbon or hydrogen, whatever dif- ferent forms they may assume in the progress ANIMAL HEAT. 32 of the combustion, can produce more heat than if directly burned into atmospheric air or in oxy- gen gas. When we kindle a fire under a steam-engine, and employ the power obtained to produce heat by friction, it is impossible that the heat thus obtained can ever be greater than that which was required to heat the boiler ; and if we use the galvanic cur- rent to produce heat, the amount of heat obtained is never in any circumstances, greater than we might have by the combustion of the zinc which has been, dissolved in the acid. The contraction of muscles produces heat; but the force necessary for the contraction has manifes- ted itself through the organs of motion, in which it has been excited by chemical changes. The ul- timate cause of the heat produced is therefore to be found in these chemical changes. By dissolving a metal in an acid, we produce an electrical current; this current, if passed through a wire, converts the wire into a magnet, by means of which, many different effects may be produced.— The cause of this phenomena is magnetism; the cause of the magnetic phenomena is to be found in the electrical current; and the ultimate cause of the electrical current is found to be a chemical change, a chemical action. There are various causes by which force or mo- tion may be produced. A bent spring, a current of air, the fall of water, fire applied to a boiler, the solution of a metal in an acid,—all these differ- 34 GREAT AMOUNT ent causes of motion may be made to pro- duce the same effect. But in the animal body we recognize as the ultimate cause of all force only one cause, the chemical action which the elements of the food and the oxygen of the air mutually exercises on each other. The only known ultimate cause of vital force, either in animals or in plants, is a chemical process. If this be prevented, the phenomena of life do not manifest themselves, or they cease to be recog- nizable by our senses. If the chemical action be impeded, the vital phenomena must take new forms. According to the experiments of Despretz, 1 oz. of carbon evolves, during its combustion, as much heat as would raise the temperature of 105 oz. of water at 32° to 167°, that is, by 135 degrees; in all, therefore, 105 times 135°=14207 degrees of heat. Consequently, the 13-9 oz. of carbon which are daily converted into carbonic acid in the body of an adult, evolve 13-9xl4207°=197477-3 degrees of heat. This amount of heat is sufficient to raise the temperature of 1 oz. of water by that number of degrees, or from 32° to 197509-3°; or to cause 136-8 lbs. of water at 32° to boil; or to heat 370 lbs. of water to 98-3° (the temperature of the human body); or to convert into vapour 24 lbs. of water at 98-3°. If we now assume that the quantity of water vaporized through the skin and lungs in 24 hours amounts to 48 oz. (3 lbs.), then there will remain OF ANIMAL HEAT. 35 after deducting the necessary amount of heat, 146380-4 degrees of heat, which are dissipated by radiation, by heating the expheJ air, and in the excrementitious matters. In this calculation, no account has been taken of the heat evolved by the hydrogen of the food, dur- ing its conversion into water by oxidation within the body. But if we consider that the specific heat of the bones, of fat, and of the organs generally, is far less than that of water, and that consequently they require, in order to be heated to 98-3°, much less heat than an equal weight of water, no doubt can be entertained, that when all the concomitant circumstances are included in the calculation, the heat evolved in the process of combustion, to which the food is subjected in the body, is amply sufficient to explain the constant temperature of the body, as well as the evaporation from the skin and lungs. VI. All experiments hitherto made on the quan- tity of oxygen which an animal consumes in a given time, and also the conclusions deduced from them as to the origin of animal heat, are destitute of practical value in regard to this question, since we have seen that the quantity of oxygen consumed varies according to the temperature and density of the air, according to the degree of motion, labor, or exercise, to the amount and quality of the food, to the comparative warmth of the clothing, and also according to the time within which the food is taken 36 AMOUNT OF OXYGEN Prisoners in the Bridewell atMarienschloss (a prison where labor is enforced), do not consume more than 10-5 oz. of carbon daily; those in the House of Ar- rest at Giessen, who are deprived of all exercise, consume only 8-5 oz.; (6) and in a family well known to me, consisting of nine individuals, five adults, and four children of different ages, the average daily consumption of carbon for each, is not more than 9-5 oz. of carbon.* We may safely assume, as an approximation, that the quantities of oxygen con- sumed in these different cases are in the ratio of these numbers ; but where the food contains meat, fat, and wine, the proportions are altered by reason of the hydrogen in these kinds of food which is oxidised, and which, in being converted into water, evolves much more heat for equal weights. The attempts to ascertain the amount of heat evolved in an animal for a given consumption of oxygen have been equally unsatisfactory. Animals have been allowed to respire in close chambers sur- rounded with cold water; the increase of tempera- ture in the water has been measured by the ther- mometer, and the quantity of oxygen consumed has been calculated from the analysis of the air before * In this family, the monthly consumption was 151 lbs. of brown bread, 70 lbs. white bread, 132 lbs. meat, 19 lbs. sugar, 15-9 lbs. butter, 57 maass (about 24 gallons) of milk; the carbon of the potatoes and other vegetables, of the poultry, game, and wine consumed, having been reckoned as equal to that contained in the excrementitious matters, the carbon of the above arlicles was considered as being converted 'into carbonic acid. CONSUMED BY ANIMALS. 37 and after the experiment. In experiments thus conducted, it has been found that the animal lost about ^ more heat than corresponded to the oxygen consumed ; and had the windpipe of the animal been tied, the strange result would have been ob- tained of a rise in the temperature of the water without any consumption of oxygen. The animal was at the temperature of 98° or 99°, and the water, in the experiments of Despretz, was at 47-5°. Such experiments consequently prove, that when a great difference exists between the temperature of the animal body and that of the surroun ling medium, and when no motion is allowed, more heat is given off than corresponds to the oxygen consumed. In equal times, with free and unim- peded motion, a much larger quantity of oxygen would be consumed without a perceptible increase in the amount of heat lost. The cause of these phenomena is obvious. They appear naturally both in man and animals at certain seasons of the year, and we say in such cases that we are freezing, or experience the sensation of cold. It is plain, that if we were to clothe a man in a metallic dress, and tie up his hands and feet, the loss of heat, for the same consumption of oxygen, would be far greater than if we were to wrap him up in fur and woollen cloth. Nay, in the latter case, we should see him begin to perspire, and warm water would exude, in drops, through the finest pores of his skin. If to these considerations we add, that decisive 4 38 NERVOUS AND experiments are on record, in which animals were made to respire in an unnatural position, as for example, lying on the back, with the limbs tied so as to preclude motion, and that the temperature of their bodies was found to sink in a degree appreci- able by ihe thermometer, we can hardly be at a loss what value we ought to attach to the conclu- sions drawn from such experiments as those above described. These experiments and the conclusions deduced ' from them, in short, are incapable of furnishing the smallest support to the opinion that there exists, in the animal body, any other unknown source of heat, besides the mutual chemical action between the elements of the food and the oxygen of the air. The existence of the latter cannot be doubted or denied, and it is amply sufficient to explain all the phenomena. VII. If we designate the production of force, the phenomena of motion in the animal body as nervous life, and the resistance, the condition of static equi- librium, as vegetative life; it is obvious that in all classes of animals the latter, namely, vegetative life, prevails over the former, nervous life, in the earlier stages of existence. The passage or change of matter from a state of motion to a state of rest appears in an increase of the mass, and in the supply of waste ; while the motion itself, or the production of force, appears in the shape of waste of matter. VEGETATIVE LIFE. 39 In a young animal, the waste is less than the increase; and the female retains, up to a certain age, this peculiar condition of a more intense vege- tative life. This condition does not cease in the female as in the male, with the complete develop- ment of all the organs of the body. The female in the lower animals, is, at certain seasons, capable of reproduction of the species. The vegetative life in her organism is rendered more intense by certain external conditions, such as temperature, food, &c.; the organism produces more than is wasted, and the result is the capacity of reproduction. In the human species, the female organism is independent of those external causes which increase the intensity of vegetative life. When the organ- ism is fully developed, it is at all times capable of reproduction of the species; and infinite wisdom has given to the female body the power, up to a cer- tain age, of producing all parts of its organisation in greater quantity than is required to supply the daily waste. This excess of production can be shown to contain all the elements of a new organism, it is constantly accumulating, and is periodically expelled from the body, until it is expended in reproduction. This periodical discharge ceases when the ovum has been impregnated, and from this time every drop of the superabundant blood goes to produce an organism like that of the mother. Exercise and labor cause a diminution in the 40 NUTRITION DEPENDS ON THE quantity of the menstrual discharge ; and when it is suppressed in consequence of disease, the vegeta- tive life is manifested in a morbid production of fat. When the equilibrium between the vegetative and nervous life is disturbed in the male, when, as in eunuchs, the intensity of the latter is diminished, the predominance of the former is shown in the same form, in an increased deposit of fat. VIII. If we hold, that increase of mass in the animal body, the development of its organs* and the supply of waste,—that all this is dependant on the blood, that is, on the ingredients of the blood, then only those substances can properly be called nutritious, or considered as food which are capable of conversion into blood. To determine, therefore, what substances are capable of affording nourish- ment, it is only necessary to ascertain the composi- tion of the food, and to compare it with that of the ingredients of the blood. Two substances require especial consideration as the chief ingredients of the blood ; one of these separates immediately from the blood when with- drawn from the circulation. It is well known that in this case blood coagulates, and separates into a yellowish liquid, the serum of the blood, and a gela- tinous mass, which adheres to a rod or stick in soft, elastic fibres, when coagulating blood is briskly stirred. This is the fibrine of the blood, which is identical in all its properties with muscular fibre, CONSTITUENTS OF BLOOD. 41 when the latter is purified from all foreign mat- ters. The second principal ingredient of the blood is contained in the serum, and gives to this liquid all the properties of the white of eggs, with which it is identical. When heated, it coagulates into a white elastic mass, and the coagulating substance is called albumen. Fibrine and albumen, the chief ingredients of blood, contain, in all, seven chemical elements, among which nitrogen, phosphrus, and sulphur are found. They contain also the earth of bones. The serum retains in solution sea salt and other salts of potash and soda, in which the acids are carbonic, phosphoric, and sulphuric acids. The globules of the blood contain fibrine and albumen, along with a red coloring matter, in which iron is a constant element. Beside these, the blood con- tains certain fatty bodies in small quantity, which differ from ordinary fats in several of their properties. Chemical analysis has led to the remarkable re- sult, that fibrine and albumen contain the same organic elements united in the same proportion, so that two analyses, the one of fibrine and the other of albumen, do not differ more than two analyses of fibrine or two of albumen respectively do, in the composition of 100 parts. In these two ingredients of blood the particles are arranged in a different order, as is shown by the difference of their external properties ;. but in che- 4* 42 IDENTITY OF ANIMAL mical composition, in the ultimate proportion of the organic elements, they are identical. This conclusion has lately been beautifully confirmed by a distinguished physiologist (De-ms), who has succeeded in converting fibrine into albumen, that is, in giving it the solubility, and coagulability by beat, which characterize the white of egg. Fibrine and albumen, besides having the same composition* agree also in this, that both dissolve in concentrated muriatic acid, yielding a solution of an intense purple colour. This solution, whether made with fibrine or albumen, has the very same re-ac- tions with all substances yet tried. Both albumen and fibrine, in the process of nutri- tion, are capable of being converted into muscular fibre, and muscular fibre is capable of being recon- verted into blood. These facts have long been esta- blished by physiologists, and chemistry has merely proved that these metamorphoses can be accom- plished under the influence of a certain force, with- out the aid of a third substance, or of its elements, and without the addition of any foreign element, or the separation of any element previously present in these substances. If we now compare the composition of all organ- ised parts with that of fibrine and albumen, the fol- lowing relations present themselves :— All parts of the animal body which have a decided shape, which form parts of organs, contain nitrogen. No part of an organ which possesses motion ancTlife FIBRINE AND ALBUMEN. 43 is destitute of nitrogen ; all of them contain like- wise carbon and the elements of water, the latter, however, in no case in the proportion to form water. The chief ingredients of the blood contain nearly 17 per cent, of nitrogen, and no part of an organ contains less than 17 per cent, of nitro- gen. (7) The most convincing experiments and observa- tions have proved that the animal body is absolute- ly incapable of producing an elementary body, such as carbon or nitrogen, out of substances which do not contain it; and it obviously follows, that all kinds of food fit for the production either of blood, or of cellular tissue* membranes, skin, hair, muscu- lar fibre, &c, must contain a certain amount of nitrogen, because that element is essential to the composition of the above named organs ; because the organs cannot create it from the other elements presented to them; and, finally, because no nitro- gen is absorbed from the atmosphere in the vital process. The substance of the brain and nerves contains a large quantity of albumen, and, in addition to this, two peculiar fatty acids, distinguished from other fats by containing phosphorus (phosphoric acid ?). One of these contains nitrogen (Fremy). Finally, water and common fat are those ingre- dients of the body which are destitute of nitrogen. Both are amorphous or unorganised, and only so far take part in the vital process as that their presence 44 NUTRITION OF GRAMINIVORA. is required for the due performance of the vital functions. The inorganic constituents of the body are, iron, lime, magnesia, common salt, and the alkalies. IX. The nutritive process in the carnivora is seen in its simplest form. This class of animals lives on the blood and flesh of the graminivora; but this blood and flesh is, in all its properties, identical with their own. Neither chemical nor physiological dif- ferences can be discovered. The nutriment of carnivorous animals is derived originally from blood ; in their stomach it becomes dissolved, and capable of reaching all other parts of the body; in its passage it is again converted into blood, and from this blood are reproduced all those parts of their organisation which have undergone change or metamorphosis. With the exception of hoofs, hair, feathers, and the earth of bones, every part of the food of carni- vorous animals is capable of assimilation. In a chemical sense, therefore, it may be said that a carnivorus animal, in supporting the vital pro- cess, consumes itself. That which serves for its nutrition is identical with those parts of its organi- sation which are to be renewed. The process of nutrition in graminivorous animals appear at first sight altogether different. Their digestive organs are less simple, and their food con- sists of vegetables, the great mass of which con- tains but little nitrogen. VEGETABLE FIBRINE. 45 From what substances, it may be asked, is the blood formed, by means of which their organs are developed.? This question may be answered with certainty. Chemical researches have shown, that all such parts of vegetables as can afford nutriment to ani- mals contain certain constituents which are rich in nitrogen ; and the most ordinary experience proves that animals require for their support and nutrition less of these parts of plants in proportion as they abound in the nitrogenised constituents. Animals cannot be fed on matters destitute of these nitro- genised constituents. These important products of vegetation are es- pecially abundant in the seeds of the different kinds of grain, and of pease, beans, and lentils ; in the roots and the juices of what are commonly called vegetables. They exist, however, in all plants, without exception, and in every part of plants in larger or smaller quantity. These nitrogenised forms of nutriment in the vegetable kingdom may be reduced to three substan- ces, which are easily distinguished by their external characters. Two of them are soluble in water, the third is insoluble. When the newly-expressed juices of vegetables are allowed to stand, a separation takes place in a few minutes. A gelatinous precipitate, commonly of a green tinge, is deposited, and this, when acted on by liquids which remove the colour- ing matter, leaves a grayish white substance, well 46 VEGETABLE FIBRINE, known to druggists as the deposit from vegetable juices. This is one of the nitrogenised compounds which serves for the nutrition of animals, and has been named vegetable fibrine. The juice of grapes is especially rich in this constituent, but it is most abundant in the seeds of wheat, and of the cerealia generally. It may be obtained from wheat flour by a mechanical operation, and in a state of tolerable purity ; it is then called gluten, but the glutinous property belongs, not to vegetable fibrine, but to a foreign substance, present in small quantity, which is not found in the other cerealia. The method by which it is obtained sufficiently proves that it is insoluble in water; although we cannot doubt that it was originally dissolved in the vegetable juice, from which it afterwards separated, exactly as fibrine does from blood. The second nitrogenised compound remains dis- solved in the juice after the separation of the fibrine. It does not separate from the juice at the ordinary temperature, but is instantly coagu- lated when the liquid containing it is heated to the boiling point. When the clarified juice of nutritious vegetables, such as cauliflower, asparagus, mangel wurzel, or turnips, is made to boil, a coagulum is formed, which it is absolutely impossible to distinguish from the substance which separates as coagulum, when the. serum of blood or the white of an egg, diluted with water, are heated to the boiling point. ALBUMEN, AND CASEINE. 47 This is vegetable albumen. It is found in the great- est abundance in certain seeds, in nuts, almonds, and others, in which the starch of the gramineae is replaced by oil. The third nitrogenised constituent of the vege- table food of animals is vegetable caseine. It is chiefly found in the seeds of pease, beans, lentils, and similar leguminous seeds. Like vegetable albumen, it is soluble in water, but differs from it in this, that its solution is not coagulated by heat. When the solution is heated or evaporated, a skin forms on its surface, and the addition of an acid causes a coagulum, just as in animal milk. These three nitrogenised compounds, vegetable fibrine, albumen, and caseine, are the true nitro- genised constituents of the food of graminivorous animals ; all other nitrogenised compounds, occur- ring in plants, are either rejected by animals, as in the case of the characteristic principles of poisonous and medicinal plants, or else they occur in the food in such very small proportion, that they cannot possibly contribute to the increase of mass in the animal bod}'. The chemical analysis of these three substances has led to the very interesting result that they contain the same organic elements, united in the same proportion by weight; and, what is still more remarkable, that they are identical in com- position with the chief constituents of blood, ani- mal fibrine, and albumen. They all three dissolve in concentrated muriatic acid with the same deep 48 IDENTITY OF ANIMAL WITH purple colour, and even in their physical charac- ters, animal fibrine and albumen are in no respect different from vegetable fibrine and albumen. It is especially to be noticed, that by the phrase, identity of composition, we do not here imply mere similarity, but that even in regard to the presence and relative amount of sulphur, phos- phorus, and phosphate of lime, no difference can be observed: (8) How beautifully and admirably simple, with the aid of these discoveries, appears the process of nutrition in animals, the formation of their organs, in which vitality chiefly resides ! Those vegeta- ble principles, which in animals are used to form blood, contain the chief constituents of blood, fibrine and albumen, ready formed, as far as re- gards their composition. All plants, besides, con- tain a certain quantity of iron, which re-appears in the colouring malter of the blood. Vegetable fibrine and animal fibrine, vegetable albumen and animal albumen, hardly differ, even in form ; if these principles be wanting in the food, the nu- trition of the animal is arrested ; and when they are present, the graminivorous animal obtains in its food the very same principles on the presence of which the nutrition of the carnivora entirely depends. Vegetables produce in their organism the blood of all animals, for the carnivora, in consuming the blood and flesh of the graminivora, consume, strictly speaking, only the vegetable principles which have VEGETABLE FIBRINE, &c. 49 served for the nutrition of the latter. Vegetable fibrine and albumen take the same form in the stomach of the graminivorous animal as animal fibrine and albumen do in that of the carnivorous animal. From what has been said, it follows that the development of the aairrraK organism and its growth are depeu tent, to the formation of the nerves and brair : but the carbon of this fat cannot have been eu. ployed to produce the organised tissues in which vitality resides, because the albumen of the white and of the yolk already contains, for the quan- tity of nitrogen present, exactly the proportion of carbon required for the formation of these tissues. 6. The true starting-point for all the tissues is, consequently, albumen ; all nitrogenised articles of food, whether derived from the animal or from the vegetable kingdom, are converted into albumen before they can take part in the process of nutri- tion. All the food consumed by an animal becomes in the stomach soluble, and capable of entering into the circulation. In the process by which this solu- tion is effected, only one fluid, besides the oxygen of the air, takes a part; it is that which is secreted by the lining membrane of the stomach. The most decisive experiments of physiologists have shown that the process of cbymification is independent of the vital force ; that it takes place in virtue of a purely chemical action, exactly simi- lar to those processes of decomposition or transfor- mation which are known as putrefaction, fermenta- tion, or decay (eremacausis). 7. When expressed in the simplest form, fer- TO FERMENTATION. 109 mentation, or putrefaction, may be described as a process of transformation—that is, a new arrange- ment of the elementary particles, or atoms, of a compound, yielding two or more new groups or compounds, and caused by contact with other sub- stances, the elementary particles of which are them- selves in a state of transformation or decomposition. It is a communication, or an imparting of a state of motion, which the atoms of a body in a state of motion are capable of producing in other bodies, whose elementary particles are held together only by a feeble attraction. 8. Thus the clear gastric juice contains a sub- stance in a state of transformation, by the con- tact of which with those constituents of the food which, by themselves, are insoluble in water, the latter acquire, in virtue of a new grouping of their atoms, the property of dissolving in that fluid. During digestion, the gastric juice, when separated, is found to contain a free mineral acid, the presence of which checks all further change. That the food is rendered soluble quite independently of the vitality of the digestive organs has been proved by a number of the most beautiful experiments. Food, enclosed in per- forated metallic tubes, so that it could not come into contact with the stomach, was found to dis- appear as rapidly, and to be as perfectly di- gested, as if the covering had been absent; and fresh gastric juice, out of the body, when boiled white of egg, or muscular fibre, were kept in 10 110 POWER OF ANIMAL MEMBRANE contact with it for a time at the temperature of the body, caused these substances to lose the solid form and to dissolve in the liquid. 9. It can hardly be doubled that the substance which is present in the gastric juice in a s>ute of change is a product of the transformation oi the stomach itself. No substances possess, in so high a degree as those arising from the progressive de- composition of the tissues containing gelatine or chondrine, the property of exciting a change in the arrangement of the elements of other com- pounds. When the lining membrane of the stomach of any animal, as, for example, that of the calf, is cleaned by continued washing with water, it produces no effect whatever, if brought into contact with a solution of sugar, with milk, or other substances. But if the same membrane be exposed for some time to the air, or dried, and then placed in contact with such substances, the sugar is changed, according to the state of decom- position of the animal matter, either into lactic acid, into mannite and mucilage, or into alcohol and carbonic acid; while milk is instantly coagu- lated. An ordinary animal bladder retains, when dry, all its properties unchanged ; but when ex- posed to air and moisture, it undergoes a change not indicated by any obvious external signs. If, in this state, it be placed in a solution of sugar of milk, that substance is quickly changed into lactic acid. 10. The fresh lining membrane of the stomach of TO PRODUCE FERMENTATION. Ill a calf, digested with weak muriatic acid, gives to this fluid no power of dissolving boiled flesh or co- agulated white of egg. But if previously allowed to dry, or if left for a time in water, it then yields, to water acidulated with muriatic acid, a substance in minute quantity, the decomposition of which is already commenced, and is completed in the solu- tion. If coagulated albumen be placed in this solution, the state of decomposition is communi- cated to it, first at the edges, which become trans- lucent, pass into a mucilage, and finally dissolve. The same change gradually affects the whole mass, and at last it is entirely dissolved, with the exception of fatty particles, which render the solu- tion turbid. Oxygen is conveyed to every part of the body by the arterial blood ; moisture is every where present; and thus we have united the chief conditions of all transformations in the ani- mal body. Thus, as in the germination of seeds, the presence of a body in a state of decomposition or transforma- tion, which has been called diastase, effects the solu- tion of the starch—that is, its conversion into sugar ; so, a product of the metamorphosis of the substance of the stomach, being itself in a state of metamor- phosis which is completed in the stomach, effects the dissolution of all such parts of the food as are capable of assuming a soluble form. In certain diseases, there are produced from the starch, sugar, &c, of the food, lactic acid and mucilage. (24) These are the very same products which we can 112 LACTIC ACID NOT FORMED produce out of sugar by means of membrane in a state of decomposition out of the body ; but in a normal state of health, no lactic acid is formed in the stomach. 11. The property possessed by many substances, such as starch and the varieties of sugar, by contact with animal substances in a state of decomposition, to pass into lactic acid, has induced physiologists, without further inquiry, to assume the fact of the production of lactic acid during digestion ; and the power which this acid has of dissolving phosphate of lime has led them to ascribe to it the character of a general solvent. But neither Prout nor Braconnet could detect lactic acid in the gastric juice; and even Lehmann (see his " Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie," torn. i. p. 285) obtained from the gastric juice of a cat only microscopic crystals, which he took for lactate of zinc, although their chemical character could not be ascertained. The presence of free muriatic acid in the gastric juice, first ob- served by Prout, has been confirmed by all those chemists who have examined that fluid since. This muriatic acid is obviously derived from common salt, the soda of which plays a very decided part in the conversion of fibrine and caseine into blood. Muriatic acid yields to no other acid in the power of dissolving bone earth, and even acetic acid, in this respect, is equal to lactic acid. There is conse- quently no proof of the necessity of lactic acid in the digestive process ; and we know with certainty, that in artificial digestion it is not formed. Berze- IN THE HEALTHY STOMACH. H3 bus indeed has found lactic acid in the blood and flesh of animals ; but when his experiments were made, chemists were ignorant of the ex- traordinary facility and rapidity with which this acid is formed from a number of substances con- taining its elements, when in contact with animal matter. In the gastric juice of a dog, Braconnet found, along with free muriatic acid, distinct traces of a salt of iron, which he at first held to be an acciden- tal admixture. But in the gastric juice of a second dog, collected with the utmost care, the iron was again found. (Ann. de Ch. et de Ph. lix. p. 249.) This occurrence of iron is full of significance in re- gard to the formation of the blood. 12. In the action of the gastric juice on the food, no other element takes a share, except the oxygen of the atmosphere and the elements of water. This oxygen is introduced directly into the stomach. During the mastication of the food, there is secreted into the mouth from organs specially destined to this function, a fluid, the saliva, which possesses the remarkable property of enclosing air in the shape of froth, in a far higher degree than even soap-suds. This air, by means of the saliva, reaches the sto- mach with the food, and there its oxygen enters into combination, while its nitrogen is given out through the skin and lungs. The longer digestion conti- nues, that is, the greater resistance offered to the sol- vent action by the food, the more saliva, and conse- quently the more air enters the stomach. Rumina- 10* 114 USE OF THE SALIVA. tion, in certain graminivorous animals, has plainly for one object a renewed and repeated introduction of oxygen; for a more minute mechanical division of the food only shortens the time required for solu- tion. . The unequal quantities of air which reach the stomach with the saliva in different classes of ani- mals explain the accurate observations made by physiologists, who have established beyond all doubt the fact, that animals give out pure nitrogen through the skin and lungs, in variable quantity. This fact is so much the more important, as it furnishes the most decisive proof, that the nitrogen of the air is applied to no use in the animal economy. The fact that nitrogen is given out by the skin and lungs, is explained by the property which ani- mal membranes possess of allowing all gases to per* meate them, a property which can be shown to exist by the most simple experiments. A bladder, filled with carbonic acid, nitrogen, or hydrogen gas, if tightly closed and suspended in the air, loses in 24 hours the whole of the enclosed gas; by a kind of exchange, it passes outwards into the atmosphere, while its place is occupied by atmospherical air. A portion of intestine, a stomach, or a piece of skin or membrane, acts precisely as the bladder, if filled with any gas. This permeability to gases is a me- chanical property, common to all animal tissues ; and it is found in the same degree in the living as in the dead tissue. It is known that in cases of wounds of the lungs GASES PERMEATE MEMBRANES. 115 a peculiar condition is produced, in which, by the act of inspiration, not only oxygen but atmospheri- cal air, with its whole amount (fths) of nitrogen, penetrates into the cells of the lungs. This air is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, so that every part is inflated or puffed up with the air, as with water in dropsy. This slate ceases, without pain, as soon as the entrance of the air through the wound is stopped. There can be no doubt that the oxygen of the air, thus accumu- lated in the cellular tissue, enters into combination, while its nitrogen is expired through the skin and lungs. Moreover, it is well known that in many gramini- vorous animals, when the digestive organs have been overloaded with fresh juicy vegetables, these sub- stances undergo in the stomach the same de- composition as they would at the same temper- ature out of the body. They pass into fermen- tation and putrefaction, whereby so great a quan- tity of carbonic acid gas and of inflammable gas is generated, that these organs are enormously dis- tended, sometimes even to bursting. From the structure of their stomach or stomachs, these gases cannot escape through the oesophagus; but in the course of a few hours, the distended body of the animal becomes less swoln, and at the end of twenty-four hours no trace of the gases is left. (25) Finally, if we consider the fatal accidents which so frequently occur in wine countries from the 116 SOURCES OF THE NITROGEN drinking of what is called feather-white wine (der fedcrweisse Wein), we can no longer doubt that gases of every kind, whether soluble or insoluble in water, possess the property of permeating animal tissues, as water penetrates unsized paper. This poison- ous wine is wine still in a state of fermentation, which is increased by the heat of the stomach. The carbonic acid gas which is disengaged pene- trates through the parietes of the stomach, through the diaphragm, and through all the intervening membranes, into the air-cells of the lungs, out of which it displaces the atmospherical air. The patient dies with all the symptoms of asphyxia caused by an irrespirable gas; and the surest proof of the presence of the carbonic acid in the lungs is the fact, that the inhalation of am- monia (which combines with it) is recognized as the best antidote against this kind of poison- ing. The carbonic acid of effervescing wines and of soda-water, when taken into the stomach, or of water saturated with this gas, administered in the form of enema, is given out again through the skin and lungs ; and this is equally true of the nitrogen which is introduced into the stomach with the food in the saliva. No doubt a part of these gases may enter the ve- nous circulation through the absorbent and lymphatic vessels, and thus reach the lungs, where they are exhaled ; but the presence of membranes offers not the slightest obstacle to their passing directly into EXHALED FROM THE LUNGS. 117 the cavity of the chest. It is, in fact, difficult to suppose that the absorbents and lymphatics have any peculiar tendency to absorb air, nitrogen or hydrogen, and convey these gases into the circu- lation, since the intestines, the stomach, and all spaces in the body not filled with solid or liquid matters, contain gases, which only quit their posi- tion when their volume exceeds a certain point, and which, consequently, are not absorbed. More especially in reference to nitrogen, we must sup- pose that it is removed from the stomach by some more direct means, and not by the blood, which fluid must already, in passing through the lungs, have become saturated with that gas, that is, must have absorbed a quantity of it, proportioned to its solvent power, like any other liquid. By the respiratory motions all the gases which fill the otherwise empty spaces of the body are urged towards the chest; for by the motion of the di- aphragm and the expansion of the chest a par- tial vacuum is produced, in consequence of which air is forced into the chest from all sides by the at- mospheric pressure. The equilibrum is, no doubt, restored, for the most part, through the windpipe, but all the gases in the body must nevertheless, receive an impulse towards the chest. In birds and tortoises these arrangements are reversed. If we assume that a man introduces into the stomach in each minute only ith of a cubic inch of air with the saliva, this makes in eighteen hours 135 cubic inches; and if ith be deducted as oxygen, there will still 118 TRUE NATURE OF THE remain 108 cubic inches of nitrogen, which oc- cupy the space of 3 lbs. of water. Now whatever may be the actual amount of the nitrogen thus swallowed, it is certain that the whole of it is given out again by the mouth, nose, and skin ; and when we consider the very large quantity of nitro- gen found in the intestines of executed criminals by Magendie, as well as the entire absence of oxygen in these organs (26), we must assume that air, and consequently nitrogen, enters the stomach by resorp- tion through the skin, and is afterwards exhaled by the lungs. When animals are made to respire in gases con- taining no nitrogen, more of that gas is exhaled, because in this case the nitrogen within the body acts towards the external space as if the latter were a vacuum. (See Graham, " On the Diffusion of Gases.") The differences in the amount of expired nitrogen in different classes of animals are thus easily ex- plained ; the herbivora swallow with the saliva more air than the carnivora; they expire more nitrogen than the latter,—less when fasting than immediately after taking food. 13. In the same way as muscular fibre, when separated from the body, communicates the state of decomposition existing in its elements to the per- oxide of hydrogen, so a certain product, arising by means of the vital process, and in consequence of the transposition of the elements of parts of the sto- mach and of the other digestive organs, while its own DIGESTIVE PROCESS. 119 metamorphosis is accomplished in the stomach, acts on the food. The insoluble matters become soluble —they are digested. It is certainly remarkable, that hard-boiled white of egg or fibrine, when rendered soluble by certain liquids, by organic acids, or weak alkaline solutions, retain all their properties except the solid form (cohesion) without the slightest change. Their ele- mentary molecules, without doubt, assume a new arrangement; they do not, however, separate into two or more groups, but remain united together. The very same thing occurs in the digestive process ; in the normal state, the food only un- dergoes a change in its state of cohesion, be- coming fluid without any other change of pro- perties. The greatest obstacle to forming a clear concep- tion of the nature of the digestive process, which is here reckoned among those chemical matamorphoses which have been called fermentation and putrefac- tion, consists in our involuntary recollection of the phenomena which accompany the fermentation of sugar and of animal substances (putrefaction), which phenomena we naturally associate with any similar change ; but there are numberless cases in which a complete chemical metamorphosis of the elements of a compound occurs without the smallest disen- gagement of gas, and it is chiefly these which must be borne in mind, if we would acquire a clear and accurate idea of the chemical notion or conception of the digestive process. 120 NATURE OF FERMENT. All substances which can arrest the phenomena of fermentation and putrefaction in liquids, also ar- rest digestion when taken into the stomach. The aciion of the empyreumatic matters in coffee and tolacco-smoke, of creosote, of mercurials, &c. &c, is on this account worthy of peculiar attention with reference to dietetics. The identity in composition of the chief consti- tuents of blood and of the nitrogenised constituents of vegetable food has certainly furnished, in an un- expected manner, an explanation of the fact that putrefying blood, white of egg, flesh, and cheese produce the same effects in a solution of sugar as yeast or ferment; that sugar, in contact with these substances, according to the particular stage of de- composition in which the putrefying matters may be, yields, at one time, alcohol and carbonic acid; at another, lactic acid, mannite, and mucilage. The explanation is simply this, that ferment, or yeast, is nothing but vegetable fibrine, albumen, or caseine in a state of decomposition, these substan- ces having the same composition with the constitu- ents of flesh, blood, or cheese. The putrefaction of these animal matters is a process identical with the metamorphosis of the vegetable matters iden- tical with them; it is a separation or splitting up into new and less complex compounds. And if we consider the transformation of the elements of the animal body (the waste of matter in animals) as a chemical process which goes on under the in- fluence of the vital force, then the putrefaction of COMPOSITION OF PROTEINE. 121 animal matters out of the body is a division into simpler compounds, in which the vital force takes no share. The action in both cases is the same, only the products differ. The practice of medi- cine has furnished the most beautiful and inter- esting observations on the action of empyreu- matic substances, such as wood, vinegar, cre- osote, r&c, on malignant wounds and ulcers. In such morbid phenomena two actions are going on together; one metamorphosis, which strives to complete itself under the influence of the vital force, and another, independent of that force. The latter is a chemical process, which is entire- ly suppressed or arrested by empyreumatic sub- stances ; and this effect is precisely opposed to the poisonous influence exercised on the organism by putrefying blood when introduced into a fresh wound. 14. The formula C H^NeOn* is that which most accurately expresses the composition of proteine, or the relative proportions of the organic elements in the blood, as ascertained by analysis. Albu- men, fibrine, and caseine contain proteine; ca- seine contains, besides, sulphur, but no phospho- rus ; albumen and fibrine contain both these sub- stances chemically combined—the former more sul- phur than the latter. We cannot directly ascertain in what form the phosphorus exists, but we have decided proof that the sulphur cannot be in the * For the method of converting this and other formulae into proportions per cent, see Appendix. 122 COMPOSITION OF FIBRINE, oxidised state. All these substances, when heat- ed with a moderately strong solution of potash, yield the sulphur which we find in the solution as siilplijret of potassium ; and on the addition of an acid it is given off as sulphuretted hydro- gen. When pure fibrine or ordinary albumen is dissolved in a weak solution of potash, and acetate of lead is added to the solution, in such proportion that the whole of the oxide of lead remains dissolved in the potash, the mixture, if heated to the boiling point, becomes black like ink, and sulphuret of lead is deposited as a fine black powder. It is extremely probable, that by the action of the alkali the sulphur is removed as sulphuretted hydrogen, the phosphorus as phosphoric or phos- phorus acid. Since, in this case, sulphur and phos- phorus are eliminated on the one hand, and oxygen and hydrogen on the other, it might be concluded that fibrine and albumen, when analysed with their sulphur and phosphorus, would yield a larger pro- portion of oxygen and hydrogen than is found in proteine. But this cannot be shown in the analysis; for fibrine, for example, has been found to contain 0-36 per cent, of sulphur. Assuming, then, that this sulphur is eliminated by the alkali in combina- tion with hydrogen, proteine would yield 0*0225 per cent, less hydrogen than fibrine ; instead of the mean amount of 7-062 per cent, of hydrogen, the proteine should yield 7-04 per cent. In like man- ner, by the elimination of the phosphorus in combi- ALBUMEN, AND CASEINE. 123 nation with oxygen, the amount of oxygen in fibrine would be reduced from 22-715—22-00 per cent, to 22-5—21-8 per cent, in proteine. But the limits of error in our analyses are, on an average, beyond i\th per cent, in the hydrogen, and beyond Aths per cent, in the oxygen ; while in the supposed case the difference in the hydrogen would not be greater than Ath per cent. Finally, if we reflect, that the elimination of oxygen and hydrogen with the sulphur and phos- phorus does not exclude the addition of the ele- ments of water, and if we assume that fibrine and albumen, in passing into proteine, do com- bine with a certain quantity of water, an occur- rence which is highly probable, we shall see that there is no probability that the ultimate analysis of these compounds shall ever enabh us to decide such questions, or to fix the chemi- cal view of the relation of proteine to albu- men, fibrine, or caseine, farther than has been done above. Some have endeavored to prove the existence of unoxidised phosphorus in albumen and fibrine from the formation of sulphuret of potassium when they are acted on by potash, supposing the oxygen of the potash to have formed phosphoric acid with the phosphorus ; but caseine, which contains no phos- phorus, yields sulphuret of potassium, just like the other substances; and here its formation cannot be accounted for, unless we admit the previous pro- duction of sulphuretted hydrogen. In the mere 124 COMPOSITION OF FIBRINE, &<•• boiling of flesh, for the purpose of making soup, sulphuretted hydrogen, as Chevreul has shown, is disengaged. Moreover, the proportion of sulphur, for the same amount of phosphorus, is not the same in fibrine and albumen, from which no other conclusion can be drawn, but that the formation of sulphuret of potassium has no relation to the presence of phos- phorus. Sulphuret of potassium is formed from caseine, which is not supposed to contain any un- combined phosphorus; and it is formed, also, from albumen, which contains only half as much phos- phorus as fibrine. Every attempt to give the true absolute amount of the atoms in fibrine and albumen in a rational formula, in which the sulphur and phos- phorus are taken, not in fractions, but in entire equivalents, must be fruitless, because we are ab- solutely unable to determine with perfect accuracy the exceedingly minute quantities of sulphur and phosphorus in such compounds; and because a variation in the sulphur or phosphorus, smaller in extent than the usual limit of errors of observa- tion, will affect the number of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, or oxygen to the extent of 10 atoms or more. We must be careful not to deceive ourselves in our expectations of what chemical analysis can do. We know, with certainty, that the numbers repre- senting the relative proportions of the organic ele- ments are the same in albumen and fibrine, and COMPOSITION OF TISSUES. 125 hence we conclude that they have the same com- position. This conclusion is not affected by the fact, that we do not know the absolute number of the atoms of their elements, which have united to form the compound atom. 15. A formula for proteine is nothing more than the nearest and most exact expression in equivalents, of the result of the best analyses ; it is a fact established so far, free from doubt, and this alone is, for the present, valuable to us. If we reflect, that from the albumen and fibrine of the body all the other tissues are derived, it is perfectly clear, that this can only occur in two ways. Either certain elements have been added to, or removed from, their constituent parts. If we now, for example, look for an analytical expression of the composition of cellular tissue, of the tissues yielding gelatine, or tendons, of hair, of horn, &c, in which the number of atoms of carbon is made invariably the same as in albumen and fibrine, we can then see at the first glance, in what way the proportion of the other elements has been altered ; but this includes all that physiology re- quires in order to obtain an insight into the true nature of the formative and nutritive processes in the animal body. From the researches of Mulder and Scherer we obtain the following empirical formulas. 11* 126 DIFFERENCES IN COMPOSITION. Composition of organic tissues. Albumen ..........C^N^Ou + P + S* Fibrine ...........(VWkOh + P + 2S Caseine...........CuNgHasOu + S Gelatinous tissues, tendons . C48N7.5H41019 Chondrine..........C48N6II40Oi0 Hair, horn..........Ci^H^O,, Arterial membrane.....C^NeHajOig The composition of these formulae shows, that when proteine passes into chondrine (the substance of the cartilages of the ribs), the elements of water, with oxygen, have been added to it; while in the formation of the serous membranes, nitrogen also has entered into combination. If we represent the formula of proteine, C48N6 H^014 by Pr, then nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen have been added to it in the form of known com- pounds, and in the following proportions, in form- ing the gelatinous tissues, hair, horn, arterial mem- brane, &c. Proteine. Ammonia. Water. Oxygen. Fibrine, Albumen . Pr Arterial membrane . Pr......-f 2HO. Chondrine......Pr......-f- 4HO. -f- 20. Hair, horn......Pr -f NH3.....+ 30. Gelatinous tissues. 2Pr -f- 3NH3 + HO. + 70. 17. From this general statement it appears that all the tissues of the body contain, for the same * The quantities of sulphur and phosphorus here expressed by S and Pare not equivalents, but only give the relative proportions of these two elements to each other, as found by analysis. OF ORGANIC TISSUES. 127 amount of carbon, more oxygen than the constituents of blood. During their formation, oxygen, either from the atmosphere or from the elements of water, has been added to the elements of proteine. In hair and gelatinous membrane we observe, further, an ex- cess of nitrogen and hydrogen, and that in the pro- portions to form ammonia. Chemists are not yet agreed on the question, in what manner the elements of sulphate of potash are arranged ; it would therefore be going too far, were they to pronounce arterial membrane a hydrate of proteine, chondrine a hydrated oxide of proteine and hair and membranes compounds of ammonia with oxides of proteine. The above formulae express with precision the differences of composition in the chief constituents of the animal body; they show, that for the same amount of carbon the proportion of the other ele- ments varies, and how much more oxygen or nitro- gen one compound contains than another. 18. By means of these formulae we can trace the production of the different compounds from the constituents of blood ; but the explanation of their production may take two forms, and we have to decide which of these comes nearest to the truth. For the same amount of carbon, membranes and the tissues which yield gelatine contain more nitro- gen, oxygen, and hydrogen than proteine. It is conceivable that they are formed from albumen by the addition of oxygen, of the elements of water, 128 GELATINE CONTAINS NO PROTEINE. and of those of ammonia, accompanied by the sepa- ration of sulphur and phosphorus; at all events, their composition is entirely different from that of the chief constituents of blood. The action of caustic alkalies on the tissues yield- ing gelatine shows distinctly that they no longer con- tain proteine; that substance cannot in any way be obtained from them ; and all the product? formed by the action of alkalies on them differ entirely from those produced by the compounds of proteine in the same circumstances. Whether proteine exist, ready formed, in fibrine, albumen, and caseine, or not, it is certain that their elements, under the influence of the alkali, arrange themselves so as to form pro- teine ; but this property is wanting in the elements of the tissues which yield gelatine. The other, and perhaps the more probable expla- nation of the production of these tissues from pro- teine, is that which makes it dependent on a sepa- ration of carbon. If we assume the nitrogen of proteine to remain entire in the gelatinous tissue, then the composi- tion of the latter calculated on 6 equivalents of nitrogen, would be represented by the formula, CggNgH^O^. This formula approaches most closely to the analysis of Scherer, although it is not an exact expression of his results. A formula corresponding more perfectly to the analyses, is CaN^Ou; or cal- culated according to Mulder's analysis, C54N9H4Ao-* * The formula CsjN8HioO __ P TSJ XI H 1 eq. ammonia..... NH3 ] 4 2 10 la There remains the formula of cho- loidic acid...........= C« Hs6Ol2 (30) 27. Again, if from the formula of choleic acid we subtract the elements of urea and 2 atoms of water (= 2 eq. carbonic acid and 2 eq. ammonia), there will remain the formula and composition of cholic acid. Thus ; from the Formula of choleic acid.....= 0^,^3660,8 subtract— 2 eq. corbonic acid = C2 04) p 2 eq. ammonia = N2H6 $ ~ 2 2±1 ^ ci0NsH,O6 1 eq. ammonia.....= NH3 >--------- The sum is...............= C48N6H40Ol7 29. But this last formula expresses the composi- tion of blood, with the addition of 1 eq. oxygen and 1 eq. water. Formula of blood..........C48N6H39015 1 eq. water........= HO » = H q^ 1 eq. oxygen.......= O J--------- The sum is............= C48N6H40On 30. If moreover, we add to the elements of pro- teine those of 3 eq. water, we obtain, with the ex- ception of 1 eq. hydrogen, exactly the same formula. Formula of proteine........= C^Ns^O^ Add 3 eq. of water.........= H3 03 The sum is.............C48N6H390,7 differing only by 1 eq. of hydrogen from the formula above obtained by adding together choleic acid and urate of ammonia. 31. If, then, we consider choleic acid and urate of ammonia the products of the transformation of muscular fibre, since no other tissue in the body contains proteine (for albumen passes into tissues, without our being able to say, that in the vital pro- cess it is directly resolved into choleic acid, and urate of ammonia), there exist in fibrine, with the OXIDATION OF URIC ACID. 137 addition of the elements of water, all the elements essential to this metamorphosis; and, except the sulphur and phosphorus, both of which are probably oxidised, no element is separated. This form of metamorphosis is applicable to the vital transformations in the lower classes of amphi- bia, and perhaps in worms and insects. In the higher classes of animals the uric acid disappears in the urine, and is replaced by urea. The disappearance of uric acid and the produc- tion of urea plainly stand in a very close relation to the amount of oxygen absorbed in respiration, and to the quantity of water consumed by different animals in a given time. When uric acid is subjected to the action of oxygen, it is first resolved, as is well known, into alloxan and urea. (32) A new supply of oxygen acting on the alloxan causes it to resolve itself either into oxalic acid and urea, into oxaluric and parabanic acids, (33) or into carbonic acid and urea. 32. In the so-called mulberry calculi we find oxalate of lime, in other calculi urate of ammonia, and always in persons, in whom, from want of ex- ercise and labor, or from other causes, the supply of oxygen has been diminished. Calculi contain- ing uric acid or oxalic acid are never found in phthisical patients ; and it is a common occurrence in France, among patients suffering from calculous complaints, that when they go to the country, where they take more exercise, the compounds of 12* 138 TJRIC ACID AND UREA DERIVED uric acid, which were deposited in the bladder during their residence in town, are succeeded by oxalates (mulberry calculus), in consequence of the increased supply of oxygen. With a still greater supply of oxyge.i they would have yielded, in healthy subjects, only the laot product of the oxidation of uric acid, namely, carbonic acid and urea. An erroneous interpretation of the undeniable fact that all substances incapable of further use in the organism are separated by the kidneys and ex- pelled from the body in the urine, altered or unaltered, has led practical medical men to the idea, that the food, and especially nitrogenised food, may have a direct influence on the formation of urinary calculi. There are no reasons which sup- port this opinion, while those opposed to it are in- numerable. It is possible that there may be taken, in the food, a number of matters changed by the culinary art, which, as being no longer adapted to the formation of blood, are expelled in the urine, more or less altered by the respiratory process. But roasting and boiling alter in no way the com- position of animal food. (34) Boiled and roasted flesh is converted at once into blood ; while the uric acid and urea are derived from the metamorphosed tissues. The quantity of these products increases with the rapidity of trans- formation in a given time, but bears no proportion to the amount of food taken in the same period. In a starving man who is any way compelled to undergo FROM THE METAMORPHOSED TISSUES. 139 severe and continued exertion, more urea is secreted than in the most highly fed individual, if in a state of rest. In fevers and during rapid emaciation the urine contains more urea than in the state of health. (Prout.) 33. In the same way, therefore, as the hippuric acid, present in the urine of the horse when at rest, is converted into benzoate of ammonia and carbonic acid as soon as the animal is compelled to labor, so the uric acid disappears in the urine of man, when he receives, through the skin and lungs, a quantity of oxygen sufficient to oxidise the products of the transformation of the tissues. The use of wine and fat, which are only so far altered in the organism that they combine with oxygen, has a marked influence on the formation of uric acid. The urine, after fat food has been taken, is turbid, and deposits minute crystals of uric acid. (Prout.) The same thing is observed after the use of wines in which the alkali necessary to retain the uric acid in solution is wanting, but never from the use of Rhenish wines, which contain so much tartar. In animals which drink much water, by means of which the sparingly soluble uric acid is kept dis- solved, so that the inspired oxygen can act on it, no uric acid is found in the urine, but only urea. In birds, which seldom drink, uric acid predominates. If to one atom of uric acid we add 6 atoms of oxygen and 4 atoms of water, it resolves itself into urea and carbonic acid: 140 RELATION OF BLOOD TO URINE. 1 at. uric acid C10N4H4O6 \ <2at>urea . . C< N4H804 4 at. water > a 0l. ( ~ * 6 at. carbonic acid C. Om 6 at oxygen £ ) _________ CioN* Hs Ois CioN4H8Oi6 34. The urine of the herbivora contains no uric acid, but ammonia, urea, and hippuric or benzoic acid. By the addition of 9 atoms of oxygen to the empirical formula of their blood multiplied by 5, we obtain the elements of 6 at. of hippuric acid, 9 at. of urea, 3 at. of choleic acid, 3 at. of water, and 3 at. of ammonia ; or, if we suppose 45 atoms of oxygen to be added to the blood during its meta- morphoses, then we obtain 6 at. of benzoic acid, 13£ at. of urea, 3 at. of choleic acid, 15 at. of car- bonic acid, and 12 at. of water. 5 (C48N6H39015) + 09 = C^NsoH.sbQm 6 at. hippuric acid, 6 (Cl8NH805) = C108N6 H^C^, 9 at. urea.....9 (C2 N2H402) = C18Nl8H36018 3 at. choleic acid . 3 (C^N H»0„) = C114N3H99033 3 at. ammonia . . 8 ( N H3 ) = N3 Hfl 3 at. water .... 3 ( H3 03) = H3 Qg The sum is........... CjmNsoHusOm or— 5 (C48N9H3901S) + 045 = C^oNgoHiasO^ 6 at. benzoic acid 6 (C14 Hs03) = C^ H30 Ol9 27|8 at. urea ... 27 (C NH20 ) = C27 N2,H54 027 3 at. choleic acid 3 (CsgNH^O,,) = C114N3 H99 033 15 at. carbonic acid 15 (C 02) = Cl5 0M 12 at. water ... 12 ( H O ) = Hl2012 The sum is........... C^N^H^O,,*, 35. Lastly, let us follow the metamorphosis of RELATION OF PROTEINE TO ALLANTOINE. 141 the tissues in the foetal calf, considering the pro- teine furnished in the blood of the mother as the substance which undergoes or has undergone a transformation ; it will appear that 2 at. of proteine without the addition of oxygen or any other foreign element, except 2 at. of water, contain the elements of 6 at. of allantoine and 1 at. of choloidic acid (meconium ?) 2 at. proteine = 2 (C^Ne^Ou) _j- 2 at. water = 2 HO = C^N^^Oso C 6 at. allantoine, 6 (C4N2H303)=C24N12H180,8 \ 1 at. choloidic acid = C72 H560,2 Cg6N12H74O30 36. But the elements of the six atoms of allan- toine in the last equation correspond exactly to the elements of 2 at. of uric acid, 2 at. of urea, and 2 at. of water. C 2at.uricacidC20N8H8OiS 6at.of allantoine=C24N12H18Oi8= < 2 at. urea C4N4 H804 ( 2 at. water H2Oa The relations of allantoine, which is found in the urine of the foetal calf, to the nitrogenised constitu- ents of the urine in animals which respire, are, as may be seen by comparing the above formulas, such as cannot be overlooked or doubted. Allantoine contains the elements of uric acid and urea—that is, of the nitrogenised products of the transforma* tion of the compounds of proteine. 37. Further, if to the formula of proteine, multi- plied by 3, we add the elements of 4 at. of water, 142 RELATION OF PROTEINE TO GELATINE. and if we deduct from the sum of all the elements half of the elements of choloidic acid, there remains a formula which expresses very nearly the composi- tion of gelatine. From 3 (C48N6H36014) -f- 4 HO ... = C144N18H112048 Subtract £ at. choloidic acid = CM H^ 06 There remain......C108N18H84O40 (3-r>) 38. Subtracting from this formula of gelatine the elements of 2 at. of proteine, there remain the elements of urea, uric acid, and water, or of 3 at. of allantoine and 3 at. of water. Thus— Formula of gelatine (Mulder) C188NI8H84O40 Subtract 2 at. proteine . . . . C ^N^H-nOa 3at.allantoine C12N6H9Og 3 at. water .. H303 C12N6H120I2 C12N6H12012 39. The numerical proportions calculated from the above formula differ from those actually obtain- ed in the analyses of Mulder and Scherer in this, that the latter indicate somewhat less of nitro- gen in gelatine ; but if we assume the formula to be correct, it then appears, from the statement just given, that the elements of two atoms of proteine, plus the nitrogenised products of the transformation of a third atom of proteine (uric acid and urea) and water ; or three atoms of proteine, minus the ele- ments of a compound containing no nitrogen, which There remain . lat.uric acid C10N4H4O6 } 1 at. urea . . C2N2H402 i 4 at. water H404 ) ORIGIN OF GELATINE. 143 actually occurs as one of the products of the trans- formation of choleic acid, yield in both cases a for- mula closely approaching to the composition of gelatinous tissues. We must, however, attach to such formulae, and to the considerations arising from them, no more importance than justly be- longs to them. I would constantly remind the reader that their use is to serve as points of con- nection, which may enable us to acquire more accurate views as to the production and decom- position of those compounds which form the ani- mal tissues. They are the first attempts to dis- cover the path which we must follow in order to attain the object of our researches ; and this object, the goal we strive to reach, is, and must be, at- tainable. The experience of all those who have occupied themselves with researches into natural phenomena leads to this general result, that these phenomena are caused, or produced, by means far more simple than was previously supposed, or than we even now imagine; and it is precisely their simplicity which should most powerfully excite our wonder and admiration. Gelatinous tissue is formed from blood, from compounds of proteine. It may be produced by the addition, to the elements of proteine, of allan- toine and water, or of water, urea, and uric acid ; or by the separation from the elements of proteine of a compound containing no nitrogen. The solu- tion of such problems becomes less difficult, when 144 ORIGIN OF THE BILE. the problem to be solved, the question to be an- swered, is matured and clearly put. Every ex- perimental decision of any such question in the negative funis the starting-point of a new question, the solution of which, when obtained, is the neces- sary consequence of our having put the first ques- tion. 40. In the foregoing sections, no other consti- tuent of the bile, besides choleic acid, has been brought into the calculation ; because it alone is known with certainty to contain nitrogen. Now, if it be admitted that its nitrogen is derived from the metamorphosed tissues, it is not improbable that the carbon, and other elements which it contains, are derived from the same source. There cannot be the smallest doubt, that in the carnivora, the constituents of the urine and the bile are derived from the transformation of compounds of proteine ; for, except fat, they consume no food but such as contains proteine, or has been formed from that substance. Their food is identical with their blood ; and it is a matter of indifference which of the two we select as the starting-point of the chemical development of the vital metamorphoses. There can be no greater contradiction, with re- gard to the nutritive process, than to suppose that the nitrogen of the food can pass into the urine as urea, without having previously become part of an organized tissue ; for albumen, the only constituent of blood, which, from its amount, ought to be taken, into consideration, suffers not the slightest change ORIGIN OF THE BILE. 145 in passing through the liver or kidneys; we find it in every part of the body with the same appearance and the same properties. These organs cannot be adapted for the alteration or decomposition of the substance from which all the other organs of the body are to be formed. 41. From the characters of chyle and lymph, it appears with certainty that the soluble parts of the food or of the chyme acquire the form of albumen. Hard-boiled white of egg, boiled or coagulated fibrine, which have again become soluble in the stomach, but have lost their coagulability by the action of ait or heat, recover these properties by degrees. In the chyle, the acid re-action of the chyme has already passed into the weak alkaline re-action of the blood; and the chyle, when, after passing through the mesenteric glands, it has reached the thoracic duct, contains albumen coagu- lable by heat; and, when left to itself, deposits fibrine. All the compounds of proteine, absorbed during the passage of the chyme through the intes , tinal canal, take the form of albumen, which, as the results of incubation in the fowl's egg testify, con- tains the fundamental elements of all organized tissues, with the exception of iron, which is ob- tained from other sources. Practical medicine has long ago answered the question, what becomes in man of the compounds of proteine taken in excess, what change is undergone by the superabundant nitrogenised food ? The blood- vessels are distended with excess of blood, the other 13 146 ORIGIN OF THE BII/E. vessels with excess of their fluids, and if the too great supply of food be kept up, and the blood, or other fluids adapted for forming blood, be not applied to their natural purposes, if the soluble matters be not taken up by the proper organs, va- rious gases are disengaged, as in processes of putrefaction, the excrements assume an altered quality in colour, smell, &c. Should the fluids in the absorbent and lymphatic vessels undergo a similar decomposition, this is immediately visible in the blood, and the nutritive process then assumes new forms. 42. No one of all these appearances should occur, if the liver and kidneys were capable of effecting the resolution of the superabundant compounds of proteine into urea, uric acid, and bile. All the ob- servations which have been made in reference to the influence of nitrogenised food on the composition of the urine have failed entirely to demonstrate the existence of any direct influence of the kind ; for the phenomena are susceptible of another and a far more simple interpretation, if, along with the food, we consider the mode of life and habits of the indi- viduals who have been the subjects of investigation. Gravel and calculus occur in persons who use very little animal food. Concretions of uric acid have never yet been observed in carnivorous mammalia, living in the wild state,* and among nations which live * The occurrence of urate of ammonia in a concretion found in a dog, which was examined by Lassaigne, is to be doubted, unless Lassaigna extracted it himself from the bladder of the animal. IN THE HERBIVORA. 147 entirely on flesh, deposits of uric acid concretions in the limbs or in the bladder are utterly unknown. 43. That which must be viewed as an undeni- able truth in regard to the origin of the bile, or, more accurately speaking, of choleic acid in the carnivora, cannot hold in regard to all the constituents of the bile secreted by the liver in the herbivora, for with the enormous quantity of bile produced, for example, by the liver of an ox, it is absolutely impossible to suppose that all its carbon is derived from the me- tamorphosed tissues. Assuming the 59 oz. of dry bile (from 37 lbs. of fresh bile secreted by an ox) to contain the same percentage of nitrogen as choleic acid (3-86 per cent.), this would amount to nearly 2| oz. of nitro- gen; and if this nitrogen, proceed from meta- morphosed tissues, then, if all the carbon of these tissues passed into the bile, it would yield, at the utmost, a quantity of bile corresponding to 7-15 oz. of carbon. This is, however, far below the quan- tity which, according to observation, is secreted in this class of animals. 4'*. Other substarces, besides compounds of pro- teine, must inevitably take part in the formation of bile in the organism of the herbivora; and these substances can only be the non-nitrogenised con- stituents of their food. 45. The sugar of bile of Gmelin (picromel or biline of Berzelius), which Berzelius considers as the chief constituent of bile, while Demar§ay as- signs that place essentially to choleic acid, burns, 148 STARCH, &c. CONTRIBUTE TO THE when heated in the air, like resin, yields ammonia- cal products, and when treated with acids, yields taurine and the products of the decomposition of choleic acid; when acted on by alkalies, it yields ammonia and cholic acid. At all events, the sugar of bile contains nitrogen, and much less oxygen than starch or sugar, but more oxygen than the oily acids. When, in the metamorphosis of sugar of bile or choleic acid by alkalies, we cause the separation of the nitrogen, we obtain a crystallized acid, very similar to the oily acids (cholic acid), and capable of forming with bases salts, which have the general characters of soaps. Nay, we may even consider the ehief constituents of the bile, sugar of bile and choleic acid, as compounds of oily acids with organic oxides, like the fat oils, and only differ^ ing from these in containing no oxide of glycerule. Choleic acid, for example, may be viewed as a eompound of choloidic acid with allantoine and water: Choloidic acid; Allantoine Water. Choleic acid. C^HsA, + C4N2H303 + H-A = C^NjHeA* Or as a compound of cholic acid, urea, and water: Cholic acid. Urea. Water. Choleic acid. C74H„018 + C2N2.H402 + H202 ^ C76N2H66OiB 46. If, in point of fact, as can hardly be doubted, the elements of such substances as starch, sugar, &c, take part in the production of bile in the organism of the herbivora, there is nothing opposed to. such a view in the composition of the chief FORMATION OF BILE IN HERBIVORA. 149 constituents of bile, as far as our knowledge at pre- sent extends. If starch be the chief agent in this process, it can happen in no other way but this—that, as when it passes into fat, a certain quantity of oxygen is separated from the elements of the starch, which, for the same amount of carbon (for 72 atoms,) con- tains five times as much oxygen as choloidic acid. Without the separation of oxygen from the ele- ments of starch, it is impossible to conceive its con- version into bile ; and this separation being admit- ted, its conversion into a compound intermediate in composition between starch and fat offers no difficulty. 47. Not to render these considerations a mere idle play with formulae, and not to lose sight of our chief object, we observe, therefore, that the con- sideration of the quantitative proportion of the bile secreted in the herbivora leads to the following con- clusions :— The chief constituents of the bile of the herbivora contain nitrogen, and this nitrogen is derived from compounds of proteine. The bile of this class of animals contains more carbon than corresponds to the quantity of nitro- genised food taken, or to the portion of tissue that has undergone metamorphosis in the vital process. A part of this carbon must, therefore, be derived from the non-nitrogenised parts of the food (starch, sugar, &c.) ; and in order to be converted into a - 13* 150 PRODUCTION OF HIPPURIC ACID. nitrogenised constituent of bile, a part of the ele- ments of these bodies must necessarily have com- bined with a nitrogenised compound derived from a compound of proteine. In reference to this conclusion, it is quite in- different whether that compound of proteine be derived from the food or from the tissues of the body. 48. It has very lately been stated'by A. Ure, that benzoic acid, when administered internally, appears in the urine in the form of hippuric acid. Should this observation be confirmed,* it will ac- quire great physiological significance, since it would plainly prove that the act of transformation of the tissues in the animal body, under the influence of certain matters taken in the food, assumes a new form with respect to the products which are its result; for hippuric acid contains the elements of lactate of urea, with-the addition of those of benzoic acid: 1 at. urea.....C2N2H4 02> r 1 at. lactic acid . . G6 H4 04 1= \ 2 aL crystallized hippuric 2 at. benzoic acid . C* Hl0O6 J Lacid = 2 (c«NH906) C36N2Hi80i2 49. If we consider the act of transformation of the tissues in the herbivora as we have done in the * The analysis of the crystals deposited from the urine on the addition of muriatic acid has not been performed. Besides, the statement of A. Ure, that hippuric acid, dissolved in nitric acid, is reddened by ammonia, is erroneous, and shows that the crystals he obtained must have contained uric acid,. IN THE URINE OF HERBIVORA. 151 carnivora, then the blood of the former must yield, as the last products of the metamorphosis, from all the organs taken together, choleic acid-, uric acid, and ammonia (see p. 136) ; and if we ascribe to the uric acid an action similar to that of the benzoic acid in Ure's observation—such, namely, that the further transformation, owing to the presence of this acid, assumes another form, the elements of the uric acid being incorporated in the final products— it will appear, for example, that 2 at. of proteine, with the addition of the elements of 3 at. of uric acid and 2 at. of oxygen, might give rise to the pro,* duction of hippuric acid and urea. 2-at. proteine, 2 (C48N6H36,014) = CgeNiaHisOia 3 at. uric acid, 3 (C10N4H4O6 ) = C3oNi2Hi2pi8 2. at. oxygen = O2 The sum is........= Ci26N24H84048 = _ ( 6 at. hippuric acid, 6 (Ci8N H805) = Cio3N6H4803o = { 9 at. urea.....9 (C2N2H4Q2 ) = CiaNwHaOa The sum ia .............. = CiKNiiH^O^ 50. Finally, if we bear in mind, that, in the her- bivora, the non-nitrogenised constituents of their food (starch, &c.) must, as we have shown, play an essential part in the formation of the bile ; that to their elements must of necessity be added those of a nitrogenised compound, in order to produce the nitrogenised constituents of the bile, the most strik- ing result of the combinations thus suggested is this, that the elements of starch added to those o£ 152 PRODUCTION OF THE CHIEF hippuric acid are equal to the elements of choleic acid, 'plus, a certain quantity of carbonic acid : 2 at. hippuric acid, 2 (C18NH8Os) = C,-,NaH„O10 5 at. starch .... 5 (C12 H10O10) = C60 rxmOsa 2 at. oxygen .... = 02 The sum is.........= C95N.jH66062 ( 2 at. choleic acid 2 (CagNH^Ou) = C76N2H6S022 ~~ I 20at.carbonicacid20(C 02 ) = C2!) O40 The sum is.........= C96N2H660,j2 51. Now, since hippuric acid may be derived, along with urea, from the compounds of proteine, when to the elements of the latter are added those of uric acid (see p. 151); since, further, uric acid, choleic acid, and ammonia contain the elements of proteine in a proportion almost identical with that of proteine itself (see p. 136); it is obvious that, if from 5 at. of proteine, with the addition of oxygen and of the elements of water, there be removed the elements of choleic acid and ammonia, the re- mainder will represent the elements of hippuric acid and of. urea; and that if, when this separation occurs, and during the further transformation, the elements of starch be present and enter into tbe new products, we shall obtain an additional quantity of choleic acid, as well as a certain amount of car- bonic acid gas. That is to say—that if the elements of proteine and starch, oxygen and water being also present, undergo transformation together and mutually affect each other, w& obtain, as the products of this metamorphosis, ureat SECRETIONS AND EXCRETIONS. 153 choleic acid, ammonia, and carbonic acid, and besidei these, no other product whatever. The elements of 5 at. proteine ^ f 9 at. choleic acid 15 at. starch I j 9 at. urea 12 at. water [ i 3 at. ammonia 5 at. oxygen J 1.60 at. carbonic acid In detail 5 at. proteine, 5 (C^NsHsgO^) = CmlS 3oH18u070 15 at. starch, 15 (C12 H10O10) = Clso Hi5oOia) 12 at. water, 12 ( HO ) = H120„ 5 at. oxygen = Os The sum is........=s k42o-N3oH342C%j and— 9 at. choleic acid, QfCggNHaOu^ C^NjH^Om 9 at. urea, ...... 9 (C2N2H402) = CuNuHg, Q« S- at. ammonia, . . 3. ( N H3 ) = N3H9 60 at. carbonic acid, 60 (C 02) = C60 O120 The sum is .... .. ..... = C420N3uH342O237 The transformation of the compounds of proteine present in the body is effected by means of the oxygen conveyed by the arterial blood, and if the elements of starch, rendered soluble in the stomach, and thus carried to every part, enter into the newly formed compounds, we have the chief constituents of the animal secretions and excretions ; carbonic acid, the excretion of the lungs, urea and carbonate of ammonia, excreted by the kidneys, and choleic acid, secreted by the liver. Nothing, therefore, in the chemical composition of those matters which may be supposed to take a 154 SODA ESSENTIAL TO THE share in these metamorphoses, is opposed to the supposition that a part of the carbon of the nonazotised food enters into the composition of the bile 52v Fat, in the animal body, disappears when the supply of oxygen is abundant. When that sup- ply is deficient, choleic acid may be converted into hippuric acid, lithofellic acid, (37) and water. Li- thofellic acid is known to be the chief constituent of the bezoar stones, which occur in certain her- bivorous animals: f 2 at. hip. acid CseNsJhsOu ., 2 at. choleic acid C76N2H66O22 ) _ 1 1 at. lith. acid do H3608 10 at. oxygen . , O,o ), j 14 at. water, . . H(4014 : C76N2H66032 C7sN2H66032 53. For the production ,of. bile in the animal body a certain quantity of soda isr in all circum- stances, necessary ; without the presence of a com- pound of sodium no bile can be formed. In the absence of soda, the metamorphosis of the tissues composed of proteine can yield only fat and urea. If we suppose fat to be composed according to the empirical formula CuH10O, then, by the addition of oxygen and the elements of water to the elements of proteine, we have the elements of fat, urea, and carbonic acid. Proteine. Water. Oxygen. 2 (C48N6H36014) + 12 HO + 14 O = CBeNwH840M - f 6 at. urea . . . . = C^N^H^O^ = \ Fat .......= C* H60O6 i IS at carbonic acid = Cl3 O^ CssN^H^O^ FORMATION OF THE BILE. 155 The composition of all fats lies between the em- pirical formulae C„H10O and C12H10O. If we adopt the latter, then the elements of 2 at. proteine, with the addition of 2 at. oxygen and 12 at. water, will yield 6 at. urea, fat (C72H60O6), and 12 at. carbonic acid. It is worthy of observation, in reference to the production of fat, that the absence of common salt (a compound of sodium which furnishes soda to the animal organism) is favorable to the formation of fat; that the fattening of an animal is rendered impossible, when we add to its food an excess of salt, although short of the quantity required to pro- duce a purgative effect. 54. As a kind of general view of the metamor- phoses of the nitrogenised animal secretions, atten- tion may here be very properly directed to the fact, that the nitrogenised products of the transfor- mation of the bile are identical in ultimate compo- sition with the constituents of the urine, if to the latter be added a certain proportion of the elements of water. 1 at. uric acid Ci0N4H4 06) , « * * • nivrw/n „ MUa ( 3 at. taurine Ci2N3H2lOM 1 at. urea . . . C2 JN2H4U2 \ _ ? tt /-* i t '«* at. 22 at. water . . H^Ok ) ammonia N3H9 CuNgHaAH, CisNgHsoOaa 1 at. allantoine C4N2H8 03 ) _ ( 1 at. taurine C4 N H7 Oi0 1 at. water . . H7 07 J — ( 1 at. ammonia N H3 C4N2H10Ol0 C4N2H10Oio 55. In reference to the metamorphoses of uric 156 RELATION OF URINE TO BILE. acid and of the products of the transformation of the bile, it is not less significant, and worthy of remark, that the addition of oxygen and the ele- ments of water to the elements of uric acid may yield either taurine and urea, or taurine, carbonic acid, and ammonia. 1 at. uric acid C10N4H A ^ t&urine Cg ^H, A, 14 at. water . . H14Ol4 \ - J ^ ^ ^^ ^ 2 at. oxygen . . U2 ) _^_____ doN.HiA, ^ CuN.HjAa r 2 at. taurine . CgNaHuOjjo = ? 2 at.carbon acid C2 04 Add 2 at. water H202y { 2 at. ammonia N2H6 Ci0N4H2uO24 C10JN4xi20O24 56. Alloxan, plus a certain amount of water, is identical in the proportion of elements with taurine ; and finally, taurine contains the elements of super- oxalate of ammonia. 1 at. alloxan* C8N2H4 01( ^ Taurine. q ) x aui me. '° =(2COT,O10) o'-'io ) 10 at. water H10v ( 2 at. oxalic acidC4 06 1 at. taurine C4NH7O10=< 1 at. ammonia NH3 ( 4 at. water . . H404 C4NHAo • It would be most interesting to investigate the action of alloxan on the human body. Two or three drachms, in crystals, had no injurious action on rabbits to which it was given. In man, a large dose appeared to act only on the kidneys. In certain diseases of the liver, alloxan would yery probably be found a most powerful remedy.—J. L. RELATION OF STARCH TO BILE. 157 57. The comparison of the amount of carbon in the bile secreted by an herbivorous animal, with the quantity of carbon of its tissues, or of the nitrogen- ised constituents of its food, which in consequence of the constant transformations may pass into bile, indicates, as we have just seen, a great difference. The carbon of the bile secreted amounts, at least, to more than five times the quantity of that which could reach the liver in consequence of the change of matter in the body, either from the metamor- phosed tissues or from the nitrogenised constituents of the food ; and we may regard as well founded the supposition that the non-azotised constituents of the food take a decided share in the production of bile in the herbivora; for neither experience nor obser- vation contradicts this opinion. 58. We have given, in the foregoing paragraphs, the analytical proof, that the nitrogenised products of the transformation of bile, namely, taurine and ammonia, may be formed from all the constituents of the urine, with the exception of urea—that is, from hippuric acid, uric acid, and allantoine; and when we bear in mind that, by the mere separation of oxygen and the elements of water, choloidic acid may be formed from starch ;— From 6 at. starch = b' (C12Hi0Om) = C72H6tAfl Subtract 44 at. oxygen ) HAu 4 at. water ) ___________ Remains choloidic acid..........= C72HSA2 >— that, finally, choloidic acid, ammonia, and taurine, 14 158 RELATION OF STARCH, &C. TO BILE. if added together, contain the elements of choleic acid;— 1 at. choloidic acid = C72 Hj0Oi2 1 at. taurine......= C4 NH7 OI0 1 at. ammonia .... = NH3 1 at. choleic acid = C72N2 H6G022;— if all this be considered, every doubt as to the possi- bility of these changes is removed. 59. Chemical analysis and the study of the living animal body mutually support each other; and both lead to the conclusion that a certain portion of the carbon of the non-azotised constituents of food (of starch, &c, the elements of respiration) is secreted by the liver in the form of bile; and further, that the nitrogenised products of the transformation of tissues in the herbivora do not, as in the carnivora, reach the kidneys immediately or directly, but that, before their expulsion from the body in the form of urine, they take a share in certain other processes, especially in the formation of the bile. They are conveyed to the liver with the non- azotised constituents of the food ; they are returned to the circulation in the form of bile, and are not expelled by the kidneys till they have thus served for the production of the most important of the sub- stances employed in respiration. 60. When the urine is left to itself, the urea which it contains is converted into carbonate of ammonia ; the elements of urea are in such proportion, that by ORIGIN OF THE BILE. 159 the adition of the elements of water, all its carbon is converted into carbonic acid, and all its nitrogen into ammonia. I at. urea C2N2H402 * I 2 at. carbonic acid C2 O* 2 at. water HO* / = \ 2 at. ammonia.... N2H6 CJN^HeOi CsNsHeO* 61. Were we able directly to produce taurine and ammonia out of uric acid or allantoine, this might perhaps be considered as an additional proof of the share which has been ascribed to these com- pounds in the production of bile ; it cannot, howev- er, be viewed as any objection to the views above developed on the subject, that, with the means we possess, we have not yet succeeded in effecting these transformations out of the body. Such an objection loses all its force, when we consider that we cannot admit, as proved, the pre-existence of taurine and ammonia in the bile ; nay, that it is not even probable that these compounds, which are only known to us as products of the decomposition of the bile, exist ready formed, as ingredients of that fluid. By the action of muriatic acid on bile, we, in a manner, force its elements to unite in such forms as are no longer capable of change under the influ- ence of the same re-agent; and when, instead of the acid, we use potash, we obtain the same ele- ments, although arranged in another, and quite a different manner. If taurine were present, ready 160 ORIGIN OF THE BILE. formed, in bile, we should obtain the same products by the action of acids and of alkalies. This, how- ever, is contrary to experience. Thus, even if we could convert allantoine, or uric acid and urea, into taurine and ammonia, out of the body, we should acquire no additional in- sight into the true theory of the formation of bile, just because the pre-existence of ammonia and taurine in the bile must be doubted, and because we have no reason to believe that urea or allan- toine, as such, are employed by the organism in the production of bile. We can prove that their elements serve this purpose, but we are utterly ignorant how these elements enter into these com- binations, or what is the chemical character of the nitrogenised compound which unites with the elements of starch to form bile, or rather choleic acid. 62. Choleic acid may be formed from the ele- ments of starch with those of uric acid and urea, or of allantoine, or of uric acid, or of alloxan, or of oxalic acid and ammonia, or of hippuric acid. The possibility of its being produced from so great a variety of nitrogenised compounds is sufficient to show that all the nitrogenised pro- ducts of the metamorphosis of the tissues may be employed in the formation of bile, while we cannot tell in what precise way they are so em- ployed. By the action of caustic alkalies allantoine may be resolved into oxalic acid and ammonia; the VITAL METAMORPHOSES. 161 same products are obtained when oxamide is acted on by the same re-agents. Yet we cannot, from the similarity of the products, conclude that these two compounds have a similar constitution. In like manner the nature of the products formed by the action of acids on choleic acid does not entitle us to draw any conclusion as to the form in which its elements are united together. 63. If the problem to be solved by organic che- mistry be this, namely, to explain the changes which the food undergoes in the animal body; then it is the business of this science to ascertain what ele- ments must be added, what elements must be se- parated, in order to effect, or, in general, to ren- der possible, the conversion of a given compound into a second or a third ; but we cannot expect from it the synthetic proof of the accuracy of the views entertained, because every thing in the orga- nism goes on under the influence of the vital force, an immaterial agency, which the chemist cannot employ at will. The study of the phenomena which accompany the metamorphoses of the food in the organism, the discovery of the share which the atmosphere or the elements of water take in these changes, lead at once to the conditions which must be united in order to the production of a secretion or of an orga- nized part. 64. The presence of free muriatic acid in the stomach, and that of soda in the blood, prove beyond all doubt the necessity of common salt for 14* 162 USES OF COMMON SALT the organic processes; but the quantities of soda re- quired by animals of different classes, to support the vital processes, are singularly unequal. If we suppose that a given amount of blood, considered as a compound of soda, passes, in the body of a carnivorous animal, in consequence of the change of matter, into a new compound of soda, namely, the bile, we must assume, that in the normal condition of health, the proportion of soda in the blood is amply sufficient to form bile with the products of transformation. The soda which has been used in the vital processes, and any excess of soda must be expelled in the form of a salt, after being separated from the blood by the kidneys. Now, if it be true, that, in the body of an herbivo- rous animal, a much larger quantity of bile is pro- duced than corresponds to the amount of blood formed or transformed in the vital processes ; if the greater part of the bile, in this case, proceeds from the non-azotised constituents of the food, then the soda of the blood which has been formed into or- ganised tissue (assimilated or metamorphosed) can- not possibly suffice for the supply of the daily secre- tion of bile. The soda, therefore, of the bile of the herbivora must be supplied directly in the food ; their organism must possess the power of applying directly to the formation of bile all the compounds of soda present in the food, and decomposable by the organic process. All the soda of the animal body obviously proceeds from the food, but the food IN THE ORGANIC PROCESSES. 163 of the carnivora contains, at most, only the amount of soda necessary to the formation of blood ; and in most cases, among animals of this class, we may assume that only as much soda as corresponds to the proportion employed to form the blood is expel- led in the urine. When the carnivora obtain in their food as much soda as suffices for the production of their blood, an equal amount is excreted in the urine; when the food contains less, a part of that which would other- wise be excreted is retained by the organism. All these statements are most unequivocally con- firmed by the composition of the urine in these dif- ferent classes of animals. 65. As the ultimate product of the changes of all compounds of soda in the animal body, we find in the urine the soda in the form of a salt, and the nitro- gen in that Of ammonia or urea. The soda in the urine of the carnivora is found in combination with sulphuric and phosphoric acids ; and along with the sulphate and phosphate of soda we never fail to find a certain quantity of a salt of ammonia, either muriate or phosphate of ammonia. There can be no more decisive evidence in favour of the opinion, that the soda of their bile- or of the metamorphosed constituents of their blood is very far from sufficing to neutralize the acids which are separated, than the presence of ammonia in their urine. This urine, moreover, has an acid re- action. In contradistinction to this, we find, in the urine 164 LARGE AMOUNT OF ALKALIES of the herbivora, soda in predominating quantity; and that not combined with sulphuric or phosphoric acids, but with carbonic, benzoic, or hippuric acids. 65. These well established facts demonstrate that the herbivora consume a far larger quantity of soda than is required merely for the supply of the daily consumption of blood. In their food are united all the conditions for the production of a second com- pound of soda, destined for the support of the respi- ratory process; and it can only be a very limited knowledge of the vast wisdom displayed in the ar- rangements of organized nature which can look on the presence of so much soda in the food and in the urine of the herbivora as accidental. It cannot be accidental, that the life, the devel- opement of a plant is dependent on the presence of the alkalies which it extracts from the soil. This plant serves as food to an extensive class of animals, and in these animals the vital process is again most closely connected with the presence of these alkalies. We find the alkalies in the bile, and their presence in the animal body is the indispensable condition for the production of the first food of the young animal ; for without an abundant supply of potash, the production of milk becomes im- possible. 67. All observation leads, as appears from the pre- ceding exposition, to the opinion, that certain non- azotised constituents of the food of the herbivora (starch, sugar, gum, &c.,) acquire the form of a compound of soda, which, in their bodies, serves REQUIRED BY THE HERBIVORA. 165 for the same purpose as that which we know cer- tainly to be served by the bile (the most highly car- bonized product of the transformation of their tissues) in the bodies of the carnivora. These substances are employed to support certain vital actions, and are finally consumed in the generation of animal heat, and in furnishing means of resistance to the action of the atmosphere. In the carnivora, the rapid transformation of their tissues is a condition of their existence, because it is only as the result of the change of matter in the body that those substances can be formed, which are destined to enter into combination with the oxygen of the air; and in this sense we may say that the non-azotised consti- tuents of the food of the herbivora impede the change of matter,.or retard it, and render unneces- sary, at all events, so rapid a process as occurs in the carnivora. 68. The quantity of azotised matter, proportion- ally so small, which the herbivora require to sup- port their vital functions, is closely connected with the power possessed by the non-azotized parts of their food to act as means of supporting the respi- ratory process; and this consideration seems to ren- der it not improbable, that the necessity for more complex organs of digestion in the herbivora is rather owing to the difficulty of rendering soluble and available for the vital processes certain non-azo- tised compounds (gum? amylaceous fibre?) than to any thing in the change or transformation of vege- table fibrine, albumen, and caseine into blood; 166 STARCH, ETC. ASSIST IN FORMING since, for this latter purpose, the less complex di- gestive apparatus of the carnivora is amply suffi- cient. 69. If, in man, when fed on a mixed diet, starch perform a similar part to that which it plays in the body of the herbivora; if it be assumed that the elements of starch are equally necessary to the for- mation of the bile in man as in these animals; then it follows that a part of the azotised products of the transformation of the tissues in the human body, before they are expelled through the bladder, re- turns into the circulation from the liver in the shape of bile, and is separated by the kidneys from the blood, as the ultimate product of the respiratory process. 70. When there is a deficiency of non-azotised matter in the food of man, this form of the produc- tion of bile is rendered impossible. In that case, the secretions must possess a different composition ; and the appearance of uric acid in the urine, the de- position of uric acid in the joints and in the bladder, as well as the influence which an excess of animal food (which must be considered equivalent to a de- ficiency of starch, &c.,) exercises on the separation of uric acid in certain individuals, may be explained on this principle. If starch, sugar, &c, be deficient, then a part of the azotised compounds formed du- ring the change of matter will either remain in the situation where they have been formed, in which case they will be sent from the liver in the cir- culation, and therefore will not undergo the final BILE IN THE HUMAN BODY. 167 changes dependent on the action of oxygen; or they will be separated by the kidneys in some form different from the normal one. 71. In the preceding paragraphs I have endea- voured to prove that the non-azotised constitu- ents of food exercise a most decided influence on the nature and quality of the animal secre- tions. Whether this occur directly ; whether, that is to say, their elements take an immediate share in the act of transformation of tissues ; or whe- ther their share in that process be an indirect one, is a question probably capable of being re- solved by careful and cautious experiment and observation. It is possible, that the non-azotised constituents of food, after undergoing some change, are carried from the intestinal canal directly to the liver, and that they are converted into bile in this organ, where they meet with the pro- ducts of the metamorphosed tissues, and subse- quently complete their course through the circu- lation. This opinion appears more probable, when we reflect that as yet no trace of starch or sugar has been detected in arterial blood, not even in animals which had been fed exclusively with these substances. We cannot ascribe to these substances, since they are wanting in arterial blood, any share in the nutritive process ; and the oc- currence of sugar in the urine of those affected with diabetes mellitus (which sugar according to the best observations, is derived from the food) 168 ORIGIN OF THE NITROGEN coupled with its total absence in the blood of the same patients, obviously proves that starch and sugar are not, as such, taken into the cir- culation. 72. The writings of physiologists contain many proofs of the presence of certain constituents of the bile in the blood of man in a state of health, al- though their quantity can hardly be determined. Indeed, if we suppose 81 lbs. (58,000 grs.) of blood to pass through the liver every minute, and if from this quantity of blood 2 drops of bile (3 grains to the drop) are secreted, this would amount to eeVoth part of the weight of the blood, a proportion far too small to be quantitatively ascertained by analysis. 73. The greater part of the bile in the body of the herbivora, and in that of man fed on mixed food, appears from the preceding considerations to be derived from the elements of the non-azotised food. But its formation is impossible without the addition of an azotised body, for the bile is a com- pound of nitrogen. All varieties of bile yet exa- mined, yield, when subjected to dry distillation, ammonia and other nitrogenised products. Tau- rine and ammonia may easily be extracted from ox bile; and the only reason why we cannot posi- tively prove that the same products may be obtained from the bile of other animals is this, that it is not easy to procure, in the case of many of these ani- mals, a sufficient quantity of bile for the experi- ment. Now, whether the nitrogenised compound which CONTAINED IN HUMAN BILE. 169 unites with the elements of starch to form bile be de- rived from the food or from the substance of the me- tamorphosed tissues, the conclusion that its presence is an essential condition for the secretion of bile can- not be considered doubtful. Since the herbivora obtain in their food only such nitrogenised compounds as are identical in composi- tion with the constituents of their blood, it is at all events clear, that the nitrogenised compound which enters into the composition of bile is derived from a compound of proteine. It is either formed in conse- quence of a change which the compounds of pro- teine in the food have undergone, or it is produced from the blood or from the substance of the tissues by the act of their metamorphosis. 74. If the conclusion be accurate, that nitrogen- ised compounds, whether derived from the blood or from the food, take a decided share in the formation of the secretions, and particularly of the bile, then it is plain that the organism must possess the power of causing foreign matters which are neither parts nor constituents of the organs in which vital activity resides, to serve for certain vital processes. All nitro- genised substances capable of being rendered soluble, without exception, when introduced into the organs of circulation or of digestion, must, if their compo- sition be adapted for such purposes, be employed by the organism in the same manner as the nitrogenised products which are formed in the act of metamor- phosis of tissues. 15 170 CERTAIN REMEDIES TAKE A We are acquainted with a multitude of sub- stances, which exercise a most marked influence on the act of transformation as well as on the nutritive process, while their elements take no share in the resulting changes. These are uni- formly substances the particles of which are in a certain state of motion or decomposition, which state is communicated to all such parts of the or- ganism as are capable of undergoing a similar trans- formation. 75. Medicinal and poisonous substances form a second and most extensive class of compounds, the elements of which are capable of taking a direct or an indirect share in the processes of secretion and of transformation. These may be subdivided into three great orders; the first (which includes the metallic poisons) consists of substances which enter into chemical combination with certain parts or constituents of the body, while the vital force is insufficient to destroy the compounds thus form- ed. The second division, consisting of the essential oils, camphor, empyreumatic substances, and anti- septics, ) A similar relation exists in the case of the pecu- liar principle of asparagus and of althaea, aspara- gine ; which also, by the addition of oxygen and uie elements of water, yields the elements of tau rine 1 at. asparagine = C8N2H80--------------—-*----------------^ Carbon contained consumes of oxygen produces of carbonic in the in 24 hours. According to ,------^- cubic in. grains. Lavoisier & Seguin 46,037 15,661 Menzies . . 51,480 17,625 Davy . . . 45,504 15,751 Allen and Pepys . 39,600 13,464 acid in 24 hours. carbonic acid. cubic in. grains. grains. 14,930 8,584 2,820 French. English. 31,680 17,811 4,853 do. 39,600 18,612 5,148 do. NOTE (2), p. 13. COMPOSITION OF DRY BLOOD (see note 28). In 100 parts. In 48 lbs. Hessian = 3 Carbon . . 51-96 . . 19154-5 Hydrogen . 7-25 . . 2672-7 Nitrogen . 15-07 . . 5555-4 Oxygen . 21-30 . . 7852-0 Ashes . . 4-42 . . 1629-4 100-00 36864-0 Grains. Grains. 19154-5 carbon form, with 50539-5 oxygen, carbonic acid. 2672-7 hydrogen do. 21415-8 do. water. Sum = 71955-3 do. Deduct oxygen present ? _ 7353.0 in blood . . . ) Remain 64103-3 grains of oxygen, required for the complete combustion of 4-8 lbs. of dry blood. It is assumed, in this calculation, that 24 lbs. of blood yield 4*8 lbs. (20 per cent.) of dry residue. The remain- der, 80 per cent., is water. 284 APPENDIX. NOTE (3), p. 14. DETERMINATION OF THE AMOUNT OP CARBON EXPIRED. 1. Analysis of Fceces. 2-356 dry faeces left 0-320 ashes (13-58 per cent.) 0-352 dry fasces yielded 0-576 carbonic acid, and 0-218 water. Lentils. 0-566 lentils, dried at 212°, yielded 0-910 carbonic acid, and 0-366 water. Pease. 1-060 pease, dried at 212°, left 0-037 ashes. 0-416 do. do. yielded 0-642 carbonic acid, and 0-241 water. Potatoes. 0-443 dried potatoes yielded 0-704 carbonic acid, and 0-248 water. Black Bread (Schwarzbrod). 0-302 dried black bread yielded 0-496 carbonic acid, and 0-175 water. 0-241 do. 0-393 do. 0-142 water. From the above, which are the direct results of experi- ment, the composition in 100 parts is calculated as in the following table. ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 285 2. Composition Of Faeces. Of Black Bread. Of Potatoes. Of Flesh. Play fair.* Boeckmann.* Boussingault. Boeckmann. * Carbon 45-24 45-09 45-41 44-1 43-944 (See note Hydrogen 6-88 6-54 6-45 5-8 1 3-222 28.) Nitrogen ) 34-73 45-12 44-89 45-1 44-919 Oxygen ) Ashes 13-15 3-25 3-25 5-0 1-915 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-0 100-000 Water 300-00 400-00 Of Pease. Of Lentils Of Beans. Play fair.* Play fair.* Play fair." Carbon . . . 35-743 37-38 38-24 Hydrogen . . 5-401 5-54 5-84 Nitrogen i Oxygen \ . . 39-366 37-98 38-10 Ashes 3-20 3-71 Water 16-000 15-90 100-00 14-11 100-000 100-00 Fresh Meat. Potatoes. Black Bread. Baeckmann.* Bou . . 75 74-JT ssingault. Boeckmann.* Water . . 72-2 73-2 33 31-418 Dry Matter 25 25-2 27-8 26-8 67 68-592 100 100-0 100-0 100-0 J00 100-000 3. Calculation, with the help of the preceding data, of the amount of carbon expired by an adult man. The following results are deduced from observations made (see table) on the average daily consumption of food, by from 27 to 30 soldiers in barracks for a month, or by 855 men for one 286 APPENDIX. day. The food, consisting of bread, potatoes, meat, len- tils, pease, beans, &c, was weighed, with the utmost exact- ness, every day during a month (including even pepper, salt, and butter ;) and each article of food was separately subjected to ultimate analysis. The only exceptions, among the men, to the uniform allowance of food, were three soldiers of the guard, who, in addition to the daily allowance of 2 lbs. of bread, received, during each of the periods allotted for the pay of the troops, 2\ lbs. extra ; and one drummer who, in the same period, left 2\ lbs. unconsumed. According to an approximative report by the sergeant-major, each soldier consumes daily, on an average, out of barracks, 3 oz. of sausage, f oz. of butter, \ pint of beer, and T\ pint of brandy ; the car- bon of which articles amounts to more than double that of the faeces and urine taken together. In the soldier, the faeces amount daily, on an average, to 5^ oz.; they contain 75 per cent, of water, and the dry residue contains 45-24 per cent, of carbon, and 13-15 per cent, of ashes. 100 parts of fresh faeces consequently contain 11*31 per cent, of carbon, very nearly the same proportion as in fresh meat. In the calculation, the carbon of the fseces and of the urine has been assumed as equal to that of green vegetables, and of the food (sausages, butter, beer, &c.) consumed in the alehouse. From the observations, as recorded in the table, the fol- lowing conclusions are deduced. Flesh.—Meat devoid of fat, if reckoned at 74 per cent. water, and 26 per cent, dry matter, contains in 100 parts very nearly 13*6 parts of carbon. Ordinary meat contains both fat and cellular tissue, which together amount to |th of the weight of the meat as bought from the butcher. The number of ounces consumed (by 855 men) was 4,448, con- sisting, therefore, of ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 287 3812-5 oz. of flesh, free from fat, containing of carbon 518-5 oz. 635-5 oz. of fat and cellular tissue, ditto 449-0 oz. 4448-0 oz. In ant carbon 967-6 oz. With the bones, the meat, as purchased, contains 29 per cent, of fixed matter, including bones; 4,448 oz. of flesh therefore contain 448 oz. of dry bones. These have not been included in the calculation, although, when boiled, they yield from 8 to 10 per cent, of gelatine, which is taken as food in the soup. Fat.—The amount of fat consumed was 56 oz. ; which, the carbon being calculated at 80 per cent., contain in all 44-8 oz. of carbon. Lentils, pease, and beans.—There were consumed 53*5 oz. of lentils, 185*5 oz. of pease, and 218 oz. of beans. As- suming the average amount of carbon in these vegetables to be 37 per cent., the total quantity of carbon consumed in this form was 169-1 oz. Potatoes.—100 parts of fresh potatoes contain 12*2 parts of carbon. In the 15*876 oz. of potatoes consumed, there- fore, the amount of carbon was 1936-85 oz. Bread.—855 men eat daily 855 times 32 oz., besides 36 lbs. of bread in the soup, which in all amounts to 27,936 oz. 100 oz. of fresh bread contain, on an average, 30*15 oz. of carbon • consequently, the carbon consumed in the bread amounts to 8771-5 oz. The total consumption, therefore, was, In the meat .... 967-50 oz. of carbon In the fat . In the lentils, pease, and beans In the potatoes In the bread Consumed by 855 men Consumed by 1 man . 44-80 ditto 16910 ditto 1936-85 ditto 8771-50 ditto 11889-75 ditto 13-9 ditto 288 APPENDIX. The faeces of a soldier weigh 5*5 oz., and contain, in the fresh state, 11 per cent, of carbon. For 86 kreutzer (about 2s. 5d. sterling) there may be bought, on an average, 172 lbs. of vegetables,,such as cabbages, greens, turnips, &c.: 25 maas of sour krout weigh 100 lbs.; and for 481 kreutzer (Is. 5d. sterling) there are bought, on an average, 24£ lbs. of onions, leeks, celery, &c* 855 men consumed Of green vegetables . . . 2,802 oz. Of sour krout . . . . . 1,600 Of onions, &c. .... 388 In all.....4,790 And one man .... 5-6 oz. For this reason, the carbon of the last mentioned articles of food has been assumed as equal to that of the faeces and urine. Sausages, brandy, beer, in short, the small quantity of food taken irregularly in the alehouse,.has riot been in- cluded in the calculation. The daily allowance of bread, being uniformly 2 lbs. per man, with the exceptions formerly mentioned, has not been inserted in the table, which includes only those matters of which, from the daily allowance being variable, an average was required. The small quantity of bread in the table is that given in the soup, which is over and above the daily supply. * In the original table, the quantities of these vegetables are entered according to their value in kreutzers, but they are here calculated by weight from the above data, as this appeared better adapted for com- parison in this country than the prices would have been.—Ed. TABLE I. (to Note 3.) Containing a Summary of the Victuals consumed during November, 1840, by a Company of the Body Guard of the Grand Duke of Hesse Darmstadt. 1840. Novemb'r, in the period from the No. of men supplied with food. Beef. Pork. Potatoes. Peas. Beans. Lentils. Sour-krout. Green veget-ables. Bread in Soup. Salt. Onions, Leeks, &c. Pepper. Price in Kreutzers. 3kr.=ld. Fat or Lard. Vinegar. 1st to 5th 6th to 10th 11th to 15th 16th to 20lh 21st to 25th 26th to 30th 139 145 136 136 147 152 lbs. 36 37 36 37 39 30 lbs. 9 9 9 9 Sau-sages. 7£ 19| lbs. oz. 147 0 165 6 153 2 177 10 171 8 177 10 lbs. oz. 4 151 3 5 3 5 lbs. oz. 3 7| 3 74 3 7| 3 7\ lbs. oz. 3 51 lbs. 20 16 16 16 32 lbs. 12 70 42 12 36 lbs. 5 74 6" H 2\ lbs. 4J-5 41 4 lbs. 4 34 4 3| kr. 24 24 2 3i ~h ol oz. 131 lOf 8 pints. 14 Total, 855 215 63 992 4 11 94 13 14 3 54 100 172 36 28 20i 1S4 56 14 The average No. of men daily fed is 856=28^, 30 --*U2' therefore ea man had i Monthly < j Daily I lbs. 731 ' 51 lbs. 012 A~5l lbs. oz. 34 13 oz. 6-37-"171 OZ. 7135 '171 OZ. 1150 L\ 71 lbs.oz. Oil91 lbs. 6-S-"l 7 1 lb. 115 lb. 56 57 oz. II-7- 31 kr Si Kr' Iff oz. pint. 3 3T OZ. 4-4-*17 1 l 153 LS1SS OZ. lb. oz i m OZ. 3T1 rrnr OZ. 222 OZ. 107 1 7 TO oz. 7 149 iTTT oz. ol 87 ^stt lb. 36 lb. •2 8 ■8TJ oz. 324 -3-1 kr 1 7 To Kr" At oz- pint. 3 niTT N r —A"! all the weishts mentioned in the text of this work are Hessian pounds and ounces, the different articles in this table have been reduced to 7712 or as 1:11017 ; and 1 oz. Hessian = 482 grains Troy (1 oz. Troy is = 480 grains), while 1 oz. avoirdupois is = 4375 grains Troy 290 APPENDIX. TABLE II.—Note (4), p. 14. a FOOD CONSUMED BY A HORSE IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Articles of food. Weight in the fresh state. Weight in the dry state. Carbon. Hydro-gen. Oxy-gen. Nitro-gen. Salts & earthy mat-ters. Hay Oats Water 7500 2270 16000 6465 1927 2961-0 977-0 323-2 123-3 2502-0 707-2 97-0 42-4 581-8 77-1 13-3 Total 25770 8392 3938-0 446-5 3209-2 139-4 672-2 EXCRETIONS OF A HORSE IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Excretions. Weight in the fresh state. Weight in the dry state. Carbon. Hydro-gen. Oxy-gen. Nitro-gen. Salts Ac earthy mat-ters. Urine Excrements 1330 14250 302 3525 108-7 1364-4 11-5 179-8 34-1 1328-9 37-8 77-6 109-9 574-6 Total 15580 3827 1472-9 191-3 1363-0 115-4 684-5 Total from the previous part of this Table. 25770 8392 3938-0 446-5 3209-2 139-4 672-2 Difference 10190 4565 2465-1 255-2 1846-2 24-0 12-3 + or — + a Boussingault, Ann. de Ch. et de Phys., LXX., 136. The weights in this table are given in grammes. 1 gramme = 1544 grains Troy very nearly. ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 291 TABLE II.—Note (4), p. 14 (concluded.) FOOD CONSUMED BY A COW IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Articles of food. Weight in the fresh state. Weight in the dry state. Carbon Hydro-gen. Oxygen Nitro-gen. Salts and earthy matters. Potatoes After Grass Water 15000 7500 60000 4170 6315 1839-0 2974-4 241-9 353-6 1830-6 2204-0 50-0 151-5 208-5 631-5 50-0 Total 82500 10485 4813-4 595-5 4034-6 201-5 889-0 EXCRETIONS OF A COW IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Excretions. Weight in the fresh state Weight in the dry state Carbon Hydro-gen. Oxygen Nitro-gen. Salts and earthy matters Excrements Urine Milk 28413 8200 8539 4000-0 960-8 1150-6 1712-0 261-4 628-2 208-0 25-0 99-0 1508-0 253-7 321-0 92-0 36-5 46-0 480-0 384-2 56-4 Total 45152 6111-4 2601-6 332-0 2082-7 174-5 920-6 Total of first part of this Table 82500 10485-0 4813-4 595-5 4034-6 201-5 889-0 Difference 37348 4374-6 2211-8 263-5 1951-9 27-0 31-6 - ~ + 1 292 APPENDIX. NOTE (5), p. 19. TEMPERATURE OF THE BLOOD AND FREQUENCY OF THE PULSE. According The mean temperature is F. In the Pigeon . . . 107-6° Common Fowl . . 106-7° Duck.....108-5° Raven.....108-5° Lark.....117-2° Simia Callitriche . . 95-9° Guinea Pig . . . 100-4° Dog......99-3° Cat......101-3° Goat......102-5° Hare...... 100-4° Horse.....98-2° Man......98-6° Man (Liebig) . . . 97-7° Woman (Liebig) . . 98-2° The temperature of a child is 102-2°. The temperature of the human body, in the mouth or in the rectum, for example, is from 97*7° to 98*6°. That of the blood (Majendie) is from 100-6° to 101-6°. As a mean temperature, 99*5° has been adopted in this work, page 19. to Prevost and Dumas, The frequency of the pulse of the respiration in the minute. in the minute. 136 34 140 30 170 21 110 21 200 22 90 30 140 36 90 28 100 24 84 24 120 36 56 16 72 18 65 17 60 15 ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 293 NOTE (6), p. 36. The prisoners in the house of arrest of Giessen receive daily l\ lb. of bread (24 oz.), which contain 7± oz. of car- bon. They receive, besides, 1 lb. of soup daily, and on each alternate day, 1 lb. of potatoes. 14 lb. of bread contains . . 7-25 oz. of carbon. 1 lb. of soup contains . . 0-75 ditto 4 lb., of potatoes contains . . 1-00 ditto Total . . . 9-00 ditto, f NOTE (7), p. 43. COMPOSITION OF THE FIBRINE AND ALBUMEN OF BLOOD, a Albumen from Serum of Blood. Fibrine. Scherer.* Scherer.* Mulder. I. II. in. I. II. III. Carbon.....53850 55461 56097 53671 54454 5456 Hydrogen .... 6983 7201 6880 6878 7069 690 Nitrogen .... 15673 15673 15681 15763 15762 1572 Oxygen ■] Sulphur > . . 23-494 21655 22342 23688 22715 2282 Phosphorus J a Annalen der Chem. und Pharm., XXVIII., 74, and XL., 33, 36. For additional analyses of animal fibrine and albumen, see Note (27), which also contains analyses of the various animal tissues. t At page 36 the carbon contained in the daily food of these prisoners is calculated at 8£ oz., and the appendix in the original makes the num- ber also 8-5, apparently by an error in adding up the above numbers, which yield the sum of 9 oz. Possibly there may be an error in excess in the proportion of carbon calculated for the soup, which, in that case,. ought to be 025 oz.—Editor. 25* 294 APPENDIX. NOTE (8), p. 48. COMPOSITION OF VEGETABLE FIBRINE, VEGETABLE ALBUMEN, VEGETABLE CASEINE, AND VEGETA- BLE GLUTEN. Vegetable Fibrine. Gluten, Sherer. 'a Carbon . . Hydrogen . Nitrogen Oxygen Sulphur Phosphorus As obtained from wheat flour. Jones.'b Marcet.c Boussin- r-------------------v gault. I. II. III. IV. I. II. 53064 54-603 54617 53-83 557 535 7132 7302 7-491 702 145 150 15-359 15-809 15809 1558 78 70 24-445 22285 22083 2356 220 245 a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XL., 7. b Ibid., XL., 65. c L. Gmelin's Theor. Chemie, II., 1092. Carbon Vegetable Albumen, a From Rye. Wheat. Gluten. Almonds. Jones.* 54-74 Jones.* Varrentrapp a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XL., 40 et seq. b This substance, called, in German, zieger, is contained in the whey of milk after coagulation by an acid. It is coagulated by heat, and very much resembles albumen. 296 APPENDIX. Mulder, a Carbon . 54-96 Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen . Sulphur . . . 7-15 15-89 21-73 0-36 a For the analysis of vegetable caseine, see the preceding note. NOTE (10), p. 64. AMOUNT OF MATTER SOLUBLE IN ALCOHOL IN THE SOLID EXCREMENTS OF THE HORSE AND COW. (WILL.*) 18-3 grammes of dried horse-dung lost, by the action of alcohol, 0-995 gramme. The residue, when dry, had the appearance of saw-dust, after it has been deprived, by boil- ing, of all soluble matter. 14-98 grammes of dry cow-dung lost, by the same treat- ment, 0*625 gramme. NOTE (11) p. 70. COMPOSITION OF STARCH, a Calculated Strecker." From From From From C12H10O10. Peas. Lentils. Beans. Buckwheat Carbon . 44-91 44-33 44-46 44-16 44-23 Hydrogen . 6-11 6-57 6-54 6-69 6-40 Oxygen . . 48-98 49-09 49-00 49-15 49-37 analytical evidence. 297 From maize. Carbon 44-27 Hydrogen 6-67 Oxygen 49-06 From horse-chesnuts. 44-44 6-47 49-08 From wheat. 44-26 6-70 49-04 From rye. 44-16 6-64 49-20 Strecker.* From rice. Carbon 44-69 Hydrogen 6-36 Oxygen 48-95 From dahlia roots. 44-13 6-56 49-31 From unripe apples. 44-10 6-57 49-33 From unripe pears. 44-14 6-75 49-11 From potatoes. From arrow-root. From yams, a Berzelius. Carbon 44-250 Hydrogen 6-674 Oxygen 49-076 Gay Lussac & Thenard. 43-55 6-77 49-68 Prout. 44-40 6-18 49-42 Ortigosa. 44-2 6-5 49-3 a The starch employed for the analyses, made by Strecker and Orti- gosa, was prepared from the chemical laboratory at Giessen, from the respective seeds, bulbs, and fruits. NOTE (12), p. 71. COMPOSITION OF GRAPE SUGAR. (STARCH SUGAR.) Fromgrapes.a From starch.* From honey.c Calculated. De Saussure. Prout- CuHmOm. 37-29 6-84 55-87 36-36 7-09 56-55 Carbon 36-71 Hydrogen 6-78 Oxygen 56-51 a Ann. de Chimie, XI., 381. b Ann. of Philosophy, VI., 426. c Philosioph. Trans. 1827, 373. 36-80 7-01 56-19 298 appendix. NOTE (13), p. 72. COMPOSITION OF SUGAR OF MILK. Gay Lussac Calculated and Thenard. Prout. Brunn, Berzelius. Liebig.' Cl2ll"l20ia Carbon 38825 4000 40-437 39-474 4000 4046 Hydrogen 7341 666 6-711 7167 6-73 6-61 Oxygen 53831 53-34 52-852 53-359 53-27 5293 NOTE (14), p. 72. COMPOSITION OF GUM. Gay Lussac and Thenard. Carbon 42-23 Hydrogen 6-93 Oxygen 50-84 Goebel. 42-2 6-6 51-2 Berzelius. 42-682 6-374 50-944 Calculated. C12H11OU 42-58 6-37 51-05 NOTE (15), p. 74. ANALYSIS OF OATS (Boussingault). a 100 parts of oats contain of dry matter 84-9 Ditto water 17-1 100-0 100 parts of oats dried at 212° = 117-7 parts dried at the ordinary temperature, contain Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Ashes Water 50-7 6-4 36-7 2-2 4-0 100-0 17-7 Oats dried in the air 117-7 contain, in 100 parts, 1-867 of nitrogen. a Ann. de Chimie et de Phys., LXXL, 130. analytical evidence. 299 Analysis of Hay. 100 parts of hay dried in the air contain 86 of dry matter, 14 of water. 100 212° = 116-2 parts dried in air, 45-8 5-0 38-7 1-5 9-0 100-0 16-2 water, 116-2 hay dried in the air. 100-0 of hay dried at the ordinary temperature contain 1-29 of nitrogen. 240 oz. of such hay = 15 lbs. contain . . . 3-095 oz. of nitrogen. 72 oz. of oats = 44 lbs. contain . . . 1-34 ditto Total . . . 4-435 ditto NOTE (16), a, p. 77. AMOUNT OF CARBON IN FLESH AND IN STARCH. 100 parts of starch contain 44 of carbon; therefore, 64 oz. (4 lbs.) contain 28-16 oz. of carbon. 100 parts of fresh meat contain 136 of carbon (see Note III.); hence 240 oz. (15 lbs.) contain 32*64 oz. of car- bon4 t By an error in calculation in the original, the amount of carbon in 15 lbs. of meat is stated to be 2764 oz. It follows, that the carbon of 4 lbs. of starch is not equal, as stated in the text, to that of 15 lbs. of flesh, but to that of 13 lbs. This difference, however, is not sufficient to affect the argument at p. 84.—Editor. 100 parts of hay dried at contain Carbon Hydrogen . Oxygen Nitrogen Ashes . 300 appendix. NOTE (16), b, p. 84. COMPOSITION OF Hog's Lard. Mutton fat. Chevreul. a Human fat, Carbon . 79-098 78-996 79-000 Hydrogen . 11-146 11-700 11-416 Oxygen . . 9-756 9-304 9-584 a Recherches Chim., sur les corps gras. Paris. 1823. NOTE (17), p. 84. COMPOSITION OF CANE SUGAR. According to Berzelius. Prout. W. Crum Carbon . 42-225 42-86 42-14 Hydrogen 6-600 6-35 6-42 Oxygen . 51-175 50-79 51-44 For the composition of gum and of starch, see Notes (14) and (11). Liebig.* Gay Lussac Calculated & Thenard. C12H11O11. 42-301 42-47 42-58 6-384 6-90 6-37 51-315 50-63 51-05 NOTE (18), p. 85. COMPOSITION OF CHOLESTERINE. According to Chevreul. a Couerbe. 6 Marchand. Calculated C36H32O. Carbon . . 85-095 84-895 84-90 84-641 Hydrogen. . . . 11-880 12-099 12-00 12-282 Oxygen . . . . 3-025 3-006 3-10 3-077 a Recherches sur les corps gras, p. 185. b Ann. de Ch. et de Phys. LVI., p. 164. ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 301 NOTE (19), p. 87. THE PRODUCTION OF WAX FROM SUGAR, a As soon as the bees have filled their stomach, or what is called the honey bladder, with honey, and cannot de- posit it for want of cells, the honey passes gradually in large quantity into the intestinal canal, where it is di- gested. The greater part is expelled as excrement ; the rest enters the fluids of the bee. In consequence of this great flow of juices a fatty substance is produced, which oozes out on the eight spots formerly mentioned, which occur on the four lower scales of the abdominal rings, and soon hardens into laminae of wax. On the other hand, when the bees can deposit their honey, only so much enters the intestinal canal as is necessary for their support. The honey bladder need not be filled with honey longer than forty hours in order to bring to maturi- ty, on the eight spots, eight laminae of wax, so that the latter fall off. I made the experiment of giving to bees, which I had enclosed in a box with their queen about the end of September, dissolved sugar-candy instead of honey. Out of this food laminae of wax were formed; but these would not separate and fall off readily, so that the mass, which continued to ooze out, remained, in most of the bees, hanging to the upper laminae : and the laminae of wax became as thick as four under ordinary circum- stances. The abdominal scales of the bees were, by means of the wax, distinctly raised, so that the waxen laminae projected between them. On examination, I a From F. W. Gundlach's Natural History of Bees. p. 115. Cassel, 1842. We are acquainted with no more beautiful or convincing proof of the formation of fatty matter from sugar than the following process of the manufacture of wax by the bee as taken from observation, 26 302 APPENDIX. found that these thick laminae, which under the micro- scope exhibited several lamellae, had a sloping surface downwards near the head, and upwards in the vicinity of the tail. The first waxen laminae, therefore, must have been pushed downwards by the second, because, where the abdominal scales are attached to the skin, there is no space for two laminae, the second by the third, and thus the inclined surfaces on the sides of the thick lamina; had been produced. I saw distinctly from this, that the first formed laminae are detached by those which follow. The sugar had been converted into wax by the bees, but it would seem that there was some imperfection in the process, as the laminae did not fall off, but adhered to the succeeding ones. In order to produce wax in the manner described, the bees require no pollen, but only honey. I have placed, even in October, bees in an empty hive, and fed them with honey ; they soon formed comb, although the weather was such that they could not leave the hive. I cannot, there- fore, believe that pollen furnishes food for the bees, but I think they only swallow it in order, by mixing it with ho- ney and water, to prepare the liquid food for the grubs. Besides, bees often starve in April, when their stock of ho- ney is consumed, and when they can obtain in the fields abundance of pollen, but no honey. When pressed by hunger they tear the nymphae out of the cells, and gnaw them in order to support life by the sweet juice which they contain. But, if in this condition they are not artificially fed, or if the fields do not soon yield their proper food, they die in the course of a few days. Now, if the pollen were really nourishment for bees, they ought to be able to support life on it, mixed with water. Bees never build honeycomb unless they have a queen, or are provided with young out of which they can educate ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 303 a queen. But if bees be shut up in a hive without a queen, and fed with honey, we can perceive in forty-eight hours that they have laminae of wax on their scales, and that some have even separated. The building of cells is therefore voluntary, and dependant on certain conditions, but the oozing out of wax is involuntary. One might suppose that a large proportion of these lami- nae must be lost, since the bees may allow them to fall off, out of the hive as well as in it; but the Creator has wisely provided against such a loss. If we give to bees engaged in building cells honey in a flat dish, and cover the dish with perforated paper, that the bees may not be entangled in the honey, we shall find, after a day, that the honey has dis- appeared, and that a large number of laminae are lying on the paper. It would appear as if the bees, which have car- ried off the honey, had let fall the scales; but it is not so. For, if above the paper we lay two small rods, and on these a board, overhanging the dish on every side, so that the bees can creep under the board and obtain the honey, we shall find next day the honey gone, but no laminae on the paper ; while laminae will be found in abundance on the board above. The bees, therefore, which go for and bring the honey, do not let fall the laminae of wax, but only those bees which remain hanging to the top of the hive. Repeated experiments of this kind have convinced me that the bees, as soon as their laminae of wax are ma- ture, return to the hive and remain at rest, just as caterpillars do, when about to change. In a swarm that is actively employed in building we may see thousands of bees hanging idly at the top of the hive. These are all bees whose laminae of wax are about to separate. When they have fallen off, the activity of the bee re- vives, and its place is occupied for the same purpose by another. 304 APPENDIX. (From page 28 of the same work.) In order to ascertain how much honey bees require to form wax, and how often, in a swarm engaged in building, the laminae attain maturity and fall off, I made the following experiment, which appears to me not uninteresting. On the 29th of August, 1841, at a time when the bees could obtain in this district no farther supply of honey from the fields, I emptied a small hive, placed the bees in a small wooden hive, having first selected the queen bee, and shut her up in a box, furnished with wires, which I placed in the only door of the hive, so that no embryos could enter the cells. I then placed the hive in a window, that I might be able to watch it. At 6 p. m. I gave the bees 6 oz. of honey run from the closed cells, which had thus the exact consistence of freshly made honey. This had disappeared next morning. In the evening of the 30th I gave the bees 6 oz. more, which, in like manner, was removed by the next morning • but already some laminae of wax were seen lying on the paper with which the honey was covered. On the 31st August and the 1st September the bees had in the even- ing 10 oz., and on the 3rd of September in the evening 7 oz.; in all, therefore, 1 lb, 13 oz. of honey, which had run cold out of cells which the bees had already closed. On the 5th of September I stupified the bees, by means of puff-ball, and counted them. Their number was 2,765, and they weighed 10 oz. I next weighed the hive, the combs of which were well filled with honey, b^ut the cells not yet closed; noted the weight, and then allowed the honey to be carried off by a strong swarm of bees. This was completely effected in a few hours. I now weighed it a second time, and found it 12 oz. lighter ; consequently the bees still had in the hive 12 oz. of the 29 oz. of honey given to them. I next extracted the combs, and found ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 305 that their weight was £ of an ounce. I then placed the bees in another box, provided with empty combs, and fed them with the same honey as before. In the first few days they lost daily rather more than 1 oz. in weight, and after- wards half an ounce daily, which was owing to the circum- stance, that from the digestion of so much honey, their intestinal canal was loaded with excrements; for 1,170 bees, in autumn, when they have been but a short time con- fined to the hive, weigh 4 oz. j consequently 2,765 bees should weigh 9 oz. But they actually weighed 10 oz., and therefore had within them 1 oz. of excrement, for their honey bladders were empty. During the night the weight of the box did not diminish at all, because the small quanti- ty of honey the bees had deposited in the cells, having already the proper consistence, could not lose weight by evaporation, and because the bees could not then get rid of their excrements. For this reason, the loss of weight oc- curred always during the day. If, then, the bees, in seven days, required 3| oz. of honey to support and nourish their bodies, they must have consumed 13^ oz. of honey in forming f of an ounce of wax; and consequently, to form 1 lb. of wax, 20 lbs. of honey are required. This is the reason why the strongest swarms in the best honey seasons, when other hives, that have no occasion to build, often gain in one day 3 or 4 lbs. in weight, hardly become heavier, although their activity is boundless. All that they gain is expended in making wax. This is a hint for those who keep bees, to limit the build- ing of comb. Cnauf has already recommended this, al- though he was not acquainted with the true relations of the subject. From 1 oz. of wax, bees can build cells enough to contain 1 lb. of honey. 100 laminae of wax weigh 0-024 gramme (rather more than ^ of a grain), consequently, 1 kilogramme (= 15,360 26* 306 APPENDIX. grains) will contain 4,166,666 laminae. Hence, f of an ounce will contain 81,367 laminae. Now this quantity was produced by 2,765 bees in six days ; so that the bee requires for the formation of its 8 laminae (one crop) about thirty-eight hours, which agrees very well with my observations. The laminae, when formed, are as white as bleached wax. The cells also, at first, are quite white, but they are coloured yellow by the honey, and still more by the pollen. When the cold weather comes on, the bees retire to the hive under the honey, and live on the stock they have ac- cumulated. P. 54. Many believe that bees are hybernating ani- mals ; but the opinion is quite erroneous. They are lively throughout the winter; and the hive is always warm in consequence of the heat which they generate. The more numerous the bees in a hive, the more heat is de- veloped ; and hence strong hives can resist the most in- tense cold. It once happened that I forgot to remove from the door, which was unusually large, of a hive in winter, a perforated plate of tinned iron, which I had fastened over the opening to diminish the heat in July ; and yet this hive came well through the winter, although the cold was very severe, having been for several days so low as 0°. But I had added to this hive the bees of two other hives! When the cold is very intense, the bees begin to hum. By this means respiration is accelerated and the developement of heat increased. If, in summer, bees with- out a queen are shut up in a glass box, they become uneasy and begin to hum. So much heat is by this means de- veloped, that the plates of glass become quite hot. If the door be not opened in this case, or if air be not admitted, and if the glass be not cooled by the aid of water, the bees are soon suffocated< ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 307 COMPOSITION OF BEES' WAX. &aTheUnaSrd.'a De saussure.& Oppermann.c Ettling.d Hess.e °aJ0CHlI2*o3d Carbon 81-784 81-607 81-291 81-15 81-52 81-38 Hydrogen 12-672 13-859 14-073 13-75 13-23 13-28 Oxygen 5-544 4-534 4-636 5-09 5-25 5-34 a Traite de Chimie, par Thenard, 6me Ed.. IV., 477. * Ann. de Ch. et de Phys., XIII., 310. c Ibid. XLIX., 224. d Annal. der Pharm., II., 267. e Ibid. XXVII., 6. NOTE (21) a, p. 104. COMPOSITION OF HYDRATED CYANURIC ACID, OR HYDRATED CYANIC ACID, AND OF CYAMELIDE, IN 100 PARTS, ACCORDING TO THE ANALYSIS OF WOHLER AND LIEBIG.* a Cyanuric acid, cyanic acid, cyamelide. Carbon . . .28-19 Hydrogen . . . 2-30 Nitrogen . . . 32-63 Oxygen . . . 36-87 a Poggendorff's Annalen, XX., 375 et seq. NOTE (21) b, p. 104. COMPOSITION OF ALDEHYDE, METALDEHYDE, AND ELALDEHYDE. a Aldehyde. Metaldehyde. Elaldehyde. Calculated Liebig.* Fehling." C4H4Oa. Carbon 55-024 54-511 54-620 ~~54-467' 55-024 Hydrogen 8-983 9-054 9-248 9-075 8.983 Oxygen 35-993 36-435 36-132 36-458 35-993 a Ann. der Pharm., XIV., 142, und XXVII., 319. 308 APPENDIX. NOTE (22), p. 105. COMPOSITION OF PROTEINE. cry stXelens. From albumen. Scherer.* a From fibrine. Carbon 55-300 55-100 54-848 Hydrogi in 6-940 7-055 6.959 Nitrogen 16-216 15-966 15-847 Oxygen ' 21-544 21-819 22,346 Scherer.* a CcLlCUlclt6(l From hair. From horn. C48H36N,6Oh Carbon 54-746 55-150 55-408 54-291 55-742 Hydrogen 7-129 7-197 7-238 7-082 6-827 Nitrogen 15-727 15-727 15-593 15-593 16-143 Oxygen 22-398 21-926 21-761 23-034 21-228 a, Ann. < der Chrm. und Pharm., XL., 43. ^2* From fibrine. From albumen. From cheese. Mulder, a Carbon 54-99 55-U 55-30 55-159 Hydrogen . 6-87 6-95 6-94 7-176 Nitrogen 15-66 16-05 16-02 15-857 Oxygen 22-48 21-56 21-74 21-808 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVIII., 75. NOTE (23), p. 107. COMPOSITION OF THE ALBUMEN OF THE YOLK AND OF THE WHITE OF THE EGG. a From the yolk. Jones.* From the white. Scherer.* I. II Carbon . 53-72 53-45 55-000 Hydrogen . 7-55 7-66 7-073 Nitrogen . . 13-60 13-34 15-920 Oxygen Sulphur [ 25-13 25-55 22-007 Phosphorus .a Ann, der Chem. und Pharm. XL., 36,. ibid. 67. ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 309 NOTE (24), p. 111. COMPOSITION OF LACTIC ACID. C6H505. Carbon............ 44 90 Hydrogen.......... 611 Oxygen........... 4899 NOTE (25), p. 115. GAS FROM THE ABDOMEN OF COWS AFTER EATING CLOVER TO EXCESS, OBTAINED BY PUNCTURE. a Examined by Lameyran and Fremy. b By Vogel. c By Pfluger. Air. Carbonic acid. Inflammable gas. Sulphuretted hydrogen. a 5 5 — 15 80 Vol. in 100 Vol. b 25 — 27 48 — c — — 60 40 — c — — 20 80 — NOTE (26), p. 118. MAGENDIE FOUND IN THE STOMACH AND INTES- TINES OF EXECUTED CRIMINALS: a In the case of an individual who had taken food in moderation one hour previous to death ; b, in the case of one who had done so two hours previously; and c, in the case of a third, who had done so four hours previous to ex- ecution. 100 Volumes of the gas contained. Oxygen. Nitrogen. Carbonic Inflammable acid. gas. ( From the stomach...........1100 Vol. 7145 1400 355 a\ — small intestines.... 0000 2003 2439 5553 ( — large intestines.... 0000 51-03 4350 547 r From the stomach..........0000 00-00 0000 0000 b\ — small intestines.... 0000 8-85 4000 5115 ( — large intestines.... 0000 1840 7000 1160 , From the stomach...........0000 0000 0000 0000 c) — small intestines.... 0000 6660 2500 840 ) _- large intestines.... 0000 4596 4286 U18 310 APPENDIX. NOTE (27), referred to in NOTE (7), p. 43. COMPOSITION OF ANIMAL ALBUMEN AND FIBRINE, AND OF THE DIFFERENT TISSUES OF THE BODY. 1. Albumen. From the serum of blood. From eggs. From yolk of egg. Scherer. 'a Jones.* b i. n. III. IV. V. VI. Carbon. . . . 53 850 55461 55-097 55 000 53-72 53-45 Hydrogen . . 6983 7-201 6-880 7073 7-55 7-6G Nitrogen . . . 15673 15673 15-681 15-920 13-60 1334 Oxygen. . .^ Sulphur. . . \ 23494 21-655 22-342 22007 2513 2555 Phosphorus I a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XL. b Ibid. 67. 36. Carbon . . Hydrogen. Nitrogen.. Oxygen. . Sulphur. . Phosphorus Jones. * From albumen of brain. VII. . 55-50 . 719 . 1631 • 21 00 Scherer.* From hydrocele. VIII. 54-921 7077 15465 From congestive abscess. r IX. 54-757 7-171 15-848 From pus. X. 54-663 7022 15-839 54101 6-947 15-660 Mulder, a Carbon. ........ 54 84 Hydrogen....... 709 Nitrogen........ 15-83 Oxygen........ 2123 Sulphur........ 0-68 Phosphorus...... 033 From fluid of dropsy, XII. 54-302 7176 15-717 22-537 22-224 22476 23292 22 805 Ann. der Pharm. XXVIII., 74. ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 311 2. Fibrine. Scherer. *a i. n. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Carbon . . , 53-671 54-454 55002 54-967 53-571 54686 54844 Hydrogen . . 6-878 7069 7216 6-867 6-895 6-835 7219 Nitrogen . . . 15-763 15-762 15-817 15913 15-720 15-720 16065 Oxygen ) Sulphur } 23-688 22-715 21-965 22-244 23-814 22-759 21-872 Phosphorus ) a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XL., 33. Carbon..........5456 Hydrogen........ 690 Nitrogen.........15-72 Oxygen.........2213 Sulphur......... 0-33 Phosphorus....... 036 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVIII., 74. 3. Gelatinous Tissues. Tendons of the Tunica Calculated. Isinglass. 50-557 calf's foot. sclerotica. C4sH4iN7iOi8. Carbon. . . 49-563 50-960 50-774 50-995 50.207 Hydrogen , 6-903 7-148 7-188 7-152 7-075 7001 Nitrogen. , 18-790 18-470 18-320 18-320 18-723 18170 Oxygen . , 23-750 21-819 23-532 23-754 23-207 24-622 a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XL., 46. Mulder. Carbon........50048 50048 Hydrogen...... 6477 6643 Nitrogen.......18350 18-388 Oxygen........25125 24-921 312 APPENDIX. 4. Tissues containing Chondrine. Scherer. 'a Cartilages of the ribs of the calf. Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen 49-496 7133 41-908 28-463 50-895 6-962 14-908 27235 Cornea. 49 522 7097 14-399 28-982 Calculated. C'4SlIloN6 O20. 50-745 6904 14-69*2 27659 Mulder. 50.607 6-578 11437 28-378 a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XL., 49. 5. Composition of the Middle Membrane of Arteries. Scherer. 'a Calculated. C48H38N6 0I6. f I. II. Carbon 53-750 53-393 53-91 Hydrogen 7079 6-973 696 Nitrogen 15-360 15-360 15.60 Oxygen 23-811 21-274 23 53 a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XL., 51. 6. Composition of Horny Tissues. Scherer. *a External skin Hair of of the sole of the foot, the beard. Hair of the head. Fair. Brown. Black. Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen ) Sulphur \ 51036 50-752 51529 50652 49345 50622 49935 6 801 6-761 6-687 6769 6576 6-613 6631 17-225 17-225 17936 17936 17936 17936 17936 24-938 25-262 23848 24643 26143 24829 25498 Scherer. 'a Buffalo horn. —, Calculated. Nails. Wool. C48H39N-?Ol7 Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen ) Sulphur J 51-990 51162 51-620 51-540 6-717 6-597 6754 6779 17-284 17-284 17-284 17284 51089 50-653 6-824 7029 16-901 17-710 51-718 6-860 17469 24009 24957 24342 24397 25186 24608 23953 a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XL., 63. ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 313 The composition of the membrane lining the interior of the shell of the egg approaches closely to tha^ of horn. Ac- cording to Scherer, it contains Scherer. *« Carbon........50674 Hydrogen ....... 6608 Nitrogen.......16-761 ?V?en}.......25-957 Sulphur ) a Ann der Chem. und Pharm., XL., 60. The composition of feathers is also nearly the same as that of horn. Scherer.* a _,______________A________________, Beard ofthe Quill ofthe Calculated. feather. feather. C48H39N7C-16. Carbon .... 50434 52-427 52-457 Hydrogen . . . 7110 7 213 6 958 Nitrogen . . . 17682 17 893 17-719 Oxygen .... 24-774 22467 22-866 The analysis here given of the beard of feathers agrees closely with that of horn, while that of the quill is more ac- curately represented by the attached formula, which differs from that of horn by 1 eq. of oxygen only. a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XL., 61. 7. Composition of the Pigmentum nigrum Oculi. Scherer.* a Carbon .... 58273 58-672 57-908 Hydrogen . . . 5-973 5-962 5-817 Nitrogen . . . 13768 13-768 1.3-768 Oxygen .... 21-986 21-598 22-507 a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XL., 63. 27 314 APPENDIX. NOTE (28), p. 133. According to the analyses of Play fair and Bceckmann, 0-452 parts of dry muscular flesh gave 0-83G of carbonic acid. 0-407..........0-279 of water. 0-242..........0-450 of carb. acid & 0164 water. 0-191..........0-360 .... 0130 0-305 of dried blood gave 0575 carbonic acid and 0 202 of water. 0-214......0-402......0.138 1-471 of dried blood, when calcined, left 0-065 of ashes = 442 pr. cent. The dried flesh wa» found to contain of ashes 4-23 pr. cent. The nitrogen was found to be to the carbon as 1 to 8 in equivalents. Hence Flesh (beef). Ox-blood. Blood. Playfair. Bceckmann. Play fair. Bceckmann. Mean of 2 analyses. Carbon . . . 51-83 51-89 51-95 5196 51-96 Hydrogen . 7-57 759 7-17 7-33 7 25 Nitrogen . . 15-01 15 05 1507 15 08 15-07 Oxygen . . 21-37 21-24 21 39 21-21 21-30 Ashes . . . 4-23 4-23 4-42 4-42 4-42 Deducting the ashes, or inorganic matter, the composi- tion of the organic part is, Carbon .... 5412 54-18 5419 54-20 Hydrogen . . . 7-89 7-93 7-48 7-65 Nitrogen . . . 15-67 15-71 15-72 15-73 Oxygen .... 22-32 2218 22-31 22-12 This corresponds to the formula C48......-. 54*62 Hs9.......7-24 N6.......15*81 015.......2233 ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 315 NOTE (29), p. 134. COMPOSITION OF CHOLEIC ACID, a Carbon . Demargay. . 63707 Dumas. 635 Calculated Cl6H66N2022. 63-24 Hydrogen . 8-821 93 8-97 Nitrogen . . 3255 33 3-86 Oxygen . . 24-217 239 2395 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVII., 284 and 293. NOTE (30), p. 135. COMPOSITION OF TAURINE AND OF CHOLOIDIC ACID. 1. Taurine. a Carbon Demargay.* . 1924 Dumas. 1926 Calculated C4H7NO10. 19-48 Hydrogen . 5-78 5 66 5-57 Nitrogen • • 11-29 1119 1127 Oxygen . . 6369 6389 6368 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVII., 287 and292. 2. Choloidic Acid, a Dumas. 73-3 9-7 170 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVII., 289 and 293. Demargay. * 1. H. Carbon . . 73301 73-522 Hydrogen . 9511 9-577 Oxygen . . 17-188 16 901 Calculated. C36H5fiOl2. 74-4 9-4 162 In reference to the researches of Demargay oh the bile I would make the following observations, 316 APPENDIX. The matter to which I have given the name of choleic acid is the bile itself separated from the inorganic constitu- ents (salts, soda, &c.) which it contains. By the action of subacetate of lead aided by ammonia, all the organic constituents of the bile are -made to unite with oxide of lead, with which they form an insoluble, resinous precipi- tate. The substance here combined with oxide of lead con- tains all the carbon and nitrogen of the bile. The sub- stance which I have named choloidic acid is that which is obtained, when the bile, purified by alcohol from the sub- stances insoluble in that fluid, is boiled for some time with an excess of muriatic acid. It contains all the carbon and hydrogen of the bile, except those portions which have se- parated in the form of taurine and ammonia. The cholic acid contains the elements of bile, minus those of carbonate of ammonia. These three compounds, therefore, contain the products of the metamorphosis of the entire bile ; their formulae ex- press the amount of the elements of the constituents of the bile. No one of them exists ready formed in the bile in the shape in which we obtain it; their elements are com- bined in a different way from that in which they were united in the bile ; but the way in which these elements are arranged has not the slightest inference on the determina- tion by analysis of the relative proportions of the elements. In the formulae themselves, therefore, is involved no hy. pothesis ; they are simply expressions of the results of analysis. It signifies nothing that the choleic or choloi- dic acids may be composed of several compounds united together. No matter how many such they may contain, the relative proportions of all the elements taken together is expressed by the formula which is derived from the analysis. The study of the products which are produced from the ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 317 bile by the action of the atmosphere, or of chemical re- agents, may be of importance in reference to certain pa- thological conditions; but except as concerns the general character of the bile, the knowledge of these products is of no value to the physiologist; it is only a burthen which im- pedes his progress. It cannot be maintained of any one of the 38 or 40 substances, into which the bile has been divid- ed or split up, that it exists ready formed in the healthy secretion ; on the contrary, we know with certainty that most of them are mere products of the action of the re- agents which are made to act on the bile. The bile contains soda; but it is a most remarkable and singular compound of soda. When we cause that part of the bile which dissolves in alcohol (which contains nearly all the organic part) to combine with oxide of lead, thus separating the soda, and then remove the oxide of lead, we obtain a substance, choleic acid, which, when placed in contact with soda, forms a compound similar to bile in its taste; but it is no longer bile; for bile may be mixed with organic acids, nay, even with dilute mineral acids, without becoming turbid or yielding a precipitate; while the new compound, choleate of soda, is decomposed by the feeblest acids, the whole of the choleic acid being separated. Hence, bile cannot be considered, in any sense, as choleate of soda. Further, it may be asked, in what form are the cholesterine, and stearic, and margaric acids, which are found in bile, contained in that fluid ? Cholesterine is in- soluble in water, and not saponifiable by alkalies ; and if the two fatty acids just named were really present in the bile as soaps of soda, they would be instantly separated by other acids. Yet diluted acids cause no such separation of stearic and margaric acids in bile. It is possible that, in the course of new and repeated investigations, the composition of the substances obtained 27* 318 APPENDIX. from bile may be found different from that which has been given in our analytical developement of this subject. But this, if it should happen, can have but little effect on our formulae ; if the relative proportions of carbon and nitrogen be not changed, the differences will be confined to. the proportions of oxygen and hydrogen. In that case it will be necessary for the developement of our views in formulae, only to assume that more water and oxygen, or less water and oxygen, have taken a share in the meta- morphosis of the tissues; but the truth of the develope- ment of the process itself will not be by this means af- fected. NOTE (31), p. 135. COMPOSITION OF CHOLIC ACID, a Dumas. Calculated C74H6"oOi», Carbon . . . 68-5 68-9 Hydrogen . . . 9-7 9-2 Oxygen . . . 21-8 21-a a Ann. der Pharm. XXVII., 295. NOTE (32), p. 137. COMPOSITION OF THE CHIEF CONSTITUENTS OF THE URINE OF MEN AND ANIMALS. 1. Umc Acid. Liebig. 'a Mitscherlich. 6 Calculated C10H4N4O6. Carbon . 36*083 35-82 36-00 Hydrogen . 2*441 2-38 23*6 Nitrogen . 33-361 34*60 33-37 Oxygen. • 28*126 27-20 28*27 a Ann. der Pharm., X., 47. b Poggendorff's Ann., XXXIII., 335. ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 319 2. Alloxan, a A PRODUCT OF THE OXIDATION OF URIC ACID. Wohler and Liebig.* Calculated C8H4N2O10, Carbon .... 30-38 30-18 30-34 Hydrogen . . . 2-57 2-48 2-47 Nitrogen. . . . 17-96 17-96 17-55 Oxygen .... 49-09 49-38 49-64 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVI., 260. 3. Urea. Prout. a Wohler and Liebig. b Calculated C2H4N2O3. Carbon . . . 19-99 20-02 20-192 Hydrogen. . . 6-65 6-71 6-595 Nitrogen . . . 46-65 46-73 46-782 Oxygen . . . 26 63 26-54 26-425 a Thomson's Annals, XL, 352. b Poggend. Ann., XX., 375. 4. Crystallized Hippuric Acid. ,, . »»■. 1. i- u . Calculated Liebig.'a Dumas, b Mitscherlicn.c C18H8NC-5. Carbon 60-742 60-5 60-63 60-76 Hydrogen 4-959 4-9 4-98 4-92 Nitrogen 7-816 7-7 7-90 7-82 Oxygen 26-483 26-9 26-49 " 26-50 a Ann. der Pharm., XII., 20. b Ann. de Ch. et de Phys., LVIL, 327. c Poggend. Ann., XXX1IL, 335. 5. Allantoine. a Wtihler and Liebig. * Calculated CsH6N4 O&. Carbon......30-60 30-66 Hydrogen . . . , . 3-83 3-75 Nitrogen.....• 35-45 35-50 Oxygen......30-12 30-09 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVL, 215. 320 APPENDIX. 6. Uric or Xanthic Oxide . a Wohler and Liebig.* Calculated C5H2N2 02 Carbon . 39-28 39-86 Hydrogen 2-95 2-60 Nitrogen 36-35 37-72 Oxygen . 21-24 20-82 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVI.. 341. 7. Cystic Oxide, a Thaulow.* Calculated C6 H6 NO4 S^ Carbon . 30-01 30-31 Hydrogen 5-10 4-94 Nitrogen 11-00 11-70 Oxygen . 28-38 26-47 Sulphur . 25-51 26-58 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVII. 200. The cystic oxide is distinguished from all the other concretions occurring in the urinary bladder by the sul- phur it contains. It can be shewn with certainty, that the sulphur is present neither in the oxidised state, nor in combination with cyanogen ; and in regard to its origin the remark is not without interest, that four atoms of cystic oxide contain the elements of uric acid ; benzoic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, and water; all of which are sub- stances, the occurrence of which in the body is beyond all doubt. 1 atom uric acid . . . 1 atom benzoic acid 8 atoms sulphuret- 5 ted hydrogen. ,. $ 7 atoms water .... CI0N4H4O6 C14 H503 H8 S£ H707 4 atoms cystic oxide = C24N4H24Ol6S8 =4 (CeNH604S2). ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 321 An excellent method of detecting the presence of cystic oxyde in calculi or gravel is the following : The calculus is dissolved in a strong solution of caustic potash, and to the solution is added so much of a solution of acetate of lead, that all the oxide of lead is retained in solu- tion. When this mixture is boiled there is formed a black precipitate of sulphuret of lead, which gives to the liquid the aspect of ink. Abundance of ammonia is also disengaged ■ and the alkaline fluid is found to contain, among other pro- ducts, oxalic acid. NOTE (33), p. 137. COMPOSITION OF OXALIC, OXALURIC, AND PARABA- NIC ACIDS. Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen 1. Oxalic Acid (hydrated.) Gay Lussac & Thenard. Berthollet. . 26-566 25-13 . 2-745 3-09 . 70-689 71-78 Oxaluric Acid, a Wohler and Liebig." 2. 27-600 3-122 21-218 48-060 27-318 3-072 21-218 48-392 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVL, 289. 3. Parabanic Acid, a Wohler and Liebig." 31-95 2-09 24-66 41-30 31-940 1-876 24-650 41-534 Calculated Ca 03 +HO 26-66 2-22 71-12 Calculated C6 H4 N2 oa 27-59 3-00 21-29 48-12 31-91 1-73 24-62 41-74 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVL, 286. 322 APPENDIX. NOTE (34), p. 138. COMPOSITION OF ROASTED FLESH. (1.) 0-307 of flesh gave 0-584 of carbonic acid and 0.206 of water. (2.) 0-255 do. 0-485 do. 0-181 do. (3.) 0-179 do. 0-340 do. 0-125 do. Hence— Flesh of roedeer(l). Flesh of beef (2). Flesh of veal (3). Bceckmann." Play fair." Carbon Hydrogen . Nitrogen . Oxygen ? Ashes s 52-60 7.45 15-23 24-72 52-590 7-886 15-214 24-310 52-52 7-87 14-70 24-91 NOTE (35), p. 142. The formula C)08H84N18O40, or C54H42N9O20, gives, when reduced to 100 parts, C- 50 07 H42 N9 Oan 6-35 19-3-2 24-26 Compare this with the composition of gelatine, as given in Note (27.) NOTE (37), p. 154. COMPOSITION OF LITHOFELLIC ACID, a Ettling and Will*. Wohler * Calculated. C40H36C-8 Carbon . 71-19 70-80 70-23 70-83 70-83 Hydrogen 10-85 10-78 10-95 10-60 10-48 Oxygen • 17-96 18-42 18-92 18-57 18-69 a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm. XXXIX., 242, XLL, 154. ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 323 NOTE (38), p. 177. COMPOSITION OF SOLANINE FROM THE BUDS OF GERMINATING POTATOES, a Blanchet. Carbon . . 62-11 Hydrogen . 8-92 Nitrogen . . 1-64 Oxygen. . . 27-33 a Ann. der Pharm., VII. 150. NOTE (39), p. 177. COMPOSITION OF PICROTOXINE. a Francis.* Carbon.....60-26 Hydrogen . . . . 5-70 Nitrogen .... 1-30 Oxygen.....32-74 a In another analysis, M. Francis obtained 0-75 per cent, of nitrogen. The picrotoxine employed for these analyses was partly obtained from the manufactory of M. Merck, in Darmstadt, and was partly prepared by M. Francis himself; it was perfectly white, and beautifully crystal- lized. Regnault, as is well known, found no nitrogen in this compound. NOTE (40), p. 177. COMPOSITION OF Q.UININE. Liebig.* Calculated C20H12NO2. Carbon . . 75-76 74-39 Hydrogen . . 7-52 7-25 Nitrogen . . 8-11 8-62 Oxygen. . . 8-62 9-64 324 APPENDIX. NOTE (41), p. 177. COMPOSITION OF MORPHIA, a Regnault. Carbon . Hydrogen Nitrogen. Oxygen » Liebig." 72-340 6 366 4-995 16-299 72-87 6-86 5-01 15-26 72-41 6-84 5-01 15-74 Calculated C35H20NOJ 72-28 6-74 4-80 16-18 a Ann. der Pharm., XXVL, 23. NOTE (42), p. 177. COMPOSITION OF CAFFEINE, THEINE, GUARANINE, THEOBROMINE, AND ASPARAGINE. Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen , Oxygen . Caffeine, a Pfaff and Liebig.* . 49-77 . 5-33 . 28-78 . 16-12 Theine. 6 Jobst. 50-101 5-214 29009 15-676 Guaranine. c Martius. 49-679 5-139 29-180 16-002 Calculated C8 H5 N2 Oa 49-798 5-082 28-832 16-288 a Ann. der Pharm., I., 17. b Do. XXV., 63. c Do. XXVL, 95. Guaranine is the name given to the crystallized principle of the guarana officinalis, till it was shewn to be identi- cal with caffeine and theine, as the above analyses demon- strate. COMPOSITION OF THEOBROMINE, a Woskreseusky. Calculated C9 H5 N8 Og Carbon. . . . 47-21 46-97 46-71 46-43 Hydrogen. . . 4-53 4-61 4-52 4-20 Nitrogen . . . 35-38 35-38 35-38 35-85 Oxygen . . . 12-88 13-04 13-39 13-51 a Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., XLL, 125. ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 325 COMPOSITION OF ASPARAGINE. a Liebig. * Calculated C8 Hs N2 C-6 + 2HO Carbon . . * . 32-351 32-35 Hydrogen. . . 6-844 6-60 Nitrogen . . . 18-734 18-73 Oxygen . . . 42021 42-32 a Ann. der Pharm., VIL, 146. ON THE CONVERSION OF BENZOIC ACID INTO HIPPURIC ACID* By Wilhelm Keller. (From the Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie.) So early as in the edition of Berzelius's " Lehrbuch der Chemie," published in 1831, Professor Wohler had expressed the opinion, that benzoic acid, during digestion, was proba- bly converted into hippuric acid. This opinion was founded on an experiment which he had made on the passage of benzoic acid into the urine. He found in the urine of a dog which had eaten half a drachm of benzoic acid with * To the evidence produced by A. Ure, ofthe conversion of benzoic acid into hippuric acid in the human body, M. Keller has added some very decisive proofs, which I append to this work on account of their physiological importance. The experiments of M. Keller were made in the laboratory of Professor Wohler, at Gottingen; and they place beyond all doubt the fact that a non-azotised substance taken in the food can take a share, by means of its elements, in the act of transformation of the animal tissues, and in the formation of a secretion. This fact throws a clear light on the mode of action of the greater number of reme- dies • and if the influence of caffeine on the formation of urea or uric acid 6hould admit of being demonstrated in a similar way, we shall then pos- sess the key to the action of quinine and of the other vegetable alkalies.— J. L. 28 326 APPENDIX. his food, an acid crystallizing in needle-shaped prisms, which had the general properties of benzoic acid, and which he then took for benzoic aeiJ. (Ticdemann'a Zeitschrift fur Physiologic, i. 142.) These crystals were obviously hippuric acid, as plainly appears from the statements, that they had the aspect of nitre, and, when sublimed, left a residue of carbon. But at that time hip- puric acid was not yet discovered ; and it is well known, that till 1829, when these acids were first distinguished from each other by Liebig, it was uniformly confounded with benzoic acid. The recently published statement of A. Ure, that he actually found hippuric acid in the urine of a patient who had taken benzoic acid, recalled this relation, so remark- able in a physiological point of view, and induced me to undertake the following experiments, which, at the sug- gestion of Professor Wohler, I made on myself. The sup- posed conversion of benzoic acid into hippuric acid has, by these experiments, been unequivocally established. I took, in the evening before bed-time, about thirty- two grains of pure benzoic acid in syrup. During the night I perspired strongly* which was probably an effect of the acid, as in general I am with great difficulty made to transpire profusely. [ could perceive no other effect, even when, next day, I took the same dose three times; indeed, even the perspiration did not again occur. The urine passed in the morning had an uncommonly strong acid reaction, even after it had been evaporated, and had stood for twelve hours. It deposited only the usual sediment of earthy salts. But when it was mixed with muriatic acid, and allowed to stand, there were formed in it long prismatic, brownish crystals, in great quantity, which, even in this state, could not be taken for benzoic acid. Another portion, evaporated to the con- ANALYTICAL EVIDENCE. 327 sistence of syrup, formed, when mixed with muriatic acid, a magma of crystalline scales. The crystalline mass was pressed, dissolved in hot water, treated with animal char- coal, and recrystallized. By this means the acid was ob- tained in colourless prisms, an inch in length. Their crystals were pure hippuric acid. When heated, they melted easily; and when exposed to a still stronger heat, the mass was carbonized, with a smell of oil of bitter almonds, while benzoic acid sublimed. To remove all doubts, I determined the proportion of carbon in the crystals, which I found to be 6)4 par cent. Crystallized hippuric acid, according to the formula Cl8H8N05 + HO, contains 60-67 per cent, of carbon ; crystallized benzoic acid, on the other hand, contains 69*10 per cent, of car- bon. As long as I continued to take benzoic acid, I was able easily to obtain hippuric acid in large quantity from the urine; and since the benzoic acid seems so devoid of any injurious effect on the health, it would be easy in this way to supply one's self with large quantities of hippuric acid. It would only be necessary to engage a person to continue for some weeks this new species of manufacture^ It was of importance to examiie the urine which con- tained hippuric acid, in reference to the two normal chief constituents, urea and uric acid. Both were contained in it, and apparently in the same proportion as in the normal urine. The inspissated urine, after the hippuric acid had been separated by muriatic acid, yielded, on the addition of ni- trie acid, a large quantity of nitrate of urea. It had pre- viously deposited a powder, the solution of which in nitric acid gave, when evaporated to dryness, the well-known purple colour characteristic of uric acid. Tnis observation is opposed to the statement of Ure ; and he is certainly too 328 APPENDIX. hasty in recommending benzoic acid as a remedy for the gouty and calculous concretions of uric acid. He seems to suppose that the uric acid has been employed in the con- version of benzoic acid into hippuric acid ; but as his obser- vations were made on a gouty patient, it may be supposed that the urine, even without the internal use of benzoic acid, would have been found to contain no uric acid. Final- ly, it is clear that the hippuric acid existed in the urine in combination with a base, because it only separated after the addition of an acid. INDEX. INDEX. A. Acid. —Acetic. Composition ; and relation to that of aldehyde, 279, 280. —Benzoic. Composition, and relation to that of oil of bitter al- monds, 279. 280. Converted into hippuric acid in the hu- man body* 150, 325. —Carbonic. Is the form in which the inspired oxygen and the carbon of the food are given out, 13. Its formation in the body the chief source of animal heat, 17—22. Occurs com- bined with potash and soda, in the serum of the blood, 41. Formed by the action of oxygen on the products of the metamorphosis of the tissues, 60. Its formation may also be connected with the production of fat from starch, 85—91. Generated b}' putrefaction of food in the stomach of animals, 115. Also by the fermentation of bad wine in man, when it causes death by penetrating into the lungs, 116. Escapes through both skin and lungs, ib. Produced, along with urea, by the oxidation of uric acid, 140. Produced, with several other compounds, by the oxidation of blood, ib. May be formed, along with choleic acid, from hippuric acid, starch, and oxygen, 152. Also, along with choleic acid, urea, and ammonia, by the action of water and oxygen on 6tarch and proteine, ib. Produced, along with fat and urea, from proteine, by the action of water and oxygen, in the absence of soda, 154. Combines with the compound of 332 INDEX. Acid. iron present in venous blood, and is given off when oxygen is absorbed, 269. Is absorbed by the serum of blood in all states, 270. —Cerebric. Its composition, 184. Its properties, 186. —Choleic. Represents the organic portion of the bile, 133. Its formula, 134. Its transformations, 125. Half its formula, added to that of urate of ammonia, is equal to the formula of blood -f a htlle oxygen and] water, 136. Produced in the oxidation of blood, 140. Views which may be taken of ils composition, 148. May b*e formed by the action of oxygen and water on proteine and starch, 152. Products of its oxidation, 154. Various ways in which it may be sup- posed to be formed in the body, 160. Tts composition, 315. Cannot be said to exist ready formed in the bile, 317. —Cholic. Its composition, 318. Derived from choleic acid, 134, 135. Possible relation to choleic acid, 148. —Choloidic. Its composition, 315. Derived from choleic acid, 135. Possible relation to choleic acid, 148. Possible re- lation to starch, 157. Possible relation to proteine, 141. —Cyanic. Its formula, 281. —Cyanuric. Its formula, 281. —Hippuric. Its composition, 319* Appears in the urine of stall-fed animals, 82. Is destroyed by exercise, 82. 139. Is probably formed in the oxidation of blood, 140. Is found in the human urine after benzoic acid has been administered, 150, 325. May be derived from proteine when acted on by oxygen and uric acid, 151. With starch and oxygen, it may produce choleic and carbonic acids, 152. May be de- rived from the oxidation of choleic acid, 154. —Hydrocyanic or Prussic. Its poisonous action explained, 274. —Lithofellic. Its composition, 322. Probably derived from the oxidation of choleic acid: is the chief constituent of bezoar stones, 154. —Lactic. Its composition. 309. Its origin, 111. Does not exist in the healthy gastric juice, 112. —Margaric. Exists in bile, 317. —Muriatic. Exists in the free state in the gastric juice, 109, 112. Is derived from common salt, 112; 161. INDEX. 333 Acid. —Oxaluric. Analysis of, 321. —Parabanic. Analysis of, 321. —Phosphoric. Exists in the urine of the carnivora in consider- able quantity, 78, 163. Its proportion very small in that ofthe graminivora, 79. Derived from the phosphorus of the tissues, 78. It is retained in the body to form bones and nervous matter, 80. —Sulphuric. Exists in the urine ofthe carnivora, 78, 163. De- rived from the sulphur ofthe tissues, .78. — Uric. Its composition, 31$. Products of its oxidation, al- loxan, oxalic acid, carbonic acid, urea, &c, 137, 140. Is probably derived, along with choleic acid, by the action of oxygen and water on blood or muscle, 136. Disappears almost entirely in the system of man and ofthe higher ani- mals, 55, 137. Appears as calculus, when there is a defi- ciency of oxygen, 137. Never occurs in pthisical cases, ib. Yields mulberry calculus when the quantity of oxygen is somewhat increased, but only urea and carbonic acid with a full supply of oxygen, ib. Uric acid calculus promoted by the use of fat and of certain wines, 139. Unknown on the Rhine, ib. Uric acid and urea, how related to allantoine, 141; to gelatine. 142. Forms the greater part of the urine of serpents, 54. Yields, with the elements of proteine and oxygen, hippuric acid and urea, 151. How related to taurine, 155, 156. Calculi of it never occur in wild car- nivora, but often in men who use little animal food, 146. Affinity, Chemical. Is the ultimate cause of the vital pheno- mena, 9, 10. Is active only in the case of contact, and de- pends much on the order in which the particles are arranged, 205. Its equilibrium renders a compound liable to transfor- mations, 207. In producing the vital phenomena, it is mo- dified by other forces, 209. It is not alone the vital force or vitality, but is exerted in subordination to that force, 232. Air. Introduced into the stomach during digestion with the saliva, 113. Effects of its temperature and density, dryness, &c, in respiration, 15, 16. 334 INDEX. Albumen. Animal and vegetable albumen identical. 47, 48. Their composition, 293, 294, 308, 309. Vegetable albumen, how obtained, 45. Is a compound of proteine, and in organic composition identical with fibrine and caseine, 47, 104, 106. Exists in the yolk as well as the while of eggs, 107. Also in the serum of the blood, 41. Is the true starting point of all the animal tissues, 107, 108. Alcohol. Is hurtful to carnivorous savages, 179. Its mode of action: checks the change of matter, 239. In cold climates serves as an element of respiration, 22. Aldehyde. Its composition ; how related to that of acetic acid, 279, 280. Alkalies. Mineral alkalies essential both to vegetable and ani- mal life, 164. Vegetable alkalies all contain nitrogen, all act on the nervous system, and are all poisonous in a moderate dose, 177, 182. Theory of their action : they take a share in the transformation or production of nervous matter, for which they are adapted by their composition, 182—189. Action of caustic alkalies on bile, or choleic acid, 134. Allantoine. Is found in the urine ofthe foetal calf. How de- rived from proteine. How related to uric acid and urea, 141. How related to choleic acid, 148. Its composition, 319. Allen and Pepys. Their calculation ofthe amount of inspired oxygen, 283. Alloxan. Formed by the oxidation of uric acid, 137. Con- verted by oxidation into oxalic acid and urea, oxaluric and parabanic acids, or carbonic acid and urea, ib. How related to taurine, 156. Seems to act as a diuretic. Recommended for experiment in hepatic diseases, ib. (note). Almonds, Bittku. Oil of. Its composition; how related to benzoic acid, 280. Ammonia. Combined with uric acid it forms the urine of ser- pents, birds, &c, 54. Its relation to choleic, choloidic, and cholic acids, 135. Is one of the products which may be formed by the oxidation of blood, 140 ; or of proteine, 152. Its relation to uric acid, urea, and taurine, 155. To allan- toine and taurine, 155, 156. To alloxan and taurine, 156. To choleic and choloidic acid and taurine, 158. To urea, INDEX. 335 water, and carbonic acid, 159. Is found in combination with acids in the urine ofthe carnivora, 163. Analysis. Of dry blood, 283, 314. Of dried flesh, 314. Of feces, 285. Of black bread, ib. Of potatoes, ib. Of peas, ib. Of beans, ib. Of lentils, ib. Of fresh meat, ib. Of moist bread, ib. Of moist potatoes, ib. Of the fibrine and albumen of blood. 293, 310, 311. Of vegetable fibrine and albumen, vegetable caseine and gluten, 294, 295. Of animal caseine, 295. Of starch, 296, 297. Of grape or starch sugar, 297. Of sugar of milk, 298. Of gum, ib. Of oats, ib. Of hay, 299. Of fat, 300. Of cane-sugar, ib. Of cholesterine, ib. Of wax, 307. Of cyanic acid, cyanuric acid, and cyame- lide, 308. Ofaldehyde, metaldi hyde, and elaldehyde, 307. Of proteine, 308. Of albumen from the yolk and white of egg, ib. Of lactic acid, 309. Of gas from the stomach of cows after eating to excess, ib. Of gas from stomach and intesiines of executed criminals, ib. Of gelatinous tissues, 311. Of tissues containing chondrine, 312. Of arterial membrane, ib. Of horny iissues, ib. Of the lin'ng membrane of the egg, 313. Of lent hers, ib. Of the pigmeritum nigrum, ib. Of choleic acid, 315. Of taurine, ib. Of choloidic acid, ib- Of cholic acid, 318. Of uric acid, ib. Of alloxan, 319. Of urea, ib. Of hippuric acid, ib. Of allantoine, ib. Of xanthic oxide, 320. Of cystic oxide, ib. Of oxalic acid, 320. Ofoxaluric acid, ib. Of pnrabanic acid, ib. Of roasted flesh, 322. Of lithofellic acid, ib. Of solanine, 323. Of picrotoxine, ib. Of (|uinine, ib. Of morphia, 324. Of caffeine, theine, or guaranine, ib. Of theobromine, ib. Of asparagine, 325. Animal Heat. Derived from the combination of oxygen with the carbon and I^'drogen of the metamorphosed tissues, which proceed ultimately from the food, 17, 18. Is highest in those animals whose respiration is most active, 19. Is ihe same in man in all climates, 19, 20. Is kept up by ihe food in proportion to amount of external cooling, 22. Is not pro- duced either by any direct influence ofthe nerves, or by mus- cular contractions, 29—34. Its amount in man, 34. Che- mical action the sole source of it, 38. The formation of fat from starch or sugar must produce heat, 91, 94. The ele- 336 INDEX. ments of the bile, by combining with oxygen, serve chiefly to produce it, 61. Animal Life. Distinguished from vegetable life by the absorp- tion of oxygen, and the production of carbonic acid, 2. Must not be conlotinded with consciousness, 6, 7. Conditions ne- cessary to animal life, 9, 12. Depends on an equilibrium be- tween waste and supply, 245, 254, 265. Antiseptics. They act by putting a stop to fermentation, putre- faction, or other forms of metamorphosis, 170. Their action on wounds and ulcers, 121. Arteriks. Composition of their tunica media, 312. How de- rived from proteine, 126. Arterial Blood. Conveys oxygen to every part of the body, 60, 269. Contains a compound of iron, most probably per- oxide, 269. Yields oxygen in passing through the capillaries, 60, 271. Contains carbonic acid dissolved or combined with soda, 272. Asparagine. Its composition, 325. Its relation to taurine and bile, 180. Theory of its action on the bile, 181. Assimilation. In animals it is independent of external influ- ences, 3. Depends on the presence in the blood of compounds of proteine, such as fibrine, albumen, or caseine, 40, 106. Is more energetic i.-i the young than in the adult animal, 67. Is also more energetic in the herbivora than in the carnivora, 81. Atmospiikrk. See Air. Azotised Products. Of vegetable life, 45, 176—182. Ofthe metamorphosis of tissues. Necessary for the formation of bile in the herbivora, 158. In man, 166, 168. May be replaced by azotised vegetable compounds, 169—170. Theorv of this, 177—182. Of the transformation of the bile, or of choleic acid ; how related to the constituents of urine, 155. B. Beans. Composition of, 285. Beer. Forms part of the diet of soldiers in Germany, 286, 288. Bees. Their power of forming wax from honey, 301—306. Benzoic Acid. See Acid, Benzoic. INDEX. 337 Berthollet. His analysis of oxalic acids 321. Berzelius. His analysis of potato starch, 297 ; of sugar of milk, 298 ; of gum, ib.; of cane sugar, 300. Bezoar stones. See Acid, Lithofellic. Blanchet. His analysis of solanine, 323. Bile. In the carnivora is a product ofthe metamorphosis ofthe tissues, along with urate of ammonia, 136. May be repre- sented by choleate of soda, with which, however, it is not iden- tical, 317. Products of its transformation, 135, 317. Re- marks on these, 315—318. Origin of bile, 61, 144. Starch, &c, contribute to its formation in the herbivora, 146— 150, 159, 160, 166. Soda essential to it, 154, 162—164. Relation of bile to urine, 156. To starch, 157. To fibrine, 136. To caffeine, &c, asparagine, and theobromine, 180. For the acid substances derived from bile, choleic, choloidic, and cholic acids, see Acid, choleic, &c. Yields taurine, 135. Contains cholesterine, 85, 317. Also stearic and margaric acids, 317. Its function: to support respiration and produce animal heat by presenting carbon and hydrogen in a very soluble form to ihe oxygen of the arterial blood, 61—64. Amount secreted by the dog, the horse, and man, 64. It re- turns entirely into the circulation, and disappears completely, 60—66, Blood. The fluid from which every part of the body is formed, 8. Its chief constituents, 40. How formed from vegetable food, 45. Can only be formed from compounds of proteine, 48. Is therefore entirely derived from vegetable products in the herbivora, and indirectly also by the carnivora, which feed on the flesh ofthe former, 48. Its composition identical with that of flesh, 133. Analysis of both, 314. The secretions contain all the elements of the blood, 132. Its relation to bile and urine, 136. Products of the oxidation of blood, 140. Excess of azotised food produces fulness of blood and disease, 145. Soda is present in the blood, 161—164. Important properties ofthe blood, 171—175. Venous blood contains iron, probably as protoxide; arterial blood, probably as peroxide, 271, 273. Theory of the poisonous action of sulphuretted hydrogen and Prussic acid: they decompose the compound of iron in the 29 338 INDEX. blood, 274. The blood, in analogous morbid states, ought to be chemically examined, 275. Blood-letting. Theory of its mode of action, 258. It may produce opposite effects in different cases, 264. Bceckmann. His analysis of black bread, 285; of potatoes, ib.; of dry beef, 314; of dry blood, ib.; of roasted flesh, 322. Bones. Phosphoric acid ofthe food retained to assist in forming them, 80. Gelatine of bones digested by dogs, 97. See, fur- ther, Gelatine. Cause of brittleness in bones, 99. Boussingault. His analysis of potatoes, 285. His comparison of the food and excretions in the horse and cow, Table, 290. His analysis of gluten, 294; of vegetable albumen, ib.; of ve- getable caseine, 295; of oats, 298; of hay, 299. Braconnot. On the presence of lactic acid in gastric juice, 112; of iron in the gastric juice ofthe dog, 113. Brain. See Acid, Cerebric, and Nervous Matter. Bread. Analysis of, 285. Brunn. His analysis of sugar of milk, 298. Buckwheat. Analysis of starch from, 296. Burdach. His statement of the amount of bile secreted by ani- mals, 64. Butter. Forms a part ofthe food of soldiers in Germany, 286, 288. Buzzard. Its excrements consist of urate of ammonia, 54. c. Caffeine. Identical with theine, 179. Its relation to taurine and bile, 180. Theory of its mode of action, 181. Its compo- sition, 324. Cane Sugar. Its composition, 300. Carbon. Is accumulated in the bile, 61. Is given off as car- bonic acid, 13. Excess of carbon causes hepatic diseases, 24. By combining with oxygen, it yields the greater part of the animal heat. See Animal Heat, Bile, and Acid, Carbonic. Amount of carbon oxidised daily in the body of a man, 14. Calculations on which this statement is founded, 284__289. Amount consumed by the horse and cow, 14. Different pro- INDEX. 339 portions of carbon in different kinds of food, 17. Carbon of flesh compared with that of starch, showing the advantage of a mixed diet, 76. Calculation on which this statement is founded, 299. Amount of carbon in dry blood calculated, 283. Amount in the food of prisoners calculated, 293. Carbonic Acid. See Acid, Carbonic. Carbonates. They occur in the blood, 41. Calculus, Mulberry. Derived from the imperfect oxidation of uric acid, 137. Uric acid calculus is formed in consequence of deficiency of inspired oxygen, or excess of carbon in the food, 137. See Acid, Uric. Bezoar stones composed of lithofellic acid, 154. Carnivora. Their nutrition the most simple, 44. It is ultimate- ly derived from vegetables, 48, 49. Their young, like gramini- vora, require non-azotised compounds in their food, 50. Their bile is formed from the metamorphosis of their tissues, 59, 61. The process of assimilation in adult and young carnivora compared, 67. Their urine, 78. The assimilative process in adult carnivora less energetic than in graminivora, 80. They are destitute of fat, 82. They swallow less air with their food than graminivora, 118. Concretions of uric acid are never found in them, 146. Both soda and ammonia found in their urine, 163. Caseine. One of the azotised nutritious products of vegetable life, 47. Abundant in leguminous plants, 47. Identical in organic composition with fibrine and albumen, 47, 48. Animal caseine found in milk and cheese; identical with vegetable caseine, 51. Furnishes blood to the young animal, 52. Is one of the plastic elements of nutrition, 96. Yields proteine, 105, 106. Its relation to proteine, 126. It contains sulphur, ib. Potash essential to its production, 164. Contains more ofthe earth of bones than blood does, 52. Its analysis, 295. Cerebric Acid. See Acid, Cerebric. Change of Matter. See Metamorphosis of Tissues. Chemical Attraction. See Affinity. Chevreul. His researches on fat, 84. His analysis of fat, 300; of cholesterine, ib. Chloride of Sodium. See Common Salt. 340 INDEX. Choleic Acid. See Acid, Choleic. Cholesterine- See Bile. Cholic Acid. See Acid, Cholie. Choloidic-Acid. See Acid, Choloidic. Chondrine. Its relation to proteine, 126. Analysis of tissues containing it, 312. Chronic Diseases. The action of inspired oxygen is the cause of death in them, 27, 28. Chyle. When it has reached the thoracic duet, it is alkaline, and contains albumen coagulable by heat, 145. Chyme. It is formed independently of the vital force, by a che- mical transformation, 108. The substance which causes this transformation is derived from the living membrane of the stomach, 109. Chyme is acid, 145. Clothing. Warm clothing is a substitute for food to a certain extent, 22. Want of clothing accelerates the rate of cooling, and the respirations, and thus increases the appetite, ib. Cold. Increases the appetite by accelerating the respiration, 22. Is most judiciously employed as a remedy in cerebral inflam- mation, 261. Concretions. See Calculus, and Acid, Uric; also Acid, Lithofellic. Constituents, Azotised. Of blood : see Fibrine, and Albu- men. Of vegetables : see Fibrine, Vegetable ; Albumen, Vegetable; Caseine, Vegetable; Alkalies, Vegetable; and Caffeine. Of bile: see Acid, Choleic, Cholic, and Choloidic. Of urine: see Acid, Uric; Urea, and Allantoine. Cooling. See Cold and Clothing. Couerbe. His analysis of cholesterine, 300. Cow. Amount of carbon expired by the, 14. Comparison of the food with the excretions ofthe cow, 291. Crum. His analysis of cane sugar, 300. Cultivation. Is the economy offeree, 78. Cyamelide. Its formula, 280. Cyanic Acid. See Acid, Cyanic. Cyanide of Iron. Its remarkable properties, 269, Cyanuric Acid. See Acid, Cyanuric. INDEX. 341 D. Davy. Oxygen consumed by an adult man, 283. Death. Cause of, in chronic diseases, 27, 28. Caused in old people by a slight depression of temperature, 255. Definition of it, 254. Demarcay. His analysis of choleic acid, choloidic acid, and taurine, 315. Remarks on his Researches on Bile, 316. Denis. His experiments on the conversion of fibrine into albu- men, 42. Despretz. His calculation of the heat developed in the com- bustion of carbon, 34. Diabetes Mellitus. The sugar found in the urine in this disease is grape sugar, and is derived from the starch ofthe food, 95. Diastase. Analogy between its solvent action on starch, and that ofthe gastric juice on coagulated albumen, 111. Diffusion of Gases. Explains the fact that nitrogen is given out through the skin of animals, 118; and the poisonous action of feather-white wine, 116. Digestion. Is effected without the aid of the vital force, by a metamorphosis derived from the transformation of a substance proceeding from the lining membrane of the stomach, 109. The oxygen introduced with the saliva assists in the process, 113. Lactic acid has no share in it, 111, 112. Disease. Theory of, 254 et seq. Cause of death in chronic dis- ease, 27. Disease of liver caused by excess of carbon or de- ficiency of oxygen, 23. Prevails in hot weather, 24. Dog. Amount of bile secreted by, 64. Digests the gelatine of bones, 97. His excrements contain only bone earth, 98. Concretion of urate of ammonia said to have been found by Lassaigne in a dog, doubtful, 146 (note). Dumas. His analysis of choleic acid, 315; of choloidic acid, ib.; of taurine, ib.; of cholic acid, 318; of hippuric acid, 319. E. Eggs. Albumen of the white and of the yolk identical, 107. / 342 INDEX. Analysis of both, 308; of lining membrane, 313. The fat of the yolk may contribute to the formation of nervous matter, 108. This fat contains iron, 107. Elaldehyde. See Aldehyde. Elements. Of nutrition, 96. Of respiration, ib. Empyreumatics. They check transformations, 170. Their ac- tion on ulcers, 121. Equilibrium. Between waste and supply of matter is the ab- stract state of health, 245, 258. Transformations occur in compounds in which the chemical forces are in unstable equi- librium, 109. Ettling. His analysis of wax, 307. Ettling and Will* Their analysis of lithofellic acid, 322. Excrements. Contain little or no bile in man and in the herbivora, none at all in the dog and other carnivora, 64. Those of the dog are phosphate of lime, 98. Those of serpents are urate of ammonia, 54. Those of birds also contain that salt, 54. Those of the horse and cow compared with their food, 290, 291. Excretions. Contain, with the secretions, the elements of the blood or of the tissues, 132—136. Those of the horse and cow compared with their food, 290, 291. Bile is not an ex- cretion, 63. F. Fjeces. Analysis of, 285. Fat. Theory of its production from starch, when oxygen is de- ficient, 83 et seq. ; from other substances, 86. The formation of fat supplies a new source of oxygen, 89; and produces heat( 90 et seq. Maximum of fat, how obtained, 94. Carnivora have no fat, 82. Fat in stall-fed animals, 89. Occurs in some diseases in the blood, 95. Fat in the women of the East, 99* Composition compared with that of sugar, 84, 85. Analysis of fat, 300. Disappears in starvation, 25. Is an element of respiration, 96. Fattening of Animals. See Fat. Featherwhite Wine. Its poisonous action, 116. INDEX. 343 Febrile Paroxyism. Definition of, 256. Fehling. His analysis of metaldehyde and elaldehyde, 307. Fermentation. Maybe produced by any azotised matter in a state of decomposition, 120. Is arrested by empyreumatics, ib. Is analogous to digestion, 119. Fever. Theory and definition of, 256. Fibre. Muscular. See Flesh. Fibrine. Is an element of nutrition, 96. Animal and vegetable fibrine are identical, 45. Is a compound of proteine, 105. Its relation to proteine, 126. Convertible into albumen, 42. Is derived from albumen during incubation, 107. Its analysis, 293, 294, 311. Vegetable fibrine, how obtained, 45, 46. Fishes. Yield phosphuretted hydrogen, 191 (note). Flesh. Consists chiefly of fibrine, but, from the mixture of fat and membrane, has the sa:re formula as blood, 133. Analysis of flesh, 314, 322. Amount of carbon in flesh compared with that of starch, 77, 299. Food. Must contain both elements of nutrition and elements of respiration, 96. Nutritious food, strictly speaking, is that alone which is capable of forming blood, 40. Whether derived from animals or from vegetables, nutritious food contains pro- teine, 44, 106 et seq. Changes which the food undergoes in the organism of the carnivora, 53 et seq. The food of the herbivora always contains starch, sugar, &c, 70. Food, how dissolved, 108 et seq. Azotised food has no direct influence on the formation of uric acid calculus, 138. Effects of super- abundant azotised food, 145, 146. Non-azotised food contri- butes to the formation of bile, and thus to respiration, 147 et seq. Salt must be added to the food of herbivora, in order to yield soda for the bile, 162. Caffeine, &c, serve as food for the liver, 188. The vegetable alkalies may be viewed as food for the organs which form the nervous matter, 189. Amount of food consumed by soldiers in Germany, 286. Its analysis, 284. Food of the horse and cow compared with their excre- tions, 290, 291. Formula. Explanation of their use, 280. How reduced to 100 parts, 281. Formulae of albumen, fibrine, caseine, and animal tissues, 126. Formula of proteine, 121; of blood and flesh, 344 INDEX. 133 ; of fat, 85 ; of cholesterine, 85 ; of aldehyde, acetic acid, oil of bitter almonds, and benzoic acid, 280 ; of cyamelide, cyanic acid, and cyanuric acid, 280 ; of choleic acid, 134 ; of choloidic acid and cholic acid, 135 ; of gelatine, 142 ; of hippu- ric acid, 150 ; of lithofellic acid, 154 ; of taurine, 155 ; of alloxan, 156. See Analysis. Francis. His analysis of picrotoxine, 323. Fremy. Lameyran and Fremy. Their analysis of gas from the abdomen of cows after excess in fresh food, 309. His re- searches on the brain, 43, 184. Frequency ofthe pulse and respiration in different animals, 19, 292. Fruits. Contain very little carbon, and hence are adapted for food in hot climates, 17. G. Cas. Analysis of gas from abdomen of cows after excess in fresh food, 115, 309. Analysis of gas from the stomach and intestines of executed criminals, 115, 309. Gastric Juice. Contains no solvent but a substance in a state of metamorphosis, by the presence of which the food is dis- solved, 109. Contains free acid, ib. Contains no lactic acid, 112. In the dog has been found to contain iron, 113. SeeDi- gestion, Chyme, Food. Gay-Lussac and Thenard. Their analysis of starch, 297 ; of sugar of milk, and of gum, 298 ; of cane sugar, 300; of wax, 307; of oxalic acid, 321. Gelatine. Is derived from proteine, but is no longer a com- pound of proteine, and cannot form blood, 127 et seq. May serve as food for the gelatinous tissues, and thus spare the stomach of convalescents, 98, 130. In starvation the gelatinous tissues remain intact, 97. Its relation to proteine, 126. Its formula, 142. Its analysis, 311, 322. Goebel. His analysis of gum, 298. Globules of the blood are the carriers of oxygen to all parts of the body, 171—175. They contain iron, 265 et seq. Gluten. Contains vegetable fibrine, 45. Analysis of it, 295. INDEX. 345 Gmelin. On the sugar of bile, 147. Goose. How fattened to the utmost, 94. Graminivora. See Herbivora. Grape-sugar. An element of respiration, 96. Is identical with starch sugar and diabetic sugar, 72. Its composition, 73. Its analysis, 297. Growth, or increase of mass, greater in graminivora than in carnivora, 80. Depends on the blood, 40 ; and on compounds of proteine, 106. See Nutrition. Gum. An element of respiration, 96. Its composition, 73. Is related to sugar of milk, ib. Its analysis, 298. Gundlach. His researches on the formation of wax from honey ofthe bee, 301. H. Hair. Analysis of, 312. Its relation to proteine, 126. Analysis of proteine from hair, 308. Hay. Analysis of, 299. Hepatic Diseases. Cause of, 23. Herbivora. Their blood derived from compounds of proteine in their food, 48. But they require also for their support non- azotised substances, 70. These last assist in the formation of their bile, 147 et seq. They retain the phosphoric acid of their food to form bone and nervous matter, 80. Their urine con- tains very little phosphoric acid, 79. The energy of vegeta- tive life in them is very great, 81. They become fat when stall-fed, 82. Hess. His analysis of wax, 307. Htbernating Animals. Their fat disappears during the win- ter sleep, 25. They secrete bile and urine during the same period, 61. Hippuric Acid. See Acid, Hippuric. Horn. Analysis of, 312. Contains proteine; its relation to proteine, 126. Analysis of proteine from horn, 308. Horse. Amount of carbon expired by, 14. Comparison of his food with his excretions, 290. Force exerted by a horse in mechanical motion compared to that exerted by a whale, 337. 30 346 INDEX. Hydrocyanic Acid. See Acid, Hydrocyanic. Hydrogen. By combining with oxygen contributes to produce the animal heat, 25. I. Ice. Is judiciously employed as a remedy in cerebral inflam- mation, 261. Inorganic constituents of albumen, fibrine, and caseine, 41, 121, 126. Jobst. His analysis of theine, 324. Jones, Dr. Bence. His analysis of vegetable fibrine, 291; of vegetable albumen, ib.; of vegetable caseine, 295; of gluten, ib.; of the albumen of yolk of egg, 308, 310; ofthe albumen of brain, 310. Iron. Is an essential constituent of the globules of the blood, 265 et seq. Is found in the fat of yolk of egg, 107. Also in the gastric juice of the dog, 113. Singular properties of its compounds, 268. Isomeric Bodies. 103, 280. K. Keller. His researches on the conversion of benzoic acid into hippuric acid in the human body, 325. Kidneys. They separate from the arterial blood the nitroge- nised compounds destined for excretion. L. Lactic Acid. See Acid, Lactic. Lavoisier. His calculation of the amount of inspired oxygen, 12, 283. Lehmann. On the presence of lactic acid in gastric juice, 112. Liebig. His analysis of sugar of milk, 298; of cane sugar, 300; of aldehyde, 307; of uric acid, 318; of hippuric acid, 319; of quinine, 323; of morphia, 324; of asparagine, 325. His calculation of the carbon daily expired as carbonic acid, INDEX. 347 14, 284. Table, 289. His remarks on Demargay's researches on bile, 315—318. Liebig and Pfaff. Their analysis of caffeine, 324. Liebig and Wohler. Their analysis of alloxan, 319 ; of urea, ib. ; of allantoina, ib. ; of xanthic oxide, 320; of oxaluric acid, 321; of parabanic acid, ib. Lentils. Contain vegetable caseine, 47. Analysis of, 284, 285. Form part of the diet of soldiers in Germany, 287. Table, 289. Light. Its influence on vegetable life analogous to that of heat on animal life, 233. Lime. Phosphate of. See Bones. Liver. It separates from the venous blood the carbonised con- stituents destined for respiration, 58. Diseases of the liver, how produced, 23. Accumulation of fat in the liver of the goose, 95. M. Maize. Analysis of starch from, 297. Marchand. On the amount of urea in the urine of the dog when fed on sugar, 61. His analysis of cholesterine, 300. Marcet. His analysis of gluten, 294. Martius. His analysis of guaranine, 324. Mechanical Effects. See Motion. Medicine. Definition'of the objects of, 257 et seq. Action of medicinal agents, 170 etseq. Menzies. His calculation of the amount of inspired oxygen, 12, 283. METALDEHYDE. See ALDEHYDE. Metamorphosis of Tissues. 103 et seq. In other parts o* the volume, passim. Milk. Is the only natural product perfectly fitted to sustain life, 51. Contains caseine, ib. Fat (butter), ib. Sugar of milk, ib. Earth of bones, 52. And potash, 164. Morphia. Contains less nitrogen than quinine, 177. Its ana- lysis, 324. Mitscherlich. His analysis of uric acid, 318; of hippuric acid, 319. 348 INDEX. Momentum. Of force, 202. Of motion, ib. Motion. Phenomena of motion in the animal body, 196 ct seq. Different sources of motion, 199. Momentum of motion, 202. Motion propagated by nerves, 219. Voluntary and involun- tary motions accompanied by a change of form and structure in living parts, 220. Motion derived from change of matter, 221 et seq. The cause of motion in the animal body is a pe- culiar force, 232. The sum of the effects of motion in the body proportional to the amount of nitrogen in the urine, 245. Mulberry Calculus. See Calculus. Mulder. Discovered proteine, 105. His analysis of fibrine of blood, 293. Of animal caseine, 296. Of proteine, 308. Of fibrine, 311. Of gelatine, ib. Of chondrine, 312. Muscle. See Flesh. Muscular Fibre. Its transformation depends on the annoaal of force expended in producing motion, 220. N. Nerves. Are the conductors ofthe vital force, and of mechani- cal effeets, 219. Effects of the disturbance of their conducting power, 229. They are not the source of animal heat, 29. Nervous Life. Distinguished from vegetative, 38. Nervous Matter. Contains albumen, and fatty matter of a peculiar kind, 43. Vegetables cannot produce it, 50. The fat of yolk of egg probably contributes to its formation, 108. The phosphoric acid and phosphates, formed in the metamor- phosis of the tissues of the herbivora, are retained to assist in the formation of nervous matter, 80. The vegetable alkalies affect the nervous system, 182—184. Composition of cerebric acid, 184. Theory of the action ofthe vegetable alkalies, 185. Nitrogen. Essential to all organized structures, 42, 43. Sub- stances in the body which are destitute of it not organized, 43. Abounds in nutritious vegetables, 45. Nutritious forms in which it occurs, ib. et seq. Occurs in alL vegetable poisons, 177; also in a few substances which are neither nutritious nor poisonous, but have a peculiar effect on the system* such aa caffeine,. 177 et seq. INDEX. 349 Nitrogenised. See Azotised. Non-Azotised. Constituents of food. See Starch. Nutrition. Depends on the blood, 40. On Albumen, fibrine, or caseine, 40 et seq. Elements of nutrition, 96. Compounds of proteine alone are nutritious, 106. Occurs when the vital force is more powerful than the opposing chemical forces, 198. Theory of it, 210. Is almost unlimited in plants from the ab- sence of nerves, 212. Depends on the momentum of force in each part, 227. Depends also on heat, 243. o. Oats. Amount required to keep a horse in good condition, 74. Analysis of, 298. Oil of Bitter Almonds. Its composition. How related to benzoic acid, 279, 280. Old Age. Characteristics of, 248 et seq. Oppermann. His analysis of wax, 307. Organs. The food of animals always consist of parts of organs, 2. All organs in the body contain nitrogen, 42, 43. There must exist organs for the production of nervous matter, 189 ; and the vegetable alkalies may be viewed as food for these organs, ib. Organized Tissues. All contain nitrogen, 42, 43. All such as are destined for effecting the change of matter are full of small vessels, 223. Their composition, 126. The gelatinous and cellular tissues, and the uterus, not being destined for that purpose, are differently constructed, 224. Waste of organized tissues rapid in carnivora, 76. Origin. Of animal heat, 17, 31. Of fat, 81 et seq. Of the nitrogen exhaled from the lungs, 114 el seq. Of gelatine, 127 et seq., 143. Of uric acid and urea, 135 et seq. Of bile, 135, 143, 146 et seq., 159. Of hippuric acid, 150, 325. Of the chief secretions and excretions, 152. Of the soda ofthe bile, 161 et seq. Of the nitrogen in bile, 168. Of nervous matter, 183 et seq. Ortigosa. His analysis of starch, 297. Oxalic Acid. A product, along with urea, ofthe partial oxida- 30* 350 INDEX. tion of uric acid, occurring in the form of mulberry calculus, 137. Its analysis, 321. Oxygen. Amount consumed by man daily, 12, 283. Amount consumed daily in oxidising carbon by the horse and cow, 14. The absorption of oxygen characterizes animal life, 2. The action of oxygen is the cause of death in starvation and in chronic diseases, 25—28. The amount of oxygen inspired varies with the temperature, dryness, and density of the air, 16. Is carried by arterial blood to all parts of the body, 171. Fat differs from sugar and starch only in the amount of oxy- gen, 84. It also contains less oxygen than albumen, fibrine, &c, 86. The formation of fat depends on a deficiency of oxy- gen, 88 et seq.; and helps to supply this deficiency, 89. Oxy- gen essential to digestion, 113. Relation of oxygen to some of the tissues formed from proteine, 126. Oxygen and water, added to blood or to flesh, yield the elements of bile and of urine, 135. Action of oxygen on uric acid, 136, 139: on hip- puric acid, 82,139; on blood, 140; on proteine, with uric acid, 151 ; on proteine and starch, with water, 152 ; on choleic acid, 154 ; on proteine, with water, 154. By depriving starch of oxygen and water, choloidic acid may be formed, 157. Oxy- gen is essential to the change of matter, 173. Its action on the azotised constituents of plants when separated, 213. Its action on the muscular fibre essential to the production of force, 220 —226. Oxygen is absorbed by hybernating animals, 241. Is the cause of the waste of matter, 243 ; and of animal heat, 244, 252. Blood-letting acts by diminishing the amount of oxy- gen which acts on the body, 258. Its absorption is the cause of the change of colour from venous to arterial blood, 265. The globules probably contain oxide of iron, protoxide in venous blood, peroxide in arterial, 267 et seq. All parts ofthe arterial blood contain oxygen, 173, 174, 266, 271. P. Pears. Analysis of starch from unripe, 297. Peas. Form part of the diet of soldiers in Germany, 287, 289. Abound in vegetable caseine, 47. Analysis of peas, 285 ; of starch from peas, 296. INDEX. 351 Pepys and Allen. Their calculation ofthe amount of inspired oxygen, 283. Peroxide of Iron. Probably exists in arterial blood, 267 et seq. Pfluger. His analysis of the gas obtained by puncture from the abdomen of cattle after excess in green food, 309. Phenomena of motion in the animal body, 195 el seq. Phosphates. See Bones. Phosphoric Acid. See Acid, Phosphoric. Phosphorus. Exists in albumen and fibrine, 41, 48, 126. It is not known in what form, 121 et seq. Is an essential constituent of nervous matter, 184, 190. Phosphuretted Hydrogen. Occurs among the products of the putrefaction of fishes, 190, 191. Picrotoxine. Contains nitrogen, 177 (note). Its analysis, 323. Plants. Distinguished from animals by fixing carbon and giv- ing out oxygen, 2,213; by the want of nerves and of locomotive powers, 3. Their capacity of growth almost unlimited, 212. Cause of death in plants, 214. Playfair, Dr. L. His formula for blood, 113. His analysis of faeces, of peas, of lentils, of beans, 285; of flesh and of blood, 314 ; of roasted flesh, 322. Poisons, Vegetable. Always contain nitrogen, 176 et seq. Different kinds of poisons, 170. Theory of the action of Prussic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen, 274. Polymeric Bodies, 103. Potash. Essential to the production of caseine or milk, 164. Potatoes. Amount of carbon in, 287. They form part of the diet of soldiers in Germany, ib. Analysis of, 285; of starch from, 297 ; of solanine from the buds of germinating potatoes, 323. Prevost and Dumas. On the frequency ofthe pulse and respi- rations, 292. Products. Of the metamorphosis of tissues found in the bile and urine, 132. Ofthe action of muriatic acid on bile, 133. Of the action of potash on bile, 134. Of the action of water and oxygen on blood or fibre, 136. Of the oxidation of uric acid, 137. Of the oxidation of blood, 140. Of the action of water on proteine, 141. Of the action of urea on lactic and 352 INDEX. benzoic acids, 150. Of oxygen and uric acid on proteine, 151- Of oxygen on starch and hippuric acid, 152. Of oxygen and water on proteine and starch, 153. Of oxygen and water on proteine when soda is abs?nt, 154. Of the separation of oxy- gen from starch, 157. Of the action of water on urea, 159. Ofthe action of water and oxygen on caffeine or theine, aspara- gine, and theobromine, 180. Proteine. Discovered by Mulder, 105. Its composition, ib. Produced alone by vegetables, 106. Is the source of all the organic azotised constituents of the body, 107. Its formula, 121. Its relation to fibrine, albumen, caseine, and all the animal tissues, 126. Gelatine no longer yields it, although formed from it, 129. Its relation to bile and urine, 136. Its relation to allantoine and choloidic acid, 141; to gelatine, 142; to hippuric acid, 151; to the chief secretions and excretions, 152, 153; to fat, 154. Analysis of proteine from the crystal- line lens, from albumen, from fibrine, from hair, from horn, from vegetable albumen and fibrine, from cheese, 308. Prout. His analysis of starch, 297 ; of grape sugar from honey, ib. ; of sugar of milk, 298; of cane sugar, 300; of urea, 319. His discovery of free muriatic acid in the gastric juice, 112,, On the effect of fat food on the urine, 139. Prussic Acid. See Acid, Hydrocyanic. Pulmonary Diseases. Arise from excess of oxygen, 23. Prevail in winter, 24. Pulse. Its frequency in different animals, 292. Putrefaction. Is a process of transformation, 109. Mem- branes very liable to it, 110. Effects of the putrefaction of green food in the stomach of animals, 115. Is analogous to di- gestion, 119. Putrefying animal matters cause the fermenta- tion-of sugar, 120. Is checked by empyreumatics, 121, 170. Quinine. Contains nitrogen, 177. Its analysis, 323. R. R.egnault. His analysis of morphia, 32.4- INDEX. 353 Reproduction of Tissues. See Nutrition. Reproduction of the Species, 39. Rhenish Wines. Contain so much tartar, that their use pre- vents the formation of uric acid calculus, 139. Respiration. Theory of, 265 et seq. Its connection with the food and with animal heat, 12 et seq. s. Salt, Common. Essential to the formation of bile in the herbi- vora, and to that of gastric juice, 161 et seq. Saussure, De. His analysis of grape sugar and of starch sugar, 297 ; of wax, 307. Scherer, Dr. Jos. His analysis of albumen from serum of blood, 293; of fibrine of blood, ib.; of vegetable fibrine, 294 ; of vegetable caseine, 295 ; of animal caseine, ib. ; of proteine from different sources, 308; of albumen from white of egg, ib. ; of albumen from different sources, 310; of fibrine, 311 ; of gelatine from different sources, ib. ; of tissues containing chondrine, 312; ofthe tunica media of arteries, ib.; of horny tissues, ib.; ofthe lining membrane of the egg, 313 ; of feath- ers, ib.; ofthe pigmentum nigrum oculi, ib. Results of his researches, 125, 126. Secretions. See Bile and Urine. Seguin. His calculation ofthe amount of inspired oxygen, 283. Serpents. Their excrements consist of urate of ammonia, 54. The process of digestion in them, 53. Sleep, Theory of, 228. Amount of sleep necessary for the adult, the infant, and the old man, 247 et seq. Induced by al- cohol or wine, 240. Soda. Essential to blood and bile, and derived from common salt, 161 et seq. Sodium, Chloride of. See Salt. Solanink. Contains nitrogen, 177. Its analysis, 323. Starch. Exists in the food ofthe herbivora, 70. Is convertible into sugar, 70, 71. Its relation to gum and sugar, 73. Its function in food, 74 et seq. Amount of carbon in starch com- pared with that in flesh, 7G, 77. Its composition compared 354 INDEX. with that of fat, 84, 90. Is the source of diabetic sugar, 95. Is an element of respiration, 96. Dissolved by diastase, 111. Its relation to choleic acid, 152. Its relation to the principal secretions and excretions, 153 ; to choloidic acid, 157 ; to bile, 158, 162, 164, 166. Its analysis from fifteen different plants, 297. Starvation. Process of, 25. Cause of death in, 27. Strecker. His analysis of starch from 12 different plants, 297. Sugar. Analysis of grape-sugar, 297; of sugar of milk, 298 ; of cane-sugar, 300. Is an element of respiration, 96. Sulphur. Exists in albumen, and caseine, 41, 126. Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Theory of its poisonous action, 274. Sulphuric Acid. See Acid, Sulphuric. Supply of matter. See Nutrition. Supply and Waste. Equilibrium between them constitutes the abstract state of health, 254, 255. Effects of its disturb- ance, ib. et seq. Means for restoring the equilibrium, 248, 257 et seq. T. Tables ofthe food consumed by soldiers in Germany, 289. Of the food and excretions ofthe horse and cow, 290, 291. Taurine. How produced from bile, 133. Its relation to cho- leic acid, 135. Tts relation to uric acid and urea, and to allan- toine, 155 ; to uric acid, 156; to alloxan, ib. ; to choloidic and choleic acids, and ammonia, 158; to caffeine or theine, 1§0; to asparagine, ib.; to theobromine, ib., 181. Temperature. Its effects on the amount of inspired oxygen, 16, and on the appetite, 17 et seq. A slight depression of tem- perature causes death in aged people, 255. Temperature of the blood in different animals, 292. Temperature ofthe body constantly kept up by internal causes, 19—22. Tendons. Analysis of, 311. Thaulow. His analysis of cystic oxide, 320. Theine. Identical with caffeine, 179. And with guaranine, INDEX. 355 324. Theory of its action, 181 et seq. Its relation to bile, 180. Its analysis, 324. Theobromine. Analogousto theine, 179. Theory of its action, 181 et seq. Its relation to bile, 180, 181. Its analysis, 324 Theory. Of animal heat, 17 et seq. Of digestion, 108 et seq. Of respiration, 265 et seq. Of the motions in the animal or- ganism, 195 et seq. Of disease, 254 et seq. Of the action of caffeine, &c, 181 et seq. Ofthe action of the vegetable alka- lies, 182 et seq. Of health, 254, 255. Tiedemann and Gmelin. Their attempt to support a goose upon albumen alone, unsuccessful, 106. Tissues, Metamorphosis of : see Metamorphosis. Ana- lysis ofthe animal tissues, 310, 313. Formula: of, 126. Tobacco. Arrests or retards the change of matter, 179. Transformation. See Metamorphosis. Turnips. Juice of, contains vegetable fibrine and albumen, 45, 46. u. Urea. Derived from uric acid, 137, 140. Also from the oxi- dation of blood, 140; from allantoine, 141. Its relation to choleic acid, 148; to hippuric acid, 150 ; to proteine, 151 • to proteine and starch, 153; to proteine and fat, 154; to taurine, 155, 156 ; to carbonate of ammonia, 159; to theobro- mine, 180. Its analysis, 319. Occurs in the urine of those who have taken benzoic acid along with hippuric acid, 327. Urinary Calculi. See Calculus. Uric Acid. See Acid, Uric. V. Varrentrapp and Will. Their analysis of vegetable albu- men, 294. Of sulphate of potash and caseine, 295. Vegetables. Alone produce compounds of proteine 106. Azotised constituents of, nutritious, 45 : medical or poison- ous, 176. Analysis of those vegetables which are used for food, 285 et seq. V- .'✓"/, 356 INDEX. Vegetable Life. Distinguished from nervous life, 38. Pre- dominates in the early stages of life, ib. Also in the female, 39. Venous Blood. See Blood. Vital Force, or vitality. Definition of, 1 et seq. Theory of, 195 et seq. Vogel. His analysis of gas from the abdomen of cattle after excess in green food, 309. w. Water. Is one of the two constituents of the body which con- tain no nitrogen, 43. Its use as a solvent, ib. Contributes to the greater part ofthe transformations in the body, 136, 140, 141, 142, 148, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 180, 181. Wax. On its production from honey by the bee, 301—306. Its analysis, 307. Wheat. Contains vegetable fibrine, 46. Analysis of fibrine, albumen, and gluten, from wheat, 294. Will and Ettling. Their analysis of lithofellic acid, 322. Wine. The wines ofthe south promote the formation of calcu- lus, 139. But not Rhenish wines, ib. Theory of its action, 239, 240. Woskresensky. His analysis of theobromine, 324. Y. Yams. Analysis of starch from, 297. >l s j r NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM 03n2bl2 M NLM031926124