$>* S-6 t-xA*«^£j Q -f ££é.^ /7**~*,iJ S\ NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE REFERENCE DIVISION MILITARY MEDICAL SERIALS received in the NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE 1950 - 1957 Washington, D. c. August 1957 EIMOM, MLILIECT®» f\nk i U64»> o 1957 ci NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE WASHINGTON, D. C. PREFATORY NOTE The followLng list includes journals in the field of military medicine and officiai annual reports of armed forces médical services. Military sériais of the research report type hâve not been listed* The date and volume cited indicates the latest holdings for the title in the National Library of Medicine at the time of checking* Occasionally a note has been added citing an article relating to the history of the journal listed or the history of military médical periodicals in a given country. CHARLES ROOS INTERNATIONAL 1. Bulletin international des services de santé des armées de terre, de mer et l'air. (Brussels). 1956, vol. 29. (Organe du Comité international de médecine et de pharma- cie militaires). 2. International committee of military medicine and pharmacy. I6th and 17th sessions of conférences, Rome, October 1953; Luxemburg - Vianden, îlovember 195U. Liège, c19563 2U2 p. 3. International Congress of military medicine and pharmacy. 13th. Paris, 1951. Compte rendu générale. Vols. I - II. ARGENTINA lu Revista de la sanidad militar argentina. (Buenos Aires). 1956, vol. 55. (Argentina. Ejercito. Direccion gênerai de sanidad). 5. Revista de publicaciones navales; suplemento de sanidad naval. (Buenos Aires). 195U, vol. 7. (Ministerio de marina. Direccion gênerai de sanidad y obra social naval. Inspeccion gênerai de sanidad). 6. Revista de veterinaria militar. (Buenos Aires). 1956, vol. !*• (Ejercito argentino. Direccion gênerai de re- monta y veterinaria). 7. Sanidad aeronautica; organo informativo tecnico. (Buenos Aires). 1950, vol. 1, no. 5. (Argentina. Ministerio de aeronautica. Direccion gênerai de sanidad). Vol. 1, no. hy continues; Revista de sanidad de aeronautica (last issue vol. 1, no. 3, Sept. 19U8). BELGIUM 8. Acta belgica de arte medicinali et pharmaceutica militari. (Qrgane officiel de la Société belge de médecine et de pharmacie militaires. Bulletin de Service de santé et de l'Union nationale des officiers médecins de reserve). 1955, vol. 108. Title changed from Annales belges de médecine et de pharmacie militaires with vol. 108 nos. 1-3, Sept. 1955. 9. Belgium. Force aérienne. Service de santé* Bulletin technique d'information. 1957 (Feb.) (Séries 1, no. 1, dated July 195ii). BRAZIL 10. Arquivos brasileiros de medicina^naval. (Rio de Janeiro)* 1955$ vol. 16. (Brazil. Ministerio de marinha. Directoria de saude da marinha). 11. Arquivos do Instituto de biologia do exército. (Rio de Janeiro). 1950-1953, nos. 10-13 (in one). 12. Revista de medicina militar. (Rio de Janeiro). 1953, vol. U2. (Directoria de sâude do exército). CANADA 13. Canadian services médical journal. (Ottawa). 1956^ vol. 12. (Published under the joint authority of the Ministers of National defence, National health and welfare and Vétérans affairs). COLaMBIA 1U. Revista de la sanidad de Colombia. (Bogota). 1952, vol. 3. (Colombia. Fuerzas militares. Direccion gênerai de sanidad militar.). 15. Boletîn del hospital militar g publicacîon trimestral seleccionada de las jornadas sabatinas del cuerpo facultative del Hospital Militar «Dr. Carlos J. Finlay". (Havana). 1955, vol. 8. CZECHOSLOVAKTA 16. Vojenské zdravotnické listy. (Prague). 1951, vol. 20 (A s cientific magazine of the Czechoslovak military surgeons, veterinary surgeons and pharmadsts, edited by the Army médical advisory board, at the Ministry of national défense). DENMARK 17. Militaerlaegen. (Copenhagen). 1956, vol. 62. (Udgivet af Dansk militaerlaegeforeningen). EGYFT 18. The Médical journal of the Egyptian Armed Forces» 1956, vol. 2. (The Journal Secretarys Egyptian Army School of Ifygiene, Manchiet El-Bakry, Cairo)e FINLAND 19. Sotilaslaaketieteellinen aikakauslehti. (Helsinki). 2 - 1956, vol. 31. (Suomen laakintaupseeriliitto.) FRANCE 20. Bulletin bimestriel de l'Union fédérative nationale des médecins de réserve. (Paris). 1956^ vol. 52. 21. Bulletin trimestriel de la Fédération française des amicales de pharmaciens de réserve. (Paris). 1956, vol. 50. 22. La médecine aéronautique s bulletin du Service de santé de l'air. 1956^ vol. 11^ (Centre d'enseignement et de récherches de médecine aéronautique, Paris). 23. Revue de médecine navale (Paris). 1956,^ vol. 11^ (France. Direction centrale des services de santé des armées). 2U. Revue du Corps de santé militaire. (Paris). 1956, vol. 12. (France. Ministère de la défense nationale. Section technlaue de recherches et d'études des services de santé des armées). 25» Revue médico-chirurgicale des forces armées^d'Extrême- Orient. (Saigon). 1955, vol. h (numéro spécial). Last published. 26. Revue du Corps vétérinaire^de l'armée. (Paris). 1956, vol. 11. (France. Ministère de la^défense nationale. Inspection technique du service vétérinaire de l'armée). 27. Société de médecine militaire française. Bulletin mensuel. (Paris). 1956, vol. 50. The June 1953 issue of this publication (p. 119, ff») contains some notes on the early history of FA*ench military médical journals. GREAT BRITAIN 28. Army médical services magazine and organ of the R.A.M.C association. (Aldershot, England). 1956, vol. 8. 29. Great Britain. Air Ministry. Report on the health of the Royal Air Force and Women»s Royal Air Force for the year 1953. cLondon, Air Ministry, 1957a c91 p.a 30. Great Britain. War Office. Report on the health of the Army 1951 and 1952. London, War Office, 31 Dec. 195Uo 122 p. 31. Journal of the Royal Army médical corps. 1956, vol. 102. For the history of this journal and of earlier British military médical sériais see: The Journal, 1903-1953. 3 » J. R» Army M, Corps, 1953, 99î 1U2-1U5. 32. The Journal of the Royal Army veterinary corps, 1955, vol. 26. 33. Journal of the Royal Naval médical service. 1956, vol. 1*2. HUNGARY 3U. Katonaorvosi szemle0 (Budapest). 1956, vol. 8. (former3y Honvedorvos). INDIA 35. Army médical corps journal, India. 1955, vol. 11. (India. Médical directorate, Army headquarters, New Delhi) (Published at the A. M. C. Centre (S) Poona). 36. India. Aero Médical Society Journal. 1956, vol. 3. (Published by the Médical Directorate, Air Hdq., New Delhi). 37. India. Army statistical organization, New Delhi. Annual report on the health of the Army for the year 19u9. Calcutta, 195à. vi, 71 p. 3ND0NESIA 38. Madjalah kesehatan angkatan perang (Military médical monthly). (Djakarta). 1956, vol. 6. ITALY 39. Annali di medicina navale e tropicale. (Rome). 1956, vol. 61. (Italy. Ministero délia difesa. Marina. Direzione générale délia sanita militare marittima). UO. Giornale di medicina militare. (Rome). 1956, vol. 106. (Italy. Ministero délia difesa. Esercito. Direzione générale délia sanita militare). For the history of this journal see; I cento anni di vita del Giornale di medicina militare. Gior. med. mil., 195l, 101; (numéro spéciale) 13-19. I4.I, Italy. Ministero délia difesa. (Marina). Direzione générale délia sanita militare marittima. Relazione statistico- sanitaria délia marina militare per l'anno 1953. feoma). 1957. viii, 279 p. U2. Rivista di medicina aeronautica. (Rome). 1956, 19. -Il- JAPAN Japanese safety forces médical journal, Hoan eisei. (Tokyo). 1956, vol. 3. (Published by the National safety médical association). MEXICO Revista medica: organo de difusion cientifica del Departaraento medico. (Mexico, D.F.). 1957, vol. 3. (Secretaria de Marina. Departamento Medico). Revista de sanidad militar; organo oficial de la direccion del servicio. (Mexico, D.F.). 1955, vol. 8. (Mexico. Secretaria de la defensa nacional.. Direccion gênerai de sanidad militar). Title cnanged from Boletin with vol. 7, no. 8-9, Aug.-Sept. 195U. For the history of this and other Mexican military médical journals see; Alcantara, Herrera, J. Algunas informes relativos al periodismo medico- militar en Mexico^ Rev. san. mil., 195U, 7; 2U9-257. NETHERLANDS Nederlands militair geneeskundig tijdschrift. 1956, vol. 9. (Uitgegeven door de Inspectie van de genees- kundige dienst der koninklijke landmacht en koninklijke luchtmacht in samenwerking met de geneeskundige dienst der koninklijke marine). PAKISTAN Journal of the Pakistan army médical corps. (Rawal- pindi). 1956, vol. 6. (Pakistan army médical collège, Rawalpindi)• PERU Reviata de la sanidad militar del Peru. (Lima). 1955, vol. 28. (Ministerio de guerra. Servicio de sanidad). POLAND Lekarz wojskowy. (¥arsaw)t 1950, vol. 26. (Department sluzby zdnowia. Ministerstwa obrony narodowej). PORTUGAL Portugal. Ministerio de marinha. Repartiçao de saude naval. Estatistica sanitaria da armada. Afio de 1952. (Lisboa). 195U. 8U p. - 5- Revista portuguesa de medicina militar. (Lisbon). 1955, vol. 3. (Orgab dos serviços de saude do exército, armada, ultramar e aeronautica militar). RUSSIA 52. Voenno-meditsinkii zhurnal. (Moscow). 1956, no. 2, SPAIN 53o Medicina y cirugia de guerra; Revista informativa del Cuerpo de sanidad militar. (Madrid). 1957, vol. 19. For the history of this journal and its predecessors see; Saura del Pan, L. La Revista de Sanidad Militar; resumen historica. Med. cir. guerra, 195U, 16: 75-til. 5U. Spain. Ministerio de Marina. Estadisticas sanitarias de la Armada espanola. 1953, vol. 37. QfladricÔ. 1955. 175 p. SWEDEN ^« Meddelanden fr2n flyg- och navalmedicinska namnden. (Stockholm). 1956, vol. 5. (Meddelanden fran flyg- och navalmedicinska namnden). (Communications from the Committee on aviation and naval medicine is a quarterly journal primarily distributed to Swedish air force and naval médical officers and to such catégories of flying and submarine personnel, designers, and engineers as are directly responsible for or otherwise engaged in the construction or maintenance of aafety or emergency equipment)*» 56. Forsvarets sjukvardsstyrelse. Halso- och sjukvard vid forsvaret ar 1951. (Stockholm). 1955. v, \±2 p. 57. Veterinarvârd vid arraen ar 195U. (Stockholm). 1955. 17 p. Published by the Inspector of Army Veterinary service (ÊJverfaltveterinaren). 58. Tidskrift i militar halsovârd. (Stockholm^ 1955, vol. 80. (Utgiven av Svenska militarrâkareforeningen). SWITZERLAND 59. Militarsanitat; zentralblatt des schweizerischen militar-sanitats-vereins. (Zurich). 1955, vol. 37. 60. Vierteljahrsschrift fîir schweizerische sanitatsoffiziere. (Basel). 1956, vol. 33» (Organ der Gesellschaft Schweizerischer sanitatsoffiziere). THAILAND 61. Royal Thai army médical journal. (Bankok). 1955, vol. 8. (Royal Thai Army. Médical départaient). 62. Royal Thai air force médical gazette. (Bankok). 1956, vol. 5. (R.T.A.F. Médical Service). TURKEY 63. Askeri sihhiye dergisi (Bulletin of military medicine). (Istanbul). 1955, no. 73. 61u Askeri veteriner dergisi (Revue vétérinaire militaire). (Ankara). 1956, vol. 3U. 65. Deniz tip bulten (The Turkish Navy médical bulletin). (Ankara). 1957, vol. 3. UNITED STATES 66. * Health of the Army. (Washington, D. C.). 1956, vol. 11. (U.S. Army. Office of the Surgeon General). 67. JournaL of aviation medicine. 1956, vol. 27. (Officiai publication of the Aero médical association). 68. # Médical bulletin of the U.S. Army, Europe. (Heidelberg). 1956, vol. 13. 69. * Médical bulletin of the U0S. Army, Far East. 195U, vol. 2, no. 2. (United States Army Forces, Far East, Médical Section). 70. Médical technicians bulletin. Supplément to U.S. armed forces médical journal. 1956, vol. 7. (Washing- ton, D.C.). (U.S. Department of défense. Armed forces médical publication ageney). 71. Military medicine. (Washington, D. C.). 1956^ vol. 118. (Association of Military Surgeons of the United States). 72. * Statistics of Navy Medicine. (Washington, D«,C.). 1956, vol. 12. (U.S. Navy, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Médical statistics division). 73. The United States Air *orce Médical service digest. (Washington, D.C.). 1956, vol. 7. (The Surgeon General. U.S. Air Force). 7 - • * U.S. Department of the Air Force. Office of the Surgeon General. Annual report of the USAF médical service, 1 July 1955 - 30 June 1956. cWashington, D. C, U.S. Govt. print. off. 1957* xiv, 621 p. 75. United States armed forces médical journal. (Washington, D. C. ). 1956, vol. 7. (U. So Department of défense. Armed forces médical publication ageney). For the history of this journal and its précèdent Army and Navy publications see: Benford, R. J. Reporting military medicine, U. S. Armed Forces M. J.. 1955, 6: Ï333-13W.---- 76. # U. S. Army. Office of the Surgeon General. Annual report of the Surgeon General. Médical statistics of the United States Army, Calendar year 195U. (Washington, D. C.). 1956. x, 33k p. 77. * U. S. Navy. Bureau of medicine and surgery. Nine- tieth annual report of the Surgeon General, U. S. Navy. . . relative to statistics of diseases and injuries in the United States Navy for the calendar year 195U'. cWashington, D. C, 1955a x, 183 p. 78. * United States Navy médical news letter. (Washington, D. C.). 1956, vol. 27. (U.S. Navy. Bureau of medicine and surgery). YUGOSLAVIA 79. Vojnosanitetski pregled; Yugoslavia Dvomesecnik lekara i farmaceuta jugoslovenske narodne armije. 1957, vol. llu * Publications not for sale. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF LaQlA-l WASHINGTON, D. C. - 8 -