"-•."-'^--VV?:-^ J,^J ,W(iVWu^ .^W ^/w SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE LJBpARY. £. .%* r Section No. 113, M>. W.D.S.G.O. 3—613 \3^ WA^- vAV ,v— jv ^yi v-.:ie, t. xi-xii; 5mes6rie, t. i-iv. 6 v. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson etfils, 1868-70 and 1871. ANNALES. 10 ANSTIE. Annales de I'observatoire royal de Bruxelles, publiees, aux frais de l'6tat, par A. Quetelet. Tome xiii, 436 pp., ii pi. 4°. Bruxelles, M. Hayez, 1861. Annales de I'observatoire physique central de Russia. (See Russia.) Annales d'oculistique. Fondees par le Dr. Florent Cunier, continues par MM. Fallot, Bosch, Hairion, Van Roosbroeck et Warlo- mont. 34 v. 8°. Bruxelles, 1838-70. Annales des sciences naturelles, compr^nant la zoologie, la botanique, l'anatomie et la physiologie compared des deux regnes, et l'histoire des corps organisers fossiles. R6di- gees, pour la zoologie, par Milne Edwards; pour la botanique, par Ad. Brongniart et J. Decaisne. 34 v. 8°. (Incomplete.) Paris. Botanique: 3me s6rie : 1.13-14,1849-50; 1.17-19,1852-55. 4mes6rie: t. 3-4,1855; t. 6,1856; 1.13-20,1860-63. 5me aerie: 1.1-9,1864-68. Zoologie: 3me s6rie: 1.13-14,1849-50; 1.17-20,1852-53. 4me s6rie: t. 3-4,1855; t. 6,1856. -----The same. R6dig6es pour la zoologie par Milne Edwards, et pour la botanique par Ad. Brongniart et J. Decaisne. Troisieme s£rie. Annales de la socieH6 d'horticulture de Paris, et journal special de l'etat et des progres du jardinage. 29 tomes in 15. 8°. Paris, Bou- chard-Huzard, 1827-41. Annales des university de Belgique. 4 v. Royal 8°. Bruxelles, Th. Lesigne, 1843-46. Annalist (The). A record of practical medi- cine in the city of New York. Edited by William C. Roberts. 8°. New York, 1847. Annals of medicine, exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine and medical philosophy. Edited by A. Duncan, sr., and A. Duncan, jr. Lus- trum 1, v. 1-5, 1796-1800; lustrum 2, v. 1-3, 1801-4. 8 v. 8°. Edinburgh, Mudie, and Bell Sf Brad/ute. Annals and magazine of natural history, in- cluding zoology, botany, and geology, con- ducted by P. J. Selby, George Johnston, Charles C. Babington, J. H. Balfour, and Richard Taylor. 2d series, v. 7-8. London, Richard Taylor, 1851. Annals of military and naval surgery and tropi- cal medicine and hygiene ; being an annual retrospect. V. 1, for the year 1863. 376 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill Sf Sons, 1864. Annandale (Thomas). Surgical appliances and minor operative surgery. 246 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan Sf Stewart, 1866. Annee medicale et scientifique, ou resume" critique des principales discussions qui ont en lieu devant les soci<5t£s savantes. Par MM. Cavalier, Tacquemet, Alph. Taumes et P6cholier. 6 ann6e. 341 pp. 8°. Suivie d'un repertoire de therapeutique medicale et chirurgicale. 25 pp. Montpellier, Bcehm et fils, 1869; Paris, P.Asstlin. Annesley (Carolus). De pneumonia. 21pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C.Stewart, 1803. \In Pamphlets, v. 27.] Annesley (James). Researches into the causes, nature, and treatment of the more prevalent diseases of India, and of warm climates generally. Illustrated. In 2 v.: v. 1,687 pp.; v.2,582 pp. 4°. London, Long- man 4- Co., 1828. ----- Ueber die ostindische cholera, nach vielen eigenen beobachtungen und leichen- offnungen. Aus dem englischen tlbersetzt von G. Himly. 254 pp. 8°. H.innover, Hel- wing, 1831. Annuaire medico-chirurgical des hopitaux et hospices civils de Paris. V. 1, 636 pp. 4°. Paris, Crochard, 1819. Annuaire militaire de l'empire francais pour l'annee 1862. Pubhe, sur les documents communiques, par le ministere de la guerre. 1208 pp. 12°. Paris, Bergert Levrault et fils, 1862. Annuaire special du corps de sante de l'arm6e de terre, etabli sur les documents du minis- tere de la guerre, 1867. 3 v., 69 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Rozier. Annual of scientific discovery; edited by John Trowbridge, S. B. ; aided by Samuel Kneeland and W. R. Nichols, for the years 1868-71. 4v. 8°. Boston,Gould Sr Lincoln. Ansiaux (Oscar). De la resection des articu- lations du membre inf6rieur. Dissert, iuaug. 91 pp. 8°. Li4ge,J. Besoer, 1861. Ansted(D. T.) Physical geography. 467 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf Co , 1867. Anstie (Francis E.) Stimulants and narco- tics, their mutual relations ; with special re- searches on the action of alcohol, aether, and chloroform on the vital organism. 414 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sf Blakiston, 1865. 1 ANTHROPOLOGIE. 1 ARCHIVES. Anthropologic (Memoires de la society d') de Paris. 2 v. 8°. Paris, V. Masson etfils, 1860-65. Anthropological Review. V.vi, 1868 ; v. vii, 1869. London, Trubner 4- Co., 1868-69. Anton (Karl Christian). Die bewahrtesten heilformeln fur die epidemische cholera. 284 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Joh. Ambr. Barth, 1849. Anweisung zur zweckmassigen behandlung und rettung der scheintodten oder durch plotzliche zufalle verungliickter personen. 16 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. IV. Huyn, 1847. Apostobovics (J.) Diss, exhibens modum que affectus animi in corpus humanum agunt generatim. 40 pp. 4°. Litteris Curtianis, 1757. [In Pamphlets, v. 59.] Apothecaries' act. A statement, by the So- ciety of Apothecaries, on subject of adminis- tration of the apothecaries' act, and Sir James Graham's promised measure of medical reform. 44 pp. 8°. London, Gilbert 4' Riv- ington, 1844. Appeal to the public by members of the medi- cal profession. 42 pp. New York, W. C. Bryant Sf Co., 1859. Appia (P. L.) The ambulance-surgeon; or, practical observations on gun-shot wounds. Edited by T. W. Nunn and A. M. Edwards. 266 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Sf C. Black, 1862. Appletons' library manual. 434 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sf Co., 1847. Aran (F. A.) Practical manual of the dis- eases of the heart and great vessels. Trans- lated from the French by William A. Harris, M. D. 164 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, Ed. Bar- rington, 1843. Arbuthnot (John). An essay concerning the nature of aliments, etc. The 3d ed., to which are added practical rules of diet. 436 pp. 8°. London, J. Tonson, 1735-36. Architectural Review and American Build- ers' Journal. By Samuel Sloan. V. 1-3 (in part). Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen Sf Haffelfinger, 1868-70. Archiv fur anatomie und physiologie. Her- ausgegeben von J. F. Meckel. 6 v. 8°. Leipzig, Leopold Voss, 1826-32. Archiv fur anatomie. physiologie und wissen- schaftliche medicin, in verbindung mit meh- rereu gelehrten. Herausgegeben von Dr. Johannes Muller. 3 v. 8°. Berlin, Veit et Comp., 1848-50. Archiv fur die gesammte physiologie des menscheu und der thiere. 8°. Bonn, Max Cohen Sf Sohn, 1868-70. 1 er jahrgan g, mit 10 tafeln und 12 holzschnitten. 690 pp. 1868. 2er jahrgang, mit 4 tafeln und 14 holzschnitten. 611 pp. 1869. 3er jahrgang, mit 7 tafeln und 17 holzschnitten. 581 pp. 1870. Archiv (Deutsches) fur die physiologie. Her- ausgegeben von J. J. F. Meckel. V. 1-8. Halle und Berlin, 1815-23. Archiv fiir klinische chirurgie. Herausge- geben von Dr. B. von Langenbeck. Redigirt. von Dr. Billroth und Dr. Gurlt. 12 v. 8° Berlin, Aug. Hirschwald,18(30-7l. Archiv (Deutsches) fur klinische medicin. Re- digirt von Dr. H. Ziemssen und Dr. F. A. Zenker. 3 vols. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. IV. Vogel, 1868-70. Archiv fur mikroskopische anatomie. Von Max Schultze. 7 v. 8C. Bonn, Max Cohen 4- Sohn, 1865-71. Archiv fiir ophthalmologic. Herausgegeben von F. Arlt, F. C. Donders, und A. von Graefe. 3 parts in 2 v. 8°. Berlin, H. Piters, 1868-69. Archiv fiir pathologische anatomie und phy- siologie und fiir klinische medicin. 50 v. 8°. Berlin, 1847-71. Archiv der pharmacie. Eine zeitschrift des allgemeinen deutschen apotheker-veieius, abtheilungNorddeutschland. Herausgegeben von H. Ludwig. 8 v. in 4 v. 8°. Halle, verlag dis Vereins, 1868-70. Archiv fiir die physiologie. Von D. Joh Christ. Reil, professor in Halle. V. 1-12., 1796-1815. 8°. Halle, CurVschen buchhand- lung Archiv fiir psychiatric und nervenkrankheiten. Mit 8 lithographirten tafeln. V. 1, 783 pp.; v. 2, 798 pp. 8°. Berlin, August Hirsch- wald, 1868-69-70. Archives de physiologie normale et patholo- gique. Publiees par Brown-S6quard, Charcot et Vulpian, Paris. Tome lre, 1868, 750 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson, 1868. Archives gen6rales de m6decine. Paris, B6chet et Migneret and Asselin. Iers6rie, 1823-32..........30 v. 8° 2e s6rie, 1833-37..........15 v. 8° 3e seVie, 1838-42..........15 v. 8° 4e s§rie, 1843-52..........32 v. 8° 5e se>ie, 1853-62..........20 v. 8° 6e s6rie, 1863-69..........14 v. 8° In all............123 v. 8° Archives de m^decine militaire. Journal des sciences medicales, etc. Red. par A. Meynne. 22 v. 8°. Bruxelles, £mile Lelong et comp., 1848-58. 12 ARCHIVES. ARMSTRONG. Archives de modecine navale. V. 5-12. 8 v. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1-66-69. Archives medicales Beiges, organe du corps sanitaire de l'armee. 7 v. 8°. Bruxelles, Chas. Lelong, MJ5-68. Archives of medicine. A record of practical observations and anatomical and chemical researches, etc. 2 v. 8°. London, J. Church- ill, 1859-61. Archives n^erlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. Publ. par la soci6te hollan- daise des sciences a Harlem. Redig6es par E. H. von Baumhauer. 5 tomes. 8°. La Hage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1866-70. Archives of ophthalmology and otology. Edited and published simultaneously in Eng- lish and German, by Professor H. Knapp, in New York, and Professor S. Moos, M. D., in Heidelberg. V. 1, No. 1, 364 pp. 8°. With plates. Niw York, Win. Wood Sf Co., 1869. ----- The same. V. 1, No. 2. Illustrated. 717pp. 8°. New York, Win. Hood Sf Co., 1870. Arejula (Don Juan Manuel de). Breve de- scripcion de la fiebre amarilla padecida en Cadiz y pueblos comarcanos en 1800, en Medinasidonia en 1^01, en Malaga en 1803, y en esta misma plaza, y varias otras del reyno en 1804. 472 pp. 8 \ Madrid. 1806. ----- Kurze beschreibung der ansteckenden krankheit, welche im jahre 1803 in Malaga epidemisch herrschte, ihrer zufiille und der dagegen angewandten heilmethode. Aus dem Spanischen ubersetzt von Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Ludwig Borges. 50 pp. 8°. Ber- lin, Heinrich Frblich, 1805. Aretaeus. On the causes and signs of acute and chronic disease. Translated from the Greek by T. F. Reynolds. 84 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Barrington Sf Haswell, 1841. Aretaeus (the Cappadociun). The extant works. Edited and translated by Francis Adams. 510 pp. 8°. London, printed /or the Sydenham Society, 1856. Argelata (Petrus de, de la Cerlata). Chirur- giae, libri vi. Ed. Mattheus Moretus. Folio. Venetiis, 1480. [Editio princeps.] Argenterius (Joannis). De consultationibus medicis. 190 pp. Small 8°. Florentice, Laurent. Tarrentinus, 1551. Argyropulus (Emmanuel). De apoplexia. 25 pp. 4°. Lug. Batav., Pctrum Vander Eyk, 1764. [In Pamphlets, v. 57.] Armand (Adolphe). llistoire m^dico-chirur- gicale de la guerre de Crim6e. 459 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Rozier, 1858. Armatage (George). The horseowner and stableman's companion ; or, hints on the se- lection, purchase, and general management of the horse. 237 pp. 8°. London, Fred- erick Wurnc Sf Co. -----Memoranda for emergencies ; or, the veterinarian's pocket-remembrancer. 168 pp. 12°. London, J. Churchill Sf Sons, 1870. Armsby (James H.) History of the Albany city hospital, and extracts from addresses de- livered in its behalf, by James H. Armsby, in 1851-52 47 pp. 8°. Albany, Joel Mun- sell, 1868. -----Photographs of pathological specimens from United States general hospital, Albany (N. Y.) 2 v. 4°. -----Photographs of surgical cases, Ira Har- ris general hospital, Albany (N.Y.) 1 v. 4°. Armstrong (Alex.) Observations on naval hygiene and scurvy. 117 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1858. Armstrong (Andreas). De apoplexia hydro- cephalica. 29 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stew- art et socii, 1800. [In Pamphlets, v. 16.] Armstrong (Gulielmus). De enteritide. 25 pp. r-°. Edinburgi, Robertam Allan, 1798. [In Pamphlets, v. 8.J -----De opthalmia. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neitl et socii, 1804. In Pamphlets, v. 28.] Armstrong (John). Lectures on the morbid anatomy, nature, and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. 6^7 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Haswell Sr Barrington, 1837. -----Practical illustrations of the scarlet fe- ver, measles, and pulmonary consumption, with observations on the efficacy of sulphu- reous waters in chronic complaints. 468 pp. B-. London, Baldicin, Cradoch Sf Joy, 1818. -----Practical illustrations of typhus fever, of the common continued fevers, and of inflammatory diseases, etc. 468 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, James IVebster, 1821. ----- The same. With notes by Nathaniel Potter. 1st American, from the 3d English, ed. 468 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, James Web- ster, 1821. ----- The morbid anatomy of the stomach, bowels, and liver, illustrated by a series of plates. 102 pp., 16 pi. 4°. London, Bald- win Sf Cradock, 1838. 13 ARMY. ASHHURST. Army. See British, French, Swiss, United States, etc. Army regulations adopted for the use of the army of the " Confederate States," in accordance with late acts of congress, revised from the army regulations of the old United States army, 1857, retaining all that is essential for officers of the line; to which is added an act for the establishment and organization of the army of the " Confederate States of America." 198 and 32 pp. 8°. Raleigh (N. C), printed at the Institute/or the Dea/ and Dumb and the Blind, 1861. Arnaldus (Villanovanus). Opera omnia, cum annotationibus Nicolai Tarrelli. 2071 pp. et index. Folio. Basileoz, ex off. Perma per Conr. Vualdkirch, 1585. Arnaud (George). Memoires de chirurgie. Illustrated by 26 plates. 826 pp.; with ap- pendix, 12 pp. 4°. London, J. Nourse, 1768. Arndt (Gulielmus Erdmannus). De vulne- rato encephalo humano adjecta historia mor- bi. 22 pp. 8°. Gryphioz, Frid. Guil. Ku- nike, 1852. Arneman (D.) Bemerkungen iiber die durch- bohrung des processus mastoideus in gewis- sen fallen der taubheit. 62 pp. Mit 3 ku- pfertafeln. 8°. Gottingen, Vandenhoek und Ruprecht, 1792. Arneman (J.) System der chirurgie. In 3 v.: v. 1, 772 pp.; v. 2 and 3, 737 pp. 8°. Gottingen, 1798, 1801-2. Arnold (Edmund S. F.) On medical provis- ion for railroads, as a humanitarian measure, as well as a source of economy to the compa- nies. In two papers. 47 pp. 16°. New York, Bailliere Brothers, 1862. Arnold (Franz W.) Digital compression zur heilung von aneurismen. Diss. 16 pp. 8°. Neureudnitz, Heinrich Bachmann, 1868. [In Pamphlets, v. 145.] Arnold (J. C.) De calore motu particula- rum corporis eoque rotatorio circa axes neuti- quam explicando. 22 pp. 4°. Erlanga, Tetzschner, 1754. [In Pamphlets, v. 58.J Arnold (Richard D.) An essay upon the re- lation of bilious and yellow fever. Read before the Medical Society of Georgia, at Macon, April 9, 1856. 24 pp., ad. 6 pp. 8°. Augusta, 1856. [In Pamphlets, v. 207.] Arnoldi (Friedr. August). Wie kann eine seuche sich bloss contagios verbreiten ? etc. In beziehung auf cholera und gelbes fieber. Arnoldi (Friedr. August)—Continued. 142 pp. 8°. Kbln, M. Du Mont-Schaumburg, 1836. [In Pamphlets, v. 211.J Arnott (Neil.) On the smokeless fire-place, chimney-valves, and other means, old and new, of obtaining healthful warmth and ven- tilation. 232 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Brown Sr Co., 1855. Arnott (Neill). Elements of physics; or, natural philosophy, general and medical. 5 parts in 1 v. 486 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Sr Blanchard, 1848. Arntzenius (D.J. A.) Brief over de wijze van ontstaan van den aziatischen braakloop te Scheveningen. 48 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, L.van der Vinne, 1832. [In Pamphlets, v. 204.] Arntzenius (Gulielmus). Amicum de quo- dam morbo dissidium. 66 pp. Small 4°. Neomagi, Henr. Heymans, 1734. Art (The) of preserving the feet; or, practical instructions for the prevention and cure of corns, bunnions, callosities, chilblains, etc. By au experienced chiropodist. 239 pp. 12°. London, Henry Colburn, 1818. Arthure (Thomas). Do pneumonia. 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1804. [In Pamphlets, v. 28.] Articella. Nuperrime impressa cum quam plurimis tractatibus pristine impressioni su- peradditis. (Probably edited by Hieronymus de Saliis.) Fol. ccclxx. 8°. Lugduni, Antonio du Ky, 1525. Arznei-Taxe zur osterreichischen pharma- kopoe. 32 pp. 8°. Wien, Kaiserlich-Konig- liche Ho/- und Staatsdruckerei, 1869. Ascherson (F. M.) Beschreibung tragbarer dampfbad apparate, zur abwehiuug der cho- lera. 30 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Berlin, H. Jonas, 1831. [In Pamphlets, v. 203.] Ashburner (John). On dentition, and some coincident disorders. 235 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Rees, Orme and others, 1834. ----- Notes and studies in the philosophy of animal magnetism and spiritualism. With observations upon catarrh, bronchitis, rheu- matism, gout, scrofula, and cognate diseases. 444 pp. 8°. London, H. Bailliere, 1867. Ashead (Joseph). Prisons and prisoners. 320 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Brown, Green Sf Longman, 1854. Ashhurst (John, jr.) Injuries of the spine. With an analysis of nearly four hundred ASHHURST. 14 AUBERT. Ashhurst (John, jr.)—Continued. cases. 127 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf Co., 1867. Ashton (T. J.) On the diseases, injuries, and malformations of the rectum and anus ; with remarks on habitual constipation. 3d ed. 420 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1860. -----A treatise on corns, bunions,and ingrow- ing of the toe-nails ; their cause and treat- ment. Illustrated. 82 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill,1852. Ashton (Thomas). De cholera. 46 pp. 8°. Lugd. Batav., C. C. van den Hoek, 1833. [In Pamphlets, v. 179.1 Askham (Thomas). De capitis injuriis. 50 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1801. [In Pamphlets, v. 19.] Asplin (Jonas). De ictero. 40 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Robertam Allan, 1797. [In Pamphlets, v. 6.] Assalini (Cav.) Manuale di chirurgia. 368 pp. 12°. Milano, 1812. Assalini (P.) Observations on the disease called plague; on the dysentery; the oph- thalmy of Egypt; with some remarks on the yellow fever of Cadiz. Translated from the French by Adam Neale. To which is added a letter concerning the seasoning or yellow fever of the West Indies by George Pinckard. 234 pp. 8°. New York, T. Sf J. Swords, 1806. Astor Library (Catalogue or alphabetical in dex of the), with an alphabetical index of subjects, in a supplement. 5 v. 8°. New York, R. Craighead, 1857-66. Astronomical reports. See Bruxelles, Chili, United States Naval Observatory, etc. Astruc. Tratado de las enfermedades vene- reas. Traducido al frances por D. F. G. Y. Xiorro. 370 pp. 12°. Madrid, Pedro Marin, 1772. -----The same. Seg. ed. 495 pp. 8°. Madrid, Don Benito Cano, 1791. Asylum (An address to the citizens of Phila- delphia on the subject of establishing an) for the euro of victims of intemperance. 14 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Brown, Bicking Sf Guilbert, 1841. Asylum (Account of the present state of the) for the relief of persons deprived of the use of their reason. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. Brown, 1816. Asylums. See Reports, and under the names of States, etc. Atkins (Dudley). Reports of hospital physi- cians, and other documents in relation to the epidemic cholera of 1832. 200 pp. 8°. New York, G. Sf C. Sf H. Carvill, 1832. Atkins (John). The navy-surgeon, or a prac- tical system of surgery, illustrated with ob- servations on cases occurring in the service of the royal navy. 287 pp. 12°. London, Ward 4- Chandler, 1734. Atkinson (James). Medical bibliography. 379 pp. Royal 8°. London, John Churchill, 1834. Atkinson (John I.) Theory and practice of midwifery, and diseases of women and chil- dren. Prize answers. 23 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 108.1 Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited by J. G. Westmoreland and J. M. Johnson. V. vii. 8°. Atlanta (Georgia), Atlanta In- telligencer book, etc., office, 1866. Atlee (Walter F.) Notes of M. Bernard's lectures on the blood; with an appendix. 224 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo 4- Co., 1854. Attfield (John). Chemistry, general, medi- cal, and pharmaceutical, including the chem- istry of the United States pharmacopoeia. 552 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Henry C. Lea, 1871. Atthill (Lombe). Observations on some forms of inflammation and irritation of the bladder and vagina. (Reprint from Dublin Quar- terly Journal of Medical Science, May, 1866.) 8 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 89. J Atti del regio istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. 1312 pp. 8°. Venezia, Antonelli, 1868-69. Atwater (Caleb). General character, present and future prospects of the people of Ohio. 21 pp. 8°. Columbus, P. H. Olmstead Sf Co., 1827. [In Pamphlets, v. 118.] Aubans (Bruneau, St. de). Fragments from Servir a l'histoire medicale de l'opium. These. 95 pp. 4°. Montpcllier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 45.] Aubas de Montfaucon (Edouard). Relation de l'expSdition du Djebel-Boutaleb. These. 47 pp. 4°. Paris, Rignoux, 1847. [In Pamphlets, v. 52.] Aubert (L.) De la peste, ou typhus d'orient, documens et observations recueillis pendant les ann6es 1834 it 1838 en Egypte, en Arabie, 15 AUBERT. AYRE. Aubert (L.)—Continued. sur la Mer Rouge, en Abissynie, a Smyrne et a Constantinople. 288 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Rouvier, 1840. Aubert (Silvaiu-Adolphe). La scarlatine ob- served a bord de la frigate a vapeur l'Asmo- dee. These. 45 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. Auchincloss (William S.) Report upon steam- engineering, as illustrated by the Paris uni- versal exposition, 1867. 72 pp., 5 pi. 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1869. [Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Reports of the United States commissioners.] Audhoui (V.) Pathologie g6ne>ale de l'em- poisonment par l'alcool. 130 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Belahaye, 1863. Audouard (M. F. M.) R61ation historique et medicale de la fievrejaune qui a r6gu6 a Barcelone, en 1821. 480 pp. 8°. Paris, Moreau, 1822. Audubon (John Adams) and Bachman (Rev. John). The quadrupeds of North America. 3 v. Royal 8°. New York, V. G. Audubon, 1854. Auerbach (H. M.) Autklarungen und ver- haltungsregeln zur abwehr der cholera. 16 pp. 8°. Berlin, J. L. Huber, 1857. Augenius (Horatius). De ratione curandis per sanguinis missionem. Libri xvii. Hac editione quinta ab innumeris propemodum erroribus quibus priores editiones scatebant expurgati, etc. Folio. Franco/urti, apud et heredes Andrea Wecheli, Claudium Marmum Joan Aubrium, 1598. Auginot (Joannes). Des crises en meMecine. These. 80 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 45.] Augsburg. Naturhistorischer verein. 18ter bericht, 248 pp., tf. xiv, 1865; 19ter bericht, 139 pp., 1867; 20ter bericht, 176 pp., 1869. 8°. Augsburg, Ph. J. P/eiffer. Aumerie (J. F. d'). Herinneringen uit de cholera-epidemie te Scheveningen. 188 pp. 8°. Graicnhage Sf Amsterdam, Van Clee/, 1833. [In Pamphlets, v. 226.] Auphan(V.) Traitement hydro-mineral du rhumatisme. 72 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- liere et fils, 1868. Auspitz (Heinrich). Die lehren vom syphi- litischen contagium und ihre thatsiichliche begriindung. 384 pp. 8°. Wien, W. Brau- miiller, 1866. Aust-Vinzenz. Systematische darstellung der k. k. osterreichischen militar-spitaler- verfassung. 2teauflage. 239 pp. 8°. Wien, Jos. Stockholzer v. Hirsch/eld, 1849. Austin (Thomas J.) A practical account of general paralysis, its mental and physical symptoms, statistics, causes, seat, and treat- ment. 225 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1859. Austin (William). A treatise on the origin and component parts of the stone in the urinary bladder. 123 pp. 8°. London, G. Nicol, 1791. [In Pamphlets, v. 117. J Austria. Summarisher bericht betreffend die verhaltnisse der industrie, des handels und verkehrs Oberosterreichs in den jahren 186S und J869. 188 pp., taf. ii. 8°. Linz, Han- dels- und Gcwerbekammer, 1870. Auvert (Alexander). Selecta praxis medico- chirurgicae. Editio secunda. 2 v. 120 pi. Folio. Paris, V. Masson, 1856. Auzilhon (J.) Introduction a l'^tude de l'ulcere simple. Avec une planche. 134 pp. 8°. Montpellier, C. Coulet, 1869. [In Pamphlets, v. 51.] Avenel (Wilfrid). Du pansement des plaies. These. 52 pp. 4°. Paris, Rignoux, 1847. Averill (Charles). A short treatise on oper- ative surgery, describing the principal oper- ations as they are practised in England and France, designed for the use of students in operating on the dead body. 2d ed.# 251 pp., 4 pi. Small 8°. London, published by Jackson, Borough, and sold by Underwood 4' Co., 1825. Avirett (James B.) The memoirs of "Gen- eral" Turner Ashby and his compeers. 408 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Selby Sf Dulany, 1867. Axmann (Carl). Die indische cholera und das ganglien-nervensystem, nebst bemer- kungen uber die verhvitung der cholera. 88 pp. 8°. Erfurt, Hugo Neumann, 1867. Axson (A. F.) Reply to the "Memorial to the legislature," published in the New Or- leans Medical and Surgical Journal of March, 1858. 12 pp. 8C. Ayasse (Joseph Laurent). Des causes duty- phus, et de sa prophylaxie. These. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, Rignoux, 1858. [In Pamphlets, v. 51.] Ayre (Joseph). Report of the method and re- sults of the treatment for the malignant chol- era by calomel, with illustrative cases. 196 pp. 8°. London, Longman and others, 1833. AYRE. 16 BAGLIVI. Ayres (George B.) How to paint photographs I in water-colors. 2d ed. 148 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Benerman Sf Wilson, 1870. Azemar (Dr.) Mes 6tudes sur le cholera. 20.1 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1856. Baader (Joseph.) Observations medicae incisionibus cadaverum anatomicisillustratae. 62 pp. 4°. 1762. [Sandifort, Diss., v. 3.] Baart (J. de la Faille). Catalogus der nagela- tene bibliotheek. 304 pp. 8°. Te Gronin- gen, R. J. Schierbeek, 1868. Baas (Joh. Herm.) Die resektion im ellenbo- gengelenke. Diss. 47 pp. 8°. Giessen, Wilhelm Keller, 1860. Babbage (Benjamin Herschell). See Re- ports, General board of health. Babington (B. G.) Address delivered on opening the third session of the Epidemiolog- ical Society, November 1, 1852. 7 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 60.] Bach (Fridericus C.) Specimen de morbis contagiosis. Diss. 58 pp. 8°. Hate, 1804. [In Pamphlets, v. 107.] Bache (Franklin). Introductory lecture to the course of chemistry. Published by the class. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, B. E. Smith, 1844. ----- An obituary notice of Thomas T. Hewson. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. F. Gtddes, 1850. Bachelet (J. B.) Dissertation sur le traite- ment des plaies d'armes a feu. These. 14 pp. 4°. Paris, Didot, jeune, 1807. [/re Pamphlets, v. 50.1 Bacheracht (Henricus). De morbis liga- mentorum. 37 pp. 4°. Lug. Batav., Con- radum Wishoff Sf Co., 1750. [In Pamphlets, v. 53.] Bachmann (Theodor). Zur casuistik trau- matischer arterienverletzungen und aneurys- men. 29 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1868. Bacmeister (G. F.) Handbuch fiir sanitats- soldaten. 94 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, Fried- rich Vieweg Sf Sohn, 1857. Bacon (G. Mackenzie). On the writing of the insane. Illustrated. 24 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sf Sons, 1870. Bacon (John). Introductory address delivered to the medical class of Harvard University, Wednesday, November 3, 1858. 19 pp. (Reprinted from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.) Boston, Bavid Clapp, 1858. Bacon (Roger). Libellus de retardandis senec- tutis accidentibus, et de sensibus conservan- dis. Edidit Johannes Williams. 31pp. 16°. Oxonim, J. Barnese, 1590. Bad Wildenstein. Klimatische kuranstalt. 16 pp. 12°. Leipzig, E. Grumbach, 1867. Badeau (Adam). Military history of Ulysses S.Grant, from April, 1861, to April, 1865. V. 1. 683 pp. With maps and illustrations. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sf Co., 1868. Bader (Charles). The natural and morbid changes of the human eye, and their treat- ment. With an atlas of 10 plates, and expla- nations to same, in 32 pp. 8°. 505 pp. 8°. London, N. Trubner Sf Co., 1868. Badham (Carolus). De urina et calculis uri- nariis. 38 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1802. [In Pamphlets, v. 21.] Baehr (Bernhard). The science of therapeutics according to the principles of homoeopathy. 2 v.: v. 1, 635 pp.; v. 2, 752 pp. 8° ATeu> York, Boeriche4~ Ta/el, 1869. Baenitz (C.) Beitrage zur flora des konig- reichs Polen. 21 pp. 12°. KBnigsberg, Emil Rautenberg, 1871. [INAUG. Dissert.] Baerens (Bernhardus F.) Systematis sentis crystallinae monographiam physiologico-pa- thologicam. Diss. 82 pp. 4°. Tubingoe,typis Reisianis, 1819. Baert (Joannes). De causis sterilitatis. 31 pp. 4°. Lug. Batav., Henricum, Koster 4" Co., 1769. [In Pamphlets, v. 57. J Baerwindt. Die behandlung von kranken und verwundeten unter zelten im sommer. 32 pp. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, 1866; Wurzburg, 1867. Baesewetter ("Otto Ernestus). De dysen- teria. Diss. 31 pp. 4°. Lipsim, 1826. Baeyer (Gustaf ). De controversa quaestione, an cor nervis careat ? 13 pp. 4°. Lunda, Berlingianis, 1796 [In Pamphlets, v. 143.] Bagieu (M.) Examen des plusieurs parties de la chirurgie, d'apres les faits qui peuvent y avoir rapport. 370 pp. 12°. Paris, veuve Belaguette, 1756. Baglivi (Georgius). Opera omnia medico- practica et anatomica. Accedunt ejusdem Baglivi canones de medicina solidarum ; dis- sertatio de progressione terrae-motus; de systemate et usu motus solidarum in corpore animato; de vegetatione lapidum et analogis- 17 BAGLIVI. BALACZEANU. Baglivi (Georgius)—Continued. | mo circulationis maris ad circulationem sanguinis, nee non J. D. Santarini opuscula quatuor; de structura et motu librae; de nutritione animali, de haemorrhoidibus ; et de catameniis. 4°. Lngduni, Anton Ser- vant, 1733. ----- The same. Editio accuratissima cui praeter digsertationes et alias tractatus prae- cedentibus editionibus adjunctas, item ejus- dem Georgii Baglivi canones de medicina solidarum dissertationem de progressione ter- rae-motus, etc. 918 pp. 4°. Lugduni, Sum- plibus, Petri, Bruyset et socii, 1745. ----- The same. Editio emendatior et vita auctoris aucta, per C. Gottlieb Kuhn. 2 v. 12°. Leopold Vassius, 1827. Bahlche (August). Ueber die resection des oberkiefers. Diss. 30 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Junge Sf Sohn, 1861. Bahrdt (Robert Theodor). Beitrag zur aetio- logie des herpes zoster. Diss. 34 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Th. Engelhardt, 1869. Baier (Joh. Gothofred). De mercurii in corpus humanum agendi modo. 24 pp. Small 4°. Artolfii (Noric), Joh. G. Meyeri 1739. Baillie (Matthew). The morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the hu- man body. 2d American, from 3d London, ed. 271pp. 8°. Walpole(N. H.), IV. Fessen- den, 1808. -----The same. 8°. London, G. Sf IV. Nicol, 1812. ----- The same. 3d American, from 5th London, ed. 288 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Hickman Sf Hazzard, 1820. ----- A series of engravings, accompanied with explanations, which are intended to il- lustrate the morbid anatomy. 228 pp. Di- vided into 10 fasciculi, containing 72 pi. London, G. Sf W. Nicol, 1812. Baillou (Guillaume de). De urinarum hy- postasi de arthritide et de calculo. Item, li- bellus de rheumatico et pleuritide dorsali. Editore Jacobo Thevart. 194 pp. 4°. Ve- netiis, Jeremias Angelus, 1736. ----- De virginum et mulierum morbis. Li- ber a Jacobo Thevart, editas primuin. Edi- tio secunda. 156 pp. 4°. Venetiis, apud Angelum Jeremiam, 1736. Bailly. Notice sur les inconveniens de l'or- ganization du service de sant6 des hopitaux militaires et des armies. Suivie d'un projet d'organization nouvelle. 25 pp. 8°. Nancy, 1831. Bailly (Pierre-Hippolyte-Henri). Etudes sur l'emploi th6rapeutique des preparations ar- senicales, et sur le traitement du typhus cer6- bro-spinal par l'opium a haute dose. 53 pp. 4°. Paris, Rignoux, 1850. Baird (D. Georgii). De aquis thermalibus. Diss. 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Abernethy Sr Walker, 1814. Baird (Spencer F.) Catalogue of North Ameri- can mammals, chiefly in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution. 21pp. 4°. Wash- ington, 1857. -----The same. 56 pp. 4°. 1Vashington,l$i)8. -----On the serpents of New York; with a notice of a species not hitherto included in the fauna of the state. 28 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen, 1854. Baird (William). A dictionary of natural history. Map and numerous illustrations. 613 pp. Royal 8°. London and Glasgow, Richard Griffin Sf Co., 1860. Baker (Elisha). Essay on ulceration of the fangs of the teeth and the best method of cure. 11 pp. 8°. New York, American Society o/ Dental Surgeons, 1841. [In Pamphlets, v. 227.] Baker (George). De catarrho et de dysente- ria londinensi,epidemicis utrisque An. 1762. Lond., 1764. [Sandifort, Difis., v. 2.] Baker (Henry). The microscope made easy; or, the nature, use, and magnifying powers of the best kinds of microscopes. 311 pp. 8°. London, R. Dodsley, 1744. Baker (L. C.) History of the United States secret service. Illustrated. 704 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, L. C. Baker, 1867. Baker (T.) Elements of practical mechanism and machine tools. 3d ed. 240 pp. 12°. London, Virtue Brothers Sf Co., 1867. ----- Principles and practice of statics and dynamics, embracing a clear develop- ment of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, and pneumatics. 152 pp. 12°. London, Virtue 4- Co., 1867. •----- Rudimentary treatise on mensuration and measuring, for students and practical use; with the mensuration and levelling of land for the purposes of modern engineering. 10th ed., revised and corrected by Ed. Nugent. 145 pp. 12°. London, Virtue Sr Co., 1868. Balaczeanu (Georges). Die cholera in Ru- manien im jahre 1866. Diss. 29 pp. 8°. Berlin, druck von Gustave Schade, 1870. 18 BALDWIN. BAMBERGER. Bald-win (Herbertus). De inflainmatione. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1803. [In Pamphlets, v. 27.] Balfour (Francis). A collection of treatises on the effects of sol-lunar influence in France- 359 pp. 8°. London, 7?v Tullis, 1811. Balfour (John Hutton). A probationary essay on purulent deposits after wounds and opera- tions. 80 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Bal/our Sf Co., 1833. [In Pamphlets, v. 110.] Balinage (Henry). The sources of health and disease in communities; or, elementary views of hygiene. 160 pp. 8°. Bostag, Allen Sf Ticknor, 1833. Ball (Isaac). An analytical view of the ani- mal economy. 3d. ed. 164 pp. 8C. New York, Samuel Wood, 1808. Ball (Robert). Wonders of acoustics, or the phenomena of sound ; from the French of Rodolphe Radau. Illustrated. 267 pp. 12°. New York, C.Scribner Sf Co., 1870. Ballard (Edward). Vaccination; its value and alleged dangers. A prize essay. 391 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Green Sf Co., 1868. Ballard (Thomas). A new and rational ex- planation of the diseases peculiar to infants and mothers. 128 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, I860. Bailey (F.) M6t6orologie et m6t6orographie pathog6nie et nosographie. Atlas annex6 aux nos. 41 et 42 du recueil de m6moires de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie mili- taires. 16 pi. 4°. Paris, V. Rozier, 1863. Ballingall (George). Introductory lecture delivered to the class of military surgery in the university of Edinburgh, May 2, 1854. (From the Monthly Journal of Medical Sci- ence, June, 1854.) 9 pp. 8°. ----- Observations on the site and construc- tion of hospitals. 19 pp. 4°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan Sf Stewart, 1851. ----- Outlines of military surgery. 5th ed. 634 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Sf C. Black; London, Longman Sf Co., 1855. ----- Practical observations on fever, dysen- tery, and liver complaints, as they occurred amongst the European troops in India. 248 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, David Brown Sf A. Constable,\8\8. Balman (Thomas). Researches and observa- tions on scrofulous disease of the external lymphatic glands; with cases showing its connection with pulmonary consumption and Balman (Thomas)—Continued. other diseases. 189 pp. 8°. London, Long- man, Brown, Green Sf Longmans, 1852. Balmanno (Joannes). Dedebilitum palpita- tione. 60 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1798. [In Pamphlets, v. 7 ] Balmis (Don Francisco Xavier). Demonstra- cion de las eficaces virtudes nuevamente des- cubiertas en las raices de dos plantas de Nue- va-Espaiia. 317 pp.,2 pi. 8°. Madrid, B. Joaquin Ibarra, 1794. Baltimore (Annual reports of the board of health to the mayor and city council of), for years 1857, 1858, 1860, and 1866. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 313.] Baltimore (An ordinance for the due per- formance of quarantine at the port of), and to prevent the introduction of contagious or in- fectious diseases within the city of Baltimore. 10 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 313 1 Baltimore. Board of trade (9th annual report of), for year 1858. 70 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. B. Rose Sf Co., 1859. [In Pamphlets, v. 313.] Baltimore (The) Medical Journal and Bulletin. E. Lloyd Howard, M. D., T. S. Latimer, M. D., editors and proprietors. 2 v. 8°. Baltimore, 1870-71. Baltimore (The) Medical and Philosophical Lyceum. By Nathaniel Potter. 415 pp. 8°. Baltimore, George Hill, 1811. Baltimore Medical and Surgical Journal; or, North American Archives of Medical and Sur- gical Science. Edited by E. Geddings. 2 v. annually; v. 1 and 2. Baltimore, Carey Sf Hart, 1835. Baltz (Theod. Friedr.) Meinungen fiber die moglichkeit einer verhiitung der sogenannten cholera. 84 pp. 8°. Berlin, Akad. Buchdr. Mittler, 1832. Baly (Francois) and Pariset. Medicinische geschichte des gelben fiebers, welches in Spanien und besonders in Catalonienim jahre 1821 beobachtet wurde. Aus dem franzo- sischen von A. Liman. 587 pp. 8°. Berlin, Voss, 1824. Baly (William) and Gull (William W.) Re- ports on epidemic cholera. 565 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1854. Bamberger (H.) Krankheiten des chylopo- etischen systems. [See Handboch der speciellen pathologie und thera- pie, v. 6,1. abtheilung.] BAMPFIELD. 19 BARBETTE. Bampfield (R.W.) An essay on curvatures and diseases of the spine, including all the forms of spinal distortion. Edited by J. K. Mitchell. 223 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Bar- rington Sf Haswell, 1844. ----- A practical treatise on tropical dysen- tery, more particularly as it occurs in the East Indies. Illustrated by cases and ap- pearances on dissection. To which is added, A practical treatise on scorbutic dysentery, with some facts and observations relative to scurvy. 340 pp. 8°. London, Burgess 4' Hill, 1819. Banau. Observations sur differens moyens propres a combattre les fievres putrides et malignes, et a preserver de leur contagion. Troisieme Edition. 136 pp. 8°. Amster- dam, chez Vauteur, 1784. Bancherro (A. H.E. van). Capita quaedam de locatione et conductione continens. Diss. 27 pp 4°. Lug. Batav., Joannem Bos, etc., 1766. [In Pamphlets, v. 57.J ----- De oeconomia foetus naturali. Diss 37 pp. 4°. Lug. Batav., Henri cum Mostcrt, 1766. [In Pamphlets, y. 57.1 Bancroft (Edward Nathaniel). An essay on the disease called yellow fever, with obser- vations concerning febrile contagion, typhus fever, dysentery, and the plague, partly de- livered as the Gulstonian lectures. 811pp. 8°. London, T. Cadell Sr IV. Davics, 1811. Bancroft (George). History of the United States, from the discovery of the American continent. 20th ed. 8 v. Royal 8°. Bos- ton, Little, Brown 4r Co., 1864. ----- Memorial address on the life and char- acter of Abraham Lincoln. 69 pp. Royal 8°. Washington, 1866. Bandaging. An illustrated system of band- aging. (Selected from Goffres's Precis de bandages.) 45 pp., 11 pi. Richmond, Ayres 4- Wade, 1864. Banga (Jelle). Verhandeling over de epide- mische ziekte welke gedurende 1826 in de nooidelijke proviucien der Niderlanden gehierscht heeft. 159 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, P.Meyer Warnars, 1828. Banister (John). Thehistorieof man,sucked from the sappe of the most approued anath- omistes in this present age. 117 pp. 4°. London, John Daye, 1578. ----- A needefull, new, and necessarie treatise of chyrurgerie, briefly compre- Banister (John)—Continued. hending the generall and particular curation of ulcers, drawen foorth of sundrie worthy wryters, but especially of Antonius Cal- meten's Vergesatus, and Joannes Tagaltius. 138 pp. 16°. London, Thomas Marshe, 1575. Banister (Theodoricus B.) De usu aquae frigidae externo complectens. (Dis. med. inaug.) 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Ndll Sr Co., 1804. [In Pamphlets, v.'25.] Bankier (James). Essay on the origin, pro- gress and treatment of cholera, with remarks on berriberri and diet, as connected with en- demics and epidemics. 450 pp. 8°. Madras, J.B.Pharoah,\8Zb. ----- Essays on the origin, progress, and treatment of dysentery and erysipelas; to which is added an inquiry into the nature, causes, and treatment of pseudo buboes. 547 pp. 8°. Madras, J. B. Pharoah, 1835. Bannerth (Florianus). Naturae conaminum in ossibus laesis sanandis. 46 pp., accedunt tabulae duae lithographicae. 4°. Bonnx, Thormannianis. Banning (Edmund P.) Common sense on the mechanical pathology and treatment of chronic diseases. 341 pp. 8°. New York, E. P. Banning, Baradus (H. A. P.) fitudes theorique et pratique des affections nerveuses. 289 pp. 8°. Paris, chez J.-B. Bailliere, 1850. Barandon (F61ix). Considerations sur quel- ques cas de fractures compliqu^es d'accidents graves gurries sans amputation. These. 49 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 42.] Barberi (J. Ph.) Dictionnaire francais- italien et italien-francais, compose" sur les meilleurs dictionnaires francais et italieus, contenant plus de dix mille mots omis dans tous les autres dictionnaires portatifs. Revu et augments d'explications grammaticales, par A. Ronna. Edition diamant. 446 pp. 8°. Parts, Baudry, 1852. Barbette (Paul). Chirurgia, notis ac observa- tionibus rarioribus illustrata.secundum verae philosophies fundamenta ac recentiorum in- venta, opera Johannis Muis, med. doct. Accedit de peste tractatus observationibus illustratas. 543 pp. 12°. Amstelxdami, Johannes Wolters, 1693. -----GZuvres chirurgiques et anatomiqucs. Avec un trait6 de la peste, enrichi d'observa- 20 BARBETTE. BARKER. Barbette (Paul)—Continued. tions. 625 pp. 12°. Genece, Francois Miege, 1674. -----Thesaurus chirurgiae : the chirurgical and anatomical works. Translated out of Low-Dutch into English. 3d ed. Together with a treatise of the plague. 394 pp. 8°. London, Moses Pitt, 1676. Barbier (J. A.) Propositions de chirugie pratique, sur l'amputation a lambeaux. These. 20 pp. 4°. Paris, 1804. [In Pamphlets, v. 50.] Barbier (J. B. G.) Reflexions sur les fievres. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, Mequignon-Marvis, 1821. Barchewitz (Ernst). Die behandlung der cholera in ihren verschiedenen perioden und graden. 36 pp. 8°. Danzig, 1831. -----Uber die cholera, nach eigener beobach- tung in Ruszland und Preuszen. 113 pp. 8°. Danzig, 1832. Barchewitz (Melcbior A.) Dissert, sistens spicilegia ad phosphori urinarii usum in- ternum medicum pertinentia. Huloz Magde- burg, 1760. [Sandifort, Diss., v. 1.] Barclay (A. W.) A manual of medical diag- nosis. 3d ed. 669 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill Sr Sons, 1870. ----- Medical errors. Fallacies connected with the application of the inductive method of reasoning to the science of medicine. 123 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill Sr Sons,1864. Barclay (Joannes). Deanimaseuprincipisvi- tali. 43 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill, 1796. [In Pamphlets, v. 4. J Barclay (James J.) An address commemo- rative of the virtues and services of Abraham B. Huttou, late principal of the Penn Institu- tion for the Deaf and Dumb. Delivered Oc- tober 4, 1870. See Pennsylvania (Deaf and Dumb Asylum Reports). Barclay (John). A description of the arteries of the human body. 2d ed. 287 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, Bell Sf Brad/utc, 1820. -----The muscular motions of the human ' body. 590 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Laing Sr Co., 1808. Bardenat (J. Ph.) Les recherches physio- logiques de Xav. Bichat, sur la vie et la mort, refutees dans leurs doctrines. 428 pp. 8°. • Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1824. Bardsley (Samuel Argent). Medical reports of cases and experiments, with observations Bardsley (Samuel Argent)—Continued. derived from hospital practice; also, an en- quiry into the origin of canine madness, and thoughts on a plan for its extirpation from the British isles. 336 pp. 8°. London, R. Bicker staff, 1807. Baret (Pierre-Gustave). Essai sur la neces- site de l'operation du trepan dans les plaies de tete par armes a feu. These. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, Didot, jeune, 1815. [In Pamphlets, v. 50.] Baring (Otto). Ueber den markgchwamm derhoden. Mit 4 lithographirten tafeln. 257 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Bieterich'schen buch- handlung, 1833. Barker (B. Fordyce). Fibrous tumors of the uterus; excessive hemorrhage ; removal by excision. 8 pp. 8°. Barker (F.) and (Cheyne (J.) An account of the rise, progress, and decline of the fever lately epidemical in Ireland, etc. 2 v.: v. 1, 500 pp.; v. 2, 377 pp. 8°. London, Bald- win, Chadock and others, 1821. Barker (George F.) A text-book of elementary chemistry, theoretical and inorganic. 342 pp. Small 8°. New Haven, C. C. Chatfield Sf Co., 1870. Barker (John, of Coleshill). The medical and miscellaneous works of. 2 v. 8°. contents. V. 1. The nature of inoculation explained and its merits stated [etc.]; to which is added an ap pendix containing some thoughts on the first appearance of the small-pox in the world, and an address to inoculators and others. 38 pp. London, B. Law, 1769. A treatise on the putrid constitution of 1777, and the preceding years, and the pestilential one of 1778 [etc.]; also of the causes of disease in general, with some peculiar remarks on some common errors and dangerous mistakes in the use of the bark and other medicines. 96 pp. Birmingham, R. Baldwin, 1779. Epidemicks, or general observations on the air and diseases from the year 1740 to 1777, in- clusive, and particular ones from that time to the"beginning of 1795 [etc.]; to which is pre- fixed a preliminary discourse on sublime sci- ence, with observations on the author's writings on divine subjects. 232 pp. Lon- don, T. Longman. A treatise on Cheltenham water and its great use in the present pestilential constitution [etc.] 83 pp. Birmingham, Pearson &c Hot- lason, 1786. Observations on a late publication on Chelten- ham water, and on some remarks on theCr— 1 R—rs, from a treatise on that subject. 20 pp. Birmingham, Pearson if Rollason, 1787. 2. The agreement of reason with sacred revela- tions, etc. 59 pp. Birmingham, 1770. A reply to the author of the remarks on a scrip- ture confutation of Mr. Liudsey's apology. 19 pp. London, 1776. The harmony of the truth, etc. 55 pp. Lon- don, 1776. Ditto, the second part, called the harmony of the scriptures. 126 pp. BARKER. 21 BARTH. Barker (Thomas Herbert). Foul air and fe- ver, as cause and effect. 16 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Hamilton, Adams 4' Co., 1854. [In Pamphlets, v. 254.] ■-----Malaria and miasmata, and their influ- ence in the production of typhus and typhoid fevers, cholera, and the exanthemata. 251 pp. 8°. London, J. IV. Davies, 1863. Observations on diet of infancy and childhood. 54 pp. 8°. London, Simpkin, Marshall 4' Co., 1850. [77i Pamphlets, v. 39.] ---- Photographs of eminent medical men of all countries, with brief analytical notices of their works. The photographic portraits from life by Ernest Edwards. 2 v.: v. 1, 132 pp. ; v. 2, 121 pp. 4°. London, John Churchill 4- Sons, 1868. Barlow (Edwardus). De peritonitide puer- perarum. 51 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Guliel- mus Creech, 1803. [In Pamphlets, v. 25.] Barlow (John). On mans' power over him- self to prevent or control insanity. 2d ed. 8°. London, W. Pickering, 1849. Barnades (D. Miguel). Instruccion sobre lo arriesgado que es, en ciertos casos, enterrar a las personas, sin constar su muerte poi otras sefiales mas que las vulgares. 509 pp. 4°. Madrid, D. Antonio de Sanche, 1775. Barnard (Fred. A. P.) Machinery and pro- gress of the industrial arts, and apparatus of the exact sciences. 648 pp., 8 pi. 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1869. Barnard (J. G.) The "C. S. A." and the battle of Bull Run. With 5 maps. 136 pp. 8°. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1862. ----- Dangers and defences of New York. Addressed to Secretary of War. 62 pp. 8°. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1859. Barnes (Albert). The connexion of temper- ance with republican freedom. 26 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Boyle Sr Benedict, 1835. Barnes (Robert). Obstetric operations, in- cluding the treatment of hemorrhage ; with additions by B. F. Dawson. 483 pp. Royal 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sf Co., 1870. Barnet (James). The martyrs and heroes of Illinois in the great rebellion. Illustrated with portraits. 263 pp. 8°. Chicago, James Barnet, 1865. Barnier (Dr. S.) Des paralysies sans lesions organiques appreciables. These. 88 pp. 8°. Paris, Labi, 1857. Barnwell (William). Physical investigations and deductions, from medical and surgical facts, relative to diseases of a vitiated atmos- phere ; also physianthropy. 458 pp. 8°. Printed /or the author, 1802. Baron (Alexander). De tussi convulsiva. Diss. 51 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Bal/our, Auld et Smellie, 1768. [In Pamphlets, v. 133.] Barras (J. P. T.) Traite sur les gastralgies et les enteralgies, au maladies nerveuses de l'estomac et des intestins. 2de eaition. 386 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet, jeune, 1827. Barre (W. L.) Speeches and writings of Hon. Thomas F. Marshall. Edited by W. L. Barre. 462 pp. Royal 8°. Cincinnati, Applegate Sf Co., 1858. Barrett (Joseph H.) Life of Abraham Lin coin, presenting his early history, political career, and speeches in and out of congress; also a general view of his policy as president of theUnited States,with his messages, proc- lamations, letters, etc., and a history of his eventful administration and of the scenes at- tendant upon his tragic and lamented demise. Illustrated.. 842 pp. 8°. Cincinnati and New York, Moore, Wilstach Sf Baldwin, 1865. Barrier (Dr. Saint-Ange). Le tubercule et la phthisic 74 pp. 8°. Paris, Adricn Dcla- haye, 1868. Barrio (Don Paulino Del). Noticia sobre el terreno carbonifero de Coronel i Lota, i sobre los trabajos de esplotacion en el empremdidos. 107 pp. 4°. Santiago, imprenta Nucional, 1857. Bart (Henry M.) The evolution of light from the living human subject. 59 pp. 8°. Dub- lin, William Curry, jr., a- peutique, ou recueil de memoires origiuaux. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Gabon, 1828-37. -----Traite des maladies du cerveau et de ses membranes. Maladies mentales. 596 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon et cie., 1826. Bayle (Peter). Historical and critical dic- tionary ; to which is prefixed the life of the author. 2d ed., revised, corrected, and en- larged by Mr. Des Maiyeaux. 5 v. Folio. London, J. J. 4' B. Knapton; D. Midwinter and others. Baylies (William). A full reply to a pam- phlet, entitled A short answer to a set of que- ries, etc. 84 pp. 8°. London, A. Millar, 1759. [In Pamphlets, v. 153.] ----— An historical account of the rise, pro- gress, and management of the general hos- pital or infirmary in the city of Bath. 140 pp. 8°. Bath, James Leake, 1758. [In Pamphlets, v. 153.] -----Kurze satze tiber die pocken. Aus dem englischen von A. B. Kolpin. 68 pp. 12°. Stettin, H. G. Effenbart, 1775. ----- A narrative of facts, demonstrating the actual existence and true cause of that phy- sical confederacy in Bath, made known to the public in the printed letters of Dr. Lucas and Dr. Oliver. 52 pp. 8°. Bath, James Leake, 1758. [In Pamphlets, v. 152.] Bayrus (Petrus). Novum, ac perutile opus- culum de pestilentia; et de curatione ejus- dem. Editio princeps. 8°. Taurini, Fran- ciscus Silua, 1507. Bazin (E.) Lecons thSoriques et cliniques sur la syphilides. Redigees et pubises par Louis Fournier. 224 pp. 8°. Paris, Adricn Delahaye, 1859. ----- Lecons th6oriques et cliniques sur les affections cutanee de nature arthritique et dartreuse. RedipSeset. Pubises par Lucien BAZIN. 25 BEAUPRE". Bazin (E.)—Continued. Sergent. 387 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Dela- haye, 1860. ----- Examen critique de la divergence des opinions actuelles en pathologie cutan^e. Publiees par le docteur Langronne. 200 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1866. ----- Lecons theoriques et cliniques sur les affections g6neriques de la peau. Publiees par le docteur Emile Baudot. 2 v. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1862. ----- Lecons theoriques et cliniques sur les affections cutan^es artificielles. rubliees par le docteur Guerard. 499 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1862. ----- Lecons theoriques et cliniques sur les affections cutan6es parasitaires. Publiees par Alfred Pouquet. Deuxieme edition. 292 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1862. ----- Lecons theoriques et cliniques sur la scrofule. Deuxieme edition. 666 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1861. ----- Lecons theoriques et cliniques la sy- philis et les syphilides. Recueillies, rddigees et publi6es par L.-Alfred Dubuc. 456 pp. 4 col. pi. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye 1866. Beale (Lionel S.) Disease germs; their real nature. 24 plates; many colored illustra- tions. 176 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sf Sons, 1870. -----Disease germs ; their supposed nature, 82 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sf Sons, 1870. -----How to work with the microscope. 3d ed. 272 pp., 56 pi. 8°. London, Har- rison, 1865. -----The same. 4th ed., containing upward of 400 illustrations. 383 pp. 8°. London, Harrison, 1868. ----- The same. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4" Blakiston, 1870. -----Kidney diseases, urinary deposits, and calculus disorders, their nature and treat- ment. Containing seventy plates, and tables for the clinical examination of urine. 3d ed., enlarged. 472 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill Sr Sons, 1858. -----The microscope in its application to practical medicine. 3d ed. 320 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sf Blakiston, 1867. -----The same. 3d ed., with numerous origi- nal illustrations. 320 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4" Sons, 1867. ----- On some points in the anatomy of the Beale (Lionels.)—Continued. liver of man and vertrebrate animals. Illus- trated with upward of sixty photographs. 80 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1856. -----On the structure and growth of the tissues, and on life. 226 pp. 8°. London, Robert Hardwicke, 1865. -----See Archives of medicine. Bealey (Josephus). De prima febrium con- tinuarum causae origine. 28 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, Alex. Smellie, 1797. [In Pamphlets, v. 5.] Beamish (Franciscus). De epilepsia. 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1804. \In Pamphlets, v. 28. J Beamish (Joannes). De colica pictonum complectens. 37 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Sew art et socii, 1798. [In Pamphlets, v. 8.] Beaney (James G.) Original contributions to the practice of conservative surgery. 168 pp. 8°. Melbourne, Geo. Robertson, 1859. -----Syphilis, its nature and diffusion popu- larly considered. 15 col. pi. 303 pp. 8°. Melbourne, Geo. Robertson, 1869. Beard (Geo. M.) and Rockwell (A. D.) A practical treatise on the medical and surgical uses of electricity. Illustrated. 698 pp. 8°. New York, Wm. Wood Sf Co., 1871. Beard (George M.) Stimulants and narcotics, medically, philosophically, and morally con- sidered. 155 pp. 8°. New York, G. P. Put- nam Sr Sons, 1871. Beatty (Thomas Edward). On rigid perineum and an operation for its relief. (Reprint from Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, February, 1867.) 8 pp. 8°. Dublin, John Falconer, 1867. [In Pamphlets, v. 89.] Beauchesne (A. de). Louis XVII, his life, his suffering, his death: captivity of the royal family in the temple. 2 v. 8°. New York, Harper Sf Bros., 1853. Beaumont (William). Experiments and ob- servations on the gastric juice, and the physi- ology of digestion. 280 pp. 8°. Platts- burgh, F. P. Allen, 1833. -----Letter and circular from William Beau- mont. 10 pp. 8°. Fort Niagara (N.Y.), 1826. -----The physiology of digestion; with ex- periments on the gastric juice. 2d ed. 303 pp. 8°. Burlington,C. Goodrich, 1847. Beaupre (Moricheau). M6moire sur le choix des hommes propres au service militaire dans BEAUrRfi. 26 BECK. Beaupre (Moricheau)—Continued. l'armee de terre. 100 pp. 8°. Paris, An- selin et Pochard, 1820. ----- A treatise on the effects and properties of cold ; with a sketch, historical and med- ical, of the Russian campaign. Translated by John Clendenning, with appendix. 375 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan Sf Stewart, 1826. Beauvais (Landr6). Sur quelques eaux mi- grates des Pyr6n6es. [In Pamphlets, v. 131.] Beck (Bernhard). Anatomisch-physiologische abhandlung iiber einige in knochen verlau- fenden und an der markhaut derselben sich verzweigenden nerven. 24 pp. Taf. iii. 4°. Freiburg, Herder, 1846. -----Dieschadelverletzungen. 117 pp. 16°. Freiburg i. Br., Fr. Wagner, 1865. -----Die schuss-wunden. Nach erfahrungen auf dem schlachtfelde wie in dem lazarethe wahrend den jahren 1848 und 1849. 343 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, Julius Gross, 1850. -----Klinische beitrage zur histologic und therapie der pseudoplasmen. 200 pp. 16c. Freiburg, Friedrich Wagner, 1857. -----Kriegs-chirurgische erfahrungen wah- rend des feldzuges 1866 in Suddeutschland. 360 pp. 16°. Freiburg i. Br., Fr. Wagner, 1867. -----Laryngotomie bei einem typhus-kran- ken. 37 pp. 8°. -----Leitfaden beim unterrichte der sanitats. mannschaft. 184 pp. 24°. Freiburg, Fried- rich Wagner, 1860. ----Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen casuistik, und kleinere mittheilungen. (From "Archiv fiir Clinische Chirurgie.") Taf. vi. Fig. 6-12. 8°. ---- Ueber das wesen und die arten der ein- klemmung bei unterleibsbruchen. (Vorgetra- gen in der 34. versammlung deutscher natur forscher und arzte in Carlsruhe). 6 pp. 4°. 1858. ----Ueber den seiten-steinschmitt mit dem Stromeyer'schen doppeltgedeckten steinmes- ser (liethotome bicache). 46 pp. 8°. Carls- ruhe Sf Freiburg, Herder, 1844. • Ueber die verbindungen mit dem augen und nasenknoten, so wie iiber den feinern bau dieser ganglien. 54 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, Julius Gross, 1847. Ueber heranbildung und verwendung der sauitats-mannschaft. (From "Allgemeine Militiir-Zeitung.") Darmstadt, 1861 Beck (Bernhard)—Continued, Untersuchungen und studien imgebiete der anatomie, physiologie und chirurgie. Mit microscopischen zeichnungen. 102 pp. 8°. Carlsruhe, Chr. Theo. Gross, 1852. — Uranoplastische studien. (From "Ar- chiv fiir Clinische Chirurgie.") 1863. -----Zur diagnose und prognose der briiche des schadelgrundes. (From " Archiv fiir Clinische Chirurgie.") 53 pp. 8°. Taf. ii. Beck (Emil P.) Uber echinococcen der leber. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Julius Klinkhardt, 1870. Beck (John B.) Lectures on materia medica and therapeutics. Edited by C. R. Gilman, M. D. 3d ed. 558 pp. 8°. New York, S. S. Sf IV. Wood, 1861. Beck (Jno. B.), Morris (R. L.), and Smith (Jos. M.) Report of the standing sanatory committee of the board of health of the city of New York on Asiatic cholera. 24 pp. 8°. New York, the committee, 1848. [In Pamphlets, v. 205.] Beck (Karl Joseph). Sacra semisaecularia. Insunt animadversiones de capitis vulneribus practicae annexis aliquot insigniorum laesio- num narrationibus. 35 pp. 4°. Friburgi Brisgovioz, F. H. Kerkenmayer, 1826. ----- Ueber die anwendung der ligatur an einer von der wunde entfernten, dem herzen zugeweudsten, stelle der verwundeten arterie oder des entsprechenden arterienstammes. 79 pp. 8°. Freiburg, Gebr. Groos, 1836. -----Ueber die vorzuge der lappenbildung bei der amputation in der continuitat der gliedmassen und die ihr zukommenden ope- rations-arten. Aus der Cleutheria besonders abgedruckt. 74 pp. 12°. Freiburg, Wag- ner, 1819. Beck (Lewis C.) Adulterations of various substances used in medicine and the arts, with the means of detecting them. 333 pp. 8G. New York, Samuel S. Sr William Wood, 1846. Beck (Ludwig Theodor). Ueber die behand- lung des entropium. Dissert. 28 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Th. Engelhardt,]869. Beck (Richard). A treatise on the construc- tion of the achromatic microscope. 144 pp., 28 pi. 8°. London, John van Voorst, 1865. Beck (T. Romeyn). Statistics of the medical colleges of the United States. From the transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, v. 4. 12 pp. 8C. Al- bany, J. Munsell, 1839. -----On the utility of country medical insti- 0 11 BECK. BEGBIE. Beck (T. Romeyn)—Continued. tutions. An introductory lecture, delivered at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the western district of the state of New York, December 13, 1824. Pamphlet. 20 pp. 8°. Albany, Webster 4' Skinners, 1825. Beck (Theo. Romeyn and John B.) Ele- ments of medical jurisprudence. 5th ed. 2v.: v. 1,661 pp. ; v. 2, 694 pp. 8°. Al- bany, O. Steele, 1835. -----The same. 11th ed. With notes by an association of the friends of Drs. Beck. The whole revised by C. R. Gilman. 2 v. : v. 1, 884 pp. ; v. 2,1003 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4- Co., 1860. Becker (Alexander R.) Gun-shot wounds, particularly those caused by newly-invented missiles. 33 pp. 8°. 1865. Becker (Gottlieb). De spasmo cordis, contra Nicolaum Chesneau. Small 4°. Matthai Henckelii. [In Pamphlets, v. 76.] Becker (Johann Herrmann). Der mageu in seinem gesunden und kranken zustande. Erster theil. 488 pp. 8°. Stendal, Fran- zen und Gro/se, 1836. Beckwith (Leonard F.) Report on asphalt and bitumen, as applied to the construction of streets and sidewalks in Paris. 31 pp. 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office. 1868. [Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Report of the United States commissioners.] -----Report on beton-coignet, its fabrication and uses. 21 pp. 8°. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1868. [Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Report of the United States commissioners.] Beckwith (Stephanus). De cholera. 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill, 1797. Beckwith (S. W.) Electrical treatment of diseases. 15 pp. 8°. Beclard (J.) Traits elementaire de physiolo- gie humaine, comprenant les principales no- tions de la physiologie compar6e. Cinquieme edition. 1248 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1866. Beclard (P.-A.) Elements d'anatomie g6n6- rale. Quatrieme Edition, augmeutee d'un Pre'cis d'histologie de nombreuses additions, par M. Jules Beclard. 746 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1865. Becquerel (A.) Traite des applications de l'electricite' a la therapeutique medicale et chi- rurgicale. 2rae edition. 550 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Bailliere, 1860. Becquerel (Alf. et Rodier A.) Trait6 de chimie pathologique appliqu<;e a la m6decine pratique. 608 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1854. Beddoes (Thomas). Contributions to physi- cal and medical knowledge. 539 pp. 8°. Bristol, Biggs York, William Wood Sf Co., 1870. -----^Practical observations on etiology, pa- thology, diagnosis, and treatment of anal fis- sure. 199 pp. 8°. New York, IVilliam Wood Sf Co., 1868. BOECK. 39 BOLOGNA. Boeck (W.) Recherches sur la syphilis ap- puyees de tableaux de statistique tir6s des archives~des hopitaux de Christiania. 509 pp. 4°. Christiania, H. J. Jensen, 1862. Boeckel(E.) Appr6cier les avantages et les inconveuients de l'amputation de la jambe au lieu d'election comparee aux amputations sus-malleolaire, sous-malleolaire et partielles du pied. 36 pp. Tables 3. 4°. Stras- bourg, G. Silbermann, 1857. ----- Nouvelles considerations sur la perios- tite phlegmoneuse. 38 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1869. Bceddicker (Josephus). De polypis narium. Diss. 29 pp. 8°. Berolini, Nictackianis,\8\\ Baehm (Henricus Adamus). De morborum gradu differenti pro locorum diversitate. 48 pp. Small 4°. Hala Magdeb., Joh. C. Hendelii, 1731. [In Pamphlets, v. 64.] Boehm (Ludwig). Diekranke darmschleim- haut in der asiatischen cholera mikrosko- pisch untersucht. 83 pp. Mit 2 kupferta- felu. 8°. Berlin, Alex. Duncker, 1838. [In Pamphlets, v. 200.] Bcehme (C. Paulus). De sails medii genesi ex acido aereo. 18 pp. Small 4°. Hula Mag- deb,, J. C. Hendelii, 1737. [In Pamphlets, v. 75.] Bcehmer (Adolph) and Wachter (F. B.) De prolapsu et inversione uteri ejusque va- ginae relaxatione. Hala, 1745. [In Haller, Disput. chir., torn. 3.] Bcerhaave (Hermann). Aphorisms concern. ing the knowledge and cure of diseases. Translated from the last edition, piinted in Latin, at Leyden, 1728. 444 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Innys Sf Hitch, 1742. -----A new method of chemistry. Transla- ted from the original Latin " Elementa chemiae," with notes and an appendix, by Peter Scheu. 2d ed. 2 v. London, T. Longman, 1741. -----Praelectiones academicae de morbis ner- vorum quas ex auditorum mauuscriptis collec- tas edi curavit Jacobus van Eenis. Tom. i, ii. 850 pp. 16°. Lugd. Batav., Pctrum vander Eyk et Cornelium de Pecker, 1761. Boesewetter (Otto Ernest). De dysenteria. 31 pp. 4°. Lipsia, Staritz, 1826. Boggie (John, M. D.) Observations on hos- pital gangrene, with prefatory remarks. Cases showing the antiphlogistic treatment. 151 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Adam Sf Charles Black, 1818. Bohls (Joh. Daniel). Compendium, oder kurtze einleitung zur praxi chirurgica: nebst einer vorrede von denen eigenschaff- ten eines guten chirurgi, von Herrn Dr. Christoph Jacob Treu. 350 pp. 8°. Nurn- bcrg,bei Adam Jonathan Felszeckers seel. erben, 1736. Bohm (Carl). Therapie der knochenbrikhe I. theil, Allgeineine therapie. 459 pp. 8°. Wien, IVilhelm Braumiiller, 1869. Bohm (Mathias). De operationibus obstetri- ciis pelvi coarctata indicatis. Diss. 35 pp. 8°. Erlangen, E. Th. Jacob, 1863. [In Pamphlets, v. 312.] Bohte (J. Andreas L.) De tincturis salinis mediis. 33 pp. Small 4°. Hala Magdeb., Hi.ndeliana, 1758. [In Pamphlets, v. 75.] Boisragon (Henricus C.) De melancholia. These. 58 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1799. [In Pamphlets, v. 9.] Boisseau (F. G ) Traite du cholera-morbus, considere" sons le rapport medical et adminis- tratif. Suivi des instructions concern ant la police sanitaire. 407 pp. 8°. Paris, J.- B. Bailliere, 1832. -----A treatise on cholera morbus. Trans- lated from the French by G. S. Bedford. 148 pp. 8°. New York, Collins Sf Co., 1832. Boivin (Mine.) Memorial de l'art des ac- I couchemeus. Quatrieme edition. 2 v.: v. 1, 526 pp.; v. 2, 145 pi. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, Crochard et cie., 1836. Boivin (Mine.) it Duges (A.) Traite pratique des maladies de l'uterus, et de ses annexes. Accompagne" d'un atlas de 41 planches folio gravees et coloriees. 2 v.: v. 1, 399 pp.; v. 2, 678 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1833. Bokum (Hermann). Wanderings north and south. 73 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, King Sf Baird, 1864. Boll (Franz). Beitrage zur mikroskopischen anatomie der acinbsen driisen. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, H. S. Hermann, 1869. -----Beitrage zur vergleichenden histologie des molluskeutypus. Ill pp., 4 taf. Bonn, Max Cohen Sr Sohn, 1869. Bologna. Memorie dell' accademia delle sci- enze dell' istituto di Bologna. Serie ii, tome vii e viii. 4°. Bologna, Gambcrini e Par- meggiani, 1868-69. BOLTEX. Bolten (Hugo). De hemorrhagiis spontaneis in genere. Diss. 44 pp. 4°. Lug. Batav., Theodorum Haak Sr Co., 1763. [In Pamphlets, v. 56.] Bolton (James). A treatise on strabismus, with a description of new instruments de- signed to improve the operation for its cure. 36 pp. 8°. Richmond, P. D. Bernard, 1842. Bonamy(C), Broca (Paul), et Beau (fimile). Atlas d'anatomie descriptive du corps humain. Ire partie. Ost6olo»ie, svndesmologie, myologie. 82 pi. Royal 83. Paris, Fortin, Masson et cie., 1844. 2de pa1 tie. Coeur, artdres, veines, vaissanx lym- pbatiqueset aponeuroses. 62 pi. Royal 8°. Paris, Victor Massoii etfils, 1844. 3ine partie. Splanchnologie. 96 pi. Royal 8C. Paris, Victor Masson etfils, 1850. 4me partie. Appareil gfeuito-nrinaire, 07-ganes de la respiration. 96 pi. Royal 8°. Paris, Victor Mas- son etfils, 1866. Bonastre (M.) Memoire sur la forme cristal- line de plusieurs sous-resiues. 8 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 32.] ----- Memoire sur la inatiere colorante du salvia colorans. 8 pp. 8°. Paris, Decour- chant et Gallay, 1826. [In Pamphlets, v. 32.] -----Sur la coloration des huiles essentielles par l'acide nitrique, et de son analogie avec celle de quelques substances vegetales ven6- nenses. (Extrait du Journal de pharmacie, Novembre 1825.) 14 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 32.] Bone (George Frederick). Inaugural disser- tation on yellow fever, and on the treatment of that disease by saline medicines ; with an appendix by Hugh Bone. 85 pp. 8°. Ed- inburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1846. Bonetus (Theophilus). Sepulchretum, sive anatomia practica, ex cadaveribus morbo deuatis-proponens historias et observationes omnium humani corporis affectum, ipso- rumque causas reconditas revelans. Editio altera. Ulustravit J. J. Mangetus. Tomi 3. Folio. Geneva, Cramer 4' Ptrachon, 1700. Bonn (Andreas). De continuationibus mem- branarum. Diss. 52 pp. 4°. Lugd. Ba- tav., Georg. Wishoff Sf Co., 1763. [7/t Pamphlets, v. 55; also, inSandifort, Diss.,v.2.] ----- Tabulae ossium morbosorum. 23 pi. 4°. Amsteladami, J. C. Sepp, 1788. Bonnafont (J. P.) Du fonctionnement des ambulances civiles et internationales sur le champ debataille. 14 pp. 8°. Paris, J-B. Bailliere et fils, lb70. [In Pamphlets, v. 308.] -----Traite theorique et pratique des mala- dies de l'oreille et des organes de l'audition. Avec 22 fig. 665 pp. t°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1860. BORCHAK11N. Bonnar (G L.) A critical inquiry regarding superfoctation, with cases. (Reprint from Edinburgh Medical Journal, January, 1865.) 21 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Oliver ales et reglementaires. 40 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1854. ----- Souvenirs de la campagne d'ltalie. BOUDIN. BOWDITCH. Boudin(J. C. M.)—Continued. Observations topographiques et medicales. Etudes nouvelles sur la pellagre. 67 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1361. ----- Systeme des ambulances des armees francaise et anglaise. Planches 3. 67 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1855. -----Traite des fievres intermittentes, remit tentes et continues, des pays chauds, et des coutr6es mar6cageuses, suivie de recherches sur I'emploi th6rapeutique des preparations ars6nicales. 343 pp. 8°. Paris, Gerrner- Bailliere, 1842. -----Traite de geographic et de statistique m6dicales et des maladies enc!6miques. 2 tomes. 575, 744 pp. 9 cartes ct tableaux. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere et fils, 1857. Bouillaud (J.) Clinique m6dicale de l'hopital de la charite ou exposition statistique des diverses maladies traiteesa la clinique decet hdpital. 3 v. 8°. Paris, J.-B. lUilliere, 1837. ----- New researches on acu'e articular rheumatism. Translated by J. Kitchen. 64 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Haswell, Bar- rington Sf Haswell, 1837. [In Pamphlets, v. 91.] ----- Trait6 de nosographie medicale. 5 v. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1846. Boujalsky (Elie). Dessins photographiques des arteres et des veines excarn6es, des reins humains. 15 pp. 4°. (Russ. text.) De- scription des dessins, 10 pp., 3 pi. 4°. St. Peter sbourg, 1863. -----Tabulae anatomico-chirurgicae. 64 pp., 10 pi. Folio. St. Petersburg, 1863. Boulogne. Precis des travaux de la societe" medicale de Boulogne. Dequis sa fondation 1836-39. 8°. Boulogne, imprimeric de La Roy-Mobille, 1839. Bouneau (J. D.) and Sulpicy (Eug.) Re- cherches sur la contagion de la fievre jaune. 480 pp. 8°. Paris, Compere, 1823. Bourdy (L.) Des tumeurs fibro-plastiques sous-cutan^es des membres. 53 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1868. Boureau (Felix). Cholera. Mode de propaga- tion et moyens preservatifs. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Belahaye, 1868. [In Pamphlets, v. 181.] Bourgarel (Ferdinand-Pierre). Des causes qui retardent ou empechent la guerison des plaies. These. 39 pp. 4°. Paris, Rig- noux, 1860. [In Pamphlets, v. 51.] Bourgery (J. M.) Anatomie microscopique de la rate dans l'homme et les mammiferes. 56 pp. 4°. Paris, d la libraire anatomique, 1843. ---- Iconographie d'anatomie chirurgicale et de medecine operatoire. V. 6 and 7. Folio. Paris, C. A. Delaunay, 1837-40. — Traite de petite chirurgie. 528 pp. 8°. Paris, Rouen freres, 1829. Bourgery (J. M.), Bernard (Claude), el Jacob (N. H.) Traite" complet de l'anato- mie de l'homme, comprenant l'anatomie chirurgicale et la medecine operatoire, avec planches coloriees, et textes suppl^mentaires, 8 v. Folio. Paris, L. Guirin, 1866-67. table des matieres. Tomelro. Ost6ologie—syndesmologio. 191 pp. 159pP Tome 2me. Myologie—apon6urologie. 141pp. 159 pi' Tome 3me. K6urologie. 341 pp. 100 pi. Tome 4me. Angeiologie. 162 pp. 91 pi. Tome 5ine. Splanchnologie. 342 pp. 76 pi. Tome 6me. M6rlecine operatoire. 280 pp. 91 pi. Tome 7me. Mijdecine operatoire. 356 and lii. pp. 77 pi., and 15 lettered plates, A to P. Tome 8me. Embryog6nie. 335 pp. 60 pi. Bourgoin (Edme.) Nouvelles recherches 61ectrolytiques. 36 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1868. Bourguet (fimile). Essai sur l'hygiene des ouvriers houilleurs. These. 112 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 48.J Bourguignon (H.) On the cattle plague; or, contagious typhus in horned cattle. Its his- tory, origin, etc. 379 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sr Co., 1869. Bourlier (A.) De la phthisie a Alger. These. 48 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 47.] Boutell (Charles). Heraldry, historical and popular. 3d ed.,revised and enlarged. 975 illustrations. 547 pp. 8°. London, Richard Bentley, 1864. Bouton (Louis). Plantes medicinales de Maurice. 2de ed. 147 pp. 8°. Port-Louis, E. Bupuy et P. Bubois, 1864. Boutron et Boudet (F.) Hydrotime:rie. Nouvelle m6thode pour determiner les pro- portions des matieres minerales en dissolu- tion dans les eaux de sources et de rivieres. 4me 6d. 88 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson, 1866. Bowdich (T. Edward). An analysis of the natural classifications of mammalia. Illus- trated. 215 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Smith, 1821. Bowditch (Henry I.) A brief plea for an am- bulance system for the army of the United 44 BOWDITCH. Bowditch (Henry I.)—Continued. States. 28 pp. 8°. Boston, Ticknor tj Fields, 1863. ----- A treatise on diaphragmatic hernia; being an account of a case observed at the Massachusetts General Hospital, followed by a numerical analysis of all the cases of this affection found recorded in the writings of medical authors, between the years 1610 and 1846. 77 pp. Buffalo, Jewett, Thomas 4- Co., 1853. -----On paracentesis thoracis, with analysis of cases. Extracted from the American Jour- nal of the Medical Sciences for April, 1852. 35 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, T. K. 4~ P. G. Collins, 1852. Bowditch (W. R.) The analysis, technical valuation, purification, and use of coal-gas. Illustrated. 300 pp. 8°. London, E. Sf F. N. Spon, 1867. Bowen (Rev. T. J.) Grammar and dictionary of the Yoruba language. With an introduc- tory description of the country and people of Yoruba. 4°. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, 1858. Bowling (W. K.) Cholera, as it appeared in Nashville in 1849, 1850, 1854, and 1866. 27 pp. 8°. Nashville (Tenn.), Medical Col- lege, 1866. [In Pamphlets, v. 242.] -----Eulogy on the life and character of the late Professor John M. Watson, M. D. 19 pp. 8°. Nashville (Tenn.), IV. H. F. Ligon, 1866. [In Pamphlets, v. 161.] -----Lying facts ; or, a revelation of a new use for the organs of locomotion. 15 pp. 8°. Nashville (Tenn.), IV. H. F. Ligon, 1868. [In Pamphlets, v. 230.] Bowman (John E.) A practical haudbook of medical chemistry. 2d American, from the 3d and revised London, ed. With illustra- tions. 287 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanihard Sf Lea, 1855. Bowman (S. M.) and Irwin (R. B.) Sher- man and his campaigns. Illustrated with portraits. 512 pp. New York, C. B. Richard- son, 1865. Bowron (John S.) Observations on planetary and celestial influences in the production of epidemics, and on the nature and treatment of diseases. 72 pp. 8°. New York, John S. Taylor, 1850. Box (Thomas). A practical treatise on heat. 216 pp. 8°. London, F. N, Spon, 1868. BRAID. Boyd (William H.) and Hutchinson. Wash- ington and Georgetown directory, containing a business, congressional, and department directory, and an appendix. 6 v. 1858,1863, 1864, 1866, 1867, 1368. Henry Pollinhorn. Boyer (Alexis). A treatise on surgical dis- eases and the operations suited to them. Translated from the French, with notes and appendix by Alex. H. Stevens. 2 v.: v. 1, 414 pp.; v. 2, 395 pp. 8°. New York, T. Sf J. Swords, 1815-16. ----- (The lectures of) upon diseases of the bones, arranged into a systematic treatise by A. Richeraud. Translated from the French by M. Farrell. 2 v. in 1. 1st American ed., with notes and additional plates by Joseph Hartshorne. Illustrated. 368 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, James Humphreys, 1805. ----- Traite des maladies chirurgicales et des operations qui leur conviennent. Cin- quieme edition, publi6e par Ph. Boyer. 6 v. 8°. Paris, Labi, 1844. Boynton (C. B.) Navies of England, France, America, and Russia. Extract from a work on English and French neutrality and the Anglo-French alliance. 72 pp. 8°. New York, J. F. Trow, 1865. ----- The history of the navy during the rebellion. 2 v.: v. 1, 576 pp.; v. 2, 580 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1867-68. Brachet (J.-L.) Recherches experimentales sur les fonctions du systeme nerveux gan- glionaire, et sur leur application a la patholo- gie. 447 pp. 8°. Paris, Montpdlier, and Bruxelles, 1830. Brachet (Leon). Du role du parasite dans l'etiologie des maladies cutaneesparasitaires. These. 55 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 47.] Brackenau (W. hock de). Mentagra, sive tractatus de causis, preservativis, regimine et cura morbi Gallici, vulgo Malafrancos. Fol. 51. 8°. Argent., 1514. Bradford (J. Taylor). Report on ovariotomy 56 pp. 8°. Bradley (J.) Observations on a stridulous affection of the bowels ; and on some varie- ties of spinal disease, with au appendix of cases. 283 pp. 8°. London, John Souter, 1818. Bradley (S M.) and "Whitehead (W.) The Manchester medical and surgical reports. 301 pp. 8°. Manchester, J.E. Cornish, 1870 Braid (James). Electro-biological phenomena considered physiologically and psychologi- 45 BRAID. Braid (James)—Continued. cally. 33 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland 4' Knox, 1851. [I71 Pamphlets, v. 97.] -----The same. 33 pp. 8C. Edinburgh, John Churchill, 1851. Braidwood (Peter Murray). On pyaemia or suppurative fever, being the Astley Cooper prize essay for 1S63. 237 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4' Sons, 1868. Braidwood (P. M.)and Harrison (R.) The Liverpool medical and surgical reports, v. 4. 200 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sr Sons, 1870. Braithwaite (W. and J.) A commentary on midwifery and the diseases of women and children. Reprinted from Braithwaite's Retrospect, v. 56, K-67. 56 pp. 16°. Lonion, Simpkin, Marshall Sr Co., 1867. ----- On affections of the eye and ear. Re- printed from Braithwaite's Retrospect, v. 56. 30 pp. 16°. London, Simpkin, Marshall Sf Co., 1867. ----- The Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Uniform American ed. 33 v. 8°. New York, IV. A. Toicnsend 4~ Co., 1840-71. Brambilla (Alexander, jr.) Instrumentarium chirurgicum Yknneme. 1C9 pp. Tab. Ixv. Folio. Viennc, Ma.th. Andr. Schmidt, 1789. Brambilla (J. A.) Instructicn fiir die pro- fessoren der k. k. chirurgischen militar- akademie. Auf befehl sr. k. k. apostol. maj. Joseph II. 2 parts. 129,131pp. 4C Wien, Joh. Th. Edltn von Trattnern, 1784. Branchi (Giuseppe). Sulle falsificazioni delle sostanze specialmeute medicinale sui mezzi atti ad escoprirle trattato. Tome 2 in 1. 292 pp. 8°. Pis i, Scbastiano Nistri, 1823. Brand (Ernst). Die heilung des typhus. 88 pp. Behandlung des typhus mit biidern. 15 pp. 8°. Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1868. Brande (William Thomas). A manual of pharmacy. 537 pp. 8°. London, Thomas 4' George Underwood, 1825. Brande (W. T.) and Cox (Rev. George W.) A dictionary of science, literature, and art. 3 v. 8°. London, Longmans, Green Sf Co., 1865. Brande (William T.) and Taylor (Alfred S.) Chemistry. 2d American edition, thoroughly revised. 764 pp. fc°. Philadelphia, Henry C. Lea, 1867. BREMNER. Brandt (Thure). Nouvelle methode gymnas- tique et magnetique pour le traitement des maladies des organes du bassin et principale- ment des affections uterines. 86 pp., 3 pi. 8°. Stockholm, C. E. Frirre, 1863. Brannan (John). Official letters of the mili- tary and naval officers of the United States during the war with Great Britain. 510 pp. 8°. Washington city, Way 4" Gideon, 1823. Braune (W.) Topographisch-anatomischer atlas. Nach durchschnitten an gefrornen cadavern. 1st bis 4te lieferung. Folio. Leipzig, Veit Sf Comp., 1837-68. Brause (Aug. R. H.) Ueber zerreissung der harnblase. Diss. 21 pp. 8°. Groitzsch, G. Rcichardt, 1870. Brauser(H) Die cholera-epidemie des jahres 1852 in Preussen. 66 pp. 8°. Berlin, Aug. Hirschwald, 1854. [In Pamphlets, v. 170.] Brebisius (Joh. A. H.) De initio mensium fine morborum. 40 pp. Small 4°. Hala Magdeb., Hendelianis, 1727. [In Pamphlets, v. 71.] Bree (Robert). Thoughts on cholera asphyxia. 71 pp. 8°. London, John Wilson, 1832. Breen (Joannes). De apii effectibus, ejusque in quorundam morborum curatione virtuti- bus. These. 25 pp. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1802. [In Pamphlets, v. 23.] Breggen (F. van der). Bijdragen tot bevor- dering van de kenniss aangaande den aart, de verschijnsden, de voorkoming en de be- handeling van de westelijk gedeelte van Europa bedreigende cholera. 4^7 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, Gebroeders Diederichs, 1831. ----- Bouwstoffen voor bet contagieuse der asiatische cholera. 103 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, Gebr. Diedtrichs, 1832. [In Pamphlets, v. 182.] Brehier (Joannes). De dyspepsia. These. 40 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Georgii Mudie etfilii, 1797. [In Pamphlets, v.6.] Bremer (William). The Englishman's trea- sure ; with the true anatomie of man's body, containing many treasures gathered and set forth for the benefit and cure of the poorer sort of people, who are not abel to go to the physicians. (Black letter.) 292 pp. Small 4°. London, B. Alsop -. 11 pp. 8C. Philadelphia. [In Pamphlets, v. 161.] BUTLER. 58 CAETANO. Butler (Thomas B.) A concise, analytical, and logical development of the atmospheric system as God made it. 403 pp. 8°. Hart- /ord, author, 1870. Butt (J. M.) De spontanea sanguinis sepa- ratione. Edinburgh, 1760. [Saxdifort, Diss., v. 2.] Butte (Wilhelm). Prol6gomeues del'arithm6- tique de la vie humaine. 192 pp., 3 pi. Paris, J. G. Dcntu, 1812. Butter (William). A treatise on the infantile remittent fever. 2d edition. 47 pp. 8°. London, J. Callow, 1806. Butterfield (Daniel). Camp and outpost duty for infantry, with standing orders, etc. 124 pp. 16°. New York, Harper 4' Bros., 1863. Butterfield (John W.) A digest of the de- cisions in the office of the second comptroller of the treasury, compiled under the direc- tion of the comptroller. 3d ed. revised and enlarged. 342 pp. 8°. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1869. Buttler (William). A treatise on the kink- cough. With an appendix. 206 pp. 16°. London, T. Cadcll, 1773. [In Pamphlets, v. 85.] Biittner (Carl Julius). Die cholera Asiatica, deren ursachen, behandlung, etc. 172 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Dunckcr 4- Humblot, 1868. ----- Do ossium sclopetis vulneratorum laesionibus. 8°. TApsia, 1855. Byasson(H) Essai sur relation qui existe a l'etat physiologique entre l'activite cere- brale et la composition des urines. 66 pp. 8G. Paris, Gcrmer-Balliere, 1868. Bye-laws of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. 46 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 34.] Byford (William H.) The practice of medicine and surgery applied to the diseases and acci- dents incident to women. 566 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Lindsay Sf Blakiston, 1865. -----A treatise on the chronic inflammation and displacements of the unimpregnated uterus. 2d ed. Illustrated. 248 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sf Blakiston, 1871. -----A treatise on the theory and practice of obstetrics. 457 pp. 8°. New York, William Wood 4- Co., 1870. Byrn (M. La Fayette). The complete prac- tical distiller, comprising the most perfect and exact theoretical and practical descrip- tion of the art of distillation and rectifica- tion, etc. 198 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, II. C. Baird, 1860. Byrne (Bernard M.) An essay to prove the contagious character of malignant cholera, with brief instructions for its prevention and cure. 2d ed. 160 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Childs Sf Peterson, 1855. Byrne (B. M., surgeon U. S. A.) Proceedings of a court-martial for the trial of. Held at Fort Moultrie (S. C.) on March 24, 1859. 130 pp. 8°. Charleston, Walker, Evans 4' Co., 1859. Byrne (John Augustus). Case of rupture of the uterus in which recovery took place. (Reprint from Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, February, 1862.) 10 pp. 8°. Dublin, John Falconer, 1862. [In Pamphlets, v.89.] Cabade (Ernest). Notions d'anatomie et de physiologie gdncrales. Essai sur la physio- logie des 6pith61iums. 83 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Paris, Germcr-Baillihrc, 1867. Cabanis (P. J. G.) An essay on the certainty of medicine. Translated from the French byR. La Roche, M. D. 119 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Robert Besihcr, 1823. -----Du degr6 de certitude de la m6decine. 144 pp. 8°. Paris, Didot, 1798. -----The same. Nouvclle 6dition, revue, corrigee et augmentee de plusieurs autres 6crits du meme auteur. 537 pp. 8°. Paris, Crapart, Caille et Racier, 1803. -----Sketch of the revolutions of medical science, and views relating to its reform. Translated from the French, with notes, by A. Henderson. 420 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1806. Cabasse (Charles Jules). Relation m6dico- chirurgicale de la captivite des prisonniers francais chez les Arabes. 96 pp. 8°. Paris, Rignoux,1848. Cabell (J. L.) Syllabus of the lectures on physiology and histology, including the out- lines of comparative anatomy, delivered at the University of Virginia. 114 pp. 8°. University 0/ Virginia, McKennic if Son, 1853. Cadet (Socrate). La peste colerica e il solfuro nero di mercurio detto comunemente ctiope minerale. 12 pp. 8°. Roma, 1869. -----Proposta dell' etiope minerale 0 sulfuro nero di mercurio contro le epizoozio di morbi acuti, ossia di corso rapido degli animali do- mestici. 11 pp. 4°. (From Reale acade- mia dei Lincei, Estratto, Marzo, 1871.) Caetano (Casimirus, Da C.) De stadio me- dico. Diss. 55 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Joh. ct Herm. Verbeek, 1767. [In Pamphlets, v. 54.] CAHOURS. Cahours (M. Auguste). History of the or- ganic radicals. Translated from the French by W. S. W. Ruschenberger, M. D., U. S. N. 36 pp. 8°. Caignou (E. de) et Quemont (A.) Lecons du docteur Broussais sur les phlegmasies gastriques, etc. (See Broussais.) Cailliot (Louis). Trait6 de la fievre jaune. 325 pp. 8°. Paris, Miquignon-Marvis, 1815. Cain (D. J.) History of the epidemic of yel- low fever in Charleston (S. C.) in 1854. 36 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. Sf P. Collins,18o6. Caisso(Jean-Benjamin). Recherchesanatomo- pathologiques sur la fievre typhoide. Pr6c6- deesdeconsiddrations cliniques sur cettemala- die. These. 335 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 43.] Cajander (Hemic). Afhandlingomcholerans epidemiskanatur. 24 pp. 12°. Helsing/ors, J. C. Frenckell Sf Son, 1832. Caldani (Florianus) and Antoiiius (Leo- poldus Marcus). Icones anatomicae quot- quot sunt celebriores ex optimis neotericorum operibus summa diligentia depromptae et col- lecta. 3 torn, in 4, in fol.; et 3 in 5, expli- cationum, in 4°. Venet.,Jos. Picotti, 1801-14. Caldwald (Jacobus). De nephritide. These. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Bal/our et Smcllie, 1787. [In Pamphlets, v. 1.] Caldwell (Charles, M. D.) Analysis of fever. 97 pp. 8°. Lexington (Ky.), Thomas T. Skillman, 1825. -----Elements of phrenology. 2ded. 279 pp. I 8°. Lexington (Ky.), A.G. Meriwether, 1827. -----An eulogium to the memory of Dr. Sam- uel Cooper, delivered by appointment before the Philadelphia Medical Society on the 4 th day of March, 1799. 48 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Mathew Carey, 1799. -----An eulogium to the memory of Mr. George Lee, delivered by appointment to the Philadelphia Medical Society on the 24th day of February, 1802. 34 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Thomas 4" Wm. Brad/ord, 1802. [In Pamphlets, v. 391.] -----An experimental inquiry respecting the vitality of the blood. 43 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Thomas Sr Wm. Brad/ord, 1805. [In Pamphlets, v. 379.1 -----Medical and physical memoirs, contain- ing an inquiry into the origin and nature of the late pestilential epidemics of the United States. 348 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. 4' IV. Brad/ord, 1801. -----Medical theses, selected from among CALHOUN. Caldwell (Charles, M. D.)—Continued. the inaugural dissertations, published and defended by the graduates in medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, and of other medical schools in the United States: with an introduction, appendix, and occasional notes. 12 plates. With appendix, 395 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Thomas 4" Wm. Brad/ord, 1805. [In Pamphlets, v. 379.] -----The same. 396 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Thomas rk, Harper Sr Brothers. Cracow. Przeglad Lekarski. (Surgical re- view, published under the auspices of the section for medicine and natural sciences of the Scientific Society of Cracow. Edited by Profs. Dietla, Mnjera, Skobla, and others.) Text, Polish. 5 v. 4°. Cracow, 1862-66. -----Rocznik ces. Kr61. Towarzystwa nau- kowego krakowskiego. (Annals of the Im- perial and Royal Academy of Agriculture at Cracow.) 4 v. 8°. Krakdw, W. Dru- Icarni, 1867-71. Craig (B. F.) Weights and measures accord- ing to the decimal system ; with tables of conversion for commercial and scientific uses on a new plan. 43 pp. 12°. New York, 1). Van Nostrand, 1867. Craig (James). On the law of the coroner; and on medical evidence in the preliminary investigation of criminal cases. 29 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland 4' Knox, 1855. [In Pamphlets, v. 97.] Craig (John). The universal English dic- tionary, comprising the etymology, definition, and pronunciation of all known words in the language, as well as technical terms used in art, science, literature, commerce, and law. A new edition, thoroughly revised; with the addition of all new words to the present date. 2 v. 10811 pp., 1 pi.; and 1276 pp. London Routlcdge, Warne 4' Routledgc, 1864. Craig (William). On the influence of varia- tions of electric tension as the remote cause of epidemics. 436 pp. 8°. Lonelon, John Churchill, 1859. Craigie (David). Elements of general and pathological anatomy. 816 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, Adam Black, 1823. Cramer (Christ.) De paralysi et setaceorum ad versus earn exemio usu. Gottinga, 1760. [Sandifort, Diss., v. 1.] Cramer (Hermann Ludwig). De rigiditate articulorUm fracturas sanatus sequente. Diss. 19 pp. 8°. Lipsia, A. Edelmann, 1859. [In Pamphlets, v. 112.J Crampton (Philip). Observations on lithot- omy. Illustrated. (Extracted from the Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, Feb- ruary 1, 1847.) 16 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 114.] Craven (John J.) Prison-life of Jefferson Davis. 377 pp. 8°. New York, Carleton, 1866. Crawford (John). Cursus medicinre ; or, a complete theory of physic, in five parts. 382 pp. 8°. London, IV. Taylor, 1724. Crawford (Thomas). De cynanche stridula. Diss. 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgh and London, C. Elliott 4~ G. Robinson, 1771. [In Smellius, Thesaurus medieus, torn. 3.] Crawford (William) and Russell (Whit- worth), inspectors o/prisons. Extracts from the second reports. 37 pp. 8°. Lonelon, IV. Clowes, 1837. [In Pamphlets, v. 327.] Crede (Carl Crecil Beuno). Eiuiges ueber das wunderysipel im St. Jakobshospitale zu Leipzig. Diss. 28 pp. Leipzig, A. Th. Engclhardt, 1870. Credner (Ferdinand). Ueber podophyllin. Diss. 19 pp. 8°. Giessen, Wilhelm Keller, 1869. Creekes (Gulielmus). De acre. 48 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Aelamus Neill et sccii, 1803. [In Pamphlets, v. 27.] Crell (Johan. F.) De tumore capitis fungoso post cariem cranii exorto. 1 tab. [In Haller, Disput. chir., torn. 1, p. 45.] De tumore fundo uteri externe adhre- rente. [In Haller, Disput. chir., torn. 3, p. 634.] Cremsn (David). A report on the epidemic scarlatina which visited Cork in 1882. (Re- print from Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medi- cal Science, May, 1863.) 19 pp. 8°. Dublin, John Falconer, 1863. [In Pamphlets, v. 90.] 89 CREMONY. CROSSMAN. Cremony (John C.) Address before the So- ciety of California Volunteers, on April 25, 1868. 19 pp. 8°. San Francisco, Commer- cial Herald Office, 1868. [In Pamphlets, v. 235.] Creswell (John A. J.) Oration on the life and character of Henry Winter Davis. De- livered in the hall of representatives, Feb- ruary 22, 1866. 49 pp. 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1866. Cresy (Edward). See Reports General Board of Health. Cricca (A.) A. propos du cholera. 2d ed. 16 pp. 8°. Apres le cholera. 20 pp. 8°. Smyrnc, Davcroni et Sugiolli, 1865. [In Pamphlets, v. 215.] Crichton (Alexander). Commentaries on some doctrines of a dangerous tendency in medicine, and on the general principles of safe practice. 283 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1842. -----An inquiry into the nature and origin of mental derangement. Comprehending a concise system of the physiology and pathol- ogy of the human mind, and a history of the passions and their effects. 2 v. 407 and 455 pp. 8°. London, T. Caddelljr., 4- W. Davics, 1798. -----Practical observations on the treatment and cure of several varieties of pulmonary consumption, and on the effects of the va- pour of boiling tar in that disease. 261 pp. 8°. London, Lloyd 4- Son, 1823. Crigan (Alexander). De nauseosi, et modo ejus administrationis in phthisi curanda. 31 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1803. [7« Pamphlets, v. 27.] Crisp (Edwards). On malignant cholera; with an appendix. 135 pp. 8°. London, Robert Hardwicke, 1866. ----- Treatise on the structure and use of the spleen ; being one of those unsuccessful es- says for the Astley Cooper prize, awarded July, 1853. 193 pp. 8°. London, H. Teapc & Son, 1855. Croce (Gio. Andrea Dalla). Cirugia univer- sale e perfetta ditutte le parti pertinenti all' ottimo chirurgo. 319 pp. Folio. Venetia, Roberto Meghetti, 1605. Crocq (J.) Die behandlung der knochen- briiche der gliedmassen. Aus dem franzosi- schen von Dr. C. G. Burger. Zweiteausgabe. 630 pp. 8°. Freiburg, Friedrich Wagncr'sche buchhandlung, 1858. 12 Crollius (Oswald). Basilica chymica, pluri- bus selectis secretissimis propria manuali experientia approbatis descriptionibus, etc. Aucta a Joan. Hartmanno. Edita a Johanne Michaelis et G. E. Hartmanno. Cont.: Epis- tola dedicatoria, 14 pp.; Prsefatio admonito- ria, 220 pp.; Basilica chymica, 419 pp.; et Index. 8°. Geneva, apud Petrum Chovet, 1643. ---- Tractatus de signaturis internis rerum, seu de vera & viva anatomia majoris & minoris mundi. 114 pp. et index. 8°. Praga, 1608. Croker (Robertus N.) De vaccina. 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1804. [In Pamphlets, v. 28.] Crookes (William). On the manufacture of beet-root sugar in England and Ireland. 290 pp. Small 8°. London, Longmans, Green 4~ Co., 1870. =—-— Select methods in chemical analysis, chiefly inorganic. Illustrated. 468 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green Sf Co., 1871. Crookes (William) and Rdhrig (Ernst). A practical treatise on metallurgy, adapted from the last German edition of Professor Kerl's metallurgy, v. 1. Illustrated with 207 wood-engravings. 724 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green Sf Co., 1868. Crooks (Richardus). De tetano. 75 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neitl,1793. [In Pamphlets, v. 2.J Crosby (A. B.) A contribution to the medi- cal history of New Hampshire. (Republished from transactions of New Hampshire Medical Society of 1870.) 32 pp. 8°. Nashua, Moore 4- Langley, 1870. [In Pamphlets, v. 227,] Cross (John). A history of the variolous epi- demic which occurred in Norwich, in the year 1819, and destroyed 530 individuals; with an estimate of the protection afforded by vaccination, etc. 298 pp. 8°. London, Burgess Sr Hill, 1820. Crosse (John Green). A treatise on the for- mation, constituents, and extraction of the urinary calculus. Illustrated. 231 pp. 4°. London, J. Churchill, 1835. Crossman (T. J.) A catalogue of the names of upwards of nine hundred persons operated on for the cure of strabismus, or squinting. 31 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Shcpard 4" C°" 1843. [In Pamphlets, v. 237.] CROWTHER. 90 CULLEN. Crowther (Bryan). New diseases. The rabies piratica: its history, symptoms, and cure ; also, the furor hippocraticus. 53 pp. 8°. London, G. Hayden, 1810. [In Pamphlets, v. 33.] ----- Practical observations on the disease of the joints, commonly called white-swelling; with remarks on caries, necrosis, and scrofu- lous abscess. A new edition, with seven col- oured plates. 295 pp. 8°. London, G. Hayden, 1803. -----Practical remarks on insanity; to which is added, a commentary on the dissection of the brains of maniacs, etc. 130 pp. 8°. London, Thos. Underwood, 1811. Croyze (Petrus). De crisi. 30 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., A. Kallewier, 1727. [In Pamphlets, v. 84 ] Cruikshank (William). The anatomy of the absorbing vessels of the human body. 192 pp., 3 pi. 4°. London, G. Nicol, 1786. ----- The same. 2d ed. 214 pp., 5 pi. 4°. London, G. Nicol, 1790. ----- Remarks on the absorption of calomel from the internal surface of the mouth. In a letter to Mr. Clark. 245 pp. 8°. London, 1779. Crumpe (Samuel). An inquiry into the na- ture and properties of opium. 304 pp. 8°. London, G. G. Sr J, Robinson, 1743. Cruveilhier (J.) Anatomie pathologique du corps humaiu, ou descriptions, avec figures lithographiees et coloriees, des diverses alte- rations morbides. Tome ler, livraisons i a xx; tome 2eme, livraisons xxi a xl. Folio. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1829-42. -----Traite d'anatomie descriptive, 2eme edi- tion. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Labi, 1843-45. Cuba (Johannes). See Hortus sanitatis. Cuenotte (F. A. F.) Dissert, sistens casum subluxationis vertebrae dorsi cum fractura complicate post factam repositionem & varia dira symptomata duodecima demum septi- mana funestae. Argent., 1761. | Sandifort, Diss., v. 2.] Cullen (Archibald). De frigore, ejusque vi et effectibus in corpus humanum. Diss. 22 pp. 8°. Edinb. and London, C. Elliot Sr G. Robinson, 1780. [In Smellius, Thesaurus medieus, torn, iv.] Cullen (Henricus). De consuetudine, ejusque vi et effectibus in corpus humanum. Diss. 25 pp. 8°. Edinb. and London, C. Elliot 4' G. Robinson, 1780. [In Smellius, Thesaurus medieus, torn. iv.J Cullen (William). First lines of the practice of physic. For the use of students in the University of Edinburgh. 2 v. 8°. Ed- inburgh, IV. Creech, 1778-79. ----- The same. 4th ed. 4 v. 8°. Edin- burgh,^. Elliot, 1784. -----The same. A new edition. 4 v. 8°. Edinburgh, C. Elliot, 1789. -----The same. With practical and explan- atory notes by Jno. Rotheram, M. D. 4 v. 8°. Edinburgh, G. G., J. Sf J. Robinson, 1791. -----The same. With practical and explan- atory notes by Jno. Rotheram, M. D. 2 v. 8°. New York, E. Dnyckinck, 1806. -----The same. With notes and selections. 1 v. 8°. Philadelphia, Thomas Bobson, 181C. -----Institutes of medicine. (Manuscript lecture-notes.) 7 v. 4°. 1773. -----Institutions of medicine. Part i, Phy- siology. Third edition, corrected. 240 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Chas. Elliot, 1785. -----(Lectures on the materia medica, as de- livered by). 512 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, Robert Bell, 1775. -----The same. And now printed from a correct copy, which has been compared with others by the editors. 451 pp. 8°. Dublin, Thomas Ewing, 1773. -----The same. 2d ed. 452 pp. 8°. Bub- lin, W. Sr H. Whitestone, 1781. ----- Nosologia methodica. To which is added an appendix by John Thomson, M. D. 341 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, J. Car/rae, 1820. -----Nosology; or, the classification of dis- eases. In vol. i of the'Edinburgh Practice of Physic, etc., pp. 85-115. London, G. Kearsley, 1803. -----Synopsis nosologise methodiese. Tomes i and ii. 8°. Edinburgh, G. Creech, 1780. ----- Synopsis nosologise methodicae, ex- hibens clariss virorum Sauvagsii, Linnasi, Vogelii, Sagari, et Macbridii, systemata nosologica. Edidit, suumque proprium sys- tema nosologicum adjecit. Editio quarta, emendata et plurimum aucta. 2 v. 8°. Edinburgh, Wm. Creech, 1785. ----- Synopsis nosologiae methodiese, exhi- bens systema nosologicum, ordine systemati- ca planius quam antehac dispositum. Ad usum academicum aptius redditum. 79 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, T. Brice 4~ Co., 1814. -----A treatise of the materia medica. 2 v. CULLEN. 91 CURTIS. Cullen (William)—Continued. 8°. Philadelphia and New York, J. Cruik- shank 4' R. Campbell, 1789. ----- The same. Third American edition. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Philadelphia, Matthew Carey, 1808. Cullerier (M. A.) Atlas of venereal diseases. Translated from the French, with notes and additions, by F. J. Bumstead. 326 pp., 26 col. pi. 4°. Philadelphia, H. C. Lea, 1868. -----Pr6cis iconographique des maladies v6- n6riennes. Dessins d'apres nature par L6- veilie. 488 pp., 74 col. pi. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson etfils, 1866. Cullum (George W.) Biographical register of the officers and graduates of the U. S. Mili- tary Academy at West Point, N. Y., 1802-40. 2 v. 8°. Ncio York, B. Van Nostrand, 1868. Culverwell (R.J.) Pomeio-pathology. A popular treatise on venereal and other diseases of the male and female genital system. 215 pp. 12°. New York, J. S. Redfield, 1849. dimming (Georgius). De hydrope anasarca. 36 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Alex. Smellie, 1802. [In Pamphlets, v. 23.] Cumming (W. F.) Notes on lunatic asylums in Germany and other parts of Europe. 82 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1852. Curling (Thomas B.) A practical treatise on the diseases of the testis, and of the spermatic cord and scrotum. 2d American, from 2d English, edition. 419 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard Sr Lea, 1856. -----Observations on the diseases of the rec- tum. 3d edition. 232 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill Sr Sons, 1863. ----- A treatise on tetanus. 112 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Haswell, Barrington Sr Haswell, 1837. [In Pamphlets, v. 92.] Currie (James). Examination of prejudices commonly entertained against mercury as beneficially applicable to most hepatic com- plaints, as well as to syphilis. 37 pp. 8°. London, J. McCreery, 1809. -----Medical reports on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in fever and other diseases, whether applied to the surface of the body or used internally. 4th ed. 2 v. 8°. London, T. Cadell 4~ W. Bavies, 1805. ----- The same. From the fourth London edition. 2 v. in 1. 430 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, James Humphreys, 1808. Currie (William). View of the diseases most prevalent in the United States of America, with an account of the most improved method of treating them. 240 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. 4~ A. Y. Humphreys, 1811. Curtis (A.) Discussions between several members of the regular medical faculty and the Thomsonian botanic physicians, on the comparative merits of their respective sys- tems. 400 pp. 12°. Columbus, Jonathan Phillips, 1836. Curtis (Alva). A synopsis of lectures on medical science. 5th edition. 428 pp. 8°. New York, Andrew J. Graham. -----Synopsis of lectures on obstetrics and the forms of disease peculiar to women and children. Illustrated. 447 pp. 8°. Cin- cinnati, the author, 1862. Curtis (Charles). An account of the diseases of India, as they appeared in the English fleet, and in the naval hospital at Madras in 1782 and 1783. 283 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Laing, 1807. Curtis (Edward). See Billings (J. S.) and Catalogue Army Medical Museum. Curtis (George W.) Oration on the occa- sion of the dedication of the statue of Maj. Genl. John Sedgwick. Curtis (Henry). An attempt to investigate the seat of animal life. Diss. 29 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Benjamin Edes, 1812. [In Pamphlets, v. 380.] Curtis (John Harrison). Observations on the preservation of hearing, and on the choice, use, and abuse of hearing-trumpets. 8th edition. 56 pp. 12°. London, H. Renshaw, 1837. ----- Present state of aural surgery. 2d edition. 60 pp. 8°. London, Jno. Churchill, 1841. [In Pamphlets, v. 35.] ----- The present state of ophthalmology; with new modes of creating diseases of the eye. 56 pp. 8°. London, Jno. Churchill, 1841. [In Pamphlets, v. 35.1 -----A treatise on the physiology and dis- eases of the eye. 242 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Lon- don, Longman, and others, 1835. Curtis (Josiah). Analytical and sanitary observations. See Report of joint special committee on census of Boston, 1855. [In Pamphlets, v. 374.J CURTIUS. 92 DAHL. Curtius (Carolus Wernerus). De monstro humano cum infante gemello. 42 pp., 19 fig. 4°. Lugd. Batv., Theodorum Haak, 1762. [In Pamphlets, v. 324.] -----The same. [In Pamphlets, v. 56. Curwen (John,). See Earle (Pliny). Cutbush (Edward). Observations on the means of preserving the health of soldiers and sailors. 336 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Thos. Dobson, 1808. Cutbush (James). An oration on education. With annotations. 49 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, G. F. Goodman, 1812. [In Pamphlets, v. 118.] -----The philosophy of experimental chem- istry. 2 v. 12-. Philadelphia, Isaac Peirce, 1313. -----A system of pyrotechny, comprehend- ing the theory and practice, with the applica- tion of chemistry. Designed for exhibition and for war. 610 pp. 8°. Philaelelphia, Clara F. Cutbush, 1825. Cutler (Thomas). The surgeons' practical guide in dressing, and in the methodic appli- cation of bandages. (In the same volume with Samuel Plumbe.) 92 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Haswell 4' Co., 1838. ----- The same. Illustrated. 2d ed. 232 pp. 12°. London, Taylor Sr Walton, 1836. Cutter (Calvin). A treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. 458 pp. 12°. Bos- ton, Benjamin B. Mussey Sr Co., 1850. Cutter (Ephraim). Report[on the zymoses of 1857, as they occurred in the Middlesex East District Medical Society. 16 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 248.] Cutting (Joannes H.) De rheumatismo acuto. Diss. 47 pp. 8°. Edinb., Abernethy Sr Walker, 1809. [In Pamphlets, v. 385.] Cuvier (Le Baron Georges). Essay on the theory of the earth. With mineralogical notes by Prof. Jameson, and observations on the geology of North America, by Saml. L. Mitchell. 431 pp. 8°. New York, Kerk $ Mercein, 1818. -----Lecons d'anatomie comparee. Recueil- lies et publiees sous sesyeux par C. Dumeril. Plates. 5 v. 8°. Paris, Crochard, 1805. CONTENTS. Tome 1. Organes du mouvement. 2. Organes des sensations. 3-4. Organes de la digestion. 5. Organes de la g6ne>ation et ceux des s6er6- tious excrementitiellesou des excretions. -----Recherches sur les ossomens fossiles ou Cuvier (Le Baron Georges)—Continued. Ton r6tablit les caracteres de plusieurs ani- maux dont les revolutions du globe ont de- truit les especes. Illustrated. 5 v. in 7. 4°. Paris, Du/our et B'Ocagne, 1821-24. -----Le regne animal distribu6 d'apres sou organisation, pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a I'anatomie comparee. Edition accompagu6e de planches grave,es. 20 v. Royal 8C. Paris, Fortin, Masson etcie. Cyclopaedia of practical medicine. Edited by Forbes, Tweedie, etc Revised by Rob- ley Dunglison. 4 v. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Sf Blanchard, 1845. Czermak (J. N.) On the practical uses of the laryngoscope. (Forming one volume with four other monographs.) 8°. London, New Sydenham Society, 1861. Dabney (Jacobus). De cynanche tracheali. 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1804. [In Pamphlets, v. 28.] Da Costa (J. M.) Cancer of the pancreas. (Extract from the North American Medico- Chirurgical Review, September, 1858.) 27 pp. 80. [In Pamphlets, v. 347.] ----- Inhalations in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory passages, particularly as effected by the use of atomized fluids. 86 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sr Co., 1867. ----- Medical diagnosis ; with special refer- ence to practical medicine. 690 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sr Co., 1864. ----- The same. 3d ed. 844 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Lippincott Sr Co., 1870. Dadd (George H.) The modern horse doctor; with illustrations. 14th thousand. 432 pp. 8°. New York, Orange Judd Sr Co. "Dagoty." [Jacques Gautier d'Agoty.] Ex- position anatomique des organes des sens jointe a la neurologie entiere du corps hu- main et conjectures sur l'eiectricite animale et le siege de l'ame. 45 pp., 6 col. pi. Fo- lio. Paris, Bemonville, 1775. [The plates appear to have been cut from some of the works of Gautier d'Agoty and inserted here.] Dahl (Ludwig). Bidrag til kundskab om de sindssyge i Norge. 305 pp. 8°. Christiania^ 1859. -----Om kjon og aldersforhold som dispo- nerende momenter til sindssygdom. (From " Vidensk.-Selsk. Forhandlinger " for 1869.) 7 pp. 8°. 93 DAHL. DANA. Dahl (P. H.) De humeri amputatione ex ar- ticulo. Gottinga, 1760. [In Pamphlets, v. 323.] Dahlen (Ludovicus P. von). De syncope. 20 pp. Small 4°. Buisburgi ad Rhenum, Franconem Sas, 1680. [In Pamphlets, v. 76.] Daily News Correspondence of the war between Germany and France, 1870-71. Edited with notes and comments. Complete in one volume, with maps and plans. London and New York, Macmillan Sf Co., 1871. D'Ailly (Pierre). Traite des blesseures et playes faites par armes a feu, vulgairement dites playes d'arquebusades. 418 pp. 16°. Paris, Andri Boulonne, 1668. Daldy (Thomas M.) On diseases of the right side of the heart. 71 pp. 8°. London, Bell Sr Daldy, 1866. Dale (James W.) Essay upon the question, Is medical science favourable to scepticism 1 22 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Haswell, Barring- ton Sr Haswell, 1839. [In Medical Library.] Dalechamps (Jacques). Chirurgie francoise, ensemble de quelques traictez des operations de chirurgie facilites et eclaircies par Jean Girault. 664 pp. 4°. Paris, Olivier de Varonnes, 1610. Dall (William H.) Alaska and its resources. 627 pp. 8°. Boston, Lee 4' Shepard, 1870. Dallaway (James). An account of the walls of Constantinople. 13 pp., 4 pi. 4°. 1802. [Royal Society of Antiquaries, London.] D'Alligny (Henry F. Q.) Outline of the his- tory of the Atlantic cables. 13 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1868. ----- Photographs and photographic appa- ratus. 19 pp. Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1869. [Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Report of the United States commissioners.] ----- Report on the manufacture of pressed or agglomerated coal. 19 pp., 1 pi. 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1869. [Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Report of the United States commissioners.] Dally (M. N.) Prophylaxie et curation du cholera par le mouvement. Deuxieme edi- tion, augmentee des observations de M. Ludwig-Josef Melicher. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, Ernest Meyer, 1856. Dalmas (M.) Recherches historiques et me- dicates sur la fievre jaune. Nouvelle edi- tion, revue et augmentee par l'auteur. 240 pp. 8°. Paris, Compere, jeune, 1825. Dalrymple (John). Pathology of the human eye. 36 col. pi., with unpaged text. Folio. London, John Churchill, 1852. Dalton (John C.) Treatise on human physi- ology. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. 690 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4" Lea, 1861. -----A treatise on physiology and hygiene; for schools, families, and colleges. With illustrations. 399 pp. 8°. New York, Harper 4" Brothers, 1868. ----- Vivisection: what it is, and what it has accomplished. 40 pp. 8°. Daly (Cornelius). De epilepsia. 43 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1800. [In Pamphlets, v. 14.] Dalzell (J. M.) John Gray of Mount Ver- non, the last soldier of the revolution. 64 pp. 8°. Washington, Gibson Bros , 1868. [In Pamphlets, v. 235.] D'Amador (Risueho). Memoire surle calcul des probabilites applique a la medecine. 134 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1837. Damm (Ernst L. T.) Ueber kothfistel und widernaturlichen after, verursacht durch darmbrand in folge hernia incarcerata. Diss. 18 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1869. Damon (Howard F.) A communication from the city physician on Asiatic cholera. Is it a contagious disease ? 41pp. 8°. Boston, the board o/aldermen, 1866. [In Pamphlets, v. 215.] ----- Leucocythemia. An essay to which was awarded the Boylston medical prize of Harvard University for 1863. 92 pp. and 3 photographs. 8°. Boston, De Fries, Ibarra 4' Co., 1864. ----- The neuroses of the skin: their pa- thology and treatment. 114 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf Co., 1868. ----- The structural lesions of the skin: their pathology and treatment. Illustrated. 255 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sr Co., 1869. Dana (James D.) A text-book of geology. 354 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Theod. Bliss 4" Co., 1864. Dana (James D.) and Brush (George J.) A system of mineralogy. Descriptive mine- ralogy, comprising the most recent discov- eries. 5th ed., with upwards of 1600 wood- cuts. 827 pp. 8°. New York, John Wiley 4' Son, 1868. Dana (Samuel L.) Lead diseases. A treatise from the French of L.. Tanquerel Des Planches; with notes and additions on the 94 DANA. DARWALL. Dana (Samuel L.)—Continued. use of lead pipe and its substitutes. 441 pp. 8°. Lowell, B. Bixby $ Co., 1848. Dancer (Ricardus). De cinchona. Diss. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, C. Stewart, 1809. [In Pamphlets, v. 385.] Dangerfield (Henry P.) An experimental essay on cutaneous absorption. Diss. 22 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Thomas and William Brad/ord, 1806. [In Pamphlets, v. 393.J Daniell (J. Frederic). Meteorological essays and observations. 2d ed. London, T. Sf G. Underwood, 1827. Daniell (Josiah). De podagra regular!. Diss. 25 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Abernethy Sr Walker, 1809. [In Pamphlets, v. 382.| Daniell (Meade H.) De febre indiarum ma- ligna. 45 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1799. [In Pamphlets, v. 11.J -----The same. [In Pamphlets, v. 387.] Daniell (W. C.) Observations upon the au- tumnal fevers of Savannah. 152 pp. 8°. Savannah, W. T. Williams, 1826. Danielssen (D. C.) Beretning om lunge- gaardshospitalets virksomhed. 47 pp. 8°. Christiania, Werner Sr Co., 1868. [In Pamphlets, v. 334.] ----- Den spedalske sygdom, dens aarsager og dens forebygelsesmidler. 32 pp., 2 pi. 8°. Bergen, Fr. B. Beyer, 1854. ----- Lungegaardshospitalets virksomhed i Treaaret, 1868-70. 214 pp., 14 tab. 8°. Christiania, Steens, 1871. Danielssen (D. C.) et Boeck (Wilhelm). Traite de la sp6dalskhed ou elephantiasis des Grecs. Traduit du norv6gien, sous les yeux de M. D. Danielssen, par L. A. Cosson (de Nogaret). 535 pp. 8°. Avec un atlas de 24 planches coloriees, folio. Paris, J.-B. Bail- Here, 1848. Danielsson (Jona.) De principiis sanguinis humani. 24 pp. Small 4°. Lunda, Ber- lingianis, 1793. [In Pamphlets, v. 143.1 Dann (Eduard Otto). Die cholera-epidemie in Danzig wahrend des sommers 1831. 57 pp. 8°. Banzig, Fr. Saml. Gerhard, 1831. [In Pamphlets, v. 170.] Dantzic. Schriften der naturforschenden ge- sellschaft in Danzig, v. 1 and 2. Banzig, Naturf. Gesellsch., 1866-68. Danzel (A. F.) Chirurgische erfahrungen. Erstes heft. Mit einer zeichnung. 99 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Georg H. IVigand, 1857. Da-Olmi. Pr6cis historico-physique d'hygiene navale. 634 pp. 8°. Paris, Fillet, aini, 1828. Darbel (Alexandre). Recherches chimiques et physiologiques sur les alcaloides du del- phinium staphisagria. These. 94 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. D'Arboval (Hurtrel). Dictionnaire de mede- cine, de chirurgie et d'hygiene veterinaires. Seconde edition. 6 tomes. 8°. Paris, J.- B. Bailliere, 1838. Daremberg (Ch.) Stat de la medecine entre Homere et Hippocrate. 67 pp. 8°. Paris, Bidier et cie., 1869. -----Notices et extraits des manuscrits m6di- caux, grecs, latins, et francais, des princi- pales bibliotheques de l'Europe. Ire partie. 243 pp. 8°. Paris, imprimerie impiriale, 1853. Darley (J. Thompson). Anatomy, physiology, and pathology of supra-renal capsules. 18 pp. 8°. Charleston (S. C), James Sr Wil- liams, 1859. Darling (Gulielmus C.) De ictero. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Gulielmi Creech, 1795. [In Pamphlets, v. 3.] Darlington (William). Address to the Ches ter County Cabinet of Natural Science. 12 pp. 8°. Westchester (Pa.), Simeon Sieg- fried, 1826. [In Pamphlets, v. 118.] -----The mutual influence of habits and dis- ease. Diss. 29 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Thomas Sf William Brad/ord, 1806. [In Pamphlets, v. 393.] Darmstadt. Notizblatt des vereins fiir erd- kunde und verwandte wissenschaften zu Darmstadt und des mittelrheinischen geolo- gischen vereins. Herausgegeben von L. Ewald. Heft v-ix. In 1 v. 8°. Darm- stadt, G. Jonghaus, 1866-70. Darrach (W.) Drawings of the anatomy of the groin, with anatomical remarks. 28 pp. Folio. Philadelphia, E. Littell, 1830. Darrach (W.) and Wiltbank (John). A statement of the facts connected with the late re-organization of the faculty of the med- ical department of Pennsylvania College; also, reply and refutation to the same. Phil- adelphia, 1855. Darwall (John). Plain instructions for the management of infants, with practical obser- vations on the disorders incident to children. DARWALL. Darwall (John)—Continued. To which is added an essay on spinal and cerebral irritation. 244 pp. 8°. London, Whittaker, Treacher 4' Arnot, 1830. Darwin (Charles). The descent of man and selection in relation to sex. Illustrated. 2 v. 8°. New York, B. Appleton . Whitley. 272 pp. 8°. London, New Sydenham Society, 1859. Didiot (P.-A.) Code des officiers de sante de l'armee de terre. 992 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Rozier, 1863. La guerre contemporaine et le service de sante des armees, necessit6 d'augmenter la puissance des moyens de conservation et de secours. 144 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, Victor Rozier, 1866. Die Erde und das Meer. Illustrirte pbysi- sche geographic (Das weltall, bd. 3.) 410 pp. 8°. Illustrirt. Berlin, Reinhold Schling- mann, 1866. 103 DIEFFENBACH. DISTURNELL. Dieffenbach (Joh. Fried.) Die operative chi- rurgie. In 2 v. 856 and 864 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, F. A. Brockhaus, 1845-48. -----Surgical observations on the restoration of the nose and on the removal of polypi and other tumours from the nostrils. From the German, with the history and physiology of rhinoplastic operations, notes, and addition- al cases. 159 pp., 26 pl. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1833. Diemerbrceck. See Pecquet. Diemerbrceck (Isbrand de). Anatome cor. poris humani. 973 pp. 4°. Uttrajecti, 1672. ----- The anatomy of human bodies, com- prehending the most modern discoveries and curiosities in that art, to which is added a particular treatise on the small-pox and measles. Translated from the last Latin ed. by Wm. Salmon. 616 and 237 pp., 16 tab. Folio. London, Edward Brewster, 1689. -----Opera omnia anatomicaet medica, emen- data et aucta ab auctore, et nunc collecta et re- cognita per T. de Diemerbrceck, Isb. fil. 1071 pp. Plates. 4°. Ultraj., apud Mei- nardum d Dreunen 4' Guil. d Walchercn, 1685. CONTENTS. Anatome corporis humani. Libri decern. Tractatus de peste. Libri quatuor. Tractatus de variolis & morbillis. Observationes & curationes medicse. Disputationes practical, ad historias segrorum propo- eitse de morbis capitis, thoracis, et intimi ventris. Diepen (Cornelius van). De senectute mor- bosa. 55 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Joanncm Bos, 1768. [In Pamphlets, v. 55.] Dietrich (David). Deutschlands kryptoga- mische gewiichse. V. 3 and 4. 8°. Mit 318 und 301 colorirten kupfertafeln. Halle, H. W. Schmidt, 1865. Dijon. Memoires de l'academie imperiale de sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon. T. xii-xiii. 8°. Ann6es 1864-65. Dijon, J. E. Babutot, 1865-66. Dillenius (Car. Frid. de).' De vi perniciosa scabiei repulsae in vulnera. Diss. 26 pp. Tubinga, Ludov. Fried. Fues, 1816. Dillmann (August). Von der hochschule und den hochschulen. 20 pp. 4°. Giessen, universit&ts-buch- und steindruckerei, 1869. [In Pamphlets, v. 229.] Dillnberger (Emil). Handy-book of the treatment of women's and children's diseases, according to the Vienna Medical School. With prescriptions. Translated from the 2d German edition by P. Nicol. 244 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sf Blakiston, 1871. Dimsdale (Gulielmus P.) De phthisi. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1799. [In Pamphlets, v. 9.] ----- Extract from an account of cases of typhus fever, in which the affusion of cold water has been applied in the London House of Recovery. 15 pp. London, W. Bulmer Sr Co. [In Meoical Essays.] Dinkier (Arminius). De carcinomate intes- tini recti et operationibus quibus removetur. Diss. 8°. Jena, Schreiber etfil, 1853. Dinwooddie (Robertus). De morbis spouta- neis, ex acido humore oriundis. 13 pp. Small 4C. Lugd. Batav., Joan. Sr Herm. Verbeek, 1730. [In Pamphlets, v. 64.] Dionis. A course of chirurgical operations demonstrated in the Royal Garden at Paris. Translated from the Paris edition. 496 pp. 8°. London, Jacob Tonson, 1710. Dippe (Arminius). De nova rhinoplastices. Diss. 32 pp. 4°. Halis, Ruffiams, 1843. Dippel (Leopold). Das mikroskop und seine anwendung. 2 v. 8°. Braunschweig, Fried- rich Vieweg und Sohn, 1867-69. Dircks (Henry). Perpetuum mobile; or, a history of the search for self-motive power from the 13th to the 19th century. Illustra- ted. 2d series. 368 pp. 8°. London, E. 4- F. N. Spon, 1870. Discurso sobre el fomento de la industria popular. 198 pp. 8°. Madrid, D. Antonio de Sancha, 1774. Disinfectants. Republished from columns of the Medical Record of New York of May 1 and 15, 1866. 43 pp. 8°. Dispensatory. The complete English dis- pensatory. 674 pp. 8°. -----The eclectic and general dispensatory, by an American physician. 627 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Towar Sf Hogan, 1827. District of Columbia (Constitution and by- laws of the medical society of), with the act of incorporation and list of members. 21 pp. 8°. Washington, W.H. Moore, 1870. [In Pamphlets, v. 314.] -----(Report on the sanitary condition of the cities of Washington and Georgetown, pre- sented to the medical society of). 22 pp. 8°. Washington, Gibson Bros., 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 314.] Disturnell (J.) Influence of climate in North and South America, etc. 334 pp. 8°. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1867. 104 DIVOUX. Divoux (Joan. P.) et Salzmann. De hernia vesicae urinariae. [In Haller, Disput. chir., torn. 3, p. 271.] Dix (D. L.) Memorial to the legislature of Massachusetts. 32 pp. 8°. Boston, Mun- roe 4' Francis. [In Pamphlets, v. 220.] -----Remarks ou prison and prison discipline in the United States. Memorial to legislature of Massachusetts, 1843. 184 pp. 8°. Bos- ton, Munroe 4' Francis, 1845. Dix (John H.) Treatise upon the" nature and treatment of morbid sensibility of the retina, or weakness of sight. 146 pp. 8°. Boston, Wm. B. Ticknor $ Co., 1849. Dixon (James). A guide to the practical study of diseases of the eye. 2d ed. 435 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1859. ----- The same. With an outline of their medical and operative treatment. 3d ed. 383 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill Sf Sons, 1866. Dixon (Joshua). De colica pictonum. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Robertum Allan, 1793. [In Pamphlets, v. 8.] Doane (A. Sidney). Surgery. Illustrated with 52 plates. 2d ed. 200 pp. 8°. New York, Harper Sr Brothers, 1837. Dobbelaer (Balduinus). De narium haemor- rhagia. 13 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., S. Luchtmans, 1727. [In Pamphlets, v. 72.] Dobbelin (Chris. Benjamin). De uniendis vulnerum oris. 22 pp. 8°. Hala, Friderici Ginneati filii. [In Pamphlets, v. 244.] Dobell (Horace). Lectures on the germs and vestiges of disease, and on the prevention of the invasion and fatality of disease by peri- odical examinations. 198 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1861. -----On diet and regimeu in sickness and health. 4th ed., re-written and much en- larged. 151 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1870. -----On the class of medical literature most needed at the present day. Addressed to medical students. (From the London Medi- cal Gazette.) 31 pp. 8°. London, 1851. [In Pamphlets, v. 60.] ----- On the true first stage of consumption. 75 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4" Sons, 1867. -----On tuberculosis : its nature, cause, and treatment. With notes on pancreatic juice. DOES. Dobell (Horace)—Continued. 2d ed. 84 pp. 8°. London, Jno. Churchill 4- Sons, 1866. -----Report ou the experience of medical men who have used "pancreatic emulsion of fat." 30 pp. 8°. London, Jno. Churchill 4- Sons, 1867. ----- Reports on the progress of practical and scientific medicine in different parts of the world. 2 v. 645 and 606 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green, Reader Sf Bycr, 1870-71. Dobie (William M.) Valedictory address de- livered to the members of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, at the last ordinary meeting of session 1852-53, April 15, 1853. 19 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, 1853. [In Pamphlets, v. 97.] Dobson (Matthew). A medical commentary on fixed air. 3d ed., with an appendix on the efficacy of the solution of fixed alkaline salts saturated with fixible air, in the stone and gravel, by Wm. Falconer. 293 pp. 8°. London, T. Cadell, 1787. Dobson (William). Inquiry into the struc- ture and function of the spleen. 32 pp. 8°. London, John Wilson, 1830. [In Pamphlets, v. 33.] Doctor (The). A medical magazine, pub- lished weekly. V. 1 and 2, August 1, 1832, to August 27, 1834. 4°. London, C. Penny. Dodd (George). The curiosities of industry. 2 v.: v. 1, iron and its manufacture, 24 pp. ; v. 2., gold, in the mine, the mint, and the workshop. 24 pp. 8°. London, Routlcdge Sf Co., 1853. Doden (G.) Ideen iiber das wesen der asiati- schen brechruhr und versuch zur begriin- dung eines rationellen vorbauungs- und heil- verfahrens fiir diese krankheit. 34 pp. 8°. Hannover, Hahn'sche hof-buchhandlung, 1831. Dodge (Thomas H.) Practical suggestions to inventors, patentees, assignees, and all others interested in inventions. 22 pp. 8°. Washington, H. Polkinhorn, 1858. [In Pamphlets, v. 237.] Dodoens (Rembert). A new herbal or his torie of plants. First set forth in the Dutch or Almaigne tongue by R. Dodoens, aud now first translated out of French into English by Henry Lytc 564 pp. Folio. London, Ed- ward Griffin, 1619. Does (Theodorus Winkel Vander). De car- dialgia. 21 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., J. Vander, 1725. [In Pamphlets, v. 66.1 105 DOLBEAU. DOUGLASS. Dolbeau. Lecons de clinique chirurgicale. Recueillies par J. Besnier. 438 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson et fils, 1867. Dommelen (G. F. van). Essai sur les moy- ens de transport et des secours en general aux blesses et malades en temps de guerre. 2v. 23 fig. 100 pp., 4°; 22 pl., folio. La Haye, Van Langenhuysen, 1870. Donaldson (F.) Physiology the true basis of rational medicine. An introductory lecture delivered at the University of Maryland, Oc- tober 17, 1866. 19 pp. 8C. Baltimore, published by the class, 1866. [In Pamphlets, v. 408.J Donaldson (Gulielmus). De rheumatismo. 46 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1807. [In Pamphlets, v. 19.] Donath (Jos. Franz.) Die wendung auf den fuss bei maessiger beckenenge zum versuch der rettung der kinder. Diss. 20 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Huethel 4' Lcgler,1870. Donau (Hugo Wilibald). Ueber die schuss- verletzungeu des darmkanals. Diss. 32 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Friedr. Grober, 1868. Donders (F. C.) On the anomalies of accom- odation and refraction of the eye. With a preliminary essay on physiological dioptrics. Translated from the author's manuscript by Wm. Danl. Moore. 635 pp. 8°. London, New Sydenham Society, 1864. Donegan (Jacobus). De haemoptysi. Diss. 21 pp. 8°. Edinb., Abernethy 4- Walker, 1809. [In Pamphlets, v. 384.] Donkin (Arthur Scott). Natural history of the British diatomaceae. Part I. Illustrated. 24 pp. 8°. London, John Van Voorst,1870. Donne (Al.)et Foucault (Leon). Cours de microscopie compiementaire des etudes medi- cates, anatomie microscopique et physiologie des fluides de l'economie. Atlas, folio. 30 pp., xx. tab. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1845. Doorjak (Ch.) Memoire sur le developpe- ment, les causes et le traitement du cholera. 31 pp. 8°. Saint-Pitersbourg, Graeff, 1848. [In Pamphlets, v. 41.] Dorama (Klaas). Beschrijving van eenige gevallen van zamengestelde ontwrichtingen, benevens eenige beschouwingen aangaande die aandoeniugen. 64 pp. 8°. Sneck, Van Draten 4~ Blceker, 1859. [In Pamphlets, v. 213.] 14 Dorantowicz (Jos. Alphon.) De dysenteria. 28 pp. 16°. Berolini, Bruschck, 1831. [In Pamphlets, v. 165.1 Dorchester (Rules and regulations of the board of health of the town of). Adopted August 15, 1855. 19 pp. 8°. Dorchester, Alvin B. Hasty, 1855. [In Pamphlets, v. 3t8.] Dornfeld (Johannes). Humani corporis sta- tura. Small 4°. Lipsia, J. Coleri, 1674. [In Pamphlets, v. 65.] Dornseiff (Otto). Zur aetiologie der congeni- talen luxationen des hand- und fussgelenkes. Diss. 25 pp. Giessen, Fr. Chr. Pietsch, 1866. Dorsey (John Syng). Elements of surgery ; for use of students. 2d ed., with additions, v. 1-2. 422, 474 pp.; 15, 27 pl. 8°. Phila- delphia, E. 4' R- Parker and B. Warner, 1813. Douce (Francis). On the foundation stone of the original church of St. Mark at Venice; with some remarks on the ceremony of lay- ing foundation stones in ecclesiastical edi- fices. 8 pp. 4°. 1834. [Royal Society of Antiquaries, London.] Doughty (Edward). Observations and inqui- ries into the nature and treatment of the yel- low, or Bulam fever, in Jamaica and at Cadiz. Illustrated by cases and dissections. 238 pp 8°. London, Highley $ Son, 1816. Douglas (James). Myographiae comparatse specimen; or, a comparative description of all the muscles in a man and in a quadruped, shewing their discoverer, origin, progress, insertion, use, and difference To which is added an account of the muscles peculiar to a woman. A new edition, with additions. 240 pp. 8°. Dublin, William Sleater, 1755. The same. 240 pp. 8°. London and Edinburgh, Alexander Donaldson, 1763. Douglas (J. H.) and Brink (C. W.) Reports on the operations of the inspectors and relief agents of the sanitary commission after the battle of Fredericksburg. 31 pp. 8°. New York, Wm. C. Bryant, 1863. [In Pamphlets, v. 194.] Douglas (John). Lithotomia Douglassiana; or, an account of a new method of making the high operation, in order to extract the stone out of the bladder. 28 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Tho. Woodward, 1720. [In Pamphlets, v. 394.] Douglass (John). An experimental essay on mercury. Diss. 29 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, the author, 1805. I [In Pamphlets, v. 388.] 106 DOURRY. DRESCHER. Dourry (Mohammed). Da la taille perineale chez l'homme. Avec 4 planches en chrorno- lithographie et 24 fig. 74 pp. Royal 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1869. Doussin-Dubreuil (J. L.) Des egaremens secrets, ou de l'onanisme chez les personnes du sexe. 306 pp. 16°. Paris, Audin, 1830. Dove (H. W.) Das gesetz derstixrme in seiner beziehung zu den allgemeinen bewegungen der atmosphare. 3d ed. 346 pp., 8° ; 2 taf., folio. Berlin, D. Reimer, 1866. -----Die monats- und jahresisothermen in der polarprojection, nebst darstellung ungewohn- licher winter durch thermische isametralen. 20 taf. Folio. Berlin, B. Reimer, 1864. Dowe (Philippus). De phthisi pulmonum tuberculosa. 15 pp. 6°. Edinburgi, Rober- tum Allan, 1789. [In Pamphlets, v. 12.1 -----The same. Diss. 15 pp. 8°. Edinb., R. Allan, 1799. [In Pamphlets, v. 387.] Dowler (Bennet). Contributions to experi- mental physiology. 19 pp. 8°. ----- Contributions to the natural history of the alligator. With a microscopic adden- dum. 30 pp. 8°. New Orleans, B. M. Nor- man, 1846. ----- Experimental researches on the post- mortem contractility of the muscles, with observations on reflex theory. 39 pp. 8°. New York, R Craighead, 1846. Dowling (Edvardus). De hydrargyro. Diss. 43 pp. 8°. Edinb., C. Stewart, 1809. [In Pamphlets, v. 385.] Downing (C. Toogood). Neuralgia : its va- rious forms, pathology, and treatment. The Jacksonian prize essay of the Royal College of Surgeons for 1850, with some additions. 375 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1851. Downman (Robertas). De puerperarum peri- tonitide. 48 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Georgii Mudie, 1798. [In Pamphlets, v. 7.] Doyle (Thomas). De ascaride lumbricoide. 28 pp. 8°. Edinb., Gulielmus Creech, 1804. [In Pamphlets, v. 28.] Doyon (A.) De l'herpes recidivant des par- ties genitales. 136 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson etfils, 1868. Drake (Daniel). An account of the epidemic cholera as it appeared in Cincinnati. (Ex- tracted from 6th vol. of the Western Journal of Medical and Physical Sciences.) 46 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, E. Beming, 1832. Drake (Daniel). Discourses delivered by ap- pointment before the Cincinnati Medical Li- brary Association, Jan. 9 and 10, 1852. 93 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Moore 4' Anderson. 1852. -----Lecture on the necessity and value of professional industry. 31pp. 8°. Lexing- ton, Wm. Tanner, 1823. [In Pamphlets, v. 118.] -----A narrative of the rise and fall of the Medical College of Ohio. 42 pp. 8°. Cin- cinnati (Ohio), Looker Sf Reynolds, 1822. [In Pamphlets, v. 206.] -----Practical essays on medical education and the medical profession in the United States. 104 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Roff 4" Young, 1832. -----A systematic treatise, historical, etio- logical, and practical, on the principal diseases of the interior valley of North America. 878 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, IV. B. Smith 4~ Co., 1850. Drake (James). Anthropologia nova; or, a new system of anatomy. 3ded. Illustrated. In 2 v. 448 pp., with appendix of 51 copper- plates. 8°. London, IV. 4~ J. Innys, 1727-28. Dran (Henry Francis Le). Observations in surgery. Translated from the French by J. S. 408 pp. 8°. London, S. Crowder, 1771. Draper (John William). History of the American civil war. 3 v. 8°. New York, Harper .,• Bros., 1867-70 -----A treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants. With an appen- dix, containing several memoirs on capillary attraction, electricity, and the chemical ac- tion of light. 216 pp. 4°. New York, Har- per 4" Bros., 1844. Draudt (Karl). Beitrage zur wiirdigung der Littre'schen laparokolotomie bei atresia ani congenita, nebst praktischen bemerkungen iiber lage, lageentwicludung und lageveran- derungen des kolon und der flexura sigmo- idea beim fotus und neugeborenen. Diss. 52 pp. 8°. Giessen, Wilhelm Keller, 1865. Drechsler (Adolph). Das wetterglas. Vad- emecum der witterungskunde. 196 pp. 16°. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1867. Drelincurtius (Carolus). Apologia medica, qua vetus ilia depellitur calumnia, melicos sexcentisaunisRoma exulasse. 107 pp. 12°. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Cornelium Driehu. slum, 1671. [In Pamphlets, v. 252.] Drescher (Car. Frid. Guil.) De venaesectio- nibus in cholera Asiatica nonnulla. 28 pp. 16°. Berolini, Nietaclc, 1833. [In Pamphlets, v. 165.] 107 DRESCHER. DUBRUEIL Drescher (Karl). Uber die percussion des herzens in vorgebeugter korperhaltung. 23 pp. 8°. Giessen, IV. Keller, 1869. [Inaug. Dissert.] Dresden. Gesellschaft fiir natur- und heil- kunde in Dresden. Denkschrift «ur feier ihres funfzigjahrigen bestehens. 85 pp., 7 pl. 4°. Dresden, B. G. Teubner, 1868. ----- Repertorium der in sammtlichen pub- licationen des kon. siichsichen statistischen bureaus von 1831 bis 1866 behandelten ge- genstande. Von Julius Adolf Schrotky. 104 pp. 4°. Dresden, C. Heinrich, 1867. -----Sitzungs-berichte der naturwissenschaft- lichen gesellschaft Isis in Dresden. 10 nos. 8°. 1868-76. (Incomplete.) Dresden, Her- mann Schopff, 1868-70. ----- Zeitschrift des statistischen bureaus des koniglich-sachsischen ministeriums des in- nern. 2 v. 4°. Dresden, B. G. Teubner, 1866-67. Dreux (Arnoldus Ludovicus De Grient). De selecto puellae osteomalacia emortuae. 46 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Groninga, G. J. Van Haagen, 1 84 1. Drever (Thomas). De pneumonia. 34 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Alex. Smellie, 1798. [In Pamphlets, v. 7.] Drew (John). Practical meteorology. Edit- ed by F. Drew. 2d ed. 299 pp., 11 pl. 12°. London, Van Boorst, 1860. Dromgole (Thomas). De rheumatismo. 29 pp." 8°. Edinburgi, Robertum Allan, 1800. [In Pamphlets, v. 13.] Droop (E.) Die cholera-epidemie zu Osna- biiick in 1859. 47 pp. 8°. Osnabriick, H. Meinders, 1860. [In Pamphlets, v. 170.] Drost (Johannes). De paralysi. 27 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Andream Dykhuy- stn, 1726. [In Pamphlets, v. 69.] Druggists' Circular and Chemical Gazette, v. 11-14, 1867-70. 4°. New York, L. V Newton. Druitt (Robert). The principles and practice of modern surgery. 3d American, from last London, ed. With notes and comments by Joshua B. Flint. 540 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Lea 4" Blanchard, 1847. ----- The same. A new American, from last London, ed. Edited by F. W. Sargent. 576 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea 4- Blanchard, \848. ----- The surgeon's vade-mecum: a manual of modern surgery. 10th ed. 823 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4' Sons, 1870. Drummond (Alexander Monro). De febribus arcendis discutiendisque. Diss. 47 pp. 8°. Edinb. Sf London, C. Elliott Sr G. Robinson, 1770. [In Smellius, Thesaurus medieus, torn. 3.] Drummond (Colinus). De ictero. Diss. 19 pp. 8°. Edinb., C. Elliott, J. Bell, 4- C. Creech, 1750. [In Smellius, Thesaurus merlicus, torn. 1.] Drupwich (Henricus a). De paralysi. Small 4°. Murpurgi Cattorum, P. Egewolphus. [In Pamphlets, v. 69.] Diiben (Gustaf von) Leistungen des mikros- kops zum zweck der arztlichen diagnostik. Aus dem schwedischen von Dr. Lorenz Tut- schek. Mit 4 lithographirten tafeln. 88 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Stahel, 1858. Dubinski (G. M.) De reminiscentia vitali quatenus causa morborum. 62 pp. 4°. Hala Magdeburg., J. C. Hendelii, 1743. [Tn Pamphlets, v. 59.] Dublin Hospital Reports. Communications in medicine and surgery. 5 v. 8°. Dublin, Hodges 4- McArthur, 1818-30. Dublin House of Recovery. Some account of the origin and plan of an association formed for the establishment of a house of recovery, or fever hospital, in the city of Dub- lin, etc. 32 pp. 8°. Dublin, T. M. Bates, 1801. [In Pamphlets, v. 124.] Dublin (The) Medical Press : a weekly jour- nal of medicine and medical affairs, v. 29, January-June, 1853. 4°. Dublin. Dublin (The) Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, v. 1-51, 1846-71. 8°. Dublin, Hodges 4' Smith. Dubois (E. F.) Litterature medicale fran- caise. Analyses d'ouvrages. [In Pamphlets, v. 131.] -----Traite de pathologie generale. 2 v. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1837. Dubois (Jacobus). De phrenitide idiopathica. 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Bal/our et Smellie, 1793. [In Pamphlets, v. 2.] Dubouchet (D.) Maladies ues voies uri- naires. Huitieme edition, avec deux plan- ches. 440 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1844. Dubrueil (H. F. A.) Des diverses methodes de traitement des plaies. 94 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Savy, 1869. -----Manuel d'operations chirurgicales. Fas. 1, 2, 3, et 4. 12°. Paris, F. Savy, 1867. 108 DUBRUEIL. DUMAS. Dubrueil (J. M.) Des anomalies arterielles. 4.")7 pp. 8°. Accompagneed'un atlas en 4° de 17 planches coloriees. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1847. Ducachet (Henry William). The action of poisons. Diss. 84 pp. 8°. New York, Van Winkle, Wiley $ Co., 1817. [In Pamphlets, v. 396.] -----Case of extraordinary malformation of the genital organs. (Extract from the Ameri- can Medical Recorder, October, 1820.) 2 pp., 1 pl. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 347.] -----Observations on the modus operandi of blood-letting; with an inquiry into the pro- priety of abstracting blood from different parts of the body, according to the nature and seat of the disease. (Extract from the American Medical Recorder, October, 1820.) 15 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 317.] Ducamp (Theodore). A treatise on retention of urine, caused by strictures in the urethra. Translated from the French, with notes and additions, by Wm. M. Herbert. Illustrated. 219 pp. 8°. New York, Saml. Wood 4~ Sons, 1827. Ducellier. Etude clinique sur la tumeur a echinocoques multiloculaire du foie et des poumons. 20 pp., 2 pl. chromo-lith. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1858. Duchanoy. Projet d'une nouvelle organi- sation des hdpitaux, hospices, et secours a domicile de Paris. 51 pp., 1 pl. Explication et developpemeut du plan d'un hopital, 19 pp. 4°. Paris, P. Didot. Duchenne (G. B.) Album de photographies pathologiques. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1862. -----De l'eiectrisation localisee et son appli- cation a la pathologic et a la therapeutique. 2me edition. 1046 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere et fils, 1861. ----- Recherches sur l'etat de la con- tractility et de la sensibilite electro-muscu- laires dans les paralysees du membre supe- rieur, etudie a l'aide de la galvanisation lo- calisee. 39 pp. 8°. Paris, 1850. [In Pamphlets, v. 87.J -----A treatise on localized electrization, and its applications to pathology and therapeutics. Translated from the 3d edition of the original by Herbert Tibbits. Part 1. 322 pp. 8°. London, R. Hardwicke, 1871. Duchenne (Guillaume-Maxime). De la pa- ralysie atrophique graisseuse de l'enfauce. These. 89 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 44.] Ducoin (Girardin). Entretiens sur la chimie et ses applications les plus curieuses, suivis de notions de manipulation et d'analyse chi- miques. 6me edition. 396 pp. 8°. Tours, Alfred Mamc etfils, 1865. Ducros (L.) Guide pratique pour l'etude et le traitement des maladies syphilitiques. 323 pp. 12° Paris, J. Rouvier, 1821. Dudensing (Carolus Fridericus Franziscus). De luxatione metacarpo-phalangali pollicis ad posteriora. Diss. 19 pp. 8°. Lipsia, G. T. Hahnii, 1857. [In Pamphlets, v. 112.] Dudgeon (John). See Peking Hospital Reports. Dufouart (Pierre). Analyse des blessures d'armes a feu, et de leur traitement. 425 pp. 8°. Paris, C. Pougens, 1H01. Dufour (Pierre). Histoire de la prostitution chez tous les peuplesdu monde depuis l'auti- quit6 la plus recuse jusqu'a nos jours. 6 tomes. 8°. Paris, Jeri, 1851-53. Dufton (William). The nature and treatment of deafness and diseases of the ear, and the treatment of the deaf and dumb. 120 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea 4-Blanchard, 1848. Duges (Antoine). Memoire sur la conformite organique dans l'echelle animale. 124 pp. 4°. Montpellier, Auguste Ricard, 1832. Duges (P. A.) Conseils aux soldats de la grande armee. 156 pp. 16°. Namur, Ge- rard. Du Huijs (Chas.; The Percheron horse. Il- lustrated. 100 pp. 8°. A^eic York, Orange, Judd 4~ Co. Duizing (Antoni). Twee diepzinnige en heil- zame anderzockingen nopende de pest. 63 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, 1664. Dukerley (E.-I.) Notice sur les mesures de preservation prises a Batna (Algerie) pendant le cholera de 1867, et sur leurs r6sultats. 69 pp., 1 map. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1868. Dumas (Carlos Luis). Principios de fisiologia, 6 introduccion a la ciencia experimental, filosofica y medica del hombre vivo. Tradu- cida por Don Juan Vicente Carrasco. 4 v. Small 4°. Madrid, M. Repullis, 1803-14. Dumas (Georg Carl Wilhelm). Zur identi- taetsfrage von variola und varicellen. Diss. 32pp. 8°. Leipzig, A.Th. Engelhardt, 1869, 109 DUMAS. DUNGLISON. Dumas (P.) Essai sur l'insolation. These. 71 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets', v. 46.1 Dummett (Edwardus J.) De cholera. 27 pp. 8J. Edinburgi, Robertum Allan, 1799. [In Pamphlets, v. 12.] Dumont (fitienne-fimile). Des complications des plaies d'armes a feu. These. 24 pp. 4°. Paris, Rignoux, 1852. [In Pamphlets, v. 51.] Dumreicher und Langenbeck. Zur lazareth- frage. (Beilage zur " Medicinischen Wochen- schrift.") 53 pp. 8°. Wien, Moritz Gans, 1867. Dun (Finlay). Veterinary medicines: their actions and uses. With an appendix on the diseases of the domesticated animals. 586 pp. Royal 8°. Edinburgh, Edmonston cf Douglas, 1864. Dunbar (John R. W.) An essay ou the struc- ture, functions, and diseases of the nervous system. 80 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Dob- son, 1828. [7« Pamphlets, v. 105.] Duncan (Andreas). De Swietenia soymida. 55 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1794. [In Pamphlets, v. 3] _____Heads of lectures on the institutions of medicine. 7th edition, with additions and corrections. 149 pp. 8°. Eelinburgh, Archi- bald Constable Sr Co., 1822. Medical commentaries for the years Duncan (J. Matthews). Fecundity, fertility, sterility, and allied topics. 378 pp. 8°. Eelinburgh, A. Sr C. Black, 1866. On the statics of pregnancy. (From the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal for January, 1855.) 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Neill 4' Co., 1855. [In Pamphlets, v. 97.] A practical treatise on perimetritis and parametritis. 249 pp. 8°. New York, Wm. Wood Sf Co., 1869. ----- Researches in obstetrics. 467 pp. 8°. New York, Wm. Wood 4' Co., 1868. Duncan (Thomas T.) De palpitatione. 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1803. [In Pamphlets, v. 26 J Dunglison (Robley). Address to the medical graduates of the Jefferson Medical College. Delivered March 11, 1837. (Published by the graduates.) 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Adam IValdie, 1837. A dictionary of medical science. 992 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4' Lea, 1860. Human health. A new edition, with 1783-84, exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discouveries in medicine and medical philosophy. V. 9 516 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1785. ■ Medical commentaries for the year 1789 many modifications and additions. 464 pp. 8°. PhilaiMphia, Lea 4~ Blanchard, 1844. ----Human physiology. Illustrated. 2 v. 5°. 2d edition. 546 and 566 pp. Philadel- phia, Carey, Lea 4' Blanchard, 1836. ■ Medical lexicon. A dictionary of medi exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discouveries in medicine and medical philosophy. Decade second. V. 4. 539 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, C. Elliott, 1790. Duncan (Henry). Medical commentaries for the year 1794, exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine and medical philosophy. Decade second, v. 9. 444 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, G. Mudie, 1795. Duncan (John). The treatment of aneurism by electrolysis ; with an account of an inves- tigation into the action of galvanism on blood and on albuminous fluids. By Thomas R. Fraser. (Read before the Medico-Chirur- gical Society, 1st May, 1867.) 22 pp. 8C. Edinburgh, Oliver 4~ Boyd, 1867. cal sciences, containing a concise explanation of the various subjects and terms of physi- ology, pathology, hygiene, therapeutics, pharmacology, obstetrics, medical jurispru- dence, etc., with the French aud other syno- nymes; notices of climate, and of celebrated mineral waters ; formulae for various officinal, empirical, and dietetic preparations, etc. 8th edition. Revised and greatly enlarged. 927 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4~ Lea, \8~A. ----The same. 1047 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Henry C. Lea, 1866. ----The same. 1047 pp. Royal 8°. Phil- adelphia, Henry C. Lea, 1868. New remedies: with formulae for their preparation and administration. 7th edition, with numerous additions. 769 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4' Lea, 1856. On the influence of atmosphere and locality ; change of air and climate ; seasons; food; clothing; bathing; exercise; sleep; corporeal and intellectual pursuits, etc., etc., on human health, constituting elements of hygiene. 514 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea 4' Blanchard, 1835. DUNK EL. 110 DUROSELLE. Dunkel (Ernestus A.) An inaugural disser- tation on chorea Saucti Viti. 22 pp. 8°. Baltimore, John Wane, 1815. [InPamphlets, v. 380.] Dunsford (Harris). The practical advantages of homoeopathy. Illustrated by numerous eases. 201 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, John Penington, 1342. Dunsmore (James). A probationary essay on varix, aud the treatment by compression, as recommended by Velpeau. August, 1841. 33 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Bal/our 4' Jack, 1841. [In Pamphlets, v. 109.] Dunster (Edward S.) The relations of the medical profession to medical education. (Reprint from New York Medical Journal, December, 1870.) 25 pp. 8C. New York, Appleton 4- Co , 1870. Duperray (R.-E.) Etude sur la cirrhose du foie. 73 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1808. Duplais. A treatise on the manufacture and distillation of alcoholic liquors. 743 pp., 15 pl. n°. Philadelphia, Henry Carey Baird, 1871. Duplessis (Georges). The wonders of en- graving. Illustrated with 34 wood-engrav- ings. 338 pp. 8°. New York, Charles Scribner, 1871. Dupont (Jonas). De incendiis corporis hu- mani spontaneis. 25 pp. 4°. Lug. Batav., Theodorum Haak, 1763. [In Pamphlets, v. 57.] Dupuytren (G.) Lecons orales de clinique chirurgicale. Rec. et pub. par une societe de medecins. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Gerrner- Bailliere, 1833. ----- Lecons orales de clinique chirurgicale faites a l'Hotel-Dieu de Paris. Recueiliies et publiees par MM. les Docteurs Brierre de Boismont et Marx. Deuxieme edition, en- tierement refondue. 6 tomes. 558,554,687, 760, 584, and 526 pp. Paris, Gerrner-Bail- liere, 1839. ----- Memoire sur une maniere nouvelle de pratiquer 1'operation de la pierre, termine et publie par J. L. Sanson et L. J. Begin. Avec dix planches. 47 pp. Folio. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1836. ----- Museum d'anatomie pathologique de la faculte de medecine de Paris. Premiere et seconde partie. 1059 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet, jeune, et Labi, 1842. ----- On lesions of the vascular system, dis- eases of the rectum, etc. Translated and upuytren (G.)—Continued. edited by F. Le Gros Clark. 378 pp. 8°. London, Sydenham Society, 1854. ---- On the injuries and diseases of bones ; being selections from the collected edition of the clinical lectures of Baron Dupuytren. Translated and edited by F. le Gros Claik. 447 pp. 8°. London, Sydenham Society, 1847. ---- Operation de la pierre, d'apres une me- thode nouvelle; avec dix belles planches lithographiees par Jacob. 18 pp., 10 pl. Bruxelles, H. Dumont, 1836. Durand (C.) Des anevrysmes du cerveau considers principalement dans leurs rapports avec l'hemorrhagie cerebrale. Avec traces thermometriques. 129 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1868. Durand (Fardel-Max). Traite pratique des maladies chrouiques. 2 t. 681 and 714 pp. 8°. Paris, Gerrner-Bailliere, 1868. -----Traite therapeutique des eaux minerales de France et de l'etranger; et de leur emploi dans les maladies chroniques. 758 pp. 8°. Avec une carte coloiiee. Paris, G. Bailliere, 1857. Durat-Lasalle (Louis). Droit et legislation des armees de terre et de mer, recueil metho- dique complet des lois, decrets, etc. 10 v. Royal 8°. Paris, Vauteur, 1842-57. Durdin (Gulielmus). De respiratione. 22 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1804. [In Pamphlets, v. 28.] Diirer (Albert). Delia simmetria del corpi hu- mani. Libri quattro. From the Latin, trans- lated into Italian by Gio. Paolo Gallucci. 144 pp. Folio. Plates. Venetia, Domenio Nicolini, 1591. Duret. Le general et souverain remede, contre la maladie pestileutieuse. 15 pp. 12°. Paris, Jean de Bordeaux, 1623. Duret (Petrus). De scorbuto. 20 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., J. Luzac, 1731. [In Pamphlets, v. 66.] Duretus (Ludovicus). Hippocratis magni ■ coacae prsenotiones, interprete et enarratore Ludovico Dureto. 578 pp. et index. Folio. Geneva, Steph. Gamonet, 1665. Durkee (Silas). A treatise on gonorrhoea and syphilis. 431 pp., 8 col. pl. 8°. Boston, John P. Jewett 4- Co., 1859. Duroselle (Sr.) Traite utile au public. Ou Ton enseigne la methode, les moyens d'en- tretenir la bouche en bon etat, etc. 23 pp. Haye, Daniel Monier, 1761. Ill DURR. EARL. Diirr (Paul). Beitrag zur resection des ellen- bogengelenks. Diss. 47 pp. 8°. Tubingen, Heinrich Laupp, 1861. Duryea (Joseph T.) An oration commemo- rative of the restoration of the union; with a tribute to the alumni and under-graduates of the College of New Jersey who fell in the national struggle. 101 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, McCalla Sf Stavely, 1866. [In Pamphlets, v. 314.J Dusch (Theodor von). Lehrbuch der herz- krankheiten. 379 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Willi. Engelmann, 1868. ----- On thrombosis of the cerebral sinuses Translated by Geo. Whitley, M. D. 8° London, New Sydenham Society, 1861. [In Selected Monographs, New Sydenham So ciety.] Dussance (H.) Treatise on the coloring mat ters from coal-tar. 196 pp. 8°. Philadel phia, Henry Carey Baird, 1863. Dusseau (J. L.) Catalogue de la collection d'anatomie humaine, comparee et patholo- gique de MM. Ger. et W. Vrolik. 464 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, 1865. Dutrochet (M. H.) Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur la structure intime des animaux et des v6getaux et sur leur motilite. 233 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1824. Dutroulau (A. F.) Traite des maladies des Europ6ens dans les pays chauds. Deux- ieme edition. 679 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1868. Duttenhofer (J. Henricus). Haemorrhagia intestino-hepatica. 43 pp. Small 4°. Tu- binga, Schrammianis, 1758. [In Pamphlets, v. 72.J Dutton (Samuel W. S.) Address at the fune- ral of Eli Ives, Oct. 10, 1861. (Republished from the "New Englander" for October, 1861.) 20 pp. 8C. New Haven, Thomas J. Stafford, 1861. [In Pamphlets, v. 227.] Duval (Marcellin). Memoire sur le cholera- morbus Asiatique. Description du bagne de Brest, avec plan; relation d'une epidemie de cholera, qui a regn6 en 1849 dans cet etab- lissement. 84 pp. 8°. Brest, tdouard An- ner, 1853. Duve (A. Friedrich Wilhelm). Beitrage zur kenntniss der borweinsaure. Diss. 24 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. C. Naumann. Duverney (E. Mauritio). Qusestio medi- ca : An multis in morbis elucescat corporis mechanismus? Small 4°. 1719. [In Pamphlets, v. 73.] Duyckinck (Evert. A.) History of the world from the earliest period to the present time. Illustrated. 4 v. 640, 640, 640, and 626 pp. 8°. New York, Johnson, Fry 4' Co., 1869. ----- See National Portrait Gallery. Duyl (Johannes A. van). Diss, medica de in- carceratione spasmodica herniae inguinalis 34 pp. 8°. Groninga, J. B. Wolters,\8i>2. [In Pamphlets, v. 111.] Duyn (Didericus van). De vititia lochiorum quantitate. 32 pp. 4°. Lug. Batav., Joh. Le. Mair. [In Pamphlets, v. 56.] Dvorjak (Ch.) Memoire sur le developpe- ment,'les causes et le traitement du cholera. 31pp. 8°. Saint-Pitersbourg, Graeff,1848. [In Pamphlets, v. 181.] Dwyer (Francis). On seats and saddles, bits and bitting, etc. 255 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf Co., 1869. Dyckman (Jacob). A dissertation on the pathology of the human fluids. 248 pp. 3°. New York, Van Winkle 4~ Wiley, 1814. Dyer (A. B.) (See Proceedings.) Dyes (Aug.) Aerztiich begriindete und oko- nomisch bewahrte sebweinefutterungs-me- thode. 35 pp. 18°. Verden. Steinho/el, 1864. Dygbaeus (Kenelmus). Dissertatio de planta- rum vegetatione. 104 pp. 12°. Amstelo- dami, apud Jodocum Pluymert, 1663. [In Pamphlets, v. 252.] Dyrsen. Kurzgefasste anweisung die orien- talische cholera zu verhiiten, zu erken- nen und zu behandeln. 43 pp. 8°. Ham- burg, Joh. Philipp Erie, 1831. [In Pamphlets, v. 203.] The same. 125 pp. 8°. Hamburg, Jo- hann Philipp Erie, 1831, ---- " Protocoll-extract.' 181 pp. Ham- burg, Johann Philipp Erie, 1831. Eagle (Francis). A brief expostulation with Professor Buckland on the unscriptural and illogical nature of his theory of death. 16 pp. 8°. London, Henry Renshaio, 1839. [In Pamphlets, v. 34.1 -----Nature, cure, and entire prevention of hydrophobia. 32 pp. 8°. London, Henry Renshaw, 1838. [In Pamphlets, v. 34.] ■-----A new theory of pulmonary consump- tion : its causes, nature, and prevention. 88 pp. 8°. London, Henry Renshaw, 1839. [In Pamphlets, v. 34.] Earl (Sir James). Practical observations on the operation for the stone. 123 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1793. 11 EARL. Earl (Sir James.) Treatise on the hydrocele: containing an examination of all the usual methods of obtaining relief in that disease. The radical cure by injection is particularly described and illustrated with cases. Third edition, with notes and additions. 314 pp. h°. London, IV. Smith 4~ Son, 1805. Earle (Pliny). History, description, and stat- istics of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. 136 pp. 8°. New York, Egbert, Hovey 4- King, 1848. ----- The same. [See BLOOMINGDALE ASYLUM REPORTS.] -----Institutions for the insane in Prussia, Austria, and Germany. 229 pp. 8°. Utica, printed at New York State Lunatic Asylum, 1853. With which is bound : European in- stitutions for idiots (reprint from American Journal of Insanity), 22 pp., 8° ; Medical opinion in the Parish will case, 50 pp., 8°, New York, 1837; Prospective provision for the insane, 17 pp., 8°, Utica, 1868 ; An ad- dress delivered before the Berkshire Medical Institute, 25 pp., 8°, Utica, 1867; and The psychopathic hospital of the future, 15 pp., 8°, Utica, 1867. All by the same author. Also, Report on the proper treatment of the insane, by John Curwen (extract from Transactions American Medical Association), 17 pp., Phila- delphia, 1870; and Address delivered before the Medical Society State of Pennsylvania, bv same author (extract from Transactions Medical Society State of Pennsylvania), 20 pp. East (Rowland). Two dangerous diseases of England, consumption and apoplexy. 129 pp. 8°. London, John Lee, 1842. Eastern Lunatic Asylum ( Virginia). 1855 to 1870. Richmond and Nor/olk, public prin- ters, 1861-70. With which is bound Central Lunatic Asylum of Virginia for Colored In- sane. (See Central, etc.) Eastlake. On the management of the third stage of labor. (Reprint from v. 6, Transactions Obstetrical Society, London.) 21 pp. 8°. London, 1865. [In Pamphlets, v. 89.1 Eaton (J. H.) The army paymaster's man- ual ; or, collection of official rules. Revised to include June 30,1867. 76 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, 1867. ._____Partial memorandum index for the in- formation of officers of the pay department of the United States army, to June 30, 1863. 2 EDINBURGH. Eaton (J. H.)—Continued. 45 pp. 8°. Washington, Government Print- ing Office, 1863. [In Pamphlets, v. 239.] Eberle (John). A treatise on the practice of medicine. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. 2v. 8°. Philadelphia, John Grigg, 1831. -----The same. 5th ed. 2 v. 582, 579 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Grigg text, 751 pp.; v. 2, plates. 8°. London, John Van Voorst, 1860. Griffith(R. Eglesfeld.) A universal formulary, containing the methods of preparing and administering officinal and other medicines. 651 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4' Lea, 1859. Grimaud (J.-C.-M.) Cours complet de physi- ologie, distribu6 en lecons. Publie par Dr. Lanthois. Seconde edition. 2 v. 8°. Paris, A. Egrow, 1824. Grimm (John David). Ein beitrag zur anato- mie des darmes. Illustrated. 47 pp. 8°. Dorpat, E J.Karow, 1866. Grindle (Wesley). A practical treatise on the pathology and treatment of pulmonary con- sumption; also, remarks upon the most effectual treatment of all scrofulous diseases, etc., etc. 32 pp. New York, 1859. Griscom. See Smith. Griscom (John H). A history, chronological aud circumstantial, of the visitations of yel- low fever at New York. 36 pp. 8°. New York. [In Pamphlets, v. 248.] ----- Physiological and dietetic relations of phosphorus. 20 pp. 8°. Phitailelphia, Collins, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 99.] The sanitary condition of the laboring population of New York. A discourse (with additions) delivered on the 30th December, 1844. 58 pp. 8°. New York, Harper 4' Brothers, 1845 [In Pamphlets, v. 220.] Sanitary legislation, past and future; the value of sanitary reform, and the true principles for its attainment. Parts of two essays read before the New York Sanitary Association, October 3 and November 14, 1861. 37 pp. 16°. New York, Edmund Jones 4-Co., 1861. [In Pamphlets, v. 220.] The uses and abuses of air. 249 pp. 8°. Third edition. New York, Redfield, 1854 Gritti (Rocco). Dell' amputazione del femore al terzo inferiore e della disarticolazione del ginocchio. 1 pl. 8°. Milano, 1857. [In Pamphlets, v. 417.] -----Delle fratture del femore per arma da fuoco. 150 pp. 8°. Milano, 1866. -----Dell' ottalmoscopo e delle malattie end- Gritti (Rocco)— Continued. oculari per esso reconoscibili. 446 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Milano, tipografia del Patronato, 1862. -----La medicazione solfitica externa. Mi- lano, 1864. ----Resezione intrabucale e sotto periostea. Milano, 1867. Saggio di una tavolonosologica statistica e terapeutica per uso degli ospitali militari in tempo di guerra. 15 pp. 8°. Milano, Guiseppe Chiusi, 1866. [In Pamphlets, v. 417.] Sopra un caso di stafiloma parziale della cornea guarito col metodo della legatura parziale modificata secondo Borelli. 11 pp. 8°. Milano, Guiseppe Chiusi, 1865. [In Pamphlets, v. 322.] Green (Jacobus). De apoplexia. 28 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., J. Vander, 1730. [In Pamphlets, v. 69.] Groh (Franz). Die elektrolyse in der chi- rurgie. 77 pp. 8°. Wien, Eduard Hblzel, 1871. Gronnier (C. R. I. de Douai). Essai sur la pourriture d'hdpital. 12 pp. 4°. Paris, Bielot, jeune, 1810. [In Pamphlets, v. 52.] Groschupff (G. David). De haemorrhoidum differeutia ab aliis cruentis alvi fluxibus. 32 pp. Small 4°. Hala Magdeb., Hendelianis, 1727. [In Pamphlets, v. 72.] Groshans (G. P. F.) Annotations cliniques sur la phthisie pulmonaire. 57 pp. 8°. Gand, F. 4- E. Gyselynck, 1849. [In Pamphlets, v. 40.] Gross (Ch. F.) Essai sur la structure micros- copique du rein. 90 pp. et 9 planches. 8°. Strasbourg, Trentel et Wurtz; Paris et Ge nbve, Joel Chirbuliez, 1868. Gross (Samuel D.) The anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the bones and joints. 389 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, John Grigg, 1830. ----A discourse on the life, character, and services of Daniel Drake, M. D. 92 pp. 8°. Louisville, Louisville Journal office, 1853. [In Pamphlets, v. 161.] ----Elements of pathological anatomy. 2d ed. 822 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Barrington 4- Haswell, 1845. ----Lives of eminent American physicians and surgeons of the nineteenth century. 836 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sr Blakiston, 1861. ----- A manual of military surgery, or hints GROSS. 153 GUERIN. Gross (Samuel D.)—Continued. on the emergencies of field, camp, and hos- pital practice. Illustrated. 186 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sr Co., 1361. -----A practical treatise on the diseases and injuries of the urinary bladder, the prostate gland, and the urethra. 726 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Blanchard 4' Lea, 1851. ----- The same. 2d ed. 925 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard Sf Lea, 1855. -----A practical treatise on foreign bodies in the air-passages. 468 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Blanchard ales potables et 6conomiques, avec leurs principales applications. Fabrication des eaux min6rales artificielles. 662 pp. 8°. Paris, G. Baillibre, 1858. HENRY. 173 HESSE. Henry (Thomas). Experiments and observa- tions on the following subjects : First, on the preparation, calcination, and medicinal uses of magnesia and alba, etc, etc. 142 pp., and appendix, 8 pp. 16°. London, Jo- seph Johnson, 1773. [In Pamphlets, v. 85.1 Henry (William). An epitome of chemistry. In 3 parts. Completein 1 v. 214pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Jas. Humphreys, 1802. Henry (William Charles). Physiology of the nervous system. 29 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 88.] Hensler (Joan.) Historia brachii praetumidi. 1 tab. [In Haller, Disput. chir., torn. 5, p. 443.] Herbel (F. Pascal). Quelques mots sur l'hy- giene des femmes enceintes. 79 pp. 49, Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 42.] Herbert (Henry William). Frank Forester's horse and horsemanship of the United States and British Provinces of North America. 2 v. 4°. New York, Stringer Sr Townsend, 1857. -----Hints to horse-keepers, and chapters on mules and ponies. Beautifully illustrated. 425 .pp. 8°. New York, Orange Judd <£• Co. Herbst (E. F. G.) Untersuchung iiber die ver- breitungsart der asiatischen cholera. 96 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Rudolph Druerlich, 1832. Herbst (Gustav). Die Pacinischen korper, und ihre bedeutung. Mit abbildungen auf 16 taf. 141pp. 8°. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1848. Herfelt (Henricus G.) De affectione hypo- chondriaca. 12 pp. Small 4°. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, Franconem Sas, 1678. [In Pamphlets, v. 79.] Herholdt (J. D.) Bemerkungen iiber die chi- rurgischebehandlungdertiefenbrustwunden, veranlasst durch neue versuche iiber den me- chanismus des athemholens. Aus dem Dani- schen. 72 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Kopenhagen und Leipzig, Johann Heinrich Schubothe, 1801. Hering. See Hahnemann. Hering (Carolus A.) De osteogenesi valvula- rum cordis prseternaturali. Diss. 45 pp. 4°. Lipsia, I. F. Gliick, 1819. Hering (Franz Carl Eduard). Ueber den so- genannten zottenkrebs. Diss. 31 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Oswald Kollman, 1868. [In Pamphlets, v. 284.] Herklots (J. A.) Echinodermes, peintes d'apres la nature par les soins de Kuhl, Van Hasselt et Sal. Miiller. 22 pp., 10 pl. 4°. Leide, 1868. Hermann (F.) und Kiittner (C.) Die febris recurrens in St. Petersburg. Beobachtungen aus dem Obuchoff'schen hospitale. (Separat- abdruck aus der St. Petersburger medicini- scher Zeitschrift.) 56 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Ferdinand Enke, 1865. Herrmann (Joh. E. Traugott). Ueber die schuss- und stichwunden des magens. Diss. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Friedr. Groeber, 1867. Hermann (R.) Scheikundig onderzoek van de bloed, de urin en gal der cholera-lijders. Uit het Hoogduitsch, door B. Meijlink. 40 pp. 8°. Deventer, A. J. van den Sigtenhorst, 1831. [In Pamphlets, v. 203.] Herment (Joannes)1 et Le Roy (P.) Quaes- tio medico-chirurgica, utium in arteriarum vulneribus tutum haemorrhagiae sistendae auxilium, fungus maximus, rotundus, pulve- rulentes Johannis Bauhini 1 [In Haller, Disput. chir., torn. 5, p. 182.] Hernandez (J. F.) Essai sur le typhus, ou sur les fievres dites malignes, putrides, bili- euses, muqueuses, jaune, la peste. 479 pp. 8°. Paris, MSquignon-Marvis, 1816. Herold (T. M. D.) Disquisitiones de auima- lium vertebris carentium in ova formatione, et de generatione insectarum in ovo. Colored illustrations. Folio. Marburg, 1837. Herschel (John F. W.) Familiar lectures on scientific subjects. 507 pp. 8°. London and New York, Alex. Strahan, 1867. -----Meteorology. (From the Encyclopaedia Britannica) 2d ed. 288 pp., 3 pl. 12°. Edinburgh, Adam Sr Charles Black, 1862. Hertwig (Henricus). Experimenta, quredam de effectibus laesionum in partibus encephali singularibus et de verosimili harum partium functione. 26 pp. 4°. Berolini. [In Pamphlets, v. 49.] Herzog (Carolus Henr. Eduar.) De remedi- orum nonnullorum in curanda cholera epi- demica abusu. Diss. 46 pp. 4°. Lipsia, Fried. Nies, 1831. [In Pamphlets, v. 52.] Hesse (Richard Gottlob). Ueber febris recur- rens, nach beobachtungen im Jacobshospital. Diss. 18pp. 8°. Leipzig, Otto Wigand, 1869. Hesse (Walther). Ueber das verhalten des epithels beim acuten katarrh des darmcanals auf grund im pathologisch-anatomisehen la- boratorium des Prof. Dr. Wagner angestellter experimente. Diss. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Fr. Andrae's nach/olger, 1870. [In Pamphlets, v. 277.] 174 HESSELBACH. HEYSHAM. Hesselbach (A. K.) Handbuch der gesamm- ten chirurgie fiir practische arzte and wund- arzte. 3 parts in 4 v., aud atlas. 8°. Jena, Friedrich Mauke, 1814-47. Hessler (J. F.) und Pisko (Fr. Jos.) Lehr- buch der technischen physik. Mit 891 dem texte eingedruckten holzschnitten. Band 1 und 2. 713, 740 pp. 8°. Wien, IVilhelm Braurniiller, 1866. Hessling (Theodor von) und Kollmann (Ju- lius). Atlas der allgemeinen thierischen ge- webelehre. 42 taf. 8°. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1862. Heston (Jacob Franklin). Moral and politi- cal truth ; or, reflections suggested by read- ing history and biography. 401 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. F. Heston, 1811. Heurnius (Joannes). Het noodigh pest-boeck. 104 pp. 8J. Leyden, 1600. Heurtaux (Alfred). Du cancroide en gen6- ral. 160 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Coccoz, 1860. Heusch (Franciscus iEgidius) De paralysi 24 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., J. Luzac, 1736. [In Pamphlets, v. 69.] Heusinger (Carl Friedrich). Die milzbrand- krankheiten der thiere und des menschen. 807 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Ferdinand Enke, 1850. -----Recherches de pathologie compared. In 2 volumes. 674, 549 pp. 4°. Cassel, H. Hotop, 1853. Heustis (Jabez W.) Physical observations, and medical tracts and researches, on the to- pography and diseases of Louisiana. 165 pp. 8°. New York, T. Sr J. Swords, 1817. Hewitt (Graily). The diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of diseases of women, inclu- ding the diagnosis of pregnancy. First American, from the second London, edition, revised and enlarged. 707 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Lindsay 4' Blakiston, 1868. Hewson (Thomas). Observations on the his- tory and treatment of the opthalmia. Illus- trated by cases. 117 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Hurst, and others, 1824. Hewson (William). An experimental inquiry into the properties of the blood. With re- marks on some of its morbid appearances, and an appendix relating to the discovery of the lymphatic system in birds, fish, and the animals called amphibious. 204 pp. 12°. London, T. Caelell, 1771. -----The same. Edited by George Gulliver. 360 pp. 8°. Lonelon, Sydenham Society, 1846. Hewson (William). The same. Third edi- tion. 213 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1780. -----The same. Containing a description of the lymphatic system in the human subject and in other animals. Illustrated. Part 2d. 239 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1774. Hey (William). Practical observations in sur- gery. Illustrated with cases and plates. 332 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, James Humph- reys, 1805. ----- The same. Third edition. 577 pp. 8°. London, Cadell <|- Davies, 1814. -----A treatise on the puerperal fever, illus- trated by cases which occurred in Leeds and its vicinity, in the years 1809-12. 238 pp. 8°. London, 1815. Heydenreich (Arno). Ueber einige quellen von embolie der lungenarterie. 43 pp. 8C. Jena, J. Hermsdorf, 1867. [In Pamphlets, v. 399.] Heyfelder (J. F.) Beobachtungen iiber die cholera Asiatica. 224 pp., 1 pl, 8°. Bonn, Ed. Weber, 1832. [In Pamphlets, v. 170.] ----- Ueber resectionen und amputationen. 269 pp , 4 pl. 4°. Breslau und Bonn, E. Weber, 1854. Heyfelder (Oscar). Das lager von Krasnoe Selo im vergleich mit dem von Chalons. Mili- taraztliche studie. 64 pp., 4 pl. 8°. Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1866. ----- Lehrbuch der resectionen. 405 pp., 8 pl. 8°. Wien, Wilhelm Braurniiller, 1863. ----- Rapport sur le service sanitaire de l'ar- mee prussiene pendant la guerre de 1866 contre les Saxo-Autrichiens. (Extrait de la Gazette medicale de Paris, ann6e 1867.) 32 pp. 8°. Paris, 1867. ----- Traite" des r6sections. Traduit de l'al- lemand, avec additions et notes, par Eug. Boeckel. 310 pp., 8 pl. Paris, J.-B. Bail- libre etfils, 1863. Heyman (J. Gulielmus). De prsecipuo lite- ratorum morbo affectu hypochondriaco. 26 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1732. [In Pamphlets, v. 79.] Heymann (F.) Ophthalmologisches aus dem jahre 1867. 52 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1868. Heysham (Joannes). De rabie canina. Diss. 43 pp. 8°. Edinb. et London, C. Elliot 4~ G. Robinson, 1777. [In Smellius, Thesaurus medieus, torn. 3.] HIBERNIAN. Hibernian Medical Society (Laws and regulations of the). 22 pp. 8°. Edinb., Chapman 4' Co., 1790. [7» Pamphlets, v. 386.] Hickman (William). On some varieties and effects of cancerous disease of bone. Liston clinical prize essay, University College, 1860. Illustrated. 47 pp. 8°. London, Robert Hardwicke, 1865. Hicks (J. B.) On combined external and in- ternal version. (Reprint from volume 5, Transactions of the Obstetrical Society, Lon- don.) 43 pp. 8°. London, J. E. Adlard, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 90.] Higginbottom (John). A practical essay on the use of nitrate of silver in the treatment of inflammation, wounds, and ulcers. 3d ed. 172 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill Sr Sons, 1865. Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland (Transactions of the). Vol. 2, 1868-69; vol. 3, 1870-71. 8°. Edinburgh, IVilliam Blackwood 4' Sons. Highmorus (Nathanaelis). Exercitationes duae, quorum prior de passione hysterica: altera de affectione hypochondriaca. Editio secunda. 184 pp. 12°. Oxon., A. Lich- field, 1660. [In Pamphlets, v. 252.] Hilaire. See Saint-Hilaire. Hildanus (Guilhelmus Fabricius). De gan- graena et sphacelo, tractatus methodicus ; in quo horum morborum differentiae, causae, signa, prognostica, ac denique methodica cu- ratio continentur. Editio decima et ultima, omnium locupletissima; observationibus eti- am raris necnon instrumentis necessario ab authore inventis, ita aucta, ut plane nova recenseri possit. Cum triplici indice; au- thorum, capitum et rerum. 241 pp., 16 illus- trations. 4°. Oppenheimio, Johannis Theodori de Bry, 1617. ----- Nieuwe weldt-chirurgye, tracterende van kranckheden endegebreken die inkrijgh, etc., voorvallen. 188 pp. 4°. Het tweede tractaet van de squinancie of Bruyne, etc. 142 pp. 4°. Amsterdam, Jan Hendricksz Boom, 1664. -----Wuud-artzney. Aus dem Lateinischen in das Teutsche iibersetzt durch Friedrich Greiffen. Illustrated. 1338 pp. Folio. Franck/urth, Johann Beyers, 1652. Hildebrandt (Friedrich). De pulmonibus. 42pp. 4°. Gattinga, J. A. Barmeieri, 1783. [In Pamphlets, v. 59.] HILLARY. Hildebrandt (Friedrich). Handbuch der anatomie des menschen. 4. ausgabe, besorgt von Ernst H. Weber. 4 v. 2 pl. 8°. Braunschweig, 1830-32. Hildreth (C. T.) Case of notencephale, with engravings. 16 pp. Boston, the author, 1834. Hildreth (Jos. S.) Report of the committee on opthalmology of the American Medical Asso- ciation at Washington, D. C, session of 1868. (Reprinted from the transactions of the asso- ciation.) 8 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1869. ----- Report on the use of pressure in the treatment of gonorrhoeal aud purulent opthal- mia. 15 pp. 8°. New York, Jno. Mcdole, 1865. [In Pamphlets, v. 415.] Hilgard (T. C.) Contributions to the physi- ology of sight. (From proceedings Provi- dence meeting, American Association for Ad- vancement of Science.) 23 pp. 8°. Cam- bridge, 1856. Hill (Benjamin L.) Lectures on the Ameri- can eclectic system of surgery. Edited, with notes and additions, by John M. Scudder. Illustrated. 795 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Med. Pub. Co., 1870. Hill (Berkeley). Syphilis and local conta- gious disorders. 505 pp. 8°. London, James IValton, 1868. Hill (Carolus). De hydrothorace. 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1783. [In Pamphlets, v. 14.] Hill (James). Cases in surgery, particularly of cancers, and disorders of the head from violence, with observations. To which is added an account of the sibbens. 263 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, John Balfour, 1772. Hill (Joannes P.) De typho. 37 pp. 8°. Eelinburgi, Gulielmus Creech, 1802. [In Pamphlets, v. 22.] Hill (John D.) An analysis of 140 cases of organic stricture of the urethra, of which 120 cases were submitted to Holt's operation and 20 to perinaeal section. 59 pp. 8°. Lon- don, J. 4'- A. Churchill, 1871. Hillary (William). Observations on the chauges of the air and the concomitant epi- demical diseases in the island of Barbadoes. To which is added a treatise on the putrid bilious fever, commonly called the yellow fever, and such other diseases as are indige- nous or endemial in the West India islands or in the torrid zone. 2d ed. 360 pp. 8°. London, L. Hawes, IV. Clarke Sr R. Collins, 1766. 176 11ILLE. HIRSCH Hille (D. Karl Christian). Beobachtungen iiber die asiatische cholera. 148 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1831. Hillier (Thomas). Diseases of children. A clinical treatise. 402 pp. 8°. London, James Walton, 1868. ----- Hand-book of skin diseases ; for stu- dents and practitioners. 353 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Blanchard Sr Lea, 1865. Hilpert (J. L.) A dictionary of the English and German and the German and English languages. With a preface by Dr. E. Kaer- cher. Vol. 2, German and English, 2 parts. 653, 1010 pp. 4°. New York, William Radde, 1846. Hilscher (Sim. P.) et Mittelhaeuser (J. D.) De incontinentia urinae ex partu, globulis ligneis curanda. [In HALLER, Disput. chir.. torn. 3, p. 597.] Hilton (John). The Hunterian oration. 46 pp. 8°. London. Bell Sr Dalely, 1867. [In Pamphlets, v. 148.] ----- Notes on some of the developmental and functional relations of certain portions of the cranium. Selected by Frederick William Pavy, from the lectures on anatomy deliv ered at Guy's Hospital. 93 pp., 9 pl. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1855. Himmelmann (Johannes). De vulneribus lethalibus. 16 pp. 4°. Harderovici, Joh. Moojen, 1753. Himmelreich (Theodorus). De cholera epi- demica. 29 pp, 16°. Berolini, Schlesinger, 1855. [In Pamphlets, v. 165.J Hinchloiis (Henricus). De sanguinis mis- sione. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Isaaci Elze- viri, 1617. [In Pamphlets, v. 74.] Hind (G. W.) A series of twenty plates, illus- tiating the causes of displacement in the various fractures of the bones of the extremi- ties. 2d ed. 51pp. 4°. London, Taylor Sr Walton, 1836. Hinds (Joannes). De cynanche maligna. 37 pp. 8°. Edinburgi,Gulielmus Creech, 1804. [In Pamphlets, v. 28.] ----- The veterinary surgeon; or, farriery taught on a new and easy plan, etc. With additions and improvements by Thomas M. Smith. 224 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. Grigg, 1839. Hinterberger (Joseph). Abhandlung iiber die entziindung des riickenmarkes und bei- trage zur erforschung der cholera morbus. 257 pp. 8°. Linz, Joseph Fink und Sohn, 1831. Hinton (James). Thoughts on health, and some of its conditions. 293 pp. 8°. London, Smith, Elder 4- Co., 1871. Hints for those who may be desirous of intro- ducing the manufacture of split straw in country towns, villages, etc. 8 pp. [In Pamphlets v. 7.] Hippocrates. Coacae praenotiones, interprete et enarratore Ludovico Dureto. 578 pp., et index. Folio. Geneva, Stcph. Garnonet, 1665. -----Hippocratis Coi medici. Libri omnes, ad vetustos codices summo studio collati et restaurati. (Ed. Cornarii, Greece.) 562 pp. Folio. Basilea, Froben, 1538. ffiuvres completes. Traduction nou velleparE\ Littr6. 10 v. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1839. - (The genuine works of). Translated from the Greek, with a preliminary discourse and annotations, by Francis Adams. 2 v. 8°. London, Sydenham Society, 1849. Hippocratis, Galeni et aliorum vet. Arti- cella. Black letter, illuminated. 388 pp. Folio. Venitiis, 1493. I. Liber Joanitii qui dicitur Isagoge. II. Libellus Philareli de pulsibus. III. Libellus Theophili de urinis. IV. Hippocratis aphorismi. V. Idem, cum commento Galieni. VI. Liber pronosticorum, cum translatione nova et antiqua. VII. Liber regiininis acutorum, patic's IV conti- nens. VIH. Liber Hippocratis epidimiarum, cum commento. IX. Libellus Hippoc qui intitulatur de natura foetus. X. Liber Galieni qui dicitur tegni sive ars parva. XI. Libellus geutilis de fulgineo, de divisione et cet. XII. LibellusdelegeHippocquidiciturjusjurandum. [.Sec Articella.] Hipsley (W.) Equational arithmetic applied to questions of interest, annuities, life in- surance, and general commerce ; with various tables by which all calculations may be greatly facilitated. 110 pp. 12°. Lonelon, T. C.Johns, 1854. -----The same. Second part. 77 pp. 12°. London, John Weale, 1858. Hirsch. See Jahresbericht. Hirsch (A. B. R.) Partis quinti nervorum e cephali disquisitio anatomica, in quantum ad ganglion sibi proprium semilunare, et ad originem nervi intercostalis pertinet. Vi- enna, 1765. [In Pamphlets, v. 325.] Hirsch (August). Handbuch der historisch- geographischen pathologie. 2 bande. 8° Erlangen. Ferdinand Enlce, 1860-64. Hirsch (G.) Ueber die contagiositat der cholera. Bemerkungen zu dem sendschreiben des Dr. Rust an A. v. Humboldt. 82 pp. 8°. KSnigsberg, Gebr. Borntr&ger, 1832. HIRSCH. 177 HODGES. Hirsch (Henricus). Chirurgiae curtorum physiologia succincta ; adjecta nova methodo septi ex labio restituendi, qua narium nasi restituti concretio prohibeatur. Diss. 36 pp. 4°. Berolini, Fricdlanderianis, 1835. [7/i Pamphlets, v. 329.] Hirsch (Heinrich). Einige falle von fremden kbrpern. Diss. 18 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Breit- kop/4- H&rtcl, 1870. [In Pamphlets, v. 273.] Hirsch (Joh. J.) Die unterleibsbriiche und die neuen patentirten bruchbandagen ohne huftfeder und ohne pelotenpolster. 60 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, Wilmur Schwabc, 1871. Hirschberg (J.) A. von Graefe's klinische vortrage fiber augenheilkunde. 213 pp. 8°. Berlin, Aug. Hirschwald, 1871. Hirschfeld (Ludovic). The nervous system. Edited in English by A. Mason Macdougal. With illustrations. Part i-ii. 4°. London, Jno. Churchill Sf Sons, 1867. ----- Nevralogie et 6sthesiologie: traite et iconographic du systeme nerveux, et des organes des sens de l'homme Avec un atlas de 92 planches par J. B. Leveill6. 2me ed. 596 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson et fils, 1866. His (Wilhelm). Beitrage zur normalen und pathologischen histologie der cornea. 146 pp., 6 pl. Basel, Schweighauser, 1856. ----- Die haute und hohlen des korpers. Acad, programm. 34 pp. 4°. Basel, Schweig- hauser, 1865. ----- Ueber ein perivasculares canalsystem in den nervbsen centralorganen. 17 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1865. ----- Untersuchungen iiber den bau der lymphdiusen. 24 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Wil- helm Engelmann, 1861. ----- Untersuchungen iiber die erste anlage des wirbelthierleibes. 237 pp., 12 pl. Royal 4°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1868. ------ Untersuchungen iiber den bau der Peyer'scben drfisen und der darmschleimhaut. 29 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engel- mann, 1862. Hitchcock (Edward). Dyspepsy forestalled and resisted; or, lectures on diet, regimen, and employment, delivered at Amherst Col- lege, 1830. 452 pp. 8°. Amherst, J. S. 4- C. Adams, 1831. ----- Elementary geology. A new edition, with introductory notice by John Pye Smith. Eighth edition. 361 pp. 12°. New York, Newman 4' Ivison. 1852. 2'.\ Hitchcock(Edward). Illustrations of surface geology. 151 pp. Maps. 4°. Smithsonian Institution, 1^57. Hitchcock (H. O.) Fertility of the native Americans of the present generation. (Reprint from the Michigan University Medical Jour- nal.) Ann Arbor, 1871. [In Pamphlets, v. 231.] Hitzig (Eduard). Studien iiberbleivergiftung, 72 pp. 8°. Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1868. Hoc (Pet. Le). Quaestio medico-chirurgica an oculi punctio cataractam praecaveat ? [In Haller, Disput. chir., torn. 2, p. 157.] Hodenpyl (Franc. Mar. Theod. Gysb.) Spe- cimen medico-practicum, exhibens brevem delineationem cholera, quae in urbe Schnieda- mensi regnavit. 42 pp. 16°. Groninga, J. Romelingh, 1833. [In Pamphlets, v. 184.] Hodge (Benjamin G.) Experiments and obser- vations on the absorption of active medicines into the circulation. Diss. 55 pp. 8°. - Philadelphia, Hugh Maxwell, 1801. [7/i Pamphlets, v. 389.] ----- The same. 35 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Thomas Sf William Bradford, 1806. [In Pamphlets, v. 393.] Hodge (Hugh L.) On criminal abortion. A lecture. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. K. 4- P. G. Collins, 1854. [In Pamphlets, v. 238.] -----On diseases peculiar to women, includ- ing displacements of the uterus. 469 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4" Lea, 1860. -----The principles and practice of obstetrics. Illustrated. 550 pp. Royal 4°. Philadel- phia, Blanchard 4" Lea, 1864. Hodges (Joannes). De oxygenio. 79 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1806. [In Pamphlets, v. 19.] Hodges (Richard M. ) The excision of joints. 204 pp. 8°. Boston, the author, 1861. ----- Excision of joints for traumatic cause. 23 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Welch, Bigelow 4' Co., 1862. [In Pamphlets, v. 194.] ----- Practical dissections. 254 pp. 8°. Cambridge, John Bartlett, 1858. ----- The same. 2d ed. 286 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Henry C. Lea, 1867. -----Twenty-five cases of vesico-vaginal fis- tula ; of which twenty-two were cured by operation. (From the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, February 2, 1871.) 11 pp. 8°. I [In Pamphlets, v. 238.1 HODGKIN. 178 HOFFMANN. Hodgkin (Thomas). Catalogue of the patho- logical preparations in the museum of Guy's Hospital. Revised and edited by Samuel Wilkes, M. D. 2 v. 8°. London, William Mackenzie, 1863. -----Lectures on the morbid anatomy of the serous and mucous membranes. 2 v. 8°. London, Simpkin, Marshall 4' Co., 1840. Hodgson (Decimus). The prostate gland, and its enlargement in old age. Illustrated. 84 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1856. Hodgson (Joseph). Engravings intended to illustrate some of the diseases of the arteries, accompanied with explanations. 27 pp., 8 pl. Royal 4°. London, Thos. Underwood 1815. -----A treaties on the diseases of arteries and veins. 603 pp. 8°. London, Thos. Under. wood, 1815. Hodgson (William B.) Memoir on the mega- therium and other extinct gigantic quadru- peds of the coast of Georgia. With observa- tions on its geologic features. 47 pp., and map. 8°. New York, Bartlett 4' Wel/ord, 1846. [In Pamphlets, v. 103.] Hodson (J.) Nature's assistant to the resto- ration of health, etc. 9th ed. 148 pp. 8°. London, the eiuthor, 1791. Hceckert (Christiano A.) De trepanatione, adjectis observationibus hue spectantibus. Diss. 14 pp. 4°. Wirceburgi, C. G. Becker, 1826. Hcefer (Johannes W.) De morbis ex inter- missa venae sectione. 44 pp. Small 4°. Hala, Magdeb , Joh. Chris. Hendelii. [In Pamphlets, v. 84] Hoegh (O. G.) Aarsberetning for 1857-59 fraoverlaege for den spedalske sygdom. 1 v. 4°. Christiania, Carl C. Werner 4' Comp., 1858-60. Hcepfner (Joannes C.) De morbis hepatis ex anatomia deducendis. 28 pp. Small 4°. Hala Magdeburgica, Joannis C. Hilligeri, 1726. [In Pamphlets, v. 80.] Hoepner (Oswald). Ueber die schusswunden des fussgeleuks. 21 pp. 8°. Leipzig, L. Schnauss, 1863. [In Pamphlets, v. 195.] Hoeven (C. Pruys van der). Historische lessen over de cholera. 116 pp. 8°. Leiden, C. C.van der Hoek,1832. [In Pamphlets, v. 204.] I Hoeven (C. P. van der), Kaathoven, and Salomon. Geschiedverhaal van de cholera- epidemie te Leiden in 1832. 224 pp. 8°. Leiden, C. C. van der Hoek, 1833. [In Pamphlets, v. 204.] Hoff (F. Henricus C.) De aere, ipsiusque efficacia in corpore humano. 83 pp. 4°. Harderovici, Joannem Moojcn, 1763. [7/i Pamphlets, v. 57.] Hoffendahl (Carolus Fridericus). De tendi- nis Achillis ruptura et conglutinatione. 24 pp. 4°. Berlin, Jordan, 1828. [In Pamphlets, v. 330.] Hoffman (J. G.) et Bcehmer (J. B.) Dis- sertatio de matricibus metallorum. 96 pp. Small 4°. Lipsia, 1738. [In Pamphlets, v. 77.] Hoffman (S. E.) Entwurf zur einrichtung eines cholera-hospitals. 14 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, C. G. Lueleritz, 1831. [In Pamphlets, v. 203.] Hoffmann (C. E. E.) Untersuchungen uber die pathologisch-anatomischen veranderun- gen der organe beim abdominaltyphus. 402 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1869. Hoffmann (C. K.) und Weyenbergh (H.) Die osteologie vmd myologie von Sciurus vul- garis, L., verglichen mit der anatomie der Lemuriden und des Chiromys und iiber die stellung des letzteren im natiirlichen systeme. 136 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Haarlem, Loasjes erben, 1870. Hoffmann (Daniel). Rarissima sanationem cerebri quassati, cum notabili substantia? de- perditione. [In Haller, Disput. chir., torn. 1, p. 107.] Hoffmann (Eduardus). De labii leporini opera- tionibus. Diss. 38 pp. 8°. Jena, Schrei- beret fil, 1854. [In Pamphlets, v. 399.] Hoffmann (Fridericus). Cardianastrophe ad- miranda seu cordis inversio. 48 pp. and plates. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Gerardum Corts, 1740. [In Pamphlets, v. 76.] ----Dissertationum physico-medicarum se- lectiorum. 4 v. 12°. Lugd. Batav., Theod. Haak, 1713-35. CONTENTS VOL. I. De annorum climactericorum rationali et medica ex- plicatione. De duodeno, pluorimorum morborum sede. De morbis certis rrgionibus et populis peculiaris. De opiatorum nova eaque mechauica operandi ra- tioDe. Pulsuum naturam, genuinas differentias et usum in praxi ex sanguinis circuio evolvens. De inflammatione ventriculi frequentissimo Bed pa- rum cognito morbo. De origiue et natura pestis. 179 HOFFMANN. Hoffmann (Fridericus)—Continued. De peste ejusdemque curande ratione. De natura corporis lmmani mechauici medicatrice et arte naturae auxiliatrice. De metallurgia morbifera. CONTENTS VOL. II. De ratione universe medicina; preside. De prematura morte et morbis praecavendis. Septem leges sanitatis exhibens. De magno venae sectionis ad ortam sanam et longam reniedio. De aqua medicina universal!. De acidularum et thermarum ratione ingredientium et virium convenientia. De medicamentisinsecuris et insidis. De medicamentis selectioribus. De medicamentis balamicis. De prajstautia remediorum domesticorum. CONTENTS VOL. III. De methodo acquirendi vitam longam. De medico sui ipsus. De animo sanitatis et morborum fabro. De curiosis physicis meditationibus circa ventorum causum, vires et operationes in corpora humani ac barometra. De temporibus anni insalubrius. _ De montu optima corporis medicina. CONTENTS VOL. IV. De peregrinationibus instituendis sanitatis causa. De media magnorum morborum remedio. De vini rhenani prsestantia. De methodo examinandi aquas salubres. De carolinarum causa caloris virtute et usu. De temperamento fuudamento morum et morborum in geutibus. ----- De morbi histerici vera indole sede origine et cura. 45 pp. Small 4°. Hala Magdeb., J. C. Hilligeri, 1733. [Tn Pamphlets, v. 71.] -----Idea fundamentals universae medicinae, etc. 80 pp. Small 4°. Hala Magdeburgi- ca, Christoph. And. Zeitlerum, 1707. [In Pamphlets, v. 74.] -----Opera omnia pbysico-medica, cum vita auctoris. 6tomos. Folio. Geneva, fratres de Tournes, 1740-60. A system of the practice of medicine, HOLCOMBE. Lon- From the Latin by William Lewis. Revised and completed by Andrew Duncan. 2 v. 591, 584 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1783. Hoffmann (Hermann). Icones analyticae fun- gorum. Abbildungen und beschreibungen von pilzen, mit besonderer riicksicht auf anatomie und entwickelungsgeschichte. 105 pp., 24 pl. Folio. Giessen, J. Ricker, 1861-65. Hoffmann (Joh. Fred.) Specimen geographi- co-medicum inaug. de Hispauia et insulis quibusdam maris Mediterranei. 227 pp. 8°. Lugd. Batav., S.4* J. Luchtman, 1838. Hoffmann (Karl O.) Ueber den vorzeitigen fruchtwasserabgang, vorziiglich nach seinem einfluss auf das kind. Diss. 19 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Fr. Andrae's nach/olgcr, 1870. [In Pamphlets, v. 304.] Hofmann (A. W.) Harrogate and its resour- ces. Chemical analysis of its medicinal Hofmann (A. W.)—Continued. waters. With an appendix. 54 pp don, 1854. [77i Pamphlets, v. 97.] -----Introduction to modern chemistry, ex- perimental and theoretic. Illustrated. 233 pp. 12°. London, Walton y. 272 pp. 8°. PondichSry, E.-V. Giruzet, 1867. Hulks (J. W.) A practical treatise on the use of the opthalmoscope; being the essay for which the Jacksonian prize was awarded in lt-59. 70 pp., 4 pl. 4°. London, John Churchill, 1861. Hull (A. G.) Practical elucidation of the na- ture of hernia, with some remarks on the un- fit instruments used for its confinement. 20 pp. 8°. New York, J. Seymour, 1823. [In Pamphlets, v. 118] Hull (Thomas). Complectens quredam de plantis, qure vi narcotica maxime pallent. 51 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Georgii Mudie el filii, 1797. [In Pamphlets, v. 5.] Hulley. See Ravanstein. Hulme (Robert Thomas). The teeth in health and disease, with remarks on their manage- ment and preservation. 236 pp. 16°. Lon- don, H. Bailliere, \864. Humbert (F.) et Jacquier (N.) Traite des difformites du systeme osseux. 4 v. 8°. Accompagne d'un atlas de 174 planches, 4°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre, 1838. Humble (Thomas). Pathology and practice of physic. Prize-answers. [In Pamphlets, v. 108.] Humboldt (The) Medical Archives. Editors, A. Hammer and J. C. Whitehill. Vol. 1-5. 8°. St. Louis (Mo.), 1867-71. Hume (Joannes). De tinea capitis. 39 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1803. [In Pamphlets, v. 26.] Hummel (Theodor Wilhelm Ludwig). Ueber die resection im oberarm-gelenk. Eine der mediziuischen fakultat in Wiirzburg vorge- legte abbandlung. 24 pp.,2 pl. 4°. Wiirz- burg, Franz Bauer, 1832. Humpel (Joan. Georgius). De abdomine can- tharidibus exulcerando, in cholera morbi curatione remedio. 20 pp. 8°. Vindobona, C. Ceroid, 1830. [In Pamphlets, v. 179.] Humphrey (George M ) Treatise on the hu- man skeleton (including the joints). 620 pp. 8°. Cambridge (Eng.), Macmitlan 4' Co., 1853. Humphreys (A. k.)and Abbot (H. L.) Re- port upon the phj'sics and hydraulics of the Mississippi River; upon the protection of the alluvial region against overflow ; and upon the deepening of the mouths. 456 pp. Ap- pendices, cxlvi pp.; contents, xxiii pp. 20 pl. 4°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sf Co., 1861. [No. 4, Professional papers of the corps of topographi- cal engineers, (J. S. A.] Humphreys (Y.) Cholera and its homoeopath- ic treatment. 7eri, 1820. [7m Pamphlets, v. 328.] Kyper (Henricus). De humore pericardii. 21 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Conradum Wis- hoff, 1741. [7m Pamphlets, v. 76.] Kypke (MoritzJ. Die cholera: deren behand- lung und verhutung auf diiitetischem wege. 27 pp. 12°. Leipzig. Friedr. Voiut, 1865. Kyriakos (Panagiotes Georgius). De articuli humeri et cubiti resectione. Diss. 22 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Berolini, Schlesinger, 1854 L---- (G.) Remarks on public libraries. (From the North American Review for July, 1850.) 40 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Bolles •>. ------Notice sur les titres, services et travaux scientifiques de. 68 pp. 4°. Paris, A. Parent, 1867. ------Rapport sur un memoire de M. le Dr. Chassin, concernant le pinto du Mexique. 10 pp. 8°. Paris, 1867. [7m Pamphlets, v. 279.] ------Recherches et observations sur la her- nie lombaire, commuuiquees a l'academie imperiale de medecine, seance du 9me Mars 1869. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere et fits, 1869. ------Relation chirurgicale des evenemens de Juillet 1830, a l'hopital militaire du Gros- Caillou. (Lxtrait des memoires de medecine, de chirurgie, et de pharmacie militaires, tome 30.) Seconde edition, precedee du rapport de M. Dupuytren a I'institut. 152 pp. »°. Paris, Bechet, 1831. Larroque (Don Louis). I ii forme sobre los dep6sitos de guano de Mejillones. 187 pp. Larroque (Don Louis)—Continued. 4 pl. 8°. Santiago, imprenta nacional, 1363. Lasch (Jacques). Die caibolsaure und ihre therapeutische anwendung, mit besonderer riicksicht auf den Lister'schenverband. Diss. 32 pp. 8°. Berlin, Gustav Lange, 1869. Laspee (Henry de). Calisthenics, or the ele- ments of bodily culture on Pestalozzian prin- ciples. Illustrated. 170 pp. 8°. London, Charles Griffin 4- Co., 1865. Lassaigne (J. L.) Recherches chimiquessur la composition des fausses membranes. 3 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 131.] Lassus (Pierre). De la medecine operatoire, ou traite eiementaire des operations de la chirurgie. 2 tomes. 8°. Paris, Buisson, 1794. ------ Pathologie chirurgicale. 2 v. 8°. Paris, Mezquignon, lK)5-0. Latham (Joannes). Deinsania. 56 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1802. [7m Pamphlets, v. 21.] Latham (P. M.) Lectures on subjects con- nected with clinical medicine. 2d ed. 158 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Barrington S~ Has- well, 1847. ------ Lectures on- subjects connected with clinical medicine. Comprising diseases of the heart. 365 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Bar- rington 4' Geo. D. Haswell, 1847. [7m Medical Library.] Latta (James). A practical system of surgery. Illustrated with copper-plates. 3 v. 8°. Edinburgh, G. Mudie 4- Sons, 1795. Latz (Joannes I ) Quaedam de reductione luxationum humeri et femuris. Diss. 33 pp. 8°. Bonna, H. P.Kanig, 1861. [In Pamphlets, v. 290.] Laubender (Bernhard). Miasmatologie, oder naturgeschichtliche darstellung der anste- ckenden krankheiten, nebst ihrer kur und behandlung. 394 pp. 8°. Leipzig, August Bauer, 1811. Lauder (Joannes). De diarrhoea mucosa. Diss. 30 pp. 8°. Edinb., C. Stewart, 1809. [7m Pamphlets, v. 384.] Lauffs (Josephus). De variis trepanationis methodis. Diss. 34 pp. 8°. Berouni, Nortmannianis, 1826. Laugel (Auguste). The United States during the war. 313 pp. 8°. New York, Baillibre Bros., \866. Laugier (S.) Des cals difformes et des opera- tions qu'ils reclament. 98 pp., 1 pl. fco_ Paris, H. Cousin, 1841. 21 LAURANS. Laurans (Gustave-Frederic). Du mal de mer: ses causes, sa nature, son traitement, son action therapeutique et morbide. These. 62 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 43.] Laurence (John Zachariah). The diagnosis of surgical cancer. 77 pp. 8°. London, Jno. Churchill, 1855. -----The progress of opthalmic surgery, from the invention of the opthalmoscope (in 1851) up to the present time. 24 pp. 8°. Lonelon, 1863. [7m Pamphlets, v. 89.1 Laurence (John Z.) and Moon (Robert C.) A handy-book of opthalmic surgery for the use of practitioners. 185 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Henry C. Lea, 1866. Laurent (C.) Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de P. F. Percy, composee sur les manuscrits originaux. 547 pp. 8°. Ver- sailles, Baumont, 1827. Laurentius (Andreas). Historia anatomica humani corporis et singularum eius partium multis controversys et observationibus novis. Illustrata. 442 pp. et index. 4°. Franc- forti, apud Muttheum Beckerum, 1600. [With Fabritius, Paduanius.1 Lausanne. Bulletin de la societe Vaudoise des sciences naturelles. Vol. 9. 636 pp. 8°. Lausanne, F. Blanchard, 1836-68. Lautenschleeger (Theophron). De hy- drarthro genu. Diss. 24 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1853. Lauth (Ernest-Alexandre.) Nouveau manuel de l'anatomistc 776 pp. 8°. Paris, F. G. Levrault, 1829. Lauverjat (T. Stephanus). An utilia in gra- viditate, partu, et post partum Balnea? 16 pp. 4°. Michael Lambert, 1774. [7m Pamphlets, v. 52.] Lavater (John Caspar). Essays on physi- ognomy, illustrated by more than 800 en- gravings, executed by, or under the inspection of, Thomas Holloway. Translated from the French by Henry Hunter. 3 v. in 5. 4°. London, Murray Sr Co., 1789-92, 1798. ----- Essays on physiognomy ; designed to promote the knowledge and the love of mankind. Translated by Thomas Holcroft. To which are added one hundred physiog- nomouical rules ; a posthumous work by Mr. Lavater; aud memoirs of the lite of the author, compiled principally from the life of Lavater by G. Gessner. Third edition. 507 pp. 8°. London, B. Blake, 1840. LAWRENCE. Lavater (J. H.) De EvrepoirepiaTo?^, seu intcstinomm compressione. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., torn. 3, p. 37.] Laville. On gout aud rheumatism. A theoretical and practical exposition of a curative and preventive treatment. 11th ed. 126 pp. 16°. London, F. Newberry Sr Sons. Lavoisier (M.) Essays, physical and chemi- cal. Translated from the French, with notes and an appendix, by Thomas Henry. 475 pp. 8°. London, Joseph Johnson, 1776. Law (Henry). The elements of Euclid, with many additional propositions and explanatory notes; to which is prefixed an introductory essay on logic. Part 1, containing the first three books. Fifth edition. 212 pp. 1^°. London, Virtue 4' Co., 1868. ----- Rudimentary treatise on logarithms. 165 pp. Tables of natural sines and tangents, and natural cosines. 47 pp. 12°. London, John Weale, 1859. -----The same. London, Virtue 4' Co., 1867. -----See Gamgee. Lawlor (Alexander). De febribus intermit- tentibus. 29 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1801. [7m Pamphlets, v. 19.] Lawrence (John). The horse in all his varieties and uses. Second edition, with additions. 370 pp. 8°. London, M. Ar- nold, 1832. ' Lawrence (Philip Henry). Rocks classified and described: a treatise on lithology by Bernhard von Cotta. An English edition. 425 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green 4" Co., 1866. Lawrence (Richard). An inquiry into the structure and animal economy of the horse. Illustrated by 17 copper-plates. 224 pp. 8°. London, Robert Baldwin. Lawrence (William). Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man. Third edition. 498 pp. 8°. London, James Smith, 1»23. -----The same. 495 pp., 7 engravings. 8°. Salem, Foote 4' Brown, 1828. ----- Lectures on surgery, delivered in St. Bartholomew's hospital. 632 pp. -8°. Lon- don, John Churchill, 1863. -----Treatise on the diseases of the eye. 582 pp. 8°. Washington, Duff Green, 1835. ----- The same. A new edition. Edited with additions and illustrations by Isaac LAWKEXCE. 216 LEBER Lawrence (William)—Continued. Hays. 934 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blan- chard 4- Lea. 1n54. ----- A treatise on ruptures, containing an anatomical description of each species, with an account of its symptoms, progress, and treatment. With an appendix by Joseph Parrish, M D. First American, from the London corrected, edition. 412 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Edward Parker, 1^11. -----The same. Fifth edition, revised, cor- rected, and considerably enlarged. 632 pp. 8°. London, Jno. Churchill, 1338. Lawrie (James A.) Essay on cholera, founded ou observations of the disease in various parts of India, and in Sunderlaud, New- castle, and Gateshead, etc. 2d ed. 93 pp. 8°. Glasgow, John Smith 4- Son, 1332. [In Pamphlets, v. 110 ] Lawson (George). Injuries of the eye, orbit, and eyelids: their immediate aud remote effects. Illustrated. 412 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green 4' Co., 18J7. Lawson (Joannus S.) De alimento assimi- lando. 20 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1800. [7« Pamphlets, v. 13.] Lawson (John). Lectures concerning oratory. Delivered in Trinity College, Dublin. 2d ed. 457 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1759. Lawson (L. M.) A practical treatise on phthisis pulmonalis; embracing its pa- thology, causes, symptoms, and treatment. 557 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, Rickey, Mallory 4' Co., 1861. ----- Principles of pathological anatomy; adapted to the Cyclopedia of Practical Medi- cine, and Andral's Elements. With 269 col- oured illustrations by J. Hope, M. D., F. R. S. 353 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4- Blakiston, 1815. Lawson (Thomas). Meteorological register for the years J826 to 1830, inclusive, from observations made by the surgeons of the army and others, at the military post of the United States army. To which is appended the meteorological register for the years 1822 to 1825, inclusive, by Joseph Lovell. 316 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Haswell, Beirrington 4- Haswell,1810. Laycock (Thomas). An essay on hysteria; analysis of its irregular and aggravated forms ; including hysterical hemorrhage and hyhterical ischuria. With numerous illus- Laycock (Thomas)—Continued. trative cases. 192 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, Haswell, Barrinjton 4' Haswell, 1840. [Medical libraky.] Lazarus (M. E.) Passional hygiene and natu- ral medicine; embracing the harmonies of man with his planet. 436 pp. 16°. New York, Fowler 4- Wells, 1852. Lazzati (Pietro). Un altero caso dirovesci- amento completo dell' utero. 12 pp. 8°. Milano, I860. -----Del parto per la spalia. 80 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Milano, 1867. -----Dell' uso ostetrico della segale cornuta. Deciembre 1862. 60 pp. 8°. Milano, F- Manitii. [In Pamphlets, v. 322.] -----Di alguni cambiamenti che avvengono nell' atteggiamento del feto nell' utero. 31 pp , 1 pl. 8°. Milano, 1367. -----Sul rovesciamento dell' utero. 48 pp. 8°. Milano, 1365. Lea (Isaac). Contributions to geology. 227 pp , 6 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea 4' Blanchard, 1833. Lea (.M. Carey). A manual of photography; intended as a text-book for beginners and a book of reference for advauced photograph- ers. 336 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Benerman Sr Wilson, 1863. Lea. See Photographic Mosaics. Lea (Pryor). An outline of the central tran- sit, in a series of six letters to Hon. John Hemphill, currently written with intervals of dates during November, December, and January, preceding February 1, 1859. 32 pp. 8°. Galveston, 1859. [7m Pamphlets, v. 226.] Leake (John). Lectufe introductory to the theory and practice of midwifery. Fourth edition, corrected, with additions. To which is added, A syllabus of lectures on midwifery. 95 pp. 4°. Also, Vindication of Dr. Leake's forceps. 21 pp. Lonelon, R. Baldwin, 1782. Leared (Arthur). Causes aud treatment of imperfect digestion. 3d ed. 222 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4- Sons, 1863. Leavenworth (The) Medical Herald. Edited by C. A. Logan aud T. Sinks. Vols. 1-4, 1367-71. 8°. Leavenworth (Kans.), Insley 4' Ii right. L°bsr (Th ) et Rottenstein (J. B ) Recher- ches sur la cane dentaire. 130 pp., 2 litho- graph-plates. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 180s. LEBERT. 217 LE DRAN. Lebert (Hermann). Die cholera in der Schweiz. 93 pp. 8°. Frank/urt am Main, Mcidinger, Sohn <| Co., 1856. [7m Pamphlets, v. 191.] -----Krankheiten der blut- und lymphge- fasse. 1861. [In Handbuch der speciellen pathologie und thera- pie.] ---Traite d'anatomie pathologique, gene- rale et speciale. 4 v. Texte, v. 1, 760 pp.; atlas, v. 1,94 pl., 1857. Texte, v. 2,733 pp.; atlas, v. 2, 105pl., 1861. Folio. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere et fils, 1857-61. -----Vortrage iiber die cholera in Zurich in 1854. 60 pp. 8°. Erlangen, F. Enke, 1854. [7m Pamphlets, v. 191.] Le Bouteillier (Louis). Quelques conside- rations sur la gastralgie. 44 pp. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 47.] Lebrec (Joseph). Dissertation sur les frac- tures du crane. 45 pp, 4°. Paris, Didot jeune, 1813. [7m Pamphlets, v. 50.] Le Bret. See Fardel. Lebreton (P.-A.) Des differentes varietes de la paralysie hysterique. 156 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1868. Le Brun'a. Biblioteka umiejetnosci lebars- kich, chirurgia operacyjna. 535 pp. 8°. Warzsawa, Gazety Polskiej, 1868. Le Cat ("Claude Nicolas). Paraieile de la taille lateralle avec celle du lithotome-cache. 292 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey,1766. -----Traite de l'existance, de la nature et des proprietes du fluide des nerfs, et principale- ment de son action dans le mouvement mus- culaire. Ouvrage couronne en 1753, par l'academie de Berlin ; suivi des dissertations sur la sensibilit6 des meninges, des tendons, etc., etc. 331pp. 8°. Berlin, 1765. Lecky (William Edward H.) History of European morals from Augustus to Charle- magne. 2 v. 8J. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1869. Ls Clerc (Daniel). The history of physick; or, an account of the rise and progress of the art and the several discoveries therein, from age to age. With remarks on lives of eminent physicians. Translated from the French by Drs. Drake and Baden. 411pp. 8°. Lon- don, D. Brown, A. Roper 4' T. Leigh, 1699. Le Clerc (Daniel) et Mangetus (Jacobus). Bibliotheca anatomica sive recens in anato- mia inventorum thesaurus locupletissimus. 2 tomes. 763, 1106 pp.; 85 pl. Folio. Geneva, J. A. Chovct, 1685. 28 Le Clerc (Henri-Alfred). Quelques observa- tions particulieres de plaies par armes a feu. 19 pp. 4°. Strasbourg, Berger-Lcrrault, 1852. [7m Pamphlets, v. 50.] Le Clerk (M.) The compleat surgeon: or, the whole art of surgery explain'd in a most familiar method; likewise, a chirurgical dis- pensatory. To which are added the method of midwifery, a short introduction to botany, and- some examples of reports in surgery. 392 pp. 8°. London, J. Wallhoe, R. Wilkin, and others, 1727. -----A description of bandages and dress- ings, according to the most commodious ways now used in Fjance. Translated into English. 93 pp. 8°. London, J. 4-J. Bon- wicke 4" R. Wilkin, 1727. Le Coin (Andre-Louis-Albert). Des fractures de la rotule et de leurs differents modes de traitement. 106 pp. 43. Paris, A. Parent, 1869. Lecomte (Ferdinand.) Guerre de la seces- sion. Esquisse des evenements militaires et politiques des Etats-Unis de 1861 a 1865. T. 1, avec trois croquis ; T. 2, avec trois cro- quis ; T. 3, avec une carte. Paris, Ch. Ta- nera, Sditeur, 1866-67. -----Guerre du Danemark en 1864. Esquisse politique et militaire. 543 pp. 8°. Paris, Ch. Tanera, 1864. -----The war in the United States. Report to the Swiss military department. Trans- lated from the French. 148 pp. 8°. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1863. Le Conte (John L.) The coleoptera of Kan- sas and Eastern New Mexico. 58 pp. 4°. And map. 1859. [Smithsonian contributions to knowledge.] Le Dran (Henri Francois). Observations in surgery, containing 115 different cases, with particular remarks on each for the improve- ment of young students. Translated by J. S., Surgeon. Illustrated. 2d ed. 371 pp. 8°. London, James Hodges, 1740. ----- Parallele des differentes manieres de tirer la pierre hors de la vessie. 195 pp. 8°. Paris, Charles Osmont, 1730. ----- A treatise of the operations in surgery. Translated by Thomas Gataker, surgeon. With remarks, plates of the operations, and a sett of instruments, by William Cheselden, esq. 473 pp. 8°. Lonelon, C. Hitch, 1749. ----- The same. 4th ed. 472 pp,, 21 tab. 8°. London, Hawse Clarke, etc., 1768. -----Trait6 ou reflexions tir6es de la pratique LE DRAX. 218 LEENDT. Ls Dran (Henri Francois)—Continued. sur les playes d'armes a feu. 257 pp. 12°. Paris, C. Osmonl, 1737. Lee (Charles Alfred). Address to the gradu- ates of Geneva Medical College. Delivered January 26, 1847. 23 pp. 8°. New York, S. W. Benedict,]8 17. [7m Pamphlets, v. 256.] ----- A catalogue of the medicinal plants, indigenous and exotic, growing in the state of New York. With an account of thei1" composition aDd medicinal properties. pp. 16°. New York, J. Sr H. G. Langley, 1848. ----- An introductory discourse on medical education. Delivered to the students of Ge- neva Medical College, October 1, 1844. 40 pp. 8°. Geneva, Ira Mcrrell, 1841. [7m Pamphlets, v. 258.] Lee (Edwin). Observations on the principal medical institutions and practice of France, Italy, and Germany. 102 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Haswell, Barrington.)- Haswell, 1837. [In Pamphlets, v. 93.] Lee (Henry). Lectures on some subjects con- nected with practical pathology and surgery. 3d ed. 309 and 386 pp. 8C. London, John Churchill 4- Sons, 1870. ----- Lectures on syphilitic and vaccino- syphilitic inoculations. 335 pp., 5 pl. 8J. London, John Churchill 4' Sons, 1863. ----- On the origin of inflammation of the veins, and on the causes, consequences, and treatment of purulent deposits. 91 pp. 8°. London, Henry Renshaw, 1850. Lee (Joannes). De viribus animi in corpus agentibus. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1801. [7m Pamphlets, v. 18.] Lee (J. G.) De Asiatische cholera. 40 pp. 8°. Gravenhage, J. Roering, 1848. [7m Pamphlets, v. 177.] Lee (J. K.) Valedictory address delivered to the graduating class of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, at the 14th annual commencement, March 3, 1862. 20 pp. 80. [7m Pamphlets, v. 256.] Lee (Robert). Clinical midwifery ; compris- ing the histories of 549 cases of difficult, pre- ternatural, and complicated labor. With commentaries. 228 pp. 12°. London, John Churchill, 1648. ----- Lectures on the theory aud practice of midwifery. 540 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Eel. Barrington Sf Geo. B. Haswell, 1844. ----- Memoirs on the ganglia and nerves of Lee (Robert)—Continued. the uterus. Illustrated by 5 plates. 35 pp. 4°. London, John Churchill, 1849. ----- A treatise on the employment of the speculum in the diagnosis and treatment of uterine diseases; with 100 cases. 132 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1858. Lee (Thomas). Hydrophobia. The existence of specific virus, secreted by a dog or other mad animal, capable of producing hydropho- bia in man, denied and proved not to be ne- cessary to produce that symptom of disease. To which is prefixed a letter to a person call- ing himself John King. 47 pp. 8°. Bris- tol, J.Agg, 1807. Lee (William). Report on the disposition of night-soil. 15 pp. 8°. Washington City, McGill 4' Witherow. [7m Pamphlets, v. 318.] Leeds (Lewis W.) Lectures on ventilation; being a course delivered in the Franklin In- stitute of Philadelphia during the winter of 1866-67. 60 pp. 8°. New York, John Wiley 4- Son, 1869. ----- Report accompanying plans for the im- provement of the ventilation and heating of the hall of representatives. 1869. ----- A treatise on ventilation ; showing the great want of improved method of ventila- tion in our buildings. 226 pp. 8°. New York, J.Wiley 4-Son, 187 \. Leeds (W. H.) Rudimentary architecture. The orders and their a3sthetic principles. 8th ed. 144 pp. 12°. Lonelon, Strahan Sr Co., 1869. Leemans (Francois T.) De pleuritide. 21 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Samuelem et J. Lucht- mans, 1762. [7m Pamphlets, v. 55.1 Leemans (Joannes). De ictero flavo. 16 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Isaacum Severinum, 1731. [7m Pamphlets, v. 80.) Leempcel (Joannes F. van). De valetudine, salutari motus regimine servanda. 47 pp. 4°. Lugd.Batav.,Bernhardum Jongelyn,1747. [In Pamphlets, v. 53.] -----Specimen inaugurate exhibens anatomes originem progressum, et deinde omnes prone, quorum scriptis ab alcmaeono ad Harvteum usque promota est, auctores. 104 pp. 40, Lugd. Batav., Joh. 4- Herm. Verbeek, 1725. [Tn Pamphlets, v. 53.] Leendt (Petrus van). De morbis chronicis ex morbo acuto oriundis. 23 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Rhen., Gulielmum Vande Water 1724. [7m Pamphlets, v. 84.] LEENDT. 219 LEIIMANN. Leendt (Petrus van). De morbis chronicis ex morbo acuto oriundis. 23 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Rhen., Gulielmum Vande Water, 1724. [Tn Pamphlets, v. 66.] Leeuw (Frederick W. van der). De ossium vulneratorum et fractorum consolidatione. 30 pp. 4°. Groninga, Jacobum Bikema, 1785. [7m Pamphlets, v. 412.] Leeuwenhoek (Antoni van). Werken. 6 v. Illustrated. Small 4C. Leiden, Bel/l, etc., various dates, 1694-1718. CONTENTS. 1. stuk. Ontledingen en ontdekkingen, etc. (in a series of letter* to the Royal Society of London, 1695-1713), en register von werken. 2. stuk. Vervolg en tweede vervolg der brieven. 730 pp. 1694-97. 3. stuk. Derde en vierde vervolg der brieven. 730 pp. 1693-94. 4. stuk. Vyl'de en sesde vervolg der brieven. 432 pp. 1696-97. 5. stuk. Sevende verfolg, etc. 452 pp. 1702. 6. stuk. Send-brieven en briev van Gr. Bidloo. 460 og 34 pp. 1698, 1718. Lefebvre (L.) De la sudation au point de vue hygienique et therapeutique provoquee par la vapeur d'eau. 160 pp. 8C. Paris, Adrien Belahaye, 1863. Lefevre (A.) Histoire du service de sante de la marine militaire et des ecoles de medecine navale en France, 1866-67. Avec 12 plans. 500 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. B'lilliere et fils, J 867. Lefort (J.) Traite de chimie hydrologique. Avec figures. 622 pp. 8°. Paris,, Victor Masson, 1859. Le Fort (L6on). Discussion sur le traitement de la syphilis. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, A. E. Rochette et cie., 1867. ----- Guerres de Crimee et d'xYmerique. Examen comparatif de la mortalite apres les amputations dans les armees francaise, an- glaise, et federate. Ambulances internatio- nales. 35 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Martinet, -----De la ligature de l'artere carotide primi- tive. 26 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Martinet. ----- De la resection de la hanche dans les cas de coxalgie et des plaies par armes a feu. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre, 1861. ----- Des indications de la trepanation du crane dans les lesions traumatiques de la tete. 45 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson et fils, 1867. -----Des maternites: etude sur les maternites et les institutions charitables d'accouchement a domicile dans les principaux etats de l'Eu- Le Fort (Leon)—Continued. rope. 316 pp., 11 pl. 4°. Paris, Victor Masson et fils, 1866. ----- Des vices de conformation de l'uterus et du vagin. 207 pp. et planche. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1863. -----Discussion sur l'hygiene des hopitaux. 23 pp. 8°. Paris, Henri Plon, 1864. ----- Du mouvement de la population en France. 43 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson et fils, 1807. ----- Note sur quelques points de l'hygiene hospitaliere en France et en Angleterre. 48 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson et fils, 1862. Legallois (Cesar J. J.) Experiments on the principle of life, and particularly on the prin- ciple of the motions of the heart, and on the seat of this principle. Translated by N. C. and J. G. Nancrede, M. D. 326 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, M. Thomas, 1813. -----CEuvres. Avec des notes de M. Pariset. 2 v. 8°. Paris, Le Rouge, 1824. Legare (Daniel). An experimental inquiry into the effects of tobacco fumes on the system, and their use in cases of suspended anima- tion from submersion. Diss. 30 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, the author, 1805. [7m Pamphlets, v. 388.] Legouas (F. V.) Nouveaux principes de chirurgie. 640 pp. 8°. Paris, Mfquignon- Marvis, 1812. -----Nouveaux principes de chirurgie, i6di- *g6s suivant le plan de l'ouvrage de G. de Lafaye. Troisieme edition. 623 pp. 3°. Paris, Mequignon- Marvis, 1817. Legouest (L.) Le service de sante des armees americaines pendant la guerre des Etats-Unis, 1861 a 1866. 36 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre etfils, 1866. ----- Traite de chirurgie d'armee. 999 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre etfils, 1863. Legoyt (M. A.) La France et Tetranger : etudes de statistique comparee. Deuxieme edition. Avec de nombreux changements. 668 pp. Royal 8°. Paris, Berger-Levrault etfils, 1865. Lehmann (C. G.) Physislogical chemistry. Translated by George E. Day. Edited by R. E. Rogers. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4" Lea, 1856. Lehmann (Guil. Lud. Chr. Fred.) De dy- 'senteria. Diss. 44 pp. 4°. Lipsia, 1812. [7m Pamphlets, v. 201.] 22<) LEHMANN. LENTE. Ueber drei falle von 8°. Leipzig, Julius Lehmann (Oscar Julius). De arthrophlogosi illiusque medela. Diss. 16 pp. 8°. Lip- siic, A. Edelmann, 1854. [7« Pamphlets, v. 112.] Lehmann (Walther). herniotomie. 12 pp Klinkhardt, 1370. [7m Pamphlets, v. 300.] Lehnert (Maximilianus). De filamentorum Purkinianorum anatomia topographica, struc- tura, textura, natura. Diss. 27 pp. 4°. Berolini, Gustavus Schade, 1866. Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society. Reports of the council. 1863-68. 1 v. 8°. Leicester, T. Chapman Browne. Leidenfrost (J. G.) Super Pythagorico men- tern esse numerum medieas considerationes. 8 pp. 4°. Duishurgi ad Rhen., Bcnthoni- anis, 1783. [7n Pamphlets, v. 58.] Leidy (Joseph). An elementary treatise on hu- man anatomy. 392 illustrations. 663 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4' Co., 1861. -----Introductory lecture to the course on anatomy, delivered in the University of Penn- sylvania, October 11, 1859. 23 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, 1859. [7m Pamphlets, v. 258.] -----Memoir on the extinct species of the American ox. 20 pp., 5 pl. A flora and fauna within living animals. 54 pp., 10 pl. The ancient fauna of Nebraska. 126 pp., 24 pl., and map. A memoir on the ex- tinct sloth tribe of North America. 68 pp., 16 pl. 1 v. 4°. Washington, 1851-53. [Smithsonian contributions to knowledge.] Leigh (John). An experimental inquiry into the prooerties of opium, and its effects on living subjects. 141 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, Chas. Elliot, 1786. [7m Pamphlets, v. 86.] Leighton (Frederic S.) Objects and mutual relations of the medical sciences. 51pp. 8°. London, Henry Renshaw, 1838. [7m Pamphlets, v. 34.] Leisering (A. G. T.) Atlas der anatomie des pferdes und der iibrigen hausthiere. Tafeln xliii, mit erlauterndem texte. 2 v. 155 pp. 4°. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1866. Leisnig( Aug. Fried.) Ueber trepanation. 91 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, F. E. Thein, 1844. Leissnerus (C. G.) De valvula vense cavse Eustachiana. 32 pp. 4°. Vitembcrg, Sche/- flerianis, 1737. [7m Pamphlets, v. 58.] Leissler (Wilhelm). Ueber den auctiitt der blutkbrperchen aus den gefassen und die umwandlungenderselben. Diss. 26 pp. 8°. Giessen, Wilhelm Keller, 1863. [7m Pamphlets, v. 293.] Leiter (Jo.) Atlas und preis-verzeichniss chirurgischer instrumenteund physikalischer apparate fiir arzte. Mit 700 abbildungen in 40 tafeln. 88 pp. Royal 8°. Wien, W. Braurniiller, 1862. Leith (Theodorus F.) De delirio febrili. Diss. 39 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour, Auld et Smellie, 1763. [7m Pamphlets, v. 133.1 Lejeal (A.) Melanges de chirurgie. Notes cliniques recueillies a l'Hotel-Dieude Valen- ciennes. 242 pp. 8°. Valenciennes, Lc- Officinne et jardin de 120 pp. 12°. Paris, maitre, 1868. Le Lievre (fisai). chirurgie militaire. R. Coulombel, 1583. Lelut (F.) Des glandes muqueuses de l'in- testin grele, chez les animaux. 8 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 131.] -----Inductions sur la valeur des alterations de l'encephale dans le delire aigu et dans la folie. Ill pp. 8°. Paris, 1836. [7m Pamphlets, v. 132. J Lembach(W.) Ueber erstickungstod. Diss. 23 pp. 12°. Wiesbaden, Rud. Bechtold, 1868. Lemery. Nouveau dictionnaire general des drogues, simples et composees. Corrige et augmente par Simon Morelot. 2 v. 8C. Paris, Rcmont, 1807. Lenhossek (Joseph v.) Neue untersuchun- gen iiber den feineren bau des centralen ner- veusystems des menschen. 2te auflage. 72 pp., 5 pl. 4°. Wien, K. K. Staatsdruckerei, 1858. Lenoir (A.) Atlas compiementaire de tous les traites d'accouchements, contenant cent planches dessinees d'apres nature, et lith., parjfimileBeau. (Incomplete.) 4°. Paris, Victor Masson, 1852. Lente (Frederic D.) Intra-uterine medica- tion. 31 pp. 4°. New York, B. Appleton 4' Co., 1870. [7m Pamphlets^ v. 238.] ----Medical notes on the Island of Jamaica. 35 pp. 8°. New York. ----A new method for securing divided vessels, etc. (Extract from the American Journal of the Medical Sciences for April, 1859.) 12 pp. 8°. ----Sulphuric ether and chloroform as an- LENTE. 221 LEURET. Lente (Frederick D.)—Continued. aesthetics. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Col- lins, 1861. [7m Pamphlets, v. 99.] Lentfrihck (Albertus). De fabrica oculi, ejusque usu tam prsesente quam absente lente crystallina. 46 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav.. Joannem Bos, etc., 1763. [7m Pamphlets, v. 55.] Leo (Albert J.) Beitrag zur geschichte der lepra. Diss. 15 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Gie- secke 4~ Bevricnt, 1870. [In Pamphlets, v. 278.] Leopold (Felix). Ueber die resection des hiift- gelenkes. 48 pp. 8°. Wiirzburg, Carl Anton Zum, 1834. Leopold (Gerhard). Untersuchungen ueber das epithel des ovariums und dessen bezie- hung zum ovulum. Diss. 19 pp. Leipzig, A. Th. Engelhardt, 1870. Leo-Wolf (William). Remarks on the abra- cadabra of the nineteenth century; or, on Dr. Samuel Hahnemann's homoeopathic medicine. 272 pp. 8°. New York, 1835. Lepecq de la Cloture (Louis). Observa- tions sur les maladies epidemiques. 3 v. 4°. Paris, Vincent, 1776-78. -----Rapport sur une maladie observee au camp d'Ostende dans l'an 12 et 13. 38 pp. 8°. Paris, 1820. Lepetit (Smile). Traitement preservatif et curatif du cholera asiatique. 154 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1855. Le Roy. Sec Herment. Leroy (J., d'Htiolles). Expose des divers pro- cedes employes jusqu'a ce jour pour gu6rir de la pierre. 232 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1825. Leroy (Jacques-Philippe). Dissertation sur la complication des plaies connue sous le nom de pourriture d'hopital, observee en mer. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, Didot le jeune, 1822. [7m Pamphlets, v. 50.] Leroy (L.) Des concretions bronchiques. 46 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1868. Leslie (Gulielmus). De gangraBna contagi- osa. Diss. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1804. [7m Pamphlets, v. 30.] Leslie (P. D.) A philosophical inquiry into the cause of animal heat. 362 pp. 8°. Lon- don, S. Crowder, 1778 Lessing (Michael Benedict). Chirurgische diagnostik. 2 bande. 601, 466 pp. 8°. Berlin, L. Fernbach, 1845-46. Letheby (Henry). Report on the illuminating power and chemical quality of the gas sup- plied to the city of London during the years 1865-66. 20 pp. 8°. London, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 336.1 -----Report on the sanitary condition of the city of London. For the years 1855-56. 23 pp. 8°. London, 1856. -----The same. For the years 1864-65. 80 pp. 8°. London, M. Lounds, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 254.] Letter to the secretary of war; or, review of the controversy on a question of rank be- tween Generals Scott and Gaines. 88 pp. 8°. ATew> York, 1827. [7m Pamphlets, v. 206.] Letterman (Jonathan). Medical recollections of the army of the Potomac 194 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4" Co., 1866. Letters and essays on the small pox and inoc- ulation, the measles, the dry belly-ache, the yellow and remitting and intermitting fevers of the West Indies. To which is added, Thoughts on the hydrocephalus internus and observations on the hydatides in the heads of cattle, by different practitioners. 320 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1778. Lettsom (John Coakley). Medical memoirs of the general dispensary in London for part of the years 1773 and 1774. 362 pp. 8°. London, E. 4- C. Dilly, 1774. -----Observations on the cow-pock. Sec- ond edition. Illustrated. 88 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Joseph Mawman, 1801. [7m Pamphlets, v. 404.] Leube (Wilhelm). Bietrage zur kenntniss des diiundarmsaftes, und seiner wirkungen. 20 pp. 4°. Erlangen, E. Th. Jacob, 1868. [In Pamphlets, v. 229.] Leuckart (Rudolf). Bau und entwicklungs- geschichte der pentastomen. Mit sechs litho- graphirtentafeln. 160pp. 4°. Leipzig und Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1860. -----Die menschlichen parasiten und die von ihnen hemihrenden krankheiten. Zweiter band, erste lieferung. 256 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, C F. Winter, 1867. -----Unterschungen iiber trichina spiralis. 120 pp. 4°. Mit zwei kupfertafeln und sieben holzschnitten. Leipzig und Heidel- berg, C. F. Winter, 1866. Leuret (Fr.) et Gratiolet (P.) Anatomie comparee du systeme nerveux, consider dans ses rapports avec l'intelligence. 2 v., 8°; et atlas, folio. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre et fils, 1839-57. LEUW. -)•")-) LEYDEN. Lsuw (Lud:)vicus de). De macroglossa, sen lingua prolapsu. Diss. 48 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Be roll ni, Schlessinger /rat ru m. [In Pamphlets, v. 328] Leveling (H. P.) Dissert, sistens pylorum anatomico-physiologicre consideratum. Ar- gent., 1794. . [7m Sandifort, Diss., v. 3.J Lever (John C. W.) A practical treatise ou organic diseases of the uterus. 2d edition. 240 pp. 8°. New York, Wiley Sf Putnam, 1816. Leveuve (J. L.) Propositions de chirurgie sur la nature et le traitement des plaies faites par armes a feu. 7 pp. 4°. Paris, 1304. [7m Pamphlets, v. 50.] Levi (Moses R.) Die cellular-pathologic in ihren grundlagen und anwendungeu. Aus dem Italienischen iibersetzt von Moritz Ber- ger. 331 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, Fried. Viewig und Sohn, 1865. Levick (James J.) Report of the committee on '"spotted fever, so-called." (Extract from the Transactions of the American Medi- cal Association.) 54 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1866. Levy (Immanuel). Die choleraheilung mit saltpetersaurem silber. 176 pp. 8J. Bres- lau, Jose/Max 4' Komp., 1849. Levy (Michel). Sur la salubrile des hdpitaux. Discours prononceeal'academiedemedecine, dans la seance du 25 Mars 1862. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1862. -----Traite d'hygiene publique et privee. Deuxieme edition, revis6e, corrigee, et aug- mentee. 2 v. 655, 841 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1850. Levylier(Lcopohl). Considerations generales sur les plaies d'armes a feu. 23 pp. 4°. Paris, Bidot le jeune, 1834. [7m Pamphlets, v. 50.] Lewi (Edmund). Wiirdigung der materia medica in allgemeiner beziehung ihrer wich- tigkeit fiir den arzt und dessen therapeuti- sches handeln. 32 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Fischer 4- Wittig, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 98.] Lewin (Georg). Die behandlung der syphilis mit subcutaner sublimat-injection. 263 pp., 1 pl. 8D. Berlin, Aug. Hirschwald, 1869. Lewins. Biology versus theology ; or, iden- tity of the cosmical and vital forces. Re- viewed by Julian. 23 pp. 8°. Lewes, Geo. P. Bacon, 1870. ewins (Robert). Biographical memoir of John Fletcher, M. D. 15 pp. 8°. Edin- burgh, James Walker, 1~37. [7m Pamphlets, v. 108. ] ----De ranunculi dotibus complectens. 22 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Robertum Allan, 1798. [7m Pamphlets, v. 8.] ---- On the physiological and therapeutical effects of colchicum autumnale. (From the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 143.) 29 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 109.] ----Pathological and practical observations on infantile remitteut fever. 8 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 108.] ---- Remarks on the nature and treatment of acute tropical dysentery. (Extracted from the Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science, June, 1841.) 12 pp. 8°. [7m Pa.mphlets, v. 109.] iewis (John B.) The annual dissertation de- livered before the convention of the Con- neticut Medical Society, at New Haven, May 22,1861. 20 pp. 8°. Hartford, Ceise, Lock- wood 4' Co., 1861. [In Pamphlets, v. 255. | Lewis (Waller). The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians at Edinburgh. Translated from the fourth edition by Waller Lewis. 362 pp. 8°. London, John Nourse, 1748. ----- Report on the laws and ordonnances in force in France for the regulation of noxious trades and occupations. Fresented to both houses of parliament. 127 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Eyre 4~ Spottiswoode, 1855. Lewisburg (Charter, by-laws, and rules of order for the government of the board of curators of the university at). 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, King 4' Baird, 1852. [In Pamphlets, v. 227.] Lex. See Roth. Leyden. Annalen der sternwarte in Leiden. Herausgegeben von Dr. F. Kaiser. 414 pp., 4 pl. 4°. Harlem, Joh. Enschede und Sbhne, 1863. Leyden (E.) Beitrage zur pathologie des ic- terus. 210 pp. 8°. Berlin, Aug. Hirsch- wald, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 247] ----- Die graue degeneration der hintern ruckenmarksstrange. Mit drei tafeln abbild- ungen. 280 pp. 8°. Berlin , August Hirschwald, 1853. 223 LEYDIG. LIEBMANN. Lsydig (Franz). Lehrbuch der histologie des menschen und der thiere. 551 pp. 8°. Frankfurt am Main, M-idinger, Sohn 4" Co., 1857. -----Ueber organo eines sechsten sinnes. Zugleich als beitrag zur kenntniss des feineren baues der haut bei amphibieu und reptilien. 108 pp., 5 pl. Royal 4°. Dresden, E. Blochmann und Sohn, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 410.] Leyh (Friedrich A.) Handbuch der anatomie der hausthiere. Mit besonderer benicksich- tigung des pferdes. Mit holzschnitten nach originalzeichnungen. 721 pp. Royal 8°. Stuttgart, Ebner 4' Seubert, 1859. Liandon(Ch.) Nouveau projet d'orgauisation du corps des officiers de sante militaire, etc- Presente a son altesse royale monseigneur le Ducd'Orieans. 5 2 pp. 8°. Marseille, Jules Barilc, 1840. ----- The same. [7n Pamphlets, v. 331. J Liaudet (Philipp). Ueber resection der fuss- wurzel-kuochen. Diss. 32 pp. 8°. Tii- bingen, Friedrich Fues, 1847. Lichtenauer (Joan. Guilelm.) De cicatrisa- tione. Diss. 29 pp. 4°. Berolini, Pet- schii, A., 1826. [In Pamphlets, v. 329.] Lichtenstadt (J. R.) Dio asiatische cholera in Russland In den jahren 1829 und 1830. 218 pp. 8°. Mit karte. Berlin, S. J. Jo- seephy, 1831. ----- The same. In den jahren 1830 und 1831. 390 pp. 8°. Berlin, S. J. Joseephy, 1832. ----- Rathschlage an das publikum zur ver- hfitung der herrschenden asiatischen cholera. 25 pp. 8°. Berlin, Hanele 4-Spiner, 183). [In Pamphlets, v. 211-1 Lichtenstadt und Seidlitz. Mittheilungen iiber die cholera-epidemie zu St. Petersburg im sommer 1831. St. Petersburg, Lichten- stadt 4- Seidlitz, 1831. Lichtenstein(Eduard). Die cholera. 72 pp. 8°. Breslau, Schulz 4~ Co., 1853. [TnPamphlets, v. 170.] -----Neuer beitrag zur cholera. 60 pp. 8°. Berlin, Aug. Hirschwald, I860. [7m Pamphlets, v. 170.] Liddell (Henry George) and Scott (Robert). A Greek-English lexicon, based on the Ger- man work of Francis Passow. With correc- tions and additions by Henry Drisler. 1705 pp. Royal 8°. A^io York, Harper 4' Bros., 1846. Lidderdale (Halliday). De morbis literatorum eorumque de prophylaxi complectens. 49 pp. 8°. Edtnburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1300. [In Pamphlets, v. 15.] Lidell (Jno. A.) A case of neuroma of the optic nerve. With remarks and illustrations. 2ded. 15 pp. 8°. New York, Holman, 1863. [7m Pamphlets, v. 415.] ----- The same. [7m Pamphlets, v. 193.] ---- A memoir on osteo-myelitis. 33 pp. 8°. ATeto York, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 194.1 ---- On the wounds of blood-vessels, etc.; on the secondary traumatic lesions of bone, etc.; and on pyaemia. Edited by Prof. Frank Hastings Hamilton. 586 pp., 9 pl. 8°. New York, Hurd °. Boston, state printer, 1859-71. Reports of the State Lunatic Hospital at Worcester. 4th to 25th annual, 1836-57 (Reports for 1840, 1843, 1849, 1852-56 wanting.) 2 v. 8°. Boston, 1837-57. (Reports of the surgeon general of), for the years 1865, 1866, 1867, and 1870. 8°. Boston, Wright 4~ Potter. [In Pamphlets, v. 315.] ----State Board of Health of Massachusetts. Second annual report. 433 pp. 4°. Bos- ton, Wright 4- Potter, 1871. ----State Reform School at Westborough. Reports of the trustees. 3d to 18th annual, 1849-64. (7th, 9th, 12th, 14th, 15th, aud 16th reports wanting). 1 v. 8°. Boston, state printer, 1849-64. [7m Pamphlets, v. 317.] Massachusetts cattle disease. See Ohio. Massachusetts Charitable Eye and Ear In- firmary. 44th annual report of the managers, November, 1869. 22 pp. 8°. Boston, Baily Advertiser press, 1869. [In Pamphlets, v. 356.1 Massachusetts College of Pharmacy (Pro- ceedings of the), containing the report of the committee on the " law for the sale of spirit- uous liquors as applied to apothecaries," and the petition to the senate and house of repre- sentatives of Massachusetts, etc., etc. 39 pp. 8°. Boston, Bavid Clapp Sr Son, 1867. [7m Pamphlets, v. 319.1 Massachusetts Dental Society (Constitution and by-laws of the). 11 pp. 8°. Boston, T. R. Marvin 4- Son, 1865. [7m Pamphlets, v. 227.] Massachusetts Eclectic Medical Society (The tenth annual publication of the), for the year ending June 2, 1870. Boston Jour- nal press, 1870. [7m Pamphlets, v. 319-1 Massachusetts General Hospital. Annual reports of the board of directors. 3 v., for years 1840-69. 8°. Boston, J. Loring, J. Wilson Sf Son, and J. H. Eastburn, 1841-70. Massachusetts Infant Asylum. Annual re- ports of the directors, for the years 1868-70. 8°. Boston, A. Mude Sr Son, J. H. Eastman, and Barker, Colter 4' Co. [In Pamphlets, v. 319.J Massachusetts Medical Society (Medical communications of the). Vol. 9, 1860. Second series, vol. 4, part 1. 8°. Boston, B. Clapp, 1861. (Publications of the). 2 v. 8°. Bos- ton, J. Wilson 4" Son and David Clapp Sf Son, 1856-67. CONTENTS, VOL. T. No. 1. History and statistics of ovariotomy. 2. Rational therapeutics. 3. Bronchitis and its consequences ; Hemoptysii as a symptom. CONTENTS. VOL. II. No. 1. Spotted fever or cerebro-spinal ineiiingitiH. 2. History of inoculation in Massachusetts ; Cases of trichina spiralis in Springfield ; The les- sons of the war to the medical profession ; The pathology and treatment of vaginal cys- tocele. ----- Speeches of Drs. Thompson, James Jackson, John Homans, O. W. Holmes, etc., in response to sentiments ottered at the annual dinner, Boston, May, 1856. 12 pp. 8°. Boston, Traveller printing-house, 1856. [7m Pamphlets, v. 228.] Massachusetts (The) State Record and Year Book of General Information, 1847. 280 pp. 8°. Boston, James French, 1847. Massachusetts Volunteers (Record of the), from 1861-65. Published by the adju- tant general. Vol. 2. 1085 pp. 4°. Bos- ton, 1870. Massanio (Salvatore). Archidipno. Overo dell' insalata e dell' uso di essa. 426 pp. 4°. Venice, Mari Antonio Brogiollo, 1627. Masse (J. N.) A pocket atlas of the descrip- tive anatomy of the human body. From the French. Translated by G. Sharp Pattison. 112 pl. 8C. New York, Harper 4-Brothers, 1845. Massie (Thomas). An experimental inquiry into the properties of the polygala senega. Diss. 19 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Thomas 4' Wm. Bradford, 1806. [7m Pamphlets, v. 393.] Massot. Essai sur les plaies des armes a feu. 191 pp. 12°. Paris, Prault, 1792. Massuet. See Kulm. Massy (H. H ) Remarks on the examination of recruits. Intended for the use of young medical officers on entering the army. 131 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1354. MAST. 245 MAUDSLEY. Mast (Georg Friedrich). Influenza Europaea, oder die grbszeste krankheits-epidemie der neuernzeit. 254 pp. 8°. Hamburg, Perthes 4- Besser, 1820.- Mathematical instruments usually put into portable cases (An elementary treatise on the construction and use of the). 68 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Boston, Perkins 4' Marvin, \8'M). Mathias (Andrew). The mercurial disease. An inquiry into the history and nature of the disease produced in the human constitution by the use of mercury, with observations on its connexion with the lues venerea. 257 pp. 3°. London, John Murray, 1810. Matte (Guil. Manquest de la). Traite com- plet de chirurgie. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Clou- sier, 1732. Matter (Francois). Considerations sur les plaies de tete. These. 28 pp. 4°. Stras- bourg, Silbermann, 1829. [7m Pamphlets, v. 50.] Matteucci (Carlo). Fenomeni fisico chimi- cal dei corpo viventi. 186 pp. 8°. Pisa, 1844. Matthaeus (Carl Christian). Untersuchung iiber das gelbe fieber. 2 v. 500, 375 pp. ; 1 pl. 8°. Hannover, Helwing, 1827. Matthes (Petrus). De ano piseternaturali. Diss. 16 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1853. Matthias (Elias). De certo mortis in morbis pisesagio. 38 pp. Small 4°. Hala Mag- deb., Chris. Henkelii, 1720. [7m Pamphlets, v. 84.] Matthiolus (Dim. Pietro And.) Della mate ria mediciuale. 802 pp. Folio. Venetia, Vmcenzo Valgrisi, 1559. Matthiolus (Petrus Andreas). Opera quoe j extant omnia. Editio 2. 1027 et 236 pp. j Folio. Basilea, J. Kb'nig, 1674. Mattson (M.) Manual of directions for the j employment of injections in various diseases, with remarks upon the nature and treatment of habitual constipation; preceded by a trea- tise on the intestinal canal, its structure, func-1 tions, etc., with a description of the digest- ive process. 165 pp., 5 pl. 16°. Boston,] the author, 1856. Maubareit (Alphonse). Essai sur l'infanti- cide par commission. These. 68 pp. 4°. ! Montpellier, 1864. [2m Pamphlets, v.48.] Mauchart (B. D.) De empyesi oculi. [In Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 2.] Mauchart (B. D.) De epiplo enterocele cru- rali incarcerata, etc. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 3.] -----De fistulis corneas. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., torn. 1.] ----- De hernia incarcerata nova encheiris extricata. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 3.] ----De hydrophthalmia. [7m Haller, Dieput. chir., tom. 1.] ----De hypopyo. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 2.] De Tobiae leucomate. [In Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 1.] ----De maculis corneae. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 1.] ---- De mydriasi. [In Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 1.] ----De ophtalmoxysi novantigua, [In Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 1.1 ----De paracentesi oculi. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 1.] ----De pupillae phthisi et synizezi. [Tn Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 1.] ----De setaceo nuchae. [7;/ Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 2. | ----De staphylomate. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 1.] ---- De struma oesophagi. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 2.] ----De synechias. [In Haller, Disput. chir., tom. l.J ----De tumoribus cysticis palpebrarum. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 1.] De ulceris veris corneae [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. l.J ----De ungue oculi. [In Haller, Disput. chir., tom 1.] Oratio de fama meritisque Taylori. [7ra Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 2.] Mauchart et Schmid. De luxatione nuchas. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 2.] Mauchart et Soulm. Lethalitus per accidens. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 5.] Mauchartus (D.) Cor humanum, veri uomi- nis antlia, hydraulica, pressoria, quod hoc nomine, methodo analytico-systematica sum- matim delineatum. 65 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Tu- binga, Erhardtianis, 1755. [7m Pamphlets, v. 58.] Maudsley (Henry). Body und mind : an in- quiry into their connection and mutual influ- ence, specially in reference to mental disor- ders, being the Gulstonian lectures for 1870. With appendix. 155 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton Sr Co., 1871. -----On some of the causes of insanity. (Re 246 MAUDSLEY. MAYER. Maudsley (Henry)—Continued. print from Journal Mental Science.) 16 pp. "c. London, 1-67, [7m Pamphlets, v. 89.] -----The physiology and pathology of the mind. 442 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan S- Co., 1867. Maumene (E. J.) Indications theoriques et pratiques sur le travail des vins, et en par- ticulier sur celui des vins mousseux. 628 pp. 3°. Paris, Victor Masson, 1858. Maunoir (Robert D. M.) La Porrette et Monte-Catini. 255 pp. 8°. Florence, Ma- riano Cecchi, 1848 [7n Pamphlets, v. 40] -----Resume des rapports publies, par MM. Paolini et Maluccelli, sur la clinique des thermes de la Porrette et de Monte-Catini. 123 pp. 8°. Florence, Mariemo Cecchi, 18\8. [7m Pamphlets, v. 40.J Maunsell See Evanson. Maupiou (Leon). Relation medicale de la campagne du curieux. These. 60 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 46.1 Mauran (J.) Address delivered before the Alumni Association of the College of Physi- j cians and Surgeons, medical department of Columbia College (N. Y.), at the spring com- ' mcncement, March 10, 1864 '24 pp. 8°. ! Providence, A. Craic/ord Greene. [In Pamphlets, v. 258.] ----- Anniversary address delivered before the Alumni Association of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, March 2, 1869. 24 pp. 8°. Providence, Hammond, Angell S~ Co., 1-69. [In Pamphlets, v.258.] Mault (J. F.) De cortice Peruviano. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1760. [In SaNMFORT, Diss., v. 1.] Maurel (Joseph-Charles). De la phthisie galopante consideree chez l'adulte. These. 57 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 46.] Mawe (Thomas). De phthisi pulmonali. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1803. [7m Pamphlets, v. 25.] Maximinus (Andreas). In Hippocratis Coi librum de fracturis commentaria. 303 pp., 5 tab. 4°. Roma, Bencdictum Francisiurn, 1776. Maxson (Edwin R.) A treatise on the prac- tice of medicine'. 705 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Lindsay $ Blakiston, 1861. Maxwell (Jacobus A.) De hepatitide. 23 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1801. [In PAMPHLBTS, t. 17.] Maxwell (Josephus G.) De vaccina. 39 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1803. [7m Pamphlets, v. 25.] j May (Alexander). An inaugural dissertation on the unity of disease as opposed to nosol- ogy. Diss 14 pp. 8>. Philadelphia, Thomas «f Wm. Bradford, 1805. [7m Pamphlets, v. 379.] May (Ernst). Ueber die reclination der schwangereu gebarmutter. Diss. 55 pp. 8°. Giessen, Fr. Chr. Pietsch, 1869. [7m Pamphlets, v. 304.] May (Frederick). London press dictionary and advertiser's handbook. 62 pp. 8°. London, 1871. May (John Frederick). An introductory lec- ture. Delivered at the opening of the medi- cal department of the Columbian College, November 4, 1839. 24 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, 1839. [7m Pamphlets, v. 408.] Mayden (Joannes). De cordis palpitatione. 31 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Johan. A. Langerak, 1725. [7m Pamphlets, v. 65.] Mayer. See Grove. Mayer (Brantz). Observations on Mexican history and archeology. With a special no- tice of Zapotec remains. 33 pp. 4°. 1856. [Smithsonian contributions to knowledge.] Mayer (Adolf). Lehrbuch der agrikulturche mie. In vierzig voriesungen. Mit vier holz schnitten und drei lithographirten tafeln. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Heielelberg, Carl Winter, 1871. ----- Untersuchungen iiber die alkoholische gahrung.denstoff bedarf und den stoffwechsel der hefepflanze. 81 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Heidel- berg, Carl Winter, 1869. Mayer (Alex.) Des rapports conjugaux, con- siders sous le triple point de vue de la popu- lation, de la sante, et de la morale publique. Cinquieme edition, revue et augmentee. 420 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre et fil$, 1868. Mayer (Carl). Skizze einiger erfahrungen und bemerkungen iiber die cholera-epidemie zu St. Petersburg. 117 pp. 8°. St. Peters- burg, Karl Kray, 1832. Mayer (Emil). Ueber die histologie der milz. Diss. 28 pp. 8°. Bonaue'schingen, Alb. Willibald, 1861. 247 MAYER. MEADOWS. Mayer (J. C.A.) Anatomische kupfertafeln, nebst dazu gehorigen erklarungen. 6 hefte. 4°. Berlin und Leipzig, Jakob Becker 4' H. A. Kattmann, 1783-94. Mayhew (Edward). The illustrated horse- doctor. With more than 400 pictorial repre- sentations. 522 pp. Royal 8°. Philadel- phia, J. B. Lippincott Sf Co., 1866. ----- The illustrated horse-management. Embellished with more than 400 engravings. 548 pp. Royal 8°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Rernsen Sf Heiffelfinger, 1868. Mayne (John). A dispensatory and thera- peutical remembrancer. Revised, with the addition of the formulae of the United States pharmacopoeia, etc., by R. Eglesfeld Griffith. 329 pp. ri°. Philadelphia, Lea Sf Blanchard, 1848. Maynwaring(Everard). Medieus absolutus. 'A(5£o-7roroc. The compleat physitian, quali- fied and dignified. The rise and progress of physick, historically, chronologically, and philosophically illustrated. 170 pp. Small 8°. London, 1668. Mayo (Herbert). Anatomical and physiologi- cal commentaries. No. 1, August, 1822. 141 pp. 8°. London, Thos. $■ George Un- derwood, 1822. -----Observations on injuries and diseases of the rectum. 61 pp. 8°. Washington, Duff Green, 1834. [In Pamphlets, v. 62.J ----- Outlines of human pathology. From the last London edition. 436 pp. 8C. Phila- delphia, Carey 4" Hart, 1841. ----- A treatise on siphilis. 123 pp. 3°. London, Henry Renshaw, 1840. Mayo (Robert). Army and navy pension laws, and bounty land of the United States, including sundry resolutions of Congress. Fourth edition, with an appendix. From 1776 to 1861, 885 pp. From 1776 to 1852, 754 pp. 8C. Washington, W. H. Sr O. H. Morrison, 1861, 1852. ----- United States fiscal department. 2 v. 440, 262 pp. 4°. Washington, J. Sf G. S. Gideon S~ W. Q. Force, 1847. Mayo (Thomas). Remarks on insanity, and tending to illustrate physical symptoms and treatment of the disease. 90 pp. 8°. Lon- don, T. S- G. Underwood, 1817. [In Pamphlets, v. 32.1 Mayor ( Charles). De la localisation des b aina et de l'application du froid et de la chaleur sur les diverses parties du corps humain. 456 pp. 8°. Lausanne, 1844. Mayor (Mathias). La chirurgie simplifi6e, ou memoires pour servir a la reforme et au perfectionnement de la medecine operatoire. 2 v. 600,612 pp. 8°. Paris, Bichet, jeune. et Labi, 1841. ----- Popular surgery; being plain direc- tions for affording relief in all cases of ac- cident, dangerous disease, poisoning, etc., in the absence of a regular practitioner. Translated from the French, with notes and considerable additions, by Thos. Cutler. Illustrated. 125 pp. 8°. London, Long- man and others, 1836. Mazet. See Pariset. Mead (Charles). The medical works of. Illustrated. 511 pp. 8°. Bublin, Thomas Ewing, 1767. Mead (Richard). A mechanical account of poisons, in several essays. Third edition, with large additions. 318 pp., tab. 3, 4. 8°. London, J. Brindley, 1745. ----- Medica sacra, or a commentary on the most remarkable diseases mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Translated from the Latin by Thomas Stack. To which are prefixed me- moirs of the life and writings of the author. 48 and, 120 pp. 8°. London, J. Brindley, 1755. -----Medical precepts and cautions. Trans- lated from the Latin, under the author's in- spection, by Thomas Stack, M. D. 2d ed. 311 pp. 8°. London, J. Brindley, 1755. -----The medical works of. A new edition. 569 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Bonaldson Sf C Elliot,177b. Mead (Richardo). De imperio solis ac lunee in corpora humana et morbis inde oriundis. 96 pp. 4°. Londini, Raphaelis Smith, 1704. Meade (Richardus E.) De mensibus. 47 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1800. [In Pamphlets, v. 14.] Meade (William). An experimental enquiry into the chemical properties and medicinal qualities of the principal mineral waters of Ballston and Saratoga, New York. 195 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Harrison Hall, 1817. Meadows (Alfred). A manual of midwifery, including the signs and symptoms of preg- nancy, obstetric operations, diseases of the puerperal state, etc. First American, from 248 MEADOWS. MEDICAL. Meadows (Alfred)—Continued. second London, edition. Illustrated. 437 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4' Blakiston, 1-71. Meadows (Daniel). De morbis fibrse debilis et laxae. 23 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Joh. Lnzac, 1731. [7« Pamphlets, v. 64.J Mease (James). An inaugural dissertation on the disease produced by the bite of a mad dog or other rabid animal. 130 pp. 8°. Philaelelphia, 1792. [in Pamphlets, v. 403. ] -----Observations on the arguments of Pro- fessor Rush in favour of the inflammatory uature of the disease produced by the bite of a mad dog. 62 pp. 8°. Whitehall, Wil- liam Young, 1301. [7m Pamphlets, v. 404.] On the sick headache. 23 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 118 ] Mechanics' (The-) Weekly Journal, or arti- sans' miscellany of inventions, projects and improvements in the useful arts, from Nov. 15, l-'23, to May 8, 1824, inclusive. 103 wood-cuts. 414 pp. 3°. London, Westley 4- Parish, 1824. Meckel (J. F.) Manuel d'anatomie gene- rale, descriptive et pathologique. Traduit de l'allemand par A. J. L. Jourdain et G. Breschet. 3 v. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre, 1825. Medecins militaires. Du fonctionnement des medecins militaires. Le present et I'avenir. 15 pp. -°. Paris, A. Henry Nohht, 1860. [7m Pamphlets, v. 331.J Medical (The) Adviser and Guide to Health and Long Life. Edited by Alex. Burnett, M. D. Vols. 1-3, December 6, 1323, to June 4, 1325. (Weekly.) 8°. London, Knight Sr Lacey. Medical (The) adviser and complete guide to health and long life. By A Burnett, Mr. Maginn. and other medical gentlemen. 2 v. 8°. London, J. Williams, 1825. Medical Archives (The). See Humboldt Medical Archives. Medical communications. 2 v. 456,527 pp. 8°. London, Joseph Johnson, 1784. Medical Courrier. A weekly journal, edited by St. A. Chistooitch. 9 v. 4°. St. Peters- burg, 1861,1863-69. Medical (The) Critic and Psychological Jour- nal. Edited by Forbes Winslow. Vol. 2, January to October, 1862. (Quarterly.) 748 pp. 8°. London, J. IV. Bavies. Medical (The) directory, London and pro- vincial, inclusive of the medical directory for Scotland, and the medical directory for Ireland, and general medical register. 995 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill 4~ Sons, 1868. Medical Education (The voluntary system of). Instituted by the Independent Medical School of Pennsylvania; chartered May 8, 1854. 20 pp. 8°. Philaelelphia, King S* Beiird, 1854. [7m Pamphlets, v. 336.] Medical essays and observations. Published by a society in Edinburgh. Vol. 5, part 1. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. 384 pp. 16°. Edinburgh, 1752. Medical (The) Examiner and Record of Med- ical Science. Edited by Robert M. Huston, M.D. New series. Vol. 3-12, 1847-56. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sf Blakiston. Medical Extracts. On the nature of health and the laws of the nervous and fibrous sys- tems. With practical observations. By a friend to improvements. 3 v. 8°. London, J. Johnston, 1798 Medical facts and observations. 7 v. in 4. 8°. London, J. Johnston, 1797. Medical Gazette (The). A weekly review of practical medicine, surgery, and obstetrics. Vol. 1-6, September 28, 1867. to May 27, 1871. 4°. New York, Jno. Saretl. Medical Mirror (The). A monthly magazine of current medical literature and news. Vols. 1-7. January, 1864, to December, 1870. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis. Medical News (The). Published monthly, in one volume annually. From January, 1864, to December, 1870, inclusive. Vol. 22-28. 7 v. bound in 3. 8°. Philadelphia, Henry C. Lea. Medical observations and inquiries. By a society of physicians in London. Vol. 1-6, 1757-84. 8°. London, Wm. Johnston. Medical opinions. Published by the Scottish society for promoting the due observance of the Lord's day. No. 3. 8 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 108.] Medical and Philosophical Commenta- ries. By a society of physicians in Edin- burgh. 2d ed. Vols. 1-20. sc. London, J. Murray, 1774-95. Medical (The) and Physical Journal. Con- taining the earliest information on subjects of medicine, surgery, pharmacy, chemistry, and natural history, etc. Conducted by T. Bradley and A. F. M. Willich. 48 v. 8°. London, R. Phillips, etc., 1799-1822. MEDICAL. 249 MEIER. Medical (The) Press and Circular. Being the incorporation of the journals hitherto known as "The Medical Press" and "The Medical Circular." A weekly journal of medicine and medical affairs. Vol. 6-11, Ju- ly, 1868, to June, 1871. 8°. London. Medical (The) Record. A semi-monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Edited by George F. Shrady, M. D. Vol. 1-5, March, 1866, to February 15, 1871. 4°. New York, Wm. Wood 4- Co. Medical Relief. Mr. T. R. Tatham's case against the Huddersfield board of guardi- ans. 22 pp. 8°. Huddersfield, Benjamin Brown, 1848. [7m Pamphlets, v. 38.J Medical relief to sick poor. Facts and ob- servations relating to the administration of medical relief to the sick poor. 32 pp. 8°. London, Manning Sf Mason, 1843. [7m Pamphlets, v. 37.] Medical Repository (The). Conducted by S. L. Mitchell, E. Miller, and E. H. Smith. Vols. 1-15, 1797, to April, 1812 ; new series, vols. 1,2, 3, 6,7, and 8, 1813 to 1822. 21 in all. 8°. New York, T. Sr J. Swords. Medical (The) Review and Analeptic Journal. (Quarterly.) Conducted by J. Eberle and Geo. McClelland. Vol. 1-3, June, 1824, to August, 1826. 8°. Philadelphia, A. Sherman. Medical (The) and Surgical Register. Con- sisting chiefly of cases in the New York Hos- pital, by John Watts, jr., Valentine Mott, and Alexr. H. Stevens. Vol. 1, 1818-20. 406 pp. 8°. New York, Collins Sr Co. Medical (The) and Surgical Reporter. (Monthly.) Edited by S. W. Butler. Vols. 9-11, January, 1856, to September, 1853. (For previous vols, see " New Jersey Medi- eal and Surgical Reporter.") 8°. Burling- ton (N. J.) -----New series. (Weekly.) Edited by S. W. Butler and R. J. Levis. Vol. 1-23, Octo- ber I, 1858, to December, 1870. Philadel- phia, Crissy 4" Ma.rkley, Medical (The) Times. A semi-monthly jour- nal of medical and surgical science. Jas. H. Hutchinson, editor; Jas. Tyson, assistant editor. Vol. 1, October, 1870, to September, 1871. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B.Lippincott 4~ Co. Medical Times and Gazette (The). A jour- nal of medical science, literature, criticism, and news. New series, vols. 1-42, July 6, 1850, to June, 1871. 4». London, J. Church- ill. 32 Medici (Michele). Compendio storico della scuola anatomica di Bologna. 430 pp. 4°. Bologna, Tip. Gov. della Volpe a del Sassi, 1857. Medicina universal 6 academias medicas, chi- rurgicas, chemicas, y pharmacenticas. 2 tomos. 400 pp. 12°. Dedicado al publico por D. Sebastian Miguil Guerrero Herreros Morales, 1777. Medicinal-Kalender fiir den preussischen staat auf das jahr 1871. 12°. Berlin, Aug. Hirschwald, 1871. Medicinische Jahrbiicher. Redigirt von Braun, Duchek, Schlager. Band 19 and 20, in I v. (Mit appendix, "Berichte fiber die leistungen auf dem gebiete der heilkunde.") 8°. Wien, 1870. Herausgegeben von der K. K. Gesellschaft der Aertze. Redigirt von S. Strieker. Jahrgang 1871, heft 1-3. 8°. Wien, W. Braurniiller, 1871. Medico-Chirurgical Review. Analytical series, No. 10 of vol. 3, September 1, 1822. London. -----New series. Conducted by associated physicians and surgeons, and superintended by James Johnson. Vols. 1-51, June, 1824, to October 1, 1847. 47 v. 8°. London; re- published in New York by J. V. Seaman Sf R. 4~ G. S. Wood. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions. Pub- lished by the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. Vol. 1-53, 1809-70. With index to first 33 v.; also, to first 53 v. 55 v. 8C. London, Longmans 4" Co. Medieus (Frederic-Casimir). Traite des ma- ladies periodiques sans fievre ; ou histoire de ces maladies. Traduit de l'allemand, par Lefebvre de Villebrune. 380 pp. 8°. Paris, Maradein Sr Per let, 1790. Meek'ren (Jobi a). Observationes medico- chirurgicae, ex Belgico in Latinum trauslatse ab Abrahamo Blasio. 392 pp. 8°. Amstel., Henrici et vidua Thcodori Boom, 1682. Mehee (Jean). Traite des plaies d'armes a feu. 268 pp. 8°. Paris, an VIII. Mehee de La Touche. Traite des 16- sions de la tete par contre-coup, avec des experiences propres a en edairer la doctrine. 264 pp. 8°. Meaux, L. A. Courtois, 1773. Meibomius vel Meibour (Hen.) Decathe- terismo. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 4, p. 441.] Meier (Car. Theod. Maxim.) De morbis senii nonnulla. 30 pp. 8°. Berolini,Nietack, 1836. 250 MEIERVS. MENIERE. Melervs (Michael). De epilepsia. These. 24 pp. 8-'. Basilea,Conrad Waldkirch,lB96. [In Pamphlets, v. 133.1 Meigs. See Jackson. Meigs. See Wyman. Meigs (Charles D.) Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Medical College. Delivered March 6, 1852. 15 pp. Philadelphia, T. K. 4- P. G. Collins, 1852. [7n Pamphlets, v. 256.] -----The history, pathology, and treatment of puerperal fever and crural phlebitis. Trea- tises by Alex. Gordon, Wm. Hey, John Arm- strong and Robt. Lee. 338 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, Ed. Barrington Sf Geo. D. Haswell, 1842. -----Lecture on some of the distinctive char- acteristics of the female. (Published by class.) 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T.K.S- Melchiori (Giovanni)—Continued. nelle aberrazione del testicolo e del cordone spermatico. 54 pp. 8°. Milano, 1870. [7m Pamphlets, v. 322.] ----- Memorie di chirurgia. 8°. Milano P. G. Collins, 1847. [In Pamphlets, v. 102.] -----A memoir of Samuel G. Morton, M. D. Read Nov. 6, 1851. 48 pp. 8C. Philadel- phia, T. K. 4- P. G. Collins, 1851. [In Pamphlets, v. 161.] -----Obstetrics: the science and the art. Third edition, revised. Illustrated. 758 pp. 8-. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4" Lea, 1856. -----Woman: her diseases and remedies. A series of letters to his class. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. 706 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, Blanchard 4~ Lea, 1859. Meigs (J. Forsyth). A practical treatise on the diseases of children. 575 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4" Blakiston, 1848. Meigs (J. Forsyth) and Pepper (William). A practical treatise on the diseases of chil- dren. Fourth edition (of Meigs On diseases of children). 921 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4~ Blakiston, 1870. Meissner. See Fliigel. Melanges biologiques, tires du Bulletin physi- co-mathematique de l'academie imperiale des sciences de St. Petersbourg. Tome 1-4. 8°. St. Petersbourg, M. M. Eggers et cie., 1849-65. Melchior (Richardus). De elongatione uteri. Diss. 18 pp. 8C, Jena, Schreiber et fil, 1857. [7n Pamphlets, v. 401.] Melchiori (Giovanni). Caso di amputazione sopra condiloidea del femore col metodo del Dott. R. Gritti. 13 pp. 8°. Milano, 1867. [In Pamphlets, v. 417.] ----- Dell' emorragia e dell' ematocele da puntura dell' idrocele della tonaca vaginale 1868. [Presso la societa per la pubblicazione degli annal universali, etc.] Meli. Risultamenti degli studii fatti a Parigi sul cholera-morbus per ordine di sua Santita Papa Gregorio XVI, 1832. 320 pp. 8°. Roma, per la Stamperia Camcrale, 1833. Mellet (F. L. E.) Manuel pratique d'ortho- p6die. 524 pp. 16°. Paris, Rouvier et Le Bouvier, 1855. Melville (Alexander). De apoplexia. 53 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Robertum Allan, 1797. [7m Pamphlets, v. 6.] -----De hepatitide. 35 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1806. [7m Pamphlets, v. 19.] Memoires de l'academie royale de chirur- gie. 5 v. 4°. Paris, C. Osmont, Delaquette, P. A. La Frier, P. Fr. Bidot, 1743-74. [See also ACADEMIE ROYALE DE CHIRURGIE.] Memoires de la societe medicale d'observa- tion. 2 v. 410,596 pp. 8°. Paris, Fortin Meisson, 1837-44. Memoires de la societe royale des anti- quaires du nord, 1840-49. 2 tomes. 8°. Copenhague, au secritariat de la sociiti. Mende (Paulus). De hepate adiposo addita morbi historia. Diss. 34 pp. 8°. Gry- phia, Frid. Guil. Kunike, 1859. Menecier (Charles). Enquete generale sur la rage. Rapport a monsieur le maire de Marseille sur les cas de rage canine observes en 1864. 47 pp. 8°. Paris, Ad. Belahaye ; Marseille, Camoin, 1865. —---Historique de 1'epidemie de cholera a Marseille, 1865. 61pp. 8°. Paris, A. De- lahaye; Marseille, Camoin, 1866. -----Notice sur la rage, avec un projet nou- veau de police sanitaire sur la race canine, presente a son excellence m. le ministre de l'agriculture et du commerce. 59 pp. 8°. Paris, Ad Delahaye; Marseille, Camoin, 1864. Meniere (Smile). Des moyens therapeutiques employes dans les maladies de l'oreille. 120 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Thunot et cie., 1868. Meniere (Prosper). L'Hotel Dieu de Paris en Juillet et Aout 1830. Histoire de ce qui s'est passe dans cet hopital pendant et apiSs les trois grandes journees, suivie de details sur le nombre, la gravite des blessures et les 251 MENIERE. METALLIC. Meniere (Prosper)—Continued. circonstances qui les out rendues fatales. 367 pp. 8°. Paris, Charles Heideloff Sr Urbain Canel, 1830. Menzies (Joannes). De prostate tumida. 21 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Jac. Ballantyne et socii, 1828. [7m Pamphlets, v. 108.] Menzies (Robertus). De respiratione. Diss. 59pp., 1 pl. 8°. Edinb., Gul. Creech, 1790. [In Pamphlets, v. 386.1 Mercati(Lud.) Opera medica. 3 torn, in 2. Folio. Franco/urti, Zach. Pulthenij, 1620. Mercer (Graemius). De pathematibus animi, eorumque in corpus humanum effectibus. 45 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour et Smellie, 1784. [In Pamphlets, v. 18.] Mercer (James). Anatomical observations on the analogous structure and uses of the lin- gualis and panniculus carnosus muscles. (From the Medical Gazette, No. 703.) 16 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Neill 4- Co., 1841. [In Pamphlets, v. 109.] -----On deafness, caused by hemorrhage into the cavity of the tympanum successfully treated by perforation of the membrane. 9 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 95.] ----- A probationary essay on the special pathology of the accessory organs of hear- ing. 133 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Neill Sr Co., 1840. [In Pamphlets, v. 95.] ----- Syllabus of lectures on anatomy and physiology. Delivered in the School of Anatomy, 4 Surgeon's square, Edinburgh. 46 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Neill Sr Co., 1841. [In Pamphlets, v. 95.] Mercey (A. B. de). Des Msions traumatiques des vaisseaux retro-pelviens. 136 pp. 8°. Paris, Louis Leclerc, 1869. Merchie. Maladies des organes respiratoires. Lecons cliniques professies a Phdpital de Bruxelles, annee 1863-64. 110 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Manceaux, 1864. Merchie (Z.) Appareils modeies ; ou nouveau systeme de deligation pour les fractures des membres. 607 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bail- libre, 1858. Merck (C. H.) De anatomia et physiologia lieuis ejusque abscessu feliciter curato. 44 pp. 4°. Giessa Cattorum, litteris Braunii, 1784. [7n Pamphlets, v. 58.] Mercurialis (Hieronymus). De puerorum morbis tractatus. Addita Alexandre Tralliani de Lumbricis epistola, cum ejusdem Mercu- rialis versione. Ejusdem de venenis et mor- bis venenosis libri II. 636 pp. 12°. Frank- fort, Andreas Wichelius, 1584. Meredith (William M.) Eulogium on the character and services of the late John Ser- geant, April 22, 1853. 34 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Crissy Sf Markley, 1853. [7m Pamphlets, v. 234.] Meredyth (Colomiati). On the rational em- ployment of mercury in the treatment of syphilis. 41 pp. 8°. London, Robt. Hard- wicke, 1866. [In Pamphlets, v. 90.] Merei (Schcepf A.) Spasms and convulsions of children. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Suth- erland 4" Knox, 1850. [In Pamphlets, v. 41.] Merkel(Fr.) Die zonula ciliaris. Mit zwei tafeln. 23 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engel- mann, 1870. Merlinja (Petrus). De hydrope. 26 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Conradum Wishoff, 1729. [In Pamphlets, v. 78.J Merrill (A. P.) Lectures on fever. Deliv- ered in the Memphis Medical College, 1853- 56. 235 pp. 12°. New York, Harper Sr Brothers, 1865. Merriman (Samuel). A synopsis of the va- rious kinds of difficult parturition; with practical remarks on the management of la- bours. With notes and additions by Thos. C. James. The first American, from second London, edition. 297 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Thos. Dobson, 1816. Mery (Franc) et Gentil (C. J.) Quaestio med- ico-chirurgica an bubo venereus skirrhodes absque cauterio curandus? [In HALLER, Disput. chir., tom. 4, p. 457.] Mery (Franc), Gentil (C. J.), et Malaval. Quaestio medico-chirurgica an tenuium intes- tinorum vulnus lethale? [7m Haller, Disput, chir., torn. 5, p. 75.] Meslon (Joannes de). Deliene. 24 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Gerardum Potvliet, 1738. [7m Pamphlets, v. 80.] Metadier (Paul-Adrien). Des tumeurs blan- ches en general. These. 105 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 45.] Metallic Ammunition for the Springfield breech-loading rifle-musket. 68 pp. 4°. Washington (D. C), Government Printing Office, 1870. 252 METCALF. MEYER. Metcalf (Samuel L.) Now terrestrial mag- netism. 153 pp. 8°. New York, G. Sf C. 4- H. CarviU, 1-33. Metcalfe (Joannes.) De rheumatismo acuto. 36 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, Alex. Smellie, 1798. [7m Pamphlets, v. 8.] Metcalfe (John T.) Sanitary commission. Report of a committee on the subject of the nature and treatment of yellow fever. 25 pp. 8°. New York, Wm. C. Bryant $ Co., 1862. Methode que Ton pratique a 1'Hostel des In- valides pour guerir les soldats de la verolle. 14 pp. 8° Paris, Franqois Muguet, 1685. Metropolitan Building Act (The). 18th and 19th Victoria, cap. 122. With notes by D. Gibbons and R. Hesketh. 131pp. 8°. London, John Weale, 1859. Metropolitan 'Working Classes' Associa- tion. On household cleanliness. Tenth thousand. 16 pp. ->°. London, Jno. Churchill, Wertheim Sf Macintosh, 1849. See London. [In Pamphlets, v. 149.] Mettenheimer (C.) Nosologische und ana- tomische beitrage zu der lehre von den grei- j 6enkrankheiten. 356 pp. 8°. Leipzig, B. G. Teubner, 1863. Metz (A.) The anatomy and histology of the human eve 181 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, office of the Medical and Surgical Reporter, 186-". I Meyen (F. J. F.) Untersuchungen fiber die natur parasitischer geschwiilste im mensch- lichen korper, insbesondere iiber deu mark- i und blutschwamm. 99 pp. 8°. Berlin, Hirschwald, 1828. I Meyenburg (F. Gabriel). De haemorrhoidi- bus haereditariis. 36 pp. Small 4°. Hala Magdeb., Hendtlianis, 1727. [7«. Pamphlets, v. 72.] I Meyenne. Elements de statistique medicale militaire. 95 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Tircher, 1859. -----Topographie medicale de la Belgique. 582 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Mauceaux, 1865. Meyer (Adolf Bernard). Das hemmungs- nervensystem des herzens. Krilisches und experimentelles. 95 pp. 8°. Berlin, Au- Metzger (J. D.) Nervorum primi paris his- toria. 4°. Arsent., 1766. [In SANOIFORT, Diss., v. 3.] Metzig (Johann). Gegen das amputiren gleich nach schweren verletzungen. 81 pp. 8°. Lissa, Ernst Gunther, 1857. [7m Pamphlets, v. 195.] Meuder (C. H.) De urinae se—et excretione ob multidudinem arteriarum renalium lar- giore casu quodam singulari illustrata. Hala ad Salam, 1763. [In Sanuifort, Diss., v. 3.] Meuriot. De la methode physiologique en therapeutique et de ses applications a l'etude de la belladone. 159 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1868. Meusel (Ernst). Zur lehre von den folgen der bronchectasic Diss. 27 pp. 8°. Jena, J. Hermsrlor/ 1866. [7n Pamphlets, v.270.] MexicD. Memoria del secretario de estado y ; del despacho de guerra y marina. 45 pp., j 13 tab. 4°. Mexico, Vicente Garcia Torres I 1845. gust Hirschwald, 1869. Meyer (A. L) De causis quibusdam con- vulsionum imprimis vero animi affectibus immoderatis occasionalibus. 24 pp. 4°. Gryphiswaldia, A. F. Rose, 1773. [7m Pamphlets, v. 59.J Meyer (Henricus). De chlorosi virginum. 21 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Joh. S~ Herm. Verbeek, 1728. [7m Pamphlets, v. 71.] Meyer (Hermann.) Why the shoe pinches. A contribution to applied anatomy. Trans- lated from the German by John Sterling Craig. 24 pp. 8°. Botton, J. C. Plumer. [7m Pamphlets, v. 227.] Meyer (J. N. Edlem von). Einige neue beobachtungen iiber das wesen der cholera morbus aus der erfahrung geschopft, in be- sonderer beziehung auf die haare als leiter des contagiums. 49 pp. 8°. Wien, Franz Tendler, 1831. [7m Pamphlets, v. 210.] Meyer (Mauritius). De acologise chirurgi- cal systemate. Diss. 38 pp., 1 pl. 40. Berolini, Petschi, Aug., 1827. [7m Pamphlets, v. 328.] Meyer (Moritz). Electricity in its relations to practical medicine. Translated from the third German edition, with notes and addi- tions, by W. A. Hammond. 497 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1869. Meyer (M. A.) Diiitetische verhaitungsre- geln und erste hulfe bei der asiatischen cholera. 22 pp. 8°. Hannover, Hahn, 1843. Meyer (Wilhelm Benedictus). Ueber die kunstlicbe friihgeburt. Diss. 39 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1869. [7m Pamphlets, v. 401.] -----The same. 34 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 304.] METL. 253 MIHLES. Meyl (Wilhelm). Ein beitrag zur diagnos- tik der neubildungen in der hintern schadel- grube. Diss. 27 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neu- enhahn, 1869. [7m Pamphlets, v. 270.] Meyler (Antonius). De melancholia. 24 pp, 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1803. [7m Pamphlets, v. 27.] Meylett (Gulielmus G.) De calculosis. 29 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Alex. Smellie, 1798. [Tn Pamphlets, v. is.) Meyner (Ernst Albrecht). Mittheilungen iiber hautkrankheiten. 25 pp. 8°. Jena, Neuen- hahn, 1868. Meyserey (M. de). La medecine d'armee, con. tenant des moyens aises de preserver de mala- dies, sur terre et sur mer, dans toutes sortes de pais et d'en guerir, sans beaucoup de re- medes ni de depenses, les gens de guerre et autres de quelque condition qu'ils soient. 3 v. 12°. Paris, veuve Cavelier et fils, 1754. Mialhe (Louis). De l'ictere grave essentiel. These. 62 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 47.] Michaelis (Curt.) Chirurgisch-humanistische bemerkungen iiber die schlachtfelder der neuesten zeit. 25 pp. 8°. Jena, Fischer Sr Herrnsdorf, 1865. Michaelis (Gottfried Philip). Ueber die zweckmassigste einrichtung der feld-hospi- taler. 520 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Gottingen, Diete- rich, 1801. Michauck (Johann H.) Ein beitrag zur pathologie des uterus fibroides. 36 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Hucthel 4" Legler, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 304.] Michelitz (Antouii). Exhibens systemati- cam salium divisionem. 24 pp. 8°. Vin- dobona, Jo. Thoma, 1776. [7» PAMPHLETS, v. 429.] Michelottus (Petro Antonio, o/ Trent). De separatione fiuidorum in corpore animali. Dissertatio physico-mechanico-medica. Cum tabulis. 362 pp. 4°. Venice, Pinelli Bros., 1721. Michigan (Reports of the adjutant general of the state of), 1862-65. 6 v. 8°. Lansing, state pi inter, 1862-66. -----Reports of the State Asylum for the Insane, Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, 1855-70. 8°. Lansing, state printer, 1856-70. (Third annual report of the secretary of Michigan University Medical Journal. Con- ducted by the faculty of the medical depart- ment. Vol. 1, March, 1870, to February, 1871. 768 pp. 8°. Ann Arbor (Mich.), R. A. Beal. Micksch (Henricus Julius). De perforatione cranii. Diss. 27 pp. 4°. Lipsia, Uteris Staritzii, 1828. Microscopic Journal (The) and Structural Record for 1841-42. With 40 illustrative dia- grams by J. Dinkel. Edited by Daniel Cooper. 570 pp. 8°. London, John Van Voorst, 1842. Middeldorpf. Abrege de la galvano-caustic 14 pp. 8C. Breslau, Theoph. Korn, 1864. Middendorp (H. W.) De aanwending der geneesmeddelen door de huid bij cholera. 7 pp. 8°. Groningen, R. J. Schierbeek, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 185.] Middlemore (Richard). A treatise on the diseases of the eye and its appendages. 2 v. 800, 844 pp. 8°. London, Longmans Sf Co., 1835. Middleton (Edvardus). curatione. 46 pp. 8' turn Allan, 1802. [In Pamphlets, v. 20.] Midland (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter and Topographical and Statistical Journal. Quarterly. Vol. 1-3, August, 1828, to May, 1832. 8°. Worcester (Eng.), Tymbs Sf Deigh- ton. Midwifery. An essay on the practice of mid- wifery. 63 pp. 8°. Sherbourne, G. Kears- ley, 1766. [7m Pamphlets, v. 378.] ----- The London practice of midwifery. From the fourth London edition. 303 pp. 8°. New York, James V. Seaman, 1820. Miescher (Friderico). De inflammatione os- sium eorumque anatome generali ; exerci- tatio anatomico-pathologica. Cum tabulis quatuor aeneis. 281 pp. 4°. Berolini, G. Eichler, 1836. Mignot. See Briquet. Mihles (Samuel). Elements of surgery. Il- lustrated. 324 pp. 8°. London, J. S" P. Knapton, 1746. -----The same. In which are contained all De febris continuae Edinburgi, Rober- state of), relating to the registry and return of births, marriages, and deaths for the year 1869. 205 pp. 8°. Lansing, W. S. George Sr Co., 1870. the essential and necessary principles of the art. Second edition augmented by Alex. Reid. Illustrated. 308 pp. 8°. London, Robert Horsfield, 1764. 254 MILAN. MILLINGEN. Milan. Keale istituto Lombardo di science e lettere. Atti della fondazione scientifica cagnola dalla sua istituzione in Poi. Vol. 3, 1860-61 ; vol. 5, 1*67-70. 798 pp. f?'J. Milano, Giuseppe Bcrnardoni. -------------Classe di lettere e scienze mo- rali e politiche. Memorie. Vol. 10. 4°. Milano, Giuseppe Bcrnardoni, 1865-67. -----------------The same. Vol. 11. 4°. Milano, Giuseppe, Bcrnardoni, 1868-70. ---------Rendiconti. Vol. 1-4 in Milano, Giuseppe Bcrnardoni, 2 v. 8°. 1864-67. Classe mathematiche e naturali. 4 v. 8°. Milano, Giuseppe Rendiconti Bernardoni, 1864-67. -------------------The same. Seria2. 2 v. 8°. Milano, Giuseppe Bernardoni, 1868-69. -------------------Memorie. Vol.10. 4°. Milano, Giuseppe Bernardoni, 1865-67. ----------------The same. Vol. 11. 4°. Milano, Giuseppe Bernardoni, 1863-70. ------ ------ Del cretinismo in Lombardia. Relatione della commissione. 70 pp. 4°. Milano, Giuseppe Bcrnardoni, 1864. ------ Regia scuola di ostetricia in Milano. Prospetto clinico. Compilato dal Do. Gae- tano Casati. 3 v. in 1. 8°. Milano, 1865-67. ------ Rendiconto della beneficenza dell' os- pitale maggiore in Milano, 1861-63. Del direttore Dr. Andrea Virga. 193 pp. Folio. Milano, Francesco Manini, 1865. Milani (Giuseppe). Sulla scrofola. Memoria premiata dal reale istituto Lombardo. 798 pp. 8°. Milano, G. Bernardoni di Gio, 1862. [In Atti dellafondazione scientifica cajnola vol terzo. ] ------ Sulla scrofola, memoria presentata al reale istituto Lombardo di science, lettere ed arti. 424 pp. 8°. Milano, Giuseppe Bernardoni de Gio. Millard (Henry B.) A monograph upon aco- nite. Translated from the German of Dr. Reil. 163 pp. 8=. New York, Wm. Radde, 1860. Miller (Edward). See Miller (Samuel). Miller (Henry). On the relation between the sanguiferous and nervous systems. Diss. 46 pp. 8°. Lexington (Ky.), William Gibbes Hunt, 1322. [In Pamphlets, v. 396.] ------An oration, pronounced on the anniver- sary of the K. A. Society of Hippocrates, in Miller (Henry)—Continued. Lexington (Ky.) 13 pp. 8°. Lexington, Thomas T. Skillman, 1822. [7m Pamphlets, v. 396.1 Miller (James). An introductory lecture on pictorial auatomy. 32 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Charles Black, 1312. [7m Pamphlets, v. 95.] A system of surgery. 1387 pp., 390 wood-cuts. 8°. Edinburgh, Adam 4" Charles Black, 1864. Miller (James H.) " Thomsonalgia" report to the trustees of the Baltimore county alms- house. With comments. 19 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 422.] Miller (Joseph). Botanicum officinale, or a compendious herbal: giving an account of all such plants as are now used in the prac- tice of physick, with their descriptions and virtues. 466 pp. 8°. London, E. Bell, 1722. Miller (Patricius). De scarlatina. 31 pp. 8°. Eeiinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1804. [7m Pamphlets, v. 30.J Miller (Peter). An essay on the means of lessening the pains of parturition. Diss. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Thomas S~ Wm. Brad/ord, 1805. [7m Pamphlets, v. 379.] Miller (Samuel). De dysenteria. 49 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Alex. Smellie, 1802. [7m Pamphlets, v. 21.J ------ The medical works of Edward Miller collected, and accompanied with a biographi- cal sketch of the author. 392 pp. 8°. New York, Collins4- Co., 1814. Miller (William Allen). Elements of chem- istry, theoretical and practical. 3 v. 3°. CONTENTS. Part 1. Chemical physics. 3d ed. London, Parker Son ((Bourne, 1863. Part 2. Inorganic chemistry. 3d ed. London, Long- man . Appleton Sr Co., 1871. ment to Mitchell's Reference and Distance \ Moller (Georg H.) Ueber das hygroma pa- Map of the United States. 344 pp. 8C. Philadelphia, R. L. Barnes, 1839. Mitchell (S. Weir). Paralysis from periphe- ral irritation. (Extract from the New York Medical Journal.) 67 pp. *°. New York, 1866. [In Pamphlets, v. 105.1 -----Researches upon the venom of the rat- tlesnake ; with an investigation of the anat- omy and physiology of the organs concerned. 145 pp. 4°. 1360. [Smithso.vian contributions to knowledge.] Mitchell (S. W.), Moorehouse (G. R.), and Keen (W. W.) Gunshot wounds and other injuries of nerves. 157 pp. 12°. Philadel- phia, J. B. Lippincott S- Co., 1864. tellare und seine behandlung. Diss. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. G. Naumann, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 265.] Moer (Joannes van de). De gaugraena sicca- in primis ratione habita gangraenae spontanese siccae. 49 pp. 12°. Groninga, C. M. van Bolhuis Hoitsema, 1844. [In Pamphlets, v. 192.J Moffat (Thomas). De apoplexia hydrocepha, lica. 37 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1800. [7m Pamphlets, v. 13.] Moflfet (Thomas). Health's improvement; or, rules comprizing and discovering the na- ture, method, and manner of preparing all sorts of foods used in this nation, corrected MOFFET. 257 MONDOT. Moffet (Thomas)—Continued. and enlarged, by Christopher Bennet. To which is now prefix'd a short view of the au- thor's life and writings, by Mr. Oldys, and an introduction by R. James. 393 pp. 12°. London, T. Osborne, 1746. MofEtt (A.) A manual of instruction for at- tendants on sick and wounded in the war. Illustrated with numerous wood-cuts. 136 pp. 8°. London, Charles Griffin 4-Co., 1870. Mohl (Hugo von). Principles of the anatomy and physiology of the vegetable cell. Trans- lated by Arthur Henfrey. With an illustra- tive plate and numerous wood-cuts. 158 pp. 8°. London, John Van Voorst, 1852. Mohn (H.) Havets temperatur mellem Is- land, Skotland og Norge. (From "Saer- skilt aftrykt, Vidensk. Selsk. i Christiania, 1869.") 9 pp., 1 tab. 8°. Mohns (Johann). Beitrage zu den resectio- nen der knochen. Diss. 29 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1866. Mohr (Friedrich). Lehrbuch der chemisch- analytischen titrirmethode. 588 pp. Mit kupfern. 8°. Braunschweig, Friedrich Vie- weg und Sohn, 1862. Moij'sisovics (Georg). Darstellung der aequilibrial-methode zur sicheren heilung der oberschenkelbriiche ohne verkiirzung. 114 pp. Mit 1 steindrucktafel. 8°. Wien, Brau- rniiller 4" Seidel, 1842. -----Darstellung einer sicheren und schnel- len heilmethode der syphilis durch sodpra- parate. 246 pp. 8°. Wien, Braurniiller 4' Seidel, 1845. Moine (Ant. Le). Quaestio medico chirur- gica an deprimendae cataractae expectanda maturatio ? [In Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 2, p. 149.] Moisson (Louis). Essai sur l'uleere de Cochinchine. These. 40 pp. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 48.] Moitessier (A.) La photographie appliquee aux recherches micrographiques. Avec quarante et une figures gravees d'apres des photographies, et trois planches photogra- phiques. 333 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, et fils, 1866. -----Die photographie als hilfsmittel mikros- kopischer forschung. Nach dem Franzo- sischen, mit autorisation des verfassers deutsch bearbeitet, und durch zahlreiche zusatze erweitert von Dr. Berthold Benecke. Mitachtundachtzig in den text eingedruckten holzstichen und zwei photographischen ta- 33 Moitessier (A.)—Continued. feln. 265 pp. 8°. Braunschweig, Fried- rich Vieweg und Sohn, 1868. Moldenhauer (Fritz). Ueber die reposition eingeklemmter briiche mit hiilfe elastischer binden. 64 pp. 8°. Giessen, Fr. Chr. Pictsch, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 275.] Molison (Thomas). Remarks on the epi- demic disease called cholera as it occurred in Newcastle. 40 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan 4' Stewart, 1832. [In Pamphlets, v. 110.] MoLl(A.) Beknopte beschrijving van den Aziatischen braakloop. 73 pp. 8°. Arn- hcm, D. K. Muller 4- Co., 1832. [7m Pamphlets, v. 182.1 Moltrecht(Adolph.) Ueberosteoaneurysma. Diss. 22 pp. 8°. Jtna, A. Neuenhahn, 1869. [Tn Pamphlets, v. 282.1 Monchy (Salomon de). An essay on the causes and cure of the usual diseases in voyages to the West Indies, together with the preservatives against them. Translated from the Dutch Philosophical Transactions. 175 pp. 8°. London, T. Becket S- P. A. De Hont, 1762. -----De opio. 52 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Johannes Luzac, 1739. [7m Pamphlets, v. 53.] Monchoven. See Van Monchoven. Monckhoven (D.) Photographic optics; in- cluding the description of lenses and enlarg- ing apparatus. Translated from the French. 259 pp.,5pl., 87 wood-cuts. 8°. London, R. Hardwicke, 1867. Moncreiff (John). An inquiry into the medicinal qualities and effects of the aerated alkaline water. Illustrated by experiments and cases. 205 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Wm. Creech, 1794. [7n Pamphlets, v. 121.] Moncrieffe (Gulielmus). De gonorrhoea vi- rulenta. Diss. 33 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Balfour, Aulel et Smellie, 1768. [7n Pamphlets, v. 133.] Mondat (V.) On sterility in the male and female; its cases and treatment. Translated from the fifth French edition. 248 pp., 50 illustrations. 8°. New York, J. S. Reelfield, 1844. Mondot (Jean-Baptiste-Louis). !■ iltude sur la colique seche, d'apres des observations recueillies pendant une campagne de trois ans, dans les mers de Chine et de Cochin" 258 MOXDOT. MONTANIER. Mondot (Jean-Baptiste-Louis)—Continued. chiuo. Th6se. 68 pp. 4°. Montpellier, I>u4. [In Pamphlets, v. 45.] Money (W.) A vade-mecum of morbid anat- omy, medical and chirurgical, with patho- logical observations and symptoms. 2d ed. 50 pp., 4H pl. 8°. London, Burgess $ Hill, 1831. Mongellaz (P. J.) Essai sur les irritations intermittentes, ou nouvelle theorie des mala- dies periodiques, fievres larve.s, fievres per- nicieuses, etc. Expose suivant la doctrine de M. Broussais. 2 tomes. 8°. Paris, Miquignon-Marvis, 1821. -----Monographie des irritations intermit- tentes. 2 v. 714, 341 pp. Small 8°. Bruxelles, soc. enc des sci. mid., 1839. Mongeri (Louis). Etudes sur l'epidemie de cholera qui a r6gn6 a Constantinople en 1865. 102 pp. 8°. Constantinople, M. de Castro, 1866. [In Pamphlets, v. 215.] Moniteur (Le) scientifique. Journal des sci- ences pures et appliquees. Fonde et dirige par le Dr. Quesneville. Premiere serie, 1857-63, tomes 1-5; deuxieme serie, 1864- 69, tomes 1-6. 4°. Pan's, M. Quesneville* 1857-69. Monneret. Lettre sur le cholera-morbus en orient et dans le nord de l'Europe. 29 pp. 8°. Paris. -----Note sur le cholera-morbus observe a Constantinople en 1847 et 1848. 16 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre, 1843. Monod (Louis). De l'encephalopathie albu- minurique aigue, et des caracteres qu'elle presente en particulier chez les enfants. 167 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 414.] Monro (Alexander, primus). De dyspepsia. Illustrata. 122 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill, 1797. [7m Pamphlets, v. 6.] -----Essays and heads of lectures on anatomy, physiology, pathology, and sur- gery, with a memoir of his life by his son. Illustrated by 7 plates. 132 and 159 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Maclachlan, Stewart 4~ Co., 1840. -----Traite d'osteologic Traduit de l'anglais par M. Sue. 2 v. 212, 316 pp. Folio. Paris, G. Catcher, 1759. [ Monro (Alexander, secundus). Observations on the structure and functions of the nervous system. 176 pp., 47 pl. Folio. Edinburgh, William Creech, 1783. -----The structure and physiology of fishes explained, and compared with those of man and other animals. f!28 pp., 44 pl. Folio- Edinburgh, Charles Elliot, 1785. -----Three treatises. On the brain, the eye, and the ear. 263 pp., 20 tab. 4°. Edin- burgh, Bell 4- Brad/ute, 1797. Monro (Alexander, tertius). Morbid anatomy of the human gullet, stomach, and intestines. 567 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Archibald Consta- ble 4' Co., 1811; London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme 4' Brown, and John Murray. ----- The same. 2d ed. 524 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, John Car/rae 4~ Son, 1830. -----Observations on crural hernia; to which is prefixed a general account of the other varieties of hernia. Illustrated by engrav- ings. 95 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Laing, 1803. -----Outlines of the anatomy of the human body in its sound and diseased state. In 3 volumes, and 1 volume colored plates. 568, 438, 585 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, A. Constable, 4- Co., 1813. Monro (Donald). An account of the diseases which were most frequent in the British mili- tary hospitals in Germany (1761 to 1763). 408pp. 8°. London, A.Millar, etc., 1764. ----- Observations on the means of pre- serving the health of soldiers, and of con- ducting military hospitals ; and on diseases incident to soldiers in the time of service. 2d ed. 2 v. 374, 304 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1780. Monro (Henry). Remarks on insanity: its nature and treatment. 150 pp. 8°. Lon- don, John Churchill, 1851. [7m Pamphlets, v. 41.] Monro, Winslow, and others (A system of anatomy from the works of). Illustrated by 16 plates. 2 v. 440, 587 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, C. Elliot, 1784. Montagne (J. F. Cam.) Sylloge generum specierumque cryptogamarum. 498 pp. 8°. Parisiis, J.-B. Baillibre, 1856. Montain (Gilbert). Discours sur quelques parties de l'hygiene publique et privee. 16 pp. 8°. Lyon, 1832. [In Pamphlets, v. 132. | Montanier. See Maisonneuve. 259 MONTEGGIA. MORELL. Monteggia. (G. B.) Istituzioni chirurgiche. Edizione seconda. 8 v. 8°. Milano, Giu- seppe Maspero, 1813. Monteith (Joannes). De dolore. Diss. 18 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, C. Elliot, J. Bell 4~ G. Creech,1726. [In Smellius, Thesaurus medieus, tom. I.] Monthly (The) Microscopical Journal: trans- actions of the Royal Microscopical Society, and record of histological research at home and abroad. Edited by Henry Lawson. Vols. 1-5. January, 1869, to June, 1871. 8°. London, Robert Hardwicke, 1869-71. Montmeja. See Hardy. Montmeja (A. de) et Rengade (J.) Revue photographique des hopitaux de Paris. Bul- letin medical, publie sous le patronage de 1'ad- ministration de l'assistance publique. Ire annee. 189 pp., 36 pl. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1869. Montpellier (Auguste). Essai sur le traite- ment du croup. 120 pp. 4°. Montpellier, Jean Martel,aini, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 45.] Moon. See Laurence. Moon (George). Health, disease, and remedy, familiarly and practically considered in a few of their relations to the blool. 320 pp. 8°. A^eio York, Harper 4" Brothers, 1850. Moore. See Pennock. Moore (Charles H.) Rodent cancer; with photographic and other illustrations of its nature and treatment. 128 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Longmans, Green 4f Co., 1867. Moore (Daniel M.) An inaugural essay on pulmonary consumption. 19 pp. 8°. Bal- timore, Sergeant Hall, 1813. [7m Pamphlets, v. 380.] Moore (Frank). The rebellion record: a diary of American events, with documents, narra- tives, illustrations, incidents, poetry, etc.; with an introductory address on the causes of the struggle and the great issues before the country, by Edward Everett. Illustra- ted with portraits, maps, and diagrams. 12 v. 8°. New York, G. P. Putnam 4- B. Van Nostrand, 1861-68. Moore (Frank). Women of the war: their heroism and self-sacrifice. Illustrated. 596 pp. 8°. Hartford, S. S. Scranton Sr Co., 1867. Moore (John). An inaugural dissertation on digitalis purpurea or fox-glove; and its use in some diseases. Diss. 19 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Thomas 4" Wm. Bradford, 1805. [7m Pamphlets, v. 379.] Moore (John). Medical sketches. In two parts (bound in one). 537 pp. 8°. London, A. Strahan Sr T. Cadell, 1786. ----- The same. First American edition. 271 pp. 8°. Providence, Carter S~ Wilkin- son,1794. -----The structure of the human lungs. 106 pp. 8°. London, Longman 4' Co., 1845. [7m Pamphlets, v. 90.] Moore (Thomas). Valedictory address to the graduating class of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania, at the 13Hi annual commencement, March 1,1861. 18 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, King 4'Baird, 1861. [7m Pamphlets, v. 256.1 Moorman (J. J.) The mineral waters of the United States and Canada. 507 pp. 12°. Baltimore, Kelly S~ Piet, 1867. Moos (S.) Klinik der ohrenkrankheiten. Mit 26 in den text gedruckten holzschnitten. 348 pp. 8°. Wien, Wilhelm Braurniiller, 1866. Moraaz (Samuel Antonius). De herniis. 31 pp. 4°. Harderovici, Joannem Moojen, 1770. [7m Pamphlets, v. 56.] Morand. Opuscules de chirurgie. 2 parts in 1 v. 253, 306 pp. 4°. Paris, G. Desprez 4- P. A. Le Prieur, 1768-72. Moreau. See Park. Moreau. Un chapitre oublie de la pathologie mentale. 77 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson, 1850. [7m Pamphlets, v. 37.] ----- Versuch fiber die resection der kno- chenextremitaten carioser gelenke. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von Carl Krauso. Mit einer vorrede begleitet von Dr. Georg Wedemeyer. 127 pp. 8°. Hannover, Hel- wing, 1821. Moreau (J. L.) Tratado historico y practico de la vacuna. Traducide por D. F. X. De Balmis. 363 pp. 8°. Madrid, 1803. Moreau de Jonnes (Alex.) Rapport au conseil superieur de sante sur le cholera-mor- bus pestilentiel. 356 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Pari', Cosson, 1831. Morehead (Charles). Clinical researches on disease in India. 2d ed. 774 pp. 8C. London, Longman, Green, Longman Sr Rob- erts, 1860. Morehouse. See Mitchell. Morell (Thomas). An abridgment of Ains- worth's dictionary, English and Latin. De- signed for the. use of schools. 1027 pp. 4°. L'hiladelphia, Uriah Hunt, 1837. 260 MORNAC. MORENO. „ ,-ri ^ T?P,herches [Morgan (Charles E.) Electro-physiology and Moreno y Maiz (1 nomas). Recneicnes| i«o'Sa" chimiques et physiologiques sur l'erythroxy lum coca du P6rou et la cocoaine. 79 pp. * . Paris, Leclerc, )"m>-\ [In Pamphlets, v. 367.J Morgagni (Joannes Baptista). Adversaria anatomica omnia. 244 pp. Folio. Vend., Remondini, 1762. _____Epistolae anatomice dine novus obser- vationes et animadversiones complectentes, quibus anatome augetur anatomicorum in- veutorum historia evolvitur, utraque ab er- roribus vindicatur. Adjectus est index rerum et nominum accuratissimus. 303 pp. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, Joannem d Kerkhem, 172-^. _____Opera. Hoc est tractatus de aure hu- mana, et dissertationes anatomica? quibus adduntur epistolae xviii. Editio quarta. Tomi ii. 4->. Venetiis, Apud Franciscum Pitteri, 1740. -----Opera omnia in quinque tomas divisa. In 2 v. Folio. Patav., J. Remondini ( Venet.), 1763-65. ( ON TENTS. Tom. 1. Contiuens adversaria anatomica omnia. II- lust. 244 |>p. Tom. 2, pars 1. Continens epistolae anatomicas duas. 96 pp. Tom. 2, pars 2 et 3. Continentes epistolas anatomi- cas duodeviginti. Ant. M. Valsalvae. 427 pp. Tom. 3. Continens libros priores duos De sedibug, et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis. 256 pp. Tom 4. Continens trea reliquos libros. De sedibus, et causis morborum per anatomen indagatis. 388 pp. Tom. 5. Continens opuscula miscellanea. Tres in partes divisa. 75 et 34 pp. -----Opuscula: Epistolte dua? novas obser- vationes complectentes. 279 pp. Venet., Remondini, 1762. -----Opuscula miscellanea. 3 parts. Jenct., Remondini, 1763. ----The seats and causes of diseases inves- tigated by anatomy. In five books, contain- ing a great variety of dissections, with re- marks. Translated from the Latin by Ben- jamin Alexander. In3v. 4°. London, A. Millar 4- T. Cadell, 1769. ----The same. Abridged and elucidated, with copious notes, by William Cooke. 2 v. 3°. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme 4- Brown, 1822. ----- The same. therapeutics, including the phenomena of the electrical fishes. 714 pp. 8°. New lork, Win. Wood 4' Co., ]868. Morgan (George T.) First principles of sur- gery ; being an outline of inflammation and its effects. 730 pp. 8". London, S. High- ley, 1840. _____An outline of inflammation and its ef- fects ; being first principles of surgery. 131 pp. 8D. Philaelelphia, A. Waldie, 1838. [7m Pamphlets, v. 392.] Morgan (John). A lecture on tetanus, deliv- ered in Guy's Hospital. 40pp. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1833. [7m Pamphlets, v. 114.] Morgan (John) and Addison (Thomas). An essay on the poisonous agents upon the living body. 91 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Rees, and others, 1829. [7m Pamphlets, v. 114 ] Moriarty (Morteus) Diss. 33 pp. 8°. Allan, 1804. [7m Pamphlets, v. 30.J Morin (Arthur). Manuel pratique du chauf- fage et de la ventilation. 143 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, L. Hachetle, 1868. ----- M6canique pratique. Eludes sur la ventilation. 2 tomes. 610,407 pp.; 16 pl. 8°. Paris, L. Hachette . London, Cadell 4~ Davies, 1803. Moses (I.) Surgical notes of gun-shot injuries occurring during the advance of the army of the Cumberland, 1863. 20 pp. ~. [7m Pamphlets, v. 194.] Mosler (Friedrrch). Die pathologie und thera- pie der leukiimie. 283 pp. 8">. Berlin, Au- gust Hirschwald, 1872. Moss (Lemuel). Annals of the United 8tates Christian Commission. 752 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, J. B. Lippincott 4' Co., 1868. Moss (William). An essay on the manage- ment, nursing, and diseases of children from the birth, and on the treatment and diseases of pregnant and lying-in women, with remarks on the domestic practice of medicine. 472 pp. r-J. Egham, C. Boult, 1794. Motard (Adolphe). Train- d'hygiene generale. Illustr6. 2 v. 876,824 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1868-69. Motherby (G.) A new medical dictionary, or general repository of physic; containing un explanation of the terms and a description of the various particulars relating to anatomy, physiology, physic, surgery, materia medica, chemistry, etc. Fifth edition, revised and corrected, with considerable additions, by George Wallis. 22 anatomical plates, 5 midwifery plates, 3 botanical plates, and 4 chemical plates. 811pp. Folio. London, S. Hamilton, 1801. Motherby (Gulielmus). De epilepsia. 46 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1799. [7m Pamphlets, v. 11.] Mott. See Francis. Mott (Valentine). A biographical memoir on the late John Revere, M. D., professor of the theory and practice of medicine in the Uni- versity of New York. 40 pp. 8°. New York, J. H. Jennings, 1847. [7» Pamphlets, v. 237.] -----Hemorrhage from wounds, and the best means of arresting. 16 pp. 8°. New York, Anson D. F. Randolph, 1863. [7m Pamphlets, v. 194.] Motte (Guillaume Mauquest de la). Traite complet de chirurgie, contenant des observa- tions et des reflexions sur toutes les maladies chirurgicales, et sur la maniere de les traiter. Troisieme edition revue, corrigee et aug- Motte (Guillaume Mauquest de la)—Cont'd. mentee de notes critiques par M. Sabatier, 2 v. 735,733pp. 8;0. Paris, D'Houry, 1771. Motz (G. D.) De structure usu et morbis ovariorum. 40 pp. 4 . Jena, Gap/erdtii, 17.-9. [7m Pamphlets, v. 59.] ----- Pramiittitur Listeria* amputatiouum feliciter institutarum, particula 1. 8 pp. 4-. Jena, Gap/erdtii, 1779. | 7m Pamphlets, v. 59.] Mouat (Frederic J.) The New Zealand war of 1863-65. Special report on wounds and injuries received in battle. (Extract from the Medical and Surgical History of the Now Zealand War.) 55 pp. 8°. [7n Pamphlets, v. 224.] Mount Saint Vincent's Hospital (First annual report of the physician of the), for 1843. 18 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1843. [7m Pamphlets, v. 407.] Monthly Journal of Medical Science. Edited by J. R. Cormack. (For preceding vols, see London and Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science.) Vols. 5-20, 1845, to June, 1855. 16 vols, in 17. (Then merged into the Edinburgh Medical Journal.) 8°. London, J. Churchill; Edinburgh, Sutherland Sf Knox. Mouchet (Alphonse). Des affections se- condaires du cholera observees dans l'6pi- demie de 1866. 73 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1867. Mouchot (E.) Essai sur la retinite pigmen- taire, suivie de six observations sur cette maladie. Avec deux planches, dont l'une chromo-lithographiee. 69 pp. Small 4°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1868. Moyle (John). Chirurgus marinus; or, the sea chirurgion. 326 pp. 8°. London, E. Tracy, 1702. Moynier and Appia. Help for sick and wounded ; being a translation of " La guerre et la charite." Translated by John Furley. Together with other writings on the subject by officers of H. M. service. 467 pp. 8°. London, John Camden Hotten, 1870. Moziman (Louis). Relation d'une epidemic d'accidents intermittents observes dans les environs de Lacaune pendant l'hiver de 1864. De leur cause, des moyens de les prevenir et de les combattre. These. 78 pp. 4°. Mont- pellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 45.] MUELLER. Mueller (A. H. V. F.) De perforatione calli praeternaturalis ossis femoris. 20 pp. 12°. Hala, Schimmelp/ennig, 1826. [7m Pamphlets, v. 139.] Miihry (Adolph). Klimatographische iiber- sicht der erde. 744 pp. 8°. Leipzig und Heidelberg, C. F Winter, 1862. ----- Observations on the comparative state of medicine in France, England, and Ger- many. Translated from the German by Ed- ward G. Davis, M. D. 126 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, A. Waldic, 1838. ----- Untersuchungen fiber die theoiie und das allgemeine geographische system der winde. Mit holzschnitten. 253 pp. 8°. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck Sr Ruprecht, 1869. Miihry (G. Fr.) Rathschlage und vorsichts- regeln, seinen mitburgern gegen die bevorste- hende cholera zur beachtung empfohlen. 16 pp. 12c. Hannover, J&necke, 1831. Muir(J.) The Indian civil service and the Scottish universities, etc 27 pp. 8°. Ed- inburgh, W. P. Kennedy, 1855. [In Pamphlets, v. 97.] Mulder (Didericus H.) De ischuria vera ac spuria. 48 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Corne- lium de Pecker, 1766. [7m Pamphlets, v. 56.1 Mulder (G. J.) Die chemie des bieres. Aus dem Hollandischen von Chr. Grimm. 472 pp. 16°. Leipzig, J.J. Weber, 1853. -----Die chemie des weines. Aus dem Hol- liindischen von Karl Arenz. 405 pp. 16°. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1856. ----- The chemistry of wine. Edited by Bence Jones. 390 pp. 12°. London, John Churchill, 1857. • De scheikundige middelen der Neder- landsche regering tegen de verspreiding der cholera. 47 pp. 8°. Rotterdam, H. A. Kramers, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 213.1 Mulder (G.J.) und Van der Pant. De cholera in Rotterdam. 172 pp. 8°. Rotter- dam, M. Wijt Sr Zonen, 1832. [In Pamphlets, v. 204.] Mulder (Jans Sonius). Eenige belangrijke uitkomsten van de vraag, in hoe verde Azia- tische cholera besmettelijke zieke moet wor- den gehouden. 39 pp. 8°. Groningen, J. B. Wolters, 1860. [7m Pamphlets, v. 185.] Miiller. See Archiv fiir Anatomie, etc. MULLER. Miiller (Abrahamus). Theses medicae inaugu- rales. A list of. 19 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Georgium Wishoff, 1764. [7m Pamphlets, v. 55.] Miiller (Albert W.) Ueber pulver-veibren- nung mit letalem ausgang. Diss. 20 pp. Leipzig, Julius Klinkhardt, 1870. Miiller (Alwin). Der mittelohrkatarrh und dessen behandlungsweisen. Diss. 15 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. G. Naumann, 1870. [7m Pamphlets, v. 361.] Miiller (Arminius). De valgi pedis aetologia quaedam. Diss. 24 pp. 8°. Wolgaslia, Frid. Eisner, 1846. Miiller (Bernhardus J.) De lithiasi et litho- tomia. 29 pp. 8°. Vratislavia, Henrici Lindner, 1856. [7m Pamphlets, v. 295.] Miiller (C.) Einige bemerkungen iiber die asiatische cholera fiir arzte. 47 pp. 8°. Hannover, Lamminger, 1848. Miiller (Christian F.) Ein beitrag zur chirurgischen pathologie der vena femoralis. 38 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Otto Wigand, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 298.] Miiller (C. J. G.) Die cholera in Riga im jahre1818. 134 pp. 8°. Riga, 1849. Miiller (F. Max). Lectures on the science of language. Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in 1861 and 1863. From the second London edition, first and second se- ries. 2 v. 8°. New York, Charles Scribner 4- Co., 1371. ----- Chips from a German workshop. 3 v. 8°. New York, Charles Scribner 4- Co., 1871. Miiller (Ferdinand). Considerations sur la prevision des tempetes et specialement sur celles du 1 au 4 Dec 1863. Supplement aux annales de I'observatoire physique cen- tral pour l'annee 1861. 13 pp., 8 pl. 4°. St. Pitersbourg, Alex. Jacobson, 1864. ----- Ueber typhus exanthematicus. 38 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1868. Miiller (Franz). Lehrbuch der anatomie der hauss'augethiere mit besonderer berucksichti- gung des pferdes und physiologischen be- merkungen. Zweite verbesserte auflage. Mit 40 holzschnitten. '551 pp. Royal 8°. Wien, Wilhelm Braurniiller, 1871. Miiller (Friedrich Wilhelm). Compendium der geschichte, pathologie und therapie der venerischen krankheiten. 336 pp. 8°. Er- langen, Ferdinand Enke, 1869. ----- Die prostitution in socialer, legaler und sanitarer beziehung. 35 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Ferdinand Enke, 1863. MULLER. 264 MUNNIKS. Muller (Fritz). Facts and arguments for Darwin. Translated from the German by W. S. Dallas. Illustrated. 144 pp. 8°. London, John Murray, 1869. Muller (Hugo). Ueber luftrbhrengeschwiil- ste. Diss. 37 pp. 8°. Jena, W. Ratz, 1865. Muller (J.) Principles of physics and me- teorology. First American edition, revised and illustrated with 538 engravings on wood and two colored plates. 635 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Lea Sr Blanchard, 1848. Muller (Johannes). Elements of physiology. Translated from the German, with notes, by William Baly. 2d ed. 2 v. 1671 pp. 8°. Illustrated. London, Taylor 4- Walton, 1840-43. -----Progress of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system during the year 1836. 12 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Haswell, Barring- ton 4- Haswell,1838. [In Pamphlets, v. 381.] -----Ueber den feinern bau und die formen der krankhaften geschwiilste. 60 pp., 4 pl, Folio. Berlin, G. Reimer, 1838. Ueber die organischen nerven der erec Muller (Julius). Ueber resektion des unter- kiefers ohne verletzung der aussern haut, oder mit moglichster schonung derselben. Diss. 24 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Joh. Paul Adolph Junge, 1847. [7m Pamphlets, v. 224.] Miiller (Leopold). Die typbus-epidemie des jahres 1868 im kreiso Lotzen. 101pp. 8°. Mitkarte. Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1869. Muller (Otto). Ueber die granuldso augen- krankheit in den europaischen armeen. 2d ed. 33 pp. 12°. Preuss. Stargardt, F. Kienitz, 1870. Miiller (Rudolph L.) Ueber masernepide- mien. 15 pp. Leipzig, H. Springer, 1870. [7m Pamphlets, v. 294.] Miiller (Wilhelm). Beitrage zur pathologi- schen anatomie und physiologie des mensch- lichen riickenmarks. Mit 2 tafeln. 41 pp. 4°. Leipzig, Leopold loss,1871. ----- Ueber den feineren bau der milz. Mit tilen mannlichen geschlechtsorgane des men- schen und der saugethiere. 50 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Berlin, 1836. Ueber die phantastischen gesichtser- scheinungen. Eine physiologische unter suchung mit einer physiologischen urkunde des Aristoteles fiber den traum. 117 pp. 8°. Coblenz, Jacob Holscher, 1826. ----- Zur vergleichenden physiologie des gesichtssinnes des menschen und der thiere, nebst einem versuch fiber die bewegungen der augen und iiber den menschlichen blick. 462 pp. 8°. Leipzig, C. Cnobloch, 1826. Muller (Johannes F.) Dis. inaug. med. sis- tens casum peculiarem de morbo motuum habitual! ex imaginatione. 32 pp. Small 4°. Hala Magdeb., J. C. Hendelii. [7m Pamphlets, v. 73.J -----The same. [In Pamphlets, v. 69.] Muller (Jo. J.) De rnpto in partu utero. Basilea, 1745. [In HALLER. Disput. chir., tom. 3, p. 489] Muller (J. W. de). Des causes de la colora- tion de la peau et des differences dans les formes du crane au point de vue de l'unite du genre humain. 74 pp. 4°. Stuttgart, Imp. Roy., 1853. sechs buntdruck-tafeln. 115 pp. 4°. Leip- zig und Heidelberg, C. F. Winter, 1865, Muller (Wilh. H.) De avuvZuci. 1 tab. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 4, p. 439.] Muller (W. S.) De erubescentibus et vena- rum capitis subitaneo tumore. 32 pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1739. [7m Pamphlets, v. 58.] Munch (Eduard). Ueber embolie der arteria centralis retinae. Diss. 28 pp. 8°. Gies- sen, Wilhelm Keller, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 293,] Munich. Sitzungsberichte der koniglich- bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen, 1863-70. 6 v. 8°. Miinchen, F. Straub, 1868-70. Miinzel (Eduard). Ueber amyloide degenera- tion der niere. Diss. 17 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1865. Miinzenthaler (August Joseph). Versuch iiber die ampntationem in den gelenken. 41 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Paul Gotthelf Kumi, 1822. Munaret. Du medecin des villes et du m6decin de campagne. Deuxieme edition. 554 pp. 8°. Paris, Germer-Baillibre, 1840. Munniks (Jo.) Praxis chirurgica. 507 pp. 4°. Amsterdam, 1715. [Title-page wanting ] Munniks (Wynoldus). De lue venerea, ejus- que praecipuis auxiliis. 50 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Elias Luzac, 1769. [In Pamphlets, v. 54.] 265 MUNRO. MURRAY. Munro (Gulielmus). De tetano. Diss. 33 pp. 8°. Edinb. et London, C. Elliot 4- G. Robinson, 1783. [7u SMELLIUS, Thesaurus medieus, tom. 4.] Munroe (Andreas). De phthisi pulmonali. 39 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Georgii Mudie et filii, 1797. [7m Pamphlets, v. 5.] Munster (Jacobus van). De hydrope ascite et paracentesi. 38 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Conradum Wishoff, 1723. [7m Pamphlets, v. 78.] Murchison (Charles). Clinical lectures on diseases of the liver, jaundice, and abdomi- nal dropsy. 556 pp. 8°. New York, Wm. Wood 4- Co., 1868. -----A treatise on the continued fevers of Great Britain. 638 pp. 8°. London, Par- ker, Son 4' Bourn, 1862. Murchison (Roderick Impey). Siluria: a history of the oldest rocks in the British isles and other countries. Illustrated. 4th ed. 566 pp. 8°. London, John Murray, 1867. Mure (Georgius). De dyspepsia. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Alex. Smellie, 1798. [In Pamphlets, v. 7.] Murphy (Edward W.) The Caesarean sec- tion. (Reprint from the Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science.) 31 pp. 8°. Dublin, McGlashan 4- Gill, 1859. [7n Pamphlets, v. 89. -----Chloroform in the practice of midwifery. 43 pp. 8°. London, Taylor, Walton Sr Ma- berly, 1850. [7m Pamphlets, v. 39.] -----Introductory lecture on the history of midwifery. Delivered at University College, May 1,1864. 24 pp. 8°. London, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 89.] -----On the comparative claims of cranioto- my and the Caesarean section in a certain class of labors, and on the use of a new pelvi- meter. (Reprint from the Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science.) 8 pp. 8°. Dublin, John Falconer, 1864. [7mPamphlets, v. 89.] Murphy (P. J.) Practical observations, show- ing that mercury is the sole cause of what are termed secondary symptoms. 107 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1839. Murray (Adolphus). A description of the ar- teries of the human body, reduced to tables. 172 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, Thomas Dobson, 1810. -----The same. Translated from the origi- nal by Archibald Scott. 172 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, James Webster, 1816. 34 Murray (J. Andrea). Opuscula in quibus commentationes varias tam medicas quam ad rem naturalem spectantes retractavit emen- davit auxit. Cum figuris aeneis. 2 v. 8°. Gottinga, Jo. Christ. Dieterich, 1786. Murray (John). Elements of chemistry. 6th ed. 2v. 716, 752 pp. ; 6 pl. 8°. Eelin- burgh, Adam Black, 1828. -----Elements of materia medica and phar- macy. 2v. 394,351 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, William Creech and others, 1804. -----On ventilation and disinfection, inclu- sive of other essential provisions connected with sanitary regulations. 34 pp. 6°. Lon- don, Whittaker Sr Co. and Joseph IV. Leng, 1850. [7m Pamphlets, v. 149.] -----Remarks on the disease called hydro- phobia, prophylactic and curative. 86 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Rees Sr Co., 1830. ----- System of materia medica and phar- macy. With notes by N. Chapman. 2 v. 8°. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1815. -----The same. Including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharma- copoeias. With notes and additions by John B. Beck, M. D. From the fourth and last Edinburgh edition. 560 pp. 8°. New York, Evert Duyckinck and others, 1824. Murray (John W. B.) An essay on neural- gia. 71 pp. 8°. New York, J. Seymour, 1816. Murray (Peterus). De aeribus. 51 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1802. [7m Pamphlets, v. 21.] Murray's Royal Asylum for Lunatics, at Perth (Regulations and by-laws of). 24 pp. 8°. Perth, Jas. Dewar, jr., 1858. [In Pamphlets, v. 223. J -----(38th annual report by the directors of), for 1865. 20 pp. 8°. Perth, John Bayne, 1865. [In Pamphlets, v. 223.] Murray (Thomas A.) De phaenomenis et na- ture morbi ex submersione oriundi. 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill, 1796. [In Pamphlets, v. 4.] Murray (William). The rapid cure of aneu- rism by pressure ; illustrated by the case of Mark Wilson, who was cured of aneurism of the abdominal aorta in the year 1864. 43 pp. 8°. London, J. Sr A. Churchill, 1871. -----Treatise on emotional disorders of the sympathetic system of nerves. 118 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill Sr Sons; Philaelel- phia, J. B. Lippincott 4' Co., 1866. 266 MJRSINNA. MYLIUS. Mursinna (Christian Ludwig). Neue medi- cinish-chirurgische beobachtungen. 549 pp. 8°. Berlin, Friedrich Himburg, 1793. Musee d'Anatomie. Livret du musee d'ana- tomie normale de la faculte de medecine de Paris. 123 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson etfils, 1863. Museum d'anatomie pathologique de la fa- culte de medecine do Paris, ou musee Dupuy- tren. 2v. 1059 pp., 8°; et atlas de 24 pl., folio. Paris, Bichet, jeune, et Labi, 1842. Museum Senckenbergianum. Abhandlun- gen aus dem gebiete der beschreibenden naturgeschichte. 3 v., 295 pp., 18 tab.; 310 pp.,17 tab.; 318 pp., 17 tab. 4°. Frank- fort am Main, J. D. Sauerlander, 1833-36-39. Mushet (William Boyd). A practical treatise on apoplexy : its pathology, diagnosis, thera- peutics, and prophylaxis; with an essay on (so-called) nervous apoplexy. 194 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4' Sons, 1866. MuBitanus (Carolus). Chirurgia theoretico- practica, seu trutina chirurgico-physica. 4 tomes In 1 tome. 4°. Cal. Allobrogum, Cramer 4" Perachon, 1698. Muspratt (Sheridan). Chemistry, theoretical, practical, analytical, as applied and relating to the arts and manufactures. Illustrated. 2 v. 836, 1186 pp. 8°. London, Wm. Mackenzie. Mussaphia (Imanuel). De hydrope univer- sale 31 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Joan 4~ Herm. Verbeek, 1730. [7m Pamphlets, v. 78.] Musset (H. J. M. Hyacinthe). Traite des maladies nerveuses ou nevroses, etc. 416 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Appert, 1840. Mussey (Reuben D.) Essay on ardent spir- its and its substitutes as a means of invig- orating health. 65 pp. 12°. Washington, Duff Green, 1835. -----The trials and rewards of the medical profession. An introductory lecture deliv- ered at the opening of the first session of the Miami Medical College, at Cincinnati, Oct. 3, 1852. 24 pp. Cincinnati, T. Wrightson, 1853. [7m Pamphlets, v. 228] Mussey (W. H.) Report on surgery. A paper read before the Ohio State Medical Society at its annual meeting, held at Dela- ware, June, 1868. 16 pp. 4°. Cincinnati, A. Abraham, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 217.] Muter (Robert). Practical observations on the lateral operation of lithotomy. 107 pp. 8°. New York, E. Bliss $ E. White, 1824. Mutter (Thomas D.) Cases of deformity of various kinds successfully treated by plastic operations. Illustrated. 38 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, Mcrrihew 4' Thompson, 1844. [7m Pamphlets, v. 114.] -----Charge to the graduates of Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. Delivered March 8, 1851. With a list of the graduates. 28 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. K. <,- P. G. Collins, 1851. [In Pamphlets, v. 256.] -----Introductory for 1844-45 on the pres- ent position of some of the most impor- tant of the modern operations of surgery. 34 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1814. [In Pamphlets, v. 408.] -----Syllabus of the course of lectures on the principles and practice of surgery. De- livered in Jefferson Medical College, Phila- delphia. 206 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Bar- rett 4' Jones, 1846. Muttray (Joannes A.) De cruribus fractis gypso liquefacto curandis. 29 pp. 12°. Berolini, Augusti Petschii, 1831. [7m Pamphlets, v. 192.] Mutzer (Francisci). De genesi nitri nostri. 11 pp. 8°. Vindobona, Jo. Thoma, 1776. [7m Pamphlets, v. 429.] Muzell (Friederich Hermann Ludewig). Medi- cinische und chirurgische wahrnehmungen. Zwei sammlungen. Dritte auflage. 287 pp. 8°. Berlin, Hande 4~ Spener, 1776. Myer (Albert J.) A manual of signals for the use of signal officers in the field, and for military and naval students, military schools, etc. Anew edition, enlarged and illustrated. A7cm> York, D. Van Nostrand, 1866. Myers (Arthur B. R.) On the etiology and prevalence of diseases of the heart among soldiers. The "Alexander" prize essay. 92 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4- Sons, 1870. Myers (Leonard). Abraham Lincoln : a me- morial address, June 15, 1865. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, King Sr Baird, 1865. [7m Pamphlets, v. 234.J Mylius (J. Fridericus). De morbos eorumque affinitatem ex incompletis motibus haemor- rhagicis ortos. 26 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Conrad Wishoff, 1724. [7m Pamphlets, v. 72.] MYNORS. 267 NATIONAL. Mynors (R.) Practical thoughts on amputa- tions, etc. 152 pp. Small 8°. Birmingham, G. Robinson, 1783. Mynsicht (Hadrianus a). Thesaurus et ar- mamentarium medico-chymicum; or, a treasury of physick. With the most secret way of preparing remedies against all dis- eases, etc. Faithfully rendered into English by John Partridge, physician to his majesty. 377 pp., with epilogue and tables. 8°. Lon- don, Aicnsham Churchill, 1682. Myologiska dissectioner eller afhandling om musklerne i memuskokroppen. 4°. Upsala, 1820. Nachtigal (Jo. Wences). De submersis. 10 pp. 8°. Vindobona, Jo.Thoma, 1776. [In pamphlets, v. 429.] Nadeand (Jean). Plantes usuelles des Tahi- tiens. These. 52 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864, [7m Pamphlets, v. 46. J Nageli (Carl). Gattungen einzelliger algen physiologisch und systematisch bearbeitet. 139 pp., 7 pl. 4°. Zurich, 1848. Nageli (Carl) und Schwendner (S.) Das mikroskop : theorie und anwendung dessel- ben. 628 pp. 8°. Leipzig, 1867. Naghten (Timotheus). De peritonitide puer- perarum. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Guliel- mus Creech, 1803. [7n Pamphlets, v. 27.] Nanninga (Hendrick Dirk). Over den in- vloed van de lucht-electriciteit op het heer- schend ziekte-karakter, vooral met betrek- king tot de cholera. 46 pp. 8°. Groningen, P. W. van Hcijningen Bosch, 1859. [7m Pamphlets, v. 213.J Napheys (Geo. H.) Modern therapeutics: a compendium of recent formulae and specific therapeutical directions. 2d ed. 412 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, S. W. Butler, 187'!. -----The same. 3d ed. 496 pp. 3°. Phil- adelphia, S. W. Butler, 1871. Napier (W. F. P.) History of the war in the peninsula and in the south of France, from 1807 to 1814. In 5 volumes, with portraits and plans. 8°. New York, W. G. Widdleton, 1863. Naquet (A.) Principles of chemistry, founded on modern theories. Translated from the second edition by William Cortis. Revised by Thomas Stevenson, M. D. 848 pp. 8°. London, Henry Renshaw, 1868. Naranowitsch (P. von). Das sanitiitswesen in der preuss. armee wahrend des krieges 1866. Aus dem Russischen. 54 pp. 8°. Berlin, Stuhr, 1866. Nash (E.) The farmer's practical horse far- riery. With numerous illustrations. 14th thousand,revised. 197 pp. 8°. Auburn and Buffalo, John E. Beardsley. Nashville (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by W. K. Bowling, P. F. Eve, J. Jones, and G. S. Blackie. Vols. 1-3, July, 1866, to Dec, 1867. 8°. Nashville, (Tenn.), W. II. F. Ligon. Nasmyth (Alexander). Researches on the development, structure, and diseases of the teeth. With plates. 165 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1839. -----Three memoirs on the development and structure of the teeth and epithelium. With plates. 47 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1841. Nation (The). A weekly journal, devoted to politics, literature, science, and art. Jan. 1 to June 30, 1871. Vol. 12. 4°. New York, 1871. National Academy of Sciences (Annual of the), for 1863-64. 112 pp. 8°. Cambridge, Welch, Bigelow 4" Co., 1865. [7m Pamphlets, v. 339.] -----(Report of the), for the year 1867-68, dated July 7, 1868. 44 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 358.] National Association for the promotion of Social Science (Transactions of), for the years 1857-69. 8°. London, 1858-70. National (The) hand-book of facts and fig- ures, etc. Illustrated. 407 pp. 12°. New York, E. B. Treat 4- Co., 1870. National Medical Conventions (Proceed- ings of the), held in New York, May, 1846, and in Philadelphia, May, 1847. 175 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, T.K.f P.G.Collins, 1847. [In Pamphlets, v. 349.] ----- (Minutes of the proceedings of the), held in the city of New York, in the month of May, 1846. 16 pp. 8°. New York, H. Ludwig, 1846. [7m Pamphlets, v. 319.] National Medical Establishment (Proposed): for the government of the medical body, and for the guardianship of the health and lives of the community. 11 pp. 8°. London, 1848. [Im Pamphlets, v. 60.] National Medical Journal. Published quar- terly. Edited by C. C. Cox. Vol 1. April, 1870, to January, 1871. 516 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, Judd 4' Betweiler, 1871. 268 NATIONAL. NEILL National Portrait Gallery of eminent Ameri- cans. From original paintings by Alonzo t'happel. With biographical and historical narratives by Evert A. Duyckinck. 2 v. 4°. New York, Johnson, Fry <)'• Co., 1861. Natural History Review (The). A quar- terly journal of biological science. Edited by 0. Busk, W. B. Carpenter, F. Currey, J. LVay Greene, etc. Vols 1-2, January, 1861, to October, 1-62. 8?. London, Williams 4' Norgnte, 1861-62. ----- Published quarterly. Including the proceedings of the Irish Natural History Society for the sessions 1835-56. Vol 3. 411 pp., 10 pl. 8°. London, Williams 4' Nor gate, 1856. Nature. A weekly illustrated journal of sci- ence. Vols. 1-4, November, 1300, to Octo- ber, 1871. 4°. London, Macmillan 4' Co. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft zu Niirn- berg. See Nuremberg. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zu Chemnitz. See Chemnitz. Naudain (Arnold). Annual address read be- fore the Northern Medical Association of Philadelphia, January 6, 1848. 14 pp. Philaelelphia, S. H. Clark, 1848. [In Pamphlets, v. 101.] Naumann (Augustus Fridericus). De osti- tide. Diss. 28 pp. 4°. Lipsiec, Joach. Bernh. Hirsch/eld, 1818, Naumann (Carl F.) und Paulson (Taul H.) Om byggnaden af luftrorshufvudet hos den fullvaxta menniskan. 64 pp. 4J. Lund, Berltngska boktryckerict, 1851. [7n Pamphlets, v. 301.] Naumann (J. Fr.) Taxidermie, oder die lehre thiere aller klassen auszustopfen und aufzu- bewahren. 180 pp., 5 pl. 8°. Halle, Hem- merde 4' Swetschke, 1815. Naundorff (Julius). Uuter dem rothen kreuz. Fremde und eigene erfahrungen auf bohmi- scher erde und den schlachtfeldern der neu- zeit gesammelt. 519 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Veil if- Comp, 1867. Naurocki (Felix). De Claudii Bernardi me- thodo oxygenii copiam in sanguine determi- nandi. Diss. 15 pp. 4°. Vratislavia, A. Ncumanni, 1863. Naval Warfare afloat and ashore. The navy in congress: being speeches of the Hon. Messrs. Grimes, Doolittle, and Nye of the senate, and the Hon. Messrs. Rice, Pike, Griswold, and Blow of the house of represen- Naval Warfare—Continued. tatives. 53 pp. 8'\ Washington, Franck Taylor, 1865. [In Pamphlk rn, v. 359] Navratil (Emerich). Laryngologische bei- trage. Bericht iiber die abtheilung fiir kelil- kopfkranke im St. Rocus-Spitalo zu Pest, umfassend die krankenbewegung vom 12. Mai 1868 bis 31. December 1870. Mit 3 tafeln. 80 pp. 8 \ Leipzig, Bruno Zcchcl, 1871. Nayler (George). A practical and theoretical treatise on the diseases of the skin. 292 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4' Sons, 1866. Neal (E.) Diet for the sick and convalescent. 59 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, James Challcn 4' Son, 1861. ----- The same. 52 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Jas. Challen 4' Son, 1864. Neale (Adamus). De acido nitrico, ejusque in medicina usibus. 24 pp. 3°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1802. [7m Pamphlets, v. 23,] Neale (II. St. John). Chirurgical institutes, drawn from practice, on the knowledge and treatment of gunshot wounds. 2d ed. 295 pp. 8°. Lonelon, T. Jones, 1805. Needham (J. P.) Facts and observations relative to the disease commonly called chol- era, as it has recently prevailed in the city of York. 133 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green Sf Co., 1833. Neerincx (Vincentius). De melancholia. 31 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Joh. et Herm. Verbeek, 1727. [Tn Pamphlets, v. 79.] Neftel (William B.) Galvano-therapeutics. The physiological and therapeutical action of the galvanic current, etc. 161 pp. 12°. New York, B. Appleton 4- Co., 1871. Negretti and Zambra. A treatise on mete- orological instruments. 152 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Strahan 4' Williams, 1864. Neidhard (C.) Crotalus horridus: its anal- ogy to yellow fever. 2d ed. 87 pp. 8°. New York, Wm. Radde, 1868. ----- Diptheria, as it prevailed in the United States from 1860 to 1806, preceded by an historical account of its phenomena, its na- ture and homoeopathic treatment. 176 pp. 8°. Atch> York, William Radde, 1867. Neill (Edward D.) Biographical sketch of Doctor Jonathan Potts. With extracts from his correspondence. 18 pp. 8°. Albany, J. Munsell, 1863. [7m Pamphlets, v. 161.] NEILL. 269 NEVINS. Neill (Hugh). A report upon deafness when resulting from diseases of the Eustachian passages. With the modern methods of cure. 3d ed. 51 pp. 8°. Liverpool, J. Walmsley, 1840. [7m Pamphlets, v. 35.] -----The same. 4th ed. 44 pp. 8°. Liv- erpool, J. Walmsley, 1841. [7n Pamphlets, v. 362.] Neill (John) and Smith (F. G.) Analytical compendium of the various branches of medi- cal science. A new edition, revised and im- proved. 974 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Blan- chard 4~ Lea, 1861. Nelaton (A.) Eiemens de pathologie chirur- gicale. 5 tomes. 8°. Paris, Gcrmcr-Bailliere, 1844-59. Nelaton (Eugene). D'une nouvelle espece de tumeurs benignes des os, ou tumeurs a my- 61oplaxes. Memoire orne de 3 planches soigneusement coloriees. 373 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1860. Neligan (J. Moore). Medicines: their uses and mode of administration, including a complete conspectus of the three British pharmacopoeias. With notes and additions by D. M. Reese. With appendix. 453 pp. 8°. New York, Harper 4' Brothers, 1844. ----- The same. 3d ed. 453 pp. 8°. New York, Harper S~ Brothers, 1351. Pathology and treatment of eruptive Neubauer (C.) and Vogel (J.) A guide to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the urine. Translated by Wm. O. Markham. 4th ed. 439 pp., 4 pl. 8°. London, New Sydenham Society, 1863. Neubauer (Joannes E.) Opera anatomica collecta; curavit Geo. Con. Hinderer. Illus- trated. 323 pp. 4°. Franco/urti et Lipsia, J. C. Krieger, 1786. Neubert (Curt. J.) Ein fall von primarem doppelseitigera nierenkrebs. Diss. 18 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Leipzig, G. Kreysing, 1863. [7m Pamphlets, v. 145.] Neudorfer (J.) Die endresultate der gelenk- resectionen. 43 pp. 8°. [From Wiener Med. Presse, 1871.] -----Handbuch der kriegschirurgie. Vade- diseases of the skin. 15 pp. 8°. [7n Pamphlets, v. 39.] A practical treatise on diseases of the skin. Third American edition. 333 pp. 12° With an atlas. 16 pl. 4°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4~ Lea, 1860. Nelson (Thomas). De frigoris effectibus in morbis medendis. 56 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1799. [7m Pamphlets, v. 9.] Nesemann (Reinholdus). De terebratione cranii in laesionibus capitis adhibenda. Diss. 30 pp. 8°. Vratislavia, Henrici Lindner, 1858. Nessi (Giuseppe). Instituzioni di chirurgia. 3 tomos. 8°. Pavia, Pietro Galeazzi, 1786-88. Netherland's Army. Berknopt statistiek overzigt der bij het leger, behandelde zieken, over 1864 tot en met 1870. [From Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Genees kunde, Amsterdam.] -----Veldmaterieel bij het leger in gebruik. 1 v. Folio. S' Gravenhage, 1869-70. mecum fiir feldiirzte. contents. ErHte halfte, allgemeiner theil. 441 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1864. Erste halfte, allgemeiner theil, anhang. 366 pp. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1867. Zweite halfte, specieller theil, erstes heft. 8°. Leip- zig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1867. Und der operationslehre, zweite halfte, specieller theil, zweites heft. 1108 pp. 8"". Leipzig, F. C. W. Vogel, 1867. Neu-erfundene mathematischo curiositaten. Enthaltend die wunderbareste wiirkungen der natur und kunst, worinnen vormittles drey sonderbaren instrumeuten: 1. die schwere und leichte; 2. die truckne und feuchte ; 3. das ab- und zunehmen der hitz und kiilte der lufft zu beobachten und zu erkennen seynd. Aus dem Frantzosisch in, Deutsch iibersetzt. 51 seiten, 16 tafeln. 4°. Ludvig Bourgeat, Mayntz, 1695. Neukomm (Max). Ueber eine neue ampu- tations-methode. Diss. 40 pp. 8°. Tii- bingen, Heinrich Laupp, 1863. Neumann (Carl Georg). Von den krankhei- ten des menschen. 6 v. 8°. Berlin, Friedr. Aug. Herbig, 1836-42. Neumann (Isidor). Lehrbuch der haut- krankheiten. Mit 49 holzschnitten. 368 pp 8°. Wien, Wilhelm Braurniiller, 1869. -----Text-book of skin diseases. Translated from the second German edition, by special permission of the author, by Alfred Pullars M. D. 329 pp. 67 wood-cuts. 8°. Lon- don, Robert Hardwicke, 1871. Nevins (Thomas). De vermibus iLtesti- norum. Diss. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1804. [7m Pamphlets, v. 30.] 270 NEWARK. NEW JERSLV. Newark, A*. J. Report of the health physi- cians of the city of Newark, together with the report of the district physician to the board of health. January, 1861, to Jan- uary, 1803. 34 and 32 pp. 4°. Newark i,.V. J.), Evening Journal office, 1861-63. [In Pamphlets, v. 351.] ------ Reports of the health physician, secre- tary of the dispensary board, and the district physicians to the board of health, together with the plan of organization of the Newark city dispensary. January 1, 1859. 20 pp. i- -. Nrtreirk(N.J.), Daily Advertiser officc,18o9. [In Pamphlets, v. 354.] Newbigging (George S.) Inaugural disserta- tions on the effusions and organization of co- agulable lymph. 53 pp. 8 \ Edinburgh, Balfour 4- Jack, 1837. [7m Pamphlets, v. 108.J ------A probationary essay on some circum- stances to be considered in resorting to the operation of bronchotomy. 59 pp. 8°- Edinburgh, Balfour 4'Jack, 18;j7. [7n Pamphlets, v. 95.] Report of the proceedings of the scien- tific meeting held at Pisa in October, 1839. (From the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, in a letter to the editor.) 10 pp. 3°. [In Pamphlets, v. 108.] Newbigging (Patrick). Case of tetanus in which recovery took place. (Extracted from the Northern Journal of Medicine for March, 1845.) 4 pp. [7m Pamphlets, v. 95] Newbigging (Patrick S. K.) Inaugural essay on the impulse and sounds attending the ac- tion of the heart in its normal state. 31 pp. 8?. Edinburgh, Neill 4-Co., 1831. [In Pamphlets, v. 108.] ------Observations on the therapeutic action of croton oil in certain nervous disorders. j **ew Jersey (Annual messages of the gov- Newbigging (William). Harveian orations for 1838, being a tribute of respect for the memory of the late James Hamilton, sen., M. D. 20 pp. 83. Edinburgh, Neill «f Co., 1838. [In Pamphlets, v. 108.] Newcomb (Simon). Investigation of the latitude nnd longitude of the United States Naval Observatory, Washington, and the declination of certain circumpolar stars. Appendix to the Washington Astronomical Observations for 1861. 9 pp. 4°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 326.] New England Institution (Annual report of the) for the Education of the Blind. Bos- ton, J. T. Buckingham, 1834. New England (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery and the collateral branches of Science. Conducted by a number of physi- cians. Vols. 1,6-15. 8°. Boston, T. B. Wait 4- Co., 1812,1817-26. New Hampshire. Adjutant general (Re- port of the). 7 v. 8°. Concord, Abraham G.Jones, 1865-68. ------Asylum for the Insane (Reports of the). 1811-70 inclusive. 8°. Concord, printed for the state, 1844-70. ------Medical Society (Transactions of the). 1857-61. 8°. Concord, Jones 4' Cogswell; Manchester, Chas. F. Livingston; Concord, McFarland t ■, ' I transactions of the New Jersey Medical Society. Edited by Joseph Parrish. Vols. 1-8. fcJ. Published quarterly from October, 1847, to April, 1851. Published monthly from April, 1851, to December, 1855, when it assumed the name of " The Medical and -----.Statistics of the Edinburgh Lock Hos- pital during 1841, 1812. (From the Monthly ! Journal of Medical Science, February, 1817.) I 4 pp. [7n Pamphlets, v. 96.1 NEW JERSEY. New Jersey—Continued. Surgical Reporter." Edited by S. W. Butler. Vols. 9-11, to Sept., 1853. 8°. Burling- ton (N. J.), 1847-58. Newman (Francis William). A defence of "The Eclipse of Faith." Also, the "Reply" to "The Eclipse of Faith," etc. 208 pp. 8°. Boston, Crosby, Nichols Sr Co., 1854. Newman (James M.) Congestion of the brain in cholera. 25 pp. 8°. Buffalo, Thomas Sr Lathrops, 1854. [7m Pamphlets, v. 205.] Newman (William). Cresarean section. Re- covery of mother. Child not viable. (Private distribution.) 20 pp. 8°. Stamford, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 90. | New Orleans. Annual mortuary report of the board of health of the city of New Or- leans for the year 1867. 8 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 355.] ----- In the supreme court. E. H. Barton et al vs. the City of New Orleans. Brief of appellants (the late sanitary commission of New Orleans) for compensation for servi- ces rendered in the years 1853-54. 38 pp. 6°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 231.] -----Message of the mayoralty to the com- mon council of the city of New Orleans. 5 pp. 8°. New Orleans, steam press o/ the Daily Delta, 1853. [7m Pamphlets, v. 355.] ----- (Report of the Howard Association of). 41 pp. 4°. New Orleans,Commercial Bulletin, 1867. [7m Pamphlets, v. 355.] New Orleans (The) Journal of Medicine. A quarterly, consolidated from the " New Or- leans Medical and Surgical Journal" and the " Southern Journal of the Medical Sciences." Edited by Drs. S. M. Bemiss and W. S. Mitchell, etc. Vols. 21-23. 8°. New Or- leans, 1868-70. New Orleans (The) Medical Journal, devoted to the cultivation of medicine and the asso- ciate sciences. (Bi-monthly.) Subsequently " New Orleans Medical and Surgical Jour- nal." Edited by E. D. Fenner and A. Hester. Vols. 1-6, May, 1844, to November, 1849, in 8 v. 8°. New Orleans, S. Woodall. Newton (H. A.) The metrical system of weights and measures. 8 pp. 8°. Nctc Haven, E. Hayes, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 99.] ----- The same. With tables prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. 23 pp. 8°. Washington, Government Printing Office,1868. [7mPamphlets, v. 358.] NEW YORK. New York City. An act relative to the public health in the city of New York. 48 pp. 8°. Passed April 10, 1850. ----- Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane (Annual reports of the), for the years 1844-47, 1862, 1865, 1869, and 1870. 8°. New York, Egbert Sr Co., Bryant 4" Co., and D. Van Nostrand, 1845-70. -----Board of commissioners of health of the city of New York. Memorial on the subject of compulsory vaccination with a view to exterminate the small-pox. 12 pp. 8°. New York, Wm. H. Tra/ton Sr Co., 1862. [In Pamphlets, v. 337.] -----Board of health of the city of New York. (History of the proceedings of the,) in the summer and fall of 1822. Together with an account of the rise and progress of the yel- low fever. 270 pp. New York, P. 4' H. Van Pelt, 1823. -----------Report of the standing committee on the subject of Asiatic cholera, at present prevalent at the quarantine establishment of New York, at Staten Island. 8°. New York, McSpedonS- Baker, 1848. [7m Pamphlets, v. 333.] -----(Charter of). An act to amend, passed April 14, 1857. 31 pp. 8°. 1857. [7m Pamphlets, v. 345.] ----- A circular letter to the practitioners of physic and surgery in the state of New York, from the practitioners of physic and surgery in the county and city of New York. With a memorial intended to be submitted to the legislature of the state of New York at the next session. 22 pp. 8°. New York, James Smith, 1829. [7m Pamphlets, v. 422.] ----- Citizens' Association of New York. Report of the council of hygiene and public health upon epidemic cholera and preventive measures. 48 pp. 8°. New York, San- ford, Harroun Sr Co., 1865. [7m Pamphlets, v. 333.] -----The same. [7m Pamphlets, v. 205. J -----------Report of the council of hygiene and public health upon the sanitary condi- tion of the city. 349 pp. 8°. New York, B. Appleton 4' Co., 1865. -----City inspector of the city of New York. Annual reports for the years 1853 and 1858. 8°. New York, C. W, Baker, 1854, 1859. -----------Report for the year ending De- cember 31,1863. 518 pp. 8°. New York, board o/ aldermen, 1864. 272 NTAV YORK. NEW YORK. New York City. Eastern dispensary of the city of New York. Report for the 37th year, 1870. 31 pp. 8°. New York, Egbert, Craw- ford 4- King, 1871. [In Pamphlets, v. 314 ] -----Howard Mission Home for Little Wan- derers (Certificate of incorporation and by- laws of the), 1866. 6 pp. 8°. New York, H. C. Stoothoff, 1866. [In Pamphlets, v.354.] Lunatic Asylum (Blackwell's Island). Annual reports for the years 1856-59, 1864, 1866-67, and 1869. New York and Albany, 1857-70. ---- Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital of New York. First annual report. 24 pp. 8°. AVir York, Cushing, Bardan 4' Co., 1871. [In Pamphlets, v. 360.] ---- The medical register of the city of New York, for the years 1862 and 1864-70. 8 v. 12^. New York, 1862-70. ---- Medical Society of the city of New York, reports of the, on nostrums or secret medicines. Part 1. 52 pp. 8°. New York, E. Conrad, 1827. [In Pamphlets, v.336.] ----Metropolitan board of health. Annual reports for the years 1866-69. 4 v. 8°. Albany, Van Benthuysen 4' Son; New York, Appleton 4' Co. ----------Code of health, ordinances, and rules, and sanitary regulations, 1866. 68 pp. 8°. ATeu> York, J. W. Amerman, 1866. [7n Pamphlets, v. 345.] ----Opthalmic Hospital (First report of the surgeons of the), with the address of Hon. C. S. Woodhull, for the year 1852. 16 pp. 8-. New York, D. Fanshaw, 1853. [In Pamphlets, v. 356.] ----Presbyterian Hospital, New York. First and second annual reports, with the charter, constitution, and by-laws. 40 pp. 8°. New York, Trow, Smith 4~ Co., 1870. [7n Pamphlets, v. 356.] Public charities and correction (Seventh annual report of the commissioners of), for the year 1866. New York, Frank McElroy, 1867. ----Quarantine. Annual report of the phy- sician-in-chief of the marine hospital at quar- antine, for the year 1856. 63 pp. 8°. Al- bany (N. Y.), Chas. Van Benthuysen, 1857. ----------Laws relating to the pub- lic health : the quarantine, duties of pilots, New York City—Continued. etc., for the port, harbor, and state of New York, embraced in the revised statutes, and in an act of the legislature of the state of New York, passed May 13, 1846. 59 pp. 8°. New York, Jared W. Bell, 1846. [7m Pamphlets, v. 345.] ___________(Laws relative to), in the port of New York. 79 pp. 16°. New York Francis 4' Loutrel, 1867. Report of the commissioners oi quarantine and the health officer of the port of New York. Including Dr. Swinburne's report upon cholera. 75 pp. 8°. Albany, Van Benthuysen Sf Sons, 1867. Report of the committee on laws, to the corporation of the city of New York, on the subject of interment. 75 pp. 8°. New York, Mahlon Day, 1825. ---- Resident physician of the city of New York. Annual report for 1865. Presented to the board of commissioners, January 4, 1866. 39 pp. 8°. New York, E. Jones $ Co., 1866. [In Pamphlets, v. 345.] Sanatory committee of the board of health (Report of the proceedings of the), in relation to cholera in New York in 1849. 106 pp. 8°. New York, the committee, 1849. [7m Pamphlets, v. 205.] ---- Sanitary Association of New York. Reports relating to the public health. 40 pp. 8°. New York, Edmund Jones 4- Co., 1859. [7m Pamphlets, v. 345.] Second annual the 8°. report for year ending December, 1860. 23 pp. New York, Robt. Craighead, 1860. [7n Pamphlets, v. 339.] New York Hospital (An account of the). 62 pp. 8°. New York, Mahlon Bay, 1820. New York Hospital and Bloomingdale Asylum (Report of the state of the), for the years 1862,1865,1869, and 1870. New York, 1848-70. ----- (Charter of the society of), and the laws relating thereto. With the by-laws and regulations of the institution, and those of the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane. 89 pp. 8°. New York, Mahlon Day, 1838. New York State. An act to create a metro- politan sanitary district and board of health therein, for the preservation of life and health, 273 NEW YORK. NEW YORK New York State—Continued. and to prevent the spread of disease. 32 pp. 8°. New York, Bergen 4' Tripp, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 345.] -----Adjutant general. Reports for 1862-66, 1868, and 1870. 11 v. 8°. Albany, state printer. -----City inspector of the state of New York. Annual report for the year ending December 31,1856. (City document, No. 11.) 207 pp. 8°. New York, C. W. Baker, 1857. -----Homoeopathical Medical Society of the State of New York. Transactions for the year 1869. Vol. 7. 868 pp. 8°. Albany, Argus company, 1869. ----- Medical Society of the State of New York (Transactions of the), for the years 1825, 1840-43, 1849-50, 1852-54, 1857-68. 18 v. 8°. Albany. ----- Metropolitan board of health of the state of New York. Report for the year 1866. 443 pp. 8°. New York,C.S. Wes- cott 4- Co., 1867. ----- The same, for the year 1867. 311 pp. 8°. New York, Union Printing House, 1863. -----Physico-Medical Society of New York (Transactions of the). Vol. 1. 23 p. 1., 446 pp. 8°. iVew York, Collins $ Co., 1817. -----Public charities and correction. Eighth annual report of the commissioners of. New York, for the year 1867. 494 pp. 8C. Albany, Van Benthuysen 4' Sons, 1868. -----Public charities of the state of New York (Report of the board of state commission- ers of), relating to the insane, and the capacity and cost of the several state insane asylums. 16 pp. 8°. Albany, the Argus company, 1871. [7m Pamphlets, v. 223.] -----Quarantine. Communication from the governor of New York, trans mitting the report of the commissioner of quarantine and the health-officer of the port of New York. Trans- mitted to the legislature, January 23, 1868. 52pp. 8°. Albany, C.Van Benthuysen4" Sons, 186J. [7m Pamphlets, v. 357.] ------------Report of the select commit- tee, assembly, state of New York, in rela- tion to the quarantine laws of the port of New York, 1846. ----- Report of the committee on the incor- poration of cities and villages on the bill entitled " Au act concerning the public 35 New York State—Continued. health of the counties of New York, Kings, and Richmond, and the waters thereof." 40 pp. 8°. Albany, Charles Van Benthuysen, 1861. [7m Pamphlets, v. 345.] ----- Report of the committee on medical societies and colleges. In assembly, Feb- ruary 28, 1832. 10 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 422.] ----- Report of the committee on public health, relative to small-pox. Transmitted to the legislature, February 10, 1865. 15 pp. 8°. Albany, C. Wendell, 1865. [7m Pamphlets, v. 345.] -----Reports of the majority and minority of the select committee on several petitions relative to the repeal of the law restraining botanic practice. In assembly, February 16, 1835. 27 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 422.J -----Report of Mr. Winfield, from the com- mittee on medical societies and colleges. In assembly, March 27, 1832. 6 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 422.] -----Sick and wounded soldiers of the state of New York (Annual report of the general agent for the relief of), transmitted to the legislature April 14,1865. 144 pp. 8°. Al- bany, C. Wendell, 1865. New York College of Veterinary Surgeons (Rules and regulations of). 11 pp. 8°. New York, S. Angell, 1863. [In Pamphlets, v. 356.] New York State Cabinet of Natural History (Third annual report of the regents of the University on the condition of the), and the historical and antiquarian collection annexed thereto. 180 pp., 22 pl. 8°. Albany, pub- lic printers, 1850. New York State Lunatic Asylum. Annual reports of the managers. 1st to 28th, 1844-70. [Bound in 2 v., 8°.] New York State Soldiers' Depot (Report of the board of managers of the), and of the fund for the relief of sick, wounded, fur- loughed, and discharged soldiers, transmit- ting the report of the general agent of the state. 160 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Albany, Van Benthuysen, 1864. New York (The) Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. (Bi-monthly.) Edi- ted by Samuel Forry. Vol. 1-10, July.1843, to May, 1848. The same, new series, vol. 1-12, July, 1848, to May, 1854. (Wanting volumes NLW YORK. 274 NIEPCE DE SAINT VICTOR. New York, etc.—Continued. ^-10, January, 1-52, to May, 1853.) 19 v. 8 . New York, J. 4' H- C. Langley. New York (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. (Quarterly.) Vol. 1-4, July, 18;il) to April, 1841. New York, Geo. Adlard. New York (The) Medical Journal: a monthly record of medicine and the collate- ral sciences. Vols 1-13, April, 1865, to June, 1*71. (Vol. 5-8, edited by William A. Hammond and E. S. Dunster.) 8°. New York, Miller Sr Mathews. New York (The) Medical and Physical Journal. Edited by Jno. W. Francis, J. Dyckman, and J. B. Beck. Vols 1-3, Jan- nary, 1822, to December, 1824. New York, E. Bliss 4- E. White, 1822-24. New York Sanitary and Chemical Com- post Manufacturing Company. Illustrated. 32 pp. 8°. A'cw York, 1865. [Tn Pamphlets, v. 345.] Nibbs (Henricus). De variola. 49 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Robertum Allan, 1796. [7m Pamphlets, v. 4.] Niblock (Jacobus). De ophthalmia. 21 pp. 8°. Eeiinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1800. [In Pamphlets, v. 13.J Nicaise. Etude sur le cholera. (Extrait de la Gazette Medicale de Paris.) 55 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre etfils, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 181.] Nichol (J. P.) A cyclopaedia of the physical sciences, comprising acoustics, astronomy, dynamics, etc. Second edition, revised. 903 pp. 8". London, Richard Griffin, 1860. Nicolai (A. H.) Grundriss der sanitats-poli- zei, mit besonderer beziehung auf den preus- sischenstaat. 691pp. tz. Berlin, Nicolai, 1835. -----Die medicinal- und veterinair-polizei. 608 pp. 8P. Berlin, Nicolai, 1838. Nicolai (Johan. August. Henr.) Quaedam de cholera quam Celsus descripsit ejusque si- militudine cum cholera Asiatica. 14 pp. 4°. Berolini, Ferd. Nictack, 1832. [In Pamphlets, v. 201.] Nicolai (Victor H. A.) Beobachtungen iiber varicellen und variolen, mit besonderer be- riicksichtigung der temperaturverhaltnisse. 24 pp. 6°. Leipzig, Breitkop/ 4- Hartel, 186-!. [7m Pamphlets, v. 145.] Nicholles (John). The teeth, in relation to beauty, voice, and health. 2d ed. 134 pp. 8°. Lonelon, Hamilton, Adams 4- Co., 1834. Nichols (George Ward). The story of the great march. From the diary of a staff offi- cer. 22d edition. With a map and illustra- tions. 408 pp. 8°. New York, Harper 4' Bros., 1865. Nicholson (Henry A.) A manual of zoology for the use of students. 622 pp. 8°. Lon- don, William Blackwood 4' Sons, 1870. Nicholson (William). The first principles of chemistry. 546 pp. 8°. Lonelon, G. G. J. 4- J. Robinson, 1792. Niederstadt (Carl). Ueber embolie der lun- gen-capillaren mit flussigem fett bei osteo- myelitis. 21 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Gottingen, IV. Fr. Kaestner, 1869. [7m Pamphlets, v. 292.] Niemeyer (Felix von). Clinical lectures on pulmonary consumption. Translated from the second German edition by C. Baeumler. 160 pp. 8°. London, New Sydenham So- ciety, 1870. -----Clinical lectures on pulmonary phthisis. Translated, by permission of the author, from the second German edition, by J. L. Parke. 116 pp. 8°. New York, Moorkead, Simp- son Sr Bond, 1868. -----Lehrbuch der speciellen pathologie und therapie. 2 v. 840, 903 pp. 8°. Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1868. -----Die symptomatische behandlung der cholera. 38 pp. 8°. Magdeburg, E. Fa- bricius, 1849. [7m Pamphlets, v. 175.] ----- A text-book of practical medicine. Translated from the seventh German edition by George H. Humphreys and Charles E. Hackley. In 2 v. Royal 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1869. Niemeyer (Paul.) Grundriss der percussion und auscultation, nebst einem index s'amt- licher in- und auslitndischen kunstausdriicke. Mit 17 zeichnungen in holzschnitt. 8°. Er- langen, Ferdinand Enke, 1871. -----Handbuch der theoretischen und cliui- schen percussion und auscultation vom his- torischen und critischen standpuncte bearbei- tet. Illustrirt. 2 v. 8°. Erlangen, Ferdi- nand Enke, 1868-70. Niepce de Saint Victor. Traite pratique de gravure heiiographique sur acier et sur verre, 60 pp. 4°. Paris, Victor Masson, 1860. 275 NIESSL. NOOTH. Niessl (G. v.) Ueber Asplenium adulterinum, Milde, und sein vorkommen in Miihren und Bohmen. 14 pp. 8°. Briinn, 1868. Nightingale (Florence). Introductory notes on lying-in institutions ; together with a proposal for organizing an institution for training midwives and midwifery nurses. 110 pp., 5 pl. 8°. London, Longmans, Green 4- Co., 1871. -----Notes on hospitals. 3d ed. 187 pp. 4°. London, Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts 4- Green, 1863. -----Notes on nursing: what it is, and what it is not. 114 pp. 8°. New York, D. Ap- pleton 4- Co., 1860. ----- A woman's example and a nation's work. A tribute to Florence Nightingale. 90 pp. 12°. London, Wm. Ridgway, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 149.] Nihell (Laurentius). De cerebro. Diss. 28 pp. 8°. Edinb. et London, C. Elliot 4- G. Robinson, 1781. [7m Smellius, Thesaurug medieus, tom. 4 ] Nil des Noirs. Sur la communication du Nil des Noirs ou Niger avec le Nil d'figypte. 28 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lu d Vacadimie royale des sciences, le 18 Avril 1825. [7m Pamphlets, v. 33.] Niles (Nathaniel) and Russ (John D.) Med- ical statistics ; or, a comparative view of the mortality in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Boston, for a series of years. 11 pp. 8°. New York, Elam Bliss, 1827. [7m Pamphlets, v. 198.] Nimmo (Joannes). De quibusdam fcetui pro- priis. 46 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1804. [In Pamphlets, v. 29.] Ningpo (Report of the hospital at), for 1852, under the Medical Missionary Society in China. 8°. Canton, 1852. [7m Pamphlets, v. 221.] Nisbet (William). A practical treatise on diet, and on the most salutary and agreeable means of supporting life and health by ali- ment and regimen. 432 pp. 8°. London, R. Phillips, 1801. Nissen (Wolder Andreas). De polypis uteri et vaginae, novoque ad eorum ligaturam in- strument. Diss. 44 pp., 2 pl. 4°. Got- tingae, J. C. Dieterich, 1789. [7m Pamphlets, v. 328.] Nisseron(F.-L.)Del'urine, nouvelles donnees semeiologiques. Principaux reactifs em- ployes au lit du malade. Avec figures inter. Nisseron (F.-L.)—Continued. caiees dans le texte. 268 pp. 6°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre etfils, 1869. Nithack (Bernardus). De dysenteria. 28 pp. 16°. Berolini, Nietack, 1847. [In Pamphlets, v. 164.] Nitsche (Wilh. H.) Ueber supinations-hin- dernisse nach vorderarmfracturen. Diss. 20 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Huethel 4- Legler, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 276.] Nittinger (C. G. G.) Evils of vaccination, by C. C. Schieferdecker, M. D. 88 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1856. Nitzsch (Asmundus R.) De ratione inter pul- sus frequeutiam et corporis altitudinem habita. Diss. 42 pp. 8°. Halis Saxonum, 1849. [7m Pamphlets, v. 107.] Nitzsch (Christianus Ludovicus). Commen- tatio de respiratione animalium. 56 pp. 4°. Vitebcrga, Zimmermann, 1808. [In Pamphlets, v. 412.J Nitzelnadel (Paul). Ueber nervbse hyperi- drosisundanidrosis. Diss. 61pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1867. Noad (Henry M.) A manual of chemical analysis, qualitative and quantitative. 663 pp. 8°. London, Lovell Reeve Sr Co., 1864. Noble (Daniel). Facts and observations rela- tive to the influence of manufactures upon health and life. 81 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill, 1843. Noeggerath (^Emilius Jacobus). Spicilegium casuum nonnullorum polypi nasi et pharyn- gis qui in clinico-chirurgico Bonnensi novis- simis annis observati sunt addita descriptione methodi novse ad exstirpandum polypum pharyngis. Diss. 29 pp. 8°. Bonna, Caroli Georgii, 1852. Noellner (Friedrich). Die anatomie des splanchnicus und der nierennerven beim hunde. Diss. 15 pp. 4°. Giessen, Fr. Chr. Pietsch, 1869. Nogues (Paul Auguste). Considerations sur le zona. These. 32 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 48.] Nonnus (Theophanus). Epitome de curatione morborum Grsece et Latine. Ope codicum manuscriptorum recensuit notasque adjecit Jo. Steph. Bernard. 2 torn., 1 tab. 8°. Gotha, C. W. Ettinger; Amstelodami, J. St. von Esveldt Holtrop et soc, 1794-95. Nooth (Johannes Mervin). De rachitide. Diss. 22 pp. 8°. Edinb. et London, C. El- liot 4- G. Robinson, 1766. [7m SMELLIUS, Thesaurus medieus, tom. 3.] 276 NORDHOFF. NOTT. Nordhoff (Charles). Papers of the day. No. 1, The freedmen of South Carolina. 27 pp. >-. New York, Charles T. Evans, 1863. [In PAMPHLETS, V. 359.] Norfolk, Va. Report on the origin of the yellow fever in Norfolk during the summer of 1855. Made to the city councils by a com- mittee of physicians. 44 pp. 8°. Richmond, Ritchie S~ Dunnavant, 1857. Normandy (A.) The commercial hand-book of chemical analysis. 2d ed. 640 pp. 8°. London, Lockwood 4' Co., 1865. North American Archives of Medical and Surgical Science. [See Baltimore Medical and Surgical Jour- nal.] North American (The) Journal of Homoeo- pathy. A quarterly magazine of medicine and the auxiliary sciences. Conducted by E. E. Marcy, J. C. Peters, W. H. Ilolcombe, II. C. Preston, and others. Vols. 4-17, Aug., 1855, to Nov., 1868. 14 v. 8°. New York, W. Radele. North American Medical and Surgical Journal. Conducted by Hugh L. Hodge, Ch. D. Meigs, F. Bache, B. H. Coates, and R. La Roche. Vols. 2-12, July, 1826, to October, 1831. 11 v. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Dobson, 1826-31. North American (The) Medico-Chirurgical Review. Bi-monthly. Edited by S. D. Gross and T. G. Richardson. Vols. 1-4, January 1857, to November, I860. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4' Co. North American (The) Review. Vols. 106- 107, Jan. to Dec, 1868. 8°. Boston, Ticknor 4- Fields, 1863. Northampton, England. Fourth annual report of the Northampton General Lunatic Asylum, from July 1, 1841, to June 30,1842. 89 pp., and statistical tables. 8°. North- ampton, Freeman, 1842. [7m Pamphlets, v. 37.] North Carolina (Board of public charities of). First annual report, with appendix, Feb., 1870. 126 pp. 8°. Raleigh, 1870. -----(Report of the president and directors and superintendent of the Insane Asylum of), for the years 1857-67 and 1869-70. -----The same. Report for 1868. [In Pamphlets, v.223.] ----Transactions of the eighth annual meet- ing of the medical society of the state, held at Edenton, N. C, April, 1857. 90 pp. 8°. Wilmington, 1857. North (Elisha). A treatise on a malignant epidemic commonly called spotted fever. With appendix. 249 pp. 12°. New York, T.4- F. Swords, 1811. North (Nelson). On epidemic cholera. (Re- print from the Transactions of the Medical Association of the Eastern District of Brook- lyn.) 39 pp. 8°. Brooklyn, 1865. Northcote. See Swieten. Northcote (A. B.) and Church (Arthur H.) A manual of qualitative chemical analysis. 428 pp. 8°. London, John Van Voorst, 1858. Norton (Arthur Trehern). Osteology: a de- scription of the human skeleton. With an atlas of plates. 128 pp. 8°. London, Robert Hardwicke, 1866. Norway. Det kongelige norske videnskabers- selskabs skrifter i det 19de aarhundrede. 4 v., 4°, 1824-59. 1 v., 8°, 1865-68. Thron- dhjem, J. C. Meinglie. ----- Generalberetning fra Caustad sinds- sygeasyl. 9 nos. 4°. Christiania, 1856-68. -----Medicinal-taxt for Norge, 1855,1861-65. 1 v. 8°. Christiania, Brogger 4' Christie, 1855-65. ----- Norges officielle statistik. Tabeller over de spedalske i Norge, 1859-69. 9 v. 4°. Christiania, Steuske, 1864-69. Notaris (Giuseppe de). Elementi per lo stu- dio delle desmidiacee italiche. 84 pp., 9 pl. Folio. Genova, Inst, de' Sordo-Mitti, 1867. Notes on surgical cases. (Confederate States hospital department.) 68 pp. 8°. Rich- mond, Ritchie 4' Dunnavant, 1862. Notizen aus dem gebiete der natur- und heilkunde. See Froriep. Notling (Wilhelm). Ueber halswunden im allgemeinen, insbesondere aber iiber wunden der luftrohre. Diss. 24 pp. 8°. Man- heim, 1845. Nott (Charles C.) Sketches of the war. 174 pp. 8°. New York, Chas. T. Evans, 1863. Nott (Eliphalet). Lectures on biblical tem- perance. With an introduction by Tayler Lewis. 268 pp. 8°. London, Triibner 4 Co., 1863. Nott (J. C.) Contributions to bone and nerve surgery. Illustrated. 96 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4- Co., 1866. -----The same. [7m Pamphlets, v. 105.] NOTT. Nott (J. C.) and Gliddon (George R.) In- digenous races of the earth; or, new chap- ters of ethnological inquiry; inclu ling mono- graphs by Alfred Maury, Francis Pulszky, and J. Aitkin Meigs. 656 pp. 8°. Phil- adelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4' Co., 1857. -----Types of mankind; or, ethnological researches, based upon the ancient monu- ments, paintings, sculptures, and crania of races, and upon their natural, geographical, philogical, and biblical history; illustrated by selections from the inedited papers of Samuel George Morton, and by additional contributions from Prof. L. Agassiz, W. Usher, M.D., and Prof. H. S. Patterson, M. D. 738 pp., 3 pl., 362 wood-cuts. 8°. London, Triibner Sf Co.; Philadelphia, Lip- pincott, Grambo 4" Co., 1854. Nourrigah (Auguste). De l'hemorrhagie ute- rine qui survient pendant les derniers mois de la gestation et au moment du travail. These. 66 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1364. [7m Pamphlets, v. 48.] Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle, ap- pliquee aux arts a l'agriculture, etc. Par une societe de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. 36 tomes. 8°. Paris, Beterville, 1816-19. Noyes (Henry D.) Specialties in medicine. 16 pp. 8°. New York. [In Pamphlets, v. 148.] Nuck (Antonius). Adenographia curiosa, et uteri fceminei anatome nova. 152 pp. Tab. vii. Acced De motu bilis circulari ejusque morbis, M. Van Reverhorst. 64 pp. Tab. iii. Lugd. Batav., J. Luchtmans, 1696. ---■— Operationes et experimenta chirurgica, edita per Joan. Tillingium. 170 pp. Tab. iv. Small 8°. Lugd. Batav., C. Boutesteyn, 1696. ----- Sialographia et ductuum aquosorum anatome nova: acced. Defensio ductuum aquosorum. 159pp. Tab. vi. Lugd. Batav., 1695. Nugent (Christopher). An essay on the hy- drophobia. To which is prefixed the case of a person who was bit by a mad dog, had the hydrophobia, and was happily cured. 204 pp. 8°. London, M. Cooper, 1753. Nugent (Nicholas). Disputatio medica in- auguralis qusedam collo fervido propria com- plectens. Diss. 34 pp. 8°. Eeiinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1804. [7m Pamphlets, v. 30.] NYSTEN. Nuhn (A.) Beobachtungen und untersuchun- gen aus dem gebiete der anatomie, physiolo- gie und practischen medicin. Istes heft. 30 pp., 7 tafeln. Folio. Heidelberg, J. C. Mohr, 1849. Nuisances (The) removal and disease preven- tion amendment act, 18 and 19 Vic, cap. 121. To which are added the smoke nuisance act and the common lodging-house acts. 64 pp. 12°. London, John Weale, 1855. Nunez (Don Lorenzo Sanchez). Diccionario de fiebres esenciales, compuesto y traducido del articnlo fiebres y otros varios contenidos en el diccionario de ciencias medicas, etc. 410 pp. 8°. Madrid, imprenta de Repullcs, plazuela del Angel, 1819. Nunn (T. W.) Observations and notes on the arteries of the limbs. 2d ed. 33 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill 4~ Sons, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 90.] Nunneley (Thomas). On the organs of vision: their anatomy aud physiology. 373 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1858. ----- A treatise on the nature, causes, and treatment of erysipelas. 307 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Jno. Churchill, 1841. -----The same. 235 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Barrington 4" Haswell, 1844. Nunom (Hendericus van). De ortu, progressu et occasu hominis. 22 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., A. Kallewier, 1731. [7m Pamphlets, v. 65.] Nuremberg. Abhandlungen der naturhisto- ischen Gesellschaft zu Niirnberg. Vols. 3 and 4. 8°. Niirnberg, Wilhelm Schmid, 1866-68. Nussbaum. Ansesthetica. [7m Handbuch der allgemeinen uud speciellen chi- rurgie.] ----- Die pathologie und therapie der auky- losen. 47 pp. 4°. Miinchen, G. J. Cotta, 1862. [7m Pamphlets, v. 305.] -----Krankheiten des unterleibes. [7m Handbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen chi- rurgie.] Nysten (P.-H.) Dictionnaire de medecine, de chirurgie, de pharmacie. Neuvieme edi- tion. Revue par A.-J.-L. Jourdan. 854 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre, 1845. -----Dictionnaire de medecine, de chirurgie, de pharmacie, des sciences accessoires et de l'art veterinaire. 1671pp. Illustre de plus de 500 figures. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre et cie., 1858. 278 OAKES. OESTEEICH. Oakes (W. II.) Table of the reciprocals of numbers, from 1 to 100,000, with differences, by which the reciprocals of numbers may be obtained up to 10,000,000. 205 pp. 4°. London, Charles 4' Edwin Layton, 1865. O'Beirn (Bryanus). De hepatitide. Diss. 72 pp. 6-. Edinb., A. Neill ct soc, 1803. [7n Pamphlets, v. 387.] -----The same. [In Pamphlets, v. 24.] O'Beirne (James). New views of the process of defecation, and their application to the pathology and treatment of diseases of the stomach, bowels, and other organs, together with an analytical correction of Sir Charles Bell's views respecting the nerves of the face. 142 pp. 8°. Washington, Duff Green, 1834. [7m Pamphlets, v. 62.] Oberhessische Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. See Giessen. Obermayer (Franc. Ant.) Dissertatio experi- mentalis chemica de sale sedativo Hombergii. 20 pp. 8\ Vindobona, Jo. Thoma, 1775. [7m Pamphlets, v. 427.] Oberteuffer (Johann Georg). Anatomisch- chirurgische abhandlung von der losung des oberarms aus dem schultergelenke. 40 pp., 3 pl. 4°. Wiirzburg, Joseph Dorbath, 1823. O'Brien (John). A treatise on American military laws and the practice of courts- martial. 570 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea Sr Blanchard, 1846. O'Brien (Matthaeus). De rheumatismo acuto. These. 22 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Robertum Allan, 1801. [In Pamphlets, v. 17.] O'Byrne (John). Introductory lecture de- livered before the under-graduates of the Philadelphia University of Medicine and Surgery, October 6, 1869. 16 pp. b°. Philadelphia, University publication society's print, 1869. [7m Pamphlets, v. 256.1 Observations on the animal ceconomy. 163 pp. 8°. London, J. Callow, 1815. Observations on Dr. Mackrill's history of the yellow fever, etc. 60 pp. 8C. Balti- more, John Hayes, 1746. [7m Pamphlets, v. 398.J Observations on the preservation of animal and vegetable substances, with an account of Appert's process and the subsequent im- provements of that invention, and also a de- scription of the various modes adopted for the extraction of the gelatine from bones. 104 pp. 8°. Dublin, Millikin S- Son, 1839. O'Callaghan (David). De synanche maligna. 24 pp. 8°. Eeiinburgi, Robertum Allan, 1800. [7n Pamphlets, v. 13 ] Ochernal (Albert Ludwig). Ueber operatio- nen an der zunge. Diss. 16 pp. 8°. Leip- zig, C. E. Grohman, 1870. [In Pamphlets, v. 281.] Ochwadt (Alexander). Beitrage zur mili- tair-hygieno. 282 pp. 8°. Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1868. Kriegschirurgische erfahrungen auf dem administrativen und technischen gebiete wiih- rend des krieges gegen Danemark, 1864. 382 pp. 8°. Berlin, E. S. Mittlcr $ Sohn, 1865. O'Connor (John). Carcinoma, or cancer. Diss. 29 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Benjamin Edes, 1812. [Im Pamphlets, v. 380.] Odier (L.) Recherches sur la loi d'accroisse- ment des nouveau-nes. 52 pp., 7 pl. 8°. Paris, Gerrner-Bailliere, 1868. Odier (Ludovicus). De elementariis musicse sensationibus. Diss. 29 pp. 8°. Edinb., ct Lonelon, C. Elliot Sf G. Robinsem, 1770. [7m Smellius, Thesaurus medieus, tom. 3.] Odling (William). A course of practical chem- istry, arranged for the use of medical stu- dents. Illustrated. 2d ed. 241 pp. 8°. Lonelon, Longmans, Green S~ Co., 1865. -----Outlines of chemistry ; or, brief notes of chemical facts, xiii, 468 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Longmans, Green Sf Co., 1870. Oehme (J. B. G.) De amaurosi. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 2, p. 265.] Oesterlen (Fr.) Choleragift und Pettenkofer, als beitrag zum heutigen stand der cholera- frage. 115 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, H. Laupp, 1868. -----Handbuch der medicinischen statistik. 968 pp. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1865. Oesterreich (Wilh. Oscar). Ein beitrag zur rubeolenfrage. 28 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Huethel 4- Legler, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 98.] Oesterreicher. See Erdl. Oesterreichische Vierteljahresschrift fur wissenschaftliche Veterinarkunde. Redac- teure: Prof. Dr. Muller und Prof. Dr. Roll. Vol. 30-35. Wien, Wilhelm Braurniiller, 1863-71. Oestreich (Henricus). De glande plumbea ossi ethmoideo infixa. Diss. 21 pp., 1 pl. 4J. Berolini, F. Nietack, 1830. [7m Pamphlets, v. 329.1 279 OETTINGEN. Oettingen (G. v.) Mittheilungen aus der chirurgischen abtheilung der universitats. klinik zu Dorpat, betreffend das jahre 1856. 378 pp. 8°. Dorpat, Schiinmanns Sf C. Mattiesen, 1857. Offenbach. 1. bis 10. bericht des Offen- bacher Vereins fiir Naturkunde iiber seine thiitigkeit. 10 nos. in 1 v. 8°. Offenbach, Kohler 4' Teller, 1860-69. Ogiloy (Georgius J.) De phthisi pulmonali. 42 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1804. [Im Pamphlets, v. 29.] O'Halloran (Thos.) A brief view of the yel- low fever as it appeared in Andalusia during the epidemic of 1820. 171pp. 8°. London, Burgess 4- Hill, 1821. -----Remarks on the yellow fever of the south and east coasts of Spain. 208 pp. 8°. London, Callow # Wilson, 1823. Ohio. Adjutant general. Reports from 1862-65, and from 1868-70. 8°. Columbus, Richard Nevins. -----Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum. Re- ports of the board of directors for the years 1838-59. 2 v: v. 1, reports from 1838-50; v. 2, reports from 1851-59. 8°. Columbus, 1839-60. -----------Thirty-second annual report, for the year 1870. 16 pp. 8°. Columbus, state printer, 1871. [7m Pamphlets, v. 342.] -----Northern Ohio Lunatic Asylum. An- nual reports. With by-laws, rules, and regu- lations, for the years 1856-69. 8°. Colum- bus, state printer, 1856-70. -----1-----Sixteenth annual report, for the year 1870. 40 pp. 8°. Columbus, printed for the state, 1871. [7m Pamphlets, v. 342.] -----(Report of the commissioners appointed by the governor of), to investigate the Mas- sachusetts cattle disease (pleuro-pneumonia). 47 pp. 6°. Columbus, R. Nevins, I860. [In Pamphlets, v. 377.J ----- Southern Ohio Lunatic Asylum. Re- ports for the years 1856-69. 8°. Columbus, state printers, 1856-70. ------------Sixteenth annual report for the year 1870. 53 pp. 8C. Columbus, printed for the state, 1371. [In Pamphlets, v. 342.] . Surgeon general. Annual report for the years 1864 and 1866. 131 pp. 8°. Co- lumbus, state printer, 1865, 1867. OLMSTED. Ohio Medical Convention. Held at Colum- bus on the 5th of June, 1849. 48 pp. 8°. Columbus, Ohio, Thrall 4~ Reed, 1849. -----The same. Held on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of June, 1850. 27 pp. 8°. Columbus, Scott 4" Bascomb, 1850. Ohio Medical Society. Minutes of the Ohio State Medical Society, held in the city of Columbus, June, 1851. With addresses and essays. 152 pp. 8°. Columbus, 1851. Oil (Ozonized cod-liver), and its medicinal administration in consumption, by E. E. A. 2d ed. 31 pp. 8°. London, Hughes 4' Butler, 1861. [7m Pamphlets, v. 123.] Okes (Gulielmus). De catarrho epidemico Edinensi anni 1803. 30 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, Gulielmus Creech, 1804. [7m Pamphlets, v. 28.] Oldham (C. F.) What is malaria, and why is it most intense in hot climates ? 186 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1871. Olier (Dan'l Theod.) De vulneribus sclope- tariis. 41 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Joh. Lu- zac, 1741. [7m Pamphlets, v. 53.] Oliver. See Lucas. Oliver (Daniel). First lines of physiology, designed for the use of students of medicine. 514 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, Hermann Hooker, 1840. -----The same. 2ded. 514 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Hooker Sf Agnew, 1841. Olivi (Giuseppe). Zoologia adriatica. 344 pp., 5 tab. 8°. Bassano, 1792. Oilier (Leopold). Traite experimental et clinique de la regeneration des os et de la production artificielle du tissu osseux. Avec 9 planches gravees sur cuivre et 45 figures intercaliees dans le texte. 2 tomes. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson etfils, 1867. ----- Traite des plaies des veines. 70 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson, 1857. Oilier (Victorin). Du cal et de ses modifi- cations sous l'influence de l'inflammation. These. 40 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7n Pamphlets, v. 43.1 Ollivier (C. P., d'Angers). De la moelle 6pi- niere et de ses maladies. Ouvrage couronne par la societe royale de medecine de Marseille dans sa seance publique du 23 Octobre 1823. 404 pp. 8°. Paris, Crevot, 1824. Olmsted (Denison). On the recent secular period of the aurora borealis. 52 pp. 4°. 1855. [Smithsonian contributions to knowledge.] OLMSTED. 280 O'REARDON. Olmsted (Frederick Law). Public parks, and the enlargement of towns. Read before the American Social Science Association, Boston, February 25, 1870. 1st ed. 36 pp. 16°. Printed at the American Social Science Asso- ciation, 1870. [ 7m Pamphlets, v. 231.] Olnhausen (Carolus Henricus de). De op- tima abscessas aperiendi methodo. Diss. 29 pp. 4°. Gottinga, Barmeierianis, 1788. [In Pamphlets, v. 328.] Onanism (A short treatise on), by a physician in the country. 2d ed. 39 pp. 8°. Lon- elon, Fletcher S~ Co., 1767'. [7m Pamphlets, v. 378.] O'Neill (John). Official report on the attempt to invade Canada, May 25, 1870. 62 pp. 8°. New York, J. J. Foster, 1870. [7m Pamphlets, v. 359.] Onsenoort (A. G. van). De militaire chi- rurgie, geschiedkundig beschouwd en met betrekking tot derzelver uitoefening, zoo bij de land- en zeemagt als in dekoloniale dienst ouderling vergeleken, benevens de pligten, die de officier van gezondheid, zoo in vrede als in oorlogstijd, doch inzonderheid op het slagveld, te vervullen heeft, geschetst ineene redevoering, gehouden bij gelegenheid van den aanvang der lessen in den jare 1822, in het groot rijks hospitaal te Utrecht. 136 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Te Utrecht, H. van der Monde, 1832. Ontyd (Conrad George). A treatise on mortal diseases : containing a particular view of the different ways in which they lead to death, and the best means of preventing them, by medical treatment, from proving fatal. (Translated from the Latin). 643 pp. 8°. London, J. Johnson, 1793. Oortman (Andrew). De dentibus. 31 pp. 4°. Traj. ad R'tenum, Alexandri van Me- gen, 1738. [7m Pamphlets, v. 53.] Oosterdyk(N. Georgius). De aceto. 43 pp. 4°. Traj. ad Rhenum, Johannes Bradelet, 1762. [7m Pamphlets, v. 57.] -----The same. [Sandifort, Dl»g., v. 3.] ----- Prsecepta medicina? practicoe in usum academicum digesta. 293 pp. 8°. Lug- duni Batavorum, Abrahamum et Janum Hon koop, 1783. Oosterhout (Joannes van). De x^P^oi sive demorbovirgineo. 34 pp. Small 43. Traj. ad Rhcn., Joannis Bradelet, 1749. 1[/m Pamphlets, v. 71.] Opdorp (J. H. van.) Onderzoekingen over den Aziatischen braakloop. 24 pp. 8°. Breda, F. P. Stcrk, 1832. [7m Pamphlets, v. 187.] Opitz (Bernhard Heinrich). Beitrag zur kalt- wasserbehandlung bei ileotyphus. 24 pp. 8-\ Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1869. Opium. The opium habit. With suggestions as to the remedy. 335 pp. 12°. New York, Harper Sr Bros., 1868. Oppenheimer (S.) Ueber die resection des huftgelenkes. 59 pp., 4 fig. 8°. Wiirzburg, C. Etlinger, 1340. Oppert (F.) Hospitals, infirmaries, and dis- pensaries. 218 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4- Sons, 1867. ----- On melanosis of the lungs and other lung diseases arising from the inhalation of dust. 25 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4- Sons, 1866. [7« Pamphlets, v. 262.] ----- Visceral and hereditary syphilis, with special reference to measures of public hy- giene. 100 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill S- Sons, 1868. Oppolzer. Voriesungen uber die krank- heiten des herzens und der gefasse. Bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Dr. Emil Ritter von Stoffella. 374 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Ferd Enke, 1867. Ordenstein (L.) Sur la paralysie agitante et la schierose en plaques generalisee. 87 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Delahaye, 1863. [7m Pamphlets, v. 369.] Ordronaux(Jno.) Thejurisprudenceofmedi cine. 310 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. 4- J. W. Johnson 4- Co., 1869. ----- Manual of instructions for military sur- geons, on the examination of recruits and discharge of soldiers. With an appendix. 238 pp. 8°. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1863. ----Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum. Code of health of the school of Salernum. Trans- lated into English verse, with an introduc- duction, notes, and appendix. 167 pp. 40. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott 4- Co., 1870. O'Reardon (Joannes). De ictero. 36 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1802. [7m Pamphlets, v. 20.] 281 O'REILLY. ORTON. O'Reilly (John). The anatomy and physiology j of the placenta—the connection of the ner- vous centres of animal, and organic life. (Extract from American Medical Gazette for August, 1860.) 8 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 347.] ----- Gastrotomy. Large abdominal ute- rine tumor. 8 pp. 8°. Nexc York, Robert Craighead, 1863. [7m Pamphlets, v. 102.1 -----Hints on the treatment of strangulated hernia. The properties of opium as anti- phlogistic, anatomically and physiologically explained. 24 pp. 8°. New York, Wm. Wood, 1863. [In Pamphlets, v. 352.] ----- The nervous centres of animal and or- ganic life. (Extract from the American Med- ical Gazette for April, 1860.) 24 pp. 8°. [7n Pamphlets, v. 347.J ----- The nervous and vascular connection between the mother and foetus in utero. 86 pp. 8°. New York, Robert Craighead, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 102.] ----- On the placenta and the phenomena connected with the animal and organic ner- vous system. 46 pp. 8°. New York, Hall, Clayton 4- Co., 1861. [In Pamphlets, v. 238.] ----- The placenta, the organic nervous sys- tem, the blood, the oxygen, and the animal nervous system physiologically examined. 2d ed. 204 pp. 8°. New York, S. S. Sf W. Wood, 1861. Ore. Compte rendu des maladies observees dans le service de chirurgie de l'hopital Saint-Andr6, 1865-67. 112 pp., 1 partie. 8°. Bordeaux, G. Gounouilhou, 1867. ----- Etudes historiques et physiologiques sur la transfusion du sang. 189 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre et fils, 1868. Oregon (The) Medical and Surgical Re- porter. Edited by E. R. Fiske and H. Car- penter. Vol. 1, November, 1869, to Decem- ber, 1870. 384 pp. 8C. Salem (Oregon), Medical Faculty Willamette University. Orfila (P.) Affaire d'empoisonnement, porte devant la cour d'assizes du departement de l'Aube, le 27 Aout 1824. (Extract from the Journal de Chimie M6dicale, etc.) [7m Pamphlets, v. 131. | -----Elements de chimie medicale. Huitieme edition. 2 tomes. 669,846 pp. 8°. Paris, Labi, 1851. -----A general system of toxicology; or, a treatise on poisons. Translated from the 36 j Orfila (P.)—Continued. French by Jos. G. Nancrede. 465 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, M. Carey 4- Sons, Bee 1, 1817. -■----- Lecons do m6decine 16gale. 2 v. 8°. Paris, Bichet, jeune, 1823. ----- Secours a donner aux personnes empoi- sonnees ou asphyxiees. 233 pp. 12°. Paris, I'auteur, 1828. ----- Traite de medecine legale. Contenant en entier le traite des exhumations juridiques. Quatrieme edition. 4 v. 8°. Avec atlas contenant 26 planches, dont sept coloriees, representant les plantes venimeuses et les animaux venimeux. Paris, Labi, 1848. ----- Traite de toxicologic Cinquieme edi- tion. 2 v. 896, 988 pp. 8°. Paris, Labi, 1852. Oribasius. CEuvres d'Oribase. Texte grec en grande partie inedit. Traduit pour la premiere fois en francais avec une introduction, des notes, des tables et des planches, par les doc- teurs Bussemaker et Daremberg. 4 tomes. 8°. Puris, d I'imprimerie nationale, 1851-62. Orleans. Memoires de la societe d'agricul- ture, sciences, belles-lettres, etartsd'Orieans. Tomes 12-13. 8°. Orlians, Paget et cie, 1869-70. Orme (Temple A.) An introduction to the science of heat. Illustrated. 203 pp. 12°. London, Groombridge 4" Sons, 1869. Ormerod (W. P.) Clinical collections and observations in surgery, etc, 312 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Brown 4' Longman, 1846. Orpen (Thomas H.) De sanctioriaua perspi- ratione complectens. 38 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, Robertum Allan, 1797. [7n Pamphlets, v. 6.1 Orr's circle of the sciences. Organic nature. With an introductory treatise on the nature and uses of the great departments of knowl- edge. 2d ed. 3 v. 8°. London, Houlston Sr Wright, 1859. Ortalli (Franz). Die eingeweide der schadel, brust- und bauchhohle des menschlichen korpers in normaler lage. 160 pp., 8° ; mit 9 tafeln, fol. Mainz, Florian Kup/erberg, 1839. Ortloff (Albert). Zurcasuistik der epitheliome der knochen. 27 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuen- hahn, 1868. Orton (Reginald). An essay on the epidemic cholera of India. Second edition, with a sup- plement. 488 pp. 8°. London, Burgess 4' Hill, 1331. OSBORX. 282 OUVRARD. Oaborn (William). Essays on the practice of midwifery in natural and difficult labours. 373 pp. 8 . London, J. Johnson, 1795. Osborne (Georgius). De mentis affectionibus. 21 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C.Stewart et socii, 1801. [In Pamphlets, v. 18.] Osburne (Thomas C.) De hepate complectens. Diss. 101pp. 8'-'. Edinb., C.Stewart, 1809. [7m Pamphlets, v.384.] Osgood (Charles). The causes, treatment, and cure of fever and ague, and other diseases of bilious climates. 13th ed. 15 pp. 8°. New York, 1865. [7m Pamphlets, v. 240.] Osgood (Daniel). Letter on the yellow fever of the West Indies. 72 pp. 8°. New York, Elam Bliss, 1820. Ostens (Gulielmus). De elementis corporum. 37 pp. Small 4-. Lugd. Batav., Samuelem Luchtmans, 1728. [7m Pamphlets, v. 64.] ----- De sanguine. 47 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Samuelem Luchtmans, 1728. [7m Pamphlets, v. 74.] O'Sullivan (Thomas). De rheumatismo. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1799. [7m Pamphlets, v. 9.] Otis (F. N.) On chronic urethral discharges. 25 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1870. [7m Pamphlets, v. 352.] Otis (George A.) Circular No. 2. A report on excision of the head of the femur for gun-shot injury. Surgeon-general's office. 141 pp., 3 pl., 71 fig. 4°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1869. ----- Circular No. 3. A report of surgical cases treated in the army of the United States from 1865-71. 296 pp. 4°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1871. -----Circular No. 7. A report on amputation at the hip-joint in military surgery. Surgeon- general's office. 87 pp., 9 pl., and numerous wood-cuts. 4°. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1367. -----Histories of two hundred and |hirty-sLx surgical photographs, prepared at the Army Medical Museum. 8°. Washington, Surgeon- General's Office, 1866-71. -----Photographs of surgical cases and speci- mens; taken at the Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C. 5 v. 4°. Washinaton, 1866-71. Ott (Franz Andreas). Theoretisch-praktisches handbuch der allgemeinen und besonderu chirurgischen iustrumenten- und verband- lehre. Erster band. Dritte auflage. Mit atlas, 44 tafeln. 204 pp. 8°. Miinchen, Georg Franz; Wien, Morschner 4' Jasper, 1834. Ottens (Jacobus Henricus). De avaoropuai. 32 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., S. et Jo- hannem Luchtmans, 1757. [7m Pamphlets, v. 76.1 Otter (Nicolaus Den). Desecretione bilis cys- tica. 22 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Conradum Wishoff, 1731. [7m Pamphlets, v. 80.] Otth (Carolus Adolphus). De febre intermit- tente traumatica. Diss. 36 pp. 4°. Bero- lini, Jordanianis, 1828. [In Pamphlets, v. 329.] Ottley (Drewry). The life of John Hunter. 139 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Haswell S~ Co., 1839. [7m Medical Library.] -----Observations on surgical diseases of the head and neck. 293 pp. 8°. London, Sy- denham Society, 1848. Otto (Adolph Wilhelm). A compendium of human and comparative pathological anato- my. Translated from the German by Jno. F. South. 456 pp. 8°. London, B. Fcl- lowes, 1831. Otto (Fridericus Hermannus). De vulne- ribus per primam intentionem sanandis. 29 pp. 8°. Halis, Orphanotrophei, 1856. [7m Pamphlets, v. 244.] Oulmont. Du veratrum viride et de sou action physiologique et therapeutique. 21 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson et fils, 1868. Outram (B. F.) De febre continua. Diss. 56 pp. 8C. Edinb., C. Stewart, 1809. [7m Pamphlets, v. 382.] Ouviere (Felix Pascalis). An account of the contagious epidemic yellow fever which prevailed in Philadelphia in 1797. 180 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Snowden 4- McCorkle, 1798. Ouvrard (J. P.) Meditations sur la chirurgie pratique, ou expose d'observations cliniques destinees a faire connaitre quelques faits nouveaux, et a fixer particulierement l'atten- tion des hommes de l'art sur plusieurs points de pathologie externe, de medecine legale et d'orthopedie. 488 pp. 12°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre, 1828. OWEN. 283 PUTSCH. Owen. Owen's conspectus, or student's re- membrancer. 64 pp., interleaved. 8°. Lon- don, Longmans, Green, Reader 4' Dyer, 1868. Owen (Hugo). De contagione. Diss. 21 pp. 8°. Edinb. et London, C. Elliot Sr G. Robinson, 1783. [In Smellius, Thesaurus medieus, tom. 4.] Owen (Richard). An account of the dissec- tion of the parts concerned in the aneurism for the cure of which Dr. Stevens tied the internal iliac artery, at Santa Cruz, in the year 1812. Illustrated. 19 pp. 8°. Lon- don, G. Wood/all, 1830. [7m Pamphlets, v. 104.] -----On the anatomy of vertebrates. 3 v. 8°. London, Longmans, Green 4' Co., 1866-68. CONTENTS. Vol. 1. Pishes and reptiles. 2. Birds. 3. Mammals. -----On the archetype and homologies of the vertebrate skeleton. Illustrated. 203 pp. 8°. London, John Van Voorst, 1848. -----Description of the skeleton of an extinct gigantic sloth. (Mylodon robustus, Owen.) With observations on the osteology, natural affinities, and probable habits of the mega- therioid quadrupeds in general. 176 pp., 24 pl. 4°. London, John Van Voorst, 1842. -----Lectures on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals. Delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons in 1843. 392 pp. 8°. London, Longman, Brown, Green S" Longmans, 1843. -----Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus, with illustrations of its external form and internal structure. 68 pp., 8 pl. 4°. London, W. Wood, 1832. -----Odontography; or a treatise on the comparative anatomy of the teeth. With atlas. 2 v. Royal 8°. London, Hippolyte Baillibre, 1840-45. -----On the nature of limbs. A discourse delivered on Friday, February 9, at an even- ing meeting of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Illustrated. 190 pp. 8°. London, John Van Voorst, 1849. -----On parthenogenesis, or the successive production of procreating individuals from a single ovum. 76 pp. 8°. London, John Van Voorst, 1849. Owen (Robert Dale). Labor: its history and its prospects. An address delivered before the Young Men's Mercantile Association of Cincinnati, Feb. 1, 1848. 39 pp. 8°. Herald o/ Truth print, Cincinnati, 1848. [7m Pamphlets, v. 424.] Paaw (Petrus). Primitise anatomica?. De humani corporis ossibus. 188 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1615. -----Succenturiatus anatomicus. 270 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1616. [ With Primitive Anatomic-e.] -----Cornelii Celsi de re medica liber viii. 128 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., 1616. [With Pri-miti.*: Anatomic*:.] Pacific (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Edited and published by John B. Trask aud David Wooster. Vols. 1, 2, 9; new scries, vols. 1-4; 1858-59; April, 1866, to May, 1871. (Vol. 9, etc., edited by H. Gibbons.) 8°. San Francisco, Thompson 4' Kelly. Pacini (Ph. Filippo). Du cholera asiatique au pointe de vue specifique, etc. Traduit de l'italienpar E. Janssens. 42 pp. 8°. Brux- elles, H. Manceaux, 1865. ----- Della nature del cholera asiatico sua teoria matematica e sua comparazione col cholera europeo. 138 pp. 8°. Firenze, U. E. Zol/anelli, 1866. -----La respirazione artificiale. 8 pp. Royal 8°. Firenzi, Fr. Martini, 1867. [7m Pamphlets, v. 279.] -----Sopra un nuovo meccanismo di micro- scopio specialmente destinato alle ricerche anatomiche e fisiologiche. 19 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Bologna, 1845. ----- Sulla causa specifica del cholera asi- atico. 62 pp. 8°. Firenzi, Gius. Mariani, 1865. Packard (Fred. A.) Memorandum of a late visit to the Auburn penitentiary. 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Harding, 1842. [7m Pamphlets, v. 327.] Packard (John H.) On amputation at the hip-joint. (From the New York Medical Journal for December, 1865.) 56 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 421.] -----A handbook of operative surgery, xi, 211 pp., with 54 steel-plates and numerous illustrations. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippin- cott 4- Co., 1870. ----- The treatment of fractures in military surgery. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4' Co., 1862. [In Pamphlets, v. 194.] Paduanius (Fabritius). Tractatus duo, alter de ventis, alter perbrevis de terrse motu. Cum figuris. 163 pp. et index. 4°. Bono- nia, J. B. Bellagambam, 1601. [With Laurentius, Andreas.] Paetsch (Ludovicus). De dysenteria. 26 pp. 16°. Berolini, Schlesinger, 1851. [7m Pamphlets, v. 165.] PAGE. 9 84 PALMER. Page (David). Advanced text-book of physi- cal geography. 320 pp. 8°. London, IVilliam Blackwood 4'Sons, 1864. Pagenstecher (H. A.) Mentone als kurort: eineskizze. 15 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, Georg Mohr, 1863. ----- Ueber das lufteinblasen zur rettung scheintodter neugebornor. 51 pp 8°. Heidelberg, J. C. B. Mohr, 1856. Paget. See Kirkes. Paget (James). On fatty degeneration of the small blood-vessels of the brain, and its rela- tion to apoplexy. 9 pp. 8:. London, Wil- son 4' Ogilvy, 1850. [7m Pamphlets, v. 87.] -----Lectures on surgical pathology, deliv- ered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Third edition, revised and ed- ited by William Turner. 850 pp. 8°. London, Longmans, Green Sr Co., 1870. ----- The same. Third American edition. 737 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4' Bla- kiston, 1865, Paillard (Alexandre). Clinique chirurgicale de l'H6tel-Dieu de Paris. 6 pp. 8°. [7n Pamphlets, v. 131.] -----Relation chirurgicale du siege de la cita delle d'Anvers. 154 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre, 1833. Paine (Martyn). An examination of reviews contained in the British and Foreign Medical Review, and the Medico-Chirurgical Review, of the medical and physical commentaries. 96 pp. 8°. New York, Hopkins 4'Jennings, 1841. [7m Pamphlets, v. 337. | ----- The institutes of medicine. Sixth edi- tion. 1109 pp. 8°. New York, Harper 4- Brothers; London, Sampson Low, Son 4 Co., I860. ----- A lecture on the physiology of diges- tion. 24 pp. 8°. New York, printed for the medical class 0/ the University 0/ New York, 1844-45. [7m Pamphlets, v. 337.] ----- Letters on the cholera asphyxia as it appeared in the city of New York. 160 pp. 8°. New York, Collins 4- Hannay, 1832. Pajot. Obstetric tables. Translated from the French, and arranged by O. A. Crenshaw and J. B. McCaw. With three additional ta- bles by N. P. Rice. Folio. Richmond, 1856. Palasciano, de Naples. Notice sur l'appariel- brancard pour le traitement des fractures com- pliqu6es du tronc et des membres inferieurs. 14 pp. 8°. _Paris, H. Galante et cie., 1865. Pallas (Aug. Fridericus). Dissertatio chirur- gico-medica de variis calculos secandi metho- dis, etc. 44 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batavorum, Theod. Haak, 1754. -----The same. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 4, p.267.] Pallas (P. S ) De infestis viventibus intra vi- ventia. Lugd. Batav , 1760. [7m Sandifort, Diss., v. 1.1 Pallas (Voyages du) dans plusieurs provinces de l'empire de Russie, et dans l'Asie septen- trionale. Nouvelle edition. 8 v. 8°. Paris, Maradan, 1768-74. Pallen (Montrose M.) An address to the graduates of the medical department of the St. Louis University, delivered March 1, 1853. 19 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1853. [7m Pamphlets, v. 408.] Palloni (G.) Se la febbre gialla sia 6 n6 un contagio. Quistione agitato dai medici Europei ed Americani. 160 pp. 8°. Li- vorno, Glanco Masi, 1824. Pall Mall (The) Budget. Being a weekly collection of articles printed in the Pall Mall Gazette from day to day. With a summary of news. Vol.6, March 31,1871, to Sep- tember 29, 1871. Folio. London. Palm (Johannes.) Do pedibus artificialibus. Diss. 23 pp. 8°. Tubinga, 1818. Palmarius (Julius Constantinus). De mor- bis contagiosis libri septem. 552 pp. 12°. Haga-Comitis, Adrian Vlacq, 1664. Palmer (B. Frank). Brief history of the great national benefaction (or gift of 7000 arms and legs) to the mutilated heroes of the great war. 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Sherman Sr Co., 1868. [In Pamphlets, v. 351.] -----The human wheel: its spokes and fel- loes. Value of the Palmer limbs. History of the national benefaction. Selections from 1860-70. 15 and 48 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 351.] ----- (In the matter of the application of) for an extension of his patent dated Novem- ber 4, 1846, for artificial legs, before the hon. commissioner of patents. [7n Pamphlets, v. 351.] -----Report of the Societe de Chirurgie of Paris on artificial limbs and amputations, in favor of the " Palmer" limbs. Scientific and surgical testimony, with new rules for amputations. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1870. [7n Pamphlets, v. 351.] PALMER. 285 PARIS. Palmer (Joannes Fyshe). De vermibus in- testinorum. Diss. 22 pp., 3 tab. 8°. Ed- inb. et London, C. Elliot 4' G. Robinson, 1766. [Zm SMELLIUS, Thesaurua medieus, tom. 3.] Pancoast (Joseph). A treatise on operative surgery; comprising a description of the various processes of the art, etc. 380 pp., 80 pl. 4°. Philadelphia, Carey . New York, E. Duy- ckinck and others, 1825. A treatise on diet, with a view to estab lish, on practical grounds, a system of rules for the prevention and cure of the diseases incident to a disordered state of the digestive functions. 210 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Rob- ert H. Small, 1826. The same. 210 pp. 8°. New York, E. Duyckinck, Collins $ Co., 1828 Paris (J. A.) and Fonblanque (J. S. M.) Medical jurisprudence. 3 v. 8°. London, W.Phillips, 1823. Paris (R.) Des officiers de sante militaires, do leur position dans l'armee et des modifi- cations a introduire dans leur organisation. 53 pp. 8°. Alger, Bastide, 1848. [7m Pamphlets, v. 331.1 Pariset. Vcrlauf des gelben fiebers. Abbil- dungen, nebst der beschreibung der verlaufs- perioden. 2 pp. 4°. Wien, Anton Strausz, 1822. Pariset et Mazet. Observations sur la fievre jaune, faites a Cadiz en 1819, et redig6es par M. Pariset. 144 pp. Folio. Paris, Y. Lemonnier, 1820. Park (H.) and Moreau (P. F.) Cases of the excision of carious joints, with observations by James Jeffrey. Illustrated. 210 pp. 12°. Glasgoiv, John Scrymgeour, 1806. Park (J.R.) The pathology of fever. 161 pp. 8°. London, T. 4" G. Underwood, 1822. Parker (Dr., o/ Canton). Notes of surgical practice among the Chinese. (Extracted from the Monthly Journal of Medical Science, June, 1846.) 67 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Suth- erland 4" Knox. [In Pamphlets, v. 96.] Parker (Langston). The mercurial vapor- bath ; being an account of its successful mode of employment. 48 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill Sf Sons, 1868. ----- The modern treatment of cancerous diseases by caustics or enucleation. 49 pp. 4-'. London, John Churchill 4- Sons, 1867. -----The modern treatment of syphilitic dis- Parker (Langston)—Continued. eases, both primary and secondary, compris- ing an acvount of the new remedies; with numerous formulae for their preparation and mode of administration. 92 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Adam JValdic, 1840. [7m Pamphlets, v. 390.] Parker (W. Kitchen). A monograph on the structure and development of the shoulder- girdle and sternum in the vertebrata. 237 pp., 30 pl. 4°. London, Robert Hardwicke, 1868. Parkes (Edmund A.) A manual of practical hygiene, prepared especially for use in the medical service of the army. 612 pp. 8°. London, J. Churchill Sf Sons, 1864. -----The same. 2d ed. 624 pp. 8°. Lon. don, John Churchill Sr Sons, 1866. ----The same. 3d ed. 640 pp. 8°. Lon- don, John Churchill 4' Sons, 1869. ----On self-training by the medical student. 36 pp. 8°. London, Walton Sr Maberly, 1856. [7m Pamphlets, v. 441.] ----Remarks on the dysentery and hepati- tis of India. 271 pp. 8°. London, Long- mans 4' Co., 1846. ----Researches into the pathology and treat- ment of cholera. 250 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1857. ----A scheme of medical tuition. 31 pp. 8°. London, Jno. Churchill 4- Sons, 1868. Parkin (John). The antidotal treatment of the epidemic cholera. 3d ed. 221 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4' Sons, 1866. Parkinson (James). Medical admonitions to families respecting the preservation of health and the treatment of the sick, with observations on the improper indulgence of children, etc. First American, from the fourth English, edition. 520 pp. 8°. Portsmouth, Charles Pierce, 1803. -----Observations on the act for regulating mad-houses, and a correction of the state- ments of the case of Benjamin Elliott, con- victed of illegally confining Mary Daintree. With remarks addressed to the friends of in- sane persons. 48 pp. 8°. London, Whit- tington 4" Rowland, 1811. [7m Pamphlets, v. 439.] Parkinson (John). The hospital pupil; or, observations addressed to the parents of youths intended for the profession of medi- cine or surgery ; on their previous education, pecuniary resources, and on the order of their professional studies, with hints to the young 287 PARKINSON. PASSAVANT. Parkinson (John)—Continued. pupil on the prosecution of hospital studies, on entering into practice, and on medical jurisprudence. 2d ed. 208 pp. 12°. Lon- don, Sherwood, Gilbert 4"Biper. -----Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris ; or, a garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed up, with a kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes, and fruites for meate or sause used with us, and an orchard of all sorte of fruit-bearing trees and shrubbes fit for our land, together with the right orderinge, plant- ing, and preserving of them, and their uses and vertues. Plates. 612 pp. Folio. Lon- don, 1656. Parmentier (A.) et Deyeux (N.) Precis d'experiences et observations sur les diffe- rentes especes de lait, considers dans leurs rapports avec la chimie, la medecine et l'economie rurale. 420 pp. 8C. Strasbourg, F. G. Levrault, 1799. Parnham (Joannes). De cystirrhcea. Diss. 18 pp. 8°. Edinb. et London, C. Elliot Sr G. Robinson, 1772. [7m Smellius, Thesaurus medieus, tom. 3.] Parr (Bartholomew). The London medical dictionary. 2 v. 1020,512 pp. Numerous plates. 4°. Philadelphia, Mitchell, Ames 4- White, 1819. Parrish (Edward). An introduction to prac- tical pharmacy, designed as a text-book for the student and as a guide for the physician and pharmaceutist, with many formulas and prescriptions. Second edition, enlarged and improved. 720 pp. 246 illustrations. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanchard 4' Lea, 1859. Parrish (Isaac). The sanitary condition of Philadelphia. 32 pp. 8°. (From the Trans- actions of the American Medical Association, vol. 2.) Philadelphia, American Medical Association, 1849. [7n Pamphlets, v. 254.] Parry (Caleb Hillier). An experimental in- quiry into the nature, cause, and varieties of the arterial pulse, and into certain other properties of the larger arteries in animals with warm blood. 180 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Lon- don, Underwood, 1316. [With PARRY (Charles Henry). Additional experi- ments, etc.] -----Cases of tetanus, and rabies contagiosa, or canine hydrophobia, with remarks chiefly intended to ascertain the characteristic symp- toms of the latter disease in man and certain brutes, and to point out the most effectual arry (Caleb Hillier)—Continued. means of prevention. 218 pp. 8°. London, Underwood, 1814. ----(Collections from the unpublished medi- cal writings of the late). Vol. 2. 587 pp. 8°. London, Underwood, 1825. ----The same. (Introductory essays.) Vol. 3. 243 pp. 8°. London, Underwood, 1825. ---- Elements of pathology and therapeu- tics ; being the outlines of a work intended to ascertain the nature, causes, and most efficacious modes of prevention and cure of the greater number of the diseases incidental to the human frame. Also, collections from his unpublished medical writings. 2 v. 463, 587 pp. 8°. London, Underwood, 1815. ---- An inquiry into the symptoms and causes of the syncope anginosa, commonly called angina pectoris. 167 pp. 8°. London, Cadell 4- Davis, 1799. [With Cases of Tetanus, etc.] Parry (Charles Henry). Additional experi- ments on the arteries of warm-blooded ani- mals; together with a brief examination of certain arguments which have been advanced against the doctrines maintained by the au- thor of "An experimental inquiry," etc. 257 pp., 7 pl. 8°. London, Longman and others, 1819. -----De synocho tropica. 140 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1804. [7m Pamphlets, v. 29.] Parsons (Usher). Prize dissertations on in- flammation of the periosteum, eneuresis irri- tata, cutaneous diseases, cancer of the breast, malaria. 2d ed. 248 pp. 8°. Providence, B. T. Albre, 1849. Parton (James). General Butler in New Or leans. History of the administration of the department of the gulf in the year 1862, etc. 661pp. 8°. Boston, Ticknor Sr Fields, 1866. Partridge. See Mynsicht. Pasquallati (Jos. Bened ) De epilepsia. 24 pp. 8°. Vindobona, Jo. Thoma, 1775. [In Pamphlets, v. 428.] Passau. Jahresbericht des naturhistorischen Vereines in Passau. 6 nos. in 1 vol., 1857-68. 8°. Passau, F. W. Kcppler, 1358-69. Passavant (Gustav). Ueber die verschlies- 6ung des schlundes beim sprechen. (Separat- abdruck aus Virchow's Archiv fiir pathologi- sche Anatomie.) 31 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Berlin, Georg Reimer. ----- The same. 27 pp. 4°. Frank/urt am Main, J. D. Saurl&nder. PASTA. 288 PATTISON. Pasta (Antonio). Considerazione iutorno la ritenzione della secondina. 29 pp. 12°. Vcnezia, Co' Tipi del Gondoliere, 1840. Pasteur (L.) Etudes sur le vin, ses maladies, causes qui les provoquent, precedes nouveaux pour le conserver et pour levieillir. 264 pp. 8°. Paris, t'imprimcrie impiriale, 1866. ----- fitudes sur le vinaigre, sa fabrication, ses maladies, moyens de les prevenir. 119 pp. 8-. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1868. Pasturel (P.) De la valeur relative de I'em- ploi de l'instrument trenchant, de la ligature, de l'ecrasement lineaire et de la cauterisa- tion. 194 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin. Patent and Public Medicines. An essay on the virtues, uses, and effects of some val- uable genuine patent and public medicines, invented and prepared by men of science. To which are added some observations respect- ing public medicines and the conduct of the faculty in general, by a candid physician. 44 pp. 8°. London, W. Bacon. [In Pamphlets, v. 434.] Patents for inventions. Abridgments of spe- cifications relating to medicine, surgery, den- tistry. A. D. 1632-1861. 303 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Geo. E. Eyre 4' Wm. Spottiswoode, 1863. Paterson (Jacobus). De evaporatione com- plectens. ^Diss. 24 pp. 8°. Edinb. et Lon- don, C. Elliot 4- G. Robinson, 1783. [7m Smellius, Thesaurus medieus, tom. 4.] Paterson (Robert). An account of the epi- demic fever of 1847 and 1848. (From the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 177.) 39 pp. 8C. [7m Pamphlets, v. 96.] ----- An account of the history, nature, and causes of apparitions or spectral illusions. With original cases. (From the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 176.) 58 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sturk 4'Co., 1848. [In Pamphlets, v. 96.] ----- An account of the rotheln of German authors, together with a few observations on the disease as it has been seen to prevail in Leith and its neighbourhood. (From the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 143.) 15 pp. 8°. [In Pamphiets, v. 109.] ----- An account of several cases of spectral illusions. With observations on the phe- nomena and on the states of bodily indispo- sition in which they occur. (From the Ed- inburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 154.) 58 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 95.] Paterson (Robert). Cases and observations on the mollnscum contagiosum of Bateman. With an account of the minute structure of the tumours. (From the Edinburgh Medi- cal and Surgical Journal, No. 143.) Illus- trated. 10 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 109.] ----- De hydrocephalo phrenitico. 81 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1803. [7n Pamphlets, v. 26.J ----- Observations on corpora lutea. Part 1. (From the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 142.) 19 pp., 1 col. pl. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 108.] ----- The same. Part 2, containing a de- scription of the appearance of this body in the more common of our domestic animals. (From the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 145.) Illustrated. 17 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 109.]- ----- The same. Part 3, containing the his- tory of the subjects. (From the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 147.) 40 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 109.] Patry. De la gangrene des membres dans la fievre typhoide. 37 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1863. Patterson (Henry S.) Notice of the life and professional services of William R. Grant. A discourse at the opening of the lectures in the medical department of Pennsylvania College. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, King 4- Baird, 1352. [7m Pamphlets, v. 237.] Patterson (Robert). A narrative of fche cam- paign in the valley of the Shenandoah. Third thousand. 128 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, John Campbell, 1865. -----The same. [7m Pamphlets, v. 359.] Pattison (Granville Sharp). An answer to a pamphlet entitled "Strictures on Mr. Patti- son's reply to certain oral and written criti- cisms, by W. Gibson, M. D." 2d ed. 32 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Richard J. Matchett, 1820. [In Pamphlets, v. 206.] ---- Experimental observations on the op- eration of lithotomy, with the description of a fascia of the prostate gland, which ap- pears to explain anatomically the cause of urinal infiltrations and consequent death. (Extract from the American Medical Record- er, January, 1820.) 52 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 347.] ---- Final reply to the numerous slanders PATTISON. 289 PEARSON. Pattison (Granville Sharp)—Continued. circulated by Nathaniel Chapman, M. D. 37 pp. 8°. Baltimore, J. Robinson, 1821. [7m Pamphlets, v. 206.] ----- A lecture delivered in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, on the evening of Tuesday, the 22d of January, 1833, on the question, "Has the parotid gland ever been extirpated?" 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, printed by the students. [In Pamphlets, v. 257.] ----- A refutation of certain calumnies pub- lished in a pamphlet entitled "Correspond- ence between Mr. Granville S. Pattison and Dr. Nathaniel Chapman." 64 pp. 8°. Bal- timore, J. Robinson, 1820. [7m Pamphlets, v. 206.] ■ Reply to certain criticisms on Essay on lithotomy. (Extractfrom the American Medi- cal Recorder, July, 1820.) 21pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 347.1 Pattison (Granville S.) and Chapman (N.) Correspondence between Mr. Granville S. Pattison and Dr. N. Chapman. 16 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1820. [7m Pamphlets, v. 206.1 Pattullo (Georgius). De amenorrhcea. 48 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1801. [7m Pamphlets, v. 19.] Patuna (Barth.) Epistola physico-medica continens historiam foetus sine involucris extra uterum invent!, placenta intra uterum hoerente. 8°. Vienna, 1765. [7m Sandifort, Diss., v. 3.] Paul (Gott. Ehrenfred). Dissertatio de dysen- teria. 20 pp. 16°. Hala, Hendelii, 1819. [7m Pamphlets, v. 164.] Paul (Herrmann Julius). Die conservative chirurgie der glieder oder darstellung der mittel und methoden, welche zur vermeidung und beschriinkung der amputationen, respec- tive der resectionen sich darbieten. Zweite vermehrte ausgabe. 448 pp. 8°. Breslau, Eduard Trewendt, 1859. -----Lehrbuch der speciellen chirurgie. 507 pp. 8°. Lahr, M. Schauenburg Sf Co., 1861. Paulet (V. ) et Sarazin (J.) Traite d'anato- mie topographique, comprenant les princi- pales applications a la pathologie et a la medecine operatoire. Fas. 1-3,8°. Atlas, 4°. Paris, Victor Masson etfils, 1866-67. Pauli (Fridericus). Commentatio physiolo- gico-chiruigica de vulneribus sanandis. 120 pp., 2 tab. 4°. Gottinga, Dieterich, 1825. Pauli (Friedrich). Medicinische statistik der stadt und bundesfestung Landau in Rhein- 37 Pauli (Friedrich)—Continued. bayern. 224 pp. 8°. Landau, C. Georges, 1831. Paulson. See Naumann. Paulus (Aegineta). The seven books of. Translated from the Greek, with a commen- tary, by Francis Adams. 3 v. 8°. London, Sydenham Society, 1844-47. Pavy (F. W.) A treatise on the function of digestion, its disorders and their treatment. 217 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4' Sons, 1867. Paxton (James). An introduction to the study of human anatomy. Third American edition, with additions by Winslow Lewis. 2 v. 422,336 pp. 4°. Boston, W. B. Ticknor, 1840. Payan (P. S.) De l'anthrax et du traitement le plus rationnel a lui opposer. 20 pp. 8U. Aix, Remondet-Aubin, 1867. Payen. Note sur I'acide borique. 1 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v.131.1 Payer (J.) Botanique cryptogamique, ou his- toire des families naturelles des plantes in- ferieures. Deuxieme edition, revue et annotee par H. Baillon. 226 pp. Royal 8°. Paris, F. Savy, 1868. Payne and Foss. Catalogue of books in various languages. 328 pp. 8°. London, 1848. Pazmandi (Gabr.) Dissertatio inauguralis physico-chemica sistens ideam natri Hun- gariae veterum nitro analogo. 23 pp. 8°, Vindobona, Jo. Thoma, 1775. [7m Pamphlets, v. 426.] Peabody Institute (The) of the city of Baltimore. The founder's letters and the papers relating to its dedication, and its his- tory, up to January 1, 1868. 146 pp. 4°. Baltimore, William K. Boyle, 1868. Peacock (Thomas B.) On malformations of the human heart, etc. With original cases and illustrations. 2d ed. 204 pp., 8 pl. 8°. London, John Churchill Sf Sons, 1866. Pean (J.-E.) DeJa scapulalgie et de la resec- tion scapulo-humerale envisagee au point de vue du traitement de la scapulalgie. These. 93 pp. 8°. Paris, Rignoux, 1860. Pearce (William). The treatment and cure of diseases incidental to sedentary life. 220 pp. 8°. London, Groombridge Sf Son, 1854. Pearson (George). Outlines of lectures on the practice of physic. Part 1, 159 pp. ; part 2, 137 pp. 8°. Lonelon, 1792and 1793. [7m Pamphlets, v. 445.] 2«J0 PEARSON. PELTZ. Pearson (John). Practical observations on cancerous complaints; with an account of some diseases which have been confounded with the cancer. 122 pp. 8-\ London, 1793. [In Pamphlets, v. 117.] ----- Principles of surgery; for the use of chirurgical students. A new edition, with additions. 331 pp. 8:. London, J. Callow, 1803. Pearson (Richard). Observations on the epi- demic catarrhal fever or influenza of 1803. 2d ed. 49 pp. 8°. London, C. 4- R. Bald- win, 1803. [7n Pamphlets, v. 437.] Pearson (Samuel B.) De medicamentis vomi- toriis. Diss. 36 pp. 8°. Edinb., A. Neill cum soc, 1790. [/m Pamphlets, v. 386.] Peaslee (E. R.) A case of amputation at the shoulder-joint. With an engraving. (From the New York Journal of Medicine. ) 14 pp. New York, John F. Trow, 1853. [7n Pamphlets, v. 352.] -----The moral character of the medical pro- fession. 24 pp. 8°. New York, Baker, Godwin S' Co., 1852. [7m Pamphlets, v. 148.] Pechlin (Jo. N.) Diss, sistens historiam vul- neris thoracici et in earn commentarium. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 2, p. 531.] -----De habitu et colore ^Ethiopum, qui vulgo Nigritae, liber. 208 pp. 12°. Kiloni, Joach. Reumann, 1677. ----- Observationum phisico-medicarum libri tres. 544 pp. Accessit: Ephemeris vulneris thoracis. 68 pp. 4°. Hamburg, Schultz, 1691. Peck. See Gleisberg. Peck (J. L.) Dress and care of the feet. With illustrations. 202pp. 12°. New York, Samuel R. Wells, 1871. Peclet(E.) Traite de la chaleur consideree dans ses applications. Troisieme edition. 3 tomes. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson, 1860. Pecquet (Joannes). Experimenta nova ana- tomica quibus incognitum hactenus chyli re- ceptaculum et ab eo per thoracem in ramos usque subclavios vasa lactea deleguntur, Ejusdem diss, anatomica, De circulatione sanguinis et chyli motu. Cum figuris. 204 pp. 16°. Amstelad., apud A. Janssonium- 1661. [ With DlEMERBR(EK (Isbrandi de). De morbis capi- tis et thoracis.] Peddie (Alexander). On the mammary secre- tion,' and its pathological changes. Illus. trated. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, Sutherland 4- Knox, 1848. [7m Pamphlets, v. 96.] -----On spinal apoplexy. 15 pp. 8°. Ed- inburgh, Sutherland 4' Knox, 1847. [7m Pamphlets, v. 96.] Pegado (Antonius J.) De motus animalis seu irritabilitatis, ac vitse causa, et legibus quae- dam complectens. 67 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Ncilt et socii, 1799. [In Pamphlets, v. 11.] Peifier (Gulielmus). De cholera morbi con- tagio. 32 pp. 16°. Berolini, Briischckianis, 1831. [7m Pamphlets, v. 165.] Peigne (A.) Conversion des mesures, mon- naies, et poids de tous les pays etrangers en mesures, etc., de la France. 195 pp. 12°. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1867. Peine (Bermannus). De fracture colli femoris intra ligamentum capsulare. 14 pp. 12°. Hala, Platzianis, 1843. [In Pamphlets, v. 192.] Peking Hospital (Annual reports of the) for the years 1864-68. 8°. Peking, Shanghai, and Tientsin, 1865-69. Pelecanos (Antoine S.) Essai sur les tumeurs cartilagineuses ou enchrondrome. These. 71 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 45 ] Pelerin (Henricus). De incremento corporis humani. 32 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Joh. et Herm. Verbeek et socii, 1765. [7m Pamphlets, v. 57.] Pelgrom (Arnoldus F.) De morbo hypo- chondriaco. 49 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Ba- tav., Theodorum Haak et socii, 1759. [7m Pamphlets, v. 81.] Pelletan (Gabriel). Examen chirurgie medi- cal de l'huile separce par la rectification de l'alcool de pomme de terre. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 131.] Pelletan (Ph. J.) Clinique chirurgicale. 3 tomes. 8°. Paris, 1810. Pelouze(J.)caris Victor Masson, lc57. Petri (Johannes Gottlob). De hepatis scirrho. 49 pp. Small 4 \ Hala Magdeburgica, Joh. C. Hendelii, 1731. [7m Pamphlets, v. 80.] Petrie (Martin). Hospital equipment for a battalion of infantry, regiment of cavalry, battery of artillery, and a company of engineers. 112 pp., 41 pl. 8°. London, W. Clowes 4' Sons, etc. (n. d.) Petruschky (Theodorus). De resectione ar- ticulorum extremitatis superioris. Diss. 39 pp., 1 tab. 4°. Berolini, Gustavi Schade. [In Pamphlets, v. 51.] Pettenkofer. See Griesinger. Pettenkofer (Max von). Boden und grund- wasser in ihren beziehungen zu cholera und typhus. 140 pp. 8°. Miinchen, R. Oldcn- bourg, 1869. ------Gevoelen over disinfectie als maatregel tcgen de verspreiding der cholera. 16 pp. 8°. Vlaardingcn, J. F. C. Bruckilder, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 198.] ------ Untersuchungen und beobachtungen iiber die verbreitungsart der cholera, nebst betrachtungen iiber massregeln, derselben einhalt zu thun. 375 pp. Mit 10 tafeln. 8°. Miinchen, J. G. Cotta, 1855. Pettigrew (Thomas Joseph). Medical por- trait gallery. Biographical memoirs of the most celebrated physicians, surgeons, etc., who have contributed to the advancement of medical science. 4 v. 4°. London, Fisher 4- Sons; Whitaker 4- Co., 1840. j------Substance of a clinical lecture on a ! case of hydrophobia. 35 pp. 8°. London, Longman 4- Co., 1834. [7m Pamphlets, v. 33.] Peyer (Johannes C.) Parerga anatomica et medica. Cumfiguris. 202 pp. 8°. Gene- va, J. H. Widerhold, 1681. Pezold (Johann Nathaniel). handlung von faulen fiebern. Leipzig, Caspar Fretsch, 1773. Pezolt (Joan. Ernest. Ludov.) tione membrorum. 24 pp. 40 Joh. Christ. Dieterich, 1778. Pfann (Mat. G.) De entero-oscheocele antiqua restitutione sacci herniosi feliciter peracta, absque bracherio et sectione curata. [7m Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 3, p. 122 ] Pfeffer (Julius). De grangrrena nosocomial!. Diss. 26 pp. 8°. Berolina, 1841. [7ra Pamphlets, v. 146.] Pfeiffer (Gustav). Ueber telangiectasie und cavernose blutgeschwulst. Diss. 44 pp. Tiibingen, Heinrich Laupp, 1854. Kurtze ab- 52 pp. 8°. De amputa- Gottinga, 3°. 295 PFEIZER. PHILADELPHIA. Pfeizer (Johan Nicolas). Vernunfftiges wun- den-ertheil, wie man nemlich von alien wun- den dess menschlichen leibs grundlichen bericht, ob solche gefahrlich, todlich, oder nicht vor gericht und anderswo ertheilen moge. In zwey biicher abgetheilet. 192 seiten. 12°. Niirnberg, Johann Andreas Endter, 1668. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transac- tions. Edited by Jacob Bell. Vol. 1-12, 1841-53. Second series, vol. 8-11, July, 1866, to June, 1870. Third series, weekly, vol. 1., July 2, 1870, to June 24, 1871. 17 v. 8°. London, J. Churchill 4" Sons. Pharmacist (The) and Chemical Record. Published by the Chicago College of Phar- macy. 3 v. in 2. 8°. Chicago, Spalding 4" La Monte, 1868-70. Pharmacopoea Austriaca. Editio sexta. 293 pp. 8°. Vienna, imperii typographia, 1869. Pharmacopcea Bavarica Jussu regio edita. 338 pp. 8°. Munich, Joseph Lindauer, 1822. Pharmacopcea Norwegica. Editio altera. Eegia auctoritate edita. 319 pp. 8°. Christiania, Alb. Cammermeyer, 1870. Pharmacopcea (Russian). Pycckar boehhar 4>APMAKOIIEP. 683 pp. 8°. St. Peters- burg, 1866. Pharmacopoeia (British). Published under the direction of the general council of medi- cal education and registration of the United Kingdom, pursuant to the medical act, 1858. 434 pp. 8°. London, the general medical council, 1867. Pharmacopoeia collegii regalis medicorum Londinensis. 188 pp. 12°. Londini, J. Nourse et T. Longman, 1771. Pharmacopoeia imperialis, sive pharmacopoeia Londinensis, Edinburgensis, et Dublinensis, collatse; cum notis Anglicis decompositiones chemicas exponentibus. 255 pp. 12°. Lon- dini, Johannes Anderson, 1823. Pharmacopoeia (The preserver's) ; contain- ing all the medicines in the London pharma- copoeia arranged in classes according to their action, with their composition and doses, by a practicing phj'sician. Altered to corre- spond with the United States Dispensatory. Revised and improved by an American phy- sician. Second American, from third Lon- do, nedition. New York,S.S. Sr W. Wood,1846. Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. By authority of the national medical convention, held at Washington, Pharmacopoeia. (United States)—Cont'd. 1830. 268 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, John Grigg, 1831. -----By authority of the national medical convention, held at Washington, 1840. 279 pp. 8°. Philaelelphia, Grigg 4- Elliot, 1842. -----By the authority of the medical socie- ties and colleges. 272 pp. 8°. Boston, Charles Ewer, 1820. -----Fourth decennial revision. 399 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Sr Co., 1868. Phene ("Phineas). De mensium abundantia. 35 pp. 8C. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et so- cii, 1802. [7m Pamphlets, v. 21.] -----The same. [7m Pamphlets, v. 387.] Philadelphia (Abstract of health-laws gov erning quarantine at the port of). 28 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, for the board 0/ health, 1860. [7m Pamphlets, v. 339.] ----Academy of Natural Sciences (Journal of the). Vol. 4, 406 pp., 20 pl., 1858-60; vol. 5, 52 pl., 1862-63. Folio. Philadelphia, Mcrrihew Sf Thompson. ----------(Proceedings of the), 1865-66. Philadelphia. ----------The same. For 1868. 446 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1868. ----r-----The same. For 1869. 272 pp., 9 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, 1869. ----(An act to incorporate the city of), passed January 31, 1854. With further acts, etc. 55 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, Crissy Sr Markley, 1855. ----Board of health (Instructions to special sanitary inspectors, by order of the). 8 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, King 4- Baird, 1865. [Jm Pamphlets, v. 348.] ----------Report of the sanitary committee on the subject of the Asiatic cholera. 8°. Philadelphia, Crissy 4~ Markley, 1848. [In Pamphlets, v. 348.J ----------Report of the sanitary committee upon the subject of slaughter-houses and soap-boiling establishments in cities, etc., etc. Made to the board August 22, 1854. 15 pp. Philadelphia, King Sr Baird, 1854. [7m Pamphlets, v. 231.] ----------Report on the subject of con- necting privies and water-closets with sewers. 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, King 4-Baird, 1865. [In Pamphlets, v. 348] ----------The same. [7m Pamphlets, v. 355.] 296 PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia. Board of health (Reports of the), sanitary and statistical, for the years 18011-69. Bound in 1 vol. 8\ Philadel- phia, King <)• Baird, 1861-70. ------------Report to the mayor, for the year 187H. 104 pp. S;\ Philadelphia, E. C. Markley 4' Son, 1871. [7u Pamphlets, v. 34S.] (Rules of the). 37 pp. 8°. Philadelphia—Continued. with the malignant fever prevalent in the city and its vicinity. With an appendix. 223 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, R. Aitken 4' Son, 1794. (Minutes of the proceedings of the com- [7n Pamphlets, v. 231.] Charity Hospital (Fourth annual re- port of the medical board of the) to the board of trustees, January 1, 1862. 16 pp. 8~. Philaelelphia, King Sr Baird, 1862. [7m Pamphlets, v. 348.] Childrens' Hospital. Report of the board of managers for the years 1856, 1859-62, and 8th to 11th annuals, 1864-67. 14th annual, 1870, and 15th annual. Phila- delphia, 1856-70. (Facts in relation to the progressive in- crease, present condition, and future pros- pects of), as connected with the permanent location of public buildings. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Sharp, 1833. [7m Pamphlets, v. 230.] (First annual message of Alexander Henry, mayor of the city of). With ac companying documents. January 27, 1859. 172 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Crissy 4' Mark- ley, 1859. [7m Pamphlets, v. 354.] Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church (An account of the proceedings at the laying of the corner-stone of the), May 24, 1860. Also, report of the board of man- agers of the hospital of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, held January 1, 1861. 8°. ----- Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Its origin, progress, work, and wants. With au appendix. 47 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1869. ----- House of Refuge. Reports of the 8th, 11th, 17th, 29th, 31st, 34th, 35th, 37th, 39th, and 42d annual reports. 8°. Phila- delphia, E. G. Dorsey and others, 1836-70. -----Ladies Mission Association. Second annual report, July 20, 1865. 15 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Ringwalt 4' Brown, 1865. [7m Pamphlets, v. 360.] (Minutes of the proceedings of the com- mittee appointed on the 14th September, 1793, by the citizens of), the Northern Liberties, aud the District of Soutbwark, to attend to and alleviate the sufferings of the afflicted mittee appointed on the Nth of September, 1793, by the citizens of), to attend to and al- leviate the sufferings of the afflicted with the malignant fever. 243 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, printed/or the city, 1848. Northern Medical Association (Code of medical ethics revised and adopted by the), December 2, 1847. With the fee-bill of the Philadelphia College of Physicians annexed. 24 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. K. 4- P. G. Collins, 1848. [7re Pamphlets, v. 339.] Report of the committee on pub lie hygiene. Read by the chairman, Wilson Jewell, November 20, 1851. 18 pp. 8°. Published for the association. [In Pamphlets, v. 231.] Pathological Society (Proceedings of the). Vol.1. 307 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4~ Co , 1860. -----(Report of a joint special committee of select and common councils of), to whom was referred certain queries contained in a circular letter from the American Medical Association, on the subject of public hy- giene. 39 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Crissy Sf Markley, 1849. [In Pamphlets, v. 337.] ------ Report of the commission appointed by the sanitary board of the city councils to visit Canada for the investigation of the epidemic cholera prevailing in Montreal and Quebec. 37 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Mifflin 4~ Parry, 1832. [7m Pamphlets, v.214.] ------ Soldiers' Home. Report of the mana- gers. 39 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, King $ Baird, 1867. [Tn Pamphlets, v. 355.| ------ Woman's Hospital (Fourth to ninth annual reports of the board of managers of the). From January, 1865, to January, 1870. Philadelphia, 1865-70. Philadelphia (The) Botanic Sentinel and Thomsonian Medical Revolutionist: devo- ted to the Thomsonian system of medical practice. M Mattson, editor. Vol. 3. Au- gust 31, 1837, to August 16, 1838. 3". Philadelphia, J. Coates, jr., 1838. PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia College of Physicians (Charter, ordinances, and by-laws of the). 84 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1853. ■-----The same. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 339.1 ■----- Summary of the transactions from Feb- ruary 4 to June 3, 1857, inclusive. 139pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 355.] ----- Transactions. 6 v : v. 1-3, 1841-50; v. 1-3, new series, 1850-62. 8°. Phila- delphia, Wm. F. Geddes, Lippincott, Grambo 4- Co. Philadelphia County Medical Society (Con- stitution and by-laws of the). Philadelphia, Collins, 1853-58. Philadelphia County Prison (The 7th and 9th annual reports of the inspectors of the), February, 1854, and February, 1856. Phil- adelphia, 1854-56. [7m Pamphlets, v. 327.] Philadelphia Dispensary for the medical re- lief of the poor (Rules of the). Instituted April 12, 1786. With the annual report for 1866, etc. 17 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, W. K. Bellows, 1867. [7m Pamphlets, v. 339.] Philadelphia Hospital and Lunatic Asylum (Report of Robt. K. Smith, chief resident physician of the). 31 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Crissy 4" Markley, 1856. [7m Pamphlets, v. 362.] Philadelphia (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. Edited by Wm. A. Gardiner. Vol. 1-4, April, 1852, to March, 1856. 8°. Philadel- phia, Rademacher 4' Sheek. Philadelphia (The) Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. Edited by N. Chap- man. Vol. 1-10,12—14. 13 v. 8°. Phila- delphia, M. Carey S- Son, 1820-27. Philadelphia (The) Medical Museum. Con- ducted by John Redman Coxe. Vol. 1-6. 8°. Philadelphia, Archibald Bartram, 1805-09. Philadelphia (The) Medical and Physical Journal. Collected and arranged by Benj. Smith Barton. Vol. 1-3. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Conrad 4~ Co., 1804-8. Philadelphia Medical Society (Act of incor- poration and laws of the). 23 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1800. [7m Pamphlets, v. 391.] -----(Annual address delivered before the), at its meeting held on the 26th March, 1860, by R. La Roche. Published by the 38 PHILIP. Philadelphia Medical Society—Continued. society. 61 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1860. [7m Pamphlets, v. 101.] ----- (Report of the committee appointed by the), at a meeting held June 27, 1859, to take into consideration certain statements made at the last meeting of the Medical So- ciety of the State of Pennsylvania, relative to the application for admission to a repre- sentation in the said society. 31 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1860. [7m Pamphlets, v. 350.] Philadelphia (The) Monthly Magazine, or Universal Repository of Knowledge and Entertainment. Vol. 2, for 1798. 167 pp. 8°. Also, History of the pestilence, com- monly called yellow fever, in Philadelphia in 1798. Philadelphia, T. Condie. Philadelphia (The) Photographer. Edited by Edward L. Wilson. Vols. 1 and 7. 8°. January, 1864, to December, 1870. Phila- delphia, Benerman 4" Wilson. Philadelphia Relief Committee (Report of the) appointed to collect funds for the suffer- ers by yellow fever at Portsmouth and Nor- folk, 1855. 136 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1856. [In Pamphlets, v. 207.] ----- (Report of the) appointed to collect funds for the sufferers by yellow fever at Portsmouth, Va., 1855. 136 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Inquirer print, 1866. Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Mise- ries of Public Prisons (Sketch of the principal transactions of the), from its origin (1776) to the present time. 32 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Merrihew Sf Thompson, 1859. [7m Pamphlets, v. 309.] ----— (Some notice of the county prisons and alms-houses in Pennsylvania; respectfully addressed to his excellency, A. G. Curtin, by the). 20 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Chand- ler, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 309.] Philadelphia University Hospital (Constitu- tion and by-laws of), and circular to the pub- lic. 6 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1870. [7m Pamphlets, v. 356.] Philip (A. P. W.) An experimental in- quiry into the laws of the vital functions. With observations on the nature and treat- ment of internal diseases. 347 pp. 89. London, T. Sr G. Underwood, 1817. ----- The same. 2d ed. 384 pp. 8°. Lon- don, T. Sr G. Underwood, 1818, PHILIP. 298 PHOTO-MICROGRAPHS. Philip (A.. P. W.)—Continued. ----- On the influence of minute doses of mercury, combined with the appropriate treatment of various diseases." 60 pp. 8°. Washington, Duff Green, 1834. [In Pamphlets, v. 62.] ----- A treatise on indigestion and its con- sequences, called nervous and bilious com- plaints. With observations on the organic diseases in which they sometimes terminate. 4th ed. 192 pp. 8°. New York, Evert Duyckinck 4" George Long, 1824. ----- The same. 5th ed. 408 pp. 8C. London, T. S~ G. Underwood, 1825. ----- The same. 5th ed. 195 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. Crissy, 1825. ----- A treatise on the nature and cure of those diseases, either acute or chronic, which precede change of structure; with a view to the preservation of health, and particularly the prevention of organic diseases. With notes and appendices by J. H. Miller, M. D. 328 pp. 8°. Baltimore, E. J. Coale ; Wash- ington city, Coale Sf Co., 1831. -----A treatise on the more obscure affections of the brain, on which the nature and suc- cessful treatment of many chronic diseases depend ; being the Gulstonian lectures de- livered at the College of Physicians, in May, 1835. 140 pp. 8°. London, Henry Renshaw, 1835. Philipeaux (R.) Traite pratique de la cau- terisation. 626 pp., 67 planches. Royal 8°. Paris, J.- B. Bailliere, 1856. Philipps (Georgius). De articuli cubitalis re. sectione. Diss. 27 pp. 8°. Bonna, Fride- rici Kruegeri, 1861. Phillippe (H.) Des maladies des yeux et de leur traitement par la methode du Dr. Henry Phillippe de Londres. Traduit de l'anglais. 30 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1863. Phillipps (C. S. March). Horse and man. 131 pp. 12°. London, Longmans Green 4" Co., 1869. Phillips (Benjamin). A series of experiments for the purpose of showing that arteries may be obliterated without ligature, compression, or the knife. 66 pp. 8°. London, Long- man, Rees, Orme, Brown Sr Green, 1832. [In Pamphlets, v. 1,] Phillips (Lawrence B.) The dictionary of biographical reference, containing one hun- dred thousand names, together with a classed index of the biographical literature of Eu- rope and America. 1020 pp. 8°, New York, Scribner, Wel/ord S~ Co., 1371. Phillips (Richard). A letter to Dr. David B. Reid, in answer to his pamphlet entitled " An exposure of the misrepresentations in the Philosophical Magazine and Annals," etc. 28 pp. 8°. London, Samuel Highley, 1831. [7m Pamphlets, v. 87.] Philodemus. Hoe men in Canada over de cholera denkt. 48 pp. 8°. Gravenhage, M. J. J'isser, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 185. | Philosophy of modern miracles; or, the rela- tions of spiritual causes to physical effects, with especial reference to the mysterious de- velopements at Bridgeport and elsewhere. By "a dweller in the temple." 46 pp. 8°. New York, Stringer Sr Townsend, 1850. [7n Pamphlets, v. 337.] Phipsoa (T. L.) Meteors, aerolites, and fall- ing stars. 240 pp. 8°. London, Lovell, Reeve Sr Co., 1867. Phoebus (Philipp). Der typische fruhsom- mer-katarrk oder das sogenannte heufieber, heu-asthma. Mit einer tabelle. 284 pp. 8°. Giessen, J. Ricker, 1862. ----- Ueber leichenbefund bei der orienta- lischen cholera. 340 pp. 8°. Berlin, Au. gust Hirschwald, 1833. Photographic Mosaics. An annual record of photographic progress. Edited by M. C. Lea and E. L.Wilson. 1867 and 1869-71. 12°. Philadelphia, Benerman Sr Wilson, 1867-71. Photographic Review of Medicine and Sur- gery. (Bi-monthly.) Edited by F. F. Maury and L. A. Duhring. Vol. 1, October 1870, to August, 1871. 80 pp., 24 phot. pl. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott 4- Co. Photographs of pathological specimens, Uni- ted States Army Medical Museum. 4v. 4C. Photographs of surgical cases, Army Medical Museum. 6 v. 4°. Photographs of surgical cases from Hare- wood General Hospital. 4 v. 4°. Photographs of surgical cases, Lincoln Gen- eral Hospital. 2 v. 4°. Photographs of surgical cases from York General Hospital, York (Pennsylvania). 1 v. 4°. Photo - micrographs. Miscellaneous. By Woodworth, Blake, Culbertson, and others. 4°. (Presented to Army Medical Museum.) ----- 2 v. 4°. (Presented by J. Girard.) -----Small 4°. (Presented by Dr. Beuecke.) ----- 8°. (Presented by Prof. J. Gerlach.) PICARD. 299 PIORRY. Picard (Joseph). Quelques observations de cholera chez les femmes enceintes. (Extrait de la Gazette medicale de Strasbourg.) 14 pp. 8°. Strasbourg, G. Silbermann, 1855. [7» Pamphlets, v. 200.] Piccardt (Jacobus J.) De venenis et anti- dotis. 46 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Georgium Wishoff, 1764. [7m Pamphlets, v. 57.] Piccolhomini (Archangel). Anatomicse prse- lectiones, explicantes mirificam corporis hu- mani fabricam. 414 pp. et index. Folio. Roma, Barthol. Bon/adini, 1586. Pichaud (Joseph-Adolphe). Observations et reflexions sur 36 cas de fievre intermittent* inveter6e traites par I'acide arsenieux. Aux lies du Salut. (Guyane francaise.) 41 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 47.] Pickford (James H.) Hygiene; or, health as depending upon the conditions of the at- mosphere, foods and drinks, motion and rest, etc. 290 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1858. Pickford (P.) On true and false spermator- rhoea. Translated from the German. Edited by Francis B. Courtenay. Fourth edition, with an essay on sexual debility by the edi- tor. 156 pp. 8°. London, H. Baillibre, 1857. Pidaux. See Trausseau. Peirce and Howard. Five lectures upon the cause, prevention, and cure of disease; the mysteries and fallacies of the faculty; and upon the origin, design, benefit, and pheno- mena of animal magnetism. With appendix. 1st ed. 103 pp. 8°. Rochester (N. Y.), Daily Advertiser, 1847. [7m Pamphlets, v. 423.] Pierce (Benjamin). Account of the tables of the law of mortality and expectation of life collected for the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company. Folio. [In Pamphlets, v. 355.] Pigeaux (J.) Traite pratique des maladies du cceur, contenant des recherches histo- riques, anatomiques, et physiologiques spe- cials sur cet organe. 768 pp. 8°. Paris, Rouvier, 1839. Pigott (G. W. Royston). On a searcher for aplanatic images applied to microscopes, and its effects in increasing power and im- proving definition. (From the Philosophical Transactions.) 13 pp., 2 pl. 4°. London, 1870. Pigray (Pierre), fipitome des precepts de me- decine et chirurgie. Avec ample declaration des remedes propres aux maladies. 764 pp. 8°. Rouen, Daniel Loudet, 1642. Pilcher (George). A treatise on the struc- ture, economy, and diseases of the ear. First American, from the second London, edition; with notes. 299 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Ed. Barrington 4' Geo. D. Haswell, 1843. Pileur (A. Le). Wonders of the human body. (Translation.) Illustrated. 256 pp. 12°. New York, C. Scribner Sr Co., 1870. Pilling (J. S.) De urina cretacea. Lipsia, 1761. [Sandifort, Diss., v. 1.] Piltz (Fridericus). De taenia humana. Diss. 64 pp. 8°. Berolini, 1831. [7m Pamphlets, v. 107.] Pinckard. See Assalini. Pinckard (F.) The sanitary brace, a simple mechanical invention intended to force the closure of the mouth during sleep, and there- by absolutely compel the nose to perform all that nature designed in the act of breathing. 23 pp. 8°. New Orleans, -'Bronze Pen" job office, 1869. [7m Pamphlets, v. 351.J Pinckard (George). Notes on the West Indies, including observations relative to the Creoles and slaves in the western colonies and the Indians of South America, inter- spersed with remarks upon the seasoning, or yellow fever, of hot climates. 2d ed. 2 v. 537, 534 pp. 8°. London, Baldwin Sf Co., 1816. Pinel (Ph.) Traite medico-philosophique sur 1'alienation mentale. Seconde edition en- tierement refondue et tres-augmentee. 496 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Ant. Brosson, 1809. Pinel (Scipion). Traite complet du regime sanitaire des alienes. 322 pp. 4°. Paris, Mauprivez, 1836. Pinney (Joel). The alternative: disease and premature death, or health and long life. 216 pp. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1838. Pinther (Leo). De partu quadrigeminorum. Diss. 31 pp. 8°. Jena, Schreiber et fil, 1857. Piorry. Memoire sur le pansement des Mea- sures par armes a feu. (Extrait du Bulletin de l'academie imp6riale de medecine, tome 35.) 8 pp. 8°. Paris, E. Martinet, 1870. [7m Pamphlets, v. 308.] 300 PIORRY. Piorry (P. A.) Do la percussion mediate et des signes obtenus a l'aide de ce nouveau moyen d'exploration dans les maladies des organes thoraciques et abdominaux. 336 pp., 2 pl. 8. Paris, J. S. Chaudi, 1*28. ------Dissertation sur les habitations privees. 157 pp. 8°. Paris, 1837. [In Pamphlets, v. 132.] ------Clinique medieo-chirurgicale de la ville. (Resume et exposition de la docrine et de la nomenclature organo-patholcgique; Histoire de la demission de M. Piorry et pieces justifi- catives; Note sur les concours; Observa- tions et reflexions cliniques.) 400 pp. 8°. Paris, Firmin Marchand it Adrien Delahaye, 1869. ------Traite de plessimetrisme et d'organo- graphisme anatomie, des organes sains et malades 6tablie pendant la vie au moyen de la percussion mediate et du dessin a l'effet d'edairer le diagnostic. 752 pp., 91 fig. 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1866. Piper (Johannes Le). De melancholia. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Zach. Smetii, 1621. [7m Pamphlets, v. 79.] ------Disputatio medica de hydrope. 5 pp. Small4°. Lugd. Batav., Zacharia Smetii,1621. [In Pamphlets, v. 78.] Piper (R. U.) Operative surgery illustrated. Containing more than 1900 engravings, with explanatory text. 384 pp. 8°. Boston, Ticknor, Reed 4~ Fields, 1852. Pirck (Joan. Laurentii). De camphora. 16 pp. 8°. Vindobona, Jo. Thoma, 1775. [7m Pamphlets, v. 427.] Pirogoff (Nicolas). Anatome topographica sectionibus per corpus humanum congelatum triplici directione ductis illustrata. 4 v., 8°, text; 4 v., folio, plates. Petropoli, Ja- cobus Trey, 1859. ------Grundziige der allgemeinen kriegschi- rurgie nach reminiscenzen aus den kriegen in der Krim und im Kaukasus. 1168 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Vogel, 1864. Pirrie (William). The principles and practice of surgery. Edited, with additions, by John Neill. 784 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Blanch- ard Sr Lea, 1852. ------The same. Illustrated. 2d ed. 878 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1860. Pisko. See Hessler. Pistorius (Gulielmus). De laryngo-tracheo- tomia abhibita ad corpuscula aliena removen- da. Diss. 18 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuen- hahn, 1853. PLACE. Pitcairn (Archibald). Dissertatioues medica-. 140 pp. Small 4°. Rotcrodami, Reg. Leers, 1701. contents. 1. Oratio qua ostenditur medicinam ab omnl philo- sophorum sectaesseliberam, Theoria morborum oculi. 2. De circulatione sanguinis per vasa minima. 3. De causis diverse molis qua fuit .sanguis per pul- monem natis et non natis. 4. De moto quo cibi in ventriculo rediguntur ad formam sanguini reficiendo idoneam. 5. Solutio problematig de inventoribus. 6. De circulatione sanguinis in animalibus gonitis et non genitis. 7. De curatione febrium, quse per evacuationes in- stituitur. 8. De opera quam prsestant corpora saliave acida dicta vel alcalica, in curatione morborum. [7m Pamphlets, v. 81.] ------ The philosophical and mathematical elements of physick. In two books; the first containing the theory, the 6econd the practice. Translated from the correctest impression of the Latin. 1 v. 368 pp. 8°. London, Andrew Bell 4" John Osborn, 1718. Pitet (Paul). Dissertation sur quelques points de philosophie medicale et therapeu- tique it propos du cholera. 57 pp. Small 8°. P«ris, A. Delahaye, 1867. Pitha (Franz R. von). Die chirurgischen krankheiten der extremitaten. 380 pp. 8°. Erlangen, Ferdinand Enke, 1868. ------Krankheiten der mannlichen geschlechts- organe und der harnblase. 2te auflage. 1864. [In Handbuch der speciellen pathologie und thera- pie.] Pitha und Billroth. See Handbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen chirurgie. Pitman (Ben :) The assassination of Presi- dent Lincoln and the trial of the conspirators. 421 pp. 8°. New York, Moore, Wilstach 4- Baldwin, 1865. Piton (A. M.) Etude sur le rhumatisme. 221 pp. 8°. Paris, Adrien Belahaye, 1868. Pitt (R.) The antidote; or, the preservative of health and life, and the restorative of phys- ick to its sincerity and perfection. 270 pp. 12°. London, Jno. Nutt, 1704. Pitta (N. C.) Treatise on the influence of climate on the human species, and the va- rieties of men resulting from it. Illustrated by 6 plates. 81 pp. 8°. London, Longman S- Co., 1812. Place (De La). Hermippus redivivus, ou le triomphe du sage, sur vieillesse et le tom. beau. 2 tomes in 1 v. 192, 194 pp. 8°. Paris, Maradan, 1789. PLAGGE. Plagge (Martin Wilhelm). Das chplera-fieber, gewohnlich epidemische oder asiatische cho- lera, auch cholera morbus, genannt. 419 pp. 8°. Hannover, 1832. Plague. A collection of very valuable and scarce pieces relating to the last plague in the year 1665, viz : 1. Orders drawn up and published by the lord mayor and aldermen oi the city of London, to prevent the spreading of the infection; 2. An account of the first rise, progress, symptoms, and cure of the plague, being the substance of a letter from Doctor Hodges to a person of quality; 3. Necessary directions for the prevention and cure of the plague, with divers remedies of small charge, by the College of Physicians; 4. Reflections on the weekly bills of mortal- ity, so far as they relate to all the plagues which have happened in London from the year 1592 to the great plague in 1665, and some other particular diseases. With a pre- face, shewing the usefulness of this collec- tion, some errors of Dr. Mead and his mis- representations of Dr. Hodges and some au- thors, to which is added an account of the plague at Naples in 1656, of which there died in one day 20,000 persons, with the symptoms that appeared upon dissection, and the approved method of cure. 2d ed. 88 pp. 8°. London, J. Roberts, 1721. [In Pamphlets, v. 394.1 Plagwitz (Carolus). De resectione epiphy- Bium. Diss. 32 pp. 8°. Vratislavia, Edu- ardi Klein, 1850. Planchon (Charles). Faits cliniques de laryn- gotomie. 114 pp., 3 fig. Royal 8°. Paris, Adrien Delahaye, 1869. Plasse (L. E.) Decouverte des causes des epizooties et des epidemies, causes et dis- tinction de deux genres de charbon, l'un gangreneux, et l'autre virulent. 458 pp. 8°. Poitiers, Lilang, 1849. Plates illustrative of the circulation of the blood, and the effects of oxygen air on the blood, as explained in a work called Medical extracts. Two colored plates and two outline plates. Folio. London, Robinsons, 1795. [With Vicq d'Azyr.] Platner (Ernest). Supplementa in Jo. Z. Platneri institutiones chirurgiae. 299 pp. 8°. Lipsia, J. G. Dyck, 1773. Platner (Ernest A.) Ueber die natur und den nutzen dergalle. 129 pp. 8°. Heidelberg, Julius Groos, 1845. PLENCK. Platner (Jo. Zach.) See Platner (Ernest.) -----De motu ligamenti ciliaris in oculo. 12 pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1738. [In Pamphlets, v. 59.] -----De pallore. 12 pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Langenhemiana, 1739. [7m Pamphlets, v. 58.] ----- Derisu a splene. 16 pp. 4°. Lipsia, lit. Langenhemianis, 1738. [7m Pamphlets, v. 59.1 -----Opusculorum. Tomus 1, Dissertati- ones, 383 pp.; book 2, Prolusiones, 253 pp. 1 v. 4°. Lipsia, off. Weidmann, 1749. -----Institutiones chirurgiae rationalia turn medicae turn manualis. Editio altera. 944 pp. Small 8°. Lipsia, 1758. Plaz (A. G.) De arte naturam superante. 16 pp. 4°. Lipsiee, ex off. Langenhemia, 1772. [ Tn Pamphlets, v. 59. ] ----- De saccharo. 16 pp. 4°. Lipsia, ex off. Breitkopfia, 1763. [7m Pamphlets, v. 58.] Plazzoni (Francis). De vulneribus sclopeto- rum tractatus. 190 pp. 8°. Venetiis, R. Megliet, 1618. Pleischl (Adolph). Ueber die nothwendigkeit fiirsorge zu treffen, den bedarf an chinarinden sicher zu stellen. 62 pp. 8°. Wien, Carl Gerold, 1857. Pleissner (Hugo). Nonnulla de ossificatione in femoris inferiore epiphyse. Diss. 22 pp. 8°. Lipsia, Barii et Hermanni, 1861. [In Pamphlets, v. 112.] Plenciz (Marci Antonii). Tractatus de scar- latina. 48 pp. 8°. Vindobona, Jo. Thoma, 1775. [7re Pamphlets, v. 427.] Plenck (Joseph J.) A new and easy method of giving mercury to those affected with the venereal disease. To which is annexed a new theory of the action of this metal on the salivary glands. Translated from the Latin by Wm. Saunders. Second edition. To which is prefixed a table exhibiting at one view all the preparations of mercury, re- duced under proper heads, with an appendix of remarks on Mr. Plenck, together with some experiments and observations which ascertain with more accuracy a steady and uniform method of giving his medicine, and a short and easy method of preparing the mercurius calcinatus. 164 pp. 12°. London, E. S- C. Billy, 1768. [With Goulard's Treatise on lead.] ----- Toxicologia, 6 doctrina de venenos y 302 PLENCK. POLLARD. Plenck (Joseph J.)—Continued. bus antidotos. Traducido por D. Antonio Lavedan. '299 pp. 8°. Madrid, Don Fer- min Villapande, 1816. Plinian Society (Abstract of the proceed- ings of the) from its first meeting, January 14, 1823, to July 25, 1826. 47 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, P. \6. Richardson (Thomas) and Watts (Henry). Chemical technology; or chemistry in its ap- plication to the arts and manufactures. Vol. 1, part 3, No, 1. 2d edition, illustrated. 384 pp. 8°. London, H. Baillibre, 1863. Riche" (Eugene-Edouard). De la fracture de la jambe. These. 55 pp. 4°. Montpel- lier, 1864. [7n Pamphlets, v. 48.] Richerand. Gun-shot wounds. Translated for the New England Journal of Medicine. 14 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 352.] Richerand (A.) Elements of physiology. Translated from the French by G. J. M. de Lys. From the fifth London edition ; with notes by N. Chapman. 621 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, T. Bobson S- Son, 1818. Richerand (M. le Chevalier.) Nosographie et therapeutique chirurgicales. Cinquieme edition revue et corrigee. 4 tomes. 8°. Paris, Caille et Ravier, 1821. Richet (A.) Traite pratique d'anatomie m6dico-chirurgicale. Avec 31 figures inter- caiees dans le texte. 1020 pp. 8°. Paris, F. Chamerot, 1857. Richmond (The) Medical Journal. Edited by E. S. Gaillard and W. S. McChesney. Vols. 1-5. 8°. January, 1866, to June, 1868. Richmond, (Va.), 1866-68. (For subsequent vols, see Richmond and Louisville Medical Journal.) Richmond (The) and Louisville Medical Jour- nal. Edited by E. S. Gaillard. Vols. 6-10, 5 vols, in 3. July, 1868, to December, 1870. (For previous vols, see Richmond Medical Journal.) 8°. Louisville (Ky.), 1868-70. Richter (Adolph Leopold). Begutachtung des berichtes der vom kriegsministerium zur einleitung einer reform des militair-medici- nal-wesens niedergesetzten commission. 76 seiten. 8:>. Nordhausen, Adolph Biichting, 1849. ----- Handbuch der lehre von den bruchen und verrenkungen der knochen. 758 pp. 8°. Mit 40 lithographirten tafeln in folio. Berlin, C. F. Enslin, 1828. -----Das militair-medicinal-wesen Preussens. Nach den bediirfnissen der gegenwart dar- Richter (Adolph Leopold)—Continued. gestellt. 364 pp. 8°. Barmstadt und Leip- zig, Ed. Zemin, 1867. ----- Die reform des arztlichen personals der koniglich-preussischen armee. 123 pp. 8C. Berlin, Theod. Chr. Fr. Enslin, 1844. Richter (August Gottlieb). Anfangsgrunde der wundarzneykunst. 7 bande. 8°. Gottin- gen, Johann Christian Dieterich, 1799-1804. ----- Chirurgische bibliothek. 15 v. 8°. Gottingen und Gotha, Johann Christian Bie- terick, 1771-96. ----- Medical and surgical observations. Translated from the German by Thomas Speus. 336 pp. 8C. Edinburgh, T. Dun- can, 1794. -----Die specielle therapie. Nach den hinter- lassen papieren des verstorbenen. Herausge- geben von Georg Aug. Richter. 10 v. 8C. Berlin, Nicolai, 1821-28. Richter (Carl. A.) De fractura fibulae. 30 pp. 12°. Halis, Orphanotrophei, 1860. [In Pamphlets, v. 192.J -----Ueber kopfverletzungen und die trepa- nation. Diss. 31 pp. 8°. Tiibingen, Ernst Riecker, 1863. ----- Ueber paracentese des herzbeutels. Diss. 23 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Hermann Springer, 1869. Richter (C. A. W.) Der einfluss der cellular- pathologie auf die iirztliche praxis. 229 pp. 8°. Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1863. Richter (Christianus Frid.) De situ femoris crurisque fracti laterali minus apto. 15 pp. 8°. Lipsia, Sommer, 1788. [In Pamphlets, v. 106.] Richter (Georg August). Die orientalische cholera nach fremden und eigenen ansichten und erfahrungen. Nach dem tode des ver- fassers von Dr. Hermann Stannius herausge- geben. 224 pp. 8C. Berlin, Trowitzsch Sr Sohn, 1836. Richterus (C. A.) De tremore. 36 pp. 4°. Gattinga, G. L. Schultzii, 1750. [In Pamphlets, v. 59.] Ricker ^Augustine). De inflammatione. 45 pp. 8°. Vindobona, Jo. Thoma, 1776. [7m Pamphlets, v. 429.] Ricketson (Shadrach). Means of preserving health and preventing diseases. 298 pp. 12°. New York, Collins, Perkins Sr Co., 1806. Ricord (Philippe). Illustrations of syphilitic disease. Translated by T. F. Betton. With the addition of a history of syphilis, etc., by RICORD. 323 RILEY. Ricord (Phillippe)—Continued. P. B. Goddard. 117 colored illustrations. 359 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, A. Hart, 1852. -----Lettres sur la syphilis. Avec une in- troduction par Amed6e Latour. Troisieme edition. 358 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailliere, 1863. -----Letters on syphilis. Translated from the French. With an appendix by D. D. Slade. 404 pp. Boston, D. Clapp, 1853. -----A practical treatise on venereal disorders. 58 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Haswell 4' Co., 1840. [7m Medical Library.] -----The same. Or, critical and experi- mental researches on inoculation, applied to the study of these affections. Translated from the French by Henry Pilkington Drum- mond, M. D. 256 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea 4" Blanchard, 1843. -----The same. Translated from the French by A. Sidney Doane. 4th ed. 339 pp. 8 v. New York, J. S. Redfield, 1849. -----Traite pratique de maladie venerienne ; ou, recherches critiques et experimentales sur 1'inoculation appliquee a l'etude de ces maladies, suivies d'un resume therapeutique et d'un formulaire special. 808 pp. 8°. Paris, De Just Rouvieret E. Le Bouvier, 1838. Ricordi (Amilcare) e Acqua (Felice dell'). Nuovo tributo alio studio dell' ulcero misto. 15 pp. 8°. Milano, 1867. -----Sulla trasmissibilita della sifilide dall' uomo ai cruti. 29 pp. 8°. Milano, 1867. Ridley (Henricus). Anatomia cerebri com- plectens, ejus mechanismum et physiolo- giam, simulque nova quadam inventa. Ex Anglico in Latinum fidelitur translata. 214 pp., 7 fig. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum,J. Del- beck et G. Boot, 1750. Riebeeck (Andreas Van). De saliva. 31 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Johannem Hasbrak, etc, 1763. [7n Pamphlets, v. 57.] Rieck (Carolus Henricus Augustus). De cholera asiatica. 30 pp. 12°. Berolini, Schlesinger, 1855. [7m Pamphlets, v. 163.] Riecke (C. F.) Der kriegs- und friedens-ty- phus in den armeen. 378 pp. 8°. Pots- dam, G. A. Gottschick, 1848. Ried (Franz). Die resectionen der knochen, mit besonderer beriicksichtigungder von Dr. M. Jager ausgefuhrten derartigen operationen. 457 pp., 2 tafeln. 8°. Niirnberg, Geiger, I860. Ried (Hugo). De praeparatione bilis in he- pate. 15 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Bontesteniana, 1722. [7m Pamphlets, v. 80.] Rieger (Johannes C.) De anxietate. 18 pp. Small4°. Lugd. Batav., Bontesteniana, 1724. [7m Pamphlets, v. 66.] Riese (F. J.) De glandulis. 38 pp. 4°. Giessa Cattorum,apud J. J. Braun, 1781. [In Pamphlets, v. 59.] Riesell (Albert). Untersuchungen uber den stickstoff-umstatz in einem falle von pneu- monie. 71 pp. 8°. Diss. Leipzig, C. C. Naumann, 1869. Rietschler (Carl Curt). Ueber einen fall von trichinosis. 41 pp. 8°. Leipzig, J. J. Weber, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 98.] Rietz (August Oscar). Statistik der in der klinik und poliklinik zu Jena vom jahre 1862 bis inch 1867 behandelten pneumonieen. 19 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhahn, 1868. Riga. Arbeiten des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga, lstes heft. 191 pp. 8°. Riga, W. F. Hacker, 1865. ----- Correspondenzblatt des Naturforscher- Vereins zu Riga, 1867, 1869-70. 3 nos. in 1 v. 8°. Riga, Wilhelm Ferdinand H&cker, 1867-70. ----- Denkschrift des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga. Herausgegeben in anlass der feier seines 25jahrigen bestehens. xxix, 68 pp. 4°. Riga, W. F. Hacker, 1870. Rigby (Edward). An essay on the uterine haemorrhage which precedes the delivery of the full-grown foetus. Illustrated with cases- 4th ed. 254 pp. 8°. London, Joseph John- son, 1789. [In Pamphlets, v. 445.] -----The same. With a memoir of his life by John Cross, surgeon. 6th ed. 26 pp. 8C, London, Hunter, 1822. Rigius (Heino). De affectione hypochondrU aca. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Jacobi Lau- wijck, 1649. [7m Pamphlets, v. 79.] Riley (Harvey). The mule. A treatise on the breeding, training, and use to which he he may be put. 107 pp. 12°. New York, Dick 4- Fitzgerald, 1867. ----- The same. Illustrated. 107 pp. 8°. Washington, French Sr Richardson, 1867. Riley (Jno. C.) A compend of materia med- ica and therapeutics. 370 pp. 8°. Phila, delphia, J. B. Lippincott Sr Co., 1869, RINCK. 324 ROBB. Rlnck (Jo. Christian.) Inest digiti pedis per amputationem curati historia. 15 pp. 83. Jena, Gap/erdt, 1794. [7m Pamphlets, v. 106.1 Rindfleisch (Edward). A text-book of pa- thological histology. An introduction to the study of pathological anatomy. Translated from the second German edition by W. C. Kloman and F. T. Miles. 15 p. 1., 695 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lindsay 4~ Blakiston, 1872. Ring (John). An answer to Mr. Goldson, I proving that vaccination is a permanent se- curity against the small-pox. 43 pp. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1804. [In Pamphlets, v.35.] Ringelbergius (Joach. Fortius). The cele- brated treatise of de Ratione Studii. Trans- lated from the edition of Van Erpe, by G. B. | Earp, with preface and appendix by W. H. Odenheimer. 103 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Carey Sr Hart, 1847. Ringens (Joannes Christianus). De sudoris " pedum et prajseuteis et suppressi pathologia ac therapia. Dissertatio inauguralis. 24 pp. 4°. Bonn, Franciscus Baaden, 1835. [In Pamphlets, v. 330.] Ringer (Sidney). On the temperature of the body as a means of diagnosis in phthisis and tuberculosis. 92 pp. 12°. London, Walton 4- Maberly, 1865. -----A handbook of therapeutics. 2d ed. 483 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1871. Rinne (Augustus Gulielmus). De dysenteria? epidemia Halis sestate et auctumne anni MDCCCLIXobservata. 30 pp. 12°. Halis, Orphanotrophei, 1860. [7m Pamphlets, v. 163.1 Riolanus (Joa. Ambianus). Opera cum physica, turn medica, authoris postrema manu exarata, etc.; cui accessit anatomia Joa. Riolani, filii. 567 pp. Folio. Fran- co/urli, D. Zach. Palthenius, 1611. Ripault (H.) Observation relative a, une balle de fusil,suivie d'un rapport sur ce fait, par A. Brulie. 11 pp. 8°. Dijon, 1852. Risberg (Jonas). Om skorbjugg. 42 pp. 8C. Upsala, Leffler S- Sebell, 1838. Ristilhueber (J. B.) Versuch iiber den mi- litair-hospital-dieust im allgemeinen, nebst einem entwurf zu einem militair-hospital-reg- lement, mit angehangten schemas und mo- dellen. 221 seiten, und tafeln. ao. Cassel, Kriegerische buchhandlung, 1814. Ritchie (Robert). A treatise on ventilation, natural and artificial. Illustrated. 232 pp. 8°. London, Lockwood 4' Co., 1862. Rith(l5mile-Eugene). Quelques mots sur les plaies par amies a feu. These. 45 pp. 4°. Paris, Rignoux, I >00. [7n Pamphlets, v. 51.1 Rivaud (Paul). Du decollement de la retine. These. 35 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 47.1 Rive (Franciscus Gulielmus). De cholera asiatica. Dissertatio medica inauguralis. 124 pp. 8°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, C. van der Post, 1838. [7m Pamphlets, v. 179.] Rive (Gasp. Car. de la). De calore animali. 60 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Georgii Mudie et filii, 1797. [In Pamphlets, v.5.] Riverius (Lazarus). Opera medica universa. 143 pp. Folio. Lugduni, Ant. Cellier, 1663. (The practice of physick, in seventeen several books, by Nicholas Culpepper, Ab- diah Cole, William Rowland ; being chiefly a translation of the works of). To which are added four books of famous cures by the same author, and a fifth book of select medi- cinal counsels, by John Fernelius, with a table of the principal matters treated of therein ; as also a physical dictionary ex- plaining the hard words used in these books. 645,463 pp. Folio. London, Geo. Sawbridge, 1678. Rives (Landon). Anatomy of the brain from the dissections of Johu Lizars, comprising fifteen colored engravings, with accompany- ing explanations. Folio. Cincinnati, H. W. Derby, 1854. Riviere (Paul), fitude sur l'hemeralopie, observee a bord de la corvette la Cordeliere pendant une campagne dans la mer des Indes, annes 1858-61. Avec tableau d'observations. These. 48 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [In Pamphlets, v. 44.] Rivinus (E. F.) A catalogue of the medical library of the Philadelphia alms-house, pre- pared agreeably to a resolution of the board of managers. 174 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1831. Rizet (Felix). Quelques mots sur les moi- gnons. 35 pp. 4°. Paris, Rignoux, 1853. [7m Pamphlets, v. 51.] Robb (Patrick C.) On hydrocephalus in- ternus. Diss. 16 pp. 8°. Baltimore, Ben- jamin Edes, 1815. [7m Pamphlets, v. 380.] ROBERG. 325 ROBERTSON. Roberg. See Ranie. Roberg (Laurent) et Victorin (E.) De ossi- bus tuberosis. 1 tab. [7« HALLER, Disput. chir., torn. 4, p. 561.] Robert (A. C.) Conferences de clinique chi- rurgicale faites a l'Hotel-Dieu pendant l'an- nee 1858-59. Recueillies et publiees sous sa direction par le Dr. Doumic. 542 pp. 8°. Paris, Gerrner-Bailliere, 1860. Robert (Melchior). Nouveau traite des ma- ladies v6nerieunes d'apres les documents puises dans la clinique de M. Ricord et dans les services hospitaliers de Marseille, suivi d'un appendice sur-la syphilisation et la pro- phylaxie syphilitique et d'un formulaire spe- cial. 788 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Bailie re et fils, 1861. Roberton (John). How to use midwifery instruments. Written in the form of dialogue. 31 pp. Manchester, John S~ William Wood. -----On the diseases of the generative sys- tem. 444 pp., 12 pl. 8°. London, J. J. Stockelale, 1811. ----- A treatise on medical police, and on diet, regimen, etc. 2 v.. 276, 360 pp. 8°. Edinburgh, John Moir, 1808-09. Roberts (William). A practical treatise on urinary and renal diseases, including urinary deposits. 523 pp. 8°. London, Walton Sf Maberly, 1865. -----The same. Illustrated. 516 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Henry C. Lea, 1866. Roberts (W. A.) Sudden death in a case in which chloroform was being administered. (Reprinted from the Edinburgh Medical Journal, December, 1355.) 3 pp. [Jm Pamphlets, v. 97.J Roberts (Wm. C.) An address delivered before the Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, medical depart- ment of Columbia College, New York, March 12,1863. 19 pp. 8°. New York, John A. Gray Sr Green, 1864. [Jm Pamphlets, v. 255.] ----- Eulogium upon the life, professional labors, and public services of Joseph Mather Smith, M. D., delivered before the New York Academy of Medicine, February 6,1867. 79 pp. 8C. New York, Anson B. F. Randolph, 1867. Robertson (Abraham). A manual on ex- tracting teeth. 209 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Lindsay Sr Blakiston, 1863. Robertson (Adamus). De scrofula. Diss. 35 pp. 8°. Edinb., A. Neill et soc, 1809. [7m Pamphlets, v. 384.] Robertson (Alexander). De variola. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Murray et Cochrane, 1799. [In Pamphlets, v. 11.] Robertson (Archibald). Colloquia anato- mica, physiologica, atque chemica, questioni- bus et responsis ; ad usum ingenuaa juven- tutis accommodata. 217 pp. 12°. Edin- burgi, 1808. ----- De rheumatismo. 23 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1803. [In Pamphlets, v. 26.] Robertson (Henry). De aere atmosphserico. 27 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1801. [7m Pamphlets, v. 18.] ----- A general view of the natural history of the atmosphere, and of its connection with the sciences of medicine and agriculture, including an essay on the causes of epi- demical diseases. 2 v. 403, 405 pp. 8C. Edinburgh, Laing, Constable Sf Co., 1808. Robertson (J. Argyll). Excision of the eye- ball in cases of melanosis, medullary carci- noma, and carcinoma; with remarks. (Ex- tracted from the Northern Journal of Medi- cine for November, 1844.) Illustrated. 8 pp. 8°. [In Pamphlets, v. 95.] ----- The same. (Extracted from the Northern Journal of Medicine for December, 1844.) Illustrated. 14 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 95.] Robertson (Montgomery). On the medicinal effects of the salts of morphia, especially tho muriate, with a new mode of preparing it. (From the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 111.) 19 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 109.] Robertson (Robert). De luce, calore, atque vi electrica complectens. 61 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, Robertum Allan, 1797. [7m Pamphlets, v. 6.] ----An essay on fevers; wherein their theoretic genera, species, and various de- nominations are, from observation and expe- rience for thirty years in Europe, Africa, and America, and on the intermediate seas, reduced under their characteristic genus, febrile infection, and the cure established on philosophical induction. 286 pp. 8°. London, G. G. J. Sr J. Robinson, 1790. ---- Observations on diseases incident to R0HKRT8ON. 326 ROCHARD. Robertson (Robert)—Continued. seamen, whether employed on or retired from actual service for accidents, infirmities, or old age. New edition. 4 v. 8°. London, T. Cadell Sr IV. Davies, ]807. CONTENTS. V. 1. On fevers which arise from marsh miasmata, and from other causes, in Europe, Africa, the West Indies, and Newfoundland. 483 pp. 2. On fever arising from human effluvia in jails, hospitals, ships, and other confined situa- tions, in Europe aud America, from 1775 to 1806. 505 pp. 3. On febrile infection or fever, whether arising from marsh miasmata, from human effluvia, or from other causes. 366 pp. With index to vols. 1, 2, and 3. 4. Oo the diseases incident to seamen retired from actual service by reason of accidents, infir- mities, or old age. 810 pp. ----- Observations on the jail, hospital, or ship fever. 318 pp. 8°. London, ./. Mur- ray, 1783. ----- Observations on jail, hospital, or ship fever, from the 1th April, 1776, until the 30th April, 1789, made in various parts of Europe and America, and on the interme- diate seas. A new edition, much enlarged and improved. 494 pp. 8°. London, G. G. J. Sf J. Robinson, 17H9. Robertson (William). A practical treatise on the human teeth. With plates. First American, from the second London, edition. 229 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, Lea 4-Blanchard, 1841. Robertson (William H.) A letter to Dr. Lyon Playfair, being a medical commentary of the results of the recent analysis of the Buxton tepid water, etc. 19 pp. 8°. Lon- don, Bradbury 4' Evans, l-'52. [7m Pamphlets, v. 60 ] Robin (Charles). Bibliotheque des sciences naturelles. Anatomie microscopique. Des elements anatomiques. Des epitheliums. (Anatomie et physiologie comparees.) 124 pp. Des tissus et des secretions. 123 pp. 1 v. 3,?. Paris, Gerrner-Bailliere, 186-<-69. ----- Du microscope et des injections dans leurs applications a I'anatomie et a la patholo- gie. 196 pp. 3o. pariSi j.B Baillibre, 1849. ----- Histoire naturelle des v6getaux para- sites qui croissent sur l'homme et sur les animaux vivants. Avec un atlas de 15 planches gravees, en partie coloriees. 702 pp. 8°. Paris, J-B. Baillibre, 1853. ----- Lecons sur les humeurs normales et morbides du corps de l'homme. 848 pp. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre etfils, 1867. Robin (Charles). Memoire sur revolution de la notocorde des cavites des disques interver- tebraux et de leur contenu geiatineux. 212 pp.,12pl. 4°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre etfils, 1868. -----Observations sur 1'osteogenie. (Extrait du supplement au dictionnaire des diction- naires de medecine.) 16 pp. 8°. Paris. [In Pamphlets, v. 361.1 -----Traite du microscope. Son mode d'em- ploi, ses applications, etc. 1028 pp., 3 plan- ches. 8°. Pans, J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1871. Robin (Chas.) et Verdeil (F.) Traite de chimie anatomique, et physiologique normale et pathologique. (Atlas de 4f> planches gravees, en partie coloriees). 3 v. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre, 1853. Robinson (Benjaminus). De hernia ingui- nali. 19 pp. ho. Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1802. [In Pamphlets, v. 22.] Robinson (Bryan). Observations on the vir- tues and operations of medicines. 216 pp. 8°. Dublin, G. 4- A. Ewing, W. Smith S- G. Faulkner, 1752. Robinson (Joannes). De urinse secretione suppressa. 28 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus r\'cill et socii, 1800. [7m Pamphlets, v. 13.] Robinson (R. R. Watson). De vesicae ure- thragque morbis. 84 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1800. [7m Pamphlets, v. 15.J Robinson (Samuel). A course of fifteen lec- tures on medical botany, denominated Thom- son's new theory of medical practice. 199 pp. 8°. Columbus (O.), Horton Howard, 1829. -----The same. 216 pp. 12°. Boston, J. Q. Adams, 1835. Robison (Jacobus). De pneumonia. 44 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1799. [7m Pamphlets, v. 12.1 Robsahm (O. A.) Geographiam plantarum cultarum adumbrans. Diss. 10 pp. 40. Upsalia, Stenhammar et Palmblad, 1813. Robson (Gulielmus). De effectibus vini et spiritus ardentis in corpus humanum. 39 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill et socii, 1803. [7m Pamphlets, v. 26.] Roch (Eugene). Paris malade. Esquisse dujour. (Revue de.) [7m Pamphlets, v. 131.] Rochard (J.) Etude synthetique sur les maladies endemiques. 87 pp. 8°. Paris J.-B. Bailliere etfils, 1871, ROCHE. 327 ROGERS. Roche. See Philadelphia Medical So- ciety. Roche (L. Ch.), Sanson (L. J.),et Lenoir (A.) Nouveaux elements de pathologie medico-chirurgicale, ou traite theorique et pratique de medecine et de chirurgie. Qua- trieme edition. 5 tomes. 8°. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre, 1844. Rochefort (Desbois De). Cours eiementaire de matiere medicale, suivi d'un precis de l'art de formuler. 2 tomes. 488, 438 pp. 8°. Paris, Miquignon, 1789. Roches (Johannes Jacobus de). De humuli lupuli viribus medicis. 39 pp. 8°. Edin- burgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1803. [7m Pamphlets, v. 24.] Rochoux (J. A.) Recherches sur les diffe- rentes maladies qu'on appelle fievre jaune. 687 pp. 8°. Paris, Bechet, jeune, 1828. Rockbridge Alum Springs in Virginia (Analysis of the), etc. 36 pp. 8°. Rich- mond, Frazier 4' Randolph, 1867. [7m Pamphlets, v. 226.] Rodberg (H. C.) De metastasi ad viscera ve- nae portse. 16 pp. Small 4°. Buisburgi ad Rhenum, Joh. Sas, 1727. [7m Pamphlets, v. 76.] Rodder (Bernhard W.) De sanatione for- tuita. 35 pp. Small 4°. Hala Magdeb., J. Chris. Hendelii. [In Pamphlets, v. 84.] Rodgers (M. M.) Causes of contagious and epidemic diseases, with hints to their pre- vention and reform in medical police. 31 pp. 8°. Rochester, Barrow 4" Bro., 1854. [7m Pamphlets, v. 264.] Rodolfi (Rodolfo). Opere. 1 v. 180 pp. 8°. Milano, Pietro Verri, 1866. Rodriguez (Juan Maria). Descripcion de un monstruo humano quadruple, nacido en Durango el ano de 1868. Memoria y leida ante la sociedad medica de Mexico. 29 pp., 3 pl. 8°. Mexico, J. M. F. de Lara, 1870. Rober (Emil H.) Zur pathologie des pha- rynx. Diss. 19 pp. 8°. Leipzig, Leopold Schnauss, 1868. [In Pamphlets, v. 145.] Roebuck (Jarvis). Experiments and obser- vations on the bile. Diss. 42 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Carr S" Smith, 1801. [In Pamphlets, v. 389. ] ----- The same. Diss. 20 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, Thomas Sf Wm. Bradford, 1805. [In Pamphlets, v. 379.] Roederer (Joannis Georgii). Elementa artia obstetricise, denuo edidit, nee non praefatione et annotationibus Henricus Augustus Wris- berg. 314 pp. 8°. Gottinga, Abram Van- denhack, 1766. -----Icones uteri humani. Observationibus illustratse. 85 pp. Tab. vii. Folio. Got- tinga, S. Vandenhack, 1759. Roehling (Kurt M.) Beobachtungen iiber masern. Diss. 16 pp. Leipzig, C. E, Grohmann, 1870. [7m Pamphlets, v. 291.] Rcehmer (Joh. August. Frider.) De fractura colli ossis femoris annexa descriptione et delineatione novi apparatus chirurgici. Diss. 37 pp. 8°. Tubinga, 1816. Rcelen (Georgius G.) De somno. Diss. 26 pp. 8°. Bonna, F. P. Lechneri, 1849. [7m Pamphlets, v. 106.] Rceren (Hermannus). Collecta et cogitata qusedam ad cholerse epidemicse pathologiam spectantia. 29 pp. 12°. Bonna, F. P. Lechneri, 1849. [7m Pamphlets, v. 163.] Rceschke (Adolphus Augustus Julius). De osse naviculari pedis luxato. Diss. 31 pp. 8°. Lipsia, G. T. Hahmii, 1856. [In Pamphlets, v. 112 J Rceser (Georg. Friederich.) De recidiva morborum. 56 pp. 4°. Hala Magdeb., J. Chris. Hendelii. [In Pamphlets, v. 84.] Roger (Henri). Clinique de l'hopital des enfants. Semeiotique des maladies de l'en- fance. Lecons professees en 1863. 183 pp. 8°. Paris, P. Asselin, 1864. Rogers (David L.J Surgical essays and cases in surgery. 160 pp. 8C. New York, John Westall, 1850. Rogers (Henry D.) Second annual report on the geological exploration of the state of Pennsylvania. 91 pp. 8°. Harrisburg, Packer, Barren Sf Parke, 1838. Rogers (James). On the present state of therapeutics. With some suggestions for placing it upon a more scientific basis. 232 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill 4" Sons, 1870. Rogers (Joseph). An essay on epidemic dis- eases, etc.; also the method of cure found most successful. In two parts. To which is added a course of statistical experiments. 312 pp. 8°. Dublin, S. Powell, 1734. ROGERS. 328 RONCIERE. Rogers (Samuel). Reports on Asiatic cholera I in regiments of the Madras army, from 1828 to 1844, with introductory remarks on its modes of diffusion and prevention, and sum- mary of the general method of treatment in India. 267 pp. 8°. London, P. Richard- son Sr S. Highley, 1848. Rogers (Stephen). Can chloroform be used to facilitate robbery ? (Reprinted from the Journal of Psychological Medicine, Octo- ber, 1871.) 21 pp. 8°. New York, D. Ap- pleton 4- Co., 1871. Roget (Peter Mark). De chemicse affinitatis legibus. 49 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Adamus Neill, 1798. [7m Pamphlets, v. 7.] -----Outlines of physiology, with an appen- dix on phrenology. 516 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, Lea Sr Blanchard, 1H39. -----Thesaurus of English words and phrases. Revised and edited, with a list of foreign words defined, etc., by Barnas Sears. 510 pp. Boston, Gould Sr Lincoln, 1870. -----Treatises on electricity, galvanism, mag- netism, and electro-magnetism. 8C. Lon- don, Library o/ use/ul knowledge, 1832. Rohan. Memoires. Collection complete des m6moires relatifs au proces de M. le Cardi- nal de Rohan. 4°. Paris, 1786. Rohovsky (Joannes). De amputatione lin- guae ope galvanocaustices instituta. Diss. 26pp. 8°. Vratislavia, A. Neumanni, 1861. [7m Pamphlets, v. 295.] Rohrig. See Crooks. Rokitansky (Carl). Lehrbuch der patholo- gischen anatomie. Band 1, 391 pp., mit 130 holzschnitten ; band 2. 512 pp.. mit 46 holz- schnitten ; band 3, 557 pp., mit 50 holz- schnitten. 8°. Wien, Wilhelm Braurniiller, 1855-61. ----- A manual of pathological anatomy. From the German, by Wm. Edward Svvaine. 4 v. 8°. London, Sydenham So- ciety, 1854. -----Ueber einige der wichtigsten krank- heiten der arterien. 72 pp., 23 pl. Folio. Wien, Wilhelm Braurniiller, 1852. Roland (Otto). De trepanatione cranii. Diss. 29 pp. 8°. Berolini, IMetackianis, 1844. Roll (M. F.) Lehrbuch der pathologie und therapie der hausthiere. Zweite vermehrte und umgearbeitete auflage. 934 pp. 8°. Wien, IVilhelm Braurniiller, 1860. Rolleston (George). Forms of animal life ; being outlines of zoological classification based upon anatomical investigation, and il- lustrated by descriptions of specimens and of figures. 268 pp., 12 pl. 8°. Oxford, Clar- endon Press, 1870. Rollet (J.) Recherches, cliniques et experi- mentales, sur la syphilis, le chancre simple, et la blennorrhage, et principes nouveaux d'hy- giene, de medecine legale, et de therapeutique appliquee aces maladies. 605 pp. Atlas de 20 fig. 8°. Londres, II. Baillibre, 1861. Roloff(C. L.) De fabricaet functione lienis. 71 pp. 4°. Franc, ad Viadr., apud J. C. Winterum, 1750. [In Pamphlets, v. 58.J Romberg (August). Zur chirurgischen the- rapie des empyem. Diss. 50 pp. 8°. Tu- bingen, Heinrich Laupp, 1869. Romberg (Moritz Heinrich). Bemerkungen iiber die asiatische cholera. 64 pp. 8°. Berlin, 1832. -----Bericht iiber die cholera-epidemie-des jahres 1337. 27 pp. 8°. Berlin, A. Hirsch- wald, 1848. [7m Pamphlets, v. 177.] -----A manual of the nervous diseases of man. Translated and edited by E. H. Sieve- king, M. D. 2 v. 368, 450 pp. 8°. Lon- don, New Sydenham Society, 1853. Rome. Rassegna mensile statistica degli os- pedali e della citta di Roma. 1 v. 160 pp. Folio. Anno 1,1868. Roma, Menicdnti, 1868. Romer (Christianus Marcus Frider.) Disser- tatio de dysenteria medendse methodo varia. 32 pp. 12°. Jena, Prageri et soc, 1813. [7m Pamphlets, v. 163.] Rommelaere (W.) Des institutions medi- cales et hospitalieres en Angleterre. 266 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, Bals-Wittouck, 1866. Ronalds (Edmund), Richardson (Thomas), awdKnapp (F.) Chemical technology; or, chemistry in its application to the arts and manufactures. With which is incorporated a revision of Dr. Knapp's Technology. Il- lustrated. 2d ed. 3 v. in 4. 8°. London, H. Baillibre, 1855. Ronander (C. G. Henric.) Expositionis psy- chopathologie tentamen. 8 pp. Small 4°. Upsalia, 18.22. [In Pamphlets, v. 143.] Ronciere (Bourel-Paul). Considerations sur les conditions hygieniques des m6caniciens et des chauffeurs a bord des navires a va- RONCIERE. 329 ROSSBACH. Ronciere (Bourel-Paul)—Continued. peurdel'etat. These. H-'pp. 4°. Mont- pellier. [In Pamphlets, v. 44. ] Ronne (Ludwig von). Das medicinal-wesen des preussischen staates. Supplement-baud, enhaltend die bis zum jahre 1852 erlassenen verordnungen. 122 pp. 8°. Breslau, Georg Philipp Aderholz, 1852. Root(M. A.) The camera and the pencil; or the heliographic art: its theory and prac- tice in all its various branches; e. g., da- guerreotypes, photography, etc. Illustrated. 456 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, M. A. Root, 1861. Rooye (Fredericus van). De apoplexia lactea. 23 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Carolum Del/os, 1771. [7m Pamphlets, v. 56.] Roquefeuil (Frederic). De l'influence des retreeissements du bassin sur la grossesse et sur l'accouchement. Tableau synoptique. These. 82 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 47.] Rosa anglica, sive practica medicinre a capite ad pedes. See Gaddesden (Joh.) Rosaeus (Clemens). Deconvulsione. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Zacharia Smetii, 1621. [Tn Pamphlets, v. 69.] -----De paralysi. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., I. Elzeviri, 1622. [7m Pamphlets, v. 69.] Roschalyn (Cosmas). De scorbuto. 19 pp. 4°. Lugd. Batav., Theodorum Haak, 1765. [7m Pamphlets, v. 54.] Roscher (Mauritius Gulielmus Daniel.) De pseudartlnosi. Diss. 16 pp. 8°. Lipsia, typis Associatorum, 1850. [7m Pamphlets, v. 112.1 Roscoe (Henry E.) Gasometry; compris- ing the leading physical and chemical prop- erties of gases. By Robert Bunsen. 298 pp., 60 Illustrations. 8°. London, Walton 4- Maberly, 1857. ----- Lessons in elementary chemistry, inor- ganic and organic. 398 pp. 16°. London, Macmillan4' Co., 1867. . Spectrum analysis. Six lectures, de- livered in 1863, before the Society of Apoth- ecaries of London. With appendices, col- ored plates, and illustrations. 348 pp. 8°. New York, B. Appleton 4- Co., 1869. Rose. Ses Dexter. Rose (J. S.) Consumption curable. A prac- tical treatise to prove consumption a man- ageable disease. With cases successfully 42 Rose (J. S.)—Continued. treated, under a new mode, in this country. 170 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Crolius 4- Glad- ding and J. G. Auner, 1841. Rosenbaum (A.) Resultate meiner beobach- tungen wahiend der cholera-epidemie in Landsberg und Kreuzburg. 37 pp. 8°. Ratibor, B. Michura, 1853. [7m Pamphlets, v. 21U.] Rosenburger (Arnold). Sechs falle von uterus unicornis, darunter einer mit schwan- gerschaft in einem verkiimmerteu neben. home. Diss. 22 pp. 8°. Erlangen, JungeSf Sohn, 1861. | 7m Pamphlets, v. 304.] Rosenmiiller (Johann Christ.) Chirurgisch- anatomische abbildungen fiir artze und wuud- iirzte. 3 theile; mit 68 tafeln abbildungen. (Mit lateinischem und deutschem texte.) Folio. Weimar, L^and- Industiie- Comptoir, 1805-06. Rosenstein (Siegmund). Die pathologie und therapie der nieren-krankheiten casuistisch dargestellt. 483 pp. 8°. Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1863. Rosenthal (Moses). Dissertatio de abusu alcoholicorum. 37 pp. 8°. Vindobona, ty- pis Haredum a Ghelen, 1837. [7m Pamphlets, v. 162.] Roser (Bernard) und Aloys (Urban). Be- richte bayerischer arzte iiber cholera morbus. 108 pp. 4°. Miinchen, 1832. Roser (H.) Handbuch der anatomischen chi- rurgie. 2 bande. 8°. Tubingen, H. Laupp, 1844-45. Roser (W.) Ein merkwiirdiger fall von fis* telbildung. 16 pp., 6 pl. 8°. Marburg, El- wert, 1858. [7m Pamphlets, v. 247.] -----Sieben abhandlungen iiber fottschritte und verirrungen der kriegschirurgie. 34 pp. 8°. Berlin, Aug. Hirschwald, 1867, ----- Zur kriegsverbandlehre. 27 pp. 8°. Bertin, August Hirschwald, 1871. -----Zur trepanationslehre. 16 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v. 224.] Ross (Alexander). De intemperantia et mor- bis inde derivatis. Diss. 47 pp. 8°. Edinb., C. Stewart, 1809. [7m Pamphlets, v. 384.] Rossbach (Gustav). Mechanische vagus- und sympathicus-reizung bei mediastinaltu- moren. 38 pp. 8°. Jena, A. Neuenhuhn, 1869- 330 ROSSBACH. ROUSSET. Rossbach (Theodor). Ueber den merycis- inus. Diss. 26 pp. 8C. Jena, IV. Ratz, 1865. Rossberg (Friedrich J.) Ueber die wirkun- gen der spaltung der thrancniohrchen bei krankheiten des thranenableitungsappara- tes. 16 pp. 8°. Leipzig, A. Th. Engelhardt, \8{\8. [Iii Pamphlets, v. 291.] Rosse. Sec London. Ro3ser (W. H.) The improved art of farriery. Compiled from the works of the late James White. 619 pp. 8J. London, Henry G. Bohn, 1857. Rossignol (S. DeGaillac). Traite eiementaire d'hygiene militaire. 495 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Johanneau, 1857. Rossmassler (E. A ) Der wald. Den freun- den und pflegern des waldes geschildert. 628 pp. 8°. Leipzig und Heidelberg, C. F. Win- ter, 1863. Ro3sum (Jacobus van). Dissertatio patho- logico-chirurgica inauguralis de pseudar- throsi. 74 pp., 1 tab. 12°. Schoonhovia, S. E. VanNooten, 1838. Rest (Gulielmus). De chilo- et stomatoplas- tice. Diss. 31 pp. 4°. Berolini, Fried- landeriunis, 1836. [7m Pamphlets, v. 329.] Rostan (Leon). De l'organicisme, precede de reflexions sur I'incr6dulit6 en matiere de m6decine et suivi de commentaircs et d'apho- rismes. 3me ed. 407 pp. 8Q. Paris, P. Asselin, 1864. ----- Recherches sur le ramollissement du cerveau. 2me 6i. 503 pp. 8°. Paris, Bichet, 1823. ----- Traite eiementaire de diagnostic, de prognostic, et d'indications therapeutiques, ou cours de medecine clinique. 3 v. 8°. Paris, Bichet, 1826. Roth (Friedrich Theodor). Ueber die totale resection des handgelenkes. Diss. 30 pp. 8°. Jena, W. Ratz, 1863. Roth (M.) Contributions to the hygienic treatment of paralysis and of paralytic de- formities. 98 pp., 33 engravings. 8°. Lon- don, Groombridge 4' Sons, i860. Roth (Wilhelm.) Die dienst-verhaltnisse der assistenz-artze und unter-iirtze in der kbnig- lich-preussischen armee. Eine zusammen- stellung der betreffenden verfugungen und reglemente. 290 seiten. ri°. Berlin, Au- gust Hirschicald, lc59. ----- Der gesundheitsdienst bei der eng- Roth (Wilhelm)—Continued. lischen expedition nach Abessinien. 51 pp. 8 . Berlin, Mittler und Sohn, 1868. ----- Militairiirztliche studien. Neue folge. 208 pp., 2 pl. 8°. Berlin, loss, 1868. Roth (Wilhelm) und Lex (Rudolf). Hand- buch der militargesundheitspflege. lster band, Jste lieferung. 350 pp. 8°. Berlin A. Hirschwald, 1872. Rotherham (John). The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, being an improvement of the New Dispensatory by Dr. Lewis. Fourth edition, illustrated. 622 pp. 8C. Philadel- phia, Thomas Bobson, 1796. Rothschild (Saly). Ueber den anus artifi- cialis, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung der Amussat'schen methode. Diss. 42 pp. 8°. Friedberg, Bendernagel und Schimpff, 1861. Rottenstein. See Leber. Rotter (Carolus Gustavus). Pauca de luxa- tione femoris. Diss. 35 pp., 1 pl. 8°. Lipsia, A. Edelmann, 1855. [7m Pamphlets, v. 112.1 Rotureau (Armand). Des principales eaux minerales de l'Europe. 943 pp. 8°. Paris, V. Masson, 1859. Roudanovsky (Pierre). Etudes photogra- phiquessur le systeme nerveux de l'homme et de quelques animaux superieurs. 60 pp. 8°. Avec atlas de 20 planches contenant 203 photographies. Paris, Adrien Belahaye, 1868. Roulet (Albert-Louis). De l'asth6nopie. 134 pp. 8°. Paris, Charnerot et Lauwereyns, 1868. [7m Pamphlets, v. 311.] Rouppe (L.) De morbis navigantium. 338 pp. 8C. Lugd. Batavorum, Theodor Haak, 1764. Rousseau (J. J ) Letters on the elements of botany. Translated, with notes and twenty- four additional letters fully explaining the system of Linnaeus, by Thomas Martyn. Fourth edition. 503 pp. 8°. London, B. 4- J. White, 1744. Rousseau (Emm.) Maladie et autopsie de M. G. Cuvier. (Extrait de la Lancette francaise du 26 Mai.) 7 pp. 8°. 1832. [7m Pamphlets, v. 32.] Rousset (C.) Traite du cholera-morbus. Suivi de quelques observations sur l'assainis- sement de la ville de Paris. Seconde edition. 272 pp. 8Z. Paris, I'auteur, 1853. [7m Pamphlets, v. 208.] ROUSSILLON. 331 ROZIER. Roussillon (F.-P. Vigo.) Puissance militaire des fitats-Unis d'Am6rique d'apres la guerre de la secession, 1881-65. 467 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Bumaine, 1866. [7m Pamphlets, v. 208.] Roussin de Montabourg (M. P.) Quaestio medico-chirurgica an in herniis intestinali- bus, etiam cognita intestini prolapsi lsesione operatio celebrandi? [7m HALLER.Disput. chir., torn. 3, p. 97.] Routh (C. H. F.) The cheapest and most nutritious food for charitable institutions and the poor. 60 pp. 8°. London, H. K. Lewis, 1854. [7m Pamphlets, v. 441.] Roux (Jules). Angioleucite profonde. Am- putation coxo-femorale. (From Gazette me- dicale de Paris, 1849.) 26 pp. 8°. ----- Desarticulation de la cuisse. 24 pp. 8°. Paris, Victor Masson, 1860. ----- De l'osteomyeiite et des amputations secondares a la suitedes coups de feu. 112 pp., 6 pl. 4C. Paris, J.-B. Baillibre et fils, 1860. ----- Fistules du larynx. (From Publica- tions de l'union medicale, Octobre 30 1855.) 15 pp. 8°. ----- Lecon sur les appareils a fracture et a compression. 76 pp. 8°. Paris, Filix Maltesteet cie., 1859. ----- Lesion de l'artere tibiale posterieure; ligature. 25 pp. 8°. Paris, Filix Mal- teste etcie., 1849. ----- Memoire sur le cholera cutane ou sudo- ral. (Publications de l'union medicale, Oc- tobre et Novembre 1857.) 32 pp. 8°. Paris, Filix Matteste et cie., 1857. ----- Sur l'amputation tibio-tarsienne. (From Archives de medecine navale, tome 4.) 12pp.,2pl. 8°. 1805. -----Sur la desarticulation du coude. (From Archives de medecine navale, tome 6.) 16 pp.,2pl. 8°. 1866. Roux (Philibert-Joseph). Considerations cli- niques sur les blesses qui ont ete recus a I'hdpitalde lacharite. 112 pp. 8°. Paris, J. S. Chaudi, 1830. [In Pamphlets, v. 331.] -----De la resection ou du retrenchement de portions d'os malades, soit dans les articu- lations, soit hors des articulations. These. 55 pp. 4°. Paris, Migneret, 1812. [7m Pamphlets, v. 49.] ----- Melanges de chirurgie et de physiolo- gie. 487 pp. 8°. Paris, Miquignon, 1809. Roux (Philibert Joseph). Memoire sur la sta- phyloraphie, ou suture du voile du palais. Seconde edition. 93 pp , 2 pl. 8°. Paris, J. S. Chaudi, 1825. -----Nouveaux elements de medecine opera- toire. 2 tomes. 787,350 pp. 8°. Paris, Mequignon-Marvis, 1813. ----- Quarante annees de pratique chirur- gicale. 2 v. 474, 476 pp. 8°. Paris, Vic- tor Masson, 1354. ----- Relation d'un voyage fait a Londres en 1814, ou paralieie de la chirurgie angloise avec la chirurgie francoise, precede de consi- derations sur les hopitaux de Londres. 368 pp. 83. Paris, Mequignon-Marvis, 1315. Rouzaeus (Ludovicus). De epilepsia. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., G. Basson, 1616. [7m Pamphlets, v. 79.] Rowan (M.) An inaugural dissertation on hepatitis. Diss. 28 pp. 8°. Baltimore, John Wane, 1815. [7m Pamphlets, v. 330.] Rowe (George Robert). Nervous diseases, liver and stomach complaints, low spirits, indigestion, gout, asthma, and disorders pro- duced by tropical climates. 11th ed. 213 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1849. Rowley (William). An essay on the ophthal- mia or inflammation of the eye. 47 pp. 16°. London, F. Newberg, 1771. [7m Pamphlets, v. 85.] Rowzee (Lodwick). The queen's wells. That is, a treatise of the nature and vertues of Tunbridge water. 79 pp. 16°. London, Robert Boulter, 1671. Roy (Joannes Le). De mensium suppres- sione. 27 pp. Small 4°. Lugd. Batav., Abrahamum. Kallewier, 1728. [7m Pamphlets, v. 68.] Royle (J. Forbes). Materia medica and thera- peutics. Including the preparations of the pharmacopoeias of London, Edinburgh, and Dublin. Edited by Joseph Carson. 689 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Lea 4' Blanchard, 1847. Rozier (Victor). Essai d'une bibliographie universelle de la medecine, de la chirurgie, et de la pharmacie militaires. 234 pp. 8°. Paris, J. Dumaine, 1862. -----Legislation sanitaire de l'armee de terre. Contenant les lois, d6crets, ordonnances,regle- ments, instructions, decisions, notes, circu- lates, solutions, et lettres ministerielles con- cernant les medecines militaires dans les hdpitaux et les corps de troupes. 6 v. 8° Paris, V. Rozier, 1853-60. V) RFBIO. RUSSELL. Rubio (Marcos S:u„heZ). Tratado sobre la I Rnnge (Ludolph H.) De morbis pnecipui. tiebre biliosa y otras eufermedades. 360 pp. Small 3°. Habana, Comercio, 1814. Rucco (Julius). Introduction to the science of the pulse, as applied to the practice of medicine. 2 v. 353, 452 pp. Royal 8°. London, the author, 1827. Riickert (Ernst F.) Therapeutics of homoeo- pathy ; or, outlines of successful homoeopathic cures. Translated by Charles J. Hempel, M. D. 280 pp. 8°. New York, William Radde, 1H46. Riidinger (X.) Die anatomie der menschli- chen gehirnnerveu. 63 pp., mit 14 tafeln. 8°. Miinchen, J. G. Cotta, 1868. ----- Atlas des menschlichen gehororganes. lste und 2te lieferung, enthaltend 24 tafeln. Nach der natur photographirt von J. Albeit. 4°. Miinchen. J. J. Leutner, 1866-67. Rudolphi (W. E.) De peritonei diverticulis illisquo imprimis qua? per umbilicum et lineam albam contingunt. 30 pp. 4°. Gb't- tin-ra, typis Barmeieri, 1780. [7m Pamphlets, v. 59.] Rueff (A.) Ueber bau und verrichtungen des korpers unserer hausthiere. Anatomisch- physiologiscbe einleitung in die thierkunde und thierzucht. Illustrirt. 2te auflage. 108 pp. 3°. Stuttgart, Ebner 4' Seubert, 1859. Rueffius (Jacobus). De couceptu et genera- tione hominis. 92 pp. 4°. Franco/ ad Mecnum, Petrus Fabricius, 1587. Ruete (C. G. Theodor.) Bildliche darstellung der krankheiten des menschlichen auges. 9 lieferungenin 6 vols. Mit illustrirten tafeln 4°. Leipzin, B. G. Teubner, 1854-60. Rufus (Q. Curtius). Historia Alexandri Magni. 264 pp. 8°. Holla et Berolini, Orphanotropheus, 1818. Riihle (P. T.) De arteria a motu cordis aemulo remota. 54 pp. 4°. Vitemberg., ex off. Bossagelia, 1745. [7m Pamphlets, v. 58.] Ruickoldt (Arthur). Ein beitrag zur lehre von der zuckerharnruhr. Diss. 24 pp. 8°. Jena, Fisher 4' Hermsdor/, 1865. Rump (Joh. Steph.) De dysenteria. 37 pp. 12°. Gryphia. Kunike, 1816. [In Pamphlets, v. 163.1 Rumsey (H. W ) Essays on state medicine. 424 pp. 8°. London, John Churchill, 1856. ----- Ou the amendment of the vaccination laws in England. (From Social Science, March 1, 1867.) 7 pp. 8-. Faith/ull ^ Head, London. sinuum ossis frontis et maxillre supenons, et quibusdam mandibula? inferioris. 1 tab. [7n Haller, Disput. chir., tom. 1, p. 205.J Ruppaner (Antoine). Hypodermic injections in the treatment of neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, and other diseases. 160 pp. 3°. Bos- ton, T. O. H. P. Burnham, 1865. The principles and practice of laryn goscopy and rhinoscopy in diseases of the throat aud nasal passages. 153 pp. 8°. New York, A. Simpson 4' Co., 1868. ---- Reply to Dr. L. Sayre's review of Dr. Ruppaner's case of laryngotrachewt- omy; to which is added a full account of the great poisoning case by partridges, at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. 29 pp. 6°. New York, D. Appleton 4- Co., 1870. Rush (Benjaminus). De coctione ciborum in ventriculo. Diss. 30 pp. 8°. Edinb., Bal- four, Aitlel et Smellie, 1768. [7m Pamphlets, v. 387.] Rush (Benjamin). Essays, literary, moral, and philosophical. 8°. Bhiladclphia, 1798. ----- An inquiry into the various sources of summer and autumnal diseases in the United States, etc. To which are added, facts, intended to prove the yellow fever not to be contagious. 113 pp. 8°. Philadel- phia, J. Conrad Sf Co. ,1805. -----Lectures on the theory and practice of medicine from November, 1790, to February, 1791. (Manuscript.) ----- Medical inquiries and observations; containing an account of the yellow fever as it appeared in Philadelphia in the years 1793-94, 2d ed. 4 v. 8°. Philadelphia, T. Dobson, 1794-96. ----- Observations upon the origin of the ma- lignant bilious or yellow fever, in Philadel- phia, and upon the means of preventing it. 28 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Thomas Dobson, 1799. [im Pamphlets, v. 398.] -----Three lectures upon animal life, deliv- ered in the University of Pennsylvania. 84 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Thomas Bobson, 1799. [7m Pamphlets, v. 398.] Russ. See Niles. Russell. See Crawford. Russell (Charles). Wondersof bodily strength and skill in all ages and countries. Trans- lated and enlarged from the French of G. Depping. Illustrated. ?28 pp. 12°. New York, C. Scribner Sr Co., 1871. 33 RUSSELL. Russell (Gulielmus F.) De vaccina. 24 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart ct socii, 1800. [7m Pamphlets, v. 16.] Russell (James). A practical essay on a cer- tain disease of the bone termed necrosis. 209 pp., and appendix, 14 pp.; 7 pl. 8°. Edinburgh, Bell $ Brad/ute, 1794. -----A treatise on the morbid affections of the knee-joint. 8°. Edinburgh, William Laing, 1802. Russell (Joannes). De ictero. Diss. 21 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Stewart, 1804. [7m Pamphlets, v. 30.] Russell (J. Rutherford). The history and heroes of the art of medicine. 491 pp. 8°. London, John Murray, 1861. Russell (Patrick). A treatise on the plague. With an appendix. 583 pp. 4°. London, G. G. J. 4' J. Robinson, 179J. Russell (Richard). The oeconomy of nature in acute and chronical diseases of the glands. 253 pp. 8°. London, John 4' James Riv- ington, 1755. Russel (W. P.) The medical quaerist and investigator. In two parts. 10 pp. 8°. London, C. Whittingham, 1802. [7m Pamphlets, v. 439.] Russia. Annales de I'observatoire physique central de Russie. Publiees par ordre de sa majeste imperiale, par A. T. Kupfer, annees 1847-66, et par H. Wild, annees 1867-69. 23 v. 4°. St. Pitersbourg, I'imprimerie de Vacadimie impiriale, 1850-71. -----Compte-rendu annuel. Parle directeur de I'observatoire physique central A. T. Kup- fer, annees 1850-64. 15 nos. in lv. 4°. (Sup- plement aux annales de I'observatoire phy- sique central.) St. Pitersbourg, Alexandre Jacobson, 1851-65. ----- Correspondence meteorologique. Pu- blication trimestrielle de l'ad ministration des mines de Russie. Redigee par A. T. Kupfer, annees 1852-65. 6 v. 4°. St. Pitersbourg, Alexandre Jacobson, 1853-65. -----Jahresbericht des physikalischen cen- tral-observatoriums fiir 1870. Der akademie abgestattet von H. Wild. 44 pp. 4°. St. Petersburg, kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften, 1871. _____Kaiserliche akademie der wissenschaf- ten. Repertorium fiir meteorologie, redigirt von Heinrich Wild. Baud 1-2. 4°. St. Pitersbourg, 1870-71. RUYSCH. Russia. Societe imperiale geographique de Russie. Travaux meteorologiques tires des publications recueillies et publiees sous la redaction de A. Wojeikoff. No. 1, Mars 1871. 90 pp. 8°. St. Pitersbourg, 1871. Russian Army, Medical Department. Cata- logue of medicines and apothecaries' stores, and list of surgical instruments for military and quarantine hospitals. 4°. St. Peters- burg, 1868. [Text, Russian.] -----The Military Medical Journal. Edited by the chief medical director of the war de- partment, for the 45th, 46th, and 47th year. 18 v. 8°. St. Petersburg, 1867-69. [Text, Russian.] -----Russian military pharmacopoeia, pub- lished, by imperial order, by the military med- ical scientific committee. 683 pp. Royal 8°. St. Petersburg, 1866. |Text, Russian.] Russische kaiserliche feld-pharmakologie. 195 pp. 8°. Stendal, Fi-anzen und Grasse, 1802. Russlands medicinische Zeitung. Redi- girt und herausgegeben von den DDrr. M. Heine, R. Krebel, und H. Thielmann, prac- tischen tirtzten in St. Petersburg. 12th to 17th year. 6 v. 4°. St.. Petersburg, R. Go- liche, 1855-60. Rust (Carolus). De ulcerum diagnosi et setio- logia. Dissertatio inauguralis. 42 pp. 4°. Berlin, Wilhelm Schad, 1830. Rust (Joh.Nep.) Einiges iiber die cholera. Ein sendschreiben an Alex. v. Humboldt. 34 pp. 8°. Berlin, Theod. Christ. Fr. Enslin, 1832. [7m Pamphlets, v. 168.] -----Theoretisch-praktisches handbuch der chirurgie. In alphabetischer ordnung. 17 V. 8°. Und register. Wien, Carl Gerold; Berlin, Th. Chr. Fr. Enslin, 1830-36. Riitimeyer (L.) Ueber thai- und see-bildung. Beitrage zum verstandniss der oberflache der Schweiz. 94 pp., 1 pl. 4°. Basel, Carl Schultze, 1869. Riitimeyer (Ludwig) und His (Wilhelm). Crania helvetica. Sammlung schweizerischer schadelformen. 63 pp., 6 tabellen. Basel und Gen/, H. Georg, 1864. Ruysch (Fredericus). Dilucidatio valvularum in vasis lymphaticis et lacteis. Accesserunt qusedam observationes anatomicse rariores. 281 pp. 16°. Haga-Com: H. Gael, 1665. -----Epistolte problematicae anatomicse viro- 334 SABBATINI. Ruysch (Fredericus)—Continued rum celehriorum ad F. Ruyschium respon- sionibus. 4°. CONTENTS. B2. Campuomercus (J. J.) De glandulis, fibris, etc., etc. r. itmuller, (M. E.) De ceribricorticali substantia. 2H pp., cum tig. Amst., apud Janssonio-Wasber- gios, 1721. ______De ovario novo. 18 pp. Amst., apud Jans- son to- tt'asbcrgiui, 1721. Fiikni'Z (G.) be vasis sangniferis, periostii tibiae, etc. 22 pp, cum fig. Amst , apud J. Walters, 1714. GaUMUS, (J.) De pilispingiieriine, etc., etc. 3lpp., cum lii. Amst, apud J. Wallers, 1696. GCELICKE (A. O.) De cursu arteriarum per pi- matrein, etc. 11 pp. Amst.. apud J. Pauli, 1718. GllXTZ(J. H.) De arteria et vena broneliiali, etc. It) pp.. cum fig-. Amst, apud J. Wolters, 1696. ------ De pia malre. 8 pp., tab. 1. Amst., apud J. Pauli, 1718. ------De structura nasi cartilaginea. 11 pp., tab. 1. Amst., apud J. Pauli, 1718. GR-SSIZ (A. H.) De vasorum sanguineorum extre- mitatibud, etc. 15 pp., cum fig. Amst., apud J. Wolters, 1704. Kl KKWOLFF (B.) De auiicularum cordis structura. 8 pp., cum tig. Amst, apud J. Pauli, 1720. RevkkHOKST (M. a). De nova artunm decurtan- doiiim methodo. 18 pp., tub. 1. Amst., apud J. Wolters, J714. Ruyschius (F.) Adversariorum anatomico-medico cbirurgicorum decas prima 34 pp., tab. 1. Amst., apud Janssonio- Wirsberxios, 1717, ----- De ovario novo deca* serunda. 45 pp., 3 tab. Amst., aoud Janssonio-Wasbergios, 172J. ------Diito, decas tertia. 36 pp , 3 tab. Amst., apud Janssonio- Wasbergios, 1723. Vater (A.) De viis absconditis pulraonum, quibus aer respirando receplus in singuinem penetrat, etc. 12 pp. Amst., apud J. Wolters, 1714. Wkdki.IUS (C ) De oculorum tunicis. 32 pp., 1 pl. Amst., apud Jaiissonio-Wicsbcrgios, 1720. Wolf (J. U.) De iutestinorum tunicisi, glandulis, etc. 10 pp , tab. 1. Amst., apud J. Pauli, 1721. -----Thesaurus animalium primus. 42 pp., 7 tab. 4J. Amstel., apud J. Wolters, 1710. [7m Ruysch, Epistolae. Dutch and Latin text.] -----Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirur- gica. Cum figuris seneis. 4 tonii. 4°. Am- stelodami, Janssonio- Wasbcrgios,1737. Ryan (Jacobus). De contagio. Diss. 33 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, Robertum Allan, 1804. [7m Pamphlets, v. 30.] -----De rheumatismo. 35 pp. 6-. Edin- burgi. C. Stew/irt, 1803. [7m Pamphlets, v. £6.] Ryan (Jeremias). De variolis. 26 pp. 8°. Edinburgi, C. Steicart et socii, L-sOO. [In Pamphlets, v. 15.] Ryan (Richardus). De diabete mellito. 43 pp. ??-\ Edinburgi, C. Stewart et socii, 1799. [7m Pamphlets, v. 9.] Ryan (Michael). Introductory lecture on the rise and progress of midwifery. 17 pp. 8°. London, Longman Sr Co., Ic28. [7m Pamphlets, v.31.] -----A manual of medical jurisprudence, compiled from the best medical and legal Ryan (Michael)—Continued. woiks. First American edition. With notes and additions by R. E. Griffith. 327 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Carey 4' Lea, 1832. -----Medico-Botanical Society. Lecture on materia-medica, March 13, 1832. 7 pp. 8°. [7m Pamphlets, v.31.] -----Prostitution in London, with a com- parative view of that of Paris and New York. 447 pp., 10 pl. 12°. London, H. Baillibre, 1839. -----Remarks on the supply of water to the metropolis, with an account of the natural his- tory of water, and of the chemical composi- tions and medical uses of all the known min- eral waters. 45 pp. 8°. London, Longman Sr Co., 1823. [7m Pamphlets, v. 31.] Ryff (Gualther H.) New erfundene heylsame und bewiirte artzney, mit vormals unbe- kandter, und bisz auff dise zeyt unbewisz- ter bereytung, gebrauch und wiirkung des indiauischen holtz, guaiacum oder Fran- zosen holtz. 256 seiten. 8°. 1559. S. (H.) De pest naaukeurig onderzocht gron- digh geueezeu. 142 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, 161>4. Sabatier (Francois-Henry). Quelques con- siderations sur les maladies observees pendant une campagne dans les mers de Chine, 1859-63. 56 pp. 4°. Montpellier, 1864. [7m Pamphlets, v. 42.] Sabatier (Raphael B.) De la medecine opera- toire, ou des operations de chirurgie qui se pratiquent le plus frequemment. 2 tomes. 3G5, 408 pp. 8°. Paris, Didot le jeune, 1796. ----- De la medecine operatoire. Nouvelle edition, faitesous les yeux de M. Dupuytren, par Sanson et Begin. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Bechet, jeune, 1822-24. ----- Traite complet d'anatomie, ou descrip- tion de toutes les parties du corps humain. 3 tomes. 3d ed. 470, 494, 501 pp. 8°. Paris, Thiophile Barrois le jeune, 1791. Sabatier (R. B.) et Dupuytren. Dela mede- cine operatoire, avec des additions et des notes par L.-J. Sanson, et L. J. Begin. Nouvelle edition. Augmentee de generalite.s sur les operations et les pansemens, etc. 4 tomes. 8°. Paris, Bichet, jeune, 1832. Sabbatini (Leopoldo). Sulla sorpredente ef- ficacia de bagni generali caldi di cloruro di calce contro il colera asiatico confermata da ulteriori sperimenti. (In Correspondenza SABBATINI. 335 SAINT-VEL. Sabbatini (Leopoldo)—Continued. • scientifica in Roma, Ottobre 5 1855.) 16 pp. 4°. [7« Pamphlets, v. 229.] Sabine (Robert). The electric telegraph. Illustrated. 423 pp. 8°. London, Virtue Brothers