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CHIEF NURSE, KANKAKEE STATE HOSPITAL, KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS Formerly Chief Nurse, Anna State Hospital, Anna, Illinois Formerly Member of Nurse's Examining Board of the Illinois State Civil Service Commission WHITCOMB & BARROWS Boston, 1915 Vi Copyright, 1915 By Whitcomb and Barrows ✓ Vrmaatmmd from th« Library «* Oongi on undor »ee. 5», Copyright Act of Melt. 4t ieog THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. / DEC 20 1915^ 'CI.A416995a PREFACE ' I ^HE object of this manual is to assist nurses in their review and ■*- preparation for examination. The questions have been col- lected from various sources, chiefly from magazines, and are those that have been used in examination for State Registration and for Civil Service positions. It will be noted that there are many repetitions. These questions have been repeated to show their importance as considered by the various persons preparing the different sets of questions. At the end are a few complete sets of questions, showing the type used when the whole examination consists of one set of questions and when each subject is treated separately. May Kennedy CONTENTS PAGE Ethics of Nursing................. 1 Anatomy and Physiology ............. 10 Bacteriology.................... 26 Care of Children ............... 32 Dietetics .................... 40 Gynecology and Obstetrics............. 53 Hygiene...................... 68 Hydrotherapy and Massage............ 76 Infectious and Contagious Diseases........ 81 Materia Medica.................. 87 Medical Nursing..................103 Nervous and Mental Nursing...........117 Surgical Nursing .................121 Urinalysis.....................135 Examples of Complete Sets of Examination Questions . 138 QUESTION MANUAL NURSING ETHICS 1. State briefly (not exceeding 100 words) your understanding of the law concerning State Registration for Nurses. 2. State briefly what benefit you believe will be derived from State Registration for Nurses by: (a) the individual nurse; (6) the profession generally; (c) the physician; (d) the public. 3. What do you consider the benefits to yourself of being allied with your alumna? association or any organization of nurses whose aim it is to elevate the standard of the nurs- ing profession? 4. Give two rules bearing on the relation of the nurse: (a) to her profession; (b) to her school and superintendent; (c) to pupil nurses. 5. State briefly what you consider the duty of a nurse as re- gards the social evil in her relation: (a) to the public gener- ally; (6) to a patient who may be suffering from either of the specific diseases. 6. State fully what you would do if, on going to a case, you found that you were expected to take your meals in the kitchen instead of eating with the family, as is customary. 7. If your name is on a registry maintaining high standards and you have knowledge of a gross misdemeanor committed by a nurse connected with the same registry, what would you consider your duty in the matter? 8. A nurse is sent into the country to care for a case of acute rheumatic fever; give your opinion regarding the right of the nurse to give a cathartic or enema when the physician 2 question manual is not visiting the patient oftener than once in three or four days and there are no means of communicating with him. 9. When a graduate nurse is called in temporarily to do general duty in a hospital, what should be her attitude toward: (a) the nurses of the training school; (6) the head nurse who is an undergraduate of the school? 10. If a patient should take a dislike to you for an unknown cause, would you think it wise to remain on the case? 11. What stand should a nurse take when on a case where a pa- tient and his family are not satisfied with the attending physician and appeal to her for advice about making a change? 12. Would you nurse for a physician for whom vou have no re- spect either professional or personal ? If not, what reason would you give the physician or the fam- ily for refusing? 13. What is your definition of the term professional ethics? 14. Would you nurse for a physician who you knew was guilty of unprofessional conduct? If not, what reason would you give the physician and family for refusing? 15. What benefit do you derive from being allied to any nursing organization which has as its aim the elevation of the standards of nursing? 16. Would you report any gross misconduct on the part of a nurse whose name appears on the same registry as your own? 17. If called to nurse in a hospital, either in special or general work, what would be your attitude toward the nurses in training? Would you consider yourself governed by the rules of the school ? 18. If called on a private case to assist a nurse and you were pre- ferred, what would you do ? nursing ethics 3 19. What do you mean by loyalty to your physician? 20. If you expect to enter a hospital from which you have not graduated, to take care of a special patient, what is the cor- rect procedure? 21. Why is loyalty to one's own hospital so very important all during a nurse's professional life? 22. If a family has reason to feel dissatisfied with the physician while you are caring for a patient and they come to you for advice, what would you do? 23. What do you feel a correct ethical attitude does for a woman in her profession? 24. If you do district nursing and a very poor patient who al- ready has a doctor needs special hospital care, what would you do ? 25. If a visitor seems to be tiring your patient, without giving offense, how would you inform him of the patient's con- dition? 26. When you are on private duty, how much free time do you take each day? 27. Why should you join your State Association? 28. Tell what you know about the State laws regarding nursing. 29. Name two national nurses' organizations. 30. What qualities do you think a nurse should cultivate to be- come a successful head nurse? 31. If you were nursing a very unruly child and the mother did not require the necessary discipline, what would you do? 32. If you were called on a case by the family and you knew the doctor did not want you on the case, what would you do? 33. If a patient took a dislike to you for some unknown reason, what would you do? 34. If you were nursing in a family and from unmistakable con- duct on the part of patient and family you felt convinced that either you personally or your professional services were not acceptable, what would you do? 4 QUESTION MANUAL 35. If you were nursing in a family and it became necessary to call in a second nurse, whom the patient liked better than yourself, would you claim your right to remain when only one nurse was needed or would you retire in favor of the second nurse? 36. If called to an obstetrical case where the patient is the head of the family and there are two older children, one of school age, and scant means for more than the nurse's salary, where would you consider that your duties end? 37. If when caring for a new-born infant having discharge of pus from the eyes, in a State where the law requires such cases to be reported to the Board of Health, the physician in charge fails to report, what would you do ? 38. What characteristics should every woman possess who enters the nursing profession? 39. With whom should a nurse discuss her patient's condition? 40. If you are nursing a patient and both patient and family are unreasonable and have made many changes in their nurses; if you displease and are discharged, what would you do with your records of the case? Would you leave them for the nurse who is to follow you, that she may know the condi- tion of the patient's treatment and its results, or would you destroy the records or take them away with you? 41. What duties has a nurse toward: (a) the patient; (b) the phy- sician; (c) herself? 42. What should be the attitude of a nurse toward the organized societies of her profession in her State and nation? 43. When and where should the uniform be worn? > 44. Suppose you had just returned to your home from nursing a patient who had diphtheria and an emergency call is sent to you to come to an obstetrical case in your immediate neighborhood. Labor has begun much before the expected time and you were the only nurse available. If both physi- cian in charge and the patient agree to assume the responsi- bility, would you go to the case? NURSING ETHICS 5 45. Outline briefly the necessary qualifications for a nurse under the heading: (a) physical qualifications; (6) character; (c) education. 46. What would justify a nurse leaving a private case before the recovery of her patient if it is difficult for the family to obtain another nurse ? 47. Write briefly on nursing ethics pertaining to the relation of the nurse to the physician and to the public. 48. Of what value may nursing organizations be to you as an in- dividual nurse? 49. When leaving a case, what is your view of giving receipts for money received, if the people who engage you were actually unable to pay the regular fees and you were convinced of the same? In what way could you make out a receipt for your fee so as not to make it prohibitory for a succeeding nurse to make the regular charge? (Supposition being that you see that your services were very much needed.) 50. In looking forward to becoming a superintendent of nurses, what preparation should a nurse make ? 51. What should be the relations existing between a head nurse and her superintendent? 52. If you had made a professional engagement for a certain date and later had an opportunity for a more attractive location and better salary, what would you do? 53. What would be your reason for registering against contagious cases? 54. Define the personal and professional attitude of a private duty nurse toward the family of her patient. 55. If the family criticises the attending physician, what would you do? 56. If the physician criticises you before your patient, what would /< you do? 57. How would you define: (a) professional ethics; (6) nursing ethics? 6 QUESTION MANUAL 58. Name five characteristics which a person must possess to make a successful nurse. 59. What advantage is it to a pupil nurse to have a probation period and a preliminary course of instruction? What advantage is it to the hospital? 60. If a nurse is asked to leave a case because she has not given satisfaction and she knows that another nurse has been called upon the case, what would be your opinion as to the disposal of the records which have been made? 61. What is the unit of all nursing and hospital service? 62. Discuss the abuses of the nurses' uniform. 63. What are the nursing ethics in regard to professional engage- ments ? 64. What are the nursing ethics to be observed toward: (a) your- self; (6) the patients; (c) the doctors; (d) the superintendent of nurses; (e) the public? 65. What does State Registration stand for? What is the difference between being registered at the insti- tution from which you have been graduated and being registered by the State? 66. What attitude should be established between groups of nurses when they have become members of the staff of such organizations as: (a) The Visiting Nurses Association; (6) The Social Hygiene Society; (c) The Mental Hygiene Society; (d) The Infant Welfare Society? 67. Do you consider an abundance of supplies and appliances an absolute necessity for rendering very good nursing service? 68. What particular subjects would you avoid in your conversa- tion : (a) with the physician, when in the patient's presence; (6) with another nurse, when in a public place? \ 69. If you should follow a nurse upon a case and your patient and the family persisted in telling you of your predeces- sor's faults, what would your attitude be? 70. If a young woman asked your advice regarding entrance to a Training School for Nurses, what would you emphasize? NURSING ETHICS 7 71. In private duty how many hours in twenty-four would you expect for sleep? Would you make any exceptions? Explain. 72. Under anything but the most unusual circumstances, do you - consider it to the best interest of the nursing profession to register against taking certain cases? 73. Is it ethical to refuse a call you have not registered against ?' 74. Why is a good education necessary for a prospective nurse? What other qualifications should she possess? 75. State definitely and in detail how a private duty nurse may co- operate with the Directory or Registry where she is enrolled. Who derives the greatest benefit from this cooperation? 76. Is it wise to attempt to shield a patient from worry by deceit ? Give the reason for your answer. 77. If you were desirous of becoming a superintendent of nurses, what special qualifications should you cultivate? 78. Providing a nurse has very little time for personal reading, what should constitute this reading? 79. Providing you were on a very desirable case on which it was your privilege to continue for a long time, if you broke an engagement you had made for another case, what would you do? 80. Provided you were on night duty in a hospital, either as a student or graduate nurse, and in the middle of the night you discovered that an order for a drug to be given a pa- tient was unusually large in size of dose, so that you feared harmful results, what would you do? 81. What do you understand by nursing ethics? 82. What obligation do you consider you owe to the school which made it possible for you to become a graduate or registered nurse? 83. If the family became dissatisfied with the attending physician on a case and another were employed, what would you con- sider to be your duty in the case? 8 QUESTION MANUAL 84. What do you understand by loyalty to your physician? 85. Name one rule, which if followed in every instance, would simplify nursing ethics. 86. Define hospital etiquette. 87. Name five qualifications a woman should possess who con- templates taking up nursing. 88. Name four points a woman should keep in mind when selecting a training school. 89. Why is keen observation and accurate reporting of symptoms so necessary in the intelligent treatment of the sick? How ma}T a nurse cultivate these two qualifications ? 90. What amount of education is now required of applicants seek- ing entrance to the better training schools? 91. Why is truthfulness and accuracy in every detail so essential in nursing? 92. What is your idea regarding the wearing of the uniform in public places? 93. Why has perfect health always been considered one of the first qualifications for a nurse? 94. Describe the personality a good nurse should try to acquire. 95. What attention should a nurse give to her personal appearance ? 96. Discuss the care a nurse should give to personal cleanliness and general appearance. 97. Name a few ways a nurse may get recreation while on a private case. 98. Why is it necessary for a nurse to be well read and to keep in- formed on all current topics ? 99. What should be the attitude of the head nurse toward the pupil nurses working under her? 100. What rule should govern the conversation of nurses? 101. What are the fundamental principles upon which nursing ethics is based? 102. What does nursing ethics teach in regard to discussing the ability of a physician who is not the attending physician? * NURSING ETHICS 9 103. Give reasons why nurses should not wear their uniforms on the street or in public places. 104. Define the duties of a nurse toward physicians. 105. Write briefly on nurse's uniforms. What articles of the ordinary dress should be avoided in the nurse's dress? 106. What are some of the advantages of specializing in some particular phase of nursing? What are some of the disadvantages? 107. How may a nurse make her own personality more attractive and interesting to patients? 108. What relation does whispering in and about the sick room bear to good Ethics? 109. Would you ever make promises to patients, which you prob- ably could not fulfill? Why? 110. If you were caring for the mother of small children, in her own home, what would be your responsibility toward the children? ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1. What is connective tissue? Name the three groups. 2. Name the bones of the forearm. 3. In classifying joints, under what head would you place the hip and shoulder joints ? 4. Mention at least six voluntary muscles. 5. Tell what you know about the masseter and temporal muscles. 6. Name the membrane surrounding the lungs. Is it a serous or mucous membrane? 7. Describe the heart. 8. Trace the blood through the pulmonary circulation. 9. Tell all you know about the large intestine. 10. Describe the liver. 11. Give gross anatomy and function of the skin. 12. Locate the sudoriferous or sweat glands. 13. Define physiology. 14. In what part of the circulation does the blood absorb its oxygen? 15. What vessels convey the blood: (a) from the heart; (6) to the heart? What are the capillary blood vessels? 16. In what parts of the digestive tract is gastric juice secreted? Is the gastric juice normally acid or alkaline in reaction? 17. In what part of the digestive tract are starches acted upon chiefly? 18. What is the source of bile? 19. What is the chief function of the kidneys? Through what channel does urine pass from the kidneys into the bladder? ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 11 20. Which of the following are secretions and which excretions: (a) sweat; (6) urine; (c) saliva; (d) pancreatic juice? 21. What nerve governs the special sense of: (a) smell; (6) sight; (c) hearing? 22. What is the normal temperature, pulse, and respiration? 23. What is physiology? 24. What is gastric juice ? What are its functions? 25. What is saliva? What are its functions ? 26. Define: (a) secretion; (6) excretion. 27. What is the average amount of urine discharged in twenty- four hours? 28. Give the source of bile and its functions. 29. Give color, specific gravity, and reaction of blood. 30. What action does oxygen have on the blood? 31. What are the functions of white corpuscles? 32. What are the functions of the skin? 33. Give compostion, specific gravity, and reaction of human milk. 34. What is the function of the periosteum? 35. What is anatomy? 36. Give anatomical structure of the heart. 37. Describe briefly the human skeleton. 38. Name the bones of the upper extremities. 39. Where is the occipital bone situated? 40. Give name of outer covering and inner lining of heart. 41. What is a gland? 42. Name the largest of the ductless glands. 43. Name the two largest muscles of the back. 44. Define: (a) neurology; (6) dermatology. 45. Define lymph. 46. Locate: (a) the patella; (b) the femur; (c) the fibula. 47. Name organs of circulation. 48. What is the synovial membrane? 49. Locate the foramen magnum. 12 QUESTION MANUAL 50. What is the chemical composition of bone ? Give name and use of outer covering of bone. Tell all you know about bone marrow. 51. Give name, classification, and location of five bones of the human body. Describe the mastoid bone. 52. Describe three kinds of joints and give examples of each. Name the bones comprising: (a) the shoulder joint; (b) the knee joint. 53. Name the two general classes of muscles and give examples of each. How are muscles attached to bone? What is a sprain ? 54. Name the respiratory organs and the principal respiratory muscle. Describe the intercostal muscles. 55. Locate: (a) the liver; (6) the kidneys; (c) the spleen. 56. Name the organs of circulation and give their general ar- rangement. What is the aorta? Locate the radial artery, the carotid artery. 57. Define: (a) ankylosis; (b) atrophy; (c) dorsal; (d) gastric; (e) renal. 58. What are nerves? What are included in the cerebrospinal system ? What do you understand by the sympathetic nervous system? 59. Name the appendages of the skin. 60. Of what does the visual apparatus consist ? 61. Name the organs of alimentation. 62. What juices act on the food in the mouth and the stomach? 63. Name the chief divisions of the intestines. Where is the vermiform appendix ? 64. Locate and describe the kidneys. How are they connected with the bladder? ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 13 65. What is metabolism? What produces the heat in the body? 66. What are glands? Name two kinds. 67. What is the function of the liver? What fluid is secreted in the liver? How is the secretion of glands regulated ? 68. Name two membranes found in the body. State their uses. 69. What is osmosis ? Where are the lymphatics found? 70. What changes take place in the blood during its circulation through the lungs? 71. Define: (a) reserve air; (6) complementary air; (c) residual air. 72. Define: (a) anatomy; (b) gross anatomy; (c) physiology; (d) histology. 73. What is a cell? What is protoplasm? What are the characteristics of protoplasm? 74. What is oxidation ? 75. What is a tissue? Classify tissues. Give an example of each kind of tissue and tell where each is found. 76. What is an organ? 77. What is bone? What is the composition of bone ? Name the covering of the bone and tell its function. What lines the canals of bones? Classify bones. 78. Describe two bones, giving articulation and principal processes. 79. Name the different kinds of joints and give an example of each. 80. What are glands ? Name varieties and give examples of each. 14 QUESTION MANUAL 81. Classify muscle tissue and tell where each class is found. Describe a muscle, giving origin, insertion, and function. 82. Describe the heart as to tissue, size, cavities, valves, and location. What vessels leave the heart, from which side do they leave, and what kind of blood do they carry? What vessels enter the heart, which side of the heart do they enter, and what kind of blood do they carry? 83. What is blood? What is its composition? What causes the blood to clot and what is the value of this property? 84. Through what arteries does the blood flow from the subclavians to the fingers? 85. Describe briefly: (a) the larynx; (b) the trachea; (c) the lungs. 86. What is external respiration ? What is internal respiration? 87. Name in order the different parts of the alimentary canal. 88. What are serous membranes ? Name the serous membranes. 89. What is the cerebrospinal axis ? What is the sympathetic system ? 90. Name the four classes into which the bones are divided. How many bones does the human skeleton contain? 91. What is a sesamoid bone? 92. Name the divisions of the spinal column and give the number of vertebrae in each division. Describe the normal curves of the spinal column. Name two features of the spinal column which give it elasticity. 93. What is meant by the origin and insertion of a muscle? What are tendons? What are aponeuroses? 94. Name the divisions of the respiratory tract. What takes place in the lungs during respiration? ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 15 95. Name the digestive juices. Name the important enzymes and state their action. What is chyme? What is chyle? 96. What are the two divisions of the nervous system? Give a brief explanation of reflex action. 97. Give a brief description of the lymphatic system. 98. Define: (a) anatomy; (b) physiology. 99. How many bones in the skeleton? Name a long bone, a short bone, a flat bone, and tell where each is situated. 100. Name one of the muscles of the upper arm and state its function. 101. Name the different varieties of joints. Give an example and describe in detail a ball and socket joint. 102. Name the different organs contained in: (a) the thorax; (b) the abdomen. 103. Name the most important excretory organs. Name the excretion thrown off by each. 104. State briefly the function of the blood. 105. What is respiration? What effect has oxygen on venous blood? 106. What organs aid in digestion? Name the different parts of the alimentary canal. 107. Name the three solid foodstuffs. Tell where each is digested. 108. Name two uses of the vertebral column. Give number of bones it contains. 109. Name four distinct tissues of the body. 110. Locate the following muscles: (a) the diaphragm; (&) the deltoid; (c) the pectoral. Name two kinds of muscle and give an example of each. 111. Name the largest gland in the body. Tell its function. 16 QUESTION MANUAL 112. Define: (a) elimination; (6) efferent; (c) atrophy; (d) oedema; (e) dyspnoea. 113. Name the special senses. 114. Give three uses of the skin. 115. From what parts does the inferior vena cava receive its blood supply? 116. Locate the following: (a) pleura; (6) peritoneum; (c) peri- cardium; (d) periosteum. 117. Name the digestive juices. 118. How is the food forced through the alimentary canal? 119. What is the: (a) specific gravity of normal urine; (6) normal amount secreted in twenty-four hours ? 120. What is the function of the red blood corpuscles? 121. Describe a ball and socket joint. What is the use of the synovial fluid? 122. What is the capacity of the stomach? 123. Name the bones of the arm. 124. How many bones in the skull? 125. What is the state of contraction of the heart called? What is the state of dilatation called? 126. How many vertebras are there? Name the divisions of the vertebras. Give the name of the first two vertebras. 127. What is the longest bone in the upper extremity? What is the longest bone in the body ? 128. What is the name of the covering of the bone? What is its function ? 129. Give the number, name, and locations of the fontanelles. Give the time when each fontanelle is closed. 130. Into what two branches does the brachial artery divide? 131. What are the chief constituents of the gastric juice? Upon what foodstuff does the gastric juice chiefly act ? 132. Name one or more of the chief waste products of digestion and oxidation and the channel by which each is removed from the body. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 17 133. How many bones in the human skeleton? 134. Name and locate the largest bone in the body. 135. Locate the following bones: (a) femur; (b) scapula; (c) tibia; (d) ulna. 136. Locate the following and tell how many bones each contains: (a) carpus; (6) metacarpus; (c) phalanges. 137. How are bones classified? 138. Name the bones of the pelvis. 139. What are the three great eliminating channels of the body? 140. Mention three portions of the small intestines. 141. How many vertebrae are there? 142. Mention the largest vertebrae. 143. What is the skeleton? 144. Give the composition of bone. 145. Define periosteum and give its function. 146. Describe the spinal column. 147. Name the sections into which the vertebrae are divided. 148. What bones form the shoulder joint? 149. Describe the stomach and its functions. Name the two important openings of the stomach. 150. What is the length of the small intestine? Name the parts into which it is divided. 151. Describe the location and function of: (a) the kidneys; (6) the ureters; (c) the bladder; (d) the urethra. 152. What is the aorta and how is it divided? 153. Define osteology. 154. Locate the: (a) ulna; (b) femur; (c) scapula; (d) sternum. 155. State briefly what you know about the optic nerve. 156. Name the two general divisions into which muscles are di- vided and give an example of each. 157. What action does oxygen have on the blood? 158. Name four secretions of the body and name the organs se- creting them. 159. Why is the presence of albumen in the urine a grave symp- tom? 18 QUESTION MANUAL 160. What is the length of the alimentary canal? Name its divisions. 161. What secretions act upon the food in the: (a) mouth; (6) stomach; (c) intestines? 162. Describe the greater circulation. 163. Define: (a) anatomy; (6) osteology; (c) medulla. 164. How many distinct bones in the human skeleton? Name the classes into which they are divided. Name and locate one bone of each class. 165. What is the thorax? 166. With what bones do the innominate bones articulate? 167. What is cartilage ? 168. What is a tendon? Describe the tendo Achillis. 169. What is the function of muscles? What are: (a) extensors; (6) adductors ? 170. Of what does the circulatory system consist? State the chief differences between the coats of veins and arteries. 171. State what you know about red corpuscles. How do they compare normally in number with the white corpuscles? 172. Name the divisions of the alimentary canal. Name the accessory organs. 173. What are nerves? Give the number and arrangement of the cranial nerves. What parts of the body are controlled by the sympathetic system? 174. What is: (a) the retina; (b) the conjunctiva; (c) the tym- panum? 175. What is elimination? Name the waste products. 176. What is the function of the kidneys? How are they connected with the bladder? ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 19 177. What organs constitute the digestive system? Name two of the juices found in this tract. 178. Where does the blood get its oxygen? 179. What are Peyer's patches? Where are they found? What disease affects them? 180. What is the function of bile? 181. What are the mammary glands? What is their function? 182. What are the mastoid cells? Where are they located? 183. Name the organs of taste. 184. What are the uses of perspiration? 185. Name the covering of bone and state its function. 186. How do fractures in the young differ from fractures in the aged? 187. Name the two classes into which muscles are divided. How are muscles attached to the skeleton ? 188. Name the organs in: (a) the thoracic cavity; (6) the ab- dominal cavity; (c) the pelvic cavity. 189. By what name is the fifth cranial nerve known? Give a brief description of it. 190. What is the special function of the lymphatic glands? 191. What is the source of bile? What are two of its functions? 192. What action does oxygen have on the blood? 193. In how many and in what ways are the waste products elimi- nated from the body? 194. Why is the care of the teeth important? 195. Where would you make pressure on a lacerated limb if an artery were severed? Why? 196. Locate the following membranes: (a) mucous; (6) serous; (c) synovial. 197. Name the divisions of the alimentary tract. 20 QUESTION MANUAL 198. Name two diseases that would indicate an inflamed condi- tion of the intestinal tract. 199. Name the openings of the stomach. 200. Name the three cavities of the body. 201. How many bones in the lower extremity? 202. What functions are performed by the skin? 203. Name the divisions of: (a) the small intestines; (6) the large intestines. 204. What is the pylorus? 205. When is a limb: (a) flexed; (b) extended; (c) abducted; (d) adducted; (e) retarded? 206. Name four important functions of the blood. What is the composition of the blood? 207. Give an example of each kind of tissue. Tell where each is located. 208. Describe the heart as to tissue, size, location in thorax, cavities, and valves. 209. Name the divisions of the respiratory tract. What takes place in the lungs during respiration ? 210. Name the digestive juices, giving the more important enzymes and stating their action. 211. What is absorption ? By what paths do foodstuffs find their way into the blood ? 212. Give the functions of the sympathetic system. 213. Classify bones according to their shape. Give an example of each and locate same. 214. Name the excretory organs and state the functions of each. 215. What is the difference between digestion and assimilation? 216. Name the digestive juices and the action of each. 217. Name the organs located in the thoracic cavity. 218. Name the chief respiratory muscle. 219. What is the use of water in the system? 220. What is the pulse? 221. Describe the liver. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 21 222. Name the three materials forming the skeleton of the human body. Give use of each. 223. Name the bones forming the thoracic cavity. 224. Name the divisions of the spinal column and give the number of bones in each. 225. Locate: (a) the ulna; (6) the femur; (c) the scapula; (d) the sternum. 226. What are lymphatics? 227. State briefly what you know about the optic nerve. 228. Locate the: (a) radial artery; (6) sciatic nerve. 229. Give the principal divisions of the brain. 230. Describe the: (a) patella; (b) acetabulum; (c) olecranon process. 231. Name the two general divisions into which muscles are di- vided and give examples of each. 232. Describe the greater circulation. 233. How is the blood transferred from the arteries to the veins? 234. What action does oxygen have on the blood? What action do we obtain from nitrogen ? 235. Name four of the secretions of the body. Name the organs secreting them. 236. Name the four principal excretory organs. 237. Define: (a) suppression; (6) retention; (c) reaction. 238. What is the cause of jaundice? 239. What is the length of the alimentary canal ? Name its divisions. 240. What secretions act upon the food in: (a) the mouth; (b) the stomach; (c) the intestines? 241. What is the chemical composition of bone? 242. Name and locate the bones of the lower extremity. 243. What is fibrinogen? 244. Mention three conditions that hasten the coagulation of the blood. 22 QUESTION MANUAL 245. Mention three conditions that retard the coagulation of the blood. 246. How are the distant parts of the body connected with the brain and spinal cord? 247. What are the lacteals? 248. How far down does the spinal cord extend ? 249. Name the four divisions of the permanent teeth. 250. Name the four coats of the stomach. 251. Define: (a) atrophy; (6) climacteric; (c) diffusion. 252. Define: (a) diastole; (b) systole. 253. Describe the normal pulse. Give average rate during infancy, youth, and adult age. 254. Name the active principles of the digestive secretions and state how each affects the food. 255. Describe the lymphatic system. 256. Define: (a) absorption; (b) assimilation; (c) cohesion; (d) ex- cretion; (e) secretion. 257. Name three varieties of cells according to situation in the body. Name some varieties of connective tissue cells. 258. Classify the bones according to shape and give an example of each. 259. Into what two classes are muscles divided ? Give a description of each. 260. Give a brief description of: (a) the heart; (6) the spinal cord; (c) the gall bladder. 261. Describe the mesentery. 262. What blood vessels pass to and from the liver? 263. Name the tissues that make up the body framework. 264. Name the excretory organs and the function of each. 265. Name the different kinds of joints and the advantage of each. 266. Of what uses are the ribs? 267. What four bones make up the pelvis? 268. What is the difference between an artery and a capillary? 269. Describe the stomach and state its function. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 23 270. What is the difference between digestion and assimilation? 271. What juices digest starch? 272. What is the use of water in the body? 273. Name the three great cavities of the body. 274. How many bones in the lower extremity? 275. Why do bones of the aged break more easily than those of the young? 276. Name the divisions of the small intestine. 277. What is the pylorus? 278. What is the function and capacity of the gall bladder? 279. Where does the femoral artery begin? 280. How do arteries and veins differ in structure ? 281. Name four particulars in which expired air differs from in- spired air. 282. What is the shortest possible course blood can take in pass- ing from one side of the heart to the other? 283. What is the size of: (a) the red blood corpuscles; (6) the white blood corpuscles? 284. Of what elements are fats composed? 285. When is a limb: (a) flexed; (b) extended; (c) abducted; (d) adducted; (e) rotated? 286. Name the bones of the arm and forearm. 287. When blood clots, what are the two component parts into which it separates? 288. What is meant by the systole and diastole of the heart? 289. Name three divisions of the small intestine. 290. What are the chief constituents of the gastric juice? 291. Name the two chief divisions of the skin. 292. Where is the gall bladder situated and what is its chief function? 293. Why does the human body need circulating fluids? 294. Describe a cell. Of what are tissues made ? How are organs differentiated from tissues? 295. Name the uses of the bony skeleton. 24 QUESTION MANUAL 296. What structures of the body help to form the joints? Give example and locate each of the following types of joints: (a) ball and socket; (b) hinge; (c) pivot; (d) gliding. 297. Name the bones which form the rigid walls of the mouth cavity. By what structures are the yielding walls of the mouth cavity formed? What structures are seen in the mouth ? 298. Describe: (a) the skin; (6) its structure; (c) its relation to the mucous membrane; (d) its functions; (e) its append- ages. 299. Give the blood supply of the stomach and liver. 300. Define the act of respiration. By what process does the oxygen of the air reach the blood ? What is the action of oxygen upon the blood? What are the factors which make respiration possible ? 301. Classify bones according to their shape. Give example and location of each. With what bones do the innominate bones articulate ? 302. Of what does the circulatory system consist ? State the chief differences between the coats of the veins and arteries. Normally how do the red corpuscles compare in number with the white corpuscles? 303. Define: (a) absorption; (b) assimilation; (c) excretion. Name the excretory organs of the body and the function of each. 304. What three bones form the pelvic girdle? What bones form the shoulder girdle ? 305. Where is the popliteal space? 306. Name the respiratory organs. What is the action of oxygen upon the blood ? 307. What is: (a) the pericardium; (&) the pleurae; (c) the peri- toneum? ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 25 308. What do you understand by the relation of the muscles to the nerves? 309. What form of muscle fibers is found in the heart ? Name the four chambers of the heart. What is the aorta? What blood vessels carry the return flow of blood to the heart? 310. What is osteology? 311. What constitutes the skeleton? Of how many bones does the adult skeleton consist ? 312. Name the two forms of bony tissue. How are bones classified according to their shape? 313. Locate: (a) the liver; (6) the spleen; (c) the kidneys; (d) the aorta. 314. Name two general classes of muscles and give example of each. 315. Define: (a) physiology; (&) function. 316. Describe the periosteum. What are its functions? 317. Where is the stomach located? Describe the size and shape of the stomach. What two membranes line the stomach? How many openings has the stomach ? 318. What is bile? State the origin and function of bile. 319. What is the function of the excretory system? Name the organs of the excretory system. Name the urinary organs. 320. Name the covering of bone and state its function. BACTERIOLOGY 1. Define: (a) saprophyte; (6) anaerobic; (c) antitoxin 2. Give example of each. 3. Name the most common pathogenic bacteria found in impure milk. 4. Describe in detail the method of Pasteurization. 5. What method of disinfection is used in caring for a case of gonorrhoea? 6. Outline the hygienic care of tuberculosis. 7. What is the most desirable position in reading? 8. Give the proper number of cubic feet of air space of patient's room in a hospital ward. 9. What exposure of light is preferable for sick room and sick bed? 10. Why? 11. Name three germs that produce disease. How should you disinfect for each germ named? 12. What makes germs grow? How would you prevent their growth? 13. How do germs enter the body? 14. How do germs enter wounds ? How will you prevent them from entering a clean incision? 15. What causes: (a) putrefaction; (6) fermentation? 16. What is: (a) a ptomaine; (b) a toxin? 17. Name three solid-borne bacteria. 18. What disease germs live in water? 19. What is the effect of cold on germ life? 20. Mention five diseases that may be carried and communicated by floating dust. 21. What are the conditions most favorable for the cultivation of germs? What are the most effective means of destroying bacteria ? BACTERIOLOGY 27 22. Mention three diseases that may be taken into the system through contaminated dust or water. 23. How would you procure a culture from a diphtheritic throat for microscopic examination? 24. Name four contagious diseases that are caused by germs. 25. How should a nurse disinfect herself after taking care of a contagious disease before going on an obstetrical case? 26. What causes fermentation of milk ? 27. Define the words: (a) sterile; (6) asepsis; (c) antiseptics; (d) disinfectants; (e) sterilization. 28. Describe two methods of fumigating a room. 29. Name two air-borne diseases. Name two water-borne diseases. 30. How should the sputum of a patient suffering with tubercu- losis or diphtheria be treated? 31. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of bichloride of mercury and carbolic acid as disinfectants? 32. Name the two most common forms of bacteria according to their form and shape. 33. What is the difference between parasitic and saprophytic bacteria ? 34. To what natural kingdom do bacteria belong? 35. Name three ways by which bacteria enter the system, causing infectious diseases. 36. In what ways are bacteria transmitted from one person to another? 37. What is the distinction between contagion and infection? 38. What is the safest method of disinfecting a house after a case of tuberculosis? 39. Name the principal methods of sterilization. 40. What is fractional sterilization and why is it used ? 41. How are the bacteria distinguished from one another in the laboratory ? 42. Define: (a) saprophyte; (b) anaerobic; (c) antitoxin. 43. Give example of each. 28 QUESTION MANUAL 44. What is the action of: (a) pathogenic bacteria; (b) non- pathogenic ? 45. Where are bacteria found? What are the most effective means of destroying bacteria? What is nature's disinfectant? 46. What conditions specially favor the growth of bacteria? 47. Describe in detail the precautions you would observe in nurs- ing a case of scarlet fever with a view to preventing the spread of the infection. 48. Describe in detail the preparation and disinfection of a room used in nursing any contagious disease. 49. Define hygiene. What are the principal factors in maintaining health? 50. State three important factors in stimulating the excretory organs of the body. 51. How much fluid should be taken daily under ordinary circum- stances ? What time of day is the drinking of water especially ben- eficial? 52. What are the benefits of open fireplaces? What are the disadvantages of open fireplaces? What is the best method of lighting, from a hygienic stand- point? Why? 53. Mention some of the important things that a school nurse should observe in the pupils. 54. Name two common causes of spinal curvature. How may a curvature be corrected in a young child if recog- nized early? 55. Define bacteria. Classify bacteria according to their shapes and give the names. 56. Name five diseases produced by bacteria, naming bacteria producing same. 57. Describe in full a method of fumigating a room after a con- tagious disease. BACTERIOLOGY 29 58. Give three methods of sterilization by heat. 59. Why is dry heat limited in its usefulness? 60. What effect has prolonged sunlight on the tubercule bacilli? Give the best method of destroying the sputum of a tubercular patient. 61. Name some causes of decomposition. 62. Name two antiseptics in common use and give strength "of each. 63. Give one method of fumigating a room with formaldehyde. 64. Name two diseases that may be traced to an impure water supply. 65. In deciding the value of a disinfectant, what points are to be considered? 66. Where are bacteria found? Why does dirt favor the growth of bacteria? 67. Mention five diseases that may be carried and communicated by floating dust. 68. Name the principal methods of sterilization. 69. Mention some diseases that are often traced to an impure water supply. 70. To what is anaemia most commonly due? 71. What precautions must be taken when taking specimens of cultures for examination for bacteria? 72. In deciding the value of a disinfectant, what points are to be considered ? 73. Describe your method of treating bedclothes that have been used on a scarlet fever patient. 74. What two germs cause most pus infections? Name four contagious diseases and state what bacteria cause them. 75. What degree of heat will kill bacteria? What conditions are favorable for the growth of bacteria? Why are surgical dressings sterilized by steam, not under pressure, steamed more than once ? 30 QUESTION MANUAL 76. What is meant by immunity: (a) natural; (6) acquired ? 77. What effect does age have on bacteria? 78. Classify bacteria according to: (a) form; (6) arrangement. 79. Do all bacteria produce disease ? Why is it that the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the body does not always produce disease ? 80. How do bacteria gain entrance into the body? 81. What conditions favor the growth of bacteria? 82. By what methods can bacteria be killed? 83. Define: (a) germicide; (6) deodorant; (c) antitoxin; (d) anti- septic. 84. What are bacteria? Where are bacteria found ? 85. Classify bacteria according to their shape and give their names. 86. What are the most favorable conditions under which patho- genic bacteria grow? 87. What is meant by the term culture media? Name some of the most common culture media. 88. How is typhoid fever conveyed from one person to another? What is the name of the test used in the diagnosis of typhoid ? 89. Name three chemical antiseptics and tell the effect of each upon bacteria. 90. Through what channels do bacteria enter the body? How would you prepare a smear to be sent to the bacterio- logical laboratory? 91. What are bacteria? Name and describe the three important groups into which they are divided according to shape. 92. In what branch of her work is a nurse's relation to bacteriology most emphasized and why? 93. What is the difference between ordinary cleanliness and what is called surgical cleanliness ? 94. Name three diseases caused by bacteria. 95. What is meant by: (a) a positive culture; (6) culture media? BACTERIOLOGY 31 96. What are spores? What bearing have they on sterilization? 97. Define: (a) pathogenic; (6) anaerobic; (c) pyogenic; (^sap- rophytic; (e) Pasteurization. 98. What is the cause of malaria? CARE OF CHILDREN 1. What would be your first attention to the new-born baby? 2. Tell all about the care of and how you would nourish the baby during the first eight days. What is colostrum? 3. Mention the four methods of feeding infants. Which do you consider the best? 4. Tell all about the weight of the baby during the first six months. 5. Tell all you know about cereals and cereal gruels. 6. Mention some of the common causes of diarrhoea in children. 7. State your way of giving an enema to an infant. 8. Mention some common causes of convulsions in children. Until the arrival of the physician, state how you would man- age a child having a convulsion. 9. Mention the most common contagious diseases of children. 10. What are nutrient enemata? Give two formulas. 11. Give some of the causes of the great mortality in infants. 12. Name the three stages of measles. Give symptoms of first stage. 13. What special care should be given a child with measles? What precautions should be taken with reference to the room? 14. State in detail how you would give an enema to a baby. 15. What is ophthalmia neonatorum? State the cause and proper nursing care. 16. Mention three characteristic points in the appearance of a child suffering from pneumonia. 17. Mention a startling symptom that may appear in a child after improper feeding. Give the most important point in the immediate nursing care of the child when such a symptom appears. CARE OF CHILDREN 33 18. Tell how you would obtain a specimen of urine from an infant. 19. At what age should the fontanelles close? 20. Give the average table of eruption of the temporary teeth. 21. Mention the diseases which are likely to affect the teeth. State in what way they are affected. 22. Name three contagious diseases most common among children. Name symptoms of each which appear first. Give the time of incubation of each. 23. How should a nurse disinfect herself after caring for a con- tagious disease? 24. How would you prepare a mustard bath for a child? What should be the temperature of the bath ? 25. What should be the temperature of food given to infants? What care would you give nursing bottles and nipples? 26. What is meant by the modification of milk? 27. Give a formula for the sterilization of milk. 28. Give a formula for the Pasteurization of milk. 29. What symptoms would indicate a change of food? 30. Prepare a set of rules on hygiene for a nursing mother. 31. What attention would you give to the feeding of a child suffer- ing from whooping cough? 32. What are the common complications of scarlet fever and of measles ? Give nursing care of a case of scarlet fever. 33. What is rickets ? What care should a child suffering from rickets receive ? 34. How would you treat a child in convulsions until the physician arrives? 35. How would you secure a specimen of urine from a child under one year? 36. Outline the care of an intubation case. 37. How would you give a child five years old: (a) a nasal irriga- tion; (6) an enema; (c) a cold pack? 38. Give rule for determining dosage of medicine for a child. What drugs are not well borne by children? 34 QUESTION MANUAL 39. What indications would assure you that an infant was obtain- ing: (a) proper diet; (6) improper diet? 40. What would you avoid in the care of mastitis in the new-born? 41. What points would you observe in making an application of ointment to the face of a child with eczema? 42. How would you care for an umbilical hernia in a child under one year? 43. Why would you regard a discharging ear with suspicion? 44. What symptoms are common at the onset of the three principal contagious diseases of childhood ? Differentiate the rash of two of them and state time of appear- ance. 45. Define: (a) incubation; (6) desquamation; (c) coryza; (d) prophylaxis; (e) congenital. 46. Give common names for: (a) pertussis; (6) chorea; (c) sca- bies; (d) tetanus; (e) strabismus. 47. What is rachitis? What is the prophylactic treatment ? 48. What are some of the causes of diarrhoea in children? 49. What care should be given diapers and utensils used in cases of diarrhoea? 50. What is scarlet fever? Give its symptoms and possible complications. 51. State in detail the care to be given all articles used by a nurse in a scarlet fever case. 52. What is measles? What constitutes proper nursing care? 53. What is pertussis ? What are the complications? 54. What is the cause of diphtheria ? What is the proper nursing care in same? 55. What are the symptoms of broncho-pneumonia of children? 56. How may a child with eczema be prevented from scratching areas of eruption? CARE OF CHILDREN 35 57. What are the main points of difference in the nursing of chil- dren and the nursing of adults ? 58. What is the average normal weight of an infant at birth? What is the rate of increase for the first year ? 59. How many milk teeth are there and at what age should they all have appeared? How many permanent teeth are there? 60. At about what age does childhood end? 61. What type of disease is most common during: (a) the first three years of life; (6) between the ages of three and twelve? 62. What do convulsions in children indicate? What treatment may a nurse give in the absence of a physician? 63. How should a nurse properly reply when told that it is a good thing for children to have all the contagious diseases while they are young? 64. Give the correct names for the two diseases commonly called true and false croup? What is the now accepted treatment for the former? 65. What two diseases are frequently followed by suppurative otitis media? Why is this so dangerous ? 66. What is pediculosis? How should it be treated ? 67. What is the real cause of the bad symptoms so often ascribed to teething? What simple treatment may a nurse give ? 68. At what season of the year is infant mortality highest? Why? How may this be lessened or prevented? 69. Define: (a) marasmus; (b) incubation; (c) congenital; (d) te- nesmus; (e) pertussis; (J) enterocolitis; (g) chorea; (h) pa- rotitis; (i) orthopedic; (/) ophthalmia neonatorum. 70. Describe in detail the care you would give a child with pneu- monia. 71. How would you instruct a mother to give a sick baby a bath? 36 QUESTION MANUAL 72. Give five general suggestions on the care and feeding of infants. 73. Give five general suggestions on the home conditions which should exist for healthy children. 74. What would you do for a baby with diarrhoea? 75. Give some suggestions for the amusement of children conva- lescing from a contagious disease. 76. How would you reheve by external measures the itching of the acute eruptions of childhood diseases ? 77. Define pediatrics. 78. Give the symptoms of adenoids in children. 79. What care and management would you give a child with whooping cough? 80. Name some common complications of: (a) diphtheria; (&) scarlet fever. 81. At what age can other foods than milk be given to children? What articles of food should be given at this age? 82. Give some of the causes of the great mortality in infants. 83. What is artificial feeding? 84. What is ophthalmia neonatorum? State the cause and proper nursing care. 85. Describe the proper care of feeding bottles and rubber nipples. 86. State in detail how you would give an enema to a baby. 87. What would you do for a child in a convulsion before the arrival of the doctor? 88. What precaution would you observe in a case of diarrhoea while awaiting a doctor's instructions? 89. How would you calculate the dose for a child, the adult dose being known? 90. How would you give a hot wet pack? 91. What is meant by: (a) modified milk; (6) certified milk? 92. Name the variations from the normal which might be observed in the stool of an infant having enterocolitis. 93. Tell how you would obtain a specimen of urine from an infant. 94. Describe in detail your method of giving a colonic flushing to an infant. CARE OF CHILDREN 37 95. Describe fully an improvised apparatus for giving steam in- halations to an infant. What precautions should be taken? 96. Give some of the causes of the great mortality in infants. 97. At what age can other foods than milk be given to infants? What articles of food should be given at this age ? 98. Describe the clothing for an infant six months old for: (a) the winter season; (b) the summer season. 99. What are the premonitory symptoms of summer diarrhoea of children? What measures should be taken for its relief? 100. How should the mouths of infants be washed? 101. Name the most important signs of rickets. Give the main factors governing the care of children affected with rickets. 102. What foods should be substituted for milk when vomiting is persistent in children? 103. How much sleep is required for the new-born baby? 104. When is the best time of day for bathing infants? Give proper temperature of the bath. 105. What is the capacity of the stomach of the new-born child? 106. How should an infant be carried in the arms? 107. What are some of the essential things to be remembered in the clothing of infants? 108. When should maternal nursing not be attempted? 109. What symptoms in a child would indicate errors in diet? 110. What points should be noted in recording the character of the dejecta of a child with colitis? 111. Outline nursing care of a baby with spasmodic croup. 112. Describe your method of treating convulsions in children. 113. Name a disease of the scalp often found in school children. Give a simple home remedy to use in treating it. 114. What mechanical apparatus would you prepare to immobilize the spine of a child suffering from spinal tuberculosis? 38 QUESTION MANUAL 115. Name ten articles of food suitable for the diet of a child two years of age. 116. If a child has a skin eruption, what would lead you to suspect measles? 117. Describe the proper method of giving a mustard bath to an infant. 118. How would you prevent a child from scratching a skin eruption ? 119. Describe the preparation of a sick room for fumigation. 120. What is thrush? Describe fully the preventive treatment. 121. What form of pneumonia is most common in children? If left to your discretion, what nursing measures would you employ to reheve tympanites in a case of pneumonia? 122. Outline the nursing care of a baby having malnutrition and running a subnormal temperature. 123. Give in detail your preparation and administration of a colon irrigation to a child nine months old. 124. Outline briefly the nursing care of a boy of seven, having hip joint disease, under the following headings: (a) hygiene; (b) diet; (c) entertainment. 125. Give some of the causes of rachitis. Mention some of the conditions resulting from rachitis. 126. Name some of the complications resulting from extensive burns. Give emergency treatment. 127. What are the symptoms of croup? What would you do for a child with croup if there were no doctor near? 128. Give several causes to which the diarrhoeas of childhood may be due. What is the usual treatment and what diet is usually ordered in such cases? 129. What points would you consider in selecting a room in which to isolate a patient suffering with a readily communicable disease, such as scarlet fever? CARE OF CHILDREN 39 130. Prepare and apply a turpentine stupe for a child aged six years. 131. Prepare and apply a mustard plaster for a child aged six years. 132. Describe the position of a child assumed in: (a) abdominal pain or disease; (6) cry in meningitis; (c) rash of scarlet fever; (d) facial expression in adenoids; (e) stool of typhoid patient. 133. What is the emergency care for severe hemorrhage in typhoid ? 134. State in the order of preference four methods of feeding an infant. Give as many causes as you can think of for vomiting in infancy. DIETETICS 1. How should a tray be set for serving broiled beef, lettuce, baked custard, bread and butter, and tea? 2. Name four uses of water in the body. Name three uses of minerals in the body. 3. Classify foods according to: (a) their sources; (&) their functions. 4. What class of foods are: (a) tissue builders; (b) heat and energy producers? 5. Explain briefly: (a) the digestion of starches; (6) the diges- tion of proteins. 6. What is meant by a mixed diet ? Why is it advisable? 7. What is the appearance of healthy beef? What cut of beef gives most tender steak and from what part of the beef is it obtained ? From what part of a beef would you select meat for the most nutritious broth? 8. Give the theory of cooking starches. 9. Enumerate the advantages of milk as a food for invalids. 10. Give four reasons for cooking food. Name six ways of cooking food. 11. Outline menu for feeding a typhoid patient during the first three days of convalescence. , 12. Outline a diet of liquids for twenty-four hours, taking care that the patient has a variety and a sufficiently nourishing quality. 13. Name the different classes into which foods may be divided. 14. How would you make: (a) beef broth; (6) beef juice? 15. What class of foods should be excluded from a rheumatic diet? Why? DIETETICS 41 16. Name foodstuffs rich in albumen. 17. Give a general outline of diet for: (a) one suffering with typhoid fever during the second and third weeks; (b) one suffering with diabetes mellitus. 18. Give a list of fruits to be recommended for a laxative effect. 19. Why is a mixed diet necessary? 20. What effect does boiling have on tea? 21. Why is thorough cooking especially important in cereal foods? 22. Give points to be observed in setting an invalid's tray. 23. Define dietetics. 24. What processes are necessary to make food of use to the body? 25. Name two vegetables containing a large proportion of car- bohydrates. 26. What food principles predominate in nuts? 27. Why is a salt-free diet often ordered where there is oedema? 28. How are broths made? Mention two ways of removing fats from soups. 29. How is water sterilized? How is it oxygenated after it is sterilized? 30. What do you understand by predigested food? 31. Give a good method for preparing beef juice and state what cuts of beef are best for this purpose. 32. Outline the diet of a tubercular patient in the incipient stage. 33. Outline the artificial feedings of a new-born child for the first three months. 34. When a child begins taking solid food, what should be the character of the food and the frequency of feeding? 35. State the average weight of a child at one year of age. 36. What is the relative food value of: (a) starches; (6) proteids; (c) fats? Where does the digestion of each of the above occur? 37. Describe the usual diet in the treatment of typhoid fever during the first and second week. 38. What do you understand by the caloric unit ? 39. Give approximately the food value of cow's milk. 42 QUESTION MANUAL 40. What do you understand by Pasteurized milk? 41. Outline diet for patient before and after a laparotomy. 42. Define dietetics. 43. What is the function of: (a) proteins; (b) carbohydrates; (c) mineral matter; (d) water? 44. What is the advantage of obtaining protein from animal foods rather than from vegetable foods? 45. How would you prepare beef broth? What cuts of meat make the best soup and why? 46. Give two formulas for nutritive enemas. 47. What do you understand by: (a) modified milk; (b) certified milk? 48. Give a good method for preparing beef juice. What cuts of beef are best for this purpose ? 49. Why is a diet free from salt often ordered where there is oedema? 50. What food can be given a patient with diabetes? Outline a menu for breakfast, dinner, and supper for such a patient. 51. Name the five fundamental food principles. 52. Which of these principles does milk contain? Which of these principles do eggs contain ? Which of these principles do cereals contain ? 53. What are the essential points in cooking starchy foods? 54. How should meat be cooked in order to retain its juices? When is this desired? 55. How is meat cooked if it is desired to extract the juices? 56. What change is produced in bread by toasting? 57. Name several articles of food that have a laxative value. 58. What vegetables supply about the same elements for the sys- tem as meat? 59. What are the fundamental characteristics of the diet: (a) in diabetes; (6) in acute nephritis; (c) in dysentery; (d) in pulmonary tuberculosis; (e) in obesity? 60. Give recipe for making: (a) barley water; (6) baked custard. DIETETICS 43 61. What points are to be observed in setting and serving an in- valid's tray? 62. Give the method of preparing: (a) a soft-cooked egg in shell; (6) a poached egg; (c) beef juice. 63. What is an ideal piece of toast and how should it be prepared? 64. What precautions are to be observed in the care of: (a) milk; (b) nursing bottles? 65. Give a general outline of typhoid diet during the third week of the disease. 66. What is the best way of preparing a chop for an invalid? Give directions for preparing. 67. Give the classes into which foods are divided and state the use of each in the body. 68. What care is necessary to keep a ward refrigerator in a per- fectly sanitary condition? 69. Give menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a diabetic. 70. What reaction has mother's milk? 71. What and where are the villi? 72. What is metabolism? Describe two phases. 73. What is the technique for giving rectal feeding? Describe the preliminary preparation. 74. What are the active principles of tea and coffee ? 75. Why is toasted bread more digestible than fresh bread? 76. Why do some cereals require long cooking? Mention three. 77. Name the three classes of organic food principles. Give examples. 78. To which class of foods do animal foods belong? To which class of foods do sugars belong? 79. Name a perfect food and tell why so called. 80. What is the value of the indigestible parts of foods? Why may these be harmful in sickness ? 81. How should the average patient be fed as regards: (a) quan- tity; (b) quality; (c) frequency? 44 QUESTION MANUAL 82. What is the average quantity of a nutritive enema? 83. What articles of food are to be especially avoided in nephritis ? 84. What is the most easily digestible form of fat ? 85. What is the measure of food values? 86. What are the relative amounts of proteids, fats, and carbohy- drates in a balanced diet of a man doing moderate work? 87. In what way does the serving of food affect digestion? 88. How would you make kumyss ? 89. Explain the advantage of taking a glass of milk slowly. 90. Why is bread more easily digested when toasted ? 91. How is the fuel value of foods expressed? 92. When a child begins taking solid food, state character of food and frequency of feeding. 93. State the average weight of a child at six months. 94. What is the relative food value of: (a) starches; (6) proteids; (c) fats? Where does the digestion of the above occur? 95. Define foods. Name the food principles. What is their general function in nutrition? 96. State the composition and digestibility of milk, its nutritive value, methods of altering to suit the taste and digestive requirements of patients. 97. Why is a mixed diet necessary? 98. What should be the characteristics of an invalid's diet ? 99. What is an ideal diet ? 100. How should the diet of an adult compare with that of a child? 101. What food would you prepare for a patient on a nitrogenous diet? Outline menu for one day. 102. Describe the proper arrangement of an invalid's tray. 103. In what ways are vegetables of value in the diet? 104. Discuss the effect of cooking on vegetables. 105. How does the nutritive value of beef broth compare with that of beef juice ? DIETETICS 45 106. How would you vary the preparation of eggs for your patient ? Outline one method. 107. What class of foods must be excluded from the diabetic diet? Why? 108. Of what value is food to the human body? 109. What is the average composition of cow's milk? 110. State in detail a method of peptonizing milk. 111. Why are foods cooked? 112. What should be the diet of a tubercular patient in the incipi- ent stage? 113. What is the usual form of diet in acute gastritis? 114. What foods should be avoided if there is a tendency to flatulency? 115. What should be the general diet in diseases of the heart? 116. What class of foods is to be avoided in diabetes mellitus? 117. Give in detail a day's diet for a diabetic patient. 118. Define dietetics. 119. What are nitrogenous foods and what is their chief func- tion? 120. What do you understand by predigested foods? What is modified milk ? 121. Has skimmed milk any great value as a food? Give reason for your answer. 122. By what signs do you know a fresh egg without breaking? Which are more easily digested, raw or soft-cooked eggs? Give a proper method of preparing a soft-boiled egg. 123. Which has the higher nutritive value, fish or meat? Which is more easily digested? 124. By what signs do you know: (a) good beef; (b) good fish? 125. Give a good method of preparing beef juice and state what cuts of beef are best for this purpose? 126. What is included under the head of light diet? 127. Why is butter valuable as a food? 128. How is the digestibility of starchy foods increased? 46 QUESTION MANUAL 129. What instruction have you had in dietetics? Give name of one book on dietetics with which you are familiar. 130. Name the food principles and give examples of each. 131. Why is milk considered a perfect food? 132. How would you prepare an eggnog? 133. How would you peptonize milk? 134. Outline a menu for a typhoid patient during the first three days of convalescence. 135. Name three foods from which we obtain: (a) proteins; (6) carbohydrates; (c) fats. 136. What is modified milk? What utensils would you use and how would you proceed to modify milk? How do you get top milk? 137. Name three foods you would give a chronic diabetic patient. Name two foods you would avoid. 138. Outline one day's menu for: (a) light diet; (b) soft diet; (c) full diet. 139. How do you make a cup of: (a) tea; (b) coffee; (c) cocoa; (d) albumen water? 140. Give recipe for making soft batter bread. 141. Why should the nurse have a working knowledge of dietetics? 142. Classify the food principles as: (a) organic or inorganic; (6) nitrogenous or non-nitrogenous. 143. Explain why carbohydrates alone are not sufficient for a dietary. 144. Name the digestive ferments and give their functions. 145. Describe in detail the proper care of milk from the time it is drawn in until it is used. 146. Compare the advantages and the disadvantages of sterilized milk with those of Pasteurized milk. 147. Trace the digestion of a glass of milk. 148. State why it is important for a convalescent typhoid fever patient to resume solid food gradually. DIETETICS 47 149. What diet would you give to an anaemic patient if the matter were left to your discretion? 150. What is the effect of heat on: (a) starch; (&) albumen? 151. What is cellulose ? What is its value? 152. What is the disadvantage of boiled water? How may this disadvantage be overcome? 153. Give four points to be considered in the preparation of an invalid's tray. 154. Give concisely the ingredients and the method of preparation of: (a) beef tea; (6) oatmeal gruel. 155. Why is it best to surround the cups with cold water when putting custards in to bake? 156. Define food. Name the five food principles. 157. What are some of the uses of water in the body? 158. What physical and mental conditions decrease the secretion of the digestive juices ? 159. Discuss the food value of: (a) milk; (6) beef tea; (c) beef juice. 160. Name some diseases that may be caused by the following er- rors in diet: (a) insufficient food; (b) lack of fresh food; (c) overeating; (d) improperly balanced diet. 161. Mention one good nutritive enema. 162. What is included under the head of liquid diet? 163. How would you prepare albumen water ? 164. What is the appearance of: (a) healthy beef; (b) healthy chicken; (c) healthy fish? 165. How would you feed a typhoid patient the first week he is allowed solid food? 166. Describe all the correct methods you know of for preparing food for the sick. 167. What is important in cooking starchy foods? 168. What foods contain the most albumen? 169. If you wish to keep the juice in meat, how do you cook it? 48 QUESTION MANUAL 170. Have you had any special training in dietetics? Of what did it consist ? Name one book on dietetics. Do you own a book on dietetics? 171. Name the different classes into which food may be divided. 172. What useful function may be performed by the indigestible parts of vegetables ? 173. What is the food value of milk? Give the composition of milk. 174. Prepare a day's menu for a patient, excluding starchy foods. 175. Why is thorough cooking especially important in cereal foods and not in flesh foods? 176. Give a recipe for making: (a) an eggnog; (6) orange albumen. 177. Why is cow's milk more likely to disagree with infants during hot weather than during cold weather? 178. Outline a diet for a convalescent typhoid fever patient. Outline a diet for a diabetic patient. 179. Give a method for making beef tea. State its food value. 180. Have we been benefited by the Pure Food Laws? 181. What is food? 182. What is meant by the food principles? Name them and give their functions. Tell the chemicals they contain. 183. What is a calorie? How many calories in a gram of: (a) protein; (6) fat; (c) carbohydrates? How many calories in a pound of: (a) protein; (6) fat; (c) carbohydrates? 184. Explain the process and changes that take place in the di- gestion of: (a) proteins; (6) carbohydrates; (c) fats. 185. What is a beverage? Name six uses. 186. Explain the difference between plain, certified, Pasteurized, and sterilized milk. DIETETICS 49 187. Tell how you would prepare a cup of: (a) tea; (b) coffee; (c) cocoa. 188. What food principle is to be guarded against in the diet of a diabetic ? Name some foods that may be given. Name some foods that should not be given. 189. What are the essential points to be observed in cooking starchy foods? 190. How should meat be cooked in order to retain its juices? How should meat be cooked if it is desired to extract the juices? 191. In serving food to the sick, name five principles that should govern the nurse. 192. Name three chief purposes for cooking food. 193. What is the proper way: (a) to boil an egg; (b) to cook rice; (c) to make custard; (d) to make junket? 194. In preparing a meal for a patient in a home, what should be the nurse's aim? 195. What two processes do foods undergo before they are ready to become assimilated? By what means is each of these processes accomplished? 196. Compare the nutritive values of beef juice, beef tea, and beef broth. In what quantities and what ways should each of these be served to a patient? 197. What is the composition of an egg? Name five combinations of the egg with other foods which are used to increase the nutritive value of the same. 198. Describe a potato. Why are potatoes subjected to a high temperature and mois- ture when being cooked? 199. What advantages are there in adding vegetables, fruits, sugar, and condiments to a menu? 200. Outline a menu for one day for a child five years old. 50 QUESTION MANUAL 201. What preparation should be made for cooking a roast of beef? What amount of heat should be used? How long should it be subjected to heat? What should be its appearance when sufficiently and properly cooked? 202. Give a Ust of five foods which might be recommended for their laxative effects. 203. What is a calorie? 204. How do you make albumen water? How do you make junket? 205. What is a great danger in frequent handling of milk, such as transferring from one vessel to another? 206. What is the principal composition of eggs? 207. Where is water chiefly absorbed? 208. Name two well-known food products containing starch. 209. How would you make an egg omelet ? 210. Name the digestive ferments and give the function of each. 211. Discuss the food value of: (a) milk; (b) beef tea; (c) beef juice. 212. What is digestion? What is absorption? 213. What are the differences between cow's milk and human milk? 214. What do you understand by: (a) modified milk; (b) certified milk? 215. Why is it necessary to restrict starches as well as sugar in the treatment of a diabetic patient ? 216. Mention some reasons why solid food is withheld or restricted when there is a high temperature. 217. Mention two foods often given infants when they are unable to digest milk. 218. Mention some points to be remembered when serving food to a patient. 219. Give the theory of cooking starch. What secretions assist in the digestion of starch? DIETETICS 51 220. What are the characteristics of an ideal piece of toast? How is toast served properly? 221. Why does milk become sour? Is sour milk harmful ? What preventive measures can be used in summer to keep milk from becoming sour? 222. Define foodstuffs. What are the uses of foods? 223. What is meant by a small and a large calorie? How many calories per day are needed by the average adult in health? 224. Describe five ways of preparing milk and eggs, either sep- arately or together, which might vary a liquid diet. 225. Name four points which should be considered in the feeding of patients. 226. What changes take place in the making of wheat flour into bread? 227. What special foods are usually used in the treatment of anaemia? 228. What is the usual diet in typhoid fever? 229. Give post and pre-operative dieting of patients. 230. Why is proteid food given only in small quantities when the kidneys are diseased? 231. Name some important features in arranging a patient's tray. 232. Why should infants not be given starch unless predigested? 233. How would you cream oysters for one person? 234. Give a list of six liquid foods. 235. What action do the gastric fluids have on milk? How would you prepare milk to make it more digestible? 236. How would you prepare: (a) barley water; (b) oatmeal gruel; (c) lemon albumen? 237. What are predigested foods? 238. Give two food products furnished by the animal kingdom. 239. Give recipe for veal broth made from a half pound of veal. 52 QUESTION MANUAL 240. What is condensed milk? State its value as a food. 241. What effect has sterilization on milk? 242. How is lime water made? When is its use indicated? 243. Why is stale bread more easily digested than bread freshly baked? 244. How would you prepare a raw beef sandwich? 245. Why is table salt an essential part of our diet? 246. What is buttermilk? What are its uses? 247. Give a list of five tissue building foods. 248. Outline three meals for a patient suffering with chronic con- stipation. 249. State in detail your method of preparing chicken broth. GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 1. What is the pelvis? What organs does it contain? 2. What are the true signs of pregnancy? 3. What abnormal conditions may arise during pregnancy? 4. Define the following: (a) placenta praevia; (6) abortion; (c) extra-uterine pregnancy; (d) meconium. 5. What are the signs and symptoms of actual labor? 6. Give the temperature of the water of an infant's first bath. 7. What is the menopause? Mention some attendant symptoms indicating the necessity of medical aid. 8. Give in detail the post-operative care of a perineorrhaphy. 9. Describe the positions for pelvic examinations. 10. How may a patient be encouraged to void urine after an oper- ation? 11. What would you do for post-partum hemorrhage in the absence of the physician? 12. Give usual preparation of patient for labor in so far as pa- tient's excrements are concerned. Give preparation from standpoint of asepsis. 13. Mention the number of stages composing labor. Briefly describe same. 14. Define: (a) multipara; (6) primipara; (c) inertia; (d) lochia. 15. What is usual length of labor in primipara? 16. Describe the care of a new-born child, including handling of the cord. 17. How long following parturition should the mother be kept in bed? 18. What care should be taken of the parturient's nipples? 19. State the care of laceration of the perineum. 54 QUESTION MANUAL 20. Mention some things that would come within the province of the nurse in post-partum hemorrhage. 21. How would you prepare a patient for abdominal section? 22. What care should be given to: (a) catheters; (6) rectal tubes; douche tubes? 23. How would you sterilize rubber gloves ? 24. What care should a nurse take of herself while nursing a pa- tient who has gonorrhoea? 25. What solutions are most commonly used for irrigating the bladder? What temperature and how much solution is generally used? 26. What four positions are most generally used in operating on or examining gynecological patients? 27. How would you prepare a room in a private home for con- finement ? 28. What bones form the pelvis? 29. What are the internal organs of generation? 30. How would you prepare a saline solution? What would you have ready for giving a hypodermoclysis? 31. Describe the different stages of labor. 32. What would you do should your patient have a post-partum hemorrhage while you were alone with her? 33. State the care you would give a new-born infant's eyes. State the care you would give the breasts of a new-born child if they were enlarged. 34. When a patient requires catheterizing, under what circum- stances would you avoid a glass catheter? 35. What articles would you prepare for a confinement case? 36. What care would you give a nursing mother's breast and nipples ? 37. What are the signs of pregnancy? 38. What is the distinction between abortion, miscarriage, and premature labor? 39. What antiseptic solutions should be prepared for use in the care of the mother and new-born infant? Give the strength of each solution. GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 55 40. What should a nurse do as soon as the head is born ? 41. At what temperature would you give a vaginal douche to control hemorrhage after confinement? 42. What is the function of the placenta? 43. What organs are generally conceded to be the weak spots and require particular watching during pregnancy? 44. What would you do for an infant suddenly taken with con- vulsions until the arrival of the physician? 45. What is a nurse justified in doing to relieve a baby from colic? Give the causes of colic. 46. What are the complications to be watched for during the puer- peral period? 47. What precautions will a nurse take against sepsis after labor? 48. What is the usual cause of an abscess of the breast? 49. What are the symptoms of toxemia? 50. What symptoms precede eclampsia? 51. To what is the treatment directed in: (a) toxemia; (6) eclampsia ? 52. How would you prepare the articles to be used during delivery ? 53. What antiseptic solutions should be prepared for use in the care of the mother and the new-born infant? Give strength of each solution. 54. How would you proceed should the foetus be expelled before the arrival of the physician? 55. Define: (a) colostrum; (6) meconium; (c) ectopic gestation. 56. By what means does the foetus receive nourishment ? 57. How should the uterus feel one hour after delivery? 58. Describe the various positions for pelvic examination. 59. What preparation (general and local) should be given a patient for curettement? 60. How may a patient be encouraged to void urine after an op- eration? 61. Describe your method of catheterization. 62. What is the menopause? Mention some attendant symptoms, stating any of a serious nature indicating the necessity of medical aid. 56 QUESTION MANUAL 63. What are the usual symptoms of pregnancy? What abnormal conditions may arise during pregnancy? 64. Give in detail the preparation a nurse should make for the care of an obstetrical case in a private house. 65. How may a nurse determine that labor has commenced? When should the doctor be summoned? 66. What are the duties of a nurse in the care of an infant for twenty-four hours after birth? 67. What conditions would indicate post-partum hemorrhage? How should the nurse proceed? 68. What is the duration of pregnancy ? How would you determine the probable date of confinement? 69. What general preparation would you make if called at the beginning of labor? 70. How many stages of labor are there? Define each. 71. What diseases would you avoid prior to and during your en- gagement to care for an obstetrical case? 72. What care would you give to a new-born infant for the first week? 73. What is colostrum? What are its functions? 74. How frequently would you change vulva pads? How would you prepare for and proceed to do it ? What conditions would you note while performing this duty? 75. What care would you give a lacerated perineum that had been given immediate repair? 76. Name two of the most serious complications in labor. What measures would you employ to control them until the doctor arrives? 77. Give technique for an intra-uterine douche. 78. Describe briefly the preparation for an obstetric case in a private house as to: (a) patient; (6) bed; (c) room. What would you have in readiness for: (a) the doctor; (6) the patient; (c) the child? GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 57 79. What are the symptoms of post-partum hemorrhage? Give the means you would employ to control such hemorrhage until the arrival of the doctor. 80. What care would you give a child during its first twenty-four hours of life? 81. When in charge of an obstetric patient, at what stage do you consider it necessary to practise strict asepsis and antisepsis? 82. Under what circumstances would you feel it your duty not to accept an obstetric case ? 83. With what expedients would you try to help a patient urinate and thus avoid the use of a catheter? Give method of catheterization. 84. Define: (a) primipara; (b) puerperal fever; (c) parturition; (d) lochia; (c) colostrum. 85. What is pregnancy? Give a rule to determine its probable duration. What organ do you consider requires careful watching during pregnancy? 86. Define gynecology. 87. Name organs contained in the female pelvis. 88. Give several indications for a vaginal douche. 89. What are the important points to be observed in giving douches? 90. What are the usual methods pursued for the examination of a patient suffering from gynecological diseases ? 91. What preparation of the patient is necessary for such exami- nation? 92. Define: (a) trachelorrhaphy; (b) salpingectomy; (c) ovariot- omy; (d) curettage. 93. What would you do in case of hemorrhage from the uterus due to a tumor? 94. Define: (a) menstruation; (b) puberty; (c) menopause. 95. Define: (a) menorrhagia; (6) amenorrhea; (^dysmenorrhea. 96. What would you regard as danger signals in connection with lochia? 58 QUESTION MANUAL 97. Give one method of calculating the date of the termination of pregnancy. 98. Draw a diagram of the internal female generative organs, giv- ing names and relative size of each. 99. Describe the placenta. What is its purpose ? Why should it be carefully inspected after expulsion? 100. What is the duty of the nurse the instant the birth of the child takes place? 101. If called upon in an emergency to give an anaesthetic during labor, state definitely the method of procedure. 102. State definitely how you would induce artificial respiration in a case of asphyxia in the new-born. 103. What is the significance of a chill occurring shortly after labor ? How would you manage it ? 104. Define gynecology. 105. What is endometritis ? 106. What do you understand by laceration of the perineum and how is it produced ? 107. What is amenorrhea? What is dysmenorrhea? 108. What is meant by digital examination and what preparation would you make for it ? 109. Describe the steps in the preparation for a gynecological ex- amination. 110. What is meant by ectopic gestation? What is inflammation of the Fallopian tubes called? 111. What should be the temperature of the water used to check uterine hemorrhage? Why? 112. Name the internal female generative organs. 113. What terms are used to designate the beginning and the end of the menstrual epoch? 114. What is the function of the Fallopian tubes? GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 59 115. How would you prepare a patient for gynecological exami- nation? 116. Name the positions used in gynecological treatment and ex- amination? Describe each. 117. How should a woman dress during pregnancy? 118. Give general directions for diet in pregnancy. 119. What are the signs of beginning labor? What are the three stages of labor? 120. How would you prepare the patient at the beginning of labor? 121, How could you retard the progress of labor if the doctor were delayed? 122. What is the chief danger to the mother in the first few hours after labor? 123. What would you do for post-partum hemorrhage if the doctor had gone before it began ? 124. What are the chief causes of post-partum hemorrhage? 125. Under what circumstances would a vaginal douche be indi- cated after labor? 126. What are the chief symptoms of puerperal infection? 127. Describe the nurture care of the baby during first week. 128. What do you understand by the term pregnancy? What are the physical signs? 129. Define the following: (a) abortion; (6) premature labor; (c) extra-uterine pregnancy; (d) placenta praevia. 130. How would you prepare a bed for labor in a private house? 131. What care would you give the breasts before and after de- livery? 132. What is lochia? What are the signs of hemorrhage? 133. What care should you give: (a) the eyes of the new-bom; (6) the mouth? 134. If alone, what would you do for secondary hemorrhage from the cord? 60 QUESTION MANUAL 135. What is the best food for babies? What should be the temperature of the water for an infant's first bath? 136. What is the danger of using a glass catheter during labor? 137. When in charge of an obstetrical patient, at what stage do you consider it necessary to practise strict asepsis and anti- sepsis ? 138. Give the nursing care of a mother for a few hours after the termination of the third stage of labor. 139. At what temperature would you give a vaginal douche to control hemorrhage? Mention three other methods you would employ to control uterine hemorrhage while awaiting the arrival of the phy- sician. 140. What is puerperal infection? 141. Give a list of articles to have in the confinement room during labor. 142. How frequently should the perineal pads be changed during the puerperium? How would you proceed to do it? 143. What is the bony pelvis? Of what does it consist? 144. What care should a nurse give her own person before going to an obstetrical patient ? 145. What do you understand by the terms: (a) pregnancy; (6) labor? 146. What care and treatment should the patient receive during the first stage of labor? 147. What should a nurse do as soon as the head is born? 148. If a binder is applied, where should a nurse begin to pin and why? 149. What should a nurse do in a case of post-partum hemorrhage ? 150. When would you give a new-born infant his first bath? What precautions should a nurse take against sepsis after labor? GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 61 151. What precautions should a nurse take to prevent trouble with the heart? 152. How can a depressed nipple be drawn out? 153. What precautions must be taken when giving a douche after labor? 154. What is meant by the terms abortion and premature labor? 155. What preparations do you consider necessary for an ap- proaching confinement in a private home? 156. Name three important complications of the puerperium, giv- ing probable cause in each case. 157. Give usual method of calculating date of labor. 158. What are the most common complications of pregnancy and their causes? 159. What are the symptoms of: (a) toxemia; (6) eclampsia; (c) abortion? 160. How should the nurse proceed when the doctor does not ar- rive in time for the delivery? 161. Describe the infant's first bath, including care of the eyes. 162. What do you consider the best method of caring for the cord? 163. Why is it so important to watch for any abnormal conditions of infant's stools ? 164. What is the name for the first intestinal discharge after birth? How soon should the character of the stool change? What should be the character of the stool after that first in- testinal discharge? 165. Define: (a) embryo; (6) foetus; (c) parturition; (d) colos- trum; (e) primipara. 166. What are some of the signs of pregnancy? How would you determine the probable date of labor? 167. Into what stages is labor divided? When should a patient in labor be put to bed and when should the nurse summon the doctor? 168. How should an obstetrical bed and room be prepared for delivery? 62 QUESTION MANUAL 169. What symptoms in a pregnant woman would lead you to fear eclampsia? What could you do before the arrival of the doctor? 170. How should the uterus feel under the hand after the delivery of the placenta? What condition of the uterus would lead you to think there was post-partum hemorrhage? What could a nurse do, before the arrival of the doctor, to control post-partum hemorrhage? 171. How often should the vulva pads be changed? What precautions should the nurse observe? 172. How soon after birth would you put the baby to the breast? Give reasons. When does the flow of milk begin? 173. What care should be given the breasts of the mother? What care should be given to the eyes and mouth of the baby ? 174. How would you make and apply a breast bandage? 175. What would you do to resuscitate an asphyxiated baby? 176. How many times should the umbilical cord be tied? Why? How would you control bleeding from the cord? 177. Describe the normal stool of a two weeks' old baby. 178. What is the composition of human milk? What is modified milk? 179. What is the function of the placenta or after-birth? 180. Give a list of an infant's wardrobe. 181. What is puerperal infection? 182. Give a Hst of articles to have in the confinement room during labor. 183. What kind of food should an obstetric case have the first week following labor? 184. State why cow's milk is more difficult of digestion than mother's milk. Tell in what way cow's milk may be modified to give to a very young baby. GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 63 185. What is the appearance of a normal infant's stool? 186. Why is an obstetric case given an enema before advanced labor? 187. What would be a nurse's duty if alone with a patient during a post-partum hemorrhage? 188. Tell when and how to massage a patient's breasts. 189. Mention the most common presentation of the foetus. 190. What presentations of the foetus may there be other than that called for in the above question? 191. When during labor should the nurse prepare: (a) the bed; (6) the patient? 192. What articles would you have in readiness for the physician's use? 193. What articles are most important to have in readiness for the care of the new-born infant? 194. Define each of the following: (a) occiput; (&) Wharton's jelly; (c) craniotomy; (^symphysiotomy; (e) parturition; (/) viable. 195. When would you give a new-born infant his first tub bath? At what temperature would you have the water? 196. How would you sterilize sheets, towels, and dressings in a private house? 197. What is the nurse's first care of the new-bom infant? 198. If the nurse is to guard the utems during the third stage, what points should she observe? 199. What precautions should the nurse take to prevent trouble with the breasts ? 200. How often in twenty-four hours would you put the infant to the breast? 201. How many dejections should the infant have in twenty-four hours? 202. State the color and the character of the dejecta after the meconium has been expelled. 203. Name the pelvic organs. 64 QUESTION MANUAL 204. Mention four positions for vaginal examination. Describe dorsal position. 205. How would you prepare a lysol douche? 206. What are some of the signs of pregnancy? How would you calculate its duration? 207. Name some of the signs and symptoms of the beginning of labor. 208. What are the stages of labor? Name the duties of the nurse during the third stage and for a short time afterwards. 209. Give the care of the breasts during pregnancy, the reasons for and the results of neglect. 210. What precaution is to be observed to avoid infection during and after labor? 211. How would you proceed to resuscitate the new-born child if asphyxiated? 212. If the child is small or prematurely born, what extra precau- tions would you observe in its care? 213. What would you do in a case of eclampsia before the arrival of the physician? 214. How would you dress the umbilical cord during the first seven days? 215. Two hours after labor the patient becomes very pale, has a weak pulse, and is gasping for breath. What will you sus- pect if no doctor is within reach and how will you act ? 216. Give the function of: (a) the ovary; (6) the tube; (c) the uterus. 217. Why is it necessary to purge patients thoroughly before gyne- cological operations? 218. What can you do for nausea and vomiting during the first forty-eight yours after operation? 219. Of what disease is uterine hemorrhage at the menopause sug- gestive? 220. What is shock and how would you treat it? GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 65 221. A patient is brought to the wards after an abdominal section. The pulse rate is good — ninety to the minute — respira- tion regular, color quite good. Four hours later patient complains of sudden pain in abdomen, the pulse becomes more and more rapid and feeble, the respirations quicker and are labored, and there is a profuse perspiration, cold, clammy skin, restlessness, thirst, and pallor. What would this condition indicate and what would you do until you could get the doctor? 222. How long would you consider it safe for a patient to retain urine in the bladder after operation? 223. What is meant by menstruation? 224. How would you prepare a patient and what solution would you use in giving a douche? 225. Describe your method of giving a bladder irrigation. 226. What is the normal presentation of a child at full term? Name and explain one abnormal presentation. 227. What is the purpose of the abdominal obstetric binder? How would you make and adjust one? 228. What are the signs of pregnancy? What are the signs of labor? 229. What is the nursing care in a case of deficiency of breast milk? 230. Define: (a) mastitis; (&) lochia; (c) fontanelle; (d) os uteri. 231. What symptoms occurring in the mother would you immedi- ately report to the physician? 232. What are: (a) tampons; (6) pessaries? 233. How would you prepare to assist the doctor in a vaginal ex- amination? 234. What is an intra-uterine douche? Would you give one? 235. What particular nursing care would be needed following operations upon cervix, vagina, and pelvic floor? 236. What is the required approximate temperature of a hot vaginal douche? 66 QUESTION MANUAL 237. What is a perineorrhaphy? 238. What are the Fallopian tubes? 239. Give two or more causes for premature labor, stating the dangers in each case. 240. Through what channels and from what causes may puerperal infection occur? 241. What diet is best suited to the lying-in patient during the first two weeks? 242. How often in twenty-four hours would you put the infant to the breast? Give three ways of feeding an infant. 243. What measures would you take to prevent colic in an in- fant? 244. Describe clearly, but briefly, the simplest efficient prepara- tion of an obstetrical patient and a room for delivery, in- cluding solutions and supplies. 245. If a patient in puerperium, having been in a normal condition for the first three or four days after confinement, should suddenly complain of headaches and a chilly sensation, with a rise of temperature to 103 or higher, what may this indicate? What would you do under such circumstances ? 246. State the general care and precautions you would observe in nursing a patient who, upon engaging you, informed you that at the time of a previous confinement she had been an eclampsia case. 247. Name three symptoms that may indicate the beginning of mastitis. Give nursing care of mastitis. 248. What do you understand by the following: (a) placenta praevia; (6) ectopic gestation; (c) Caesarean section? 249. What preparations would you consider necessary for an ap- proaching confinement in a private home ? 250. Name the female generative organs. GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 67 251. What is puberty? What hygienic mode of life would you advise for a girl of sixteen? 252. What is prolapse of uterus ? How would you disinfect a pessary? 253. Describe a douche and the necessary preparation for giving it. HYGIENE 1. Define the term hygiene. 2. What constitutes good ventilation? 3. Describe the ideal sick room from a hygienic standpoint. 4. Name the essentials conducive to a healthy condition of the body. 5. How would you disinfect a room after a contagious case? 6. How is pulmonary tuberculosis communicated? 7. Give precautions to prevent its transmission. 8. At what temperature would you ordinarily keep a sick room? How would you keep the air pure ? 9. What is the reason for the general crusade against the house fly? 10. What is the objection to the public drinking cup? 11. Give five important points in bodily hygiene to be empha- sized in teaching children. 12. What do you understand by hygienic conditions? 13. Describe what you consider the best location for a home and also the best arrangement of the interior. 14. Enumerate the symptoms, resulting from lack of proper ven- tilation, which frequently occur in public buildings. To what are these symptoms due? 15. What are communicable diseases? What are the duties of a nurse toward the public in relation to such diseases ? Define: (a) isolation; (6) segregation. 16. What is your personal opinion of the technique of a nurse who wears her uniform about the streets? 17. Why is the study of dietetics such a valuable asset in the training of a nurse? HYGIENE 69 18. What symptoms would lead you to suspect that a child or adult was not properly nourished? 19. What general rules should be followed in the care of foods? 20. If unable to secure any germicidal agent, such as carbolic or lime, how would you care for the excreta from typhoid patients? How long should such care be continued? 21. Have you had any training in the care of tuberculosis patients ? Enumerate all the precautions to be taken and give reasons. 22. What is sanitation? What is hygiene? 23. In considering the sanitation of a city, what factors should be looked into and controlled? What diseases are likely to occur if such factors are not regulated? 24. What care would you give a room after a case of typhoid fever? 25. Name five communicable diseases. 26. Name the essentials conducive to a hygienic condition of the body. 27. Mention some places and things about a home where clean- liness is essential. How can it be preserved? 28. What sanitary precautions should be taken in nursing typhoid fever in a country home? 29. What is usually understood by the term contagious diseases? 30. Mention three symptoms of scarlet fever other than the rash and describe them. 31. What are the special adverse symptoms to be watched for in diphtheria and what is their significance? 32. Give some important particulars in the nursing of diphtheria and state why necessary. 33. What three complications in typhoid fever are indicated by an increase in the rate and decrease in the strength of the pulse? 70 QUESTION MANUAL 34. What are the adverse symptoms and conditions to be watched for when nursing pneumonia? 35. What can be done to relieve a child in a severe paroxysm of coughing? 36. How often should the air in the room be entirely changed? 37. State your ideas in regard to training the habits of an infant. When should you begin and how proceed? 38. Write at least twenty-five words, not more than forty, on the duties of a visiting housekeeper in connection with district work. 39. How soon would you take an infant out of doors ? What reasons would you give a parent to discourage thumb sucking and the use of the pacifier? 40. What is meant by hygiene of pregnancy and what general instructions could you give that would serve for any preg- nant woman regardless of her station in life ? 41. How is trachoma frequently transmitted? 42. How many cubic feet of air space in a sleeping room is the minimum requirement per individual ? 43. Formulate a number of rules which would cover inspection of city laundries. 44. What is the composition of pure air? 45. Why is deep breathing of vital importance? 46. Why is breathing so important to health? 47. What constitutes good ventilation? 48. What are the characteristics of expired air? 49. Mention some of the sources of impure air in the sick room and tell how they may be lessened or avoided. 50. At what temperature would you ordinarily keep a sick room? 51. What are the beneficial effects of sunlight? 52. Of what advantage is a fireplace? 53. Describe an ideal sick room from a hygienic standpoint. 54. Give five important points in bodily hygiene to be empha- sized in teaching children. HYGIENE 71 55. What amount of cubic air space, per capita, is necessary for adults' sleeping rooms? How would you ventilate a sick room in cold weather where there was but one window and the patient was unused to draughts? 56. How would you dispose of typhoid excreta if you were in the country where there was no system of sewerage? What hygienic precautions should be observed in traveling? 57. What is meant by: (a) public hygiene; (6) personal hygiene? 58. Outline a plan briefly, but not omitting any essential point, for the proper disposal of the excreta of a small general hospital. (Proper sewerage is assumed and garbage or refuse is not referred to, but all forms of bodily discharges, dressings, etc.) 59. What is the object of ventilation? Describe some simple methods of ventilating a sick room where patent appliances are not available. 60. Give a reliable disinfectant for each of the following and state exactly how each is to be used: (a) typhoid stools; (6) bed clothing from a case of typhoid; (c) tuberculosis sputum. 61. What is the actual value of dishes of a germicidal solution placed about a sick room? 62. Why should the room of a malarial patient be screened? 63. Is night air dangerous ? Give one good reason for the view formerly held. 64. Give two diseases spread exclusively by insects and the names of the latter. 65. Give two diseases caused by (a) water; (6) milk; (c) flies. 66. What general and special hygienic precautions should be observed by nurses, during their training and while practis- ing their profession, in order to preserve their own health? 67. Define the terms: (a) hygiene; (6) air; (c) germicide. 68. Name the essentials conducive to a healthy condition of the body. 72 QUESTION MANUAL 69. What are the relative proportions of oxygen and nitrogen m so-called pure air? Which part is essential to human life? 70. What is ventilation? Give two methods of securing good ventilation in a sick room in cold weather. 71. What would govern your selection of food: (a) for an invalid; (6) for a person in health? 72. State methods of disinfecting excreta from a typhoid patient. 73. What is your method of personal disinfection after nursing contagious diseases? 74. What officials have issued an order requiring merchants to screen foods that are displayed? Give reason. 75. Is there danger in the use of foods put up in tins? How can the danger be minimized? 76. Why is even a slight leakage from gas pipes so dangerous? 77. What does personal hygiene include? What does sanitation include? 78. Define: (a) disease; (6) environment; (c) immunity. 79. Are relaxation and sleep synonymous terms? Why are they so important? 80. What effect has exercise upon the muscles? What are the effects of moderate and violent exercise after eating? 81. What should govern the kind and quantity of food of an individual? What, if any, is the objection to eating a hearty meal when physically or mentally exhausted? 82. If sent into the country to care for a typhoid patient, would you investigate the house and surroundings regarding sanitary conditions? How would you disinfect and dispose of the excreta? 83. What are Boards of Health? Enumerate some of their duties and powers. HYGIENE 73 84. What is the objection to the public drinking cup? Is there any provision for its abolishment ? 85. What are food preservatives ? Name some harmless ones. 86. What is the reason for the general crusade against the house fly? 87. Define the terms: (a) hygiene; (b) air; (c) antisepsis. 88. What are the chief sources of contamination of a water supply and what measures can be taken to render such water pure? 89. Describe briefly the factors concerned in ventilation and tell how you would secure good ventilation in the sick room of a private house in cold weather. 90. What is meant by the terms: (a) disinfection; (6) contagious? 91. Give five good disinfectants. 92. Give methods of caring for excreta in a case of typhoid fever. 93. What hygienic measures would you adopt in nursing a case of diphtheria and what steps would you take to render the room free from danger after the patient recovers? 94. What precautions are to be observed in the use of domestic water filters ? Why? 95. What precautions should a nurse take for the protection of the family when caring for a case of tuberculosis? 96. What three substances form the basis of all regulated diet? 97. What are the sources of the oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide which make up the air? 98. Are pneumonia and tuberculosis fresh air or foul air diseases ? In either case how would you provide the required air for the recovery of persons suffering from the same? What points should be considered when showing another per- son how to ventilate a room? 99. What methods would you pursue in order to clean drinking water drawn from a cistern having an odor and containing particles of dirt of dark color? 74 QUESTION MANUAL 100. Name five dangers to which a person may be subjected when traveling from one section of the country to another. 101. Name four living parasitic animals which carry disease germs from person to person, together with the name of the disease which may be so transferred. 102. Of what value is sleep to the human being? As a rule, how long a time should be given for sleep: (a) to the babe in its first eight weeks in life; (6) to the young person toward puberty; (c) to the adult? 103. What makes up the ordinary dust in our buildings? Is it dangerous to human beings? If so, why? What measures should be taken and how often in disposing of the same? 104. What factors should enter into plans for a three weeks' va- cation from routine duties? 105. State five subjects you would emphasize in addressing a group of young factory women. 106. State as many preventable causes of the high per cent of infantile mortality as you can think of. 107. How should a nurse protect herself in caring for an advanced case of pulmonary tuberculosis? 108. What particular points would you impress upon an untrained housekeeper regarding household hygiene? 109. What is the ideal hygienic situation of a private dwelling? 110. How would you advise a mother regarding the management of the habits, diet, etc., of a nervous child? 111. How may the air in a room be tested for bacteria and gaseous impurities? 112. How may a sick room be kept cool on a hot summer's day? 113. What factors must be taken into consideration in the proper ventilation of a sick room? 114. What general care should be extended to a patient who is ill with tuberculosis? What is the safest way to dispose of the sputum? HYGIENE 75 What care should be extended to the other members of the family? What care should the nurse take of herself? 115. What are the principal functions of sanitary science and the application of hygiene? 116. What is the composition of air? How many cubic feet of air space should be allowed each adult patient? 117. What is meant by the direct radiation of heat? What is meant by the indirect method of heating? What are the best means of artificially lighting a room? 118. What are the two (2) general causes of disease ? Give an example of each. 119. How may infection reach a wound? 120. How are disease germs thrown off in the following diseases: (a) diphtheria; (6) typhoid fever; (c) tetanus; (d) tuber- culosis; (e) yellow fever? 121. What are the most effective means of destroying germs? 122. What is the difference between contagion and infection? 123. How would you isolate and disinfect in contagious diseases: (a) the physician; (6) the patient; (c) the nurse; (d) the excreta; (e) the dishes used by patient? 124. Why is deep breathing important? 125. Why is bathing so important to health? 126. Outline hygienic care of tuberculosis. 127. At what temperature would you keep a sick room? 128. What are the beneficial effects of sunlight? HYDROTHERAPY AND MASSAGE 1. What four qualities does water possess which make it a valu- able remedial agent? 2. What do you understand by a reflex action? Upon what does the duration of a reflex action depend. 3. Describe the primary effect of cold applications. 4. What do you understand by tonic reaction and what kind of applications produce it? 5. Name four different ways a cold application may be applied to the body. 6. What do you understand by the secondary effects of cold? 7. Describe in detail your method of applying a cold pack and state when such would be indicated. 8. How would you apply a cold compress to the throat ? 9. What articles would you procure for the application of a cold abdominal girdle? What results would you expect from such an application? 10. How would you apply cold to the abdomen if you were unable to procure an ice bag? 11. Describe in detail your method of giving a Brandt bath. In what way is it beneficial and in what disease is it most com- monly used? 12. Why is friction helpful in a cold bath? 13. Name other applications than the cold bath which may be used for the reduction of temperature. 14. Of what value to a fever patient is the drinking of water? 15. What would you do for a fever patient with a warm perspiring skin? 16. Describe a simple form of rubbing which could be used after a cold application. HYDROTHERAPY AND MASSAGE 77 17. Prepare articles for and describe the procedure in a cold hand rub. 18. How would you give a half sheet rub? 19. What conditions would prevent your giving a cold sheet rub? 20. Describe the primary effect of a hot application. Describe the secondary effect of a hot application. 21. Name four ways in which heat may be applied to the body. 22. Mention three hot treatments that are useful in reducing temperature. When should they be employed? 23. Describe in detail the method of giving a hot pack. When is a hot pack indicated ? 24. How would you apply dry heat to the entire body? 25. What precautions must be used in the application of heat to the entire body? 26. Why would you give plenty of water to drink during the ap- plication of heat? 27. Name three ways in which a local application of heat may be made. 28. What substitutes may be used for a hot water bag? 29. Describe your method of filling a hot water bag. 30. Define reaction. What do you understand by an incomplete reaction? 31. Name the conditions before, during, and after the bath that favor reaction. 32. Name the conditions before, during, and after the bath that discourage reaction. 33. Name a form of treatment by which cold and heat may be used alternately. 34. What do you understand by a neutral application? 35. Describe your method of giving a neutral pack. 36. When is a continuous bath indicated? How is a continuous bath given? 37. With what application could you relieve cerebral congestion? 78 QUESTION MANUAL 38. Why would hot treatments be beneficial in a case of acute nephritis? 39. Name three kinds of baths that may be given to produce elimi- nation. 40. Name three kinds of emollient baths and tell when same are indicated. 41. What do you understand by an effervescent bath? 42. Give formula usually ordered for the effervescent bath. 43. Describe the preparation of a mustard bath. Tell the precaution which should be kept in mind when such a bath is being given. 44. Describe in detail the method which you have found most suc- cessful for the reduction of temperature. 45. Describe the giving of a salt glow. Describe the effect produced. 46. Describe your method of preparing and applying a hot stupe. 47. Give two methods by which a turpentine stupe may be applied. 48. How would you give a hot foot bath to a patient who is con- fined to his bed? 49. What precautions must be taken when giving an electric light bath? 50. Describe a Russian bath. Describe a Turkish bath. 51. Classify temperatures and state the effect which each produces. 52. What do you understand by a wet sheet pack? Describe the four stages of a wet sheet pack. 53. Describe the preparation and administration of an alternate hot and cold trunk pack. 54. How is a hot pelvic pack applied? 55. What precautions must always be taken when applying hot applications? 56. What objections are there to the use of salt in an ice bag? 57. Describe the administration of a graduated bath. 58. How should the wet sheet pack be given to reduce temperature ? 59. At what period of an inflammation should cold be applied? HYDROTHERAPY AND MASSAGE 79 60. How may sedative effects be secured from warm applications? 61. Describe one way of applying the general cold application. Describe three ways of applying local cold applications. 62. Define massage. What precautions must be taken in the application of massage? 63. What procedure in massage will produce a soothing effect? 64. What is meant by the terms: (a) friction; (6) percussion; (c) petrissage; (d) kneading? 65. What effect does massage produce on the metabolism of the body? 66. What procedures in massage are stimulating to the nervous system? 67. What procedures in massage are sedative to the nervous system? 68. How does massage affect the muscles? 69. How does the effect of massage on muscles differ from the ef- fect of exercise on the muscles ? 70. Why does massage rest a person who is very tired mentally or physically? 71. In what way does massage influence the development of bone ? 72. Tell how gentle massage acts on: (a) the heart; (6) the dia- phragm; (c) the superficial blood vessels. 73. In what way will massage affect the heat elimination of the body? 74. Describe the effects of massage on digestion. 75. Describe in detail your method of giving massage to the arm. 76. What form of deep kneading is most used? 77. What points must be kept in mind when giving massage? 78. What are the uses of abdominal massage? 79. Describe in detail a method of abdominal massage for obstinate constipation. 80. When and how should massage be give to a sprained joint? 81. In what condition is massage of the breast ordered? 82. What general principles should be followed in giving massage? 80 QUESTION MANUAL 83. Designate two conditions where the use of passive exercise is indicated. 84. What precautions should be taken in massaging a patient hav- ing fatty degeneration of the heart ? 85. What are concentric movements? What are eccentric movements? 86. What is the effect of stroking upon the circulation? 87. How does deep and light nerve compression differ in effect? When should each be used ? 88. What form of massage produces the most soothing effects? 89. Describe the method of applying friction to the hip. 90. Describe a simple procedure for rubbing a patient's back as a preparation for the night. 91. Name the principal points to be kept in mind when giving an abdominal massage. 92. Describe palmar, fist, and digital kneading. 93. What special value has massage in anaemia? 94. Describe a method of applying friction to the spine. 95. Outline in detail the complete procedure of massage for the back. 96. Describe the movements which have the most soothing effect upon the nerves. 97. What precaution would you take in applying massage for in- fantile paralysis? 98. What general principles should be followed in applying mas- sage for rheumatism? 99. Name four conditions where massage would not be permissible. 100. What movements are very beneficial in the treatment of headache ? INFECTIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES 1. What is the difference between infectious and contagious diseases? 2. What are the symptoms of smallpox? What precautions would you take if a patient for whom you were caring developed the disease? 3. What is the incubation period of measles? What advice would you give a mother if she consulted you in regard to isolation ? 4. What care and management would you give a case of whoop- ing cough? 5. How is scarlet fever contagious? How would you disinfect when caring for a case? 6. How would you prepare a room for fumigation after any com- municable disease? 7. What prophylactic treatment would you advise in diphtheria? How long would you quarantine a case? 8. Why do you isolate erysipelas ? 9. What are the most common complications in contagious dis- eases? How would you guard against them? 10. Name five air-borne diseases. Name three water-borne diseases. 11. What are the chief differences between diphtheria and tonsil- litis? 12. Mention some very important points to be remembered in the care of a case of gonorrhoeal infection of the eye. 13. Do you think it necessary for a nurse to be able to recognize contagious diseases? Give reasons. 82 QUESTION MANUAL 14. Mention five important points to be considered in determin- ing if a patient has: (a) scarlet fever; (6) measles; (c) ru- bella. 15. What is infection? 16. Mention three infectious diseases. 17. How would you differentiate between infection and contagion? 18. Mention two serums used in infectious diseases. 19. Why is the skin of patients suffering from an eruptive fever anointed? 20. What are the initial symptoms of typhoid fever? 21. How is typhoid fever spread? 22. Give proper way to disinfect typhoid excreta. 23. What disposition should be made of it when there is no sewer- age? 24. What precaution should a nurse use for herself in nursing an infectious disease? 25. Give proper method of disinfecting linen from a typhoid patient. 26. What are the indications in typhoid fever for removal of patient from bath tub ? 27. Give a method for a hot pack. 28. Give a method for an alcohol sponge bath. 29. What is the seat of infection in typhoid fever? 30. In case of hemorrhage in a typhoid patient, what measures would you resort to in the absence of the physician? 31. What is the function of a leucocyte in contagious diseases? 32. What do you know of any city ordinance or State regulation concerning contagious diseases ? 33. In the care of infectious diseases give the general rule for the disinfection of each of the following: (a) discharges and excreta; (6) linen; (c) utensils; (d) the nurse's hands. 34. What is the incubation period for diphtheria? What advice would you give a mother, if she consulted you, in regard to the advisability of giving antitoxin to her child, who had been exposed to diphtheria? INFECTIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES 83 35. Name all the contagious diseases you know. 36. What prophylactic treatment is used in diphtheria? How long should a case be quarantined? 37. Name the important points to be considered in the nursing care of a scarlet fever patient. What are some of the complications of scarlet fever? 38. Define the terms: (a) contagion; (b) incubation; (c) crisis; (d) quarantine; (e) immunity. How is artificial immunity procured? 39. What is your method of personal disinfection after nursing contagious diseases? 40. Describe condition of the tongue known as strawberry tongue and state when it is present. In a case of scarlet fever, what symptoms would suggest an acute attack of nephritis ? 41. Describe the throat symptoms of diphtheria. 42. In what other diseases are the throat symptoms somewhat similar? Mention some difference between the two. 43. Will exposure to the sun's rays kill tubercular bacilli? If so, how long will it take? If not, why? How long will it take boiling water to kill them? 44. What are the most frequent sites of tuberculosis in: (a) chil- dren; (6) adults? 45. Give most effective method of disinfecting tubercular sputum. 46. State important points in nursing a tubercular patient. 47. How would you disinfect yourself, patient, and room after such cases? 48. How would you prepare a patient to be released from isolation ? 49. In typhoid fever give the general rules for disinfection of: (a) discharges and excreta; (b) linen; (c) utensils; (d) nurse's hands. 50. Where there is no sewerage, what disposition should be made of excreta in typhoid fever? 84 QUESTION MANUAL 51. Differentiate between the condition of the throat in tonsillitis and diphtheria. 52. Give in detail the preparation of a patient prior to his release from quarantine. 53. Name three contagious diseases most common among children. What symptoms in each will be noticed first ? Give time of incubation. At what stage of the disease is each most frequently com- municated? 54. State method of feeding an intubation case. 55. Tell all you know of antitoxin. 56. What other serums are now used in infectious cases? 57. Why is the skin of patients who are suffering from eruptive fevers anointed? 58. How do you prepare a patient to be released from isolation? 59. What are the initial symptoms of a smallpox case? 60. Describe some good up-to-date method of fumigation. 61. What are the most dangerous complications in scarlet fever? 62. What do you know of the law of any State regarding quar- antine? 63. What does a nurse prepare for a tracheotomy case? 64. What is meant by natural resistance ? 65. What physical conditions aid natural resistance? What physical conditions weaken natural resistance ? 66. What is meant by the period of incubation? 67. Following the normal temperature of typhoid fever, how long should linen, excreta, etc., be disinfected? 68. How do bacteria gain entrance to the body? 69. Mention four men of international fame who are known for their practical development of the theory of bacteriology. State for what each is particularly known. 70. Mention measures to be observed in nursing: (a) typhoid fever; (6) scarlet fever; (c) malaria. 71. Mention some disease in which acquired immunity is only temporary. INFECTIOUS AND CONTAGIOUS DISEASES 85 Mention some disease in which acquired immunity extends over a long period of time. 72. Describe method of releasing a patient from quarantine and of disinfecting the room. 73. Speak of personal hygiene of nurse in caring for communicable diseases. 74. How should excreta of contagious diseases be disposed of in country places? 75. Define: (a) toxin; (6) fomites; (c) immunity; (d) incubation. 76. In removing a scarlet fever patient from isolation, after recovery, state briefly what you would consider necessary in regard to: (a) the patient; (6) the linen; (c) utensils; (d) the room; (e) yourself. 77. Give four points in the nursing care of a case of measles. 78. What is meant by the incubation period? What is the average time of incubation of each of the following infectious diseases: (a) smallpox; (6) scarlet fever; (c) diph- theria? 79. Give method of taking throat culture in a case of diphtheria. 80. Define: (a) antitoxin; (6) immunity; (c) vaccination; (d) in- fectious diseases; (e) contagious diseases. 81. In taking care of a contagious case what precautions would you take in regard to a necessary outside visitor? 82. What symptoms are common to the onset of the three prin- cipal contagious diseases of childhood? Differentiate the rash of two of them and state time of ap- pearance. 83. Define: (a) incubation; (b) desquamation; (c) coryza; (d) prophylaxis; (e) congenital. 84. Give common names for: (a) pertussis; (6) chorea; (c) scabies; (d) tetanus; (e) strabismus. 85. What is the length of the incubation period in pertussis? 86. What is the name of the bacillus of diphtheria? 87. What are the common complications of scarlet fever? 88. What are the symptoms of the onset of measles? 86 QUESTION MANUAL 89. Describe the preparation of a sick room for fumigation. 90. What is thrush? Describe fully the preventive treatment. 91. What form of pneumonia is most common in children? If left to your discretion, what nursing measures would you employ to relieve tympanites in a case of the above ? 92. What are the most common complications of scarlet fever and diphtheria? 93. Name the most common contagious diseases. 94. When relating a scarlet fever patient from quarantine, how would you proceed with: (a) the patient; (6) yourself; (c) the room? 95. How are the following diseases transmitted: (a) diphtheria; (b) measles; (c) whooping cough; (d) chicken pox? 96. What is the period of incubation in: (a) mumps; (b) measles; (c) chicken pox; (d) scarlet fever; (e) diphtheria? 97. Name two disinfectants that are used for the fumigation of a room after a contagious disease. Describe the method of using one of the disinfectants just named. 98. What precautions would you take in treating a pus infection of the eye ? 99. Write briefly on serum therapy. 100. What are phagocytes? What is phagocytosis? MATERIA MEDICA 1. Describe and explain the immediate effects of an overdose of chloroform. Outline treatment for the same. 2. Explain the difference between a decotion and an infusion. Name one official preparation of the latter. Give its dose. 3. For what purposes are cathartics employed? What is the cause of griping and how may it be overcome? 4. Write a prescription for a heart tonic containing at least two drugs. 5. Name two official preparations of: (a) mercury; (b) iron; (c) digitalis. Give the dose of each. 6. What is meant by the following terms: (a) diuretic; (b) dia- phoretic; (c) anaesthetic; (d) stomachic; (e) hypnotic; (/) anodyne; (g) anti-acid? 7. Name three official preparations of nux vomica. Give the dose of each. Describe the symptoms of acute poisoning by strychnia. 8. Name and give the doses of three official preparations of opium and give indications for their employment. What is the danger of prescribing opium? 9. Discuss briefly the action of circulatory stimulants. 10. Name the different methods of administering drugs and tell what factors may influence their action. 11. What is a diuretic? Name one and give the dose. 12. Give the dose of: (a) morphine sulphate; (6) codeine sulphate. 13. Name two' emetics and give the methods of administering each. 88 QUESTION MANUAL 14. Give the official name and dose of: (a) sweet spirits of niter; (b) Epsom salt; (c) laudanum; (d) paregoric. 15. What is the effect of opium upon the nervous system and the secretions ? 16. What is a tincture? What is a spirit ? 17. What is an aqua? What is a liquor? 18. What factors determine the frequency of administration of medicine ? 19. What is meant by the therapeutic limit of a drug? 20. Describe the method of adrninistering a dose of medicine hypo- dermatically. 21. What is the difference between solutions and tinctures? Which is the stronger? 22. Define: (a) diuretics; (b) idiosyncrasy; (c) purgative; (d) as- tringent; (e) disinfectant. 23. What is the usual dosage of the following: (a) tincture of digitalis; (b) infusion of digitalis; (c) tincture of opium; (d) iodide of potassium; (e) codeine. 24. If minims x equal grain 1/30 of a solution, how many minims would you give for a dose of grain 1/150? 25. What are the active ingredients in a Dover's powder? 26. If the adult dose is eleven grains, how many grains would you give a ten year old child? 27. What is Fowler's solution? What are the symptoms of overdosing? 28. What is the popular or common name for the following: (a) tincture of opium; (b) camphorated tincture of opium; (c) sodium bicarbonate; (d) oleum ricini; (e) magnesium sulphate; (/) sodium chloride; (g) citric acid; (h) hydro- chloric acid? 29. How do you prepare: (a) a 1:2000 bichloride solution; (6) a 5 per cent carbolic solution; (c) a normal salt solution? MATERIA MEDICA 89 30. If you have no special orders, what medicines would you give: (a) before meals; (&) after meals? 31. Define: (a) materia medica; (6) therapeutics. 32. What do you understand by: (a) the physiologic action of a drag; (b) the therapeutic action of a drug? 33. Define the following terms: (a) anodyne; (6) hypnotic; (c) antipyretic; (d) mydriatic; (e) myotic. 34. What is the difference between an infusion and a decoction? What is the difference between a solution and a tincture? 35. Give apothecaries' weight, using the proper symbols. Give apothecaries' measure, using the proper symbols. 36. What is the first aid treatment in carbolic acid poisoning? What are the symptoms of overdosing by mercurial prepara- tions? What are the symptoms of overdosing by strychnine? 37. How would you prepare: (a) a 1:20 solution of carbolic acid; (6) one gallon of normal saline solution; (c) one quart of bichloride of mercury solution 1:2000? 38. How many grains of a drug will be required to make one ounce of a 1 per cent solution? If told to give grain 1/150 of nitroglycerine and only tablets of grain 1/100 were available, how would you prepare the dose? If only strychnine tablets of grain 1/60 are available and you are ordered to give grain 1/30, how would you prepare the dose? 39. Of what is a Seidlitz powder composed? What is contained in: (a) the white paper; (b) the blue paper? How would you give a Seidlitz powder? 40. What are the indications for discontinuing the following drugs: (a) Fowler's solution; (b) potassium iodide? 41. Name three preparations of iron. What precautions should be taken in administering iron? 42. What is a diuretic? Name three diuretics. 90 QUESTION MANUAL 43. Name the methods of administering medicines. Which method is most commonly used? Which method gives quickest action? 44. Describe the preparation and administration of 24 grain of mor- phine hypodermatically. Describe the care of the hypodermic syringe. 45. From what two principal sources are drugs derived? 46. How would you give potassium iodide grains x from a stock solution of potassium iodide drachm 1 equals grains xx? How would you give morphine sulphate grain 1/6 if you have only tablets grain 34? How would you calculate a dose for a child under twelve years of age from the adult dose ? 47. What is the effect of: (a) a cardiac sedative; (b) an expecto- rant; (c) an anaesthetic? 48. Name two preparations of strychnia and give average dose of each. Name two preparations of iron and give average dose of each. 49. What are the symptoms of overdosing of: (a) strychnia; (6) Fowler's solution; (c) belladonna? 50. What is the dose of: (a) tincture of digitalis; (6) strychnia sulphate; (c) morphine sulphate; (d) atropine sulphate? 51. How should the skin be prepared before applying a cantharides blister? How large a blister would you apply? 52. How much bichloride of mercury would you use to make thirty- two ounces of a 1:1000 solution? 53. Transpose following: 1000 cc. to pts.; 30 cc. to oz.; 0.002 gram to grain. 54. Give apothecaries' fluid measure and designate by symbols. 55. Define: (a) narcotic; (6) diaphoretic; (c) antipyretic; (d) sed- ative. 56. How would you prepare and give a hypodermic of: (a) strych- nine sulphate grain 1/120 from tablets of grain 1/60; (6) atropine 1/200 from tablets of grain 1/150? MATERIA MEDICA 91 57. Name two preparations of iron. What is the physiological action of iron? When should iron be given, a.c. or p.c. ? Why? 58. Name principal drug in the following preparation: (a) Fowler's solution; (6) laudanum; (c) Basham's mixture; (d) blue ointment; (e) Dover's powder. 59. Name four ways of administering drugs. 60. Define: (a) physiological action of a drug; (6) therapeutic action of a drug. 61. Define: (a) sudorific; (6) diuretic; (c) stimulant; (d) astrin- gent; (e) idiosyncrasy. 62. Give the physiological action of strychnine. Give the symptoms of an overdose of strychnine. 63. What precautions should be observed in giving: (a) prepara- tions of iron; (&) preparations of mercury? 64. What is a poison? What is an antidote? 65. Give the doses of the following drugs: (a) atropine sulphate; (b) chloral hydrate; (c) nitroglycerine; (d) morphine sul- phate; (e) sodium bromide. 66. When giving aconite, what precautions should be observed? 67. Define the following terms: (a) antipyretic; (6) vesicant; (c) antiseptic; (d) antitoxin; (e) sedative. 68. Of what drugs are the following the active principles: (a) co- deine; (6) digitalin; (c) pilocarpine? 69. Give symptoms and treatment of carbolic acid poison. 70. Give average dose of the following: (a) camphorated tincture of opium; (&) tincture of opium; (c) Dover's powders; (d) morphine; (e) strychnine. 71. Does atropine dilate or contract the pupil? 72. Name: (a) two hypnotics; (&) two emetics; (c) one diuretic. 73. In what condition is urotropine a valuable remedy? 74. What are the indications for discontinuing the use of Fowler's solution or any arsenical preparation? 92 QUESTION MANUAL 75. Name three preparations of iron and the dose of each. 76. Why should acids be given diluted and through a tube? 77. Name five ways of introducing medicines into the system. 78. Define and give examples of: (a) an emetic; (b) a cholagogue; (c) a somnifacient. 79. Of what is quinine composed? What are its principal uses? 80. What is Fowler's solution? What is the dose? 81. What are tinctures? Give average dose of tincture of: (a) belladonna; (b) mix vomica; (c) opium. 82. What is the dose of: (a) strychnine sulphate; (6) morphine sulphate; (c) heroin; (d) acetanilid; (e) aconitine; (/) po- tassium bromide; (g) chloral; (h) infusion digitalis? 83. How is a dose for a child estimated? 84. How would you prepare: (a) a normal salt solution; (6) a saturated solution of boric acid? 85. What is the best antidote for carbolic acid? 86. What are symptoms of opium or morphine poisoning? 87. What are the names of weights used in the apothecaries' table? 88. Define: (a) expectorant; (6) digestant; (c) rubefacient; (d) diuretic; (e) emetic; (/) cathartic. 89. Give dose of croton oil. How is it best administered? 90. Give ordinary name of: (a) oleum tiglii; (6) oleum terebin- thinae; (c) oleum ricini. 91. If nitroglycerine grain 1/200 hypodermically was ordered and you had only tablets grain 1/100, how would you proceed? 92. Name two emetics easily procured in any household. 93. What is indicated by the order: Give hydrargyri chloridum mite grs. ii, t.i.d. ? What should be avoided in diet after giving same ? MATERIA MEDICA 93 94. What precautions should be taken in administering iron prep- arations ? Name some of the iron preparations used as medicine. 95. How would you treat a case of poisoning by carbolic acid? 96. Name the various ways in which medicines may enter the circulation. 97. Describe in detail your method of giving a hypodermic in- jection. 98. In giving mercury to a patient what symptoms should be observed and reported? What is the antidote for mercurial poisoning? 99. What is the average dose for an adult of: (a) castor oil; (6) Epsom salt; (c) tincture of iron; (d) strychnia; (e) digitalis? 100. In nursing a case of chorea where the patient is taking Fowler's solution, what symptoms would you report to the physician as indicating that the patient was feeling the toxic effect of the drug? What are the symptoms of opium poisoning? 101. Tell exactly how you would prepare a hypodermic dose of digitalin grain 1/20 from tablets each containing grain 1/100. 102. What considerations modify the dosage of drugs? What is a good rule for calculating the dose for a child when the adult dose only is known? 103. How much of a drag must be used to make: (a) three 'ounces of a 1 per cent solution; (b) a 1:100 solution? How would you prepare four pints of sterile saline solution? 104. Name two preparations of aconite in common use and give doses. Describe its action and give the therapeutic uses. 105. What is meant by the cumulative action of drugs? In the use of what drugs should one carefully note these symptoms? 94 QUESTION MANUAL 106. Why should iodine preparations not be given in conjunction with starchy foods? What foods must be avoided when giving calomel ? 107. The administration of anodynes and narcotics is often left to the discretion of the nurse. What should be her attitude in regard to giving same? Why? 108. Name three coal-tar antipyretics. What are their uses and usual doses? What untoward effects are to be watched for when either is given? 109. What are the symptoms of opium poison? Describe in detail the treatment. 110. Why should the urine be preserved for examination both before and after the administration of an anaesthetic ? 111. Why is atropine sometimes used in connection with morphine when given hypodermically? •112. What is meant by the physiological action of a drug? Mention five ways in which medicine may be introduced into the circulation. 113. What is the best antidote for carbolic acid? 114. How much salt should be added to a auart of water to make a normal salt solution? 115. What are cathartics? How may they act? Name a cathartic that is beneficial in dropsical conditions. 116. What is an: (a) infusion; (6) tincture; (c) liniment; (d) sat- urated solution? 117. If a child is to take grain 1/150 of strychnine and you have tablet grain 1/30, how many doses have you and how would you divide the quantity accurately? 118. What do the following symbols stand for: (a) p.r.n.; (6) l.h.; (c)gtt.; (d) alt.hor.; (e) aa.; (/); (g) t.i.d.? 119. Is there any error in the following? If so, correct same. If patient's skin is dry and pungent, give atropine sulphate MATERIA MEDICA 95 grain 1/100 by mouth; if perspiring profusely, give pilo- carpine grain 1/12 at 8 p.m. 120. At what time should the following be given: (a) acids; (6) iron; (c) arsenic; (d) potassium iodide? 121. Define digestant. 122. What is pepsin? What is its action? 123. Define: (a) anthelmintic; (6) antipyretic; (c) therapeutic; (d) styptics; (e) sialogues; (/) specifics; (g) restoratives; (h) physiological action. 124. What would you do in a case of poisoning from: (a) bella- donna; (6) opium; (c) bichloride; (d) carbolic acid? 125. How would you give strychnine grain 1/25 from a solution where rninims x equals grain 1/30? 126. Give doses of the following: (a) tincture of digitalis; (b) in- fusion of digitalis; (c) Fowler's solution; (d) iodide of potassium; (e) codeine; (f) deodorized and camphorated tincture of opium. 127. Give the average doses of the following: (a) strychnine; (b) morphine; (c) opium; (d) hyoscine; (e) bromide of soda; (/) tincture of digitalis. 128. Give the formulas for the following enemata: (a) purgative; (b) nutritive; (c) normal salt solution; (d) one, two, three. 129. By what methods may medicine be introduced into the body? By what method would you obtain the quickest action of a drag? 130. Define: (a) sudorific; (6) diuretic; (c) stimulant; (d) astrin- gent; (e) escharotic; (/) idiosyncrasy; (g) cumulative ef- fect; (h) physiological action. 131. What are the symptoms of overdosing with preparations of mercury? Name three preparations of mercury. 132. Name three of the coal-tar derivatives. In what cases are they used? What points are to be observed in giving any of them? 96 QUESTION MANUAL 133. What corrosive poison burns white? 134. What corrosive poison gives an odor of peach kernels to the breath? 135. Give the physiological action of strychnia. Give symptoms of overdosing. 136. What would you do for a case of: (a) opium poisoning; (b) bichloride poisoning; (c) illuminating gas? 137. How would you give morphine grain 1/6 from a solution where minims VI equals grain 34 ? 138. How would you make: (a) one gallon of bichloride 1:2000 from a solution of 1:500; (6) one quart of normal salt so- lution from a stock salt solution containing salt, drachm VI, to the point? 139. Give the dosage of the following: (a) tincture of digitalis; (6) infusion of digitalis; (c) Fowler's solution; (d) iodide of potassium; (e) codeine. 140. Give two examples of each of these classes of drags: (a) di- aphoretic; (b) purgative; (c) heart stimulant; (d) anodyne; (e) rubefacient. 141. With which do you give an oil as an antidote — the acids or the alkalies? 142. Name three poisons with which it is dangerous to give an oil as an antidote and tell why. 143. Give table of apothecaries' weights amd measures. 144. What is a prescription? 145. What are the symptoms of excessive bromide medication? 146. What is the metric system? 147. How should preparations of iron be given with reference to food and why? 148. Define: (a) anaesthetics; (6) astringents; (c) diuretics; (d) stimulants; (e) tonics; (/) hypnotics; (g) narcotics; (h) de- odorants; (i) emetics; (;') escharotics. 149. Tell exactly how you would prepare a hypodermic dose of digitalin grain 1/20 from tablets each containing grain 1/100. MATERIA MEDICA 97 150. What symptoms would you consider should be reported when a patient is taking strychnia regularly? Give the symptoms of an overdose of morphia. 151. How would you prepare a saturated solution of boric acid from the crystals? 152. Name ten corrosive poisons which are acid. 153. Name five corrosive poisons which are alkalies. 154. What are poisons? What is an antidote? 155. Give dose of the following: (a) strychnine sulphate; (^atro- pine sulphate; (c) nitroglycerine; (d) chloral hydrate. 156. Name three saline cathartics. State briefly how they act. Give doses and methods of administering. 157. Give therapeutic action of arsenic and dosage of F^owler's solution. 158. How does strychnine affect: (a) the heart; (6) the pulse; (c) the respiration? Give treatment of strychnine poisoning. 159. Give action of morphine. 160. Give doses of the following preparations: (a) morphine sul- phate; (b) codeine sulphate; (c) camphorated tincture of opium. 161. Name three coal-tar antipyretics. What are the therapeutic uses of these drugs? What is the dose of each? 162. Compare the anaesthetic action of ether and chloroform. What three things should be done in collapse during an anaesthetic? 163. How many cubic centimeters in: (a) one fluid drachm; (b) one fluid ounce; (c) one pint? 164. What is digitalis? Give therapeutic action. What are its disadvantages? Name three important preparations and their doses. 98 QUESTION MANUAL 165. Give five important rules in administering medicines. 166. Define the following terms: (a) anodyne; (6) hypnotic; (c) mydriatic; (d) diaphoretic; (e) antipyretic; (J) em- menagogue. 167. What two poisons produce a metallic taste? 168. What poison produces slate-colored lines about the gums? 169. What poison produces the odor of garlic on the breath? 170. What two poisons leave a yellow stain and how can you differentiate between them? 171. In what five ways are medicines introduced into the circu- lation? 172. Define: (a) anodyne; (6) hypnotic; (c) physiological action. 173. What do the following abbreviations stand for: (a) t.i.d.; (6) p.c; (c) a.c; (d) p.r.n.; (e) tr.; (/) ung.; (g) gtts.; (h) q.s.? 174. Name two emetics easily procured in a household. 175. How would you prepare a solution of: (a) corrosive subli- mate 1:500; (&) a 5 per cent carbolic acid? 176. Name and give usual dose of each of the following: (a) narcotic; (6) hypnotic; (c) heart stimulant. 177. Give common names for the following: (a) oleum tiglii; (b) oleum terebinthinae; (c) oleum ricini. 178. Give the dose of croton oil and tell how best to administer it. 179. Name a drug that causes: (a) dilation of the pupil of the eye; (&) contraction of the pupil. 180. Name symptoms of opium poisoning. 181. Of what poison is the hydrated sesquioxide of iron the anti- dote? 182. Define: (a) therapeutics; (6) idiosyncrasy; (c) physiological action; (d) U. S. Pharmacopoeia; (e) alkaloid. 183. Would you give alkalies and acids well diluted or not? 184. When would you give Fowler's solution? Why? 185. What is strychnine? For what purpose is it used? MATERIA MEDICA 99 186. Give symptoms and treatment of morphine poisoning. 187. Differentiate between morphine poisoning and alcoholism. 188. How would you pour medicine from a bottle? 189. Give the general rule for combining medicines for adminis- tration. 190. For what are the bromides used? Name the most common one in use. 191. Why is it necessary for a nurse to know the physiological action of drags? 192. What poison produces the risus sardonicus? 193. Give the three distinguishing symptoms of opium poison. 194. What is a good antidote to use as lavage in opium poisoning? 195. How long must you treat the patient? 196. What are the names of the weights used in the apothecaries' table? 197. Classify the following drags: (a) bichloride of mercury; (b) sweet spirits of niter; (c) croton oil; (d) digitalis; (e) caffeine. 198. Name three drags that cause death in a few minutes. 199. Define expectorant. 200. Name two expectorants. Give the use or uses, action, and dose of each expectorant named. 201. Define digestant. 202. Assume that you are ordered to give grain 1/400 of strychnia to a child (q. 3 h.) and that you have tablet grain 1/30; how many doses have you and how would you divide the quantity accurately? 203. Give the action and the use of pepsin. 204. Define rubefacient. Name three rubefacients. 205. Give the action, use, and dose of mix vomica. 206. Define tonic. Name three tonics. 207. Name three drags of animal origin and give their uses. 100 QUESTION MANUAL 208. Define antiseptic. Name three antiseptics commonly used. 209. Name the classes of poisons. 210. Name the classes of antidotes. 211. Name the three things to be kept uppermost in mind in case of poison. 212. Name four good emetics and give amount. 213. What is the basis usually used for suppositories? What medicines are frequently given in this way? Give doses. 214. Explain fully the terms: (a) idiosyncrasy; (b) accumulative. 215. Describe your method of giving a dose of castor oil. 216. Explain the following terms and give examples: (a) chemical compound; (b) acids; (c) salts. 217. What are your rules for the administration of the following medicines and why: (a) narcotics; (b) alcohol; (c) laxa- tives; (d) general tonics? 218. Describe your method of administration when cod liver oil or olive oil is ordered as an inunction for a delicate infant. 219. What is the action of sodium bromide, the dose, and the symptoms of overdosing? 220. How would you make normal salt solution and for what pur- pose is it used? 221. Of the three most common methods of administering drugs, which would you select to obtain the most immediate action? 222. Give the meaning of the following symbols: (a) p.r.n.; (6) a.a.; (c) t.i.d.; (d) a.c; (e) p.c. 223. What is a cardiac stimulant? Name one and give the dose. 224. Name the best antidote for carbolic acid poisoning. 225. Give the dose and use of apomorphine. 226. Name one drug which is injurious to the teeth. What precautions should be observed in giving this drug? MATERIA MEDICA 101 227. Tell some measures that can be used to keep the patient awake. 228. What are the first symptoms of strychnine poisoning? What infection do the last symptoms resemble? What is the point of difference? What is the general line of treatment ? Give the best chemical antidote and its dose. 229. Outline the line of treatment in asphyxiation by: (a) any gas; (b) chloroform; (c) ether; (d) laughing gas. Why are they called neurotic poisons? 230. What is the after-danger from asphyxiation? How can you combat it? 231. Give symptoms of overdosing of the following: (a) arsenic; (6) strychnine; (c) atropine. 232. What is ergot? What is its action? Name one preparation and dose of same. 233. Give apothecaries' weight. Give apothecaries' measure. 234. Name five channels through which medicine is introduced into the body. 235. Give, in the order of importance, rules that should govern a nurse in the administration of medicines. 236. Define: (a) anodyne; (b) aperient; (c) hemostatic; (d) diu- retic; (e) liniment; (/) solution; (g) ointment; (h) elixir; (i) emetic; (;) idiosyncrasy. 237. Name four drugs commonly given by hypodermic injection and give dose of each for an adult. 238. Describe your technique of preparing a hypodermic injection. 239. What drug is of the most importance in the following prepa- rations: (a) Fowler's solution; (6) paregoric; (c) gray powder; (d) Blaud's pills; (e) Seidlitz powder; (/) carron oil; (g) Epsom salt; (h) Dover's powder; (i) laudanum; (/) calomel? 102 QUESTION MANUAL 240. Define antiseptics. Name two. 241. Name two drugs that reduce temperature. What are these drags called ? 242. Name two expectorants and give the dose of each. 243. Name two cardiac stimulants and give the dose of each. Name two cardiac depressants and give the dose of each. 244. Give the difference in action of strychnia and digitalis. 245. Give the symptoms of lead poisoning. 246. If four tablets (7.3 grains each) will make one gallon of a 1:2000 solution, how many tablets will be required to make two quarts of a 1:500 solution? MEDICAL NURSING 1. How would you drop a solution into the eye? 2. Give general care of a patient having diphtheria. 3. How would you dispose of excreta from a typhoid patient? 4. State methods of taking the temperature of an infant. 5. Give general measures to prevent bed sores. 6. Give general care of a pneumonia case. 7. What is the hygiene of the mouth and teeth in febrile con- ditions? 8. State general care of the skin of patients with exanthematic diseases. 9. Give management of pulmonary tuberculosis, with special reference to climate, rest, and diet. 10. What special care would you give a patient with an acute contagious eye infection? 11. Name the different kinds of pulse and respiration. 12. Give the cause and the prevention of bed sores. 13. How many kinds of enemata are there? Describe how you would give one. 14. How would you distinguish hemorrhage: (a) from the lungs; (b) from the stomach ? Give symptoms of concealed hemorrhage. 15. Describe in detail the methods used to reduce temperature in typhoid fever. What special care would you give a typhoid patient ? Name three complications in typhoid fever that need immedi- ate attention. Describe a method of disposing of excreta from a typhoid patient. 16. Describe an up-to-date method of fumigation. 104 QUESTION MANUAL 17. State in detail the nursing care and the period of greatest danger in pneumonia. 18. How may tubercle bacilli be introduced into the system? 19. Define crisis and lysis. 20. What difference is found in the recorded temperature as taken by mouth, axilla, and rectum? 21. In nursing tuberculosis, state most important points regarding both the patient and the public. 22. What is the best method of disinfecting sputum from tubercu- lar patients? 23. Where are the most frequent sites of tuberculosis in: (a) chil- dren; (6) adults? 24. Mention some important points to remember in giving the fresh air treatment in winter to tubercular patients. 25. State in detail how you would give an enema to a baby. 26. How would you obtain a specimen of urine from a baby? 27. What is a frequent cause of cystitis? How may a nurse guard against this? 28. What symptoms in a child of ten months would indicate error in diet? 29. Give nursing measures: (a) to induce urination; (b) for relief of vomiting. 30. Name five points a nurse should note in taking the pulse and the respiration. 31. How would you irrigate: (a) an ear; (b) an eye? 32. What is the normal amount of urine voided in twenty-four hours? 33. How would you determine that a sick person was obtaining sufficient fresh air? 34. What is tuberculosis? State the cause and mention some varieties of the disease. 35. By what channels may the germ of tuberculosis enter the body ? How would you arrange for the care of a tuberculosis patient in: (a) a home; (6) the city; (c) the country? MEDICAL NURSING 105 36. How may hemorrhage from the lungs be distinguished from hemorrhage from the stomach? 37. Name five points that a nurse should note in taking pulse. 38. Name three diseases in which a patient is especially liable to bed sores. Give in detail the preventive treatment. 39. What care would you give the mouth of a typhoid fever pa- tient? Why is this care so important? 40. Define Peyer's patches. Where are they found and in what disease? 41. State the first aid treatment you would give for burns. 42. What symptoms would you watch for in a patient for whom the physician feared acute nephritis? 43. What particulars regarding a chill should be noted and re- corded? What particulars regarding convulsions should be noted and recorded? 44. Give a Hst of the articles necessary in giving a cleansing bed bath. Outline briefly the method of procedure. 45. Describe in detail the process of giving a sweat bath with dry heat in a private home. 46. In what position will a bed patient suffering from dyspnoea find greatest relief? State all that a nurse may do in devising comfortable support for the patient and in what ways his position may be changed from time to time. 47. Give a list of the most common minor and unnecessary causes of discomfort to a bed patient which a nurse should instinc- tively avoid or should observe and rectify without waiting to be asked. 48. Describe the onset of pneumonia. What is the character of the cough in pneumonia: (a) at the onset; (6) as the disease progresses ? 106 QUESTION MANUAL When does the crisis of pneumonia usually occur? State at least three important points in the nursing care of a pneumonia patient. 49. Where is the seat of disease in typhoid fever? What is the usual duration of an attack of typhoid fever? What is the significance of a sudden drop in the temperature in typhoid fever? What should the nurse do to protect herself from infection in caring for a typhoid patient ? 50. Name some abnormal constituents that may be present in the urine. What is the purpose of determining the specific gravity of the urine? Mention a non-pathogenic cause for alkaline urine. 51. What precautions should a nurse take in saving the urine for: (a) a mixed specimen; (6) a plain specimen? 52. What are the characteristics of the urine in: (a) fevers; (b) acute Blight's disease; (c) diabetes mellitus; (d) diabetes insipidus; (e) cystitis? 53. Give cause, prevention, and treatment of bed sores. 54. Name the different lands of enemata. Describe in detail how you would give one. 55. How would you prepare and apply: (a) a flaxseed poultice; (6) a mustard paste? 56. Describe the ventilation of a room occupied by a tuberculosis patient. What care should be taken of the sputum and of the sputum cup? 57. What is the character of the typhoid stool? What sanitary precautions should be taken regarding it? What care should a nurse give her hands while nursing a case of typhoid fever? 58. Give symptoms noticed in a typhoid patient which you would immediately report to the physician. MEDICAL NURSING 107 Under what conditions would you remove a typhoid patient from the bath before expiration of prescribed time ? What would you do in such emergency? 59. Give in detail the method of giving: (a) a hot air bath; (6) a hot pack; (c) a cold sponge bath. 60. How would you prepare to catheterize a female patient? What is cystitis? 61. How would you give a mustard bath? 62. In case of pulmonary hemorrhage what would you do before the arrival of a physician? 63. What is arthritis? Define nursing care of arthritis. 64. What is the normal blood pressure ? What is pericarditis? What is endocarditis? What is myocarditis ? 65. State some complications which would result from arterial sclerosis. 66. If a patient should have what seems to be an epileptic seizure in a public place, what would you do? 67. Give at least three important points to be considered relative to nursing a very nervous patient. 68. How would you ventilate a patient's room in very cold weather? 69. How are bed sores caused, prevented, and treated? 70. What is pneumonia? State in detail the nursing care and the period of greatest danger to the patient. 71. State method of giving a bath for the reduction of temperature. 72. When do the rose spots appear in typhoid fever? 73. Differentiate between the symptoms of internal hemorrhage and shock. 74. What is the average amount of urine secreted by a healthy adult in twenty-four hours? 108 QUESTION MANUAL 75. In what disease is the quantity of urine: (a) diminished; (6) increased? 76. How would you give a bladder irrigation ? 77. What is the normal temperature of the body in health? What are the limits of temperature in health ? Where may temperature be taken ? How does it differ in these locations ? 78. Name the sequelae and complications of scarlet fever. 79. How do typhoid bacilli enter the system? By what mediums are they conveyed? What precautions must a nurse adopt to protect herself and others in nursing typhoid fever? 80. Give some of the danger signals in pneumonia crisis. What treatment should be given at that time ? 81. Define: (a) communicable disease; (6) contagious disease; (c) infectious disease. Give examples of each. 82. Under what conditions are nutritive enemas ordered ? How are they given ? How often? Give a formula for same. 83. In detail give nursing treatment for sudden collapse of patient. 84. Describe appearance of blood in hemorrhage from lungs. Describe a nurse's duties in such an emergency. 85. Give all the essentials of an ideal or hygienic sick room. 86. What are the duties of a nurse when caring for a case of tuber- culosis ? 87. What is empyema? Of what disease is it a sequel ? Give treatment. 88. How can you determine if the air of a sick room is fresh? 89. Define the following terms: (a) crisis; (6) lysis; (c) incubation; (d) immunity; (e) contagion. 90. Give a formula for a nutritive enema and state in detail your method of giving the same. MEDICAL NURSING 109 91. What is meant by the three following terms: (a) suppression; (b) retention; (c) incontinence of urine? 92. How would you collect and prepare a specimen of urine to send to a doctor? 93. Where does the rash of scarlet fever first appear and what are the complications common to this disease? 94. How would you give artificial respiration? 95. What would you do for a person having an attack of epilepsy? What symptoms should a nurse make special note of that the doctor can distinguish between epilepsy and hysteria? 96. Explain the following terms as applied to the pulse: (a) irreg- ular; (b) intermittent; (c) dicrotic; (d) high tension. 97. How would the symptoms of perforation differ from those of hemorrhage in typhoid fever? In either case what should the nurse do for the patient? 98. Why are cleansing baths especially important in illness? 99. Name the different kinds of pulse and respiration. 100. How does fever terminate ? Define the terms. 101. How would you give artificial respiration? ! 102. What are the complications in typhoid fever? What nursing measures may be used for the same ? 103. Describe the irrigation of the bladder. 104. Give treatment of infantile convulsions previous to the doc- tor's arrival. 105. What nursing measures may be used for hemorrhage from the stomach and the lungs ? Differentiate these conditions. 106. What are the most important things for a nurse to do in caring for a case of pneumonia? 107. When and how are nutritive enemas given? 108. What is meant by suppression, retention, and incontinence of urine? What is the specific gravity of normal urine? 109. Where should hypodermics never be given? 110 QUESTION MANUAL 110. What would you do and what avoid doing in removing a for- eign body from the ear? 111. Describe the appearance of a patient suffering from: (a) apoplexy; (6) alcoholism; (c) convulsions. 112. Describe in detail the preparation and giving of a bed bath. 113. Describe in detail the changing of bed linen with the patient in bed. 114. In regard to both patient and public state the most impor- tant point in nursing tuberculosis. 115. Give two causes of abscess following hypodermic injection. Give treatment to guard against same. 116. In animal and insect bites what immediate precautions would you take against infection? 117. In what stage of typhoid fever is hemorrhage likely to occur? What should a nurse do while waiting the arrival of the doctor? 118. Give treatment for packed rectum. 119. What are frequent complications of: (a) diphtheria; (b) ty- phoid fever; (c) measles? 120. What are the relative proportions of oxygen and nitrogen in so-called pure air? 121. State simple means you would use to check vomiting. 122. State cause and symptoms of bed sores. 123. Describe first aid treatment for burns. 124. How would hemorrhage of the lungs be distinguished from hemorrhage of the stomach? 125. What care would you give the mouth of a typhoid fever patient? Why is this so important? 126. What is the significance of a sudden drop in temperature of a typhoid fever patient? 127. What special care is given a patient with an acute contagious eye infection? 128. What symptoms would you watch for in acute nephritis? 129. How would you prepare a patient about to leave isolation? MEDICAL NURSING 111 130. What precautions could a nurse use for herself in nursing an infectious disease? 131. Why is bathing so important to health? 132. What is the proper method of giving a hot pack? 133. Describe in detail the method of bladder irrigation. 134. What is pneumonia? State in detail the nursing care and the period of greatest danger to the patient. 135. How may the tubercle bacilli be introduced into the system? How should a case of tuberculosis be nursed? 136. What are bed sores? What is the prophylactic treatment of the same ? 137. For what purposes are baths given? State method of giving a bath for the reduction of tempera- ture. 138. What is typhoid fever? What is the nursing care and what are the precautions to be used? 139. Define: (a) crisis; (&) lysis; (c) hypostatic congestion. 140. Name a disease which teminates by crisis. 141. What can a nurse do to prevent hypostatic congestion? 142. What would you do to prevent the formation of bed sores? How would you care for a bed sore? 143. Tell how you would apply a fly blister. How would you determine when it should be taken off? Describe method of removal. 144. How would you care for the mouth and nose of a patient with typhoid fever? 145. Give directions, in detail, for giving a soapsuds enema. 146. What is pulmonary tuberculosis ? 147. How would you care for a patient suffering from this disease ? How would you care for yourself? 148. Differentiate between: (a) communicable disease; (6) con- tagious disease; (c) infectious disease. 112 QUESTION MANUAL 149. Mention the three stages of measles and give the approximate duration of each. 150. Mention a common complication of measles. 151. Describe the protective apparel that should be worn by the nurse when irrigating the throat of a diphtheria patient. 152. What is the normal temperature of an infant? 153. What is the appearance of the healthy movement of a child that is taking no nourishment but milk? 154. At what age do children usually begin to cut their teeth? Mention two symptoms that may indicate teething. 155. What nursing method may be employed for the relief of ner- vous headache ? 156. Under what conditions are nutritive enemas ordered? 157. Describe the appearance of hemorrhage from the lungs and state immediate nursing care. 158. Mention three methods of applying heat locally. 159. State the nursing care of a child in convulsions caused by disturbance in the gastro-intestinal tract. 160. Mention two important nursing points in caring for a patient afflicted with heart disease. 161. Give nursing care of a case of scarlet fever. 162. What are the important symptoms and what complications might arise in a case of pneumonia? What grave symptom should you guard against ? 163. What are some of the complications accompanying diphtheria? 164. What precautions would you take in caring for a patient suf- fering from pulmonary tuberculosis? 165. Describe in detail the preparation and method of giving a bed bath and the changing of the linen. 166. Without the use of drags how may a nurse quiet restless or nervous patients? 167. For what conditions of the body are cold packs usually ordered ? How may the best results be obtained? Describe in detail your method of procedure. MEDICAL NURSING 113 168. Name four kinds of enemata. Give the quantity of solution used. What precautions should be taken in the preparation and administration of enemata? 169. Under what circumstances are: (a) hot baths; (6) sweat baths; (c) cold baths usually given? 170. Why is friction given in cold baths? Why expose parts being sponged when giving ice sponge for the reduction of temperature? 171. If called to nurse a child with a sore throat, what condition would you suspect and what care would you give the child until the doctor arrives if the following symptoms appeared: dullness, nausea, muscle twitchings, puffy eyelids, and swollen ankles? 172. Unless having received special orders, state the essential fea- ture of diet in the following conditions: (a) acute ne- phritis; (b) chronic diarrhoea; (c) chronic constipation; (d) pulmonary tuberculosis. 173. What are the important essentials in the nursing of a case of: (a) acute articular rheumatism; (b) pneumonia; (c) pleurisy ? 174. How is typhoid fever spread? What measures should be employed by the nurse to prevent the spreading of the infection? What special precautions are necessary in nursing typhoid fever in country districts? 175. Describe accurately the nursing care of a typhoid fever patient for twenty-four hours. 176. In a typhoid fever patient what symptoms would lead you to expect intestinal perforation? What would be your care until the physician arrived? 177. State briefly how you would take care of a case of complete paralysis so that bed sores would not develop. 178. What are the various ways of taking temperature? What precautions should be taken with each method? 114 QUESTION MANUAL 179. What particular precautions should a nurse take when nurs- ing a patient convalescing from: (a) diphtheria; (6) scarlet fever; (c) measles? 180. How would you take a patient's pulse? What are the four main points to be observed in taking the pulse? 181. How would you give a nasal feeding? What particular danger is to be avoided? 182. How would you give a hot pack? 183. How would you prepare a croup tent? 184. Describe in detail your method of changing the nightgown of a helpless bed patient. 185. What is marasmus? Outline nursing care. 186. If you suspected hemorrhage in a patient with typhoid, what would you do before the arrival of a physician? 187. State how you would prepare and apply: (a) mustard plaster; (&) flaxseed poultice. 188. Name three classes of patients that it would not be advisable to take the temperature of by mouth. Give two other situations for taking the temperature other than by mouth. 189. Why are cleansing baths so important in illness? 190. Mention the symptoms calling for absolute rest in a case of pulmonary tuberculosis. 191. Name the particular form of excreta that bears an important part in the diagnosis of: (a) pneumonia; (6) typhoid fever; (c) nephritis. 192. What record would you make to indicate the character of a cough? 193. Outline care of a case of phlebitis. 194. What nursing measures may be employed to induce a nervous patient to go to sleep? 195. Mention two important nursing points in caring for a patient afflicted with heart disease. MEDICAL NURSING 115 196. What complications may occur in a case of typhoid? What nursing measures may be used for same? What precautions should be used to prevent the spread of the infection? 197. How would you prepare and give a nutritive enema? 198. What is meant by: (a) suppression; (6) retention; (c) in- continence of urine? What is the specific gravity of normal urine? Describe the technique of bladder irrigation. 199. Enumerate five kinds of baths and describe the giving of one. 200. In giving baths to reduce temperature, should one use friction ? Give reason for answer. 201. Does massage cause any effect in the temperature of the body? If so, why? 202. What movements have the most soothing effects on the nerves? 203. What are the symptoms of apoplexy? What are the important points to be remembered? 204. Define: (a) dyspnoea; (6) dicrotic; (c) depletion. 205. When is perspiration a favorable symptom? When is perspiration an unfavorable symptom? Give reasons for your answers. 206. Mention the most reliable remedy for pulmonary hemorrhage. 207. Differentiate between cerebral and gastric vomiting. 208. What is the natural duration of pertussis? 209. How does the germ of typhoid fever usually gain entrance into the body? Outline the prophylaxis. 210. In what disease would you expect to find subnormal temper- ature? 211. What age and sex are most subject to chorea? 212. Name four diseases in which blood may be expectorated. 213. Before the arrival of a physician for a patient who was burned, what treatment would you employ? 214. How would you give a mustard bath? 116 QUESTION MANUAL 215. In case of pulmonary hemorrhage what would you do before the arrival of a physician? 216. What is arthritis? Define nursing care. 217. What is the normal blood pressure? What is pericarditis? What is endocarditis? What is myocarditis? 218. State some complications which would result from arterial sclerosis. 219. If a patient should have what seems to be an epileptic seizure in a public place, what would you do ? 220. Give at least three important points to be considered relative to nursing a very nervous patient. 221. Describe the appearance of a patient suffering from: (a) apoplexy; (b) alcoholism; (c) convulsions. 222. State simple means you would use to check vomiting. 223. Define: (a) oedema; (6) coma; (c) emesia; (d) epistaxis; (e) rigor. 224. What are objective symptoms? What are subjective symptoms? What are physical signs ? 225. Give three examples, stating when each is used: (a) enemata; (6) baths. 226. How would you make a fracture bed? 227. What are frequent complications of: (a) typhoid fever; (6) pneumonia; (c) tuberculosis? 228. Give nursing care in detail in case of erysipelas. NERVOUS AND MENTAL NURSING 1. What disease is a frequent complication of chorea? 2. What are two divisions of the brain? 3. If ordered by a physician to administer an ice water sponge bath to a nervous patient, would you proceed if the patient bitterly protested? 4. What should be your primary responsibility in caring for a nervous patient? 5. Suppose a patient refused treatments, meals, etc., would you force or omit same? 6. Why must a strict watch be maintained over nervous or mental patients? 7. Is it wise to offer sympathy to a patient suffering with: (a) hysteria; (b) neurasthenia? 8. What is meant by the terms: (a) hemiplegia; (&) monoplegia; (c) paraplegia? 9. Give nursing measures for the relief of insomnia. 10. How could a nurse distinguish a case of hysteria and epilepsy? 11. Describe the appearance of a patient suffering from: (a) apoplexy; (b) alcoholism; (c) a convulsion. 12. How should a nurse care for a case of epilepsy? 13. How would you take care of a patient with melancholia? 14. How would you feed a patient who refused to eat? 15. Describe two ways of quieting noisy insane patients. 16. Name some conditions of the eyes that indicate mental dis- turbance. 17. What special points would you observe in restraining patients? 18. If a patient suffering from even a slight accident developed an over-alert excited expression, what would you be on the watch for? Why? 118 QUESTION MANUAL 19. What form of delirium is most common in typhoid? 20. Give reasons why occupation and entertainment are useful aids to recovery in mental disorders. 21. Is it always necessary to take respiration when taking temper- ature of a nervous patient ? Give reason for your answer. 22. Give main points in the nursing care of a paralyzed patient. 23. What would you do for a patient in: (a) an hysterical attack; (b) an epileptic convulsion? 24. Differentiate Jacksonian convulsion from all others. 25. Name two conditions to be maintained in meningitis. 26. State mental requirements for nursing nervous patients. 27. Name different forms of insanity and describe two. 28. How would you meet the delusions of insanity? 29. How would you nourish an insane patient who refused food? 30. How would you confine an insane patient in bed ? 31. What are the symptoms of apoplexy? 32. What are the important points to remember in nursing a pa- tient with paralysis? 33. What are the symptoms of chorea? 34. What advice would you give a mother whose child attending school is suffering from chorea? 35. What are the special points to be observed in nursing patients with meningitis? 36. Mention the important care to be taken when restraint is necessary to control a patient. 37. Define: (a) neurone; (6) dendrite: (c) axone. 38. What are some of the essential qualifications of a nurse for the successful care of neurasthenic patients ? 39. How should a nurse deal with hysterical patients? 40. In examining a person whom you found unconscious what particulars would you note ? 41. How would you distinguish between insanity and delirium? 42. Define: (a) mania; (6) hallucination; (c) delusion; (d) illusion. Give an illustration of each. NERVOUS AND MENTAL NURSING 119 43. What is the sympathetic nervous system? 44. Classify nerves according to their functions. 45. What is meant by the term brain? 46. Name the coverings of the brain. 47. On which side of the cord do the motor nerves emerge? 48. How many pairs of cranial nerves are there? 49. What is the difference between an hallucination and a delusion ? 50. What is the difference between an hallucination and an illusion ? 51. What enters into the formation of a judgment? 52. What is neuritis and give two causes? 53. Name three symptoms of multiple neuritis. What can cause this condition? 54. What is cerebrospinal meningitis and what causes it ? 55. What are some of the characteristics of dementia praecox? 56. Give briefly the care of a patient in an epileptic convulsion. 57. What are the desirable and what are the requisite traits in a nurse for mental patients? 58. Would fear of the patient prevent you from caring for a nervous or mental patient? If so, why? 59. How would you manage a suddenly disturbed patient in the absence of the physician? 60. Describe a continuous bath. When is it indicated ? 61. Would you consider it necessary to report to a physician undue suspicious and furtive facial expressions on the part of the patient? 62. In the following emergencies with mental patients what would be the nurse's duties: (a) attempted death by hanging; (b) accidental choking; (c) convulsions? 63. What should be the nurse's attitude toward the frequent de- lusions of mental patients? 64. How would you obtain the confidence of a mental or nervous patient? 65. Define: (a) hallucinations; (6) illusions; (c) delusions. 120 QUESTION MANUAL 66. Mention four games which would be suitable for excited women. 67. Name some form of entertainment that could be used for a patient confined to his bed. 68. Give list of ten books which would be suitable for a neuras- thenic patient. 69. What special points are to be remembered in caring for a paretic? 70. What special attention should be given to the very demented untidy class of patients? SURGICAL NURSING 1. What is: (a) a disinfectant; (b) a deodorant? 2. State chief complications that may occur after a surgical operation. 3. Describe method of preparing the field of operation for ap- pendicitis. 4. Describe a practical way for sterilizing surgical dressings in a private home. 5. How should cutting instruments be sterilized? 6. What after-care should be given a patient who has had a perineorrhaphy ? 7. What is hypodermoclysis? How would you prepare the normal salt solution? 8. Describe dorsal, knee-chest, and Sim's positions. 9. How would you prepare a patient for a general anaesthetic? 10. What are the indications of shock? Give treatment. 11. What is aseptic surgery? What is meant by healing by first intention? 12. How would you prevent wound infection? 13. Name three kinds of wounds. What causes post-operative fever? 14. How would you care for a case of erysipelas? What precautions are necessary? 15. What preparation is necessary for the appHcation of a plaster bandage? 16. Mention two great discomforts that the patient is likely to experience during the first twenty-four hours after an ab- dominal operation. 17. What is cystitis? What is the nursing care of the same? 122 QUESTION MANUAL 18. Define: (a) aseptic; (6) antiseptic; (c) disinfectant; (d) ster- ilization. 19. Why does not alcohol disinfect the skin if used stronger than 70 per cent ? State the advantages and the disadvantages of bichloride. 20. Describe a douche. Name the points especiaUy observed in regard to the prepa- ration of the douche nozzle. 21. What is: (a) hypodermoclyis; (6) intravenous infusion? What solution is used and how would you make it? 22. Give symptoms and chief points in the nursing care of post- operative shock. 23. What are the purposes of placing a patient in Fowler's position ? 24. What unfavorable symptoms should be watched for following an operation? 25. What symptoms after an abdominal operation would lead you to believe a patient was having an internal hemorrhage ? 26. In deciding the value of a disinfectant what points are to be considered? 27. Name four ways of sterilizing by heat. 28. How would you prepare normal salt solution for infusion in a private house? 29. What do you understand by: (a) healing of wounds by first intention; (b) primary union? 30. Why is increasing flatulence a serious symptom? What treatment is often ordered to relieve flatulence? 31. When is a patient put in Fowler's position? Why? 32. What care must be taken when removing the clothes of a per- son badly burned? 33. What would you do for a person suffering from concussion of the brain until the doctor came? 34. How would you prepare an irrigation of bichloride 1:2000 from 1:1000 solution? How would you prepare a 1 per cent carboHc douche? SURGICAL NURSING 123 35. What is the difference between a local and a general anaesthetic ? Name one of each. 36. What is asepsis ? 37. What is primary union? What is healing by granulation? 38. State briefly of what the general treatment of wounds consists. 39. What articles would you always have in readiness for any sur- gical dressing? 40. How would you prepare a room in a private house for an ab- dominal operation? 41. Give treatment of hands and instruments when preparing for abdominal operations. 42. What two complications should a nurse anticipate after a capital operation? 43. What is a fracture and how many kinds of fractures are there? 44. What is a greenstick fracture ? 45. What is a transfusion? How would you prepare the solution? 46. What unfavorable symptoms would you watch for following an operation? 47. What would you do for a patient suffering from extreme shock following an operation? 48. What are the symptoms of fracture of the limb? 49. What may a nurse do for a compound fracture before the ar- rival of the surgeon? 50. What are the reasons for putting a patient in Fowler's position ? Describe the best method of placing the patient in Fowler's position. 51. In the case of a severe burn what precaution would you use in removing the clothing? 52. What is hypodermoclysis? How would you proceed where no regular apparatus was to be had ? 53. How are wounds infected ? 124 QUESTION MANUAL 54. Name four points to be remembered when placing a patient on the operating table. 55. How would you make a saline for: (a) hypodermoclysis; (6) proctoclysis? What should the temperature be and how should it be given? 56. What are the symptoms of post-operative shock and what would you do until the arrival of a doctor? 57. What are the two principal groups into which fractures are divided? 58. How long would you let a patient go after an operation with- out voiding urine before reporting it ? 59. Name different positions in which patients may be placed upon the operating table. 60. What may a nurse do in case of a fractured rib until a doctor arrives? 61. In what does the general preparation of a patient consist? Previous to entering the operating room what points are to be observed? 62. State in detail how you would prepare a room in a private home for a major operation. 63. Name the most common positions in which a patient is placed on the operating table. 64. State your method of catheterizing. 65. What are the symptoms of shock and what would you do until the arrival of the doctor? 66. How would you make a saline solution? What should the temperature be and how should it be given? 67. Define: (a) strabismus; (6) myopia; (c) hypermetropia; (d) ophthalmia neonatorum. 68. What is the safest method of removing a foreign body from the ear? 69. Define: (a) fracture; (b) ecchymosis; (c) gangrene; (d) abscess. 70. Define: (a) antiseptics; (6) germicides; (c) deodorants. Name one of each, with indications for its use. SURGICAL NURSING 125 71. Name and describe five positions in which a patient may be placed for an operation or treatment. 72. What is cystitis? 73. What becomes of a silk ligature left buried in the tissues? 74. Define: (a) hemorrhage; (6) shock; (c) coma; (d) asphyxia; (e) syncope. 75. For a major operation in a private house give general prepara- tion of the room. 76. State general preparation of patient before giving a general anaesthetic. 7 7. How would you prepare patient for a radical mastoid operation ? 78. Until the physician arrives what would you do in a case of hemorrhage after tonsillectomy ? 79. Mention three methods for sterilizing the hands and give solutions used. 80. How would you steriHze instruments? 81. What would you use in giving: (a) a simple enema; (6) nu- tritive enema; (c) an enema for gas pains? 82. Give the technique of catheterization with precautions to be observed. 83. How should a patient be managed when reacting after an anaesthetic? How should the nausea be reHeved? 84. What are the general signs of hemorrhage? What is the difference between the treatment of shock and that of hemorrhage ? 85. How would you recognize a fracture? What could you do for a fractured tibia before the arrival of a doctor? 86. What are the symptoms, both local and general, of wound infection? 87. How would you prepare a patient for general anaesthesia? What points are to be carefuUy observed while the patient is anaesthetized ? 126 QUESTION MANUAL 88. How would you sterilize instruments before operation? How would you clean instruments after operation ? 89. Define: (a) sepsis; (b) asepsis; (c) antisepsis. 90. How would you prepare and give a hot sterile douche ? 91. In case of a hemorrhage from the brachial artery, what would be the character of the flow and what measures would you take to control it ? 92. In a private house how would you prepare for a pelvic opera- tion? 93. What articles would you have ready for the appHcation of a plaster cast to a leg? What preparation would you give the patient's skin before the application of the cast ? 94. What unfavorable symptoms would you carefully note fol- lowing an abdominal operation? Give the significance of each. 95. What are the symptoms of fracture? Give different forms of fracture, describing each. 96. When a doctor wishes to apply a Buck's extension, what ap- pliances should the nurse have at the bedside for his use? 97. Describe the various positions for pelvic examination. 98. Define: (a) dysmenorrhea; (b) salpingitis; (c) osteomyelitis; (d) phlebitis; (e) menopause. 99. How are wounds infected? Name six ways. Name measures for the prevention of wound infection by means of the: (a) hands; (b) sutures; (c) instruments. 100. How would you prevent infection from inhalers ? 101. How would you care for a wound from: (a) a rusty nail; (b) a bayonet ? 102. What are the symptoms of infective inflammation? 103. What would you consider as symptoms of cancer of the uterus? 104. What symptoms would lead you to suspect gonorrhoea? How would you manage a case? SURGICAL NURSING 127 105. How would you prepare a woman for curettage? 106. Define Sim's knee-chest and Fowler's positions. 107. What after-care should be given a patient who has had a perineorrhaphy ? 108. What articles should be ready for the administration of chloroform? 109. Describe the care the nurse should give a patient who is under a general anaesthetic. 110. Describe the method of preparing the field of operation for an abdominal section. 111. Define: (a) asepsis; (6) antisepsis; (c) sterilization; (d) dis- infection. 112. Discuss briefly the question of a nurse wearing the same uni- form on the street which she wears on duty in a hospital. 113. State chief complications that may occur after an abdominal operation. Name symptoms of each. 114.. What are the symptoms of post-operative hemorrhage and what may a nurse do in such an emergency? 115. Define fracture. Give in detail the nursing care in fracture of the femur. 116. State in detail your method of preparing for and catheteriz- ing a patient. 117. Define: (a) sepsis; (6) asepsis; (c) antisepsis. 118. What do we mean by surgical cleanliness? 119. How would you disinfect your hands and instruments for an abdominal operation? 120. Name three kinds of wounds and give first aid for each. 121. Name three kinds of fractures. 122. Describe the making of the following solutions: (a) carbolic acid 5 per cent; (6) bichloride 1:1000; (c) creolin 1 per cent; (d) saturated boric acid. 123. What instruments and dressings would you prepare for re- moving the packing from the uterus? 124. Describe Sim's, knee-chest, and dorsal positions. 128 QUESTION MANUAL 125. How is normal salt solution prepared? 126. Why are surgical dressings, when sterilized with steam not under pressure, steamed more than once ? 127. What means are used to control hemorrhage? 128. What are the advantages of fumigating with formaldehyde gas? 129. Give four points about which one should be careful in re- moving a dressing from a wound. 130. Why should a dressing be reinforced as soon as discharge comes through? 131. Why is it necessary to keep the operating room warm during an operation? 132. Define hypodermoclysis. For what purposes is hypodermoclysis used? 133. Mention four dangers for which a nurse should watch after a patient has undergone an operation. 134. How should an operating room be dusted? How should the tiled floor of an operating room be cared for between operations ? 135. Define: (a) amputation; (6) fracture; (c) hernia; (d) micro- organism; (e) traumatic. 136. What precautions should be taken in removing the clothing of a person who has been badly burned? Why? 137. Give the nursing treatment of a patient suffering from shock caused by hemorrhage. 138. Give a method of cleansing and sterilizing rubber gloves for immediate use. 139. How would you cleanse your hands before doing a surgical dressing ? 140. What rules should be observed in removing a dressing from a wound and in applying a fresh one ? 141. How do you prepare instruments for use? Are all instruments prepared in the same way? How do you clean them after use? SURGICAL NURSING 129 142. Give preparation of patient twenty-four hours before any major operation. 143. How would you care for a patient recovering from anaesthesia after abdominal section? 144. Define: (a) fracture; (6) impacted fracture; (c) greenstick fracture. 145. What are infected wounds? 146. What are the symptoms of shock? How do they differ from those of hemorrhage? How would you treat shock until the arrival of the physician? 147. Give general signs and symptoms of hemorrhage. Mention all the methods you know by which hemorrhage may be controlled. 148. Give an outline of a plan of nursing a patient during the first week after: (a) a partial excision of the lower jaw; (6) an intestinal resection. Note the particular dangers to be carefully noted. 149. What are the symptoms, both local and general, of wound infection after operation? 150. What is erysipelas ? Give symptoms, cause, and nursing care. 151. Give the clinial signs present in an inflammation. 152. What is the difference between a simple and a compound fracture ? 153. Describe briefly the local preparation of a hernia case. 154. Describe the preparation of a patient for ether administration. Describe the care of an ether patient immediately after oper- ation. 155. Mention symptoms and signs of appendicitis. Why is it important for the nurse to recognize them? 156. What is the difference between a local and a general anaes- thetic? Name two of each. 157. What do you understand by the healing of wounds: (a) by first intention; (6) by second intention? 130 QUESTION MANUAL 158. Define and give two examples of the following: (a) asepsis; (b) antiseptic; (c) disinfection; (d) sterilization; (e) de- odorant. 159. How would you sterilize the following: (a) scalpels; (b) gloves; (c) KeUy pad; (d) silkworm gut; (e) glass graduates? 160. What instruments would you always keep in readiness for the usual morning dressings? 161. What would you have in readiness for the dressing of a lap- arotomy? 162. Define the following: (a) adenectomy; (b) cholecystectomy; (c) curettage; (d) cystotomy; (e) enterorrhaphy; (f) gas- trectomy; (g) hysterectomy; (h) nephropexy; (t) peri- neorrhaphy; (;') tracheotomy. 163. Name and describe three varieties of hemorrhage. State what you would do for external hemorrhage of each variety until the arrival of a physician. 164. What is hiccough? When would its occurrence demand immediate reporting? 165. Give three purposes of the use of the bandage. 166. Describe the technique and preliminary preparation of ar- ticles needed for giving hypodermoclysis. 167. Describe the preparation of a patient for an anaesthetic. 168. State several conditions which might be the cause of a post- operative rise of temperature. 169. Give briefly the principal qualifications of a thoroughly competent surgical nurse. 170. Name three precautions which should be taken in irrigating the eye. 171. What is a hemorrhage? Give five methods of arresting hem- orrhage. 172. What is: (a) a Pott's fracture; (6) a CoUe's fracture? 173. When dressing a wound which you suspect is not clean, how would you dress it ? What conditions might make the slightest wound a very serious one? SURGICAL NURSING 131 174. Of what uses are bandages? . If the doctor wishes to apply a plaster of Paris bandage, what articles should the nurse prepare? 175. State what instruments and other articles should be pre- pared for the dressing of an abdominal incision. How would you prepare them? 176. State nursing care to be given patient for perineorrhaphy: (a) before operation; (6) after operation. 177. Define: (a) hypodermoclysis; (6) enteroclysis. Give method of a