/ I A LETTER To The PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS Of The ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAHS, IN RELATION TO THE EVIDENCE, CITED IN THEIR LATE REPORT, On The Treatment of EPIDEMIC CHOLERA BI JOSEPH AYRE, M. D., Licentiate of the College-Chairman of the Sanitary Committee of the local board of health and many years physician to the general hospital, dispensary, and lying-in-charity of Hull LONDON J, Churchill, Princess-Street, Soho 1854 TO THE PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL COIJiEGE OF PHYSICIANS. [GENTLEMEN, — The inquiry which you appointed be undertaken for the purpose of ascertaining the appropriate treatment of epidemic cholera has just been closed, with a report drawn up by Dr. Gull, in which he states his belief, as the result of that inquiry, that no remedy has hitherto been found for that disease. But whether this most imbortant conclusion, published to the world under jhe sanction of your name, and with the fiat of your imprimatur, be a correct one, and based on facts duly collected and considered, are questions which merit the most searching inquiry ; and I trust no apology will be needed from me for my now engaging in it. In the list of medicines which have claimed to be accounted remedial in cholera, the foremost place in your report is given to calomel; and some notice has been bestowed upon my name, as the author and advocate of its use, when administered in doses small and frequently repeated. To prove, however, that calomel is inefficient, in whatever dose, and in whatever manner it is employed, Dr. Gull has presented us 4 with reports sent in to him by different medical gentle men, in which it is stated that my treatment was pur sued by them; and, on the faith of such having been the fact, he has given the result of their assumed trials of it as an appropriate test of its inefficiency. But in his summing up he has wholly overlooked the important duty of sifting the evidence, and of thus ascertaining beyond the reach of all contradiction, that the treatment designated as mi»e was really an