w m •$ & UNITED STATES OF AMERICA * * . FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C 6PO 16—67244-1 A$-C A£t of Incorporation AMD 9*0 LAWS PHILADELPHIA — ^?«% ARRANGED AND COPIED BY ORDER OF THS ^ /V^ '£' SOCIETY, FEBRUARY, l80O. ^f J^ / EX COLLISIONS SCINTILLA, P$ilaa*lp&f3: PRINTED FOR MATHEW CARET;, NO. 118 MARKET STREET. 1800. THE AH of Incorporation OF THE PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL SOCIETY. WHEREAS by an A6t of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 6th day of April,*in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety- one, entitled, " An A61 to confer on certain associa- " tions of the citizens of this Commonwealth, the pow- " ers and immunities pf corporations, or bodies politic " in law," it is enacted, " That when any number of " persons, citizens of this Commonwealth are associ- " ated, or mean to associate, for any literary, chari- 4* table, or for any religious purpose, and shall be de- " sirous to acquire and enjoy the immunities of a cor- " poration or body politic in law, it shall, and may " be lawful for such persons to prepare an instrument " in writing, therein specifying the objects, articles, " conditions, name, stile, or title, under which they " have associated, or mean to associate, and the same ^ to exhibit and present to the Attorney-General of " the Commonwealth for the time being, for his pe- " rusal and approbation, and afterwards to the Su- * preme Court of the said Commonwealth, ^ for the " perusal and approbation of said Court, which, if fi- " nally approved, shall be sent with certificates of such " approbation to the Governor of the Commonwealth,^ " in order to be by him transmitted to the Master of " the Rolls, to be enrolled, and thence the persons so " associating, shall become, and be a corporation or " body politic in law and in facV NOW, in pursuance and by virtue of the said re- cited adof the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, the subscribers constituting an association under il^ i r\ r^ LL :> 4 title of " The Philadelphia Medical.Society," being desirous to acquire, and enjoy, the powers and im^ munities of a corporation or body politic in law, for the literary purposes of their society, do present this instrument in writing, containing as is hereafter set forth, the objects, articles, condition, stile or title, under which they have associated, to the said Attor- ney and Supreme Court respectively, for their perusal and approbation, to the intent that they may become, and be a corporation or body politic in law and in fact, agreeably to the provisions in the said recited A61. That is to say, atticle i. The Corporation shall be stiled, " The Philadelphia *l Medical Society," and shall consist of all the Mem- bers of the Association under that name, viz. George Munro, Mf D. John Davis, Isaac Catherill, Solomon Bush, Andrew Ross, M. D. James Stratton, James Hutchinson, M. D. Samuel M. Shoot, John Laws, M. B. William Gardiner, M. B. Baynard Wilson,. Theophilus Elmer, M. B. Isaac Auld, Joseph Hirst, James Vanmeter, Edward Rumsey, William Wardlaw, Jonathan Maris, Thomas R. Harris, M. B. Wm. R. Couzens, M. D. George PfeifFer, M. D. James Woodhouse, M. D, Moses Sheftall, Charles Tilden, M. B. William Whiteman, Joseph P. Minnick, Wdliam Weston, William Currje, William Shippen, M. D, Adam Kuhn, M. D. Casper Wistar, M. D. Thomas T, Tucker, M, D, James G. Brehon, William Wilson, S, Hosmer, Nathan Dorsey, Tucker Harris, M. D. David Ramsay, M. D, James Lynak, M. D. Isaac Chanlor, M. D. Alexander Baron, M. D, William Stokes, A, B. s Henry Colesbtiry, M. D. Samuel Brown, Richard Dale, William Leigh, James Craig, Philip S. Matthews, James Carter, Matthias E. Sawyer, Rob. G. Davidson, A. M. Richard Bradford, William Boys, A. M. Peter Horlbeck, John Watkins, Stephen De Hart, James M'Farland, William Bache, A. B. Thomas Fossit, Henry Haywood, Edward Cutbush, Christopher Heydrick, Adam Seybert, George Teackle, George Thomson, Artemas Seagrave. And such other members as shall hereafter be duly chosen, agreeably to the Bye Laws of said Corpora- tion for the purpose of their mutual improvement in the Science of Medicine, and for the promoting of Medical Knowledge. ARTICLE II. The Officers of the" Corporation shall consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents, three Secretaries, one Treasurer, and two Curators, which Officers shall be chosen at such times, in such manner, and for such periods, respectively, as the Bye Laws of the Society shall ordain. But all the Officers now in office, shall so remain until the next stated period of election. The duties of the Officers respectively, shall be such as the Bye Laws of the Society, do or shall prescribe, or ordain. ARTICLE III. The Corporation shall convene every year at six o'clock P. M. of the first Saturday of November, and from that time shall continue to meet, at the same hour, and on the same day in each week, until the last Saturday of the ensuing February, in every year in- clusive. But there shall Le moreover two extraordi- 6 nary meetings in each session, one on the first Wed- nesday of December, and the other on the first Wed- nesday of February, at six o'clock in the evening of those days respectively, for the sole and exclusive purposes of making, or altering, and amending the Bye Laws of the Society, and of electing the Officers thereof. ARTICLE IV. That the said Corporation and their successors, by the name, stile, and title aforesaid, shall forever hereaf- ter be able and capable, in law and in fact, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court or courts, before any judge or judges, justice or justices, in all manner of suits, complaints, pleas, causes, matters and demands whatsoever; they shall have power to make, have, and use one common seal, with such device and inscription as they shall deem proper, and the same to break, alter, and renew at their pleasure ; they shall have power and authority to make rules, bye laws and ordinances ; and to do every other act and thing needful for the good government and support of the affairs of the said Corporation : Provided always, That the said bye laws, rules or ordinances, or any of them, be not re- pugnant to the Constitution and Laws of the United States, and laws of this Commonwealth, or to this In* strument. ARTICLE. V. The said Corporation and their successors, by the name, stile and title aforesaid, shall be able and capable. in Law, according to the terms and conditions of this. Instrument, to take, receive, and hold all grants, gifts, devises,' and bequests, of real, personal, or mixed estates, and to dispose thereof in any lawful manner for the use of the Corporation : Provided always, That ih-.i ck'ar yearly value of the estate, real, personal, or mixed, of the said Corporation, and the interest of mo* hey by them lent, shall not exceed the sum of Fiva Hundred Pounds. I have perused and examined the preceding Instru- ment, and hereby certify, that I am of opinion, that the Objects, Articles, and Conditions therein set forth and contained, are lawful. JARED INGERSOLL, Attorney-General. April 6th, 1792. We the Justices of the Supreme Court of the Com- jmonwealth of Pennsylvania, Hereby Certify, That at a (Supreme Court held at Philadelphia, for the said Com- jnonwealth, on the thirteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety- two, an Act or Instrument of Incorporation of the Philadelphia Medical Society, by the Name and Title of " The Philadelphia Medical Society," signed by a number of persons, citizens of this Commonwealth, together with the opinion of Jared Ingersoll, Esquire, Attorney-General of the said Commonwealth, thereon Was exhibited to the said Supreme Court, who having perused and examined the same, concur with him in opinion, that the Objects, Articles, and Conditions there- in set forth and contained are lawful. THOMAS M'KEAN, EDWARD SHIPPEN, JASPER YEATES, WILLIAM BRADFORD. Tn the Name, and by the Authority of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. THOMAS MIFFLIN, Governor of the said Commonwealth, To MATTHEW IRVIN, Esquire, Master of the Rolls in and for the said Commo,*-! wealth, sends greeting: WHEREAS it has been duly certified tc me by Jared Ingersoll, Esquire, Attorney- General of the said Commonwealth, and by Thomas M'Kean, Esquire, Chief-Justice, and Edward Ship- pen, Jasper Yeates, and William Bradford, Esquires, Justices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, that they have, respectively, perused and examined the lore- going Act, or Instrument, for the Incorporation of a The Philadelphia Medical Society;" and that they' concur in opinion, that the Objeas, Articles, and Con- ditions therein set forth and contained, are law *uL NOW KNOW YOU, That, in pursuance of the Art of the General Assembly in such case made and prov. '- ed, I have transmitted the said Act, or Instrument of Incorporation unto you, the said Matthew Irwin, Mas- ter of the Rolls aforesaid, hereby requiring you to in- trol the same, at tho expence of the applicants, to the in- tent that, according to the Objects, Articles, and Con- ditions therein set forth and contained, the parties nay become, ar.d be, a Corporation, or Body Politic, in Law, and in Fact, to have continuance by the Nam?, Stile, and Title, in the said Instrument provided and declared. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Philadelphia, this second day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, and of the Commonwealth the sixteenth. By the Governor, A. j. Dallas, Secretary, tnrolled in the Rolls Office for the State of Pennsyl- vania, in Law book No. 4* Page 465, &c. Witness my hand and seal of office, the second day of June, 1792. MATTHEW JRVIN. THE LAWS OF THE PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL SOCIETY, THE Society shall convene every year on the first Saturday of November, at six o'- clock, P. M. and continue to meet on the same day of the week, and at the same hour, until the last Saturday of February inclusive. But a majority of the members present, shall have power to call a special meeting a| any time they may think proper. The President shall take the chair, and constitute the Society precisely at teYi minutes after six o'clock, and adjourn at ten, or before, if agreed on. The Roll shall be called twice each evening by the Secretary, viz. immediately after the President has taken the chair, and immediately previous to the ad- journment of the Society; any junior Member in the citv of Philadelphia, or its suburbs, who fails to answer to his name, (except in case of sickness) shall be fined one eighth of a dollar for each failure. Of Officers. There shall be the following Officers of this Societv, viz. a President, two Vice-Presidents, three Secreta • r*es, one Treasurer, and two Curators. The above Officers shall be chosen annually by bal- lot, on the extraordinary meeting to be held on the first Wednesday of February. Of the President, The President shall preside at all meetings, Preserve order, regulate the debates, and state and put questions agreeably to the sense and intention of the Members. He shall also have power to fine any member acting disorderly, in a sum not exceeding five shillings for' tack offence. Of Vice-Prefidents. In the absence of the President, his duty shall de • yolve on the Vice-Presidents, so that they shall pre- side alternately at meetings ; but if neither the Presi- dent nor one of the Vice-Presidents be present, the Members met shall appoint one of their own body to, j;ake the chair pro tempore. Of the Secretaries. One of the Secretaries (to be chosen from amo.^ the Junior Members) shall attend each meeting of the Society, call the Roll, and take down the minutes, which he shall read at the next meeting, and (when corrected) copy into a book kept for that purpose: he shall likewise read all letters and papers that may be communicated to the Society, and transcribe into a, proper book, such of them as the Society may think worthy of being preserved. The'bther two Secreta- ries shall give notice to Honorary Members of their election, write and answer letters in behalf of the So- ciety, and in general, manage all matters of correspon- dence. 13 Treafurer. The Treasurer shall collect all monies arising frc 1 the admission of fines of the Members, receive all do- nations of money that may be made to the Society, and shall pay the same agreeably to their order, certified to him by the President, Vice-President, or Member who was in the chair when such order was made. The Treasurer shall keep a regular account of all monies received and paid by him as aforesaid, and once every year, or oftener if required by the society, shall render a statement to them of the stock in his hands, and the disbursements made by their order; and shall deliver up to his successor the books and all papers belonging to them, together with the balance of cash In hU hands ; and for the faithful discharge of his trust, shall, before entering on his office, give bond and security to the President and Vice-Presidents in double the sum, with which they, or any two of them, shall judge he iiiay probably become entrusted during his said office, Curators. The Curators shall take charge of and preserve, for the use of the Society, all property of whatsoever kind it may be (money excepted), of which the Society shall become possessed, and keep an exact list of the same, together with the names of the respective donors, in a, book provided for that purpose, which book shall be laid before the Society as often as called for. The Curators on entering upon their office, shall give such, a receipt for every thing committed to their care or charge, as the Society may direct, and at the end of the term shall deliver up the same to their successors, For the faithful performance of the duty and trust reposed in them, they shall give bond to the President and Vice-Presidents in such sum as they, or any two v'f them, shall demand^ t* Of Members, and their Admiflion. The Society shall consist of Honorary and Junior Members; the former to be exempted from all the du- ties of the latter, except that of attending on commit- tees when appointed. Any Junior Member having attended the Society the remainder of the season on which he was elected, and a succeeding one, or taken a Degree in Medicine, shall be considered as an Ho- norary member. Any person who has obtained a Degree in Medi- cine, Qr. is eminent in the practice of Physic, may be proposed as an Honorary Member; at the ensuing meeting he shall be ballotted for, and, if elected, shall be informed of it by letter, accompanied with a Certi- ficate of the Society. Any person desirous of becoming a Junior Member of this Society, may be proposed; and if permitted to read, he shall write a Thesis on some Medical Subject, or any subject connected with Medicine, an,d present it at a future meeting of the Society, who shall examine him on the merits of his Thesis, and determine by ballot his admission or rejection—rif admitted, he shall deliver his dissertation to the Secretary, to be depo- sited in the hands of the Curators; and shall also pay into the hands of the Treasurer five dollars, for the use of the Society. When admitted, it shall be op- tional with the Society to enter into a general discus- sion of his piece. No conversation or discussion be- tween Members shall be allowed during the examina- tion of a Candidate. No Candidate shall be admitted after the first Satur- day in January. Of Diflertations. Each Junior Member, according to seniority, shall prepare and read before the Society, a Dissertation 03 15 tome Medical Subject, or one connected with Medi- cine, under the penalty of seven shillings and six-pence, unless in case of sickness: but this shall not exempt him from bringing forward his piece on the ensuing meeting, or from being subject to a like fine for each succeeding noncompliance. Any Honorary Member shall be entitled to the pri- vilege of producing, or communicating to the Society, a Dissertation on any Subject embraced by this Institu- tion ; and in order to encourage this practice, the Soci- ety will always give Such Dissertation a preference, both as to the time when it shall be read, irid (if agree- able to the member) discussed. At each meeting a Dissertation shall be discussed, and another, to be discussed at the ensuirig meeting, shall be read by its author. No member of this So- ciety shall be at liberty to speak more than twice on any one point of Debate, without having previously ob- tained special permission for this purpose. Every Junior Member who may be absent, for more than ten minutes during the discussion of his piece, shall be fined two shillings and six-pence, and if absent the whole night, shall forfeit five shillings, besides the usual fines for non-attendance. On the first ordinary meeting in February, each ju- nior Member, under the penaltv of three shillings and nine pence, shall deliver to the President, the subject on which he proposes to write the ensuing winter ; and if two or more shall choose the same subject, the Seni- or Member shall retain his choice, and the other make a new one by the ensuing meeting. Of Extraordinary Meetings. There shall be two Extraordinary Meetings in each session, one on the first Wednesday in December, for the sole purpose of altering or amending Laws ; and the other on the first Wednesday of February, at six o'clock P. M. for the purpose of altering and amend- ing Laws, and choosing Officers. Of Committer The mode of appointing Committees shall be as fol- lows, viz. the President shall nominate one gentle- man, who shall be considered as Chairman, he shall name the second, and so on until the number agreed on be completed; But if the business be of a very ex~ traordinarv and important nature, any Member may move that" the Committee be chosen by ballot, which shall accordingly be done. The Chairman of every Committee shall appoint a time for its meeting before he leaves the Society. Committees shall have the pow- er of imposing a fine of one shilling on any of their Members who absent themselves from their meetings* Of Motions* Atiy Meniber may mafepMw-hatever Motion he thinks - "jl tend to the benefit of the Society ; his proposal or Motion must be given to the President in writing, if reqested, seconded by another Member 5 and it shall be immediately voted or balloted for, unless five of the Members wish it to lie over for a week s consideration 1 In either case it shall be recorded in the Minutes of the Societv. Every Motion shall be carried by a majority of the Members present, except such as relate to the ad- mission of members, of candidates to read, the ex- pulsion of Members, or such as may affect an establish- ed Law of the Society 5 in which cases two thirds shall be required* Of Decorum* No Member shall interrupt the President, or any other Member while speaking; every Member shall stand erect when he speaks, and address himself un* 17 covered to the President, under the penalty of cmr. shilling for ea«h offence ; which sum shall be the fine annexed to ail Laws where none is specified. No Member or Members shall be permitted to sit or stand in the presence of the Society with his or their heads covered ; and if any Member or Members shall so offend, he or they shall be fined in a sum not exceeding 50 cents nor less than 25. No Member or Members shall be permitted to re- tire after the calling of his or their names at the last roll, until the Society shall have been adjourned bv the President: And if any Member or Members shall so offend he or they shall be fined in a sum not exceed- ing 50 cent nor less than 25. A repetition of either one or both of the offences specified in the two last paragraphs by any Member or Members shall be considered as a dereliction of that respect due the Society, and he or they so offend- ing shall be fined in double the sum mentioned above. Of Donations & Communications. All Communications and Donations made to the Society, are to be directed to the President, who shall deposit them in the hands of the proper Officers, for the use of the Society. Reafons and Manner of Expulfion. Any Member who refuses to pay his fine or fines, or to comply in any particular with the Laws; of the So- ciety, shall be expelled ; but previous to his expulsion on this account, information shall be given to the Soci- ety of such an intention, and this shall be inserted and stand in the minutes one week, aft> r which he shall be expelled, shall lose all his privileges as a Member, and the word expelled shall be written opposite to his name ;n the Law Book. C 18 Of Resignations. If any Member is desirous of leaving the Society, he shall signify it in a written Resignation, which, being read, shall lie over until the ensuing Meeting; when, by the consent of the Society, his name shall be struck off from the RolL But he shall not be per- mitted to resign, until he has discharged the arrears due from him to the Society. Of Certificates. Any Member, about to leave the University, whd has attended the remainder of the Session in which he was elected, may apply for a Certificate, to the junior Secretary, which shall be given immediately, pro* vided he be not in arrears to the Society. The following form shall be given* Societas Medica Philadelphiensis. Anno Domini M.DCC.LXXXIX Constituta, Omnibus qui hcec legerent Salutem. Viro ingenuo Sc ornatissimo socinm qucm in numerum nostrum accepimus, cujus ingenium ftli- cissimum et diligentia indefessa semper nobis oblecta- mento fuere, has litems lubentissime donamus, atquo eum omnibus Pbilosophue. et Medicinal Cultoribus solicits comment a mus_. In quorum Testimonium sigillum nostrum cum nc mine Presiciio subscripto pracscntibus apponi fecimus. 19 List of Members belonging to the Philadelphia Medical Society. Honorary Mejibers James Hutchinson, M, D. / William Shippen, M. D. Professor of Anatomy, Surgery, and Midwifery. Casper Wister, M. Df Adjunct Professor of Anato- my, Surgery, and Midwifery. Adam Kuhn, M. D, Professor of the Practice of Medicine, / Benjamin Rush, M. D, Professor of Ipstitutes and Clinical Medicine. / Samuel P. Griffitts. James Woodhouse, M. D. Professor of Chemistry, / Benjamin Smith Barton, M. D. Professor of Materia Medica, Natural History, and Botany. George Monro, M. D. Andrew Ross, M. D. / William Currie, Thomas T, Tucker, M. D Tucker Harris, M. D. / David Ramsay, M. D. James Lynah, M. D. Isaac Chanler, M. D. Alexander Baron, M. D, John Laws, M. D. William Gardiner, M. D Theophilus Elmer, M. D Thomas R. Harris, M. D Wm. R. Couzens, M. D / George Pfeiffer, M. D. Henry Colcsburv, M. D Charles Tilden, M. D. Moses Sheftall, William Whiteman, / Joseph P. Minnick, William Weston, Isaac Auld, Baynard Wilson, Samuel M. Shoot, James Straton, , Solomon Bush, Isaac Catherill, John Davis, James G. Brehon, William Wilson, , S, Hosmer, Nathan Dorsey, . Jonathan 'Maris, . William Wardlaw, . Edward Rumsey, . James Vanmeter, Joseph Hirst, . William Stokes, M. D, Richard Dale, James Craig, James Carter, / Rob. G. Davidson, M, D, / William Boys, A, M, Tohn Watkins, 20 James M'Farland, Thomas Fossitt, Edward Cutbush, M. E / Adam Seybert, M. D. George Thompson, Samuel Brown, William Leigh, Philip S. Matthews, Matthias E. Sawyer, M. Hi chard Bradford, Peter Horlbeck, Stephen De Hart, William Bache, M. D. Henry Haywood, Christopher Heydrick, George Teackle, Artemas Seagrave. W. J. Doble, Henry Rose, M. D. Edward Fisher, JN'L D. Thomas Drysdale, M. D. John J. Long, Samuel M'Culloh, A. M. / Charles Caldwell, M. D. Charles S. Waugh, Ashton Alexander, M. D. George Williamson, M.D. Samuel Chilton, / Charles Carter, . John Willis, M. D. John Foulke, M. D. James B. Finley, James Davidson, John B. Rogers, Robert Gilder, John Crew, ----M'Henry Thomas Archer, M. D, —-----Heartley, -------Nelson, James Ramsay, ------Warfield, William Smith, •. Archibald Dorcy, George Buchannan, M. D. ——— Preston, Wm. B. Duffield, Samuel Blythe, Thomas F. Knox, D.James Graham, John Gibbons, M. D. .--— Carson, Nicholas B. Waters, M. D. -------Hains, -------G ilehrist, -------Martin, --------M'Conneil, -------Hopkins, -------Waters, -------Corrie, -------Parker, -------Foulteney, James Fergus, Peter Keen, Oswald Brook, -------Hodge, William Clarkson, David Clarke, Plunket Glentworth, -------M'Lean, James Hall, -------Schaaf, -------Parnell, John Cunningham, John Bartram, -------Ritchetson, -------Coleman, John Anderson, -------Dill, Thomas C. James, John Bcatty, Nicholas Nuland, "Francis B. Sayre, M. D. Henry Stuber, Robert Jamison, John Pennington, M. D. Charles Harris, Robert Harris, A. M. William Annan, John Baldwin, A. J. De Rosset, M. D. Alexander Vasse, John Wallace, Matthew Henderson, / James Proudfit, M. D. John Trent, Michael Leib, William Hidings, Joseph Ireland, J.mes Blake, Richard Goldsborough, Elijah Barratt, .------K e arsley, ------Hawkins, Tristram Thomas, Elijah Perkins, M. D. James Graham, M. D. William White, /------Connover, M. D. Jacob Jones, Benjamin Dufficld, M. D. John Haslett, / John B. Pollock, Gervas Hall, Geo. F. Hahnbaum, M. D., Samuel Kerr, ----- Strong, James Henry, Arthur Woolford, Henry Wilkins, M. D. Daniel Rawlins, R. Johnston, Samuel Campbell, —----Stern*-, -----Watrous, William Todd, Samuel Minnick, Andrew Caldwell, Theodore Wilson, John R. Coxe, M. D. Henry Claggit, Lewis Condia, M. D. -----Wildar, Thomas Wesley, -----Baker, Daniel Proudfit, M. D. James Jones, / James Mease, M. D. Samuel Cooper, M. D. v, John Vaughan, Augustine J. Smith, Charles Everitt, M. D. / John C. Otto, M. D. / John Church, M. D. / Ebenezer Hickling, Benjamin Schultz, M. D, Thomas Ball, M. D. James Wood, George Cabell, John Wilson, M. D. William Hart, A. M. William Williams, Thomas Horsfield, M. D. Edward Jones, M. D. Robert Chisholm, M. D. Philip S. Physic, M. D. John Cummings*. John Smith, Lewis Marshall, Joseph Grey, James Brisben, Richard G. Harris, William Wishart,, Burgess Ball, James Burns, John Noble, William Selden, James Southall, James Smith, John Stuart, John Dyson, James W. Moore, Joseph Johnston, John Owens, William Allston, M. D. James Fisher, M. D. James Speed, James T. Hubard, M. D, David Jervey, Anthony V. Toomer, Peter Hollingshead, Thomas Humphreys, Colin Mackenzie, M. D« David Patteson, Humphrey Peake, Isaac Winston, M. D. Anderson Wi.tkins, Thomas Swaine, Benjamin De Witt, M. D. Enoch Hazard, James M. Anderson, Jun, Richard Perrie, Anderson Warfield, Richmond Lewis. Joseph Kelso, Robert H. Rose, John Anderson, John S. King, Abner Porter, Jun. Thomas Triplett, M. D, Henry Wells, John S. Bellinger, John Parker Gaugh, James Norcom, M, D, John Moore, Philip Gendron Prioleau, Joseph Glover, A. B. M. D. William Webb, M. D. John Claiborne, M. D. Edward Brailsford, M. D. John Hahn, M. D. William Cocke, M. D. Edward W. North, M. D. I. H. Fouchee, M. D. Robert Black, M. D. George Lee, A.M. Samuel Jones, A.M. M. D.Washington Watts, M. Df Samuel Dungan, Benjamin G. Harris, / John Archer, Jun. M. D.j James Tongue, Edwin Augustus Atlee, Edward D. Smith, A. B. W. G. Chalwill, M. D. William Morgan, William Stephen Jacobs, James Walker, M. D. George Balfour, JUNIOR MEMBERS, 1797-8. Richard G. Stockett, Samuel Scott, William B. Keen, William Joor, S. R. Marshall, Nathan Crawford, James Tilton, Junr, 23 Elijah Greenlee, Joseph Brownly Archd. Alexander, John Baltzell, Benjamin Powell, Burr Harrison, James Dean, A. E. White, George W. Purriell, John Stephenson, Charles H. Winder,,-* Joseph Kent, Benson Blake, James Moore, 1799-1800. Benjamin G. Hodge, James Fishback, Elisha Warfield, junr. James Pendleton, junr. Joseph Trent, Robert Berkley, Nathaniel Chapman, Isaac Lt*4d^l>"i? John Willj^s. R i chard fifegie tL James Agnety, A, M. Edward Johnson, Henry W. LackettS?, cy3§Hugh Whiteford,' •V*Xld. T. Hammond, ■, Thomas D. Price, James E. Stonestreet* Peregrine Warfield, William Wyald Bibb, John Grimes, Washington M. Craig, Nathaniel T. Weems, Thomas Boyer, Thomson Mc Donald, Thomas Semmes, Jarvis Roebuck, Peter H. Hardaway, John Ridgely, John Syng Dorsey, Nicholas M. Vaughan, hecL. Hist. WZ |200 CM NLM009889257