jU- f > jVf ' .$ <)■ ir* i \\ "**** V^-v ^ ' l .''•■■ '•Jr.'" W'S A * e! •■ ' *•■'■.•• v:";;.r.'-:'.'■ •.. A COMPILATION OF T H It HEALTH-LAWS (> T THE STATE PENNSYLVANIA. ■ lllr ■■ / i i\My. st Philadelphia: PRINTED BY ZACHARIAH POULSON, JUNIOR. *.V. 106, Chefnut-Jlreet, nearly oppofite to the Bank of North America. 1798. A COMPILATION O P T H fi HEALTH-LAWS. An aclfor ejlablifnng an Health-office, for otherwife fecuring the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction of peftilential and contagious difeafes, and for regulating the importation of German and other pajjengers. [3d. vol. State Laws p. 553.] HE RE AS the laws for preventing pefti- lential and infedious difeafes being brought into this commonwealth have proved defedive, and the increafmg intercourfe between the United States and foreign countries renders it necefiary to pro- vide, as well for the eftablifhment of an efficient Health-office, as f@r otherwife more effedually fe- curing the port and city of Philadelphia from the introdudion of peftilential and contagious difeafes, and regulating the importation of German and other paflengers: Sedion I. Be it enacled by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the commonwealth of Pennfylvania, in General AJfembly met, and it is hereby enacled by the authority of the fame, That the mefiuage, tenements, EftabHih and lot of ground, fituated and being on the mcnt of 8 ifland in the river Delaware, commonly called 0^QZ ' oa State-lfland, which have heretofore been referved, Sutp--iflaa4 occupied and employed for the purpofe of a public hofpit.al W H-o ( 4 ) hofpital or peft-houfe, mall be, and the fame are hereby, ereded and eftablifhed into an Health- office for the port of Philadelphia; and the Infpec- tors of the faid Health-office, hereinafter mentioned, {hall caufe the faid mefiuage, tenements and lot of ground, and fuch other buildings as they fhall at any time deem it expedient, for the ufes herein prefcribed, to ered and build on the faid lot, to be in fuch form and manner conflruded, contrived, arranged, kept and difpofed of, as fhall moft effec- tually provide for the comfort, relief and fecurity of the fick perfons, who may be lawfully fent, re- moved to, or placed in the laid Health-office, for fmoaking,cleanfingandpurifyingfuch goods, wares, merchandize and cloathing, infeded, or fufpeded to be infeded, as may for that purpofe be there landed and delivered, and for accommodating the a Refident feveral officers of the faid Health-office, according ConfuTing to their refpedive ftations therein; and that the Phyfician, bufinefs of the faid Health-office may be well and office^o certainly conduded, there fliall be appointed by the be appoint- Governor a Refident Phyfician, a Confulting Phy- Governo? fician, and an Health-officer; and the Infpedors herein after mentioned fhall appoint, in the man- Steward, ner herein after direded, a Steward, a Matron and ^n0"' fo many Affiflants or Nurfes, as they fhall from Afliftants . / . 7 J and Nurfes, time to time find requiite and proper to be em- by the in- ployed in attending upon the fick perfons aforefaid^ or in fumigating, cleanfing and purifying the goods, wares, merchandize and cloathing, which may be landed and delivered at the faid Health- office, for the purpofe and in the condition afore- faid, Sedion II. And be it firlher enacled by the au- Refide°ntthC *b°r'liy afore/aid, That it fhall be the duty of the Phyfidan. Refident Phyfician permanently to refide at the supplied by faid Health-office on State Ifland, diligently and fection°urof impartially with his beft fkill to attend upon and the a& paf- to adminifter medical affi fiance to each and every fed April 4, fick fon that flrdU be therein lodged and care- fully ( s ) fully to vifit and examine and report all fhips and To att&nd veffels entering the port of Philadelphia from places the HofP^ beyond fea; and if upon examining any fhip or vifit all vef- velfel it fhall appear to the faid Refident Phyfician fcls- that • the perfons on board the fame are free from Proceeding every peftilential or contagious difeafe (exclufively ^effels arc of the fmall-pox and meafles) and he fhall fee no whoiefomc eaufe to fufped that the cargoe, or any part there- of, is infeded, he fhall forthwith deliver to the captain or mailer of fuch Imp or veffel a certificate reporting the whoiefome ftate of the perfons and cargoe on board thereof to the Health-officer refid- ing in the city of Philadelphia; and the faid cap- tain or mafter may thereupon proceed according to his deftination, and fhall deliver fuch certificate to the faid Health-officer, within the fpace of twenty-four hours from and after the arrival of his ihip or veffel oppofite to the city of Philadelphia; but if it fhall appear to the faid Refident Phyfician Pnc-,iinS that any perfon or perfons on board of any fhip cr J^£ ^ veffel is or are afflided with any peftilential or con- ficku. tagious difeafe (the fmall-pox and meafles excepted) or if there fhall be any caufe to fufped that the car- goe or any part thereof, is infeded with any fuch dif- eafe, he fliall detain fuch fhip or veffel at anchor in the ftream of the river Delaware, oppofite to the faid Health-office, until the perfon or perfons fo afflided, or the cargoe, or the part thereof, fo infeded, fhall be landed at the faid Health-office, and alfo until fuch further eftedual meafures fhall have been ufed for cleanfing and purifying the fhip or veffel itfelf, as the faid refident Phyfician fliall devife and dired; and when it fhall appear to the faid refident Phyfician, that fuch lait mentioned fhip or veffel has been effedually cleanfed and pu- rified, he fliall deliver to the captain or mafter thereof a certificate, reporting to the faid Health- officer refiding in the city of Philadelphia the num- ber of fick perfons, and the quantity of goods, ware:- and merchandise, landed therefrom at the ( 6 ) laid Health-office, and the meafures which have been ufed for cleanfing and purifying the faid fhip or veffel, and the faid captain or mafter may there- compenfe- upon proceed, according to his deftination, and tion of the fl^i deliver fuch laft mentioned certificate to the PMcl faid Health-officer, within the fpace of twenty-four hours from and after the arrival of his fhip or vef- Aitered by fel oppofite to the city of Philadelphia; and in lieu ■'net. fourtIf of all fees, perquifites and emoluments whatfoever, :thehCn ad the faid Refident Phyfician fhall have and receive puffed the for ^ fervices under this ad, for every fuch vef- AU$i79tk\, two dollars and fixty-feven cents. Sedion III. And be it further enacled by the au- i-he duty thoritv aforefaid, That it fhall be the duty of the ofitt^Con* Confulting Phyfician, from time to time, upon the phylician; requeft of the Refident Phyfician, Health-officer, to affift the or infpedors, to vifit the Health-office, and to af- Phyfidan: fifl the Refident Phyfician, as well in examining any fhip or veffel there detained on account of any peftilential or contagious difeafe, as in adminifter- ing, medical aid to the fick perfons therein accom- to vifit vef- modated: And upon the arrival oppofite to the feis previ- ^ 0f Philadelphia of any fhip or veffel, which billed dat fhall have been previoufly detained at the Health- the Health- office by the Refident Phyfician, for the caufes and office; in the fame manner herein before mentioned (of which-arrival the Health-officer fhall give due no- tice) or upon receiving information from the Health-officer, Infpedors or other perfons whom- foever, that any fhip or veffel has arrived oppofite or reported to the city of Philadelphia, on board of which any tobcfickiy; perfon or perfons is or are afflided with any pefti- lential or contagious difeafe, or that there is juft caufe to fufped that the cargo, or any part thereof, contained in any fhip or veffel fo arriving is in- feded with any fuch difeafe, it fhall be the duty of the faid confulting Phyfician, in either of the foregoing cafes to vifit and carefully examine fuch fhip or veffel; and he mall thereupon have and ex- ercife the authority to dired any fick perfon or per- fons, ( 7 ) fons, or any infeded goods, wares and merchandize, proceedings on board the faid fhip or veffel, to be removed to the and Powcr faid Health-office, or, if the cafe fo require, he fhall f^t dired the fhip or veffel itfelf to be moved to a con- Phyfician is, venient ftation oppofite to the faid Health-office fadl C3fcfi there to remain until fuch effedual meafures fhall have been ufed for cleanfing and purifying the fame as the Refident Phyfician, with the advice of the faid Confulting Phyfician, fhall devife and dired; and whenever the Confulting Phyfician fhall fo as aforefaid dired the removal of any fick perfon or perfons, or of any goods, wares and merchandize or of any fhip or veffel, at the proper coft and charge of his employers, within fuch reafonable time as the Confulting Phyfician, under a due con- fideration of circumftances, fhall allow and pre- scribe; and the faid Confulting Phyfician fhall have and his and receive for each and every vifit which he fhall c.omPenft- pay to the Health-office as aforefaid, the fum of eight dollars, and for eaeh and every vifit and ex- amination of any fhip or veffel as aforefaid the fum of eight dollars, and no more, which fums refpec- tively fhall be paid by the mafter, captain, owner or confignee of the fhips or veffels refpedively fo vifited and examined, or from which were landed the fick perfons, on whofe account fuch vifits to the Health-office were refpedively made. Sedion. IV. Be it further enacled by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall be the duty of the Health- The duty of officer, at feafonable and proper hours, on each the Health- and every day (Sunday excepted) to open and keep officer" a public office, at fome convenient place in the to keep an city of Philadelphia, whereat all mafters or cap- c°g;einthe tains of fhips or veffels fhall deliver the certificates or bills of health to them granted by the Refiding Phyfician as aforefaid; and the Infpedors of the Health-office fhall there affemble and meet as often as they deem needful, or fhall thereto be fum- moned by the Health-officer, for the purpofe of ex- ecuting the duties and trufts of their appointment; And ( 8 ) w*a **/ thern Liberties, and five fhall be inhabitants of the ^/w/,1798. diftrid of Southwark, to be Infpedors of the Health-office of the port of Philadelphia by this ad eftablifhed; and the Infpedors fo appointed fhall, within three days from and after their annual appointments refpedively, affemble at the office of the Health-officer in the city of Philadelphia, and then and there divide themfelves, by ballot, into four claffes, each clafs confifting of fix Infpec- tors; ( " > tors; and each clafs, according to a rotation to be in like manner and at the fame time fettled and D" divided fixed, fhall be deemed to be on adual duty for the int0 claffes- term of one month, and fhall be competent to ex- ercife all the powers by this ad given to the [In- fpedor*] of the Health-office; and at leaft three of the Infpedors of the clafs from time to time adually on duty fhall attend once in every week, Duty of the or oftener, if neceffary, or if any two Infpedors n^eorSj fhall require it, at the Health-office on State-lfland and ffiall infped and regulate the management thereof, and the condud of the officers therein appointed; and, generally, fhall do and perform to regulate 11 i r i *L a ** a +u- u the Health- all and lingular the other matters and things by office. this ad direded to be by them done and performed; And the Infpedors of each clafs, taking to their afiiftance the Refident Phyfician and Health-officer, fhall, on the day fucceeding the expiration of their refpedive monthly tours of duty, make a report in to report to writing to the Governor of the condition of the the Gover" Health-office, and of the number and difeafes of the <11C] 0f each patients therein from time to time accommodated; tour oi du- and the Infpedors of each clafs, with the approba-ty' tion of the Mayor or Recorder, two Aldermen, and two of the Juftices of the diftrids aforefaid, may and to eftahiiib fhall make and eftabiifh a table of rates, therein fpe- ™tes of cifying the charges for boarding, lodging, nurfing, c,a!ses« medicinal attendance, and funeral expenfes, to be paid on account of fick perfons fent to the laid Health-office, and alfo for ftoring, cleanfing and pu- rifying goods, wares and merchandize, for that pur- pole there landed and delivered; and with the like approbation they fliall make and ordain all rules and regulations deemed neceffary and proper for carrying this ad into effed, fo far as the fame re- to make lates to the order and management of the Health- r*Ies, a: d re , . 1 r • i regulations, office, and m every room thereof, a printed copy vvh;ch fhall of fuch rates, rules and regulations, fhall be hung ^ hung up up and confpicuoufly exhibited; and if any per- fon * Ic the original th: word is fo writteni each room. C « ) fon whomfoever fhall obftrud or refill: the faid Infpedors, or any of them, in the excrcife of the Penalty on powers to them given, or in performance of the obftruaing dutjes from tnem reqUired by this ad, fuch perfon lor.. p£C fhall forfeit and pay the fum of one hundred dol- lars, to be recovered and appropriated as is here- in after provided and dirtcuo; and the Ii fpcdors, with the approbation -of the Mayor, ^ Recorder, two Aldermen, and two of the juftices of the They may Peace of the diftrid aforefaid, may and %:all ap- point and pomt and in like manner difmifs upon reafonable d.lmiis the * 7 , r l ">"r 1 ' £C ftewardand caufe, the fteward and matron or the rleaitn-onice; m-tron.and an(j eacn c}afs 0f Infpedors fhall have authority to nmiL7 and employ fo many nurfes and afliftants, as they mail affiftants. from time to time deem neceffary and proper; and if any perfon appointed an Infpedor, not having a reafonable excuie, to be approved by the Mayor Penalty if or Recorder, two Aldermen, and fix Juftices afore- infpedors faJd, ffiall refufe or negled to ferve in the office rciufi? to of Infpedor, fuch perfon (ball forfeit and pay the ferve. fum of twenty dollars, to be recovered and appro- priated as is herein after provided and directed; and if by death, refufal to ad, or by removal of any infpedor from the place for which he was ap- pointed, a vacancy ffiall happen in the faid office, of vacan- the reft of the Infpedors, belonging to the clafs cies in the m yvhich fuch vacancy may happen, fhall notify fp'SofIn"tne *ame t0 tne Mayor or Recorder, two Alder- men, and fix juftices, and who fhall thereupon proceed with all convenient difpatch to fupply the vacancy, unlefs it ffiall appear to them imneceffary fo to do, becaufe of the near approach of the next enfuing annual period of appointment, or becaufe the Infpedors of the clafs in which fuch vacancy may happen fhall have compleated the tours of of duty to which they were liable. Sedion VII. And be it further enacled by the au- thority aforefaid, That every mafter or captain of any fhip or veffel coming from beyond fea (veffels adually employed in the coafting trade of the . United ( '3 ) United States excepted) and bound to any a^*** port or place within the jurifdidion of Pennfylva- yond fea t0 nia, fhall caufe his ffiip or veffel to be brought to be brought anchor, or otherwife flayed in the ftream of the main at thc river Delaware, oppofite to the Health-office on ^^J; State-ifland aforefaid, and there to remain until he J£n"da"j fhall have duly obtained a certificate or bill of health certified. from the Refident Phyfician, in the manner and upon the terms herein before direded; and if, pre- vioufly to obtaining fuch certificate or bill of health any mafter or captain fhall fuller his fhip or veffel to Penalty, if approach nearer than the faid Health-office to the «*«[££ city of Philadelphia, or fhall land or caufe or fuf- « Phiiadei- fer to be landed or brought on more at any port ^^J or place within this commonwealth, or at any goods., other port or place, with the intent to be con-«*£•■« veyed into this commonwealth, any perfon or per-certificate fons, or any goods, wares or merchandize, or if g ^ U* after receiving fuch certificate or bill of health, he ccr, fhall negled or refufe to deliver the fame to the See /ea!ont Health-officer, agreeably to the diredions of this/«w *** ad, fuch mafter or captain fhall forfeit and 'J ^ pay for each and every fuch offence, the fum of the fourth five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appro- °{n%Apr'i% priated as is hereinafter provided and direded; and the captain or mafter of each and every ffiip or veffel, as foon as the fame is brought to anchor Boat to be or otherwife flayed, as aforefaid, ffiall fend a fafe ^rJhc and commodious boat to bring the refident Phyfi- phyfician. cian on board of the ffiip or veffel, and fhall in like manner convey him back to the Health-office, after he has concluded his official examination; and while he is making fuch examination, or in cafe of any fubfequent examination by the Health-officer The veffel and Confulting Phyfician, agreeably to the dircc- ™\c ™w lions of this ad, the captain or mafter ffiall expofe Pofcd to or caufe to be expofed to the fearch of the Refi- ^h dent Phyfician, or of the Health-officer and Con- tion. fultirg Phyfician, as the cafe may be, each and f very Part of the fhip or veffel, and ffiall prefent 3 * to examina- C U ) to his view each and every perfon on board thereof and ffiall alfo true and fatisfadory anfwers make to all fuch queftions as the Refident Phyfician, at the time of examination, or the Health-officer, at Anfwers to the time of delivering the certificate or bill of be theTa^ health in the city of Philadelphia, or at the time Jin iooffi- of any examination to be had by the Health-officer mi enqui- t0getner witn the Confulting Phyfician, ffiall afk relative to the health of any port or place from which the ffiip or veffel failed, or has fince touched at, the number of perfons on board v/hen the ffiip or veffel entered on her voyage, the number of perfons that have fince been landed or taken on board, and when, and where refpedively, what per- fons on board, if any, have been during the voyage, or ffiall at the time of examination be, infeded with any peftilential or contagious difeafe, what perfons belonging to the ffiip or veffel, if any, died during the voyage, and of what difeafe, and what is the prefent ftate and condition of the perfons on board, with refped to their health and difeafes ; and if any captain or mafter of any ffiip or veffel ffiall refufe to expofe the fame as aforefaid to the fearch and Penalty on examination of the Refident Phyfician, or of the Tn C°"in Health-officer and Confulting Phyfician, as the cafe fhe1Dgabove may be, or if, having on board his ffiip or veffel c»fes. anv fucn perfon or perfons, he ffiall conceal the fame, or if in any manner whatfoever he ffiall knowingly deceive or attempt to deceive the pro- per officers aforefaid, in his anfwers to their official enquiries, fuch captain or mafter, for each and every fuch offence, ffiall forfeit and pay the fum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered and ap- propriated as is hereinafter provided and direded; and wherever the Refident Phyfician or Confult- ing Phyfician, as the cafe may be, fhall dired any perfon or perfons, or any goods, wares or mer- chandize, to be landed at the Health-office, or any ffiip or veffel to be detained oppofite thereto, and there to be fmoaked, cleanfed and purified, th- ( «s. ) the captain of the fhip or veffel fhall in all refpe&s perfons «• conform to fuch diredions, and fhall at the proper goods; in- coft and charge of his employers carry the fame be landed at into effed, within fuch reafonable time as the Re- theHeaith- fident Phyfician or Confulting Phyfician, as the ShewptaiiJ cafe may be, fliall allow and prefcribe; and if any mafter or captain fhall refufe or negled to conform to the faid diredions, and to carry the fame into effed as aforefaid, according to the refpedive ob- Penalty on jeds thereof, he ffiall forfeit and pay the fum of negiecft or five hundred dollars for each and every offence, to ^u a be recovered and appropriated as is hereinafter pro- vided and direded. Sedion VIII. And be it further enacled by the au- thority aforefaid, That whenever the Governor ffiall receive fatisfadory information that any peftilen- tial or contagious difeafe prevails in any foreign port or place, or in any port or place within the The p*" United States, he ffiall forthwith, by proclamation, Jf™ a p^ give public notice thereof, and dired that any and ciamation, every fhip or veffel (whether there be or be not v5?eiscam- on board thereof any fick perfon or perfons, or ingfromin- any infeded goods, wares and merchandize, and cees eto £,*" whether the fame be or be not adually employ- form queu- ed in the coafting trade of the United States) rantine* coming from or having touched at any fuch port or places refpedively, to be flopped and detained in the ftream of the river Delaware, oppofite to the faid Health-office; and the mafter or captain, and all perfons on board of fuch fhip or veffel, ffiall there do, execute and perform reafonable quarantine, and fuch other cautionary meafures captains of for preventing the introdudion of any pefti- vetfels t0 lential or contagious difeafe into this common- therewith. wealth, as the Refident Phyfician, with the ad- vice of the Confulting Phyfician, fhall in fuch cafe devife and prefcribe; and upon the publication of any proclamation as aforefaid, the Health-officer ffiall with all poffible difpatch, communicate the contents thereof to the pilots belonging to the port of ( 16 ) The pro. of Philadelphia; and if the mafter or captain of damation any fhip or veffel, coming from or having touched ned^to"0?!- at'any port or place, in which any peftilential or lots. contagious difeafe prevails as aforefaid, ffiall fuffer Penalty on his ffiip or veffel to be brought, or if any pilot fhe^Sme fta11 knowingly bring the fame, nearer than the bye mXr faid Health-office to the city of Philadelphia, it ,r Pilot- ffiall be the duty of the Health-officer forthwith to remand fuch ffiip or veffel to a flation oppofite to the faid Health-office, and the mafter or captain and pilot fo offending ffiall feverally forfeit and pay each the fum of fifty dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein after provided and direded; and the pilot ffiall moreover forfeit his branch as a pilot of this port; and if any perfon or perfons whomfoever (the Refident Phyfician, penalty for Confulting Phyfician, Health-officer, Infpedors, going on and official affiftants and officers, employed and any^veffet authorifed to vifit fhips and veffels by the laws of or permit- the United States excepted) fhall go on board of feme tl anY fl"P or ven~e^ before the mafter or captain fore (he has thereof has duly received a certificate or bill of biiieivcd of neafth> in the manner direded by this ad, autho- heaith. rifing and permitting him to proceed with his fhip or veffel according to his deftination or before any fhip or veffel ffiall have performed the qua- rantine, and fuch other cautionary meafures as may lawfully be devifed and direded by virtue of this ad in the cafes herein fpecified, every perfon fo offending, and every mafter or captain fuffering fuch offence to be committed, fhall feve- rally forfeit and pay each the fum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is herein after provided and direded. Sedion IX. And be it further enacled by the au- thority aforefaid, That every difeafed perfon, duly landed or fent to the Health-office as aforefaid, fhall be there kept and maintained, until the Refi- dent Phyfician and at leaft two of the Infpedors fhall grant him or her a difcharge in writing; and if ( *7 ) if, before obtaining a difcharge as aforefaid, any patient* t« fuch perfon fliall elope or otherwife abfent himfelf be .^r* from the Health-office, it ffiall be lawful for the uinedmai°t Health-officer, or any conftable or other perfon, *^ health. whom he fliall call to his. affiftance, and they are difchlrged!. hereby enjoined and required to purfue and appre- Proceed- bend the perfon fo efcaping or abfenting himfelf pj^lty aron or herfelf from the faid Health-office, there again their tioP. deliver him or her, to be detained until he or fhe ing fooncr' be duly difcharged as aforefaid; and moreover the perfon fo eloping and abfenting himfelf or herfelf ffiall, for each and every offence, forfeit and pay the fum of one hundred dollars, or fuffer fuch other punifhment, by folitary confinement and fpare diet, as the Infpedors and Phyfician ffiall in that behalf ordain and award; and if any mafter or captain penaity on ffiall knowingly receive and employ on board of his ^dvin£'cIi ffiip or veffel, or if any houfe-keeper or other inha- run'.away». bitant- of this commonwealth fhall knowingly re- ceive, harbour or in any wife entertain any perfon fo eloping or abfenting himfelf or herfelf from the faid Health-office, without having previoufly ob- tained a difcharge as aforefaid, each and every mafter or captain, and each and every houfe- holder or inhabitant, fo refpedively offending, ffiall forfeit and pay the fum of five hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as is How the hereinafter provided and direded; and the expenfe expenfe of and charge of boarding, lodging, nurfing, phyfic, ffbe de- maintenance, and other neceffaries, which ffiall be frayed. provided for the difeafed perfons landed and fent to the Health-office aforefaid, and alfo of burying them, in cafe of their death, ffiall be paid and difcharged by the importer, mafter or captain, owner or confignee of the fhips or veffels refpec- tively, in which fuch difeafed perfons were refpec- tively imported, agreeably to the rates in that be- half by the Infpedors to be ordained and efta- Bonds may blifhed in the manner herein before direded; and Jj^°d: it fliall be lawful for the Mayor or any Alderman purp00rfc!'^ C of C l8 ) of the city of Philadelphia, or for any Juftice of the Peace, and they are refpedively hereby en- joined and required, on application to any of them made by the Health-officer, to fummon the im- porter, mafter or captain, owner or confignee of any fhip or veffel, from which any difeafed perfon or perfons have been landed or fent to the Health- office as aforefaid, and to oblige fuch importer, mafter or captain, owner or confignee, fome or one of them, to give bond to the faid Health-officer, with one good and fufficient furety^in a compe- tent fum of money, to pay and fatisfy the full Proceed- amount of the expenfes and charges aforefaid; ings on re- and in cafe the faid importer, mafter or captain, bondtOSiVe owner or confignee, fhall refufe or negled to ap- pear, or fhall refufe to become bound in the man- ner aforefaid,1 the Mayor, Alderman or Juftice, before whom he is fummoned to appear, fhall com- mit him to the common gaol of the city and county of Philadelphia, there to remain, without bail or in what mainprize, until he fhall conform to the diredions cafes the Gf this ad: Provided always neverthelefs, That SrSre- where the difeafed perfons are paffengers, and not paid to the fervants, the faid expenfe and charges fhall be re- SSwffd. Paid bY them> their executors or adminiftrators, to the captain or mafter, owner or confignee, who fhall pay and fatisfy, or be bound to pay and fa- tisfy, the fame as aforefaid. Of goods, Sedion X. And be it further enacled by the au- &e. Lded thority aforefaid, That all goods, wares and mer- tobedeanf- chandizej landed and delivered at the faid Health- office, in purfuance of the provifions in this ad contained, fhall be taken into the cuftody of the fleward of the Health-office, and be by him fafely kept, with as little, wafte and damage thereof as is poffible; and the fleward and the afiiftants for that purpofe appointed fhall, under the direc- tions and controul of the Health-officer, ufe all fuch effedual means for fmoaking, cleanfing and purifying the faid goods, wares and merchandize, as ( 19 ) as the Refident Phyfician, with the advice of the Confulting Phyfician, fhall from time to time de. of re-deli- vife and prefcribe; and when the faid goods, wares ™™%^ and merchandize, ffiall be fo effedually fmoaked, after ' the cleanfed and purified, the faid fteward ffiall.make £™jJ£J! re-delivery thereof to the captain, mafter, owner or confignee of the fhip or veffel, in which the fame were imported, upon an order or permit in writing for that purpofe to be granted by the Re- fident Phyfician, and at leaft two of the Infpedors, and not otherwife, but the mafter, captain, owner or confignee of fuch goods, wares and merchan- dize refpedively, before the re-delivery thereof as aforefaid, fhall pay and fatisfy unto the Health-offi- cer the full amount of the expenfe and charges for ftoring, keeping, fmoaking, cleanfing and puri- fying the fame, agreeably to the rates in that be- half by the Infpedors to be ordained and efta- blifhed, in the manner herein before direded; and of payinj in cafe of refufal to pay and fatisfy the amount of £,etb"^JJ fuch expenfe and charges, or in cafe any goods, wares and merchandize, ffiall be effedually fmoak- ed, cleanfed and purified, the mafter, captain, owner or confignee, of the ffiip or veffel, in which the fame were imported, fhall negled or refufe to receive, and at their proper coft and charge to re- move the fame, within the term of ten days from and after notice for that purpofe to them, or any or either of them, given, it ffiall and may be law- or fejn„g ful for the faid Health-officer, and he is hereby the fame for required to advertife, on three feveral days, thatc arges' there will be expofed to public fale, and on the day and at the place prefixed by fuch advertifement he fhall fell, to the higheft bidder, the faid goods, wares and merchandize, or fo much thereof as • fhall remain unremoved after notice as aforefaid, and, having deduded and retained from the pro- ceeds of fuch fale the amount of the expenfes and charges aforefaid, and alfo the reafonable expenfe and charge of making, the fale, the Health-officer ffiall ( 1° ) ffiall pay over* the balance, if any, to the mafter cr captain, owner or confignee of the proper fhip or veffel, or any one of them. of the ;m- Sedion XI. And be it further enacled by the au- portationof thority aforefaid, That no mafter or captain ot any uSTum ftip or veffel, bound to any port or place within ber not to this commonwealth, ffiall bring within the capes T!d n of the bay and river Delaware, cr into any p< .rt or be well pro- place within this commonwealth, any greate. num- vided and ber Qf paflengers, fervants, or other perfons whatfo- £7°°" ever, than cSn and ffiall be well fupplied with fuffi- cient good and wholefome drink and meat, and other neceffaries, particularly vinegar, as well to wafh and cleanfe the veffel, as for the life of the Dmienfions pe*fons on board during the voyage; and the room of "^"thrir or birth that fhall be allowed to each fingle perfon births. on board fuch (hip or veffel, of the age of four- teen years and upwards, or to two perfons being under that age, ffiall be at lead fix feeMn length, and one foot "fix inches in breadth, and if the fame fhall be fituated in the forepart of the ffiip or vef- fel, between decks, it ffiall be the height at leait of three feet nine inches, and if it be fituated in the cabin or ftecrage, it ffiall be the height at leaft of two feet nine inches; and no more than two whole freight perfons ffiall be put together in one birth, bedftead or divifion, except in the cafe of .,VIl.rc parents and children, when they ihall approve and there^ are defire the fame to be done and allowed; and every freiy,iushl)1a mailer or captain of any ffiip or veffel importing do&ortobe paffengers, fervants or other perfons whatsoever, employed. ^ or fQX wnom the number of fifty whole freights, or upwards, fhaii be payable, fhall at the charge of the owner or owners of his fhip or veffel, pro- vide and employ a ikilful Phyfician of good cha- racter, and a cheft, with a competent affortment of medicines, for the ufe and accommodation of Hisdutv. a'ft perfons whatfoever on board his fhip or vef- fel; and the Phyfician fo provided ffiall adminifter medicine and medicines to all fick perfons on board ih.. ( 21 ; the fhip or veffel, according to his beft {kill and judgment, as often as occafion ffiall require, with- out afking, demanding or receiving any pay or fatif- fadion therefor from fuch fick perfons refpedively, of fmoak- and every mafter or captain of any ffiip or veffel lcn& leanfins containing the number of whole freights aforefaid, fhips at fea. ffiall, twice in every week, during thfe voyage, caufe the ffiip or veffel to be thoroughly fmoaked, by burning tar between decks, if the fame can be dene without injury to any fick perfon or perfons that may be on board; and ffiall alfo twice in every week, if the weather will permit, during the voy- age, caufe the ffiip or vefiel to be well waffied with vinegar; and while the means aforefaid ffiall be ufing to cleanfe the ffiip or veffel, the mafter or captain thereof may require and compel all per- fons, not incapacitated by ficknefs or other rea- fonable caufe, to come and remain on deck, until fuch cleanfing ffiall be performed and compleated; penafty for and if any mafter, captain, or other perfon whom- felIine K- foever, on board of any ffiip or veffel, ffiall, at a at0rS'morCe greater price than fifty per cent, profit upon the than fifty firft coft, retail or fell unto any paffenger or paf- Svan "n fengers any wine, brandy, rum, geneva, cordials, beer, cyder, or other fpirituous liquors, or any gro- cery, fpices, or ether neceffaries for fick perfons, the mafter, captain, or other perfon, fo offending, ffiall, for each and every offence, forfeit and pay the fum of fifty dollars, to be recovered and ap- propriated as is hereinafter provided and direded; T a; and if any mafter, captain, or other perfon, whe- pVfftngers ther feverally or altogether, ffiall during the voy- with liquors J ° ' °. , J exceeding age, truft or credit ary one paltcnger v/itn more four ts riot amount in the whole to the value of four dollars, or recoverable if more than one-third part of that fum fhall be for fpirituous liquors, the mafter, captain, or other perfon, fo trufting or crediting, fliall be difabled from recovering any debts for all and any fuch arti- cles from aiiy paffenger fo trailed or credited; and the ( 22 ) The vifit- the Refident Phyfician, Confulting Phyfidan and ing officers Health-officer, refpedively, on vifiting any fhip or whethTre veffel bound to any port or place within this com- thefe direc- monwealth, as aforefaid, fhall diligently enquire tions diri"" whether the diredions herein given have been with. fully complied with; and on the arrival of any of the Ger- veffel importing German paffengers oppofite to the man inter- city 0f Philadelphia, the Health-officer fhall more- over vifit the fame, and take with him a refpeda- ble German inhabitant of the city of Philadel- phia, well verfed in the Englifh and German languages, to be his interpreter; and the faid by whom interpreter fliall be appointed and commiffioned to be ap- by the Governor, and ffiall take an oath or TndDtC *or accommodations, at the proper coft and charge of thirty days, the owner of fuch ffiip or veffel; but if any paf- at the ow" fengers ffiall continue on board any fuch ffiip or vef- afterwards', fel after the expiration of the aforefaid term, the at *he,e,xI mafter or captain thereof ffiall provide for fuch paffengers." paffengers, at their coft and charge refpedively, all neceffaries and accommodations as aforefaid, to be added to the accounts of fuch paffengers refpec- tively, and recovered with their freights; and ffiall sick per- remove on fhore ail fick perfons, whofe difeafes fons> &ic- are not peftilential or contagious, and women near ,°oved arned the time of labor, to fome convenient houfe, and provided there provide them with neceffary accommodations jj^re. and nurfing, the expenfe whereof ffiall be charged to fuch paffengers refpedively, to be added to and recovered with their freights; if, however, there but if they ffiall be any fick perfons on board of any fuch cannot ,be fL- ir 1 i i i • i removed- imp or vefiel, wno cannot be removed without without danger, the mafter or captain may and ffiall make ^°ger/h u as convenient accommodation on board of the fhip bV^accom- or veffel for fuch fick perfons, as circumftances modated#n will admit of, or as the Health-officer and Con- board' fulting Phyfician, upon application or complaint ro them made, ffiall order and dired. Sedion D t 20 ) Goods of Sedion XIV. And be it further enarlcd byt the fiiTe^a aut^ority aforefaid, That from the time any ffiip or pledge for veffel ffiall have put to fea, ail the goods, wares their and merchandize of the paffengers aforefaid, on board thereof, who have not paid for their paffages at the place from whence they failed, ffiall fland a lawful pledge for the freight money of fuch paffen- gers, until the fame ffiall be fully paid and fatis- How exe- ned; and it ffiall be lawful for the mafter, car> cution may tain, owner or confiVnee of fuch«fhip or veffci, at againftfuch an7 time within thirty days after the arrival of fuch goods. paffengers within this commonwealth, to apply to any two Aldermen or Juftices of the Peace for the city or county, where fuch paffengers ffiall be landed, for an execution againfl the goods, wares and merchandize of fuch paffengers; and the faid Aldermen or Juftices are hereby empowered and required to iffue a fummons, direded to a confta- ble of the place where the defendant liveth, to fummon fuch defendant to appear before them on fome certain day, therein to be expreffed, not lefs than five nor exceeding eight days, from the date of fuch procefs, to mew caufe why fuch execution ffiould not be granted; and at the time appointed the faid Aldermen or Juftices, having heard the allegations and proofs of the parties, ffiall give judg- ment thereon, or, at the requeft of either of the par- ties, ffiall appoint auditors, or, if the defendant can- not be found or doth not appear, give judgment for the freight money that ffiall appear to be due, and award execution againfl the goods, wares and merchandize of fuch defendant, with fuch cofts of fuit as are by law allowed on the recovery of debts paffengers of equal amount; and the mafter, captain, owner Iw, leav" or confignee of any fhip or veffel importing paffen- ing their gers, as aforefaid, permitting any fuch paffengers peTcJe.35 " f° S° on lllore from fuch <^P or veffel, and retain- flxaifhave a ing either on board, or in fome ftore or other place cemficateh on fl,^ ^ Qr ^ny Qf ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^_ goods. chandize, belonging to fuch paffengers for fecurity of C *7 ) of the payment of their freights r>3fpedively as aforefaid, ffiall be obliged, under the penalty of five pounds (to be recovered and appropriated as is hereinafter provided and direded) to give to fuch paffengers refpedively a certificate fpecifying the goods, wares and merchandize, and the fum for which they are detained, with the time and terms on which they may be redeemed, by the payment of freight money and intereft; but no paffenger Not bound ffiall be obliged to pay any florage for goods, wares to pay fto- and merchandize, fo retained as aforefaid; and no J^ goods'! mafter, captain, owner or confignee of any fuch ffiip or veffel, or any other perfon for them, or any of them, under any pretence whatever, ffiall take any bill, bond, note, or other fpecialty or in- Onepaffcn- ftrument in writing whatfoever, from any fuch ,ger, not, *° rr 1 n. • 1 ; r 1 be bound to paffenger, nor make any contrad with any fuch p;yforano- paffenger while on ffiip board, or after his arrival ther> within this commonwealth, to compel him or her to pay for the freight of another paffenger, except in the cafes herein before mentioned; and all bills, bonds, notes, fpecialties, inftruments, and con- trads, fo made and taken, ffiall be utterly null and void: Provided always, That if any fuch paffen- ger, after having difcharged his or her own freight, has fini fhall be willing to enter into a joint obligation with Paid . h*s any other paffenger or paffengers, who ffiall re- °wn re's l main in debt for his, her or their freight, to fe- cure the payment thereof, fuch obligation ffiall be good and valid in law. Sedion XV. And be it further enacled by the authority aforefaid, That the mafter or captain of any ffiip or veffel taking on board any paffenger, ingTL'to as aforefaid, to be landed within this commonwealth the goods of who^ in their paffage hither, or foon after may P;rfoaHts ^ die, leaving goods, wares and merchandize, mo- ™ ney, or other effeds whatfoever, on board, or in the hands and cuftody of any fuch mafter or cap- tain, ffiall within the term of twenty days next after his arrival oppofite to the city of Philadelphia, or after ( s8 ) alter the deceafe of every fuch paffenger, exhibit to the Regifter of Wills of the county in which the pro- perty is, a true and perfed inventory thereof, to the end, that, after payment of all juft demands which ffiall be due to the mafter, captain, owner or con- fignee of fuch ffiip or veffel, the remainder may be committed to the cuftody of fome proper perfon or perfons, for the benefit of the wife and children, next of kin, or creditors, of the deceafed, as the cafe may require, and the law in fuch cafe fliall Penalty on dired; and if any mafter or captain fhall refufe or refulal or , r. , ., .J ~ . r rf.it negie and no mafter, captain, owner or confignee of paffengers any ffiip or veffel, ffiall charge the freight of any chargeable' Pai[enger fo dying, as aforefaid, to his or her fur- on their re- viving relations, nor ffiall any paffenger be compi- lations. jed? againft bis or her will, to pay or make good by fervice all or any part of the freight of his or her relations dying as aforefaid: Provided always, in what That if any minor child, at the time of his or her noS may imPortation, be of fuch an advanced age, that his be bound or her fervice, until he or ffie arrives at the age frerightthtm °.f twenty-°ne y^s, ffiall not be equal and fuffi- twenty- cient to pay and difcharge the money due for his *>»«■• or her own freight or paffage, then,' and in fuch cafe, he or ffie may and ffiall be bound to ferve for the fame until the age of twenty-four years, and no longer, unlefs the faid money can be raife'd by his or her fervice for a ffiorter term, any law, cuftom or ufage, to the contrary notwithftanding. All veffels, Sedion XVI. And be it further c?tacled by the au- ownS5' thorky afor£faid* That for payment and fatisfadion and con- of all forfeitures and penalties which are impofed & for ^ *U f"ms °{ money dire6led b)r thi* a8 to be the forfei- Paid bythe matters, captains, owners or confiVnees pereaitiesand aS.WeU the MlpS °r veffels refPe^ely, as the cap- under this tams> mailers, owners or confignees thereof, ffiall aft. 1 be ( *9 ) How reco- be and are hereby declared liable; and it ffiall be the duty of the Health-officer to colled, recover and receive the fame, and all other forfeitures and penalties impofed, and fums of money direded to be paid, by this ad; and the fame ffiall be recover- able before any Alderman, Juftice of the Peace, cr viable-, Court of juftice, having lawful jurifdidion to the amount of fuch forfeitures, penalties and fums of money refpedively, and, when recovered and re- ceived, the fame (if not otherwife herein before fpe- cifically appropriated) fhall be appropriated by the aTi\ *:ow infpedors of the Health-office, on the drafts of any aeppropn '*" three of them, towards paying the wages of the fteward, matron, nurfes and affiftants, the ex- penfe of keeping a boat and boat's crew for the ufe of the Health-office, under the diredion of the Health-officer, and for defraying the coft of all other neceffaries to carry on the bufinefs of the Health office, agreeably to the true intent and meaning of this ad; and the Health-officer, for his trouble'in colleding and receiving fuch forfeitures, commiffi- penalties and fums of money (other than the fees on to the payable for his own fervices) ffiall have, receive 0^Jr>" on and retain a compenfation, at and after the rate of recovering two and an half per centum on the amount fo re-l e ame' covered and received. Sedion XVII. And be it further enacled by the L;m'ltat;on authority aforefaid, That all adions or profecutions. of profecu- to be commenced againft any mafter, captain, ow- ^"^ ' ner or confignee of any ffiip or veffel or other per- fon, by virtue of this ad,' ffiall be brought within two months next after the arrival of the Imp or vef- fel oppofite to the city of Philadelphia; and if any GeneriJ adion or fuit ffiall be commenced againft any per- iffue ,^y fon or perfons, for any matter or thing done in Jj/J^J purfuance of this ad, the defendant or defendants given ia may plead the general iffue, and give this ad and evid^-ce- the fpecial matter, in evidence, at any trial to be had thereupon; and if the plaintiff fliall be non- fnited, or discontinue his adion, or if judgment ( 3° ) ffiall be given againft him, the defendant or defen- dants ffiall recover treble cofts, to be adjudged by the court. Sedion XVIII. And be it further enacled by the formed * authority aforefaid, That the ad, entituled '■ An Ad laws. to prevent fickly veffels coming into this govern- Prov.ianvs. ment;" the ad, entiruled " An Ad for veiling rf',1?' j. Province-Ifiand, and the buildings thereon ereded Dallas seds . . ~ ' . _ ^ , . tionp. zz. and to be erected, in I ruftees, for providing hofpitals Prov. iaw, for fuch paffengers as ffiall be imported into this pro- p. 194. vince, and to prevent the fpreading of infedious dif- at;on,z9s. tempers;" the ad, entituled " An ad for prohibit- Prov. law, jng ^e importation of German or other paffengers p- ws- in too great numbers in any one veffel;" the ad, en- D1!ofze3ttituled " A fuppkment to the ad, entituled An ad Prw. iczvs, *°r prohibiting the importation of German or other /. 312. ' paffengers in too great numbers in any one veffel;" J)^Z'7fo and the a6t' entituled " An Ad to prevent in- lion qAy* r r\ * •%' r ' r Prov law *e"lous difeaies being brought into this province ;" p. 504. ' fhall be, and each and every of them are hereby, Da""6'*~fortnwitn repealed, except fo far as the fame re- " fpedively provide and eftabliffi regulations for the importation of German or other paffengers, which regulations ffiall continue in force until the firft day of January, in the year one thoufand fe- ven hundred and ninety-five, but no longer ; and the regulations by this ad provided and eftablifhed for the importation of German or other paffengers ffiall be fufpended until the faid firft day of Janua- ry, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-five, and no longer. Sedion XIX. And in order to guard againft the extenfion of any peftilential or contagious dif- eafe (the fmall-pox and meafles excepted) that may at any time hereafter break out in the city of Phi- ladelphia, the Northern-Liberties, and the diftrid of Southwark, Be it further enaBed by the author*- aforefaid, That the Mayor or Recorder, and two Aldermen of the city, and the Commiffioners of the t 3* ) the city and county of Philadelphia, mail have A pubi* authority to bargain for and purchafe fome con- hofpital te venient lot of ground, in the neighbourhood of bhfhed61 in the city of Philadefohia, eafily acceffible by water the n^igh- as well as by land/and the fame to take and hold ^^4- in trufl, for the purpofe of ereding and eftablifh- phia. ing thereon a public hofpital; and the Infpedors By whom of the Health-office fhall have authority on the faid fd ho'% *? ... . J,. .be erected, lot to ered fuitable buildings for a public Hofpital, regulated and fliall alfo infped and regulate the internal ma-and iu?,-r' nagement thereof, and, when neceffary, appoint a fteward, matron, nurfes and affiftants therefor, in the fame manner, and under the fame penalties, and with the like regulations^ as are provided and authorized in the cafe of the Health-office herein before eflabliffied; and the Confulting Phyfician aforefaid, and fuch Affiftant Phyficians as ffiall from time to time be appointed for the purpofe by the faid Infpedors, ffiall attend and give medical aid to all the patients, that ffiall from time to time be lodged in the faid public Hofpital; and the Health-officer, ffiall enforce and fuperintend all the regulations for carrying into eh\,ci the objeds of this inftitution; and all perfons whomfoever (other what fick than perfons on board of any ffiip or veffel, and £j::3 *ut liable to be fent as aforefaid to the Health-office) mere &<.- refiding within the city and county of Philadelphia,cc tec hofe who fliall be afflided with any peftilential or conta- gious difeafe (the fmall-pox and mealies excepted) may and ffiall, upon the advice and. order of the Con- and inking Phyfician and any two Infpedors, be remov- ed by the Health-officer, and fuch affiftants as he thkh:t ffiall for that purpofe employ, to the faid public hof- pital, or to fuch other place as the faid Phyfician or Infpedors ffiall approve, at the proper colls of the perfon fo removed, there to be lodged, nurfed, maintained and kept, until duly difcharged by a permit in writing, figned by the Confulting Phy- fician and at leaft two Infpedors; and the Con- fulting Phyfician, Affiftant Phyficians, Health-offi- cer, fent ( 3- ) Compenfa- cer, fteward, matron, nurfes and affiftants, em- non of the ployed in the bufmefs of the faid public hofpital, andy K0athe'r ffiall, when in adual employment, be allowed for officers of their refpedive fer vices fuch reafonable compenfa- Ll x'° r'~ tions, as the Infpedors, with the approbation of the Mayor or Recorder, two Aldermen and three Juftices, ffiall from time to time deem proper and The fund juft; and a fund for purchafing a lot of ground as pofetrfthe aforefaid, for ereding the buildings fuitabie to a hofpital, public hofpital thereon, for fupplying the fame iffeffed° be w^^ medicines and neceffaries, for compenfating the officers therein employed, and for defraying all other incidental charges thereof, ffiall, from time to time, be raifed by a reafonable and mode- rate tax upon the inhabitants and eftates, real and perfonal, in the city, the Northern Liberties, and v.>d how to diftrid of Southwark; and the amount thereof be kvied, ffiall be regulated and limited by the faid Mayor or Recorder, two Aldermen, and three Juftices* of the Northern Liberties, and diftrid of South- wark; and the Commiffioners for the City and county of Philadelphia ffiall thereupon have autho- rity, and they are hereby required to levy and col- led the fame, as in ordinary cafes for levying and colleding city and county rates and levies: Pro- r]ie .?ft*t(:8 vided always neverthelefs, That each and every pa- ints* liable tient, and his or her eflate, real and perfonal, ffiall for their be liable to pay, fatisfy and reimburfe all the char- unief* they ges 'cXn& expenfe on his or her account incurred in are fpeci- the faid public hofpital, unlefs the Mayor or Re- flld*0™' corder, or two Aldermen and four Juftices of the county of Philadelphia, award that he or ffie ffiall be exonerated and exempted therefrom. Sedion XX. And whereas, it appears that there is a balance of three thoufand two hundred and forty-five dollars and twelve cents due to a bene- volent and meritorious committee of citizens, for monies by them expended in relieving the fick and poor during the calamity that afflided the city and liberties of Philadelphia in the months of Septem- ber ( 33 ) ber, Odober.and November laft, and juftice and gratitude equally require that provifion ffiould be made for difcharging the faid balance: Therefore, Be it enacled by the authority aforefaid, That it ffiall , be lawful for the Governor, and he is hereby re- due to the quired to draw a warrant on the Treafurer of the committee commonwealth, for the fum of three thoufand two £, °ci l^l hundred and forty-five dollars and twelve cents, fick during and to apply the fame in difcharge and fatisfadion demi'c? ePt the general interment of perfon;; dying in the city of Philadelphia, and its immediate vicinity: Be ii Certain lots therefore enacled by the authority aforefaid, That it heretofore ft-,]}. and may be lawful for the Mayor, Aldermen ""h^cor- fc-d Citizens of Philadelphia^ or their fucceffors, poration in to fell and difpofe of three certain lots of ground public bu- within the city of Philadelphia, or any or either T'ng of them, which lots are defcribed in a patent, may behold un^er the great feal of this commonwealth, dated the thirteenth day of December, one thoufand k\en hundred and ninety, granting the fame to the faid Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens, for the ufes and trufts therein mentioned, and to apply the money and the arifing from fuch fale to the purchafe of fuch other proceeds i0t or i0ts 0f ground, out of the bounds of the purchafe ° city, or the inhabited parts thereof, as they may more con- judge fuitable and neceffary for a place of general venient lots • ° c r t J 1 r i« • i forthefame interment ot perlons who may hereafter die in th§ purpofe. city of Philadelphia, or the fuburbs thereof. GEORGE LATIMER, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefcntativcs. ANTHONY MORRIS, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, April the twenty-fecond, 1794. THOMAS MIFFLIN, Governor of thc commonwealth of Pennfyhania. A ( 35 ) A fupplement to the act, entituled " An acl for efla* blifting an Health-office, for otherwife fecuring the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduction dition, vol. of peftilential and contagious difeafes, and for re- 3d- p- 641. gulating the importation of German and other paf- fengers." Paffed September 23d. 1794. [Repealed by the act paffed April 4th. 1796—Section 9th,] An Acl fupplement ary to the feveral alls ejlablifoing an Health-office. [3d. vol. of DalLs's edition of flate laws, p. 730.] HE RE AS, in purfuance of the powers in them veiled by the nineteenth fedion of the ad entituled " An Ad for eftablifning an Health-office, rfbr otherwife fecuring the city and port of Phila- delphia from the introdudion of peftilential and contagious difeafes, and for regulating the impor- tation of German and other paffengers," paffed April the twenty-fecond, one thoufand feven hun- dred and ninety-four, the Mayor or Recorder and any two Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, and the Commiffioners of the city and county of Philadelphia, have purchafed a lot or piece of ground on the weft fide of Schuylkill oppofite the weft end of Market-ftreet, for the purpofe of building a public Hofpital, for the reception of perfons who mav be afflided with peftilential or contagious difeafes: And whereas many of the inhabitants of the faid city apprehend that the lot fo purchafed is improper for the purpofe aforefaid, and may, from its vicinity, endanger the health of the citizens: Therefore, Sedion I. Be it enacled by the Senate and Houfe of Rcprefcniatives of the commonwealth of Pennfylvania, in General Affembly met, and it is hereby enacled by the authority of the fame, That all further pro- ceedings W C 3°* ) • The build- ceedings in ereding a public Hofpital on the lot jig a p«b- purchafed in purfuance of the nineteenth fedion tai °fuf- °f the ad, to which this is fupplementary, be, pended. and the fame are hereby, direded to be fufpended until the firft day of July next after the paffing of this ad. Sedion II. And be it further enacled by the aw a board to thority aforefaid, That it ffiall and may be lawful for for '""Si the Board of Infpedors of the Health-office of purpcfes of the city of Philadelphia, and they are hereby di- thisaa. rected, on the requeft of the Mayor or Recorder and any two Aldermen of the city of Philadelphia, and the Commiffioners of the city and county of Philadelphia, to feled, by lot, fixteen of their number, eight of whom fliall be inhabitants of the city, and eight inhabitants of the county of Phila- delphia, who, or a majority of them, ffiall be a Board, for the purpofes herein after mentioned. Sedion III. And be it further enacled by the au- to purchafe thority aforefaid, That the faid Mayor or Recorder, a lot for Aldermen and County Commiffioners, are hereby pulikHof- authorifed and direded, at any time before the firft pfcd; day of July next after the paffing of this ad, to purchafe fome convenient lot in the neighbourhood . of the city of Philadelphia, eafily acceffible, for the purpofe of ereding thereon a public Hofpital, as mentioned in the nineteenth fedion of the ad, to which this is fupplementary, and the fame to take and hold in truft for that purpofe, and to and to fell fell and convey in fee fimple, to any perfons they heretofore" may think ProPer> the lot already purchafed by purchafed tnem on tne wgft fide of Schuylkill, near the end for that of Market-ftreet; provided that no fuch purchafe purpc' or fale ffiall be as aforefaid made, without the approbation and confent of a majority of the fix- teen Infpedors, feleded in the manner prefcribecl by the fecond fedion of this ad. Sedion IV. And be it further enacled by the authority aforefaid, That the General Board of In- fpedor* C 37 ) fpedors of the Health-office of the city of Phila- How m» delphia, or a majority of them, are hereby autho- neyfor the rifed to draw their warrant or warrants on the th^P° *a thority aforefaid, That the Refident Phyfician, in pffati°n- r,yJJJr'r\'r> i 1 of the Refi- rull compemation tor his iervices under any law dent Phvft. 0fci^. ( 4° ) ©f this ftate, and in lieu of all fees, perquifites and emoluments whatfoever, ffiall receive the fum of three dollars for each veffel he ffiall vifit and exa- mine, agreeable to law, and ffiall be entituled to pafturage for one horfe and one cow, and alfo to Fees to be fuch vegetables railed in the garden of the Hofpi- the^Hedth7 ta* as may ^e neceffary for the fupply of his table officer. whilft rending at the faid Hofpital; and it ffiall be the duty of the Health-officer, for the time being, to colled, to the beft of his ability, the fees of the Refident and Confulting Phyficians; and he ffiall dedud from the. amount thereof two and an half per centum for his trouble in colleding the fame. Sedion V. And be it further enacled by the au- of making thority aforefaid, That the faid infpedors, at any fta- thViHeaith-te<^ or other meeting of their Board, whereof due office. notice ffiall be given to all the infpedors, ffiall have See feaion power to make, with the approbation of the Chief {a '/JwJuftice of the ftat€» of ttie Prefident of the Court the 4th. of of Common Pleas of the firft diftrid, or of the Apniiygs. Recorder, all fuch rules, orders or regulations, as ffiall be neceffary or convenient for regulating their own body, for governing the Health-office, and the officers thereof; and the Governor ffiall have power to fufpend or remove from office, for fuch reafonable caufe as to him fliall feem fufficient, the Vifiting or Refident Phyfician, and another or others to appoint in his or their place. Sedion VI. And be it further enacled by the au- Penaity thority aforefaid, That any captain or mafter of a for not veffel, who ffiall negled to deliver the certificate heaithTef- °f the wholefome ftate of his veffel, as received at tificates. the -Health-office, to the Health-officer of Philadel- phia, within twenty-four hours next after his arri- val oppofite the city or fuburbs, fliall forfeit and pay the fum of fifty dollars, and no more, for eve- ry fuch negled, to be recovered and appropriated as heretofore by law direded ; and that the Health- Heahh- ' officer, on receiving any fuch certificate or bill of officer. health, fhall be entitled to receive from the captain or ( 41 J or mafter of fuch ffiip or other veffel one dollar, in full compenfation for all fervices heretofore enjoin- ed on him by law ; and the mafter or owner of any Pay 0f P„ •weffel, compelled to perform a quarantine, ffiall lots, in cafe- pay to the Pilot detained on board the fame two ° tine. dollars, for every fuch day's detention. ' Sedion VII. And be it further enacled by the au- thority aforefaid, That the Mayor, Recorder, Al-Aiot,here- dermen, and Commiffioners of the city and coun- *°^ ^ ty of Philadelphia, are hereby authorifed and di-an Hofpital .reded, upon the requeft of a majority of the In- t0 be fold< .fpedors of the Health-office, to fell and convey, in fee-fimple, the Igfcon the weft fide of Schuylkill, K near the end of High-ftreet, purchafed in purfu- " ance of the nineteenth fedion of an ad, paffed on the twenty:fecond day of April,) one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four, entituled" An Ad for A«*<*P'i°> eftablifhing an Health-office, for otherwife fecuring the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduc- tion of peftilential and contagious difeafes, and for regulating the importation of German and other paffengers;" and the faid Commiffioners ffiall forth- with pay over to the Treafurer to be appointed by the Infpedors, all the monies raffed by virtue of the pro- vifions contained in the faid fedion, and which are now in their hands; and the faid Infpedors ffiall ap- Th^ i™- plv the faid monies, and fuch fums as may arife JoU appii- frora the fale herein before mentioned, to the pur- ed. chafe of fuch other lot, as they may deem mod fui- table for an Hofpital, and to fuch other purpofes, as in and by the faid recited ad are direded. Sedion VIII. And be it further enaEled by the au- r-., i-i-» -i r t r r> C See fiction thority aforefaid, 1 hat the Board of Infpedors or 7 of tbt aSi the Health-office of the port of Philadelphia ffiall p«IH tyu have power, by and with the confent and appro- 4'0tI7affe'ir- bation of the Mayor or Recorder, two Aldermen ing and of the city of Philadelphia, and three Juftices of ^"f the the Northern-Liberties and the diftrid of South- ufe of the wark, from time to time, to levy and colled, by ]1^ ' ( 42 ) a tax on the eftates and inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia, the diftrid of Southwark, and the Northern-Liberties, in the fame manner, and un- der the fame reftridions, as county rates and levies are or may be by law levied and colleded, Limitation fuch fum as may be found neceffary for the fup- aniount.the Port °*" the ^d Health-office, Provided that the fums fo to be raifed ffiall not exceed four thoufand dollars within any one year; and ffiall have power at any time, when the fafety of the city fhall re- of raifmg quire them fo to do, to negociate, on the faith of thTiife fof t^e ^^ taxes, loans to any amount, not exceed- theHealth-ing the fum herein before laft mentioned; And office. provided alfo, that the monies colleded by virtue of this fedion ffiall be paid by the County Trea- furer, free from any dedudion or commiffion for receiving and paying the fame, into the hands of the Treafurer of the Beard of Infpedors, who ffiall depofit and keep all monies which may come into his hands in the Bank of Pennfylvania, until it ffiall be neceffary to expend the fame. Sedion IX. And be it further enacled by the au- Repeal of thority aforefaid, That the Supplement to the ad, KhwT entituled " An Ad for eftablifhing an Health- " office, for otherwife fecuring the city and port " of Philadelphia from the introdudion of pefti- " lential and contagious difeafes, and for regula- " ting the importation of German and other paf- " fengers," paffed on the twenty-third day of September, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety- four; and the furthur Supplement to the fame ad, paffed on the feventeenth clay of April, one thou- fand feven hundred and ninety-five; and alfo fo much of the faid above recited ad, paffed on the twenty-fecond day of April, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four; as is fupplied or altered by this ad, be, and the fame are hereby, repealed. Sedion X. And be it further enacled by the authority aforefaid, That the Board of Infpedor, ffiall ( 43 ) ffiall caufe fair and full accounts to be kept of all of the ac- the monies received and expended by them, and <:oun^s re_ ffiall m the month of January, in every year, fub- the Heaith- mit the famf, with the neceffary vouchers, to the offic€- infpedion of the Mayor and Recorder, one Ma- giflrate of the Northern-Liberties, and one of the diftrid of Southwark, who ffiall forthwith caufe the faid accounts to be publifhed in at leaft two of the public newfpapers in the city of Philadelphia. GEORGE LATIMER, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives. ROBERT HARE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, April the fourth, 1796. THOMAS MIFFLIN, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennfylvania. An acl to alter and amend the Health-laws of this ' commonwealth, and to incorporate a Board of Ma- nagers of the Marine and City Hofpitals of the port of Philadelphia, and for other purpofes therein mentioned. ~\rX7 VV HER.EA3 the laws of this commonwealth for preventing the importation of infedious or contagious difeafes into the port of Philadelphia, and the Health-Office fyftem thereby eftabliffied, have been found by experience to be defedive. Sedion I. Be it therefore enacled by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the commonwealth of Penn- fylvania, in General Affembly met, and it is hereby enacled by the authority of the fame, That the buildings Marine now ereded, and thofe hereafter to be ereded, en J"J ;ta5;,ty State-lfland, and the ground therewith referved and eftablifned. therewith occupied, with the appurtenances, be ( 44 ) and they are hereby appropriated for the ufe of an Hofpital and Stores, to be called the Marine Hof- pital of the Port of Philadelphia; which Hofpital and Stores are appointed to receive fick and in- feded perfons and goods arriving in the port of Philadelphia, from any other port or place, until the fame ffiall be reftored to health and purified; and that the meffuages and lots commonly called the City Hofpital, fituate on the North fide of Saffafras-ftreet, and Eaft fide of the river Schuyl- kill, ffiall continue to be held and ufed as an hof- pital for the city, the townffiips of the Northern Liberties and Moyamenfing, and the diftrid of Southwark, and the fame meffuages, buildings and lots are hereby veiled in and-ffiall be under the management of a Board to be appointed as herein- after direded, who are hereby ereded into a body corporate, in deed and in law, by the name, flile and title of the Managers of the Marine and City Hofpitals of the Port and City of Philadelphia, who ffiall have perpetual fucceffion, and enjoy all and every the rights, liberties, privileges, powers, authorities, and immunities, incident or belonging to a corporation or body politic, and ffiall more- ' over^ have and exercife the powers and authorities hereinafter mentioned, that is to fay, The Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen of the city of Philadel- phia, or any four of them, the Mayor or Recor- der being one, and the Juftices of the Peace of the county of Philadelphia, refiding within the Northern Liberties, diftrid of Southwark, and townffiip of Moyamenfing, or any three of them, ffiall meet on the firft Monday in May in every year,_ at the City-Hall in Philadelphia, of which meeting public notice ffiall be given by the faid Mayor or Recorder, for two weeks before the time, in at leaft two public newfpapers, publifhed Manager? in the city, and ffiall then and there appoint twelve ^pointed5. Peribns> two of whom ffiall refide within the Northern Liberties, and two within the diftrid of Southwark, to be Managers of the Marine and City ( 45 ) City Hofpitals of the port of Philadelphia for the year enfuing, and until others be appointed to iucceed them, and ffiall caufe notice to be given to each perfon fo appointed, to meet his colleagues on fome day in the enfuing week, at the Health- Office in the city of Philadelphia, for the purpofe of organizing their board, chufing their officers, and proceeding to perform the duties by this ad enjoined on them; at which firft meeting the Ma- nagers ffiall chufe one of themfelves to be their Prefident, and at that or any other adjourned meeting, one other perfon to be their Treafurer, Treafurer who ffiall give bond with fureties, as the county j^hued-6 Treafurer is bound to do, and ffiall receive all monies belonging to the faid corporation, and pay and difburfe the fame upon the orders of the board, figned by the Prefident or Chairman, and attefted by the Clerk; and ffiall keep fair and juft accounts his duty. of his receipts and expenditures, and ffiall report abftrads thereof, whenever the board ffiall require the fame, and once a year fliall adjuft all his ac- counts, and the fame being allowed by the board, ffiall be publiffied in one of the pubic newfpapers of the city. One Steward and one Matron to steward, refide at the faid Hofpital, and fuch Affiftant ^catrt°n,rc. Clerks, Nurfes aud Servants, as from time to ude at :he time ffiall be found neceffary to perform the feve- hoiPicaL ral duties required by this ad, and their future regulations; that the faid Board ffiall fit upon S;ttings nf their own adjournments, as they fliall find neceffary, the Board but at leaft once in every week, between the firft resulated- day of June and the laft day of Odober in every year, and whenever they ffiall be fummoned by order of the Prefident, or of two Managers, at which meetings five members ffiall be a Board to tranfad bufinefs, but a leiler number may adjourn; and if the Prefident be abfent, they ffiall chufe a Chairman for the time; and the faid Board ffiall „ have full power to make general rules, orders and and duty regulations for the government and management of °f thn- th o •t the ma- cr any perfon who came in fuch ffiip or veffel hall ri"e ijofFJ- leave her, and fliall fubmit to the examinations aminedand ?n<^ obtain the certificate hereafter fpecified: and certiricd. if any mafter, commander cr pilot, ffiall have his flaticn before the faid Hofpital, or if any mafter or commander fliall permit or fuffer any part of the cargo or baggage, or any perfon or perfons arriving in fuch ffiip or veffel from any port be- Pe-a:ty cr. y0nd the limits of the United States, to be land- piilnce'in cd on either fhore of Delaware bay or river, ihe above before fuch examination be duly had, and certi- ficate obtained, the perfon or perfons fo permitting, and the perfon or perfons fo landing, except in cafe of imminent diftrefs or abfolute necdlity, being thereof convided upon indidrnent under this ad, by verdid, confeffion, or Handing mute, in any court having criminal jurifdidion within this commonwealth, ffiall be fentenced to and fuffer confinement in the iail of the county of Philadelphia, ■ 47 Philadelphia, for any fpace not lefs than one, no? more than three years. Sedion III. And be it further enacled by the auiho" rity aforefaid, That it ffiall be the duty of the refi- dent Phyfician and Health-Officer of the Hofpital, ^:£ fo foon as ffiip or veffel ffiall be anchored near the ami*"1""' Hofpital, in the day time, immediately (wind and Hcakh-of- weather permitting} to go on board the fame, and on°LTnf ° there demand from the mafter or commander the and }XVdU names of the veffel, commander and pilot, the place "0a™ma" from whence ffie fail came, and of all other places at which ffie may have touched during the voyage, the number of the crew and paffengers with which ihe failed, whether any have died fince ffie failed, a view of her ffiipping articles, log book and bill of health, if fhe came from a port whence a bill of health is required or accuftomed to be brought, and a fight of all perfons on board, and to demand anfwers under oath or affirmation, to be adminif- tered by the Refident Phyfician or Health-Officer, who are hereby feverally empowered to adminif- ter the fame, to all fuch queftions touching the health of the crew and paffengers, during the voyage, and the nature of the cargo, as the faid Board, by their rules fliall from time to time di- red to be afked; and if the anfwers ffiall be fatis- fadory, if the number of the crew and paffengers anfwer tH ffiall agree with the articles, bill of health, and'""fa'90™ other documents produced, and the verbal ac- ™taL n0°f count of the mafter or commander, and if there filfPlf ion » ffiall appear no ground to fufped that any of the ""^g"^ crew or paffengers have died in the voyage, or are to the maf. then labouring under any dangerous contagious dif- £™d"m" eafe whatever, or that the cargo on board is infeded; which cer- then and in fuch cafe the faid phyfician and Health- j^** re_ officer fliall give to the mafter or commander a certi- femed^at ficate of the fads, in fuch form as ffiall for that ^cakh" purpofe be devifed by the faid board, permitting phiiadci-n fuch ffiip or veffel to proceed to the city, or to land Phia with~ the paffengers, which certificate the faid maftir Stermoo" or ins- (' 48 ) or commander ffiall prefent at the health-office in Philadelphia, within twenty-four hours after his Penalty on arrival and fafely mooring there; and if he ffiall neglect, negled fo to do, being thereof convided upon in- didment under this ad, by verdid, confeffion, or ffanding mute, in any court of criminal jurifdidion in this Commonwealth, he fliall be fentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars, for the ufe of the faid Proceed- hofpital; and if upon fuch examination, any diffe- ings,where rence ffiall appear between the written documents minatioiT" produced by the mafter, or his verbal account, and fufpicions the number and ftate of the crew and paffengers an e' or any fufpicion ffiall arife in the mind of the health- officer or phyfician, touching the health of the crew or paffengers, or any of them, or the infedi- ous ftate of the veffel or cargo on board, they fhall order the veffel to remain at anchor near tjie hof- pital, and ffiall make out a report of ^the ftate of the veffel, crew, pafleiigers and cargo, as to their health or otherwife, and ffiall tranfmit the famey together with the letter bag of the veffel, and fuch letters as the mafter, commander or paffengers ffiall think proper to write to his or their owners, con- figners or friend:,, to the health-office in Philadel- phia, under the neceffary precautions to guard againft the communication of infedion from the fame, to the end that the parties interefted be in- or in cafe formed thereof; and if they or any of them be dif- of difatis- fatisfied with the report and opinion of the hofpi- with"1 the tal phyfician or health-officer, in fuch cafe the phy- report and fician of the health-office in Philadelphia ffiall vi- thT hofpt fit the veffel, crew and paffengers, and make re- taiPhyfici- port of his opinion thereon ; and thereupon the Heaith-of- laid board of managers ffiall dired and determine officer. and tranfmit orders to the refident phyfician and health-officer, what time the faid veffel ffiall remain before the hofpital, and how the crew, paffengers, veffel and cargo ffiall be difpofed of and managed for the reftoration of their health and purification, which diredions fhall be carried into execution un- ( 49 ) der the infpedion of the phyfician, by the health, and other officers and fervants of the hofpital, who fhall caufe the perfons to be removed, and the car- go or any part of it to be landed, and the veffel to be cleaned, ventilated and purified, at the expenfe of the mafter, owners or configners, in fuch man- ner as by the faid orders ffiall be direded; and the fame being perfeded, the faid phyfician and health- officer ffiall, with the fpecial confent in writing of the board of managers, grant a certificate thereof, with permiffion for the faid veffel, cargo, crew and paffengers, to proceed to the city, in manner here- in above mentioned. Sedion IV. And be it further enacled by the author rity aforefaid, That no Health-officer, Phyfician 0fficer,a&c! or other officer or fervant of the faid Hofpital, ffiall to be abfent abfent himfelf from the place of his duty, during ^in fp? the months of May, June, July, Auguft, Septem- cified times her, Odober, and November, on any pretence, for Zw™1 any time whatfoever, without leave firft obtained in writing from the board of Managers, with the how 1IcenC€ hand of the Prefident or Chairman for the time, to be ob- attefted by the Clerk, and entered in the minutes,tained' under penalty of forfeiting his office. Sedion V. And be it further enacled by the autho- rity aforefaid, That all mips and veffels, as well vef- v _, fels of war as merchant veffels, arriving at the port frorn the of Philadelphia, from any port or place in the Mediter- Mediterranean, or the feas or waters conneded without a with the fame, to the eaftward of the Straits ofbiU of Gibraltar or from the coaft of Africa, without the detaine^for Straits of Gibralter, and the territory of the fame, a fpace not and the ports of Africa other than the Cape of ^"dfpbe. Good Hope in the Indian Ocean, and from the fore the main land of North or South America, or the HofPltal- Weft-India Iflands between the latitude of the river St. Mary in Georgia, and the beginning of the la- titude of thirty degrees fouth of the equator, ffiall be fubjed to be detained at anchor in manner afore- faid, before the hofpital, for a fpace not exceed- ing twenty days, in order to afcertain the healthy ftate .( 5° ) ftate of the crew, paffengers, veffel and cargo, unlefs filch veffel ffiall be furmfhed with a certifi- cate from fuch port commonly called a bill of health, in the form a bill of health is accuftomed Andaiivef- to be brought from fuch port; and all veffels arri- bS thlrl-v^nc5 fr°m ^ucn Port as aforefaid, during the frL LI. months of May, June, July, Auguft, September, mf ts6 f Odober, and November, with or without fuch May' June, bill of Health, ffiall be detained at anchor in man- juiy, Au- ner aforefaid, before the hofpital, for a term not feUmber,Oc- lefs than ten nor more than twenty days before any tober and certificate, fuch as is herein above required, ffiall though ef ^e granted, to permit them to come to the city; having a during and after which refpedive times they ffiall h?akh ihaii be examined and treated in the manner, and fub- be detained jed to the like pains and penalties, as are herein ^nd^cT X° ab°ve mentioned, as to fhips and veffels not in the days. • predicaments laft above recited. Sedion VI. And be it further enacled by the au- thority aforefaid, That there ffiall be granted to the tion for Managers of the Marine and City Hofpitals, of payment of the port and city of Philadelphia, for the purpofe curr^eT'by °f V?fin7. tne debts already incurred, out of the thehofpi- funds arifing from the duties and the fales at auc- tion in the city and county of Philadelphia, a fum not exceeding fix thoufand five hundred and fix- teen dollars and twenty-fix cents, to be drawn out of the Treafury by warrants under the hand of the Governor, and leffjr feal of the ftate, which ffiall be granted, paid and allowed to the Treafurer in account, in the fame manner and form that other monies appropriated by law are, or of right ought to be granted, paid and allowed. -Sedion VII. And whereas the fum which by the eighth fedion of the ad, entituled " An ad to amend and repeal certain provifions in the Health- laws of this commonwealth, the Infpedors of the Health-office are authorized to levy and coiled by tax, is found infufficient for fupporting the ordinary eftabliffiment of the Health-Office and Hofpitals aforefaid: Be it further enacled by the authority aforefaid ( 51 ) aforefaid, That the Board of Managers by this ad Managers . incorporated, ffiall be and they are hereby autho- ^eT^nd rized and empowered, by and with the confent and coikaaua approbation of the Mayor or Recorder, Aidermen with con- and Juftices aforefaid, convened as in the feeond ^or,^ fedion of this ad required, to levy and colled by- tax, on the eftates and inhabitants of the faid city, diftrid of Southwark and townffiips of the Northern Liberties and Moyamenfing, in the fame manner, at the fame rates, and under the fame regulations as the county rates and levies are or may be by law levied and colleded, fuch fum annually as up- on an eftimate to be made by the faid Board, and laid. before the faid Mayor or Recorder, Alder- men and Juftices, ffiall be deemed fufficientjbr the ordinary expenditures of the faid Heakh-Ofhce and Hofpitals for the current year; Provided the fame do not exceed the fum of ten thoufand dollars. And in cafe the faid city, diftrid and townffiips J^.f ffiall in any year be vifited with any peftilential or "ryexpen- contaeious difeafe, which ffiall require extraordi- ditures em- '""ft .. 7 . r-i-n i f - r t- powerea to nary expenditures, the faid Board of Managers, by £orrow. and with the confent and approbation aforefaid, are authorifed and empowered to borrow, on the credit of the faid city/diftrid and townffiips, any extraordinary fum or fums beyond the above limi- ted fum, which in their judgment ffiall be neceffa- ry and fufficient for the fupport and maintenance •of all the poor fick who fliall be fent to the faid Hofpital, and the incidental charges arifinor from the neceffity of the cafe, Provided the faid fum does not exceed twenty thoufand dollars; and ffiall have full power and authority to levy and col- How fum-. led, bv an additional tax in rmmner aforefaid, j° ^" a fum fufficient to pay off and difcharge the monies raid. fo borrowed, and ffiall pay and difcharge the fame as fpeedily as the faid additional tax can be colled- ed. And whenever the amount ot the faid ordi- nary and extraordinary taxes fhall be afcertained in manner aforefaid, the faid Board of Managers ffiall tranfmit the fame, under the hands cf the faid rrow« ( 5- ) faid Mayor or Recorder, Aldermen and Juftices, and of their Prefident and fix other members, to the Commiffioners of the County of Philadelphia, who ffiall forthwith caufe the faid amouut laid and afleffed on the eftates and taxable inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia, diftrid of Southwark and town- ffiips of the Northern Liberties and Moyamenfing, in the fame ratio as the county rates and levies are or ffiall be laid and affeffed in that year; and ffirdl caufe lifts and duplicates of the faid taxes to be made out and delivered to the colledors, who ffiall colled the county rates and levies, who ffiall under the fame fecurities, penalties and regulations as are or ffiall be provided for the colledion of the county rates and levies, colled and pay over the fame ordinary and extraordinary taxes, in the fame manner and at the fame times to the Treafurer of the faid Board, and take his receipts for the fame, as in cafe where they pay other colledions to the County Treafurer. Sedion VIII. And be it further enacled.ay the au- Houfr- thority aforefaid, That every houfe-keeper within the keepers city of Philadelphia, the townffiips of the Northern btldL in Liberties and Moyamenfing, and diftrid of South- fro.-n any wark, within a mile of the limits of the city, taking ^^^ in boarders arriving by fea or by land, from any and having foreign port or place, and having any boarder in any boarder his or her family, who fliall he taken fick of any lick or any 1>f- r , ■ r % 1 ' /- r. , ~ * difeafe be- diieaie wliahoever, between the firft day of May fHrenfivthe anc* ^r^" ^ ^ November in any year, within and firftTof twenty days next after fuch boarder fhall come to November lodge in his or her houfe, ffiall within twenty-four ticfaT the" h°urs next after the knowledge of fuch ficknefs, Heaith-of- make report to the Health-Office, of the name of fuch fick perfon, the time of his or her arrival at the houfe, and of his or her being taken fick and of the name and place of abode of fuch houfe- keeper ; whereupon the Phyfician of the Health- ProceeJ °ffice ^a11 forthwith vifit the patient, and report ing/there-to the office his opinion of the nature of fuch dif- on- eafe, that meafures may be taken to prevent the fpreading of infedion; and if any houfe-keeper flialj < S3 ) fhall negled to give information, in the manner Penalty oc and within the time aforefaid, and ffiall be there- neglecting of convided, in any court of criminal jurifdidion informati- within this commonwealth, upon indidment by on. verdid or confeffion, he or ffie ffiall forfeit and pay a fine to the ufe of the faid hofpital, not lefs than twenty dollars, nor more than one hundred dol- lars to be impofed at the difcretion of the court, according to the circumftances of greater or leffer aggravation attending eaeh particular cafe, Sedion IX. And be it further enacled by the au- thority aforefaid, That whenever, by the means afore- faid, or by the report of the Phyfician appointed by the Board to refide in the city, whom the Board are hereby authorized to fend to places or houfes fuppofed to be infeded, whofe vifits for fuch purpofe the citizens are refpedively hereby enjoin- Peribns ed to fubmit to or by any other means it ffiall \\xh e atiy come to the knowledge of the. faid Board, that any dangerous perfon within the city of Philadelphia, the town- JS™8^ ffiips of the Northern Liberties and Moyamenfing, be removed within a mile of the limits of the city or the diftrid or ccmmu- • • nication of Southwark, is afflided with any contagious dif- with th? eafe, dangerous to the community, it ffiall and may h"^ntt°edbe be lawful for the faid Board to fake order for pre- except by venting the fpreading of the contagion, either, by ™?*T. of caufing the patient to be removed to fome retired £-cl place, at the cofts of the patient, or his or her friends, or at the public charge, or by forbidding and pre- venting ail communication with the infeded houfe or family, except by means of Phyficians, nurfes or meffengers, to convey the neceffary advice, medi- cines and provifions to the afflided, accordingly as the circumftances. of the cafe ffiall render the one or the other mode, in their judgment, moft condu- cive to the public good, with the leaft private inju- ry. Sedion X. And be it further enacled by the au- thority aforefaid, That when any veffel ffiall come up to the city of Philadelphia, or the ffiores of* Southwark, or of the Northern Liberties, in the ra% ver ( 54 ; vcirds not- ver Delaware (although the faid veffel may have „?ftThdr obtained a certificate of health from the Marine having a Hofpital) if the faid vcfTe! ffiall appear to the Teard health from of Managers to be infeded with any copious tiie Marine diforder, dangerous to the community, the faid Sofpiuln, Board are hereby authorized to order the faid vef- their a°P- fel to the Marine Hofpital, there to undergo the r anng to necefrary purification, before ffie ffiall be permit- tae Bosrd / r f c r ' 1 A of manager ted to return to the city or fhores aforelaid ; and tobeinnci- t^e fa:j Board are alfo hereby authorized and em- ordered to powered to remove any veffel or veffels from fuch undergo a part 0f tbe city or mores aforefaid, as ffiall be in- andmay be feded with fuch difcrders as aforefaid ; to fuch con- -janoved venient diftance as they may deem proper, although Lfetfed.0t fuch veffels may not be infeded. Sedion X. And be it further enacled by the au- The Board thority aforefaid, That whenever,the faid Board, ffiall receiving receive information that any contagious difeafe of "hTcxtt- rages in. *ny port or place within the United ence of a States, or on the continent of America, they ffiall diSr "in make diligent enquiry concerning the fame, and any place in report the refult of their enquiries and information America thereon to the Mayor or Recorder of the city of may, with n 11 1 r 1 \ 1 the content Philadelphia, who ffiall thereupon iummon the Al- ii -r&T dermen of the laid city, and Juftices of the coun- fto?y,1> 5 ty of Philadelphia, refident within the diftrid of commuri- Southwark, and the townffiips of the Northern-Li- berties and Moyamenfing; and it ffiall and may be lawful for the faid Board, by and with the confent and approbation of the faid Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen, or any four of them, the Mayor or Re- corder, being one, and of the faid Juftices, or any two of them, to prohibit and prevent all commu- nication by land and by water, with fuch infeded ports or places, by flopping all veffels coining into the port of Philadelphia, at and before the Marine Hofpital, in the fame manner, and under the fame penalties and forfeitures, as are hereby provided in cafe of veffels coming from the foreign ports men- tioned in the preceding fedionsof this ad, and by flopping all paffengers in ftages cr odier carriages, or with ( .-; > or on horfe or foot, coming by land from fhch in- feded places, in fuch manner as the circumftances and exigencies of the cafe ffiall require. All Judge?, Juftices, Sheriffs, Conftables and civil Officers, and citizens of this State, are hereby authorized and empowered, enjoined and required to aid and affifl the faid Board and their Officers to the ut- moft of their power, in carrying into effed all fuch rules, orders and regulations touching the flop- page of fuch intercourfe, as the faid BoarcJ^by and with the confent and approbation of the faid Mayor or Recorder, Aldermen and Juftices, ffiall ordain and publiffi. Sedion XII. And be it further enacled by ihe au- thority aforefaid, That all and every the penalties .. and forfeitures impoied by the ad to which this ad by this a,aWe t . • , inn t r r how to en- ner therein mentioned, ana mail enure to the uie of ure. the faid Hofpital for its fupport; and all and eve- ry the powers and authorities, liberties and pri- ties, &c. of vileges, perquifites and emoluments, duties and the former ^ fervices, by the faid-ads required of, or grant- grated0to, ed and allowed to, the Infpedors of the Health- and requir- Office, their Phyficians and other Officers and fer- prefent vants, which are not inconfiftent with the alterati- Managers , ons hereby made, ffiall be and they are hereby de- [omifent1S clared to be required of and granted and allowed with the al- to the Board of Managers by this ad incorporated, J^"11 and to their Phyficians and other officers and fer- made. vants, to be appointed in purfuance hereof; and Rerpealf?fr that fo much of the ad, entituled " An ad for efta- mer laws, blifhing an Health-Office, for otherwife fecuring the city and port of Philadelphia from the introduc- tion of peftilential and contagious difeafes, and for regulating the importation of German and other paffengers," paffed the twenty-fecond of April, one thoufand feven hundred and. ninety-four, and of the ad entituled " An Ad to amend and repeal certain pro vifions in the health laws of this commonwealth," paffed the fourth day of April, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-fix, as are "herein aud hereby altered ( 5* )■ altered, amended or fupplied, and no more, ffiall be and the fame is hereby repealed, and made null and void. Sedion XlII. And be it further enacled by the au- ^rovifioa's thority aforefaid, That whenever any feven of the SovS6 "f faid B°al"d of Managers ffiall reprefent to the Go- any phyfi- vernor, that they d:em the removal from office of Health- °f any °f the Phyficians or Health-officers hereinbefore officer. mentioned, neceffary for the fecurity of the public health or the good government of the faid Marine Hofpital, and fliall fpecify in fuch reprefentation the caufes of their complaint, and grounds of their reprefentation, the Governor ffiall thereupon, un- lefs fuch caufes and grounds are manifeftly frivolous and infufficient, forthwith remove fuch officer, and appoint another in his place. Sedion XIV. And be it further enacled by the au- No citizen thority aforefaid, That no citizen or inhabitant of to be dif- the city of Philadelphia, the diftrid of Southwark onaaccount or ^ townffiips of the Northern Liberties and of common Moyamenfing, fhall be difqualified from fitting as thTappro" J^ges or Jurors, or from giving teftimony refped- priation of ing any of the offences mentioned in this ad, by rea- the Penal- fon 0f j^s or jj^j. common intereft in the appropri- ation of the fum or penalty impofed for fuch of- fence. Sedion XV. And be it further enacled by the au+ Limitation thority aforefaid, That this ad ffiall continue in of this aft. force for two years, and from thence to the end of the next fefiion of the General Affembly, and no longer. GEORGE LATIMER, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentatives. ROBERT HARE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, April 4th, 1798. THOMAS MIFFLIN, Governor of the Commonwealth of' Pcnnfylvania. /' \ Meet- H«st. WZ P1 I 5"c 1718 v*"^' .*•''.»> ' < ,* o-'-I'HV '''--•■'•■'' h ' '■j$i;}!v.--f-'