rfc?;tRi: j._K-'.7:j:vi. m&& d§ ..-.. .. i.-jtt- TIC- Efe*V % c,A_ * *•**_*-LZ*V* •r»T« *£"£: ar >tr-»*^ d*K^? are-&_j *5*?*_p3 rHk teir_r j ■** J_) • > • v. , / . ,__, %. T .*• f -•, & '*,... $ ,/ / V T ^ _---- ie * fr v ran v^- ^^ vd nsn» <* ir^ \>^ din *>« 4? cv^-. \>^* '* 4* \ 4* k \ •** * 4- ^ ^ " -~ ■■*-- ■ -n ■ -■•; »; S\. LfJ j % & t. Lit! U AN ■OF TO DETERMINE THE ABSORBING POWER OF THE VEINS AND LYMPHATICS J. O'B. LAWRENCE, M. D. & B. H. COATES, M. D. LEXINGTON, KY. PRINTED BY W. W. WORSLEY *?d- .dr.x*r■'■*-■■ W"tj :li_/I C±2tirAl0V£SOi/)2*~ Air Miucdwart^ &$<_ WE had intended, ever since the experiments which were made last year, for the Academy of Medicine of this city, to take up the subject anew, and endeavor to prosecute it fur- ther. The committee, since that time, having been dissolved, we conclude to continue our inquiries in a private capacity. We have accordingly performed a number of experiments with that view. We feel much pleasure in acknowledging the very liberal assistance which we have received from professor Chapman; who enjoys- the singular praise of originating a lengthened course of inquiries, without any reference, whatever, to his previous opinions on the subject: it being his only object to discover and confirm the truth. We have also been gratified with the company and occa- sional assistance of several gentlemen; among whom we may enumerate Dr. Seybert, Dr. Horner, professor Keating, Dr. S. Jackson, Is. Lukens, C. Riddle, H. Seybert and W. Dirk, jr. young man who has since been removed, in the flower of ag'?, by death. As this young man did not live long enough to : ee the completion of any of his scientific undertakings, his name will not be very widely known; but as he made himself useful to us by long and persevering attention, we deem it not improper, in our short-lived paper, to mention his affectionate disposition, and bi° promising talents. As we considered it of the highest importance to have sever- al witnesses of whatever was done, we invited various gen- tlemen, chiefly connected with the medical profession, be- sides those above named: and no experiment of importance was performed in the presence of fewer than four or five per- sons, and scarce any even of the repetitions, before fewer ■ ban three. We commenced by making a few further trials with colour- ed substances, and still with the negative result of none ot' them entering the vessels. Two animals were made to cii articles of this kind; a bitch the prussian blue, and a kitten, a mixture of indigo and milk. These were uud;.t somewhat different circumstances from the experiment;; oi' dii-i: year, in which the coloured substances were thrown into portions of exposed inle^ine. and secured wdh ligature. They nmv !■- 4 Experiments on Veins and Jjympnaucs. considered by some as fairer trials, as the natural condition. of the parts concerned were unaltered, until the animals were killed and examined. They were tried in consequence of rea- ding the experiments published by Dr. Milnor, in his inau- gural thesis. The first named animal consumed not less than nine ounces and a half of the prussian blue; nevertheless a considerable number of different solids and fluids, including the ordinary routes by which absorption has been supposed to take place, were examined, without discovering it in them. Cochineal, red saunders, anntto, turmeric and prussian blue, were thrown into the abdominal cavity of cats and kittens; and'with precisely the same result; absorption of the colours not having been detected in any one route. In one instance, decoction of cochineal, strongly coloured, was forced into the cellular substance, over the abdomen of a kitten; and wdth the same negative result. Far the largest part of our experiments were made with the prussiate of potass, which has many advantages in inqui- ries of this kind, as being the article at once most easy of ab- sorption and of exposure by chemical means, of all the dif- ferent substances we have tried. We can present a list of thirty-four animals, in which this salt was introduced into the alimentary canal, with an account of most of the fluids in which it was chemically evinced to exist, and the intervals of time at which each examination took place. In the first twenty-one, the parts were left undisturbed, until the ani- mal's death; in the rest ligatures were affixed, as described in the list. Animals Quantity. Duct.Thor Rt. sid. hrt General Circulation. Urine. Vena portae Miscellaneous K itten. Near 4 grains. 49 m. no blue. 45 m. no blue. Idem. Near 12 grains 97 m. no blue. Idem. 7 grains at twice, 5 hours a part. 9 m. jugular, 10 m. car-otid, no blue. Bladder blue. Dog. Considerable quan-tity ,probably great-er part of a drachm at intervals. 4 1-2 hours slight blue. Fem. art. 4 1-2 h. no blue. 41-2 h.deep blue. 4 1-2 h. slight blue. Bluer than D. thor. Liquor pericardii perceptible blue. Idem. Idem. Idem. 5 h. 28 m. no blue. 5 h. 39 m. dis-tinct blue. 5 h. 10 m. strong blue. Rabbit. Idem. Idem. 62 m. dis-tinct b. 68m. strong blue. Left side of heart 68 m. blue. 1 64 m. pelvis of|67 m. strong kidney blue. 1 blue. 53m. liquor pericar-dii faintly greenish Cellul. sub. valv. of heart, &c. blue. Dog. Nearly half a drachm of salt. 2 h. 4 m. 2 h. 7 m. Intercostal vein 1 h. 48 blue. blue. m.blue. Fern. art. and vein 2h. 22m. blue. 1 h. 5 m. blue. Valves of heart blue. Idem. Nearly a drachm ofj 2 h. 2 to 12 the salt. | | m. blue. Fom. art. 2h. 2m. blue. Mesent. art. bluer. 2 h. 2 to 12 m. blue. 2h. 2 to 12 m. no blue. . Animals Quantify. Duct.Thor Rt. sid. hrt General Circulation. Urine. Vena portae Miscellaneous. I Cat.* 2 drachms solution 46 1-2 m. blue Aorta blue 381.2 m.ve-nacava. 46 m. blue. 34 1-2 m blue. Dog. 2 scruples salt 40 m. no blue 37 m. no'Exter. iliac, art 31 m. blue no blue. 47 m. blue. 28 m. no blue. Liq. pericardi 34m. no blue. Idem Half a drachm of the saltj 50 m. no blue Jugular 26 m. no blue, Aorta 42 m. no blue. 55 m. no blue. Pelvis kidney, none, urine af-ter several days blue. 35 m. suspi-cious. Kitten 2 drachms solution Aorta 17 m. blue 12m. strong blue, bladder faint blue. Pelvis kid-ney 34 m. blue. 16 m. blue, e-qual to aorta. Abdom. cavity no blue. Surface of stomach 31 m. blue. Cat star ved ten days Idem. 24 m. blue 14 m. blue. Aorta 12 m. blue 20 m. faint blue. Pelvis kidney blue. 10 m. blue but less so than the aorto. Cellular substance of thigh blue. ___________________ Cat Idem. 22 m. dis-tinct blue, but not ex-ceeding a-orta Aorta 11 m. faint, but distinct blue 28 no distinct blue. Liquor pericardii, 13 m. blue. Outside of stomach 19 m. no blue. *The animals after this were starved. > / "w . Animals Quantity. Duct.ThorJRt- side of | heart General Circulation Urine Vena portae Miscellaneous Cat 2 drachms solution 17 & 23 m.\ no blue 12 m. no blue 20 m. no blue Idem. Idem 12 l-2m. no blue Aorta 7 m. blue 15 m. no blue Kitten. Idem 10 1-2 m. blue Aorta 6 m. blue 20 m. blue Idem. Idem 17 m. tin-ged blue. 11m. blue Idem 8 m. blue 7 m. blue Outer surface of the stomach blue Idem Idem. 12 1-2 m. faint blue 8 m. not Idem 6 m. blue. blue | Cat Idem 14 m. no blue Idem 8 m. no blue. More than 14 m. no blue 7 m. faint light blue. Idem Near 4 d achms 161-2m.no blue 6 1-2 m. no blue 9 m. blue. Kitten 111-2 drachm in rec-lMore than 1 turn 1 57 m. no | 1 1 blue Jugular 57 1-2 m. no blueCarotid next more than 57 l-2m. no blue Strong blue. Pelvis kidney strong blue More than 57 1-2 m. no blue Animals Quantity Duct.Thor Rt. side of heart General Circulation 1 Urine. Vena portae Miscellaneous Kitten 2 drachms solution 7 1-2 m. no] blue More than 26 m. no blue. 26 m. strong blue 5 m. no blut Surface of stomach no blue Rabbit 4 drachms solution Inner sur-face of the duct 34 1-2 m. no blue 221-2m.no blue Aorta 18 l-2m. no blue 25 1-2 m. no blue 14 1-2 m. no blue. Idem Idem 30 m. light blue Vena cava ascendens 24 1-2 m. no blue 28 m. strong blue. Papilla of kidney 38 m. blue 21 m. no blue Cellular tissue 34 m. blue. Cap-sule of a joint 40 1-2 m. blue Idem 2 drachms solution More than Aorta 23 1-2 m. blue 28 1-2 m.[ blue 28 1-2 m. strong blue. Pelvis kid-ney more 28 1-2 m. blue 19 1-2 m. blue Liquor pericardii 251-2m.no blue Young rabbit. ... , Idem 24 1-2 m. slight blue 33 m. green* 15 m. slightly blue. *This indicates the prussiate, together with some cause which partially deoxygenates the test, WITH LIGATURES AFFIXED TO THE (ESOPHAGUS, Animals Quantity. Duct.Thor Rt. side of heart General Circulation Urine 1 Vena porta. Miscellaneous Kitten (sick) Idem 46 m. deep blue 42 1-2 m. very deep blue. Sub-stance of kidney more than 28 m. blue . Liquor pericardii 44 m. light, but ob-vious blue. Cellul. sub. more than 48 m. blue Kitten. Idem 12 m. blue Aorta 12 m. light blue 12 m. no blue Idem. Idem 40 m. light blue Aorta 23 m. blue 33 m. blue 22 m. blue Idem 11-2 drachms solut. 17 m. very faint blue Aorta 13 m. pretty strongly blue 20 m. blue 11 m. strongly blue > Idem Idem 15 1-2 m. light blue More than 18 m. blue Aorta 9 1-2 m. blue, weakest 18 m. faint blue 81-2 m. blue strongest Idem 2 dachms 20 m. blue 161-2 m. faint blue Aorta 13 m. pretty strongly blue 23 m. faintly blue 11 m. pretty strongly blue) Liquor pericardii 15 m. uncertain _i; Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics* The imperfections in the above table arises, in part, from the circumstance of our not being able to procure a sufficient quantity of the fluids in question to exhibit the effect of the test, or from not being able to procure them pure, and un- mixed with red globules of blood, or other matters which render the results obscure and uncertain. Very frequently, however, owing to the interrupted manner in which we were obliged to perform these delicate operations, and from the circumstance of being compelled to attend to them at distant and inconvenient hours, in the midst of professional engage- ments, haste has produced the loss of observations which were really made. Partial as some of the statements are, in con- sequence of this, it was thought that a fair view of the evi- dence could not be obtained without giving all that could in any degree affect it; and we resolved to insert all those in- stances in which as many results were known as the reader may see in the more deficient ones of the table. The experiments which are placed last-in the order of enu- meration were the first performed. As we feared that vom- iting might occasionally ensue from the introduction of so un- natural a stimulous into the stomach, we deemed it necessa- ry to secure the oesophagus by a ligature; when afterwards, in making comparative trials without a ligature, we found that this more simple and natural process might easily be adopted in the numerous repetitions which were made. The article was now injected through a tube, introduced into the stom- ach by the mouth. The great apparent irregularity of the results will sufficiently explain why so many repetitions were deemed necessary. The general weight of evidence in these cases is strongly in favour of the principal absorption having taken place through the vena portarum. Only one case is mentioned in which the colour in the fluid from the thoracic duct was not less intense than in the serum of the vena portarum. In this instance, the former was not taken until thirty min- utes, and the latter in twenty one; during the interval of which there is every possibility for much of the absorbed sub- stance to reach the points at which both were examined; as much greater diversity than this exists in many of the results. Hence it may be supposed that absorption would have taken place in the porta, to a greater extent, had both been exam- ined at the same time. Another circumstance which affects the inference to be drawn in a very material degree, is, that the vena portae conveys so much larger an amount of fluid than the thoracic duct, that an equal intensity of colour im- plies th,e presence of a much larger quantity of the chemical agent. This is also a reply to a su_eestion made in the re- Experiments on Vans and Lymphattee. II port to the Academy of Medicine in favour of the thoracic duct as a route. But as this was based, as far as relates to the mucous membranes of which Ave are treating, upon only seven experiments, and in none had we then proceeded to ex- amine the serum of the vena portarum, it is hardly necessary to array them in opposition. Inferences, however, of a more decisive kind may be drawn from some of the experiments which ensue. Five are first enumerated^ in which the vena portarum was secured by a lig- ature. In the two first, the cardia being undisturbed and the fluid introduced down the oesophagus,the oesophageal and pha- ryngeal veins had access to it, and their radicles or capillaries may have absorbed the salt. A degree of uncertainty also pre- vails whether the vena portarum was in all these instance? properly secured. In the three last, however, this point was carefully ascertained by subsequent dissection, and a ligature was also passed round the cardia to prevent the regurgitation of the fluid into the oesophagus itself. The prussiate was then introduced through a wound in the upper find of the du- odenum, and this part also tied.- In the first case, the prus- siate was detected in the heart in thirty-four minutes, in the second in thirty-nine, and in the third in thirty-five minutes. This we consider as proving directly and decidedly that there are other means of absorption besides the veins. We now- proceeded to tie the thoracic ductT and endeavour to ascer- tain whether the prussiate could be made to enter the circu- lation, by passages independent of this. The three first ex- periments recorded are not quite definite from the cardia not being secured, as the fluid was liable to regurgitate into the lower paTt of the oesophagus; a circumstance which we al- ways found to take place when that part was not artificially closed. It may also be remarked by the way, that the oeso- phagus was always found, when examined for that purpose after feeding, to contain a portion of the substances swallow- ed, whenever these retained the fluid or semifluid form. As, however, the agent was conveyed into the systems of these animals, it certainly follows from the two first cases, thai: another route than the thoracic duct admitted of the passage of the salt. In the last of the three experiments both this> vessel and the trunk of the lymphatics in the right side of the neck were secured: thus stopping every known outlet to the system of lacteals and lymphatics. The blue was neverthe- less easily produced in the serum of blood taken from the right side of the heart, in twenty-minutes. In tying the lymphatic outlets, great care and much time were employed. The sufficiency, however, of th" ligatnro-i 1-2 Experiments on Veins and L'jmp'i du was proved by extreme tumescence of the trunks and all the visible branches immediately after the application of the lig- atures, generally followed by much enlargement, and frequent- ly by their rupture in different places. ' In the next animal, after securing these parts, the cardia was also tied, thus confining the visible means of absorption to branches of the vena portarum alone. Injection of the prus- diate was made through an opening below the pylorus, and the wounded part tied. In thirty-two minute-, blood was taken from the right side of the heart, the serum of which gave a strong blue. We regard it, then, as evinced, first, by the two first of these experiments, that other means of ab- sorption than the thoracic duct exist; secondly, by the thirds that other routes exist, than either that or the lymphatic trunk of the right side; thus confining them, of all visible vessels, to the sanguineous ones alone; and thirdly, by the last, that absorbed fluids arc carried through the trunk of the vena por- tarum individually, as access was barred to the branches of any other vein. In the four next instances, after tying both the two lym- phatic trunks, and the vena portae, injections of prussiate of potass were made down the oesophagus, without tying either the cardia or pylorus. In all these cases, the prussiate was conveyed into the circulation. In the first, it was discovered to be in the right side of the heart in thirty-six minutes, in the second, in forty-eight minutes, in the third it was found in the aorta in thirty minutes, and in the last it was exhibited more faintly in the shorter period of twenty-five minutes, in the right side of the heart. In four cases which follow, all these vessels were first se- cured, and then the cardia. The upper part of the duode- num was lastly secured, after injecting the agent through it. in none of these was a distinct blue to be found in either the serum of the right side of the heart, or in the urine. In the second instance only, a bluishness is mentioned as having been visible in the serum of the right side of the heart. As, how- ever, none of the others are so, as the term is so weak, and as the urine in the same case, although twenty-five minutes had elapsed, did not indicate it, it affords no very formidable ex- ception. The intervals at which the examinations were made, for the heart, are 25, upwards of 23, 25 and 26 min- utes; for the urine, 32, upwards of 23, 36 1-2 and 28 minutes. A comparative experiment was made, by tying all the at- tachments of the stomach whatever, in order to ascertain the effect of simple infiltration. No prussiate was found in any of the fluids although the stomach almost immediately after tv- Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. 13 ■.iiff, gave an evident blue on applying the test to its outer sur- face, the animal being alive. The contents of the carotid were removed for examination in 31 minutes; of the right side of the heart, in 34; of the bladder, in 37; and then the pelvis and papilla of the kidney were examined. We conceive we have thus established that articles taken into the stomach may escape by three outlets for absorption; namely, the vena portar, the oesophageal veins and the thorac- ic duct, and if all these are closed, the absorbing matters arc- no longer conveyed to the circulation or to the urine. With regard to the quantity conveyed by each, we have no sufficient means of judging. As the quantity of fluid, however, contain- ed in the vena portarum, is much greater than in the thoracic duct, it follows, that to produce a colour of equal intensity, a much larger amount of the colouring matter is requisite. In examining the fluid of the thoracic duct, to detect prus- siate of potass, if the colour was not immediately produced on applying the test, a portion of it was laid aside for several hours, generally till the next morning, and then tested again. The blood wras of necessity, treated in the same way. The urine being a substance exclusively recrementitious, and with- out vitality, this delay was not adopted with it, except where particularly mentioned. Great rigour was observed in making the minutes of the results; nothing being set down in an un- qualified manner, or as being distinct, unless it was so exhibi- ted to the satisfaction of all the persons present, as to leave no doubt upon the statement. Where the time of the animal's death is not mentioned in the accompanying list of experiments, it is generally to be understood as occurring about the time that fluids were ob- tained from the vessels in the thorax, and as a consequence of having exposed that cavity; sometimes, however, as re- sulting from opening the large blood-vessels. In consequence of reading the experiments described, in the medical journals which have reached us, as having been made by professor Mayer of Gottingen, upon absorption in the lungs, we have made a few with that reference. They have the disadvantage of being made upon small animals. We regret much the misfortune under which most American physicians labour, of the extreme difficulty and sometimes al- most utter impossibility of access to publications of the Eu- ropean continent. We are from this cause ignorant, further than the writer of medical intelligence for an English journal has informed us, of the extent of this gentleman's inquiries. Our principal results are included in the following table, ii which the prussiate was thrown into the trachea. ; Animal-i Quantity. Rt. side heartjLt. aide heart Duct.Thor. Urine 1 Miscellaneous J h Cat 11-2 drachms of Doubtful solution i ] 5 m. greenish blue 8 m. no blue More than 8 m. no blue More than 8 in. left pleura' 3lue,right not. Had lainonlef'u side. Valves of heart blue. Ligaments and periost. none. ! Kitten. j Idem. ~< 1-2 in. blue strongest 5 l-2m> strong blue Morethan91-2m|9 l-2n>. pleura blue-Afterwards Idoubtful.bladder valves and chord tendin. blue 1 inside no blue |Lining memb.of heart ro blue j Idem ! 1 drachm of solution 4 l-2m.no blue 4 1-2 m. no blue 7 1-2 m. no blue More than 7 1-2 m. no blue. More than 7 l-;2m. pleura pul-mon.blue. Peritoneum no blue Kitten 11 1-2 drachms of More than 7 [ ! solution |l-2m.doubtful ! More than 7 1-2 m. no blue Upper part thor. duct,contents:& ad-joining surface 7 L-2 m. blue Cat 1 drachm of so-lution 7 m. weakly blue 7 l-2m.strong-ly blue 16 l-2m. no evident More than 18 1-2 Cava descend, serum 18 l-2m. blue m. no blue no blue Cat Idem 4 1-2 m. no blue 3 1-2m. blue 14 1-2 m. no blue i 31 1-2 m. no blue Kitten Idem. 1 Lay on left side.Right lung4 l-2i m.feft lung 6m. neither blue-inj 2 or 3 m. more both blue. Un-j certain if now alive. i Id. com-parative 1 1-2 drachms of solution Tried 6m. after death. In 21m. the liquor pericardii blue j Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. U' "The animals generally died in about a minute from the in- jection, from suffocation, by the ligatures which we placed on the tracheas of most of them. These experiments, we think, go to favour the idea that absorption from the mucous mem- brane of the lungs, is performed principally by the pulmona- ry veins; but we do not feel .prepared to give a positive opin- ion from such limited inquiries. We would, however, lay particular stress upon experiments 5th, and 6th of the prece- ding table; (Nos. 65 and 66 of the list.) In the first, the blood from the left side of the heart indicated the agent in much larger proportion than that from the right side, both being examined about the same time, viz. 7 minutes. In the second, where the examination was made in a much shorter period, viz. 3 1-2 and 4 1-2 minutes, the article was distinct- ly found in the left side of the heart before it had arrived in any other part of the system. The effect of infiltration is also remarkable. The last i:s also probably a case of it. The results of five trials of the prussiate in the cavity of the abdomen are here arranged for inspection. Animals Quantity. Thor. Duct Carotid & Jugular Urine \ Miscellaneous Kitten 1.2oz.of so-lution 12 & 13 m. distinct blue 6 m. dis-tinct blue 19 in. no blue Idem Idem. 4 in. blue 2m. no blue 10 or 15 m. no blue. 29 m. distinct blue Idem Idem, near- 33-4m.blue 2m. no blue 5 m. blue, not strongly Idem 1-2 oz. 3 m. blue 4m. strong-ly blue Morethan4m. doubtful Cat Uncertain J91-2m.blue 6m. no blue More than 9| l-2m. no blue 1 l The short time in which the prussiate reached the upper part of the thoracic duct in the above cases, induced us to make four other trials in order to ascertain the earliest period at which that took place. Half an ounce of solution wa, employed in each case. . In the first animal, a kitten, the salt first arrived at the _Po .-.f observation in four minutes, and the quantity, gradually v.. 16 Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. creased till 7 or 0 minutes. In the second kitten, it appear- ed in 2 minutes. The serum of this animal gave a blue. In the third kitten, in 3 1-2 minutes. Serum of blood also blue. In the cat, it first appeared in 13 minutes. In these cases the thoracic duct was cut off near its inser- tion; and the test applied there. In consequence of this in- terruption, previously to the prussiate arriving at the upper extremity of the duct, the discovery of the salt in the serum of the blood clearly evinces that it was conveyed thereby other channels. The next experiment with the prussiate, we postpone till we speak of those made with nux vomica. It has long been supposed by many physiologists that the process of absorption continues after animal death; and this has been assigned by some as a reason for the small quantity of blood found in the arteries of human subjects. We do not, however, know of any published proof that this process so continues in the lymphatics. It is mentioned by Magendie that he has seen, on pressing the lacteal branches so as to discharge their contents in the direction of the trunks, that those branches would again fill themselves after the animal's death. We have witnessed these appearances ourselves; but we do not know of any similar observations made on the lymphatics, or of any evidence of the actual chemical pre- sence of any article conveyed after death into either of these systems from without. Four kittens were bled to what is commonly considered death. The blood ceased to flow from the divided carotid, and voluntary motion was extinct. Prussiate of potass in so- lution was then thrown into the abdomen. It appeared at the thoracic duct in 5 1-2, 5, 14 and 12 minutes respectively. In the two last, the great vessels originating at the heart were secured by a common ligature. The blue colour was in every instance perfectly distinct. With a strong solution of the green sulphate of iron, we made the following trials, testing it with the prussiate of potass. WITH GREEN SULPHATE OF IRON. .Animals Place of inj. Quantity. Duct. Thor General Circulation. Urine. Miscellaneous. , Kitten Small intes-tines Half ounce solution 52m. no in-dication Carotid 37 m. no blue Sulphate entered the stomach j Cat. QEsop. and 13 drachms stomach I solution 6 hours 46 m. no blue 6 h. 60m. no blue External surface of the stomach 6 h. 53 m. no blue. Stomach and rectum contained the salt. Kitten Abdomen 6 drachms j solution 29 m. deep blue Carotid more than 18 m. doubtful, but prob-able 31 m. strong blue Idem Idem Idem 27m. strong blue. More than 27 m. no indication. Idem Idem I oz. and 23m. strong 1 drachm blue More than 23 m. no indication More than 23 m. no indication » Idem Cellular tis-sue 1 ounce 31 m. no indie. Carotid more than 40 m. no indication 48 m. no indica-tion ' Idem I Idem j 6 drachms More than More than 10 m. no 10m. strong blue blue | More than 10 m. no blue u Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. In reasoning upon the subject of absorption, the question has frequently arisen whether the articles found in the living fluids exist there as chemical substances, or have their chem- ical nature altered and animalized by the action of the ves- sels through which they have entered the system. In other words, it has been inquired whetherthe chemical results we ob- tained were produced without previously causing the death of the fluid, and thus again reducing it to the influence of chem- ical laws, from which its vitality had previously entirely pro- tected it. The instantaneous changes which take place in the recent chyle on applying the test, seem to forbid the idea of two successive alterations being produced, and one of them commonly so gradual in its progress as the extinction of life. It was, however, deemed a curious subject of inquiry, whether artificial chemical changes can take place in the fluids while they continue to circulate in living vessels, and the ordinary actions of life go on. We can hardly consider fluids as hav- ing undergone a change from life to death, while they con- tinue to permeate the living organs, including the brain, and all the functions continue with no greater disturbance than naturally ensues from doing so great violence to the system, as is necessary to the experiment. We commenced by throw- ing prussiate of potass into the abdomen, and green sulphate of iron into the cellular tissue, in order to try whether the well known result of their admixture, the prussian blue, would be produced in the vessels. This, however, did not take place; and we resolved to repeat it, by throwing the sulphate, as the article of more difficult absorption, into the abdomen, where this process went on with more facility, and the prus- siate into the cellular substance. On performing this, we were gratified by the striking result of a distinct and beauti- ful blue in the thoracic trunk, and its contents, and in nearly the whole substance and surface, of the lungs. These viscera were preserved in spirits, and are now in our possession. The blood threw up a coagulum of a strong blue colour, and the lymph and chyle from the thoracic duct, threw down a blue deposit. Thus not only a foreign, but a pulverulent sub- stance could present its unnatural stimulus, and circulate through the vessels, and could accumulate in the lungs, with- out preventing the actions of life from considerable exertion, and without occasioning coagulation of the blood. The ani- mal manifested some difficulty of respiration before she was killed, but walked about without the least difficulty, and ut- tered no cries, nor other signs of disturbance of its powers. In another cas*.-. the urine and lungs are noted in our journal Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. i9 as exhibiting a blue. The other parts similar to those above enumerated are not described as being found coloured. In a third, the fluid in the thoracic duct was blue, but not the oth- er fluids examined, nor the lungs. Two unsuccessful trials were also made. In another case the thoracic duct was tied, and the same process repeated. A decided bluish green was here found in the urine; but neither the serum of the arterial blood nor the lymph of the ductus thoracicus manifested the blue or green. Several inferences may be drawn from this experiment, with which we shall not now trouble the reader. We repeated the celebrated experiment of Magendie, in which he separated a limb from the body, except by the dou- ble attachment of either an artery and a vein or of their two columns of blood circulating through quills. We employed nux vomica, and succeeded entirely in one case without the quills, and in two in which they were used. In six other ca- ses, two of which were with prussic acid, we failed. In con- ducting this distressing operation, we have not escaped the mortification of disappointment; it has, however, been grati- fying to us as far as we went to verify the results of. this en- terprising physiologist. They depend, however, on symptoms for their evidence, chemical proof of the presence of nux vom- ica not being capable of exhibition. In one experiment, (No. 78,) while waiting the result of an introduction "of nux vomi- ca, made ten minutes previously, two drachms of the solution of prussiate of potass which we employed, were forced into the cellular substance of the separated limb, from a pointed syringe. This salt was afterwards detected in the body, after having passed through the quill with the column of venous blood; thus rendering visible its actual transition, and confirm ihg the results of Magendie LIST OF EXPERIMENTS. « CONTINUATION OF THOSE WITH COLOURED SUBSTANCES. A. In the alimentary canal. 1. A bitch of rather a large size, was fed on meat contain- ing prussian blue. Of this latter, she ate nine ounces and a half during twenty-two days; two ounces and a half of which were consumed during the last twenty-four hours. Serum from the jugular vein and from the heart, two par- cels of chyle and lymph from the thoracic duct, the lacteal vessels themselves, the mysentery, the outer surface of the in- 2& Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics* testines and stomach, sections of the os femoris, through the center of both ends, the cellular substance, the brain and up- per part of the medulla spinalis, the inside of the bladder, the pleura and the heart, underwent the fullest and most sat- isfactory examination, and were totally free from any unusual colour. The contents of the intestinal canal were very deep- ly coloured, throughout its whole length, with the blue. On the next day, the fluid of the thoracic duct and the se- rum of the blood, were tested with sulphate of copper, and sulphate of iron, but without detecting the presence of the prussic acid. 2. A kitten, during three hours and forty-one minutes, ate as much as she could be made to eat, of a strongly coloured mixture of indigo and milk. On killing the animal, neither the serum of the blood, nor .the urine, was coloured with the indigo; though the inside of the whole alimentary canal was found most strongly so. B- In the abdominal cavity. 3. A decoction of one drachm of cochineal in two ounces of water was thrown into the abdomen of a half-grown kitten. In eight minutes she vomited* This continued one or two minutes. In fifty-two minutes, the animal having been pithed, the heart still beating, the thoracic duct was found visibly red- dish. In fifty-nine minutes, infiltration to a considerable ex- tent, was visible on the cellular substance beneath the perito- neum. The chyle did not give a black with red sulphate of iron; but it requires a considerable proportion of cochineal to produce that effect. Serum of the blood did afford a black- ness with the red sulphate. 4. An ounce and a half of saturated tincture of red saun- ders in diluted alcohol, was thrown into the abdomen of a cat. Almost immediately on removing the pipe, the operation hav- ing taken up several minutes, the breath smelled strongly of alcohol. The animal soon became quite insensible. The chyle was found of its natural appearance. 5. Five drachms of a strongly coloured solution of arnatto were injected into the abdomen of a kitten, In one hour and two minutes, the animal was killed and blood obtained from the carotid artery. In one hour sixteen minutes, the bladder was removed. No unusual colour was detected in any of the fluids. 6. Five drachms of a strongly coloured infusion of turmer- ic were thrown into the abdomen of a kitten. In 17 minutes die blood of the jugular rein; in 18, that of the carotid; ic Et per intents on Veins and Lymphatics. 21 jj \-~> the thoracic duct, and in 21,its fluid contents were ex- hibited to view. Neither the recent fluids, the d-uct, nor the ,-, Experiments on Veins and Lymphatkr. Results. Serum of the vena portarum 7 min. faint light blue.. of the aorta 8 min. no blue. Fluid of the thoracic duct 14 min. no blue. Urine no blue. _ 30. Nearly four drachms of the solution were injected down the oesophagus of a cat. Results. ijrme 6 1-2 min. not blue. ' Serum of the vena portarum 9 min. blue. Fluid of the thoracic duct 16 1-2 min. not blue. b. By securing it within the rectum by a ligature. 3*1. About a drachm and a half of the solution were injec- ted into the rectum of a kitten. She suffered so much from securing the anus with a ligature, which was obliged to be passed through by two stitches, that she appeared to be dead when the operatoin was done. She, however, soon re- covered, and exhibited great uneasiness. ■Results. Serum of the blood obtained from the jugular vein in 57 t-2 minutes exhibited no blue; nor did that from the carotid or the vena portarum, nor the fluid from the the thoracic duct; all of which was extracted in a very short time after, and in the order here enumerated. The urine a)rorded a strong blue, as also the pelvis of a kidney. c. By cutting into and securing the oesophagus in the neck. 32. Two drachms of a saturated solution of prussiate of potass were injected into the oesophagus of a pretty well grown kitten, through an opening, and secured by tying the oesophagus. The wound, when this was done, wa= in all in- stances carefully secured from the effect of the prussiate. In 5 minutes the current of blood in the vena portarum was arrested by a ligature, and blood was then extracted, the serum of which gave no blue, with red sulphate of iron. In 7 1-2 minutes the thoracic duct was tied; its contents, when removed and examined at 24 minutes, gave no blue. About 12 minutes, or nearly so, she died, from opening the thorax. The urine, at 26 minutes, gave a strong blue. The surface of the stomach, soon afterwards, gave no blue. Serum from the general circulation gave no blue. 33. Four drachms of a saturated solution of prussiate of potass were tin own into the stomach of a rabbit, through an .opc..i..ig in the eesop a^s., av:d the opening tied. Blood of the vena portarum, of which the serum was af- Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. Awards examined, was obtained in 14 1-2 minutes; that from the aorta in 18 1-2 minutes; that from the right ventri- cle of the heart in 22 1-2 minutes; the urine in 25 1-2; and the inside of the thoracic duct exposed to a test in 34 1-2. In none of these situations did the test afford a blue colour. 34. A young rabbit was treated in the same way, and the same quantity of fluid was employed. In 21 minutes the serum of the vena portarum was procur- ed, and it could produce no blue. In 24 1-2 minutes the se- rum of the vena cava ascendens was likewi-e obtained, and the same result ensued. In 28 minutes the urine gave a strong blue. In 30 minutes the fluid of the ductus thoracicus ga\< an evident light blue. In 34 minutes the cellular tissue, a blue. In 38 minutes a section of the papilla of a kidney, the same result; and in 40 1-2 minutes the capsule of a joint. 35.. Two drachms of the saturated solution were injected into the stomach of a rabbit, through an opening made in the oesophagus, and secured by tying the orifice. The annual was languid at the time of the experiment. Results. Serum of the blood of the Vena portarum in 19 1-2 min. blue. Aorta 23 1-2 min. blue. Liquor pericardii 25 1-2 min. no blue. Urine 28 1-2 min. strong blue. Serum from the right side of the heart a blue. Pelvis of ihe kidneys a blue 36. Two drachms of the prussiate solution Ave re injected into the stomach of a young rabbit, and a ligature made on the oesophagus. Results. Serum from the vena portarum in 15 min. slightly blue. From the right side of the heart 24 1-2 min. slightly blue. Urine 33 min. green. 37. A half grown kitten without any other visible cause than confinement and bad air, lost her health, and took no food for 10 days. Two drachms of the prussiate solution were injected down her oesophagus from an opening, and the orifice tieS. Results. Fluid of the thoracic duct 40 min. deep blue. Urine 42 1-2 min. very deep blue. Liquor pericardii 44 min. light, but obvious blue. The thoracic duct blue. The cellular substance, in more than 48 minutes, became blue. She kidneys, also, gave a.blue through their suUlance. 3S. Two drachms of the solution were in lik'- mami'i: -28 Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics* thrown into another kitten, and the orifice tied. In five min- utes the animal died. In twelve minutes, nearly, the following fluids were remo- ved from the body; viz. urine which gave no blue; blood from the right side of the heart, the serum of which gave rt blue; and blood from the aorta, a slight blue. 39. Two drachms of the solution were injected and secur- ed in the same way, in another kitten. Results. Serum from the vena portarum in 22 min. blue. Aorta 23 min. blue. Urine 33 min. blue. Fluid of the thoracic duct 40 min. light blue. 40. Another kitten underwent the same circumstances, with a drachm and a half of the solution* Results. Serum from the vena portarum in 11 min. strongly blue. Aorta 13 min. same, but not stv much. Fluid of thoracic duct 17 min. very faint blue, Urine 20 min. blue. 41. Another kitten undenvent the same circumstances. Results^ Serum from the vena portarum 8 1-2 min. blue, strongest Aorta 9 1-2 min. blue, weakest Fluid of the thoracic duct 15 1-2 min. light blue. Urine 18 min. faint blue. Serum from the right side of the heart blue. 42. Another Kitten half grown underwent the same with two drachms of prussian solution- Results. Serum from the vena portarum in 11 min. pretty strongly blue. Aorta 13 min. pretty strongly blue. Liquor pericardii 15 min. uncertain. Serum right side of heart 16 1-2 min. faintly blue, but the colour confused from an accidental cause Fluid of the thoracic duct 20 min. blue. Urine 23 min. faintly blue. d. After tying the trunk of the vena portarum alone. 43. The vena portarum of a nearly grown kitten was tied. separating it from the capsule of Glisson. Two drachms of the prussiate solution were then injected down the oesophagus* Results. Urine, during life, in 18 min. not blue. External coat of the stomach 21 min. blue. Serum of the carotid artery 27 min. deep blue. Of the rightside »f the heart 30 min. deep bin* Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics'. 2c* Fluid of the thoracic duct 34 min. strong blue. Urine, a second time, and after 34 min. not blue. Inner coat of the bladder afforded a degree of blue. Papilla of kidney, not blue. 44. A small dog had been used in an attempt to perform the experiment of Magendie upon the artery and vein of the thigh; but owing to the smallness of the vessels, it failed; the poison not being inserted. The vena portarum was carefully tied, and two drachms of the prussiate solution injected down the oesophagus. In 27 minutes, blood of the carotid artery was procured, Ihe serum of which gave no blue. This animal was so much weakened and disordered by the operation that we felt no certainty in the results obtained; although we deem it a pro- per attention to candour to insert it. e. Tying the vena portarum, the cardia, and duodenum. 45. A drachm and a half of the prussiate solution were in- jected into the stomach of a half groAvn kitten, through the duodenum. Previously to this, the cardia and the capsule of Glisson were secured by ligatures. After the injection, the duodenum was tied, just below the pylorus. The solution in these instances, was carefully prevented from contact with any part lower than the ligature. Serum from the right side of the heart, obtained in 34 min- utes gave a blue. Urine, in 36 minutes, no blue. 46. The same parts of a large, vigorous cat were secured, and a drachm and a half of the solution introduced before closing the duodenum. This animal had accidentally eaten, Just before commencing the operation. Results.—Serum of the right side of the heart, and of the aorta had both been obtained at about 39 minutes; the first gave a blue, the second not. The section of a kidney, no blue. 47. The same parts of a small but vigorous cat were tied, and a similar quantity of the prussiate of potass thrown into the stomach. Results.—Serum of the right side of the heart, in 35 min- utes, blue, decidedly and stronger than the last. Section of a kidney, in 44 minutes, no blue. Next day, the semilunar valves of the aorta and pulmonary artery, the mitral and tricuspid valves, the lining membrane of the left ventricle, and the inside and outside of the aorta, all gave a beautiful blue. " Tn this case, care was taken to cut only in the linea alba in 30 Experiments on Veins and Lympfiatics. opening the abdomen, which succeeded perfectly in prevent ing excessive hemorrhage. f. After tving the known outlets of the lymphatic system, without disturbing the cardia or duodenum. 48. A female cat, of uncommon strength and activity, was procured. The thoracic duct was secured with ligatures. Several lvmphatics being cut, the tying of them required con- siderable" time. Nearly two drachms of the solution were then thrown into the stomach, by a tube passed down the oeso- phagus, a part being lost. Water Avas then as in several oth- er instances, injected after it, to wash it down more com- pletely. In 47 or48 minutes, the animal having died in little more than half an hour, the section of a kidney afforded a distinct blue: the urine, having been lost, could not he examined. 49. The thoracic duct of a strong male cat Avas secured af- ter a very careful dissection.. The jugular and subclavian veins of the right side, and their common trunk, Avere next care- fully secured by ligatures, so as to intercept all communication BelAveen that lymphatic trunk which enters into them, and the circulating blood. Three drachms of the prussiate solution were thenthroAvn doAvn the oesophagus which was uninjured. In 35 minutes the urine was strongly blue Avith the test. In 49 minutes the fluid of the thoracic duct also gave a strong blue. 50. The thoracic duct and lymphatic trunk of the right side, in a cat was secured. In this animal the vena cava Avas tied above the renal veins, for a particular reason. Three drachms of the prussiate solution were then injected down the animal's throat. The abdomen was sewed up. In 17 min- ales the animal died. Results.—Serum from the right side of the heart, in 20 min* utes, gave a blue. Urine 22 min. no blue. Kidney 32 min. no blue. Fluid of the thoracic duct 37 min. no blue. Same 42 min. no blue. Same 60 min. no blue. g. After tying both the lymphatic trunks, and the cardia and duodenum. 51. The cardia and the lymphatic trunks of a cat were se- cured by ligatures. Two drachms of the prussiate solution were thrown into the stomach, and the duodenum tied. In 32 minutes the blood was taken from the right side of 'he heart, the serum of Avhich gave a strong blue. Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. 81 li. After tying both the lymphatic trunks and the vena porta- rum, leaving the cardia and duodenum undisturbed. 52. The lymphatic trunks and the vena portarum of a cat were secured by ligatures, and three drachms of the satura- ted solution injected down the oesophagus. In 31 minutes the animal died. Serum from the right side of the heart, in 36 minutes, gave, in the usual Avay, a deep blue. Immediately afterwards that of the left side Avas obtained, which also gave a deep blue. The outside of the stomach then gave a blue. The urine, none. The fluid of the thoracic duct, a blue. The serum of the vena portarum, a blue. 53. The same vessels of another cat were tied, and two drachms of the solution injected down the oesophagus. In forty-eight minutes, and subsequently to the death of the animal, blood was obtained from the right side of the heart, which gave a blue; that from the aorta, also a blue; and the urine, which gave none. The outside of the stomach gave a blue during life. 54. The same Aressels were tied in another cat, of full si/a . Two drachms of the prussiate solution Ave re then injecteu down the throat. Results. Serum from the aorta in 30 nun. blue. From the right side of the heart 36 min. blue. Urine and sections of the kidneys, no blue. 55. The same vessels being tied in another cat. two drachms of the solution Averc introduced down the oesopha- gus. The serum of blood obtained from the right side of the heart in 25 minutes, gave a slight blue. That of the ve- na portarum and splenic vein, in this short interval of time o-ave no visible blue; nor did the urine. °i. After securing both the vena portarum, the lymphatir trunks, and the cardia and duodedum. 56. These parts of a half grown cat having been secured, including the whole capsule of Glisson, two drachms of the solution were injected into the stomach and retained there by tightening the ligature of the duodenum. A drop or two of the fluid fell on the peritoneal coat of the stomach. In 25 minutes the blood of the right side of the heart was obtained, it gave no blue. In 32 minutes the inner surface of the bladder was also examined, and it gave no blue. In 29 minutes, and after the animal had been killed, by opening the thorax and the heart; the surface of the stom- ach, when moistened with the sulphate of iron, gave no blue. S3 Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. Forcible contractions succeeded, and in a minute and a half, the colour appeared. 57. The same parts were tied in another cat, and two drachms of the prussiate solution thrown into the stomach. The serum from the right side of the heart in upAvards of 23 minules, became bluish Avith the test. The urine undeiwent no change. 58. The same parts were tied in a cat not fully grown. A drachm and a half of the solution we,re then thrown into the stomach. The serum from the right side of the heart gave no blue. It was taken in 25 minutes. • The urine gave no blue in 36 1-2 minutes. 59. The same parts were tied in a strong cat, and a drachm and a half of the prussiate solution thrown into the stomach. Serum from the right side of the heart in 26 minutes, no blue. Urine 28 minutes, no blue. At 29 minutes, the animal having died in consequence of opening the thorax, the exter- nal surface of the stomach became blue in one quarter of a minute. k. Comparative.—The stomach being cut off by ligature from all connection with the system. 60. A kitten rather more than half grown was used for this experiment. Ligatures were placed upon the cardia, the capsule of Glisson, the duodenum three inches from the pylo- ■ rus, and all other parts immediately connected with the stom- ach ; so as to exclude this organ from all communication with the system. Two drachms of a saturated solution of the salt were injected into the stomach through the duodenum, and the wound closed by ligatures. Care was taken to prevent the contact of the fluid with other parts. The stomach soon became very dark coloured. In 31 minutes, blood from the carotid, in 34 minutes, blood from the right side of the heart, and in 37 minutes, urine were obtained; but none of them indicated the presence of the article. Neither did the papilla of; a kidney indicate it. But the test being applied to the exterior surface of the stom- ach, almost immediately after the injection, produced a beau- tiful blue. B. In the trachea and lungs. a. During life. 61. The urethra of a large female ,cat was secured. One drachm and a half of the solution of the prussiate of potass were injected from the trachea into the lungs through an in- cision made below the larynx. In 5 minutes a ligature was Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. 3d "placed upon the great vessels leading from the heart. In 8 minutes the thoracic duct Avas tied; its fluid was tested, but indicated no blue. Sulphate of iron being dropped in the two sides of the chest, the pleura pulmonalis and costalis of the left side became strongly blue, but no such appearance Avas shown on the right side. The animal had lain on the left side. The valves betAveen the auricles and ventricles of the heart, became blue with the test. The ligaments, perios- teum and urine, indicated none of the prussiate. The serum from the left side of the heart, became greenish blue. Ri4 Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. Results. Serum from right side of heart in 7 min. weakly blue. Left side of heart 7 1-2 min. strongly blue. Fluid of the thoracic duct being chyle and lymph mixed, 16 1-2 min. no evident blue. Serum from the cava descendens 18 1-2 min. no blue. Urine no blue. 66. Another cat Avas treated in"the same manner, and with the same quantity of the solution. Results. Serum of the abdominal aorta in 3 1-2 min. blue. Abdominal venacava 4 1-2 min. no blue Fluid of the thoracic duct 14 1-2 min. no blue. Urine 31 1-2 min. no blue. 67. A kitten underwent the injection of one drachm of the solution into her trachea. She Avas laid on the left side: those previously operated on having generally been laid on their backs. The surface of the right lung gave no blue, in 4 1-2 min- utes; nor that of the left lung, in 6 minutes. In 2 or 3 min- utes more both gave a blue. It was now uncertain whether the animal was still alive. The trachea had been left with- out a ligature, in order to prolong her life as far as possible. 6. Comparative. After death. 68. An animal, bled to death in exp. 2, six minutes after- wards was used for this one, A drachm and a half of the prussiate solution Avere thrown into the trachea. In 21 minutes the pericardium and liquor pericardii became blue under the test. The appearances of the lungs have not been preserved. C. In the abdominal cavity during life. c. For comparing the different fluids. 69. Half an ounce of the saturated solution was injected with a pointed syringe into the abdominal cavity of a half grown kitten, of uncommon strength and ferocity. At 5 1-2 minutes the blood vessels of her neck were divided," and in § minutes she Avas dead. Chylous fluid Avas obtained from the thoracic duct between 12 and 13 minutes; it gave a distinct blue. The urine, in 19 minutes, no blue. The serum of the carotid artery, mixed with that of the jugular veins, obtained in 6 minutes, gave, a distinct blue. 70. Another very strong and ferocious kitten had half an ounce of the solution injected into the abdomen. In 2 minutes the blood-vessels of the neck were cut, and blood obtained; the serum did not yield a blue. Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. 35 In four minutes the thoracic duct was tied, and in 6 minutes the fluid extracted; this Avas chylous, and gave a blue. In 10 or 15 minutes the urine'gave no blue; in 29 minutes, a distinct one. It should here be borne in mind that the solution lay in con- tact with the bladder during this period and after death. 71. A quantity nearly similar was injected into the abdo- men of another kitten. Results.—Blood from the A'essels of the neck, in 2 minutes, no blue. Thoracic duct tied in 3 3-4 minutes, chylous fluid obtained, 6 1-2 minutes, blue. Urine removed in 5 minutes, 1 blue, with the more delicate test. It was tried Avith the green sulphate, and afforded none. 72. Half an ounce was thrown into the abdominal cavity of a kitten. The thorax was immediately opened. The thoracic duct was tied in 3 minutes, the fluid, which was chylous, being obtained in 7 minutes, gave a blue. Serum from the vessels of the neck, in 4 minutes, strongly blue. Urine obtained aftenvards, doubtful. 73. A quantity of the solution was thrown into the abdo- men of a cat. In 6 minutes some blood Avas taken, the serum of Avhich ga\re no blue. In 9 1-2 minutes the fluid of the thoracic duct gave a blue. The urine gave none. b. To ascertain the time required for substances to pass from a serous cavity through the thoracic duct. 74. Half an ounce of the solution was thrown into the ab- domen of another kitten. In two minutes the thoracic duct Avas exposed, and divided, and sulphate of iron applied to the wound, while the specta- tors wratched the appearances which took place. At first, and for a short time, no ejfect was produced; but in 4 minutes the chylous fluid which issued began to produce a blue on com- ing into contact with the test, and it continued to produce an increased intensity till 7 or 8 minutes, Avlieri a very strong co- lour being exhibited, the experiment a\ as discontinued. The green sulphate was the one here employed. 75. This process was repeated on another kitten, Avith the same quantity of the prussiate. In a minute and a half an ambiguous appearance was visi- ble; in two minutes and a half a distinct blue. The- serum here gave a blue. 76. The same process was repeated upon another kitten. with the same quantity of the solution. 30 Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. The \e-els of the neck Avere then divided. In two min- utes and a half no blue appeared; in three minutes and a halt a strong blue Avas formed. The serum of blood obtained afterwards gave a blue. Urine uncertain. 77. the same process was repeated'with a cat, who hap- pened to be pregnant. In two minutes from the injection the thorax was opened, and as soon as it could be done, the test was applied to the orifice of the divided thoracic duct. At thirteen minutes the blue first appeared. D. In the cellular substance. 78. In a large bitch, employed for exp. 100, the.thigh had been separated entirely from "the body, with the exception of a column of blood in the femoral artery, and another in the vein, both circulating through quills, having the vessels com- pletely divided. Ten minutes after the application of the poi- son, two drachms of the saturated solution of prussiate of pot- ass were injected by a sharp pointed syringe into the cellular substance of the separated limb. In 59 minutes blood was extracted from the trunk of the femoral vein above the quill, where it was continuous with the animal's body; the serum of this gave a distinct blue. Of this there is no doubt, notwithstanding Ave were unable to detect it in any of the following substances, which Avere removed from the body at the periods affiixed to their names. Blood from the femoral artery above the quill, 57 minutes; the bladder, both by an infusion, and by applying the test to its inner coat, 70 minutes; blood of the vena portarum, 75 minutes; blood of the right side of the heart, 80 minutes; fluid of the thoracic duct, 98 minutes. E. To ascertain whether absorption continues after animal death. 79. A kitten was bled from, the carotid artery, as long as blood Avould flow, and until the entire suspension of volunta- ry motion. Two drachms of the saturated solution of prus- siate of potass Avere then introduced into the abdomen. The thoracic duct being divided high in the thorax, and red sulphate of iron in solution placed in contact with it, the fluid effused continued colourless at first, but a strong blue ap- peared in five minutes and a half. The serum of blood obtained afterwards gave no blue. 80. Another kitten was bled in the same manner, and to animal death. In two minutes afterwards the thoracic duct was divided near its upper extremity, and a colourless mix- ture of chyle and lymph issued. The test Avas then applied with no effect. t. rnpnmp,i!i nn i Experiments on Veins and Ijymphutio.. 3<" In three minutes two drachms and a half of the prussiate solution were thrown into the abdomen. In five minutes from this time a blue first appeared at the orifice of division, and it became strong almost immediately. The urine, when tested, gave alight green tinge,similar to that of exp. 93. The serum, no change. 81. Another kitten being bled to death, all the vessels at- tached to the heart were effectually closed by a ligature. This, and the injection of a quantity of the prussiate solu- tion into the abdomen, wrerc performed during two minutes. Three minutes afterwards the thoracic duct was divided, and the issuing fluids tested, no blue was produced. In 14 minutes from the injection the blue colour began to form gradually; in 16 minutes, the whole extent of the duct, Avhere covered with the liquid test, became blue; and at 39 minutes the colour Avas intense. 82. Precisely the same experiment was repeated on anoth- er kitten. A minute and a half after cutting the carotid and jugular, the vessels were tied at the heart, and in two minutes the injection was finished. At three minutes from that period there was no blue at the wound in the duct. It appeared at twelve minutes. III. WITH GREEN SULPHATE OF IRON. A. In the alimentary canal. 83. Half an ounce of a strong solution of green sulphate of iron was injected into the small intestines of a large kitten; distribu- ting it nearly equal upwards and downwards, from a wound near their middle. Some was supposed to pass upwards into the stom- ach. The wounded intestine was tied, and the abdomen stiched. The kitten vomited, but the matter ejected gave no blue Avith prus- siate of potass. Vomiting again, a green was afforded. Prussic acid was applied, at 37 minutes, to the tongue and eye; but the ar- ticle not appearing to be good, and not destroying life, the carotid artery was cut, and florid blood obtained. The serum gave no blue with prussiate of potass. Fluid of the thoracic duct in 52 minutes, gave no indication of iron, either with tincture of galls or with prussiate of potass. 84. About three drachms of the solution Avere carefully injected into the oesophagus of a cat, being directed downwards. The oeso- phagus was then tied. In 6 hours and 36 minutes afterwards, the animal was pithed. Results.. Fluid of the thoracic duct in 6 hours 46 min. no blue. Urine 6 hours 50 min. no blue. External surface of the stomach 6 hours 53 min. no blue. 38 Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. The contents of the rectum in 6 hours 55 min gave blue in spots, and bluishness generally. In 57 min. the stomach a strong blue. B. In the abdominal cavity. 85. A kitten had had camphor throAvn into her rectum, which had effected her nervous system powerfully, but from Avhich she had recovered. Two days afterwards, she had six drachms of the solution of sulphate of iron thrown into her abdomen. Almost im- mediately she had three stools. After violent struggles, she died, in eighteen minutes. The serum of the blood obtained from the carotid immediately after Avas not perfectly free from red globules, and Avhen prussiate of potass Avas added, it gave abroAvnish tinge, puch as Ave have often seen under similar circumstances. Fluid of the thoracic duct, in 29 minutes gave a deep blue. Urine, in 31 minutes, a strong blue. 86. Six drachms of a strong solution of sulphate of iron were injected into this cavity in a kitten. In 6 minutes she vomited; in 16 minutes Avas convulsed; and in 25 minutes died The chyle in twenty-seven minutes gave a strong blue. The urine gave no colour different from its natural one. 8 7. One ounce and one drachm of the same sulphate solution Avere injected into the cavity of the abdomen of a kitten. In two min- utes the animal vomited. In twenty minutes she died. In tAventy- three minutes,-or three minutes after death, the chyle was remo- ved, and gave a strong blue Avith prussiate of potass, and a strong, black with tincture of galls. The urine indicated none of the article. The same was obser- ved of the serum of the blood. C. 7/i the Cellular tissue. 88. One ounce of a strong solution of the green sulphate of iron- was injected into the cellular tissue covering the abdomen of a healthy half-groAvn kitten. In forty minutes the animal Avas pith- ed. Blood from the carotid was obtained. In fifty-one minutes the thoracic fluid was obtained. In forty-eight minutes, urine Avas procured. None of the fluids indicated the presence of the salt. 89. This experiment was repeated upon another kitten, and six drachms were injected. In four minutes the animal Avas much de- bilitated. In ten minutes it was pithed. The chyle gave a strong blue. The urine gave no blue, though a small drop of the ferru- ginous solution Avas sufficient to strike a visible blue. The serum, obtained after death, gave no blue. IV. DOUBLE EXPERIMENTS WITH BOTH THESE SUBSTANCES, TO EF- FECT A.CHEMICAL CHANGE IN THE LIVING VESSELS. 90. Six drachms of the saturated solution of prussiate of potass, were injected into the right side of the cavity of the abdomen of a large male cat. Six drachms of the strong solution of green sul- phate of iron were injected into.the cellular tissue over the opp-v Experiments on Veins and Lymphatics. 3d '^ite side of the abdomen. In 37 minutes from completing the last injection, blood was obtained from the jugular vein. In 40 minutes the animal Avas pithed. In 46 minutes, the thoracic duct, Avhich was double, Avas tied. No blue colour Avas observed in the fluids. But on adding sul- phate of iron to the thoracic fluid and to the urine, they became blue. The animal remained strong under the experiment. 91. This experiment was repeated on a large healthy cat Avith this variation, that the prussiate was first thrown into the cellular tissue over one side of the abdomen, and the sulphate next injected into the cavity of the abdomen, on the opposite side. In 35 min- utes the animal was bled to death from the carotids and-jugulars. The lungs felt perfectly healthy, but Avere of a strong blue colour throughout their whole structure, except tAvo or three in considera- ble spots, Avhere they Avere of their natural colour. These viscera forming a very singular preparation, were preserved, and are now in our possession. The thoracic duct in its course in the thorax, Avas of a strong blue before being touched. Its fluid on being received into a vessel was of a most obvious and conspicuous blue. The urine was also blue. The coagulating lymph thrown up by the blood was blue. On the next day the chyle had throAvn down a blue deposit. The liquor pericardii Avas clear, but became blue on adding sulphate of iron. 92. Four drachms of the saturated solution of prussiate of pot- ass were injected into the cellular substance over the left side of the abdomen of a kitten, and four drachms of a strong solution of sul- phate of iron into the cavity on the right side. In 30 minutes the animal was much affected by the operation. hi 35 minutes she was dead. The liquor pericardii was clear, but became blue on the addition of sulphate of iron. The urine is marked as having exhibited a blue, and the lungs a blue. No memorandum has been preserved of the appearance of the thoracic duct and its contents. 93. Seven drachms of a strong solution of the bisulphate of iron v. ere injected into the abdomen of a cat. Five minutes after, an equal quantity of the prussiate solution Avas forced into the cellu- lar membrane at a distant point of the abdomen. In one hour sev- en minutes the fluid contents were arrested in the thoracic duct by a ligature, and immediately removed. They were already of a faint blue. In this animal the lungs were not of an unnatural colour. The blood obtained in one hour three minutes, gave no blue in the se- rum until the sulphate of iron avhs added to it. Neither did the urine, obtained soon after. Both these fluids indicated distinctly the presence of the alkaline prussiate alone; by producing, with the sulphate of iron, the first a strone; blue, the latter a light green. , *0 Experiments on Vents and Lymphatics. Besides these three last cases we met with the following failures 94. A kitten, in Avhich four drachms of the feruginous solution were throAvn into the peritoneal cavity, and as much of the prus sian solution into the cellular substance. 95. A small Maltese dog, into Avhich six drachms of each were introduced in the same manner, but beginning with the prussiate. tnd adding the other within 3 1-2 minutes. The following experiment is somewhat dissimilar. 96. In a large strong cat, the outlets of the lymphatic trunks of bolh sides Ave re carefully secured by ligatures. Three drachms of the solution of the sulphate Avere throAvn into the abdominal cavi- tv and Avithin a minute and a half of this, three drachms of pru^ slate of potass into the cellular tissue on the other side.' Blood was obtained from the femoral artery in 44 1-2 minutes The animal died in 54 1-2 minutes. The thoracic duct Avas full and distended in 62 minutes, Avith a white fluid. In 2 minutes more. a considerable quantity of this chylous matter Avas obtained. Each of these fluids was remarkably free from blue appearance. Nevertheless, in one hour ten minutes, the urine was of a strong bluish green All the above fluids indicated, on being tested, the alkaline prus siate.* V. AVITH POISONOUS SUBSTANCES. The experiment of Magendie, in which a limb was separated from the body so far as only to be connected with it by either an irtery and a vein, or simply by two columns of blood, circulating through quills, Avas^ repeated several times. As this experiment. however, is Avell known, we shall not insert the details. Six trials were made on dogs, by introducing quills and dividing the vessels, two (97, 98) with, and three (99, 100, 101) without success, in using nux vomica, and one (102) unsuccessful trials Avith prussic acid. In one (103,) trial without quills, we succeeded in producing te tanus and death from nux vomica. In taree others, (104, 105, 106,) one on a dog, with nux vomica. one on a rabbit, Avith the same substance, and one on a dog, Avith prussic acid, we failed; and deeming the cases above enumerated sufficient, did not persevere in this painful experiment. • J. O'B. LAWRENCE, B. H. COATES. *We are happy to learn that our friend, Dr. I. K. Mitchell, of this city, has since made- a trial, in which these two salts were injected into the thorax, and the abdomen, with the result of a fine blue appearance in the lymphatics, running over the diaphragm; also another, in which, two por- tions of intestine be^ing employed the precipitate was seen to take place a' the union of lacteal trunks on the mesentery. M e A no #:^&g£