t K*\j. * *\~* +3?^ f * r% ft V*V .?<** ^m f tyf'n T Surgeon General's Office ,£,aJ)^ "a .s&~- W*^: 1*V V ^^ K<^7 /,^V P*H?s ~mf* * VO, '#>*iu+4l C$ NO SOLOG-IA METHOBICA: • tf^Z CLASSIUM ET GENERTJM ET SPECIERUM ET VARIETATUM SERIES MORBORUM EXHIBEN9. AUCTORE JOANNE B. DAVIDGE, A. M. M. D., rROFESSORE INSTITUTORUM SBU PRINCIPIORUM MEDICINiE, IN ACADEMIA TERR/E MARIANAS. " Probe memores, eapientiam esse primam, stultitia caruisse." GREG. EDTTIO SECUNDA, IPRIORE AUCTIOR ET EMENDATIOR. N •««^@^ao» > .. i~ BALTIMORIENSI: **£, EXCUDITUR SERGEANT HALL. 1813. DISTRICT OF MARYLAND, ss. jP>W BEIT REMEMBERED, that on this tenth 5M: SEAL,-ip day of ^November, in the thirty-seventh year of ^ ,•!;.1,l|,*;,,\^ the Independence of the United Slates of Ame- ^"^^, rica, John B. Davidge, of the said District, hath deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author in the words and figures following, to wit " Nosologia Methodica: series classium et generum, et specie- rum, et vavietatum morborum exhibens, auctore Joanne B. Da- vidge, A. M. M. D. professore institutorumseuprincipiorum me- dicinae in academia Terrae Marianae. '; Probe memores sapientiam esse primam stultitiam caru- isse. " Gregorius. In conformity to the act of the Congress of the united States, entitled, " an act for the encouragement of learning, by secu- ring the copies of maps, charts, and book to the authors and proprieters of such copies, during tha times therein mentioned;" and also to the act entiled, " an act supplementary to the act en- titled, " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and pro- prietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned, " and extending the benefits thereo1' to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints. PHILIP MOORE, Clerk of the District of Maryland, 2 N INDEX. ABORTUS . 100 Agiieustia - 84 Atonica - - ib. Organica - ib. Alvi Fluxus - 96 Amaurosis - 78 Atonica - - ib. Compressionis ib. Amcnor:-:,oea - 100 Diuicilis - 102 Emansionis - 100 Supprcasionis ib. Amentia* - 62 Anasarca - 70 Anaesthesia - 81 Angina Maligna . 46 Perl. Or is - - 56 Parotiuea . 48 Anosmia - 82 Organica - ib. Atonica - - 84 Aphonia - 84 Gutturalis - ib. Lingua lis - 86 Surdorum - ib. Trachea iis - t ib. Apoploxia - 50 A;>ostema - 18 Arthrocace - • 92 Arthritis - 38 Atonica - - 40 Regularis - 3S Retrogada - 40 Ascites - 72 Asthma - 56 Bronchocele - - 94 Cachexia - - 64 Caligo - - 76 Cornea - ib. Huinorum - ib. Lentis - 76 Palpebrarum 78 Pupillaa - - 76 Carcinoma - 90 .Page. Carditis - 28 Caries 96 Catarrhus - 22 Chlorosis 68 Cholera ... 96 Chorea 52 Clavus ... 92 Colica 58 Flatulenta - ib. Pictorum - - 60 S,jasmodica - 58 Cynanche 24 Cy^errhagia - - - 38 Cystitis - - 32 Diabetis - - 98 Diarrhoea - - ib. Dyseccea 82 Atonica - - ib. Organica - - ib. Dysenteria - - 48 Dysphagia 88 Dysopia - 80 Lateralis - - 82 Longinquitatis - 80 Luminis - - 80 Proximorum - 80 Tenebrarum - ib. Ecchym^nia - - 92 Eclampsia 54 Elephantiasis - 68 Empyema 26 Eneuresis - 98 Enteritis 28 Epilepsia - 52 Cerebralis 54 Symptomatica - 54 Epistaxis 36 Erysipelas - 20 Exostosis - - - 92 Febris Flava - - 6 Petechialis - - 14 Re mittens - 4 Remit. Biliosa - 6 Fractura - - - 96 INDEX. Ganglion - Gangraena Gas.riiis Gonorrhoea • Acuta Veiusta Hasmatemesis Htcnoptysis - HiiJiuorriiois Heineplegia - Hepatitis - Hernia - Herpes Hydrocele Hydrocephalus - Hydronietra - Hydrophobia Hydrops Hydrorachitis Hydrothorax Hypochondriasis Hysteria Hysteritis - Icterus - Lepra Lupia - Luxatio Lv'Uiiasis - Mania - Ascita Congenita - Melancholia Menorrhagia - Nvevus Nepritis Necrosis Obsti patio Obstipitas - Articularis - Cervicis - Odontitis - Onthalmitis - Otttis Palpitatio Paralysis - Partialis Paraph onia Rau-a Palatina - Pemphigus tO Peritonitis - - - lb Pertussis - 28 Pestis - 98 Pilegmasia Alba Dolens ib. Pulegmona - ib Purenitis - 86 Phthisis 36 fliysconia ib. Plaga - 50 Pneumonia 30 Polypus - 94 Procidentia 96 Proctitis J2 Psellismus - 70 Psora - 1\ Pterygium - 58 Pyrexiae - 70 Quartana - - # - 72 Quotidiana 62 Rachitis 12 llaphania - - - 58 Rheumatismus 32 Rubecella - 68 Rubiola 70 Sarcoma 90 Scarlatina - ib. Scorbutus 9i Scrofula - 60 Sphacelus ib. Splenitis - ib. Sierilitas ib. Strabismus 38 Syncope 12 Synocha - 32 Syphilis 50 Tabes - * - 102 Terii-ina 88 Tetanus ib. Tricoma ib. Tvphus - 22 Ulcus ib Vaccina - ' ib Varicella 56 Variola r- 50 V:iris 52 Vibex 86 Verruca ib Vitia ib. Vomica 20 30 48 14 34 16 20 64 34 94 24 90 94 32 86 96 92 4 12 8 66 54 34 44 ib. 90 46 ib. . 64 18 32 100 78 52 14 66 64 10 52 70 12 94 42 42 40 90 18 92 76 26 PREFACE. WHEN about to give to the world new princi- ples on Nosology, or old principles in a new form, it may be expected that we should give some reason for our undertaking; especially as the world is already in possession of the works of several celebrated nosologists. It may be pre- sumed, that if they have not attained some de- cree of perfection, our efforts will be fruitless; if they have met with success, our efforts will be superfluous and nugatory. It must be admitted in the science of physick as well as in other sciences, that time and the la- bours of various and numerous intellects are not wholly in vain; and that, year after year, some little improvement may be made, so that we are kept in a state of, at least, slow progression. Not only so, but, it must be conceded, that the first views on most subjects are not so perfect, nor indeed can be expected to be as those which A* ii PREFACE. may rejsult from much, close, and particular obser- vation and reflection, even upon the presumption that all other things are equally propitious. Of the writings of the earlier authors, Linnae- us, Vogel, Sagar and Sauvage, on nosological science, some are too unphilosophical to be un- derstood, and others too imperfect to be useful. Of the Nosology of M'Bride we have seen but a small portion, and that, we confess, has not raised our opinion of the talents or learning of the wri- ter. And even Cullen himself is unable to maintain his claims against the rigorous demands of critical analysis. We cannot perceive any advantage that px>ssibly can result from his nu- merous orders and his sections: they are too ar- tifical. And his genera are multiplied beyond all toleration; they are unnatural, unscientifick, and derive no support whatever from any ratio- nal view of his subject. There is a prolixness in his general detail, and a complexedness and involution in the various parts, that require an address and a dexterity of investigation totally inconsistent with the patience and capacity of ordinary minds. Hence many object to the No- sology of Dr. Cullen, because they do not com- PREFACE. in prehend it, and more because they have not pa- tience to read it through, or dexterity to unravel the intricacy of its parts. At best Cullenis filled with serious errours, and in many places he is extremely unclassick. * But we should be careful not to consider the errours and mistakes of the writers on Nosology as imperfections in the science. If every system of science or morals is to be answerable for the follies of those who attempt to write on them, what would be the fate of the noble and sacred system of Christianity? The faults are not in the system, but in the commentators. We shall avail ourselves of the opinions of Cull en so far as they accord with our views; in a particular manner shall we use his characters. Those are in the general unexceptionable. We wish it to be distinctly understood, that what we now offer has no higher claim than a Syllabus, intended chiefly for the use of the pu- pils of our own College, purporting at our leisure, to give something more in the form and charac- ter of a finished system. We do not say this in order to evade any discussion honourable and fair, on the utility or principles of Nosology.— iv PREFACE. Truth and the promotion of the medical science being our object, we are willing, at any time, to receive instruction on any point. The difficulty to fix and preserve a definite idea, in a living vernacular tongue, induces us to retain the Latin. Whenever it is wished to re* peat a character in a language of daily use, if we cannot readily and with precision recollect the words we want, nothing is more customary than to use such as bear a near affinity in meaning, to them. And thus, by adopting words, between which and those we want there is but a slight, perhaps scarcely perceptible, shade of differ- ence, we gradually and insensibly depart from the original, and ultimately lose both the words and the ideas. Not only so, but we are per- suaded that there is a greater facility in commit- ting to memory and recovering to use, charac- ters in a dead than in a living language. Moreover, foreigners, not critically acquaint- ed with the English language, may be at a loss to comprehend the exact limit and full extent of an idea in that tongue, but who would have no diffi- culty in attaching to it the proper sense and meaning, if conveyed in the Latin, with which PREFACE. > they may have been early and intimately conver- sant. In America, a country peopled by indivi- duals of almost all nations, it appears to be of the greatest importance, that we do not wholly aban- don a language taught in every civilized country, and read by every scholar. Superadded to what we have advanced by way of apology for our present undertaking, we will subjoin, that as teachers of medicine, we are called upon in the most imperious and irresistible manner, to arrest, so far as it may fall in our way, the progress of an errour dangerous in the ex- treme. An opinion of late has been inculcated with indefatigable industry, that science and clas- sical learning are by no means necessary consti- tuents of a preparation to discharge the most im- portant duties of a physician ! In language the most unreserved, and sentiments the most un* qualified, all attempts at general and nosological learning are discouraged, and Ignorance, unaid- ed by the first principles of science, is invited and solicited to come forward and try its awk- ward hand, in bold experiment, on human feeling and on human life ! ▼i PREFACE. A science, the most noble and useful, the most important and extensive, is committed to minds untutored and unenlightened—hands the most unadroit and inexperienced are called on to exercise an art the most intricate and dear to humanity! That science, that art, which, in other countries, and at other times, afforded employ- ment to elevated intelligence and cautious ex- perience, is now turned over to youth without prudence and age without learning! linttoDuctton. PATHOLOGY. iC 1 HE remote causes of diseases all unite iii producing but one effect—that is irritation and morbid excitement; and, of course, are in- capable of division. The proximate cause of disease is a unit." Rush's Introductory Lecture, page 151. All analytical disquisitions on the modus ope- randi of causes producing disease in the animal body, are illusory, and perhaps will continue to be unproductive of conviction or satisfaction, at least until the principles of life shall be more fully ascertained. Causes probably act upon the living, the nervous system, not unlike exter- nal objects do, through the intermediation of the senses, on the intellectual powers. The latter by acting on our senses give occasion to perception, viii INTRODUCTION. to thought, and lead on to induction or judgment; the former act on the living system, and give occasion to those primary changes, accompa- nied by disturbed sensation, or inordinate action in, or interruption of the function of an organ or organs, which we style disease. This original or primary change in, or depar- ture from the healthy condition of the body, must forever be in kind according to the nature of the operating cause; and equally with the causes sus- ceptible of division. Thus, that disease which we term the small-pox; or that which we term intermittent fever; or that which we term lues venerea, is referrible for its peculiar phenome- na, to the nature of the particular remote cause acting on the animal system. The virus of the small-pox will never under any circumstance whatever, produce the phenomena of the lues venerea; nor vice versa. Positive diseases do not arise from negative causes. Except it may be said, and to the posi- tion we have no serious objections; that disease, and even death, from submersion in water or car- bonick acid gas, from starvation or hanging, is produced negatively. INTRODUCTION. tx All kinds of matter, whether nosopoietick poi- sons or alimentary substances inoperative on the animal body, may safely be admitted to pos- • sess certain properties or attributes insepara- ble from their respective natures. And to such properties or attributes are ascribable the pecu- liar configuration and structure of all metallick bodies or lapideous masses or saline compounds; in short, of all bodies, solid, fluid or gaseous, Nor are these attributes incidental in their exis- tence, or casual in their operation. As well could we conceive matter to be and not to be, at the same instant, as to be and yet not to possess certain fixed and inherent pro- perties. Whenever we contemplate a mass of gold, we necessarily recognize and associate iri our minds the laws or affinities by which the constituent atoms are held in mutual juxtaposi- tion and approximation to each other. The laws or aggregative forces by which the mass, in its integrity, is preserved, are as indestructible as the atoms or elementary particles to which these laws are intrinsick and attached. And we can- not conceive of the substance in any form oi? B* s INTRODUCTION. condition, dispossessed of the property or attri- bute. This reasoning, on the structure and figure of simple substances, may be extended to all forms * of compound bodies, substituting compositive for aggregative forces or affinities. The properties of poisons are as indestructible and immutable as any other variety or form of matter. We cannot destroy the property with- out annihilating the substance. In every disease there is, and that of necessi- ty, more or less of a suspension or destruction of the natiiral laws of the part or the whole of the animal economy, and a proportionate substi- tution of the laws, as they relate to the part or the whole, of the offending poison or cause. If of the part, the disease will be proportionable to the disarray in the organization, and disturbance of the healthful operation of the part, and the rela- tion the part affected may have with the general whole. If of the general system, the disease will be universal, and in the geometrical ratio of the degree or force of the offending power. If the substitution of the morbid laws be complete, or if their force prevail over the resistence which INTRODUCTION. - xi the part or whole may be capable of exerting, immediate local or general destruction must be the inevitable result. Hence our corollary, that all particular poi- sons productive of disease, acting chemically or mechanically, according as they may be esta- blished in their laws or forces, or as they may be competent to suspend or destroy the appro- priate operations of a part or the whole, or divert the animal economy from the ordinary exertions of her own laws in her own way, and on her own plan, will give occasion to diseases, severe or lisht, durable or evanescent, and each marked by symptoms fundamentally characteristick and proper to its own nature. That every disease is an irritation, or'morbid excitement, is a position, so plain and so true, that it neither admits of refutation nor illustration. It is one of those self-evident propositions which defies argument and is unsusceptible of proof; it is an obvious medical axiom. But that every ir- ritation is the same in kind, and, of course, inca- pable of division, needs some proof; more, we ap- prehend, than has yet been laid before the publick. xii INTRODUCTION. The immediate and necessary consequences of the assumption of the learned professor, that morbid excitement is simple arid incapable of division, and that the proximate cause of dis- ease is a unit, are that all the morbid appear- ances or pathological changes which present themselves to our view can be nothing more than varied forms of the same generick disease. It would be equally defensible and logical, and by no means remote in analogy, to argue, that the principle of animation or state of being enlivened, or the principle of vegetation or power of producing plants, is simple and incapable of division; therefore all animal or vegetable pro- ductions are nothing more than the varied forms or modifications of one genus of animals or ve- getables. But we are disposed to maintain, as an incon- trovertible fact, that every generick animal or vegetable possesses principles of animation or vegetation essentially and fundamentally distinct from those of every other family of animals or vegetables; and that to the difference of the principles or laws of life, as to kind, is to be re- ferred the difference of internal structure and! INTRODUCTION. xiil external configuration, discoverable between the various genera and families of animals or vegetables. To what can we ascribe the dissimilarity in the internal organization and external figure, real and apparent, between the horse and the cow? To the principles or laws of animation of the part or the whole, without doubt, must be attri- buted both the organization and the figure of the one and the other. If the laws and proper- ties, in other words, the principles of animation, in the horse and cow, and so of other animals, were essentially and fundamentally the same, of necessity there would be a similarity of struc- ture, and the horse and cow genus would suc- cessfully copulate, and produce by sexual-com- merce a fertile offspring. What evanescent shades of difference soever there might occur, would be fortuitous, the result of accident, and wholly deducible from climate and habits of life. But surely no zoologist would be so far tran- sported beyond the limits of common sense and common prudence, by any elasticity of genius or imagination, as to admit the possibility of a xiv. INTRODUCTION. successful sexual intercourse between the above mentioned families of animals, under any combi- nation of circumstances, varieties of climate, or diversified economy of life. Yet we believe, that such a commerce, productive of fertile is- sue, might as certainly and readily occur, as that hydrophobia could, by any modification pro- duced by climate, or any temperament of body, be changed into syphilis. The properties of the horse ajid cow are not incidental; nor are the attributes of the virus of the hydrophobia, or of the virus of the syphilis, or of the efficient cause of any other generick disease, contingent or extrinsick. We may safely extend this plan of argument to our disquisitions on vegetable life. Granting the principles of vegetation, by which the oak is evolved, and the potato assumes its organization, to be the same in nature, the oak and the potato could mutually differ in casual characters only. The structure and figure, in principle would be the same, or homogeneous; and of necessity, we might and would from an acorn, climate and appropriate cultivation favouring our experiment, have now- and-then produced a potato: and the latter vegeta- INTRODUCTION. xf ble, under given circumstances, would be, at times, assuming the majesty and form of the oak. But whatever there may be of extravagance and absurdity in supposing it possible for an oak and a potato mutually to exchange characters, both the extravagance and absurdity are certainly equalled, if not surpassed, by the monstrous notion that the Small-pox under the influences of climate, and of time, and of accidental combination of cir- cumstances can be nothing more than a modifi- cation of the Hooping Cough; and that, things favouring, the virus of the Small-Pox may and does in given habits, develop all the phenomena of the Hooping-Cough, and that the poison which produces in one habit the Hooping-Cough will in another under suitable circumstances exhibit to our view all the characters of Small-Pox. Yet this is the necessary, the immediate, and the inevitable consequence of the assumption of the ingenious, and learned Professor. As is the immutability of the properties of the operating cause, so must be the uniformity of the result in its essential nature provided the cause act upon the same principle, under the same circum- stances. As readily will the principles of animality xvi. INTRODUCTION. and the principles of vegetability mutually ext change properties as the virus of the hydrophobia and the virus of the vaccine disease reciprocally lose their attributes in each other. It is generally granted, and we belive there is no insecurity in the conclusion, that in the animal or vegetable, kindoms, each genus, which under no temperament of constitution, or operation of climate, can be produced by any other, is distinct and separate from every other genus. And with a parity of reason, that disease which, under no variety of constitution or dis- similitude of climate, can be produced by any other, may, in common sense and sound philoso- phy, be determined to be distinct from all other diseases. This is so plain, that we apprehend it may stand as an axiom, against which there can be no reasonable objections, and on which we will put at issue our discussion. The intermittent or remittent fever, varieties of disease from the same remote cause, and of the same genus, may attack the human body at any period of life, and may be removed by the un- aided efforts of the constitution, or by these ef- forts artificially aided; or they may, from their INTRODUCTION. xyiii. inherent violence, or the inability of the body to resist, prove fatal. This genus of disease can make its attacks once, or oftener through life; it leaves no taint in the parent body, transinissive either to near or remote offspring; it is derived, so far as aetiolog cal researches afford evidence, from an insalubrious atmosphere, and is not con- tagious. We do not at present speak of the dis- tinctive symptoms of this genus of disease; a consideration of them being postponed until we shall arrive at a more advanced stage of our dis- course. We are now disposed to limit ourselves to the obvious facts of its operations on the hu- man system. The gout seldom attacks until the body has arrived at its acme or majority; does not appear to be owing, in its remote cause, to any insalu- brious condition of the atmosphere, as it takes place under every variety of healthful and un- healthful modification of the air. Having once subdued the animal economy to its laws, no ef- forts of the constitution, or endeavours of art, can ever after, through life, relieve the body from its influence. Nor is its influence limited to the parent body ; it descends to the child, and may c* xix INTRODUCTION. continue to inquinate the body of the descend- ants for generations. There are not, between the horse and cow, any circumstances which can more certainly mark them to be of separate genera, than there are be- tween the remittent fever and the gout, to desig- nate them as generically distinct diseases. But we proceed. The small-pox, inscrutable in its origin, assails the human body at any and every stage of life; runs its course in fifteen or twenty days; can be propagated by effluvia, from the diseased to the healthy; leaves no taint that can be transmitted from parent to child; nor does itbutonce attack the same body. Laying aside the particular sensible expressions of the gout and the small-pox, while operating on the constitution, they appear to our understanding, to be as generically distinct from each other, as the sheep and the hog, or the oak and the pine. From the insertion of the variolus virus into a body that has not antecedently passed under its action whether the body at the time of the inser- tion be healthful, or labour under a remittent fever or. gout agenuine legitimate small-pox will be pro- INTRODUCTION. x* duced, capable of reproducing itself. Or if the virus of the small-pox be inserted into a wound, made in a person under the measles, it will take effect locally, but will not evolve itself and come fully into operation throughout the whole system, until the action of the measles shall have spent it- self; then will the small pox virus unfold its nature an I full ch-i^ricter, unmixed and unaltered by any combination with the measles. Here the germina of the measles and small-pox come as much as possible into union; yet the vari- olus virus obtained from a pustule in a person who had just undergone the morbillous action will pro? duce the genuine small-pox. If the ass-genus copulate on the horse, the pro- duction will be a rnule, or hybrid animal, and un- fertile. This obtains also with other animals; hence it appears, without any strained induction, that dis- seases, under certain circumstances, may be more uniform an A fixed in their laws, and blend less their characters than some animals or vegeta- bles. The lues venera attacks at any period of life; but unlike the small-pox and measles, and several pther diseases, it does not run its course in a limit xxi INTRODUCTION. ed time, leaving the body unsusceptible of any future return. If it be not opposed by art, the patient's life will inevitably be lost, and that with an unerring uniformity. Will gentlemen, who have made up their minds in full accordance with all the consequences of the new philosophy of simplicity and unity, argue that there is no essentia! radical difference between the irritation of the gout, and the morbid excitement of the small-pox; between the irritation of the vac- cine disease and the morbid excitement of the lues venerea? Will they insist that " their remote causes all unite in producing but one effect" or that the proximate cause of the gout, the small-pox, the vaccine, and the lues venera is but an unit and the same? This putative unity of disease reminds us very strongly of the ancient alchymy, which maintained that there is but one true metal; that all metallick bodies were only so many modifications of this one genuine metal; and that they were all reduci- ble by chemical process to this one true metal, gold. The analogy between the present medical philosophy and thatof the alchymists is notremote, and we apprehend, when the new doctrines of INTRODUCTION. xxii pathology shall be examined with a like degree of minuteness and care, as were the alchymical doctrines, they will share a similar fate. Their pre- misis were, without doubt, as well laid, and their inductive reasoning as good and equally plausi- ble. " Pathology has, for its objects the remote, exci- ting, and proximate causes of diseases" Rush's Introductory Lecture, p. 1 i. Pathology has no more to do with the remote, exciting, or proximate cause, than the doctrine of plants has. Such a construction of the term is not to be justified either by etimology or general use. All enquiry into remote and exciting causes, falls altogether within the range of aetiology, and be- longs to it alone. Innovations in the technical language of sci- ence, particularly when such changes tend to cor- rupt the language, are followed, and that of neces- sity, by confusion of the most serious kind, not of words, but of ideas. It is equally necessary that the terms of a science should be defined, as that its principles should be fixed. Our ideas can only be made publick, or communicated, by words or signs, and if these be loose and undefined, there xxlii INTRODUCTION. is an end to all exchange of sentiment and reason- ing. Pathology is the philosophy of the manner in which one morbid change in the human body, succeeds to, and is produced by another. It treats of the manner in which causes affect the animal economy, but cannot extend to a disqui- sition on the nature or origin of causes. Patho- logy explains, for instance, how and from what series of causation, pain, increased heat, redness, tumefaction, arise in an inflamed part; and also the pulsation of the neighbouring arterial trunk s. If we travel into the nature or origin of the causes, either remote or exciting, we unquestion- ably forsake the limits of pathology, and get within the province of aetiology. There are numerous instances of nations hav- ing been exempt from one or more particular diseases. The Greeks and Romans were, for centuries, free from the small pox. But no sooner was this disease incidentally introduced among them, than it spread with great rapidity, attended by inconceivable fatality, over their whole communities. If disease be an unit, in what way is this highly interesting fact to be ex- INTRODUCTION. xxir plained ? It will scarcely be contended, that, for centuries, no person, among the Greeks aid Romans, was in that peculiar condition of habit, which was susceptible of the action of the small- pox. Among the many millions who lived in Greece and Rome, we have a right to suppose that there must have been every variety of constitution, and temperament. Yet it is a fact not to be controverted, that the small-pox never did ap- pear in those countries until ages after they had been peopled. But no sooner was this disease introduced, from without than thousands of the inhabitants fell victims to its ravages. Now if small-pox be nothing but a form or gradation of disease, how did it happen that not a solitary instance of it occurred either among the Greeks or Romans? And by what peculiar means was it that both nations were suddenly and extensively attacked by it? It is not to be imagined that'there was an instantaneous revolu- tion in the physical constitutions of the people of each nation. And yet without this stretch of imao-i nation the medical unitarian is reduced to some difficulty. xxy INTRODUCTION. Upon the ground that disease is an unit, we are to suppose one of two things. Either there was no constitution of that peculiar complexion, an i character, which was obnoxious to the ope- ration of the small pox ; or there was a sudden revolution in the physical hubts of the people. To suppose the former, were to proceed farther on the begged question than any rational philo- sopher would be disposed to go: and to admit the latter, would be to suppose a point merely because it was absurd, and in the face of all evi- dence. We believe that no mind, except placed without the limits of all reason, can be prepared for the admission of either of these propositions. Yet it is only on the admission of one or the other, that the unity of disease can be defended. The arguments immediately deducible from the above fact, most unanswerably establish the plurality of disease, and defy all the subtle inge- nuity of the most plausible sophistry. The fact admits of but one solution. The se- minia, or remote cause of the small-pox, are, and must be, in their nature, distinct from the semi- nia of every disease which prevailed among the Greeks or Romans, and of consequence, the • INTRODUCTION. xxr small-pox could not have origin among these people until introduced from without, by means of its seminia brought among them. What has been advanced concerning small- pox, may be advocated respecting measles, chicken-pox, &c. Again, if a farmer were asked, upon his sow- ing wheat in any district of country, or variety of soil whatever, whether from the wheat sown he would not reap a crop of oats, he would not be a little surprised. He might conceive the question to embrace no small degree of mental imbecility, as regarded the person who pro- pounded it, or of gross insult as it respected himself. And would undoubtedly answer that the result could not be a thing of contingence or accident; that his own personal observation— the experience of his neighbours—and the his- tory of the grain, since it was known, all bear him out in the opinion that, from wheat, no grain but wheat could grow, let the climate or soil be what it may. Upon analogous principles were it propound- ed to a philosopher of the new school, whether from the virus of a rabid animal, inserted into a xiti INtfRftDtiCrflON. wotind made into a healthy person, the hydro- phobia would certainly and unerringly be pro- duced, he would answer that the result must be a thing of casualty or accident. The laws of disease in his estimation not being fixed, it would depend upon a concurrence of circumstances. " It might be a mumps, a small-pox, a yellow Fever, or even regular mania, according to time, *td climate and a great variety of circumstances." But were the same proposed to a Nosologist, a man of the old school, of reason and science, lie, like the farmer, taking the experience and unbiased observation of ages for his guide, and Steadily confiding in the fixed, immutable laws of disease, would find no difficulty in solving the 'question. He would say, that as neither time, nor climate, nor any variety of circumstance's, has as yet made any essential alteration in the laws of the hydrophobia, as respects its opera- tion on animal bodies, it amounts to a certainty, or that kind of probability, which rational men are not permitted to doubt, that an affection, correspondent in nature and phenomena to the hydrophobia, could alone "be propagated from the virus of a rabid animal. INTRODUCTION. x*yii But some gentlemen, of high jjnteJJect top? have persuaded themselves, " tfiat all remote causes unite in producing but one effect, that is irritation or morbid excitemenf, and tba| thje proximate cause of all diseases is an unit." In other words that the excitement of the hydro- phobia, and the excitement of the vaccine dis- ease are the same in kind, and that their proxjr mate causes are an unit. Or, in plainer English, that the hydrophobia is only a modification ojf the vaccine disease! Again if the " remote causes of disease a//unite in producing but one effect, that is, irritation and morbid excitement, and of course are incapable of division," in what manner or by what species of philosophy are we to explain a fact furnished by the observation of every day. No one fact in the history of physick is better, or more solidly es- tablished than that the human body, speaking generally, will not more than once suffer the ope- ration of the variolous virus. It will not, a second time exhibit, upon experiment, the signs of the small-pox. But if the virus of the measles, of the chicken- pox, of the hooping-cough, be applied to a. body xxviii INTR ODUCTION. that has become unsusceptible of the variolus poi- son, by being previously affected by it, the body will receive the infection and present that series of symptoms which are indicative and characteris- tick of the poison applied. If there were no intrinsick and essential differ- ence between the poison of the small-pox and the poison of the hydrophobia or measles, the body would be equally liable to be operated on. by the virus of the small-pox, as by that of the hydro- phobia, or measles,after it had been previously subjected to the virus of the small-pox. But is it a fact that the body is equally susceptible of the one as the other ? I apprehend not. Then let our unitarians give us the reason. It has been asserted, by several respectable writers that certain peculiar constitutions will be, and have been, more than once operated on by the virus of the small-pox; we mean constitution- ally. Of the correctness of this opinion we en- tertain much doubt. Writers do not in the gene- ral, appear to have been sufficiently careful in their examination of the fact. We question the position so far that, were this a proper place, we should not hesitate to undertake to prove the con- INTRODUCTION. xxix trary. Although irrelative to the main subject before us, we cannot help remarking that the story of the old woman; who died at the advanced age of a hundred and upwards, after having had the smalll-pox seven times, having been detailed so frequently by so many writers, and so variously, appears to us at present but very little more than an old woman's story. But to our purpose. It has been urged with some warmth, and, indeed, with no little degree of confidence, that the febrile state of disease is at least, simple, and indivisible. And so plausible is the manner, in which this fascinating idea has been introduced to the publick consideration, that, even men of science and intelligence, on the first view, admit- ted it. We believe it may be laid down as a fact, that the measles, chicken-pox, mumps, hooping- cough, &c. can be propagated during their state of fever. This perhaps will not be contradicted; if it should be, we shall ask for a defence of the ground upon which it is questioned. For the present then, we assume that the fact is so, and we shall proceed to give our ideas of the manner in which it takes place. The only xxx INTRODUCTION. intermediate body, by which a healthy person can be affected by a patient labouring under the febrile state of one of the above diseases, is the effluvia issuing from the lungs and general super- ficies of the person diseased. The effluvia elimi- nated, must, in their nature, depend on the pecu- liarity of action of the vessels whence they issue; and this peculiarity of vascular action can be as- cribable to nothing less than to the cause which produces and keeps up the peculiar excitement. Hence it incontestibly follows, that if the hooping- cough be generically distinct from the chicken- pox, or the mumps from the measles, the effluvia producing them respectively must also be generi- cally distinct; and if the effluvia causing those diseases be in their nature different, the pecu- liarities of action in the vessels producing them must in like manner be different. Thus, if we be correct in our premises, and we perceive no fault, our conclusion, that the febrile state in the ichicken-pox is generically distinct from that of the hooping-cough, and so of the mumps and measles, we conceive to be unexceptionable. For the fever m each disease is this peculiarity of action in the arteries, superinduced and supported by the INTRODUCTION. xxxi. peculiarity of the original, remote cause acting on the living system. If the arteries, large as well as small, can be said to be the throne and seat of any disease or form of disease, assured- ly they may be said to be the throne and seat of fever. In answer to what we have advanced, it may be said that the effluvia, although in themselves dependent on the action of the capillary arteries of the surface, may only serve as a vehicle to any poison that shall be mixed with the blood, and shall escape through the arteries as through exhaling tubes, and as a vehicle may convey this poison to surrounding bodies. Until it can be fully established and demon- strated that the poison of the small-pox, or mea- sles is received into the blood, is mixed with it, and escapes through the arteries of the surface, as through strainers unaltered, we shall hold our- selves at liberty to question such hypothesis If the poison of the hydrophobia, small-pox, or chicken-pox be mixed with the blood, would not the blood of a person labouring under one or either of those diseases produce infection ap- plied under certain circumstances? We have xxxii INTRODUCTION. no unequivocal evidence even in the venereal disease that the blood will communicate the in- fection. The humoral pathology will do but lit- tle credit to the science that undertakes the de- fence of its pretensions. As to ourselves, we have no exalted opinion of the justness of its claims. NOSOLOGY. "Nosology presupposes the characters of diseases to be fixed as the characters of animals and plants; but this is far from being the case. Animals and plants are exactly the same in all their properties, that they were six thousand years ago; but who can say the same thing of any one disease? They are all changed by time, and still more by climate, and a great variety of accidental circumstances." Rush. Nosology has for its object the nature and pa- thognomonick symptoms of disease. It is simply the science of pathognomonicks, or that series of diagnostick symptoms, which is inseparable from, and uniformly indicative of a disease, and by which that disease is to be known from every other. And we are prepared to say, and enter- INTRODUCTION. xxxiii tain hopes of sustaining our assertion, that the pathognomonick symptoms in diseases, are as un- equivocal and fixed as the distinctive characters in animals or plants; and further, that no ge- nerick disease, in any of its distinctive diagnos- tick properties, has ever, by time, by climate, or any other accidental circumstances, been chang- ed. The better to avoid misapprehension, unfair- ness, or illusion, we take our characters from Cullen's Nosology; yet we are not to be under- stood as taking upon ourselves the defence of all his opinions and peculiarities The diagnostick series of symptoms of the in- termittent fever, or that by which it is distin- guished, is " Febres, miasmate paludum ortae, parOxys- mis pluribus, apyrexia, saltern remissione evi- dente interposita, cum exacerbatione notabili, et plerumque cum horrore redeuntibus, con- stantes: paroxysmo quovis die unico tantum." Cullen. E* xxxiv INTRODUCTION. PNEUMONIA. " Pyrexia, dolor in quadam thoracis parte; respiratio difficilis; tussis." Cullen. PODAGRA. " Morbus hereditarius, oriens sine causa ex- terna evidente, sed praeeunte plerumque ventri- culi affectione insolita; pyrexia; dolor ad articu- lum, et plerumque pedis pollici, certe pedum et manuum juncturis, potissimum infestus; per intervalla revertens, et saepe cum ventriculi, vel aliarum internarum partium, affectionibus alter- nans." Cullen. VARIOLA. " Synocha contagiosa cum vomitu, et, ex epi- gastrio presso dolore. Tertio die incipit, et quinto finitur eruptio papularum phlegmono- dearum, quae, spatio octo dierum, in suppura- tionem, et in crustas demum abeunt, saepe ci- catrices depressas, sive foveolas in cute relin- quentes." Cullen. Now permit us to appeal to professional men of reading, of observation, of candour, to de- INTRODUCTION. xxxt termirre whether there be in any written autho- rity, ancient or modern, or in their own person- al experience, any series of facts, from which they could inductively conclude, that the above diseases, or either of them, have been radically or fundamentally changed; that any diagnostick has been added to, or taken from those diseases by time or by climate, or by accidental circum- stances. We do not mean that all persons shall have all the symptoms with uniform precission. It would as rationally be expected that the horns and co- lour of everv cow would afford an uniform same^ ness. But it may be suggested, that, not unfre- quently, inflammation and the intermittent unite in the same habit at the same time. Of this in- teresting fact we are not unapprized. But by what means do we ascertain this union? Is it not by the nosological characters alone that the practitioner regulates his measures? by the no- sological signs that he recognizes the very ex- istence of the thing? He does not surely know it by intuition. No inflammation can arise in any part of the body without showing the nosologi- tttvi INTRODUCTION. cal characters proper to it, viz. redness, in- crease of heat, tumefaction, and pain. And if it be in any of the important organs, it is disco- verable by the appropriate signs of an inflamma- tion of that organ; and by these signs only. But with all the heterogeneousness of charac- ter, and blending of symptoms in disease, nosolo- gy can never be under greater difficulties, or in greater uncertainties, than zoology and botano logy in their mules and hybrids. Upon no other ground could Sydenham bot- tom the opinion that the history given by the Arabians of the small-pox was superior to any other, or that it was at all correct, than on the exact correspondence between that disease as des- cribed by the Arabians, and as it appeared under his own observation in London. If " time, and still more climate" could effect changes in this disease, it should have suffered some alteration in the long tract of ages which have elapsed since the days of Rhazes and Avicenna; seeing it has not been kept to one region only, but has been diffused through all nations and spread over all countries. INTRODUCTION. xxxvii Has time, too, laid its hand on the lues vene- rea; or has climate written on it those changes to which, according to Dr. Rush, all diseases must pay homage? The vaccine disease is, at this moment, rapid- ly diffusing itself through every region of the ci- * vilized world; and, as far as we are authorised to form our conclusions, retains all its distinctive characters when in its genuine state. Professor Rush, we find, does not limit his pen to one or two diseases, if indeed one or two could be found to give him countenance; but he unhesi- tatingly avers, that " they are all changed by time and still more by climate, and a great variety of accidental circumstances." Of this general and sweeping proposition we should have a much more respectable opinion, were it corroborated by any specification of facts; or had any one generick disease been poin- ted out which had been obviously and acknow- ledgedly changed by either of the circumstances referred to. In short, upon what expectations or hopes is it that a professor teaches medicine, if an inflammation, an apoplexy, a yellow fever, or vaccine disease, be not marked the following, xxxviii INTRODUCTION by the same symptoms it was the preceding year ; or if it be not recognized under the same form in North as in South America? What is taught in Philadelphia cannot be true in either the eastern or western extremity of our coun- try, if there be this constant flux and reflux in the nosological characters of disease. If the yellow fever does not appear under the same general form as is described by Rush him- self; or the apoplexy, or measles or pleurisy, as described by Cullen, in every part of the world where the disease itself appears, we should be gratified in knowing by what badges it may be discovered, or how recognized. We do insist, that if diseases be so mutable in their diagnosticks, physick cannot be a science ; it is a mere art, and a very crude one too, of conjec- ture. Nothing short of long experience and an examination into the seats of diseases, can ei- ther ascertain the morbid conditions of the body, or the signs of these conditions, by which alone they can be judged of. Every new disease must be accompanied by new and unknown symp- toms, and of consequence the physician's learn- ing can be of no possible service. Nay the ex- INTRODUCTION. xxxix perience of every year becomes useless, as with the new year flows in a new tide of diseases, and he has to commence anew. " But the morbid state of the system often assumes in the course of a few days all the symptoms of a dozen different genera of diseas- es. Thus a malignant fever frequently invades every part of the body, and is at once or in suc- cession an epitome of the whole class of py- rexias in Dr. Cullen's Synopsis." Rush's Intro- ductory Lecture. The whole of this paragraph is written with that seriousness and gravity which is well calcu- lated to secure the easy confidence of the care- less reader; and he would feel himself persuaded that it is at least probable, if not exactly true. But the whole is altogether erroneous, and in- defensible throughout. Has the morbid state of 4he system ever been such as to assume the symptoms of the chicken-pox, measles, and small pox, much less a dozen different genera in the course of a few days? What malignant fe- ver is it, that is at once, or in succession, an epitome of the whole class of Dr. Cullen's Py- rexiae? Is it the yellow fever, or plague, that is xl INTRODUCTION. at once or in succession, an intermittent, a pleu- risy, a chicken-pox, a measles, a hooping-cough? &c. We thought it had been conceded, long since, by common observation, and common sense, that no two general diseases of the class of Pyrexia could be present in the body at the same mo- ment. Indeed, we had admitted the belief that it would be equally rational to maintain that two atoms of matter could occupy the same space at the same instant, or that the human mind could contemplate the past and the future simultane- ously, as that any two of those general diseases alluded to could co-exist. Or is it meant that the symptoms of a dozen different genera of diseases could be present, and yet the diseases themselves not be in operation ? But we are informed also, that " a malignant fever frequently pervades every part of the body." Fever, every fever we suppose, is a con- vulsive action of the arterial system; every part therefore, provided with arteries, and no living part can be without them, must be affected, or if the writer pleases, pervaded, not only by every malignant but by every other fever. A pen of INTRODUCTION. xli far inferior note might have been employed in promulgating this well known fact without being entitled to much credit. " Nosology has led physicians to prescribe ex- clusively for the names of diseases without a due regard to the condition q,f the system. Rush's Introductory Lecture, p. 153. There must be some misconception in the cir- cumstances of this objection. That physicians could have been led by nosology to prescribe exclusively for the names of diseases, without a due regard to the state of the system, is what we do not believe. It is too absurd. There are but two grounds upon which a physician can pre- scribe for a patient. The one is, he receives a report either directly or indirectly from the pa- tient, purporting that he labours under some gene- rick disease, a pleurisy, a small pox, a syphi- lis, and on that report he prescribes. In this case, it cannot ingenuously be said, that he prescribes either exclusively or at all for the name of the disease. He most assuredly, pres- cribes for the condition of the system of which the name is significant, supposing the reporter xlii INTRODUCTION. has considered the symptoms, and inferred the condition, to which he has given a generick name. The other, is that where the physician takes the distinctive characters immediately from the patient himself, and arguing from effects to caus- es, concludes synthetically on the condition of the system, to which he may give an appropriate epithet, and prescribe accordingly. In neither of those instances can it be surmised, that the physician prescribes exclusively for the name of the disease, or that he has any regard to it. In the first case he prescribes imprudently and at random, because he permits an unqualified per- son to judge for him. The name, in both cases, is a mere incidental thing, and added solely on ac- count of the facility of communicating the fact, as it relates to the morbid state of the body. The reporter, whether the sufferer himself, or a friend, when he communicates the name of the disease, intends to convey also the condition of the system; when he gives the sign, he also communicates the thing signified. " Nosology unnecessarily multiplies the articles of the materia medica, by employing as many me- INTRODUCTION. . xliii dicines as there are forms of disease." Rush's Introductory Lecture, p. 153. In this charge is conveyed a reproach against nosology for instructing physicians to prescribe for the forms of diseases, and that nosology there- by unnecessarily multiplied the articles of the ma- teria medica. The patient himself has no knowledge of being diseased, but through his feelings, and those feel- ings he communicates to the physician. WThat are feelings communicated to the physician, but assemblages of distinctive sensible symptoms, or forms of diseases? And if the physician is not to prescribe from a consideration of those assem- blages of symptoms, or forms of diseases, argu- ing from them the nature of the disease, we should betgratified in being informed upon what rational ground he is to prescribe at all. We believe but few physicians affect to ascertain in- tuitively the conditions of the systems of their patients. To prescribe for a disease from a due consideration of its forms, or distinctive marks, we conceive to be one of the soundest lessons of nosology, and one of the wisest dictates of ai. enlightened medical education. But how does xllr . INTRODUCTION. this multiply necessarily or unnecessarily, the articles of the materia medica ? The science of disease is a grand whole, and like every other science, is made up of parts. The first act of nosology, is to separate these parts, and arrange them into order and system, according to their approximations in character. From this we gain important advantages; our minds are not distracted or overwhelmed by a confused multitude of heterogeneous, incohe- rent, mutually repulsive materials. But we have the advantage of entering on each part separate- ly, and, when the intricacies and contexture of the first shall have been examined, we engage in a second, under the same auspicious circum- stances. Thus are facilities to apprehension and memory, exceedingly multiplied and^increased. It is by piling one examined fact upon another, that the fine edifice of a complete profesional education is to be raised. By this particularity of knowledge, we ac- quire a dexterity and skill in tracing out morbid conditions from pathognomonick signs,, not only more readily, but much more certainly than we could, were we to attempt the whole in chaotick INTRODUCTION. xl? mass. To attempt the whole, without order or rule, is like a learner wasting his time, and ex- hausting his "powers, in efforts to* read, before he has acquired his alphabet, or mastered the elementary constituents of lauguage: or indeed like a sailor, cast out to sea, without compass or quadrant; he may possibly get into harbour, but more probably his ship will be wrecked. The following objection to nosology, stands first in Professor Rush's list, but we have post- poned it to the last, in order that it may make the better impression on the reader's mind; it being in our estimation, the most singular spe- cimen of logick that has ever come under our no- tice. "It (nosology) precludes all the advantages which are to be derived from attacking diseases, in their forming state, at which time they are devoid of their nosological characters, and are most easily and certainly prevented or cured. . Rush's Introductory Lecture, p. 153. That a disease can exist in its 'forming state* or any of its stages, without the nosological cha- racters appropriate to that stage, we can as rea- dily conceive, but not more so, as that matter xM INTRODUCTION can exist without properties of extension, figure, or divisibility; or that mind can be present in the body, without its attributes of perception, thought, or memory, and that we can have know- ledge of the existence of matter, or of mind, thus circumstanced. If there be no nosological characters, or diag- nostick symptoms, during this state of diseases; that is, no disturbed sensations of which the pa- tient is conscious or sensible or which are palpa- ble to the senses of the physician, by what means does the physician know that there is a forming state of diseases? It appears from the express words of the professor, that the phy- sician is not only to know diseases to be forming, but is also to prevent or cure them. The phy- sician is successfully to interfere with the form- ing state of diseases, when there is no character, no evidence, no symptom of disease! For the Professor says, " they are devoid of their noso- logical characters in their forming state!" CORRIGENDA. Page 22 Introduction line 4 for premisis read premises. Page 14 Nosology line 9 for haemorhagiis read htemorrhagiis, Page 35 do. line 19, for discolouration read discoloration. Page 40 do. top of the page for antonica read atonica. Page 66 do. line 2nd, for marscescentibus read marcescentibus. Page 74 do. top of the page for hydromentra read hydrometra Page 80 do. 3d, line for ouli read oculi. Page 90 do. near the top for ecchymona read ecchymoma. SERIES CJLABSIUM MOREORUM. Classis I. Pyrexiae. Classis II. Neurosis. Classis III. Cachexise. Classis IV. Vitia. A SERIES OF CLASSES OF DISEASES. Class I. Feverous Diseases. Class II. Nervous Diseases. Class III. Diseases of Depraved Habit. Class IV. Organick Diseases. CLASSIS I. PYREXIAE. Character. Praegressis languore, lassitudine, et aliis debilitatis signis; vel horrore; pulsus fre- quens, calor major; cutis arida; lingua sordida; plures functiones laesae; viribus praesertim artuum imminutis. GENUS I. FEBRIS REMITTENS. Febris, miasmate paludum orta, accessionibus pluribus, intermissione, saltern remissione eviden- te interposita, cum exacerbatione notabili, et ple- rumque cum horrore redeuntibus, constans: ac- cessione quovis die unico tantum.* * There is not, in our conception, any disease strictly and in fact intermittent. For although the Quotidian, Tertian, or Quar- tan, in their obvious and sensible signs may intermit, yet, so long as they continue to recur at fixed periods, they must operate by established and determinate laws, and should, so far as relates CLASS I. FEVEROUS DISEASES. Character. Languidness, lassitude, and other signs of debility, or a cold fit, having preceded; the pulse becomes frequent; the temperature is increased; skin dry; tongue foul; many of the functions are impaired; in an especial manner the power of the limbs is diminished. REMITTENT FEVER. Fever arising from marsh effluvia, and conti- nued by repeated paroxysms, returning with in- termission, at least evident remission, interposed between each preceding and following paroxysm; remarkable exacerbation, and generally with a palpable sense of coldness; one paroxysm or ex- acerbation each day. . to the diseases in their essential properties, be considered as un broken and continuous. The powers of the body are subjected to the dominion of the disease, which, according to the relation between its force and the resistance of the body, will be remittent or intermittent, or irregular and mixed. 6 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. I. REMITTENS BILIOSA VULGARIS. Febris, cum exacerbationibus notabilibus, et plerumque cum horrore redeuntibus, constans; remissione quovis die evidente interposita; et aliquando cum flavidine cutis, secretione aucta bilis. Sp. II. FEBRIS FLAVA. Febris epidemica et autumnalis, cum exacer- bationibus, plerumque cum horrore redeuntibus, We are not to argue from an interruption of the palpable symptoms of a disease, that it is broken and discontinuous. An illustration of this remark we have afforded by the gout and epi- lepsy. No person can be said to be free of the gout or epilepsy 60 long as the paroxysms, proper to the one or the other, conti- nue to return periodically; or so long as the person labouring un- der either of them can transmit to his offspring any taint or seeds of the disease. That the periodical recurrences of the paroxysms in the gout, the epilepsy, or intermittent, depend on any diurnal, hebdomidal, or monthly revolution in the human body, we cannot be induced to believe; we speak of revolutions natural and proper to the body. If such periodical recurrences were referrible to the natu- ral revolutions in the human system, it would inevitably follow, as those paroxysms are essential parts of the disease, that the laws themselves of the animal economy are morbid. For, what- GENERA MORBORUM. 7 Sp. I. COMMON BILIOUS REMITTENT. Fever continued by obvious exacerbations, and returning generally with a sense of coldness; a remission each day, and sometimes with yellow- ness of skin and an increased biliary secretion. YJELLOW FEVER Fever epidemick, occurring for the most part in the autumn, continued by exacerbations, which . ever depends on the revolutions of the body, must come within the laws of its economy, and if morbid paroxysms arise out of the revolutions, the laws themselves must of necessity be mor- bid; which were an incongruity too gross to be tolerated. The recurrence of the paroxysms in all diseases must, in our estimation, result from the laws peculiar to each disease, modi- fied, more or less, by the susceptibility of the body to be acted on, or in other words, its capability to resist. From what has been said above, we are justified in the con- clusion, that the apparent and ostensible differences between- what is termed remittent and intermittent, are merely contingent and casual; that the vast varieties of morbid affections produced by marsh effluvia, or exhalations from putrid vegetables or water, are in kind the same; and, finally, that this generick disease may be properly styled remittent 8 GENERA MORBORUM. constans; remissione quovis die evidente inter- posita; aliquando cum flavidine cutis; anxietate maxima; nausea; vomituque nigricante; haemor- rhagiis; et in paucis exemplis petechiis, seu car- bunculis. Sp. in. QUOTIDIANA. Accessiones similes intervallo Vinginti quatuor circiter horarum: intermissione interposita; ac- cessionibus matutinis. V. Quotidiana legitima, eadem hora matutina rediens. Quotidiana legitima, indiciis alienis stipata. Mort.------------eephalalgica. Sauv.------------anginosa. Boarh.------------ asthmatica. Sawc.------------peripneumonica. Greg.------------gastrica. Macb.------------hepatiea. Etmull.----------splenetica. Mort.------------nephralgica. Sauv. —---------ischiadica. Sauv.------------stranguosa. Mort.------------hysterica. Sauv.--------—— epileptica. Sauv. ———— arthritica. Sauv. ———— miliaris. GENERA MORBORUM. 9 generally recur with a sense of coldness; an ob- vious remission each day; sometimes with yellow- ness of the skin; great restlessness; sickness at stomach, and blackish vomit; hemorrhages; and in a few cases, spots like flea-bites, or gangre- nous sores, similar to what take place in the plague. QUOTIDIAN. A fever with correspondent paroxysms re- turning at the interval of twenty-four hours; an evident intermission interposed; the fits in the morning. V. Regular Quotidian, returning at the same hour. ----attended by symptoms not proper to it. ----Avith an affection of the head. , ----with an inflammatory affection of the throat. ----with catarrh. ----with asthmatick affection. ----with inflammation of the lungs. ----with inflammation of the stomach. ----with inflammation of the liver. ----with an affection of the sple'bn. ----with an affection of the kidney. ----with the sciatiek or rheumatism of the hip. ----with an affection of the bladder. ----with an affection of the womb. ----conjoined with epilepsy. ----in a gouty habit. ----with a miliary eruption on the skin. B 10 Sauv. - Etmull. Fring. - Sag. - Cul. - Sauv. - Mort. - Sauv. - Barth. - Rev. - GENERA MORBORUMt -------syphilitica. -------scorbutica. -------verminosa. -------tetanoides. _______efllorescentia cutis stipata. --------hemiplegica. ________dysenterica. Macb. syncopalis. epidemica. maligna pestilens. biliosa. Sp. IV. TERTIAN A. Accessiones similes,intervallo quadraginta octo horarum; intermissione interposita; accessionibus meridianis. V. Tertiana vera. Cleg.--------duplex. Cleg. —----duplicata. Cleg.--------triplex. Cleg. Semitertiana. CUg. Tertiana indiciis alienis stipata. Vide Quolid. GENERA MORBORUM. II ----combined with syphilis. ----in a scorbutick habit. ----accompanied by worms. ----attended by tetanick symptoms. ----with efflorescence in the skin. ----attended by hemiplegy, ----attended by dysenterick symptoms. ----attended by syncope or faintness. ----general or epidemick. ----malignant and accompanied by symptoms unusu- ally severe. ----with yellowness of skin and an unusual secretion of bile. TERTIAN. Fever with correspondent paroxysms retur- ning at the interval of forty-eight hours; evident intermission; the paroxysms at mid-day. \. as above. __•._ when the paroxysms return daily, but are un- equal. ----when the paroxysms recur every second day, two being on the same day. ____when the paroxysms recur every day with two on every second day. ----with the paroxysms between the odd and even greater than between the even and odd. —— attended by symptoms not proper to it. V. ((jtotii. 12 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. V. QUARTANA Accessiones similes intervallo septuaginta du- arum circiter horarum; intermissione interposita; accessionibus pomeridianis. V. Quartan a legitima. Sauv. ———— duplicata. Sauv. ■ ----triplicata. Sauv.----—— duplex. Sauv.--------triplex. ERRATICjE. Sauv. Erratica quintana. Sauv.--------septana. Sauv.--------octana. Sauv.--------nonana. Sauv.--------decimana. Etmull.-------vaga. Etmull. .....---quartana iudiciis alienis stipata.* Vide ({iiotid. G. II. TYPHUS. Morbus contagiosus; calor parum auctus; pul- sus parvus, debilis, plerumque frequens; lingua sordida et subfusca; urina parum mutata; sensorii functiones plurimum turbatae; vires multum im- rainutae; aliquando cum eruptionibus. GENERA MORBORUM. 13 QUARTAN. Fever with similar paroxysms returning at in- tervals of seventy-two hours; evident intermis- sion interposed: the paroxysms in the afternoon. V. as above. ----with two paroxysms on every fourth day; none on the intermediate. ----three paroxysms on every fourth day; none on the intermediate. ----of the four days the third only is free of fever. ----paroxysms every day; similar on the fourth only. IRREGULAR. ----recurring on the fifth day. ----recurring on the seventh day. ----recurring on the eighth day. ----recurring on the ninth day. ----recurring on the tenth day, ----recurring on no fixed day. ----attended by incidental symptoms. Vide Quotid. CONTAGIOUS FEVER. Disease contagious; temperature but little in- creased; pulse small, weak and generally fre- quent; tongue foul and brownish; urine but little changed; the function of the brain very much dis- turbed; the powers of the body much reduced: sometimes with eruption. 14 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. I. FEBRIS PETECHIALIS. Typhus vel febris lenta et nervosa, cum pete- chiis. Sp. II. PESTIS. Typhus vel febris pestilens, cum eruptionibus bubonum et anthracum. G. III. SYNOCHA Calor plurimum auctus: pulsus frequens, vali- dus, et durus: cutis arida: lingua sordida et subal- bida: urinarubra: sensorii functiones parum turba- tae; aliquando cum inflammatione, et dolore ad lo- cum spectante, simul laesa partis internae seu ex- ternae functione: vel cum haemorhagiis: sanguis missus et jam concretus, superficiem coriaceam albam ostendens. * Synocha, whether it be attended by phlegmasia, or active hemorrhage, or be simple and unaccompanied by either local in- flammation or active hemorrhage, is uniformly the same in kind, and incapable of generick division. What complexion or shades of difference soever may be exhibited by inflammation seated in various organs, or hemorrhage from different vessels, they must be considered as incidental or attributable solely to the peculia- rity or connexions of the organ or vessels affected. Hence we are strongly induced to disapprove of Phrenitis, Gastritis, &c. GENERA MORBORUM. 15 SPOTTED FEVER. Typhus or slow nervous fever, with spots on the skin like flea-bites. PLAGUE. Typhus, or pestilential fever, with an eruption of buboes and carbuncles. INFLAMMATORY FEVER. Temperature very much increased, pulse fre- quent, strong and hard, skin dry, tongue foul and whitish, urine high coloured: functions of the common sensory but little disturbed; sometimes with local pain and inflammation, the function of some internal or external part being injured: or with hemorrhage: the blood when drawn and co- agulated exhibiting a surface whitish and sizy* being considered different genera, as has been done by the justly celebrated Dr. Cullen. And also of the separation of inflamma- tion into external and internal, as has been attempted by the learned Dr. M'Bride. Nor can we conceive that active hemor- rhage should be viewed as constituting a separate and distinct genus. As above suggested, every active hemorrhage, in what- soever part it may arise, must be considered as an accidental condition or modification of disease, and by no means as essen- tially forming the disease. 16 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. I. PHLEGMONA ■ Tumor circumscripta: rubor vividus, cum dolor e, et calore aucto: sensu saepe pulsatili. V. Gutta rosacea. Tuberculum quasi confluens, cum superficie rubicunda aspera maculosaque. Hordoleum. Phlegmona palpebral. Mastodynia. Phlegmona mamma*. Paronychia. Inflammatio dolorifica in summitate digi- torum. Ambustio. Inflammatio ab corporibus ex igne candenti- bus, vel liquoribus ferventibus. Pernio. Inflammatio a frigore. Anthrax. Phyma apiee gangrenosum, et in base in- flammatum. Phimosis. Tumor inflammatus prseputii glandem incar- cerans. Paraphymosis, Prrcputiuin retro glandem adductum ita inflammatum uti earn tegere non possit. The errours of such writers as Cullen and M'Bride, Sauvage, Vogeleus, and Linnaeus, have led medical men, who do not find it convenient to distinguish between the real mistakes of writers and the supposed imperfections of the science, to reject Nosology altogether, as a thing unuseful and wholly factitious—the mere creature of the imagination. We have placed the phlegmon or bile, with all its modifica- tions, as species and varieties of phlegmasia, from a conviction. &ENERA MORBORUM. 17 Sp. I. PHLEGMON. Tumor circumscribed, of vivid redness, ac- companied by pain and increased heat: generally with augmented pulsation in the neighbouring arterial trunks. V. A pimple, in a degree confluent, with a surface red, rough and spotted. Phlegmon of the eyelid. Phlegmon of one or both of the breasts. Phlegmon of the finger; a whitlow. Inflammation from the application of heated bodies. Inflammation from diminished temperature. Inflammation, gangrenous at its apex, and of a lively red colour at its base. Inflammation of the prepuce, preventing it from being drawn back. Inflammation of the prepuce, strangling the nut of the • penis by the tightness of its stricture. that the local inflammation in a genuine phlegmasia is in its na- ture and phenomena in no respect different from a simple inflam- mation. And that any simple inflammation may, and daily does become a phlegmasia, merely by an aggravation of its circum- stances. We cannot agree with Dr. Wilson and others in dividing phlegmasia and simple inflammation into distinct orders or ge- nera. C 18 GENERA MORBORUM. Hernia humoralis. Inflammatio testium gonorrhea orta. Bubo. Tumor phlegmonoideus in glandulis inguinalibus. Parotis. Tumor phlegmonoideus parotide glandulae. APOSTEMA. Sequelje.—Post inflammationem, remittenti- bus dolore et pulsatione: tumor albescens, mollis, fluctuans, pruriens: cum centro fere sphacelato. GANGRJ5NA. Post inflammationem, pars livens, mollis, pa- rum sensibilis, saepe cum vesiculis ichorosis. SPHACELUS. Post gangraenam, pars nigricans, flaccida, fa- cile lacerabilis, sine sensu et calore, et cum fae- tore carnis putridae: vitio serpente. Sp. II. VIBEX. Synocha; papulae; lineae coccineae, quales e fla- gellis relinquuntur quam plurimum prurientes, et exurentes, frigore applicato, evanescentes, GENERA MORBORUM. 19 Inflammation of the testes arising from gonorrhea. Inflammation of one or more glands of the groin, Inflammation of the parotid gland. ABSCESS. Consequences.—The process of inflamma- tion being terminated, and the pain and pulsa- tion relaxed, the tumor becomes whitish, and fluctuating, having, in the general, a core, or sphacelated centre. GANGRENE. The process of inflammation being ended, the part becomes livid, soft, low in its sensibility; not unfrequently ichorous vesicles appear. MORTIFICATION. After the gangrene, the part becomes black- ish, flaccid, easy to be divided, without sensatioi| or heat; emits the fetidness of putrid flesh; th$ disease spreads. THE HEAVE OR WHELT. Inflammatory fever; small inflamed tumours; crimson lines, wheals or whelts, consimilar to those left by the whip severely applied to the t :•. WS -•■/ PL'- 20 GENERA MORBORUM Sp. Ill PEMPHIGUS. Synocha, cum cutis vesiculis sparsis, humore aqueo repletis, magnitudine avellanae, aliquanto sublatis. Sp.IV ERYSIPELAS. Synocha; erythema cum colore rubicundo, pressu evanescente, aliquam corporis partem, saepe faciei, occupante, ambitu inaequali serpen- te; et tumore vix evidente, in cuticulae vesiculas vel phlyctaenas fere abeunte; dolore urente. Sp. V. PHRENITIS. Synocha vehemens; dolor capitis: rubor faciei et oculorum, lucis et som intolerantia: pervigi- lium: delirium. GENERA MORBORUM. 2\ skin: insufferably itchy and burning; quickly re- troceding, on the approach to low temperature.* VESICULAR FEVER. Fever inflammatory; vesicles dispersed over the skin, and filled with watery humour, about the size of a hazel-nut, and somewhat elevated. SAINT ANTONY'S FIRE. Inflammatory fever; local inflammation with* great heat and redness; redness disappearing on pressure; unequal in its circumference; dis- posed to spread; tumour scarcely evident; gene- rally terminating in vesicles, accompanied by burning pain. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN, Violent inflammatory fever; pain of the head; redness of the face and eyes; impatience of light and sound; watchfulness; incoherence of ideas, * The technical term Heave is derived from the marked and rapid rising and falling of the breast and bowels, just at the mo- ment the eruption takes place. Not unfrequently, when this agi^ tation of the bowels and breast is very great, the disease obtains the name of Bowel-Heave.—By the vulgar and illiterate, this disease is uniformly called the Hives, or Bold Hives. A license in language in all respects unwarrantable 22 GENERA MORBORUM. SP. VI. OPHTHALMITIS. Synocha; rubor et dolor oculi: lucis intoleran- tia: plerumque cum lacrymatione. V. Ophthalmia membranarum. Ophthalmia syphilitica vel ex gonorrhsea. #SP. VII. OTITIS. Synocha: tumor et dolor et rubor auris: soni intolerantia. Sp. VIII. ODONTITIS VEL ODONTALGIA. Synocha mitior: dolor maxillarum ex inflam- matione vel carie dentium. Sp. IX. CATARRHUS. Synocha mitior: dolor faciei: gravido: sternu- tatio: raucitas: muci ex glandulis membranae na- rium et cellularum faciei et faucium vel bronchio- rum, excretio aucta, saltem hujus excretionis mo- limina: tussis. V. Catarrhus a frigore. Catarrhus epidemicus. GENERA MORBORUM. 23 INFLAMMATION OF THE EYE. Inflammatory fever: redness and pain of the eye: impatience of light: generally an exuberant flow of tears, Inflammation of the coats of the eye. Inflammation of the eye from syphilitick virus or the matter of gonorrhsea. INFLAMMATION OF THE EAR. Inflammatory fever: swelling, pain, and red- ness of the ear: impatience of sound. INFLAMMATION ABOUT THE TOOTH, OR TOOTHACH. Light inflammatory fever: pain of the face or tooth from inflammation or rottenness of tooth. CATARRH, OR COLD. Light inflammatory fever: pain of the face: weight over the eyes: sneezing: hoarseness: an increased discharge of mucus from the glands of the membrane of the nostrils, cells of the face, and upper part of the throat, at least efforts to discharge it; cough. Catarrh from cold. Epidemick Catarrh or Influenza. 24 GENERA MORBORUM, Sp. X. CYNANCHE. Synocha: rubor et dolor faucium: deglutitio, et aliquando respiratio difficilis, cum angustiae in faucibus sensu. V. Cynanche tonsillaris. Inflammatio inembranam fau- cium mucosam, et pra^cipue tonsillas tumore et dolore afliciens; febris inflammatoria; deglutitio difficilis. Cynanche trachealis. Inflammatio membranam laringis et glottidis mucosam dolore afliciens; cum resoiratione difficili; inspirationc strepente, voce rauca, tussi clangosa, tumore fere nullo in faucibus apparente, deglutitione pa- rum difficili; febre inflammatoria; pulsu aliquando parvo, plerumque duro et compiesso. Cynanche pharyngia. Inflamnimatio in imis faucibus; deglutitio maxime difficilis, dolentissima; respiratio satis commoda; febris inflammatoria. Sp. XI. PNEUMONIA. Synocha; dolor in quadam thoracis parte: re- spiratio difficilis; tussis. V. Pleuritis. Pneumonia pulsu duro; dolore plerumque lateris pungente sub inspiratione prsesertim aucto; decu- bitu in latus molesto; tussi dolcntissima, initio sicca, postea humida. Peripneumonia. Pulsunon semper duro, aliquando molli; dolore thoracis obtuso; respiratione perpetuo difficili, s*ne non nisi trunco corporis erecto exercenda; facie tu- GENERA MORBORUM. 25 QUINSY. Inflammatory fever; redness and pain of the throat; deglutition difficult; breathing sometimes impeded, with a sense of confinement. Quinsy. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the fauces and tonsils, with swelling, and pain; inflammatory fever; deglutition difficult. Croup. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the windpipe, and glottis, with pain; respiration difficult and rattling; voice hoarse; cough clangous; generally no appa- rent tumor in the throat; deglutition but little affected; fever inflammatory; pulse sometimes small, in the general hard and concentrated. Quinsy. Inflammation of the back part of the fauces, and gullet; deglutition very difficult and painful; respira- tion free; fever inflammatory. THORACICK INFLAMMATION. Fever inflammatory; pain in some part of the breast; respiration difficult; cough. Pleurisy. Thoracick inflammation with hard pulse; acute pain of the side; increased particularly on respira- tion, or lying on the side; cough very painful; at first dry, afterwards successful in throwing up phlegm. Peripneumony. Pulse not always hard, sometimes soft; pain of the breast obtuse, breathing always difficult, often not to be effected except in an erect posture; cheeks some- D 26 GENERA MORBORUM. mida et coloris purpurei; tussi plerumque humida, ssepe cruenta. VOMICA. Sequelje.—Post pneumoniam resolutione qua- dam non terminatam; dyspnoea et tussis perstan- tes, cum decubitu in latus sanum difficili et febre hectica. (a) EMPYEMA. Post pneumoniam suppuratione terminatam, saepe post vomicam remissio doloris, dum per- stant dyspnoea, tussis, decubitus difficilis et fe- bris hectica, saepe cum sensu liquoris in pectore fluctuantis, et signis hydrothoracis. (6) (a)A hectick fever is one that returns every day with mid-day, sometimes evening, exacerbations, morning remissions, seldom intermissions, and generally is accompanied by night-sweats; the urine deposits a branny, or brick-dust like sediment. It is al- ways symptomatick or secondary, and never idiopathick or ori- ginal; hence we do not give it a place among regular levers. In the general, it is the consequence of organick disease; dropsy, or great weakness snd irritability of body. (i) A Vomica is strictly an abscess of the lungs; an Empyema, from phlegmonick inflammation, a collection of purulent matter in the thoracick cavity, between the pleura costalis and pulmona lis. GENERA MORBORUM. 27 what swollen, and of a purplish colour; cough generally humid, often bloody. ABSCESS. Consequences.—The thoracick inflammation not being terminated by resolution; the difficulty of breathing and cough continue, attended by an inconvenience in lying on the healthy side, and with hectick fever, (a) COLLECTION OF PURULENT MATTER. The thoracick inflammation having terminated by suppuration; the pain remits; while the diffi- culty of breathing, cough, inconvenience in lying on the side, and hectick fever continue, with a sense of fluctuation in the thorax, and symptoms of dropsy of the breast, (b) 28 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. XII. GASTRITIS. Synocha; anxietas; in epigastrio ardor et do- lor, ingestis quibuslibet auctus; vomendi cupidi- tas, et ingesta protinus rejecta; singultus saepe; pulsus parvus sed durus. V. Gastritis phlegmonodea. Dolore pressura aucto; synocha vehement!. . Gastritis erythematica. Dolore et synocha lenioribus; rubore erysipelatoso in faucibus apparente; lingua subru- bra. Sp. XIII. CARDITIS. Synocha; dolor in regione cordis; anxietas; aliquando palpitatio. Sp. XIV. ENTERITIS. Synocha; dolor abdominis pungens, pressura, plurimum auctus: circa umbilicum torquens: saepe vomitus, et aliquando alvus astricta. V. Enteritis phlegmonodea. Dolore acuto, et synocha vehementi; et alvo astricta. * Enteritis erythematica. Dolore et synocha lenioribus, eum diarrhoea. GENERA MORBORUM. 29 INFLAMMATION OF THE STOMACH. Inflammatory fever; restlessness: burning and pain at the pit of the stomach, increased upon any thing being swallowed: disposition to vomit: a re- jection of whatever may be taken into'the sto- mach: often hiccough: pulse small but hard. Phlegmonick inflammation. Acute pain, increased on pressure; violent fever. Erythematick inflammation. Pain and fever light; an erysipelatous inflammation appearing in the fauces; tongue reddish. INFLAMMATION OF THE HEART. Fever inflammatory: pain in the region of the heart; restlessness: sometimes palpitation. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. Fever inflammatory; acute pajn of the abdo- men, very muclj increased on pressure; a sense of twisting about the navel; often ^bmiting; some- times ctjstiveness. Phlegmonick inflammation of the intestines. Acute pain; high fever; bound bowels. Erythematick itflammation. Pain and fever light; diar- rha;a. 30 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. XV. PERITONITIS. Synocha; dolor abdominis, corpore erecto, vel pressura, auctus. V. Peritonitis propria. In peritonao strictius dicto, sive in peritonao abdomen intus succingente. Peritonitis omentalis. In peritonajo per omentum exten- so. Peritonitis mesenterica. In pcritonseo per mesenterium extenso. '* Sp. XVI. HEPATITIS. Synocha; hypochondrii dextri tensio, et dolor saepe pungens pleuritici instar, saepius obtusus; dolor ad claviculam et summum humeri dextri; decubitus in latus sinistrum difficile; dyspnoea; tussis sicca. V. Hepatitis acuta. Signis in charactere dictis dignos- cenda. Hepatitis vetusta. Dignoscenda, sensu quodam plenitu- dinis et gravitatis in hypochondrio dextro; doloribus plus minusve pugentibus in eadem parte subinde perceptis; do- lore quodam, pressura, in hypocondrio dextro, vel decubi- tu in latus sinistrum, percepto; febre leviori seu hectica, cum indiciis dictis subinde infestante: plerumque nausea. GENERA MORBORUM. 31 INFLAMMATION OF THE INVESTING MEMBRANE OF THE BELLY. Fever inflammatory; pain of the belly increa- sed on the erection of the body, or pressure. Inflammation. In the peritonaeum strictly so called, or the membrane which lines the muscles of the belly. Omental inflammation. Inflammation of the caul. Mesenterick inflammation. Inflammation of the mesen- tery. INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER. Fever inflammatory; tension of the right hypo- condrium; pain, frequently acute, and consimilar to that of pleurisy, and extending up to the shoul- der-blade and top of the shoulder; difficult recli- ning on the left side; shortness of breathing; dry cough. Acute hepatick inflammation. Recognized by the symp- toms above related. Chronick hepatick inflammation. Some sense of full- ness and weight in the right hypchondrium; more or less pain in the same part, discovered on lying down, or on. pressure; light fever, rather in the form of hectick, now and then with the symptoms more immediately indica- tive of acute hepatick inflammation: nausea. 32 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. XVII. SPLENITIS. Synocha; hypochondrii sinistri tensio, et dolor pressu auctus; saepe tumor. Sp. XVIII. NEPHRITIS. Synocha; dolor in regione renis, saepe ureteris iter sequens; mingendi frequens cupiditas; vo- mitus, aliquando cum stupore vel titillatione cru- ris; tessticuli ejusdem lateris retractio aut dolor. Sp. XIX. CYSTITIS. Synocha; hypogastrii tumor et dolor, pressu, auctus; urinam reddendi cupiditas frequens et dolorifica, vel ischuria; tenesmus. Sp. XX. HYSTERITIS. Synocha; hypogastrii tensio, et dolor; os uteri tactu dolens. SP. XXI. PROCTITIS. Synocha; tumor et dolor et inflammatio po- dicis. GENERA MORBORUM. 33 INFLAMMATION OF THE SPLEEN. Inflammatory fever; tension of the left side; and pain increased on pressure; often with ob- vious swelling. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEY. Inflammatory fever; pain in the region of the kidneys, often along the course of the ureter; frequent desire to pass urine; vomitiort; some- times with stupor, or a sense of something creep- ing along the thigh and leg; a retraction or pain of the testicle of the same side. INFLAMMATION OF THE URINARY BLADDER. Fever inflammatory; tumour and pain, increa- sed on pressure, of the region of the bladder; frequent and painful desire of passing urine, or ischury; fruitless effort to empty the bowels. * INFLAMMATION OF THE WOMB. Fever inflammatory; tension and pain in the region of the womb; the touch painful. INFLAMMATION OF THE ANUS. Fever inflammatory; tumefaction; inflamma- tion; and pain of the fundament. E 34 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. XXII. RHEUMATISMUS. Morbus coeli mutatione evidente ortus; syno- cha: dolor circa articulos, musculorum tractum sequens, genua et reliquos majores potius quam pedum vel manuum articulos infestans. V. Rheumatismus acutus. Indiciis supra dictis digno- scendus. Rheumatismus vetustus. Post rheumatismum, nisum violentum, vel subluxationem; dolores artuum vel muscu- lorum, sub motu prsesertim, aucti, plus minusve fugaces, calore lecti vel alio externo levati; artus debiles, rigid,i, facile et saepe sponte frigiscentes; febris nulla vel levior; tumor aliquando. Lumbago. Dolor rheumaticus lumborum. Ischias. Dolor regionis isehiadicse, nervi magni fcmoris, et cruris tractum, sequens. Sp. XXIII. PHLEGMASIA ALBA DOLENS. Synocha; feminis totius et cruris,, cum cute concolor, intumescentia dolentissima; nee hydro- pica nee erysipelatosa mulieribus, fcetum enixis, superveniens; cum glandulis surae tumefactis, cruris dolentis. GENERA MORBORUM. 35 RHEUMATISM. Disease obviously from the vicissitudes of the weather; fever inflammatory; pain about the joints; following the tracts of the muscles, in an especial manner infesting the knees and larger * joints, yet not sparing the smaller of the feet and hands. Acute rheumatism. To be known by signs above noticed. Chronick rheumatism. After the acute rheumatism, or violent strains, or luxation, pains more or less vagrant, of the joints and muscles, especially on motion, take place; they, are relieved by the warmth of the bed or external h€at otherwise applied; the joints are weak, stiff; sponta- neously becoming cold; little or no fever; sometimes tu- mefaction of the diseased parts. Lumbago. Rheumatick pain of the loins. Sciatick. Rheumatick pain of the hip and along the course of the great nerve of the limb. WHITE INFLAMMATION. Fever inflammatory; a most painful swelling, without discolouration, chiefly of the inner part of the thigh and whole leg, neither hydropick nor erysipelatous, occurring in lying-in women; with a tumefaction of the glands of the calf of the leg of the affected side. 36 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. XXIV. EPISTAXIS. Synocha; capitis dolor vel gravitas; faciei ru- bor; profusio sanguinis e naribus, sine vi exter- na. Sp. XXV. HAEMOPTYSIS, Synocha; genarum rubor; molestiae aut dolo- ris, et aliquando caloris, in pectore sensus; dysp- noea; titillatio faucium: tussis, aut exscreatio, sanguinem floridum, saepe spumosurn rejiciens, citra vim foris. Sp. XXVI. HJEMATEMESIS. Synocha; epigastrii calor, et dolor pressu auctus; sanguinis, e stomacho profusio, citra ex- trinsecus vim. Sp. XXVII. HjEMORRHOIS. Synocha; capitis gravitas vel dolor; vertigo; lumborum et ani dolor; circa anum tubercula li- vida dolentia, e quibus plerumque profluit san- guis; qui, aliquando etiam nullo tumore appa- rente, ex ano stillat, extra vim externam. GENERA MORBORUM. 37 BLEEDING FROM THE NOSE. Fever inflammatory; pain and weight of the head; redness of the face; discharge of blood from the nostrils, without external violence. SPITTING OF BLOOD. Fever inflammatory; redness of cheeks; sense of uneasiness, or pain, and sometimes, of heat in the breast; shortness of respiration; tickling in the throat; cough or hawk, throwing out either pure blood, or blood mixed with mucus in a frothy form, without external injury. VOMITING OF BLOOD. Fever inflammatory; heat at the pit of the stomach, and pain, augmented on pressure; dis- charge of blood from the stomach, without exter- nal violence. PILES. Fever inflammatory; weight and pain of the head; vertigo; pain of the loins and anus; tuber- cles about the fundament, livid and painful, from which there is a discharge of blood, which some- times flows from the anus, without any tumour being discoverable, without external injury. 38 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. XXVIII. MENORRHAGIA. Synocha; dorsi, lumborum, ventris, parturien- tium instar, dolores; sanguinis e vagina fluxus, sine vi externa. Sp. XXIX. CYSTERRHAGIA. Synocha; lumborum et hypogastrii dolores; ex vesica urinaria sanguinis profusio, citra ex- trinsecus vim. Gen. V. ARTHRITIS. Morbus haereditarius, oriens sine causa exter- na evidente, sed praeeunte plerumque ventriculi affectione insolita; febris; dolor ad articulum, et plerumque pedis pollicis, certe pedum et manu- um juncturas, potissimum infestans; per intervalla revertens, et saepe cum ventriculi, vel aliarum internarum partium, affectionibus, alternans. Sp. I. ARTHRITIS REGULARIS. Inflammatio artuum satis vehemens, per aliquot dies perstans; et paulatim cum tumore, pruritu, et desquamations partis, recedens; synocha. GENERA MORBORUM. 39 UTERINE HEMORRHAGE. Fever inflammatory; pains of the back, belly, and loins, similar to those of child birth; a dis- charge of blood from the vagina, without exter- nal violence. HEMORRHAGE FROM THE URINARY BLADDER. Fever inflammatory; pains of the loins, and region of the bladder; discharge of blood from the urinary bladder, without external violence. GOUT. Disease hereditary; arising without external evident cause; generally preceded by an unu- sual affection of the stomach; fever; pain at the joints of the feet and hands, for the most part, at the joint of the great toe: returns periodically, and frequently alternates with affections of the stomach or some other internal part. REGULAR GOUT. Considerable inflammation of some one or more joints', continuing for some days; and gra- dually receding, leaving some degree of tumour, itching, and desquamation of the part; fever. 40 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. II. ARTHRITIS ANTONICA. Atonia ventriculi vel alius partis internae et vel sine expectata aut solita artuum inflammatio- ne, vel cum doloribus artuum lenibus tantum et fugacibus, et, cum dyspepsia vel atoniae indiciis, subito saepe alternans. Sp. III. ARTHRITIS RETROGRADA. Inflammatio artuum subito recedens, et ven- triculi vel alius partis internae atonia, mox inse- cuta. Gen. VI. VARIOLA. Synocha contagiosa; cum vomitu saepe, et ex epigastrio presso, dolore; tertio die incipit, et quinto finitur eruptio papularum phlegmonodea- rum, quae, spatio octo dierum, in suppurationem, et in crustas demum abeunt, saepe cicatrices de- pressas, sive faveolas in cute relinquentes; se- mel decursu vitae aliquem afliciens. . GENERA MORBORUM, 41 ATONICK GOUT. Weakness of stomach, or other internal part; without the usual or expected inflammation of the joints; or with pains, light and unsettled, sud- denly alternating with dyspepsy, or other symp- toms of debility. RETROCEDENT GOUT. Inflammation of the joints suddenly receding, and in a short time being succeeded by debility of stomach, or atony of some internal part. SMALL POX. A contagious synocha; often with vomiting at the beginning, and pain at the pit of the sto- mach upon pressure; on the third day, an erup- tion of phlegmonick pustules commence, and on the fifth, terminate; in the space of eight days they mature into suppuration, and ultimately end in crusts or scabs, leaving cicatrices or pits in the skin; the disease affects the same person but once during life. F 42 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. I. VARIOLA DISCRETA. Pustulis paucis, discretis, circumscriptione cir- cularibus, turgidis; febre, eruptione facta, pro- tinus cessante. SP. II. VARIOLA CONFLUENS. • Pustulis numerosis, confluentibus, circumscrip- tione irregularibus, flaccidis, parum elevatis; fe- bre, post eruptionem, perstante. Gen. VII. VACCINA. Morbus inoculatione contagiosus, ex vacca derivatus; pars corporis virocontacta, die quarto vel quinto, inflammare incipit; et inflammatio, septimo vel octavo, febre comitante, in vesicu- lam, et, apice in faveolam depresso, demum in crustam abiit, cicatricem in cute relinquens; cor- pore, post morbum vaccinum, variolae haud ob- noxio perstante. Gen. VIII. V ARICELLA Synocha contagiosa, papulae post brevem fe- briculam erumpentes, in pustulas variolae similes, sed vix in suppurationem euntes; post paucos dies in squamulas, nulla cicatrice fere relieta, GENERA MORBORUM. 43 DISTINCT SMALL POX Pustules few in number, distinct; circum- scribed and full; fever, on the eruption being completed, ceasing. CONFLUENT SMALL POX. Pustules confluent and numerous, irregular in their bases, flaccid and depressed; the fever, after the completion of the eruption, continuing. KINE POX. A disease originally derived from the cow, and contagious by inoculation; the part of the body tainted with the virus, on the fourth or fifth day, begins to inflame; the inflammation on the seventh or eighth day rises into a vesicle, with a depressed apex, and ultimately termi- nates in a scab, leaving a cicatrix in the skin; the body, after the vaccine disease, remains un- susceptible of the small pox. CHICKEN POX. Fever inflammatory and contagious; pustules, after a short fevery state, break out, similar to those of the small pox; they seldom matuiv into suppuration; after a few days they terminate in 44 GENERA MORBORUM. desinentes; semel de decursu vitae aliquem afli- ciens. Gen. IX. RUBEOLA. Synocha contagiosa; cum sternutatione, epi- phora, et tussi sicca, rauca; quarto die, vel pau- lo serius, erumpunt papulae exiguae, confertae, vix eminentes, et post tres dies in squamulas furfurosas minimas abeuntes; semel in decursu vitae aliquem afliciens. Gen. X. RUBECELLA. Synocha contagiosa mitior; die secundo vel tertio rubores maculosi; urticarum puncturas referentes, interdiu fere evanescentes, vespere cum febre redeuntes, et post paucos dies in squamulas minutissimas penitus abeuntes; semel in decursu vitae aliquam afliciens.* * ?Jo source can be more fruitful of errour and confusion, in science, than looseness of style and equivocalness in words; espe- cially in technical phraseology. On this highly interesting sub- ject, the very learned Reid, of Glasgow has furnished important and valuable lessons in his inimitable work on the intellectual and active powers of the human mind. As the term Urticaria admits of an interpretation and appli cation different from the meaning which we attached to it, in the GENERA MORBORUM. 45 scabs, for the most part leaving no cicatrix; at- tacks but once in life. MEASLES. Contagious synocha; sneezing; exuberant flow of tears; cough dry; hoarseness; on the fourth day, or a little later, small aggregated pustules break out, scarcely rising above the surface, after a few days ending in light branny scales; attacks but once in life. BASTARD, OR FRENCH MEASLES. Mild contagious synocha; speckled redness resembling the wounds from the nettle, appears, somewhat evanescent in the day, but brightens in the evening with the return of the fever; after a few days it terminates in very small scales; at- tacks but once in life. former edition of this work, and in which it has been generally used by writers, and particularly as some gentlemen of respec table rank, in the profession of Physick, conceive it to indicate; in its proper meaning, that incidental affection, vulgarly called the Nettle Rash, which is not an unusual result of liglt indispo sitions of the alimentary canal, or a trivial disturbance in the function and economy of the skin—an evanescent disease which may recur a thousand times through life, we shall reject it, anc 46 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. XI. SCARLATINA Synocha contagiosa; quarto morbi die, facies aliquantum tumida; et simul in cute passim rubor floridus, cum maculis amplis, tandem coalescen- tibus; post tres vel saltem paucos dies in squa- mulas furfurosas abiens; saepe dein superveniente anasarca. S. IP. SCARLATINA SIMPLEX. Nulla comitante cynanche. Sp. II. SCARLATINA CYNANCHICA. Cum cynanche ulcerosa. Gen. XII. ANGINA MALIGNA, Typhus; tonsillas et membranam faucium mu- cosam, tumore, rubore, et crustis mucosis coloris albescentis; vel cineritii, serpentibus, et ulcera tegentibus afliciens; fere cum eruptionibus in cute. substitute in its place a technical character, to which, we hope, there can be little or no exception. In the propriety of substituting the term Rubecella for Urti- caria, we-are encouraged by striking analogy. The diminutive Varicella, from Variola, sustains us in our step. And we are fur GENERA M^ORBOROJl 47 SCARLET FEVER. Contagious synocha; on the fourth day the face is somewhat swollen; at the same time, large florid blotches appear generally in the skin, eventually coalescing; after a few days they terminate in branny scales, often afterwards anasarca supervenes. SIMPLE SCARLET FEVER. Without an affection of the throat. ANGINOUS SCARLET FEVER. Without an ulcerous sore throat. MALIGNANT SORE THROAT. Low, contagious fever; the tonsils and mu- cous membrane of the fauces are affected with tumour, redness, and mucous, spreading crusts, of a whitish or cineritious colour, generally with eruptions on the skin. ther strongly fortified in the correctness of our sentiments by the opinion of a gentleman, distinguished in his profession, both for his talents and his erudition, and from whom, we, with the ut- most readiness and pleasure, acknowledge the suggestion was originally received. 48 GENERA jyORBORUM. Gen. XIII. DYSENTERIA Synocha contagiosa; dejectiones Irequentes, mucosae, vel sanguinolentae; retentis plerumque fcecibus alvinis; tormina; tenesmus. Gen. XIV. PERTUSSIS. Synocha contagiosa; tussis convulsiva, stran- gulans, cum inspiratione sonora, vel stridula ite- rata; saepe vomitus; semel in decursu vitae ali- quem afliciens. Gen. XV. ANGINA PAROTIDEA. Synocha contagiosa; tumor externus paroti- dum et maxillarum glandularum magnus; respi- ratio et deglutitio parum laesae; in decursu vitae semel aliquem afliciens; aliquando, tumore sub- sidente, testiculus vel mamma intumescit. GENERA MORBORUM. 49 DYSENTERIA. Contagious synocha; dejections, frequent, mu- cous, and bloody; the natural feces are retained in the general; gripes; fruitless efforts to empty the bowels. HOOPING COUGH. Contagious synocha; cough convulsive and strangling, reiterated with sonorous or shrill in- spiration; frequently vomiting; attacks but once during life. MUMPS. Contagious synocha; considerable tumefaction of the parotid and submaxillary glands; respira- tion and deglutition little affected; attacks but once during life; upon the subsidence of the tu- mour, not unfrequently, one of the testicles or one of the breasts, swells. o ft CLASSIS II. NEUROSES- Sensus et motus voluntarii, vel involuntarii laesi, sine febre primaria et sine morbo, ad lo- cum spectante, apparente. Gen. I. APOPLEXIA. Motus voluntarii fere omnes subito imminuti; facies aliquantulum tumida et purpurea; cum sopore plus minusve profundo, et respiratione stertente: superstite motu, fere amplo et forti, cordis et arteriarum. Gen. II. PARALYSIS. Resolutio nervorum. Sp. I. HEMIPLEGIA. Paralysis alterius lateris. Sp. II. PARAPLEGIA. Paralysis dimidii corporis transversim sumpti. CLASS II. NERVOUS DISEASES Sensation, and voluntary, or involuntary mo- tion injured, without original fever, or obvious local affection. APOPLEXY. All voluntary motion suddenly lessened; face somewhat tumid and purplish, with stupor, more or less profound, and snoring; the action, gene- rally full and strong, of the heart and arteries continuing. PALSY. Disability, or palsy of the nerves. HEMIPLEGY. Palsy of one side of the body. PARAPLEGY. Palsy of one half of the body taken trans- versely. b2 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. III. PARALYSIS PARTIALIS. Resolutio quorundum nervorum tantum. Gen. III. SYNCOPE. Resolutio musculorum, ex motu cordis subito imminuto, vel aliquamdiu quiescente. Gen. IV. TETANUS. Plurium musculorum rigiditas spastica; prae- sertim maxillae inferioris et dorsi, et diaphrag- matis cum dolore epigastrii; fere ab vi externa. Gen. V. CHOREA. Impuberes utriusque sexus, ut plurimum intra decimum et decimum quartum aetatis annum ad- orientesj motus convulsivi ex parte voluntarii, plerumque alterius lateris, in brachiorum et ma- nuum et pedum motu, histrionum gesticulationes referentes, in gressu, pedem alterum saepius tra- hentes quam attollentes. Gen VI. EPILEPSIA. Morbus vetustus, aliquando haereditarius; cum accessionibus convulsivis periodicis, intervallo GENERA MORBORUM. 53 PARTIAL PALSY. Palsy of certain nerves only. FAINTING. Disability or relaxation of the muscles, from a suddenlv diminished action of the heart, or its to- tal cessation for a time. LOCKJAW. A spasmodick rigidity of all, or many of the muscles, especially those of the lower jaw, and back, and of the diaphragm, with pain of the epi- gastrick region; generally from external injury. ST. VITUS'S DANCE. Convulsive jerks, in part voluntary, in the motion of the arms, hands, and feet; similar to the gesticulations of a stage player; they may be of either side; they attack both sexes, chiefly between ten and fourteen years of age; in walk- ing, the foot of the side affected, is rather dragged than properly moved. FALLING SICKNESS. Disease chronick, sometimes hereditary; with convulsive paroxysms returning periodically at 54 GENERA MORBORUM. unius, vel plurium mensium, recurrentibus; cum sopore accessum sequente. Sp. I. EPILEPSIA CEREBRALIS. Sine praemonitu, subito adoriens. Sp. II. EPILEPSIA SYMPTOMATICA. Praegressa sensatione aurae cujusdam, a parte corporis quadam, versus caput, assurgentis. Gen. VII. ECLAMPSIA. Praegressis doloribus acutis capitis, seu verti- gine, aliquando spectris, oculis apparentibus; convulsiones, vel contractiones clonicae muscu- lorum, accessus epilepticos simulantes, uterum gerentibus, vel parturientibus, subito ingruentes; et cum sopore, et respiratione stertente, desi- nentes. Gen. VIII. RAPHANIA. Articulorum contractio spastica, cum agita- tione convulsiva, et dolore violentissimo peri- odico. BENERA MORBORUM. 55 the interval of one or of several months; stupor succeeds to each paroxysm. CEREBRAL EPILEPSY. Attacking suddenly without premonition. SYMPTOMATICK EPILEPSY. A peculiar sensation of wind, or something creeping, and ascending from a certain part of the body towards the head, precedes the attack. LYING IN FITS. Violent convulsions, resembling epileptick paroxysms, preceded by severe pains of the head or giddiness, sometimes by the appearance of images or visible forms, and terminated by stupor or snoring; suddenly attacking pregnant or child-bed women. RAPHANIA. (Proper to Sweden and Germany.) Spasmodick contraction of the joints, with convulsive agitation; and most violent periodical pain. 56 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. IX. PALPITATIO. Motus cordis vehemens, abnormis, fere con- stans; sine alio morbo evidente. Gen. X. ASTHMA. Spirandi difficultas, per intervalla subiens; cum angustiae in pectore sensu, et respiratione cum sibilo strepente, tussis sub initio accessus difficilis, vel nulla, versus finem libera; cum sputo mucoso saepe copioso. Gen. XI. ANGINA PECTORIS. Accessus spasmodici abnormes pectoris, cum dolore et suffocationis sensu, tussi, expectora- tione mucosa vel cruenta quinquagenarium, ali- quando juniorem, ambulantem vel dormientem fere corripientes; ad media brachia digitos mini- mos quatenus tendentes, sed e quiescente et non dormiente subito discedentes; motus cordis accessu durante, imminutus; temporibus incertis, decern vel viginti annos recurrentes. GENERA MORBORUM. 57 PALPITATION. Violent, irregular action of the heart, gene- rally constant, without any other obvious disease ASTHMA. A difficulty of breathing, coming on at inter- vals, with a sense of narrowness in the breast; breathing rattling and hissing; at the commence- ment of the paroxysm the cough is difficult or suppressed, towards the end free, with a copi- ous mucous expectoration. SUFFOCATION OF THE BREAST. Irregular spasmodick accessions of pain of the breast, with sense of suffocation, cough, mucous us or bloody expectoration, attacking generally persons about fifty, sometimes younger, while walking or sleeping; but suddenly going off on the sufferer becoming quiet, if not sleeping; the pains extend to the middle of the arms, and even to the little fingers; the force of the pulse diminished during the paroxysm; the paroxysms recur, at uncertain intervals, for 10 or SO years. H 58 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. XII. HYSTERIA. Ventris murmura; sensus globi in abdomine se volventis ad ventriculum et fauces ascendentis, ibique strangulantis; saepe convulsiones; urinae' limpidae copia profusa; animus, nee sponte, va- rius et mutabilis. Gen. XIII. HYDROPHOBIA. Potionis cujuslibet, utpote convulsionem pha- ryngis dolentem cientis, fastidium et horror, semper e saliva animalis rabidi. Gen. XIV. COLICA. Dolor abdominis, praecipue circa umbilicum torquens; vomitus; alvus astricta. Sp. I. COLICA SPASMODICA. Cum retractione umbilici, et spasmis musculo- rum abdominalium, intestinorumque. SP, II. COLICA FLATULENTA. Cum spasmis musculorum abdominalium, et iritestinorum, et ructibus. GENERA MORBORUM. 59 HYSTERICKS. Noise o*f the belly; sense- of a globe ascending from the abdomen to the stomach, and up to the throat, and there producing a strangling sensa- tion; stupor; convulsions; copious discharge of limpid urine: the mind involuntarily various and changeable. CANINE MADNESS. An aversion from, and dread of, any fluid, in consequence of its producing painful convulsions of the pharynx or throat; arising from the Saliva or spittle of a rabid animal. COLICK. Pain of the belly; especially with a twisting about the navel; vomiting; bound bowels. SPASMODICK COLICK. With a retraction of the navel, and spasms of the muscles of the belly and intestines. FLATULENT COLICK. With spasms of the belly and intestines; belching or discharge of wind by the mouth. 60 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. III. COLICA PICTORUM. Praeunte ponderis vel molesti^, in abdomine, praecipue circa umbilicum sensu; accidejite do- lore colica, primum leviore, non continuo, et prtecipue post pastum aucto; tandem graviore et fere perpetuo; cum dolore brachiorum, et dorsi, in paralysin demum, abeunte. Gen. XV. MANIA. Mentis judicantis facilitates laesae, sed aliquan- do vis imaginandi, auctae, quo homines rerum relationes, vel non percipiunt, vel non reminis- cuntur; morbus hereditarius. Sp. I. MANIA CONGENITA. Ab ortu constans. Sp. II. MANIA ASCITA. A vitio corporis evidente in hominibus sanae mentis superveniente. Sp. III. MELANCHOLIA. Insania partialis sine dyspepsia; cum halluci- natione de statu corporis sui a levibus causis GENERA MORBORUM. 61 PAINTER'S COLICK ORDRYBELLY-ACH. To a sense of weight or uneasiness in the belly, especially about the navel, succeeds colick pain, at first light and interrupted, increased par- ticularly after eating; at length severe and con- stant, with pain of the arms and back, not uni're- quently terminating in palsy of these parts. MADNESS. The faculty or power of judgment, injured, while that of the imagination is, for he most part, increased; in consequence of which men neither perceive nor recollect the relation of things; disease hereditary. CONNATE MADNESS. Continuing from birth. INCIDENTAL MADNESS. Proceeding obviously from corporeal disease, supervening in men of sound intellect. MELANCHOLY. Madness as regards particular objects; diges- tion good; attended by an incorrect judgment of 62 GENERA MORBORUM. periculoso; vel de statu rerum suarum tristi metuendo; vel cum amore vehementi, sine saty- riasi vel nymphomania; vel cum superstitioso futurorum metu; cum aversatione motus et om- nium vitae officiorum; vel cum inquietudine, et status cujusvis impatientia; vel cum taedio vitae. SP. IV. AMENTIA. Mentis judicantis imbecillitas. Sp. V. HYPOCHONDRIASIS. Dyspepsia cum languore, mcestitia, et metu, ex causis non aequis; in temperamento melan- eholico. GENERA MORBORUM. 63 the state of his own body as affected by light causes; or an apprehension of misfortune in pe- cuniary affairs; or inordinate love unaccompanied by salacity in man, or lechery in woman; or su- perstitious anticipations of futurity; with a disin- clination to all motion and the duties of life; or even with weariness of life itself. IDIOTISM. A natural imbecility of mind. HYPOCHONDRIACK DISEASE. Depraved digestion, withlanguidness, sadness, and alarm, for causes not adequate to such ef- fects in otherwise healthful habits; constitution melancholy. CLASSIS III CACHEXIA Totius vel partis corporis habitus depravatus; sine febre primaria vel neurosi. Gen. I. TABES. Marcor; asthenia; febris hectica; fere ex ul- cere externo, vel vomica, inflammationem phleg- monodeam, sequente. Gen. II. SCROFULA, Morbus haereditarius; plurium glandularum conglobatarum tumores vel ulcera. Sp. I. PHTHISIS. Scrofula pulmonaria; cum corporis emaciatio- ne; tussi; febre hectica; et plerumque expecto- ratione purulenta; aliquando haemoptce; dys- pnoea vel orthopnoea; rubore genarum; molestian CLASS III. DISEASES OF DEPRAVED HABIT. A depraved state of a part, or of the whole body; without primary fever, or nervous affec- tion. EMACIATION. Sluggishness; extreme debility, hectick fever, generally consequent on an internal or external ulcer, or abscess succeeding to phlegmonick inflammation. KING'S EVIL. Disease hereditary; tumours or ulcers of many of the conglobate glands. CONSUMPTION. Scrofula of the lungs; wasting of the body; cough; hectick fever; generally purulent expec- toration; sometimes spitting of blood; breathing more or less difficult; rec ness of the cheeks; a I 66 GENERA MORBORUM. doloris, et aliquando caloris, in pectore, sensU; unguibus aduncis; sudoribus marscescentibus. Sp. II. SCROFULA VULGARIS. Colli glandularum tumores; labium superius turgidulum; facies florida; cutis levis; tumidum abdomen. Sp. III. RACHITIS. Caput magnum anterius maxime tumens; ge- nicula tumida; costae depressae; abdomen tumi- dum, caetera tabescentia. Gen. III. SYPHILIS. Morbus contagiosus, post concubitum im- purum; genitalium tonsiflarum ulcera et cutis, praesertim ad marginem capillitii; papulae co- rymbosae, in crustas et in ulcera crustosa abeun- tes; osteocopi; exostoses. Gen. IV. SCORBUTUS. In regione frigida, post victum putrescentum, salitum, ex animalibus confectum; deficiente si- mul materia vegetabili recente: asthenia; stoma- cace; in cute maculae discolores, plerumque li- vescentes, praesertim ad pilorum radices. GENERA MORBORUM. 67 sense of pain or uneasiness, sometimes of heat in the breast; nails adunque or hooked: wasting sweats. .COMMON SCROFULA. Tumours of the glands of the neck; pouting, swelled, upper lip; face florid; skin delicate; belly tumid. RICKETS. Head large, particularly the forehead; joints swollen; ribs depressed; belly tumid; the rest of the body emaciated. POX. Disease contagious; after an impure cohabita- tion; ulcers of the genitals, tonsils, and skin, especially at the root of the hair; pimples in clusters, or ring-worm like, ending in crusts or ulcers; pains of the bones; swellings ot the bones SCURVY. In cold climates; after a poor and salted ani? mal diet, without fresh vegetables; extreme • weakness; fetidness and haemorrhage of the mouth; spots of various colours in the skin, gene rally bluish, especially at the roots of the hair 68 GENERA MORBORUM Gen. V. DYSPEPSIA. Anorexia; nausea; vomitus; inflatio; ructus; ruminatio; cardialgia; gastrodynia; pyrosis; pau-. ciora saltem, vel plura horum simul concurrentia plerumque cum alvo astricta, et sine alio, vel ventriculi ipsius, vel aliarum partium, morbo. Gen. IV. CHLOROSIS. Dyspepsia, vel rei non esculentae desiderium; cutis pallor vel decoloratio; asthenia; palpitatio; menstruorum retentio. Gen. VII. ICTERUS. Flavido cutis et oculorum; ex concretionibus biliosis, ve| affectione mentis, vel morbis hepatis, vel graviditate; faeces albidae; intestinae tardae; urina obscure rubra, immissa colore luteotingens. Gen. VII. ELEPHANTIASIS. Morbus contagiosus; cutis crassa, rugosa, as pera, unctuosa, pilis destituta; in extremis artu- GENERA MORBORUM. 69 DEPRAVED DIGESTION. Want of appetite; loathing of food; vomition: flatulence; belching; regurgitation; heartburn; pain of the stomach; water-brash; some or most of these symptoms generally concur with cos- tiveness, and without any other disease of the stomach itself or other parts. GREEN SICKNESS, WHITE FEVER, OR VIRGIN'S DISEASE. • Depraved digestion; or an appetite for articles not esculent; paleness and discoloration of skin; extreme weakness, palpitation; retention of the menses. JAUNDICE. Yellowness of skin and eyes, arising from biliary concretions, or mental affections, or he- patick diseases, or pregnancy; fceces white; urine obscurely red, tinging whatever may be put into it of a yellowish colour. GREAT ARABIAN LEPROSY. Disease contagious; skin cracked, rugose, rough, unctuous, and despoiled of its hair; in- 70 GENERA MORBORUM. bus anaesthesia; facies tuberibus deformis; vox rauca et nasalis; crus maxime tumidum,* et cruri elephantino subsimile. Gen. IX. LEPRA. Cutis, escharis albis, furfurosis, rimosis, aspe- ra; aliquando subtus humida, pruriginosa. Gen.X. TRICOMA. Morbus contagiosus, capilli solito crasjiores, in cirrhos et funiculos inextricablies imphcati. Gen. XI. HYDROPS. Corporis totius vel partis ejus intumescentia mollis inelastica. Sp. I. ANASARCA. Intumescentia corporis vel artuum, a sero, in tissu cellulari, retento. SP. U. HYDROCEPHALUS. In infantibus recens natis, capitis intumescen- tia molli, inelastica, hiantibus cranii suturis; inju- GENERA MORBORUM. 71 sensibility of the extremities; face deformed with diseased bumps; voice hoarse and nasal; leg much swollen, having some similitude to that . f an elephant. COMMON LEPROSY. Skin rough, with white, branny, cleft scales; sometimes with moisture underneath, attended by an itchy sensation. PLAITEf) HAIR. Disease contagious; hair larger than usual, and twisted into inextricable tufts and ropes. (Said to be proper to Poland.) DROPSY. A soft tumour, not elastick, of a part, or of the whole of the body. DROPSY OF THE CELLULAR SUBSTANCE. A swelling of the body or limbs, from a wa- tery fluid in the cellular substance. DROPSY OF THE BRAIN. In new born infants, a soft swelling of the head, not elastick, with opening of the sutures: 72 GENERA MORBORUM* ventute vel aetate adulta, primum lassitudine; fe- bre, et dolore capitis; dein pulsu tardiore; pu- pillae, initio, contractione, versus finem, dilata- tione; oculorum distortione, somnolentia, aflici- ens; alvo astricta. Sp. III. HYDRORACHITIS, VULGO SPINA BIFIDA. Tumor supra vertebras cervicis, dorsi, vel lum- borum, mollis, exiguus; hiantibus vertebris in in- fantibus recens natis. Sp. IV. HYDROTHORAX. Dyspnoea; faciei pallor; pedum oedema; uri- na parca; decubitus difficilis; subita et spontanea ex somno, cum palpitatione, excitatio; febricula; sitis maxima. Sp. V. ASCITES. Abdominis intumescentia tensa, vix elastica, sed fluctuosa; urina parca; febricula; sitis maxi- ma. Sp. VI. HYDROCELE. Tumor scroti non dolens, paulatim crescens, mollis, fluctuans, forma pyro similis, aliquando pellucidus, GENERA MORBORUM. 73 in youth or adult age; lassitude; fever; and pain of the head, at the commencement; afterwards the pulse becomes slower; pupils, though at first preternatural ly contracted, dilated; with a squinting or distortion of one or^both eyes; stu- por; slowness of bowels. DROPSY OF THE SPINAL MARROW, Soft, small tumour on the Vertebrae of the neck, or back, or loins with an opening of the vertebrae; in new born infants. DROPSY OF THE THORAX. Difficult breathing; paleness of face; anasar- cous swelling of the feet; paucity of urine; recum- bency difficult; sudden and spontaneous startings from sleep; light fever; great thirst. DROPSY OF THE BELLY. Tense swelling of the belly, not elastick, but fluctuating; paucity of urine; light fever: consi- derable thirst. DROPSY OF THE SCROTUM. Tumour of the scrotum, not painful, gradually enlarging, soft, fluctuating, in shape like a pear, and sometimes transparent. • K 74 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. ATI. HYDROMENTRA. Hypogastrii tumor, in mulieribus partus non gerentibus, paulatim crescens, ex hydatidibus conflatus, uteri gravidi figuram referens, fluctu- ans. Gen. XII. PHYSCONIA. Tumor quandam abdominis partem potissi- mum occupans, paulatim crescens, nee sonorus, nee fluctuans, nee in carcinoma abiens. Sp. I. PHYSCONIA HEPATIC A. Tumor hypochondrium dextrum occupans. Sp. PHYSCONIA SPLENICA. Tumor hypochondrium sinistrum occupans. Sp. III. PHYSCONIA UTERINA. Tumor hypogastrium occupans. Sp. IV. PHYSCONIA AB OVARIO. Tumor dextrum vel sinistrum ile occupans. Sp. V. PHYSCONIA OMENTALIS. Tumor abdominis partem mediam occupans. GENERA MORBORUM. 75 DROPSY OF THE WOMB. In women not pregnant, a tumour of the hy- pogastrium, gradually enlarging, composed of watery vesicles, simulating the figure of the pregnant womb; fluctuating. A CHRONICK INDURATED INTERNAL TUMEFACTION. A tumour occupying some part of the region of the belly, gradually enlarging, not sonorous nor fluctuating: never terminating in cancer. HEPATICK PHYSCONIA. An indolent tumour occupying the right hy- pochondrium. FEVER-CAKE. An indolent tumour occupying the left hypo- chondrium. UTERINE PHYSCONIA. An indolent tumour of the hypogastrium, OVARIOUS PHYSCONIA. An indolent tumour occupying the one or the other flank. PHYSCONIA OF THE CAUL. An indolent tumour occupying the centre of the belly, or traversing the belly. CLASSIS IY. VITIA. Partis non totius corporis affectio; sine febre primaria. Gen. I. CALIGO. Visus imminutus, vel prorsus abolitus, ob re- pagulum opacum inter objecta et retinam, oculo ipso, vel palpebris inhaerens. Sp. I. CALIGO LENTIS, VULGO CATA- RACTA. Ob maculam opacam, lentis. Sp. IL CALIGO PUPILLiE. Ob obstructam pupillam. Sp. III. CALIGO CORNER Ob corneam opacam. Sp. IV. CALIGO HUMORUM. Ob vitiumvel defectum humorum. CLASS IV. ORGANICK DISEASES. A morbid affection of a part, not of the whole body; without primary fever. BLINDNESS MORE OR LESS COMPLETE. Vision diminished, or entirely destroyed, from an opacity between the object and the retina, in- herent in the eye itself, or the lids of the eye. CATARACT. From an opacity of the lens. BLINDNESS. From obstructed pupil. BLINDNESS. From a film on the cornea. BLINDNESS. From a disease, or failing in the humours of the eye. 78 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. V. CALIGO PALPEBRARUM. Ob vitium palpebris inhaerens. . Gen. II. AMAUROSIS. VEL GUTTA SERE NA. Visus imminutus, vel prorsus abolitus, sine vi- tio oculi evidente; plerumque cum pupilla dila- tata et immobili. Sp. I. AMAUROSIS COMPRESSIONS. Post causas, et cum indiciis congestionis in cerebro. Sp. II. AMAUROSIS ATONICA. Post causas, et cum indiciis debilitatis, vel a veneno ingesto. Gen. HI. STRABISMUS. Oculorum axes optici non eodem vergentes. Sp. I. STRABISMUS FORTUITUS. A morbis nervos motores oculi laedentibusi GENERA MORBORUM. 79 BLINDNESS. From a disease of the lids of the eye. BLINDNESS WITHOUT OBVIOUS CAUSE. Vision diminished, or totally destroyed, with- out any observable defect in the eye; generally the pupil is dilated and fixed. BLINDNESS FROM COMPRESSION. After causes, and with symptoms of infarction in the brain. BLINDNESS FROM PALSY After causes and with symptoms of debility, or poison taken into the stomach. SQUINTING. The axes of vision not converging to the same point. SQUINTING. From diseases affecting the nerves subservient to the muscles of the eye. 80 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. II. STRABISMUS USU CONTRACTUS. A consuetudine prava oculo tantum uno uten- di, vel ab debilitate vel mobiUtate majore unius ouli. Sp. III. STRABISMUS CONGENITUS. Ob figuram defectam partium oculorum. Gen. III. DYSOPIA, Visus jlepravatus, ita ut non nisi, certa luce vel ad certam distantiam, vel in certa positura, objecta clare videantur. Sp. I. DYSOPIA TENEBRARUM. In qua non nisi in magna luce objecta viden- tm\ Sp. II. DYSOPIA LUMINIS. In qua non nisi in obscura luce objecta viden- tur. Sp.III. DYSOPIA LONGINQUITATIS. In qua longe distantia non videntur. GENERA MORBORUM. SI SQUINTING. From a bad habit of using one eye only, or from debility or a greater mobility in one eye than the other. CONGENITE SQUINTING. From a defective configuration of the parts of the eye. DEPRAVED SIGHT. Vision so faulty that, except objects be placed in certain light, at a given distance, or in a par^ ticular position, they cannot be distinctly seen. DEPRAVED VISION. Wherein objects, except they be placed in great light, are not seen. DEPRAVED VISION. Wherein objects, except they be placed ra- ther in obscurity, are not seen. DEPRAVED VISION. Wherein objects placed at a considerable dis- tance are not seen. L 82 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. IV. DYSOPIA PROXIMORUM. In quaproxima non videntur. Sp. V. DYSOPIA LATERALIS. In qua non nisi oblique posita videntur. Gen. IV. DYSECCEA, VEL SURDITAS. Auditus imminutus vel abolitus. Sp. I. DYSECCEA ORGANICA. Ob vitium in organis sonos ad internam aurem transmittentibus. Sp. II. DYSECCEA ATONICA. Sine organorum sonos transmittentium vitio evidente. Gen. V. ANOSMIA. Olfactus imminutus vel abolitus. Sp. I. ANOSMIA ORGANICA. Ob vitium in membrana nares internas investi- ente. GENERA MORBORUM. 83 DEPRAVED VISION. Wherein near objects are not seen. DEPRAVED VISION. Wherein objects, except placed in oblique re- lation to the eye, are not seen. DEAFNESS. Diminished or destroyed hearing. ORGANICK DEAFNESS. Deafness from organick defect. DEAFNESS FROM ATONY. Without any obvious defect in the ear. OLFACTORY DISABILITY. The sense of smelling diminished, or destroy- ed. DEPRAVED SMELLING. From a fault in the membrane lining the nos- trils. 84 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. II. ANOSMIA ATONICA. Sine vitio membranae narium evidente. Gen. VI. AGHEUSTIA. Gustus imminutus vel abolitus. Sp. I. AGHEUSTIA ORGANICA. Ob vitium in membrana linguae a nervis sapida arcens. Sp. II. AGHEUSTIA ATONICA. Sine vitio linguae evidente. Gen. VII. ANAESTHESIA, Tactus imminutus vel abolitus. Gen. VIII. APHONIA. Vocis plena suppressio, citra coma aut synco- pen. Sp. I. APHONIA GUTTURALIS. A tumefactis faucibus. GENERA MORBORUM. 85 DEPRAVED SMELLING. Without any obvious disease of the smelling organ. DEPRAVED TASTE. The sense of taste diminished or destroyed. ORGANICK DEPRAVITY OF TASTE. From an obvious defect in the gustatory or- gan. DEPRAVED TASTE FROM ATONY. Without any evident disease of the tasting or- gan. DEPRAVED SENSATION. The sense of touch disminished or destroyed, LOSS OF VOICE. Full suppression of voice; without stupor or fainting. LOSS OF VOICE. From tumefied fauces. §6 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. II. APHONIA TRACHEALIS. A compressa trachea. Sp. III. APHONIA LINGUALIS. Ex lingua ablata vel vitiata. Sp. IV. APHONIA SURDORUM. Ex surditate congenita. Gen. IX. PARAPHONIA. Vocis sonus depravatus. Sp. I. PARAPHONIA RAUCA. Ob siccitatem vel tumorem faucium flaccidum vel obstructas nares, vox fit rauca et scabra. Sp. II. PARAPHONIA PALATINA. In qua, ob deficientem vel divisam uvulam ple- rumque cum labio leporino, vox fit rauca, obscu- ra, et ingrata. Gen. X. PSELLISMUS. Verba articulandi vitium; in quo sermonis GENERA MORBORUM. 87 LOSS OF VOICE. From a compressed wind-pipe. LOSS OF VOICE. From the tongue being diseased or removed. LOSS OF VOICE. From connate deafness. DEPRAVED VOICE. Depraved sound of voice. HOARSE VOICE. From dryness or flaccidity of the fauces, or obstructed nostrils, the voice becomes hoarse and rough. PALATICK DEPRAVITY OF VOICE. In which from a deficient or divided palate, for the most part with a hare lip, the voice becomes hoarse, indistinct and unpleasant. DEPRAVED PRONUNCIATION; OR STUTTER. Defect in articulation, in which the words, es- 88 GENERA MORBORUM. verba, praesertim prima, non facile proferuntur, et non nisi prima syllaba saepius repetita. Gen. XI. DYSPHAGIA. Molestia deglutitionem impediens, sine respi- rationis laesionevel inflammatione. Gen. XII. OBSTIPITAS. Artus unius vel plurium rigiditas diuturna, ex contractione musculorum, vel anchylosi. Sp. I. OBSTIPITAS CERVICIS. Ex contractione musculorum cervicis. Sp. II. OBSTIPITAS ARTICULARIS. Ex contractione musculorum motibus articuli inservientium, vel anchylosi ossium, ut supra. Gen. XIII. ANEURISMA. Tumor mollis, pulsans, supra arteriam, et arte- ria ortus. GENERA MORBORUM. 89 pecially the first are not uttered but with difficul- ty, and not at all except the first syllable be rei- terated. INJURED DEGLUTITION. Uneasiness in the act of swallowing, without affected respiration, or inflammation. STIFFNESS. A chronick rigidity of one or more joints, from an abbreviation of the muscles, or a union of the bones constituting the joint or joints. WRYNECK From a contraction of the muscles of the neck.. STIFF-JOINT. As above. ANEURISM. A soft, pulsating tumour, over, and arising from, an artery. M 90 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. XIV. VARIX. Tumor mollis, non pulsans, supra venam et ve- na ortus. Gen. XV. ECCHYMONA. Tumor diffusus, parum eminens, livescens, pla- ga ortus. Gen. XVI. CARCINOMA. Tumor scirrhoideus dolens, in ulcus mali mo- ris abiens. Gen. XVII. SARCOMA. Extuberatio mollis, non dolens, cutis. Gen. XVIII. POLYPUS. Tumor e vasis conflatus, mollis, in naribus, vel faucibus, vel vagina, vel intestino recto non fere dolens. Gen. XIX. LUPIA. Extuberatio subter cutem mobilis, mollis, elasticus, non dolens. Gen. XX. GANGLION. Extuberatio dura, mobilis, tendini vel fasciae insiclens. GENERA MOFBORUM. 91 VARIX. A soft tumour, not pulsating, over, and arising from a vein. EFFUSION. A diffused tumor, slightly prominent, bluish. arising from a blow or wound. CANCER. A scirrhous tumour, terminating in an ill-con- ditioned ulcer. FLESHY TUMOUR. A soft, not painful, tumour of the skin. POLYPUS. A tumour, vascular, and soft, but seldom painful, in the nostrils, or fauces, or vagina, or straight bowel. WEN. A tumour under the skin, soft, moveable, elastick; not painful. GANGLION. A hard, moveable tumour, on a tendon or fascia. 92 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. XXI. ARTI1R0CACE.* Articulorum, genu vel coxae vel vertebrarum potissimum, tumor parum primo eminens, cute concolor, dolentissimus, et mobilitatem imminu- ens. Gen. XXII. EXOSTOSIS. Tumor durus ossi insidens. Gen. XXIII CLAVUS. Cuticulae crassitudo dura, lamellata. Gen. XXIV. VERRUCA. Extuberatio dura, scabra, conica. Gen. XXV. N^iVUS. Macula congenita, quae vulgo vehement! cu- piditati tribuitur. Gen. XXVI. PTERYGIUM. Excrescentia carnea, alam expansam refe- rens, et versus corneam lucidam se extenders. * Although Arthrocace be distinct, in its nature, from other tumours or swellings, yet it must be considered as a variety of Scrofula. GENERA MORBORUM. 93 WHITE SWELLING. A tumour, generally of the knee, hip, or ver- tebrae, at first slightly prominent, very painful, affecting the motion of the joint; skin not dis- coloured. SWELLING OF THE BONE. A hard tumour, on, and arising from, the bone. A CORN. Hard, lamellated thickness of the cuticle. A WART. A hard, rough, conical tumour. MOLE; OR MOTHER'S MARK. A connate mark, vulgarly attributed to vehe- ment longing. EYEWING. A fleshy excrescence, resembling a wing ex- panded, extending itself towards the lucid cor- nea of the eye. • 94 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen XXVII. BRONCHOCELE. Tumor glandulae thyroideae. Gen. XXVIII. LITHIASIS. Calculus in organis ad secernendam et red- dendam urinam inservientibus. Gen. XXIX. HERNIA. Partis mollis ectopia, cute et aliis integumen- tis adhuc tecta. Gen. XXX. PROCIDENTIA. Partis mollis ectopia nuda. Gen. XXXI. LUXATIO. Os ex sua, in juncturis, sede dimotum. Gen. XXXII. PLAGA. Vulnus, vel solutio recens, partis mollis, a vi externa. Gen. XXXIII. ULCUS. Partis mollis solutio purulenta vel ichorosa. GENERA MORBORUM. 95 THE DERBYSHIRE NECK; OR GOITRE. A swelling of the thyroid gland. THE GRAVEL, OR STONE. A calculus in the kidney, or urinary bladder. A RUPTURE. A soft part protruded, but continued to be covered by the skin and common integuments. A PROTRUSION. A soft part protruded, naked and exposed. A DISLOCATION. A bone moved out of its relation to another bone in a joint. A WOUND. A recent solution of continuity, in a soft part, from external violence. AN ULCER. A solution, in a soft part, with purulent or ichorous discharge. 96 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. XXXIV. HERPES. Phlyctaenae vel ulcuscula plurima, aggregata, serpentia, dysepuleta. Gen. XXXV. PSORA. Pustulae vel ulcuscula pruriginosa, contagio- sa, manus male inficientia. Gen. XXXVI. FRACTURA. Ossis partes a cohaesione, in fragmenta, vi, solutae. Gen. XXXVII. CARIES Ossis exulceratio. Gen. XXXVIII. ALVI FLUXUS. Humoris cujusvis vomitus vel dejectio, vel utraque concurrentia. Sp. I. CHOLERA. Humoris biliosi vel porracei vomitus, et simul ejusdem dejectio frequens; anxietas; tormina; surarum spasmata; in infantibus febris. GENERA MORBORUM. 97 A TETTER. Numerous little vesicles or small ulcers aggre- gated, spreading little by little; difficult of cure. THE ITCH. Small itchy pustules or ulcers, contagious, chiefly affecting the "hand. . A FRACTURE. A solution of continuity, in a bone, by vio- lence. ROTTENNESS. Ulceration, or rottenness in a bone. INTESTINAL DISCHARGE. * A vomiting or purging of any fluid, or both concurring. CHOLERA. A simultaneous and frequent vomiting and purging of a bilious or porraceous fluid; rest- lessness; gripes; spasms of the calves of the legs; in children fever. 98 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. II. DIARRHOEA- Humoris biliosi, vel aquosi, vel porracei, dejec- tio frequens; anxietas; tormina. Gen. XL. DIABETES. Urinae copia immodica, profusio, vetusta; ple- rumque cum odore, colore, et sapore meUeo; cor- poris tabe. Gen. XLI. ENEURESIS. Urinae e vesica iluxus involuntarius, non do- lens; post morbos spincterem vesicae laedentes; yel ex irritatione vesicae. * Gen. XLII. GONORRHCEA. Post concubitum impurum, humoris purifor- mis, cam inflammatione et dolore, et dysuria, ex urethra fluxus; contagiosus. Sp. I. GONORRHCEA ACUTA. Ut supra. SP. II GONORRHCEA VEJTUSTA. Post gonorrhoeam acutam, humoris mucosi, sine inflammatione, vel dolore, yel dysuria, ex urethra fluxus; non eontagiosus. GENERA MORBO&UM. 99 LAX. Frequent dejections of bilious, or waterish, or greenish matter; restlessness; gripes* DIABETES. An immoderately profuse, and chronick dis- charge of urine; generally with odour, colour, ho- ney-like sapidness, wasting of the general body. INCONTINENCE OF URINE. An involuntary discharge of urine, not pain* ful; after disease producing palsy of the spine * ter muscle of the bladder; or from irritation of the bladder itself CLAP. After an impure cohabitation; a purulent effu- sion from the urethra, with inflammation, pain, and dysury; disease contagious. ACJUTE CLAP. As above. GLEET. After an acute clap, a mucous discharge from the urethra, without inflammation, or pain, or dy- sury; not contagious. 4L± 100 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. XLIII. ABORTUS. Foetus immaturi enixus. Gen. XLIV. STERILITAS. Impotentia in mari, vel foemina ad gignendam prolem Gen. XLV. AMENORRHCEA. Menses, tempore quo fluere solent, vel solito parciores, vel non omnino fluentes, citra gravidi- tatem. Sp. I. AMENORRHCEA EMANSIONIS. In puberibus, quibus post fluxus tempus soli- turn, menses non jam prodierunt, et cum simul va- riae affectiones morbidae adsint. SP. II. AMENORRHCEA SUPPRESSIONS. In adultis, quibus menses, quae jam fluere so- lebant suppressae sunt. % GENERA MORBORUM. 101 ABORTION OR MISCARRIAGE. The birth of an immature child. BARRENNESS. Inability in man, or woman, of reproduc- tion. DEFECT OF THE MENSTRUAL ACTION. The menstruous fluid either does not flow at all, at the usual periods, or in too small quanti- ties for the purposes of the economy of the un- pregnant female body. RETENTION OF THE MENSTRUOUS FLUID. In virgins of mature age, a total deficiency of the menstrual flux, with various morbid symp- toms. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUOUS FLUID. A total suppression of the menstruous fluid in those who have once had it regularly. 102 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. III. AMENHORRHCEA DIFFICILIS. In qua menses parcius, et cum dolore, fluunt. Gen. XLVI. OBSTIPATIO. Dejectio foecum nulla, vel solito rarior. GENERA MORBORUM. 103 DIFFICULT MENSTRUAL OPERATION. A paucity of the menstrual flux, accompa- nied by pain. CONSTIPATION. Either no discharge of foeces or seldom so as to be inconsistent with health. m -7 P*^ -v ^''£-**~~^t2S+*'!~-~M ^c^^C^^^^^ '*' &?*~ " *"~ '-'■ 6Z* MadL.Mist. 116 hXHU I *9T 13 £>l t * 1 *> C*V *> :r :%#< •*? ■?* "--^ *fl *. « ■m 0 ^ .•w M *4? ■ .. '4/f KAW&