SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE LIBRARY. Section No. 113, W.D.S.G.O. ;p«^ <£^<* s No . _?.?. .7.1. 8—613 *** <*-, "' '■ '&$"' 4T .. ~ f ■ \r- *' x^X. W) \ N ^r. NOSOLOGIA METHODICA: SERIES CLASSIUM, ET GENERUM, ET SPECI- ERUM, ET VARIETATUM MOR- BORUM EXHIBENS. AUCTORE Joanne B. Davidge, A.M.M.D. PROFESSORE INSTITUTORUM SEU PRINCIPIORUM MEDICINE IN COLLEGIO TERRiE MARIiE. —-.c^^^^«—— fyt) 7 [ "Probe memores, sapientiam esse primam stultitia caruisse. Gregorius. 'Baltimortentft: EXCUDITUR BENJAMIN EDES. 1812. DISTRICT OF MARYLAND, ss. jg869@8§3t BE it Remembered, that on this tenth day o:: §SE AL.|H November, in the thirty-seventh year of the In- §i©ii§^ dependence of the United States- of America. John B. Davidge of the said district hath deposited in thi office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as au thor in the words and figures following, to wit: " Nosologia Methodica: series classium et generum, e specierum, et varietatum morborum exhibens. Auctorc Joanne B. Davidge, A. M. M. D. professore institutorum seu principiorum medicinae in eollegio Terras Mariae. " Probe memores, sapientiam esse primam stultitia ca ruisse." Gregorius. In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, " an act for the encouragement of learning. by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the au thors and proprietors of such copies, during the times then in mentioned;" and also to the act entitled, " an act supplt mentary to the act entitled, " an ac: for the encouragemer.. of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and book . to the authors and proprietors of such copies during tl times therein mentioned," and extending the benefits there- of to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching histori cal and other prints. PHILIP MOORE, Clerk of the district of Marylaw <* PREFACE. *: When about to give to the publick new principles of nosology, or old principles in a new form, it may be expected that we should give some reason for our un- dertaking; especially as the world is already in posses- sion of the works of several celebrated nosologists. It may be presumed that, if they have not attained some degree of perfection, our efforts will be fruitless; and if they have met with success, our labours will be su- perfluous and nugatory. It must be admitted in the science of physick, as well as in other sciences, that time and the labours of various and numerous intellects are not wholly in vain; and that year after year some little improvement may be made, so that we are kept in a state of, at least, slow progression. Not only so, but, it must be conceded, that the first views on most subjects are not so perfect, nor indeed can be expected to be, as those which may- result from much, close, and particular observation and reflection, even upon the presumption that all other things are equally propitious. Of the writings of the earlier authors, Linn.ius, Vogel, Sagar, and Sauvage, on nosological science, some are too unphilosophical to be understood, and others too imperfect to be useful. Of the nosology of M'Bride we have seen but a small portion, and that, we confess, has not raised our opinion of the talents iy PREFACE. or learning of the writer. And even Cullen himself is unable to maintain his claims against the rigorous de- mands of critical analysis. We cannot perceive any advantages that possibly can result from his numerous orders and his sections: they are too artificial. And his genera are multiplied beyond all toleration; they are unnatural, unscientifick, and derive no support, whatever from any rational view of his subject. There is a prolixness in his general detail, and a complexed- ness and involution in the various parts that require an address and a dexterity of investigation totally incon- sistent with the patience and capacity of ordinary minds. Hence many object to the Nosology of Dr. Cullen, because they do not comprehend it, and more because they have not patience to read through, or dexterity to unravel the intricacy of its parts. At best, Cullen is filled with serious errours,and in many places he is extremely unclassick- But we should be careful not to consider the errours and mistakes of the writers on Nosology as imperfec- tions in the science. If every system of science or mo- rals is to be answerable for the follies of those who attempt to write on them, what would be the fate of the noble and sacred system of Christianity? The faults are not in the system, but in the commentators- We shall avail ourselves of the opinions of Cullen, go far as»they accord with our own views; in a parti- cular manner shall we use his characters. Those are in the general unexceptionable. We wish it to be distinctly understood that what we now offer has no higher claim than a Syllabus, in- tended chiefly for the use of the pupils of our own College, purporting at our leisure to give something PREFACE. v more in the form and character of a finished system. We do not say this in order to evade any discussion, honouraole and fair, on the utility or principles of No- sology. Truth and the promotion of the medical sci- ence being our object, we are willing at any time to receive instruction on any point. The difficulty to fix and preserve a definite idea, in a living v ernacular tongue induces us to retain the La- tin. Whenever it is wished to repeat a character in a language of daily use, if we cannot readily and with precision recollect the words we want, nothing is more customary than to use such as bear a near affini- ty, in meaning, to them. And thus, by adopting words between which and those we want there is but a slight perhaps scarcely perceptible, shade of difference, we gradually and insensibly depart from the original, and ultimately lose both the words and the ideas. Not only so, but we are persuaded that there is a greater facility in committing to memory and'recovering to use, characters in a dead than in a living language Moreover, foreigners, not critically acquainted with the English language, may be at a loss to comprehend the exact limit and full extent of an idea in that tongue, but who would have no difficulty in attaching to it the proper sense and meaning, if conveyed in the Latin, with which they may have been early and intimatelv conversant. In America, a cbuntry peopled by indi- viduals of almost all nations, it appears to be of the greatest importance that we do not wholly abandon a language taught in every civilized country, and read by every scholar. Superadded to what we have advanced by way of apology for our present undertaking, we will subjoin, VI PREFACE. that as teachers of medicine we are called on, in the most imperious and irresistible manner, to arrest, so far as it may fall in our way, the progress of an errour, dangerous in the extreme. An opinion of late has been inculcated with indefatigable industry, that science and classical learning are by no means necessary con- stituents of a preparation to discharge the important duties of a Physician. In language the most unre- served, and sentiments the most unqualified, all at- tempts at general and nosological learning are discour- aged, and ignorance, unaided by the first principles of science, is invited and solicited to come forward and try its awkward hand in bold experiment on human feeling and on human life. A science, the most noble and useful, the most im portant and extensive, is committed to minds untutor- ed and unenlightened; hands the most unadroit&nd in- experienced are called on to exercise an art the most intricate and dear to humanity! That science; that art; which, in other countries, and at other times, afforded employment to elevated intelligence and cautious ex- perience, is now turned over to youth without pru- dence, and age without learning! INTRODUCTION PATHOLOGY. "THE remote causes of diseases all unite in producing but one effect, that is, irriidtion and morbid excitement, and of course are incapable of division. The proximate cause of disease is an unit." Hush's Introductory Lec- ture, p. 151. All analytical disquisitions on the modus operandi of causes producing disease in the animal body, are illuso- ry, and perhaps will continue to be unproductive of conviction or satisfaction, at least, until the principles of life shall be more fully ascertained. Causes probably act upon the living, the nervous system, not unlike external objects do, through the intermediation of the senses, on the intellectual powers. The latter by acting on our senses give occasion to perception, to thought, and lead on to induction or judgment; the former act on the living- system, and give occasion to those primary changes, ac- companied by disturbed sensation, or inordinate action in, or interruption of the function of an organ or organs, which we style disease. This original or primary change in, or departure from he health}- condition of the body, must forever be in kind according to the nature of the operating cause: and 11 INTRODUCTION. equally with the causes susceptible of division. Thus, that disease which we term small-pox ; or that which we term intermitent fever ; or that which we term lues venerea, is referrible for its peculiar phenomena, to the nature of the particular remote cause acting on the ani- mal system. The virus of the small-pox will never, un- der any circumstance whatever, produce the phenomena of the lues venerea; nor vice versa. That every disease is an irritation, or morbid excite- ment, is a position, so plain and so true, that it neither admits of refutation nor illustration. It is one of those self-evident propositions which defies argument, and is unsusceptible of proof; it is an obvious medical axiom. But that every irritation is the same in kind, and of course incapable of division, needs some proof; more we apprehend thali has yet been laid before the publick. The immediate and necessary consequences of the assumption of the learned Professor, that morbid ex- citement is simple and incapable of division, and that the proximate cause of disease is an unit, are that all the morbid appearances or pathological changes, which pre- sent themselves to our view, can be nothing more than varied forms or modifications of the same generick dis- ease. It would be equally defensible and logical, and by no means remote in analogy, to argue, that because the principle of animation or state of being enlivened, or the principle of vegetation or power of producing plants, is simple and incapable of division; therefore, all animal or vegetable productions, are nothing more than varied forms or modifications of one genus of animals or vege- tables. If we are permitted to indulge in that species of abstract induction or metaphysical sophistry, we would INTRODUCTION. iit analogically arrive at the conclusions in zoology or botan- ology, that the professor would in pathology. What zoologist would, upon the fact that the horse and cow are sustained in life by the same principle of ani- mation, deductively arrive at the conclusion that these two animals are only varied forms or modifications of the same genus ? And yet, upon the strictest analogy, he would only follow the rule of philosophising laid down by Dr. Rush; who states disease to be an irritation or morbid excitement, and immediately proceeds to the con- clusion, that, of consequence, every disease must be the same, and all morbid affections necessarily incapable of division. The zoologist, arguing from the difference of exter- nal figure and internal structure, determines the horse and cow to be of distinct genera or kinds. And, in our opinion, there is no exception to be taken to the ground of his reasoning, or to his conclusion. The botanist, proceeding on similar principles, has no difficulty in con- cluding the oak and the pine to be distinct in kind.— And we expect to prove that one disease may be, and really is, generically different from another, although the learned gentleman has, according to our opinion, rather boldly asserted, that the remote causes of diseases all unite in producing but one effect. It is generally granted, and we believe there is no in- security in the conclusion, that in the animal or ve- getable kingdoms, each genus, which under no temper- ament of constitution, or operation of cli ate, can be produced by any other, is distinct and separate from every other genus. And with an equal parity of reason, that disease which, under no variety of constitution or dissimilitude of climate, can be produced by any other, * B iv INTRODUCTION. may, in common sense and sound philosophy, be deter- mined to be distinct from all other diseases. This is so plain, that we apprehend it may stand as an axiom, against which there can be no reasonable objection, and on which we will put at issue our discussion. The intermittent or remittent fever, varieties of dis- ease from the same remote cause, and of the same ge- nus may attack the human body at any period of life, and may be removed by the unaided efforts of the con- stitution, or by these efforts artificially aided ; or they may, from their inherent violence, or the inability of the body to resist, prove fatal. This genus of disease can make its attacks once, or oftener through life; it leaves no taint in the parent body, transmissive either to near or remote offspring ; it is derived, so far as ^etiological researches afford evidence, from an insalubrious atmos- phere, and is not contagious. We do not at present speak of the distinctive symptoms of this genus of dis- ease ; a consideration of them being postponed until we shall arrive at a more advanced stage of our discourse. We are now disposed to limit ourselves to the obvious facts of its operations on the human system. The gout seldom attacks until the body has arrived at its acme or majority; does not appear to be owing, in its remote cause, to any insalubrious condition of the atmosphere, as it takes place under every variety of healthful and unhealthful modification of the air. Having once subdued the animal economy to its laws, no efforts of the constitution, or endeavours of art, can ever after through life, relieve the body from its influence. Nor is its influence limited to the parent body; it descends to the child, and may continue to inquinate the body of the descendteits for generations. INTRODUCTION. v There are not, between the horse and cow, any cir- cumstances which can more certainly mark them to be of separate genera, than there are between the remittent fever and the gout, to designate them as generically dis- tinct diseases. But we proceed. The small-pox, inscrutable in its origin, assails the human body at any, and every stage of life; runs its course in fifteen or twenty days; can be propagated by effluvia, from the diseased to the healthy; leaves no taint that can be transmitted from parent to child; nor does it but once attack the same body. Laying aside the particular sensible expressions of the gout and the small-pox, while operating on the constitution, they ap- pear to our understanding, to be as specifically distinct from each other, as the sheep and the hog, or the oak and the pine. From the insertion of the variolus virus into a body that has not antecedently passed under its action, whe- ther the body at the time of the insertion be healthful, or labour under a remittent fever, or gout, a genuine le- gitimate small-pox will be produced, capable of re- producing itself. Or if the virus of the small pox be inserted into a wound, made in a person under the meas- les, it will take effect locally, but will not evolve itself and come fully into operation throughout the whole sys- tem, until the action of the measles shall have spent it- self ; then will the small-pox virus unfold its nature and full character, unmixed and unaltered by any combina- tion with the measles. Here the germina of the measles and small-pox come as much as possible into union; yet the variolus virus obtained from a pustule in a person who had just under- gone the morbillous action will produce the genuiie small-pox. vi INTRODUCTION. If the ass-genus copulate on the horse, the produc- tion will be a mule, or hybrid animal, and unfertile. This obtains also with other animals ; hence it appears, without any strained induction, that diseases, under certain circumstances, may be more uniform and fixed in their laws, and blend less their characters than some animals or vegetables. The lues venerea attacks at any period of fife ; but unlike the small-pox and measles, and several other dis- eases, it does not run its course in a limited time, leaving the body unsusceptible of any future return. If it be not opposed by art, the patient's life will inevitably be lost, and that with an unerring uniformity. ^Vill gentlemen who have made up their minds in full accordance with all the consequences of the new philo- sophy of simplicity and unity, argue that there is no es- sential radical difference between the irritation of the gout, and the morbid excitement of the small-pox ; be- tween the irritation of the vaccine disease and the mor- bid excitement of die lues venerea ? Will they insist that " their remote causes all unite in producing but one ef- fect ," or that the proximate cause of the gout, the small- pox, the vaccine, and the lues venerea is but an unit and the same ? This putative unity of disease reminds us very strong- ly of the ancient alchymy, which maintained that there is but one true metal; that all metallic bodies were only so many modifications of this one genuine metal; and that they were all reducible by chemical process to this one true metal, gold* The analogy between the present medical philosophy and that of the alchymists is not re- mote, and we apprehend, when the new doctrines of pathology shall be examined with a like degree of mi- INTRODUCTION. vii nuteness and care, as were the alchymical doctrines, they will share a similar fate. Their premises were, without doubt, as well laid, and their inductive reason- ing as 'good, and equally plausible. " Pathology has for its objects, the remote, exciting, and proximate causes of diseases.,, Rush's Introductory Lecture, p. 14. Pathology has no more to do with the remote, excit- ing, or proximate cause, than the doctrine of plants has. Such a construction of the term is not to be justified either by etimology or general use. All enquiry into remote and exciting causes, falls altogether within the range of aetiology, and belongs to it alone. Innovations in the technical language of science, par- ticularly when such changes tend to corrupt the lan- guage, are followed, and that of necessity, by confusion of the most serious kind, not of words, but of ideas. It is equally necessary that the terms of a science should be defined, as that its principles should be fixed. Our ideas can only be made public, or communicated, by words or signs, and if these be loose and undefined, there is an end to all exchange of sentiment and reason- ing. Pathology is the philosophy of the manner in which one morbid change in the human body, succeeds to5 and is produced by another. It treats of the manner in which causes affect the animal economy, but cannot ex- tend to a disquisition on the nature or origin of causes. Pathology explains, for instance, how and from what series of causation, pain, increased heat, redness, tume- faction, arise in an inflamed part; and also the pulsa- tion of the neighbouring arterial trunks. If we travel into the nature or origin of the causes, either remote or viii INTRODUCTION. exciting, we unquestionably forsake the limits of patho- logy, and get within the province of aetiology. There are numerous instances of nations having been exempt from one or more particular diseases. The Greeks and Romans were, for centuries, free from the Small Pox. But no sooner was this disease incidentally introduced among them, than it spread with great rapidity, attended by inconceivable fatality, over their whole communities. If disease be an unit, in what way is this highly interesting fact to be ex- plained? It will scarcely be contended, that, for cen- turies, no person, among the Greeks and Romans, was in that peculiar condition of habit, which was susceptible of the action of the Small Pox. Among the many millions wrho lived in Greece and Rome; we have a right to suppose that there must have been every variety of constitution, and tempera- ment. Yet it is a fact not to be controverted, that the Small Pox never did appear in those countries until ages after they had been peopled. But no soon- er was this disease introduced, from without than thousands of the inhabitants fell victims to its ravages. Now if Small Pox be nothing but a/orm, or grade of disease, how did it happen that not a solitary in. stance of it occurred either among the Greeks or Ro- mans? And by what peculiar means was it that both nations were suddenly and extensively attacked by it? It is not to be imagined that there was an instantaneous revolution in the physical constitutions of the people of each nation. And yet without this stretch of ima- gination the medical unitarian is reduced to some difficulty. INTRODUCTION. IX Upon the ground that disease is an unit, we are to suppose one of two things. Either there was no con- stitution of that peculiar complexion, and character, which was obnoxious to the operation of the Small Pox; or there was a sudden revolution in the physi- cal habits of the people. To suppose the former, were to proceed farther on the begged question than any rational philosopher would be disposed to go: and to admit the latter, would be to suppose a point merely because it was absurd, and in the face of all evidence. We believe that no mind, except placed without the limits of all reason, can be prepared for the admission of either of these propositions. Yet it is only on the admission of one or the other, that the unity of disease can be defended. The arguments immediately deducible from the above fact, most unanswerably establish the plurality of disease, and defy all the subtle ingenuity of the most plausible sophistry. The fact admits of but one solution. The seminia, or remote cause of the Small Pox, are, and must be, in their nature, distinct from the seminia of every di- sease which prevailed among the Greeks or Romans, and of consequence, the Small Pox could not have origin among these people until introduced from without, by means of its seminia brought among them. WThat has been advanced concerning Small Pox, may be advocated respecting Measles, Chicken Pox, &c. Again, if a farmer weie asked, upon his sowing wheat in any district of country, or variety of soil x INTRODUCTION. whatever, whether from the wheat sown he would not reap a crop of oats, he would not be a little sur- prised. He might conceive the question to embrace no small degree of mental imbecility, as regarded the person who propounded it, or of gross insult a^ it re- spected himself. And would undoubtedly answer- that the result could not be a thing of contingence or accident; that his own personal observation—the ex- perience of his neighbours—and the history of the grain, since it was known, all bear him out in the opinion that, from wheat, no grain but wheat could grow, let the climate or soil be what it may. Upon analogous principles were it propounded to a philosopher of the new school, whether from the vi- rus of a rabid animal, inserted into a wound made in a healthy person, the Hydrophobia would certainly and unerringly be produced, he would answer that the result must be a thing of casualty or accident. The laws of disease in his estimation not being fixed, it would depend upon a concurrence of circumstan ces. " It might be a Mumps, a Small Pox, a Yellow Fever, or even regular Mania, according to time, to climate and a great variety of circumstances." But were the same proposed to a Nosologist, a man of the old school, of reason and science, he, like the farmer, taking the experience and unbiassed obser- vation of ages for his guide, and steadily con- fiding \n the fixed, immutable laws of disease, would find no difficulty in solving the question. lie would say, that as neither time, nor climate, nor any variety of circumstances, has as yet made any essential altera- tion in the laws of the Hydrophobia, as respects its INTRODUCTION. XI operation on animal bodies, it amounts to a certainty, or that kind of probability, which rational men are not permitted to doubt, that an affection, correspond- ent in nature and phenomena to the Hydrophobia, could alone be propagated from the virus of a rabid animal. But some gentlemen, of high intellect too, have per- suaded themselves, " that all remote causes unite in producing but one effect, that is irritation or morbid excitement, and that the proximate cause of all diseases is an unit." In other words that the excitement of the Hydrophobia, and the excitement of the Vaccine Disease are the same in kind, and that their proximate causes are an unit. Or, in plainer English, that the Hydrophobia is only a modification of the Vaccine Disease! It has been urged with some warmth, and, indeed, with no little degree of confidence, that the febrile state of disease is, at least, simple, and indivisible. And so plausible is the manner, in which this fascina- ting idea has been introduced to the publick consider- ation, that, even men of science and intelligence, on the first view, admitted it. We believe it may be laid down as a fact, that the Measles, Chicken Pox, Mumps, Hooping Cough, Sec. can be propagated during their state of fever. This, perhaps, will not be contradicted. If it should be, we shall ask for a defence of the ground upon which it is questioned. For the present then, we assume that the fact is so, and we shall proceed to give our ideas of the manner in which it takes place. The only intermediate body, t b V xii INTRODUCTION. by which a healthy person can be affected by a patient labouring under the febrile state of one of the above diseases, is the effluvia issuing from the lungs and ge- neral superficies of the person diseased. The effluvia eliminated, must, in their nature, depend on the pecu- liarity of action of the vessels whence they issue; and this peculiarity of vascular action can be ascribable to nothing less than to the cause which produces and keeps up the peculiar excitement. Hence it incontest- ably follows, that if the Hooping cough be generically distinct from the Chicken Pox, or the Mumps from the Measles, the effluvia producing them respectively must also be generically distinct; and if the effluvia causing those diseases be in their nature different, the peculiarities of action in the vessels producing them must in like manner be different. Thus, if we be cor- rect in our premises, and we perceive no fault, our conclusion, that the febrile state in the Chicken Pox is generically distinct from that of the Hooping-cough: and so of the Mumps and Measles, we conceive to be unexceptionable. For the fever in each disease is this peculiarity of action in the arteries, superinduced and supported by the peculiarity of the original, re- mote cause acting on the living system. If the arte- ries, large as well as small, can be said to be the throne and seat of any disease or form of disease, as- suredly they may be said to be the throne and seat of fever. In answer to what we have advanced, it may be s "»'l that the effluvia, although in themselves depend- ent on the action of the capillary arteries of the sur- face, may only serve as a vehicle to any poison that INTRODUCTION. xiu shall be mixed with the blood, and shall escape through the arteries as through exhaling tubes, and as a vehicle may convey this poison to surrounding bodies. Until it can be fully established and demonstrated that the poison of the Small Pox, or iVleasles is recei- ved into the blood, is mixed with it, and escapes through the arteries of the surface, as through strain- ers unaltered, we shall hold ourselves at liberty to question such hypothesis. If the poison of the Hy- drophobia, S until Pox, or Chicken Pox be mixed wiv-i the blood, would not the blood of a person la- bouring under one or either of those diseases produce infection applied under certain circumstances? We lave no unequivocal evidence even in the Venereal Disease that the blood will communicate the infection. Thr >u noral pathology will do but little credit to the science that undertakes the defence of its preten- sions. As to ourselves, we have no exalted opinion of the justness of its claims. NOSOLOGY. " Nosology presupposes the characters of diseases to be as fixed as the characters of animals and pl&.ts; but this is far from being the case. Animals and plants are exactly the same in all their properties, that they were six thousand years ago; but who can say the same thing of any one disease? They are all changed by-time, and still more by climate, and a great variety of accidental circumstances." Rush. xiv INTRODUCTION. Nosology has for its object the nature and pathog- nomonic symptoms of disease. It is simply the sci- ence of pathognomonics, or that series of diagnostic symptoms, which is inseparable from, and uniformly indicative of a disease, and by which that disease is to be known from every other. And we are prepared to say, and entertain hopes of sustaining our assertion, that the pathognomonic symptoms in diseases, are as unequivocal and fixed, as the distinctive characters in animals or plants; and further, that no generic disease, in any of its distinctive diagnostic properties, has ever, by time, by climate, or any other accidental circum- stances, been changed. The better to avoid misapprehension, unfairness, or illusion, we take our characters from Cullen's No- sology; yet we are not to be understood as taking upon ourselves the defence of all his opinions and pe- culiarities. The diagnostic series of symptoms of the intermit- tent fever, or that by which it is distinguished, is " Febres, miasmate paludum ortae, paroxysmis pluribus, apyrexia, saltern remissione evidente inter- posita, cum exacerbatione notabili, et plerumque cum horrore redeuntibus, constantes: paroxysmo quovis tjfie unico tantum." Cullen. PNEUMONIA. « Pyrexia, dolor in quadam thoracis parte; rcspira- tio difficilis; tussis." Cullen. INTRODUCTION. PODAGRA. " Morbus hereditarius, oriens sine causa externa evidente, sed prseeunte plerumque ventriculi affectione insolita; pyrexia; dolor ad articulum, et plerumque pedis pollici, certe pedum et manuum juncturis, potis. simum infestus; per intervalla revertens, et saepe cum ventriculi, vel aliarum internarum partium, affectioni- bus alternans.v Cullen. VARIOLA. " Synocha contagiosa cum vomitu, et, ex epigas- trio presso dolore. Tertio die incipit, et quinto fini- tur eruptio papularum, phlegmonodearum, quae, spa- tio octo dierum, in suppurationem, et in crustas de- mum abeunt, saepe cicatrices depressas, sive foveolas in cute relinquentes." Cullen. Now permit us to appeal to professional men of reading, of observation, of candour, to determine whe- ther there be in any wriften authority, ancient or mo- dern, or in their own personal experience, any series of facts, from which they could inducth ely conclude, that the above diseases, or either of them, have been radically or fundamentally changed; that any diagnos- tic has been added to, or taken from those diseases by time or by climate, or by accidental circumstances. We do not mean that all persons shall have all the symptoms with uniform precision. It would as ra- tionally be expected that the horns and colour of every cow would afford an uniform sameness. XVI INTRODUCTION. But it may be suggested, that, not ut {frequently, in- flammation and the intermittent unite in t e same ha- bit at the same time. Of this interesting fact we are not unapprized But by what means do we ascertain this union? Is it not by the nosological characters alone that the practitioner regulates his measures? by the nosological signs that he recognizes the very exist- ence of the thing? He does not surely know it by in- tuition. No inflammation can arise in any part of the body without showing the nosological characters proper to it, viz. redness, increase of heat, tumefaction, and pain. And if it be in any of the important organs, it is discoverable by the appropriate signs of an inflammation of that organ, and by these signs only. But with all the heterogeneousness of character, and blending of symptoms in disease, nosology can never be under greater difficulties, or in greater uncer- tainties, than zoology and botanology in their mules and hybrids. Upon no other ground could Sydenham bottom the opinion that the history given by the Arabia s of the small pox was superior to any other, or that it was at all correct, than on the exact correspondence be- tween that disease as described by the Arabians, and as it appeared under his own observation in London. If" time, and still more climate," could effect changes in this disease, it should have suffere I some alteration in the long tract of ages which have elapsed since the days of Rhazes and Avicenna; seeing it has not been kept to one region only, but has been diffused through all nations and spread over all countries. INTRODUCTION xvii Has time, too, laid its hand on the lues venerea; or has donate wnuen on it those changes to wiuen, ac- cording to Dr. Rush, all diseases must pay homage? The vaccine disease is, at this moment, rapidly dif- fusing itself through every region of the civilized world;, as far as we are authorised to form our conclusions, retains all its distinctive characters when in its genuine state. Professor Rush, we find, does not limit his pen to one or two diseases, if indeed one or two could be found to give him countenance; but he unhesitating- ly avers, that" they are all changed by time, and still more by climate, and a great variety of accidental cir- cumstances." Of this general and sweeping proposition we should have a much more respectable opinion, were it cor- roborated by any specification of facts; or had any one generic disease been pointed out which had been obviously and acknowledgedly changed by either of the circumstances referred to. In short, upon what expr ta ions or hopes is it that a Professor teaches me- dicine, if an inflammation, an apoplexy, a yellow fe- ver, or vaccine disease, be not marked the following, by the same symptoms t was the preceding year; or if it be not recognized under the same form in North as in ^outh America? What is taught in Philadel- phia cann )t be true in either the eastern or western ex tremity of our country, if there be this constant flux and reflux in the nosological characters of disease. If the yellow fever does not appear under the same general form as is described by Rush himself; or the the apoplexy, or measles, or pleurisy, as described by xviii INTRODUCTION. Cullen, in every part of the world where the disease itself appears, we should be gratified in knowing by what badges it may be discovered, or how recognised. We do insist, that if diseases be so mutable in their diagnostics, medicine cannot be a science; it is a mere art, and a very crude one too, of conjecture. No- thing short of long* experience and an examination in- to the seats of diseases, can either ascertain the mor- bid conditions of the body, or the signs of these con- ditions, by which alone they can be judged of. Ev- ery new disease must be accompanied by new and unknown symptoms, and of consequence the physi- cian's learning can be of no possible service. Nay, the experience of every year becomes useless, as with the .new year flows in a new tide of diseases, and he has to commence anew. " But the morbid state of the system often assumes in the course of a few days all the symptoms of a do- zen different genera of diseases. Thus a malignant fever frequently invades every part of the body, and is at once or in succession an epitome of the whole class of pyrexiae in Dr. CuhWs Synopsis." Rush's Introductory Ledure. The whole of this paragraph is written with that seriousness and gravity which is well calculated to se- cure the easy confidence of the careless reader; and he would feel himself persuaded that it is at least probable, if not exactly true. But the whole is alto- gether erroneous, and indefensible throughout. Has the morbid state of the system ever been such as to assume the symptoms of the chicken-pox, measles, and small-pox, much less a dozen different genera in the INTRODUCTION xix course of a few days? What malignant fever is it, that is at once, or in succession, an epitome of the whole class of Dr. Cullen's Pyrexiae? Is it the yellow fever, or plague, that is at once or in succession, an intermittent, a pleurisy, a chicken pox, a measles, a hooping-cough? &c. We thought it had been conceded, long since, by common observation, and common sense, that no two general diseases of the class of Pyrexiae could be pre- sent in the body at the same moment. Indeed, we had admitted the belief that it would be equally rational to maintain that two atoms of matter could occupy the same space at the same instant, or that the human mind could contemplate the past and the future si- multaneously, as that any two of those general dis- eases alluded to could co-exist. Or is it meant that the symptoms of a dozen different genera of diseases could be present, and yet the diseases themselves not be in operation? But we are informed also, that " a malignant fever frequently pervades every part of the body." Fever, every fever we suppose, is a convulsive action of the arterial system; every part theiefore, provided with arteries, and no living part can be without them, must be affected, or if the writer pleases, pervaded not only by every malignant but by every other fever. A pen of far inferior note might have been employed in pro- mulgating this well known fact without being en- titled to much credit. " Nosology has led physicians to prescribe exclusive- ly for the names of diseases, without a due regard t» XX INTRODUCTION. the condition of the system." Rush's Introductory Lednre, p. 153. There must be some misconception in the circum- stances of this objection. That physicians could have been led by nosology to prescribe exclusively for the names of diseases, without a due regard to the state of the system, is what we do not believe. It is too absurd There are but two grounds upon which a physician can prescribe for a patient. The one is, he receives a report either directly or indirectly from the patient, purporting that he labours under some specific disease, a pleurisy, a small-pox, a syphilis, and on that report he prescribes. In this case, it cannot ingenuously be said, that he prescribes either exclusively or at all for the name of the disease. He most assuredly prescribes for the condition of the system of which the name is signifi- cant, supposing the reporter has considered the symp- toms, and inferred the condition, to which he has giv- en a specific name. The other, is that where the physician takes the distinctive characters immediately from the patient himself, and arguing from effects to causes, concludes synthetically on the condition of the system, to which he may give an appropriate epithet, and prescribe ac- cordingly. In neither of those instances can it be sur- mised, that the physician prescribes exclusively for the name of the disease, or that he has any regard to it. In the first case he prescribes imprudently and at random, because he permits an unqualified person to judge for him. The name, in both cases, is a mere INTRODUCTION. xxi incidental thing, and added solely on account of the facility of communicating the fact, as it relates to the morbid state of the body. The reporter, whe- ther the sufferer himself, or a friend, when he commu- nicates the name of the disease, intends to convey al- so the condition of the system; when he gives the sign, he also communicates the thing signified. " Nosology unnecessarily multiplies the articles of the materia medica, by employing as many medicines as there are forms of diseases." Rush's bitrodudory Lecture, p. 153. In this charge is conveyed a reproach against nosol- ogy for instructing physicians to prescribe for the forms of diseases, and that nosology thereby unneces- sarily multiplied the articles of the materia medica. The patient himself has no knowledge of being dis- eased, but through his feelings, and those feelings he communicates to the physician. What are the feel- ings communicated to the physician, but assemblages of distinctive sensible symptoms, or forms of diseases? And if the physician is not to prescribe from a consi- deration of those assemblages of symptoms, or forms of diseases, arguing from them the nature of VAe dis- ease, we should be gratified in being informed upon what rational ground he is to prescribe at all. * We believe but few physicians affect to ascertain intuitive ly the conditions of the systems of their patients. To prescribe for a disease from a due consideration of its forms, or distinctive marks, we conceive to be one of the soundest lessons of nosology, and one of the wisest dictates of an enlightened medical education. But how does this multiply necessarily or unnecessa- rily, the articles of the materia medica? xxu INTRODUCTION. The science of disease is a grand whole, and like every other science, is made up of parts. The first act of nosology, is to separate these parts, and ar- range them into order and system, according to their approximations in character. From this we gain important advantages; our minds are not distract- ed or overwhelmed by a confused multitude of he- terogeneous, incoherent, mutually repulsive materials. But we have the advantage of entering on each part Separately, and, when the intricacies and contexture of the first shall have been examined, we engage in a se- cond, under the same auspicious circumstances. Thus are the facilities to apprehension and memory, exceed- ingly multiplied and increased. It is by piling one ex- amined fact upon another, that the fine edifice of a complete professional education is to be raised. By this particularity ol knowledge, we acquire a dexterity and skill in tracing out morbid conditions from pathognomonic signs, not only more readily, but much more certainly than we could, were we to at- tempt the whole in chaotic mass. To attempt the whole, without order or rule, is like a learner wasting his time, and exhausting his powers, in ef- forts to read, before he has acquired his alpha- bet, or mastered the elementary constituents of language: or indeed, like a sailor, cast out to sea, with- out compass or quadrant; he may possibly get into harbour, but more probably his ship will be wrecked. The following objection to nosology, stands first in Professor Rush's list, but we have postponed it to the last, in order that it may make the better impres- sion on the reader's mind ; it being in our estimation, INTRODUCTION. xxiii the most singular specimen of logic that has ever come under our notice. '• It (nosology) precludes all the advantages which are to be derived from attacking diseases, in their forming state, at which tune they are devoid of their nosological Jiaracters, anu are most easily and cer- tainly prevented or cured. Rush's Introductory Lec- ture, p. 153. That a disease can exist in its •' forming state," or any of its stages, witnout tiie nosological characters appropriate to that stage, we can as readily conceive, but not more so, as that matter can exist without pro- perties of extension, figure, or divisibility; or that mind can be present in the body* without its attributes of perception, thought, or memory, and that we can have knowledge of the existence of matter, or of mind, thus circumstanced. If there be no nosological charaders, or diagnostic symptoms, during tins state of diseases; that is, no dis- turbed sensations of which the patient is conscious or sensible or which are palpable to the senses of the physician, by what means does the physician know that there is a forming state of diseases? It appears from the express words of the professor, that the phy- sician is not only to know diseases to be forming, but is also to prevent or cure them. The physician is suc- cessfully to interfere with the forming state of diseases, when there is no character, no evidence, no symptom of disease! For the Professor says, "they are devoid of their nosological characters in their forming state!" CORRIGENDA. Page 36 line 13 for Proctitis read Proditis. ---- 56 line 3 for ubiaue read ibique. •---- 56 line 22 for partum read pastum. —— 68 line 20 for Arcites read Ascites. SERIES CLASSIUM MORBORUM. Classis i. Pyrexiae. Classis ii. Neurosis. Class s in. Cachexiae. Classis iv. Vitia. A SERIES OF CLASSES OF DISEASES. Class i. Feverous Diseases. Class ii. Nervous Diseases. Class hi. Diseases of Depraved Habit. Class iv. Organick diseases. 10 GENERA MORBORUM CLASSIS I. PYREXIAE, Character. Praegressis languore, lassitudine, et aliis debilitatis signis; vel horrore; pulsus frequens, calor major; cutis arida; lingua sordida; plures functiones laesae; viribus praesertim artuum imminutis. GENUS I. FEBRIS REMITTENS. Febris, miasmate paludum orta, paroxysmis pluri- bus, intermissione, saltern remissione evidente inter- posita, cum exacerbatione notabili, et plerumque cum horrore redeuntibus, constans: paroxysmo quovis die unico tantum.* * There is not, in our conception, any disease, strictly and in fact intermittent. For although the Quotidian, Tertian, or Quartan, in their obvious and sensible signs may inter- mit, yet, so long as they continue to recur at fixed periods, they must operate by established and determinate laws, and should, so far as relates to the diseases in their essential pro- perties, be considered as unbroken and continuous. The powers of the body are subjected to the dominion of the disease, which, according to the relation between its force and the resistance of the body, will be remittent or in- termittent, or irregular and mixed. We are not to argue from an interruption of the palpable symptoms of a disease that it is broken and discontinuous. An illustration of this remark we have afforded by the gout and epilepsy. No person can be said to be free of the gout or epilepsy so long as the paroxysms, proper to the one or the GENERA MORBORUM. 11 CL0 I. FEVEROUS DISEASES. Character. Languidness, lassitude, and other signs of debility, or a cold fit, having preceded; the pulse becomes frequent; the temperature is increased; skin dry; tongue foul; many of the functions are impaired; in an especial manner the power of the limbs is dimi nished. REMITTENT FEVER. Fever arising from marsh effluvia, and continued by repeated paroxysms, returning with intermission, at least evident remission, interposed between each preceding and following paroxysm; remarkable exa- cerbation, and generally with a palpable sense of cold- ness; one paroxysm or exacerbation each day. other, continue to return periodically; or so long as the per- son labouring under either of them can transmit to his off- spring any taint or seeds of the disease. That the periodical recurrences of the paroxysms in the gout, the epilepsy, or intermittent, depend on any diurnal, hebdomidal, or monthly revolution in the human body, we cannot be induced to believe; wc speak of revolutions natu- ral and proper to the body. If such periodical recurrences were referrible to the natural revolutions of the human sys- tem, it would inevitably follow, as those paroxysms are es- sential parts of the disease, that the laws themselves of the animal economy are morbid. For whatever depends on the revolutions of the body must come within the laws of its economy, and if morbid paroxysms arise out of the revolu- tions, the laws themselves must of necessity be morbid; which were an incongruity too gross to be tolerated. 12 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. I. REMITTENS B1LIOSA VULGARIS. . Febris, cum exacerbationibus notabilibus, et ple- rumque cum horrore redeuntibus, constans; remissione quovis die evidente interposita; et aliquando cum fla- vidine cutis, et secretione aucta bilis. Sp. II. FEBRIS FLAVA. Febris epidemica et autumnalis, cum exacerbationi- bus, plerumque cum horrore redeuntibus, constans; remissione quovis die evidente interposita; aliquando cum flavidine cutis; anxietate maxima; nausea; vomi- tuque nigricante; haemorrhagiis; et, in paucis exemplis, petechiis, seu carbunculis. Sp. III. QUOTIDIANA. Paroxismi similes intervallo viginti quatuor circiter horarum: intermissione interposita; paroxysmis matu- tinis. The recurrence of the paroxysms in all diseases must, in our estimation, result from the laws peculiar to each disease, modified more or less by the susceptibility of the body to be acted on, or in other words, its capability to resist. From what has been said above, we are justified in the conclusion, that the apparent and ostensible differences be- tween what is termed remittent and intermittent, are merely contingent and casual; that the vast varieties of morbid af- fections produced by marsh effluvia, or exhalations from pu- trid vegetables or water, are in kind the same; and, finally, that this generick disease may properly be styled remittent. GENERA MORBORUM. 13 Sp.I. COMMON BILIOUS REMITTENT. Fever continued by obvious exacerbations, and re- turning generally with a sense of coldness; a remis- sion each day, and sometimes with yellowness of skin, and an increased biliary secretion. YELLOW FEVER. Fever epidemick, occurring for the most part in the autumn, continued by exacerbations, which generally recur with a sense of coldness; an obvious remission each day; sometimes with yellowness of the skin; great restlessness; sickness at stomach, and blackish vomit; haemorrhages; and, in a few cases, spots like flea-bites, or gangrenous sores, similar to what take place in the plague. QUOTIDIAN. A fever with correspondent paroxysms returning at the interval of twenty-four hours; an evident inter- mission interposed; the fits in the morning. 14 GENERA MORBORUM. V. Quotidiana legitima, eddem hora matutina re- diens. Quotidiana legitima, indiciis alienis stipata. Mort.-----------cephalalgia. Sauv.-----------anginosa. Sauv. ————----catarrhalis. Boarh.-----------asthmatica. Sauv.-----------peripneumonia. Greg. -----------gastrica. Macb.-----------hepatica. Etmull.-----------spleneiica. Mort.-----------nephralgica. Sauv.-----------ischiadica. Sauv.-----------stranguosa. Mort.-----------hysterica. Sauv.-----------epileptica. Sauv.-----------arthritica. Sauv.-----------miliaris. Sauv.-----------syphilitica. Etmull-----------scorbutica. Pring.-----------verminosa. Sag. *-----------tetanoides. Cul.-----------efflorescentia cutis stipata. Sauv. -----------hemiplegica. Mort.-----------dysenteria. Sauv.-----------syncopalis. Barth.-----------epidemica. Rev.-----------maligna pestilens. Macb.-----------biliosa. GENERA MORBORUM. 15 V. Regular quotidian, returning at the same hour. ----attended by symptoms not proper to it. ----with an affection of the head. ----with an inflammatory affection of the throat. ----with catarrh. ----witli asthmatick affedion. ----with inflammation of the lungs. .----with inflammation of the stomach. ----with inflammation of the liver. ----with an affedion of the spleen. ----with an affedion of the kidney. ----with the sciatick or rheumatism of the hip. ----with an affection of the bladder. .----with an affection of the womb. ----conjoined with epilepsy. ----in a gouty habit. ----with a miliary eruption on the skin. ----combined with syphilis. ----in a scorbutick habit. ----accompanied by worms. ----attended by letanick symptoms. ____with efflorescence in the skin. ----attended by hemiplegy. ----attended by dysenterick symptoms. —— attended by syncope orfuintness. ----general or epidemick. ----malignant and accompanied by symptoms unusually severe. ----with yellowness of skin and eyes and an un- usual secretion of bile. 16 GENERA MORBORUM Sp. HI. TERTIANA. Paroxysmi similes, intervallo quadraginta octo ho- rarum; intermissione interposita; accessionibus me- ridianis. V. Terliana vera Cleg. ■-------duplex. Cleg.------- duplicala. Cleg.-------triplex. Cleg, semitertiana Cleg, tertiana indiciis alienis stipata. Vide quolid. Sp. IV. QUART ANA. Paroxysmi similes intervallo septuaginta duarum circiter horarum; intermissione interposita; accessioni- bus pomeridianis. V. Quartana legitima. Sauv. ------- duplicata. Sauv. .------- triplicata. Sauv. ------- duplex. Sauv. ------- triplex. ERRATICS Sauv. Erratica quintana. Sauv. » septana. GENERA MORBORUM. 17 TERTIAN. Fever with correspondent paroxysms returning at the interval of forty eignt hours; an evident intermis- sion; the paroxysms at mid day. V. as above ----when the paroxysms return daily, but are un- equal. ----when the paroxysms recur every second day, two being on the same day. .----when the paroxysms recur every day with two on every second day. ----with the paroxysms between the odd and even greater than between the even and odd. ----attended by symptoms not proper to it. V. Quo. QUARTAN. Fever with similar paroxysms returning at the in- terval of seventy-two hours; evident intermission in- terposed: the paroxysms in the afternoon. V. as above ----with two paroxysms on every fourth day; none on the intermediate. ----three paroxysms on every fourth day; none on the intermediate. ----of the four days the third only is free of fever paroxysms every day; but similar on the fourth only. IRREGULAR. ----recurring on the fifth day. ~----recurring on the seventh day* 18 GENERA MORBORUM. Sauv.----------octana. Sauv.----------nonana. Sauv.----------decimana. Etmull.----------vaga. ----------quartana indiciis alienis stipata. Vide Quotid. G. II. SYNOCHA. Calor plurimum auctus; pulsus frequens, validus, et durus; cutis arida; lingua sordida et subalbida; uri na rubra; sensorii functiones parum turbatae. V. Synocha vera. --------effloresceniia cutis stipata. —-—— vesiculosa; vel pemphigus. G. III. TYPHUS. Morbus contagiosus; calor parum auctus; pulsus parvus, debilis, plerumque frequens; lingua sordida et subfusca; urina parum mutata; sensorii functiones plurimum turbatae; vires multum imminutae; aliquan- do cum eruptionibus. Sp. TYPHUS SIMPLEX. Typhus, vel febrislentaet nervosa, sine eruptionibus. Sp II. FEBRIS PETECHIALIS. Typhus, vel febris lenta et nervosa, cum petechiis. Sp. III. PESTIS. Typhus, vel febris pestilens, cum eruptionibus bu bonum et anthracum. GENERA MORBORUM. 19 -------recurring on the eighth day. »-------recurring on the ninth day. -------recurring on the tenth day. ^ -------recurring on no fixed day. -------attended by incidental symptoms. Vide Quo- tidian. N ^ INFLAMMATORY FEVER. Temperature very much increased; pulse freojuent; strong, andx hard; skin dry; tongue foul, and whitish* v urine high Coloured; functions of the common senso.-. ry but little disturbed. As above. C. v---------attended by an efflorescence of the skin. i — attended by numerous broad, fiat ve- sicles. CONTAGIOUS FEVER. Disease contagious; temperature but little increas - ed; pulse small, weak, and generally frequent; tongue foul and brownish; urine but little changed; the func- tions of the brain very much disturbed; the powers of the body much reduced; sometimes with eruption. SIMPLE CONTAGIOUS FEVER. Typhus, or slow, nervous fever, without eruption. SPOTTED FEVER. Typhus, or slow, nervous fever, with spots on the skin like flea-bites. PLAGUE. Typhus, or pestilential fever, with an eruption of bu boes and carbuncles, 20 GENERA MORBORUM. G. IV. PHLEGMASIA. Febris synochaj inflammatio; dolor ad locum spec- tans; simul laesa partis internae vel externae functione; sanguis missus et jam concretus, superficiem conace- am albam ostendens. GENERA MORBORUM. 21 SYNOCHA, With local inflammation. Fever; local pain and inflammation; the function of some internal or external part being injured; blood when drawn and coagulated exhibiting a surface whi- tish and sizy.* * Phlegmasia is simple and incapable of generick division. What shades soever of difference it may exhibit, when seated in different organs, must be considered as incidental and at- tributable to the peculiarity or connexions of the organ af- fected. Hence we are induced to disapprove of the divisions of phrenitis, and gastritis, into various genera by the justly celebrated Cullen. And also of the separation into external and internal generick inflammation, by the learned Dr. M'Bride. The errors of such writers as Cullen and M'Bride, Sau- vage, Vogeleus, and Linnaeus, have led medical men, who do not find it convenient to distinguish between the real mis- takes of the writer, and the supposed imperfections of the science, to reject Nosology altogether, as a thing unuseful and wholly factitious—the mere creature of the imagination. We have placed the phlegmon or bile with all its modifica- tions, as species and varieties of phlegmasia, from a convic- tion, that the local inflammation in a genuine phlegmasia is in its nature and phenomena in no respect different from a simple inflammation. And that any simple inflammation may, and daily does, become a phlegmasia merely by an aggrava- tion of its circumstances. We cannot agree with Dr. Wilson and others in dividing phlegmasia and simple inflammation into distinct orders or genera* 22 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. PHLEGMONA. Tumor circumscripta; rubor vividus, cum dolore, et calore aucto; sensu saepe pulsatili. V. Gutta rosacea. Tuberculum quasi confluens, cum superficie rubicunda aspera maculosaque. Hoidoleum. Phlegmona palpebral. Mastodynia. Phlegmona mammae. Paronychia. Infiammatio dolorifica in surnmitate digitorum. Ambustio. Infiammatio ab corporibus ex igne can- dentibus, vel liquoribusferyentibus. Pernio. Infiammatio a frigore. Anthrax. Phyma apice gangrenosum, et in base inflammatum. Phimosis. Tumor infiammatus prceputii glandem incarcerans. Paraphymosis. Prceputium rdro glandem adduc- turn ila inflammatum uti earn tegere non possit. Hernia humoralis. hfiammatio testium ex gonorr- hea orta. Bubo. Tumor phlegmonoideus in glandulis ingui- nalibus. Parotis. Tumor phlegmonoideus parotides glandu- les. Sequeke. APOSTEMA. Post inflammationem, remittentibus dolore et pul satione; tumor albescens, mollis, fluctuans, pruriens; cum centro fere sphacelato. GENERA MORBORUM. 23 Sp. PHLEGMON. Tumour circumscribed, of vivid redness, accompa- nied by pain, and increased heat; generally with aug- mented pulsation in the neighbouring arterial trunks. V. A pimple, in a degree confluent, with a surface red, rough, and spotted. Phlegmon of the eye-lid. Phlegmon of one or both of the breasts. Phlegmon of the finger; a whitlow. Inflammation from the application of heated bodies. Inflammation from diminished temperature. Inflammation, gangrenous at its apex, and of a lively red colour at its base. Inflammation of the prepuce, preventing it from be- ing drawn back. Inflammation of the prepuce, strangling the nut of the penis by the tightness of its stricture. Inflammation of the testes arising from gonorrhoea. Inflammation of one or more glands of the groin. Inflammation of the parotid gland. Consequences. ABSCESS. The process of inflammation being terminated, and the pain and pulsation relaxed, the tumor becomes whitish, and fluctuating, having, in the general, a core, or sphacelated centre. 34 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. VI. ERYSIPELAS. Synocha; erythema cum colore rubicundo, pressu, evanescente, aliquam corporis partem, saepe faciei, oc- cupante, ambitu inaequali serpente; et tumore vix evidente, in cuticulae vesiculas vel phlyctaenas fere abeunte; dolore urente. Sp. VII. VIBEX. Febricula; lineae coccineae, quales e flagellis relin- quuntur quam plurimum prurientes, et exurentes, fri- gore applicato, evanescentes. GANGR^NA. Post inflammationem, pars livens, mollis, parum sensibilis, saepe cum vesiculis ichorosis. SPHACELUS. Post gangraenam, pars nigricans, flaccida, facile lacerabilis sine sensu et calore, et cum foetore carnis putridae; vitio serpente. Sp. II. PHRENITIS. Synocha vehemens; dolor capitis; rubor faciei et oculorum, lucis et soni intolerantia; pervigilium; deli- rium. GENERA MORBORUM. 25 SAINT ANTHONY'S FIRE. Inflammatory fever; local inflammation with great heat and redness; redness disappearing on pressure; unequal in its circumference; disposed to spread; tu- mour scarcely evident; generally terminating in vesi- cles, accompanied by burning pain. THE WHELK. Body feverish; crimson lines, wheals or whelks, consimilar to those left by the whip severely applied to the skin; insufferably itchy and burning; quickly re- rroceding, on the approach to low temperature. GANGRENE. The process of inflammation being ended; the part becomes livid, soft, low in its sensibility; not unfre- quently ichorous vesicles appear. MORTIFICATION. After the gangrene, the part becomes blackish, flac- cid, easy to be divided, without sensation or heat; emits the fetidness of putrid flesh; the disease spreads. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. Violent inflammatory fever; pain of the head; red- ness of the face and eyes; impatience of light and sound; watchfulness; incoherence of ideas. D 26 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. III. OPHTHALMITIS. Synocha; rubor et dolor oculi; lucis intolerant\a: plerumque cum lacrymatione. V. Ophthalmia membranarum. Ophthalmia syphilitica vel ex gonorrhoea. Sp. IV. OTITIS. Synocha; tumor et dolor et rubor auris; soni in- tolerantia. Sp. V. ODONTITIS VEL ODONTALGIA. Synocha mitior; dolor maxillarum ex inflamma- tione vel carie dentium. Sp.VHI. CATARRHUS. Synocha mitior; dolor faciei; gravido; sternutatio; raucitas; muci ex glandulis membranae narium et cel- lularum faciei et faucium, excretio aucta, saltern hujus cxcretionis molimina; tussis. V. Catarrhus afrigore. Catarrhus epidemicus. Sp. IX. CYNANCHE. Synocha; rubor et dolor faucium; deglutitio, et ali quando respiratio difficilis, cum angustiae in faucibus sensu. GENERA MORBORUM. 2; INFLAMMATION OF THE EYE. Inflammatory fever; redness and pain of the eye; impatience of light; generally an exuberant flow of tears. Inflammation of the coats of the eye. Inflammation of the eye from syphilitick virus or the matter of gonorrhoea. INFLAMMATION OF THE EAR. Inflammatory fever; swelling, pain, and redness of the ear; impatience of sound. INFLAMMATION ABOUT THE TOOTH, OR TOOTHACH. Light inflammatory fever; pain of the face or tooth from inflammation or rottenness of tooth. CATARRH, OR COLD. Light inflammatory fever; pain of the face; weight over the eyes; sneezing; hoarseness; an increased dis- charge of mucus from the glands of the membrane of the nostrils, cells of the face, and upper part of the throat; at least efforts to discharge it; cough. Catarrh from cold. Epidemick Catarrh, or Influenza. QUINSY. Inflammatory fever; redness and pain of the throat; deo-lutition difficult; breathing sometimes impeded, with a sense of confinement. 28 GENERA MORBORUM. V. Cynanche tonsillaris. Inflammatio membra nam faucium mucosam, et pr&cipue tonsillas tumore et dolore ajficiens; febris inflammatoria; deglutitio diffi- cilis. Cynanche trachealis. Inflammatio membranam laringis et glottidis mucosam dolore afficiens; cum respiratione difficili; inspiratione strepente, voce rauca, tussi clangosa, tumore fere nullo infaucibus apparen- te, deglutitione parum difficili; febre inflammatoria; pulsu aliquando parvo, plerumque duro et compresso. Cynanche pharyngia. Inflammatio in imis fauci- bus; deglutitio maxime difficilis, dolentissima; res- piratio satis commoda; febris inflammatoria. « Sp. VIII. PNEUMONIA. Synocha; dolor in quadam thoracis parte; respira- tio difficilis; tpssis. V. Pleuritis. Pneumonia pulsu duro; dolore plerumque lateris pungente sub inspiratione prcesertim audo; decubku in lotus molesto; tussi dolentissima, in- itio sicca, postea humida. Peripneumonia. Pulsu non semper duro, aliquan- do molli; dolore thoracis obluso; respiratione per- petuo difficili, scepe non nisi trunco corporis erecto pxercenda; facie tumida et coloris purpurei; tussi pie- fumque humida, spepe cruenta. GENERA MORBORUM. 29 Quinsy. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the fauces and tonsils, with swelling, and pain; inflammatory fever; deglutition difficult. Croup. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the windpipe, and glottis, with pain; respiration difficult, and rattling; voice hoarse; cough clangous; general- ly no apparent tumour in the throat; deglutition but little affected; fever inflammatory; pulse sometimes small, in the general hard and concentrated. Quinsy. Inflammation of the back part of the fauces, and gullet; deglutition very difficult and painful; respi- ration free; fever inflammatory. THORACICK INFLAMMATION. Fever inflammatory; pain in some part of the breast; respiration difficult; cough. Pleurisy. Thoracick inflammation with hard pulse; acute pain of the side; increased particularly on respi- ration, or lying on the side; cough very painful; at first dry, afterwards successful in throwing up phlegm. Peripneumony. Pulse not always hard, sometimes soft; pain of the breast obtuse, breathing always difficult, often not to be effected except in an erect posture; cheeks somewhat swollen, and of a purplish colour; cough generally humid, often bloody. 50 GENERA MORBORUM. Sequelae. VOMICA. Post pneumoniam resolutione quadam non termi natam; dyspnoea et tussis perstantes, cum decubitu in latussanum difficili etfebre hectica. (a) EMPYEMA. Post pneumoniam suppuratione terminatam, saepe i post vomicam remissio doloris, dum perstant dyspno- ea, tussis, decubitus difficilis, et febris hectica, saepe cum sensu liquoris in pectore fluctuantis, et signis hy- \ drothoracis.(o) GENERA MORBORUM. 31 Consequences. ABSCESS. The thoracick inflammation not being terminated by resolution; the difficulty of breathing and cough continue, attended by an inconvenience in lying on the healthy side, and with hectick fever.(a) COLLECTION OF PURULENT MATTER. The thoracick inflammation having terminated by suppuration; the pain remits; while the difficulty of breathing, cough, inconvenience in lying on the side, and hectick fever continue, with a sense of fluctuation in the thorax, and symptoms of dropsy of the breast. (6) (a) A hectick fever is one that returns every day with mid- day, sometimes evening, exacerbations, morning remissions, seldom intermissions, and generally is accompanied by night- sweats; the urine deposits a branny, or brick-dust like se- diment. It is always symptomatick or secondary, and never idiopathick or original; hence we do not give it a place among regular fevers. In the general, it is the consequence of organick disease; dropsy, or great weakness and irritabili- ty of body. (b) A Vomica is strictly an abscess of the lungs; an Em- pyema, from phlegmonick inflammation, a collection of pu- rulent matter in the thoracick cavity, between the pleura cos- talis and pleura pulmonalis. 32 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. IX. GASTRITIS. Synocha; anxietas; in epigastrio ardor et dolor; ingestis quibuslibet auctus; vomendi cupiditas, et in- gesta protinus rejecta; singultus saepe; pulsus parvus sed durus. V. Gastritis phlegmonodea. Dolore pressura auc- to; synocha vehementi. Gastritis erythemalica. Dolore et synocha lenior- ibus; rubore erysipelatoso in faucibus apparente; lingua subrubra. Sp. X. CARDITIS. Synocha; dolor in regione cordis; anxietas; aliquan- do palpitatio. Sp. XL ENTERITIS. Synocha; dolor abdominis pungens, pressura, plu- rimum auctus; circa umbilicum torquens; saepe vomi- tus, et aliquando alvus astricta. V. Enteritis phlegmonodea. Dolore acuto, et sy- nocha vehementi; et alvo astrida. V. Enteritis eryihematica. Dolore, et synocha, 7e- nioribus, cum diarrhoea. Sp. XII. PERITONITIS. Synocha; dolor abdominis, corpore erecto, vel pres- sura, auctus. GENERA MORBORUM. 33 INFLAMMATION OF THE STOMACH. Inflammatory fever; restlessness; burning and pain at the pit of the stomach, increased upon any thing be- ing swallowed; disposition to vomit; a rejection of whatever may be taken into the stomach; often hic- cough; pulse small, but hard. Phlegmonick inflammation. Acute pain, increased o n pressure; violent fever. Erythematick inflammation. Pain and fever light; an erysipelatous inflammation appearing in the fauces; tongue reddish. INFLAMMATION OF THE HEART. Fever inflammatory; pain in the region of the heart. restlessness; sometimes palpitation. INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. Fever inflammatory; acute pain of the abdomen, very much increased on pressure; a sense of twisting about the navel; often vomiting; sometimes costive- ness. Phlegmonick inflammation of the intestines. Acute pain; high fever; bound bowels. Erythematick inflammation. Pain and fever light; diarrhoea. INFLAMMATION OF THE INVESTING MEMBRANE OF THE BELLY. Fever inflammatory; pain of the belly increased on the erection of the body, or pressure, E !A GENERA MORBORUM. V. Peritonitis propria. In peritonceo striciius dido, sive in peritonceo abdomen inius succingente. Peritonitis omental is. Inperitonceo per omentum ex- ienso. Peritonitis mesenterica. In peritonceo per mensen- ierium extenso. Sp. XIIL HEPATITIS. Synocha; hypochondrii dextri tensio, et dolor saepe pungens pleuritici instar, saepius obtusus; dolor ad cla- viculam et summum humeri dextri; decubitus in la- tus sinistrum difficilis; dyspnoea; tussis sicca. V. Hepatitis acuta. Signis in charactere dictis dig- noscenda. Hepatitis vetusta. Dignoscenda, sensu quodam plenitudinis et gravitatis in hypochondrio dextro; doloribus plus minusve pungentibus in eadem parte subin- inde per aptis;dolore quodam, pressura, in hypochondrio dextro, vel decubitu in latus sinistrum, per cepto; febre le viori seu hectica, cum indiciis dictis subinde infestante; plerumque nausea. Sp. XIV. SPLENITIS. Synocha; hypochondrii sinistri tensio, et dolor pressu auctus; saepe tumor. GENERA MORBORUM. 35 Inflammation. In the peritonaeum strictly so called, or the membrane which lines the muscles of the belly. Omental inflammation. Inflammation of the caul. Mesenterick inflammation. Inflammation of the mesentery. INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER. Fever inflammatory; tension of the right hypo- chondrium; pain, frequently acute, and consimilar to that of pleurisy, and extending up to the shoulder- blade and top of the shoulder; difficult reclining on the left side; shortness of breathing; dry cough. Acute hepatick inflammation. Recognized by the symptoms above related. Chronick hepatick inflammation. Some sense of fullness and weight in the right hypochondrium; more or less pain in the same part, discovered on lying down, or on pressure; light fever, rather in the form of hec- tick now and then with Hie symptoms more immcdiate- ty indicative of acute hepatick inflammation; nausea. * INFLAMMATION OF THE SPLEEN. Inflammatory fever; tension of the left side, and pain increased on procure: often with obvious swell- ing. 36 GENERA MORBORUM, Sp. XV. NEPHRITIS. Synocha; dolor in regione reni*, saepe uretens iter sequens; mingendi frequens cupiditas; vomitus, ali- quando cum stupore vel titillatione cruris; testiculi ejusdem lateris retractio aut dolor. Sp. XVI. CYSTITIS Synocha; hypogastrii tumor et dolor, pressu, auctus; urinam reddendi cupiditas frequens et dolorifica, vel ischuria; tenesmus. Sp. XVII. HYSTERITIS. Synocha; hypogastrii tensio, et dolor; os uteri tac- tu dolens. Sp. XVIII. PRACTITIS. Synocha; tumor et dolor et inflammatio podicis. Sp. XIX. RHEUMATISMUS. Morbus ab mutatione coeli evidente ortus; synocha; dolor circa articulos, musculorum tractum sequens genua et reliquos majores potius quam pedum vel manuum articulos, infestans. GENERA MORBORUM. 37 INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEY. Inflammatory fever; pain in the region of the kid- neys, often along the course of the ureter; frequent desire to pass urine; vomition; sometimes with stupor, or a sense of something creeping along the thigh and leg; a retraction or pain of the testicle of the same side. INFLAMMATION OF THE URINARY BLADDER. Fever inflammatory; tumour and pain, increased on pressure, of the region of the bladder; frequent and painful desire of passing urine, or ischury; fruitless ef- fort to empty the bowels. INFLAMMATION OF THE WOMB. Fever inflammatory; tension and pain in the region of the womb; the touch painful. INFLAMMATION OF THE ANUS. Fever inflammatory; tumefaction; inflammation; and pain of the fundament. RHEUMATISM. Disease obviously from the vicissitudes of the wea- ther; fever inflammatory; pain about the joints; fol- lowing the tracts of the muscles, in an especial man- ner infesting the knees and larger joints, yet not sparing the smaller of the feet and hands. 38 GENERA MORBORUM. V. Rheumatismus acutus. Indiciis sujpra dictis dignoscendus. Rheumatismus vetustus. Post rheumatismum, ni- sum violentum, vel subluxationem; dolores artuum vel musculorum, sub molu prcesei'tim, audi, plus mmusve fugaces, calore lecti vel alio externolevati; artus debit es, rigidi, facile et scepe sponte frigiscentes; febris nulla vel levior; tumor aliquando. Lumbago. Dolor rheumaiicus lumborum. Ischias. Dolor regionis ischiadhce, nervi magni femoris, d cruris tractum, sequens. Sp. XX. PHLEGMASIA ALBA DOLENS. Synocha; Feminis totius et cruris, cum cute con- color, intumescentia dolentissima, nee hydropica nee erysipelatosa mulieribus, foetum enixis, superveniens; cum glandulis surae tumefactis, cruris dolentis. Gen. V. ARTHRITIS. Morbus haereditarius, oriens sine causa externa evi- dente, sed praeeunte plerumque ventriculi affectione insolita; febris; dolor ad articulum, et plerumque pe- dis pollicis, certe pedum et manuum juncturas, potissi- mum infestans; per intervalla revertens, et saepe cum ventriculi, vel aliarum internarum partium, affectioni- bus, alternans. GENERA MORBORUM. 39 Acute rheumatism. To be known by signs above noticed. Chronick rheumatism. After the acute rheuma- tism, or violent strains, or luxation, pains, more or less vagrant, of the joints and muscles, especially on mo- tion, take place; they are relieved by the warmth of the bed or external heat otherwise applied; the joints are weak, stiff; spontaneously becoming cold; lit- tle, or no fever; sometimes tumefadion of the diseased parts. Lumbago. Rheumatick pain of the loins. Sciatick. Rheumatick pain of the hip and along the course of the great nerve of the limb. WHITE INFLAMMATION. Fever inflammatory; a most painful swelling, with- out discolouration, chiefly of the inner part of tjie thigh and whole leg, neither hydropick nor erysipela- tous, occurring in lying-in women; with a tumefaction of the glands of the calf of the leg of the affected side. GOUT, Disease hereditary; arising without external evident cause; generally preceded by an unusual affection of the stomach; fever; pain; at the joints of the feet and hands, for the most part, at the joint of the great toe: returns periodically, and frequently alternates with af fections of the stomach or some other internal part. 40 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. I. ARTHRITIS REGULARIS. Inflammatio artuum satis vehemens, per aliquot dies perstans; et paulatim cum tumore, pruritu, et desquam atione partis, recedens; synocha. Sp. II. ARTHRITIS ATONICA. Atonia ventriculi vel alius partis internae, ct vel sine expectata aut solita artuum inflammatione, vel cum doloribus artuum lenibus tantum et fugacibus, et, cum dyspepsia vel aliis atoniae indiciis, subito saepe alter- nans. Sp. III. ARTHRITIS RETROGRADA. Inflammatio artuum subito recedens, et ventriculi vel alius partis internae atonia, mox insecuta. Gen. VI. VARIOLA. Synocha contagiosa; cum vomitu saepe, et, ex epi. gastrio presso, dolore; tertio die incipit, et quinto fini tur eruptio papularum phlegmonodearum, quae, spa- tio octo dierum, in suppurationem, et in crustas de- mum abeunt, saepe cicatrices depressas, sive faveolas in cute relinquentes; semel de decursu vitae aliquem afficiens. GENERA MORBORUM. 41 REGULAR GOUT. Considerable inflammation of one or more jointsj continuing for some days; and gradually receding, leaving some degree of tumour, itching, and desquam- ation of the part; fever. ATONfCK GOUT. Weakness of stomach, or other internal part; with- out the usual or expected inflammation of the joints; or with pains, light and unsettled, suddenly alternating with dyspepsy, or other symptoms of debility. RETROCEDENT GOUT. Inflammation of the joints suddenly receding, and in a short time being succeeded by debility of sto- mach, or atony of some internal part. SMALL POX. A contagious synocha; often with vomiting at the beginning, and pain at the pit of the stomach upon presure; on the third day, an eruption of phlegmonick pustules commence, and on the fifth, terminate; in the space of eight days they mature into suppuration, and ultimately end in crusts or scabs, leaving cicatrices or pits in the skin; the disease affects the same person but once during life. F M GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. I. VARIOLA DISCRETA. Pustulis paucis, discretis, circumscriptione circulari- bus, turgidis; febre, eruptione facta, protinus cessante. Sp. II. VARIOLA CONFLUENS. Pustulis numerosis, confluentibus, circumscriptione irregularibus, flaccidis, parum elevatis; febre, post erup- tionem, perstante. Gen. VII. VACCINA. Morbus inoculatione contagiosus, ex vacca derive- tus; pars corporis viro contacta, die quarto vel quinto, inflammare incipit; et inflammatio, septimo vel octavo, febre comitante, in vesiculam, et, apice in faveolam de- presso, demum in crustam abiit, cicatricem in cute re- linquens; corpore, post morbum vaccinum, variolae baud obnoxio perstante. Gen. VIII. VARICELLA. Synocha contagiosa, papulae post brevem febricu- am erumpentes, in pustulas variolae similes, sed vix in suppurationem euntes; post paucos dies in squam- Ulas, nulla cicatrice fere relicta, desinentes; semel de decursu vitae aliquem afficiens. GENERA MORBORUM. 43 DISTINCT SMALL POX. Pustules few in number, distinct; circumscribed and full; fever, on the eruption being completed, ceasing. CONFLUENT SMALL POX. Pustules confluent and numerous, irregular in theii bases, flaccid and depressed; the fever, after the com- pletion of the eruption, continuing. KINE POX. A disease originally derived from the cow, and contagious by inoculation; the part of the body taint- ed with the virus, on the fourth or fifth day, begins to inflame; the inflammation on the seventh or eig. .th day rises into a vesicle, with a depressed apex, and ul- timately terminates in a scab, leaving a cicatrix in the skin; the body, after the vaccine disease, remains un- susceptible of the small pox. CHICKEN POX. Fever inflammatory and contagious; pustules, after a short fevery state, break out, similar to those of the small pox; they seldom mature into suppuration; after a few days they terminate in scabs, for the most part leaving no cicatrix; attacks but once in life. 44 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. IX. RUBEOLA. Synocha contagiosa; cum sternutatione, epiphora et tussi sicca, rauca; quarto die, vel paulo serius, erum- punt papulae exiguae, confertae, vix eminentes, et post tres dies in squamulas furfurosas minimas abeuntes; semel in decursu vitae ahquem afficiens. Gen. X. URTICARIA. Synocha contagiosa mitior; die secundo vel tertio rubores maculosi; urticarum puncturas referentes, in- terdiu fere evanescentes, vespere cum febre redeuntes, et post paucos dies in squamulas minutissimas penitus abeuntes. Gen. XI. SCARLATINA. Synocha contagiosa; quarto morbi die, facies ali- quantum tumida;et simul in cute passim rubor floridus, cummaculisamplis,tandem coalescentibus;post tres vel saltern paucos dies in squamulas furfurosas abiens; saepe dein superveniente anasarca. S. I. SCARLATINA SIMPLEX. Nulla comitante cynanche, Sp. II. SCARLATINA CYNANCHICA. Cum cynanche ulcerosa. GENERA MORBORUM. 45 MEASLES. Contagious synocha; sneezing; exuberant flow of tears; cough dry; hoarseness; on the fourth day, or a little later, small aggregated pustules break out, scarce- ly rising above the surface, after a few days ending in light branny scales; attacks but once in life. NETTLE RASH, OR FRENCH MEASLES. Mild contagious synocha; speckled redness resembling the wounds from the nettle, appears, somewhat evanes- cent in the day, but brightens in the evening with the return of the fever; after a few days it terminates in very small scales. SCARLET FEVER. Contagious synocha; on the fourth day the face is somewhat swollen; at the same time, large florid blotches appear generally in the skin, eventually coa- lescing; after a few days they terminate in branny scales, often afterwards anasarca supervenes. SIMPLE SCARLET FEVER Without an affection of the throat. ANGINOUS SCARLET FEVER. With an ulcerous sore throat. 46 GENERA MORBORUM Gen. XII. ANGINA MALIGNA. Typhus; tonsillas et membranam faucium muco- sam, tumore rubore, et crustis mucosis coloris albe- scentis; vel cineritii, serpentibus, et ulcera tegentibus afficiens; fere cum eruptionibus in cute. Gen. DYSENTERIA. Synocha contagiosa; dejectiones frequentes, muco- sae, vel sanguinolentae; retentis plerumque faecibus al- vinis; tormina; tenesmus. Gen. XIV. H.EMORRHAGIA. Synocha cum profusione sanguinis absque vi ex- terna; sanguis missus ut in plegmasiis apparet. Sp. I. EPISTAXIS. Capitis dolor vel gravitas; faciei rubor; profusio san- guinea e naribus. Sp. II. HEMOPTYSIS. Genarum rubor; molestiae aut doloris, et aliquando caloris, in pectore sensus; dyspnoeo; titillatio faucium; tussis, aut exscreatio, sanguinem floridum, saepe spu- mosum, rejiciens. Sp. III. HEMATEMESIS. Epigastrii calor, et dolore pressu auctus; sanguinis. s-tomacho profusio. GENERA MORBORUM. 47 MALIGNANT SORE THROAT. Low, contagious fever; the tonsils and mucous membrane of the fauces are affected with tumour, redness, and mucous, spreading crusts, of a whitish or cineritious colour, generally with eruptions onthe skin. DYSENTERIA. Contagious synocha; dejections, frequent, mucous, and bloody; the natural feces are retained in the ge~ neral; gripes; fruitless efforts to empty the bowels. HEMORRHAGE. An inflammatory fever; loss of blood without ex- teinal violence; blood when poured out, appears as in phlegmasia. BLEEDING FROM THE NOSE. Pain and weight of the head; redness of the face; discharge of blood from the nostrils. SPITTING OF BLOOD. Redness of cheeks; sense of uneasiness, pain, and sometimes, of heat in the breast; shortness of respira- tion; tickling in the throat; cough, or hawk, throwing out either pure blood, or blood mixed with mucous in a frothy fo m. VOMITING OF BLOOD. Heat at the pit of the stomach, and pain, augmented on pressure; discharge of blood from the stomach. 43 GENERA MORBORUM. Sp. IV. H^EMORRIIOIS. Capitis gravitas vel dolor; vertigo; lumborum et ani dolor; circa anum tubercula livida dolentia, e quibus plerumque profluit sanguis; qui, aliquando eti- am, nullo tumore apparente, ex ano stillat. Sp. V. MENORRHAGIA. Dorsi, lumborum, ventris, parturicntium instar, do- lores; sanguinis e vagina fluxus. Sp. CYSTERRHAGIA. Lumborum et hypogastrii dolores; ex vesica urina- ria sanguinis profusio. Gen. XV. PERTUSSIS. Synocha contagiosa; tussis convulsiva, strangulans, cum inspiratione sonora, vel stridula iterata; saepe vo- mitus; semel in decursu vitae aliquem afficiens. Gen. XVI. ANGINA PAROTIDEA. Synocha contagiosa; tumor externus parotidum et maxillarum glandulaium magnus; respiratio et deglu- titio parum laesae; in decursu vitae semel aliquem affi- ciens; aliquando, tumore subsidente, testiculus vel mamma intumescit. GENERA MORBORUM. 49 PILES. Weight and pain of the head; vertigo; pain of the loins and anus; tubercles about the fundament, livid and painful, from which there is a discharge of blood, which sometimes flows from the anus, without an^ tumour being discoverable. UTERINE HEMORRHAGE. Pains of the back, belly, and loins, similar to those of childbirth; a discharge of blood from the vagina. HEMORRHAGE FROM THE URINARY BLADDER. Pains of the loins; and region of the bladder; dis- charge of blood from the urinary bladder. HOOPING COUGH. Contagious synocha; coUgh convulsive and strang- ling, reiterated with sonorous or shrill inspiration; fre- quently vomiting; attacks but once during life. MUMPS. Contagious synocha; considerable tumefaction of the parotid and submaxillary glands; respiration and deglutition little affected; attacks but once during life; upon the subsidence of the tumour, not unfrequently, one of the testicles, or breasts, swells. « CXAS. II. NEUROSES. Sensus et mosus voluntarii, vel involuntarii ljesj, sine febre idiopathica, et sine morbo, ad locum spec- tante apparente. Gen. I. APOPLEXIA. Motus voluntarii fere omnes subito imminuti, cum sopore plfrs minus profundo, et respiratione stertente: superstite motU cordis et arteriarum. Gen. II. PARALYSIS. Resolutio nervorum. Sp. I. HEMIPLEGIA. Paralysis alterius lateris. Sp.II. PARAPLEGIA. Paralysis dimidii corporis transversim sumpti. Sp. III. PARALYSIS PARTIALIS. ^ Resolutio quorundum nervorum tantum. Gen, III. SYNCOPE. Resolutio musculorum, ex motu cordis subito ira- minuto, vel aliquamdiu quiescente. NERVOUS DISEASES. Sensation, and voluntary, or involuntary motion injured, without original fever, or obvious local affec- tion. APOPLEXY. All voluntary motion suddenly lessened, with stu- por, more or less profound, and snoring; the action of the heart and arteries continuing. PALSY. Disability, or palsy of the nerves. HEMIPLEGY. Palsy of one side of the body. PARAPLEGY. Palsy of one half of the body, taken transversely. PARTIAL PALSY. Palsy of certain nerves only. FAINTING. Disability or relaxation of the muscles, from a sud- den diminished action of the heart, or its total cessa- tion for a time. ■52 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. IV. TETANUS. Plurium musculorum rigiditas spastica; praesertim diaphragmatis, et maxillae inferioris, et dorsi, fereab vi externa. Gen. V. CHOREA. Impuberes utriusque sexus, ut plurimum intra de- cimum et decimum quartum aetatis annum adorientes, motus convulsivi ex parte voluntarii, plerumque alte- rius lateris, in brachiorum et manuum et pedum mo- tu, histrionum gesticulationes referentes, in gressu, pe- dem alterum saepius trahentes quam attollentes. Gen. VI. EPILEPSIA. Morbus vetustus, aliquando haereditarius; cum ac. cessionibus convulsivis periodicis, intervallo unius, vel plurium mensium, recurrentibus; cum sopore acces- sum sequente. Sp. I. EPILEPSIA CEREBRALIS. Sine praemonitu subito adoriens, Sp. II. EPILEPSIA SYMPTOMATICA. Praegressa sensatione aurae cujusdam, a parte cor- poris quadam, versus caput assurgentis. GENERA MORBORUM. 53 LOCK-JAW. A spasmodick rigidity of all, or many of the mus- cles, especially those of the diaphragm and lower jaw, and back, generally from external injury. ST. VITUS'S DANCE. Convulsive jerks, in part voluntary, in the motion of the arms, hands and feet, similar to the gesticula- tions of a stage-player; they may be of either side; they attack both sexes, chiefly between ten and four- teen years of age; in walking, the foot of the side af- fected, is rather dragged than properly moved. FALLING SICKNESS. Disease chronick, sometimes hereditary; with con- vulsive paroxysms returning periodically at the inter- val of one or several months; stupor succeeds to each paroxysm. CEREBRAL EPILEPSY. Attacking suddenly, without premonition. SYMPTOMATICK EPILEPSY. A peculiar sensation of wind, or something creeping, and ascending from a certain part of the body towards I he head, precedes the attack. 54 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. VII. ECLAMPSIA. Praegressis doloribus acutis capitis, seu vertigine, ali- quando spectris, oculis apparentibus; convulsiones, vel contractiones clonicae musculorum, accessus epilepti- cos simulantes, uterum gerentibus, vel parturientibus, subito ingruentes; et cum sopore, et respiratione ster- tente, desinentes. Gen. VIII. RAPHANIA. Articulorum contractio spastica, cum agitatione convulsiva, et dolore violentissimo periodico. Gen. IX. PALPITATIO, Motus cordis vehemens; abnormis, fere constans; sine alio morbo evidente. Gen. X. ASTHMA. Spirandi difficultas,per intervalla subiens; cum an- gustire in pectore sensu, et respiratione cum sibilo stre- pente, tussis sub initio accessus difficilis, vel nulla, ver- sus finem libera; cum sputo mucoso saepe copioso. Gen. XL ANGINA PECTORIS. Accessus spasmodici abnormes pectoris, cum dolore ct angustiae sensu, tussi, expectoratione mucosa vel cruenta, quinquagenarium, aliquando juniorem, am- bulantem vel dormientem fere corripientesj ad me- dium brachii sinistri et digitos minimos quatenus ten- dentes, sed e quiescente et non dormiente subito dis- cedentes; temporibus incertis, decern vel viginti annos recurrentes. GENERA MORBORUM. 5o LYING IN FITS. Violent convulsions, resembling epileptick par- oxyms, preceded by severe pains of the head or giddi- ness, sometimes by the appearance of images or visible forms, and terminated by stupor or snoring; suddenly attacking pregnant or child-bed women. RAPHANIA. (Proper to Sweden and Germany.) Spasmodick contraction of the joints, with convul- sive agitation; and most violent periodical pain. PALPITATION. Violent, irregular action of the heart, generally con- stant, without any other obvious disease. ASTHMA. A difficulty of breathing, coming on at intervals, writh a sense of narrowness in the breast; breathing rattling and hissing; at the commencement of the pa- roxysm the cough is difficult or suppressed, towards the end free, with copious mucous expectoration. QUINSY OF THE BREAST. Irregular spasmodick accessions of pain, with a sense of confinement of the breast, cough, mucous or bloody expectoration, attacking generally persons about fifty, sometimes younger, while walking or sleeping; but suddenly going off on the sufferer becom- ing quiet, if not sleeping; the pains extend to the mid die of the left arm, and even to the little fingers; the paroxysms recur, at uncertain intervals, for ten or twenty years. 56 GENERA MORBORUM. Gen. XII. HYSTERIA. Ventris murmura; sensus globi in abdomine se vol- ventis ad ventriculum. et fauces ascendentis, ubique stiangulantis; saepe convulsiones; urinaj hmpidae co- pia profusa; animus, nee sponte, varius et mutabilis. Gen. XIII. HYDROPHOBIA. Potionis cujuslibet, utpote convulsionem pharyn- gis dolentem cientis, fastidium et horror; semper e sa- liva animalis rabidi. Gen. XIV. COLICA. Dolor abdominis, praecipue circa umbilicum tor- quens; vomitus; alvus astricta. Sp. I. COLICA SPASMODICA. Cum retractione umbilici, et spasmis musculorum abdominalium, intestinorumque. Sp. II. COLICA FLATULENTA. Cum spasmis musculorum abdominalium, et. intes- tinorum, et ructibus. Sp.III. COLICA PICTORUM. Praeunte ponderis vel molestiae, in abdomine, pra> cipue circa umbilicum sensu; accidente dolore colica, primum leviore, non continuo, et praecipue post par- tum acuto; tandem graviore et fere perpetuo; cum do- lore brachiorum, et dorsi, in paralysin demum,abeunte. GENERA MORBORUM. &i HYSTERICKS. Noise of the belly; sense of a globe ascending from the abdomen to the stomach, and up to the throat, and there producing a strangling sensation; stupOr; convulsions; copious discharge of limpid urine: the mind involuntarily various and changeable. CANINE MADNESS* An aversion from, and dread of, any fluid, in con- sequence of its producing painful convulsions of the pharynx or throat; arising from the saliva or spittle of a rabid animal. COLICK. Pain of the belly; especially with a twTisting about the navel; vomiting; bound bowels. SPASMODICK COLICK, With a retraction of the navel, and spasms of the muscles of the belly and intestines. FLATULENT COLICK. With Spasms of the belly and intestines; belching^ e. of GENERA MORBORUM.' Sp. II. GONORRHOEA VETUSTA. Postgonorrhocam acutam, humoris mucosi, sine in- flammatione, vel dolore, vel dysuria, ex uicihra tiux- us; non contagiosus. Gen. XLIII. ABORTUS. Foetus immaturi enixus. Gen. XLIV. STERIL1TAS. Impotcntia in mari, vel fcemina ad gignendam pro- lem. Gen XLV. AMENORRHOEA. Menses, tempore quo fluerc solent, vel solito par- ciores, vel non omnino fluentes, citra graviditatem. Sp I. AMENORRHEA EMANSIONIS. In puberibus, quibus post fluxus tempus solitum, menses non jam prodierunt, et cum simul variae af- fectiones morbidae adsint. sp. 11. amenorrhea suppres- sions. In adultis, quibus menses, quae jam fluere solebant suppressac sunt. Sp. III. AMENHORRHCEA DIFFICILIS. In qua menses parcius, et cum dolore, fluunt. Gen. XLVI. OB->TIPATIO. Dejectio faecum nulla, vel soiito rarior. GENERA MORBORUM. 95 GLEET. After an acute clap, a mucous discharge from the urethra, without inflammation, or pain, or dysury; not contagious. ABORTION OR MISCARRIAGE The birth of aCn immature child. BARRENNESS. Inability in man, or woman, of reproduction. DEFECT OF THE MENSES. The menses either do not flow at all, at their usual periods, or in too small quantities for the purposes of the economy of the female body. RETENTION OF THE MENSES. In ripe virgins, a total deficiency of the menstrual flux, with various morbid symptoms. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. A total suppression of the menses in those who have once had them regularly. DIFFICULT MENSTRUATION. A paucity of the menstrual flux, accompanied by pain. CONSTIPATION. Either no discharge of feces, or so seldom as to be inconsistent with health. INDEX. Page Page ABORTUS 94 Asthma 54 Ascites 68 Bronchocele 88 Agheustia 80 Cachexiae 62 Atonica 80 Caligo 74 Organica 80 Cornea 74 Alvi Fluxus 90 Humorum 74 Amaurosis 76 Lentis 74 Atonica 76 Palpebrarum 74 Compressionis 76 Pupillse 74 Amenorrhoea 94 Carcinoma 86 Difficilis 94 Carditis 32 Emansionis 94 Caries 90 Suppressionis 94 Chlorosis 64 Amentia 58 Cholera 92 Anasarca 68 Chorea 52 Anaesthesia 80 Clavus 86 Aneurisma 84 Cohca 56 Angina Maligna 46 Flatulenta 56 Pectoris 54 Pictorum 56 Parotidea 48 Spasmodica 56 Anosmia 80 Cynanche 26 Aphonia 80 Cystitis 36 Gutturalis 80 Diabetes 92 Lingualis 82 Diarrhoea 92 Suidorum 82 Dyseccea 76 Trachealis 82 Atonica 76 Apoplexia 50 Organica 76 Apostema 23 Dysenteria 46 Arthrocace 86 Dyspepsia 64 Arthritis 38 D\ sphagia 84 Atonica 40 Dysopia 76 Regularis 40 Lateralis 76 Retrograda 40 Longinquitatis 76 N 98 INDEX. Luminis 76 Lepra 66 Pruximorum 76 Lupia 86 Tenebrarum 76 Luxatio 88 Ecchymoma 84 Lythiasis 88 Eclampsia 54 Mania 58 Elephantiasis 66 Accidentalis 58 Empyema 30 Congenita 58 Eneuresis 92 Melancholia 58 Enteritis 32 Menorrhagia 48 Epilepsia 52 Naevus 88 Cerebralis 52 Nepritis 36 Symptomatica 52 Neurosis 50 Epistaxis 46 Obstipatio 94 Erysipelas 24 Obstipitas 84 Exostosis 86 Articularis 84 Febris Flava 12 Cervicis 88 Petechials 18 Odontitis 26 Remittens 10 Opthalmitis 26 Remit. Biliosa 12 Otitis 26 Fractura 90 Palpitatio 54 Ganglion 86 Paralysis 50 Gangrsena 24 Paraphonia 82 Gastritis 32 Paraplegia 50 Gonorrhoea 92 Peritonitis 32 Acuta 92 Pertussis 48 Vetusta 94 Pestis 18 Haematemesis 46 Phlegmasia 20 Haemopt\ sis 96 Alba Dolens 38 Haecnorrhagia 46 Phlegmona 22 Hasmorrhois 48 Phrenitis 24 H» ineplegia 50 Phthisis 62 Hepatitis 34 Physconia 70 Hernia 88 Plaga 90 Herpes 90 Pneumonia 28 Hydrocele 70 Pol) pus 86 Hydrocephalus 68 Procidentia 88 Hydrometra 70 Proctitis 36 Hydrops 66 Pseilismus 82 Hydrorachitis 68 Psort 90 Hydrothorax 68 Pterygium 83 Hypochondriasis 68 Pyrexia; 10 Hysteria 56 Quartana 16 Hysteritis 36 Quotidiana 12 Icterus 66 Rachitis 64 INDEX. 99 Raphania Rheumatismus Rubeola Sarcoma Scarlatina Scorbutus Scrofula Sphacelus Splenitis Sterilitas Strabismus Syncope Synocha Syphilis 54 Tabes 36 Tertiana 44 Tetanus 86 Tricoma 44 Typhus 64 Ulcus 62 Urticaria 24 Vaccina 34 Variola 94 Varix 76 Vibex 50 Verruca 18 Vitia 64 Vomica 62 16 52 66 18 90 44 42 40 84 24 88 74 30 L MciL.I-f«.t WZ. no ) tflA- c-l m \ Tv- P~Z .t3S < -if i "IS -' rr > ^ xr - •' \ \ v i s- ( ^Lr ★ * ARMY * * MEDICAL LIBRARY Cleveland Branch