Ite** NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington Founded 1836 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service AN $mm*w#( ~^%$$m#tim ON ANIMAL HEAT. BY PARDON BROWNELL. »*« PRINTED BY I. RIGGSo 1814 1 I ' \ AN n INAUGURAL DISSERTATION ON <§pittt4f if *4f J SUBMITTED TO THE PUBLIC EXAMINATION OF THE PRESIDENT AND PROFESSORS OF THE Medical Institution of the State of New-York, AND THE TRUSTEES OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE, In the State of New-Jersey, FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE, On the 12th day of April, 1814. TO THE PRESIDENT AND PROFESSORS OF THE Medical Institution of the State of New- York, THIS DISSERTATION ON AWIMA1L HEAT, IS With a high sense of their liberality, and disinterested exer- tions for the promotion of Medical Science, and of the Author's obligations for their instruc- tion and friendship, MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. TO DR. WILLIAM WHITRIDGE, AND DR. WILLIAM C. WHITRIDGE ; THIS Dissertation is Inscribed, AS AND AS AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR THEIR INSTRUCTION, BY THEIR PUPIL, THE AUTHOR. DISSERTATION ON ANIMAL HEAT. The general scholar and the disciple of medical science, are equally interested in the investigation of the phenomena of nature. No less magnificent and sublime in her great op- erations, than interesting and instructive in her minute de- tails ; she draws the attention of the former to the general laws of the universe, while the latter is attracted to her minut- er operations and traces her course through the humblest functions of organized beings. . In the economy of organized matter, the physiology of animals presents-lhe most striking phenomena; and in this department of nature, perhaps there is nothing more difficult or more interesting, than the explan- ation of the nature and the causes of Animal Beat. The discussion of this subject will constitute the present essay. In a matter of such difficulty, it would be presumptuous for the writer to maintain any original hypothesis. What he aims at, is to state some of the most authoritative theories on the subject, and to give a brief review of the arguments by which they are supported. This perhaps may be the best way of arriving at a doctrine which shall be more consistent in its parts, and more conformable to truth than most of the theories extant. By Animal Heat is to be understood the excess of tem- perature which certain animals possess above that of the sur- rounding medium. This excess of temperature is different in d.fferent am- mals. Zoologists have, therefore, divided them into two 10 classes. Those whose temperature is equal lo, or higher than that of man are called warm-blooded—Those whose tempera- ture is considerably lower, and who nevertheless are by their vis vitae, kept somewhat warmer than the surrounding medi- um, are called cold-blooded animals. To this last class are referred the whole insect tribe, together with snails, frogs, toads, vipers and the serpent kind, as also the bronchial fishes and all testaceous animals. Man, by this division, holds the lowest grade in the warm-blooded class. The heat of the human body, in its natural state, has been variously estimat- ed. Boeriiaave and Pitc virn computed it at about 9'2° or 9-1° of Farenheit. M. Amontons estimated it at 93°. Sir Isaac Newton at 95 5°. Dr. Martine, Dr. Hales and Mr. Hunter, state itat97°or 98o; and this we may conclude to be about the natural temperature of the human body in a healthy state. The temperature of ordinary quadrupeds, as oxen, sheep, dogs, swine, &c. is found by experiment, to be about four or five degrees above that of the human species. The temperature of cetaceous fishes, is about the same as that of quadrupeds. The bird kind are warmer by three or four degrees than quadrupeds; and Dr. Martine found the heat of a hen hatching eggs, to be as high as 108°. The following general observations on this subject, have been col- lected by Dr. Crawford.* 1. Those animals which are furnished with lungs, and which continually respire fresh air in great quantities, have the power of keeping themselves at a temperature considera- bly higher than the surrounding atmosphere: but animals that are not furnished with respiratory organs, are very nearly of the same temperature with the medium in which they live. 2. Among the hot-blooded animals, those are the warm- est which have the largest respiratory organs, and which con- sequently breathe the greatest quantity of air in proportion to their bulk. 3. In the same animal the degree of heat is in some mea- sure proportionable to the quantity of air inspired in a given * See Crawford on Animal Heat, 2d Edit. " 11 time; thus animal heat is increased by exercise, and what- ever accelerates respiration. It is to be further observed, that the degree of animal heat varies in different individuals, and even in the same ani- mal at different times. In the healthful state, indeed, these variations are not great, yet by accidents or diseases they ascend considerably above,or descend considerably below the medium standard. Dr. Hales supposes the temperature of the human blood, in high fevers, to be about 136£", but ac- cording to later and more accurate observations it is hardly ever found to exceed 112°. After this brief statement of the phenomena of animal heat, it remains to consider the causes by which the pheno- mena are produced. From the general observations of Crawford, above recit- ed, there appears to be an intimate connexion between the function of respiration and animal temperature ; and the phy- siologists of the present day are, I believe, generally agreed that the phenomenon of animal heat, is remotely or proxi- mately occasioned by the mutual chemical changes effected on the air and on the blood in the act of respiration. The views which the science of chemistry has opened on this sub- ject, affords one of the most striking instances of its applica- tion to physiology, and may be ranked among the most per- fect elucidations which we are able to give of any function of the living system. In the investigation of the causes of animal heat, it has now become necessary to devote particular attention to the circumstances which occur in the circulation of the blood, and in the function of respiration. Before the modern discoveries in pneumatic chemistry, the most philosophical physicians entertained very crude no- tions concerning the effects produced on the blood in its cir- culation, and from its connexion with the respiratory func- tions. Bagl.v. supposed that the blood was rar.fied,*-and Helvet.ous that it was condensed in its passage through the Opera, p. 457. T2 lungs.* Boerhaave imagined that the particles acquired that peculiar organization, which he thought essential to the existence of perfect blood.f Hf.rvbv, Boyle, Hales and Haller, thought that it parted with some iw\ious or super- fluous matter, and with a quantity of aqueous vapour in the act of respiration. Another class of physiologists conjectured that the air imparted something to the blood, which constituted its vital properties, and occasioned the difference between venous and arterial blood. Bottle perceived that the air in passing through the lungs became loaden with vapour, and he farther supposed that it acquired what he calls recrementitious steams.;}; Mayow supposed that a peculiar volatile spirit was absorbed from the air during the passage of the blood through the lungs. Bo- relli and Willis seem to have entertained similar opinions. For the first just ideas on this subject we are indebted to the learned Dr. Black, the father of pneumatic chemistry. In his experiments to ascertain the nature and properties of carbonic acid, he was led to observe that a portion of this gas, was exhaled from the lungs in the act of respiration. §— About this time the composition of the atmosphere was as- certained by the ingenious investigation of Scheele, Lavoi- sier and PrieStley, and the agencies of oxygen, one of its principles, began to be observed with attention. Priestley considered respiration as analogous to what he called phlogis- tic processes in general, that is, to processes in which oxygen is consumed.f Lavoisier ascertained that the oxygen of the inspired air is partly consumed, and that in the process, carbonic acid gas is formed.|||| Various experiments have been instituted in order to as- certain the quantities of oxygen gas consumed, and of carbo- nic acid gas evolved in respiration during a given time. The results of these experiments have been extremely discordant, * Mem. Acad. 1718.----1 Prelect, t. ii, p. 184.----| Boyle's workf" vol. i, p. 99 and seq. vol. iii, p. 371 and seq.----} Statical Essays_____ If Priesth'V vN-;,. on Air, vol. iii, p, 362, 374—Phil. Trans, 1776.____ IHI Mem. Acad. I77T. 13 owing to the inaccurate manner of conducting them, and to peculiar sources of fallacy which it is very difficult wholly to obviate. Dr. Craavford, whose experiments deserve particular attention, as they were undertaken to illustrate the doctrine which is the subject of this essay, computed that while 40.86 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas were formed, 56.86 cu- bic inches of oxygen were consumed*. Dr. Goodwyn supposed that for 11 cubic inches of carbonic acid formed, there were consumed 13 cubic inches of oxygen gas.f The different experiments of Lavoisier and Seguin, are so dis- cordant, that it would be useless to mention their results in this place. Mr. Davy states a consumption of 31.6 cubic inches of oxygen, during the formation of 26.6 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas.J By attending to the experiments of these philosophers, it would be found that they are all of them more or less liable to error, from the manner in which they were conducted ; and the most general source of error might be traced to the difficulty of bringing the lungs to precisely the same state, at the close as at the beginning of the experiment.— Messrs. Allen and Pepys have more lately performed a course of experiments on this subject, which do not seem lia- ble to the same objection. From the minuteness with which they are detailed, and the precautions with which they were executed, I am inclined to believe their result approaches as near the truth as it is possible to arrive, in a matter of such delicacy; and I am the more confirmed in this opinion by the testimony and explanations of a literary gentleman of my ac- quaintance, who was present and assisted in conducting many of the experiments. The result of them, so far as relates to the subject of this essay, may be summed up as follows: 1. They found that, in the formation of carbonic acid by the combustion of charcoal with oxygen gas, there is no change of volume; the volume the carbonic acid occupies, be- ing exactly that which the oxygen gas filled._______________ * Crawford on Animal Heat.----1 Goodwyn's Essay on the connexion of life with respiration.---% Researches, p. 431, 4. 11 2. The quantity of carbonic acid gas emitted from the lungs in respiration, is exactly equal, bulk for bulk, to the oxygen consumed. 3. Atmospheric air once entering the lungs, returns charged with from 8 to 8.5 per cent, of carbonic acid gas. Rapidity of respiration does not increase the proportion, although it augments the absolute quantity of carbonic acid in a given time. 4. A middle sized man gave off from his lungs in 11 mi- nutes, 302 cubic inches of this gas. Taking this for a ratio, the total quantity for twenty-four hours would be 39,534 cu- bic inches; equal to rather more than 12 oz. Troy. A sin- gle inspiration (where about 19 respirations were made in a minute) was from 16 to 17 cubic inches.* It may be proper here briefly to remark that in respira- tion, there is always a considerable portion of aqueous vapour contained in the air exhaled from the lungs. The quantity has been variously estimated. Dr. Hales computed it as high as 20 oz. in the twenty-four hours.f The nature of the process by which he computed it, did not admit of much ac- curacy; and it Avas doubtless greatly overrated in his esti- mate. Dr. Menzies supposes it to amount to no more than 6oz. in twenty-four hours.J And Mr. Abernethy esti- mates the quantity exhaled in that time at about 9 oz.|| It remains now to consider the changes effected in the blood during its circulation. Particularly the effects produc- ed in its passage through the lungs, and its transition from the venous to the arterial state. If these changes can be clear- ly pointed out, we shall arrive at the principal sources of Animal Heat, by a natural and easy induction. Soon after t,he discovery of the circulation of the blood the distinction between its venous and arterial state was clear- ly pointed out, and the change was proved to be produced in the capillaries of the lungs. A great many conjectures were advanced to explain the nature of this change. The older * Philosophical Transactions, 1808.----+ Statical Essays, vol. ii p. 322.----1 Menzieson Respiration, p. 51----1| Essays, p. 54. ' 15 physiologists, as appears by the opinions of Baglivi, Boer- haave, Hales, Boyle and Haller, already quoted, en- deavoured to account for it on mechanical principles. Doct. Priestley has the honor of being the first to open just views on this subject. He introduced a small quantity of venous blood into an inverted jar of atmospheric air. In a short time it assumed the arterial colour, and the air was found to have undergone the same changes in its chemical properties as by respiration.* The train of experiments so successfully open- ed by Priestley was pursued with avidity by Lavoisier, Dr. Crawford, and a number of distinguished physiologists. Their investigations resulted in two hypotheses considerably different from each other. That during the passage of the venous blood through the lungs carbonic acid was exhaled, was doubted by none. But it was still doubtful in what manner it was formed. Either the oxygen of the atmosphere may combine directly with the carbon from the blood, and thus form the carbonic acid, or oxygen may be absorbed by the blood, and ready formed carbonic acid be discharged from it. The latter of these hy- potheses was suggested by Lavoisier,! and subsequently supported by Hassenfratzs and Le Grange.J The for- mer was maintained with ability by Craavford.$ Pursuing the ideas ofPRiESTLEY,he at first called the inflamable matter thrown off in the lungs, Phlogiston, and afterwards, Hydrogen. But when the nature of hydrogen and carbonic acid became better known, he altered the term to Hydros-Carbon—the carburetted hydrogen of the modern nomenclature. He also rendered the hypothesis more comprehensive by assuming that the hydro-carbon was communicated to the blood in the extreme vessels, by which means the conversion from the ar- terial to the venous state was effected. In the lungs he con- cluded it to be given out by combining with oxygen and forming carbonic acid and watery vapour, while the blood "Tprierflcyii Exper. on Air. vol. iii, p. 358-360.—t Memoires d l'Acad. .deSSc;encesfl777Pp.l91.—JAnn.dechim. t. ix,p.261.—«Observation* •n Animal Heat. 16 thus deprived of its hydro-carbon returned to the arterial state. Hassenfratzs and Le Grange had observed that venous blood exposed to oxygen gas, soon acquired the vivid red colour of that of the arteries, and that arterial blood in con- tact Avith carbonic acid acquired the dark venous hue. From these observations they concluded that the blood absorbed oxygen in the lungs, which remained for a time in a state of solution or loose combination, but gradually passed in the ex- treme vessels into a state of more intimate combination Avith carbon, producing the change from the arterial to the venous state, and forming the carbonic acid which is given out in respiration; while a new portion of oxygen was absorbed in the passage through the respiratory organs, and the blood again changed to the arterial state. Neither of these hypotheses are free from objections. It may be remarked upon them generally, that neither of them will explain all the phenomena connected with them, that their leading principles remain to be proved, and that they involve principles not consistent with general laws that regard other chemical actions of the animal system. Some of the objections against Crawford's theory have been well urged "by Dr. Bostock,* and both hypotheses are controverted by Mr. MURRAY.f With respect to the theory of Crawford, there is no reason to believe that hydro-carbon is communicated to the blood in the extreme vessels in an insulated state. And though he assumes it to be derived from the solid parts of the system, which are acknowledged to be continually changing, yet it should be observed that this absorption is performed not by the veins, but by the lymphatic vessels. Such a source of inflamable matter would hardly be sufficiently uni- form to account for the uniform change of the blood; neither is it reasonable to suppose that the matter derived from the decay of the system would be confined to carbon and hydro- gen. Add to this, that there is good reason to believe that * Essay on Respiration, p. 112----tSystem of Chemistry, vol. iv, p. 541. 11 no union of oxygen and hydrogen is effected in the lungs, but that the halitus or pulmonary exahalation is produced by evaporation from the mucous fluid which lubricates the inner surface of the bronchia and A'esicles, and which is separated from the blood by secretion. This opinion is warranted by the experiments of Allen and Pepys, before referred to, as well as by considerations which might be adduced from the necessity of such an evaporation to moderate the temperature of the lungs. As to the theory of Hassenfratzs, it remains to be prov- ed that any absorption of oxygen takes place in the lungs, or that such absorption occasions the florid hue of arterial blood. From the capital experiment of Priestley, it would be rather inferred that this change of colour Avas produced, not by the absorption of oxygen, but by the disengagement of inflania- ble matter from the venous blood. I knoAv not whether any direct proofs of either of these suppositions have been ad- duced ; but I am rather surprised if there have not, in a mat- ter of so easy demonstration. I have instituted two or three experiments to ascertain the fact; and from their result I have additional reason to incline to the inference that would be deduced from Priestley's experiment. Blood was drawn from the jugular vein of a bullock into glass tubes, which were immediately hermetically sealed with a quantity of at- mospheric air in them, about equal in bulk to the blood. Af- ter standing some time, being agitated occasionally, the blood assumed the vivid red arterial hue. A lube was then open- ed under Avater, and as no absorption took place, it might be concluded that no diminution had taken place in the air. The air was then analysed; first by agitation with lime-water to abstract the carbonic acid, and then with a solution of sul- phate of iron, saturated with nitrous gas to absorb the remain- ing oxygen. The result was that a sufficient quantity of oxygen could be accounted for, to amount to 21 per cent, of the air contained in the tube, and of course no oxygen re- mained in the blood as Hassenfratzs supposed; either iu a state of solution, or of loose xombination as he paradoxical- ly termed it. 18 But were it to be admitted that oxygen is absorbed by arterial blood, it has not been proved that it combines with carbon merely. Much less can it be proved that carbonic acid, in solution or mixture, constitutes the difference between venous and arterial blood. Indeed the contrary of this may be fairly inferred from an experiment of Priestley. When arterial blood Avas exposed to carbonic acid till its colour be- came darkened, it did not recover its florid hue from subse- quent exposure to oxygen, and therefore was not in the ve- nous state. A very just vieAV of the changes which the blood under- goes in the course of its circulation has been given by Mr. Murray. " The blood," says he, " is the source whence all the parts " of the body and the products of the system are formed. Its u expenditure is constantly supplied by the chyle, a fluid t! less completely animalised than the blood itself. The pe- " culiar character of animal matter, Avith regard to composi- " tion, is a large proportion of nitrogen, and a diminished pro- " portion of carbon. It may, therefore, be inferred that in " the extreme vessels, when the animal solids and fluids are " formed, the general process Avill be the separation from the " blood of those elements of which animal matter is compos- " ed; and that of course, carbon, which enters more sparing- " Iy into its composition, will exist in the remaining blood in »c an increased proportion. This is accordingly the general " nature of the conversion of arterial into venous blood. Ni- " trogen, hydrogen, and other elements, are spent in the for- " mation of new products, and the proximate principles of the " blood, probably the crassamentum chiefly, remain with an " increased proportion of carbon. In this state it is exposed, « und<•»■ 28 It may be further remarked on this subject, that the tem- perature of animals in a high medium, is much moderated by evaporation from the lungs, and by perspiration from the ex- ternal surface. Lavoisier and Seguin have estimated the quantity of vapour given off in twenty-four hours, from a per- son not under any bodily labour, at 15 ounces by halitus, and 30 ounces by cutaneous transpiration.* At a high tem- perature these functions are known to be greatly increased, and when it is considered that every pound of water, in vap- orization, absorbs heat sufficient to raise 800 or 900 pounds one degree, their effects in moderating the animal tempera- ture may be correctly appreciated. A thorough knowledge of the doctrine of Animal Heat, and the causes which excite and modify it, would, doubtless, throw much light on the causes and nature of febrile and in- flammatory diseases; but it does not fall within our design to point out this connexion. Such a knoAvledge would also give us much information concerning the effects of heat and cold on the human system. From what has just been detailed, it Avould appear that extremes of heat and cold, unless carried to a considerable extent, have but little effect on the animal temperature, and they seem to be rather the remote than the immediate causes of disease. I conclude this essay by remarking the happy contrivan- ces of nature to correct her own extremes. Man by his or- ganization is so constituted as to retain the same temperature in all regions of the globe; and changes his clime to suit his pleasures or convenience. By similar contrivances the in- ferior animals are adapted to their tlifferent destinations.— The lizard remains cool under the burning sun of the equa- tor, while the whale, in the polar seas, amidst mountains of ice, retains a degree of heat superior to that of the human body. * Memoirs de l'Acad. des Sciences, 1790, p. 601. Me.dL.Hi5t. '- *^v^".::^;l:;'};';^ ':.v :^ *'vi -■■ :;' 'V x ';'-v- hi;"V.