*"3Bt>.-- *»-i> ^aj-u f SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE LIBRARY. ...., 2-3 Section :'_.-v __\—' STicZ/ JVo. PRESENTED BY- ■■r?3F MEDICAL LIBRARY* # . W-n*m<> EXPERIMENTS OBSSRVATIONS GASTRIC JUICE, PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION BY WILLIAM BEAUMONT, M. D, Surgeon in the V. S. Army. PLATTSBURGH, PRINTED BY F. P. ALLEN. 1833. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1833, by William Beaumont, M. D. in the Office of the District Clerk of the United States for the Southern District of JSew-York. TO JOSEPH LOVELL, M. D. -iljRGEON GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES' ARMY, Whose merit justly entitles him to the rank which he holds, And whose zeal in the cause of Medical Science is equalled only by his ability to promote it. As a tribute of respect for his public and pri- vate virtues, And as a feeble acknowledgement for a long tried and unvarying friendship, This work is respectfully dedicated, by THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. THE present age is prolific of works on physiol- ogy; therefore in offering to the public another book relative to an important branch of this science, it will perhaps be necessary to assign my motives. They are, first, a wish to comply with the repeated and urgent solicitations of many medical men who have become partially acquainted with the facts and observations it is my intention to detail; men, in whose judgment I place confidence, and who have expressed their conviction of the deep importance of the experiments, the result of which I mean herewith to submit to the public: secondly, (and it is that which mainly influences me,) my own firm conviction that medical science will be forwarded by the pub- lication. I am fully aware of the importance of the subject which these experiments are intended to illustrate, as well in a pathological as in a physiological point of view; and I am therefore willing to risk the cen- sure or neglect of critics, if I may be permitted to cast my mite into the treasury of knowledge, and to be the means, either directly or indirectly, of subserv- ing the cause of truth, and ameliorating the condi- tion of suffering humanity. I make no claim to originality in my opinions, as it respects the existence and operation of the gastric juice. My experiments confirm the doctrines (mth some modifications) taught by Spallaszini, and ma- 6 PREFACE. ny of the most enlightened physiological writers. They are experiments made in the true spirit of en- quiry, suggested by the very extraordinary case which gave me an opportunity of making them. I had no particular hypothesis to support; and I have there- fore honestly recorded the result of each experiment exactly as it occurred. The reader will perceive some slight seeming dis- crepancies, which he may find it difficult to reconcile ; but he will recollect that the human machine is en- dowed with a vitality which modifies its movements in different states of the system, and probably pro- duces some diversity of effects from the same causes. I had opportunities for the examination of the in- terior of the stomach, and its secretions, which has never before been so fully offered to any one. This most important organ, its secretions and its opera- tions, have been submitted to my observation in a ve- ry extraordinary manner, in a state of perfect health, and for years in succession. I have availed myself of the opportunity afforded by a concurrence of circum- stances which probably can never again occur, with a zeal and perseverance proceeding from motives which my conscience approves ; and I now submit the result of my experiments to an enlightened public, who I doubt not will duly appreciate the truths disco- vered, and the confirmation of opinions which before rested on conjecture. I submit a body of facts which cannot be invalida- ted. My opinions may be doubted, denied, or ap- proved, according as they conflict or agree with the opinions of each individual who may read them; but PREFACE. 7 their worth will be best determined by the foundation on which they rest—the incontrovertible facts. I avail myself of this opportunity to make my grate- ful acknowledgements to Doctor Joseph Lovell, Sur- geon General of the United States' Army, (to whom 1 am under obligations for personal kindness and offi- cial exertions in affording facilities for prosecuting the experiments;)—to Professors Silliman, Knight, Ives and Hubbard, of Yale.College, Dunglison, of the Virginia University, and Sewall, Jones, Henderson and Hall, of Columbian College, for their unsolici- ted friendship; for the interest which they have taken in the experiments, and for the generous encourage- ment which they have given to the proposed publica- tion. To Doctor Samuel Beaumont, of Plattsburgh, N. Y. I am particularly indebted for the assistance which he has rendered me in arranging and prepa-' ring my notes for the press. INTRODUCTION. THE experiments which follow were commenced in 1825, and have been continued, with various in- terruptions, to the present time, (1833.) The op- portunity for making them was afforded to me in the fallowing way. Whilst stationed at Michillimackinac, Michigan Territory, in 1822, in the military service of the Uni- ted States, the following case of surgery came un- der my care and treatment. Alexis St. Martin, who is the subject of these experiments, was a Canadian, of French descent, at the above mentioned time about eighteen years of age, of good constitution, robust and healthy. He had been engaged in the service of the American Fur Company, as a voyageur, and was accidentally wounded by the discharge of a musket, on the 6th of June, 1822, The charge, consisting of powder and duck shot, was received in the left side of the youth, he being at a distance of not more than one yard from the muzzle of the gun. The contents entered posteri- orly, and in an oblique direction, forward and in- ward, literally blowing off integuments and muscles of the size of a man's hand, fracturing and carrying away the anterior half of the sixth rib, fracturing the fifth, lacerating the lower portion of the left lobe of the lungs, the diaphragm, and perforating the sto- mach, v, Id introduction. The whole mass of materials forced from the mUs> ket, together with fragments of clothing and pieces of fractured ribs, were driven into the muscles and cavity of the chest. I saw him in twenty-five or thirty minutes after the accident occurred, and, on examination, found a portion of the lung, as large as a Turkey's egg, pro- truding through the external wound, lacerated and burnt; and immediately below this, another protru- sion, which, on further examination, proved to be a portion of the stomach, lacerated through all its coats, and pouring out the food he had taken for his breakfast, through an orifice large enough to admit the fore finger. In attempting to return the protruded portion of the lung, I was prevented by a sharp point of the fractured rib, over which it had caught by its mem- branes ; but by raising it with my finger, and clipping off the"point of the rib, I was able to return it into its proper cavity, though it could not be retained there, on account of the incessant efforts to cough. The projecting portion of the stomach was nearly as large as that of the lung. It passed through the lacerated diaphragm and external wound, mingling the food with the bloody mucus blown from the lungs. After cleansing the wound from the charge and other extraneous matter, and replacing the stomach and lungs as far as practicable, I applied the carbo- nated fermenting poultice, and kept the surrounding parts constantly wet with a lotion of muriate of am- monia and vinegar; and gave internally the aq. acet. am. with camphor, in liberal quantities. INTRODUCTION, 11 Under this treatment a strong reaction took place in about twenty-four hours, accompanied with high arterial excitement, fever, and marked symptoms of inflammation of the lining membranes of the chest and abdomen, great difficulty of breathing, and dis- tressing cough. He was bled to the amount of eighteen or twenty ounces, and took a cathartic. The bleeding reduced the arterial action, and gave relief. The cathartic had no effect, as it escaped from the stomach through the wound. On the 5th day a partial sloughing of the integu- ments and muscles took place. Some of the pro- truded portions of the lung, and lacerated parts of the stomach, also sloughed, and left a perforation into the stomach, plainly to be seen, large enough to admit the whole length of my fore-finger into its cavity; and also'a passage into the chest, half as large as my fist, exposing to view a part of the lung, and permitting the free escape of air and bloody mucqs at every respiration. A violent fever continued for ten days, running in- fo a typhoid type, and the wound became very foetid. On the eleventh day, a more extensive sloughing took place, the febrile symptoms subsided, and the whole surface of the wound assumed a healthy and granulating appearance. For seventeen days, all that entered his stomach by the oesophagus, soon passed out through the \vound; and the only way of sustaining him was by means of nutricious injections per anus, until com- presses and adhesive straps could be applied so as to J2 INTRODUCTION. retain his food. During this period no alvine evacu- ations could be obtained, although cathartic injec- tions were given, and various other means were a- dopted to promote them. In a few days after firm dressings were applied, and the contents of the stomach retained, the bowels became, gradually excited, and, with the aid of ca- thartic injections, a very hard, black, foetid stool was procured, followed by several similar ones; after which the bowels became quite regular, and contin- ued so. The cataplasms wore continued until the slough- ing was completed, and the granulating process fully established; and were afterwards occasionally resort- ed to, when the wound became ill conditioned. The aq. acet. am. with camphor was also continued for several weeks, in proportion to the febrile symptoms, and the foetid condition of the wound. No sickness, nor unusual irritation of the stomach, not even the slightest nausea, was manifest during the whole time; and after the fourth week, the appe- tite became good, digestion regular, the alvine evac- uations natural, and all the functions of the system perfect and healthy. By the adhesion of the sides of the protruded por- tions of the stomach to the pleura costalis and the external wound, a free exit was afforded to the con- tents of that organ, and effusion into the abdominal cavity was thereby prevented. Cicatrization and contraction of the external wound commenced on the fifth week; the stomach became more firmly attached to the pleura and intercostal, INTRODUCTION. 13 by its external coats ; but showed not the least dis- position to close its orifice; this (the orifice) termi- nated as if by a natural boundary, and left the perfo- ration, resembling, in all but a sphincter, the natural anus, with a slight prolapsus. Whenever the wound was dressed the contents of the stomach would flow out, in proportion to the quantity recently taken. If the stomach happened to be empty, or nearly so, a partial inversion would take place, unless prevented by the application of the finger. Frequently in consequence of the derange- ment of the dressing, the inverted part would be found of the size of a hen's egg. No difficulty1, how- ever, was experienced in reducing it by gentle pres- sure with the finger, or a sponge wet with cold water, neither of which produced the least pain. In the seventh week, exfoliation of the ribs, and a separation of their cartilaginous ends, began to take place. The sixth rib was denuded of its periosteum for about two inches from the fractured part, so that I was obliged to amputate it about three or four inches from its articulation with the rib. This I accomplish- ed by dissecting back the muscles, securing the inter- costal artery, and sawing off the bone with a very fine narrow saw, made for the purpose, introduced be- tween the ribs, without injury to the neighbouring parts. Healthy granulations soon appeared, and formed soundly over the amputated end. About half the inferior edge of the fifth rib exfoliated, and sepa- rated from its cartilage. After the removal of these pieces of bone, I at-. 11 INTRODUCTION. tempted to contract the wound, and close the perfor ration of the stomach, by gradually drawing the edges together with adhesive straps, laid on in a radiated form. The circumference of the external wound was at least twelve inches, and the orifice in the stomach nearly in the centre, two inches below the left nipple, on a line drawn from this to the point of the left ilium. To retain his food and drinks I kept a compress and tent of lint, fitted to the shape and size of the perforation, and confined there by adhesive straps. After trying all the means in my power for eight or ten months to close the orifice, by exciting adhesive inflammation in the lips of the wound, without the least appearance of success, I gave it up as impracticable in any other way than that of incising and bringing them together by sutures; an operation to which the patient would not submit. By the sloughing of the injured portion of the lung, a cavity was left as large as a common sized teacup, from which continued a copious discharge of pus for three months, when it became filled with healthy granulations, firmly adhering to the pleura, and soundly cicatrized over that part of the wound. Four months after the injury was received, an ab- scess formed about two inches below the wound, nearly over the cartilaginous ends of the first and second false ribs, very painful, and extremely sore, producing violent symptomatic fever. On the application of an emollient poultice it pointed ex- ternally. It was then laid open to the extent of three inches, and several shot and pieces of wad INTRODUCTION. 15 extracted. After which a gum-elastic bougie could be introduced three or four inches in the longitudinal direction of the ribs, towards the spine. Great pain and soreness extended from the opening of the ab- scess^ along the track of the cartilaginous ends of the fale ribs, to the spine, with a copious discharge from the sinus. In five or six days there came away a cartilage, one inch in length. In six or seven days more, another, an inch and a half long; and in about the same length of time, a third, two inches long, were dis- charged. And they continued to come away every five or six days, until five were discharged from the same opening, the last three inches in length. They were all entire, and evidently separated from the false ribs. The discharge, pain and irritation, during the four or five weeks these cartilages were working out, greatly reduced the strength of the patient, produced a general febrile habit, and stopped the healing pro- cess of the original wound; Directly after the discharge of the last cartilage, inflammation commenced over the lower end of the sternum, which by the usual applications, terminated in a few days in a large abscess, and from which, by laying it open two inches, I extracted another carti- lage, three inches in length. The inflammation then abated ; and in a day or two another piece came a- way, and the discharge subsided. To support the patient under all these debilitating circumstances, I administered wine, with diluted mu- riatic acid, and thirty or forty drops of the ticture of 16 INTRODUCTION. assafoetida, three times a day; which appeared to produce the desired effect, and very much improved the condition of the wound. On the third of January, 1823,1 extracted another cartilage from the opening over the sternum, an inch and a half long ; and on the fourth another, two inch- es and a half in length, an inch broad at one end, and narrowing to less than half an inch at the other. This must have been the ensiform cartilage of the sternum. After this the sinus closed, and there was no return of inflammation. From the month of April, 1823, at which time he had so far recovered as to be able to walk about and do light work, enjoying his usual good appetite and digestion, he continued with me, rapidly regaining his health and strength. By the 6th of June, 1823, one year from the time of the accident, the injured parts were all sound, and firmlv cicatrized, with the exception of the aperture in the stomach and side. This continued much in the same situation as it was six weeks after the wound was received. The perforation was about two and a half inches in circumference, and the food and drinks constantly exuded, unless prevented by a tent, compress and bandage. From this time he continued gradually to improve in health and strength, and the newly formed integu- ments over the wound became firmer and firmer. At the point where the lacerated edges of the muscular Coat of the stomach and intercostal muscles met and united with the cutis vera, the cuticle of the external surface and the mucous membrane of the stomach ap- INTRODUCTION. 17 proached each other very nearly. They did not unite, like those of the lips, nose, &c, but left an interme- diate marginal space, of appreciable breadth, com- pletely surrounding the aperture. This space is a- bout a line wide; and the cutis and nervous papilla? are unprotected, as sensible and irritable as a blistered surface abraded of the cuticle. This condition of the aperture still continues, and constitutes the principal and almost only cause of pain or distress experienced from the continuance of the aperture, the introduc- tion of instruments, &c. in the experiments, or the exudation of fluids from the gastric cavity. Frequent dressings with soft compresses and ban- dages were necessarily applied, to relieve his suffer- ing and retain his food and drinks, until the winter of 1823-4. At this time, a small fold or doubling of the coats of the stomach appeared, forming at the supe- rior margin of the orifice, slightly protruding, and in- creasing till it filled the aperture, so as to supersede the necessity for the compress and bandage for re- taining the contents of the stomach. This valvulaf formation adapted itself to the accidental orifice, so as completely to prevent the efflux of the gastric con- tents when the stomach was full, but was easily de- pressed with the finger. In the spring of 1824 he had perfectly recovered his natural health and strength; the aperture remain- ed ; and the surrounding wound was firmly cicatrized to its edges. In the month of May, 1825, I commenced my first series of gastric experiments with him, at Fort Mackinac, Michigan Territory. In the month of 18 INTRODUCTION. June following, I was ordered to Fort Niagara, N. Y. where, taking the man with me, I continued my ex- periments until August. Part of these experiments were published in 1826, in the 29th number of the Philadelphia " Medical Recorder," conducted by Doctor Samuel Calhoun. About this time, (August 1825) I took St Martin with me to Burlington, Ver- mont, and from thence to Plattsburgh, New-York. From the latter place, he returned to Canada, his na- tive place, without obtaining my consent. Being unable to ascertain the place of his resort, I gave him up as a lost subject for physiological ex- periments, and returned to my post at the west again. I did not, however, remit my efforts to obtain infor- mation of his place of residence and condition. He remained in Canada four years, during which period he married, and became the father of two children; worked hard to support his family j and enjoyed robust health and strength. In 1825, as he has informed me, he engaged with the Hudson Bay Fur Company, as a voyageur to the Indian country. He went out in 1827, and returned in 1828 ; and sub- sequently laboured hard to support his family un- til 1829. Accidentally learning about this time where he was, and that he enjoyed perfect health, I made ar- rangements with the agents of the American Fur Company ,who annually visit Canada for the purpose of procuring v oyagcurs, to find and engage him for my service, if practicable. After considerable difficulty, and at great expense to me, they succeeded in enga- ging him, and transported him from Lower Canada, INTRODUCTION. 19 with his wife and two children, to me, at Fort Craw- ford, Prairie du Chien, Upper Mississippi, a distance of nearly two thousand miles, in August, 1829. His stomach and side were in a similar condition as when he left me in 1825. The aperture was open, and his health good. He now entered my service, and I commenced an- other series of experiments on the stomach and gastric fluids, and continued them, interruptedly, until March, 1831. During this time, in the in- tervals of experimenting, he performed all the duties of a common servant, chopping wood, carrying bur- thens, &c. with little or no suffering or inconvenience from his wound. He laboured constantly, became the father of more children, and enjoyed as good health and as much vigour as men in general. He subsisted on crude food, in abundant quantities, ex- cept when on prescribed diet, for particular experi- mental purposes, and under special observance. In the spring of 1831 circumstances made it expe- dient for him to return with his family from Prairie du Chien to Lower Canada again. I relinquished his en- gagements to me for the time, on a promise that he would return when required, and gave him an outfit for himself, wife and children. They started in an open canoe, via the Mississippi, passing by St Louis, Mo.; ascended the Ohio river; then crossed the state of Ohio, to the Lakes ; and descended the Erie, On- tario, and the River St. Lawrence, to Montreal, where they arrived in June. He remained in Canada with his family until October, 1832, in good health, and at hard labour. He was in the midst of the cholera epi- 20 INTRODUCTION. demic, at the time it prevailed, and passed through Canada, and withstood its ravages with impunity, while hundreds around him fell sacrifices to its fatal influence. In November, 1832. he again engaged himself to me for twelve months, for the express purpose of submitting to another series of experiments. He joined me at Plattsburgh, N. Y., and travelled with me to the city of Washington, where, with the facili- ties afforded by the head of the Medical Depart- ment, the experiments were continued upon him from November, 1832, to March, 1833. During the whole of these periods, from the spring of 1824 to the present time, he has enjoyed general good health, and perhaps suffered much less predis- position to disease than is common to men of his age and circumstances in life. He has been active, athletic and vigorous; exercising, eating and drink- ing like other healthy and active people. For the last four months, he has been unusually plethoric and robust, though constantly subjected to a continued series of experiments on the interior of the stomach; allowing to be introduced or taken out at the aper- ture different kinds of food, drinks, elastic cathetersi thermometer tubes, gastric juice, chyme, &c, almost daily, and sometimes hourly, Such have been this man's condition and circum- stances for several years past; and he now enjoys the most perfect health and constitutional sound- ness, with every function of the system in full force and vigour, INTRODUCTION. 21 Mode of extracting the Gastric Juice.—The usual method of extracting the gastric juice, for experi- ment, is by placing the subject on his right side, de. pressing the valve within the aperture, introducing a gum-elastic tube, of the size of a large quill, five or six inches into the stomach, and then turning him on the left side, until the orifice becomes dependent. In health, and when free from food, the stomach is usu- ually entirely empty, and contracted upon itself. On introducing the tube, the fluid soon begins to flow, first by drops, then in an interrupted, and sometimes in a short continuous stream. Moving the tube about, up and down, or backwards and forwards, increases the discharge. The quantity of fluid ordinarily obtained is from four drachms to one and a half or two ounces, varying with the circumstances and condition of the stomach. Its extraction is generally attended by that peculiar sensation at the pit of the stomach termed sinking, with some degree of faintness, which renders it necessary to stop the operation. The usual time of extracting the juice is early in the morn- ing, before he has eaten, when the stomach is empty and clean. On laying him horizontally on his back, pressing the hand upon the hepatic region, agitating a little, and at the same time turning him to the left side, bright yellow bile appears to flow freely through the pylorus, and passes out through the tube. Some- times it is found mixed with the gastric juice, without this Toperation. This is, however, seldom the case, unless it has been excited by some other cause. 22 INTRODUCTION. The chymous fluids are easily taken out by de- pressing the valve within the aperture, laying the hand over the lower part of the stomach, shaking a little, and pressing upwards. In this manner, any quantity necessary for examination and experiment can be obtained. Valve—The valve mentioned above, is formed by a slightly inverted portion of the inner coats of the sto- mach, fitted exactly to fill the aperture. Its principal and most external attachment is at the upper and pos- terior edge of the opening. Its free portion hangs pen- dulous, and fills the aperture when the stomach is full, and plays up and down, simultaneously with the respi- ratory muscles, when empty. On pressing down the valve when the stomach is full, the contents flow out copiously. When the stbm. ach is nearly empty, and quiescent, the interior of the cavity may be examined to the depth of five or six inches, if kept distended by artificial means ; and the food and drinks may be seen entering it, if swallowed at this time, through the ring of the aesophagus. The perforation through the walls of the stomach, is about three inches to the left of the cardia, near the left su- perior termination of the great curvature. When entirely empty, the stomach contracts upon itself* and sometimes forces the valve through the orifice together with an additional portion of the mucous membrane, which becomes completely inverted, and forms a tumour as large as a hen's egg. After lying on the left side, and sleeping a few hours, a still larg- er portion protrudes, and spreads out over the exter* INTRODUCTION. 23 hal integuments, five or six inches in circumference, fairly exhibiting the natural rugae, villous membrane, and mucous coat, lining the gastric cavity. This ap- pearance is almost invariably exhibited in the morn- ing, before rising from his bed. Plattsburgh, 1833. INTRODUCTION. 25 This engraving represents the ordinary appearance of the left breast and side, the aperture filled with the valve; the subject in an erect position. AAA The circumference and edge of the aper- ture, within which is seen the valve. B The attachment of the valvular portion of the stomach to the superior part of the aperture. C The nipple. D The anterior portion of the breast. E The scar where the opening was made with the scalpel, and the cartilages taken out. F F F F Cicatrice of th3 original wound, around the aperture. D introduction. 27 >',''ti'i)i This engraving represents the appearance of t.h« aperture with the valve depressed. AAA Edges of the aperture through the integ- uments and intercostals, on the inside and around which is the union of the lacerated edges of the per- forated coats of the stomach with the intercostals and skin. B The cavity of the stomach, when the valve is depressed. C Valve, depressed within the cavity 9f the sto- mach. E E E E Cicatrice of the original wound. F The nipple. INTRODUCTION. 39 This engraving represents a portion of the sto- mach prolapsed through the aperture, with the inner surface inverted, and spread out over the integuments of the side. A A A A A Folds or rugas of the inner coats of the stomach. B B B B Interstices, filled with mucous substance- C The nipple. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. I do not design, in the following remarks, to present any thing like a systematic treatise on digestion. Works of this kind, treating of the subject both phys- iologically and pathologically, have so multiplied of late, as to render an attempt on my part, entirely a work of supererogation, even if I believed myself qualified for the task. I consider myself but a hum- ble inquirer after truth—a simple experimenter. And if I have been led to conclusions opposite to the o- pinions of many who have been considered the great luminaries of physiology, and, in some instances, from all the professors of this science, I hope the claim of sincerity will be conceded to me, when I say that such difference of opinion has been forced upon me by the convictions of experiment, and the fair de- ductions of reasoning. I shall not attempt an anatomical description of the organs of digestion, for the reasons given above. In a work professedly elementary, such descriptions are essential. The medical profession are acquaint- ed with these organisms. The general reader, if he have a wish for information of this kind, is referred to anatomical authors generally, or to the physiologi- cal writings of Richerand, Broussais, Magendie, Bos- tock, Fordyce, Paris, Jackson and Dunglison, the 32 PRELIMINARY last of which, as containing the sum of what has been taught in the schools on the subject of physi- ology generally, arranged in a clear and distinct manner, and with the assistance of numerous plates, is well worthy his perusal. With a view to comment on my experiments, and to elucidate my opinions on the subject of digestion, I shall divide my observations into the following heads : Section 1st. Of Aliment. Section 2d. Of Hunger and Thirst. Section 3d. Of Satisfaction and Satiety. Section 4th. Of Mcs'ication, Insalivation and Deglu- tition. Section 5th. Of Digestion by the Gastric Juice. Section Gth. Of the appearance of the Villous Coat, and of the Motions of ths Stomach. Section 7th. Of Chy- lification, and Uses of the Bile and Pancreatic Juice SECTION I Of Aliment. Man is said to be an omnivorous animal^ destined to procure his food from both the animal and veget- able kingdoms. The inhabitant of temperate cli- mates is unquestionably so. It would be interesting to ascertain by experiment whether he could be sus- tained by habit, from infancy, on the productions of either of these grand divisions. If the result should be favourable to the demonstration of this proposi- tion, though it might still more unsettle the opinions of physiologists, it would be an evidence of this truth, that man is a creature of habit and circum- stance, carrying about him the effects of primeval disobedience, destined not only to earn his food by his own exertions, but to partake of such as the cli- mate in which he resides may supply to him. Ap- proximating to this are the habits of people of differ- ent quarters of the world—those of Asia, who live almost exclusively on vegetable and farinaceous food, and those of the northern regions of America. who derive their food principally from fish, oil and flesh. K 34 PRELIMINARY Other substances have sometimes been used a# aliment; and Professor Dunglison mentions, on tho authority of Humboldt, that the Ottomaques, a tribe of Indians of South America, are in the habit of using " an unctious earth, or a species of pipe clay," as an article of diet. Whether nutriment can be supplied by such articles alone, is extremely problematical. In all countries, some persons are found who are in the constant habit of eating large quantities of clay, chalk, slate stone, &c. Such practices may be re- garded as evidence, if not of a diseased, at least of a vitiated appetite; though it often happens that alka- line and absorbent substances are used medicinally with advantage, particularly where much acidity of the stomach prevails. As it respects the inhabitants of Europe and their American descendants, as well as most other natives of temperate climates, it is well known that they de- rive their nourishment from both the animal and ve- getable kingdoms. The facility of digestion of different articles of diet, and the quantity of nutrient principles which they contain, have been subjects of some discrepance of opinion among physiologists. They have, however, settled down into a belief, probably as near the truth as practicable, that animal food is more readily as- similated, and affords more nutrition in a given quantity, than vegetable or farinaceous food. Animal food has been divided into fibrine, gelatine and albumen, and a comparison drawn between their degrees of digestibility. But it will occur to everv oiig at all acquainted with the subject, that almo**- OBSERVATIONS. 35 .every portion of animal food contains an admixture of all these principles, and it is consequent:; very difficult to come to a correct conclusion. The truth is, there can be no general rule on this subject. The facility of digestion is modified by so many cir- cumstances, as health, disease, idiosyncracy, habit, and preparation of food, that a rule which would ap- ply in one case would be incorrect in another. It de- pends more upon other distinctions than upon those relating to the chemical composition of the food. Albumen, (one of these chemical divisions,) if taken into the stomach, either very slightly or not at all co- agulated, is perhaps as rapidly chymified as any arti- cle of diet we possess. If perfectly formed into hard coagui33, by heat or otherwise, and swallowed in large solid pieces, it experiences- a very protracted digestion. The reason is obvious. In the first case the albumen becomes finely coagulated, and divided in the stomach; in the second, it is less susceptible of subdivision from its hardness. Fibrine and gelatine are affected in the same way. If tender and finely divided, they are disposed of readily; if in large and solid masses, digestion is proportionably retarded. Minuteness of division and .ev.deme's of fibre are the two grand essentials for opeeiy vrid er.3y digestion. By referring to my «xp3r'h.,i65i'i.j, it will \o seen that those articles of diet which were sulr/i'i'ed to the action of the gastric juice, either artificially, v/hen out of the stomach, or in the stomach, by natural'processi were dissolved in proportion to the fineness of their division or their solidity—the one rapidly, and the other slowly. 36 PRELIMINARY The digestion of animal and vegetable diet re- quires the same process, though one may afford a , larger proportion of the nutrient principle than the other. Generally speaking, vegetable aliment re- quires more time, and probably greater powers of the gastric organs, than animal. Its digestibility is, however, dependant upon the same laws as those that govern the solution of animal food; and it is fa- cilitated by division and tenderness. The ultimate principles of nutriment are probably always the same, whether obtained from animal or vegetable diet. It was said by Hippocrates, that " there are many kinds of aliments, but that there is at the same time but one aliment." This opinion has been contested by most modern physiologists; but I see no reason for scepticism on this subject. Some imperfect experiments which I instituted on the ope- rations of the hepatic and pancreatic juices, and which will be found in a subsequent part of this volume, tend to throw some light on the subject. Chyme was submitted to the action of these fluids, and they invariably produced similar effects. A fluid was se- parated, varying slightly in colour, but of the same apparent consistence and identity; and was increas- ed or lessened in proportion to the quality of the food of which the chyme was formed. Whether this fluid was or was not imperfectly formed chvle, is a matter of opinion only. The circulating fluids of the sys- iem are always nearly the same, in health, and that which goes to supply and replenish them, should con- p^quently possess the same invariable properties. Ciylo, a!vcr its separrtion in the intestines, is proba-* OBSERVATIONS, 37 hly further changed and perfected by the action of the lacteal absorbents and sanguiferous vessels, be- fore it is completely assimilated. Chyme, from which this nutrient principle is obtained, is a compound of gastric juice and aliment. It may be regarded as a o-astrite of whatever it is combined with, varied ac- cording to the kind of aliment used. The perfect chyle, or assimilated nutriment, probably contains the elements of all the secretions of the system; such as bone, muscle, mucus, saliva, gastric juice, &c. &c, which are separated by the action of the glands, the sanguiferous and other vessels of the system. The action of the stomach, and its fluids, on ali- ment, is believed to be sui generis, invariably the same, in health, on all kinds. And yet it is contend- ed by Paris, and obliquely hinted by some other mo- dern physiologists, that as animal food " posseses a composition analogous to that of the structure it is designed to supply," it " requires little more than division and depuration," &c. It is singular that sensible men, and men of science, can allow them- selves to be led to such erroneous conclusions, and will not perceive a simplicity and uniformity in the process of digestion, as well as in all the other ope- rations of nature. That the active solvent of the stomach should produce the same effect on all ali- mentary substances, is no more wonderful than that caloric should liquefy all kinds of matter. In both cases it only requires a longer or shorter continuance, or more or less concentrated action, of the agent, to produce the same effect, If animal food is only 38 PRELIMINARY to be divided and depurated, blood, which is an ele- mentary part of the body, would require no change in the stomach. But it is perfectly idle to talk in this way. The most innutritious vegetable and the most animalized substance, require the same action of the gastric solvent, as the reader will find amply demon- strated in the following experiments. It is true that one may be disposed of with ease, and the other with difficulty; but this is not always, nor indeed often, in a direct ratio to their respective proportions of nu- trient principles. An innutritious diet may be dis- posed of as easily, the circumstances of divisibility and tenderness of fibre being equal, as a nutritious one. I do not believe that the one requires a more " com- plicated series of decompositions and recomposi- tions" than the other; nor that the chyle from ani- mal aliment is more highly " animalized" than that from the poorest diet we possess. The " digestive fever," or the excitement that follows the digestion of animal food, is the eflect, not of a different kind of stimulus, but of the introduction of a greater quantity of chyle, or the nutritive principle of food, into the circulating fluids. It excites the system precisely in the same manner as ardent spirits, or other stimulus does, with the exception, that its ef- fects are more permanent. The quantity of nutriment required by different individuals, is as various as the individuals who par- take of it. As a general rule, it may be said that persons who do not exercise much, require less nu- tritious diet than those who are in the habit of con- stant labour. \V hat. would be a natural supply in OBSERVATIONS. 39 one, would be excess in another. With labouring persons, much of the excess is carried oft* by per- spiration ; and probably a great deal of nervous en- ergy is wasted by laborious occupations, which re- quires to be replenished by the nutrient principles of aliment. This is a subject, however, on which we can only offer conjecture; for it is difficult to ar- gue on a point of which we know so little. Young people who are growing, require more nutriment in proportion to their size, than those who have arrived at adult age. The quality of nutriment is a matter of consid- erable importance in dietetic regulations. Bulk is, perhaps, nearly as necessary to the articles of diet as the nutrient principle. They should be so managed that one should be in proportion to the other. Too highly nutritive diet is probably as fatal to the pro- longation of life and health, as that which contains an insufficient quantity of nutriment. It has been as- certained that carnivorous animals will not live on highly concentrated food alone. Dogs fed on oil or sugar, which are both converted by the digestive organs almost entirely into chyle, are found to be- come diseased, and die ifrk few weeks. The infer- ence drawn by Paris,* that it merely '• proves that an animal cannot be supported on highly concentrated aliment alone," no doubt, is a correct one; though opposed to the opinion of Magendic, the author of the experiments, who infers that death proceeds from the want of azote in these articles of diet, and tint, life cannot be supported on non-azotized aliment. * Paiia On Die*, j 72. 40 PRELIMINARY The following articles of the materia alimentariu have, in the course of these experiments, been sub- mitted to the action of the stomach and the gastric fluids. I have attempted, in this table, to approxi- mate towards a comparison of the digestibility of the several articles there mentioned. Precision, as to minutes, has not been attended to. When digestion has been accomplished two or three minutes either before or after a certain number of hours and quar- ters, I have set down the quarter to which it ap- proached the nearest. In a subsequent part of this volume'a more parti- cular and minute detail will be found, both of natural and artificial digestion. Explanation of the abbreviations in the following Ta- bic,—br'd, for bread—veg., for vegetables—mod., for moderate—inc., for increased—susp'd, for suspended —dur'g, for during—exp't, for experiment—h'rd bid, for hard boiled—h., for hour—m., for minute, &c.— The figures denote the time of digestion, under the circumstances mentioned at the head of the column- Articles of Diet. meal | With br'Jor vt-g. or hctli| rest |mod.|inc. Remarks. Tripe, soused fried breakfast Pin's feet, do. boiled Venison steak, fresh, broifd Codfish, dry. boiled dinner Bread and Milk, cold Turkey, roast'd Goose, wild, roast'd Pu„ young, . . Hash, meat & veg. warm breakfast Oysters, raw dinner do. stewed do. raw breakfast do. | , . dinner do. |,stewed! . . Beef, fresh,fat 6: lean roast'd j dinner do. . . | . . do. . . jbrcakfast do. 'broil'di . . |h. m.|h. m.|h. m. 1 00 1 00 1 35 2 00 2 00 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 2 lf> - 3 30 , - 3 00 - 3 oo! - 3 ,>0| -3 301 3 00[ 2 4.51 3 00 oyster susp'd in stom. dur'g exp't. 1 Nothing but a little dry bread or cracker taken at these meals. mode of cook ing meal Willi br'd or »e .or hot 1, Articles of Diet. exercise rest mod.l inc. . ! |h. m.|h. m. h. m.i Beef, fresh, fat & lean broil'd breakfast 3 45 do. - 3 30 - do. boiled 4 00 1 - do. dinner - 3 30! do. boiled breakfast 3 38 - - do. . . supper - - 4 00 do. breakfast - - 4 30 do. dinner 3 30 do. - - 4 00 do. . . jbrcakfast - - 4 15 do. . . 3 30 do. . . - 4 15 do. salted, dinner 5 30 do. do. 3 30 Pork, recently salt'd breakfast :5 15 do. . . fl 30 do. . . 15 15 do. . . 6 00 . Remark.-". Exercised till fatigued. Morbid appearance of stomach. Large proportion of fat. do. do. & in recumbent position. Became angry during experiment. Unusually full meal. Articles of Diet. lnudc ofcook inc meal WMi br'dor vfg or botl rest Pork, recently salt'd do. do. do. do. do. do. fresh, do. steak, do. do. Mutton, fat & lean do. do. do. do. do. Eggs, do. do. boiled Ibreakfast dinner breakfast dinner dinner roast d broil'd c roast'd broil'd hr'd bid soft bid hr'd bid breakfast dinner breakfast dinner breakfast dinner (5 30 3 15 4 30 3 15 3 30 4 30 4 00 1 30 3 30 3 00 5 30 Remarks. 3 00 Unusually full meal. Morbid appearance of stomach. Full meal, coarsely masticated. Bread or bread & coffee, no vegetables used with the eggs. Morbid appearance of stomach. \ mode With br'd or veg or both] V.'i'clcs of Diet. ofcook ing meal exercise rest i mod.| inc. h. m. h. m. iv^r.s, h'rdbld breakfast 3 30 do. soft bid dinner 3 00 Saus y,E, broil'd breakfast 3 30 . _ Jo. dinner 3 00 do. fried breakfast 1 00 . . do. 5 00 . _ do. broil'd 3 30 do. 4 15 '?owr ,, (hens) boiled 1 00 . _ do.. dinner 4 00 . . do. ■'■ 1 00 _ . Veal, iresh, broiled breakfast 1 00 . . do. . , dinner 1 00 do. breakfast 1 00 do. dinner 4 45 . . do. breakfast 3 45 do. dinner 1 30 do. !' breakfast 5 30 - - Remarks. Morbid appearance of stomach. With soft boiled eggs. J Muslin bag containing same kind of | diet.susp'd dur'g those cxp'ts—mor- [ bid appearance of stomach also. Full meal—severe exercise With bread and coffee. With bread and water. do. do. Muslin bag susp'd in stomach. Morbid appearance of stomach. Morbid appearance of stomach. OBSERVATIONS. 45 Soup, made of fresh muscular fibre of beef, h. m. and vegetables, - - 4 00 do. made of the hock, with vegetables, 4 15 Bread, buttered, for breakfast, with coffee ) . [morbid appearance of stomach] \ ° do. buttered, for breakfast, with coffee 3 45 do. dry, for breakfast, with coffee, - 4 00 do. dry, for dinner, with dry mashed potatoes 3 45 This Table is far from being complete. The ex- periments from which it has been formed, were made principally with the view of demonstrating other important principles connected with the subject of digestion. The only way of ensuring minuteness and accuracy as to the comparative digestibility of differ- ent kinds of diet, would be to try the effect of the gastric juice, in a series of experiments, first on one article of diet, and then on another, repeating and a- dapting them to meet all the various conditions of the stomach, and the vicissitudes and irregularities of the system, until the whole range should be comple- ted—a Herculean task, which it would take years to accomplish. In the above table, the time is counted from the reception of the meal of various articles to the chymification of the whole: hence the conclu- sions are frequently indefinite, some of the articles being sooner disposed of than others. For instance, if a dinner be eaten of venison steak and fat pork, the time of digestion of the whole quantity would, in all probability, be twice as long as if venison had been used alone. Oily substances are digested with great difficulty, and the fat of all meats is converted into oil in the stomach before it is digested. Chymifica- tion is most readily effected on solid food, or rather 46 PRELIMINARY on a soft solid, which is easily divisible into shreds or small particles. Such is particularly the character of venison, which is ascertained to be one of the most digestible of substances. The qualities of looseness of texture and susceptibility of division belong to most of those wild meats and game which are gene- rally acknowledged to be easy of digestion. Beei and mutton, of a certain age, possess similar quali- ties. The opinion advanced by Paris, *that the flesh of wild animals is more dense than the domesticated, does not correspond with the experience of those who are well acquainted with the former. Although, on making a section of wild flesh, such appearance may be indicated, yet the fibres are found to be more easily separated by mastication, or other force, and are generally tender ; at least, such is the case with the flesh of those animals that are considered luxuries by the epicure. Compare, for example, the flesh of the wether and the deer, animals which have a near correspondence in their habits, and the difference will be very obvious. The digestibility of most meats is improved by in- cipient putrefaction, sufficient to render the muscular fibre slightly tender. Vegetables are generally slower of digestion than meats and farinaceous substances, though they some- times pass out of the stomach before them, in an un- digested state. Crude vegetables, by some law o1" the animal economy, not well understood, are allow- ed, even when the stomach is in a healthy state, Paris On Diet, p. 72. observations. 47 sometimes to pass the pyloric orifice, while other food is retained there to receive the solvent action of the gastric juice. This may depend upon their com- parative indigestibility; for it is well known that cathartic medicines, various fruits, seeds, &c. which operate as laxatives, are not digested; are incapable of being retained in the stomach; and pass rapidly through the intestinal tube. When such articles are in excess, they produce considerable derangement, and sometimes fatal consequences. Vegetable, like animal substances, are more capa- ble of digestion in proportion to the minuteness of their division, as I have before remarked, provided they are of a soft solid; and I cannot, therefore, concur in the opinion expressed by Paris,* that potatoes are better when only boiled so as to be rendered tender, and have their shape preserved, than when boiled to a " dry, insipid powder." They may be more palata- ble, and contain more nutriment; but they are not so easily affected by the gastric solvent. The difference is quite obvious on submitting parcels of this vegeta- ble, in different states of preparation, to the operation of the gastric juice, either in the stomach or out of it. Boiled, or otherwise cooked to dryness, so as to be easily mashed, potatoes very readily become reduced to a chymous state, when submitted to the action of the gastric juice. When differently prepared, and on- ly boiled so as to be rendered barely soft, moist and tenacious, with the shape preserved, entire pieces re- main long undissolved in the stomach, and very slowly yield to the action of the gastric juice in vials Paris On niet. p. 75, 10 PRELIMINARY on the bath. Pieces of raw potato, when submitted to the operation of this fluid, in the same manner, al- most entirely resist its action. Many hours elapse before the slightest appearance of digestion is observ- able, and this only upon the surface, where the ex- ternal laminae become a little softened, mucilagi- nous, and slightly farinaceous. Every physician, who has had much practice in the diseases of children, knows that partially boiled potatoes, when not suffi- ciently masticated, (which is always the case with children,) arc frequently a source of colics and bowel complaints, and that large pieces of this vegetable pass the bowels untouched by digestion. These remarks will apply, also, to most other ve. getable aliment. The variety of fish, which are generally used by the citizens of this country, may be regarded as easi- ly susceptible of digestion. The lobster, crab, and some others of the testaceous tribe, are, perhaps, ex- ceptions. Solid food is sooner disposed of by the stomach than fluid, and its nutritive principles are sooner car- ried into the circulation. It has been observed, how- ever, that the exhaustion from abstinence is quicker removed by liquid than solid aliment. This is un- doubtedly true; and it may be accounted for on the ground of a general sympathy existing between the stomach and all the other parts of the body. It is only necessary, in proof of this fact, to appeal to the experience of almost every rfhysician. The violent spasms, contortions, xc. affecting different and re- mote parts of the system, that sometimes supervene OFSERVATIONS. 4$ on the introduction of crude or indigestible food in- to the stomach, are pretty clear indications of the powerful sympathy that exists between it and other organs or apparatuses. Condiments, particularly those of the spicy kind, are non-essential to the process of digestion, in a healthy state of the system. They afford no nutri- tion. Though they may assist the action of a de- bilitated stomach for a time, their continual use ne- ver fails to produce an indirect debility of that organ. They affect it as alcohol or other stimulants do— the present relief afforded is at the expense of future suffering. Salt and vinegar are exceptions, and are not obnoxious to this charge, when used in modera- tion. They both assist in digestion—vinegar, by rendering muscular fibre more tender—and both to- gether by producing a fluid having some analogy to the gastric juice. Drinks are nearly as essential to the animal sys- tem as the more substantial food. Though not sub- ject to digestion, they enter into the circulation, and become important agents in the ultimate changes that are undergoing in the tissues of the organism. Simple water is, perhaps, the only fluid that is called for by the wants of the economy. The artificial drinks are probably all more or less injurious; some more so than others; but none can claim exemption from the general charge. Even coffee and tea, the common beverages of all classes of people, have a tendency to debilitate the digestive organs. Let any one who is in the habit of drinking either of these articles in a weak decoction, take two or three cups G 50 PRELIMINARY made very strong, and he will soon be aware of theft injurious tendency. And this is only an addition to the strength of the narcotic he is in the constant habit of using. The whole class of alcoholic liquors, whether simply fermented, or distilled, may be con" sidered as narcotics, producing very little difference in their ultimate effects on the system. The injury which a constant use of wine is known to produce on some stomachs, has been sometimes at- tributed to the small quantity of tartaric acid which it contains. But i&jis not the cream of tartar that renders wine so deleterious to many stomachs. It is the acidity produced by the acetous fermentation of the saccharine matter contained in the wine, aided, perhaps, by the alcohol which is in a state of combi- nation with it Beer has the same eflect on the same idiosyncracies, or diseased states of the sto- mach. Besides, both of these fluids are in a partial stage of acetous fermentation, which is consummated by the increase of temperature in the stomach. It would be a task of great difficulty to designate the exact kind of diet that would, if generally adopted, be the most conducive to health and longevity. A considerable variety seems to be necessary to man, in a state of civilization. This want of variety is in- duced by long habit, which it would probably be un- safe to break through. Whether man was originally carnivorous or granivorous, is a question which we cannot solve, and perhaps it is not worth the at- tempt ; at present he is both, and with his present mode of existence we have to do. OBSERVATIONS 51 I The quantity of aliment is probably of more im- portance than the quality, to ensure health. The system requires much less than is generally supplied to it. The stomach disposes of a definite quantity* If more be taken than the actual wants of the econo- my require, the residue remains in the stomach, and becomes a source of irritation, and produces a con- sequent abberration of function, or passes into the lower bowels in an undigested state, and extends to them its deleterious influence. Dyspepsia is oftener the effect of over eating and over drinking than of any other cause. SECTION II. Of Hunger and Thirst. HUNGER is a painful sensation, referred to the region of the stomach. It is a kind provision of na- ture, designed to remind man, and other animated beings, of the necessity of replenishing the wastes of the system, as well as contributing to its growth. Much enquiry has been made on this subject, and many theories have been given to account for the phenomenon. It has been supposed by some, that the friction of the internal coats of the empty sto- mach was the cause of the sensation. This opinion is liable to several objections:—1st. A healthy sto. mach digests its contents in from one to three or four hours, and hunger is not usually experienced until some time after the latter period. If hunger be the effect of the friction of the parieties of the stomach, it ought to be experienced the moment that that or- gan has disposed of its contents. 2d. In nausea and vomiting, the stomach is brought into a situation, according to this theory, to experience the sensation of hunger; and yet we know how opposed it is to receiving any thing like food. 3d. In gastritis and 54 PRELIMINARY fevers the sensation hardly ever occurs, though very little food shall have occupied the stomach for a long time—perhaps not for weeks. This organ, under such circumstances, is generally empty and irritable, yet the peculiar sensation in question hardly ever supervenes. Besides, hunger sometimes occurs when the stomach is partially or wholly filled. The pota- tion of spirits or brandy and water, and some other indigestible substances of a liquid character, does not remove the sensation, although by this means the parieties of the stomach are as completely sepa- rated as by food. It has also been suggested that the sensation of hunger is produced by the irritation of a quantity of gastric juice in the stomach, which, by its stimulus, excites the feeling. The principal objection to this doctrine is based upon the fact that the stomach con- tains no gastric juice, or, at any rate, but a very small quantity, in its empty state, or when aliment or other irritant is not present. Besides if it were true that it contained a quantity of the fluid, such fluid does not possess the power of producing any thing like ir- ritation or inflammation of its coats. It is as innox- ious to the stomach, as the blandest substance in na- ture. It exerts its influence on free aliment, but not on the living fibre. By referring the sensation to " an energetic state of the gastric nerves, occasioned by an interval of in- activity, during which the vital powers may be sup- posed to accumulate,"^ it appears to me that we are venturing upon unexplored grounds ,of which we know | Paris Oi Diet, p. 55. OBSERVATIONS. 55 but little. >V'e are not accustomed to call those pain- ful nervous sensations to which the system is some- times subject, states of high nervous energy. Are they not rather states of nervous debility ? or, at any rate, irregular and unhealthy motions? That the introduction of narcotics into the stomach should destroy the appetite, proves only that they have the same effect on that organ as they have on other parts of the body; they paralyse the nerves, and render them incapable of being the media of com- munication to their common centre. Many other causes have been assigned for this sensation, equally wide, probably, of the true one. It has been attributed to the " foresight of the vital principle," a phrase that means any thing, every thing, or nothing, according to the construction which each one may put upon it. Such explanations conduce nothing to the promotion of science. They are mere sounds and words, which ingeniously con- vey a tacit acknowledgement of their author's ig- norance. Again, the mechanical action of the liver upon the diaphragm, has been accused of producing the sen- sation of hunger. Some proof, more than mere as- sertion, is necessary to convince honest enquirers that so remote a cause should produce such effects on the stomach, the immediate seat of the feeling. Of the same nature, is the opinion of the fatigue of the contracted fibres of the stomach, or of Compression of the nerves of that organ, &c. &c. Magendie, convinced that all the theories on this subject were unsatisfactory, comes to the following 36 PRELIMINARY comprehensive conclusion: that " Hunger is produ- ced like all other internal sensations, by the action of the nervous system, and it has no other seat than in this system itself, and no other causes than the general laws of organization."! I cannot perceive that such explanations bring the mind to any satis- factory understanding of the subject. In such broad propositions, it is difficult to ascertain the exact meaning. If the design is to convey the impression that hunger has no u local habitation ;" that it is an impression, affecting all the nerves of the system in the same manner; then the sensation would be as likely to be referred to one organ as another. It is true, that without nervous communication there would be no sensation at all. This applies as well to other parts as to the stomach. The nerves are the media of communication from the sensible parts to the centre of perceptions. They warn the encephalon not only of the injuries, but of the wants of the tissues. We are accustomed to refer local sensations and irritations to the parts apparently af- fected—desire for urination and defecation, to the bladder and rectum; for liquids, to dryness of the mouth and fauces : and we account, in like manner? for Other physiological and pathological sensations* When we can arrive at the exact interpretation of an author, who says that hunger has " no other causes than the general laws of organization," it will then be time to give reasons for an assent to or dissent from the proposition. : Suamary of Physiology, p. 196. OBSERVATIONS. -')"/ This subject is, unquestionably, involved in con- siderable doubt and obscurity, and will not, it is to be apprehended, admit of a very speedy elucidation. The Author of Nature is perfect in all His works ; and although we may not understand all the opera- tions of His hands, we are compelled to acknowledge their wisdom, propriety and beauty. Man would be miserable and wretched indeed, if he depended solely on his own discretion and judgment to decide upon the quantity and quality of aliment necessary to supply the wastes, and administer to the growth, of the sys- tem. This paucity of judgment and discretion is, however, more than compensated by an irresitible sensation, which indicates the proper time for the re- ception of food. The immediate cause of this sen- sation, as we have seen, has not as yet received a very satisfactory explanation, and perhaps will not admit of one. But, although confessedly obscure, We are not denied the privilege of patient investiga- tion, and persevering search after truth. Knowledge is progressive, as well in this as every other science ; and every new discovery, and every rational hypo- thesis, are additions to the general stock. Persua- ded of the truth of these general propositions,, and anxious mainly to elicit investigation on the subject, I submit the following Theory of Hunger, believing it to be as reasonable, to say the least, as any that has been propagated. My impression is, that the sensation of hunger is produced by a distention of the gastric vessels, or that apparatus, whether vascular or glandular, which sq- H 58 PRELIMINARY cretes the gastric juice; and is believed to be the ef- fect of repletion by this fluid. One reason, among others, for this belief, is the established fact, that the internal sensations referred to different organs, as has been previously alluded to, are caused by some modified action or condition of the parts in the tissues of the organ itself. The modification in the parts to which the sense of hun- ger is invariably referred, I conceive to be a disten- tion, by the gastric juice, of a particular set of vessels or glands, constituting, in part, the erectile tissue of the villous coat of the stomach. The sensation va- ries according to the different degrees or states of distention, from the simplest desire to the most painful sense of hunger; and is allayed or increased in proportion to the application, or refusal, of ali- mentary stimulus to the excretory vessels. The greater the distention of the vessels, the more acute will be the pain: hence, the difference between a short and protracted fast. Appetite and hunger be- long to the same class of sensations; they differ on- ly in degree. In this they are like all other sensa- tions. A little increased circulation in the vessels of the brain produces peculiarly vivid, but not abso- lutely unpleasant feelings, and gives force and ener- gy to the mental volitions: carried further, it produ- ces most painful sensations. It is unnecessary to cite further examples. Indeed, it does not need ar- guments to prove what is the subject of every day's observation. It is well known that the pain from acute inflammation is produced by distention of the blood vessels. Let any one, who is disposed to try OBSERVATIONS. 59 the effect of vascular distention, place a ligature arbund the finger or arm, sufficiently tight to retard the returning blood, and the truth will be sufficiently obvious. It is, therefore, inferred from the pain, (and no one. it is believed, will deny that hunger is a painful sen- sation, whatever may be his opinion of appetite) that vessels of some kind are distended; and it is demon- strated, I think, in some of the following experiments, that these are the gastric vessels. On applying ali- ment to the internal coat of the stomach, which, in health, is merely lubricated with mucus, innumerable minute papilhe, the orifices, undoubtedly, of the gas- tric vessels, immediately throw out a quantity of the fluid, which mixes with the food. This effect is too sudden, and the secretion too copious, to be account- ed for on the ordinary principles and laws of secre- ting mucous surfaces. The quiescence and relief from the unpleasant sensation, which are experienced as soon as the vessels are emptied, are, I think, ad- ditional proofs of my opinion. It is certain, that at the introduction of every meal, or on the application of alimentary stimulus to the internal coat of the sto- mach, a very large secretion of a fluid, which has repeatedly been ascertained to be an alimentary sol- vent, immediately takes place; and that when the stomach is destitute of food or some other irritating substance, no such secretion can be found in it. And it is more than probable—it, in fact, almost amounts to demonstration, that a large quantity of this fluid must be contained in appropriate vessels, during a fast, ready to obey the call of aliment. I would not m PRELIMINARY be understood to say that the whole quantity neces- sary for an ordinary meal is eliminated from the blood, previous to the commencement of alimenta- tion ; but that enough is contained in the gastric vessels to produce the sensation of pain or hunger. If it be objected to this theory, that the vessels would become ruptured, or empty themselves into the cavity of the stomach, during a long fast, I re. ply, that this apparatus is probably constituted like many of the other organs of the system, and permits the absorption of its secretions by the lym- phatic or other absorbent vessels. The male semen is constantly being secreted, and deposited in its proper seminal vessels, ready to be ejected during the venerial orgasm ; and yet how many men live for years, or perhaps for a whole life, who have no in- tercourse with the other sex. What becomes of the semen under these circumstances ? Taken up, un- questionably, by the absorbing vessels, as the gastric juice of the stomach is. I offer this theory for consideration, persuaded that the public will allow it such weight as it may have a right to claim: more than this, I have no wish to ask Thirst.—This sensation is felt in the mouth and fauces.. Like hunger, it is a kind provision of na- ture, designed to remind men and animals of the ne- cessity, not of replenishing the wasting solids of the system, but of diluting the fluids that are carrying on these processes. Although Magendic has attempted to put a stop to all inquiries on this subject, in the remark, that" Thirst is an internal sensation, an in- stinctive sentiment;" " the result of organization, and OBSERVATIONS. 01 does not admit of any explanation;" I apprehend a remote cause of this sensation may be found in the viscidity of the blood, which requires a liquid to ren- der it more fluid, and more susceptible of introduc- tion into the capillaries and secreting surfaces. The proximate cause may exist in an irritation, a kind of sub-inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and fauces, the effect of the viscid state of the blood, and consequently impervious state of the se- cretory vessels of these membranes. The sensation of dryness, or thirst, is supposed to be the effect of evaporation, the mouth and throat being constantly exposed to the atmosphere. When there is sufficient fluidity of the blood, the secretion is so much more copious than the evaporation, that a constant mois- ture is preserved. The sensation of thirst resides in the tissues; and it is no more " an instinctive senti- ment" than any other sensation of the economy. To say that it is the " result of organization," gives no explanation, amounts to nothing, and is certainly, to say the least, a very unsatisfactory way of disposing of the question. SECTION III. Of Satisfaction and Satiett. IN the present state of civilized society, with the provocatives of the culinary art, and the incentives of high seasoned food, brandy and wines, the tempt- ations to excess in the indulgences of the table are rather too strong to be resisted by poor human na- ture. It is not less the duty, however, of the watch- men on the walls to warn the city of its danger, how- ever it may regard the premonition. Let them at least clear their own skirts from the stain of unfaith- fulness, whatever may be the result. There is no subject of dietetic economy about which people err so much, as that which relates to quantity. The medical profession, too, have been ac- cessory to this error, in giving directions to dyspep- tics to eat until a sense of satiety is felt. Now, this feeling, so essential to be rightly understood, never supervenes until the invalid has eaten too much, if he have an appetite, which seldom fails him. Those, even, who are not otherwise predisposed to the com- plaint, frequently induce a diseased state of the di- gestive organs by too free indulgence of the appetite. Of this fact the medical profession are, generally not 64 PRELIMINARY sufficiently aware. Those who lead sedentary lives, and whose circumstances will permit of what is call- ed free living, are peculiarly obnoxious to these com- plaints. But by paying particular attention to their sensations during the ingestion of their meals, these complaints may be avoided. There appears to be a sense of perfect intelligence conveyed from the sto- mach to the encephalic centre, which, in health, in- variably dictates what quantity of aliment (respond- ing to the sense of hunger, and its due satisfaction,) is naturally required for the purposes of life; and which, if noticed, and properly attended to, would prove the most salutary monitor of health, and effec- tual preventive of, and restorative from, disease. It is not the sense of satiety, for this is beyond the point of healthful indulgence, and is nature's earliest indication of an abuse and overburihen of her powers to replenish the system. It occurs immediately previous to this, and may be known by the pleasurable sensation of perfect satisfaction, case and quiescence of body and mind. It is when the stomach says enough, and is distin- guished from satiety by the difference of the sensa- tions—the former feeling enough—the latter, too much. The first is produced by the timely reception into the stomach of proper aliment, in exact proportion to the requirements of nature, for the perfect diges- tion of which, a definite quantity of gastric juice is furnished by the proper gastric apparatus. But to effect this most agreeable of all sensations and con- ditions—the real Elysian satisfaction of the reasonable Epicure—timely attention must be paid to the pre- liminary processes, such as thorough mastication, and OBSERVATIONS. M moderate or slow deglutition. These are indispen- sable to the due and natural supply'.of the stomach, at the stated periods of alimentation; for if food be swallowed too fast, and pass into the stomach imper- fectly masticated, too much is received in a short time, and in too imperfect a state of preparation, to ■be disposed of by the gastric juice. The quantity of gastric juice, either contained in its proper vessels, or in a state of preparation in the circulating fluids, is believed to be in exact proportion to the proper quantity of aliment required for the due supply of the system. If a more than ordinary quan- tity of food be taken, a part of it will be left undissolv- ed in the stomach, and produce the usual unpleasant symptoms of indigestion. But if the ingestion of a large quantity be in proportion to the calls of nature, .which sometimes happens after an unusual absti- nence, it is probable that more than the usual supply of gastric juice is furnished; in which case the appa- rent excess is in exact ratio to the requirements of the economy; and never fails to produce a sense of quiescent gratification, and healthful enjoyment- A great deal depends upon habit, in this respect. Our western Indians, who frequently undergo long abstinences from food, eat enormous quantities, when they can procure it, with impunity. Satiety is produced by tutoring too much at once for the wants of the economy; more than the gastric juice is able to dispose of at the time; dis- tending the muscular fibres beyond that point so ad- mirably fixed, by the invariable and universal laws of the animal system, for agreeable sensations; disturb- 66 PRELIMINARY ing the peculiarly pleasurable, undulatory motions of the rugs of the stomach, in their operations of form- ing chyme ; and perhaps, interrupting, if not dimin- ishing, the secretion of the gastric juice. The re- dundant aliment, incapable of being dissolved, for want of sufficient gastric juice, remains, and becomes a source of irritation, and renders imperfect the chymi- fication of that which would otherwise have been com- pleted. Hence the sense of weight, and disagreeable fulness, attendant on an unusually hearty meal; the subsequent derangement of the digestive functions, and consequent acidities and vitiated contents of the prima via;, from acetic fermentation in the stc* mach, and imperfect formation of chyle in the intes- tines. SECTION IV. Of Mastication, Insalivation and Deglutition. THESE are the preliminary steps in the process of digestion. The comparative importance of these processes has been elevated or depressed, accord- ing to the preponderance which each of them may have received from the opinions of the different physiologists who have made them subjects of obser- vation. As man and animals are constituted, they are all absolutely necessary to the digestion of food. But in an abstract point of view, disconnected as a mean of introducing ingestae into the stomach, I believe I hazard nothing in saying that they may be consider- ed as perfectly non-essential to chymification. If the materia ulimentaria could be introduced into the sto- mach in a finely divided state, the operations of mas- tication, insalivation and deglutition, would not be necessary. Aliment is as well digested and assimi- lated, and allays the sensation of hunger as perfectly, when introduced directly into the stomach, in a pro- per state of division, as when the previous steps have been taken, as may be seen by some of thejfollowing experiments. If particular importance is to be attri- 68 PRELIMINARY butedto any of these previous steps, it is certainly due to mastication; though an undue importance has, of late, been given to the action of the saliva. Professor Jackson, of Philadelphia, who has lately published a physiological work on the " Structure and Functions of the Animal Organism," has elevated saliva to a rank in the process of digestion, seldom before claim- ed for it. He considers it the principal solvent, or ma- cerating agent, of alimentary matter. He is sustained in this opinion by Montegre and others. Even Magen- die is inclined to favour this belief. It is remarked by Paris, (On Diet, p. 37,) that the introduction of saliva into the stomach is " obviously essential to a healthy digestion." That it is general- ly introduced into the stomach with the food is very obvious; the nature of its action is not so clear. In most of the experiments that follow, artificial diges- tion was performed without the admixture of saliva- Chyme formed in this way, exhibited the same sensi- ble appearances, and was affected by re-agents in the same way, as that which was formed from food which had been previously masticated, mixed with the sali- va, and swallowed. It would seem, from two or three of the experiments on artificial digestion, which Avere instituted for the purpose of comparison, that the mixture of saliva with the gastric juice rather re- tarded its solvent action. But I do not wish to deny the utility of the saliva. It is certainly important as a preliminary to digestion. Its legitimate and only use, in my opinion, is to lubricate the food, and to facilitate the passage of the bolus through the organs of deglutition. In this point of view, it is essential. observations. 69 Dry food cannot be swallowed until it receives an admixture of a fluid, whether it be saliva or some other liquid, is not, I conceive, a matter of much im- portance. Any one, disposed to try the experiment, may satisfy himself of this fact, by attempting to swallow a mouthful of dry cracker, meal or magne- sia. He will find it impossible to make the organs of deglutition act till a quantity of fluid is mixed with it. Water will answer the purpose, nearly as well as saliva; though the mucous properties of this secre- tion may give it a slight preference. Pathology is not, in my opinion, much indebted to Ruysch, who attributed the loss of appetite to the waste of saliva in a person who was afflicted with a fistula in one of the salivary ducts ; nor to the opinion advanced by others, that the constant spitting of ma- niacal patients, induces loss of appetite. The truth is, that in both cases, the effects are attributed to the wrong causes. There is no difficulty in believing that a foul ulcer in the mouth would be liable to produce nausea and want of appetite ; nor that maniacal pa- tients are generally, if not always, affected with dis- eased organs of digestion. I have known many per- sons to spit freely and constantly, whose appetites and digestion were perfect. Those who smoke tobacco are constantly discharging large quantities of saliva; and yet I am not aware that dyspepsia is more com- mon with them than with others. I entirely dissent from the opinion advanced by the author above referred to, (Paris,) that " Insalivation is as essential as mastication." The use of mastica- tion is to separate the food into small particles, so 70 PRELIMINARY that the solvent of the stomach may be applied to a greater extent of surface. There is no mystery about this. Every body knows that the smaller the parti- cles of matter that are submitted to the action of a chemical agent, the more vigorously the agent will act upon them, and the sooner they will be dissolved, or decomposed.^ Mastication is absolutely necessa- ry to healthy digestion. If aliment, in large masses, be introduced into the stomach, though the gastric juice may act upon its surface, chymification will proceed so slowly, that other changes will be likely to commence in its substance before it will become completely dissolved. Besides, the stomach will not retain undigested masses for a long time, without suf- fering great disturbance. It is governed by certain laws with respect to aliment. After food has been retained for a certain length of time undigested, say from five to ten hours, according to the healthy or diseased state of that organ, or the quantity received into it, it is either rejected by vomiting, or is permit- ted to pass into the duodenum and lower bowels, where its prjsence almost invariably produces colic flatulence, &c. When the stomach is unusually debilitated, food, however, is frequently retained for twenty-four hours or more, and is sometimes the cause of most distressing symptoms, producing, par- ticularly in children, convulsions and death. I there- fore consider mastication as one of the most impor- tant preliminary steps in the process of digestion. J In using the word solvent or solution, id reference to the gastric juice, I wi=h to be understood to mean a chemical action, analogous to that of the action of mine- ral acids on the metals; not like the solution of sugar or salt in water. OBSERVATIONS 71 With respect to deglutition, I shall make but a few remarks. It is important for the preservation of health, that this process should be effected slowly. if food be swallowed rapidly, more will generally be taken into the stomach before the sensation of hunger is allayed, than can be digested with ease. If due at- tention be paid to the previous step of thorough mas- tication, we shall not be so likely to err in this later one. Swallowing very rapidly, produces irregular con- tractions of the muscular fibres of the oesophagus and stomach ; disturbs the vermicular motions of the ru- ga?, and interrupts the uniform action of the gastric apparatus. The stomach is not designed to receive more food than can be duly mixed with the gastric solvent, al- ready in its proper vessels, or in a state of preparation * in the blood vessels. Perfect harmony of action must exist throughout the whole apparatus, or derange- ment of healthy action will ensue. The stomach will not admit of the introduction of food, even of a liquid kind, through the aperture, at a rapid rate. If a few spoonfuls of soup, or other li- quid diet, be put in with a spoon or funnel, the rugas gently close upon it, and gradually diffuse it through the gastric cavity, entirely excluding more during this action. When a relaxation takes place, another quan- tity will be received in the same manner. If the valvular portion of the stomach be depress- ed, and solid food be introduced, either in entire pieces, or finely divided quantities, the same gentle contraction, or grasping motion, takes place, and 72 PRELIMINARY continues for fifty or eighty seconds ; and will not al- low of the introduction of another quantity until the above time has elapsed; when the valve may again be depressed, and more food be put in. Food and drinks will be received through the aperture no faster, even when the stomach is entirely empty, than they are ordinarily received through the oesophagus. When the subject of these experiments is so placed that the cardia can be seen, and he be allowed to swallow a mouthful of food, the same contraction of the stomach, and closing upon the bohis, is invaria- bly observed to take place at the oesophageal ring. SECTION V. Of Digestion by the Gastric Juice. CHYMIFICATION is effected in the stomach. It is the first stage, proper, of the conversion of aliment into blood; though in the ordinary course of proceed- in^, as animals are constituted, some previous steps are necessary. After the aliment has been receiv- ed into the stomach, it is subjected to certain evo- lutions, or motions, propagated by the muscular fi- bres of that organ; and is acted upon through the agency of some principle, which changes it from a heterogeneous mixture of the various kinds of diet, submitted to its action, to an uniform, homogeneous semi-fluid, possessing properties distinct from the elements of which it was composed. The length of time consumed in the operation is various. It de- pends upon the quantity or quality of the ingestae, the healthy or diseased state of the stomach, &c. In the various experiments which I have made, the me- dium time may be calculated at about three and a half hours. It has been suggested by many physiologists, and positively asserted by some, that there is considera- K '4 PRELIMINARY ble increase of the temperature of the stomach du» ring the digestion of a meal. But from the result of a great number of experiments and examinations, made with a view of ascertaining the truth of this opinion, in the empty and full state of the organ, and during different stages of chymification, I am con- vinced that there is no alteration of temperature, un- less some other circumstance should produce it. Ac- tive exercise always elevates the temperature of the stomach, whether fasting or full, about one and a half degrees. With respect to the agent of chymification, that principle of life Which converts the crude aliment in- to chyme, and renders it fit for the action of the he- patic and pancreatic fluids, and final assimilation and conversion into the fluids, and the various tissues of the animal organism—no part of physiology has, per- haps, so much engaged the attention of mankind, and exercised the ingenuity of physiologists. It has been a fruitful source of theoretical speculation, from the father of medicine down to the present age. It would be a waste of time to attempt to refute the doc- trines of the older writers on this subject. Suffice it to say, that the theories of Concoction, Putrefaction Trituration, Fermentation and Maceration, have been prostrated in the dust before the lights of science and the deductions of experiment. It was" reserved for Spallanzani to overthrow all these unfounded hy- potheses, and to erect upon their ruins, a theory Which will stand the test of scientific examination and experiment. He established a theory of chemical solution, and taught that chymification was owing OBSERVATIONS. 75 to the solvent action of a fluid, secreted by the sto- mach, and operating as a true menstruum of alimen" tary substances. To this fluid he gave the name of Gastric Juice. It does not come within the scope of this work to give a detail of the experiments and reasoning which wrought conviction in the mind of this great man. It is only necessary to say that it was the result of patient and persevering experiment and research. The truth of Spallanzani's theory has been sustain- ed, so far as relates to the most important part, the existence of a chemical solvent, by all who have made fair examinations and experiments on the sub- ject. The experiments of Tiedemann and Gmelin, of Leuret and Lassaigne, confirm the same theory. By far the most respectable and intelligent phy- siologists have now settled down in the belief that chymification is effected in the stomach, by a peculiar and specific solvent, secreted in that organ, called, after Spallanzani, the Gastric Juice. From the diffi- culty, however, of obtaining and submitting such fluid to the test of experiment, and the diversity of results in the examination of such as has been obtain. ed, much indefiniteness is experienced on this sub- ject. The presence of an active solvent is rather an admission on their part—a conclusion from the effect to the cause. Broussais, speaking on this subject, says : " It remains for us to know whether the por- tion of mucous membrane, belonging to the stomach, contains secretory org^s, the office of which is to furnish a fluid, fit to produce the assimilation of nu- tritive substances." And, again, speaking of the gas- 76 preliminary trie juice," The question is as yet undecided, though, if we are to judge by analogy, we shall observe that many animals are furnished with gastric glands, sup- plying a digestive liquid." This author admits the presence of a solvent fluid in the stomach, without, however, attempting to explain its specific effects, or mode of operation; for he says, in another place, " We have expressed our opinion on this subject; but whether the gastric fluids possess an assimilating property, which, for ourselves, we admit, without pretending to demonstrate its actual presence," &c. Richerand, Bostock, and nearly all the authors of modern date, teach the doctrine of digestion by the gastric juice, without, however, pretending to explain its exact mode of operation. Professor Dunglison, whose work on " Human Physiology," taken as a whole, is, perhaps, the most comprehensive, arrives at the same conclusion. He says," We have too many evidences in favour of the chemical action of some secretion from the stomach during digestion, to per. mit us to doubt for a moment of the fact." And, a- gain—" From all these facts, then, we are justified in concluding that the food in the stomach is subjected to the action of a secretion, which alters its proper- ties, and is the principal agent of converting it into chyme." I have referred to these learned authors with the view of showing the exact state of the science on this subject. Though the theory of chymifipation by the gastric juice, has become almost universal with physiologists) and the medical profession in general, still there observations. 77 are some, even of very modern date, who, with all the lights of science and experiment, from aversion to the slow and tedious processes by which truths are at- tained, or, perhaps, from the ambition of becoming the discoverers of some new and extraordiny process, or the projectors of some fanciful theory, deny the power of the gastric juice, or even the existence of such a fluid; and set at naught the experiments, ob- servations and opinions of the ablest physiologists, and most experienced writers on this subject. That chymification is effected by the solvent action of the wastric juice, aided by the motions of the sto- mach, and the natural warmth of the system, not a doubt can remain in the mind of any candid person, who has had an opportunity to observe its effects on alimentary substances, or who has the liberality to credit the opinions of those who have had such op- portunities. It has been objected to this hypothesis, that the sensible properties of the gastric juice contradict the opinion of its active solvent effect. But we should recollect that many things which make very little impression on our external senses, produce most as- tonishing effects in other situations. The air which we breathe, by which we are surrounded, and which, to our external senses, is almost inappreciable, is one of the most powerful and destructive agents in na- ture—one portion of which is capable of combining with all grades of matter, either slowly and imper- ceptibly, as in the gradual decay of all substances, or rapidly, as in the combustion of wood, or even the hardest metals—and which by means, inexplicable to 78 preliminary us, sustains in life and being the whole of animated nature. The gastric juice has been submitted to chemical examination and analysis, with various results. Per. haps in the present state of the science of chemistry it will not be practicable to ascertain its exact chem- ical character. The parcels heretofore submitted to analysis, have been very impure; but the result of even these partial examinations, has been to show that this fluid contains a portion of free muriatic acid, combined with the acetic, and some salts. In the winter of 1832-3, I submitted a quantity of gas-, trie juice, with no other admixture, except a small proportion of the mucus of the stomach, to Profes- sor Dunglison, for examination, who, with the assist- ance of the professor of chemistry of the Virginia University, effected the following analysis, and was kind enough to communicate the result to me by letter. " University qf Virginia, Feb. Gth, 1833: " My Dear Sir, " Since I last wrote you, my friend and col- league, Professor Emmett, and myself, have examin- ed the bottle of gastric fluid which I brought with me from Washington, and we have found it to con- tain free Muriatic and Acetic acid, Phosphates and Muriates, with bases of Potassa, Soda, Magnesia and Lime, and an animal matter, soluble in cold water, but insoluble in hot. We were satisfied, you re collect in Washington, that free muriatic acid was present but I had no conception it existed to the amount met with in our experiments here. We distilled the gas- tric fluid, when the free acid passed over; the salts and animal matter remaining in the retort. The. 0 / . r observations. 79 quantity of Chloride of Silver thrown down on the ad- dition of the Nitrate of Silver, was astonishing." I had been long convinced of the existence of free muriatic acid in the gastric fluids. Indeed, it is quite obvious to the sense of taste; and most chemists agree in this, however they may be at variance with respect to the other constituents. The analysis of Profes- sors Dunglison and Emmett is certainly as satisfac- tory as any that has as yet been made. It is a ques. tion, too, whether gastric juice, in so great a state of purity, has ever before been submitted to chemical analysis. It is to be hoped that no one will be so disingenu- ous as to attribute to Professor Dunglison the design of finding the existence of certain chemical agents in the gastric juice, with the view of propping the theory of the chemical action of this fluid, which he has maintained in his work on " Human Physiolo- gy ;"—or, in other words, to say, that he had deter- mined to find certain results; and that he had ac- cordingly found them. Those who are acquainted with him, know that his candour and fairness are a- bove the reach of suspicion; and that he would be equally willing to retract a false opinion as to main- tain a correct one. Another quantity was sent to him for further analysis; but I regret that no report has yet been received from him. In April of the present year, (1833,) a parcel was submitted to Benjamin Silliman, M. D. Professor of Chemistry in Yale College. Professional engage* \ 80 preliminary ments prevented his examination of the fluid until the 2d of August, when he sent me the following result: " Examination of the Gastric Fluid, Aug. 2, 1833. " 1. The Fluid, after being kept in a closely cork- ed vial, more than three months, from April to Au- gust, and mostof the time in a cellar, remained unal- tered, except the formation of a pellicle upon the sur- face, slightly discoloured by red spots. A second pellicle appeared after the precipitation of the first. It was thicker, and more discoloured with dark red spots, like venous blood. " 2. The Fluid was cloudy, like a solution of gum arabic; but on filtering, it became perfectly clear, and of a slight, straw yellow tinge. " 3. The pellicles, which had the appearance of inspissated mucus, after being separated from the Fluid, became, after exposure>fco the air, throughout of a brownish red colour,, resembling the inner por- tion of a mass of coagulated blood. This change seemed tp result from a sudden oxygenation. " 4. The Fluid exhaled a slight odour—not disa- greeable—rather aromatic—and very similar to that which it at first exhaled; but not so strong. It was then rather disagreeable. " 5. Taste, feebly saline—not disagreeable. " 6. Test papers of litmus, alkanet, and purple cabbage, were decidedly reddened. Turmeric pa- per underwent no change: but when previously brown- ed by an alkali, (ammonia) the gastric fluid restored the yellow colour. " 7. Nitrate of Silver gave a dense white precipi- tate,, which, after standing five minutes in the sun's light, turned to a dark, brownish black; thus indi- cating Muriatic Acid. Mur. and Nit. Barytes gave a slight opalescence, indicating a trace of sulphuric acid; not improbably, there was also some phospho- ric acid. OBSERVATIONS. 81 " 8. Specific gravity—when taken in a small, thin glass tube, containing 201 grs. of distilled water— when filled with the gastric fluid, its weight was in- creased 1 gr.—weight of the gastric liquor, there- fore, 202 grs. The specific gravity is, therefore, about 1.005. But little solid matter in solution." At the instance of Professor Silliman, I committed to the care of Mr. Gahn, Consul of his Swedish Ma- jesty in New-York, a bottle, containing one pint, of gastric juice, to be transmitted by him to Professor Berzelius, of Stockholm, one of the most eminent chemists of the age, with a request that he would favour me with an analysis. Some unavoidable de- lay was experienced in forwarding the bottle; and no returns have yet been received. It is hoped, howe- ver, that they will arrive in time to be attached in an appendix to this volume. The following results have been obtained from partial examinations and analyses of the gastric juice or rather, in most instances, of the mixed fluids of the stomach. Spallanzani, in 1793, after many experiments, de- clared the gastric juice to be entirely neutral, a sol- vent for alimentary matter, within and without the sto- mach—that it did not putrefy at the ordinary tempe- rature of the stomach; but preserved animal matters from putrefaction, and dissolved them, with the aid of heat. Scopoli found in the gastric juice of the rook, wa- ter, gelatine, a saponaceous matter, muriate of am monia and phosphate of lime. Carminiti, in 1795, found it%in caWiivorous animals, L ''*2 preliminary salt and bitter, and frequently acid when they Imd oaten, but not so when fasting.* Viridet, Werner, Hunter and others, found the gastric juice acid. MM. Marquart and Vauqjjelin found albumen and free phosphoric acid in it. Tiedemann and Gmelin found it to contain, on analysis, muriatic and acetic acid ; mucus ; very lit- tle or no albumen; salivary matter; osmazome; mu- riate and sulphate of soda. In the ashes, carbonate, phosphate and sulphate of lime, and chloride of calcium. Principally from carnivorous animals. Li-.uret and Lassaigne, in a hundred parts, found, water, ninety-eight, lactic acid, muriate of ammonia, muriate of soda, animal matter soluble in water, mu- cus, and phosphate of lime, two parts. Montegre, (1812) who could vomit at will,% and who analyzed the fluid so obtained, declared it not to be acid—not a solvent—not slow to putrefy—so much like saliva, that he regards it saliva swallowed. - Prout, 1824, declares the gastric juice to be really acid—does not contain an organic acid, but free, hy- drochloric, or muriatic acid. These opinions are certainly discordant. The majority of evidence, however, is in favour of the ex- istence of pretty active chemical agents in the gas- tric fluids—perhaps not sufficient, in comparison with * Probably because the fluid found in the stomach when fast- ing, was not gastric juice. \ See remarks near the close of this section on Montegre's ex» periments, OBSERVATIONS. 83 the ordinary operations of chemistry, to account for the digestion, or solution of aliment. The discrepance of results in the reports of those who have had opportunities of examining the process of, and have made experiments on, artificial digestion, by the gastric juice, as well as in the. chemical exami- nation of this fluid, has been owing more to the diffi- culty of obtaining it pure, in sufficient quantity, and under proper circumstances, than to any real differ- ence in its effects. Under the circumstances in which the following experiments were made, I flatter my- self that these difficulties have been obviated ; and if the inferences are incorrect, the blame must be at- tached to the experimenter. He can only say, that the experiments were made in good faith, and with a view to elicit facts. I think I am warranted, from the result of all the experiments, in saying, that the gastric juice, so far from being " inert as water," as some authors assert, is the most general solvent in nature, of alimentary matter—even the hardest bone cannot withstand its action. It is capable, even out of the stomach, of effect- ing perfect digestion, with the aid of due and uniform degrees of heat, (100° Fahrenheit,) and gentle agi- tation, as will be seen in the following experiments. The fact that alimentary matter is transformed, in the stomach, into chyme, is now pretty generally con- ceded. The peculiar process by which the change is effected, has been, by many, considered a problem in physiology. Without pretending to explain the exact modus operandi of the gastric fluid, yet I am im- pelled by the weight of evidence, afforded by the ex- 84 PRELIMINARY periments, deductions and opinions of the ablest phy- siologists, but more by direct experiment, to con- clude that the change effected by it on aliment is purely chemical. We must, I think, regard this fluid as a chemical agent, and its operation as a chemical action. It is certainly every way analogous to it; and I can see no more objection to accounting for the change effected on the food, on the supposition of a chemical process, than I do in accounting for the various and diversified modifications of matter, which are operated on in the same way. The decay of the dead body is a chemical operation, separating it into its elementary principles—and why not the solution of aliment in the stomach, and its ultimate assimilation into fibrine, gelatine and albumen ? Mat- ter, in a natural sense, is indestructible. It may be differently combined; and these combinations are chemical changes. It is well known that all organ- ic bodies are composed of very few simple principles, or substances, modified by excess or diminution of some of their constituents. The gastric juice appears to be secreted from numberless vessels, distinct and separate from the mucous follicles. These vessels, when examined with a microscope, appear in the shape of small lu- cid points, or very fine papilla?, situated in the in- terstices of the follicles. They discharge their fluid only when solicited to do so, by the presence of ali- ment, or by mechanical irritation. Pure gastric juice, when taken directly out of the stomach of a healthy adult, unmixed with any other fluid, save a portion of the mucus of the stomach' OBSERVATIONS 85 with which it is most commonly, and perhaps always combined, is a clear, transparent fluid; inodorous; a little saltish; and very perceptibly acid. Its taste, when applied to the tongue, is similar to thin mucil- aginous water, slightly acidulated with muriatic acid. It is readily diffusible in water, wine or spi- rits ; slightly effervesces with alkalis; and is an ef- fectual solvent of the materia alimentaria. It possess- es the property of coagulating albumen, in an emi- nent degree; is powerfully antiseptic, checking the putrefaction of meat; and effectually restorative of healthy action, when applied to old, foetid sores, and foul, ulcerating surfaces. Saliva and mucus are sometimes abundantly mix- ed with the gastric juice. The mucus may be sepa- rated, by filtering the mixture through fine linen or muslin cambric. The gastric juice, and part of the saliva will pass through, while the mucus, and spu- mous or frothy part of the saliva, remains on the fil- ter. When not separated by the filter, the mucus gives a ropiness to the fluid, that does not belong to the gastric juice, and soon falls to the bottom, in loose, white flocculi. Saliva imparts to the gastric juice, an azure tinge, and frothy appearance ; and, when in large proportion, renders it foetid in a few days; whereas the pure gastric juice will keep for many months, without becoming foetid. The gastric juice does not accumulate in the ca- vity of the stomach, until alimentary matter be re- ceived, and excite its vessels to discharge their con- tents, for the immediate purpose of digestion. It then begins to exude from its proper vessels, and in- 86 PRELIMINARY creases in proportion to the quantity of aliment na- turally required, and received. A definite proportion of aliment, only, can be perfectly digested in a given quantity of the fluid. From experiments on artificial digestion, it appears that the proportion of juice to the ingestEe, is greater than is generally supposed. Its action on food is indicative of its chemical cha- racter. Like other chemical agents, it decomposes, or dissolves, and combines with, a fixed and definite quantity of matter, when its action ceases. When the juice becomes saturated, it refuses to dissolve more; and, if an excess of food have been taken, the residue remains in the stomach, or passes into the bowels, in a crude state, and frequently becomes a source of nervous irritation, pain and disease, for a long time ; or until the vis medicatrix natures restores the vessels of this viscus to their natural and healthy actions—either with or without the aid of medicine. Such are the appearance and properties of the gastric juice ; though it is not always to be obtained pure. It varies with the changing condition of the stomach. These variations, however, depend upon the admixture of other fluids, such as saliva, water, mucus, and sometimes bile, and, perhaps, pancreatic juice. The special solvent itself—the gastric juice— is, probably, invariably the same substance. De- rangement of the digestive organs, slight febrile ex- citement, fright, or any sudden affection of the pas- sions, cause material alterations in its appearance. Overburthening the stomach produces acidity and rancidity in this organ, and retards the solvent action of the gastric juice. General febrile irritation seems OBSERVATIONS. 87 - entirely to suspend its secretion into the gastric ca- vity ; and renders the villous coat dry, red and irri- table. Under such circumstances, it will not re- spond to the call of alimentary stimulus. Fear and anger check its secretion, also:—the latter causes an influx of bile into the stomach, which impairs its sol- vent properties. When food is received into the stomach, the gas- tric vessels are excited by its stimulus to discharge their contents, when chymification commences. It has been a favourite opinion of authors, that food, af- ter it has been received into the stomach, should " remain there a short period before it undergoes any change ;"* the common estimate is one hour. But this is an erroneous conclusion, arising from in- accuracy of observation. Why should it remain there, unchanged ? It has been received into the or- gan which is to effect an important change upon it —the gastric juice is ready to commence its work of solution soon after the first mouthful is swallowed; and, certainly, if we admit that the gastric juice per- forms the office of a chemical agent, which most physiologists allow, it is contrary to all our notions of chemical action, to allow it one moment to rest. It must commence its operation immediately. That it does so, is distinctly manifested by close observa- tion of its action on food, in the healthy stomach. But Paris is not alone in this opinion. It appears to have been a favourite doctrine; and has been regu- larly handed down, from one physiologist to another, as a sort of heir loom to the profession. The suc- * Paris On Diet, p. 39. 88 PRELIMINARY cessors in the physiological sciences seem to have been compelled to receive it with the legacy of their predecessors, without any doubt of its legitimacy; when, with a little rational examination of the sub- ject, it would have been found a fair subject of rejec- tion. It will be seen, by the following experiments, that it has not the slightest foundation in truth; and to them I refer the reader. It has been said, that when one meal follows an- other in quick succession—or, in other words, when a subsequent meal is taken before the previous one is digested—that it some how disturbs the process of digestion. This is generally true; and it allows of a definite solution. It is because more is received into the stomach, in the aggregate, than the gastric juice can dissolve. And this disturbance will result, as well when too much food has been taken at once, as when too much has been received in rapid succession. But if the quantity be moderate, no ill effect will ensue. Many children are in the habit of eating as often as once an hour through the day, in small quantities, without experiencing any bad consequences. Cooks are, also, accustomed to the practice of constantly tasting of the various articles of food which they are preparing for the table; and yet I am not aware that they suffer any inconvenience from the habit. From these, and other facts, as well as from direct experi- ment, I think it is perfectly apparent that digestion must progress as well before as after the expiration of an hour. If, as has been suggested, the ingestion of food, in addition to the delay to itself, retards or stops the chymification of that which had been pre- OBSERVATIONS. 89 viously received, aliment, as it relates to those chil- dren who eat hourly, would be constantly accumu- lating ; and there would remain in the stomach at night the whole quantity taken through the day: a supposition not to be credited, even by those dis- posed to make the most of a favourite opinion or doctrine. Doctor Wilson Philip, in his Treatise on Indiges- tion," says, " the layer of food lying next to the sur* face of the stomach, is first digested, and in propor- tion as this undergoes the proper change, and is moved by the muscular action of the stomach, that next in turn succeeds, to undergo the same changei" That chymification commences on the surface of the food, I have no doubt; but I apprehend this to be the case as it respects each individual portion, and not the whole mass. I have frequently taken out por- tions from the stomach, a few minutes after they had been received into that organ, when they appeared to have received a full supply of gastric juice for perfect digestion, when submitted to the artificial mode. When a due and moderate supply of food has been received, it is probable that the whole quan- tity of gastric juice for its complete solution, is se- creted, and mixed with it, in a short time. When an unusually full meal has been eaten, the necessary quantity for its complete solution, is not so readily supplied. If a tenacious mass of food be used, the external portion of the whole quantity is first acted on, digested, and succeeding portions presented, &c. There is no ground for the opinion inferred, that the gastric juice never leaves the parietes of the sto- 90 PRELIMINARY mach, except as it chymifies food. It is a thin fluid, and is governed by the same laws that other thin flu- ids are. From numerous examinations of the sto- mach, I feel warranted in saying, at least in the hu- man subject, that there is a perfect admixture of gastric juice and food—that the particles of food are constantly changing their relations with each other— and that they are mixed with a quantity of fluid, the gastric juice, liquids that have been taken during the meal, and (as there has generally been observed a large proportion of fluid, even after a dry and solid meal,) I have been led to suspect a synthetic forma- tion of water, from its elements. This mixture is perfectly heterogeneous at first, and is kept in con- stant agitation, by the churning motions of the sto- mach. If the contents of the stomach be taken out in from thirty minutes to an hour after eating, it will be found to be composed of perfectly formed chyme and particles of food, intimately mixed and blended; sometimes in larger and sometimes in smaller pro- portions, according to the vigorous or enfeebled state of the digestive organs, or the quantity or qualify of aliment taken. Most commonly, if the meal have been moderate, the process of digestion will continue in the portion taken out, when placed on the bath at a proper temperature, and the motions of the sto- mach imitated. From the circumstance that the introduction of sponge, tubes, pebbles, xc. by Spallanzani and oth- ers, excited the discharge of the gastric juice, and from the fact that the gum-clastic tube, in my experi- ments, produced the same effect, when the stomach OBSERVATIONS. 91 was empty and healthy, I infer, that the first effect of aliment on the stomach, is one of irritation of the gastric papillae; thus exciting the discharge of the gastric juice, and stimulating the muscular fibres of the stomach. The vermicular motions, being excited by mechanical irritation, not only carry the ingestce into all parts of the stomach, and diffuse its mechani- cal influence throughout the whole inner surface of this organ; but, by this means, they uniformly mix the aliment with the gastric juice, which is constant- ly being secreted, in proportion to the quantity of food received into the stomach, (unless that be too much for the wants of the economy,) until chymifica- tion be completed. Some stimulus seems to be ne- cessary to continue the motions of the stomach, after chymification is accomplished, in order to effect its complete discharge into the lower bowels. And it appears highly probable that the compound fluid of gastric juice and aliment, or chyme, by its acquired acid properties, affords this stimulus, and propagates the contractile motions of this organ, even after the mechanical irritation of the crude food ceases. This fluid acquires new chemical properties, becomes more acid and stimulating, as chymification advan- ces, until it is completed. When it is all transferred to the duodenum, the motions of the stomach cease. From a number of experiments on rabbits, by Doc* tor Wilson Philip^ with the view of ascertaining the process of digestion, this gentleman has brought his mind to the conclusion, that when food has been ta- ken at different times," the new is never mixed with the t On Digestion 92 PRELIMINARY old food." With every feeling of respect for so valu- able and indefatigable a contributor to physiological science, I must beg leave, however, to dissent from this opinion. In many of his experiments, the rabbits were killed soon after the introduction of a fresh quantity of food, and, generally, of a very different kind. The result was, that it was found separate from the old food, which was in an advanced stage of digestion. It was in the centre of the old food, and surrounded by it. This is precisely where a new bolus would be received, and retain its shape and consistence, in some measure, until disturbed, and broken u , by the motions of the stomach. By al- lowing sufficient time for the action of this organ, it is probable that the line of separation would not have been perceived. Indeed the Doctor concedes that when the second quantity of food was of the same kind as the first, and the rabbit had been left to live for some time, the line of separation was very indis- tinct. It appears that he fed rabbits on oats, and af- ter making them fast for sixteen or seventeen hours, ho fed them as much cabbage as they chose to eat, " and killed them at different periods, from one to eight hours after they had eaten it;" when the line of sepa- ration between the new food and that which had been eaten from eighteen to twenty-five hours before, was, no doubt, quite distinct. I confess I know very little about the habits of these animals, as it respects their modes of digestion ; but I should be inclined to think that if the " line of separation" between the two por- tions of food were not sufficiently distinct, it was not for want of time. In man, one fifth of the time would OBSERVATIONS. 93 have been more than sufficient to have disposed of any reasonable quantity of food. Comparative physiology, as well as comparative anatomy, is undoubtedly, very useful; but, at the same time, it will not do to make it of general appli- cation. The rabbit is a ruminating animal; and is it not probable that the '■ new food," found in the " small curvature," if it be in fact retained there, is detained for the purpose of regurgitation and re-mas- tieation, before it is digested ? If the circumstance be true, and there be no deception in the case, I think this must be the design of the contrivance. Arguments from analogy may be very plausible, and are certainly very allowable, when the subject presents no other mode; but they are not conclu- sive. We cannot judge of the mode of digestion in the human stomach by that of animals, particularly the granivorous and ruminating animals. Carnivo- rous animals most resemble man in their digestive apparatus. One thing is certain, and it is capable of demonstration in the stomach of the subject of these experiments, that old and new food, if they are in the same state of comminution, are readily and speedily mixed in the stomach. On the subject of exercise or repose, during the di- gestion of a meal, there has been some diversity of opinion. It has generally been conceded, however, that a state of repose is most favourable to chymifi- cation. It has been said that during the digestion of aliment, the energies of the system were centred on the stomach, and should not be withdrawn to any distant part; that the stomach becomes a " centre of 94 PRELIMINARY fluxion," &c. &c. I protest, again, against the use of terms which have no definite meaning. 1 believe the benefits of science will be better subserved by adhering to facts, and the deductions of experiment, than by the propagation of hypotheses founded on uncertain data. From numerous trials, I am per- suaded that moderate exercise conduces considera- bly to healthy and rapid digestion. The discovery was the result of accident, and contrary to precon- ceived opinions. I account for it in the following way. Gentle exercise increases the circulation of the system, and the temperature of the stomach. This increase of temperature is generally about one and a half degrees. Now, if the gastric juice be a sol- vent, its action is similar to other chemical solvents, and its rapidity is increased in proportion to the ele- vation of temperature. Of the reason, I leave others to judge. The effect is certain. Severe and fa- tiguing exercise, on the contrary, retards digestion. Two reasons present themselves for this—the debili- ity which follows hard labour, of which the stomach partakes; and the depressed temperature of the sys- tem, consequent upon perspiration, and evaporation from the surface. Exercise, sufficient to produce moderate perspira- tion, increases the secretions from the gastric cavi- ty, and produces an accumulation of a limpid fluid within the stomach, slightly acid, and possessing the solvent properties of the gastric juice in an inferior degree. This is probably a mixed fluid, a small pro- portion of which is gastric juice. OBSERVATIONS. 95 Bile is not essential to chymification. It is sel- dom found in the stomach, except under peculiar circumstances. I have observed that when the use of fat or oily food has been persevered in for some time, there is generally the presence of bile in the gastric fluids. Whether this be a pathological phe- nomenon, induced by the peculiarly indigestible na- ture of oily food; or whether it be a provision of na- ture, to assist the chymification of this particular kind of diet, I have not as yet satisfied myself. Oil is affected by the gastric juice with considerable dif- ficulty. The alkaline properties of the bile may ren- der it more susceptible of solution in this fluid, by altering its chemical character. Irritation of the pyloric extremity of the stomach with the end of the elastic tube, or the bulb of the thermometer, general- ly occasions a flow of bile into this organ. Exter- nal agitation, by kneading with the hand, on the right side, over the regions of the liver and pylorus, produces the same effect. It may be laid down as a general rule, however, subject to the exceptions above mentioned, that bile is not necessary to the chymification of food' in the stomach. Magendie says, " I believe that, in certain morbid conditions, the bile is not introduced into this organ," ( the sto- mach ;) inferring, that in a healthy state, it is al- ways to be found there. There can hardly be a greater mistake. With the exceptions that I have mentioned, it is never found in the gastric cavity, in a state of health; and it is only in " certain morbid conditions" that it is found there. 9fj PRELIMINARY VVhen bile is found with the gastric juice, the acid taste is diminished, and the flavour of the bile pre- vails, in proportion to the quantity in the mixture. The resulting compound of digestion in the sto- mach, or chyme, has been described as " a homo- geneous, pultaceous, greyish substance, of a sweet- ish, insipid taste, slightly acid," &c. In its ho- mogeneous appearance, it is invariable; but not in its colour; that partakes very slightly of the colour of the food eaten. It is always of a lightish or greyish colour; varying in its shades and appearance, from that of cream, to a greyish, or dark coloured gruel: It is, also, more consistent at one time than at ano- ther; modified, in this respect, by the kind of diet used. This circumstance, however, does not affect its homogeneous character. A rich and consistent quantity is all alike, and of the same quality. A poorer and thinner portion is equally uniform in its appearance; Chyme from butter, fat meats, oil, &c. resembles rich cream. That from farinaceous and vegetable diet, has more the appearance of gruel. It is invariably distinctly acid. The passage of chyme from the stomach is gradu- al. Portions of chyme, as they become formed, pass out, and are succeeded by other portions. In the early stages, the passage of the chyme into the duo- denum, is more slowly effected than in the later sta- ges. At first, it is more mixed with the undigested portions of aliment, and is probably separated with considerable difficulty, by the powers of the stomach, In the later stages, as the whole mass becomes more OBSERVATIONS. 97 more chymified, and fitted for the translation, the pro-* cess is more rapid; and is accelerated by a peculiar contraction of the stomach, a description of which will be found in the next section. It appears to bo a provision of nature, that the chyme, towards the latter stages of its formation, should become more stimulating, and operate on the pyloric extremity of the stomach, so as to produce this peculiar contrac- tion. After the expulsion of the last particles of chyme, the stomach becomes quiescent, and no more juice is secreted, until a fresh supply of food is presented for its action, or some other mechanical irritation is applied to its internal coat. Water and alcohol are not affected by the gastric juice. Fluids, of all kinds, are subject to the same exemption, unless they hold in solution or suspen- sion some animal or vegetable aliment. Fluids pass from the stomach very soon after they arc received, either by absorption, or through the pylorus. Since the general adoption of the theory of a spe^ cific, solvent fluid, others have been proposed. M. Montegre, who, it is said, had the power of vomiting at pleasure, performed a series of experi- ments on the fluids of the stomach, obtained in this way, which induced him to come to a different con- clusion on the subject of digestion. '" He conceives that what has been supposed to be the gastric juice, is, in fact, nothing but saliva; that it possesses no peculiar powers of acting on alimentary matter; that the principal use of the gastric juice is to dilute N 98 PRELIMINARY the food; and that the only action of the stomach consists in ' une absorption vitale et elective,' in which the absorbent vessels, in consequence of their peculiar sensibility, take up certain parts of the food, and reject others.*'* A complete refutation of the conclusions drawn from the experiments of Monte- gre, will be found in the fact, which has been tested by more than two hundred examinations and experi- ments, made by me, on the gastric cavity, that there never exists free gastric juice in the stomach, unless excited by aliment, or other stimulants. The fluid obtained by Montegre was, in all probability, a mixture of saliva (which had been unconsciously swallowed) and the mucus of the stomach. Neither of these secretions are capable of digesting aliment; nor could the peculiar products, generally obtained from the chemical analysis of the gastric juice, be found in them. The hypotheses proposed by Professors Smith and Jackson, of this country, are modifications of Monte- gre's theory. The former of these gentlemen supposes that di- gestion is performed " by the veins of the stomach, and by the &W." He contends, " that the first step in the process of digestion is effected by capillary veins originating in the villi of the stomach, with absorb- ing extremities, and terminating in the great branch- es of the vena porta? ;"J that this action is continued through the small intestines; that the absorbing * Note in Bostock's Physiology, vol. 2, p. 384 I Essay on Digestion, p. 63i OBSERVATIONS 99 yeins take up the nutrient principles of the food, and reject, as excrementitious, the innutritious part; that these nutrient principles are mixed with the return- ing blood within the cavity of the abdomen, and are carried into the liver, where the final processes of animalization and conversion into blood are com- pleted. Professor Jackson, in a recent work, has proposed a new theory, or rather revived, in some mea- sure, the theory of maceration. His hypothesis, as nearly as can be collected from his work, is as fol- lows :—He supposes that digestion is performed by submitting food to the action of different fluids, each of which has "solvent powers for different princi- ples;"* that the nutrient principles exist already formed in food, and are released from principles that are not required for nutrition, by a species of solu- tion, or maceration. The different fluids, as saliva, mucus from the mouth, throat, stomach, intestines, the bile and pancreatic juice, are the solvents of the different innutritive principles, and separate them from nutriment. He attributes great importance to the action of the saliva; thinks it exercises a " very energetic operation on the food," &c. and denies, al- together, the existence of a specific solvent fluid. It is unfortunate for the interests of physiological science, that it generally falls to the lot of men of vivid imaginations, and great powers of mind, to become restive under the restraints of a tedious and routine mode of thinking, and to strike out into bold and ori- * Principles of Medicine, founded on the Structure and Func- tions of the Animal Organism, p. 354. 100 PRELIMINARY ginal hypotheses to elucidate the operations of na- ture, or to account for the phenomena that are con- stantly submitted to their inspection. The process of developing truth, by patient and persevering inves- tigation, experiment and research, is incompatible with their notions of unrestrained genius. The drudg- ery of science, they leave to humbler, and more un- pretending contributors. The flight of genius is, however, frequently erratic. The bold and original opinions of Brown, for a long time unsettled the practice of medicine; and the later opinions of Mon- tegre and others, have had a like effect on the sister science orphysiology. It is, however, aright, which men of ger ius possess, in common with others, to pro- pose hypotheses, and to support them with such ar- guments and deductions as they may have in their power to bring. Great caution and circumspection ought, however, to be observed. It is dangerous to unsettle long established truths; for it is difficult to limit the extent of error. The gratification of a mor- bid desire to be distinguished as the propagator of new principles in philosophy, or as the head of a new «ect, is not the only result to be expected from such heresies. New opinions or doctrines, whether true or false, will have admirers and followers, and will lead to practical results. And the errors of one man may lead thousands into the same vortex. These, of course, are designed as general remarks; and I have no wish to apply them, so far as bad mo- tives are inferred, to the highly respectable gentle- men mentioned above. Honest objections, no doubt, aro entertained against the doctrine of digestion by OBSERVATIONS. 101 the gastric juice. That they are so entertained by these gentlemen, I have no doubt. And I cheerful- ly concede to them the merit of great ingenuity, tal- ents and learning, in raising objections to the com- monly received hypothesis, and ability in maintaining their peculiar opinions. But we ought not to allow ourselves to be seduced by the ingenuity of argument or the blandishments of style. Truth, like beauty, when " unadorned, is adorned the most;" and in prosecuting these experiments and inquiries, I believe I have been guided by its light. Facts are more per- suasive than arguments, however ingeniously made, and by their eloquence, I hope I have been able to plead for the support and maintenance of those doc- trines, which have had for their advocates such men as Sydenham, Hunter, Spallanzani, Richerand Ab- ernethy, Broussais, Philip, Paris Bostock, the Hei- dleburgh and Paris Professors, Dunglison, and a host of other luminaries in the science of physiology. SECTION VI. Of the Appearance op the Villous Coat, and Of the Motions of the Stomach. THE inner coat of the stomach, in its natural and healthy state, is of a light, or pale pink colour, vary- ing in its hues, according to its full or empty state- It is of a soft, or velvet-like appearance, and is con- stantly covered with a very thin, transparent, viscid mucus, lining the whole interior of the organ. Immediately beneath the mucous coat, and appa- rently incorporated with the villous membrane, ap- pear small, spheroidal, or oval shaped, glandular bo- dies, from which the mucous fluid appears to be se- creted. By applying aliment, or other irritants, to the in, ternal coat of the stomach, and observing the effect through a magnifying glass, innumerable minute lu- cid points, and very fine nervous or vascular papillae, can be seen arising from the villous membrane, and protruding through the mucous coat, from which dis- tills a pure, limpid, colourless, slightly viscid fluid. This fluid, thus excited, is invariably distinctly acid. The mucus of the stomach is less fluid, more viscid or 104 PRELIMINARY albuminous, semi-opaque, sometimes a little saltish* and does not possess the slightest character of acid' ity. On applying the tongue to the mucous coat of the stomach, in its empty, unirritated state, no acid taste can be perceived. When food, or other irri- tants, have been applied to the villous membrane, and the gastric papillas excited, the acid taste is im- mediately perceptible. These papilla:, I am convin^ ced, from observation, form a part of what is called by authors, the villi of the stomach. Other vessels, perhaps absorbing as well as secretory, compose the remainder. That some portion of the villi form the excretory ducts of the vessels, or glands, I have not the least doubt, from innumerable, ocular examina- tions of the process of secretion of gastric juice. The invariable effect of applying aliment to the internah but exposed part of the gastric membrane, when in a healthy condition, has been the exudation ofthe sol- vent fluid, from the above mentioned papillae.— Though the apertures of these vessels could not be seen, even with the assistance of the best micros- copes that could be obtained; yet the points from which the fluid issued was clearly indicated by the gradual appearance of innumerable, very fine, lucid specks, rising through the transparent mucous coat, and seeming to burst, and discharge themselves up- on the very points ofthe papilke, diffusing a limpid, thin fluid over the Avhole interior gastric surface. This appearance is conspicuous only during alimen- tation, or chymification. These lucid points, I have no doubt, are the termination of the excretory ducts of the gastric vessels or glands, though the closest observations. 10j and most accurate observation may never be able to discern their distinct apertures. The fluid, so discharged, is absorbed by the ali- ment in contact, or collects in small drops, and trickles down the sides ofthe stomach, to the more depend- ing parts, and there mingles with the food, or what- ever else may be contained in the gastric cavity. This fluid, the efficient cause of digestion—the true gastric juice of Spallanzani, I have no doubt—has generally been obtained, for experiment, by mechan- ical irritation ofthe internal coat of the stomach, produced by the introduction of a gum-elastic tube, through which it has been procured. The gastric juice never appears to be accumulated in the cavity of the stomach while fasting; and is seldom, if ever, discharged from its proper secern- ing vessels, except when excited by the natural stim- ulus of aliment, mechanical irritation of tubes, or other excitants. When aliment is received, the juice is given out in exact proportion to its require- ments for solution, except when more food has been taken than is necessary for the wants of the system. When mechanical irritation by a non-digestible substance, as the elastic tube, stem of the thermom- eter, &c. has been used, the secretion is probably less than when the irritation has been produced by such substances, as are readily dissolved in the gastric juice. Alimentary stimulus, when taken into the sto- mach, is diffused over the whole villous surface, and excites the gastric vessels, generally, to excrete their fluids copiously; whereas the irritation of tubes, &c< 106 PRELIMINARY is local, and produces only a partial excitement of the vessels, and a scanty flow of the gastric juice. Hence, the slowness in obtaining the clear fluid from the empty stomach, through the tube. I have never, on numerous trials, been able to obtain, at any one time, more than one and a half, or two ounces of this fluid, after the stomach had disposed of its alimenta- ry matters, however long the period of abstinence had been. The discharge of this small quantity has generally been excited by the introduction of the tube. Ten, fifteen, or more minutes, were necessary to collect even this small quantity. Whenever fluid was obtained in larger quantity, as was sometimes the case, it invariably contained more than the usual quantity of mucus. On viewing the interior ofthe stomach, the pecul- iar formation of the inner coats are distinctly exhi- bited. When empty, the rugae appear irregularly folded upon each other, almost in a quiescent state, of a pale pink colour, with the surface merely lubri- cated with mucus. On the application of aliment, the action of the vessels is increased ; the colour brightened; and the vermicular motions excited. The small gastric papillae begin to discharge a clear, trans- parent fluid, (the alimentary solvent,) which contin- ues abundantly to accumulate, as aliment is received for digestion. If the mucous covering ofthe villous coat be wiped off, with a sponge or handkerchief, during the period of chymification, the membrane appears roughish, of a deep pink colour at first; but in a few seconds, the follicles and fine papillae begin to pour out their OBSERVATIONS. 107 respective fluids, which, being diffused over the parts abraded of mucus, restore to them their pecul- iar soft and velvet-like coat, and pale pink colour, corresponding with the undisturbed portions of the membrane; and the gastric juice goes on accumu- lating, and trickles down the sides of the stomach again. If the membrane be wiped off when the stomach is empty, or during the period of fasting, a similar roughness, and deepened colour appear, though in a less degree; and the mucous exudation is more slowly restored. The follicles appear to swell more gradually. The fluids do not accumulate in quantity sufficient to trickle down, as during the time of chy- mification. The mucous coat only, appears to be restored. The foregoing, I believe to be the natural appear- ances of the internal coat of the stomach, in a healthy condition ofthe system. In disease, or partial derangement of the healthy function, this membrane presents various, and essen- tially different appearances. In febrile diathesis, or predisposition, from whate- ver cause—obstructed perspiration, undue excite- ment by stimulating liquors, overloading the stomach with food—fear, anger, or whatever depresses or dis- turbs the nervous system—the villous coat becomes sometimes red and dry, at other times, pale and moist, and loses its smooth and healthy appearance; the secretions become vitiated, greatly diminished, or entirely suppressed; the mucous coat scarcely perceptible; the follicles flat and flaccid, with secre^ 108 PRELIMINARY tions insufficient to protect the vascular and nervous papillae from irritation. There are sometimes found, on the internal coat ofthe stomach, eruptions, or deep red pimples; not numerous, but distributed, here and there, upon the villous membrane, rising above the surface of the mu- cous coat. These are at first sharp pointed and red; but frequently become filled with white purulent mat- ter. At other times, irregular, circumscribed, red patches, varying in size or extent, from half an inch to an inch and a half in circumference, are found on the internal coat. These appear to be the effect of congestion in the minute blood vessels of the sto- mach. There are, also, seen at times, small aphthous crusts, in connection with these red patches. Abra- sions of the lining membrane, like the rolling up of the mucous coat into small shreds or strings, leaving the papilla? bare, for an indefinite space, is not an uncommon appearance. These diseased appearances, when very slight, do not always affect, essentially, the gastric apparatus. When considerable, and, particularly, when there are corresponding symptoms of disease, as dryness of the mouth, thirst, accelerated pulse, &c. no o-as- tric juice can be extracted, not even on the applica- tion of alimentary stimulus. Drinks received, are immediately absorbed, or otherwise disposed of; none remaining in the stomach ten minutes after be- ing swallowed. Food, taken in this condition of the stomach, remains undigested for twenty-four or forty- eight hours, or more, increasing the derangement of OBSERVATIONS. 109 the whole alimentary canal, and aggravating the ge- neral symptoms of disease. After excessive eating or drinking, chymification is retarded; and, although the appetite be not al- ways impaired at first, the fluids become acrid and sharp, excoriating the edges ofthe aperture; and al- most invariably produce aphthous patches, and the other indications of a diseased state of the internal membrane, mentioned above. Vitiated bile is also found in the stomach under these circumstances; and flocculi of mucus are much more abundant than in health. Whenever this morbid condition of the stomach occurs, with the usual accompanying symptoms of disease, there is generally a corresponding appear- ance of the tongue. When a healthy state ofthe stomach is restored, the tongue invariably becomes clear. Motions of the Stomach.—With the anatomy of this organ, I have, at present, nothing to do. It does not come within the limits which I have prescribed to myself. Its motions, as comprising a part of the process of digestion, I have endeavoured to observe as accurately as practicable, and I give the result. The human stomach is furnished with muscular fasciculi, so arranged as to shorten its diameter in every direction. By, the alternate contraction and relaxation of these bands, a great variety of motion is induced on this organ, sometimes transversely, and at other times longitudinally. These alternate con- tractions and relaxations, when affecting the trans-; 110 PRELIMINARY verse diameter, produce what are called vermicular or peristaltic motions. The effect of the contraction ofthe longitudinal fibres, is to approximate the sple- nic and pyloric extremities. When they all act to- gether, the effect is to lessen the cavity of the sto- mach, and to press upon the contained aliment, if there be any in the stomach. These motions not only produce a constant disturbance, or churning of the contents of this organ, but they compel them, at the same time, to revolve around the interior, from point to point, and from one extremity to the other. In addition to these motions, there is a constant agi- tation of the stomach, produced by the respiratory muscles. These contractions and relaxations of the muscu- lar fasciculi, do not observe any very exact mode. Their motions are modified by various circumstan- ces, such as the stimulant or non-stimulant property of the ingestas, the healthy or unhealthy state of the internal coat ofthe stomach; by exercise, and by re- pose, &c. &c. The ordinary course and direction of the.revolu- tions of the food, are first, after passing the oesopha- geal ring, from right to left, along the small arch; thence, through the large curvature, from left to right. The bolus, as it enters the cardia, turns to the left; passes the aperture ; descends into the splenic extremity; and follows the great curvature towards the pyloric end. It then returns, in the course ofthe smaller curvature, makes its appearance ao-ain at the aperture, in its descent into the great curvature* to perform similar revolutions. OBSERVATIONS. Ill Such I have ascertained to be the revolutions of the contents ofthe stomach, from being able to iden- tify particular portions of food, and from the fact, that the bulb of the thermometer, which has been frequently introduced during chymification, invaria- bly indicates the same movements. These revolu- tions are completed in from one to three minutes. They are probably induced, in a great measure, by the circular or transverse muscles ofthe stomach, as indicated by the spiral motion ofthe stem of the ther- mometer, both in descending to the pyloric portion, and ascending to the splenic.t These motions are slower at first than after chymification has consider- ably advanced. , While these revolutions of the contents of the stomach are progressing, the trituration or agitation is also going on. There is a perfect admixture of the whole ingests, during the period of alimentation and chymification. There is nothing of the distinct lines of separation between old and new food, and peculiar central or peripheral situation of crude, as distinguished from chymified aliment, said to have been observed by Philip, Magendie and others, in their experiments on dogs and rabbits, to be seen in the human stomach; at least in that of the subject of * these experiments. The whole contents of the sto- mach, until chymification be nearly complete, exhi- bit a heterogeneous mass of solids and fluids; hard t The terms " descending" and " ascending," are used here, as well as in many other places, relatively ; because the examina- tions were generally made while the man was lying on his right side. 112 PRELIMINARY and soft; coarse and fine; crude and chymified; all intimately mixed, and circulating promiscuously through the gastric cavity, like the mixed contents of a closed vessel, gently agitated, or turned in the hand. If a mouthful of some tenacious food be swallow- ed, after digestion is considerably advanced, it will be seen passing the opening, to the great curvature; and in the course of about one and a half or two mi- nutes, it will reappear, with the general circulating contents, more or less broken to pieces, or divided into smaller pieces; and very soon loses its identity. This agitating motion has the effect, and is undoubt- edly designed, to break up the bolus, as well as to separate the external and chymified portion ofthe particles of food, and allow the undigested portions to come in contact with the gastric juice, their pro- per solvent. If the motions were simply revolution- ary, the central portions would retain their situation,. until the outer, or chymified part, had passed into the duodenum, in successive parcels; which, it is evident, would very much retard the process of di- gestion. As the food becomes more and more changed from its crude to its chymified state, the acidity of the gastric fluids is considerably increased; more so in vegetable than animal diet; and the general con- tractile force ofthe muscles of the stomach is aug- mented in every direction; giving the contained fluids an impulse towards the pylorus. It is probable, that from the very commencement of chymification—from the time that food is received OBSERVATIONS. 113 stomach—until that organ becomes empty, portions of chyme are constantly passing into the duodenum, through the pyloric orifice, as the mass is presented at each successive revolution. I infer this, from the fact that the volume is constantly decreasing. This decrease of volume, however, is slow at first; but is rapidly accelerated towards the conclusion of diges- tion, when the whole mass becomes more or less chymified. This accelerated expulsion appears to be effected by a peculiar action of the transverse muscles, or rather of the transverse band, as descri- bed by Spallanzani, Haller, Cooper, Sir E. Home, and others, in their experiments on animals. This band is situated near the commencement ofthe more conically shaped part ofthe pyloric extremity, three or four inches from the smaller end. In attempting to pass a long glass thermometer tube, through the aperture, into the pyloric portion of the stomach, du- ring the latter stages of digestion, a forcible contrac- tion is first perceived at this point, and the bulb is stopped. In a short time, there is a gentle relaxation, when the bulb passes without difficulty, and appears to be drawn, quite forcibly, for three or four inches, towards the pyloric end, It is then released, and forced back, or suffered to rise again; at the same time, giving to the tube a circular, or rather spiral motion, and frequently revolving it completely over. These motions are distinctly indicated, and strongly felt, in holding the end of the tube between the thumb and finger; and it requires a pretty forcible grasp to prevent it from slipping from the hand, and being drawn suddenly down to the pyloric extremity. 114 PRELIMINARY When the tube is left to its own direction, at these5 periods of contraction, it is drawn in, nearly its whole length, to the depth often inches : and when drawn back, requires considerable force, and gives to the fingers the sensation of a strong suction power, like drawing the piston from an exhausted tube. This ceases as soon as the relaxation occurs, and the tube rises again, of its own accord, three or four inches, when the bulb seems to be obstructed from rising further; but if pulled up an inch or two, through the stricture, it moves freely in all directions in the cardiac portions, and mostly inclines to the splenic extremity, though not disposed to make its exit at the aperture. Above the contracting band, and towards the sple- nic portion of the stomach, the suction or grasping motion is not perceptible; but when the bulb is push- ed down to this point, it is distinctly felt to be grasp- ed, and confined in its movements. These peculiar motions and contractions continue until the stomach is perfectly empty, and not a par- ticle of food or chyme remains; when all becomes quiescent again. If the bulb of the thermometer be suffered to be drawn down to the pyloric extremity, and detained there for a short time, or if the experiment be repeat- ed too frequently, it causes severe distress, and a sensation like cramp, or spasm, which ceases on withdrawing the tube; but leaves a sense of sore- ness and tenderness at the pit ofthe stomach. These peculiar contractions and relaxations, men- tioned above, succeed eaeh other, at irregular inter- OBSERVATIONS. 11/3 vals, of frorife two to four or five minutes. Simulta- neously with !the contractions, there is a general shortening ofthe fibres of the stomach. This organ contracts upon itself in every direction; and its con- tents are compressed with much force. The valvu- lar portion ofthe stomach is firmly thrust into the a- perture; closing the orifice ; preventing the egress of aliment; and obstructing .the view of the interior. During the intervals of relaxation, the ruga; perform their vermicular actions, the undulatory motions of the fluids continue, and the alimentary and chymous mass appear, revolving as before, promiscuously mixed, through the splenic and cardiac portions. All these facts, taken together, will, I think, ration- ally admit ofthe following explanation. The longi- tudinal muscles ofthe whole stomach, with the assist- ance of the transverse ones ofthe splenic and cen- tral portions, carry the contents into the pyloric ex- tremity. The circular or transverse muscles con- tract progressively, from left to right. When the impulse arrives at the transverse band, this is excited to a more forcible contraction, and, closing upon the alimentary matter and fluids, contained in the pylo- ric end, prevents their regurgitation. The muscles of the pyloric end, now contracting upon the contents detained there, separate and expel some portion of the chyme. It appears that the crude food ex- cites the contractile power of the pylorus, so as to prevent its passage into the duodenum, while the thinner, chymified portion is pressed through the valve, into the intestine. After the contractile im- pulse is carried to the pyloric extremity, the circu- 116 PRELIMINARY lar band, and all the transverse muscles^ become re- laxed, and a contraction commences in a reversed di- rection, from right to left, and carries the contents a- gain to the splenic extremity, to undergo similar re- volutions. It would "appear, then, that the discharge of the chyme from the stomach, is effected by mechanic- al impulse. But, I confess, I do not like to give an opinion. I state the circumstances as they have oc- curred. The idea of mechanical force, I admit, is liable to objection; but, perhaps, not more so than that of the selecting power of the pylorus. Whatever bias I may have in favour ofthe former method, has been forced upon me by the deductions of experiment and observation. SECTION VII. Of Chymification, and Uses of the Bile and Pancreatic Juice. AS food becomes chymified by the gastric juice, the contractile motions ofthe stomach send it into the duodenum, to receive further changes, preparato- ry to its assimilation to the circulating fluids of the system, by the lacteal absorbents. It is at first slowly received into this organ from the stomach; but during the later stages of chymification, its trans- mission becomes more accelerated. The duodenum is so constituted, that the passage of the chyme through it, is considerably retarded; and, hence, in some pathological conditions of the system, the pressure on that organ from repletion, is considera- ble; and frequently produces great pain and dis- tress. The vermicular motions of this and the other in- testines, are propagated from the stomach, and are continued, after this organ has discharged all its con- tents, by the contained fluids, until the whole be- comes assimilated. They are more or less rapid, varying at different sections of the canal; of which 118 PRELIMINARY it is not necessary to particularize. These motions are excited by the stimulus ofthe chyme, and occur at intervals, on the introduction of each quantity passed through the pylorus. The chymous mass is not changed until it arrives at, or passes the mouth of the ductus cholodochus, when the liver and pancreas are excited to discharge their respective fluids. These mix with the chyme, and produce an essential alteration in its sensible and chemical properties. At this point, the lacteal absorbents commence. That the change from a chymous to a chylous stage is effected by the operation of the bile and pancreat- ic juice, there can be no doubt. Of the nature of this change, there is some diversity of opinion.— Chyle is generally described as " a white, opaque substance, considerably resembling cream in its as- pect and physical properties ;"* though it is said to vary slightly, according to the kind of aliment which had been used. It is my impression, however, that pure chyle, taken from the lacteals of a healthy sub- ject, and produced by natural food, is invariably the same substance in the same individual. Changes that have been observed, must be reckoned as the ef- fect of a pathological state ofthe system, or the ab- sorption of a non-digesting substance. Medicines and other substances, which are not capable of di- gestion, are sometimes taken up by the lacteal ab- sorbents, and may produce an alteration in the phy- sical and chemical properties of chyle. It is possible * Bostoclc's Physiology, vol, 2d, p. 392. :j OBSERVATIONS. H9 that a small proportion of oil may escape the action of the digestive apparatus, be absorbed by the lac- teals, and produce the opaque, white colour, men- tioned by authors, as sometimes appearing. Coun- tenance is given to this suggestion, by the fact, that the more opaque coloured parts of chyle are found floating on the surface; and that it is always disco- vered after the ingestion of oily food. At other times, it is uniform in its colour and consistence, whatever colouring matter may have been contained in the food. I wish to be understood to say, that every species of aliment produces the same kind of nutrient princi- ciples. With the view of attempting an investigation of this subject, as has been previously mentioned, I instituted some imperfect experiments and examina- tions. For the result, see Experiments, Second Se- ries, from 47th to 56th. By the addition of bile and dilute muriatic acid, and subsequently pancreatic juice, to chyme formed in the artificial way, as well as in the stomach, it separated into three distinct parts, a reddish brown sediment at the bottom, a whey coloured fluid in the centre, and a creamy pel- licle at the top. Each repetition of the experiment produced a similar result; though not exactly alike in all. The central portion, I suspect to be imperfect- ly formed chyle. The sediment, from its appearance, and the coarseness of its particles, I judge, is inca- pable of being acted on, or taken up, by the absorb- ents : the creamy or oily pellicle is not only liable to the same objection, but is in too small proportion to the ingesta. The fluid part is fitted, by its fluidity, 120 PRELIMINARY for the ready-action ofthe absorbents; and is, more- over, in sufficient quantity for the purposes of nutri- tion. The change of colour and consistence is, pro- bably, effected in the lacteal glands and vessels. The sediment and pellicle, I apprehend, are both ex- crementitial. The " irregular filaments," attached to the valvular conniventes, mentioned by Magendie, and which he concluded to be imperfectly formed chyle, were, undoubtedly, portions ofthe creamy pel- licle, found in the experiments referred to. But what is the nature of the changes effected in the duodenum ? Aliment, after being introduced in ■ to the stomach, is dissolved in the gastric juice, and forms a new compound with this fluid. The con- stituent elements of food are various. When com- pounded with the gastric juice, they may, neverthe- less, be said to form a simple compound, or a gastrite of aliment. I am indifferent about terms ; and this will as well convey my meaning as any other. When this gastrite is introduced into the duodenum, and mixed with the hepatic and pancreatic fluids, are we not warranted, from all the facts that have been ob- served, in saying, that there is a general play of che- mical affinities in that organ, separating the nutrient principles, and forming various new compounds from the elements of each ? The chymous mass changes its colour, and loses its acidity. There is a sensible extrication of gas, as observed by Magendie, and others.* In the stomach, oxigen is found mixed with a small proportion of hydrogen. In the intes- * The escape of gas is generally observable in mixing these fluids with chyme, in my experiments. OBSERVATIONS. 121 tines, an increased proportion of hydrogen exists, with carbonic acid, nitrogen, &c.; but no oxygen. Does not the acid ofthe chyme unite with the alkalis ofthe bile, and form new compounds? And do not other equally important changes take place ? This subject, I confess, is obscure, and perhaps will not admit of a very perfect investigation. The constant agitation which is maintained in the intestines, preserves the chyle in a state of perfect admixture with the other fluids, until absorption has taken place. By standing at rest, the separation, mentioned above, is evident and perfect. It has been supposed that the mucus ofthe intes- tines has some agency in the formation of chyle. But I am disposed to think, with Professor Dungli- son, and others, that the use ofthe mucus is to lu- bricate the internal coat of the intestines, and, per- haps, to dilute their contents. It has been suggested that digestion can be per- fected in the duodenum and lower bowels, when the food has not been submitted to the action of the sto- mach and its fluids. In two experiments by Magen- die, one failed, and the other was attended with par- tial success. Too much reliance ought not to be placed on experiments, that require such severe and cruel vivisections, as were resorted to in these cases. It is possible, as suggested by Dunglison, that the presence of crude aliment in the duodenum, may ex- cite the discharge of gastric juice in the stomach, its expulsion into the duodenum, and its consequent ac- tion on the food, before it is affected by the bile and pancreatic juice. Or, it may be that the upper part 122 preliminary ofthe duodenum is furnished with vessels, which se- crete a fluid similar to gastric juice, Experiments have also been instituted with the view of ascertaining, whether chyle can be formed without the admixture of the hepatic and pancreatic fluids, with various results. Brodie ascertained, by tying the ductus communis cholodochus in young cats, that the process ofchylification was prevented, and that no chyle was found in the intestines. Ma- gendie, Leuret and Lassaigne, on tying this duct, discovered matter of" a rosy yellow colour," which afforded, on analysis, the same constituents of chyle, although the animals, which were the subjects of the operation, had been kept some time without food. There is certainly an apparent discordance in these reports. But, it is possible, they may be explained, and reconciled. It is well known that the absorbents are active during a protracted fast, (as in these last experiments) and are constantly taking up the cellu- lar substance, for the purpose of supplying the blood vessels with these broken up solids of the system. Emaciation is the effect of absorption. The lacteals, like other absorbents, have, undoubtedly, their ap- propriate stimulus; but if that be withholden, they will feed on other substances, the cellular and other solid parts, within their reach. If such be the case, it will account for the rosy coloured fluid) found u> the lacteals, by Magendie and others. i 1ND OBSERVATIONS 6l<* * EXPERIMENTS, fit€: FIRST SERIES. 'Experiment I". August 1, 1825. At 12 o'clock, M., I introduced through the perforation, into the stomach, the follow- ing articles of diet, suspended by a silk string, and fastened at proper distances, so as to pass in with- out pain—viz. :—a piece of high seasoned a la mode beef; a piece of raw, salted, fat pork ; a piece of raw, salted, lean beef; a piece of boiled, salted beef; a piece of stale bread ; and a bunch of raw, sliced cabbage ; each piece weighing about two drachms; the lad continuing his usual employment about the house. At 1 o'clock, P. M., withdrew and examined them —found the cabbage and bread about half digested: the pieces of meat unchanged. Returned them into the stomach. At 2 o'clock, P. M., withdrew them again—found the cabbage, bread, pork, and boiled beef, all cleanly di- gested,! and gone from the string; the other pieces of t These Experiments are inserted here, as they were original- ly taken down in my Note Book, with very little alteration of pBraseology, and none of the sense. Subsequent experiments have sometimes convinced me of errors in former ones. When this,has been the case, I have generally made the corrections in. the.,way of remarks, or observations, as in this experiment. 126 experiments and meat but very little affected. Returned them into the stomach again. At 2 o'clock, P. M., examined again—found the a la mode beef partly digested: the raw beefv/as slight- ly macerated on the surface, but its general texture was firm and entire. The smell and taste of the fluids ofthe stomach were slightly rancid; and the boy complained of some pain and uneasiness at the breast. Returned them again. The lad complaining of considerable distress and uneasiness at the stomach, general debility and lassi- tude, with some pain in his head, I withdrew the string, and found the remaining portions of aliment nearly in the same condition as when last examined ; the fluid more rancid and sharp. The boy still com- plaining, I did not return them any more. August 2. The distress at the stomach and pain in the head continuing, accompanied with costive- ness, a depressed pulse, dry skin, coated tongue, and numerous white spots, or pustules, resembling coa- gulated lymph, spread over the inner surface ofthe stomach, I thought it advisable to give medicine; and, accordingly, dropped into the stomach, through the aperture, half a dozen calomel pills, four or five grains each; which, in about three hours, had a thorough cathartic effect, and removed all the fore- going symptoms, and the diseased appearance of the inner coat of the stomach. The effect of the medi- cine was the same as when administered in the usual way, by the mouth and oesophagus, except the nausea commonly occasioned by swallowing pills. This experiment cannot be considered a fair test of the powers of the gastric juice. The cabbage, one of the articles which was, in this in- stance, most speedily dissolved, was cut into small, fibrous pieces, very thin, and necessarily exposed, on all its surfaces, to the action of the gastric juice. OBSERVATIONS. 127 The stale bread was porous, and, of course, admit- ted the juice into all its interstices; and probably fell from the string as soon as softened, and before it was completely dissolved. These circumstances will account for the more rapid disappearance of these substances, than ofthe pieces of meat, which were in entire solid pieces when put in. To account for the disappearance ofthe fat pork, it is only necessary to remark, that the fat of meat is always resolved in- to oil, by the warmth of the stomach, before it is di- gested. I have generally observed that when he has fed on fat meat or butter, the whole superior portion of the contents of the stomach, if examined a short time after eating, will be found covered with an oily pellicle. This fact may account for the disap- pearance of the pork from the string. I think, up- on the whole, and subsequent experiments have con- firmed the opinion, that fat meats are less easily di- gested than lean, when both have received the same advantages of comminution. Generally speaking, the looser the texture, and the more tender the fibre, of animal food, the easier it is of digestion. This experiment is important, in a pathological point of view. It confirms the opinion, that undiges- ted portions of food in the 6tomach produce all the phenomena of fever; and is calculated to warn us ofthe danger of all excesses, where that organ is concerned. It also admonishes us ofthe necessity of a perfect comminution ofthe articles of diet. Experiment 2. Aug. 7. At 11 o'clock, A. M., after having kept the lad fasting, for seventeen hours, I introduced the glass Ho EXPERIMENTS AND tube of a Thermometer (Fahrenheit's) through the perforation, into the stomach, nearly the whole length Of the stem, to ascertain the natural warmth of the stomach. In fifteen minutes, or less, the mercury rose to 100°, and there remained stationary. This I determined by marking the height of the mercury On the glass, with ink, as it stood in the stomach, and then withdrawing it, and placing it on the gaduated scale again. I now introduced a gum-elastic (caoutchouc) tube, and drew off one ounce of pure gastric liquor, unmix- ed with any other matter, except a small proportion of mucus, into a three ounce vial. I then took a solid piece of boiled, recently salted beef, weighing three drachms, and put it into the liquor in the vial; corked the vial tight, and placed it in a saucepan, filled with water, raised to the temperature of 100°, and kept at that point, ort a nicely regulated sand bath. In forty minutes digestion had distinctly commenced over the surface ofthe meat. Infifty minutes the fluid had be- come quite opaque and cloudy ; the external texture began to separate and become loose. In sixty mi- nutes, chyme began to form. At 1 o'clock, P. M., (digestion having progressed with the same regularity as in the last half hour,) the cellular texture seemed to be entirely destroyed, leaving1 the muscular fibres loose and unconnected, floating about in fine small shreds, very tender and soft. At 3 o'clock, the muscular fibres had diminished one half, since last examination, at 1 o'clock. At 5 o'clock, they were nearly all digested; a few fibres only remaining. At 7 o'clock, the muscular texture was completely broken down; and only a few of the small fibres floating in the fluid. At 9 o'clock, every part of the meat was complete- ly digested. The gastric juice, when taken from the stomach? OBSERVATIONS. 129 was as clear and transparent as water. The mixture in the vial was now about the colour of whey. After standing at rest a few minutes, a fine sediment, of the colour ofthe meat, subsided to the bottom of the vial. Experiment 3. At the same time that I commenced the foregoing experiment, I suspended a piece of beef, exactly simi- lar to that in the vial, (Ex. 2d) into the stomach, through the aperture. At 12 o'clock, M., withdrew it, and found it about as much affected by digestion as that in the vial; there was little or no difference in their appearance. Returned it again. At 1 o'clock, P. M., I drew out the string; but the meat was all completely digested, and gone. The effect of the gastric juice on the piece of meat, suspended in the stomach, was exactly similar to that in the vial, only more rapid after the first half hour, and sooner Completed. Digestion commenced on, and was confined to, the surface entirely, in both, situations. Agitation accelerated the solution in the vial, by removing the coat that was digested on the surface; enveloping the remainder ofthe meat in the gastric fluid ; and giving this fluid access to the undigested portions. Experiment 4. Aug. 8. At 9 o'clock, A. M., I drew off an ounce and a half of gastric juice, into a three ounce vial; sus- pended two pieces of boiled chicken, from the breast and back, into it, and placed it in the same situation and temperature as in the second experiment; ob- serving the same regularity and minuteness. Digestion commenced and progressed much the same, as in the second experiment, but rather slower; the fowl appearing to be more difficult of digestion than the flesh. The texture of the chicken being clo- R 130 EXPERIMENTS AND ser than that of the beef, the gastric juice appeared not to insinuate itself into the interstices of the mus- cular fibre, so readily as into the beef; but operated entirely upon the outer surface, dissolving it as a piece of gum arabic is dissolved in the mouth, until the last particle was digested. The colour ofthe fluid, after digesting the chick- en, was of a greyish white, and more resembled a milky fluid than whey, which was the colour ofthe chyme from the beef. The contents of both vials, kept perfectly tight, remained free from any foetor, acidity, or offensive smell or taste, from the time of the experiments, (7th and 8th August,) to the 6th of September ; at which time, that containing the solution of boiled beef, became very offensive and putrid; while that con- taining the chyme from the boiled chicken, was per- fectly bland and sweet. Both were kept in exactly similar situations. It is, perhaps, unnecessary to make any comments on the result of the above experiments. Each one will make up his opinion from the facts. These de. monstrate, at least, that the stomach secretes a fluid which possesses solvent properties. The change in the solid substances is effected too rapidly to be accounted for on the principle of either maceration or putrefaction. I shall be able to show, in some of the following experiments, that aliment undergoes the same changes in the stomach, as is effected in the mode here adopted. The young man, who was the subject of these ex- periments, left me about this time, (September, 1825) and went to Canada, the place of his former resi- dence. The experiments were consequently sus- pended, EXPERIMENTS, &C SECOND SERIES. Fort Crawford, Upper Mississippi, June 20th, 1829. Alexis St. Martin having returned from Canada, after an absence of nearly four years, with his sto- mach in the same, or very similar condition, as when he left me in September, 1825, I continued to prose- cute the gastric experiments, which were commenced before he left me. With a view to ascertain the variations of tempe- rature, if any there were, in the interior of the sto mach, under different circumstances and conditions of the system, and vicissitudes of the atmosphere, I instituted the following experiments. Experiment 1. Dec. 6, 1829. At 9 o'clock, A. M., I introduced the glass tube of a Thermometer (Fahrenheit's) through the artificial opening into the stomach, in a healthy and empty condition, nearly the whole length of the stem. In six or eight minutes, the mer- 132 experiments and cury became stationary, at 94°. Weather cloudy, damp, and almost raining—ground wet, muddy and thawing. Wind S. and mild. Thermometer, in a North oxposure, 63°. Commenced raining at 11 o'- clock, A. M., and continued all day, with oppressive atmosphere. Experiment 2. Dec. 7. Introduced Thermometer at the same hour as yesterday—circumstances of stomach the same. Mercury at 96°. Weather cloudy—Atmos- phere damp—Wind N. W. and light—Th: 27°. Experiment 3. Dee. 8. Introduced Thermometer at 9 o'clock, A. M.—circumstances of stomach same as yester- day. Mercury stationary at 99°. Weather clear— Atmosphere dry—Wind S. W. and light—Th: 13°. Experiment 4. Dee. 9. Introduced Thermometer at 9 o'clock, A. M.—circumstances similar. Mercury stationary at 99°. Weather clear—Atmosphere dry—Wind W. and light—Th: 10°. Experiment 5. Jan. 24, 1830. Introduced Thermometer at 3 o'- clock, P. M. Weather clear and cold—Th: 8° be- low o.—Wind N. W. and light—stomach empty, and coats healthy. Mercury stationary at 100° Experiment 6. Jan. 25. Introduced Thermometer at 8 o'clock, A. M. Weather clear—Wind S. W. and light__Th ; 2°—Stomach empty. Mercury stationary at 100°. OBSERVATIONS. 133 At 10 o'clock, A. M., (one hour after eating a breakfast of pork and bread,) introduced Thermome- ter again. Mercury stationary at 100°, as at 9 o'- clock, before eating. Experiment 7. March 17. At 10 o'clock, A. M., introduced Ther- mometer. Weather rainy and foggy—Wind S. W. and light—Th: 38°—Stomach empty, having eaten nothing since 7 o'clock last evening. Mercury sta- tionary at 99°. Experiment 8. March 18. At 8 o'clock, A. M., introduced Ther- mometer. Mercury stationary at 100°. Weather clear—Wind N. W.—Th : 6°. At 9 o'clock, breakfasted on meat, biscuit and but- ter, with coffee. Temperature ofthe stomach, im- mediately before eating, 100°: thirty minutes after finishing breakfast the temperature had risen to 102". Digestion rapidly advancing. It appears, from the above experiments, that the variations of the atmosphere produce effects upon the temperature of the stomach; a dry atmosphere increasing, and a humid one diminishing it. What would be the effect of copious perspiration, in warm weather, on the temperature ofthe stomach ? Would that of the interior of this organ be lessened by eva- poration ? I regret that sufficient experiments have not been made, fully to satisfy these inquiries. From one or two experiments, it would seem, that the heat ofthe stomach was increased during the active pe- riod of digestion. This, however, was probably ow- ing to exercise, immediately after eating, though not 134 EXPERIMENTS AND particularly observed and noted at the time. Sub- sequent experiments have not shown this result. On the contrary, the temperature has been found to be the same, in its full and empty state. The ordinary temperature of the healthy stomach, may be fairly estimated at 100°, Fahrenheit. Some allowance ought, probably, to be made, in these ex- periments, for imperfect instruments. It appears, from subsequent examinations, that there is probably some difference of temperature in different regions ofthe stomach, it being higher at the pyloric than at the splenic end. See subsequent experiments and observations. To ascertain whether the Gastric Juice be accu- mulated in the stomach, during periods of fasting, or even from the immediate and direct influence of hun- ger, I made the following experiments. Experiment 9. Dec. 5, 1829. At 8 o'clock, A. M., after twelve hours abstinence from either food or drinks, I intro- duced, at the perforation, a gum-elastic tube, and drew off a drachm or two only ofthe gastric juice.__ There was no accumulation in the stomach. Experiment 10. Dec. 12. At 3 o'clock, P. M., introduced tube- could procure two or three drachms only—this was secreted on the irritation of the tube. Stomach con- tained none in a free state. OBSERVATIONS. 135 Experiment 11. Dec. 14. At 10 o'clock, P. M., after eighteen hours fasting, introduced tube, and drew off one and a half ounces of gastric juice. It was clear, and al- most transparent; tasted a little saltish and acid, when applied to the tongue, similar to thin mucilage of gum arabic, slightly acidulated with muriatic acid. There was no accumulation in the stomach when the tube was introduced. Experiment 12. March 13, 1830. At 10 o'clock, A. M.—stomach empty—introduced tube; but was unable to obtain any gastric juice. On the application of a few crumbs of bread to the inner surface of the stomach, the juice began slowly to accumulate, and flow through the tube. The crumbs of bread adhered to the mucous coat, soon became soft, and began to dissolve and digest, On viewing the villous mem- brane before applying the bread crumbs, the mucous coat and subjacent follicles only, could be ob- served ; but immediately afterwards, small, sharp pa- pillae, and minute lucid points, situated in the intersti- ces of, and less than, the mucous follicles, became visible; from which exuded a clear, transparent li- quor. It then began to run through the tube. Experiment 13. March 18. At 6 o'clock, P. M., after fasting from 8 o'clock, A. M., introduced tube—obtained one and a half ounces gastric juice, after having kept up the irritation, by moving the tube from point to point, for twelve or fifteen minutes. No accumulation of free juice in the stomach. 136 EXPERIMENTS awd Experiment 14. Jan. 26, 1831. At 9 o'clock, A. M— stomach emp- ty—extracted one ounce gastric juice, slowly through the tube, with the usual admixture of mucus. Intro- duced food, and it began directly to flow more free- ly through the tube. Experiment 15. Jan. 27. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—stomach empty— introduced elastic tube, and obtained one and a half drachms of gastric juice, by very slow distillation. Applied crumbs of bread to the villous coat, and the juice began immediately to flow freely through the tube. Experiment 16. March 6. At 8 o'clock, A. M., extracted two oun- ces gastric juice, and added it to two ounces of Ma- deira wine. No visible change was produced—no coagulae formed. They united, like pure water and wine. Heat produced no other effect Experiment 17. March 7. At G o'clock P. M.—stomach empty- extracted one and a half ounces of juice, and mixed it with the same quantity of Jamaica spirits. Effect same as with wine. Experiment 18. March 8. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—stomach empty- extracted one and a half ounces of gastric juice. Experiment 19. March 12. At 9 o'clock, A. M.—stomach empty- extracted one and a half ounces of gastric juice. Put this in a bottle. OBSERVATIONS; 137 Experiment 20. March 13. At 11 o'clock, A. M.—stomach empty —extracted two ounces of juice. Experiment 21. March 14. At 12 o'clock, M.—stomach empty- extracted two ounces of juice. Experiment 22. March 15. At 4 o'clock P. M.—stomach empty— extracted one and a half ounces gastric juice. Experiment 23. March 16. At 5 o'clock P. M., introduced tube— could obtain no clear gastric juice. A little acrid fluid and frothy mucus, only, could be extracted. Vil- lous membrane red and dry. St. Martin complained of some head ache, pain and distress about the scro- biculus cordis, lassitude and loss of appetite. Direct- ed him to take half an ounce of tincture of aloes and myrrh, at 9 o'clock, P. M. This moved his bowels several times next morning. Little or no change was apparent in the appearance ofthe inner coat ofthe stomach; if any, it was a little more moist, and a shade paler, after the operation of the tincture. Gas- tric juice could again be obtained, but in less than usual quantity. It would seem, from the preceding experiments, that the stomach contains no gastric juice, in a free state, when aliment is not present. Any digestible or irritating substance, when applied to the internal coat, excites the action ofthe gastric vessels. Hence, I infer that the fluid, in these experiments, was inci- 138 EXPERIMENTS AND ted to discharge itself by the irritation of the tube used in extracting it. If, as is contended for by some, a part of the fluid be discharged into the stomach during a fast, I see no reason why nature should withhold the other part. If we may be allowed to argue, independent of more certain data, one great objection to the o- pinion that the stomach contains gastric juice, in a free state, when food is withholden from it, exists in the danger of its passing out through the pyloric ori- fice ; and thus depriving the succeeding meal of the benefit of its solvent action. It is probable that the pyloric orifice opposes no resistance to its egress ; but is obedient to its summons. In this way we may account for its admitting chyme, which is an admix- ture, or rather, combination, of gastric juice and food, to obey the expulsive motions ofthe stomach, and pass out. They both appear to excite the pe- culiar contraction ofthe pyloric end ofthe stomach, mentioned in a former part of this work. Besides, there would be danger of the gastric juice being weakened, by the introduction of large quantities of water, or other fluids, in the intervals of eating, and thus lose its energy, and concentrated solvent pro- perties. The last experiment has considerable pathologi- cal importance. In febrile diathesis, very little or no gastric juice is secreted. Hence, the importance of withholding food from the stomach in febrile com- plaints. It can afford no nourishment; but is actual- ly a source of irritation to that organ, and, conse- quently, to the whole system. No solvent can be se- observations: 139 creted under these circumstances; and food is as insoluble in the stomach, as lead would be under or- dinary circumstances. ' The following, and most ofthe subsequent experi- ments of this series, were instituted with the view Of ascertaining the relative difference between natu- ral and artificial digestion ; to demonstrate the per- formance of digestion out of the stomach, by the gas- tric juice; and, also, the continuation of the natural process, when taken out during the period of chymi- fication. Experiment 24. Dec. 14, 1829. At 1 o'clock, P. M., I took one and a half ounces of gastric juice, fresh from the stomach, after eighteen hours fasting, into an open mouthed vial—put into it twelve drachms recently salted beef, (boiled) and placed it in a basin of water, on a sand bath, and kept it at about 100° (Fahrenheit,) with frequent, gentle agitation. Diges- tion commenced, in a short time, on the surface of the meat, and progressed in that manner uniformly for about six hours, when its solvent action seemed to cease. The meat was at this time, nearly half dissolved; the texture of the central portion consir derably loosened and tender, resembling the same kind of aliment when ejected, partly digested, from the stomach, some hours after being swallowed, as frequently seen in cases of indigestion. The vial, continuing in the same situation, its con- tents varied considerable in their'sensible qualities. In twenty-four hours, the digested portion separated 140 experiments and into a reddish brown precipitate, and whey coloured fluid. I now separated the undigested from the chymous portion, by filtration, through thin muslin. When squeezed dry, it weighed five drachms, two scruples, and eight grains, which, deducted from the twelve drachms of meat put in at first, leaves six drachms and twelve grains, digested in twelve fluid-drachms of gastric juice. This experiment was conducted with as much pre- cision and integrity of observation as possible, with the temperature of the digesting bath kept as near blood heat as was practicable to regulate and con- tinue artificial warmth—the Thermometer varying, during the time, from 90° to 100°. In this experiment, it appears, that it took twelve drachms of gastric juice to digest six drachms and twelve grains of aliment. No certain rule can, how- ever, be given. Allowance must be made for the puri- ty ofthe fluid, or its admixture with mucus and other secretions; for it is altogether probable that there are great variations in it, in this respect, as well as in all the other secretions of the system. It is probable, also, that different kinds of diet require different pro- portions of gastric juice for their solution. That its action is similar to that of other chemical agents I have no doubt, A given quantity of the fluid acts on a definite proportion of aliment, when it becomes sat- urated, and is inadequate to produce any further ef- fect. There is always disturbance ofthe stomach when more food has been received than there is gas- tric juice to act upon it. OBSERVATIONS. 141 Experiment 25. Dec. 16. At 2 o'clock, P. M.—twenty minutes after having eaten an ordinary dinner of boiled, salted beef, bread, potatoes and turnips, and drank a gill only of pure water, I took from his stomach, through the ar* tificial opening, a gill of the contents, into an open mouthed vial. Digestion had evidently commenced, and was perceptibly progressing, at the time. This vial and contents were immediately placed in a basin of water, on the sand bath, at 90° or 100°, and con- tinued there for five hours. The digestion of the contents continued to pro- gress, until all was completely chymified. At 7 o'clock—five hours after eating his dinner— I took out a gill of pure chyme; no particles of undi- gested food appearing in the mixture. Very little difference was perceptible between this last parcel and that in the vial, digesting on the bath. The stomach had digested a little faster and more perfectly than the vial. In this experiment, it seems, that a quantity of ali- ment, taken out of the stomach twenty minutes after having been eaten, had a sufficient admixture of gas- tric juice to ensure its perfect digestion when placed on the bath. An ordinary moderate meal, taken in- to a healthy stomach, is sooner disposed of than most physiologists are aware of; and in this case, it is probable that a sufficient quantity of gastric juice had been secreted in twenty minutes, to digest the whole quantity of aliment in the stomach. When a larger quantity has been received, though the powers of the stomach may be sufficient, ultimately to dis- pose of it, it would undoubtedly be found that a por- tion taken from the stomach a few minutes after ha* 142 experiments and ving been eaten, would not contain a sufficient quan- tity of gastric juice to digest it perfectly. It is possible that the portion presented at the perforation may be in a more advanced stage of digestion, than the rest of the mass, and consequently lighter, and float on the surface ofthe more solid portions of the food. In ordinary cases, such would be found to be the case; but when much fat meat or oily food has been used, the oil always maintains an ascendency in the gastric cavity. Experiment 26. Jan. 11,1830. At 3 o'clock, P. M., dined on bread and eight ounces of recently salted, lean beef, four ounces ofpotatoes, and four ounces ofturnips, boiled. Inffteen minutes,took out a portion ofthe contents of the sto- mach. The meat made its appearance, in an incipient stage of digestion. At 3 o'clock, 45 minutes, took out another portion. The meat and bread only appeared, in a still more advanced stage of digestion. The texture of the meat was, at this time, broken into small shreds, soft and pulpy, and the fluid con- taining it had become more opaque, and quite gruel- like, or rather, glutinous, in appearance. I put this second parcel in a vial, and placed it in water, on the sand bath, at the temperature of the stomach, (100° Fahrenheit,) as indicated by the thermometer immediately preceding its extraction, and continued it there. At 5 o'clock, took out another quantity. Diges- tion had advanced in about the same ratio as from the first to the second time of extracting; and when compared with the second parcel, contained in the vial on the bath, little or no difference could be per- ceived in them; both were nearly in the same stage OBSERVATIONS. 143 of digestion. That contained in the vial had ad- vanced regularly and rapidly ; nearly all the particles of meat had disappeared, become chymified, and changed into a reddish brown sediment, suspended in the more fluid parts, with small particles, resem- bling loose, white coaguloe, floating about near the surface. On taking out the third parcel, small pieces of ve- getables appeared, in a partial stage of digestion. This was also put into a vial, and placed on a bath, with the second parcel, and the same uniform tem- perature (100°) kept up, with frequent, gentle agita- tion. At 6 o'clock, P. M., digestion had progressed c- qually in both. The only difference to be seen, was the particles of vegetables, in a less advanced stage than the meat. The contents of both vials, kept on the bath, and nearly in the same temperature, until the next morn- ing, were completely digested, except the few small particles of vegetables, which remained almost en- tire. The contents of the vials, at this time, were of the consistence of thin jelly, and of a lightish brown co- lour ; tasting peculiarly insipid, saltish and acid. Af- ter standing at rest awhile, the brownish sediment subsided towards the bottom, while small particles of whitish coloured, loose coagulas floated about in the fluid above. The undigested particles of vege- tables settled to the bottom. In the Preliminary Observations, I have endeavour- ed to maintain the proposition, that chyme is homo- geneous in its properties. It would seem from this and some other experiments, that it contains a sedi- ment. This, however, it is believed, does not mili- tate against its homogeneous character. Many sub- stances, that are generally acknowledged to possess 144 EXPERIMENTS AND this character, deposit a sediment, dn standing. ThO heavier parts subside, of course. It is not necessary to cite examples. It is possible, also, that mixed food contains some adventitious, indigestible substances, which are not affected by the gastric juice. This Experiment (26th) demonstrates the com- parative digestibility of animal and vegetable diet. In extracting two parcels, one in fifteen minutes and the other in three quarters of an hour, the meat only made its appearance, partially digested. In taking out a third portion, at 5 o'clock, two hours after ha- ving eaten, small particles of vegetables made their appearance. This experiment appears to confirm the opinion, pretty generally entertained by medical men, that vegetables are less easily disposed of by the gastric organs, than animal or farinaceous sub- stances. With dyspeptics this is undoubtedly true, as experience every day teaches us ; and as their stomachs have the same organization as others, are governed by the same general laws, and are only mo- dified by debility or disease, the conclusion is natu- ral, that they should act on aliment in the same man- ner, in proportion to their strength, that the healthy stomach does. It may be inferred from this experiment, that the more perfectly chymified portions of food rise to the superior part ofthe stomach, as suggested in a pre- vious observation, and are consequently exposed at the perforation, from whence parcel are taken for experiment and examination. OBSERVATIONS. 145 Experiment 27. March 17. At 12 o'clock,M.—drank half a pint of milk. In fifteen minutes, took a portion out of the stomach, in a fine, loosely coagulated condition, per fectly white, and suspended in a semi-transparent, whey coloured fluid. I placed this on the bath, and it continued to digest for eight hours, when the co- agulas were completely taken up. A very small pro- portion of light coloured sediment, settled loosely to the bottom of a cream coloured, sweetish fluid. At the same time that he drank the milk, I put one drachm of gastric juice, warm from the stomach, into two drachms of milk, and placed it on the bath, at the natural temperature, (100° Fahrenheit.) In five mi- nutes, pure, white coagulas formed, which, in fifteen minutes, exactly resembled that taken out of the sto- mach. In twenty minutes, the same fine, loose coa- gulaa were suspended in a similar liquid. These two drachms of milk, mixed with one drachm of pure gastric juice, out of the stomach, gave the same result, and exhibited the same appearance, in nearly the same time, as that which was swalloived, and taken from the stomach. Scarcely a shade of difference could be perceived in four hours. Two drachms of milk, coagulated by acetous acid\, produced coagulae very similar to the other ; but the wheyey part bore no resemblance, except in mere fluidity ; that formed from the gastric fluid being of an opaline, slightly yellowish cast, and the other thin, transparent and watery. The coagulae formed by the gastric juice, contin- ued to digest regularly in their fluid, for about eight hours, when they were completely taken up, and con- verted into chyme. The coagulae formed by the vinegar, remained in the same condition for forty eight-hours, with no other change except, mere subsidence below the wa- tery fluid. T 146 EXPERIMENTS AND It is well known, and this experiment was not ne- cessary to prove it, that milk is coagulated before it receives the solvent action ofthe gastric juice. But it has some degree of importance in demonstrating the fact, that a degree of solidity is necessary for the operation of this agent. And it is a strong argument against the doctrine of digestion by the veins of the stomach. It has been maintained by some, that the veins take up the nutritious parts ofthe food, immediately on their introduction into the stomach. If so, it strikes me that they should do so, as it relates to this kind of aliment, while they are in a fluid state, and more susceptible of absorption by their mouths; and not wait till they have become so- lidified. Wine, spirits, water and other fluids, which conduce nothing towards alimentation, are neither coagulated, nor otherwise affected by the gastric juice. These fluids are not digested; and probably enter the circulatory system without much change. It will be seen, by succeeding experiments, that other fluid, nutritive substances, particularly the albu- men of eggs, are coagulated before they receive the solvent action of the gastric juice. Experiment 28. Jan. 25, 1831. At 1 o'clock, P. M.,he ate a full din- ner of roast beef, potatoes, beets and bread, and kept ex- ercising about his usual employment, as house ser- vant. At 5 o'clock, 25 ms., I took out a portion ofthe con- tents ofthe stomach. Digestion of the different ar- ticles of food had commenced, and considerably advanced. The bread, reduced to a pultaceous con- OBSERVATIONS. 147 dition, appeared floating about in a reddish brown fluid, of a glutinous consistence. A few small par- ticles of the meat could also be seen in the fluid. None of the vegetables were discernible at this time. The fluids tasted slightly acid, giving the flavour pe- culiar to dilute muriatic acid, and very slightly bit- ter. A few grains of carbonate of soda, thrown into a drachm or two of this fluid, produced a slight effer- vescence. At 4 o'clock, 20 mins.—took out another portion, a shade or two darker than the first. This dark co- lour of the chyme, I attributed to his having taken with his dinner, some ofthe outside, scorched pieces ofthe beef. No distinct parts of the food could be seen at this time. Upon the surface of both parcels of fluids, floated a layer, of an oily or lardaceous consistence, which probably was the remains ofthe fat pork which he had eaten for his breakfast. The first parcel con- tained much more of this oily fluid than the last; which leads me to think that a considerable portion of an imperfect chyme, formed from the pork taken at about 10 o'clock, for breakfast, remained in his stomach when he ate his dinner; and then mixed with this aliment, in an imperfect state of digestion. At 5 o'clock, 30 mins.—tried to extract another por- tion—could obtain nothing, except a little gastric juice. The chyme formed from his dinner appeared to have all passed from the stomach. Experiment 29. March 6. At 9 o'clock, A. M.—breakfasted on veni- ison steak, cranberry jelly and bread, and drank a pint of coffee. Twenty minutes after eating, I took a portion from the stomach, in an incipient stage of digestion. Pla- ced this on the bath. At 9 o'clock, 45 ms.-took out another portion, in an 148 EXPERIMENTS AND advanced stage of digestion—very few small particles of food were discernible. At 10 o'clock,10 mins.—took out another portion, completely chymified. At 10 o'clock, 35 mins.—the stomach was entirely empty and clean—no chyme or aliment to be found in it. The breakfast, eaten at 9 o'clock, was all digested, and had passed through the pylorus, in one hour and thirty-five minutes. This is an example ofthe great rapidity of diges- tion in some instances. This rapidity depends upon various circumstances—principally upon moderation in quant ty, and the digestible properties of the food used. From various trials, I am confident, ge- nerally speaking, that venison is the most digestible of any diet ofthe fibrinous kind. In a few instances, it will be perceived, that other articles of diet were disposed of in a shorter period, than the venison was in this experiment. Experiment 30. March 7. Mixed two drachms of albumen of a fresh egg, with two drachms of gastric juice, warm from the stomach, and placed it on the bath, at the natural temperature. The juice and the albumen were so much alike in their appearance, when first mixed, that the change was not perceptible ; but in ten or fifteen minutes, small, white flocculi began to appear, floating about; and the mixture became of an opaque and whitish appearance. This continued slowly and uniformly to increase, for three hours, at which time, the fluid had become of a milky appear- ance ; the small flocculi, or loose coagulae, had most- ly disappeared, and a little light coloured sediment subsided to the bottom. OBSERVATIONS. 149 At the same time of the above experiment, he swallowed the white of two eggs, unmixed with any other food. The stomach was perfectly empty at the time. In thirty minutes, I took out and examined a por- tion. It exhibited a similar appearance to that mix- ed out of the stomach, in the vial on the bath, only more rapid in its progress. In one hour and thirty minutes, I examined the cavity ofthe stomach, and found nothing but a little pure gastric juice. The albumen was completely digest- ed, and disposed of. Experiment 31. March 9. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—stomach empty— temperature 98°—took out two ounces gastric juice. Divided this into two equal parts, and put them into separate vials—to each of which, I put equal quan- tities of roasted beef—placed one of them on the bath, at 99°, and the other in the open air, at 34°. I then put the same quantity of the meat into an equal quantity of clear water, and placed it with the cold ga-tric juice and meat in the open air, at the same temperature. At 9 o'clock, he had finished breakfasting on the same kind of meat, with the addition of warm, light biscuit, butler, and a pint of coffee. Temperature of the stomach, immediately before eating, 100°. In thirty minutes after eating, the temperature rose to 102°.* Digestion rapidly advancing. At 10 o'clock—took out a portion, partially digest- ed ; the biscuit the most so of any part ofthe break- fast. Placed this on the bath. The meat, contained in the vial of gastric juice on the bath, was, at this time, in about the same condi- tion as that taken from the stomach; very little dif- * Probably the effect of exercise, but not noticed at the time, 150 EXPERIMENTS AND ference could be perceived. The biscuit which he had eaten with his breakfast occasioned the only dif- ference ; that being reduced to a soft pulp. The meat in the cold gastric juice was, at this time, much less advanced, than either that in the warm juice, or in the portion taken from the sto- mach. That contained in the vial of water was merely macerated, and had no more appearance of diges- tion than what was effected by its being masticated, and mixed with the saliva, as were the other pieces of meat, before they were put into the gastric juice. At 10 o'clock, 45 mins. I examined the stomach, but could find no distinct particles of food, and but very little chyme. His breakfast appeared to have been completely digested, and had left the stomach. Tem- perature 100°. At 2 o'clock, P. M., the several parcels of meat placed in the gastric juice, on the bath, being about half digested, and appearing not to progress, I drew off twelve drachms of gastric juice from the empty stomach, and added four drachms to each, including the parcel taken from the stomach, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,that being in about the same state of chymifica- tion with the others on the bath. ■ I continued the two on the bath, at 100°, and the others, (cold gastric and aqueous fluids) on the shelf, at 34°. Digestion evidently recommenced in the parcels on the bath, and again regularly progressed, after the addition of the second portions of the gas- tric juice; and more rapidly in the vial containing the meat digesting in the gastric juice, taken out ofthe stomach first, than in the one containing the chy- mous portion, taken out at 10 o'clock, A. M., one hour after having eaten. This parcel, however, con- tained a solid piece of meat, which appeared to have been swallowed without being masticated; and con^ sequently did not readily yield to the solvent action of the gastric juice. The juice was, also, in too small proportion completely to digest it. OBSERVATIONS. 151 The vials containing the cold aqueous and gastric portions, placed on the shelf, were, at 4 o'clock, P. M., but very little changed, and much alike. These four parcels, after standing for twenty-four hours, and all suffered to get cool, exhibited the fol- lowing appearances. The portion taken from the stomach at 10 o'clock, A. M., one hour after having eaten, was the most perfectly digested, and completely converted into a thick pultaceous mass, of a reddish brown colour, with the exception ofthe piece of unmasticated meat, which remained entire and undigested, This emit- ted a sharp, rancid smell, and was slightly bitter. The vial containing the meat digesting in the gastric juice first taken out of the stomach, exhibited ap- pearances very similar to the last, though the contents were less perfectly digested. It was not of so thick consistence; but gave the same sharp smell and bit- ter taste, with the addition of an empyrcumatic and slightly foetid flavour. The empyreuma, I attributed to a portion ofthe meat being a little dry and scorched when first put in; and the foetor, to the temperature of the bath having been accidentally raised consider- ably above 100°, during the experiment. The cold gastric and aqueous portions very nearly resembled each other; both macerated, but not digest- ed; differing essentially from the other two, in not ex- hibiting any appearance of chyme. The cold gastric juice had very little, if any, more effect on the meat, than the water; and retained its peculiar taste. Its colour was darki.sh brown, while the latter was of a reddish grey. At 9 o'clock, A. M., of the 10th, I placed both of them on the bath, and continued them for twenty-four hours, at the natural temperature. An essential difference in the gastric liquor was pro- duced, after being placed on the bath. Digestion evidently advanced ; the colour became lighter and lighter; the meat diminished; and a thin, light, paste- like liquor formed, as in the other two portions, at first placed on the bath. The aqueous portion ex- 152 EXPERIMENTS AND hibited no other appearance than that of simple ma- ceration in warm water. At the end ofthe last twen- ty-four hours, on the bath, appearances of incipient putrefactive fermentation began to be manifested, as the evolution of small bubbles of foetid gas, and a change of colour from a reddish to a greenish shade. A difference in the degrees of chymification be- tween the several parcels, was now very evidc.it. The gastric portion, or that taken from the sto- mach, an hour after breakfast, was the most diges- ted. The artificial, or that portion of the gastric juice and meat, first placed on the warm bath, was next, and nearly as much digested; though a difference was observable. The third, or portion of gastric juice and meat, first placed in a cool situation, after having been on the warm bath for six or eight hours, v.as the next, but considerably less digested than the second. The fourth, or aqueous portion, exhibited no ap- pearance of chymification. It would seem, from this experiment, that a cer- tain degree of heat is necessary to the action ofthe gastric juice. One parcel of the meat, after being exposed to the cold gastric juice for twenty-four hours, exhibited very little change ; but being placed on the bath, at the end of this time, digestion com- menced, and advanced, regularly, as in the other parcels. It also appears, that after the process of digestion has ceased, for want of a sufficient quanti- ty of gastric juice, it will recommence on the addi- tion of a fresh supply. It was necessary to add an- other quantity, even to that portion taken out of the stomach, to ensure its perfect digestion. This, I think, is an evidence, that the fluid is discharged in- OBSERVATIONS; 153 to the stomach gradually and progressively, accordr ing to the requirements ofthe aliment. If the por- tion left in the stomach had received, at the time the parcel was taken out, the whole quantity it was des- tined to receive, it must have been imperfectly digest- ed, and have remained in the stomach, precisely in the situation of that which was taken out, and sub- mitted to artificial digesiton; which is proved not to have received its full supply for perfect digestion. But subsequent examination demonstrated that it was perfectly digested, and had nearly all passed out ofthe stomach, in two hours. Hence, the conclusion is irresistible, that it received an additional quantity after the portion was taken from the 6tomaich, one hour after eating. Experiment 32. March 12. At 8 o'clock, A. M., extracted one ounce of gastric juice. At 9 o'clock, he breakfasted on fat pork, bread and potatoes. One hour afterwards, examined contents of stomach—found a heterogeneous mixture, resem- bling thick porridge. At 1 o'clock, P. M.—four hours after having eaten —took out a portion, in a complete chymous state, without any entire particles of food to be seen. It was of a milky, or rather thin, gruel-like consistence^ and considerably tinged with yellow bile; a circum- stance which I had but once before observed in my experiments upon him. And this I supposed to have been the effect of violent anger, which occurred about the time of taking out this parcel. This experiment shows the effect of violent passion on the digestive apparatus. The presence of bile* U 154 EXPERIMENTS AND in this instance, was believed to be the effect of anger-; Ih a healthy state of the stomach, and an equable frame of mind, this substance has seldom been found in the stomach. When so found, except under pej culiar circumstances of diet, it may generally be re- garded as an indication of either mental or corpo- real disease; and may be considered a foreign and offending substance in that organ. I believe its ef- fect is to change the properties of chyme, (as it wilt. be seen that it does, in subsequent experiments,) al- ter its homogeneous quality, and retard, or otherwise disturb its due egress into its destined receptacle, the duodenum. Experiment 33. March 13. At 1 o'clock, P. M.—dined on roasted beef, bread and potatoes. In half an hour, examined contents of stomach—found what he had eaten re- duced to a mass, resembling thick porridge. At 2 o'clock, examined again—nearly all chymi- fied—a few distinct particles of food, still to be seen. At 4 o'clock, 30 mins., chymification complete. At 6 o'clock, examined stomach—found nothing but a little gastric juice, tinged with bile. Experiment 34. March 14. At 8 o'clock. 15"mins.—introduced two ounces of rare, roasted beef, suspended by a string, in- to the stomach; and at the same time, put one drachm of the same kind of meat into twelve drachms of gastric juice, contained in a vial, and put it into his bosom. The piece in his stomach, exa- mined every hour, till 12 o'clock, M., exhibited an unifoi'm, but very slow process of digestion, confined OBSERVATIONS. 155 entirely to the surface of the meat. In four hours, about half of it, only, was dissolved and gone. That in the bosom, at the same time, digested still slower, owing, probably, to the circumstances, that the fluid in the vial had been taken out when the stomach was in a morbid condition, and had been permitted to get cold, even to the freezing point. This last cir- cumstance, however, was probably, of less imporr tance than the other. The meat in the stomach was too much confined by the string; was not per- mitted to move about freely in the gastric fluids by the natural motions ofthe stomach; and consequent- ly did not digest so fast as it otherwise would have done Another circumstance or two, may also, have contributed to interrupt the progress of digestion, such as anger and impatience, which were manifest- ed by the subject, during this experiment. This experiment shows the necessity of a perfect comminution of the articles of diet. The gastric juice acted very slowly on. a large, solid piece of meat. Digestion or solution was confined entirely to the outer surface. This, in addition to the other causes, mentioned above, produced the delay in di- gestion. Experiment 35. March 14. At 12 o'clock, M.—ate a pint of milk, and four ounces of bread. Examined stomach in thirty minutes—found the milk coagulated, and the bread reduced to a soft pulp, floating in a large proportion of fluid. At 10 o'clock, 30 mins.—took out, and examined a portion—found it a thick pultaceous mass of bread, coagulae and fluid, of a milky colour, slightly bitter taste, and acid smell. Placed it on the bath, where it continued to become more and more milky for an 156 EXPERIMENTS AMD hour, when every particle seemed to be reduced to a rich fluid mass, resembling milk porridge. The portion taken out thirty minutes after having been eaten, and kept on the bath, retained the ap- earance ofthe gastric fluid, with distinct flocculi of read and coagulae, floating about, and suspended in the fluid, and a little coarse precipitate at the bot- tom, after standing at rest a while. At 2 o'clock—examined stomach—found it nearly empty. The bread and milk appeared to have been disposed of, and were gone from the stomach. In this experiment, it took two hours for the digesn tion of a meal of bread and milk; something shorter than the usual time for the disposal of an ordinary meal. For those who have healthy and unsophistica- ted stomachs, milk appears to be one ofthe best ar- ticles of diet we possess. It is less stimulating than flesh, and more nutritious than vegetables. For per- sons who are disposed to pyrexial complaints, and who are not obliged to perform hard and exhausting labour, it is the most appropriate diet. Bat the sto- mach is a creature of habit. It can become accus- tomed to any kind of diet; and sudden changes are liable to derange its healthy actions. To those ac- customed to what is called high living, such as strong pieats, strong drinks, and high seasoned food, of all kinds, the transition to a milk diet, which contains a considerably lowered stimulation, would probably be an imprudent change. When necessary, the change should be so gradual, that the stomach should by de- grees, become accommodated to it. OBSERVATIONS. 157 Experiment 36. At 2 o'clock, 30 mins.-dined on fresh beefand vege- table soup, and four ounces of bread. At 3 o'clock, 20 ms., examined contents of stomach —found a pulpous mass, of the consistence of thick gruel, and of a semi-gelatinous appearance. The soup appeared to have had its more fluid parts ab- sorbed ; for it was, at this time, much more consist- ent than when eaten. It was even thicker than the contents ofthe stomach usually are, after eating more solid food. Placed this on the bath. At 5 o'clock, topk out another portion, of a whitish colour, and more'paste-like consistence, mixed with a little thin, transparent yellowish fluid, of an acid taste. The thick part had the flavour of bile, but not the colour. Here the uniform laws with respect to liquid diet, appeared to govern the action of the gastric juice. The soup could not be digested until it was formed into a harder mass, by the absorption of the watery part. There was a less quantity of fluid than is usual after eating more solid food. This is another stri- king demonstration of the laws that govern the ac- tion of the stomachic solvent. If water were per- mitted to remain in the stomach, it would render the soup too liquid to be acted on by the gastric juice. Experiment 37. March 15. At 8 o'clock 30 mins. A. M.—break- fasted on fresh sausage, light pancakes, and a pint of coffee. At 9 o'clock, 30 mins.—examined, and found the stomach full of fluids, mixed with the aliment; and a large portion of clear oil floated on the top, and presented itself at the perforation of thie stomach. 158 EXPERIMENTS AND At 10 o'clock, 30 ms., I took out a portion—found the cakes and particles of meat about half digested, with some oil, pure, bland andiimpid, rising upon the top, untouched by digestion. Placed it on the bath. At 12 o'clock, M., examined stomach—found no vestige of his breakfast—not a particle of oil was to be seen—nothing but pure gastric juice could be ex- tracted, of which, I took out twelve drachms. That portion of his breakfast, taken out at 10 o'- clock and 30 minutes, was at this time, almost com- pletely chymified, a few small particles of oil only re- maining. The chymous mass of a milky colour, and thick, gruel-like consistence. Experiment 38. March 16. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins. A. M.—break- fasted on fresh meat and vegetable hash, bread, and a pint of coffee. At 1,0 o'clock, 30 mins.—examined—found but very few particles of his breakfast in the stomach—some oil, and a few flocculi of a brown colour, run out with a little thin fluid. At 11 o'clock—examined again—found nothing but a little gastric juice. Breakfast was gone, and the, stomach clean. These experiments, (37th and 38thr) are continued proofs ofthe solvent action ofthe gastric juice. Experiment 39. At 2 o'clock, P. M.—same day—dined on recently salted, lean beef, pork, potatoes, carrots, turnips and bread. At 5 o'clock—examined—found the stomach clear of food, but containing a quantity of white, frothy mucus—villous coat inclined to dryness, and deeper pink colour. St. M. complained of some head ache, pain and distress at the pit ofthe stomach—dry skin OBSERVATIONS. 159 and thirst. Directed him to take four drachms of tincture of aloes and myrrh at bed time. This operated two or three times next morning, and gave relief. The gastric juice, however, was not obtained in its Usual quantity and quality, for twenty-four or thirty- six hours afterwards. Experiment 40. March 18. At 9 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted on soused tripe and pig's feet, bread and coffee. At 9 o'clock, 30 mins.—took out, and examined a portion—found it in a half digested condition, tripe, pig's feet and bread all reduced to a pulp, floating in a large proportion of fluids. Placed it on the bath. At 10 o'clock—examined stomach again—tried to extract another portion—could find little or no chyme—a very little gastric juice, with a few small, fibrous particles of tripe, and some coffee grounds. His breakfast appeared to have been digested, and had passed from the stomach, in one hour. The portion first taken out, and placed on tho bath, was also, at the end of one hour, reduced to nearly a complete chymous condition; a very few of the small particles of tripe and coffee grounds only left, as in the stomach. This is an example of astonishing rapidity of gas- trie solution; and that, too, of articles generally re- garded as rather hard of digestion. That there could be.no mistake, I infer from the fact, that a portion taken out of the stomach, thirty minutes after having been received, and submitted to the artificial mode, exhibited the same result. Experiment 41. At 1 o'clock, P. M.—same day—he ate eight oun* ces of calf"'s foot jelly, and iiothing else. 160 EXPERIMENTS AND In twenty minutes, examined stomach, and took out a portion of its contents, consisting of gastric juice, combined with the jelly, nearly all of it in a fluid form; a few particles only of entire jelly, suspended in the fluids, with a few small, yellowish white coa- gulae, floating near the surface, could be perceived. At 2 o'clock—examined again—extracted a little fluid, but found no appearance of jelly. The operation of gastric juice on gelatine, is very difficult to be detected. Unlike albumen, it is unsus- ceptible of coagulation ; and it is probable that the gastric juice acts upon it, in its soft-solid state. This was disposed of in a short period. It was, however, but a small quantity, and was much sooner digested than a full meal would have been. From various trials, I am disposed to think that gelatine, if not in too concrete a state, is a very di- gestible article of diet. During the examination, at this time, St. Martin swallowed part of a glass of water, and being situa- ted in a sfrong light, favourable to an internal view, through the aperture, I distinctly saw the water pass into the cavity of the stomach, through the cardiac Orifice—a circumstance, perhaps, never before wit- nessed, in a living subject. On taking repeated draughts of water, while in this position, it would gush out at the aperture, the instant it passed through the cardia. Food, swallowed in this posi- tion, could be distinctly seen to enter the stomach. Experiment 42. April 7. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—breakfasted- on three hard boiled eggs, pancakes and coffct. OBSERVATIONS. iei At 8 o'clock, 30 mins.—examined stomach—found a heterogeneous mixture of the several articles eaten, slightly digested. At 8 o'clock, 45 mins.—examined again—found contents reduced in quantity, and changed in quality —about half digested. At 10 o'clock, 15 mins., no part of the breakfast remained in the stomach. This, and the four following experiments, throw no additional light on the subject of digestion, except so far as relates to the period of chymification. This, it will be perceived, depends something upon the quantity eaten. The quality, however, is not to be overlooked. Experiment 43. At 11 o'clock, 15 mins., A. M.—same day—he ate two roasted eggs and three ripe apples. In thirty minutes, examined stomach—found a he- terogeneous mixture, in an incipient stage of diges- tion. At 12 o'clock, 15 mins., M.—examined again— found the stomach clear; no vestige of apples or eggs. Experiment 44. At 2 o'clock, P. M.—same day—dined on roasted pig and vegetables. At 3 o'clock—examined, and found it about half chymified. At 4 o'clock, very little remained in the stomach. At 4 o'clock, 30 minutes, nothing remained but a very little gastric juice. Experiment 45. April 8. At 2 o'clock, P. M.,he dined on wild goose, At 3 o'clock—stomach full of fluids, with a iavgti X 162 EXPERIMENTS AND portion of oil, floating on the surface; the goose flesh in small shreds, and soft; digesting rapidly. * At 4 o'clock—contents of stomach two thirds gone —that remaining, chymified. At 4 o'clock, 30 mins., tho stomach was empty and clean. Experiment 46. April 9. At 3 o'clock, P. M., he dined on boiled, dried codfish, potatoes,parsnips, bread, anddrawn butter. At 3 o'clock, 30 mins.—examined, and took out a portion, about half digested ; the potatoes the least so of any part ofthe dinner. The fish was broken down into small filaments; the bread and parsnips were not to be distinguished. At 4 o'clock—examined another portion. Diges- tion had regularly advanced. Very few particles of fish remained entire. Some of the potatoes were distinctly to be seen. At 4 o'clock, 30 mins.—took out, and examined another portion—all completely chymified. At 5 o'clock—stomach empty. The preceding Experiments, I think, plainly de- monstrate the solvent properties of the gastric juice Wheh aliment is submitted to it, out ofthe stomach, its operation is rather slower than when the process of digestion is assisted by the natural warmth and mo- tions of that organ. One reason, probably is, the dif- ficulty of maintaining a bath at the exact, necessary temperature; and another one may present itself, in the impossibility of perfectly imitating the motions ofthe stomach. With all these disadvantages, how- ever, chyme formed in this way, presents the same uniform, sensible appearance, as that, which is form- ed in the stomach, by natural process. OBSERVATIONS. 163 That the cold gastric juice should not act at all, or but very imperfectly, on aliment, is no proof, in my opinion, that it does not possess solvent powers, even on the admission that it was a debatable ques- tion. There are but a few chemical combinations that do not require caloric to effect their operations, and none, perhaps, that are not facilitated by it. Some, and indeed, many of them require an intense heat. I am under the impression, though I have ne- ver fairly tested the truth of it, that gastric juice would, in a sufficient length of time, act on aliment, in a cold state. But I am not anxious to contend for any extraordinary or unnecessary powers of this fluid. Nor is it necessary to prove that it will act on cold substances, or in cold situations. It is perfectly manifest, that its operation is that of a chemical agent; that it dissolves aliment out of the stomach, when the warmth and motions of that organ are imitated; and that it changes the various and heterogeneous articles, submitted to its action, toAan uniform, homogeneous semi-fluid, varying, however, slightly in colour and consistence, accord- ing to the aliment used. With a view to ascertain, if practicable, what ef- fects were produced by the Bile and Pancreatic Juice, when added to Chyme, I instituted the follow- ing Experiments. Not being able to procure human bile, in a pure state, I obtained some beefs gall, and for pancreatic 164 EXPERIMENTS AND juice, substituted diluted muriatic acid, (one scruple acid to six ounces water.) I was induced to use this acid, from a resemblance observed between its taste and that ofthe pancreatic juice, and not being able to obtain any of that fluid at the time. These experiments are certainly very imperfect but such as they are, I submit them to the public. They may tend to pave the way to more perfect ex- periments on these fluids. Experiment 47. I divided the chyme, produced in Experiment 24, Second Series, (Dec. 14th, 1829,) into two equal parts, about five drachms each. To one of which. I added one drachm of the Ox gal}. Fine coagulae were immediately produced, of a slightly yellowish green colour. To this, I then added one drachm of dilute muriatic acid ; which immediately produced a white balsamic mixture. This, after standing at rest a few minutes, separated into three distinct parts ; a clay coloured sediment at the bottom, a whey colour- ed fluid above, and a thin, oi}y, whitish pellicle on the top. Experiment 48. To an ounce ofthe chyme, formed in Experiment 25, (Dec. 16th,) I added one drachm ofthe Ox gall; which immediately converted it into a milky fluid, very finery coagulated. To this, I added one drachm of the diluted muriatic acid, which at first, increased the coagulae; but immediately after, threw down a brown precipitate. This, on the addition of more bile and acid, varied in colour, according to the dif- ferent proportions put in, from a light clay colour, OBSERVATIONS. 165 to a dark brown, tinged with green, without any change in the colour or consistence of the fluid above. On standing at rest, it separated into three distinct parts, a brown sediment at the bottom, a yellowish or whey coloured fluid in the middle, and a thin, milky white pellicle on the top. Experiment 49. Having procured some fresh gall, from an Ox re- cently slaughtered, I added twenty drops of it to four drachms of the chyme formed in Experiment 26, (Jan. 11th, 1830.) A turbid, yellowish white fluid, or rather, very fine, cream-coloured coagulae., imme- diately formed ; which, after standing a few minutes, separated into bright, yellow coloured coagulae, sub- siding towards the bottom, and a turbid, milk colour- ed liquid above. By adding twenty drops more of the bile to this, the coagulae were increased, more collected toge- ther, and changed in colour, from a yellow to a greenish hue. The addition of twenty drops more of bile, (ma- king, in the whole, one drachm,) concentrated a deep grass green, jelly-like deposition at the bottom of the vial. The fluid above, became more milky in ap- pearance ; and the coagulae and sediment became darker on the addition of bile. I now added twenty drops of the dilute muriatic acid to other four drachms of the same kind of chyme, without bile. This produced no change in the colour or consistence, but increased the saline, acid taste, peculiar to the gastric and pancreatic juices, when uncombined with chyme. By adding bile to this, the same effects and ap- pearances were present as in the other similar experi- ments ; viz. : a yellowish brown sediment at the bot- tom, a whey coloured fluid in the middle, and a whits pellicle on the top. 166 EXPERIMENTS AND To observe the different effects produced between a combination of bile and muriatic acid in clear wa- ter, and that of the chymous mass, I mixed equal quantities of the gall and dilute acid, one drachm each, with two ounces of water. This at first pro- duced an effect, and exhibited an appearance, simi- lar to that of their combination with chyme ; but gradually changed to a bluish, green coloured, thin fluid, with a deep green, jelly-like deposition at the bottom, without any ofthe milky appearance of the chymous mixtures, or white pellicle on the top. Experiment 50. To four drachms of gastric juice, fresh from the stomach, I added forty drops of Ox gall, which pro- duced a turbid, yellowish green fluid, yielding no sediment. Forty drops dilute muriatic acid, added to other four drachms ofthe gastricjuice, effected no change in its appearance. Equal parts ofthe bile and muriatic acid, mixed together, produced a fluid of exactly the same colour as the first; but was less consistent. On mixing the two first together, and adding two drachms of chyme from the stomach, very fine coagu- lae formed in a milky fluid, throwing down a brown- ish sediment, from a whey coloured liquor, with the same milky pellicle on the surface, as in the former experiments. To one ounce of chyme, formed in a vial, on the bath, I added two drachms of bile. A turbid, yellow- ish white mixture formed, without sediment, or im- mediate separation of any kind. To another ounce ofthe same chyme, I added two drachms of the dilute acid. No change in its ap- pearance was perceptible. I then mixed them together, and the appearance of both was changed. Whitish coagulae formed, and OBSERVATIONS, »67 let fall a brown sediment, leaving an opaque, wney coloured fluid above, with a pelliclo or white flocculi on the surface. Experiment 51. Bile added to the third portion of chyme, taken from the stomach one hour and ten minutes after a breakfast of venison steak, &c., Experiment 29, (March 6th, 1831,) changed it from a brownish, ho- mogeneous paste, to a milky fluid, with small, white flocculi, floating about, or adhering to the sides of the vial: and a light brown sediment settled to the bottom. The usual proportion of dilute muriatic acid, ad- ded to this, produced no very essential change in its appearance, causing only a little more deposition of sediment, and slightly increasing the milky colour. Experiment 52. Bile added to the chyme formed from the eggs, digested out of the stomach, Experiment 30, (March 7th, 1831,) produced a rich, milky fluid, with a small quantity of fine, light coloured sediment, falling to the bottom. The dilute acid, added to this, produced fine coa- gulae, and formed a milk white whey, or fluid, from which, more of the light coloured sediment was pre- cipitated. Experiment 53. More minutely to observe the respective changes by the addition of bile and muriatic acid, in the seve- ral parcels of chyme formed in Experiment 31, (March 9th, 1831,) and to note their difference, I put equal quantities of each into glasses, and added a portiqn of hog's gall. 168 EXPERIMENTS AND In the first, (that taken from the stomach at 10 o'clock, one hour after having eaten,) fine, bright or- ange coloured coagulae were immediately formed, equally diffused through a fluid of the same colour, exhibiting no perceptible sediment on standing at rest; but held the coagulae, uniformly suspended throughout the fluid. The dilute acid, added to this, occasioned a copious sediment to fall to the bottom, and with it, all the colour ofthe mixture, leaving a transparent, semi-gelatinous-like fluid above, in the proportion of about three-fifths of the whole; upon the surface of which, floated a thin, white pellicle. The second portion, (that produced on the bath) under the same treatment, exhibited nearly the same appearance, with the exception of the colour, which was a shade or two lighter. The sediment was not quite so compact; the fluid less gelatinous; and there was less ofthe white pellicle on the surface. The third portion, treated like the other two, dif- fered about as much from the second, as this did from the first. They all exhibited the same general appearance. The fourth, or aqueous portion, under the same treatment, exhibited a wide difference. The same proportion of bile added to this, produced a similar coloured fluid, at first, with a very little coarse coa- gulae—not so uniformly diffused through the liquid; but inclining more to precipitation. On adding the acid, it let fall a very small quantity of yellowish green sediment, leaving a thin, semi-transparent fluid, in more than quadruple the proportion of the other three. Experiment 54. Bile and dilute muriatic acid, added to a portion of the bread and milk chyme, formed in Experi- ment 35, (March 14th,) produced their usual coagu- lation and precipitation, but of a lighter yellow ; the sediment forming about one fourth ofthe mass. Th« OBSERVATIONS. 169 small, white particles, forming the pellicle on the top, were in greater proportion than in some of the other experiments, especially those on lean meats. The fluid part was in greater proportion to the sedi- ment, and of a whey colour and consistence. To another equal quantity of this same kind of chyme, I added bile, as in the other, and instead of muriatic acid, I used pancreatic juice, fresh from a re- cently slaughtered beef. An appearance exactly similar to that produced by the acid, was exhibited, except that the precipitate was more slowly thrown down, and in larger proportion; and the white pel- licle on the surface was less. The fluid and sedi- ment were a shade lighter, and in more equal pro- portions. Experiment 3&. Pancreatic juice, combined with the chyme of roast beef, formed both in and out of the stomach, increased its thin, paste-like consistence, and gave it more of a cream colour. Bile, added to this, produ- ced fine coagulae, suspended from the top to the bot- tom, without depositing any distinct sediment. Di- luted muriatic acid darkened the whitish colour, a shade or two, threw down a more copious sediment, and increased the white pellicle on the top. Experiment 56. Bile and pancreatic juice, added to the fresh meat and vegetable soup chyme, Experiment 36, (March 14th, 1832,) produced loose, cream coloured coagu- lae ; which, on standing, separated into three, about equal proportions; a coarse, brownish sediment, a semi-transparent, whey coloured fluid, and a thick, white pellicle at the top. Y EXPERIMENTS, fi&C THIRD SERIES. Washington, D. C. 1832, Experiment 1. Dee. 4. At 2 o'ck, 30 ms., P. M.—Weather cloudy, damp and snowing—Th : 35°—Wind N. W. and brisk—the temperature under the tongue was 99°; in. the stomach, 101°. Dined, at 3 o'clock, 30 mins., on. beef soup, meat and bread. 4 o'clock, 15 mins.—took out a portion—particles of beef slightly macerated, and partially digested. 5 o'clock, 15 mins.—took out another portion—digestion more advanced—meat reduced to a pulp; particles of bread and oil floating on the top. Temperature of stomach, 100°. 6 o'- clock, 45 mins.—digestion not completed—contents considerably diminished. 7 o'clock, 45 mins.—sto- mach empty—chyme all passed out. Experiment 2. Dec. 5. At 7 o'clock, A. M., temperature of the stomach, 100°; ofthe atmosphere, 30°. At 1 o'clock, P. M.—temperature of stomach, 100° —atmosphere, 40°—he ate eleven raw oysters, and three dry crackers ; and I suspended one raw oyster in- to the stomach, through the aperture, by a string. 1 o'clock, 30 mins.—examined—stomach full of flu- OBSERVATIONS. 171 ids—digestion not much advanced. The oyster on the string appeared entire, though perhaps slightly affected on the surface. 2 o'clock—examined, and took out oyster—about one third digested, but re- tained its shape. 2 o'clock, 30 mins.—oyster gone from the string, except a small piece ofthe heart. Temperature of the stomach 1011°. Fluids less considerable. 4 o'clock, 15 mins.-stomach empty. Experiment 3. At 3 o'ck, 45 ms., P M., same day, he dined on roast turkey, potatoes and bread. 1 o'clock, 30 mins.—ex- amined, and took out a portion. Turkey nearly all dissolved—vegetables half reduced. 5 o'clock, 15 mins.—took out another portion, almost completely chymified. 5 o'clock, 45 mins.—examined again— stomach nearly empty. 6 o'clock—some chyme yet remaining. 6 o'clock 15 mins.—stomach empty. Experiment 4. Dec. 6. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M., he break- fasted on bread and butter, and one pint of coffee. 9 o'clock, 45 mins.—examined—stomach full of fluids. 10 o'clock, 30 mins.—examined, and took out a por- tion, resembling thin gruel, in colour and consist- ence, with the oil of the butter floating on the top; a few small particles of the bread, and some mucus, falling to the bottom-—about two thirds digested. It had a sharp, acid taste. Temperature of the sto- mach, 100°—atmosphere, 38°. 11 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 5. At 4 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., same day—he dined on sausage and bread; full meal. 5 o'clock, 30 miris. —stomach full of fluids ; digestion but very little ad- vanced. 6 o'clock, 30 mins.—digestion considera- bly advanced: few distinct particles of sausage and bread to be seen entire. 7 o'clock, 30 mins,, sto- maeh empty. 172 EXPERIMENTS AND Experiment 6. Dec. 7. At 8 o'clock, A. M.,---examined stomach, and took out, with considerable difficulty, an ounce only, of gastric juice, and that not very pure. Some yellow bile came mixed with the latter portions. Temperature ofthe stomach, 99°—atmosphere 28°. He breakfasted, at 9 o'clock, on corn and wheat bread, butter, and coffee. At 10 o'clock, 45 mins.—examined, and took out a portion—food partly digested; few small particles to be seen. Stomach full of fluids, with a thin pelli' cle of oil on the top. Temperature of the sto- mach, 100°. At 12 o'clock, M.—stomach full of fluids-.-diges- tion not complete—particles of bread floating about in a pulpous state—oil floating on the surface. At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., M.,—examined—contents of stomach half diminished—distinct particles of oil on the surface. At 12 o'clock, 45 mins.—entire particles of bread, yet to be seen—quantity of fluid diminishing. At 1 o'clock, P. M.—distinct particles of bread still floating—fluid less. At 1 o'clock, 15 mins.—stomach empty. Some indications of gastric derangement this morning: small aphthous patches on the mucous membrane: juice acrid and sharp, with bile mixed with it. Experiment 7. At 3 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., same day, he dined on roasted mutton, bread and potatoes. 4 o'clock, 45 mins. —examined—stomach full—digestion advancing. 5 o'clock, 45 mins.—contents of stomach three quar- ters reduced in quantity, and almost completely chy- mified. 6 o'clock, 30 mins.—stomach nearly empty; a little pulp of the bread only to be seen, floating in p little milky fluid, 7 o'clock....stomach empty. OBSERVATION*. 173 Experiment 8. Dee. 8. At 5 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M....temperature of stomach, 99°. 9 o'clock... .finished breakfasting on fried sausage, dry toast, and a pint of coffee. 10 o'clock, 30 mins....stomach full of fluids....villous coat red and irritable, inclining to dryness....a thin, whitish coat on the tongue, and a similar appearance on the pro- truded portion of the stomach. 11 o'clock, 45 mins. ....stomach full....oil floating on the top, and rancid. Temperature of stomach, 99°....atmosphere, 46°. Weather damp and cloudy. ^ This, and the 6th Experiment, show, that when there are indications of disease on the coats ofthe stomach, and on the tongue, digestion is consequent- ly protracted; and, also, that oil is particularly hard of digestion. Experiment 9. At 9 o'clock, A. M., same day, the vial containing the bread and butter aliment, taken from the stomach on the 5th inst. (Experiment 4,) at half past 10 o'- clock, A. M., was placed on the bath for four hours, in the usual temperature, between 95° and 100°. Di- gestion commenced, and advanced regularly, partial- ly reducing the oil to a milky fluid. Dec. 9. At 11 o'clock, A. M....added one ounce of gastric juice, and continued it on the bath for eight hours, when the oil became more, but not completely digested; particles of the limpid oil being still per- ceptible. This affords an example of the re-commencement of digestion, after the operation had ceased, by the addition of a fresh supply of gastric juice. Experiment 10. At 2 o'clock, 45 mins., P. M., same day, (Dec. 8,) I suspended a roasted outweighing, when raw, four i/4 EXPERIMENTS AND drachms, into the stomach, and he ate twelve of the same kind, each weighing about the same. At 4 o'clock, 30 mins....examined....oystcr remaining on the string, not half digested....fluid in the stomach rancid. Complained of head ache, lassitude, dull pains in the left side, and across the breast....tongue furred, with a thin, yellowish coat, and inclined to dryness....eyes heavy, and countenance sallow. The villous membrane of the protruded portions of the stomach, very much resembled the appearance ofthe tongue, with small aphthous patches, in several pla- ces, quite irritable and tender. I suspended observations, and dropped into the aperture at night, six grains bluepill, and four aloetic pills, (common size,) and sprinkled on the exposed surface of the stomach, five or six grains of calomel. Medicine operated early the next morning ; relieved the symptoms of indisposition; changed the appear- ance of the stomach and tongue; and removed the aphthae. On the 9th, he felt quite well; and the coats ofthe stomach looked healthy again. Experiment 11. Dec. 13. At 7 o'clock, A. M....temperature 100" ....villous membrane perfectly healthy, of a pale pink colour, and iiniforin....mucous coat smooth and even. Extracted two ounces of gastric juice. It distilled more freely than common. More could have been obtained. I had never before seen the pure juice flow so freely. He felt in perfect health : had taken neither food or drinks since 9 o'clock, last evening. At 9 o'clock —breakfasted on broiled breast of mut- ton, bread, butter, in usual quantity, and a pint of coffee, and kept exercising. Digested in three hours and a half; stomach empty and clean. Experiment 12. At 2 o'ck, P. M., same day—stomach empty—coats cksan —he dined on three soft boiled eggs and bread, OBSERVATIONS. 175 and drank half a pint of water. 3 o'clock— digestion advancing. 4 o'clock—contents nearly gone from the stomach—yolk of eggs still visible, with a few particles of oil. 5 o'clock—very little chyme in the stomach. 5 o'clock, 15 mins.—some still remaining. Complains of slight head ache—pulse full and crowd- ed—contents of stomach acrid—countenance rather sallow; eyes languid; tongue a little coated with a thin, yellowish fur. His bowels have not been mov- ed since yesterday morning, at 10 o'clock; then in- clined to costiveness. N. B. After taking breakfast, he exercised mode- derately. About 12 o'clock, M., he walked about two miles very quick. After his return to his lodg- ings, he threw off his coat, and went into the open air again. Soon after which, he began to feel the pain in his head, &c. Experiment 13. Dec. At 7 o'clock, A. M.—stomach deeper colour than ordinary, and inclined to dryness—some small, aphthous patches, and spots of darker colour—mu- cous coat not uniform and even; some places thick- er, a little elevated, and rolling up, like thin mem- brane, leaving a spot beneath, red and irritable. Ve- ry little juice could be extracted. I obtained a small quantity of fluid, mixed with yellow bile. It did not yield the peculiar acid taste of the gastric juice. Temperature ofthe stomach, 100°. St. Martin did not feel his usual appetite. At 9 o'clock, he breakfasted on the same kind of diet as yesterday—had less appetite, and was labour- ing under some gastric derangement. He continued quiet, most ofthe time in a recumbent position. 10 o'clock—stomach full—globules of oil floating about. —appearance of villous membrane, about the same; no perceptible change. 11 o'clock—stomach still fall—appearances similar to those in last examina- tion. 12 o'clock, M.—contents half diminished— 176 EXPERIMENTS AND particle* of bread, and coat of oil on the surface. ( o'clock, P. M.—some fluid still in the stomach, and a larger proportion of oil than at last examination. Taste of the contents, more sharp and rancid ; fast leaving the stomach. At this time, I observed seve- ral small, sharp pointed, white pustules or pimples, here and there dispersed over the exposed portion ofthe inner coat. 1 o'clock, 30 mins.—stomach clear and clean. Experiment 14. At 2 o'clock, P. M., same day, he dined on three soft boiled eggs, bread and butter, and half a pint of wa- ter, (same as yesterday, 2 o'clock.) Digested in three hours. Experiment 15. Dec. 15. At 8 o'clock, A.M., I examined stomach —temperature 100°. Appearance of coats more na- tural and healthy than yesterday morning ; less of those small, white, pointed pimples, and aphthous spots. Very little gastric juice could be obtained; not more than one ounce, and that mixed with an unusual quantity of mucus, not so clear as common. Complained, as he frequently does, during this ope- ration, of a sense of sinking, and vertigo, after ex- tracting this quantity. This feeling, however, sub- sided in a few minutes after rising. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins. he breakfasted on beef steak, bread and coffee. At the same time, he thoroughly masticated four drachms ofthe steak, which I put into the gastric juice, just before taken from the sto- mach. To another similar quantity of gastric juice, I put the same quantity of the steak, unmasticated, and in one entire piece. I placed them both on the bath at 100°; and at the same time, I put the same quantity steak into one ounce of simple water, and treated it with the others on the bath. At 11 o'clock, I examined the stomach, and found his breakfast nearly digested, and more than halt' OBSERVATIONS. 177 gone from the stomach. I took out an ounce of what remained, which was almost completely chymified, a few particles of the bread, in a soft, pultaceous condition, only remaining. Compared this with the three parcels on the bath. It very nearly resembled the masticated meat in the gastric juice, but more digested, and thinner, and contained particles of oil (melted butter) and bread, which were not in the masticated food in the vial. The unmasticated meat differed considerably. It was not so thick and gelatinous-like; was of a darker colour; and the piece of meat retained its shape, and was not much diminished in size, the surface only a little wasted, softened, and covered with a cineritious coat.— The contents of the vial of masticated meat and water, suffered very little or no change since put in; no more than had been effected simply by mastica- tion, Continued them all on the bath. The contents of the vial3, continued on the bath for twenty-four hours, exhibited the following chan- ges. The portion taken from the stomach at 11 o'- clock, remained nearly the same as when extracted, perhaps more completely chymified. That which was masticated, and put into the gastric juice, was reduced to a thick, pultaceous, semi-fluid mass, but retaining some distinct fibres ofthe meat, which, af- ter standing awhile, subsided to the bottom of a yel- lowish, whey coloured fluid. These remaining par- ticles of aliment, I conceived to have been left for want of a sufficient quantity of gastric juice; the quantity at first being too small to dissolve the whole of the meat put in. That portion in the vial of wa- ter had undergone no other change than that of in- cipient putrefaction, which was very evident. The unmasticated piece of meat had undergone an evi- dent process of digestion. It was about half dimin- ished, and the texture ofthe remaining part loose and soft. The containing fluid had become of a greyish- brown colour, opaque, with a fine, brown sediment, Z 178 EXPERIMENTS AND settling to the bottom, similar to that ofthe mastica- ted meat in the gastric juice. The gastric juice, containing the unmasticated meat, when taken from the stomach, some sixty or seventy hours before, was not so pure as common; was mixed with yellow bile; and was in too small proportion to the meat. The colour and flavour ofthe other two portions were very similar, except that the one with the masticated meat was more sharp and acrid. This experiment shows the necessity of mastica- tion ; and also demonstrates, that simple maceration, at the natural temperature, will not effect digestion. Experiment 16. A dinner of pork steak and bread, taken at 1 o'- clock, P. M., same day—digested in three hours, for- ty-five minutes. Experiment 17. Dec. 16. At 9 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted on cold, pork steak, bread, and one pint coffee. Digestion completed in three hours. Two hours after having eaten, a pellicle of oil was found floating on the top ofthe gastric contents. On examining the stomach, an hour after the chyme had passed out, several red spots and patch- es, abraded ofthe mucous coat, tender and irritable, appeared spread over the inner surface. The tongue, too, had upon it a thin, whitish fur. Yet his appetite was rather craving. At 2 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., he ate a full dinner of cold, roasted pork, (fresh) bread, and a piece of raw radish. Digestion completed in seven hours. Experiment 18. Dec. 17. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M., I put two drachms fresh, fried sausage in a fine muslin bag, and suspended it into the stomach. He immediately af- ter breakfasted on the same kind of sausage, and a OBSERVATIONS. 179 small piece of broiled mutton, wheat bread, and a pint of coffee. 11 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach half empty —contents of bag about half diminished. 2 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty and clean—contents of bag all gone, except fifteen grains, consisting of small pieces of cartilaginous and membranous fibres, and the spice of the sausage; which last weighed six grains; leaving only nine grains of the aliment put in. In consequence of being called out, I delayed the last examination longer than was necessary. Experiment 19. Dec. 18. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M., I suspend- ed two drachms masticated, fried sausage, confined in a muslin bag, into the stomach, and he breakfasted on the same kind of food, with bread and coffee. 11 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach half empty—contents of bag about half gone. 1 o'clock, P. M., stomach nearly empty—very little left in the bag. 1 o'clock, 30 mins.,stomach clear, except the bag, which con- tained a littleof the sausage: took this out, and it weighed one drachm, spice and all, of which there was less than yesterday. The bag, when drawn out, came from near the pylorus, and was covered with a coat of mucus and yellow bile. The contents of the stomach have been unusually acrid since yester- day morning, and he complains of unusual smarting and irritation at the edges of the aperture : counte- nance sallow ; tongue covered with a thin, yellowish coat; and several deep red patches on the inner coat of the stomach : does not feel his usual appe- tite. 9 o'clock—dropped into the aperture, twelve grains blue pill, and five cathartic pills—operated early the next morning; removed the symptoms; and re- stored his healthy sensations and functions. Experiment 20. Dec. 19, At 8 o'clock, 45 mins., A. M., I suspend- ed three drachms broiled bass, in a muslin bag, into the 180 EXPERIMENTS AND stomach, and he breakfasted on the same kind of fish, with bread, a small piece of sausage, and a pint of coffee. 2 o'clock, P. M.—complains of smarting at the aperture—I took out the bag—remaining contents weighed two drachms, having lost one drachm only in five hours and a quarter. Coats of the stomach did not appear healthy—deeper red than natural, with patches of still deeper colour, spread over the protruded portion. Mucous covering abraded in places, and rolled up; resembling shreds of epider- mis, torn from a blistered surface. These three last experiments, are examples ofthe solvent or chemical action of the gastric juice. It penetrated the muslin bags, dissolved the food, and allowed the chyme to strain out. They also indicate that irritating substances, (as, for instance, the mus- lin bags, in these experiments,) produce a diseased state ofthe stomach. Experiment 21. Dee. 20. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M.—Coats of stomach appear healthy—considerable fluid plainly to be seen. It ran out of the aperture on turning him down ; was transparent, and contained flocculi of mucus. Breakfasted on broiled bass, toasted bread and coffee. Digested in five and a half hours. Experiment 22. At 2 o'clock, P. M., he dined on boiled chicken, and wheat bread. Digested in four and a half hours. Experiment 23. Dec. 21. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M.—stomach not perfectly healthy—several small, deep red patch- es, on the exposed surface. Extracted four drachms gastric juice, tinged with yellow bile. Masticated one and a half scruples of the thigh of a boiled chick- en, and half a scruple of bread: put them into this OBSERVATIONS. 181 gastric juice, and placed the vial in the axilla. Into the same quantity of pure water, warmed to 70°, I put the same quantity and kind of aliment, and pla- ced them in the same situation. He breakfasted at the same time, on the same kind of diet. 1 o'- clock, P. M.—stomach empty. At 2 o'clock, he dined on same kind of food. 6 o'clock, 30 mins.— stomach empty. The masticated portion put into the vial of gastric juice, placed on the bath, and frequently agitated, di- gested regularly and uniformly until about 2 o'clock, P. M., when the particles were all dissolved, except a few fibres. That in the vial of water, kept in the same situation, had not changed its appearance from the time it was put in. On separating the remaining particles of food, in the gastricjuice, at evening, filtering on thin muslin, and drying with paper, it weighed fifteen grains, and left four drachms and a fraction, of an opaque, milky coloured fluid. That in the. water, taken out at the same time, weighed forty grains, and left four drachms of a tur- bid fluid, like water, with flour stirred in it, and had a mawkish, insipid taste and smell. The first had the acid smell and taste, peculiar to the gastric con- tents. Experiment 24. Dec. 22. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—examined stomach —temperature 100°. Extracted about four drachms gastric juice, pure, but not free. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., he breakfasted on bread cheese and coffee. 9 o'clock, stomach full of fluids— temperature 100°. 11 o'clock—stomach full, with the cheese in a fluid form, floating on the surface ; bread reduced to a pulp—temperature 100°. 12 o'- clock, M.—food still in the stomach; but consider- ably diminished. 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M.—some of the cheese yet remaining—stomach nearly empty. 2 o'clock—stomach empty. 182 EXPERIMENTS AND The coats of the stomach have not appeared in their usual healthy condition, for several days past —the colour darker—mucous coat unequal—some patches of a purplish colour, with aphthous edges— sur/ace inclined to be dry—very little secretion of gastric juice—digestion slower, and less perfect than usual—bowels inactive, nothing having passed them for sixty hours. It would seem from this experiment, that cheese was difficult of digestion. In addition to its close- ness of texture, it generally contains a large propor- tion of oil, Experiment 25. Dec. 23. At 6 o'clock, A. M.—temperature of stomach, 100°—pulse 65 a minute. 9 o'clock—tem- perature of stomach, 100°—pulse 75. Villous mem- brane inclined to dryness, and of a darker than natural colour; papillae small and sharp; mucous covering scarcely perceptible; bowels costive; tongue coated with a yellowish fur, and its edges pale. I poured in, at the aperture, one ounce 01. Ricini, and sprinkled over the surface of the protru- ded coats, five or six grains of calomel. He ate a light breakfast of corn bread and crackers, and drank a pint of coffee, immediately after. At 2 o'clock, P, M.—stomach empty—coats look healthier. Medicine not having moved the bowels, I put in, at the aperture, twelve additional grains of calomel, per se. At 5 o'clock, the stomach was in commotion—in- dications ofthe cathartic operation ofthe calomel: slight nausea; stomach full of a white, frothy fluid, running out at the aperture, like fermenting beer from a bottle; slight pain and motion in the bowels ; and increased secretion of saliva. No motion from the bowels. Temperature of stomach, 101°. Pulse 80 beats in a minute. OBSERVATIONS. 183 At 8 o'clock, calomel had operated twice, co- piously, commencing at 7. Temperature of sto- mach, 100°. Pulse 62, soft and mild, Experiment 26. Dec. 25. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—weather partially cloudy—atmosphere dry, and smoky—wind E. and light—Th : 31°. Temperature ofthe stomach, 100° and a fraction. Pulse 55, in a recumbent position; 65, sitting erect. A few small, red spots, on the mucous surface. The gastric secretions appear as healthy as usual. At 9 o'clock, he breakfasted on boiled, salted, fat pork, corn bread and coffee. 10 o'clock, the stomach at the same temperature as at 8 o'clock. Pulse 65 in a re- cumbent, and 75 in an erect position. Gastric cavi- ty full of a heterogeneous mixture. At 11 o'clock, 30 mins.—just returned from Walk- ing moderately, about an hour, a distance of two and a half miles; not to produce free perspiration, but gentle diaphoresis. Weather clear, calm and dry. Th:50°. Temperature of the stomach 101°. Pulse 72, in a recumbent position; 82, sitting erect, and regular. Contents of stomach half reduced, and nearly homogeneous. At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., M.—temperature of sto- mach, 100£°. Pulse 62, recumbent; 72 erect. Con- tents nearly gone. At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., stomach empty. At 9 o'clock,—weather cloudy—atmosphere dry __no wind—Th : 42°—the temperature of the sto- mach was 99i°. He drank half a pint of water fif- teen or twenty minutes before examination. Pulse 62, recumbent; 72, erect. This is an example ofthe increase ofthe tempera- ture of the stomach on exercise. See also, subse* quent experiments. 184 EXPERIMENTS AND Experiment 27. Dee. 26. At 6 o'clock, A. M.--weather cloudy , atmosphere damp; wind N. E. and light; Th : 38°; temperature ofthe stomach, 991°. Pulse 55, recum- bent ; 65 erect. Respirations, in a recumbent posi- tion, 15, and in a sitting position, 18 a minute. At 8 o'clock,'; he returned from a walk of two miles, but not to produce perspiration. Weather damp and raining lightly. Th : 36° Temperature ofthe stomach, 101°. Pulse 65 recumbent; 85, erect. Feelings of impatience here evidently accelerated his pulse, in the erect position. He was vexed at being detained a few minutes from his breakfast. At 5 o'clock P. M.—weather rainy—wind N. E.... Th:41°—I examined the stomach. Temperature, 99£°. Pulse 60, recumbent; 70, erect. At 8 o'clock, the temperature ofthe stomach, 101°. Pulse 50, recumbent; 60, erect. Respirations, 15a minute. His diet through the day had been confined prin- cipally to farinaceous substances, wheat bread and crackers, in moderate quantities. Experiment 28. . Dec. 27. At 6 o'clock, A. M. Weather unplea- sant. Atmosphere damp. Wind E. Th : 38°. Tem- perature of stomach, 99£°. Surface clean and healthy. No dark red, or aphthous patches, nor white, elevated points. Mucous coat uniform and even, of the natural colour. No excoriation or smart- ing at the edges of the aperture. I extracted one ounce of gastric juice, slightly tinged with yellow bile. This, I conceive to have been entirely acciden- tal ; and occasioned by the regurgitation of the bile through the pylorus, as he turned upon his back, from right to left, to favour the exit of the gastric juice. The same thing has happened several times before. OBSERVATIONS. i 8.1 , At 9 o'clock, he breakfasted on three ounces broiled breast of mutton, four ounces of wheat and corn bread, very thoroughly masticated, and a pint of cof- fee. At the same time, I put two drachms of same kind of food, equally well masticated, into the ounce of gastric juice, taken from the stomach at 6 o'clock, and the same quantity of same kind of food, masti- cated in the same manner, into an ounce of simple water; placed them, both together, first in the axilla, and afterwards oh the bath, between 96° artd 100°. At 12 o'clock, M., stomach nearly empty. Was just able to get out one ounce for comparison, almost completely dissolved; a few small particles of bread only visible. Temperature 100°. At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., no distinct particles of food to be seen. All chymified, and passed from the stomach. Nothing but a little frothy mucus remain- ing in the stomach. Coats clean; colour, pale pink. Temperature 100°. At 2 o'clock, P. M., he dined on the same quan- tity and kind of food that he had taken for his break- fast, (broiled mutton and bread.) Drank nothing since morning. Temperature of stomach 100°. Th:62°, Wind S. Weather fair, since 12 o'clock. 2 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach as full Of fluids as When he drank a pint immediately after eating. No perceptible dif- ference in appearance. 6 o'clock, stomach empty and clean. 9 o'clock, temperature of the stomach 100°. Weather same as at 2 o'clock. The changes effected in the contents of the two vials, mentioned above, and kept in the axilla till 9 o'clock, P. M., were as follows. In that containing the gastric juice, the food was about half dissolved, and loosely suspended towards the bottom of a reddish-grey coloured fluid. That in the water exhibited no other appearance of digestion than what was effected by mastication, When first put in. The masticated food had subsided a A 196 EXPERIMENTS AND to the bottom of a transparent, watery fluid, as cleai! as when first put in. At 8 o'clock, A. M. of the 28th, I added the two drachms of gastric juice, taken from the stomach, at that time, to the vial containing the gastric juice -r and the same quantity of water to the watery mix- ture ; and placed them in the axilla again. At6 o'clock, P.M., examined vials-digestion had re-commenced, and advanced in the gastric juice, in proportion to the quantity added. The sediment had become more dissolved, and the fluid part increased. This sediment taken out, filtered through muslin, and pressed as dry as w hen put in, weighed forty-five grains only, having completely dissolved one drachm and fifteen grains; and produced a gruel-like milky coloured fluid. That in the water, remained unchanged; and when taken out, and pressed dry, through a piece of muslin, like the other, weighed one drachm and thir- ty-five grains. This reduction, I suppose, was the effects of mastication, and maceration in the water for thirty-six hours. These two parcels, kept tight corked, in a temper- ature between 50° and 70°, remained free from any foetor for forty-five days. The gastric portion, at the end of this time, emitted a caseous flavour; and the aqueous portion smelt musty and sour. This is a comparison between solution by the gas- tric juice, and maceration in water. These results are interesting, not only as establishing physiolo- gical principles on certain data; but they have an im- portant practical application. They have, conse- quently, been frequently repeated. The fact, that the stomach contains a quantity of fluid, soon after the ingestion of dry food, which was alluded to in the preliminary essay, is here per- fectly demonstrated. OBSERVATIONS. 187 Experiment 29. Dec. 28. At 8 o'clock, A. M. Weather clear. At- mosphere dry. Wind N. Th : 34°. Temperature of stomach, 100°. Coats clean and healthy. Gastric juice scarce; extracted two drachms only, and that with considerable difficulty. At 9 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted on same kind of food as yesterday, in usual manner, slightly masti- cated, and swallowed fast, without regard to quan- tity. 1 o'clock, P. M., a small portion still in the stomach—nearly dissolved. 1 o'clock, 30 mins. stomach empty. Experiment 30. Dec. 29. At 9 o'clock, A. M. Weather clear and dry. Wind N. W. and light. Th: 34°. Temperature of stomach, 100°. Coats clean and healthy. He breakfasted on fiat pork, dry toast and coffee—full meal. 1 o'clock, P. M., stomach half full of a lardaceous fluid—no particle of any thing else but gastric fluids to be seen. Temperature 100°. 2 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach not empty. 3 o'clock, stomach empty and clean. The protracted period of complete chymification in this meal, I conceive to have been principally ow- ing to the unusual quantity of food taken, being dis- proportioned to the gastric secretions, and more than was required to replenish the natural waste of the system. The quality of the food had, undoubt- edly, some effect. Experiment 31. Dec. 30. At 8 o'clock, A. M. Weather clear and dry. Wind N. W. and light. Th : 26°. Stomach clean and healthy. Temperature 100°. Gastric juice pure, and distills more freely than common Extracted one ounce, without any difficulty. ;83 EXPERIMENTS AND \t 9 o'c!6-k, he brenl-.'v^'^d on U\<, and a L:.-If ounces of boi!:d, recently sc :■ , ■ / pork, three ounces of wheal bread, masticated in usual manner, and one pint of coffee. At the same time, I took two parcels, equal quan- tities, of the same kind of food, (pork and bread) half a drachm of each kind, both masticated in same manner : put one of them into the ounce of gastric juice taken from the stomach before eating; and the other, into the same quantity of simple water, ofthe temperature of the gastricjuice; and placed them in the axilla. At 11 o'clock, I took out of the stomach, one and a half ounces of its contents; put it into a vial, and placed it in the axilla, with the other two. The dif- ference between this taken out of the stomach, and that in the gastric juice, was quite perceptible. The particles of aliment contained in the last, appeared more nearly dissolved, very few remaining distinct. That taken from the stomach contained a larger proportion of the entire food and floating oil. The colour of the middle portions, as well as the smell and taste, were very similar. That from the sto- mach was rather more rancid and sharp than that in the gastric juice in the vial. Both possessed the peculiar gastric, acid flavour. At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., the stomach was empty and clean, and probably was so at 1 o'clock; but owing to accident, I did not examine at that time. He be- came intoxicated in the afternoon, and interrupted the experiments. On the 2d of January, 1833,1 added half an ounce of fresh gastric juice to. the parcel of chyme taken from the stomach at 11 o'clock, in the above experi- ment, which, at this time, contained a large propor- tion of undigested lardaceous matter, floating on the surface. Put the vial in the axilla. On the 3d, I added three drachms more of fresh gastric juice, to the above. OBSERVATIONS. 189 On the 6 ;\ I added three drachms gastric juice to the al>ove, and placed it on the bath. On the addition of each of these portions of gastric juice, chymification recommenced, an 1 the larda- ceous portion ofthe aliment continued to be reduced for several hours, till the solvent power became ex- pended, when its action would cease. Experiment 32. Dec. 31. At 7 o'clock, A. M. Weather cloudy. Atmosphere damp and chilly. Wind S. Th : 30°. Temperature ofthe stomach. 100'°—colour darker red than natural, and arid. Mucous coat abraded in spots, and rolled in small shreds; more irritable than usual. At 8 o'clock. 30 mins., breakfasted on same quan- tity and kind of food as yesterday, (pork, bread, &c.) At 11 o'clock, took out one and a half ounces con- tents from the stomach, in appearance half digested. 12 o'clock, M., took out another portion, more com- pletely dissolved. Stomach nearly empty. 1 o'clock, stomach empty. At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., he dined on salted, boiled beef, potatoes, parsnips and bread, full meal, without regard to quantity or mastication. 4 o'clock, 30 minutes, stomach perfectly empty. The one and a half ounces, taken from the sto- mach at 11 o'clock, A. M., very nearly resembled the contents ofthe vial of gastric juice and masticated food of the 30th, (yesterday,) in almost every particu- lar. That taken out at 12 o'clock, M., had more of the lardaceous, and less ofthe distinct fibrous parti- cles of aliment. The diseased appearance ofthe stomach at this examination, was probably the effect of intoxication the day before. 19l) EXPERIMENTS AND Experiment 33. Jan. 1, 1833. At 8 o'clock, A. M. Weather dark and rainy. Wind S. Th: 50°. Temperature of stomach, 100°, healthy and clean. Extracted half an ounce of gastric juice. At 9 o'clock, 1 took two scruples salted, lean beef, (boiled,) chopped very fine, with a knife: put one scruple into the half ounce of gastric juice, and the other scruple into half an ounce of simple water; and placed them together in the axilla. At the same time, he breakfasted on two ounces of boiled, salted, lean beef, bread, and a pint of coffee. At 12 o'clock, M., I took from the stomach one ounce of its contents, not fully digested; bread princi- pally remaining, reduced to a pulp. Compared with the gastric juice and food in the vial, the particles of meat seemed rather more dissolved. Stomach about half empty. At 1 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty and clean. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A.M, on the 3d, I added one drachm fresh gastricjuice to the vial of gastric juice and chopped beef, and one drachm of water, to the watery mixture, and placed them together in the axilla. On the 4th, the beef in the gastric juice not being completely dissolved, I added two drachms fresh gastric juice to it; and two drachms of water to the aqueous mixture. Continued them on the bath, or in the axilla. The watery portion began now to smell quite foetid. At 8 o'clock, on the 5th, the meat in the gastric juice was completely dissolved, and a fine, reddish grey sediment had fallen to the bottom of an opaque, gruel-like fluid, with a pellicle of greyish white par- ticles on the top. The aqueous portion had become more foetid. The particles of meat were the same as when first put in, only a little macerated, and paler—the fluid transparent, but becoming darker, and a little greenish—no appearance of solution. OBSERVATIONS. 191 On the 10th, the contents of the aqueous portion Were quite foetid. The gastric portion was perfectly sweet and bland. Experiment 34. At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M. same day, he dined on lean, salted beef and bread. Digested in three and a half hours. Experiment 35. Equal parts of alcohol and gastric juice, mixed toge- ther and agitated, produced a turbid, milky white fluid; which, after standing at rest, raised a thin, white coat of fine, loose coagulae on the surface. When the juice and alcohol were first put together, and before agitating, the gastric juice settled to the bottom, and the alcohol remained on the top, indica- ting that its specific gravity was less than the fluid. Experiment 36. Jan. 2. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—stomach empty—ex- tracted half an ounce of gastric juice. 8 o'clock, 30 mins., he breakfasted on dry bread and a pint of coffee. 11 o'clock, stomach nearly full of a pulpous, semi- fluid mass, resembling thick gruel. 12 o'clock, near- ly empty. 12 o'clock, 30 mins., empty and clean. Experiment 37. At 2 o'clock, P. M., he dined on boiled potatoes, a small piece of bread, and drank a glass of water. 4 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach full of fluids, and quite acrid, of a whitish colour, with particles of potatoes floating about. 6 o'clock, stomach empty. Experiment 38. Jan. 3. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M. Weather pleasant, smoky and clear. Th: 38°. Temperature ofthe stomach, 101^°, immediately after a walk of two miles, producing free perspiration, and colour in the face. Extracted half an ounce of gastric juice. 192 EXPERIMENTS AM.' At 9 o'clock, 30 mins., he breakfasted on cold broiled breast of veal, boiled potatoes, and bread. At the same, or within fifteen minutes of the time, I sus- pended into the stomach, at the aperture, twenty grains of masticated lean veal, contained in a muslin bag. At 12 o'clock, M., contents of stomach half dimin- ished. 1 o'clock, P. M., stomach nearly empty. 1 o'clock, 30 mins., all gone from the stomach, except the muslin bag and contents. The contents appeared to be about half diminished. At 2 o'clock, I took out the bag of veal, and press- ing it as dry as I could, without forcing the remaining particles of meat through the cloth, it weighed ten gains, having lost ten grains by digestion, in four and a half hours. The veal, when first put in the bag, and suspended in the stomach, was of a clay, or greyish white colour; but when taken out and weigh- ed, was of a palish red, or light flesh colour, and of a glutinous appearance. Experiment 39. At 3 o'clock, P. M., same day, dined on broiled veal and bread, and drank half a pint of water. Di- gested in two hours. Experiment 40. Jan. 4. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—Stomach healthy. Extracted two drachms gastricjuice—came ptirc^but very slow. At 9 o'clock, breakfasted on broiled veal, bread and coffee. 11 o'clock, stomach full—Oil floating on the surface, acrid and sharp, excoriating the edges of the aperture and skin. 12 o'clock, M., chyme passing out. Stomach two thirds empty. 1 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty. Experiment 41. At 2 o'clock, P. M., same day, he dined on breast of broiled veal and bread, and drank a tumbler of water,' OBSERVATIONS. 193 5 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach nearly empty. 6 o'clock, examined stomach—chyme of a milky white colour. 6 o'clock, 30 mins., chyme still remaining. 7 o'clock, stomach not empty. Took out half an ounce of con- tents. It was a milky white fluid, with a peculiar smell, and slightly acid and bitter taste. 7 o'clock, 15 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 42. Jan. 5. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—Stomach healthy and clean. Extracted half an ounce of gastric juice. Put it into a vial, and immersed in it fifteen grains of firm tendon of young beef, in a solid piece. Kept it either in the axilla, or on the bath, for twenty-four hours, when all was completely dissolved. At 8 o'clock, 45 mins., he breakfasted on broiled veal, bread and coffee, and kept exercising. 12 o'clock, M., stomach about half empty. Took out half an ounce, completely dissolved—no distinct particles of food to be seen. 12 o'clock, 30 mins., M., all gone. This affords an example ofthe digestion of tendon. Hard, solid substances require a greater quantity of gastric juice than more tender fibre, and take a lon- ger time for their complete solution. Experiment 43. At 1 o'clock, P. M., same day, dined on broiled veal and bread, and drank half a pint of water. Digestion completed in four and a half hours. Experiment 44. Jan. 6. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—Examined stomach. Coats generally healthy—few small, erythematous patches, on mucous surface. Secretions pure. Ex- tracted one and a half ounces clear gastric juice, containing less than the usual quantity of mucous flocculi. "it ran more freely than common through the tube. More could have been obtained; but a 2B 194 EXPERIMENTS AND sensation of faintness, and sinking at the pit of the stomach, being felt and complained of, I desist- ed. This sensation has almost uniformly occurred, whenever the gastric juice has flowed more freely than usual, and has been suffered to run out to the quantity of one and a half, or two ounces; followed by dimness of vision, and vertigo, on rising. These feelings, however, subside in a few minutes, and he feels as usual, and eats his meals with a good ap- petite. At 9 o'clock, he breakfasted on broiled veal and bread again, as yesterday, and kept exercising. 1 o'clock P, M., stomach nearly empty—several small spots of dark, grumous blood, exuding from the pa- pillae of the inner coats, made their appearance. 2 o'clock, some appearance of the breakfast still in the stomach. 2 o'clock, 15 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 45. At 2 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., same day, he dined on one pint of barley gruel, sweetened with molasses. 4 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty—none ofthe bar- ley gruel to be seen. Several small, sharp pointed, white pustules made their appearance on the inner surface of the sto- mach, at this time; and the surface, generally, was of a paler colour, and more flaccid, than usual. Experiment 46. Jan. 7. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—Weather cloudy, damp, and disagreeable. Th: 48°. WindN.E. Tem- perature of stomach, 100°. Less of the small pus- tules and red patches than yesterday. Colour of the coats natural again ; but little secretion of gastric juice this morning. Could obtain only a drachm or two. At 9 o'clock, A. M.— Temperature of stomach, 100°. He breakfasted on soft boiled rugs, soft toast, . and coffee. 12 o'clock, M., stomach empty. OBSERVATIONS. 195 Experiment 47. At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., M., same day, he dined on three hard boiled eggs and bread. 3 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach half empty. Remaining contents acrid. Edges of the aperture excoriated. Some pimples, and erythematous patches on the surface ofthe inner coats. 4 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach and contents in nearly the same condition as at last ex- amination—very acrid and sharp—coats red. 6 o'- clock, stomach empty. These three or four last experiments demonstrate, that a diseased state of the stomach retards di- gestion. Experiment 48. Jan. 8. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M.—Examined stomach. Coats healthy. None of those white pus- tules, and erythematous patches, observed yesterday and the day before, to be seen this morning. Colour ofthe lining membrane rather paler than common. Surface moist. Extracted half an ounce of gastric juice, without difficulty. A slight and momentary vertigo was felt in rising up. No faintness or sense of sinking at the scrobiculus cordis, at this extraction. I divided these four drachms of gastric juice into two, equal parts, and put them into separate vials. In a third vial, I put two drachms of simple water. To each of these three vials, I added eleven grains ofthe muscle of a sheep's heart, in an entire piece. Kept one ofthe vials of gastric juice and meat in the axilla, and placed the other, with the aqueous vial, in a cool place, at about 46°, agitating them alike frequently. At 7 o'clock, P. M., the piece in the warm gastric juice was half digested; the fluid of an opaque, red- dish brown colour. That in the cold gastric juice was a very little affected, the surface being covered with a thin, glutinous coat, and the fluid a little tur- bid. That in the water was not in the least affected. 196 EXPERIMENTS AND The water was perfectly transparent, as when first put in. At 9 o'clock, A. M., ofthe 9th, these several pie- ces of muscle exhibited the following results. That in the warm gastric juice, when taken out and press- ed dry, as when put in, weighed seven and a half grains. That in the cold gastricjuice, treated in the same manner, weighed twelve and a half grains, hav- ing gained, by the absorption of gastric juice, one and a half grains. And that in the simple water, weighed eleven grains, the same as when put in, having nei- ther lost nor gained. The three and a half grains, that remained in the first vial, were in one entire piece, ofthe same shape as when first put in; but very soft and tender, hardly able to sustain sufficient pressure to be raised by the finger and thumb. It was a mere pulp. The meat in the second vial was increased a little in size ; appeared swollen, soft, slimy and tender; but had sufficient firmness of texture to resist considera- ble pressure, when taken up. It was not dissolved. That in the water retained its firmness, and was unaltered in appearance, except a paleness of sur- face, occasioned by maceration. At 8 o'clock, next morning, (the 10th,) the follow- ing appearances were evident. The first piece, in the warm gastric juice, weigh- ed one and a half grains, having lost in the last twen- ty-three hours, two grains only. It retained the same shape, and was of about the same consistence as yesterday. A reddish brown sediment subsided to the bottom of a rich, whey-coloured fluid. The second piece, in the cold gastricjuice, weigh- ed nine grains and a fraction, having lost about three and a half grains. That in the water, was unaltered, and weighed the sanle as when put in—eleven grains. It may be proper to remark, that the two pieces in the cold gastric juice and water, were moved from their first position in a, temperature of about 46°, and OBSERVATIONS. 197 placed for the last twenty-three hours on the mantle- piece, over the fire, in my room, in a temperature of about 60°. The loss ofthe two and a half grains of meat, in the cold gastric juice, was evidently the effect of di- gestion, occasioned, no doubt, by the increase of fourteen or fifteen degrees of temperature. On the 10th, I added to the vial, containing the warm gastric juice and muscle, one fourth of a drachm of fresh gastric juice, warm from the sto- mach. Continued it in axilla, and,in five hours it was dissolved to a mite, scarcely perceptible. The piece in the cold gastric juice, kept on the mantle-piece, in a temperature between 50° and 60°, till 9 o'clock, A. M., of the 11th, weighed seven grains, retaining the same shape as yesterday, and a similar texture. The fluid had become more opaque and milky, and the sediment had increased at the bottom. The piece in the water at this time, remained unal- tered, and weighed precisely the same as at first— eleven grains. At 9 o'clock, A. M., I placed both these in the axilla. At 9 o'clock, P. M., the piece remaining in the second vial of gastric juice, placed in the axilla this morning, was nearly all dissolved, one grain on- ly remaining—a soft pulp. The piece in the water remained unaltered, and weighed the same as at first; but began to emit a strong foetid odour, and in a few days became very putrid. This was, however, almost entirely correct- ed, by the addition of three drachms of fresh gastric juice on the 21st. The meat still continued its ori- ginal shape and size, and no doubt, its weight, though too putrid to handle, or take out, before the addition ofthe gastric juice. Placed it on the bath, and it began to digest, and soon became chymified— lost its foetid smell, and acquired a sharp acid, or ra- ther, acrid taste. 198 EXPERIMENTS AND The result of this experiment is interesting, in de- monstrating the solvent properties of the gastric juice. Maceration alone will not dissolve food, nor separate its nutritious parts. It appears, also, from this experiment, that gastric juicc corrects the pu- trid tendency of aliments; and that food is more readily dissolved after that tendency has occurred. Experiment 49. Jan. 11. AC 8 o'clock, A. M.—Weather clear and dry. Wind S. W. Th: 15°. Temperature ofthe stomach, 100°. Coats healthy. Extracted one ounce of gastric juice, clear and transparent—few flocculi of mucus—taste distinctly acid. Complains of the usual sense of distress at the pit ofthe stomach, and vertigo. At 9 o'clock, 30 mins., he breakfasted on pork and bread. Digested in four hours and a half. Experiment 50. At 9 o'clock, 30 mins. A. M., same day, I took three vials, and put into each two drachms pure gastric juice, fresh from the healthy stomach. To one, I added one drachm of'albumen—white of egg— to the second, half a drachm of the yolk—and to the third, another drachm of albumen. Put the two first, in axilla, and the other on the mantle-piece. At 9 o'clock, P. M., the albumen in the warm gas- tric juice, in the axilla, had become quite opaque, with loose, light coloured sediment at the bottom. The albumen in the cold gastric juice remained un- altered. That containing the yolk, exhibited the ap- pearance of a mere mixture of fine yellow coagulae, resembling sulphur and milk, mixed together. On the 12th, at 8 o'clock, P. M., both vials having been continued on the bath, or in the axilla, through the day, the difference observed last even- OBSERVATIONS. 199 ing, between the cold and warm vials of albumen, was very little increased. The yolk was considerably altered from a loose coagulae, generally diffused through the gastric juice, to a fine compact body of coagulae, rising upon the top of a perfectly clear, transparent fluid, free from a particle of sediment. Experiment 51. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M.—Stomach healthy. Extracted one ounce of gastric juice, a little tinged with yellow, whether from bile or tobacco, it was difficult to determine. He had taken some tobacco into his mouth, an hour and a half previous to the ex- amination, and the fluid was not perceptibly bitter. There was a larger portion of frothy saliva, and flocculi of mucus, than common. At 10 o'clock, 15 mins., he breakfasted on boiled, salted codfish, bread and coffee. Digested in two hours and a quarter. Experiment 52. Jan. 13. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—Weather overcast, dry and smoky. Light wind. Th : 12°. Tempera- ture of stomach, 100° and a fraction. Pulse 60, in a recumbent, and 70, in an erect position. Coats not perfectly healthy—general surface rather paler than usual—some red spots and pimples to be seen. Extracted three drachms of gastric juice, slightly acid— not so much as usual—less mucus, and more saliva than common. Neither tinge nor taste of bile. xVt 9 o'clock, he breakfasted on boiled, fat pork and bread. At 12 o'clock, M.—Stomach two thirds empty.— Temperature, 100° and a fraction. At 2 o'clock, P. M. —Stomach nearly empty—very little pulp of bread, and lardaceous fluid to be seen. Has just returned from walking two miles or more, Temperature of stomach, 100|°. 200 EXPERIMENTS AND At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. Tempera- ture, 101°. Experiment 53. Jan. 9. At 2 o'clock, P. M. same day, he dined on boiled,fat pork, boiled cabbage and bread, and drank a tumbler of icaler. Digested in five hours. 9 o'- clock, temperature 100°. Experiment 54. Jan. 14. At 8 o'clock, 40 mins., A. M.—Weather clear, dry and serene. Wind N. W. and light. Th: 28°. Stomach healthy. Coats clean. Tempera- ture of stomach, 100°. Extracted nine drachms of pure gastric juice—distinctly acid—few flocculi of mucus, and a little appearance of frothy saliva. A slight sense of faintness and vertigo ensued, as usual, on rising, after this quantity. At 9 o'clock, breakfasted on boiled, fat pork and bread. 12 o'clock, M., stomach about half full. Tem- perature, immediately after walking two and a half miles, 101 \. 1 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty and clean. Temperature 100°. Experiment 55. At 2 o'clock, P. M., same day, he dined on boiled, fat pork and bread. Digested in three hours. Experiment 56. Jan. 14. At 9 o'clock, A. M., I put a solid piece of rib bone, of an old hog, weighing ten grains, into a vial, containing three drachms of pure gastricjuice, taken from the stomach this morning. Placed it in the axilla, and continued it there for twelve hours ; then placed it on the shelf, in a cool place, till next morning. — 15. 9 o'clock, A. M., surface of bone evident- ly dissolved. Fluid quite opaque. Took out the piece; and when wiped, and dried with blotting pa- per, as dry as when put in, it weighed just nine grains. OBSERVATIONS. 201 Immersed it again in the same juice, and placed it on the sand bath at 100°. Continued it in that tempera- ture for twelve hours, frequently agitating it; then, as yesterday, placed it on the shelf, until next morn- ing. — 16. 9 o'clock, A. M., appearance similar to yesterday morning. Juice a little more turbid. Bone covered with a thin, cineritious coat. Taken out and wiped, the piece weighed eight and a half grains. Immersed again in same fluid, and continued on bath twelve hours ; then set on shelf again until next morning. — 17. 9 O'clock, A. M., very little alteration since yesterday. Bone taken out and wiped, weigh- ed eight and a half grains. Put in again, and con- tinued on bath fifteen hours. — 18. 12 o'clock, M., no change effected since last examination. Bone taken out and wiped, weighed precisely same as yesterday, eight and a quarter grains. Conceiving the solution ofthe bone had ceased from a deficiency of the gastric solvent, I now added one drachm fresh gastric juice, and con- tinued it On the bath again, for eight hours. — 19. 12 o'clock, M., bone taken out, and wiped, as usual, weighed eight grains. Returned to bath, and continued twelve hours, it weighed seven and a half grains. Returned, and continued on bath thir- ty-six hours, and frequently agitated, between —20th and 25th, no visible change was effected. Weight same as on the 19th, seven and a half grains. The solution having ceased again, I added three drachms more of gastric juice, and continued it on the bath twenty-four hours. __27. 10 o'clock, A. M., laminae of bone separa- ted, and opening on one edge. Fluid more opaque, with a little fine, brown sediment, precipitated to the bottom of the vial. Weight of bone, five and a half grains. Added two drachms of gastric juice, and continued it on the bath for eighteen hours. 2C 202 EXPERIMENTS ANL — 28. 10 o'clock, A. M., laminae of bone opened^ Weight, four grains. Returned, and continued on bath twelve hours. — 29. 10 o'clock, A. M., laminae of bone entire- ly separated, thin as paper, and elastic as horn.— Weight, three and a quarter grains. Returned to bath twelve hours. — 30. 10 o'clock, A. M., opacity of fluid, and fine sediment, increased. Weight of bone, two and three fourths grains. Continued on bath. — 31. 10 o'clock, A. M., no change since yester- day. Weight of bone, two and three fourths grains. Added half a drachm of gastric juice, and continued it on bath twelve hours. Feb. 1. 10 o'clock, A. M., laminae very thin and elastic. Weight of bone two and a half grains.— Took out the pieces of bone, and put them into one drachm fresh gastric juice, in a separate vial, and continued on bath six hours. — 2. 10 o'clock, A. M., weight of bone, two and a quarter grains. Continued on bath six hours. — 3. 10 o'clock, A. M., weight of bone, two grains. Continued on bath till the 5th. — 5. 10 o'clock, A. M., no change since the 3d. Weight of bone same. Added two drachms gastric juice, and continued on bath twelve hours. — 6. 10 o'clock, A. M., bones nearly all dissolv- ed—three fourths of a grain only remaining. — 7. Weight of bone, half a grain, very thin and transparent. The solution not being quite com- pleted, I added two draehms more of gastric juice, and continued it on bath twelve hours. — 8. 10 o'clock, A. M., all dissolved to a mite— quarter of a grain, or less. After the solution of the bone, the menstruum was a greyish white, opaque fluid, nearly of the colour and consistence of clear, thin gruel, with considera- ble fine brown sediment at the bottom of the vial, af- ter standing at rest awhile; and had a peculiarly OBSERVATIONS. 203 insipid, sweetish taste, and smell—not the least fee- tor or rancidity. It will be seen, in this experiment, that the piece of bone was dissolved in proportion to the quantity of gastricjuice applied, and that the solution ceased at longer or shorter intervals, as a larger or smaller quantity was added. When the juice became satu- rated, as well as when the vial was removed from the bath to a low temperature, the solution ceased. It appears that it took fourteen and a half drachms of gastric juice to dissolve ten grains of solid bone. Experiment 57. Jan. 15. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—Weather cloudy and dry. Wind N. E. and light. Th : 35°. Tempe- rature ofthe stomach, 100°. At 9 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted on fat pork and bread. 2 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty and clean. Temperature, 101°. Experiment 58. At 2 o'clock, P. M., same day, I put fifteen grains of raw beef steak, divided into small pieces, into threa drachms of gastric juice; and fifteen grains of broiled beefsteak, into other three drachms of gastric juice. At the same time, I put the same quantity of broiled steak, divided like the others, into three drachms of saliva, fresh from the mouth. I then placed them, all together, alternately in the axilla and on the bath, and kept frequently agitating them. At 4 o'clock, the meat in the saliva exhibited the appearance of simple maceration; the other two parcels, in the gastricjuice, were considerably dimin- ished and partially dissolved, the fluid of an opaque, whitish colour; the cooked piece, rather the most dissolved. 204 EXPERIMENTS AND At 6 o'clock, the salivary portion was not much changed in appearance; the other two about half dissolved ; the cooked meat in advance ofthe raw. At 9 o'clock, the salivary portion began to smell slightly foetid, and to change colour. The other two were perfectly bland, and of a sweetish flavour— the meat about three fourths dissolved, with a fine, brownish red sediment at the bottoms of the vials. Took them all off the bath, and placed them on the shelf till next morning. At 7 o'clock, A. M., on the 16th, I placed them again on the bath till 9 o'clock, when the salivary portion had become foetid, and was of a greenish co- lour. The fibres of the meat retained their shape and size ; and had become pale on the surface. Light, loose coagulae had fallen to the bottom, leav- ing a reddish green coloured fluid above. The gas- tric portions were almost completely dissolved; the cooked meat still in advance. At 12 o'clock, M., the salivary portion was very foetid. The remaining portions of aliment, taken from the three vials, filtered through thin muslin, and dried with blotting.paper, weighed as follows :—the broiled meat, in gastric juice, one grain; the raw meat, in the same, two and a half grains; and that in the saliva, twelve grains. This experiment demonstrates that saliva does not possess the properties of a solvent; but facilitates putrefaction. See, also, subsequent experiments. It also shows, that raw meat is susceptible of digestion by the gastric juice, though in a less degree than cooked meat. Experiment 59. Jan. 17. At 9 o'clock, A. M.—Weather clear, and dry. Wind N. W. and light. Th : 19°. Tem- perature of stomach, 100°. Coats clean and healthy. Extracted ten drachms of gastric fluid; not so clear OBSERVATIONS. 20S and limpid as usual; some streaks of yellow bile, and more appearance of saliva than common—acid not so perceptible as usual. I divided this into three equal parts, three and one third drachms each. To one part, I put fifteen grains firmly coagulated albu- men, (white ofegg)—to the other, fifteen grains of the soft coagulae of the same—and to the third, fif- teen grains raw albumen—and placed them on the bath and in axilla, alternately. , At the same time, he breakfasted on three hard boiled eggs, bread and coffee. At 11 o'clock, examined—stomach full. Tempera- ture, 100°. Some small red spots. Contents acrid. At 12 o'clock, M.—just returned from walking one mile, and back again. Weather clear, dry and serene. Wind N. W. and light. Th : 23°. Tempera- ture of stomach, 102°—nearly empty. Took out one ounce, almost completely chymified; a little pure oil floating on the surface. Put this on the bath. At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. At 9 o'clock, P. M., examined the parcels of albu- men, placed in the vials of gastric juice this morning, at 9 o'clock. Of the firm coagulae, there remained one and a quarter grains ; of the soft, none; of the raw, three fourths of a grain, in loose, white co- agulae. Experiment 60. Jan. 17. At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., M. I put twenty-five grains lean, broiled mutton, divided into small pieces, into five drachms of gastric juice, and same quan- tity into five drachms of gastric juice and fresh saliva, mixed togetlr , and placed them on the bath. At 9 o'clock, P. M., the meat remaining in the gas- tric juice, taken out and dried with paper, weighed just twelve grains; that in the mixture of gastricjuice and saliva, weighed eighteen and three fourths grains. The texture of the first was considerably more dis- solved and tender than the second. Returned them into their respective vials again. 206 EXPERIMENTS AND At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., M. of the 18th, examined them again. The meat remaining in the gastric juice, weighed five and three fourths grains; was soft, glutinous, and of a dirty brown colour. That in the gastric juice and saliva, weighed thirteen and a quarter grains; the texture was quite firm, and re- tained its fibrous form, and reddish, bloody colour. Put them in the bath again. At 4 o'clock, P. M., of the 19th, the meat in the "gastric juice weighed two grains. Consistence and colour of fluids, same as yesterday. The meat in the gastricjuice and saliva, weighed nine and a half grains. Fluids of a reddish brown colour, and less precipitate. In ten days, the salivary mixture became very pu- trid ; but the gastric portion was perfectly sweet, and so continued for thirty days, or more. Experiment 61. Jan. 18. With a view to ascertain the antiseptic properties of the gastric juice, I took a portion of very putrid animal matter, and added to it a quantity of gastric juice. The fcetor was at once almost com- pletely corrected, leaving only a slight putrescent smell, with the usual flavour ofthe gastricjuice. Experiment 62. At 9 o'clock, A. M., same day, extracted one and a half drachms of gastric juice, and added it to two and a half drachms of milk. The whole was formed into loose, white coagulae, in less than five minutes. At 1 o'clock, P. M., remaining coagulae, after filter- ing through muslin, weighed thirteen grains. Re- turned it into the vial, and placed it on the bath a- gain. At 9 o'clock, no coagulae remaining—all com- pletely dissolved. Experiment 63. Jan. 9. At 9 o'clock, A. M., coats of stomach perfectly healthy and clean. No appearance of mor- OBSERVATIONS. 207 bid action—tongue clean—and every indication of perfect health. There was no free fluid in the gas- tric cavity, until after the elastic tube was introduced, when it began slowly to distill from the end of the tube, drop by drop, perfectly transparent, and dis- tinctly acid. I obtained about one drachm of this kind, and then gave him a mouthful of bread to eat. No sooner had he swallowed it, than the fluid com- menced flowing more freely from the tube, and I ob- tained two drachms, less pure, however, with saliva and mucus mixed with it, and slightly tinged with yellow bile. The surface of the protruded portion of the villous coat at this time became covered with a limpid fluid, uniformly spread over its whole sur- face, distilling from myriads of very fine papillary points, and trickling down the sides. After letting him rise and walk about two or three minutes, I a- gain introduced the tube, and obtained about two drachms more of very pure gastric juice, making, in the whole, five drachms. Breakfasted on boiled pork and bread. Dined and supped on the same. Experiment 64. Jan. 20. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M., examined stomach—appearances healthy. Extracted three drachms gastric fluids, coloured with bile, slightly acid and bitter. It ran more freely than yesterday. At 8 o'clock, 45 mins., he swallowed four ounces of pure gelatine, (ichthyocolla,) prepared with boil- ing water, transparent, and of a tremulous consist- ence. At 9 o'clock, stomach appeared nearly as full as usual after eating his ordinary meals ; fluid, clear, and of the consistence of the albumen of eggs. It appeared to be the gelatine, dissolved, or diffused in the gastric juice. The juice and the liquid gelatine so much resembled each other, that I could not dis- tinguish them apart. 208 EXPERIMENTS AND At 9 o'clock, 45 mins., examined again—found the) Btomach almost entirely empty—was just able to ob- tain two drachms of fluid. It appeared to be a mix- ture of gelatinous chyme, gastric juice and flocculi of mucus, more opaque and ropy than the gastric juice alone, and more acid than the fluids of the sto- mach immediately before the gelatine was swallow- ed. Not the least appearance of bile or yellow col- our in the gastric cavity, or fluids, after taking the gelatine: considerable vertigo followed the extrac- tion of this last fluid. It soon passed over, however, and he ate his breakfast, (pork and bread) with his usual appetite. The process of the solution of gelatine, is difficult to ascertain. It is not subject to coagulation; and the action of the gastric juice is not easily perceived. It is no doubt dissolved by the gastric juice, in the same manner as other aliment is. See subsequent experiments. Experiment 65. To ascertain whether the sense of hunger would be allayed without the food being passed through the oesophagus, he fasted from breakfast time, till 4 o'- clock, P. M., and became quite hungry. I then put in at the aperture, three and a half drachms of lean, boiled beef. The sense of hunger immediately sub- sided, and stopped the borborygmus, or croaking noise, caused by the motion of air in the stomach and intestines, peculiar to him since the wound, and almost always observed when the stomach is empty. This experiment proves that the sense of hunger resides in the stomach, and is as well allayed by put- ting the food directly into the stomach, as when the previous steps have been gone through with. Not that I would deny the utility of the previous process- es, in ordinary cases. Even the sense of taste is es- OBSERVATIONS. 209 isentiaL It is placed as a sentinel, to prevent impro- per articles from being introduced into the stomach. See, also, subsequent experiments. Experiment 66. Jan. 21. At 8 o'clock, A. M.—Examined stomach. Could obtain but few drops of gastric juice. Sent him to exercise in the open air for half an hour. Se- cretions increased—gastric juice flows pure, and more freely. Extracted three drachms. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., he breakfasted on bread and coffee, and a small piece of lean pork. At 2 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty. Extracted two drachms of gastric juicc, tinged with yellow bile ; and then one drachm of pure, transparent juice, distilling, by drops, from the end of the tube. At 2 o'clock, 30 mins., I put ten grains of raw suet into two drachms of gastric juice, tinged with bile, and ten grains of the same, into two drachms of pure gastricjuice. Placed them both on the bath. At 9 o'clock, the piece of suet in the juice that was tinged with bile, was considerably more dis- solved than that in the clear gastricjuice ; and when examined with the compound microscope, the glo- bules appeared more numerous and much smaller^ This appearance was, also, clearly perceptible to the naked eye, as the mixtures stood in the vials. At 10 o'clock, the piece in the yellow juice was all dissolved—the other, not entirely. This, with other subsequent experiments, indicate that oily or fatty food is sooner digested when there is a small admixture of bile with the gastric juicc. Exercise, it seems, promotes the discharge ofthe gastric juice, as well as digestion in the stomach. Experiment 67. Jan. 22. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M.—Stomach clean and healthy. Extracted five drachms of very 2D 210 EXPERIMENTS AND clear, pure gastric juice. The first three drachms ran out quite freely; the other two drachms distilled by drops. It was not the least tinged with bile, and tasted distinctly acid. Breakfasted on beef steak, bread and coffee. At 1 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty. Experiment 68. At 9 o'clock, P. M., same day, St. Martin having eaten nothing since 2 o'clock, and feeling quite hun- gry, I put into the stomach, at the aperture, eight ounces of beef and barley soup, introduced gently through a tube, with a syringe, lukewarm. It caus- ed no unpleasant sensation, but allayed the sense of hunger. It satisfied the appetite ; and he said he had no desire to eat. At 10 o'clock, he said he felt a little hungry again, and ate eight ounces more ofthe same kind of soup, which had a similar effect as the other. Experiment 69. Jan. 23. At 9 o'clock, A. M.—Weather rainy.— Wind N. E. and light. Th: 39°. Stomach empty, clean and healthy. Temperature of stomach, 100|°.* Breakfasted on sausage, bread and coffee. At 10 o'clock—Aspect of weather same as at 9 o'clock. Th : 40°. Stomach full of fluids—temper- ature 101 a°. The spirit became stationary at that point, after keeping the tube in the aperture eight or ten minutes : after which, it did not vary for ten minutes, when it was taken out. At 12 o'clock, M., he returned from a walk of two miles. Stomach nearly empty. Temperature 101 j° —stationary after being continued five minutes in the stomach. At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. * In this, and the subsequent experiments, I used a spirit Ther- mometer, taken from Pool's Barometer, which varied half a de- cree from those formerly used. OBSERVATIONS. 211 Experiment 70. Jan. 21. At 8 o'clock, A. M., Weather cloudy and damp. Wind N. and moderate. Th : 39°. Stomach empty, clean and healthy—temperature, 100|°. Ex- tracted four drachms gastric juice, very little tinged with yellow. At 9 o'clock, he returned from a short walk. Tem- perature of stomach, the same. Breakfasted on bread and coffee. 12 o'clock, stomach empty. Temperature of the stomach, after walking two miles or more, 1014°. Experiment 71. At 1 o'clock, P. M., same day, St. Martin com- plaining of being quite hungry, I put into the stomach at the aperture, twelve raw oysters, more than mid- dling size. The sensation was allayed, and the ap- petite satisfied, the same as if swallowed. He was not hungry again till half after 4 o'clock, when he ate a dozen more of the same kind of oysters, with bread. At 10 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty and clean. Weather damp and rainy. Wind N. E. and brisk. Temperature of the stomach, 99£°. He had been covered in bed, and sleeping, for two and a half hours, from which 1 awoke him to introduce the Thermometer. He fell asleep again during the ex- amination—only awoke while putting in and taking out the glass tube. Experiment 72. Jan. 25. At 6 o'clock, A. M.—Wind Southerly, and li .tinued to recur every two or three minutes—not i rr'formiy, but at irregular intervals. A sense of distress and uneasi- ness wasfelt at the point wJkereihe *>ulb lay, every time these contractions reeurred, no ns to occasion involuntary manifestations of pain, expressed in the muscular motions of his face. The Thermometer did not perceptibly vary, during alf this time, from the usual standard temperature ofthe interior of the stomach. It was 101 1-4°, at the pyloric extremity, and 100 1-2° in the splenic end, and continued so, during the whole time, ranging between these two points, according as it was moved higher or lower in the gastric cavity. At this time, 11 o'clock, 10 mins., the stomach was about half empty—and chy- mification rapidly advancing. At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., M., the stomach was emp- ty and clean. Temperature 101 1-4° and 100 1-2°. Extracted two and a half drachms gastric juice. Experiment 89. Feb. 1. At 6 o'clock, A. M.—before rising— Weather clear. WindN.W. Th: 28°. Stomach OBSERVATIONS. 22X empty, clean and healthy. Temperature 100" and 99 ]-4°—rose moderately. No gastric juice secreted. At 8 o'clock—Weather clear, and growing cold. Th: 26°. Temperature of stomach, immediately before going out, 101° and 100°. Returned in 30 minutes. Temperature of stomach the sane. Ex- tracted four drachms gastric juice. At 9 o'clock, he breakfasted on bread, savsage and coffee, and kept exercising. 11 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach two thirds empty. Aspects of weather si- milar. Th: 29°. Temperature of stomach, 101 1-2° and 100 3-4°. The same appearance of con- traction and dihtation, and alternate piston motions were distinctly observed at this examination. 12 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 90. At 2 o'clock, P. M., same day, he dined onpotaloet and meat. 5 o'clock, weather clear and pleasant. Wind N. W. and light. Th: 32°. Stomach nearly empty. Temperature 102° and 101 1-2°, after walk- ing. 5 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 91. Feb. 2. At8 o'clock, 30 mins., St. Martin finished breakfasting on full meal of two and a half ounces fried sausage, seven and a half ounces warm corn bread, and a pint of coffee. Kept gently exercising for one hour, and then increased his exercise to severe walk- ing, two or three miles, for two hours. Stomach full when he started, at 9 o'clock, 45 minutes. At 12 o'clock, M., returned from walking. Stom- ach not entirely empty. Oil and bread perceptible. 12 o'clock 30 mins., considerable fluid in the stom- ach, tinged with yellow bile. No distinct particles of food to be distinguished. 1 o'clock, P. M., stom- ach empty and clean. Extracted two drachms pure gastric juice. Severe exercise, in this instance, is supposed to 324 EXPERIMENT* ANB have retarded digestion, as well as the peculiar km J of food eaten. Experiment 92, At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., same day, he dined on four ounces of fresh, boiled beef, (cold) and five ounces bread, and continued walking smartly, for three and a half hours, till 4 o'clock, 45 mins., P. M. Stomach nearly empty. Dinner almost completely chymified. 5 o'clock, stomach empty. Experiment 93. Feb. 3. At 8 o'clock 45 mins., extracted four drachms gastricjuice. He breakfasted on full meal, two and a half ounces boiled beef, seven and a half ounces bread, and one pint of coffee; and kept per- fectly still. 12 o'clock, 30 mins., M., stomach not empty. I o'clock, P. M., stomach empty and clean. Extracted one and a half drachms gastric juice. This indicates that a complete state of repose is unfavourable to speedy digestion. Experiment 94. At 1 o'clock., 30 mins., P. M., same day, he dined on four ounces fresh, boild beef, five ounces of bread, andpatatoes. (J o'clock, stomach not entirely empty ; but none ofthe meat remaining. 6 o'clock 15 mins., very little of the bread and potatoes to be seen. 6 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 95. Feb. 3. At 12 o'clock, M., I put two equal and en- tire pieces of parsnip, ten grains each, one boiled, and the other raw ; the same kinds and quantities of carrot; and the same of potato—into four drachms of gastricjuice, and placed them on the bath. At 12 o'clock, M., on the 4th, the vegetables taken ©ut and wiped or filtered as dry as when put in, shew- ed the following result: OBSERVATIONS; 225 The piece of raw parsnip, weighed three grains; the boiled, one grain. Raw carrot, three and one fourth grains ; boiled, half a grain. Raw potato, eight and a half grains ; boiled, no entire particle could be distinguished—a fibrous and farinaceous residuum of six grains remained on the filter. At 12 o'clock, M., on the 5*h, the pieces of pars- nip and carrot were almost entirely dissolved, a grain or two of the raw carrot, and fibrous centre of the parsnip, only remaining. About a grain of the roughish white farina of the boiled potato, re- mained. The raw potato was a little softened and wasted on the surface, but weighed the same as at last examination, eight and a half grains. This is an illustration of the necessity of tender- ness and susceptibility of division of the articles of diet, for speedy solution by the gastric juice. The raw potato retained nearly its weight, after the oth- er articles were dissolved. Experiment 96. At 3 o'clock, P. M., same day, I took two equal quantities, two drachms each, of saliva, acidulated to about the flavour of gastric juice—one with ace- tic, and the other with muriatic acid—and put into each, two pieces of parsnip, and two of carrot, one of each boiled, and the other raw ; each weighing ten grains ; and placed them on the bath. At 3 o'clock, P. M., on the 4th, the carrot in the saliva and muriatic acid, had lost nothing—the pars- nio, only two grains. In the acetous menstruum, both kinds remained the same as when put in. The fluids of both were unaltered in their sensible quali- ties and appearances. After continuing them on the bath, with frequent agitation, for twenty-four hours longer, the parsnip. in the muriatic menstruum, had lost four grains— the carrot nothing. The parsnip in the acetic mix- 2 F 226 EXPERIMENTS AND ture, had lost six grains, and the carrot four grams, but appeared to have been rather macerated and diffused, than dissolved or digested. I now mixed them all together, and continued them on the bath, for twenty-four hours longer; at the end of which time, the whole remaining mass of vegetable matter, weighed twelve grains. The fluid appeared now a little more chymous, and was rather turbid. This is an example of a species of solution, per- formed by chemical agents, having some resem. blance to digestion. It is not at all probable, how- ever, that this mixture was in a state of preparation for the action of the pancreatic and hepatic fluids ; but if placed in the stomach, would require the same action of the gastric juice, as other diet would. Experiment 97. . Feb. 4. At 9 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted on two and a half ounces of boiled beef, six ounces of bread, and one pint of coffee. Exercised smartly for three hours. At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., M., chymifica- tion complete. Stomach empty. Experiment 98. Feb. 5. At 9 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted same as yesterday, and kept still. 11 o'clock, stomach nearly full. 12 o'clock, M., considerable yet in the stomach; oil and bread plainly to be seen. 12 o'- clock, 30 mins., contents of stomach not yet gone. 1 o'clock, P. M., stomach almost empty. 1 o'clock, 15 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 99. Feb.l. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M., I put twen- ty grains boiled codfish into three drachms gastric juice, and placed them on the bath. OBSERVATIONS. 227 At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., fish in the gastric juice, on the bath, was almost dissolved, four grains only remaining—fluid opaque, white, nearly the col- our of milk. 2 o'clock, the fish in the vial, all com- pletely dissolved. Experiment 100. Feb. 7. At 9 o'clock, A. M., breakfasted on boiled codfish and bread. Digested in four hours and a half. Experiment 101. Feb. 8. At 10 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M., I put two parcels, ten grains each, of strong cheese, one mas- ticated, and the other an entire piece, into three drachms gastric juice. At 6 o'clock, P. M., the mas- ticated portion was all completely digested, scarcely a trace left on the filter. The entire piece had lost four and three fourths grains—five and one fourth grains remaining undissolved, and ofthe same shape as when put in, having lost its superfiees only. This !)iece continued gradually to diminish, for twenty four lours, when it was completely dissolved. Experiment 102. Feb. 12. At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., he dined on mutton, and barley soup and bread. Digested in three and a quarter hours. Experiment 103. Feb. 13. At 2 o'clock, 15 minutes P. M., he dined on mutton and barley soup and bread. Digested in three and a quarter hours. Experiment 104. Feb. 14. At 9 o'clock, A. M., I took forty grains masticated, broiled beef steak, divided into two equal, parts—put one into four drachms gastric juice, and the other, into four drachms of a mixture of dilute muriatic and acetic acids, reduced with water to the flavor of the gastric fluid, as nearly as practicable— 228 EXPERIMENTS AND three parts ofthe muriatic to one part of the acetic, Placed them together on the bath. At 6 o'clock, P. M., the meat in the gastric juice was all dissolved ; that in the dilute acids, when filtered, left a residu- um of nine grains, of a jelly-like consistence. The fluids, also, differed in appearance. That from the gastricjuice was opaque, and of a lightish grey col- our, depositing a brown sediment on standing. • The other was also opaque, and of a reddish brown col-; our, but deposited no sediment. This was an attempt to imitate the gastric juice. It was not satisfactory. Probably the gastric juice contains some principles inappreciable to the senses, or to chemical tests, besides the alkaline substan- ces already discovered in it. Experiment 105. At the same time of the above experiment, (104) I put the same quantities of pure dry gelatine, (ich- thyocolla) into exactly similar quantities and kinds of fluids, and placed them all together on the bath. At 6 o'clock, P. M., the gelatine in the gastricjuice was all completely dissolved—that in the dilute a- cids, after being placed on the filter, left a residuum of tliree grains of a jelly-like substance. These two fluids differed in appearance. That from the gastric liquor was of an opaque, whitish colour, with little fine, brown sediment—that from the acid menstruum was also opaque, but of a reddish brown colour, and of a thin, mucilaginous consistence, with no sedi- ment. One drachm of infusion of nutgalls, added to the gastric solution, immediately afforded a rich, cream- like fluid, and slowly precipitated a fine, compact sediment. The same quantity of infusion of galls, added to the other, immediately formed the whole mass into a coarse, brown coagulum. After stand- ing a while, it afforded a large, loose, brownish OBSERVATIONS. 229 sediment, and a light coloured fluid, which, on stand- ing, became white as milk; and the sediment bo- came compact and remained so. The precipitates, after the addition of the ton taken out and filtered, weighed as follow.'—that in the gastric solution, eighteen grains ; the other, for- ty grains—the difference of weight being about e- qual to the quantity of gelatine put in. Experiment 106. Feb. 15. At 9 o'clock, 45 mins., A.M., repeated the last (105th) experiment, with gelatine, and the gastric juice, and dilute acids, in the same propor- tions. At 3 o'clock, 15 mins., P. M., the gelatine in gas- tric juice, all dissolved, to a mere mite—that in acid mixture, nearly so, six grains only, remaining on the filter, of a jelly-like consistence. The fluid of the gastric portion had a bluish white colour, and the other, yellowish, or about the colour of dry gelatine. At 6 o'clock, the gelatine in the acid menstruum, all dissolved. Fluids of both, nearly similar. One drachm infusion of nutgalls. added to each, instantly formed loose, lightish coloured coagulae in both ; threw down a compact sediment in the gas- tric solution, and left an opaque, milky fluid. The coarse coagulae in the acid menstruum, continued suspended throughout the mass of fluids, for a long time, gradually subsiding. At the end of forty eight hours, it had become precipitated to the bottom into a compact mass, and exhibited distinct particles of the entire, undissolved gelatine, mixed with a dirty white coloured, curd-like substance. Experiment 107. Feb. 15. At 1 o'clock 30 mins., P. M.. he dined on boiled codfish and bread. Digested in four hours and a half 230 EXPERIMENTS AND Experiment 108. Feb. 16. At 1 o'clock, 45 mins.. P. M., he dined on mutton soup and bread—6 o'clock stomach empty. Di- gested in four hours and a quarter. Experiment 109. Feb. 19. At 9 o'clock, A, M., I put twenty grains of boiled fat pork, cut fine, into three drachms of clear gastric juice, and the same kind and quantity into three drachms of gastric juice, strongly tinged with yellow bile, with a view to ascertain whether there be any difference in their solvent effects upon fat meats. Placed both on axilla. At 1 o'clock, P. M., the pork in the gastric juice, tinged with bile, dissolved to less than one grain—that remaining un- dissolved, in the clear juice, weighed two grains and a half. Experiment 110. Feb. 20. At I o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., I put three parcels, ten grains qach, of boiled codfish, into three separate portions of gastricjuice, one pure, another containing bile, and the third, a clear, limpid, slightly acid fluid, taken from the stomach after active exer- cise and profuse perspiration, in more abundant quantity than usual. Placed them all on the bath. At I o'clock, 30 mins., P. M„ of the 21 st, I took out and weighed the three parcels of fish. The result was as follows : that in the pure gastric juice weighed two and a half grains ; that in the yellow, three grains ; and the other, six grains. This shows that other than oily food is retarded by the admixture of bile in the gastricjuice. Experiment 111. Feb. 23. At 9 o'clock, 45 mins., P. M., I took out two parcels, one drachm each, of gastric juice, one pure, and the other ofthe clear, limpid fluid, extract- ed under the circumstances mentioned in the last experiment, and put eight grains of lean beef, finely OBSERVATIONS. 231 out, into each ; and placed them on the bath togeth- er. After being treated alike on the bath for six or eight hours, the residuum in the pure gastric juice, Weighed three grains ; and that in the limpid fluid, six grains and a half. Experiment 112. Feb. 21. At 9 o'clock, 30 mins., A M., having extracted gastric juice, containing a large propor- tion of yellow bile, I put twenty grains of" strong cheese, cut small, into two drachms of it; and the same quantity and kind of cheese, into two drachms of pure gastric juice : placed them together on the bath. At 9 o'clock, P. M., residuum in the yellow juice, weighed five grains; that in the clear juice six grains. Returned them to the bath. At 9 o'clock, A. M., ofthe 25th, the cheese in the yellow juice, all dissolved; of that in the clear juice, two grains remained. Experiment 113. March 26. At 8 o'clock, 15 mins.—Weather clear. Stomach empty and healthy. Introduced Thermo- meter (Pool's glass) three fourths the length of its tube, eight or ten inches, and continued it live min- utes. Spirit stationary at 100 1-2°. At 9 o'clock, suspended, through the aperture, into the stomach, enclosed in a muslin bag, forty grains of broiled, fresh codfish, previously masticated, and imbued with saliva ; and he immediately afterwards breakfasted on the same kind offish, a small quan- tity of bread, and coffee, and kept exercising mode- rately. At 11 o'clock, stomach full of fluids. 2 o'clock, P. M., chymification complete. Bag empty. Experiment 114. March 27. At 9 o'clock, 15 mins., A.M., he breakfasted on fresh, broiledfish(Fbunder) bread and coffee, and kept *3- . .EXPERIMENTS ASD exercising moderately-. 11 o'clock, stomach half ♦unpty—pulp of bread only appeared. 11 o'clock. 30 mins., particles of fish and bread still to be seen in the stomach. 1 o'clock, P. M,. stomach entirely clear of food. Temperature 101°. Experiment 115. I took dilute muriatic acid, reduced it to the strength and taste of the gastric juice, as nearly as practica- ble, three drachms ; dilute acetous acid, to about the same flavour, one drachm—mixed them together, and put into this mixture, one scruple of broiled steak, cut fine ; and the same quantity and kind of meat in- to four drachms of gastric juice. Placed them both on the bath. In six hours and three quarters, the meat in the gastric juice, taken out and filtered, weighed ty.o grains only—that in the acid mixture, treated in the same way, was not dissolved; but had lost its fibrous form; and was converted into a tremulous, jelly-like mass, too tenacious to pass through the filter, and weighed more than when first put in. It did not appear like chyme, nor resemble that in the gastric juice. After digesting eight hours longer, on the bath, ths contents of the acid mixture had become nearly dis- solved or diffused, and when run through the filter, left only a very little of the jelly-like mas;-, so abun- dant in the first examination. The liquid was now more liko, though not exactly similar, to that of tlv*. gastric portion ; this being opaque, and of a light- ish grey colour, affording a dark brown sediment on standing ; that from the acid menstruum, was also opaque, of reddish brown colour, but deposited i:o sediment. Two drachms of the infusion of nutgalis, added to the gastric portion, threw down a fine, reddish brown precipitate, and afforded an opaque fluid, of similar colour. Two drachms ofthe infusion, added to the acid mixture, threw down a more copious pre- cipitate, and left a clearer and thinner fluid, of a yellowish colour, and nearly transparent. OBSERVATION'S. 233 Experiment 116. A drachm of the concentrated, disinfecting solu- tion of chloride of soda, prepared according to the formula of Labarraque, was added to a drachm of an extremely putrid mixture of beef, macerated in water—the putridity speedily disappeared ; but not more so than when a drachm of pure gastric juice was added to a similar quantity of the same putrid mixture. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATIONS. The following Microscopic examinations, were made with Jones' compound Microscope, in presence of Professor Dlwglison and of Capt. H. Smith, of the Army. They afford, however, very little informa- tion on the subject of digestion, and show that no very satisfactory results are attainable from Micro- scopic examinations of Chyme. I. Pure gastric juice, exhibited the appearance of water, except that there were perceptible, a very few minute globules. II. The chymous product of the gastric juice and unmasticated, lean beef, exhibited globules of various sizes, resembling those of the blood, having a trans- parent centre, and opaque margin, with various very fine filaments, of apparently undigested fibrine. III. Product of gastric juice and albumen—exhibit- ed appearances resembling, considerably, those pre- sented by the gastric juice alone—no distinct globu- lar arrangement. IV. Chyme from gastric juice and tendon of veal— exhibited numerous minute, apparently fleshy, par- tick s—no globular appearance. 2G 234 EXPERIMENTS AND V. Chyme from gastric juice and fowl and bread —In the comparatively clear portion, (taken without shaking the vial) exhibited a few undissolved parti- cles, and very few globules. A portion taken after shaking the vial, exhibited considerably more parti- cles, and a greater number of globules. VI. The product of the same kind of aliment, (foicl and bread) macerated in water, exhibited nu- merous undissolved particles, with few globules ;— the globules not so regularly formed, as in the fore- going experiment. Vif. Product of gastric juice, and soup, made from fresh beef exhibited globules extremely numerous, and distinctly formed, far more so, than in any of the preceding experiments—and a few particles of meat. VIII. Impure gastric juice, or that with an admix- ture of green bile, when taken from the stomach, ex- hibited numerous amorphous particles, with few globules. IX. Chyme, artificially formed, from pork and bread, exhibited numerous globules of different sizes, apparently oily. X. Chymous product of gastric juice and fat pork, formed in the stomach, exhibited a beautiful appear- ance of large transparent globules, of different sizes, evidently oily. XI. Fat pork, macerated in pure water, presented appearances of globules precisely similar to those in the products of digestion. EXPERIMENTS, &© FOURTH SERIES. Plattsburgh, N. Y. 1833. The following Gastric Experiments, and Exami- nations of the stomach, have been made since the manuscript of the previous part of this work was prepared for the press. Examinations of the Temperature and Appear- ance of the Interior of the Stomach. I. July 9. 6 o'clock, A. M. Weather cloudy and damp. Wind W., light. Stomach empty and clean. Introduced glass thermometer, at the aper- ture, bulb nine inches down towards the pylorus- temperature 100°, Fahrenheit, before rising from his bed. II. Jnhf 10. 6 o'clock, A. M. Weather clear. Wind W., brisk. Th : 63°. Stomach empty and clean. Temperature 100°, before rising. 9 o'clock, P.M. Weather clear and calm. Th : 75°. Stom- ach empty. Temperature I 01°, after moderate ex- ercise in open air. III. July II. 6 o'clock, A. M. Weather cloudy. WTind N. E., brisk. Th : 65°. Stomach empty and clean. Temperature 100°, before rising. 8 o'clock, -JD EXPERIMENTS AND 30 mins. Weather clear and dry. Wind S., brisk. Temperature of stomach 101°, after exercise. 9 o'- clock 30 mins.. P. M. Weather hazy. Wind S. W„ light. Th: 75°. Temperature 101°. IV. July 12. 6 o'clock, A. M. Weather clear. Wind W., brisk. Th : 70°. Stomach empty. Tem- perature 100 1-2°, after going out into the open air. 9 o'clock, P. M. Weather clear. Wind W., light. Th:76°. Temperature 101 3-4°. Stomach empty. V. July 13. 5 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M. Weath- er clear, serene and calm. Thermometer 69°. Sto- mach empty, healthy and clean. Temperature 99 1-2°, before rising from his bed. 6 o'clock, 30 mins. Weather same as at last examination. Stomach empty. Temperature 100 3-4°, after rising and walk- ing out in open air, twenty or thirty minutes. 6 o'clock, 45 mins. Returned from a smart walk, exercising so as to produce gentle perspiration. Temperature 101 3-4°. VI. July 14. 5 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M. Weath- er variable—heavy thunder shower, during the night. Wind S., moderate. Th : 75°. Stomach empty.— Temperature 100° on rising from bed—100 3-4° af- ter walking out into the open air, and immediately back. 9 o'clock, P. M. Weather rainy—atmos- phere oppressive. Th: 79°. Wind S., light. Tem- perature of stomach 102°. St. Martin has been in the woods all day, picking whortleberries, and has eaten no other food since 7 o'clock in the morning, till 8 at evening. Stomach full of berries and chym- ifying aliment, frothing and foaming like fermenting beer or cider—appears to have been drinking liquor too freely. VII. July 15. 5 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M. Weath- er clear. Wind W., light—air damp—ground wet. Th: 74°. Stomach empty. Temperature 100°, be- fore rising. 7 o'cb;k/,30 mins. Weather, wind, &c. same as at last examination. Th : 74°. Stom- ach empty. Temperature 102°, immediately after smart exercise. 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M. Weath- observations. 237 er clear and pleasant, since 8 o'clock, (till within fif- teen minutes, in which interim, has fallen a light shower of rain.) Wind W., light. Th : 74°. Stom- ach empty. Temperature 100 1-2°—has been at manual exercise for four hours. 9 o'clock, P. M.— Weather and wind, same. Th : 72°. Temperature 1013-4°. Stomach full of chymous fluid, oil, and pulp of bread and cakes, eaten for supper, two hours previous to examination. VIII. Julij 16. 7 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M. Weath- er cloudy. 'Wind W., light. Th: 73°. Stomach empty. Temperature 101°, after rising and before exercising. 9 o'clock, P. M. Weather cloudy, damp and chilly. Th : 70°. Temperature 101 1-2°. IX. July 28. 9 o'clock, A. M. Weather clear. Wind N. W., brisk. Th: 66°. Stomach empty- not healthy—some erythema and aphthous patches on the mucous surface. St. Martin has been drink- ing ardent spirits, pretty freely, for eight or ten days past—complains of no pain, nor shows symptoms of any general indisposition—says he feels well and lias a good appetite. X. August 1. 8 o'clock, A. M. Examined stom- ach before eating any thing—inner membrane mor- bid—considerable erythema and some aphthous patches on the exposed surface—secretions vitiated —extracted about half an ounce of gastric juice- not clear and pure as in health—quite viscid. XI. August 2. 8 o'clock, A. M. Circumstances and appearances very similar to those of yesterday morning. Extracted one ounce of gastric fluids— consisting of unusual proportions of vitiated mucus, saliva, and some bile, tinged slightly with blood, ap- pearing to exude from the surface of the erythema, and aphthous patches, which were tenderer and more irritable than usual. St. Martin complains of no sense of pain, symptoms of indisposition, or even of impaired appetite. Temperature of stomach 101°. XII. August 3. 7 o'clock, A. M. Inner mem- brane of stomach unusually morbid—the erythema- 238 experiments and tous appearance more extensive, and spots more liv- id than usual ; from the surface of some of which, exuded small drops of grumous blood—the aphthous patches larger and more numerous—the mucous co- vering, thicker than common, and the gastric secre- tions much more vitiated. The gastric fluids ex- tracted this morning were mixed with a large pro- portion of thick ropy mucus, and considerable mu- co-purulent matter, slightly tinged with blood, resem- bling the discharge from the bowels in some cases of chronic dysentery. Notwithstanding this diseased appearance of the stomach, no very essential aber- ration of its functions was manifested. St. Martin complains of no symptoms indicating any general derangement of the system, except an uneasv sen- sation, and a tenderness at the pit of the stomach, and some vertigo, with dimness and yellowness of vision, on stooping down and rising again—has a thin, yellowish brown coat on his tongue, and his countenance is rather sallow—pulse, uniform and regular ; appetite good ; rests quietly, and sleeps as well as usual. XIII. August 4. 8 o'clock, A. M.. stomach emp- ty ; less of those aphthous patches than yesterday ; erythematous appearance more extensively diffused over the inner coats, and the surface inclined to bleed; secretions vitiated. Extracted about an ounce of gastric fluids, consisting of ropy mucus, some bile, and less of the muco-purulent matter, than yester- day ; flavour peculiarly foetid and disagreeable ; al- kalescent and insipid ; no perceptible acid ; appetite good ; rests well, and no indications of general dis- ease or indisposition. XIV. August 5. 8 o'clock, A. M., stomach emp- ty ; coats less morbid than yesterday; aphthous patches mostly disappeared; mucous surface more uniform, soft, and nearly of the natural, healthy col- our ; secretions less vitiated. Extracted two ounces gastric juice, more clear and pure, than that taken for four or five days last past, and slightly acid; but observations. 239 containing a larger proportion of mucus, and more opaque than usual, in a healthy condition. XV. Augusts. 8 o'clock, A. M., stomach emp- ty ; coats clean and healthy as usual ; secretions less vitiated. Extracted two ounces gastric juice, of more natural and healthy appearance, with the usu- al gastric acid flavour : complains of no uneasy sen- sations, or the slightest symptom of indisposition ; says he feels perfectly well, and has a voracious ap- petite ; but not permitted to indulge it to satiety.— He has been restricted from full, and confined to low diet, and simple, diluent drinks, for the last few days, and has not been allowed to taste of any stimulating liquors, or to indulge in excesses of any kind. Diseased appearances, similar to those mentioned above, have frequently presented themselves, in the course of my experiments and examinations, as the reader will have perceived. They have generally, but not alwavs, succeeded to some appreciable cause. Improper indulgence in eating and drinking, has been the most common precursor of these dis- eased conditions of the coats of the stomach. The free use of ardent spirits, wine, beer, or any intoxi- cating liquor, when continued for some days, has in- variably produced these morbid < hanges. Eating voraciously, or to excess ; swallowing food coarsely masticated, or too fast; the introduction of solid pieces of meat, suspended by rords, into the stom- ach; or of muslin bags of aliment, secured in the same way ; almost invariably produce similar effects, if repeated a number of times inclose succession. These morbid changes and conditions are, how- ever, seldom indicated by any ordinary symptoms, or particular sensations described or complained of, unless when in considerable excess, or when there have been corresponding symptoms of a general af- fection ofthe svstem. They could not, in fact, in most cases, have been anticipated from any external symp- 210 EXPERIMENTS and toms ; and their existence was only ascertained by actual, ocular demonstration. It is interesting to observe to what extent the sto- mach, perhaps the most important organ of the an- imal system, may become diseased, without mani- festing any external symptoms of such disease, or any evident signs of functional aberration. Vitiated secretions may also take place, and continue for some time, without affecting the health, in any sen- sible degree. Extensive active or chronic disease may exist in the membranous tissues of the stomach' and bowels, more frequently than has been generally believed ; and it is possible that there are good grounds for the opinion advanced by a celebrated teacher of medi- cine, that most febrile complaints are the effects of gastric and enteric inflammations. In the case ofthe subject of these experiments, inflammation certain- ly does exist, to a considerable extent, even in an ap- parent state of health—greater than could have been believed to comport with the due operations of the gastric functions. Experiments, &c. Experiment 1. Sept. 18. At 8 o'clock, 45 mins., A. M., St. Mai tin breakfasted on four ounces of fresh salmon trout, fried, tliree ounces of bread, and drank half a pint of water. The coats of the stomach were not perfect- ly healthy ; some aphthous patches and dark red spots to be seen on the mucous surface ; gastric juice slightly viscid; acid taste distinctly percepti- ble. At 10 o'clock, 15 mins., stomach entirely emp- ty. Breakfast completely chymified and gone; no- thing but a little gastricjuice and flocculi of mucus. remaining in the stomach. OBSERVATIONS. 241 Experiment 2. Sepi. 18. At 2 o'clock, P. M., he dined on six ounces of boiled fresh, salmon trout, three ounces of bread, and a potato, and drank half a pint of water. Continued at work, sawing and splitting wood. He had eaten nothing from the time he took his break- fast ; had been hard at work all the time ; looked, and said he felt quite fatigued. At 3 o'clock, 40 mins., stomach about half full of a nearly homogeneous semi-fluid, of a rich milk or cream colour, and about the consistence of fine corn meal gruel—a few small particles of the fish, and some ofthe potato, could be distinguished. 4 o'clock, 15 mins., stomach empty and clean. Experiment 3. Sept. 20. At 1 o'clock, 15 mins., P. M., he dined on three ounces fat pork, and one pint of corn and beans, (green,) two ounces of bread, and half a pint of water ; and kept exercising. Digested in three hours and three quarters. Experiment 4. Sept. 21. At 8 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted on eight ounces of beefs liver, broiled, two ounces of bread, and drank half a pint of water. Continued us- ual exercise. 9 o'clock 30 mins., stomach full of partially chymified food, considerable oil, (melted butter,) floating on the surface ; black pepper min- gled with it, and emitting a strong aromatic odour of the spice. 10 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty and clean. Extracted two drachms of gastricjuice, Experiment 5. At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., same day, St. Martin dined on one pint of rich beef and vegetable soup<> made of the joint, marrow bone and muscle of the leg of an ox, three ounces of bread, and continued moder- ate exercise. 3 o'clock, 15 mins., stomach nearly full of thick, greyish white, porridge-like semi-fluid. 2H 242 EXPERIMENTS AND' with a thick pellicle of oil floating on the surface. 4 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty. Experiment 6. Sept. 30. At 7 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M., he break- fasted on bread and milk, and continued his usual ex- ercise. 8 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach nearly full of milky fluid, pulp of bread and coagulae. 9 o'clock, contents of stomach considerably diminished since last examination—took out a portion, nearly chymified ; very little fine coagulae perceptible; bread in small particles, reduced to a greyish, soft pulp ; the men- struum of a whitish, whey-colour and consistence. 9 o'clock, 30 mins., chymification complete. Stom- ach empty and clean. The portion taken out of the stomach, at 9 o'clock, into a vial and continued in the axilla, till 12 o'clock, M., was almost completely chymified; small pulpous particles of bread only, discernible; the fluid of a rich whey, or gruel colour and consistence; a little loose, light coloured sediment fell to the bottom, on standing. Experiment 7. Oct. 1. At I o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., St. Martin dined on boiled, fresh, lean beef,potatoes and bread, and continued his usual exercise. 4 o'clock, 15 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 8. Oct. 2. At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., he dined on same kind of food as yesterday, lean, boiled beef, po- tatoes and bread, dressed with a liberal quantity of strong mustard and vinegar, and continued the same e -ercise. 3 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach nearly full of heterogeneous mixture. 4 o'clock, 30 mins., sto- mach still contains chyme and some undissolved food; fluids taste and smell quite strongly of the "mustard; complains of more smarting at the edges of the ap- erture, than usual ; some slight morbid appearance' on the mucous surface. 5 o'clock, stomach empty. observations. 243 These two last experiments were made under al- most exactly similar conditions of the stomach, with a view to notice the effects of this kind of stimu- lating condiment. The result was, that it appa- rently retarded the process of digestion; no other appreciable cauSe existed, for this difference of re- sult. The stomach presented the usual healthy ap- pearance immediately previous to the ingestion of the meal. Nothing occurred to interfere with, or in- terrupt the digestive functions. The slight morbid appearance on the mucous surface, towards the close of chymification, I conceive to have been more the effect ofthe over excitement of the mustard than any other cause. It would seem then, that stimulating condiments, instead of being used with impunity, are actually prejudicial to the healthy stomach. They can only be required, and taken with benefit, when the gastric apparatus is languid and relaxed, and requires stim- ulants to excite the tone and action of its vascular tissues. Experiment 9. Oct. 3. At 2 o'clock, 35 mins., P. M., St. Martin ate nine ounces of raw, ripe, sour apples. 3 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach full of fluid and pulp of apples ; quite acrid, and irritating the edges of the aperture, as is always the case when he eats acescent fruits or vegetables. 4 o'clock, stomach not empty ; contents more sharp and acrid; pulp of apple still to be seen. 4 o'clock, 40 mins., stomach empty * morbid appearance of the gastric surface consider- ably increased. Experiment 10. Oct. 7. At 8 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted on bean soup, made with fresh beef and bread. Digested in three hours. And at 2 o'clock, P. M., he dined on the same, which was digested in three and a quarter hours. 244 EXPERIMENTS AND Experiment 11. Oct. 10. At 8 o'clock, A. M. Weather fair.— Wind W., light. Th: 61°. Stomach empty and healthy. Temperature 101°, after moderate exer- cise. Breakfasted on baked potatoes and bread. 10 o'clock, stomach nearly empty : a little chymous fluid to be seen ; quite .acrid. Temperature 101 J°, after usual exercise. 10 o'clock, 45 mins., stomach empty. Temperature 1011°. Experiment 12. At 2 o'clock, P. M., same day. Weather hazy. Wind S., moderate. Th: 61°. Stomach empty and healthy. Temperature 101 3-4°, after exercise. Dined on roast beef, bread, potatoes and boiled cabbage. 4 o'clock. Wind S. W., brisk—raining. Th : 61°. Stomach half full of heterogeneous mass of acrid fluid, oil, beef and cabbage. Temperature 103°; had been smartly exercising for two hours. 7 o'clock, 30 mins., wind and weather same as at 4 o'clock.— Th : 63°. Stomach empty. Temperature 102.— Exercise continued moderately till this examination. In this experiment, the temperature of the stom- ach rose to 103°, one degree higher than I have ev- er before observed it to rise ; and chymification was protracted. Whether these two circumstances were occasion- ed by unusually increased exercise, and the conse- quent fatigue of the system, or from the nature of the aliment eaten, and the unusual fulness of the meal, I am not able positively to say ; but am in- clined to think, from previous observations, that they are attributable to the latter—as the usual morbid appearances, consequent on too full alimentation, followed this meal in the course of twenty four or thirty six hours—as may be seen by the two subse- quent experiments. Experiment 13. Oct, 11. 7 o'clock, 30 mins., A. M. Weather fair. OBSERVATION. 245 Wind N. \V., brisk. Th : 32°. Stomach empty.— Temperature 100|°, after moderate exercise in open air. 8 o'clock, 45 mins., wind and weather, same. Th: 38. Stomach empty. Temperature 102°— had been smartly exercising, shovelling dirt, for an hour or more, and was quite warm. Breakfasted on stewed veal and bread. 11 o'clock, stomach not emp- ty. Temperature 102°—continues exercise. 12 o'- clock, stomach contains a very little chymous fluid, and a trace of the muscular fibres of the veal. 12 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 14. At 2 o'clock, P. M., same day, he dined on fried veal and bread, and continued moderate exercise.— 6 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. Temperature 101 3-4°. Some morbid appearance on the mucous surface. At 8 o'clock, 30 mins., weather fair and calm. Th: 3G°. Stomach empty ; slightly morbid, with few aphthous spots. Temperature i01£° ; had been still and quiet for three or four hours. Experiment 15. Oct. 12. At 7 o'clock. 30 mins., A.M. Weather hazy. Wind S., light. Th: 3G°. Stomach empty —coats not entirely healthy—some erythema and aphthous patches. Temperature 101°, after usual morning exercise. 8 o'clock—circumstances same as at last examination. Temperature 101°. Break- fasted on fresh beef, fried dry, and bread. 10 o'clock, stomach full of fluids ; particles of beef, bread and oil, distinctly to be seen. Temperature 101°. 12 o'clock, stomach empty. Experiment 16. Oct. 13. At 7 o'clock, A. M. Weather rainy. W., N. E., brisk. Th: 42°. Stomach empty. Temper- ature 101°, after morning exercise. 9 o'clock, tem- perature same. Breakfasted on old, salted pork, fat and lean together, (fried) four ounces of bread, and 246 EXPERIMENTS AND the yolks of six eggs, fried hard with the pork., 11 o'clock, contents of the stomach heterogeneous; distinct particles of lean pork, egg and oil to be seen; fluid sharp and acrid. Temperature 101°. 12 o'clock, M., oil and egg still to be seen, floating in a milky, chymous fluid; the oil, or lard on the surface, and the egg, in firm coagulae, diffused through the fluid. Temperature 101°. 1 o'clock, 15 mins., P. M., stom- ach empty and clean. Temperature 101°—was qui- et and inactive during this experiment. Experiment 17. At 2 o'clock 20 mins., P. M. same day, St. Martin dined on six ounces of the spinal marrow of an ox, steam-cooked, and seasoned with a little butter, vine- gar, salt and pepper, and three ounces ofbread. 4 o'- clock, P. M., contents of stomach a perfectly milk- white, semi-fluid pulp. Temperature 102°. 5 o'- clock, 10 mins., stomach empty and clean. Experiment 18. At 6 o'clock P. M., he ate a full meal of boiled rice, simply cooked in water, and seasoned with a little salt. 7 o'clock, stomach empty and clean; not a vestige of the rice to be seen. Experiment 19. Oct. 14. At 9 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted on the albumen of six eggs, fried hard, in pork fat. 12 o'clock 15 mins., M., all chymified—stomach empty. Experiment 20. At 1 o'clock, P. M., same day, he dined on eight ounces, boiled beefs brains, seasoned with salt, and a small piece of bread. 2 o'clock, stomach full of milk- white, pulpous, or porridge-like semi-fluid; slightly acid taste, and of a bland, insipid flavour. 2 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach almost empty ; scarcely any of the white, pulpous mass to be seen. Temperature 102° 3 o'clock 15mins., P. M., stomach empty and clean. OBSERVATIONS. 247 Experiment 21. At 3 o'clock 30 mins., P. M., same day, St. Martin ate a small head of raw cabbage, weighing ten ounces; 5 o'clock, 45 mins., not a particle of the cabbage in the stomach; little albuminous, or greyish, chymous fluid, only remained. Experiment 22. At 6 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., he ate six ounces boiled leg of fresh mutton, rare done, dressed with a lit- tle melted butler and vinegar, and two ounces of bread 8 o'clock, stomach empty and clean. Experiment 23. Oct. 15. At 8 o'clock, 45 mins., breakfasted on three fresh eggs, softly coagulated, by being broken and put raw into boiling water, and three ounces of dry bread. \ 2 o'clock, M. stomach empty. Experiment 24. At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M.. he dined on apple dumplings, made of wheaten dough and sweet apples, boiled, one and a half pounds. 4 o'clock, all chymi- fied, and stomach empty. Experiment 25. Oct. 16. At 8 o'clock, 45 mins., A. M., he break- fasted on broiled, salted pork and bread. 12 o'clock, M., all chymified, and gone from the stomach. Experiment 26. At 1 o'clock, P. M., same day, he dined oh raw, salted pork, cut thin, and eaten with dry bread. Di- gested in three hour's. Experiment 27. \t 4 o'clock, 30 mins., same day, he ate half a pound of raw cabbage, cut fine, and macerated in rineaar. 5 o'clock 45 mins., stomach entirely empty, not a vestige of cabbage to be found. Extracted four drachms of gastric juice, mixed with a very little greyish white, chymous fluid. 248 EXPERIMENTS AND Experiment 28. Oct. 17. At 9 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted on stswed, salted pork, potatoes and bread. Digested in three hours. Extracted gastric juice. Experiment 29. At 2 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., same day, he dined on boiled mutton, recently salted, squash, potatoes and bread. Digested in three hours. Some morbid spots begin to make their appear- ance on the mucous surface again; grurnous blood exuding from several small points of the membrane ; tongue slightly coated; countenance rather sallow; dull pain across the forehead, and through the eyes; appetite not impaired ; at bed-time, put in through the aperture four drachms of tinct. of aloes and myrrh, diluted with water. This had the effect of correct- ing the morbid appearance of the stomach, and re- moved the pain in the head, etc. Experiment 30. Oct. 18. At 9 o'clock, 45 mins., A. M., he break- fasted on boiled carrots, and nothing else—full meal, 12 o'clock, M., examined stomach ; considerable yellowish, pultaceous semi-fluid, remaining. I o'- clock P. M., stomach empty. Experiment 31. At 7 o'clock, P.M., he ate three large roasted pota- toes, with a little salt—nothing else. 9 o'clock ,30 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 32. Oct. 19. At 9 o'clock A. M., he breakfasted on broiled mutton and pancakes. Digested in three hours and forty minutes. Experiment 33. At 2 o'clock, 15 mins., P. M.. he dined on stewed mutton and pancakes. Digested in three and a half hours. OBSERVATIONS. 241) Experiment 31. Oct. 20. At 9 o'clock, 45 mins., A. M., he break- fasted on one pint of sago, boiled, thick and rich, sweetened with sugar. 11 o'clock, 30 mins., stom- ach empty and clean. There was no acrimony of the gastric contents, or smarting of the edges ofthe aperture, during the chymification of this meal, as is usual in most veget- able and farinaceous aliments; it seemed peculiarly grateful to the surface ofthe stomach; rendering the membrane soft, uniform and healthy. Experiment 35. At 12 o'clock, M., he ate four eggs, roasted hard, without any thing else. 3 o'clock P. M., stomach empty; no trace of the eggs to be seen. Experiment 36. At 4 o'clock 30 mins., P. M., he dined on roasted duck and fried onions. 8 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach not empty —distinct particles of food to be seen.— 9 o'clock, stomach empty. Experiment 37. Oct. 21. At 9 o'clock, A. M., St. Martin break- fasted on one pint of sago, boiled and sweetened with suo-ar. 10 o'clock, 45 mins., stomach empty and clean ; no vestige of the sago remaining; no acri- mony ofthe gastric contents, or smarting of the edg- es of the aperture, during the chymification of this meal. Experiment 38. Oct. 22. At 12 o'clock, M., he ate four fresh eggs, roasted hard. 3 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty ; no trace of the eggs to be seen. At 4 o'clock, P. M., he dined on roasted duck, (do- mesticated,) dressed with onions. 8 o'clock, stomach empty. Experiment 39. Oct. 24. At 2 o'clock, P. M., he ate a pint of soft custard, and nothing else. 5 o'clock, 15 mins., stom- ach empty and clean. 2 I 250 EXPERIMENTS AND At 6 o'clock, he ate three ounces of strong old cheese, and a piece of bread. 9 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 40. Oct. 26. At 9 o'clock, A. M., ho breakfasted on fricasseed chickens, bread and coffee. 11 o'clock, 45 mins., stomach empty and clean. At 12 o'clock, M., he dined on roast chicken, bread and potatoes. 4 o'clock, P. M., stomach empty. Experiment 41. Oct. 27. At 8 o'clock, A. M., he breakfasted on broiled chicken, bread and coffee. 11 o'clock, all di- gested, and stomach empty and clean. At 12 o'clock, M., he dined on chicken soup, with rice. 3 o'clock, stomach empty. At 5 o'clock, P. M., he ate a meal of oyster soup and crackers. 8 o'clock, 30 mins., stomach empty. Experiment 42. Oct. 26. 10 o'clock A. M., stomach empty, heal- thy and clean. I suspended through the aperture, in- to St. Martin's stomach, thirty grains precisely, of each of the following articles of diet, severally masticated and separately contained in small muslin bags, viz :—Fricasseed breast of chicken; liver and giz- zard of do. ; boiled, salted salmon ; boiled potato, and wheat bread; and he kept moderately exercising. At 3 o'clock, P. M., took out and accurately examined the several parcels. The breast of chicken was all digested and gone from the bag, to a mere atom, less than half a grain. The liver was almost as com- pletely dissolved as the breast, half a grain only, re- maining—ofthe bread, about the same ; less than a grain. The residuum of the gizzard, consisting principally of tendinous fascia, weighed seven and a half grains. The salmon, twelve grains, and the potato, six grains. The bags, containing these several articles, were attached to a siring, at equal distances from each other, about an inch apart; and OBSERVATIONS. 251 1 allowed length enough for them to move freely through the stomach, and pass even to the pylorus. They were attached in the following order:—1st, the breast of chicken—2d, liver—3d, gizzard—4th bread—5th, salmon, and 6th, patato. When I with- drew them, they appeared to be retained quite forci- bly at the pyloric end, requiring considerable force to start them at first, but after being drawn two or three inches, they came easily. The bags too, ap- peared to have been compressed, in proportion as they had been settled into the pyloric extremity, and were emptied in about the same proportion, with the exception of those containing the bread and potato, which, though above, had less remaining than that containing the gizzard. This, however, may be ac- counted for, from the more difficult solubility or di- gestibility of the tendinous parts ofthe gizzard. The bags seemed to have been as forcibly pressed, as if they had been firmly grasped in the hand. The four first on the string, (counting from the lower end up- wards) more so, than the other two ; and the fourth more than the third. These circumstances coincide with the apparent contractions of a band, or circular muscle of the stomach, indicated by the motions of the glass tube, observed in former experiments. In comparing the length of the string, and situation of the bags, with the stem and bulb of the tube, it brought the fourth bag to that point in the stomach, where the contraction upon the bulb of the ther- mometer has invariably been observed to take place; the third bag just below, and the fifth and sixth, a- bove it. The sensations expressed by St. Martin, on the extraction of these bags, were also indicative of the same facts. When I first commenced pulling the string, ho complained of a sense of pain and dis- tress at the pit of the stomach, and towards the py- lorus, which increased while the bags were with- drawing, and particularly at this extremity, for the first three or four inches, till they had passed the band, into the splenic end./ 2,02 EXPERIMENTS AND The effects of this experiment, upon St. Martin's feelings and appearance, were very manifest, and af- ford interesting and important subjects of patholog- ical consideration. He had not eaten or drunk any thing, that morning, and felt and looked in perfect health, when the bags were introduced ; continued moderately exercising, and ate nothing but a small piece of dry bread, till they were taken out. Soon after they were suspended in the stomach, he felt a sense of weight and distress at the scrobi- culus cordis ; slight vertigo and dimness of vision. These continued to increase and become quite se- vere, accompanied, at the latter part of the time, by slight pain in the forehead and through the eyes, and a'sense of tightness or stiffness across the breast. His countenance had changed from a florid, healthy, to a sallow, sickly appearance, during the time of the experiment, and a soreness at the pit of the stom- ach continued after the extraction of the bags, for eight or ten hours, and had not entirely subsided the next morning. Morbid action of the inner membranes was evi- dent next day, with considerable erythema and aph- thous appearance. The first, second and third bags were covered with a thick mucous coat, tinged with yellow bile ; the others had very little or none of this appearance.— This circumstance I conceive to have been owing to the irritation of the bag, at the pyloric extremity, inviting the bile from the duodenum to the stomach, in the latter part of this experiment. Hence the pa- thological indications which ensued. The same ap- pearance and circumstances have before occurred during these experiments. The following experiments on artificial digestion, were instituted with a view of ascertaining more par- ticularly, the relative digestibility of many of the different kinds of aliment used in the foregoing gas- OBSERVATIONS. 253 trie experiments, on natural chymification, and to test the correctness of the results. They are mi- nutely detailed for the purpose of showing the man- ner, progress and operation of the gastric solvent, on the alimentary substances, subjected to its action. How far they may illustrate these subjects, the read- er will judge for himself. ' The gastric juice was taken out ofthe stomach in different states of purity and put into vials; when food was submitted to its action, it was placed in a temperature between 96° and 100°, Fahrenheit, and kept either in the axilla, or on a sand bath, and fre- quently, though not constantly, agitated. The discrepance of results in some similar exper- iments will generally be found to arise from the vari- able degrees of purity ofthe gastric juice, or differ- ent circumstances of the experiments. Experiment 43. Sept. 18. At 8 o'clock, 45 mins., A. M., I put one drachm of fresh salmon trout, fried, and masticated, and one drachm of wheat bread, into two ounces of aastric juice, taken from the stomach yesterday and this morning. The juice was not perfectly clear, but contained some viscid mucus. Placed them in the axilla and kept moving. 10 o'clock, 15 mins., residu- um of aliment taken out, filtered and pressed as dry as when put in, weighed one drachm and five grains. The menstruum, after filtering, was white and opaque, about the colour and consistence of rich True!. Mixed the residuum and fluid together again and placed the vial on the sand bath, and kept it con- stantly agitated for one hour. Taken out, filtered and dried as before, the undissolved residuum now weighed just thirty grains. The fluids had become thicker, and richer in colour and consistence. Put them together again into the vial, and continued them on bath and in axilla, another hour, though not «o constantly agitated, as during the last hour. The residuum, treated in the same manner as before, now 254 EXPERIMENTS ANK> weighed twenty four grains. Mixed together and continued in axilla two hours more, the residuum weighed twelvegrains. After continuing three hours longer in the axilla, the undissolved portions of ali- ment, consisting principally of particles of fish skin; weighed four grains, which became gradually dimin- ished during its continuance an hour longer in the axilla. The menstruum at this time, was of a rich gruelly colour and consistence, slightly tinged with a reddish cast, or colour ofthe fish. Set this aside for thirty eight or nine hours. ^Srpt 20. 9 o'clock, A. M., food almost entirely reduced to chyme, of a rich, lightish coloured, gru- el ly appearance ; some few particles of the skin of the fish remaining undissolved, with some small, ap- parently foreign and indigestible substances, which were probably adventitiously mixed with the food. To observe the effect produced on this chyme, by die addition of bile, and having very opportunely ob- tained some, from tiie human stomach, by the opera- tion of an emetic, 1 added one drachm of this pure, albuminous, orange coloured bile, to six drachms of .the chyme. The first apparent change, was in the colour,iwhich partook of the bile; then a slight ef- fervescence was perceived, and very fine coagulae were formed. The fluid became richer in appear- ance, and less opaque. The foreign or indigestible particles, were more perceptible, and small, bright particles, resembling very minute scales, or skin of fish, were also quite plain to be seen. I now divided this into two equal parts ; to one of which, I added half a drachm of dilute muriatic acid, and set it by to subside. Examined at 10 o'clock, ;nc 21st. The vial containing the mixture of chyme, bile and muriatic acid, exhibited the following ap- pearance : It had a thick, dense sediment, of a yel- lowish green colour, which occupied about one quarter, of the space. The fluid above, was of the cpk'i" cf whey, and about the consistence. The vial OBSERVATIONS. 255 containing the mixture of chyme and bile only, show- ed the following appearance: The sediment, was not so dense, and its colour, as well as the supernat- ant liquid, was rather more yellow. Standing at rest a few days, the sediment, at the bottoms of both vi- als, became more compact; that in the muriatic mixture, more so than the other, and was of a deeper green colour; the fluid continued of a rich, whey colour and consistence, and a very thin pellicle, or small whitish flocculi, rose on the top, or adhered to the sides of the vial. Experiment 41. Sept. 20. At 1 o'clock, 15 mins., P. M., I put one drachm of boiled, green corn and beans, into twelve drachms of gastric juice, and kept the vial in the ax- illa, or on the bath, as usual, frequently agitating it, till 7 o'clock, P. M. The residuum, at this time, tak- en out, weighed twenty eight grains, consisting wholly of the hulls or cuticular parts of the broken kernels. and one entire bean and a kernel of corn ; the first oi which weighed thirteen, and the other eleven grains, leaving four grains of the skins of the broken, dis- solved grain. The two entire kernels, (the bean and the corn) were designedly put in whole, to test the effect of the gastric juice upon them, in the entire- state. The other portion of the grain was mashed soft before put in. The pulpous portion of the brok- en kernels was all dissolved, and appeared complete- ly chymified. The fluid was nearly as white as milk, and of the consistence of clear rich gruel. The gastric juice used in this experiment, was con- siderably vitiated when taken from the stomach, some thirty six or forty eight hours previously, and was quite foetid when used. This fcetor was, in a great measure, corrected after chymification of the food had commenced ; the sharp, acid flavour, so peculiar to forming chyme, was increased. Experiment 45. Sept. 21. At 8 o'clock. 15 mins., A. M.,. 1 pal 256 EXPERIMENTS AND thirty grains of fresh beef steak and thirty grains of fresh beefs liver, (broiled, and masticated) contain- ed loosely in separate muslin bags, into one ounce of fresh gastric juice, and kept them in axilla. At 9 o'- clock, 45 mins., the two parcels of aliment, taken out and pressed as dry as when put in, weighed as follows : The steak, seventeen grains ; the liver, e- leven grains. Put into the vial again, and continued •in the axilla, till 1 o'clock, P. M. The steak weigh- ed fourteen, and the liver eight grains. Put into the vial again and continued in axilla for four hours ; no further change was effected. They both weighed the same as at last examination. The solvent ac- tion having ceased, I added one ounce more of gas- tric juice, and continued in axilla, two hours and thirty minutes. The beef weighed five grains, and the liver, four; the residue of the liver consisted mostly, of membranous particles, like sections of the hepatic blood vessels, of which I conceived them to he portions. I now mixed them both together, in one bag, and continued them in axilla, three hours, when the whole Were completely dissolved and chymified, and the hag empty ; with scarce a trace of aliment left on the inside. The fluid was of a greyish white, gruel- ly appearance. A brownish sediment was deposited '■on standing. Experiment 46. Sept. 22. At 12 o'clock, 30 mins., I put thirty .grains of new cheese, (masticated) into three drachms of gastric juice, and placed it in the axilla, eight hours and thirty minutes, when five grains of the cheese remained undissolved, or rather unchymified, as the residuum was in nearly a liquid form, consist- ing, principally, of oil, combined with a soft caseous substance, floating on the surface of a rich, milky fluid. A little very fine, white, compact sediment, at the bottom of the vial. At this time, it had acquired a strong acid, or peculiar acrid taste, and emitted a OBSERVATIONS. *.itong, caseous smell, even stronger than the cheese itself presented, when put in. Experiment 45. At 12 o'clock, M., I put one drachm of sago, boiled so as to leave some of the grains whole and entire, but soft and gelatinous, into three drachms of gastric juice and kept it in the axilla. When first mixed, they were so much alike, that they could only be dis- tinguished from each other by the globular forms of the grain. But by these, however, the gastric juice could distinctly be perceived to dissolve the grains of sago, till they had all disappeared. The fluid had now become more opaline and whit- ish, and in two hours and twenty minutes, no trace of the sago could be discerned. At this time the fluid had become more opaque and milky. No sediment was deposited on standing for twenty four hours. A slight acid was perceptible. Experiment 46. At 1 o'clock, P. M., I took three vials, the first con- taining two drachms of gastric juice ; the second, two drachms of common vinegar; and the third, two drachms of simple water. Into each of these, I put ten grains of raw albumen of a fresh egg.— When first put together, they presented the following appearances : The albumen put into the gastric mice, at a temperature of about 76°, produced loose coagulae in a few minutes, generally diffused through the juice, but soon collected into a more compact. mass, and subsided towards the bottom of the vial. That'put into the vinegar, produced similar coagu- lae and loose mass, and fell down. That in the vial of water produced loose, light coloured flocculi, equally suspended through the water, but not inclin- ing to collect together, like the other two. *These three parcels, kept in the axilla, and agitat- ed for two hours, presented the following appearan- ces • The coagulae in the gastric juice, was half dissolved, and the menstruum of a milky appearance. 256 EXPERIMENTS AND Those in the vinegar and water, remained the1 same, and their fluids unaltered. In five hours, that in the gastric juice was entirely dissolved, and tha fluid more opaque and white; the other two remain- ed of the same appearance as at last examination ; the coagulae in the vinegar, taken out, weighed nine grains—that in the water was too loose and frothy to be collected and weighed. Experiment 47. Sept. 25. At 7 o'clock, A. M., I put twenty grains of light sponge cake into three drachms of gastric juice, and kept it in axilla. It was all dissolved and chymified, in seven hours. The fluid was rich, yel- lowish white, or cream colour, and of the consist- ence of gruel, with a little loose, brown sediment at the bottom of the vial, after standing. Experiment 48. At 9 o'clock, A. M., 1 put two purple fox grapes, one skinned and the other entire, into six drachma of gastric juice, and kept them in axilla, six hours, with very little alteration in their appearance ; the skinned grape, weighing, when first put in, thirty four grains, weighed now, thirty grains, retaining its shape and texture. The whole grape was not af- fected in the least, either in shape, colour or texture. It weighed fifty four grains when put in, and the same now. Continued in axilla, twelve hours, they remained unaltered, and weighed exactly the same as at last examination. Added one ounce of fresh gastricjuice, and continued them in axilla, twenty four hours, unaltered. The texture of the skinned grape, was as firm and hard as when first put in ; and the fluid was unchanged in its appearance, except a slight fcetor, perceptible at the end of three or four days. This, I think, is a fair specimen of the indigestible nature of this kind of fruit. OBSERVATIONS. 259 Experiment 49. Sept. 26. At 10 o'clock, A. M., I put thirty grains of ripe, mellow peach, and thirty grains of ripe, hard apple, into one ounce of gastric juice, and kept them in axilla, till 8 o'clock, P. M. At this time the re- siduum of the peach, weighed eighteen grains—the apple, twenty four grains. They were neither of them mashed or masticated, but cut into small, square pieces, strung on a string, and suspended in- to the juice in a vial. At 10 o'clock, A. M., ofthe 27th, after having been continued in axilla, six hours longer, the peach weighed ten grains and the apple the same as at last examination, twenty four grains. The peach had now become soft and pulpous, and fallen from the string. Eight hours longer continuance in ax- illa, completed the digestion of the peach ; but the apple remained nearly the same. Experiment 50. Sept. 27. At 2 o'olock, P. M., I put one drachm of albumen of egg into four drachms of gastric juice, fresh from the healthy stomach. At first, the albu- men fell to the bottom of the vial; but on being agi- tated, it was diffused through the juice, and in a few minutes, loose coagulae formed, and remained sus- pended near the bottom of the fluid. Raised the temperature to 100°, and placed the vial in the axilla. At the same time, I put one drachm of albumen in- to four drachms of simple, water, at the same tem- perature, and placed it with the other in the axilla. When first put together, the albumen was diffused,in loose, light flocculi, through the water, not coagulat- ing and collecting like that in the gastric juice, and subsiding to the bottom, but adhered to the sides of the vial, or rose to the surface. When both vials were smartly agitated, a white, frothy mass, formed on the top of the water, filling the two ounce vial in which it was contained. The vial of albumen and gastric juice exhibited the co- «60 EXPERIMENTS AM) agulae, broken into small particles, falling towards the bottom again. Kept in the axilla and frequently agitated, for one and a half hour, the gastric mixture had become semi-opaque and the coagulae consider- ably diminished in quantity. The aqueous mixture remained unchanged ; the frothy portion on top, and the fluid, perfectly limpid and clear, below. No ap- pearance ofthe albumen in any shape, could be seen, except the floating froth. Indeed, the albumen seemed to have clarified the water, and rendered it clearer than at first. At 6 o'clock, P. M., the albu- men in the gastric juice was completely dissolved ; the fluid was white and milky, with a little very fine,. dirty white precipitate falling to the bottom, on standing at rest. That in the water was strikingly different in appearance. The agitation had beaten up the albumen completely into beautiful white froth, and it lay like a snow ball or bunch of clear, raw cotton, on the surface of the water, now transparent as crystal, without the least particle of sediment to be seen. At 7 o'clock, I added two drachms of gastric juice to the vial containing the water and albumen, and continued it in axilla.. In two hours, the solvent effect of the juice, upon the frothy mass, was very evident. The white froth upon the top, was almost entirely diminished and gone. Neither could agita- tion re-produce it as at first; small white coagulae,, like those seen in the other vials, were now distinctly visible; the fluid had become opaque and whitish, like the other, and a little fine sediment settled to the bottom, on standing. Continued in the axilla, two hours longer, it resembled almost exactly, that in the other vial, in every particular. Experiment 51. At 2 o'clock, P. M., I put one drachm of yolk of rgs into four drachms of gastric juice, and another drachm into four drachms of simple water, and kept them, as usual, in the axilla ; no difference at first OBSERVATIONS. 261 could be perceived between the gastric juice and a- queous mixtures ; each exhibited a yellow mixture, like the egg, simply beat up with any white or wate- ry menstruum. Six hours continuance of this treat- ment, produced little difference in the appearance of the two, and effected a slight modification in the gas- tric mixture only ; this seems to have been convert- ed into a very fine coagulae, of a rich cream colour and consistence, and of a paler yellow than the oth- er. In twelve hours more, a striking difference wfcs manifest—that in the water remained the same as when first put together—a dull, yellow coloured sed- iment, in the proportion of about one fifth of the space occupied by the whole, had subsided to the bottom of a thin fluid, of the same colour, and now emitted a foetid odour. That in the gastric juice had become more cream-like and lighter coloured, sepa- rating, on standing, into three distinct portions—a loose, coagulated, yellow mass, rose to the top, oc- cupying more than half the upper space—a clear, whey-coloured fluid below, with a dirty, yellow sedi-. ment at the bottom, in about the proportion of one twelfth of the whole ; not the least foetor was per- ceptible. Experiment 52. At 1 o'clock, 30 mins., P. M., I mixed one drachm of Olive oil with three drachms of gastric juice, and kept, frequently agitated in axilla, for eight hours.— When first put together and shaken, the mixture re- sembled water and oil, precisely; after continuing in the axilla, four or five hours, the oil had percepti- bly diminished and chyme began to be formed, ren- dering the juice opaque and milky. At 10 o'clock, P M.?the oil was about one sixth diminished, the menstruum nearly the colour and consistence of milk. S»pt 30. 8 o'clock, A. M., continued in the same manner, in the axilla for twelve hours, the oil was proportionally diminished, and the opacity and milk- incss. gradually increased. 262 EXPERIMENTS AND Oct. 1. At 8 o'clock, A. M., I added one drachm of gastric juiee—not clear, but considerably vitiated, Continued in axilla fourteen hours. Similar propor- tional decrease of the oil, and change of the colour of the fluid, were produced, and a slight foetor was perceptible. This last circumstance, no doubt was attributable to the vitiated juice added. Oct. 2. 10 o'clock, A. M., added three drachms of pure gastric juice, and continued in axilla, ten hours. This addition corrected the foetor in a great measure. The stratum of oil was not much dimin- ished in bulk, but considerably changed in appear- ance, having become quite white and frothy, exhib- iting myriads of minute globules; and the colour and consistence of the fluid, were more rich and milky. On the 3d at 10 o'clock, A. M., I divided the con- tents of the vial into two equal parts, and put them into two separate vials. To No. 1, I added two drachms of pure gastric juice; and to No. 2, two drachms of fresh extracted gastric juice, containing a large proportion of yellowish green bile, and con- tinued, as usual, in axilla. The following changes were produced : The portion in No. 2 vial, which had received the yellow gastric juice, at first par- took of the yellow colour of the juice added, gener- ally diffused through the whole mass—a separation then took place ; the bile seemed principally to unite with the oil, breaking it down and reducing it to very minute and almost imperceptible globules ; and after remaining in the axilla, ten hours, and then standing at rest a few minutes, the under surface of the supernatant stratum of oil exhibited a milky or creamy appearance, and small, white flocculi, resem.- bling coagulated milk or albumen ; these soon be- came dissolved, and increased the richness ofthe flu- id below—No sediment to be seen. The portion in No. 2 vial, to which the clear gastric juice was ad- ded, at the end of ten hours, had undergone some change. The pellicle of oil on the surface, was re- duced to minute globules, of a whitish colour. The OBSERVATIONS. 253 same appearance of white floccuh, or coagulae, were exhibited upon the under surface of the supernatant stratum of oil, as in the other, but not so abundant, and the fluid was not so rich in colour and consist- ence. Oct. 4. At 9 o'clock, A. M., I added two drachms more of each kind of juice, to their respective par- cels, and continued them as usual, in axilla, for elev- en hours. The difference between the two parcels, was now considerably increased. The fluid in No. 2 vial, was of a rich cream colour and consistence ; the supernatant stratum of oil was converted into a light yellowish mass, resembling a mixture of ge- latine and coagulae; few of the globules of the oil could be distinguished ; yellow flocculi adhered to the sides of the vial, above the fluid, after being ag- itated. When suffered to stand at rest a short time, loose yellow flocculi rose on the surface, occupying more than twice the space of the oil, before the last addition of gastricjuice—no sediment subsided. The parcel in No. 1 vial, had regularly progress- ed in chymification, in ratio proportional to the juice added; the supernatant, oily stratum was di- minished, in thickness, nearly One third, since the last addition of gastricjuice; had changed from its oily appearance, into a white,, semi-gelatinous mass, in- termingled with milk white flocculi ; the fluid of the same milky appearance ; a little white sediment at the bottom. Oct. 5. At 10 o'clock, A. M., I added six drachms pure gastric juice, and six drachms of fresh extract- ed juice, containing about the same proportion cf yellow bile as the other, to their respective vials, and put them on the bath, and kept them continually agitated for five hours. The effect was palpable and plain. The supernatant stratum, in No. 2 vial, was now completely broken down, and not a globule re- mained ; a thin, yellow pellicle, or loose flot culi, roso upon the surface, on standing, and the fluid was of a rich, cream colour and consistence, slightly tinged with bile—no sediment perceptible. 264 Experiments and The contents of No. 1 vial, had undergone consid- erable change ; the oily pellicle on the surface, was diminished but little in volume, but changed in ap- pearance ; had become converted into a white se- mi-gelatinous, or rather saponaceous consistence, and the milky richness of the fluid was increased. This experiment is minutely and accurately detail- ed, with a view to demonstrate the slow, but certain digestibility of oils, and the manner they are acted upon by the gastric juice. It may be tedious, from its prolixity, but I considered its communication might be of some importance and usefulness to phy- siological science, the interests of which have been of paramount consideration with me, in all these ex- periments. It very clearly appears, by this experiment alone, that bile accelerates the solution of oil, by the gas- tric juice; and I have no doubt, it facilitates the chy- mification of all fatty and oily aliments ; and is re- quired, and necessarily called into the stomach only for that purpose. This has been frequently indicat- ed in the course of these experiments, by the effect which it has produced on fatty or oily aliments, when adventitiously mixed with the gastric juice. Experiment 53, Sept. 29. At 1 o'clock, P. M., I mixed one drachm of sweet cream, with three drachms of clear gastric juice, and placed them in the axilla. When first put together, the juice fell to the bottom of the vial, and remained distinctly separate from the cream, till agi- tated, when they united, but exhibited no other im- mediate change of appearance. When the temper- ature was raised to above 80°, the whole gradually formed into very fine, creamy coagulae. Continued in axilla twelve hours, this coagulated mass was more than half diminished, and rising to the top of an opaque white, whey-coloured liquid. Small glo- bules of oil were now seen on the upper surface of the supernatant coagulae—No sediment. observations. 2C.j ,Oct. 1. 10 o'clock, A. M., I added one drachm of clear gastricjuice, and continued in axilla, ten hours, when the creamy coagulae were still more diminish- ed ; the globules of oil on the surface, increased, and the liquor belOw, resembled clear, rich gruel, oc- cupying about one Sixth ofthe space of the whole. Oct. 2. 12 o'clock M., I added another drachm of gastric juice, and continued it in axilla, eight bourse The creamy coagulae were now reduced to about one fourth, and more"loose and white than at first. The globules of oil were nbw much increased, and form- ed a complete pellicle over the whole upper suface, inearly resembling soft butter, and emitted a slight rancid flavour. The richness of the chymous liquid below was proportionally increased. No sediment. Oct. 3. 12 o'clock, M., I divided the contents of the vial into two equal parts, and put them into two Separate vials. To No. 1, I added two drachms -of pure gastric juice; and to No. 2, two drachms of fresh extracted gastric juice, strongly tinged with yellowish green bile, and kept them in axilla nine hours. The changes effected, after this addition, were strikingly evident, and different in the two par- cels. That in No. 2, to which was added the yellow- ish green juice, exhibited a perfectly homogeneous, rich, gruel-like liquid, slightly tinged with the bile ; the creamy coagulae were all dissolved, and not a globule ofthe oil to be seen; all appeared chymified —a little dirty white sediment fell to the bottom. The creamy coagulae of No. 1 vial, were not com- pletely dissolved, but reduced to a thin, loose-layer, and the oily pellicle was scarcely perceptible; th© Experiment 57. Oct. 13. 9 o'clock, A. M. Into one ounce of gastric juice, I put one and a half drachms of the medulla spinalis of an ox, enveloped in its neurilema, boiled, and placed it on the sand bath, or in axilla, six hours. At 3 o'clock, P. M., examined—the medulla had fall- en out of its envelope, and when taken out and Sep- arated from the fluid, by the filter, weighed fifteen grains ; the neurilema, at the same time, weighed eighteen grains. Put these remaining portions into two drachms fresh gastric juice, and continued in axilla six hours. At 9 o'clock, P. M., the remainder of the medullary portion, weighed eight grains, and the neurilema, nine grains. Continued in axilla, three hours longer, the medullary part weighed three grains, and the neurilema, four grains. The men- struum was now a rich, milk white liquid, of nearly the consistence of cream. A loose, light sediment fell to the bottom, on standing ; the fluid retained its rich, milky whiteness and creamy consistence. Experiment 58. Oct. 14. 9 o'clock, A. M., put half a drachm of medullary substance, the brain of an ox, boiled, into four drachms of gastric juice, and kept it on the bath, frequently agitated, six hours, when it was all dis- solved, and had produced a rich milky fluid, with a loose, light sediment. Experiment 59. Oct. 15. Put twelve grains of solid beef bone, bro- ken into small pieces, with the periosteum attached to one side, into one ounce of fresh gastricjuice, and kept in axilla, twelve hours. At this time the perios- teum was nearly dissolved ; weight of the bone, ten grains. Added six drachms of gastric juice, con- siderably vitiated, and continued in axilla nine hours, 268 EXPERIMENTS AND and the bone weighed nine, grams. The menstru- um was now a whitish opaque fluid, about the con- sistence of clear, thin gruel, with a, little light brown sediment, settling to the bottom, on standing. Ad- ded one ounce more.gastric juice, and continued it in axilla, twelve hours. The weight of the bone, at the end of this time, was six grains. The opacity and richness, of the, fluid increased ; smell, slightly foetid. Discontinued the experiment. The result of this, confirms the correctness of some former observations, in similar experiments, and sufficiently demonstrate the solubility of solid bone, in the gastricjuice of the human stomach. Experiment -60. Oct. 17. 1 o'clock, P. M., I put twenty grains of boiled mutton suet, cold, and divided into small piec- es, into six drachms of gastric juice, tinged with bile, and kept it in axilla, seven hours. The undissolved residuum, separated by the filter, now weighed ten grains ; and the fluid was as white as milk, and a- bout the consistence of thick gruel; there was no appearance of any oily particles; it seemed to have been coagulated, and converted into chyme, like milk or albumen ; the chymous part very much re- sembled that formed from medullary substance.— Continued onaxilla, three hours longer, it was all dis- solved, and the richness'of the fluid considerably in- creased. Experiment 61. Oct, 25. 2 o'clock, P. M., put one drachm custard, into'one ounce of gastric juice, fresh from the stom- ach, and placed it in axilla. 8 o'clock, 30 mins., all dissolved and chymified; fluid, as usual, from such aliment, of colour and consistence of rich gruel, Experiment 62. Nov. 1 ,*1833. To one ounce of gastric juice, tak- en from'the stomach in Dec. 1832, (and which was as pure as when first extracted,) I added thirty grains of lean, boiled mutton, masticated. Kept in axilla, six hours, it dissolved sixteen grains. ^The fluid exhib- ited the usual'appearance of chyme. TABLE, 269 Showing* the mean, time of'digestion of thediffzte&t Arti- cles of Diet, naturally, in the Stomach, and artificially, in Vials, on a bath. The proportion of gastric juice to aliment, in artifi- cial digestion, was generally calculated at one ounce of the former to one drachm ©f the latter, the bath being kept as near as practicable at the natural temperature, 100° Fahrenheit, with fre- quent agitation. Articles of Diet. Mean time of chymification Rice, Sago, Tapioca, Barley, Milk,' Do. Gelatine. Pig's feet, soused, Tripe, do. Brains, animal, Venison, steak, Spinal marrow, animal. Turkey, domesticated, Do. do. Do. wild, Goose, do. Pig, sucking Liver, beef's, fresh, Lamb, fresh, Chicken, full grown, Eggs, fresh, do. do. do. do. whipped. Do. Do. . Do. Do. Do. Custard, Codfish, cured dry, broiled 1 35 boiled roasted boiled roasted do. do. broiled do. fricas'd h'rd bid soft bid fried roasted 2 15 raw 2 00 do baked 2 45 boiled 2 00l boiled 2 45 3 30 3 00 30 do. cut fine h'rd bid soft bid raw 1 30 whipped baked 270 TABLE, continued. Articles of Diet, Mean time of chymification. In Stomach. | In ViaU. prep. | h. m.| prep. | h. in. Trout, salmon, fresh, boiled I 30 boiled 3 30 Do. do. fried I 30 Bass, striped, do. broiled . I 00 Flounder, do. fried 3 30 Catfiish, do. do. J 30 Salmon, salted, boiled 1 00 do. 7 45 Oysters* fresh, raw 2 55 raw,entir 7 30 Do* do. roasted 3 15 Do. do. stewed 3 30 stewed 8 25 Beef, fresh, lean, rare, roasted 3 00 roasted Do. do, dry do. 3 30 do. 7 45 Do. steak, broiled 3 00 mastic'd. 8 15 Do. do. do. cut fine 8 00 Do. do. raw do. 8 15 Do. with salt only, boiled 3 36 9 30 Do. with must'd.&c.: do. 3 10 Do.» fresh, lean, , do. mastic'd. Do, do, entire p. 9 00 Do. fried 4 00 12 30 Do. old, hard salted, boiled 4 15 Pork, steak, broiled 3 15 Pork, fat and lean, roasted 5 15 Do. recently salted, boiled 4 30 mastic'd. 6 30 Do. do. fried 4 15 Do. do. broiled 3 15 Do. do. raw 3 00 raw 8 30 Do. do. stewed 3 00 Mutton, fresh, roasted 3 1.5 Do. do. broiled 3 00 mastic'd 6 45 Do. do. do. unmas'd 8 30 Do. do. boiled 3 00 Veal, fresh, broiled 4 00 Do. do. fried 4 30 Fowls, domestic, boiled 4 0C mastic'd 6 30 Do. do. roasted 4 0C Ducks, domesticated, do. 4 0C Do. wild, do. 4 3C Suet, beef, fresh, boiled 5 3f | entire p . 12 00 TABLE, continued. 271 Articles of Diet. Mean time of chymification. \ In Stomach. | In Vials. | prep. | h. m.j prep. | h. m. Suet, mutton, ]~ joiled 14 301 divided 110 00 Butter, - melted J3 30 Cream, - 1 raw 125 30 Cheese, old, strong, raw 3 30mastic'd.| 7 15 Do. do. entire p. L8 00 Do. new, mild, divided 8 30 Oil, Olive, raw H30 0Q Soup, beef, veg. & br'd. boiled 4 00 r i Do. marrow bones, do. A 1 15 Do. bean, do. 3 00l Do. barley, do. I 30 Do. mutton, do. 3 30 Green corn & beans, do. 3 45 Chicken soup, do. 3 00 Oyster soup, do. 3 30 Hash, meat & veg. warmed 2 30 Sausage, fresh, broiled 3 20 Heart, animal, fried 4 00 entire p. 13 30 Tendon, boiled 5 30jinastic'd. 12 45 Do. jentire p. 24 00 Cartilage, do. 4 15 mastic'd. 10 00 Do. - divided 12 00 Aponeurosis, do. 3 00 boiled 6 30 Bone, beef's, solid, entire p. 80 00 Do. hog's, do. do. 80 00 Beans, pod, do. 2 30 Bread, wheat, fresh, i baked 3 3f mastic'd. 4 30 Do. corn, do. 3 IS Cake, do. do. 3 001 Do. sponge, do. 2 3( ) broken 6 15 Dumpling, apple, boiled 3 0( ) Apples, sour, hard, raw 2 5( ) entire ps 18 00 Do. do. mellow, do. 2 0i ) mastic'd 8 30 Do. sweet, do. do. 1 3( ) do. 6 45 Parsnips, boiled 2 31 ) mashed 6 45 Do. do. entire p. 13 15| Do. raw do. 18 00J Carrot, orange, I boiled 3 1 •) mashed 6 1.5 272 TABLE, continued. , Articles of Diet. Mean time of chymification. In Stomach- | In Vi, (Is prep. | h. m | prep h. m Carrot, orange, (entire p. 12 30 Do. |raw, do. 17 15 Beets, boiled 3 45 Turnips, flat, do. 3 30 Potatoes, Irish, do. 3 30 mashed | 8 30 Do. do. entire p.| 14 00 Do. do. roasted 2 30 i Do. do. baked 2 39 | Cabbage, head, raw 2 30 mastic'd 12 30 Do. with vinegar, do. 2 00 .shaved 10 15 Do. boiled 4 30 boiled 20 00 Peach, mellow, cutsmalljIO 00 Do. do. mashed 6 00 The foregoing table is formed from all the experi- ments made upon St. Martin, since 1825, taking the average from such as were generally performed un- der the naturally healthy condition ofthe stomach, and ordinary exercise. The mean times of artificial chymification, have been taken from such experiments as were generally made with the pure gastricjuice, or such as was too slightly vitiated, to impair its solvent effect, in any es- sential degree. They exhibit the average, as near as practicable, for the digestion of one drachm of alimentary mat- ter, in one ounce of gastric juice, or in about that proportion, counting the time actually kept on the bath, or in the axilla. Exceptions, however, must be made for the bone, oil, cream, and one or two other articles, which cbymify much slower and more difficultly, than the less concentrated aliments. Several experiments have been omitted, especial- ly when they wore ofthe same kinds, and produced similar results. TABLE, 273 Showing the temperature of the interior of the Hiomnch, in different conditions, taken indifferent seasons ofthe year, and at various times of the <:/,.:/, from 5 o'clock in M .nn. ,. , i ii. no r mean, ioo 1-3 do. do. do. lowest, 93, ) ' do. do. exercising, highest, 102, do. lowest, 100, Full, or during chym'n, in rep. highest, 102, , do. do. do. lowest, 99, < do. during chym'n, in exerc , highest, 103, do. do. do, lowest, 100 1 2, ■ Mean, 101 1.2°. Mean, 100 1-5." ' Mean, 101 1-2°. * At this, and the subsequent examinations, the bulb of the thermometer was placed three c>r four inches nearer the pylorus than before, and exhibited an increase of temperature, indicating a difference of three fourlhsoi'a degree, between the splenic and pyloric extremities. In all the observations previously to the 4th of De- cember, 1832, the examinations were made with a Mercurial Thermometer, (Fahrenheit's) and north of latitude 43°. Subsequently, and to March, 1833, the examinations were made at Washington, D. C. inLat. 38° 53', with the Spirit Thermometer, from Pool's Barometer, which varied half a degree from the mercurial one. From July 9, to November, 1833, I used Pool's Glass Chemical Spirit Thermometer, (Fahrenheit's scale) at Plattsburgh, N. Y.,in latitude about 44° 40', N. INFERENCES, From the foregoing Experiments and Observations. 1. That animal and farinaceous aliments are more easy of digestion than vegetable. 2. That the susceptibility of digestion does not, however, depend altogether upon natural or chemical distinctions. 3. That digestion is facilitated by minuteness of di- vision and tenderness offibre, and retarded by opposite qualities. 4. That the ultimate principles of aliment are al- ways the same, from whatever food they maybe ob- tained. 5. That the action of the stomach, and its fluids are the same on all kinds of diet. 6. That the digestibility of aliment does not depend upon the quantity of nutrient principles that it con- tains. 7. That the quantity of food generally taken, i3 more than the wants of the system require ; and that such excess, if persevered in, generally produces, not only functional aberration, but disease of the coats of the stomach. 8. That bulk, as well as nutriment, is necessary to the articles of diet. 9. That oily food is difficult of digestion, though it contains a large proportion of the nutrient princi- ples. 10. That the time required for the digestion of food, is various, depending upon the quantity and quality of the food, state of the stomach, &c; but that the time ordinarily required for the disposal of a moderate meal of the fibrous parts of meat, with bread, &c, is from three to three and a half hours. 11. That solid food, of a certain texture, is easier of digestion, than fluid 275 12. That samuhiting condiments are injurious to the healthy stomach. 13. Thai the use of ardent spirits always produces disease ofthe stomach, if persevered in. U. Thai hunger is the effect of distention of the vessels that secrete the gastric juicc. 15. That the processes of notice:'ion, insalivation and deglutition, in an abstract point of view, do not, in any way, affect, the digestion of food ; or, in other words, when food is introduced directly into the sto- mach, in a finely divided state, without these pre- vious steps, it is us readily nnd as perfectly digested as when they have been taken. 16. That saliva does not possess the properties of an alimentary solvent. 17. That the first stage of digestion is effected in the stomach. 18. That the natural temperature ofthe stomach is >100° Fahrenheit. 19. That the temperature is not elevated by the in- gestion of food. 20. Th"! exercise elevates the temperature; and that.../' v or rest, in a recumbent position, depresses it. 21. That the ascent of chymification is the Gastric Juicc. 22. That it acts as a solvent of food, and alters its properties. 23. That its action is focilitatcd by the warmth and motions ofthe stomach. "* 24. That it contains free Muriatic Acid and some other active chemical principles. 25. That it is never found free in the gastric cav- ity; but is always excited to discharge itself by the introee/ ; ica of food, or other irritants. 2(5. "i hat it is secreted from vessels distinct from the mucous follicles. 27. That it is seldom obtained pure, but is gener- rally mixed with mucus, and sometimes with saliva 277 When pure, it is capable of being kept for months, and perhaps for years.* 28. That it coagulates albumen, and afterwards dis- solves the coagulw. 29. That it checks the progress of putrefaction. 30. That the pure gastric juice is fluid, clear and transparent; without odour ; a little salt, and percep- tibly acid. 31. That like other chemical agents, it commences its action on food, as soon as it comes in contact with it. 32. That it is capable of combining with a certain and fixed quantity of food, and when more aliment, is preseiiu-d for its action than it will dissolve, disturb- ance ol the stomach, or "indigestion," will ensue. 33. That it becomes intimately mixed and blended with the ingests; in the stomach, by the motions of that organ. 34. That it is invariably the same substance, modi- fied only by admixture with other fluids. 35. That gentle exercise facilitates the digestion of food. 36. That bile is not ordinarily found in the stomach, ^ and is not commonly necessary for the digestion of • food; but 37. That, when oily food has been used, it assists its digestion. 38. That chyme is homogeneous, but variable in its colour and consistence. 39. That towards the latter stages of chymification, it becomes more acid and stimulating, and passes more rapidly from the stomach. 40. That water, ardent spirits, and most other fluids are not affected by the gastric juice, but pass from the stomach soon after they have been received. * 1 hav no>v (No-.-. 1, 1833) in my posse-sion, some clear eastiic juice, po scs-ing sill its original pioperties, un' hanged and undiminished, which was taken from the stomach in Dec. 1832, about eleven months ago, and has been kept tiglvly corked in vial*. 278 41. That the inner coat ofthe stomach, is of a pale pink colour, varying in its hues, according to its full or empty state. 42. That, in health, it is constantly sheathed with a mucous coat. 43. That the gastric juice and mucus are dissimi- lar in their physical and chemical properties. 44. Tnai. the appearance ofthe interior of the sto- mach, in disease, is essentially different from that of its healthy state. 45. That the motions of the stomach produce a constant churning of its contents, and admixture of food and gastric juice. 46. That these motions are in two directions; transversely and longitudinally. 47. Thai the expulsion of the chyme is assisted by a transverse band, &c. 48. That chyle is formed in the duodenum and small intestines, by the action of bile and pancreatic juice, on the chyme. 49. That crude chyle is a semi-transparent, whey col- oured fluid. 50. That it is further changed by the action of the lacteals and mesenteric glands. This is only an inference from the other facts. It has not been the subject of experiment. 51. That no other fmid produces the same eflect on i food that gostric juicc does ; and that it is the only , ' solvent of aliment. I regret, exceedingly, that I have not been able to obtain returns from Professor Berzelius, to whom I transmitted, about seven months ago, a bottle of gas- tric juice for chemical examination. I could not, however, consistently with the expectations and wishes of my friends, further delay the publication of the?e experiments. 279 ERRATA. Page 5—last line, for Spallanzzhi, read Spallanzani. 67—9th line from bottom, for Mlimentaria, read alimentaria. 97—1st line, before more read and. 104—10th line from bottom, for ivas read were. 109—14th " " for clear read clean. 113—1st line, before stomach, read into the, 132—1st line, for 94° read 98°. " -3d line, Ex. 2d, for 96° read 98°. 175 —Ex. 13, 1st line, after Dec. read 14. 201 — 15th line from top, for half "read quarter. 206—Ex. 63, for Jan. 9, read Jan. 19. 222— 17th line from top for expulsion read expulsive. 228—2d par. 4th line, before alkaline read acid and. 249—Ex. 39, 1st line, after 2 o'clock, read 30 mins. 2(60—18th line from top, for clear read clean. 262—4th line from bottom, for JYo. 2, read JYo. 1. 264— 7th " " for above read about. 270—15th article of diet, (mean time of stomach- ic digestion) for 3, 36, read 2,45. " —16th "" " for 3, 10, read 3, 30. 268—Ex. 60, last line but one, for on read in. 280 CONTENTS. PAGE, Preface, . . . .5 Introduction, .... 9 Preliminary Observations, . . .31 Sec. I. Of Aliment, . . .33 " II. Of Hunger and Thirst, . 53 " III. Of Satisfaction and Satiety, 63 u IV. Of Mastication, Insalivation, and Deglutition, . . 67 " V. Of Digestion by the Gastric Juice, 73 " VI. Of the Appearance of the Villous Coat, and of the Motions of the Stomach, . . 103 " VII. Of Chylification, and Uses of the Bile and Pancreatic Juice, 117 Experiments—First Series, . . 125 " Second Series, . . 131 " Third Series, . . 170 " Fourth Series, . . 235 Microscopic Examinations, . . 233 Table of mean time of Chymification. . 269 " of Temperature of Stomach, . 273 Inferences, .... 275 /? 3 1 c • 3L * * ARMY * * MEDICAL LIBRARY Cleoeland Branch &W*M WP%5