W--.Wei F'£j &_&-_a&&i_t_^- &£&£.$ &s& fej___i_»s&i_i_l_i;_£_s_SCT' f A STRONO% I C AL DIARY :& Ialmanackj |j For the Year of Christian JEra, jjj. 1 17 8 i. " | ]K Bring the firft Year after Rissextili or Leap-Teat., ($, 12 A N D T H fc£ > kL ^ Fifth Year ofthe Jndc^endf.mt States of AMERICA. W '43 Containing, the Lurmions j Eclipfei ; liorts**; £| \lpta».;A Fearts and Faffs of the Chotch ; Spring X? *} Tjdrj; judgment of the Westhrr ; Sun's riu£ and l$" ^j[ retting ; Tine* of H'gh- Water at B»SToy ; Moon's fe ,£* pUpc ; Moon's riting nitd fi'tt:n? ; Vulgar N'uies ;__l$* ,|jj 'U*©,—-A Tici^tq the unmarried Ladies j An B f$£ for preferviog iltalrh in eating an,v hod Ot feSting-*fT "Cs vVi-cut ; Th* Persian of aj_Ut Lawyer"; An Anecdote.£• ^5 Agai fi isirren^:ng time ; a Paradox ; Sentiments of ~?" ^■he ee!«bra etfMr. Pbnji, witi regard io ..Urrifagij jf' $ Friends Y-ta ly Mer^mgj in New-Erglaiid ; An w 0evcellent prjof of Wifdocn ; G. Futurity, a Poets ; Ef"■. * ng| Fighting at Ssa, a Poem; Com »;i?, a P. em ;__^ ;^ together waft many oi.Vi things bo.h Ui'tful ;»_,« B* £/* EoJertaio'ng-.. . ■' %f "*^ Ci'cuhted fjrtbe Meridia.. of Boston,ia-AMERlG.4. ; ^ ^i , 'La'iiuie 42 Degrees Jf Mooiei iWon.'u ■>, °! .,:___■ *-____________■_ 4$ *>0 S TO V: Pasted. £#T. fr" J. F'.KST. »ro?.iiHi^, f> . ptr ^js^-I'"'"' VULGAR N • T E S this Year are, Golden Namber — iJ ) /"Cycle of tie Sun -— s6 Or thb ECLIPSES foe the Ytaa 1781. ONLY two Eclipfes thi» Year » and they are bet. of the Sun. The firft will be on r.he 23i day of May, about noon and tho' it will be fcarcely viable to us, jet in force pari of the Weft India, it will be central ; and as »he Siroi diameter of the Moon (being near her Apogf) will b« fomething lefs than that of ibc Sun, it will be Annu'ar : that is, the wbcle body of the Moon will be compre- hended within the eompafs of the Su , and a bright fl-ining circle will appear about the Moon, in the »ppeat *nce of a gold ring. This Eclipfe will happen in thf fourth degree of Taurus. The fecond will be on the 17th day ot OBobtr, about tiall paft four in the morning, a very great Ec'.ipff, toul in fome pans of the world, tho' invifi-Oe to us. It will sppen in the ajTih Dcgrte of the Ceicftul Balanct. ',_pa,t —— 4> ^Dienyfan Ftriod — Tie Dominical Letter — G. 3 (Julian Period — 6494 TO THE UNMA*RI»» L A D I K S, CHOOSE him who bears an honeit Miud, If be hai common Seats, And is to moral good inclirdd, With common Faults olfpenfe. By Friends are often wrong cenjeSaree made* But your own rrafon beft your cauft will plead* Forbear t'infift upon you aioft, A jointer veiy great, For whom yon with your Perfon trvfr, Truft htm with yonr Eftate. *# If Fortune frowos—thence comes the bone of Strife, Betrays diftrn(t-*-and parts the Man and Wife. A'method /s mark Linhen,/* at n«tto reajh out egain. •nry A K £ Vermillion as much as will lay on a Htlf .-I.: Crown Piece ; of the fait of Strel, a piece abov the fiz«Tbf a fmall Nutmeg ; grind or levigate them wel vM_-_>-t.*i.A__ ___•_ tl* T ■ .* 4... _» dk f*il\ •__Vrti» rn -_.t» rax \r m Xt> #t_f_r 1 ogether with Linfeed Oil :—You may tn«ke it thicl or thin, at diictc'ion. m 1 in * .i 1 An instance or itci Ma«.*animity. HEN Vtfpafian commanded a Senator to give his voice againlt the infeitft of his courry, and reatrr.ed him with immediate death if be (poke on the her fide, the Roman, confcious that the attempt to rve a p « pie was in Vu | ower, tho' the rveut was ever i uncertain, anfwer'd with 2 futile,—"did I evtr tell you 'at t vtat immortal f—My virtue is in my own difpo'a! Any life in yours ; do what you will, I fhall do what j ought ; and if I fall ii the fcrvice ol my country, 1 (haf I 'iavc more triumph in my death, than yon in all yr,ur l»nre)s." fnfprifi^g difcovery ©fa Mun'c, by the deceefd'i Hard bUtdv gfrefhfowityeari after tbtMurdtr had been committed \.yf R.- Bear* gives an occoum; in his Theatre, ol a man JLVjL who bore his neighbi i*r a bitter inveteracy ; and !phav.r-g met Lira in a wcod, a; a pace convenient foi rc^engp; mnrder'd him, and efcapsd withomt being faf pe-teU.—The body was found loin after, and brcugh before the 3- naie ; and 'he murderer not befog heartl fj ihf-y ordered one of the dead man's hruds to be eti £F, arc l.ung up ever a cab e in the common goal of he town. Some years after, the villain who perpetrated this 'qody dred, was arretted and commit ed to the f_id rifon, dnd brought it.to ties v.-ry toon, whsre the haad mng ; and by accident, as he fat at his dinner, was ju^ "Sander it, and cotwiiLftsndingMt wjs qn te withered, )tt t dd wow oteed afrcfh, and *.hs blood dropp-d into the criminal's trencher ; at whit h sd\ prefant bei»g grettiy mi z?d, the go:|er went and informed the Senate of it, who feat for, the priibner, *f>d examined Mm ; he wei i\ j»rea'lv ftartled by that divint proc igv ; acknowledged hi-ofeif to be guilty of the faid cau.dtr, for which he w-s afterwards broke on the wheel. A Curt, por the ITCH. j Py T a fmill terfpooplui of fpsrifs of turperjtiae intol the hollow palm of your fe»nd, acd rub it betwtenj i«ur hand* 'till it is qui'-e diy, three da)s fucc<-fliv. Jy fhis is faid to cure tb« fight, ft, ss we:i cs ihe met* m invtucratc itch, without the Ic&ft uncafinclsor :LtoufVi*i t'Qie to the pati at._____________ I 37 Ok PR b D E N C fi." ""^ HEAR the words of Prudence, gi\'e heed unto hei ccunfeJs, a&d ftttc them in thine heart : Her oia* uns are u^ivcifal, acdall the virtues Jean uponhtr ; fh- s ths guide and the miflrefs of human life. Put a bridle on thy tongue, Cet a guatd before thy lips ;' deft the words of thine own month deftny thy peace Let him that fcc£F.»h at the lame, tske care that be hal> not kjaftlf.' WlsofocVtr-fprakeih of anolhrrs fa'Ttn^f with pleafare, fln.ll hear his own with bitternefs of feart. Of much fpe«.kii3g cc teeth repentance, but in fdencr there is fafety. A talkative man is a neufance to fcc'ety, the ear Is fid of his babb'ing, the torrent of his words overwhelmed conversation.—Baaft not of thyfelf, for it fhall bring contempt upon thee ; Neither deride another, for ic i: dungercus. ~~ SELECT APHORISMS. r\0 CTOR DONNE, a per (on of great parts and -**-^ learning, beit?g upon his death bed, and taking his ■o\emn farewell of his friends, left this with them ; " 1 repent of all my life, but that part of it I fpent Hi com- munion wMi Goi, and doing good." Sir Phil ir Sidney left this his Jali farewell among Lis acquaintance j " love my, memory, ch*»rifh my friends ; bu: avove all, govern yoi»r«will and *fT cllons by the will land word of your Creator ; in ise behold the end of this world and all its vanities." Sir Thomas Smith, Secretary of State to Qneen Elizabeth, a quauer of a year before he died, fe.it to his friends the BUhops of Winchefter and Worcefter, < iiitre_ti-g them to draw him cut of the word ©f Gcd, the \ plaineft and ej_ad.«(t way of making his peace with him ; j. adding, that it was a great pity men knew not to what end they werebor.. into this world, 'till they were ready to go cut of it. r"1 'lit Nanus *»$< CkamiiiKS 0/ the Staifiiiun, * Sextile. _A Tina. D' QM-rtiif.__________ T. JANUARY hath 31 Days. 17 8i- t" 1 (i H r i N G at ._ ,\. THE mips wide cavsi collt&td vc»g.eanee bear, Tuigid with death and prominent wi*. war. At theficft txack with blood and powder ftain'd, Nor Heaven, nor fea th-ir former face retaia'd. Fury ind arr^produee effects fo firing.?, Tb'-y trovb.'e raiucc, nn.l her vtfn^c charge. N?r>ht Firlt-iaarc. 2i5ay a\nr.rt\. Full Vfoen ioD'V C Morn. LaiiQoa.t. 16D \ 11 Ne*v Mfon 24 dKy 8 Mori WlV\C»urts /ihtlt..'/.*.'■ <&■_•..' r Qr. »/r 5fa , j,,-, j r j/ 12 ~ireu. leg. 19 •est 13 25 _xad *9 neck 17 22 28 34 4» 49 53 54 rif-.- s 27 48 !♦ 9 I f 24 ''do Hi. t 4> 1 58 ? »i 4 17 ; 23 * 13 * 5? Dfvta - 53 h :\\\ * 57 to o if 4 II. FH.BRU /\K Y hath 29 Days, 1781. JNif;»«i, ii^>ri_., ituu^h.di, w.iu cjiiiunou iAi^ets, And in their fable arms embrace the fleets. Thro' yielding planks the angry bu'leis fly, And of ecu wi t*nd hundreds togeti er die : Born u .der diffYe.it ftars, one fate they have, rh«? fhip -h;ii- coffin, and the fea their grave. •»rit(_^r id 1 D y at Noon. 1 L«*ftQ«art. I j Day yMorn. 8 D^y 4 ^ftern ] N'w hrove Sundry. variable (of. C. Piu.f. & weather .♦. ttpgu. S.C. N Haven-i6 29 6' 47 a l'i pt \r. D J 26 I rms J2 22 I3 ■Si b H £ Planet Venus will be Oriental, or Moroiog Star, J_ to the frcond day of Jawe ; thence Occidental or Evening Star to the end of the Year._________________ 11. MARCH hath 31 Days. 1 78!. I On COURAGE. THE greaicft, proof of ccarage we can give, Is t«en to die when we have p-wcr to live. But when true courage is of force bereft, Patience, the only fortitude, is left. On valour's fide the odds of ccrnbat lye ; The brave live gloricu', or lanterned die. How jFirft Quart. 3«Day 5 Atu-rn .full Moen ie Day 2 Morn. LaftQu^rt. r4D_y 8Aftt»n. New Moon 24Day 6Af>ern. /I. W [Courts A.'pifts Weatb &c\ r Q < | F Sea \ T) ■>■'■/ 1- D s. .8 27 26 2 5 24 22 2 1 20 /«flTj» or 6 r«/» # 7? ? 6 co/_f. 6 Boft.Mafld>cre. SX.Newp. 6 C. H»rt. Portf. Ecgait 6 6 J? | -.■ 3i'7! 20 3 Sl|4 22 5 236 24 7 25G ,fl6ia 1*7,3 ?9J5 16 r3 16 it to 9 7 5 4 2 O 58 57 S 55 J 54 5 53 S 51 5 5° cold weather. 47 -I ■ rms 17 bieafl r4 27 ear: 27 4 •'belly 36 26 30,res«s 34! 26 0 17 Morn I 18 54 26 15 I 41 12 ]) rife 7 3 9 17 t ~S 34 A. | x> ft. 49i f3 i6 59 h*i n 45 Mo: n I 1 2 18 Leers 10 38 12, 25 6 thighs o 23 46 krtecs 32! 19 l8.l:|« 4 M 49: -6 34ifcet 19 2 59 2 54 18 4I 33| * 8 .e>ck '9 7 18 ,10 ir urns re 15 13 26 Morn o 18 W. APRIL hath 30 Days. .78 How areiWf bandy'd up and down by fat*-, 8y fo much more unhappy as we're great ! Greatuefs, thou gaudy torment of our fouls, fhe wife man's fetter, and the rag* of fools. Greatnefs, mod envy'd when lead nnderftood, Th -u r-xt no real, but a feeming good. Gold 3 3 4 4 8 5 6 7, G 9 2 10 ? j 4 I2C l36 <4 7 Ki.ft Qaiart.. iDay 7'iftern. Lafl Q«a»t. 15 Day 8 Mor u!l Mjon 8 Day n Mom. j NewMtwa 23 Da- a* Noon yTtV |C- iTTtsTdlpieaTWfeath.ire \r Qt \F.S~ej~\ D 'Jf/d r« D "■< 1 G A If j : ' pleajant. 2 , Towns vote for Gov. Sec. I.C. N.Hav. Arab. £QX fine April @Psr;g: Jeafinab 'e weatbef. Pitta Sunday, &©!? /«oo> cr rain** S.C. Cortco.J. I.C. Harif (PJy.Y.Ch.N.H. D^o I.C. Durham, fnow or GzzA Friday. rain. moderate. Vc.q^ t^^EaRerSwoda-y. f^,2 jS.C; E Greenw- • I7|3 s.C. Wore. f.C. Eofl. r»'4 2 0'6 21 7 2G 232 24 25(4 26 5 27 6 28 29'G (so' good weather. Bittle ot Cone. @^p0r»e cold JV B. winds, a 1? ? if not rain. p pleafant. S.C43ortharn. I.C.Litcbf . plea fant Vc. If. 9 poor vitn labour and tic!) men griewt t knaves invent and f bis b*\'i'.Vi. JV~ MAY hath 31 Days. 1781'. Gold alone does P-flion move ; G-U rnor.op-Jizes Love j ., ■ , Gold begets, in Brothers, hate ; GcH.in F milies, D.bfiie ; Geld drrj frYieiulfhip fepertte j Gold dees civil Wars create. Thefe Fi ft Quart, i D*y, 4 More. New Moon, 23 Day, 3 Morr, Full M.on, 7 Day, 7 Afiern. Eirfl Quart. 30 D«y, 1 i Morn. L'fiQsart, 14DJ) .loAf'eiB. M 1 if 3 Courts, J/pefis, Wtatb. l£c r.Qs F.Fta B 'spl\r ©j. int. (.. Porilon. ? S 7 S 32 16 (1 49 2 4 Gin. Elcft. Newp. 5 3 7 6 27 belly |2 22 3 5 Gen. Elcfl. H*nf. 5 2 7 7 22 '4 (2 51 4 6 perhaps rain S >-7 8 17 29 A ,J 5 7 and Q Perige c 0 7 9 12 r?ina if 38 6 Vi <64'^ _/V«. 4 59 « 10 7 29 4 6 7 2 ff b / s 3 Vc © £ _V. E. winds. 4 56 8 11 53 .28 8 28 9 4 S. C Barcftable. 4S5» 12 54 thighs 9 40 10 5 A Q -"' ' windy warm, 4 54« 1 35 26. 10 54 11 6 and thunder 4 53 J 2 26 fennel u 41 112 7 Jhowers. § O V 4518 3 16 23\ Mora §13 G /^J- 4.5° 8 4 6 legs' 0 25 1 H 2 VcJ^ ? cool and wifi- 4 49 * 4 56 ^9 » 6 1 is 3 S C. Pfyra. I. C. Groioc, 4 48 8 5 4' feet ' 35 I16 4 (©.Barring.Spring, a $ ? 447; 6 _6 '4 1 57 |>/ 5 /«»/ ( § TJ ? 446 » ? 10 2; 2 J7 Ii8|6 Jhowers {*~4 S 4 45 | 7 5* bead i 36 119 7 expeS © Apege 4 44 ° 8 38 '9 * Si ■20 G afpell, about this 4 43° 9 22 acck 3 10 A2' 2 time of very 442 8 10 6 13 3 32 I22 3 feafonable 441 8 10 50 2* 3 54 I 23 4 weather 440 8 11 3* .arms D/ett' l24 5 Afcenfion. /«r v 4 39 8 '2 23 19 9 10 6 planting, 4388 1 12 breaft 10 14 K26 1 but tubal a crop 4388 2 1 »5 1&53 V27 G you will reap, will 4 37 8 2 50 28 11 46 28 2 be known 4 36 8 3 39 heart Moral e'"*9 3 S. C. Dover. be/ 4 35 8 4 28 26 0 ail 30 4 Gen. Court Bo tom. 4 35 8 ; 18 belly Q S of 31 5 hereafter. 4?+8 6 n 24 Vi.-.T J U N E hath 30 t)ays. 1/81. Thefcibe t ilivit Ha ms ■■.{ if G lo, arlafs ! doei Love begcr, »»• For Love in 'x.l his irn'r u» B^tjej, ( N' .4dv«nt*g» finds like Goods and Chatties. Fat- Nymphs, whns Danger ought you run to dr.ad, When L.vc thsds blind, is by blind Fortune led I ' d- When tu:! Moon 6D.y, 4 Mor*.' |N-w M on, z 1 D v, 4 AT-on ".fter. j Firft Q^.trt. 28 Dij, 4 A'err Laft Q_mt. 13 Day, 4 Af: M\WC urts Jfiefis Wea'htr, ejff., r ©/.' F ./, ?.$/ 1 6 Z 7 3G 4 2 si 64 7 s 8 6 9'7 1 oC i U 12 x3 ?4 ;$ 10 »7 1 »9 20 2l 2 2 n 24! 25I2 26[3 1 27' 4| 28 5 29 6 3Q 7 Expteft pUntf ©P./jge 8 (4 2 C. Falm. I. C.-Ply.Anih.^ 28 8 fame U 29 " AW? jhowers, 14 it may V* 7? G# F.'iV he, and warm weather in the comp'afs A01JL ofthtje 1. c. Bofl.Sal.Ycik, Keena :. C.Dover. ©Apcge § O & very hot Damage done by fire about 1. Co Eafi Gicccwicho this time Com. Cambridge. A dry {perhaps. time. 7 Signs °f Ajj ? No very high .Tides ©Pe»-ige ^c 3 * 4 5 ? 49 49 *-' 6 3 8: 7 2 S 8 1* \»'jp 18 >«ees 13 26 legs 21 reet 16 28 hsui 22 neck »7 29 arm:' 2 4 >reaU 21 ne-rt id elv «7 tins ,6 u.'*pl. \r-m*. Good s 30 , 10 24 legs 3 4« 2 u weather _ 5 3i 7 M 12 i.ct D^i/if 3 2 Dgdaysend. O. Prot.di-d 5 33 7 11 56 21 7 10 4 3 fS.C.Prov.T.C.Wor. (165S 5 34 7 12 46 head 7 26 5 4 Q \po.Com Prov.S.C.Har 5 *5 7 I 24 H 7 4<5 6 5 D G b <*^ rain. fExeicr 5 37 7 2 8 26 8 0 7 6 » « r_«*. 5 42 7 S 0 ,* T4 ' 10 4 11 3 I.C.Taant.Conc.S.C.Amh. 5 43 '/ 5 51 27 "10 58 12 4 warm 5 44 7 f 42 breaft , Mara. • H 5 Y-'d L. rifesMidn. A © S~ 5 45 ? 7 33 24 heart O^ O M 6 * O V- and wet. 5 47 7 8 24 i*-7 i c 7 •warm P. _N. 11. 2 3 5 49.7 J> 16 21 2 24, »o A J ^ If. ^ «»*/ ewindy. 5 *' 7 Jo 8 be! v Q-~*tf! '7 2 S. C. Newj „• w// ( □ $ % 5 *3 7 11 0 2Q l/etts tg 3 J. C. Wor. VViiuih, Ksen*. 5 J4 7 n 54 reins 6 40 j9|4 ©Perige Com.Dartrn. high 5 55 7 12 48 20 7 6 20 5 dova. N, Haven. /*'<&/. 5 56 7 I 42 fecett 7 34 2l|6 . fbutkerly 5 5»7 2 36 20 8 8 22; 7 winds <5 0 §|5 59 7 3 30 *.h rpfh s 8 50 23G a«i/ rain |6 0 6 4 Z4 18 9 4° 24 2 7*'s rife tf g 626 5 18 kn^s 10 36 25 3 j.C.Spr. l.C.Newb.P.Barn.te 4 6 6 4 16 11 40 26 4 Com.N.Jerfey.(Pown.Litch.6 5 6 6 jo 2qr Mm. 27 5 £004/ 6 6 6 7 36 lej;s 0 44 28, 6 ■29! 7 weather \d 8 6; 8 22 24 « 53 forftme 6 10 6j 9 8 feet 2 c6 30 G days 6 12 6i 9 54 18 1 4 *i X. OCTOBER hath 3 i Days. r78f, ri , ba^py is in. n*rtnkis country M-id Wao rich by Nature; fci»rns fuptrflu uj *.id ! Wac-i« niodcfl Clo.ihs no wamen Erei invite, Bu, like he* Soul, preferve th« na;v? wHie ; v/no'V liule Store her well taught M'nddoes pleafe ; Not pench'd wi.h Want, nor cloy'd with wanton Eafe. .. " . . -Who .i Moon, 2 D»y, 8 M_r.-i. ■•»Q>lRrr. 16 D ',10 Mot, 'N#w M on, 17 D^y, 4^ M-rc. F- fl Q_ r. 23 Dav. 11 Aftirn. Af|^ I© li .£ *3 M a »7 18 »9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S *9 Courts., djpt-di,-Weaib. iffc .C *_ . Ji. &ir.glt_n. il.Plym.iMant Amh Baule of Germaat. 1777 wea/bsr, P.N. 10. 2 after which ejtp'eB rail. *Q h 3 e.TAU»t.r.C.Bidd.Keen. pie ajant Gen. EUa. N. Hav. T. C for (Dover.|6 7*'s rife 6. 52. the fea/on, good weather. very high 6%% Perige. Sur. of Burgaync. tides.' (Hardw.Fiir. cool • Qs mornings and evenings all ff©2f 3© 3 3114 Gen.Eka.P:cv. DerryFair. this month plea/ant. within four days there may be rain # 643 6 44 (6 45 646 647 648 6 50 165. 6 52 FJ< 6 io" a. D tpi 6b 6 6 6 6 6 6 t 6 6 6 t 39 24 8 53 37 22 6 51 35 20 «3 ,6 59 52 4S • o 38 < 1 32 12 26 20 »4 8 1 51 39 24, 9 S4 39, 24 12 23 fce^k ■7 29 arms 23 b/eafl heart 16 belly '4 29 rein* f29. lectets 29 ■ hlg.iS 23 k ees 2S 21 fee" 16 2S bead zi 1© 52, laeck XL NOVEMBER hath 30 Days. V 1781. Who, free from Storms which on the great onas fall, M<,kes but few Wilh 3, anderjrys them til. No Care, but Love, can difcompofe her B>e_tt, Lave, of all Care», the fwctteft and the btft ; While on tweet G.afs her Meeting Charge d cs lie. One happy Lover feaiis upon her Eye : N t one whom on her God or Man imp^fe, But me whom L->ve has for this Lover ch;fc. Udd-r j F77ft"Cilart. 22 Diy, z Af'er.! Full M-on 30 D_y, 8 Ai.es.! ;Fj:! M.. ,-,, 1 L> •. ,2 Mom L it Quart. 8 D.r:t 1 Mifn | N-iw M;>on,i5 ^y» 2 Aftern f M\WCourts, AfpeSs, Weatb. &c. 'io t 1 12 I 1 '5 10 ■7 19 20 •21 22 23 21 25 tl "28 t? Weather 6 fomewhat 6 cool and _ blujlering: # T? rthamp. N. Haven. 4 • Penge (8. C. Portfmd7 \'0 ar this ff. It $ J7 , - r. 0 s.F.Sea ]) '//>/. 54 6.U "36 55 6l'i2 27 56 ' tides.) Jeafon of the year. 60,1 Warm, but I. C. Norwich; .windy. dt the plane's are Jilent, tve may look for a continuance of comfortable weather to the latter end of this month, when a Camb.Piissfidd. warm 7 '2 18 10 2 54 46 3* 26; 2 Hi 51 5 ir 5'l2 7 '3 5 12 57| •4 5 1 48 I r 16 '7 18 '9 20 20 21 q 22 9 Apoge aurW o0?7 21 601i and rain P.N. 6. 20 ,ij * 'mtiy be expelled. L _ 39 30 21 12 5«i 4° 24 .8 8 51 9 34 10 17 i I 0 26 .r ■■» 20 t>re_ft »5 28 be*n heuy 23 re.r»s 23 f.vrV" B2 r> g : 22 20 lrr 17 I..C; 24 •cid 18 at k 12 23 *■ s 9s. li .1 5 33 6,414 5^ 48 5? 8 r«. 26 45 S 25 S 47 ! S 26 "7 12 • 8 25 3? 47 11. 56 59 4 9 *3 '7 [Hf,- XII. DECEMBER hath 31 Days. 17$!. tJndtr fome fav'rite Myrtle's lhady R.Jcjrhs, They fpaak their paffions w sh repeated Vow»: And whdft* Blulh confeffes how Ihe burns,, His f.ithful Hsart makes as fiocere Returns. •TS»i»$ in the Arms of Love and Peace they lit ; And, wfaiHi they live, thf ir- Flames can never die, 7 9G to 2 it 3 .a;4 13 5 14 6 15.7 16 G 17I 18 19 20 21 22 23 Ltft Qj*rt. 8 Day, 9 Morn. New Moon, 15 Day, i Morn. M\W Courts, Afpeds, Weatb. gftjr. 7*'s let H. o. As it dvent. is December, we may venture i C.Bnntt.Wore, t» predjH cold, weather ; but it may now prove Warm and D 2[ J Concept. Virgin Miry. windy. This wtekjou may I. C, P\ym. Windh. etpeii a cold N. E. © Perige. form 6 Q h High tides, offnow or rain 7 *'s let io o. followed, by n fell efpleafat.i * 1£ ? I. C. Taunt, weather- for this fetfonj Syrius rifes 7. 34. but I. C. Prov. cold. [.C.Ssl.Chriflicas. Q Apcgc battle of Trenton, 1776, A pieafant day prrfges a cold form. * Jj, $ . Lj I tbe year is ended. Ho v hare we amended ? Firii Quart. 22 Day, 10 M >rn. Full Moon, 30 Day. 1 Aftrrr^ ©'• F Sea. D 'spl-,r*0s 25 S 26 5 27 5 28 5 2.8 5 29 5 29 c 3° 5 3° 5 31 5 3' 5 32 5 V- 5 33 5 33 5 33 5 34 5 34 5 34 5 34 5 34 ?rt 34 5 5 34 5 34 5 34 5 34 5 M S 11 47 12 34 1 22! 10 58| 161 3 4 4 34 5 22 6 IS 7 « 8 2 8 ,6 9 5° 10 44 11 3 12 2Q 1 ».5 2 4 2 53 3 42 4 3! 6 j 6 50 7 31 8 18 9 2 17 29 bre^fl ■25 rear? 22 btJIy l9 reir.j 4 49 4' 7 8 to U °MM4 5 9 46 , T * * 7 u r IO 50 33 5J11 M 33 5'lv 3° 5 5:12 37 39 J2 6 21 Morn. o 39 1 58 3 i6 4 34 5 50 7 £ D f*» 5 47 6 54 8 2 * «6 10 24 11 34 Morn. o 37 1 44 2 47- 3 S» 4 5$ 6 49 33 17 fecrets 17 , highs 16 kne" »4 2? legs 24 feet so. nead 14 26 neck 2° a^ras 14 26 bre»ft jjril » 22 | 5 H & tiealch in Eating and Drinking; I 1 Jecrepid Peifons ought to eat ofien, and .1 little at a time ; becaufe weak and wafted bodies are to be reftoied by little and little ; and by moift and liquid food rather thsiD by folid ; becaufe moid and liquid diet ncU- 'ithes the foonelt, and is more eafy of digeflion.—- Keep constantly to a plain diet : Thofe enjoy moft Health, apd live longeft, who avoid curiofity and variety cf Meats arid Drinks, which only ferve to ifttice to gluttony. The left food a fick Perfon eats, the fooner he will recover ; for it is a trUe faying, The more you fill your bodies, the more )ou hurt them. L Coffee and Tea, as they are prejudicial to weak Lungs, and , to thofe who are fubject to weak Nerves, ought always to be ' nicd fparingly.. ; All men in health find by experience, that io the morning, '._ befoTe they have eaten, they arc Jight and pleasantly eafy in • their bodies; but after they have indulged their appetites with plenty of food, they find themfelves heavy and dull, and often fleepy : which fufficiently fhews, that thofe full meals aie pre- * judicial to the welfare of the Body. The unhealthy are found strong thofe who feed high upon the moft delicious dainties, and driuk nothing but the flrongeft ana mtA fpirituous Liquors ; whereas others, who want this delicate fate, are leldom fick, uniefs ihey hate fuch unfatiable appetites as to eat too much-; To fup fparingly is moft healthful, becaUfe of the experience ■ t of an infinite numbe»bf Ferfons, who have received ttcgreatelf benefit firm) light tappers* The Stomach being not over bur- dened, the deep is more pleafant. From fparing (uppers, the "■■ breeding of thofe humours is prevented, which caufes de- /luxicns, rhtumatifm, gouts, drcpfies, giddinefs, and corruption. '■ of the tnou.h from the fcurvy. Many indifpofitions are cured by failing and a fpare diet. Two meals a day is {aid to be fufficient for all weak people; . and the omitting offupper, uniefs taken fome hours before .bed-time, conduces much to the health of the weak and aged. Mifers, ivho eat and drink but little, always live long '"jpHlS is a good World which we live in, «■■ To work, and to fpend, and to give in ; But t > beg, and to borrow, and get a man's own, This is the worft World that ta, to Virginia, No ■^»%d South-Carolina. Ytb Darbt, \Cbefier, ' Brandetoint, New- Cafllt, Elk River, North-Eaft, Sufquebdnna, Gunpoiuder Ferry, fiatapfco Ferry, Anitapolit, Mount Pleafani, Upper Marlboro' Pi feat aw ay, Port Tobacco, fiofe't Ferry, f*ert Royal,' ^nead't Tavern, Todd'f Bridge, Uayburti't Bridge, Fnnau't, fyilliomjbu rgb, ilogg IJland, IJle of Wight Ct.Houfe, 18 Nanfemond. Bennet't Creek, Edenion, %eir, Ferry, Bath To-wiiy Neufe River, Wbitecock Rivtr,^, New River Ferry, Cape-Fear River, tockwood't, Shallot River, E. End Ling Bay, W. End of ditto, Gtirge-Tolon, Santee Fe.-ry, Savee Ferry, Cbarleftawn, irookfield\V\\)Vlwt 6- l^dre, Dow_>ng 6 Ditto, lielcbert'oH/n, Ditto, /imberfl, Hadley, Northampton, Cbcfterfield, Wortbingt'on, disfield, Pitiifield, Ctitildge Ditto Hubbard, Albany-Ferry. Robert Dw.ght Gravel Smith K el fog Lyman DiMf Miteleli Ditto, Coffin * Branfoiek, Stone 16 Brvnfiuick, Th^mpfon 4 Hearndeirt Feiry, /wrf_-,Srnith,Ttedwei 6 Rowley, Htint 20 3°j Newbury, Pierce 3°\jVewbwy-rort, Choate, ur.d Davenport, ^all/bury, eabrook. Kpowlcon Giitt'.th V ouldtkorottgk, Jonea g] Ditto. Shaw 6] No. JF'our, Campbell S| P/taJdntRiv. Buckman 12 Cba/itll{rRiver,1rV)xitnej ji Matbias,, Lop.gtr.:!i-w g to\llajnpton Falls S-nboin,TJD'rto» 3° and Wells, -.L^dover, 45 Itfamptcn, Lravitttjfe E>'110. l°\K>»tb Hampton, Leavift^ * Greenland, 'Wiggiet 4 " Pirtjmo. Tilfbn & F( fi, 5 Old Tori, Wrodb/idge «;?rnip>, Witto, VPlainJield, [Libansn, Wait Summer) Chafe, Ditto Smith Hills ^Dartmouth-Col. Storci I Scarborough Ditto, Ditto, b'almoutb, "Falmoutb- Toxun .Cole Kimball Fauen Allen Bradbury Milliken March Sk.llen ?Wa,te, Shaituck, Ditto, ' Haverhill, Plaflow, Plaftow, Kingtlon, Drtto, Ballard Abbot r Bra£r Bradley Lit ile Stiver. 1 Abbot Exeter, Gitman,clbv.Jlcnt Stiatham, CI ace ^ I Ne v. ir, ai ket, Fu.Jcm 61 Durham, jDcv.r, >agc Gage Lord Qhadbjrn Berwick, '/Ditto, * Wells, Li.ilcjield 3JK.enoebuok, Kw.twlt cj Ditto, For«> .Bradbury 3 A0«^wo.;^-;ng4hc"bo^«_b, Milliki* 2 , ** Falmouth, ia i A Moral Rffiefficn at the clofe eflWkut^ S.VEHrLriN hundred antf eighty, ' Is now forever pall ; Seventeen hundred eighty"one •Will fly away as fafL Out whether life's uncertain fcene Shall hold an equal p3ce# ; 6r whether Daath, fhall come -bstweedi And end ou* moi tal race ; Or whether ficknefs, paio, or health* Gur future lot fhall be ; ^ Or whether poverty, or wealth, Is all unknown^ to me. One thing is known, that needful 'tis" To watch with catefnl -eye; glnce every* leafon fpent amifs, Is regi.ler'd on high. Too well" we know what precious hour! Our Wayward pa Clio os wafte j And thus we feel our mortal Pow'rs To dirft and daiknefs hafte. Earth rolls her rapid, feafoas round, To meet her final fire; But virtue is with gb*y crdwn'd, Thn' liins and liars expire. What awfqljfchaufrhts ! whratJru'th fublime ! What" uftf»l lelTon this 1 £•; # ; Tien let us well improve our time! ""* Th;*.t we may die in peace ! FRIENDS Yearly Meeting* in r5sW-E«GLA»D. At Sandwich, the 6th day before the laU fi/ft day in the 3d >\z (7reenivicbt the laft*firft-day of the'5th month £montU. H Rhodes If and, the ad fixth-day.of the 6th mouth. ;_ Nantucket, the 4th ftxth day of the 6th month. King/Ion, the «d furt-day of the 8th month. Providence, the 4th .firlVda^ of the 8th month. • Bqfton-,thc 6th day preceeding the 4th firft day of the 9th mon. Ai Lynn, the 7th day preceeding the 4th firtt day otthe 9th mon A Salem, the 4th firft day of the 9th month. ^ 1* Scituate, the ift fixthday of the 10th month. \t Dartmouth, the _ith fiith-dav of the 10th month. • ?y \t Sittanzey. the 2c\Jtff^tDWb{ Uttfcslllb month fe >\t At Ai mmamfm 1 ■ ■■■!¥& fefl**-'-' via-*5, ■ *i 1 *£*',; .■$ _____r j J- , ' ...!.vJ*t«i8M